#evan lorne x ofc
ana-swritings · 11 months
New Story: "My Lover"
Hello, my lovelies. Yes, I know, it's been a while, but I've been busy trying to finish this story, as well as outline the third and final book of this series.
But, I'm back!!! So, check it out and let me know what you think. :)
Love y'all,
Pairing: Major Evan Lorne x OFC
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Words: 26,083
Fair Warning: Explicit Violence; Explicit Language; Fluff; Angst; Hurt; Mentions of Sexual Assault; Mentions of Suicide Attempt; Smut
Summary: Book 2 of the "My Friend, My Lover, My Everything" series
Finding herself after being on the run will lead Rosalie to a fresh new adventure. But when the lines between friendship and something more get blurred with Evan, will they be able to go back to what they used to be? Or will the lines be blurred beyond recognition? All that Rosalie knows is that she isn't willing to lose everything for something that might not even be real.
(Please check Trigger Warnings at the beginning of the chapters.)
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Chapter 1: Run!
Her left side is throbbing but she can’t stop, she has to reach the gate. Dodging another shot taken at her, Rosalie looks back and returns fire, hitting something. Her feet never falter, she just keeps running.
This has been her life for the last five years. Some days are calmer, days where she can actually thank her lucky stars that she is still alive and being able to breathe, but others… Well, others are spent like this, running from someone and trying to stay alive.
Over the last five years, Rosalie has seen and done things she never thought she would. She had to adapt if she is going to survive long enough to make it back home. Home, that seemed like such a distant concept now. It may take some time, but she will make it back somehow.
Her left side starts throbbing again, bringing her back to reality. Taking a few more shots over her shoulder, she can see the gate in the distance. All she needs is to buy enough time to dial the DHD and make it through the gate.
Pushing her body to the limit, she runs as fast as she can, reaching the DHD. She knows they are close behind, so she dials the first address she can remember, not having enough time to check her list of addresses for another.
A shot barely misses her leg and she knows she’s running out of time. Rosalie sees the gate stabilizing and makes a run for it, throwing herself through. When she lands on the other side, she doesn’t wait to see if someone’s coming after her.
Taking off running, she reaches the treeline and hides, watching the gate. From where she is, she has a clear line of fire, so if anyone decides to come after her, all she has to do is aim and shoot.
The gate closes and Rosalie finally takes a deep breath. “That was too damn close.”, she thinks before looking down to her side. She knows she needs a healer, even if she could stitch the wound herself.
Unfortunately, she had used the last of her medical supplies a few days before to stitch her arm up and was trying to get more when they decided that she wasn’t to be trusted and tried to kill her. Now Rosalie is left with an open wound and nothing to stitch it up with.
Standing up, Rosalie starts walking, looking for any signs of civilization. She starts to feel the effects of the adrenaline wearing off and her body shutting down. Looking down again, she sees she’s losing blood fast and then…
Nothing. Darkness encompasses her sight and her body stops responding, leaving her laying on the forest floor, near a beat down path. Now, her only hope is for someone to find her before she dies of blood loss.
Continue reading here.
Hope you enjoyed it. :)
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ana-swritings-vault · 4 years
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Interstellar Love (Mature) (Book 1 - "Interstellar" series)
Summary: Being the new doctor in Atlantis was something Lara never thought she'd be. To be fair, she never even knew that Atlantis was real or that it was in a different galaxy. But when her brother offered her the job, she took it knowing it would be an adventure. What she didn't know was how much her life would change when a certain Major crashed into her life. What other surprises did this new galaxy had for her? Only time would tell.
Interstellar Hope (Explicit) (Book 2 - "Interstellar" series)
Summary: A lot can happen in just a few months. Good moments, bad moments, normal days, and days that make you want to climb the walls around you and separate heads from their respective bodies. But then there’s that one day, that one moment, that can haunt you for the rest of your life. That one day or moment where you wished you had done things differently, where you wished you could go back to and maybe listen to your gut and not dismiss it so quickly. Maybe, just maybe, if you had, things wouldn’t have changed so much from where they were just a few months before.
Interstellar Destiny (Mature) (Book 3 - "Interstellar" series)
Summary: Lara and Evan finally have their happy ending. Or do they? When a mission goes sideways, Lara is left to believe that her life has been turned upside down. Having to face new challenges, while leaving the one place she has called home for the last few years, Lara has to find a new kind of strength if she is to ever be happy again. But when a face from her face shows up on her doorstep, can she go back to her happy ending? Or will external forces mess everything up?
My Friend (Mature) (Book 1 - "My Friend, My Lover, My Everything" series)
Summary: Rosalie never thought that when she joined Stargate Command that her life would change as much as it did, specially after a particularly rough mission. From forming a new friendship with Major Lorne, to fighting for her life, Rosalie wasn't expecting her life to be turned on its head. But when it's all said and done, will she come out still herself or will everything change her in ways she can't even imagine?
My Lover (Explicit) (Book 2 - "My Friend, My Lover, My Everything" series)
Summary: Finding herself after being on the run will lead Rosalie to a fresh new adventure. But when the lines between friendship and something more get blurred with Evan, will they be able to go back to what they used to be? Or will the lines be blurred beyond recognition? All that Rosalie knows is that she isn't willing to lose everything for something that might not even be real.
(Please check Trigger Warnings at the beginning of the chapters.)
My Everything (Mature) (Book 3 - "My Friend, My Lover, My Everything" series)
Summary: When a surprise visit, leads to a dangerous mission, Rosalie needs to come to terms that she is no longer on her own. But when she almost loses someone close to her, can she trust herself not to fall back on her old ways? How will she deal with almost losing the one person that has her whole heart?
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ana-swritings · 2 years
Merry December 2022 - Day 4
Day 4 of Merry December
Prompt: Hot Cocoa
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing: Evan Lorne x OFC (Mackenzie)
Words: 562
T.W.: N/A
Summary: A decision and a hot cocoa.
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Walking down the halls of Atlantis, Evan pulled his jacket tight as he makes his way to the mess hall. It had been one of those days where all he wanted was to see Mackenzie, his girlfriend.
Stopping just outside the large room, he looked inside and saw her sitting in one of the tables near the windows. He smiled, for the first time that day, and made his way inside, ready to put the miserable day behind him.
Approaching the table, he watched Mackenzie look up from her book and smile as she saw him. He smiled back, feeling better the closer he got to her. Kissing her softly, Evan took a seat across from her, as he took his jacket off.
They made small talk until Evan got up to get a hot beverage. Asking Mackenzie what she was in the mood for, he heard ask for a hot cocoa, needing the warmth of the beverage to warm them up from the inside. Evan left and came back a few moments later with their order, placing two large hot cocoas in front of them, before sitting down again.
They took a few sips of their beverages before Mackenzie spoke up. Asking him if he had any plans for Christmas, Evan told her that other than dropping off a few late reports he had still to finish, he didn’t have any other plans.
That was when Mackenzie surprised him. Telling him that she was spending Christmas with a few of her closest friends from the medical department, she asked if he would like to join her. Taking a sip from his beverage, Evan thought for a second on what that offer really meant. She wanted him to meet her closest friends as her boyfriend, and that was a big step in their relationship.
Truth be told, Mackenzie had already met those who are closest to him in the city and they all loved her, and the same went for his team. As for him, he had still to meet anyone from her side. He had met a couple of her friends, but that was about it.
After thinking it through, he decided that if she was ready for him to meet her Atlantian family, then he wasn’t going to be the one to deny her that. Besides, he wanted to meet them, since he could really see himself having a future with her.
Taking another sip from the hot cocoa, he looked at her and told her he would love to go. The smile that appeared on Mackenzie’s face was enough to convince him that he was making the right decision. He would do anything to see her smiling like that every single day.
Mackenzie asked if he was sure and when he said he was, smiling at her, Evan could see the relief that washed over her whole body at his answer. They spent the rest of the time devising a plan for Christmas Eve and about who was going to be there, grabbing a second round of hot cocoa in the process.
