#evak new year
alterlove2021 · 6 months
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Happy New Year 2024 to Skamily everywhere!
2023 was a great year of Skam for me, visiting Scandinavia, meeting up with Skam friends and modding the bang! Skam continues to be the gift that keeps on giving! I’m so blessed for the people I’ve met in fandom. I’m grateful for you everyday!
May your 2024 be blessed, may the Skam fandom continue to live on and thrive, and as Noora says, may we remember to always be kind to each other!
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lokkanel · 1 year
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Happy Holidays!
If you are in the mood for more Christmas fics, I've gathered all of mine in a collection. You can find it here. 🎄💝
See you next year! ✨
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skambigbang · 8 months
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Today's it's Evak as 'Interns' a lovely, hidden identity, summer internship AU written by @hedwigstalons with the absolute cutest art by @northpole21. The cartoon style fits perfectly and we're gifted with this adorable Isak and Even!
Read it here!
The Skam Big Bang is a fandom event that pairs writers and artists to create a 10K+ story and artwork inspired by it. Every year we’re graced by an amazing wealth of creativity in the various pieces of art and this year was no exception! Though the bang is officially over, we’re gonna be highlighting the artwork and their stories over the next few weeks as we put out a call for new mods to carry it on! Enjoy the eye candy, check out the stories and show our artists and writers some love!
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seance · 6 months
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TOP 9 CHARACTERS I LOVED IN 2023! tagged by my pookies @yenvengerberg @ughmerlin @capinejghafa ♥
This was stupidly hard guys, this years was really tough for many reasons and while I consumed a lot of media, I also struggled to grow attached to new characters, finding comfort in some old faves in times of need. I admittetly had to choose mostly based on which fics I read since january cause that's the only real indication of profound interest from my part so here we are: mismatched besties at best ♥ ALSO YES I CHEATED! All my thoughts have been consumed by Baldur's Gate 3 since august and I just couldn't leave the gang out (plus I take every chance to spam my videogames sideblog @deimcs I won't hide that lmao) I just loved them so much. With all of these babes here you can easily see why I'm mostly drawn to angst and tragedy and general life struggle in media ♥
taggin (with absolutely no pressure from my part ♥): @jameszmaguire @blakbonnet @edwards-teach @cate-dunlap @evakant @hargreevcs @taiturner @bisexuallilapitts @meliorn @imaginaryanon
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yohankang · 6 months
💞 every month of 2023 💞
i was tagged by @baek1nho to link my favorite or/and most popular creations from each month of 2023 & then tag some ccs! thank you Sara 💓
most popular: priest yohan getting choked to death while his friends argue
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favorite: tak & muro from hell dogs
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most popular: mr. ji helping everyone get on the boat
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favorite: seonrok set (it's one of my all time favs)
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i only made one set lol. hell dogs + colors
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only one set again :') ep 9 of the devil judge
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most popular: probably the funniest scene in tale of the nine tailed 1938
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favorite: lee brothers feeding each other :')
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most popular: lee yeon trying to say 'i love you' to his brother
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favorite: double + web weaving
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most popular: hoyeol not being able to speak :(
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favorite: hoyeol & junho in d.p. 2
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most popular: junho & hoyeol acting cocky
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favorite: fujii kaze workin' hard mv 💓 everyone please stan fujii kaze
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most popular: opla meme (it got 12k+ notes making it my most popular set EVER)
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favorite: seonrok + tumblr text posts (no surprises lol i love them so much. hopefully i'll make a new set this month)
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most popular: atarashii joushi 'proposal' scene
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favorite: ballerina set
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i only made one set... atarashii joushi hand holding scene
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only one set again.... secret santa set including vincenzo, my name and the glory
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this year wasn't great for me, and i only made 50 sets (40% of what i made in 2022). on the positive side, there's room for improvement 😂
i'm tagging: @leedongwook @pondsphuwin @evakant @khaotunqs @khaoray @spicyvampire (sorry if you've already done it!)
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randomshyperson · 2 years
Yellow Curtains - Chapter Two - Wanda Maximoff Series
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Summary: Wanda Maximoff's senior year at Novi Grad School is duly planned for her. She has good friends, good grades, and a good system to hide who she really is. Or, the one based on Evak from the Norway Skam series, where Wanda is queer and tries to survive the last year without anyone knowing about it.
Warnings: (+18), general warnings about language and violence, legal drug use, mentions of underage drinking, high school, internalized homophobia and discovery of sexuality, explicit mentions of mental disorders (bipolarity and depression), dysfunctional family, making out, and eventual smut.
Skamverse | Series | General Masterlist | AO3 | Wattpad
Chapter Two - The Cabin
Ponedeljek 7:30 (Monday 7:30 am)
"Who can dissertate on the Sokovian Revolution of '74?"
