#even any problematic things. I woulda wanted to keep it if only to keep an archive of my growth as an artist
snekdood · 4 months
personally, i dont see the fundamental difference between deleting your account and making a new one and deleting all your old posts, if we're talking about "running from ones past", then what are you tryna hide there, bud?
#mood#vent#the evidence of your past is gone regardless either way sooooooooooo#how is it so different and how do you keep convincing yourself you're morally superior?#i mean- this is me pretending I agree that that's true to play devils advocate a lil here#bc i know the only reason i deleted any account of mine was bc i just like fresh starts sometimes#and tbh i struggle to find a username i like and some website require me to delete & remake in order to change it#what-- is the problem that you struggle to hold on to me and keep track of me?#bc i promise as soon as i start posting my ocs people Will know who I am regardless of if I recreate-#at least yall and your kiwifarms stalking-ass followers will recognize it and immediately report back to their cult leader#so whats your issue here EXACTLY?#you're already documenting everything I do. so whats your issue?#i mean. is it bc other people wont 'know who I am' and what YOU think i'm like? even though other people- strangers-#already dont know who I am?#bc if thats your argument- I could say the same for you! how are people supposed to 'know who you are' when you delete all your posts?#there was only 1 time I actually deleted my acct out of fear of how ppl would treat me- and it was bc I was dating you!#you made me feel like I had to be Perfect. so quite frankly#blame yourself you bum#what can I say- ig i learned how to cover my tracks from you.#bc before you- I probably would have left it up even with all the bs happening at the time#and now I regret deleting it bc the only reason I did was to impress you with how Good I Am. 🤮#be honest- the reason you're upset is bc you cant use what was on that blog against me#even though what was on that blog PALES in comparison to the kind of shit you've done and posted.#ok ignoring you now and focusing on me again- there was so much art on that blog thats just lost forever and it makes me sad.#even any problematic things. I woulda wanted to keep it if only to keep an archive of my growth as an artist#plus there was a gif of hoody dancing to the thrill by wiz khalifa (i think that was the song I made the gif to) that i'll never get back 😔#i honestly have an issue with deleting my art in general- stuff that isnt problematic so dont start w me bitch- but- for some reason#I just used to get these urges to delete shit like out of shame. I think its bc of being trans and trying to stuff that down and feeling#ashamed that I even wanted to be the guy I wanted to be so I would just get rid of it all and .-.#theres a lil chunk of my comic art that's just gone forever and i wish ik everything I drew. at least I remember one of the ocs i deleted
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June Visitation - Father’s Day
Note: Since it was pointed out to me by a friend that visitation falls on Father’s Day, I’ve used that as a starting point for this month. It isn’t the main focus of the piece, but it does serve as a starting point for discussion of bullying. With that in mind, it will be under a read-more.
Yancy has been one step away from getting into big trouble all day. Something has put him in foul mood. If he’s going to open up to anyone and talk about what’s bothering him, it’s you.
Word Count: 1,547
As usual on Visitation Day, you entered reception, followed the necessary procedures regarding giving contact details and going through security, and sat on a chair in the waiting room. You had your headphones in so you could listen to that song that’s been in your head lately as you zoned out. Suddenly, there was a firm tap on your shoulder. 
“Sorry, sorry! I didn’t mean to frighten ya.” You sharply tugged your headphones out, bewildered as to why the Warden was standing in front of you. Once he knew you had recovered from your fright, he adjusted his jacket. “Now I know you’re here to see Yancy, but I was lookin’ for a favour. We’ve had someone alert th’ guards that Yancy’s in peculiar form. Somethin’s been eatin’ at th’ boy, but he’s not willin’ to talk to anyone about it. I was hopin’ you might be able to get him to open up so we can figure out if there’s a way we can help.” Concerned for Yancy, you agree. “Excellent! Just be careful - he’s in pretty foul humour today. We’ll be takin’ precautions so he don’t hurt anyone. Don’t be alarmed when you see him. If you need any help for keepin’ him in line, you just let me know.” He gives you a firm nod, before turning and walking off. It wasn’t long after that before you were called into the visitation room to take your usual seat.
In the many months you’ve been coming here, you had never once seen Yancy in handcuffs until today. He was grumbling under his breath and shot a glare at the guard who had escorted him to you. A vague memory of being told how Yancy was a ‘problematic’ prisoner at times crossed your mind. You had dismissed it at the time, but now you couldn’t help but wonder what he must be like on normal days.