As they sat there making all sorts of plans, Evan smiled, knowing he was done for it. There was nothing he wouldn’t do for her, and he knew she felt the same way. This Christmas was going to be one to remember, he was sure of it.
Hope you enjoyed it. :)
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ana-swritings · 4 months
"Interstellar Destiny"
Hello, my lovelies. Here it is. It's finally done. Hope you like it.
This is Book 3 of the "Interstellar" series. We are finally at the conclusion of the series, after almost 2 years. :)
Check it out and let me know what you think. :)
Love y'all,
Pairing: Evan Lorne x OFC
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis/Stargate SG-1
Words: 26.968
Fair Warning: Fluff; Angst; Hurt; Canon-Divergent; Grief; Comfort; Romance
Summary: Book 3 in the "Interstellar" series. Lara and Evan finally have their happy ending. Or do they? When a mission goes sideways, Lara is left to believe that her life has been turned upside down. Having to face new challenges, while leaving the one place she has called home for the last few years, Lara has to find a new kind of strength if she is to ever be happy again. But when a face from her face shows up on her doorstep, can she go back to her happy ending? Or will external forces mess everything up? Read on to follow Lara on her last adventure of the series.
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Making his way to the South Pier after his shift, Evan is a man on a mission. Carrying a large picnic basket, he has decided that tonight is a good night to set up a little picnic for Lara, filled with candles all around them and under a beautiful full moon.
As he sets everything up and waits for Lara to meet him there, he can’t stop the nervousness that threatens to overcome him, his nerves almost making his hands shake. He takes one last look around, making sure everything is perfect, and thinks that it’s time they start a new chapter in their story together, a smile spreading across his face.
It doesn’t take long for Lara to show up and be surprised by what he has done, making him relieved that no one had spilled his plan to her.
-“What’s all this for? Did I miss our anniversary or something?” - A smile plays on her lips.
-“No.” - He chuckles. -“I just wanted to do something special for you.”
-“Thank you. Today was a long day, you have no idea, and this is exactly what I needed. Just some alone time with you.”
Lara kisses him deeply, Evan more than happy to reciprocate the kiss. He is sure that, no matter how long the years run, he will never get tired of the feeling of her lips on his. Once they break apart, Evan helps Lara sit down on the fluffy blanket he borrowed from Teyla and takes a seat next to her, thankful that she loved the idea.
For the next few minutes, they eat and talk about their days, from crazy injuries that Lara treated, to the weird fruit Evan had tried off-world that morning, some of it having made its way into their picnic basket so she could try as well, after being cleared by the biologists in the city.
But the nerves are starting to get to Evan and he keeps rubbing his hand over his neck or messing with his hair. As much as he tries to disguise it, he knows he’s failing when Lara asks him if he’s okay.
-“I’m fine. But there is something I want to talk to you about, though.”
He sees her nodding at him to continue. Taking a deep breath, he knows it’s now or never.
-“Lara, ever since I met you, my life hasn’t been the same. We have been through hell and back to be together, and when we were finally in a good place, life threw another hurdle at us. In our darkest moment, when I thought I would never see you again, I realized that I don’t want to live my life without you. I want to share everything with you, the good, the bad, the ugly, all of it, because you’re the only woman I have ever loved this deeply. So, Lara O’Neill, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”
Evan can see the tears in her eyes as he kneels in front of her, a little box with a ring in his hand, and wonders if maybe this isn’t what she would’ve wanted. But the words that leave her mouth next, leave no room for doubts.
-“There’s nothing I want more than to be your wife. Yes, a million times, yes.”
Evan smiles so big, he is sure he is bound to pull a muscle. Placing the ring on her finger, he pulls her close and kisses her deeply. When they pull apart for breath, he thinks that he is one lucky bastard to be able to call a woman as amazing as Lara his future wife.
They spend the rest of the night making plans for the future, from where they want to get married to where they will live once they eventually return to Earth. They talk about who they want at the wedding and how things will change once they are actually married, and they know that some things will also stay the same.
Evan can honestly say that he can’t wait for the rest of his life and to grow old and gray with Lara. Hopefully, the Universe will be kind enough to them and give them that. After all they have been through, he thinks it is well deserved.
Hope you enjoyed it. :)
To continue reading, go here. :)
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For all my works, please check out my vault here. :)
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ana-swritings · 11 months
New Story: "My Everything"
Hello, my lovelies. Here is the third and final story from the "My Friend, My Lover, My Everything" series. Hope you like it.
Check it out and let me know what you think. :)
Love y'all,
Pairing: Major Evan Lorne x OFC
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Words: 25,014
Fair Warning: Explicit Violence; Explicit Language; Fluff; Angst; Hurt; Slow Burn; Anger
Summary: Book 3 of the "My Friend, My Lover, My Everything" series
When a surprise visit, leads to a dangerous mission, Rosalie needs to come to terms that she is no longer on her own. But when she almost loses someone close to her, can she trust herself not to fall back on her old ways? How will she deal with almost losing the one person that has her whole heart?
Read the final book in the series to get all the answers. :)
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Chapter 1: I Promise
Rosalie reaches the Gate Room at the same time their mystery guest walks through the gate. She gasps in shock. Standing in front of her is the last person she thought she would see.
The bright eyes of a young girl search her surroundings, looking for a familiar face. Fay, the little girl that saved Rosalie from bleeding to death, walks in a slow pace, scared of the people that she doesn’t know, all armed with big guns.
Fay hears someone calling her name and soon feels herself being wrapped in a tight embrace. Looking up at the woman that is holding her, she lets out a sob, tears running down her cheeks and staining the woman’s uniform. Rosie is there, she will make things right, she is safety.
Rosalie can’t believe her eyes. Letting go of Fay, she looks the girl over, checking for obvious signs of injuries, but seeing none. She looks so scared, her clothes torned and frayed, it breaks Rosalie’s heart seeing her like that and sends a wave of panic over her.
-“Fay, what happened? Where are your parents?” - Rosalie looks over Fay’s shoulder, looking for someone that isn’t there.
-“Some… men took them… when we were… coming home.” - Her sobs are heartbreaking. Fay takes a deep breath before continuing. -“Mom told me to run, but I hid and saw the men take them through the Ring of the Ancients. Others went to the village. I remembered what you said, that if we ever needed help to come here, so I went back home to get this and came here.” - Fay shows her the IDC that Rosalie had given them months ago, just in case something happened.
-“You did good, Fay. You’re safe here, I promise.”
Rosalie pulls Fay against her chest again and just lets the little girl cry. She can feel Elizabeth and Sheppard standing close by, but doesn’t bother turning around and explaining, Fay already told them all they needed to know at the moment.
Pulling back, she turns to Elizabeth and hears the woman telling her to take Fay to the infirmary so Beckett can check her out and make sure she is okay. Rosalie gives her a thankful nod. She knows both Elizabeth and Sheppard might have a million questions for her, but right now all she can focus on is making sure that Fay is okay.
As Rosalie leads Fay to the infirmary, being accompanied by Elizabeth and Sheppard, her mind keeps spinning with questions. Who are the men that took Chantria and Bassel? Why were they taken? Where were they taken? So many questions and she doesn’t have any answers. Maybe when Fay is calmer, she might be able to give Rosalie answers, although she doubts the little girl knows more than what she told them.
They make it to the infirmary and Beckett is already waiting for them. “Elizabeth must’ve told him we were coming.”, she thinks and smiles at the good doctor, who introduces himself to Fay. Fay looks back at Rosalie, half hiding behind her, and Rosalie understands the fear that is written all over the little girl’s face all to well. The fear of not knowing if she can trust the people around her, if they are going to hurt her in any way. It’s the type of fear that Rosalie never wished on anyone, specially not on a sweet child such as Fay.
After making sure that Fay knows that Beckett is a friend and that he won’t harm her in any way, Rosalie steps aside and joins Elizabeth and Sheppard, still in Fay’s eyesight but far enough so that she can’t hear their conversation.