The history teacher's question echoed in the classroom, but all he got in response were crestfallen students and soft giggles. T'Challa sighed, a small smile on his lips. "Come on guys, pay attention." He asked, nodding to the digital board where some information from the day's subject matter read. "We discussed last class how the labor revolution allowed Sokovia to become a first-world country in less than fifty years and about how that..."
Wanda's attention fell on the outside, birds flying in the sky above the main courtyard. She watched a few students walk by, and monitors asking what they were doing outside the room, before trying to force her attention back to the matter. 
The minutes dragged on as Professor T'Challa explained about Sokovian independence. Wanda didn't usually have trouble with humanities subjects, but lately, she had been so distracted.
Suddenly, the professor's talk was interrupted by the arrival of Vice Principal Harkness at the door. And she was not alone.
"Hi, T'Challa, good morning. We have a new student; She is late but is my fault, we had a problem with the paperwork. Is it okay if she watches the class?" Asked the woman - practically pushing the new student inside. 
The teacher agreed, of course, smiling gently, and the whole room looked at the student. 
Wanda held her breath, those eyes were so familiar...
"Shit, it's her!" Natasha whispered beside her with some indignation, and Wanda blinked away the new student to her best friend.
"Sorry, what?" the girl asks confused. Natasha nods to the new student's chair.
"It's the girl Carol brought to Tony's party." Nat explains in a low tone so the teacher won't hear. "Shit, I can't believe she's going to study right in our class. I am so unlucky."
T'Challa called for silence from the excited students, and Wanda tried to pay attention to the subject, not understanding why it bothered her that a stranger might be taken.
She was curious about the new student, but everyone else was. And when the class was over, and the table was filled with several other students greeting them and asking where they were from, Wanda gave up trying to find out too.
Natasha seemed willing to run away and practically dragged Wanda out into the courtyard.
They sat down at one of the outside tables, and it wasn't long before Pietro and Clint joined them. 
"Maximoff, you have something of mine." Barton declared as soon as he sat down, and Wanda sighed in defeat.
"I don't." She retorted. "I probably lost it at the party."
"What? Damn it, Wanda, it was three hundred euros!"
"I know, sorry." She asks immediately. "What can I do to make it up to you?"
Clint raises an eyebrow. "Well..."
"Dude!" Pietro interrupts with an angry grimace, giving his friend a hard shove. "It's my sister!" He recalls, but Clint laughs, raising his hands as a sign of peace.
"I'm joking, relax!" He assures between laughs. He then slips an arm around Wanda's shoulders, hugging her for a moment. "You don't worry either. It was because of the police at Tony's apartment, right? You were quick to think of getting out of there, he would have gotten in trouble."
Wanda forces a smile. "Yeah, but now I owe you 300 euros."
Clint shrugs. "Pay me back when you can." He says pushing her shoulder against his lightly. "You can do my homework too."
Wanda rolls her eyes, laughing weakly. "I'll think about it."
They fall into casual conversation after that. Clint comments about the party, and the boys on the team, and Pietro talk about his date with Crystal going well. Natasha is distracted, her gaze keeps going to the other side of the yard, and Wanda sighs slightly when she realizes who her friend is staring at.
"Have you talked to Carol yet?" The younger Maximoff asks, receiving a deep sigh in return.
"Not really, but I don't need to right?" Nat retorts looking at Wanda. " She clearly moved on."
Wanda frowns slightly, looking at the small group. The new student seems close to Carol, and they're all laughing, but she's not as sure about it as Natasha is.
"I don't know, Nat, maybe they're just friends." She tries, and Natasha gives a sad laugh.
"Whatever, Wands. It's not like we have anything official." 
"I think you should talk to her." Wanda insists, and Pietro and Clint join the conversation as well.
"Me too." Barton says. "Make things clear."
"I don't think so." Pietro comments shrugging. "Avoid her, make her anxious. She'll get the message."
Wanda rolls her eyes. "Don't listen to him." 
Nat laughs lightly, and when he sees Tony's group entering the courtyard he lets out an exclamation. "Shit, speaking of crushes, I'll be right back." And walks off towards Tony Stark the next moment.
Wanda feels her blood run cold. From her friend's excitement and the giggles of the boys and glances Tony steals in her direction, she knows exactly what they are talking about.
Natasha runs back to them with a proud smile on her lips.
"Great news, Maximoff." She declares. "Tony told me he's taking his brother for the cabin on the holiday, so we'll all be together and you'll get a chance to get to know him better."
The boys make teasing sounds, and Wanda can only force a laugh. 
When the bell rings, announcing the next class, and her gaze meets the new student's on the other side, she wants to believe she is imagining the way her heart speeds up.
The Independence holiday means four days off, and since eighth grade, Wanda's friends organize some trips, mainly to Stark’s winter cabin, even though it's not really cold.
The weeks go by quickly - which is great. Wanda's attention span at school doesn't improve, and she grows irritated at her brain's insistence on stealing glances at the new student, with whom she shares a single history class a week. 
