#evelien talks
nobodys-saviour · 3 months
love your interpretation of Xavier's character honestly I find most people tend to almost infantalise him or make it seem as though he's extremely naive just because he's really soft spoken around mc.
I've noticed that out of all 3 of the guys, the way Xavier behaves with us compared to other people, be it strangers or Jeremiah is completely different. when he isn't talking directly to mc his mannerisms is a lot more professional/serious, even the way he dealt with those men in one of the later chapters in that alleyway (can't remember it off the top of my head) was more abrasive than anything.
I feel he gets stereotyped as the 'boy next door' even though he does fall into that archetype but with more steps to it. he would absolutelh rock someone's shit if they were bothering mc, similarly with how he would outrightly show his jealousy be it in body language or his words. so he's not exactly a shy person either nor is he naive. mc just gets him in the feels a lot and I adore that.
so it's a breath of fresh air to see that there are people who still see past the cute doe eyed persona he has when it's just the two of them. sorry for the ramble from a random stranger but that's a lot of yapping to say I love your work and I look forward to more of your musings, writings and thoughts on the deepspace boys :)
he's so soft spoken and cringe fail but let's face it he only cares for one thing—MC. Saving Philos is just a secondary thought, because, and I really do think this, if MC wasn't ever gonna be harmed he wouldn't be as enthusiastic in saving the planet.
tho tbf he is the boy next door. literally 😅 they are neighbours. 😭
for most of his life, i suspect xavier really wasn't feeling anything. i mean with a dad like that, no surprise. additionally, he's a genius. like zayne, he won't have any friends/would have a hard time making them. add all those with being guarded 24/7 and this boy for sure has no meaningful connections in his life.
until MC.
he definitely latched on to that connection. the very first meaningful connection he's ever had. the fact that she reached out to him and specifically him definitely made him a bit entitled to her (remember he was going to fight jeremiah just like that! because he thought she had a crush on jemmy!!!!), though he's actually mellowed out since then. i guess age will do that to you
and aw, thank you! i appreciate it hugely!!! it's fun because they just stew in my brain and i need to talk about it to someone that isn't my bfs or friends messages 💀 but i'm super glad you read and enjoy it!!
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leobashi · 2 years
Yep- it does take a good bit but they do get them and the hatchlings- yes im adding them also i need help with names for them- out, i now want to talk about the dna repair gun jack told them how to get them mostly because he knew they didn't have any access to any medical stuff so it would be he best they got- and when the kids got cured from the kharaa the areas that got repaired got sea emperor dna mixed in so the kids are just- also getting just as trama - chanting anon
the poor kids! They better get a support cuddlefish! And I hope Jack and Evelien stick around for a bit after getting freed so the kids have someone watching over them >:,,,(
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the-onyx-dragon · 1 year
i feel like talking about the subnatic kids au so- here, the kids had no human contact for at least a year and a few months- thats hard for a 4 5 and 10 year old- they mostly survived thanks to one of the two sea emperors jack, he was in a containment area closer to the kids (im thinking the Jellyshroom caves but idk) than evelien the other sea emperor (at least- in the tropical area of the planet) jack tells them to grab a machine he'd see the architects heal themselves with unaware that it needed base dna in it to properly fix the wounds using it without base dna leave the areas unstable and easier to hurt again so when the kids used the machine when the cure in it- those unstable areas got combined when sea emperor dna so the kids don't look very human and that why when project crater (amy mark and ethan) landed and ethan saw them he was very freaked out-
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petnews2day · 2 years
Electronic-sniffing dog helps in pedophilia arrest in Mexico
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/small-pets/electronic-sniffing-dog-helps-in-pedophilia-arrest-in-mexico-2/
Electronic-sniffing dog helps in pedophilia arrest in Mexico
MEXICO CITY (AP) — An unusual alliance of international activist groups, Mexican prosecutors and a dog trained to sniff out memory devices joined forces this month to catch a high-profile suspected pedophile in Mexico City.
First, Free a Girl, a Netherlands-based group that fights human trafficking, tipped off activists at the U.S.-based Operation Underground Railroad that Jason Maatman, a Dutch man who openly advocated sex with children, had gone to Mexico after fleeing pending court cases in the Netherlands.
Maatman apparently thought loose Mexican law enforcement would allow him to operate freely in Mexico City, a sprawling metropolis of 21 million where most crimes go unpunished.
But he didn’t count on Hidu, a recent graduate of a dog academy that teaches canines to sniff out triphenylphosphine oxide, or TPPO, a chemical coating used in electronic devices like flash drives and memory cards.
“Three weeks ago, we learned that Nelson M. seemed to be active in Mexico, and was a serious danger to children,” said Evelien Hölsken, the director of Free a Girl. She said the group contacted Operation Underground Railroad “and asked if they could start an investigation.”
Maatman was apparently so sure of himself he talked openly about his activities on the internet. But Mexican prosecutors were ready to work with the nongovernmental organizations.
Operation Underground Railroad quickly set up a plan to lure Maatman into a trap, using the chat rooms and social media spaces he was active on.
“We were able to confirm he was in Mexico and then talking to him in just different chat rooms. He said, ‘I’m in a really kind of dangerous rundown area. I don’t want to give you my address. I don’t want you guys to come see me, but you can come meet me at a gas station’,” said Matt Osborne, OUR’s director of global operations.
Mexico City prosecution detectives were waiting when Maatman showed up at a bus station — near a gas station — on the edge of the city’s main park on June 5.
Prosecutor Ernestina Godoy said Maatman was found to have a pistol and several doses of cocaine in his possession.
Maatman is being held at a Mexico City prison on charges of human trafficking and drug and weapons possession. He does not have an attorney of record nor could he be reached for comment.
“Our understanding was that he was entertaining offers from other people who wanted to go into business with him,” apparently to sell or monetize a trove of sexually explicit material involving young children, Osborne said. “He was talking that he needed money.”
The problem was that he has caught at a bus stop — not at his home — and nobody knew were he was living. Nobody knew where he could have stashed any child sexual abuse material, which is usually held in digital form.
City prosecutors used a network of street surveillance cameras to trace Maatman’s movements back to a dingy apartment he was renting on the city’s rough east side. Tall and with reddish hair, the Dutchman stood out in that area.
Once police obtained a search warrant, that is where Hidu came in; a black lab, he had been trained by Todd Jordan at his Jordan Detection K9 academy in Indianapolis, Indiana.
TPPO is a chemical used in small, solid-state memory devices to avoid overheating. There is just enough of its distinctive odor for dogs to locate it.
Jordan started out by training “accelerant detection” dogs, to look for evidence in possible arson cases in which an accelerant — things like gasoline — may have been used to start a blaze.
But the electronics detection dogs he’s trained — now 83 and counting — have come to be more in demand because criminals now use flash drives to store everything from contacts to cryptocurrencies used in drug deals.
“I think the electronics dogs have now surpassed the accelerant canines because of just the need of them, and just because of the way the world is right now,” said Jordan. “These dogs, I mean just everybody, every internet crimes task force could use one of these.”
Hidu was brand new at the work; he had graduated just two weeks before and this was his first case — In fact, it was the first overseas case that any of Jordan’s dogs had handled.