-“Who’s the girl, Rosalie?” - Sheppard asks, his voice low and worry coating it.
-“Her name is Fay. A couple of months before we met, I was badly injured. Usually, I was able to stitch myself up, but I had run out of supplies. I was on my way to the local village when I collapsed. Fay found me while she and her father were collecting wood, and they took me in so her mother could patch me up.”
-“And how did she get an IDC?” - It was Elizabeth’s turn to ask the questions, and despite the question in itself, she didn’t sound angry.
-“I gave it to them when you told me I could give it to strategic allies. I know that they don’t exactly qualify, but I owe them my life. I had to make sure that they would be able to reach me if they ever needed help. I gave it to them when we visited the planet to try and establish some sort of trading agreement.” - Rosalie would never apologize for giving them an IDC, not if it can help save their lives. -“I wanna ask that you allow me to return to their planet and try and find out who took Fay’s parents, as well as get some things for Fay from their home. Like I said, I owe them my life. If it hadn’t been for them, I would’ve died that day. The least I can do is try and figure out where or why they were taken.”
-“I agree that this needs investigating. If there are people out there kidnapping other people, we might need to know who they are and what their purpose is. Take Major Lorne and his team with you.”
-“Thank you, Elizabeth.”
Rosalie walks over to Fay, hearing Sheppard telling Evan over the earpiece to get his team and a jumper ready, and she wonders what she is going to find.
-“Hey little one. How you feeling?”
-“Fay, I’m gonna be away for a little bit, okay? I’m gonna try and find out what happened to your mom and dad, alright?” - Rosalie softly pulls the hair away from Fay’s face.
-“I wanna come with you.”
-“I’m sorry, Fay, but you can’t. It’s too dangerous and if anything happened to you, I’m pretty sure your mom and dad would kill me. But you can help by staying here and helping Beckett with his patients.” - Rosalie looks back at Beckett and sees him nodding at her implied request. -“You are safe here, okay? They’re my friends and they will take care of you and keep you safe until I get back.”
-“Do you promise to find my mom and dad?”
-“I promise, little one. I’ll find them and bring them back to you.”
Kissing the top of Fay’s head, Rosalie leaves the infirmary and heads straight to the armory. Grabbing her Staff weapon and gear, she meets up with Evan in the jumper bay, knowing that by now Sheppard has already got him up to speed on what’s going on.
Sitting in the jumper, Rosalie keeps remembering the day that Chantria, Bassel and Fay saved her life. It’s then that she vows to stop at nothing to find them and bring them back to Fay. After all they did for her, the least she can do is try and figure out where they were taken and by who, no matter what she has to do.
Hope you enjoyed it. :)
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ana-swritings · 2 years
New Story - "Interstellar Hope"
Hello, my lovelies.
New story is up. "Interstellar Hope" - Stargate Atlantis (Major Evan Lorne)
This is book 2 in the "Interstellar" series. Go here for book 1.
Check it out and let me know what you think. :)
Love y'all,
Pairing: Major Evan Lorne x OFC
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Words: 41,288
Fair Warning: Violence; Language; Grief; Hurt/Comfort; Romance
Summary: A lot can happen in just a few months. Good moments, bad moments, normal days, and days that make you want to climb the walls around you and separate heads from their respective bodies. But then there’s that one day, that one moment, that can haunt you for the rest of your life. That one day or moment where you wished you had done things differently, where you wished you could go back to and maybe listen to your gut and not dismiss it so quickly. Maybe, just maybe, if you had, things wouldn’t have changed so much from where they were just a few months before.
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A lot can happen in just a few months. Good moments, bad moments, normal days, and days that make you want to climb the walls around you and separate heads from their respective bodies. But then there’s that one day, that one moment, that can haunt you for the rest of your life. That one day or moment where you wished you had done things differently, where you wished you could go back to and maybe listen to your gut and not dismiss it so quickly. Maybe, just maybe, if you had, things wouldn’t have changed so much from where they were just a few months before.
He wasn’t supposed to be on that mission. Lara knew that much. Rodney was the one who was supposed to go off-world and check out some Ancient technology their less-advanced allies had found, along with a few other scientists, while she inoculated the kids from the settlement. Instead, using the usual excuse that he had too much to do in Atlantis, he sent the new addition to his team: Dr. Lucas Murtaugh.
Lara didn’t like the man. He was self-centered, dismissive of anyone who wasn’t a part of the Science Department (and even they weren’t entirely safe) and was arrogant beyond belief. He was as arrogant as Rodney. But, while Rodney had the right to be arrogant, having saved Atlantis and Sheppard’s team more times than anyone would willingly admit, Murtaugh didn’t. He has only been in Atlantis for a couple of weeks, and he already acted as if he was the greatest gift Earth had sent to Atlantis. No, Lara didn’t like the man and after that mission, she would downright despise him.
They were making their way back to the gate. They had been at the settlement all day and were now returning to Atlantis. It was a long walk, one that they couldn’t use a jumper for because of the thick canopy of trees, despite how much Murtaugh complained about it. 
Lara had inoculated all the kids and given check-ups to a couple of newborns and was looking forward to returning to the city and just relaxing for the night. Being almost four months pregnant, it was rare the day when she didn’t feel fatigued or with really bad morning sickness, but, surprisingly enough, being out and feeling the fresh air was doing wonders for her.
From the moment Elisabeth had learned that Lara was pregnant, she had assigned her to light duty, only doing things that wouldn’t put her under stress or in danger. Because of that, Lara was now responsible for doing administrative work as well as anything that didn’t require her to run around like a mad woman. That also included no off-world missions, with the rare exception like the one she was in.
The group was walking along a small ridge, when she heard Captain Thomas halting the group, telling everyone they were taking a water break and to take the time to rest. Lara knew that that last part was directed at her. Every single member of the Security detail in Atlantis knew she was pregnant thanks to Evan and Sheppard, the latter had even taken the time to warn every single Airman and Marine that should anything happen to her while off-world under their watch, Sheppard would make sure they had the worst possible assignments in Atlantis. A threat he most likely wouldn’t follow through with, but still…
Lara was crouching down to take her canteen off her backpack, when she heard Murtaugh complain that that was no time to take a water break since they were still a couple of miles away from the gate. Saying that he wasn’t going to wait for anyone who was too weak to make such a trek, Murtaugh began pushing his way past the small group, making a few people stumble in place.
Lara shook her head, her dislike for the man increasing by the second, when she felt his leg forcefully pushing against her arm. That was it. It was all it took for Lara to lose her balance and go down the ridge. She could hear Captain Thomas screaming her name, along with a few of the other members of the team, her own screams almost drowning theirs.
She felt her body being hit from every angle. She felt her right arm hitting a rock and breaking, then the same happening to her left leg. By the time she got to the bottom of the ridge, she had more injuries than she could count. It was bad, she knew it was bad.
Lara could still hear Captain Thomas calling out her name as he ran towards her. She saw him kneeling next to her and telling her not to move and that help was on the way. Apparently, he had sent one of his men to the gate and let Atlantis know what had happened the moment he saw her going over the edge. She must’ve looked horrible, if the expression on his face was any indication of her injuries.
She placed a hand on her abdomen, tears in her eyes as she faintly asked him to save her baby before passing out. She missed the look of grief on the Captain’s face when she said those words. If she hadn’t, she would know it was too late.
Continue reading here.
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ana-swritings · 3 years
Merry December 2021 - Day 17
Day 17 of Merry December
Prompt: Cookies
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing: Evan Lorne x OFC (Claire)
Words: 573
T.W.: N/A
Summary: Best December ever.
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It took a lot of stealth work and a quick getaway, but Evan had managed to secure it. All he had to do now was make it back to his room without bumping into anyone, especially Sheppard or Ronon. If he did, he was sure he would end up with only half of his “package”.