She learns a few things about the new student. Their first name, the taste for rock bands that she notices due to the black T-shirts, the skateboarding skills from the item they use to leave school. She learns that they are from New York and that they are not Carol's partner.
It is Natasha who is investigating, of course. And Wanda was in the middle of reading an article when her best friend addresses the whole thing.
"You won't believe it, Maximoff! I'm so stupid!"
Wanda frowns. "What? What are you-"
"Y/N is not Carol's girlfriend! They are sisters!" She declares, holding out her cell phone at the brunette's eye level. "She just posted this."
It is open on Instagram, a photo of Carol with the new student riding her skateboard in the city park. In the caption 'I missed you, little sister! Glad you're here now!" Wanda feels a wave of relief fill her body and doesn't know why.
Natasha exclaims excitedly, "You know what that means, right?"
"Žal ne (No, sorry)." Wanda mutters uncertainly, but Nat chuckles.
"Silly girl, it means I'm back in the game!" Declares the redhead. "I'll like her last few stories and put her back in the best friends. She'll get the message."
"Or you could just talk to her..."
Nat laughs through her nose. "You're funny, Wanda." Says the girl, turning her attention back to her cell phone.
Wanda doesn't want to think too much about the whole matter. She doesn't really know you, and it seems ridiculous that you don't leave her thoughts. She is sure that it is Nat's fault and her momentary obsession with Carol.
When the Independence holiday arrives, and she finds herself in a crowded car heading for Tony Stark's cabin, her anxiety returns. She remembers that there, it would be Vision, and that everyone expected her to leave the cabin with a new boyfriend. Would it be too late to give up the trip?
"I'll take the window bed!" Clint and Pietro got into a pushing fight over the largest room as soon as they arrived. Wanda just wanted to sit down, because Tony's group was finishing checking out the entrance to the cabin's compound - Rich people's stuff - and they were all stealing glances at her.
By the time Carol's car arrived, Wanda was dressed more comfortably and smelled of soap. She had taken advantage of the fight for rooms to use the shower before everyone else, and although she only got one bunk, she was satisfied with the impossibility of sleeping with someone else next to her. It read Vision.
"I swear to god this girl is trying to kill me." Natasha gasps low from the balcony next to Wanda, watching Carol get out of the car in short shorts and a button-down shirt practically all open, showing off a sports top underneath. Wanda laughs at her friend's reaction, but when you get down from the back of the truck, she shallows dry.
You are busy pulling a motorcycle out of the back, and Wanda's brain clicks.
She recognizes the vehicle, and the helmet, and her heart speed up so much that it's the only thing she hears in her ears for a moment.
"Her sister's hot too, huh?" Natasha comments half-impressed, and Wanda immediately looks away. 
"I don't know, I don't like girls." She retorts, surprising Nat with her aggressiveness. The redhead gives a confused laugh.
"Okay? But you can tell a girl is pretty without being attracted to her." The redhead says, but Wanda clears her throat and hugs her own body.
"Sure, whatever." She murmurs. "I'm gonna take a nap, I'm tired from the trip." She says, practically running inside.
She doesn't notice your gaze searching for her.
Petek, 20:40 (Friday, 8:40am)
Wanda awoke in a very quiet cabin. 
She wasn't surprised that everyone went to bed early, after all the trip had been equally tiring for everyone, yet it bothered her a little to be the first to wake up.
She left her bunk as quietly as she could, watching her brother in the bottom bed snore lightly as he slept on his stomach.
After going to the bathroom, she was disappointed to find a completely empty kitchen and thought about waking Nat or Tony for a company to the market when she heard footsteps in the living room.
You opened the door making some noise, because the key got stuck in the doorknob.
"Shit." You muttered to yourself, struggling a bit to unhook the item. Wanda stepped into the kitchen doorway, hands in front of her body, and you jumped slightly when she wished you good morning half uncertainly. But your surprise gave way to a smile the next second. "Zdravo! (Hello) Sorry about the noise!"
Wanda shook her head, smiling as well. "Don't worry, you're Y/N, right? Carol's sister."
You raise an eyebrow at her, a charming smile playing on your lips. Wanda hates it. Hates how gorgeous you look right now, the twist in her stomach. She swallows dryly, and you lean on the door.
"She mentioned me, huh?" you ask. "Or maybe you asked."
Wanda's cheeks flush, and she grimaces to disguise it. "She mentioned it." She assures you with a half-trembling voice, which seems to amuse you. "Anyway, do you know where I can find food in this place? I'm starving."
You chuckle lightly, tossing the door key on the small table next to you and reaching out to grab your wallet from there and another set of keys from the support, which has a keychain that Wanda recognizes as belonging to Carol.
