#evelyn oakleigh
onesingulartheaterkid · 7 months
anything goes quotes
We’re nearing the end of rehearsals. Wednesday is our opening night!
(Passenger enters with lollipop in mouth)
Choreographer: It’s gonna be hard to talk with that in your mouth. 
(Passenger pretends to smoke the lollipop)
 Pianist: My keyboard’s being an organ!
(Erma shrieks) Moonface (disguised as a minister): Sorry, I’m still trying to exorcise this demon.  
Director: 50 year old man hustle!
(Erma shrieks)
Moon (disguised as a minister): She has a gift for speaking in tongues. 
(Erma and Evelyn Oakleigh sip drinks)
Elisha Whitney: We’re supposed to wait until we’re on stage. 
Evelyn Oakleigh, in his British accent: We’re pre-gaming.
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hitchell-mope · 3 months
Anything Goes fancast.
Liz Gillies. Reno Sweeney.
Eddie Redmayne. Evelyn Oakleigh
Joshua Bassett. Billy Crocker
Sofia Wylie. Hope Harcourt
Audra McDonald. Evangeline Harcourt.
Christian Borle. Elisha J Whitney
Jake Gyllenhaal. Moonface Martin
Sabrina Carpenter. Erma.
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omjitskailay · 10 months
I just watched Anything Goes for the first time (a recently posted bootleg with the great sutton foster) and I was not prepared for the marvelously unhinged masterpiece that it was
I think Cole Porter really just wanted to write a musical consisting entirely of dance breaks for a brilliant and hilarious character but then he realized he needed a plot so he made a quick love triangle around her except she was the only interesting character in this triangle
Then he was like what we really need on this boat are a couple of gangsters so in comes moonface marvin and his slutty little sidekick who doesn't listen to a word he says, and he has the aforementioned gangster sing a song about a bluebird while making some extremely talented lights person make a spotlight sit in his hand
And then he writes a song with the two interesting characters (no they're not the main characters no not at all how can they be they're not in love) sing a song about being friends but they end up arguing and breaking the fourth wall to the extent of interacting with the pit conductor (are there any other musicals that do this? Falsettos does by having the 'band' wave at the audience but that's all I can think of)
And then he was like shoot I gotta wrap this up let's just have everyone get married so we end with a triumphant triple wedding and reno sweeney and Lord Evie sing "iT's DeLiCiOuS like the charming little weirdos they are
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hellorhighrollers · 8 months
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anything goes is my favourite musical ever, and i was wondering who would play who if cornley ever put on a production of it! the casting fit so perfectly that i thought i would share my findings with the world (of tumblr). so without any further ado, here is anything goes, goes wrong!
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honestly perfect casting on chris’ part. jonathan definitely has the skills to take on such a major role as the leading man, plus he shares a lot of similarities with billy’s personality! now we just have to hope he can get through those pesky doors…
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sandra is THE girl for this role. she has the star persona, the perfect level of juuust teetering on being too overdramatic, and of course the strength and dedication to take on a role this large. you just know she will work so hard on this role and absolutely perfect it! well, as long as there are no snags in the actual show that is.
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now, who to cast as the overly smiley guy who is a bit silly and needs to be absolutely enamoured with reno? why not the overly smiley guy who is a bit silly and is absolutely enamoured with the person playing reno! you could not find a role more suited to max bennett if you TRIED.
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vanessa has the much-needed sweetness that is crucial in a role like hope harcourt! although being nervous at first, she can definitely take on a role of this size, as her more recent roles in play of the week have shown. she has also undertaken roles with an underlying defiance before and this one is no different, definitely a character that suits her skill set! plus, she 100% has the high vocal range suited for this role.
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ohhh robert is going to LOVE this role. the undercover gangster who is pretty crabby but with a soft spot? and he gets to carry a gun and be a humorous role? this will probably be his favourite character that he’s ever played.
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the fun-loving, flirty, confident female icon? are we describing annie or erma here? this role gives annie the chance to show off and let her true self shine. and, of course, she can flaunt her impressive set of pipes in buddie beware!
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whoever could play the bumbling idiot? well, why not cast: a bumbling idiot! ‘nuff said.
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they needed a woman to play this role, and it was small enough of a part that they thought maybe lucy would be up for a challenge. with a bit of coaching from robert and sandra on (over)acting, she could play this character perfectly well! fingers crossed she manages to overcome her stage fright! and if not, the character is mostly scared all the time anyways?