Taking back corridors and stopping at every corner to make sure that there was no one there, he eventually made it back. Getting inside as quickly as he could, he raised the plate filled with chocolate chip cookies in triumph, a winning smile in his face, making Claire laugh.
Walking over to the small couch and sitting next to Claire, he placed the plate on her lap, kissing her cheek. He heard her ask if he had any trouble getting the cookies, to which he responded that it was as easy as pie. Claire laughed, picking up the remote and pressing play, before taking one cookie and biting it, thanking him for getting them.
They had been together for three years and this was their December tradition. Since neither one of them knew if they would be on base for Christmas, they celebrated the month instead of just the holiday, with cookies and a Christmas movie.
Evan took a cookie and ate it, placing his arm around Claire’s shoulder and pulling her close, feeling her snuggle on his side. Looking down at her, he saw the smile on her face, as she watched the opening scenes of the movie she had chosen.
It was then he was sure that no matter what the Pegasus Galaxy threw at him, he would do everything in his power to keep that smile on her face. Taking a deep breath, the scent of her shampoo filling his nose, he put his hand in his pocket and wrapped his fingers around the small box he had placed there before he left on his “cookie mission”, as Claire had put it.
Picking up the remote, he pressed pause, making Claire turn around to face him and ask if he was okay. Evan smiled, nodding, and telling her that he was just fine but that he had an important question to ask her.
Getting up, he took a knee in front of her, grabbed her hand and told her how important she was to him, how he wanted to spend the rest of his life making her smile and laugh, and how important to him was her happiness. That was when he asked her something he had been wanting to ask for a long time.
Asking her if she would make him the happiest man in two galaxies and marry him, he took the small box from his pocket and opened it, uncovering a beautiful engagement ring. Bella was stunned, but managed to say yes, as tears flooded her eyes, before kissing him deeply, her lips tasting as the cookies she just had.
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Evan smiled as he sat back down next to her, pressing play on the remote and grabbing a cookie from the plate. He was on cloud nine and there was nothing that could bring him down in that moment. Kissing the side of her head, he leaned his head against hers, as he felt a peace wash over him, making him sigh in contentment.
“Best December ever.”, he thought, as he struggled to focused on the movie and not on his fiancé.
Hope you enjoyed it. :)
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ana-swritings-vault · 4 years
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Merry December 2018 (2 stories, 1 prompt):
Day 1 - White (Arrow):
General (Thea Queen + Oliver Queen)
Pairing (Oliver Queen x OFC)
Day 2 - Snow Angel (Criminal Minds):
General (Penelope Garcia + Team)
Pairing (Aaron Hotchner x OFC)
Day 3 - Snowman (Hawaii 5-0):
General (Danny Williams + Grace Williams)
Pairing (Steve McGarrett x OFC)
Day 4 - Holidays (Supernatural):
General (Castiel)
Pairing (Dean Winchester x OFC)
Day 5 - Decorations (Stargate Atlantis):
General (Elizabeth Weir)
Pairing (Evan Lorne x OFC)
Day 6 - Tree (MCU):
General (Clint Barton)
Pairing (Clint Barton x OFC)
Day 7 - Star (MCU):
General (Steve Rogers)
Pairing (Steve Rogers x OFC)
Day 8 - Ornaments (MCU):
General (Bucky Barnes)
Pairing (Steve Rogers x OFC)
Day 9 - Stockings (Supernatural):
General (Sam Winchester)
Pairing (Sam Winchester x OFC)
Day 10 - Lights (MCU):
General (Tony Stark)
Pairing (Tony Stark x OFC)
Day 11 - Childhood Memories (Arrow):
General (Oliver Queen + Thea Queen)
Pairing (Oliver Queen x OFC)
Day 12 - Christmas Past (Arrow):
General (Oliver Queen)
Pairing (Oliver Queen x OFC)
Day 13 - Cards (Stargate Atlantis):
General (Elizabeth Weir + John Sheppard)
Pairing (Evan Lorne x OFC)
Day 14 - Wish Upon A Star (Stargate Atlantis):
General (Teyla Emmagan + OFC)
Pairing (Evan Lorne x OFC)
Day 15 - Surprising Visit (MCU):
General (Thor + Loki)
Pairing (Steve Rogers x OFC)
Day 16 - Cookies (MCU):
Pairing (Steve Rogers x OFC)
General (James Rhodes + OFC)
Day 17 - No Power (Hawaii 5-0):
General (Steve McGarrett + Danny Williams)
Pairing (Steve McGarrett x OFC)
Day 18 - Fireplace (Criminal Minds):
General (Aaron Hotchner + Jack Hotchner)
Pairing (Aaron Hotchner x OFC)
Day 19 - Ugly Sweater (MCU):
General (Natasha Romanoff + OFC)
Pairing (Tony Stark x OFC)
Day 20 - Secret Santa (Hawaii 5-0):
Pairing (Steve McGarrett x OFC)
General (Team)
Day 21 - Wrong Gift (MCU):
General (Bucky Barnes + Steve Rogers)
Pairing (Steve Rogers x OFC)
Day 22 - Presents (Arrow):
Pairing (Oliver Queen x OFC)
General (Team)
Day 23 - Mistletoe (Stargate Atlantis):
General (John Sheppard)
Pairing (Evan Lorne x OFC)
Day 24 - We Are Family (MCU):
General (Tony Stark)
Pairing (Steve Rogers x OFC)
Day 25 - Snow Globe (Arrow):
General (Oliver Queen + Felicity Smoak)
Pairing (Oliver Queen x OFC)
Day 26 - Pajamas (Criminal Minds):
General (Jack Hotchner + OFC)
Pairing (Aaron Hotchner x OFC)
Day 27 - Song (MCU):
Pairing (Steve Rogers x OFC)
General (Avengers)
Day 28 - Movie Night (Stargate Atlantis):
General (Jennifer Keller)
Pairing (Evan Lorne x OFC)
Day 29 - Party Dress (Hawaii 5-0):
General (Kono Kalakaua)
Pairing (Steve McGarrett x OFC)
Day 30 - Party (Stargate Atlantis):
General (Elizabeth Weir + Teyla Emmagan)
Pairing (Evan Lorne x OFC)
Day 31 - Midnight Kiss (MCU):
General (Avengers)
Pairing (Steve Rogers x OFC)
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ana-swritings · 4 years
New Story: "Interstellar Love"
Hello, my lovelies.
New story is up. "Interstellar Love" - Stargate Atlantis (Major Evan Lorne)
This is book 1 of the "Interstellar" series. Go here for book 2.
Check it out and let me know what you think. :)
Love y'all,
Pairing: Major Evan Lorne x OFC
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Words: 18,782
Fair Warning: Mentions of Torture; Violence; Language
Summary: Being the new doctor in Atlantis was something Lara never thought she'd be. To be fair, she never even knew that Atlantis was real or that it was in a different galaxy. But when her brother offered her the job, she took it knowing it would be an adventure. What she didn't know was how much her life would change when a certain Major crashed into her life. What other surprises did this new galaxy had for her? Only time would tell.
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Chapter 1 - "Research"
Working in an E.R was hard work, but Lara loved it. Ever since she was a child, all she wanted was to help people, so becoming a doctor was the logical path to do so. Sure, she could’ve followed in her brother’s footsteps and joined the military, but she knew she would never pass the physical exams. Still, being a doctor was fulfilling and she wouldn’t trade it for anything.
Lara had the first weekend off in what felt like ages and she had no plans whatsoever, other than becoming a vegetable in front of her tv and indulging in some sinful eating, something she normally wouldn’t do. She would eat healthy the days she would be on shift, plus worked out every day. But her days off were her “cheat” days. No work outs and no healthy food.
She had just gotten home, in the first hours of the morning, after an eighteen-hour shift, when she got a call from her brother.
- “Hey, Jack. What’s up?”
- “Hey, kiddo. How are you?”
- “I’m good. Officially off work for the next two days, so I’m good. How about you? How are things in Colorado?”
- “Oh, you know, busy. Which is actually why I’m calling. How do you feel about coming down to Colorado? There’s something I need to talk to you about, but it needs to be in person.”