"Of course, princess, we'll find food for you." You say, and Wanda knows she is blushing at the nickname, but follows you anyway, just like the first night. And outside, walking side by side toward Carol's truck, you extend your hand to her. "I'm Y/N Danvers, by the way. We haven't officially introduced ourselves."
Wanda shakes your hand. "I'm-"
"Wanda Maximoff." You complete with a small smile, still holding her hand. "And I asked about it."
Wanda pulls her hand away before you realize that she is shaking.
You get in the car first, whistling lightly as you start the truck. Wanda tries to play it cool, keeping her arms crossed the whole way to the market. It's not far, but it seems like every minute drags.
"Did you get home safely after that day?" Your sudden question surprises her a little. Wanda frowns until she remembers what you are talking about.
"Hmm, yeah." She answers. "Someone else gave me a ride home." She says with a small smile.
You don't take your eyes off the road. "You lied to me, Maximoff." You comment then, to which Wanda looks at you with confusion. A small smile plays on her lips. "You are not part of the Avengers. You snuck into an event of ours, I could have ended up in trouble..."
"Hey, you're the one who practically kidnapped me from Tony's party!" Wanda defends herself. "And you asked if I was his friend, which I am, not if I was part of his group of protesters!"
You laugh, shaking your head. "Relax, I'm just messing with you." You comment, but Wanda can only give a nervous laugh because you give her thigh a gentle squeeze and she forgets how to breathe. The touch fades away at the same speed as it happened, your hands returning to the steering wheel, but Wanda's skin is still prickling. "I asked Carol about the mystery girl and she told me you weren't part of the group, but you were trustworthy and welcome in everything. So relax."
Wanda smiles half proudly, glad that Carol trusts her so much even though they are not so close. You cross a green light, and at the next turn, you find the supermarket parking lot.
Whatever this conversation means, it completely improves the atmosphere between you, making the interaction very light and fun. Wanda is unfamiliar at first - Pietro would recognize that Wanda had a shy and alert nature even better than she did. He would constantly tease her about being too self-conscious, and in need of relaxing, and would surely be surprised to see her laugh as easily as she is doing now. 
You picked up a shopping cart and seemed to have made it your morning mission to make her laugh as you sort through the groceries. You did little dances with the objects, threw bad jokes and flirtations at her, and even told loose facts as if you were close friends.
Wanda now knew that you lived in a shared apartment with Carol and two other girls and that you could speak Sokovian fluently. You were not a vegetarian even though you tried about three times, and you couldn't have pets even though you really wanted a cat because your roommates were allergic. And you could sing Lorde.
"She's so dramatic, I love it." You declare as the music starts on the speakers in the marketplace. You and Wanda are in the pasta aisle, and she giggles softly. "She's like a Taylor Swift of lesbians, but more alternative."
Wanda chuckles, soft anxiety rising in her stomach. She follows you down the hallway. "But there's a theory that Taylor Swift likes girls too, you know?"
You chuckle, shrugging. "Yeah, I've heard of it. But I think I prefer the ones who actually came out.  Nothing against Taylor, of course, she's a great artist. I just won't refer to her as a queer icon when she's never really taken her place in the community."
Wanda bites her tongue, the question about your sexuality on the tip. Would it be weird to question whether you liked girls in the middle of pasta hall? And why would that make a difference to her?
Your cell phone vibrates, and as soon as you read the notification, you huff softly. Wanda is curious to know what it is, but you put the device away and hurry up the pace. "Come on, Maximoff, our friends are hungry too."
You are distant on the way back, and Wanda twists the fabric of her shorts in curiosity as to why. 
Luckily, you accompany her to the kitchen with the groceries. 
The guys in the cabin are waking up a bit, but the space is small enough that no one will bother you two with breakfast, even if the living room fills up with teenagers.
"Can you make the coffee while I prepare sandwiches for us?" You ask so gently that Wanda doesn't even hear the question properly, and only nods in agreement. She moves around, trying not to touch you - which is practically impossible in that small space - but you don't seem to notice much, busy with bread and cheese. "You're not a vegetarian, are you Maximoff? I was going to put some ham on this."
"I'm not, you can follow your recipe." Wanda retorts with a small smile, a curious look at the double sandwiches you are preparing. She bites her lip when you catch her looking and offers her a wink before returning to the task.
Carol appears in the kitchen doorway next.
"Good morning, cuties. Got any coffee?" She asks. Wanda denies it with her head.
"It's not ready yet."
Carol yawns, moving closer to look at the market bags you have brought. She chuckles then. "Jesus, Y/N, did you buy anything healthy?" You shrug, indifferent to the question. Carol sighs. "You know you have half the soccer team here, right?"
"If they're bothered they buy their own food." You retort impolitely. Carol rolls her eyes.
"Don't be rude; you know you should eat better too-"
"Sure, Mom." You cut her off, turning your back on her to hand Wanda her sandwich. "Here you go, princess."
