#even cosmo can help her friends why can't i help mine
hrodvitnon · 8 months
(yeah I can understand needing a palate cleanser... so ask and ye shall receive! 3 goofy shenanigan asks messing with the goofy as hell idea of the Titans bsing their way into space to kick Gigan in the nuts or something. One slightly more serious one being this one... because I can't help myself.)
*Abraxas flew up towards the upper atmosphere. They had been launched by an Apex device to send her into space. Once she breaks atmosphere, she would use her electricity to propel herself through the cosmos.*
San: You didn't want them to come...
Vivienne: That obvious, huh? Would *you*?? They're my friends, my family. You know what Gigan's capable of. The memories you showed me... If something- anything- happened to any of them up there...
San: And what about what might happen to us?
Vivienne: So be it. Gigan is a monster of Ghidorah's creation. Our burden to bear. Another one of his sins we must fix. Plus, having Godzilla in arms reach of the same person that infected his brother...
San: You're scared for him.
Vivienne: He has been through enough.
San: And you haven't?
*She doesn't have a good answer for that- intending to wait in silence as the rushing air slowly begins to vanish- and the skies around them start to darken. But- they're replaced by another noise. It sounds like- something rushing behind her?*
Vivienne: Oh for the love of-
San: Sister! Look!
*Vivienne turns to see possibly the most ridiculous sight she's seen since becoming a Titan. It's a giant multi-colored ice crystal shooting into the sky like a goddamn comet. Behind, she sees two bright red beams of light firing out from the back like a thruster. She sees a hand emerge from the side, of the Primate variety.*
Vivienne: WHAT IN THE?-
Vivienne: Uhhhh
*San makes the decision for her, grabbing Kong's hand in his mouth. He yanks her through the window and onto the icy floor- Shimo sealing the opening behind her as the stars come into view. The- 'ship' is not large at all and sorta cramped. She fell incidentally into the lap of Barb.*
Barb: Uhhh- surprise hun?
Vivienne: This should not have worked. No laws of physics support this plan working. The vacuum of space will kill us.
Rodan: That's what the tanks are for!
*He takes an inhale from a Titan-sized breathing apparatus that is connected to a skyscraper-sized oxygen tank in the middle of the ship that all the other Titans are sitting around.*
Vivienne: How-
Kong: Maia was halfway through a plan for a Titan-sized spacecraft when she realized it wouldn't work. She did, however, have the plans for a giant tank finished! Shimo built it around the tank.
Vivienne: And the propulsion?? How did you get this thing off the ground??
Godzilla: Say it with me Mothra...
Godzilla: HEAT-
Mothra: RAY!
*The two of them come up from a hole beneath the tank, along with Shimo. They settle around the tank.*
Vivienne: Fuckingexcuseyouwhat.
Godzilla: The thrusting power behind mine and Mothra's Heat Ray was enough to send a vessel of this size into space! Dagon's picking up the slack and propelling us to Mars with his Photon Scream as we speak! We'll be there in 2~ hours.
Vivienne: ...
Vivienne: You shot-
Godzilla: Mhm.
Vivienne: -your breath-
Godzilla: Yeah.
Vivienne: -downwards.
Godzilla: Yes ma'am!
Vivienne: -And it made this *thing* go up.
Shimo: Uh- this 'thing' is a very eloquently crafted spacecraft that will help us save Ozymandias and destroy Gigan.
Vivienne: Science is a fucking lie. Why do I even try.
Mothra: No idea!
*Vivienne takes a sudden vested interest in the ground, staring at it for a second.*
Vivienne: This is not going to be easy.
Godzilla: -and?
Vivienne: You don't know what he's capable of.
Godzilla: It doesn't matter. What matters is what we need from him. We'll all get through this- and so will Ozzy. As long as we follow the plan and look out for each other.
*Vivienne still can't get the images out of her head- of Gigan's horrifying torture machines and the poor souls San witnessed be torn apart by them. She can't imagine anyone here being subject to that or worse.*
Mothra: Did you really think we were gonna let you go alone?
Vivienne: I could've handled it.
Mothra: Not saying you couldn't; but what kind of friends would we be then? To force you into the den of a demon like Gigan alone? We're with you, Vivienne, and you may as well get used to it- because we always will be.