- “Is everything alright? Are you okay?”
- “I’m fine, kiddo. I just need to ask you something, but like I said it needs to be in person. So, what do you say?”
- “I guess I can hop on a flight tomorrow morning and be there by lunch time.”
- “Actually, I got you on a flight from our airport in Orange County to our airport here in Colorado. You got two hours to get packed and get there. Just give your name at the entrance and they’ll tell you where to go.”
- “Jack, seriously? How’d you even know I would be able to go?”
- “I called the hospital and they told me.”
- “You’re a piece of work, you know that?”
- “But you still love me none the less. Now, get your butt moving and I’ll see you in a couple of hours. Love ya, kiddo.”
- “Yeah, yeah, love you too.”
And with that, Lara hung up the phone, laughing, and started packing. She loved her older brother, but sometimes he could be a handful. Still, she loved the man to death, after all he did raise her after their parents’ death.
A few hours later and she was in Colorado, being met by her older brother. He was wearing his uniform and she could see the respect he commanded, just with his posture, on his fellow soldiers. She always admired her brother, and was always so proud of him, especially when he was promoted to Brigadier General.
Walking up to him, she hugged him tight. The last time they saw each other had been a few months before for his birthday, which had to be cut short due to his job. She still didn’t know what his job was exactly, all she knew was that it involved a lot of travelling to undisclosed locations.
They got in his government issued SUV and drove to his cabin. Lara loved the peace and quiet that always surrounded that place, a stark contrast to New York City. By the time they got there, they had caught up with all the important things in their lives.
Sitting in the back porch with a cold beer in her hands, curiosity was eating at her. Jack had yet to tell her what was so important that she needed to fly out to Colorado.
- “So, are you gonna tell me what I’m doing here, Jack? Not that I mind spending time with you, but it sounded important.”
- “Wait here.” – Jack got up and went back inside, returning shortly with a folder in his hand. – “I need you to sign this before I tell you anything.”
- “Okay…?” – Lara looked at the sheet of paper inside the folder, noticing it was a non-discloser agreement. Signing it, she handed it over to Jack, who, after making sure it was her signature, placed it on the side table. – “Now can you tell me what’s going on? You’re starting to worry me.”
- “There’s no need to worry. The paperwork is just protocol. So, you know how I could never tell you what my job exactly was?”
- “Yeah, you always said it was classified. All I know is that it involved travelling, that’s about it.”
- “Well, you’re not wrong. It did involve travelling but not the kind you’re used to. This is gonna sound crazy, and believe me when I first heard it, I thought it was an elaborate prank, but the truth is… Well, we can now travel to other inhabited planets as well as other galaxies.”
- “Right, and I’m up for a Nobel Prize for curing cancer. Jack, come on.”
- “Listen, it’s true. I’m a part of a classified military program called Stargate. We travel to other worlds to explore and, hopefully, get allies and new knowledge. We���ve had our fair share of close calls, but always prevailed. We managed to make new friends and even get new technology. That’s what I’ve been doing all these years, Lara, and now I’m running the day-to-day operations of Stargate Command.”
- “You’re serious, aren’t you? Jack, that’s insane. That can’t be possible. To travel that far away to other planets or other galaxies, it’s… It’s just not possible.”
- “Oh, it’s possible. Lara, I would never lie to you. You gotta believe that much.”
- “Alright, let’s say for a moment, for argument’s sake, that I believe you. Why are you now telling me all this?”
- “We have an outpost in the Pegasus galaxy called Atlantis, and they’re in need of a new doctor. So, I thought you’d be perfect for the job.”
- “I’m flattered, Jack, I am, but I’m still not sure if I believe all of this.”
- “Come with me.”
Jack got up and walked out of the house, straight to his car, Lara following close behind. They drove to Mount Cheyenne and after the usual security checks, they went deep into the core of the mountain. Entering a normal looking conference room, she waited for her brother to say something.
Jack knew she would need hard proof of what he was telling her. Pressing the button that opened the shield that protected the conference room, he was sure that what she was about to see would be more than enough to convince her.
Lara saw whatever it was that was protecting that room open and the sight before her eyes almost made her doubt her sanity. A ring, that’s the only way she could describe it, as tall as a house, in the middle of a heavily guarded room. In the middle of said ring was what looked like a pool of silvery water and a team of marines were going through it, not coming out on the other side. It was almost as if they just disappeared.
She held on to the edge of the window, completely fascinated by what she was seeing. One look over to her brother and she could see the smirk of “told you” on his lips. Taking a seat at the table, she took a deep breath, trying to make sense of what she just saw.
It took her a few days to really accept what her brother showed her. She was sitting on her couch, back home in New York, when she decided that she had just been given an opportunity that not many people had. She called her brother and accepted his offer, quitting her job and getting on the first flight to Colorado the very next day.
She spent the next couple of weeks getting to know all she could about types of injuries she could encounter, medical devices that existed in Atlantis, races that inhabited that galaxy as well as who was going to be her supervisor on site.
The day finally came for her to leave for Atlantis and she was mostly excited about it. Tho part of her was scared about crossing what she now knew was an event horizon made by a wormhole, she still was excited at the opportunity of exploring a different galaxy.
Hugging her brother goodbye, Lara took her place alongside a few scientists and a team of marines who were also being deployed to Atlantis. Taking one last look over her shoulder, she saw her brother smiling at her and she smiled back, before taking a tentative step across the gate.
She could never expect what awaited her in Atlantis and how much things would change for her.
Continue reading here.
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ana-swritings · 5 years
Requests: CLOSE
Hello, my lovelies.
So, it came to my attention that, despite the requests are open, I never really did a list of all the shows and characters that I write for. With that said, here are all the shows and respective characters (or actors). One more thing, I usually only write with OFC’s, but I try to tailor them to your preferences. :)
Dean Winchester x OFC;
Sam Winchester x OFC;
Jensen Ackles x OFC;
Jared Padalecki x OFC;
Hawaii 5-0:
Steve McGarrett x OFC;
Danny Williams x OFC;
Chin Ho Kelly x OFC;
Criminal Minds:
Aaron Hotchner x OFC;
Oliver Queen x OFC;
Marvel Cinematic Universe:
Steve Rogers (Captain America) x OFC;
Tony Stark (Iron Man) x OFC;
Bucky Barnes (Winter Soldier) x OFC;
Nick Fury x OFC;
Stargate Atlantis:
John Sheppard x OFC;
Evan Lorne x OFC;
Stargate SG1:
Jack O’Neill x OFC;
Chicago PD:
Hank Voight x OFC.
With time, and as I get into more shows, I’ll update the list. Now, it’s up to you. Let me know if you’d like me to write one, or more, for you. Love y’all. :)
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ana-swritings · 6 years
Merry December
Day 30 - Story 2
Prompt: Party
Pairing: Evan Lorne x OFC (Lexi)
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Words: 927
Summary: A very happy new year.
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It was New Year’s Eve and everyone was excited about the party that Elizabeth had decided to throw. It was also the end of another year in Atlantis. But for Lexi, it also marked the four-year anniversary of being with Evan. They had begun dating four-years ago to the day and it had been one hell of a roller-coaster.
Lexi was finishing getting ready when there was a knock on her door. She knew exactly who it was and when she opened the door, she was greeted by a smiling Evan. Telling him to come in, she quickly felt Evan’s arms around her waist, turning her to him, and kissing her deeply. When they broke the kiss, he whispered a “happy anniversary”, followed by an “I love you. She answered and kissed him again.
They broke free from each other’s arms and Lexi went to get her earpiece, the only thing left that she was missing before leaving her room, her hand in his. Walking through the city’s corridors, they started talking and reminiscing on all the good times they have had since they started dating: the trips to the mainland for a picnic; the little gifts he would bring her when he would go off-world; when they told their friends about them, amongst others.