The brunette smiles half-heartedly at the nickname in Carol's presence, but the blonde only sighs in defeat at the argument and doesn't even seem to notice. She leaves the kitchen, and you stare at Wanda expectantly. She smiles shyly before taking a bite of the sandwich and is surprised at how good it tastes.
"Wow, what did you put in here?"
You chuckle. "Chef's secret." You joke, wrinkling your nose in an adorable way as you pick up your sandwich. You eat together for a moment until the kettle beeps and Wanda leaves the rest of the sandwich on the countertop to finish the coffee.
"Did you like it?" you ask as she pours the drink. Wanda smiles.
"Yeah, quite a bit." She assures you. "Too bad it's a chef's secret, I'd love to learn how to make it."
You chuckle, finishing chewing your piece before clarifying:
"Well, it's a family recipe. That's why it's a secret. You'd have to be part Danvers to earn the legal right to know the ingredients." You joke, getting a soft chuckle from Wanda. You stare at her, almost fascinated. "What about you? Don't you have any family traditions?"
Wanda is thoughtful for a moment, an expression on her face that you would describe as adorable to say the least. And then she gives a small laugh.
"I think so." She says, pouring a mug. "Mom always prepares Šišky on birthdays. I think it looks like American doughnuts."
"Yummy." You murmur causing me to smile in agreement. "And when is your birthday?"
Wanda is surprised but smiles, "February 10th." She answers and watches you pull your cell phone out of your pocket at the same minute.
"Well, let me save the date then." You comment, putting her birth date into the calendar app with the greatest tranquility in the world. Wanda thinks she is blushing.
"What about your...?"
But her question goes unanswered because a tall boy appears in the kitchen doorway. It's Peter Parker, another of Tony's classmates who is on the soccer team. He stretches out gently and you put your cell phone away, placing your snack away on the counter to greet him.
"Good morning, sleepyhead." You say, and it is so affectionate that Wanda swallows dry. He chuckles sleepily, moving closer. Wanda's heart stops when he kisses you on the mouth. "Did you sleep well?"
He mumbles in agreement, shrugging before looking at Wanda and wishing her good morning. 
"What's for breakfast?" He asks.
"Food." You retort amusedly, making him chuckle and roll his eyes.
"Okay, smarty pants." He grumbles, yawning a little. "Clearly you didn't buy anything healthy, you know Steve's gonna give you a hard time for that, right?"
You shrug, letting him hug your waist. "I'm terrified." You comment wryly, making Peter laugh.
Wanda feels sick. He kisses your cheek again, and she clears her throat. She grabs the coffee mug, and barely manages to force a smile before practically running out of the kitchen.
The rest of the folks are gradually waking up, and when Wanda is on the porch drinking coffee, Vision comes over to greet her.
"You're Wanda, right? Tony told me about you." 
He is gentle, and he is good-looking. And Wanda remembers Peter Parker kissing you in the kitchen, so she smiles and asks Vision to sit with her. It's exactly as it should be, she convinces herself.
Ponedeljek, 14:30 (Monday, 2.40 am)
Whatever Wanda expected from this holiday, she was not prepared for anything that actually happened. 
On Saturday, everyone played paintball between the cabins. Vision was her partner. He was a good player, but you hit him on the top of his helmet two minutes into the game.
You looked Wanda in the eye but didn't shoot her, disappearing between the cabins the next minute. She kept thinking about this interaction all day.
On Sunday, the gang went outside to play soccer and it was a real mess. Wanda was discreetly watching you play, annoyed at the line her thoughts took with the image of you sweating and panting, but she had no choice but to stay outside because Carol and Natasha were making out in her bedroom. She wasn't sure when they happened again, but she wasn't surprised that she missed it, having been too busy the whole holiday trying not to pay attention to you.
When it was finally time to leave, and everyone was finishing cleaning the cabin in pairs, Wanda caught you and Peter fighting outside when she went to put some bottles out for recycling.
"I don't need a babysitter, Parker!" You angrily declared, gesturing a little. 
"I'm just taking care of you-"
"I'm not a fucking child!" 
Peter rolls his eyes. "No, but you act like one." He accuses annoyed, and you chuckle humorlessly, crossing your arms. He sighs in defeat, raising a hand to your arm but you pull away from the touch. "Okay, whatever. Go chill out, then we'll talk."
He walks off angrily into the cabin through the kitchen entrance, and Wanda makes a noise so as not to startle you.
You run a hand across your face, forcing a smile before approaching her, "Let me help you with this." You say, taking the case of beers from her hand without waiting for a response. Wanda swallows dryly, but decides to follow your cue, and picks up another box further away before following you to the recyclable trash cans.
You place one box next to the other on top of Carol's open truck, in the intention of separating the bottles and cans. Wanda takes a risk:
"Is everything okay between you and Peter?"
You chuckle weakly, grabbing two bottles from the pile.