O.U.R. flew Hidu and his handler to Mexico City, where prosecutors were about to search the apartment.
“My understanding is there was a cellphone hidden in a laundry basket with just rancid total terrible laundry, you know, dirty clothes in one corner that no one would go into,” Osborne said. “The dog found that phone.”
Hidu found more child porn material taped to a wall beneath a painting, Osborne said. “The dog sniffed out a couple of the hard drives in a few places in his apartment that were difficult for humans to find, but the dog sniffed it out.”
Prosecutors said the drives and devices contained about 4 terabytes of child sexual abuse material.
Godoy, the prosecutor, credited Operation Underground Railroad and Hidu for their help in the bust.
“The message is clear for those who prey on a girl, a boy or an adolescent: In Mexico City there will be no room for impunity, and those that hurt or target them will be found, tried and sentenced,” Godoy said.
But questions remained. “Why was he (Maatman) not placed on an international wanted list?” by Dutch authorities, Hölsken said.
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gerslavic · 7 years
So yesterday I came back from Poland. Funny though, on the airport was a flight to Oslo before my flight and I heard a lot of Norwegian. But off course I’m too awkward to actually talk to someone. My Norwegian isn’t even that good :’3 
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ohmyitsfaith · 2 years
Part 7: New Year’s Eve
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Seán and Evelien invited you guys to their New Year's Eve party. Was it a good idea? It seemed so for the moment. You were having fun, chatting with Marzia and Evelien and listening to music. So everything was going great.
Up until the champagne came out. You kind of knew that it'll get crazy from then on, but you didn't expect it to go as crazy as it did.
"So, how are things going?" you asked Marzia.
"Good, nothing really changed I guess" she shrugged. "I mean I'm really happy, obviously."
"I get it" Evelien nodded.
You agreed as well. You were so happy for Marzia. She and Felix went through so much together and you were glad that they ended up marrying each other. They truly, truly belonged together.
"More important question, how are things going with you, Y/n?" Marzia looked at you.
"What… do you mean?" you asked, scared about what she could be implying.
"Oh you know what I mean" she sat closer. "What's up with you and PJ?"
"Oh, yeah! What's going on between you guys?" Evelien agreed.
"Nothing. Nothing is going on between us" you answered but your face flushed.
"Oh, come on. You can tell us" Marzia smiled, knowing that you were hiding something from them.
"No…" you cleared your thrat. "Nothing, seriously. He's my best friend. They have been for a long time."
"We know that, but something changed" Evelien nudged you.
"Nothing changed. And it won't" you murmured.
"Okay, maybe not yet, but your feelings… they changed, right?" Marzia asked softly.
You looked at your hands before nodding.
"Then why not go for it?" Evelien asked.
"Are you mental? I could never. I don't know what I'd do if I lost them as my friend."
"But why don't you tell them? Maybe he'd react positively" Marzia nudged.
"No, no. You never tell a guy you like them. It makes you look like an idiot" you said. "Besides, there's no way that he would be returning my feelings."
"You won't know until you try" Evelien put a hand on you, then stood up.
"How about we play some board games?" Seán suggested.
"Yes! I love that idea" Evelien agreed immediately.
"I do too" Marzia said.
Soon you all were on the same page and then tried to agree on a board game.
"Well, we could play Activity, or Monopoly. Or maybe even Code names" Evelien offered.
"Ooh, I love Code names" Felix commented.
"Yeah me too, we should play that" you agreed.
"Aw, but I love Activity" PJ pouted.
"No one is that good at drawing other than you" Felix shut him down.
You chuckled and put a hand on their shoulder.
"I like the idea of playing Code names. I'll get the box" Seán stood up and went to get said game.
"Okay, how will be the teams?" Marzia asked.
"I don't know. We could go us girls against boys" Evelien proposed.
"I like that" Felix agreed and PJ nodded too.
"Found it" Seán came back.
"Alright. Everyone knows how to play, right?" you took the box from Seán and started to set up the game.
Everyone agreed and you all sat in your teams. You were excited to play this game with your friends, because you always enjoyed it.
For the next half an hour, you competed against each other, trying to win more than the other team.
"Ha!" you yelled victoriously as you placed the last card down in the right place. "We won. And with that, it's 3 for us and 2 for you!"
"Okay Y/n" Evelien put her hand on your shoulder. "Enough of the champagne for now" she took your glass out of your hand.
"Sorry. Am I a bit loud?" you asked sheepishly.
"Just a bit, don't worry" she smiled at you.
"Ooh! It's only 20 minutes until midnight!" you realized.
"I can't believe that this year has gone by so fast…" Marzia reminisced.
"Yeah. It feels just yesterday that we entered 2019" Seán agreed.
"Let's make 2020 a good one everyone!" Felix smiled.
"I have so many plans for next year, I can't wait to start" PJ sighed.
"Same here. So many opportunities!" you agreed with them.
"Also, so many games are coming out next year! Ones that we've been waiting for for so long" Evelien said.
"Yep, can't wait for it!" Seán agreed.
You started talking about anything and everything until it was only a few minutes until midnight. At that point, you put on your shoes and jackets and went outside to see the fireworks. You jumped form one foot to the other, feeling as excited as a kid about the fireworks.
PJ put an arm around you after a few seconds and you smiled at him. You felt happy and free. The thought of leaving the year behind you was so freeing. You were excited for the new year and all your plans. And of course to spend more time with your bestest friend.
Speaking of who, you looked up at them. They were already looking at you and you had the feeling that he was thinking about similar things as you.
Their eyes were twinkling with something you couldn't quite name and their face were flushed. You could feel yours doing the same. His eyes flickered between your eyes and lips and your heartbeat sped up.
Maybe it was the champagne or the feeling of having had enough of waiting, but as the first fireworks blew up in the sky, PJ leaned down and kissed your lips. You put your free hand on his face, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss. His lips were soft and the feeling sent a warmth through your whole body. It was nothing like you imagined. Hell, you didn't even dare to imagine such things in a sober state. But as your head was light with the tipsy state, you got the confidence to do it.
"Happy new year" he whispered against your lips, trying to catch his breath.
"Happy new year" you smiled and kissed him again.
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shelsgovroomvroom · 3 years
Can we please talk about what it would be like for dom reader and dom gab to absolutely wreck Sean's shit like absolutely WRECK HIS SHIT - 🦀
You, my dude, make my day whenever I see your requests. Your poly Sean and gab stuff is fucking amazing and I love you.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy 🖤🖤
So to wreck Sean, you must first tease him and get him really worked up. Doing this is pretty fucking easy.
AKA: you and Gab make out and undress each other while Sean is forced to just watch. He’s literally sitting there whining with hands died behind his back because his hot girlfriends are making out and all he can’t touch.
Then, you guys edge him for a while. For some reason I feel like Gab is a fucking expert at edging Sean. She knows exactly when to pull away and how to leave him gasping for breath, helplessly bucking his hips up.
He doesn’t like bondage, but he has to be held still somehow or else he might just break the whole damn bed. So you ride his face with your knees on his shoulders so he’s not able to move around too much. Also you get orgasms so that’s a bonus.