“Oh, don’t gimme that look.” Yancy’s snap dropped you back in the present moment. Even with the handcuffs, his body language was so closed off compared to what it would be normally. It was like he wanted to see you, but didn’t want to be here. Your concern on why he was in handcuffs was met with a scoff. “Oh, yeah, sure. Like the Warden hasn’t told youse I’m a ‘brawl risk’ today an’ that I’m only allowed to see youse ‘cause I didn’t start nothing today.” You never considered yourself anything particularly wonderful when it came to Yancy’s moods, but right now you couldn’t help but feel like you were a minor burden of some sort. If anything, you were almost seen as an enemy. You forced yourself to relax and uncross your arms so you could try and explain to Yancy that you are here because you missed him and you wanted to see how he was doing.
Apparently, that was the wrong thing to say.
“Oh, yeah, sure! So then youse can go snitch to th’ Warden ‘bout me so he finally has an excuse to throw me in Solitary for a week. I’m not an idiot. I know they’s got youse on their side to dig under my skin an’ really piss me off. So why don’t youse do me a favour an’ fuck off?”
His words hit you harder than you expected, and you could feel a surge of emotion welling inside. You wanted to cry, you wanted to argue, you wanted to slap him hard. But instead, you rose to your feet and excused yourself for a moment. Yancy’s anger dropped to horror as he realised what he had said, but it was too late. The fear amplified when you returned a few moments later with a guard following you. Already, the familiar panic began to set in his stomach. You had reported him, and now he was going to be punished for that.
Instead, the guard pulled Yancy onto his feet as you announced you both were going outside.
The two of you sat on the bench in the smaller, enclosed rec yard. The guard stood to the side: far enough away to allow the courtesy of a private conversation, but close enough to intercept should Yancy try anything. Several long minutes ticked past as you sat in silence. Yancy was hunched over as he intently stared at the handcuffs like the metal would melt if he didn’t break eye contact. You couldn’t think of anything to lift the mood as you kept your eyes on a cloud passing overhead.
“Look… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean none of what I said.” Yancy’s mumbling finally brought an end to the awkwardness as he lifted his head to look at you. Guilt was clear as day on his face, you realised. “It’s… It’s been a shitty few days. I’ve had an asshole trying to get me to snap an’ blame me for something I didn’t do.” You placed a hand on his shoulder and encouraged him to speak, but only if he wanted to. At first, he said nothing, but a quick shake of his head followed this.
“Today would’ve been my pa’s birthday. It don’t happen too often, but it sometimes falls on Father’s Day. It’s pretty easy for me to block out the dates, but…” He gave such a heavy sigh that his shoulders slumped. “There’s this guy. We call him the Rat. Seen as one of them ‘model prisoners’ by the guards and the Warden, but he’s a piece of shit. When he gets bored, he decides he wants to start a brawl. But he never does it himself. He picks someone an’ whittles ‘em down until they snap. Then they gets in trouble, an’ the Rat gets the brownie points for warning the guards ‘bout it. So guess who is his newest target?” You winced in sympathy. Already, you could see where this was going. 
“In a place like this, people get to know why long-term prisoners are here. My crimes ain’t a secret. So last week, Rat comes up to me, an’ starts talkin’ bullshit ‘bout his kids at home. Now, I’ve been in here long enough. I know how he works. So I don’t engage none, like youse told me. I ignored him and let whatever he was saying go past. But ‘cause he wasn’t impressed that I didn’t take the bait, he upped th’ ante. Every time he passed me, he’d drop some fuckin’ comment. Somethin’ ‘bout Father’s Day, or braggin’ to his cronies ‘bout how great it must be to get a care package from a father that cares. I tried. I swear, I tried. But as th’ week went on, it started eatin’ away at me. The gang noticed and did try to help keep him away, an’ it worked - until today. Rat managed to pull me aside after breakfast an’ started this whole fuckin’ rant about how much of a piece of shit I am, an’ how he would’ve preferred my ol’ man killing me instead. Said how my pa might’ve gotten a medal of honour for it too or some shit like that.” Your hand squeezed his shoulder as he spoke. After all this time, the topic of his parents - particularly his father - was one that still provoked him. 