"Sure, just a silly argument." You mutter moving away to put the bottles in the correct garbage can. "He's sweet, but he's still a man."
Wanda frowns. "What do you mean?"
You short, shrugging; "You've never had a boyfriend?" You ask, and Wanda denies it with her head. You sigh, searching for the right words. "Well, boys can be... obnoxious." You comment with a short laugh. "It's just, they're different. How they treat us, how they act with us and with other people. Peter is really sweet when he's with me, but when he's around his friends he's a jerk and kind of controlling. And by god, don't even get me started when it's around my father... Fucking treating me like I'm something he owns just to please the old man."
Wanda separates a few bottles, thoughtful towards your statements. "I'm sorry."
You hum, shrugging. "Okay, it's not really our fault that society is patriarchal and sexist. It's going to take Peter some time to break the norms and act decently, but I'm under no obligation whatsoever to deal with it."
Wanda swallows dryly. "D-did you broke up with him?"
You look at her with surprise. "No? I meant that I don't have to take pity on him. If he acts like an idiot, we'll fight. And if he doesn't change, then we'll break up."
The brunette tries to hide her disappointment with a hum of understanding. You look at her curiously.
"You and Vision seem to be getting along well."
She forces a chuckle, nodding. She grabs more bottles and runs away from your gaze as she replies, "I guess so."
"Is he your boyfriend now or what?"
Wanda laughs nervously, shaking her head. "No, not really."
"He seems interested in changing that." You insist, studying her reactions. Wanda swallows dryly, putting away other bottles.
"I think so." She murmurs. You hum almost angry all of a sudden - Wanda jumps when you mash a can with a hard punch - and she swallows dryly before raising her gaze to you again. "Do you think...I should accept? If he asks."
You stare at her with an indecipherable expression, biting the inside of your cheek. Wanda almost takes back the question, but you sigh and look away.
"I don't know, you're the one who has to know." You retort with forced casualness. "If you like him, say yes. You were together the whole holiday, I don't see what the problem is."
Wanda stares at the bottles in her hands, her heart racing in her chest.
"Maybe... I was just scared." She murmurs, surprising you. You stare at her expectantly, but Wanda doesn't meet your gaze, her fingers on the bottles. "Maybe I think Vision is likely my only option."
You grimace softly. "What are you talking about?"
Wanda laughs sadly, looking at you. "Like... I don't think there's anyone else to love me. Maybe Vision is my only option, and I just... I'm tired of being alone."
The heartfelt confession takes her by surprise as well. But at this point, Wanda shouldn't be impressed that your presence in her life has come to turn everything upside down at once.
And when you simply step forward, and bring a hand to her face, pulling a lock of hair out of front of her eyes, Wanda thinks you are doing it on purpose.
"Don't you think it's selfish to stick by someone just for convenience, Wanda? Vis has feelings too." The seriousness of your words doesn't do justice to the gentle touch on her face, and Wanda feels a mix of conflicting emotions in her chest.
"Maybe I'm just a bad person." She declares with a sad laugh, but you don't smile.
"I don't think so." You whisper, your thumb caressing her cheek. "I think you are very sweet. And maybe you just need to understand that lots of people love you. And you won't be alone if you say no to a boy you don't like."
Wanda lets out a shuddering breath. "Who says I don't like him?" She teases, her knees going weak as you firm your grip on her cheek and lean in all at once. 
Your breath hits her lips, and Wanda closes her eyes, waiting for the impact that doesn't come. You gasp softly, your breath heavy against her cheek.
Your hand leaves her cheek and goes down to a bottle beside you.
You step back a half second before Carol appears in the area where you are standing. Wanda didn't even hear her coming, in fact, she doesn't think she heard much beyond her own heart beating in her ears.
"Aren't you guys done with that yet? Come on people, we have to get on the road soon." Carol repressed, but you forced a laugh at her, muttering something about her being a pain in the ass. 
If you noticed how Wanda's hands were shaking as she held the next bottles, you didn't say.
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spouseoftherisingsun · 2 months
Tagged by @heathened Helloooooooo ♡ I love that I used the other tags to find new mutuals, we love it
When was the last time you cried? Last night because I have pink eye and miss my cat who died last year
Do you have kids? No, but I'm a kindergarten aide, hence the pink eye
Do you use sarcasm a lot? I mix it up but sometimes I say things in a sarcastic tone when they're actually true. I do this a lot more than I used to rn as I currently work at a Catholic school lmao
What sports do you play? Grew up playing volleyball and then dropped it to do dance, still love doing both, but currently playing a total of like a minute of soccer every recess since I ref for the kids
What’s the first thing you notice about people? Faces, I was born a weird little girl who stares at faces and I still often watch them because I love to draw faces
What’s your eye color? Bluish, always wanted brown eyes growing up bc that's what my mom has
Scary movies or happy endings? Context dependent for sure.