Evelien has so much fun edging Sean. Seriously, she could do that all night. She probably would do that all night if you didn’t stop her. Sean is very thankful that only one of his girlfriends loves edging so much because otherwise he might be in a constant state of begging to cum.
When Evelien is finally ready to end his torture, AKA when Sean is close to tears, you move off his face and sit behind him. You pull him onto your lap cause you feel like having him close for this. Evelien thinks that’s fucking adorable.
When she lets him cum, he’s a mess. His hips bucking up and his back curves, pushing against you and desperately looking for something to hold onto.
Once he’s done, Evelien doesn’t stop. She keeps on going until he’s about to cum again and then removes her hand. He’s just a complete mess. He’s breathing hard, covered in a shine of sweat and begging. He’s not even sure what he’s begging for, just begging.
And then Evelien, fucking Evelien, just giggles.
You guys switch places so that you can put a plug in Sean. You don’t do it often, but whenever he’s wearing one he’s always even more sensitive and overwhelmed. You stretch him out and take your time with that. Waiting until he’s pushing back on your fingers and needing to be shushed by Evelien before you put the plug in him.
Once you’re satisfied that Sean is once again desperate and begging, you swop places again because Evelien still hadn’t gotten any pleasure. (Aside from the pleasure she got from torturing and edging Sean.)
Then, she rides him with the plug in. He’s overwhelmed and very much oversensitive. You’re pretty sure he’d just melt into the bed if you weren’t there to hold him from behind. He’s so oversensitive that he fucking bucks up when you scrape your nails over his nipples.
Once Evelien is satisfied and Sean thinks he might have gone to a different plane of being, the scene ends and Sean is treated to cuddles, food and many many compliments.
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simoviacourt · 3 years
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Huis van Hoensbroek, 45 minute drive away from Zonneminster, Spring
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Erasmus: Hello? Are you here? Why was there nobody at the door?
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Evelien: Erasmus! 
Erasmus: Hello Mother... where’s the staff? Why was the house not prepared for you?
Evelien: Oh! They’re back in the city, I didn’t tell them to open the house... such a hassle, and I can manage just fine on my own. I can always order take-out. 
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Erasmus: I see... you really turned Father’s study into an atelier? 
Evelien: I did. The light’s just perfect here. Another reason not to have the staff here, they’d just tell me off. But, I doubt you’re here just to see your dear old mum...
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Erasmus: What makes you think...
Evelien: I’m sure only very important business would draw you away from the capital... from the Queen.
Erasmus: Mother... I...
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Evelien: I know my son... And I watch the news. Though I’m a little confused why you’re going after the Queen. I thought you wanted to make a difference, not end up stuck walking three steps behind that silly little girl. 
Erasmus: I have my reasons, Mother. And please don’t call her silly.
Evelien: You and this family, always about politics... 
Erasmus: It’s not just about the politics. 
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Evelien: Hmm... No. I see that. You actually fell in love with her, didn’t you?
Erasmus: Mother...
Evelien: You can lie to yourself, but you can’t lie to me. I gave birth to you, after all. I can tell that you’ve got it bad.
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Erasmus: It wasn’t supposed to happen.
Evelien: No? Don’t tell me you’re playing some game with the crown, Erasmus.
Erasmus: It’s complicated...
Evelien: And you can’t talk about it? Hmph, I've heard that before.
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Erasmus: Mother, I don’t know what to do. I love her. I can’t explain it. I’ve tried to figure out what it is and what I can do about it...
Evelien: Oh Erasmus, you can’t rationalise love. 
Erasmus: Then what can I do? I can’t leave her, she needs me, the country needs me.
Evelien: Does she love you?
Erasmus: Yes... gods... and that only makes this so much worse...
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Evelien: Then why are you fighting it so hard? You’re not planning anything that would harm her or hurt her, are you?
Erasmus: No, gods no... but emotional attachments are liabilities...
Evelien: In your line of work, I’m sure, but were you really planning to spend the rest of your life trapped in a loveless marriage of convenience? Or worse, trap her in a loveless marriage? 
Erasmus: A love match doesn’t always last forever either...
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Evelien: (sighs) Don’t I know it... and I’m sorry that things went the way they did with your dad and me, may he rest in peace. But neither of us would want you to keep yourself from love and true companionship. If you love her, love her, and love her true. And I can tell that you love her. So stop holding yourself back. Let yourself be happy with her. 
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Erasmus: I... 
Evelien: You know I’m right. 
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Evelien: Besides... you wouldn’t be here if you didn’t love her. 
Erasmus: Hmm?
Evelien: Don’t think that I didn’t hear that you had asked for your grandmother’s ring. I know you'd never give it to someone you didn’t really love...
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Evelien: It’s right there on the mantelpiece... gods know she never wanted me to wear it but I think she’d approve of Her Royal Majesty.
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trashyswitch · 3 years
Slowly Finding The Light Again
Jack had been dealing with chronic illnesses and physical health issues as of the last year. And Gab has ridden alongside him through all of it. Today, she tries to show her love and affection by being all playful and lovey-dovey.
TW: Some implied depression.
Though most of you will know, Jack has been going through a lot for '15 months', as the video had presented. This was my personal way of processing the video, processing his absence and showing my love to the guy. Even if he doesn't see it, I still want him to know that I understand and I'm thinking about you, Sean. <3
Jack had been feeling down and out of the loop for months and months now. He felt like the world was passing by without him, and he both hated it, and loved it. He liked the thought of being an observer of an internet world without him. But...all he’d been getting were texts asking where he was. ‘Is he dead or something?’ and ‘I hope he’s doing okay’ are generally what people are sending him. And wishes for the future. Plenty of those. It was people like him that made him feel terrible for leaving YouTube so abruptly and without little notice.
Jack had recently uploaded the video ‘15 months’ to show cinematically what he’d been going through. It represented the nightmares he’s had every night, the numbers of pills he’s taking and the asthma inhalers he needs more than ever, to try and simply breathe. It’s been a terrible time for his mental and physical health. Truth be told, his whole world felt...shitty, I guess.
The only good thing going for him right now, was Gab. Gab had been staying by his side through it all. Gab was his best and only friend through this whole situation...The hard part is that he fears he may have lost Mark and Ethan...And he knows the Irish lads probably miss him...It’s been a while since he’d done an Irish Lads video with them...and without him, an Irish Lads episode couldn’t be made…
Jack and Gab were sitting across from each other, on their phones. Gab was probably looking at Twitter or some other social media, while Jack was catching up with Kevin and Dan. Soon, a text showed up on the top of his screen:
[Hey Sean]
It was from Gab...Who was only 2 feet away from him.
Jack chuckled at this and swiped down to reply.
[You could just talk, you know.]
Gab smiled. “I know, but I didn’t know if you would hear me.” She admitted. “Plus, I feel playful.”
Evelien: [5…]
He raised an eyebrow. “Whaaaat are you planning?” He asked.
Evelien: [4…]
Sean looked at her. “You’re not even gonna count down using your words?!” Jack asked.
“No.” She replied.
Jack widened his eyes. “Oh shit…”
[Better run~]
Jack bit his lip, but didn’t run.
Gab got up from her seat and tackled Jackie to the ground. “HEHEY! What are you even doing?” Jack asked.