“Youse woulda been proud of me. I didn’t do nothing. I wanted to punch him in that smug face and break his damn jaw, but I didn’t. I did like youse said - I balled my hands into fists and counted to ten before going back to my cell. But by th’ time I got there, two guards were there an’ put these handcuffs on me.” His hands moved just enough to make the chain rattle. Then, he gave a hoarse chuckle. “So then I had th’ guards on my back all mornin’ like they was waiting for an excuse to pounce me an’ drag me off as well as Rat an’ his cronies tryin’ to poke at me. An’ then… Just before I was brought into see youse, Rat told me he saw youse talkin’ to the Warden. So then when youse started sayin’ all that stuff earlier… I thought youse was against me too.”
The final confession was enough for you to pull Yancy into a tight hug. You promised you weren’t trying to get Yancy in trouble, and the Warden only spoke to you to warn you that Yancy was in a bad mood. But above all, you were proud of Yancy for staying on higher ground and keeping his temper in check, even if others were trying to egg him on to start a fight. You knew it would likely be a bad idea, but you suggested telling the Warden. He might help diffuse tensions, or at the least, try and keep the pair separated. Yancy’s head dropped to rest on your shoulder with a sigh.
“Yeah, youse is right. I’ll see if I can talk to him when we go back… Can we stay here? Youse managed to get us out here an’ I ain’t ready to go back inside yet.” Not wanting to rush the quiet time either, you agreed with a kiss to his hair. Both of you relaxed into another silence, one that was more tranquil than before.
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cleocazo · 7 years
pls signal boost ! i’m seeing this rp getting recced as the next best place to be, but this is only the TIP of the problem iceberg !
so uhHhHHhhhhHHh hey everyone ! karma got its kiss for me ! we here tonight to present y’all with a kinda callout post for @cityofepcothq​ - which has committed more crimes this night than being an obvious downgrade from my rp @wdacademyrp​ !! there really isnt all that much for part one but uh - lets begin !!
let me start by saying- i rly do not give TWO shits abt these people - past problematic members of MY rp who had to leave MONTHS ago - making their own inspired version of it. whatever, man. i sure did NOT invent next gen disney roleplays. they can do whatever they want with their concept stolen rp ( and admin gifs, but who’s counting sins here ), but i’ve got one ( 1 ) problem that needs addressing - and since they’ve yet to answer my im’s and i don’t think they will, we going public w this bitch !
whom the FUCK do y’all think you are for page sourcing a whole FCKING page from MY rp !!! 
so. after seeing kat’s FINE ASS work on patientshq.tumblr.com with this theme - you can see her page here, and how she edited what were links to be those goRGEOUS pop ups - i decided .. ya know what ? that’s a concept i would like to get in on. i was a MEMBER of patientshq ! i know for a #fact i wasn’t the only person interested in doing the same thing and i hope to FUCK i asked for direct permission from kat back then, but . long story short . i woulda NEVER page sourced directly from her work, even if i wanted to try and achieve the same look. 
instead, i spent YONKS tryna make a popup of my own. and then i gave up, bc i don’t do well w html, and i brought in a friend who is a html wizard and spent even MORE time on it - and realized the code i was using in the first place was shit, coded a whole thing from SCRATCH, for me and my rp, and left me instructions on how to do it. she even included a strip of black in the code itself so that the title on the left would have something to rest against, bc with my chosen background image, it was difficult to see. 
u heard it here FIRST, my dudes. wda’s map page was a concept borrowed from patientshq - but the code we used was coded for us, by a friend, included the color strip down the side, and was NOT posted anywhere for any kinda public use. we weren’t reposting that shit. we ain’t THIEVES tryna cash in on other ppls ideas. we were just ppl who wanted to try and do something cool bc it is cool. and here u go !click here to see our page, live ! and here’s some screenshots ! 
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keep what i said in mind about our edited code never being reposted or out for public use, and know that we were NEVER asked for it, or asked could they use any parts of it when they made their rp’s map page - which you can view live ( for now ) by clicking this sentence !
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wow : ) that strip of color sure looks : ) familiar : ) so does that sidebar : ) which i had to edit the settings of to make it look right : ) haha : ) i wonder : ) what : ) their : ) popups : ) are : )
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how abt we .. put them side By side ..
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wow that .. rly doesnt make it look any better .. does it ?? haha 
if u click around on both our map pages, you’ll notice real quick on ours there’s a flaw - when you click a popup and then click the ‘x’ to close it, you can’t click another popup first try - you have to scroll away and come back to it. idk if its on every browser ! but it is on mine ! 
if u needed any more confirmation they certainly didn’t make this code themselves and we didn’t give it to them, then all you have to do is click around on theirs. there’s the same flaw. 
i asked ‘em to take it down - that’s still all tf i want and if they stop ignoring me and shia labeouf vc do it - we won’t have another problem ! but if they dont .. we got another callout coming ur way, fam, and this one includes even MORE thievery from walmart wda ! 