Soon, they were walking into the room where the party was being held. Looking around, they were impressed with Teyla’s work. There was food and drinks set out in a line of tables against one wall, chairs spread around near the other walls and decorations all around the room. They could hear music and spotted a sound system in a corner, setting the mood for the party.
Lexi saw Sheppard and his team near one of the tables and, after pointing them out to Evan, made their way towards them. They greeted the team and stood there for a few minutes, just catching up. Eventually, Evan asked her if she wanted something to drink and, after she had said yes, left with Sheppard and Ronon to get their drinks, leaving her with Teyla, Beckett and McKay.
Lexi congratulated Teyla on an amazing job with the party and they spent the next few minutes talking about it, Beckett and McKay giving their opinion as well. The conversation flowed between them fairly easy, since they’ve all had known each other almost since the beginning.
Meanwhile, Evan was back at the tables, nerves starting to consume him. Sheppard and Ronon were trying their best to keep him calm and to help him relax, telling him that everything was going to be okay and that nothing was gonna go wrong. Evan tried his best to believe his friends, but he was just too nervous.
Going back to where the group was, carrying their drinks, Evan handed Lexi her drink and wrapped an arm around her waist, kissing the side of her head in the process. He tried to keep up with the conversations that were going on between them, but he just couldn’t focus. He suddenly saw Elizabeth through the corner of his eye and excused himself.
He approached Elizabeth and after congratulating her on the idea for the party, he asked if he could talk to her. She agreed, seeing that he was slightly nervous, thinking that something might have happened before she got there. Moving to a more secluded corner where Lexi couldn’t see them, Evan told Elizabeth why he was so nervous and she understood, telling him that everything was going to be okay and that she knew for a fact that he was gonna be fine.
After talking to her, he felt a little bit better. Walking back to where everyone was, they joined in on the laughter and spent the rest of the time just talking and laughing. After a while, everyone needed another round so the group moved closer to the tables.
Eventually, it was midnight. The traditional countdown was made and the celebratory toasts began, everyone cheering and wishing a “happy new year” all around. Evan pulled Lexi close and kissed her, telling her that his only wish was to be with her. That’s when he took her hand and lead her out of the room and to the closest open balcony.
Once on the balcony, he took her as close to the opening as possible, so they could have the stars just above them, and told her to just stand there, because he had something to tell her. She looked confused, but agreed none the less. Evan told her how much he loved her and how his life wasn’t the same without her in it. He said that he couldn’t imagine living the rest of his life without her and that’s when he dropped down to one knee, pulling a small box from his pocket. Opening it, inside was a simple engagement ring. He got chocked up, looking up at her and seeing tears in her eyes and a huge smile on her lips, but he pushed through and asked her.
- “Lexi Ward, would you make me the happiest man in two galaxies and marry me?”
She could barely speak, but she managed to say yes, before leaning down and kissing him deeply. Evan stood up and placed the ring on her finger. Pulling her close, he kissed her and felt her kissing him back. When they broke the kiss, they couldn’t help but laugh from happiness. “This is going to be one happy new year, for sure.”, he thought, before pulling her close and kissing her again.
Hope you enjoyed it. :)
If you'd like to give me a tip, you can buy me a coffee here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/anaswritings
For all my works, please check out my vault here: https://ana-swritings-vault.tumblr.com/
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ana-swritings · 6 years
Merry December
Day 23 - Story 2
Prompt: Mistletoe
Pairing: Evan Lorne x OFC (Zoey)
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Words: 992
Summary: Mistletoe magic.
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Evan woke up that morning, completely unaware of how his day was about to turn into one of his best days ever. After getting ready, he made his way to the locker rooms to report for duty. All the teams were already there and so was Sheppard. He heard Sheppard give their respective assignments and realized he was to stay in Atlantis. He didn’t mind, he liked being in the city.
The morning passed by without any major incidents, just a couple of quarrels between scientists and a couple of teams coming in. He did notice, however, that some rooms in Atlantis had mistletoe hung in them, like the open balconies and Dr. McKay’s lab. Evan wondered who might have had that idea, but he was just grateful it wasn’t him after seeing how pissed Dr. McKay had gotten when he saw the mistletoe in his lab.
Lunch came and went, and when he was just ten minutes away from clocking out, he received a message from Sheppard through his earpiece. He was supposed to meet with Dr. Hall at one of the transporters and meet him in the south tower.
Knowing he was going to see Zoey made his heart skip a beat. He was in love with the doctor, and even though they had been in a couple of dates, nothing ever happened beyond that. He could tell she was shy and he wasn’t sure of how she really felt about him, so he never pushed, resigning himself to the role of friend. But he had to admit, she owned his heart and there wasn’t anything that he could do about it. Not that he wanted to anyway.
Meeting Zoey half way to the transporter, he saw her blush when he greeted her and he thought she looked adorable. Asking her if Sheppard had told her what that was all about, she told him that she had no idea. All she was told by Dr. Beckett was that she was to meet someone from Sheppard’s team there and go to the south tower.
Evan nodded in understanding, knowing that whatever it was, they would be ready for it. Looking at her from the corner of his eye, he could tell she was slightly nervous. He thought it must have had something to do with the unknown of their mission, so he told himself that, whatever happened, he was going to protect her with his life. There was no way he was going to let anything happen to the woman he loved.
They got to the transporter and Evan radioed Sheppard that they were about to enter it. Sheppard gave him his okay and signed off. Walking inside the transporter, Evan felt an unfamiliar scent hit his nose, but he didn’t pay much attention to it. He saw Zoey touch the location they were supposed to go on the screen, but then, nothing happened.
Zoey tried again and still nothing. Evan attempted at opening the doors but to no luck. Radioing Sheppard, he told him that they were stuck in the transporter. The damn thing wasn’t moving or opening its doors and he was asking him to try and open them remotely.
That’s when Sheppard told him something that, at first, made no sense to him. “Look up, buddy.”, he heard Sheppard say, a clear smile in his voice. It took Evan a second to fully register what he had said and when it did, he did as he was told. Looking up, he got confused as to what exactly he was seeing. Only when he heard Zoey scoff slightly and looked back at her and then back at the ceiling, did he fully understand.
Just above their heads was a piece of mistletoe hanging from the ceiling and he now understood everything. Why Sheppard looked so tired during the morning briefing, why McKay had mistletoe hanging in his lab, why this sudden mission without any details, why the transporter had that unfamiliar smell and why Zoey was there. Sheppard was trying to kick his butt into telling Zoey how he truly felt about her by getting them stuck in a transporter with some mistletoe hanging above them. “Not fair, Sheppard.”, he thought, avoiding eye contact with Zoey as much as possible.
That’s when Zoey surprised him. He heard her take a deep breath and call out his name. Looking back at her for the first time since they spotted the mistletoe, he noticed she was blushing and was struggling to tell him something. Once realization hit her that she wasn’t going to be able to say what she wanted, instead, she pointed up, told him that it was tradition and waited.
Evan felt his heart stop. Could it be possible that she wanted what he thought she wanted? Well, there was only one way for him to be sure. Taking a deep breath himself, he stepped forward and placed one hand on her lower back, gently pulling her closer to him. Once she was close enough for him to feel her breath on his lips, he leaned in and kissed her.
He felt her kissing him back and deepening the kiss. That’s when he knew she loved him too. Pulling away after a few seconds, they both just stood there, their foreheads touching each other. He then heard her say the words he’s been dying to hear. “I love you.”, she told him, smiling. He kissed her as an answer and then whispered an “I love you” of his own. Evan was on cloud nine, all thanks to Sheppard. “Crap, Sheppard.”, he thought, mentally kicking himself for forgetting about him and their situation.
He radioed Sheppard, asking him to unlock the transporter and telling him that Sheppard had accomplished his mission, making Zoey chuckle. “I gotta pay the man a drink for this one.”, he thought, just before hearing the doors opening and walking out with Zoey by the hand.
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ana-swritings · 6 years
Merry December
Day 28 - Story 2
Prompt: Movie Night
Pairing: Evan Lorne x OFC (Lisa)
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Words: 910
Summary: Movie night with friends.