Vivienne: I-
Mothra: Plus- Goji and Rodey were worried sick about you.
Godzilla & Rodan: WAS NOT.
Mothra: Oooh yeah. Pacing, fidgeting- whole nine yards. They would've died of an anxiety attack before you got back.
Slightly more serious is right, I'm only surprised that they're not all pancaked at the back of that ice box death trap if they're going to reach Mars in two hours!
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athenamariee · 3 years
“Can’t be without you// Don’t want to be with you// And although I have tried to// My heart has a way of rejecting what's good for it// I’m sorry”
Even though Camila left and it hurt, Lauren felt like she couldn’t trust he heart to make the right decision even though she knows what’s good for her and she feels guilty and sorry for just wanting Camila back in her life because Camila states that she didn’t really talk to them after she left the group and that would make a person want to feel numb. Lauren lost her best friend while touring the world and I can only imagine the stress of losing a member of your group and still having to tour because that’s taking an effect on your job and your mental health.
“I know it’s tiring// Said all the convincing// I can be someone I feel like I’m not// Who taught me that?//… (I’m skipping some lyrics bare with me here)// Stay// Like the colors on the walls// Paint// But you can’t erase them all”
Being in the public eye is tiring and very very harsh for a teenager/young adult. The comments that were made on her body and her image but she was also struggling with coming to terms with her sexuality. They taught her how to be numb and not be the Lauren she was when she auditioned for X-Factor. They over sexualized her and that's not what she wanted. Camila eventually left the group and her presence had an impact on Lauren. Lauren asks Camila to stay and when she doesn’t, the impact of her leaving leaves “paint on the walls” and we all know paint is mostly permanent and you really can't remove paint.
After this verse she goes into a brief of why she used drugs and overall it was to just numb the pain of heartbreak and a really bad mental health period.
Which leads us to “Scattered”. This track is more of a cry for help which is exactly what she is doing at this point and its in the lyrics. Shes asking for someone to help her with her scattered brain and what’s happening in that beautiful head of hers.
The next track is “Falling”. This track talks heavily about anxiety and the weight of being a big name pop star. Not really much to work off of with this track but it does remind me of somethings gotta give and real friends
The track “On Guard (ft. 6lack)” is very camren coded. She mentions cosmic intuition (cosmos is a very generalized term for space. The sun and the moon referenced here). We also get the reference to Camila’s unreleased song “Scars” and fifth harmony’s “No Way” with the lyric “Take a look under my heart// Your hands over my scars” which scars seem to be a big underlying theme for the both of them because they both sing about their scars, imperfections and demons a lot. This sog is about regaining her trust and taking it slow after regaining her trust. Her heart has been broken before and she wants to keep her heart safe so she stays on guard. This isn’t what actually caught my eye, 6lack’s lyric about East Atlanta (You been missed// East Atlanta love letter// Then i duck off quick// Fall in love with some deep end shit// Don’t try to rush, you break my heart, baby// ‘Cause my defense’s lit, yeah). We all know the lyrics to Camila’s song “Havana” (Havana ohh na na// Half of my heart is in havana ohh na na// HE TOOK ME BACK TO EAST ATLANTA NANANA// Half of my heart is in havana) which leads me to the theory that something important happened in East Atlanta for them to both include it in songs of theirs. It must have been something super important that took an affect on the both of them. And sense it was 6lack who rapped and wrote that part, that puts him in the inner circle as well.
The next song is “Don’t Wanna Say”. This song was presented in a very intimate and passionate way during the concert and it honestly shocked the hell out of me. The lyrics make it even more of a shocker of a song. [Fantom fingertips brush against my skin// Seeking with desire, thinking ‘bout what if// If you go ahead and lean your head closer to mine// And rest your leg against my thigh// Wouldn’t that be something?// Wouldn’t it be? mmm]. These lyrics remind me so much of so many of Camila’s songs. The fantom fingertips remind me of “La Buena Vida'', “Living Proof”,”Don’t Go Yet” and a few other songs. I can’t find them all because that would take absolutely forever and there are so many songs where she mentions hands and touching. Camren also has a bad habit of touching each other's thighs as seen in many interviews. The next lyrics I’m gonna translate as best as I can [I’ll wait for you// Open that mouth, and one thing// I’m not afraid baby// About I already tried// I know, I know you know what to do// With this body that looks as if you see// Wish you grab my face// As you drag your hands to my waist down my back// Wouldn’t that be something heavenly// Yeah, mmm]. These lyrics very much give me living proof vibes with the heavenly reference. The way she performed this song also gives major living proof vibes. From the dress to the choreography it was the other side of living proof and she made sure she made the connections very obvious.