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labellerose-acheron · 7 years
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Maurice Beauton -- Character Sheet
Archetype — The Explorer Birthday — January 24, 1958 Zodiac Sign — Aquarius MBTI — ENTP Enneagram — 4; the Individualist Temperament — Melancholic Hogwarts House — Slythdor but a Hufflepuff model Moral Alignment — Chaotic Neutral Primary Vice — Gluttony Primary Virtue — Diligence Element — Water
Mother — Carine Beauton (nee Gouin) (deceased, 1971, pneumonia) Father — Julien Beauton (deceased, old age, died 2011 age: 87) Mother’s Occupation — teacher Father’s Occupation — teacher Family Finances — middle class Birth Order — younger Brothers — Matthew (deceased, 1993, car accident) (five years older) Sisters — none Other Close Family — Matthew has a wife let’s name her Romaine. And they have a son who is like 27, his name is Antoine. He’s married to a girl named Lydia. They have a 5 year old daughter named Estelle. They live in Paris. Belle knows vaguely about this but definitely not that Antoine is married and has a daughter bc after Matthew died, Romaine didn’t keep in touch with Maurice. So after Julien died, Maurice stopped getting updates and Maurice never talked to her about his family once she got older. She knows she has an uncle and a cousin. Best Friend — he has a few friends up in London Other Friends — eh Enemies — none? Probably Hades lmfaooo kidding i kid maurice is too sweet truly Pets — he’s got a cat, her name is Ettie, tho her full name is Pirouette Home Life During Childhood — Had an okay childhood, his mom died when he was about thirteen from a flu that turned into pneumonia. They moved to France after their mother died bc his dad got a job at some university. His brother was older than him and more sporty/popular so he didn’t want to hang around his weird kooky younger brother. He stood up for him when other people teased him but he didn’t go out of his way to hang out with Maurice. Their father was loving but he was sad when his wife died, though he always supported both of them and he didn’t mind Maurice living with him well into his thirties bc he was lonely. Town or City Name(s) — Grew up in Swynlake and then Paris. Moved to back to Swynlake after marrying Charisse. What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like — Normal? Probably had a workbench in it and was always messy bc he was working on some invention or another. Always had like grease on things. Any Sports or Clubs — lol no. I mean he probably was in uhh like chess club. Maybe the debate team? Or like a science/engineering club? But he got kicked out of most clubs bc he didn’t understand how to play by the rules and would just kind of do his own thing. Favorite Toy or Game — fiddling with things! prolly really into his rubix cube Schooling — decent schooling, he was really smart but he didn’t apply himself well because he just wasn’t interested in things like literature and history more than like face-value. Like he likes reading but he doesn’t want to lEARN about BOOKs. Was much more hands on--liked science and like idk woodshop lol Favorite Subject — Science definitely Popular or Loner — Loner, even though he tried really hard to popular. Like too hard. He would just go and sit with people and start talking to them like he’d known them forever and people found him like too aggressive and weird so they’d just get up and like move tables. Important Experiences or Events — When his mom died! Moving to France! Getting his apprenticeship with the clockmaker! Meeting Charisse! Marrying Charisse! When Belle was born! When Charisse died! Leaving Belle! Going to a mental hospital! Getting out of the mental hospital after three years (he woulda been good after like a year but he just kept hanging around.) Nationality — English Culture — English/French Religion and beliefs — ehhhh no he is a man of science, but his family is Catholic. His brother and father were very devout.
Physical Appearance:
Face Claim —  Jeff Perry Complexion — wrinkly lol kind of red in the face Hair Colour — greyish/whiteish now but it used to be dark brown Eye Colour — Blue Height — 5’9 Build — he’s short and stout, kind of overweight, does not exercise or properly take care of himself Tattoos — lmfao no Piercings — also lmao no Common Hairstyle — he just lets it do what it wants, it kind of sticks up all over the place Clothing Style — uh? He just wears shirts and pants like nothing special, stays with neutral colors browns/greens Mannerisms — doesn’t really make eye contact well, wrings his hands (like Belle), stutters when he talks, trails off mid-conversation, misses the Point a lot, puts his hand to his forehead when he’s overwhelmed.