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an extremely small role for chris for once! but the cast really fit so perfectly, how could he not have them play the characters he gave them! honestly, he is extremely proud of his casting decisions. just sneak in a little multiroling for the remaining characters (or maybe getting some of the stagehands to join in? plus he could always contact francis to play the purser! could he even convince trevor to be henry t dobson?), then find out if they really need a chorus anyways, and this will be his best show yet! and of course if something goes wrong he could always, well, just step in as one of the other characters… nobody knows but he has secretly been learning billy crockers lines……
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mthguy · 5 months
Patti Lupone and Company perform “Anything Goes” at the 1988 Tony Awards
Anything Goes is a musical with music and lyrics by Cole Porter. The original book was a collaborative effort by Guy Bolton and P. G. Wodehouse, revised considerably by the team of Howard Lindsay and Russel Crouse. The story concerns madcap antics aboard an ocean liner bound from New York to London. Billy Crocker is a stowaway in love with heiress Hope Harcourt, who is engaged to Lord Evelyn Oakleigh. Nightclub singer Reno Sweeney and Public Enemy Number 13, "Moonface" Martin, aid Billy in his quest to win Hope. Songs introduced that later became pop and jazz standards are "Anything Goes", "You're the Top", "All Through the Night", and "I Get a Kick Out of You".
For the 1987 Broadway revival, John Weidman and Timothy Crouse (Russel's son) updated the book and re-ordered the musical numbers, using Cole Porter songs from other Porter shows, a practice which the composer often engaged in. This revival opened at the Vivian Beaumont Theater, in Lincoln Center, on October 19, 1987, and ran for 784 performances. Directed by Jerry Zaks and choreographed by Michael Smuin, it starred Patti LuPone as Reno Sweeney, Howard McGillin as Billy, Bill McCutcheon as Moonface, and Anthony Heald as Lord Evelyn. It was nominated for ten Tony Awards (including nominations for McGillin, LuPone, McCutcheon, and Heald), winning for Best Revival of a Musical, Best Featured Actor (McCutcheon), and Best Choreography. The production also won the Drama Desk Awards for Outstanding Revival of a Musical and Outstanding Actress (for LuPone).
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anarcho-occultism · 2 years
“EGREGIUPSALTES-He is an infernal Duke of immense power and appeareth akin to a man with red skin and horns extending from his ears and chin. He causeth all who surround the summoner to engage in song, dance and other such merriment for as long as the summoner can bindeth him and provides inspiration and talent in the arts of musical composition and stage performance. He is capable of pushing men to reveal hidden secrets that they would otherwise keep concealed. He governeth 20 Legions of Spirits and is summoned by a seal imprinted upon a talisman. Knoweth this should ye summon him: Egregiupsaltes, while oft of good humor, demandeth burnt offerings. If they are not received any personages around thee may be compelled to dance until they burn. Egregiupsaltes also doth from time to time demand a bride, whom he shalt take to his realm if he is given one.”
-Excerpt from De Vermis Mysteriis by Ludvig Prinn, 1269
“NEW YORK, NEW YORK-NYPD sources have confirmed that popular nightclub singer Reno Sweeney was found dead in her apartment this morning at the age of 42. Sweeney, a former evangelist and ex-fiancé of British Lord Evelyn Oakleigh, was found burned to death. The circumstances of Sweeney’s death closely mirror the circumstances surrounding the demise of champion gambler Sky Masterston two years ago, though the cause of Masterton’s death likewise remains a mystery. Sweeney’s funeral is scheduled for next Sunday.”
-Obituary for Reno Sweeney found in the Daily Bugle, April 17th, 1939
“Yes folks, you’ve got trouble! Right here in River City! And that trouble is Satanism! I have found proof—definitive proof—that members of this town have been consorting with dark forces! I want to assure you fine folks that I will work tirelessly to uncover who is responsible for unleashing dark forces on your fair community, so long as I draw breath!”
-Excerpt from a sermon by Reverend Elmer Gantry, 1921
“Blue Rose Case #046-Localized Musical Phenomenon. Seem to manifest in close proximity to teenaged populations (see Rydell High School and Jets-Sharks incidents files). Potential ties to the music of Conrad Birdie under investigation but remain unconfirmed. Known impact on Agent Everett Scott in course of 1959 investigation into alien phenomena. Dr. Scott’s opinion is that aliens in question may venerate a particular infernal entity possessing the ability to create this.”