Any special talents? The things I get the most compliments on are my voice, storytelling, and artistic ability
Where were you born? Rural Washington
What are your hobbies? Draw, write, sing, design, occultism, etc. etc.
Do you have pets? My cat died last year, still grieving her hard. Mom and I have another cat I picked up off the street way back in middle school. Mom also has a dog, I love him but he's very much her dog. Dad and Dana (step-mom) have two dogs and a turtle
How tall are you? 5'3" and a half, have been told I look taller
Favorite subject in school? Textual analysis was a contender, but my true passion is my minor, Creative and Cultural Insutries, as well as any creative and/or cultural practice like writing, illustration, etc. The subject I consider the most important is history (specifically historiography), but it's admittedly not my personal favorite
Dream job? Regardless of whether it's as a job or not I aim to eventually do something creative, but I do enjoy teaching
Tagging @zumurruds @kenshiv @saintmarkovia @medievalfawn @dykesville @godsopenwound @evakant and anyone I follow or follows me, no pressure for follow through just know ily all hellooo hi ♡♡♡♡
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bienmoreau · 1 year
15 questions, 15 tags
Tagged by @just-my-latest-hyperfixation thanks!
Nickname: Haze
Height: 5,4 ish
Last thing I googled: doubles tabanca (checking the spelling 'cause I was telling my brother abt having it 😆)
Song stuck in my head: don't have one rn 'cause I'm listening to Bedouin Soundclash's new album and finding my favourite new songs from it.
# followers: almost 3k
Amount of sleep: usually around 5-6 hours but I'm going to really try to get more this year and at the very least get more today cause I'm exhausted and work starts again tomorrow
Dream job: I simply do not dream of labour.. uhh yeh, I really don't know, but if I must probably something crafty where I work with other people to create things maybe for theatre or film.
Wearing: dark grey denim jacket with a lot of pins and patches (I just got it back from my friend who was embroidering the right sleeve for me) Lucy&Yak rainbow stripe trousers. A black and grey patterned hoodie I forgot I owned and haven't worn in abt 5 years and handmade knitted slippers. Oh and a big orange/black patterned scarf
Book/movie that summarizes you: ...that's a lot to ask from a piece of media?
Fav song: I don't think I have one absolute favourite song but to pick one that's always been high on the list since I was a kid; A Girl Called Johnny by The Waterboys
Aesthetic: very eclectic. Colourful/all the colours but much more warm tones and yellow accents/statemens these days. Plants and books and art. I have a sewing room rather than a sitting room (it does have a green futon in it tho) and basically if it makes me happy I'll incorporate it into my life. Big skirts and dungarees and miscellaneous jumpes & jackets...
Fav authors: Terry Pratchett and Robin Hobb
Random fact: I've been learning Korean for a year and 2 days! And am hoping to be able to start doing in-person lessons later this year :)
And tagging @seamayweed @hedvig-ulrika @eohachu @evakant @darkthestars @sirencalll @nubreed73 @theheartofthekoko @lynne-monstr @scientistsinistral @undead-robins @sebster @suhyewon @llyfrbryf @thespacebetweenworlds if you want to ofc!
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anaisanais-stuff · 2 years
I dreamt that a new clip dropped 🙃🙃🥲 I miss evak
Oh no anon, what a dream! 😩
This takes me back 6 years to when I’d actually wake up every night to see if a clip had dropped (and more than once it had, and I’d lie there in bed all cross-eyes from sleep and watch it with my headphones on 🥲)
God, I miss them too.
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birthdaysentiment · 2 years
sobbe have been dating for nearly three years 🥺 when you say time isn’t real it’s so true but also kind of more believable than all the other evaks because we got to see them on screen over a longer period of time. evak will have been together six years soon 😳 i believe they would still be together but it feels less tangible now since it’s so long since we saw them. sobbe is the only evak i can imagine still being together and it still being exactly the same as when they first got together
it's actually insane to think about... i mean next week it's the three year anniversary for when season three started! time isn't real and it hasn't been for quite some time lol. i get what you mean, but i don't necessary think that sobbe is the only couple who would still be together now. for me evak is endgame, like they started it all and i do believe that they're still together today. with the other evak couples... idk lol. i mean skam france didn't do anything good to elu after season three, and i know martino and niccolo are still a couple in the new season of skam italia, but in season four (... i think) they had some problems that seemed bigger than what they were. and idk them that well so maybe they'll stay together. i haven't seen skam españa, so can't really say anything there, and idk about druck. when david showed up, he didn't mention matteo at all, and i think that sends some kind of message but again idk. anyway... sobbe is without a doubt still together now, and i can't see them not being together. they're soulmates and endgame! <333
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surrealsunday · 2 years
I’m so excited for the new mileapo movie next year. It’s funny coming from the Skam world where Evak and their remakes talk heavily about couples finding each other in every universe and I’m so shocked that we might get to actually witness this with MA. That’s always been something I’ve desperately wanted. Where you have two actors with insane, out of this world chemistry, where they’re natural and comfortable with each other on screen and now we might get to witness these two portray soulmates, not just in KP, but in every life they’ve lived? Just being meant for each other every time they walk the earth? In past lives and future lives? In parallel dimensions? I really hope this new project is a BL because I’m honestly going to be crushed otherwise. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll still watch the hell out of it but OMG THE POTENTIAL WITH THESE TWO!