“Playing with you!” Gab replied, tickling his left side lightly. “You’ve been so down lately, and I thought some tickling might make you feel a little better and more human again.”
Jack giggled and hissed while he laughed. “Eheheheheveeee!”
“I’m not Evelien, or Evie, anymore.” Gab smirked as she moved her fingers across his belly and slowly to his right side. “Iiiii’m the tickle monster!”
She leaned in and blew a raspberry onto his right side.
“Tickle tickle tickle Jackie! Tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle Jackie Boy! Not so tough now, huh?” She teased as she tickled and squeezed Jack’s side.
Gab gasped and covered her mouth. “How DARE you?! Telling your girlfriend to shut up?! You should know better!” Gab teased, pretending to be offended.
Jack was giggling. “Ahahahaw, can’t handle a little fihihihighter?” he teased.
“That’s it.” Gab started squeezing Jack’s right side, and blew a big, juicy raspberry onto the top of his right side at the same time.
“Oooooh! Poor Jackie can’t handle the tickle tickle tickles from the tickle monster! Such a shaaaame!” She teased again.
“Wow! You must really need a lot of tickles if you’re still insulting me!” She reacted. This time, Gab started squeezing and digging into both sides, while she nibbled and nommed on his right side at the same time. “OMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOM! OMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOM!”
Jack’s back arched a little as he shouted out a super loud- “OHSHIT NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!”
“Are you regretting all your moments of backtalk from the tickle monster?” She teased, acting like an evil older sister to Jack.
“COHOHOHOHOME OHOHOHON! MEHEHEHERCYHYHYHYHYHY!” Jack begged, flailing his arms around wildly.
“Okay, fiiiiine. I guess the infamous tickle monster can give breaks.” She decided. She stopped tickling Jack and laid herself down beside the big baby.
Jack was a mess of breathy giggles and slight wheezing.
“Jack, do you need your inhaler?” She asked.
“Ma...maybe…” Jack replied.
“Alright.” Gab was about to get up to get it, but a hand on her arm had made her freeze.
“Please stay...I’ll...get it in a bit.” Jack asked.
Feeling his need for love, Gab laid herself back down beside him and looked up at the ceiling.
“Thank you for that...I needed that.” Jack told her.
Gab smiled and held his slightly sweaty palm. “I love you Sean. And I don’t want you to forget it.”
Jack smiled and kissed her cheek. “I love you too, Evelien.”
The two of them laid together in the coolness of the house, and felt every bit of body heat between them that heated them up bit by bit. It felt amazing to them. Having the bit of body heat on one side, and the house’s air conditioning cooling them off on the other side...It was the perfect balance of cool and warm.
Jack soon got up onto his arm and booped her nose. “You’re so cute!”
Gab giggled at this and booped his cheek. “You’re cuter.”
“Am not! You’re cuter!” Jack poked her arm.
“Cuter.” Gab poked the front of his shoulder.
“No you.” Jack poked her side.
“EEP! Nohoho!” Gab giggled. “You’re always gonna be the cuter one!”
“You sound like you’re just begging for tickles right now.” Jack teased.
“Am not, liar!” She teased.
Jack giggled and tickled her side. “Are too, lee.”
“Lehehehee? What’s thahat?” She asked.
“It’s a term a certain community uses to mean ‘the one being tickled’. I found the community one day and not gonna lie: They sound fun.” Jack admitted.
“Lee?!” She reacted. “You’re the lee!”
Jack gasped. “Am not! I’m the ler! The one tickling others!” Jack declared.
‘Naaaah, you’re a lee.” She poked Jack in the side and tweaked his right side.
“EEHEHEhehe! Ahaham nahahat!” Jack laughed.
“Oh reeeeaaaally?” Gab teased.
“Yes really, ya little leeeeee!” Jack teased.
“That’s it! Get over here!” Gab declared, tackling Jack to the ground and kissing him. Jack widened his eyes in surprise, but kissed her back. They kissed for a moment or two, in sweet bliss. But that swet bliss was ruined (Or doubled) the moment Jack felt tickles on his belly. Jack pulled away from the kiss and started laughing while they were in close proximity. “Awww, Jack is all ticklish again!”
Jack giggled and tittered helplessly as his girlfriend tickled him with precise, and surprisingly sharp fingers. “Stahahahap ihihihihit!”
“And why should I, my cute little Jackaboo?” Gab teased.
“Ihihihit tihihihicklehes!” Jack reacted.
“Didn’t you know it was supposed to tickle?” Gab teased. “It was supposed to tickle the whole time! I’m surprised at you!”
Jack giggled and kicked his feet as he was tickled and squeezed.
“So you can figure out a game immediately, but you can’t figure out that tickling is supposed to tickle?” Gab teased, leaning her head in.
“Thahahahat’s ihihit! Cohohome hehehehere!” Jack started tickling Gab’s belly in an attempt to get the upper hand. “Nohohow wehehe’re bohohoth leehehees!”
“EEEEK! WAHAHAIT JAHAHAHAHACK!” Gab laughed much harder as she fell onto Jack’s belly.
Jack let out a big ‘OOF!’ sound and chuckled. “Ohohow!”
Gab, realizing her opportunity, blew a raspberry onto his belly.
“Noooo? No what? No going easy on me? Cause I can certainly do that!” Gab started doing the tickle trick she had before: squeezing his sides, and blowing raspberries on his sensitive belly.
Jack tittered and bursted out cackling almost immediately after.
“Awwww! Coochy coochy coo, Jackie!” Gab teased him just a little more.
“Naaaah, coochy coochy cooing you is so much more fun!” Gab declared. “Especially now that you’re all giggly and giddy!”
Jack finally tapped out of the tickle attack like a wrestler and laid there wheezing a little harder this time. “In…” Jack tried to show Gab by imitating the act of using his inhaler.
Gab got up and nodded. “Getting it.”
It barely took 10 seconds before Gab was back with Jack’s inhalers. Jack took the correct one, and breathed the medicine in. slowly, his lungs started to open up again, and his oxygen started to help him calm down from the tickling.
“Was that too much for you?” Gab asked, sitting down.
Jack shook his head. “Myhyhy luhuhungs are fuhuhucked. Buhuhut I feel great!” Jack replied, giving her a thumbs up.
Gab smiled and fluffed his hair. Jack looked over at her and smiled genuinely for the first time in a while. It looked like a fresh new face and yet, it looked like a glimpse of the old Jack was there ...If only for a second…
Gab noticed that a bit of the pain was already starting to seep into Jack’s eyes all over again. Gab crawled herself to Jack and hugged him tightly. “It will get better soon...You’ve made a lot of progress already.” Gab told him.
“Have I? I...Haven’t noticed much of a difference.” Jack admitted.
She moved some hair out of his face. “You may not...But that doesn’t mean it’s not there…” She smiled. “I see it.”
Jack smiled a little and held her hand. “I’m glad.”
“We’ll get through this together.” Gab let go of Jack’s hand and hugged him again. “I promise.”
Jack wrapped his arms around Gab and smiled a little. Her hugs were always so comforting. He really appreciated that. Maybe things weren’t nearly as bad as they were...Maybe he was getting better. Maybe those pills were setting in...Or maybe it was just the leftover euphoria from the tickling of a few minutes ago. He didn’t know.