-Excerpt from a briefing memo sent by UIU Agent Kent Mansley to FBI Director J. Henry Lux, 1961
“The immolation of the gigantic Triffid responsible for terrorizing New York is still under active investigation by authorities. As of this time, police and federal officials remain uncertain as to how it was that the entity formerly known as Audrey II met its demise. Initial rumors that the Justice League was responsible for doing so have been debunked.
Speaking of which, as the Triffid invasion seems to be cast into memory alongside the Mollusc, Kanamit and Furon attacks, we are continuing our efforts to encourage people to help people find missing loved ones. If you are in the Baltimore area and see this woman—Penny Lou Pingleton—please contact the number you see before you…”
-Broadcast by Howard Beale on UBS Evening News, March 16, 1962
“My father’s papers have concealed within them some most foul and infernal documents. I have chosen to destroy them rather than let future generations be forced to confront his mistakes. The ring he had given Anna…was that a token of affection or a curse he sought to pass off? Either way I have ordered it buried in a remote part of Indochina. Hopefully it stays buried.”
-Excerpt from the diary of Thai King Chulalongkorn, written in December of 1868
“No, please, I can get you more sacrifices! I was able to give you a busload before, remember? NOOOO!! AGGGH!”
-Last words of Cory Radison, 2011
“SCP-7172 is not solely responsible for localized musical phenomena. It is estimated that at least 40% of LMPs occur due to the radiation of dimensional energies from the Land of Oz in areas where the boundaries between worlds wear thin for instance. However, SCP-7172 is responsible for a very high number of instances of LMPs including documented instances in:
-Albuquerque, New Mexico, centered on East High School. No casualties documented.
-Salt Lake City, Utah-Centered on the Latter-Day Saints Church Missionary Training Center, effects followed several elders on missions to Uganda, Japan and Norway. 3 casualties documented (2 in Norway, 1 in Japan)
-Cladwell, New Mexico-Effects were felt by the entirety of town. Notably SCP-7172’s impacts were indirectly responsible for the Water Riots of 2011 and the subsequent destruction of the town. Direct casualties: 6 Indirect Casualties: 732.”
-Excerpt from SCP-7172’s file, declassified 2038
“Hehehe, Ol’ Jack hasn’t got anything on me. My sweet muse, my sweet aide, he accepts my blood offerings as good as the fire. And he helps me stay clear of Mr. Noose—more’n he did for Mr. Todd, eh?
Warmest regards,
Mack the Knife.”
-Letter from Mack the Knife to London Police, sent 1890
🎵 Assassins, kitties, prophets—I’ve got range
I made Romans indulge in styles quite strange.
Even if they don’t know all the arts,
Everyone has a song in their hearts.
Theatre troupes, AIDs patients, naval ships,
Revolutionaries, newsboys, even SQUIPS.
I strip away every shred of their doubt
Take that energy, and let it all out. 🎵
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lunarhobbits · 6 months
lord evelyn oakleigh you will always be famous to me
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ladydisdainblog · 3 years
so less than a week ago I watched anything goes 2021 revival and now can't stop thinking of tedbecca having the exact same energy as evelyn x reno. it's all about the mustache, I guess
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need to pitch my amazing idea for a revival of anything goes where everything is the same except lord oakleigh is a woman and she and Reno are gay
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Your daily Lord Evelyn Oakleigh gif [19/?]
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undeadchestnut · 3 years
Could I have 7 for Stricklake and/or 2 for Reno n Evie? ☺️
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Don't worry, he's fine, he probably just saw a slightly larger than average ship rat and fainted.
And anyway he's resting against Reno's bosom, I'd say he's more than just fine.
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irontrashglitter · 3 years
lord evelyn oakleigh is the original himbo
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hitchell-mope · 9 months
MCU/Anything Goes au
Natasha. Reno Sweeney.
Bruce. Evelyn Oakleigh.
Steve. Billy Crocker.
Wanda. Hope Harcourt.
Tony. Moonface Martin.
Darcy. Erma.
Hank. Elisha J. Whitney.
Janet. Evangeline Harcourt.
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someone please cast me in a production of Anything Goes
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legally you have to look at lord evelyn oakleigh
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mariacallous · 4 years
Reno Sweeney girlboss
Lord Evelyn Oakleigh male wife
Billy Crocker himbo
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