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Lisa had barely stepped through the gate when she was welcomed by Evan’s smiling face. She nodded in his direction and, after handing over her medical field kit, she walked over to him to say hi. They had been together for a while now, but were very discrete about their relationship in public.
Evan greeted her and told her that they needed to talk. She knew it wasn’t anything serious, otherwise he wouldn’t be smiling. She asked him what was going on, while making their way back to the armory so she could take her tactical gear off.
He told her how Jennifer had come to him and invited them both to a movie night in her quarters. He had said that he needed to check with her first, before giving Jennifer an answer. Lisa asked who would be there, to which Evan replied that all their friends were going. She thought for a moment, while entering the armory. “It would be fun to get everyone together, since it had been a while since we were all in the same room doing something non-related to our jobs.”, she said, taking her gear off and placing it in one of the lockers.
Lisa then told him that they should go and just have fun. Evan agreed and said that she should be the one telling Jennifer. She told him that she would and that she was going to find her to confirm they were going. Evan then wrapped an arm around her waist and gave her a passionate kiss before they left the armory. She had been gone for three days and he had missed her. She kissed him back with as much passion. She had missed him too.
Finding Jennifer wasn’t hard. She was already in her quarters getting everything ready for movie night. Lisa knocked on the door and was greeted by a smiling Jennifer. She invited her in and asked how the mission went. After talking for a while about it, Lisa told her that Evan had talked to her about her plan and that they were happy to go and just spend some time with their friends. Jennifer smiled and said that it would be fun, before Lisa left to freshen up before coming back for the night.
The rest of the day was a blur. Between briefing both Elizabeth and Beckett on how the mission went and getting some much-needed rest, soon was time to meet Evan and go to Jennifer’s quarters. Lisa knocked on Evan’s door and heard him call out a “come in”. She walked in his room and waited. Evan came in the room from the bathroom, clearly having just gotten ready. He greeted her with a passionate kiss, pulling her close to him.
She kissed him back with as much passion and only broke the kiss because of lack of air. They stood there, in the middle of his room, in each other’s arms, just enjoying the moment. Eventually they had to move from where they were so they could go and see their friends.
Making their way to Jennifer’s quarters, they ran into both Teyla and Ronon and walked together, talking about missions and news from the mainland where Teyla’s people were now settled. They arrived at Jennifer’s quarters at the same time as Sheppard and Elizabeth. Knocking on the door, they were greeted by a smiling Jennifer.
Jennifer welcomed them in and Lisa saw that Beckett and McKay were already there. Lisa and Evan greeted the men and, at Jennifer’s request, found a place to just relax and watch the movie. They sat on a couch that she had asked Elizabeth to be placed there just for that night, Lisa firmly wrapped in Evan’s arms, leaning against his chest.
Bowls of popcorn were passed around and soon Jennifer was pressing the start button for the movie. Lisa couldn’t help but smile at her choice. “It’s a wonderful life” was a Christmas classic and very fitting for that time of the year. Everyone was completely enthralled with the movie, herself included.
At some point, Lisa felt Evan tighten his embrace on her and kissing the top of her head. Looking back at him, she felt his lips on hers, a quick and soft kiss, simply to remind her that he loved her. She turned back at the movie and smiled. It was so rare the occasions where they could be like this, in each other’s arms and openly kissing, but they were amongst friends, so it was okay.
She remembered that went they started dating, they both had gone to talk to Elizabeth to make sure they weren’t breaking any rules. When she gave them her blessing, it felt like a weight had been lifted from both of them. From there, it was only a matter of time before they started telling their friends. They had also agreed that, in public, they would be as professional as possible. That way, no one could accuse them of being unprofessional and they wouldn’t put Elizabeth in a though spot. This was two years ago and they’ve never been happier.
Her attention was brought back to the room when she heard Jennifer explaining something to Ronon and Teyla. Looking around the room at their friends, Lisa couldn’t help but smile. “It sure is a wonderful life.”, she thought, before adjusting herself against Evan and focusing on the movie.
“It’s a wonderful life” movie poster
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Hope you enjoyed it. :)
If you'd like to give me a tip, you can buy me a coffee here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/anaswritings
For all my works, please check out my vault here: https://ana-swritings-vault.tumblr.com/
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ana-swritings · 6 years
Merry December
Day 14 - Story 2
Prompt: Wish Upon A Star
Pairing: Evan Lorne x OFC (Sharon)
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Words: 797
Summary: Finally together.
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It’s been almost a month since Evan had any downtime to spend with his fiancé, Sharon. Between her work as one of the city’s medical doctors and his constant off-world missions, it was hard to find time to be together. So, when Sheppard gave him the day off, he knew exactly what to do. He was going to take Sharon for a nighttime picnic on one of the city’s piers.
Evan asked for help from the cooks in the mess hall, telling them his plan. They all knew him and Sharon, so they were more than happy to help. Putting together a small picnic basket, with some food and a bottle of wine, all Evan needed now was a blanket to lay on the floor and one to wrap themselves in, in case it got cold.
Running to his quarters, he picked a couple of blankets at random and made his way to the infirmary. He had already cleared everything with Dr. Weir, so all he needed was his fiancé. He arrived just as she was saying goodnight to everyone. When she saw him, her eyes lit up like the sun and she had the biggest smile ever. Wrapping his arm around her waist, Evan pulled her close and kissed her passionately and felt her do the same.
Breaking the kiss, he simply told her that he had a surprise for her. Leading her towards the outside piers, he couldn’t help but to look back at her every once in a while. He was deeply in love with her and he knew he would never love someone as much as he loved her.
They got to the pier and that’s when Evan told her what the plan was. She quickly snaked her arms around his neck and kissed him sweetly, saying an “I love you”, before breaking away to help him lay the blanket on the floor. Placing the basket behind them, they laid on the blanket and for a while, all they did was look at the starry sky above them.
Evan held her hand in his, crossing his fingers with hers. She looked back at him and he saw the stars in her eyes. “How did I get so lucky?”, he thought, bringing her hand to his lips and kissing it. She smiled big and looked back at the stars.
He decided to look at her, instead of the skies above. He started remembering how they first met. It was after a particularly complicated off-world mission. One that had him returning to Atlantis with a lot more cuts and bruises than usual.
Evan and his team had been scouting a planet to possibly become a beta site, when, while walking by a small ravine, a landslide occurred. He managed to push one of his men out of the way of a rather large boulder but he wasn’t so lucky. He ended up getting caught by the boulder, which caused him to fall down the ravine. His men made quick work in getting him out of there and back to Atlantis, where Dr. Sharon was waiting to treat him, after being told what had happened.
Because of that, he had to stay in the infirmary for a few weeks. He didn’t mind, it was all the time Evan needed to get to know her and to fall in love with her. After a rather eventful first date, that included a very frantic Dr. McKay, she still wanted to go out with him on a second date. That’s when he knew he would follow that woman wherever she would go.
Three years had passed and he decided that it was time to pop the question. Which he did, with Sheppard and Dr. Keller’s help, about two months ago. And when she said yes, he thought he was gonna explode with happiness. Now, to actually get married was a different story.
Looking back at the sky, he saw a star shooting by and he decided to make a wish. From the corner of his eye, he saw Sharon do the same and smiled. Evan could almost guess what her wish was but he wouldn’t say anything. Looking back at her, he saw her looking at him and decided to kiss her. Sliding closer to her, leaning on his elbow above her, he leaned in and kissed her, sweetly at first but quickly turning into a passionate make-out session.
Stopping for a second so they could catch their breaths, he just laid there looking at her and wishing the night would never end. In fact, that had been his wish. Well, almost. In truth, his wish had been that they stayed that happy forever. All he could hope now was that his wish upon a star would come true.
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ana-swritings · 6 years
Merry December
Day 5 - Story 2
Prompt: Decorations
Pairing: Evan Lorne x OFC (Lauren)
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Words: 913
Summary: Wide-eyed like a child.