All he knew...was that things were looking a little less gloomy...If only for a little bit.
Jack soon started telling Gab about a new video idea to help him slowly progress back onto youtube. It would involve himself talking to his youtube persona, and would be...something he’d seen a couple times, but never done himself before. Gab seemed to like the idea, and perhaps that was enough convincing to go forward.
The next day, Jack started setting up the tripod...
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nobodys-saviour · 2 months
this lore is CONFUSING me. i need to write it down and take notes and make a slideshow and an essay to understand all that
if i had the time i would have been an l&ds video essayist by now. complete with a crazy wall and maybe a whiteboard so i can write stuff while explaining it like i'm presenting it to the class
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lady-raziel · 4 years
if u don’t want to address/ answer this its totally fine!! i just saw that in the thing you posted talking about sean’s merch, you said that he had some other problematic things he’s done, although i’m not 100% how u worded it lol. if you don’t mind, can u elaborate on that?
i know there are other people who could probably tell you more of the specifics, but know some of them are the fact that he sometimes makes edgy jokes that can border into offensive territory (for example, earlier this year while on a stream with mark, bob, and wade, mark said he thought he was getting sick to which sean immediately joked that it was because he had covid. it was inappropriate because at the time because asian people of all types were facing a lot of hate and discrimination because some saw them as “bringing covid into their communities” because of the virus’s origin. because mark is half-asian, the joke was in pretty bad taste).
earlier this year Sean also played a pretty homophobic and transphobic game, which he has since taken down the video of, but it was pretty hurtful to people that he played the game in the first place and then didn’t think through how it might come off when he posted it.
There’s also a history of Sean not doing his research as much as he should with people who work for him, (and i guess this merch art thing falls into this category as well, as it seems the artist didn’t create an original work and just combined someone else’s art that they thought was public domain with clipart). Last year an editor who briefly worked for him was revealed to be a massive homophobe and posting wildly inappropriate jokes on twitter. Sean’s not to blame for this content, but the issue is that he sometimes doesn’t do enough background checking, which keeps landing him in situations where he’s responsible for the wrongdoings of these people by association. 
reportedly ( i don’t know if it was ever confirmed 100%) there was also a situation where gifts brought to him by fans during his tour were disposed of after sean had taken a few pictures with them for social media, and that sean hadn’t prohibited gifts and said they would be shipped back to his home, yet he actually just threw the gifts away because he didn’t have room at home.
i think it’s also got a lot to do with some of the people in his life (which i might say i don’t think is fair, sean has a right to associate with who he wants in his personal life and fans don’t have a right to dictate who he is and isn’t allow to know) including his girlfriend  Evelien (who’s been accused of being racist) and Pewdiepie, who has a whole host of controversy associated with him.
I think those are some of the main reasons why people have problems. There may be more, but i don’t know. 
Overall I would say that I don’t think Sean is an inherently problematic person, he’s just done some occasional problematic things. I don’t think he’s the worst ever and in general I’ve enjoyed most of the content of his I watched. I don’t think dogpiling and lashing out at him with vicious hate is the right answer here, because I think that doesn’t help anyone. I believe as a whole Sean tries to be a genuinely good person, he’s just made some mistakes that have hurt people or have been offensive. 
I think it’s important to bring up the problematic things a person has done in a respectful way and not instantly “cancel” them. A lot of the time, a person may not even know that what they’re doing is offensive or has the potential to inflict harm on a group of people, and it’s important accept the issues, but not instantly demonize a person and try to explain why what was done was wrong. The way a person is and the things they do are different, and actions can be corrected and not taken again if it’s explained properly to the person why it was wrong. 
I think if the issues people have with Sean are addressed in the right way, and he actually listens, then there’s a lot of progress to be made. The truth is we’re all human, and we’re all problematic to some extent. We can all make mistakes; what’s important is learning why those mistakes were mistakes and then trying to be better and grow. I think Sean has the potential to do that, as he’s seemed to genuinely apologize and try to right his actions for some of the items on this list. 
The truth is I don’t watch Sean as much as I used to and don’t post about him on here anymore not because I think he’s bad, but just because I haven’t really vibed with his content in a while, it just didn’t sound entertaining to me and that’s alright, and I was always just kind of passively into the ego stuff, never really inclined to make a lot of stuff about it.
TL:DR: Sean has done some things in the past that were ill-advised or offensive, but I don’t think that instantly makes him an inherently terrible person. Problematic actions are different from being problematic. What’s important is to try to recognize those actions, bring them up respectfully, and encourage the person to grow and not do it again.
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theprinceofflies · 3 years
Sleeping Beauty
Ship: Danti
(dapperstache, google/chase/bing implied)
Dark walked the halls of the long empty halls of the old castle. No empty wasn't the right word. Frozen, that was it. Almost a hundred years had gone by since it had frozen. He paused in front of the Jims. Frozen in place chasing a dog.
A cruel twist in their fate. The fairy had said they would continue to age and die before their prince could awake. She must have changed her mind. Maybe she didn't want Dark to be lonely as he stayed to protect the prince. It wasn't much though everything around him had just stopped.
Dr. Scheeplestien and Dr. Iplier were frozen in the healer's ward. Dr. Iplier focused on mixing a concoction while Dr. Scheeplestien stared out the window, awaiting everyone's fate.
Jackie and a young squire were mock duelling in the ballroom. Marvin was frozen in fear, staring at where the fairy had appeared to bring her curse to them. The Host sat in the library talking to Bim Trimmer. Yandere was staring at a well-known knight who they had fallen for.
Google was reprimanding Chase and Bing for breaking a vase. Bing and Chase seemed seconds away from attempting to 'kiss it better' while Google, as usual, didn't notice.
Illinois was in the dungeons with Yancy, laughing because Yancy got himself stuck in jail for two days. Yancy was growling as he reached for the keys on Illionses belt.
Ed was in the kitchen sneaking some food. The Chef was about two seconds away from threatening to chop his arm off.
Wilford, Darks second in command, sat at a table surrounded by other knights and guards staring at JJ, a lovesick expression stuck on his face. JJ was sighing something to Robbie, stuck in a silent laugh.
The king and queen sat at their thrones joking about something. Jack was doing finger guns while Evelien was covering her mouth, eyes filled with joy.
Now only Dark was left. Left to make sure no one got hurt because of vines or wild animals. Oh, the vines. They stretched all over the castle, seeking to strangle the inhabitants. Huge dark green thorny vines.
Dark cut one down now as it was reaching for the Jims. He continued down the hallway, reaching a tower. He didn't know how the fairy did it but she had managed to place the tower right in the centre of the castle and make it seem like it belonged there. He ascended the steps now. Something he had done every day. At the top of the tower, there was a door, leading into a well-lit room. It was already open and Dark scolded himself for it.
The Prince lay sleeping on a bed. His green hair tied in a long braid behind him. It seemed to be the one flaw in the fairies spell. The only thing that didn't pause in time. Dark just braided it and prayed he didn't have to cut it.
Anti. Dark had been his guard when he was awake. Hopelessly devoted to him as Anti said. He could recall it vividly.