Also, I wanted to come bug you sooner and freak out about this but my cat has been sick so I’ve been preoccupied with worrying about her but I just had to gush about this a little because I’m so excited!
- crazy theory anon 👋🏻
My friend, same. SAME!!! I've had this exact conversation with a friend of mine about the Skam world and when you find two actors who just totally connect... to get to see them play out another story together is the freaking dream? And honestly, I cannot think of a better pairing than Mile and Apo for that. I know there are other BL actors who have starred in multiple series together but I will openly admit I am choosy and I have not (prior to Mile and Apo) found two actors in these series' I thought were evenly matched in chemistry and in talent, and that I actually wanted to see continue together in other universes. I am so freaking excited we get to see these two in another story together. Falling in love in multiple universes... GIMME.
I was afraid to get my hopes up in terms of it being a BL (I would be crushed if it wasn't too) but I keep telling myself that these two (and Be On Cloud) know their strength is in their chemistry. Like together they are absolutely magic. So I can't imagine they won't be leaning into that??? So... period romance... yes... PLEASE. I'm buzzing thinking about it.
I'm so sorry to hear about your cat though. I really hope she is doing better. I am sending all the good healing vibes and here is a pic of my baby Luna who is snoozing her life away and also sending healthy healing thoughts ☺️❤️!
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notskam · 6 years
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“[..]That you learn how to tie a tie. Just kidding. I don’t wish for shit. Just that everything is just as now”.                                    
                                 HAPPY         NEW         YEAR!
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painfully-oblivious · 4 years
I love how you think that the reason Sobbe took their clothes off is practicality and not so fetishizers like yourself could finger yourselves to it. You're delusional and disgusting, ew.
I- ok first things first: this is the funniest shit I’ve read all week, I’ve already sent this to all of my Skam watching friends to laugh about because OH MY GOD WHAT??? So thanks for that
Second: it was non-sexual nudity, how are you gonna be the one calling me a fetishizer when YOU are the one sexualizing the nudity in that scene
Third: I really do think it was for practicality. I don’t think the writers were sitting in a room thinking “let’s show .5 seconds of ass, that’s definitely gonna get everyone going” cause ummm, no. Even if that was the goal it didn’t work.
They went swimming in an outdoor pool in NOVEMBER, is it so hard to believe that I’d be concerned for their health had they not taken off their clothes? Because that was exactly my concern with Evak, Crisana, Martinico (and to a lesser extend Elu but they just got caught in the rain, it would’ve been incredibly stupid for them to strip down)
Finally: Show a little god damn respect to fans of the show, for the most part we’re incredibly respectful about not sexualizing them. When the cybersex scene came out during wtfockdown it took days before someone giffed it, and I never really saw them circulating to the extent most other scenes make their way through the fandom. Liking characters or a ship doesn’t make people fetishizers just because they’re queer. Don’t be gross anon
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skambigbang · 8 months
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We're celebrating today the incredible art for an incredible collaboration. "A Safe Place in All Universes" written by @annadriesen2121 and @paralleluniversesfan spans multiples continents, timezones and Skamverses as it traces Sobbe and Evak path forward. And the art to accompany it by yedinleaf is just stunning. Savor it and then go check out the fic
The Skam Big Bang is a fandom event that pairs writers and artists to create a 10K+ story and artwork inspired by it. Every year we’re graced by an amazing wealth of creativity in the various pieces of art and this year was no exception! Though the bang is officially over, we’re gonna be highlighting the artwork and their stories over the next few weeks as we put out a call for new mods to carry it on! Enjoy the eye candy, check out the stories and show our artists and writers some love!
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toomucharitime · 5 years
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You and I, we don’t suffer from a rare chemical condition that makes us crave each other’s presence. We’re just- I’m just in love. With you. I’m in love with you. I love you, Isak. I have a transit card for fucking Trondheim because I don’t want our weekends to stop. I sleep in your bed because I want to wake up with you on my chest. I take that awful train for six hours because I fucking miss you, because I want to see you. I touch you and kiss you and fuck you because I’m in love with you. I love you. The bond never came back. This blind need to be with you and make you laugh and hold you is because I’m in love with you. That’s what being in love feels like, Isak. It feels like I’m on drugs because it makes me so deliriously happy. But I’m not. I’m not suffering from anything. I just love you.
burning for your touch by @cuteandtwisted ❤️
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evenshands · 5 years
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