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Evan woke up that day feeling a bit blue. December was fast approaching and with it the holidays. For him, it would be another Christmas away from his family, his sister and his two nieces, but there was a silver lining. He was going to spend Christmas with Lauren.
They had been together for almost a year and this was going to be their first Christmas together. He already had gotten her her Christmas present, courtesy of Teyla. A beautiful necklace that he had asked Teyla to chose for him, on one of their many off-world missions. Teyla had impeccable taste for jewelry and Evan not so much, so it was only logical for him to enlist her help.
After getting ready, Evan left his quarters and the sight before him made him smile. The hallway where his quarters were situated, was decorated with Christmas decorations: garlands, ornaments, you name it, it was there. “Dr. Weir was busy last night.”, he thought, smiling. Evan immediately decided that, after their respective shifts, he was gonna take Lauren on a walk through the city to admire the decorations.
The day moved painfully slow. One off-world mission and that was it. The rest of the time was spent sparring with the new Marines, teaching them all about the various threats that existed in that galaxy or patrolling the city, showing them around the city in the process. He almost punched one of the new Marines when he made a somewhat inappropriate comment about Lauren, while visiting the infirmary, but felt avenged when Ronon kicked his ass during sparring time. Turns out, Ronon heard it too and he knew that Evan couldn’t just kick his ass, so he took it upon himself to do so.
Eventually, their shifts ended and, after changing, Evan made his way to Lauren’s quarters. Knocking on the door, he was greeted by a smiling Lauren. Pulling her close, he kissed her passionately, feeling her reciprocate the kiss with as much emotion as he had put into it. Grabbing her hand, he told her that he had thought it would be a good idea to go see the decorations around the city. Sheppard had told him that, it wasn’t just the hallways and the common areas that were decorated, so were all the labs. Lauren thought it would be nice to check them out and get into the holiday spirit.
Walking around the city, hand in hand, they started reminiscing on their childhood Christmas’ and how and where they were spent. It was nice to find new things they had in common, such as their favorite Christmas traditions or their favorite Christmas foods. The city was beautifully decorated, with a lot of differences between the different locations. Some even had some improvised trees, made of the various tools that each team used. It was fun seeing the differences and guessing what each section would have on their makeshift tree’s.
Evan couldn’t stop looking at Lauren and falling even more in love with her. The way her eyes would light up at each different decoration was amazing to watch. It was like watching a child seeing it all for the first time and it filled his heart knowing that she was sharing that with him by her side.
In one of the many open balconies that existed around the city, they decided to take a break and rest a bit. While sitting there, Evan looked up and let out a chuckle. Just above them was a branch of mistletoe. Pointing it out to Lauren, he took her in his arms and kissed her, a peck on the lips at first, but that quickly evolved into a passionate make out session.
Suddenly, the doors to the balcony opened and in came Sheppard. They pulled away, Lauren blushing like mad and Evan chuckling at the situation. It wasn’t like they were dating in secret, everyone knew about them, but they always made sure that they kept it respectful in front of everyone, specially Dr. Weir and Sheppard. Looking back at Sheppard, Evan saw him glancing at them and mouthing an “You’re welcome.” towards him, before apologizing and leaving, with a shit-eating grin on his face.
Once the doors closed behind him, they both laughed at the situation, with Lauren saying that Sheppard wasn’t gonna let Evan forget about that anytime soon. He knew it was true but he didn’t mind. He thought that he needed to properly thank Sheppard for the mistletoe and to ask him how he knew where to put it. Lauren got up and told him that she was getting hungry, so they decided to make their way to the mess hall.
Walking through the door at the mess hall, he saw Lauren getting stunned at how beautiful it looked. She didn’t go there for lunch, instead asking someone to bring her her lunch to the infirmary, so, that was the first time she was seeing it. The mess hall was decorated in various shades of blue and silver, which tied in nicely with the ocean that could be seen just outside the glass windows. Evan got two trays for them, while she got a table, completely amazed at the decor and losing herself in it.
Evan couldn’t help but feel like the luckiest man in both galaxies, just because she had chosen to love him. In that moment, he knew he would do whatever it took to make her happy and safe.
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ana-swritings · 6 years
Merry December
Day 13 - Story 2
Prompt: Cards
Pairing: Evan Lorne x OFC (Natalie)
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Words: 887
Summary: An early Christmas present.
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Evan wanted to do something special for Natalie. They had been dating for four years now and this would be their third Christmas together. They had this tradition of exchanging cards the week before and he knew exactly what he wanted to do for her card.
It was his day off, Natalie was covering the morning shift in the infirmary for another doctor that was sick, so he knew he had at least eight hours to get her card done. Pulling out the box that stored all of his art supplies, he got to work. He took the picture he had of her from his jacket and placed it on the table. Taking a piece of charcoal from the box, he began tracing her face on the piece of paper that would, eventually, become her card.
The idea was simple. Evan was going to draw her face on the front of the card and write a loving message on the inside. He knew how much she loved when he would draw, but was always reticent when it came of her becoming one of his paintings or drawings. She would say that, even though she loved seeing him paint, she wasn’t so sure about being painted, simply because she didn’t think it was worth the hassle on his part. So, Evan would sketch her in his notebook, always without her knowing. And now, with this card, he was hoping he could show her how beautiful she was and how it was no hassle, simply because he loved her.
A few hours later and he was finished. Just in time to meet Natalie on the open balcony halfway between the infirmary and the mess hall. It was their favorite spot in the city and where they would always trade the cards. He was the first to get there, so he sat on the bench and waited. He started getting nervous. “What if she doesn’t like it?” and “What if she gets upset?” were the thoughts running through his mind.
Suddenly, the door opened to reveal a smiling Natalie and with that, all the nervousness he was feeling was gone. She had this calming effect on him that no one else he had ever met had. He saw her walking towards him and sitting on the bench next to him. Wrapping his arm around her waist, he slid her closer to him and kissed her softly, feeling her kissing him back.
Once they were both content, Evan pulled his card out and handed it to her. He saw her taking it out of the envelope and heard her gasp at the image in front of her. It was a perfect replica of the picture he had of her and that he would always carry with him. He could see she had tears in her eyes. She didn’t say anything, she just kissed him. The smile on her lips was enough to tell him that she loved it.
Natalie placed the card very gently back in its envelope and put it by her side on the bench. It was now her turn. He saw her pull an envelope from her jacket and when she handed it to him, he noticed her hand shaking a bit. She was nervous. Evan knew that, no matter what the card said, he was gonna love it, simply because it was from her.
Evan pulled the card from the envelope and looked at the front. On it, she had drawn three hearts: two large ones and a smaller one between them, all of them painted; one of the large ones was painted blue, the other pink and the small one was half and half, blue and pink.
He smiled at the care that she had put in drawing and painting them. They were quite cute and he made sure to tell her just that. Opening the card, inside was a simple question: “Earth or Atlantis?” and under it was a piece of paper folded in half. Evan was confused by the question. Unfolding the paper, he saw what was on it and he almost dropped the card.
Looking at her with wide-eyes, he couldn’t believe what was in the card. “Please, let it be true.”, he thought, hopeful that she wasn’t playing a cruel joke on him. He saw that she had tears in her eyes and when he asked if it was real, she simply nodded, a huge smile on her lips. He was going to be a dad.
He could barely believe it. In that small piece of paper was an ultrasound. It wasn’t like they were trying, but they weren’t not trying, if it makes any sense. Standing up and pulling her with him, he quickly wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her passionately. He couldn’t believe his luck.
Looking back, he should’ve guessed it when he saw the hearts. But he really had no idea. Natalie just gave him the best Christmas present he could’ve had ever asked for. Sitting back on the bench, he couldn’t resist but to rub her stomach, the place where their baby was growing.
They both knew they would have to tell Elizabeth and John, but for now, they were just going to enjoy the news. There was plenty of time to let everyone know.
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