"Don't be so stuck up."
Dark sighed. "Come down from the tree your majesty."
"Oh come on that fairy needs me for her spell so she's gotta keep me alive till then," Anti said giggling. Dark sighed again, that was true. "What do you say I jump."
"Your majesty you can not-"
"One two three!" Anti shouted as he jumped from the tree.
Dark caught him as he fell. "Anti!"
"Aw I know you would catch me. Hopelessly devoted is what you are." Dark didn't respond, instead, he just glared. "And did you finally learned my name hot stuff?"
Dark blushed and set him on the ground. "I apologize to your majesty."
Anti laughed. "Seriously use my name dickhead."
"Live a little. You've got another year of me and then I'll go to sleep and wake up with a handsome prince." Anti said and leaned again the tree.
Dark sighed. "And what is this handsome prince going to look like?" Anti froze. "You always say you want blond hair and blue eyes and," he said prompting Anti.
"He's going to have black hair and dark eyes. He's going to be kind to me. He's going to love me. And I," Anti trailed off.
Dark just stared at him. That wasn't what he normally said. His next sentence was about how his future husband would have a big dick and then he would go into fits of laughter. Beautiful maniacal laughter.
Dark shook his head and smiled at him. "You'll find out in one hundred and one years."
Anti nodded, not really feeling reassured.
"Come one I hate writing lessons. The Host hates me and you know it." Anti crossed his arms and glared at Dark.
"You are not skipping your lessons," Dark said plainly.
Anti sighed. "Fine."
Dark smiled and turned around. "Well-"
Dark turned around to see Anti hopping out the window. "Shit!"
Dark dragged Anti out of a bush muttering to himself. "You can skip your lesson, just don't run away again and don't tell anyone I let you skip lessons."
Anti giggled. "Yay!"
"Why are you so adamant to skip your lessons?" Dark asked, letting go of Anti.
Anti hopped up and smiled sadly. "Well in like five months I'm going to fall asleep and wake up with everyone I love dead," he trailed off.
Dark nodded. "Do you want to watch the soldiers train?"
It was one of Antis favourite things especially if Dark was in charge. But if he wasn't commanding everyone he liked watching people fight Wilford who honestly played dirty most of the time. "Hell yes!"
"Wilford!" Anti shouted, running over to the training grounds.
"Anti darling, how are you?" Wilford drawled, leaning against a fence.
"Aren't you supposed to be training?" Dark asked.
Wilford chuckled. "Yeah, but I like the view."
Dark raised an eyebrow. "It's just the castle."
Anti frowned. "Yeah, I oh," he trailed off.
Dark looked concerned. "What is it?"
"JJ's working."
Dark turned to see JJ, the royal advisors apprentice sorting papers. Wilford sighed. "Isn't he just lovely?"
"Have you even talked to him?" Anti asked smiling.
Wilford shook his head. "Have you?"
"Well, it was rather awkward. He just stared at me, smiling. It was very one way."
"He uses sign language Will," Dark said.
"I can learn sign."
Anti laughed. "You're hopeless."
Wilford giggled, his moustache twitching. "I know."
"Just promise me when I go to sleep you'll talk to him."
"I promise."
"It's tomorrow," Anti said pacing back and forth.
Dark stood in the centre of his room nodding. "I know."
Anti grabbed at his hair. "My first kiss is going to be when I'm fucking passed out."
"You could change that I'm sure one of the squires would kiss you," Dark said.
Anti glared at him. "Help me pick an outfit."
"Outfit?" Dark asked with a chuckle.
"I'm stressed, Dark! Now green or blue?" Anti asked, peering into his closet.
Anti looked back at him. "The black suit in the back of the closet with the green trim. You've always wanted to wear it, wear it."
Anti blinked at him. "Yeah, that's a good idea."
"I'm full of good ideas Anti."
Anti smiled and nodded.
The fairy had come the next day, early in the morning, taking everyone by surprise. She pulled Anti up the stairs and then he was asleep. He did look gorgeous in the outfit.
After Anti had fallen asleep and everyone had frozen, Dark was left alone. Not able to sleep or eat, just watch and guard everyone. He supposed he should thank the fairy for sparing everyone in the castle. He supposed.
Dark jumped as a crash cut through the silence. He walked out of Antis room and closed the door. He stood in front of the oak door awaiting the stranger. Footsteps approached and a young man appeared. "Hello? Who are you? Do I need to fight you?"
The man had sort of a blue and black swirl pattern on his armour. He had blond hair and black and blue eyes. He glared at Dark and grabbed for his sword. "No, I'm the guardian of the prince. He's in his room you can pass."
"Dude you look tired." The man said tilting his head.
Dark shook his head. "What's your name?"
"Thank you, for saving us all from this curse."
Die laughed nervously and nodded at the door. "Could you move?"
Dark stepped aside and Die walked into the room. Anti lay still as ever in the room. Die sucked in a breath. "So I kiss him?"
Die walked over to him and leaned over. Dark turned away and closed his eyes. "Um."
"What?" Dark asked.
"It's not working."
Dark blinked and turned back to him. "Did you kiss him?" he asked almost frantically.
"Yeah see?" He leaned over and kissed Anti for about five seconds before pulling away. "Not waking up."
Dark walked over to Anti, panic evident in his expression. "He has to."
Die shrugged. "I don't know dude."
"But he has to!" Dark said, staring at his friend and prince.
"Why don't you fucking kiss him then?" Die muttered.
Dark stared at him. "What?"
"Kiss him. If he's supposed to wake up then you try."
"That's not-"
Die raised an eyebrow. "I dare you."
"Fine but when you try again and he wakes up you won't breathe a word," Dark growled at the prince. "Not a word."
Die nodded.
Dark sighed and leaned over Anti. He kissed him gently, meaning for it to be a peck on the lips before he pulled away and yelled at the other prince. That was until hands gripped the back of his head, pulling him closer. Anti pulled away giggling. "Hello, hot stuff."
Dark pushed him away. "Not me, him," Dark said, pointing to Die.
Anti raised an eyebrow. "I woke up kissing you," he said pointing at Dark.
"There was an issue with the curse it took too long, he kissed you first."
Anti nodded and turned to Die who smiled at him as if he had accomplished something. "Aw, that's cute you can leave."
Die's smile vanished. "But I-"
Anti waved him off. "Shoo get out."
Die blinked rapidly. "But I-"
"No not you. I didn't wake up kissing you so it's not you getting out."
Die left the room grumbling to himself. Anti stretched and hopped out of the bed. "I don't think I'll be able to sleep for a while."
Dark nodded taking a step back. "Your majesty I-"
Anti grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him in for another kiss. "Darky please," he whispered. "Use my name."
Dark blinked at him. "What?"
Anti groaned. "Oh my god, Dark, you're my knight in shining armour. Not him."
"Because I fell in love with you, not some rando that didn't exist when I fell asleep," Anti said waving at the door.
Dark just nodded, standing stiffly and staring at Anti. Anti grabbed his braid. "Did you do this?"
"It was messy."
Anti laughed. "You know I asked her to let me grow my hair out, I've been trying for a while. Didn't think it would be this long."