Overall (do they get sick easily)? — yeah he does not have good health lol probably gets winded like walking up the stairs Physical Ailments — uhhh none? Probably has a lot of scars from things EXPLODIGN wears glasses Neurological Conditions — depression, anxiety, tbh probably on the Autism spectrum? Allergies — none really Grooming Habits — ehhhhh not great especially if he gets hyperfocused on a project Sleeping Habits — terrible he kind of naps throughout the day, doesn’t have liek a set sleeping pattern. Eating Habits — also bad, can’t cook so he just makes himself like shit u heat up Exercise Habits —  the only time he exercises is climbing up into clocks to fix them Emotional Stability — uhhhhhhhh like a 3 lol it is Not Good Body Temperature — eh probably overheats easily lol Sociability — i mean he is super social, but like?? social cues are not his thing so i’ll give him a 6 Addictions — none except maybe caffeine Drug Use — none except his prescribed meds when he takes them, which is only, when he’s in the hospital, Alcohol Use — not really
Your Character’s Character:
Bad Habits — being inconsiderate, hyperfocusing, withdrawing when upset, flighty, cowardly Good Habits — loving, kind, he tries!!, really smart, enthusiastic, passionate Best Characteristic — kind and intelligent Worst Characteristic — just has no clue Worst Memory — losing Charisse Best Memory — meeting Charisse!! (Belle’s birth? I mean, yes, but it isn’t what would come to mind for him exactly.) Proud of — not a lot really? Embarrassed by — also not much tbh bc he just has no awareness, he v much just views the world the way he wants to view it, though he knows when people laugh at him and think he’s weird and that makes him sad. Driving Style — doesn’t drive Strong Points — intelligence, really a great clockmaster Temperament — chill af Attitude — optimistic, kind of stupidly so Weakness — over-enthusiasm Fears — doesn’t really dwell on fears Phobias — none Secrets — none Regrets — also none? Feels Vulnerable When — people laugh at him or make fun of him Pet Peeves — people laughing at him Conflicts — attempting to navigate his mental illness and living a good life. Motivation — uh he doesn’t really have motivations? Short Term Goals and Hopes — make up with belle Long Term Goals and Hopes — just keep on keeping on Sexuality — heterosexual tho rly p asexual Exercise Routine  — none existent Day or Night Person — night owl for sure Introvert or Extrovert — extrovert surprisingly he craves community and closeness Optimist or Pessimist — optimist!
Likes and Styles:
Music — not really super into music, but likes instrumental stuff if he does listen, or operas, though they just make him sad Books — he likes most books but he likes reading things like the Origin of Species the best Magazines — none Foods — all food is good food, except spicy stuff Drinks — really likes milk, Animals — cats and horses are his favorites. He likes most animals though, even spiders and snakes and stuff like that Sports — lol Social Issues — none?? Really?? He’s p magic-friendly but in his own problematic way, Favorite Saying — “If it’s not baroque, don’t fix it!” - nerd humor (yes i stole this from the movie but maurice would find it hilarious.) Color — blue probably Jewelry — does he still wear his wedding ring? probably Games — none Websites — none is hopeless at computers even tho he can take one apart and put it back together TV Shows — none Movies — eh none really Greatest Want — to fix things with belle, for charisse to be alive again D: Greatest Need — to stop living in the past and embrace what still is.
Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home — he has a little flat that he probably shares with a friend let’s name him Daniel Household furnishings — plain just the bare minimum, very bachelor pad Favorite Possession — his wedding ring Most Cherished Possession — his wedding ring Neighborhood — somewhere in London idk Town or City Name — London Details of Town or City — it’s fuckin london Married Before — yes to the love of his life Significant Other Before — only ever loved/dated one woman Children — Belle! Relationship with Family — estranged Car — none Career — clockmaker/fixer Dream Career — famous inventor! Dream Life — a rich, successful famous inventor with his loving wife and daughter by his side though he’ll take a life where charisse is alive over anything else Love Life — none Talents or Skills — super smart, can p much build anything from scratch, really intuitive when it comes to problem solving Intelligence Level — so smart, just truly brilliant, but not super great with people so he doesn’t come off as intelligent Finances — low, low, lower middle classs
Your Character’s Life Before Your Story:
Past Careers — has always done the same job but for diff places/freelancing Past Lovers — none, just charisse Biggest Mistakes — fuckin leaving belle on her own smh Biggest Achievements — none? really?
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