Dark nodded again. "At ease soldier," Anti said.
Dark relaxed and paused for a second before he quickly pushed Anti against a wall, kissing him deeply. Anti squeaked in surprise but returned the kiss. "I've missed you," Dark whispered, running a hand through the prince's hair.
Anti sighed. "Well, I would say I missed you two but it was a blink for me."
Dark pulled away from the prince. "We should probably make sure the others are ok."
Anti perked up. "She spared them?"
Anti cheered, grabbing Darks hand and running down the stairs with him. They exited the tower and saw soldiers cutting down vines that had now grown aggressive. "Anti!" Wilford said, smiling. "Do you have any idea where all these vines came from?"
Anti shook his head and turned to his guard. "Dark?"
"They grew when Anti fell asleep."
Wilford frowned. "But he's right here."
Dark nodded. "It's been a hundred years Will," he said and smiled at his old friend.
"What," Wilford whispered.
"You were frozen for a while old friend."
Wilford thought for a moment and turned to Anti. "Wait then where's your prince?"
"Right here," Anti said, hugging Darks arm.
"You?" Wilford asked pointing at Dark.
Anti nodded and Wilford squealed. "I'm so happy for you!"
"Thank you," Anti said and kissed Darks cheek.
Wilford giggled and swayed back and forth. "So Dark?"
"I was frozen for a hundred years."
"Anti was asleep?"
"Yes, Will I don't know how this is not registering."
Wilford grinned and took off. Anti laughed and Dark stared at where he went. "Remember his promise to me? To talk to his crush? He's either gonna talk to JJ or fuck some shit up."
"I should-"
Anti grabbed his arm and pulled him down the hallway. "Oh no, you don't. We're going to talk to my parents." Dark nodded and yawned. "After that, we can go to sleep."
"I can go to sleep. I believe you and the rest of the castle will be up for the next two days."
Anti snorted. "I don't think I'll sleep for a week."
Dark laughed and smiled at the prince. "I think I'll sleep for a week."
"Don't you dare I want to talk to you."
"Ok," Dark whispered and kissed Anti on the cheek.
Anti nodded and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you for protecting me."
"You're very welcome my darling prince."
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beerecordings · 3 years
Aww that’s sweet, where did Jack say the thing about the Christmas wish??
it was his just chatting stream earlier today/yesterday. you get Jack about an hour and a half into any just chatting segment and he gets pensive and he’ll talk about absolutely anything soft or serious until somebody makes him laugh again lol
other highlights
says “that makes me proud!” when talking about how his friends like his coffee and how people cuddle up with his hot chocolate
makes fun of himself at the beginning of stream for sleeping in til one in the afternoon and later reveals he was up til three at night watching videos about black holes
says he loves BB and that he’s doing well and beginning to get poofy because of winter. apparently BB gets on their bed in the mornings and lies on top of them and purrs or falls asleep
hopes that everyone’s charity streams go well this season
says he wants to play more with sykkuno and corpse and that he misses all his friends
talks about how he doesn’t want to sound ungrateful, but it’s been nice that less people have been recognizing him recently because he feels he can act more normal in public
REALLY wants to go to a cheese shop in the Netherlands with Evelien
uses the word “magnetosphere” while getting excited about space
“who wears cloak better you or mark?” “I think we both wear it equally well”
he and Evelien kiss each other before streams but he forgot to give her hers this morning and had to go give it to her during stream
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petnews2day · 2 years
Electronic-sniffing dog helps in pedophilia arrest in Mexico
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/small-pets/electronic-sniffing-dog-helps-in-pedophilia-arrest-in-mexico/
Electronic-sniffing dog helps in pedophilia arrest in Mexico
MEXICO CITY – An unusual alliance of international activist groups, Mexican prosecutors and a dog trained to sniff out memory devices joined forces this month to catch a high-profile suspected pedophile in Mexico City.
First, Free a Girl, a Netherlands-based group that fights human trafficking, tipped off activists at the U.S.-based Operation Underground Railroad that Jason Maatman, a Dutch man who openly advocated sex with children, had gone to Mexico after fleeing pending court cases in the Netherlands.
Maatman apparently thought loose Mexican law enforcement would allow him to operate freely in Mexico City, a sprawling metropolis of 21 million where most crimes go unpunished.
But he didn’t count on Hidu, a recent graduate of a dog academy that teaches canines to sniff out triphenylphosphine oxide, or TPPO, a chemical coating used in electronic devices like flash drives and memory cards.
“Three weeks ago, we learned that Nelson M. seemed to be active in Mexico, and was a serious danger to children,” said Evelien Hölsken, the director of Free a Girl. She said the group contacted Underground Railroad “and asked if they could start an investigation.”
Maatman was apparently so sure of himself he talked openly about his activities on the internet. But Mexican prosecutors were ready to work with the nongovernmental organizations.
Operation Underground Railroad, or OUR, quickly set up a plan to lure Maatman into a trap, using the chat rooms and social media spaces he was active on.
“We were able to confirm he was in Mexico and then talking to him in just different chat rooms. He said, ‘I’m in a really kind of dangerous rundown area. I don’t want to give you my address. I don’t want you guys to come see me, but you can come meet me at a gas station’,” said Matt Osborne, OUR director of global operations.
Mexico City prosecution detectives were waiting when Maatman showed up at a bus station — near a gas station — on the edge of the city’s main park on June 5.
Prosecutor Ernestina Godoy said Maatman was found to have a pistol and several doses of cocaine in his possession.
Maatman is being held at a Mexico City prison on charges of human trafficking and drug and weapons possession. He does not have an attorney of record nor could he be reached for comment.
“Our understanding was that he was entertaining offers from other people who wanted to go into business with him,” apparently to sell or monetize a trove of sexually explicit material involving young children, Osborne said. “He was talking that he needed money.”
The problem was that he has caught at a bus stop — not at his home — and nobody knew were he was living. Nobody knew where he could have stashed any child porn, which is usually held in digital form.
City prosecutors used a network of street surveillance cameras to trace Maatman’s movements back to a dingy apartment he was renting on the city’s rough east side. Tall and with reddish hair, the Dutchman stood out in that area.
Once police obtained a search warrant, that is where Hidu came in; a black lab, he had been trained by Todd Jordan at his Jordan Detection K9 academy in Indianapolis, Indiana.
TPPO is a chemical used in small, solid-state memory devices to avoid overheating. There is just enough of its distinctive odor for dogs to locate it.
Jordan started out by training “accelerant detection” dogs, to look for evidence in possible arson cases in which an accelerant — things like gasoline — may have been used to start a blaze.
But the electronics detection dogs he’s trained — now 83 and counting — have come to be more in demand because criminals now use flash drives to store everything from contacts to cryptocurrencies used in drug deals.
“I think the electronics dogs have now surpassed the accelerant canines because of just the need of them, and just because of the way the world is right now,” said Jordan. “These dogs, I mean just everybody, every internet crimes task force could use one of these.”
Hidu was brand new at the work; he had graduated just two weeks before and this was his first case — In fact, it was the first overseas case that any of Jordan’s dogs had handled.
Operation Underground Railroad flew Hidu and his handler to Mexico City, where prosecutors were about to search the apartment.
“My understanding is there was a cellphone hidden in a laundry basket with just rancid total terrible laundry, you know, dirty clothes in one corner that no one would go into,” Osborne said. “The dog found that phone.”
Hidu found more child porn material taped to a wall beneath a painting, Osborne said. “The dog sniffed out a couple of the hard drives in a few places in his apartment that were difficult for humans to find, but the dog sniffed it out.”
Prosecutors said the drives and devices contained about 4 terabytes of child porn images.
Godoy, the prosecutor, credited Operation Underground Railroad and Hidu for their help in the bust.
“The message is clear for those who prey on a girl, a boy or an adolescent: In Mexico City there will be no room for impunity, and those that hurt or target them will be found, tried and sentenced,” Godoy said.
But questions remained. “Why was he (Maatman) not placed on an international wanted list?” by Dutch authorities, Hölsken said.
Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.
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emelie-van-dalen · 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
BIRTH NAME: Emelie Sarah van Dalen NICKNAME: Ems AGE+DOB: 31 years old, November 24th 1768 GENDER: Cis-female PRONOUNS: she/her NATIONALITY: Dutch  ETHNICITY: Unknown HOME TOWN: Leiden, the Netherlands and Liverpool, the United Kingdoms CURRENT LOCATION: London, the United Kingdoms OCCUPATION: Published Poet RELIGION: Protestant ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good/Neutral FAMILY: Emelie has two younger sisters: Eveliene & Leonie FACECLAIM: Zazie Beetz
+ Passionate, expressive, charming, observant, mesmerizing +/- Intelligent, ambitious, outspoken - manipulative, petty, insensitive
Rumours: Emelie writes poems for other lords and ladies as a side hustle She only ever goes up to a man to talk up her two sisters. She seems to be eying the ladies more. 
My mother always told me That flowers were meant to bloom at the first sign of the sun My mother never told me That she could also be wrong, that she could lie and cheat And she never meant to do so But her heart was as weak as the heart of any woman
For someone who loved her  I remember the flowers that did Shed their petals near the dusk and never bloomed again There small lifes bleeding onto the floors Sucked back to the earth to feed their kin I dreamt of being that flower
And then my life would make more sense I grew when things around me slept and died While they breathed in deep and out I watched the world go by, my heart yearning the sun But I loved the moon more When things around me slept and died
I bloomed at first sign
Love was never not meant to be without the bleeding heart The heart breaking and beating until the very pain became part of the heart itself With every breath and every step, I could feel love pushing me back to you For when I wasn’t it would envelop me And when I was it would still
But your body next to mind, your sweet voice and deep breath  Your deep deep and warm breath on my skin You drove the pain away, away till I felt no more But your love paining me once again
You made me something more, a flower that grew simply in the sun of your love Where once all I saw was death, I now saw what it was meant for To die without your love  I simply could no longer imagine
Even when I could no longer lay beneath your breath My heart had started beating painfully To stop now was simply impossible You had given me purpose without promise And I promise
They fawn their hands at me with great movement As if the simple gesture will move the world to their command Their hair shiny in the evening sun Reminding me of passing time and the difference For when I look outside it is not my world I see My world is gone and no longer mine But I kiss its feet still as if nothing has ever happened While imagining those feet are yours Only to pretend the warmth of the sun is yours
Emelie was born in Leiden, the Netherlands, as the eldest daughter of Diderick van Dalen. She has two younger sisters and four younger brothers. All of them grew a sheltered life, with Emelie always being the odd one out. She wrote poetry from a young age, read all the books in the house before she was twelve, and was the apple of her father’s eye. He always brought her to dances and meetings because Emelie had a way of settling the mood in a room to her own devices. She would pick the best business partners for her father and while he chatted business kept their wives and children busy. 
Then she fell in love. Her love was hot and feverish and precious. The daughter of her father’s biggest investor and thus the possibility of being together were endless. But for a woman to love another woman like they did... when the family found out Emelie and her sisters were sent to live with family on the other side of the canal. And she was to never see her again. Most of the poems she writes now are in a way all meant for her first love. 
Her family being not as wealthy as most, not as famous as most, and perhaps most importantly: not English, Emelie knew getting her sisters a good match would be her main goal. Whether that pertains to talking up the two of them in front of rich gentlemen or sleeping around and starting rumours about the competition, Emelie is not someone who will give up easily. 
Writes poems for a publishing agency in London. Her business partner in that venture is @damien-keyes​
She also writes poems for anyone who can pay her enough.
Sleeps around with the ladies.
Her two younger sisters Eveliene and Leonie are adorable girls, one twenty-one, the other nineteen. They look a whole lot like her, but are incredibly different in personality. Her ability to charm a whole room of people has never been inherited by them. 
She’s fluent in English, Dutch, German, and French. Currently learning more Latin languages if she can.
Plays the piano.
Women love women (open to women): While not technically only into women, Emelie does lean more towards them, especially now. She is eager to sleep with all the women she can, knowing she might be able to use that against them should their connections get in the way of a good match for her sisters.
Customers (open to all): As a published poet, Emelie spends most of her days spinning thoughts and images into words. She will gladly write a poem for your loved ones for the right price. 
Match my spirit (open to all): Emelie is a vibrant soul, she doesn’t make friends easily because she rarely shows her true face to people. She needs people who can match her wit and her quickness of speech, especially because she loses interest quickly.  
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riredrhodyblog · 4 years
Entitlement and Stan Culture
Let’s have what I hope will be a very amicable discussion on the subject.
Someone recently “ratted” me out to blue-shaded, a toxic so-called tea blogger who spends most of their time trying to cancel Seán and Evelien while simultaneously accusing anybody who pokes holes in said accusations of having too much time on their hands.
(Slight pause whilst the hypocrisy steeps into the teapot.)
Naturally, blue’s response to the Anon was to call me a “stannie,” which I find hilarious. I don’t use words like “stan” or “ship,” in their current vernacular and I’ll tell you why.
I’ve never engaged in either of these behaviors.
Stans and shippers tend to feel this sense of entitlement towards the entertainers they watch. A lot of them think they have control over the lives of the people to whom (in the case of YouTubers and Twitch Streamers) they give Watch Time.
The classic “You owe me” mentality.
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This is typical behavior for a stan.
I don’t blame the nine year old girl. I blame her sibling.
Let’s just assume, for the sake of providing a counterpoint, that this story is true. Where is it goddamn written that Seán— or anyone else who entertains for a living— is obligated to stop and talk to every single person he encounters?
But... but... Seán has stopped in public before and has spoken to viewers!
Okay then. To use another example where a fan has taken a mile where an inch was given: Gabriel Iglesias has told people to come up to him anytime they see him. However, I remember a few years ago when Fluffy Tweeted about a fan that became far too pushy; wanting pictures taken when Gabriel’s son Frankie was both younger and with him at the time.
This is why boundaries need to be both set and respected. Just because a person is famous that doesn’t mean they have to let you approach them every time they’re in public.
Also, if this supposed encounter in Brighton had happened more recently:
Social distance, remember?
Following this Ask, blue posted:
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This kind of coaxing and love bombing is abusive and shouldn’t be allowed on Tumblr, or any other Platform!
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