haven't done sorry because it will be separate
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COSMIC - S1:E5; Chapter Five, The Flea and The Acrobat - [Pt. 2]
A Will Byers x Male!Reader Series
𝘏𝘰𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘳 𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘬𝘴 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘢𝘣 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘴, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴. 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘺 𝘢𝘴𝘬𝘴 𝘔𝘳. 𝘊𝘭𝘢𝘳𝘬𝘦 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘭 𝘵𝘰 𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘥𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯.
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|| 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕 ||
"Fear not, for I am with you. Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you."
'I can't believe I'm at Will's funeral.'
"Yes, I will help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." The pastor continued.
I spared a glance at the people around me.
I looked to Jonathan, his head bowed, and poor Joyce who was sitting nearby.
I can't imagine what they must be going through.
Joyce was like a second mother to me, and she has always treated as if I was one of her own. I'll always be grateful for that. I lay a hand on her shoulder.
She looks up to me confused like I had pulled her deep out of her thought, upon seeing it was me she smiles thankfully. She put her hand over mine and gave it a few gentle pats and then a small stroke with her thumb to say thank you.
I smiled solemnly at her and let go, listening to the rest of the service.
"It's times like these that our faith is challenged. How, if he is truly benevolent... could God take us from someone so young, so innocent?"
I looked down at my feet.
"It would be easy to turn away from God... but we must remember that nothing, not even tragedy, can separate us from His love."
I felt a nudge on my shoulder and turned to look at Dustin. He wore a sly smirk as he looked to his right, past me and Mike.
Frowning in confusion, I turned my head to see what he was smirking about.
"Just wait till we tell Will that Jennifer Hayes was crying at his funeral." Dustin said cheekily.
I scoffed under my breath, rolling my eyes.
"Since when has she cared about Will? She couldn't even get his name right, remember that week she called him Bill?" I huffed, crossing my arms in distaste.
The boys smirked at me.
"What?" I asked.
"Somebody jealous?" Lucas smirked.
"No-! Not ev- Shut up!" I scowl.
The boys giggle earning more than a few concerned and offended glances making me smile to myself. Mrs. Wheeler leaned down and shushed the boys making me smirk more.
'Serves them right.'
Soon enough, the casket had been lowered into the growd and roses had been thrown on top. I made my way to the very side of the grave, looking down.
"I know you're not dead. But I swear to God, if you don't come back I'm gonna kill you." I muttered to the casket in the ground.
As people began to filter out, we watched as Mike's mom said her condolences to Will's parents.
"I'm so, so sorry."
"Oh, thank you so much for coming." Will's dad said.
I never liked him.
Joyce was just standing by herself quietly, her arms crossed looking down at the grave.
"Yeah, if there's anything we can do..." Mr. Wheeler offered, shaking the man's hand.
"I appreciate it. Thank you so much."
I said goodbye to Lucas who had to follow his parents out, even though we would be seeing him later at the wake. I did the same with Mike, and soon enough Mom was waiting for us so we could get to the car.
"Mom, will you give me a minute?"
"Of course, Pumpkin," She smiled at me with sympathy.
I turned around wove through the crowd that had separated me from Joyce. I tapped her on the shoulder, seeming to jostle her from her thoughts a second time.
Upon seeing it was me, she smiled.
"Hi, Ms. Byers."
"Oh, hi Y/n. Thank you, for coming, sweetheart," She smiled.
I captured her in a bear hug and she gladly reciprocated, giving my several comforting strokes.
"Of course. I'm so, so sorry for your loss." I said, letting her go.
"Oh, thank you, honey. T-Tell me, how have you been holding up?" She asked gently.
My eyes welled up.
"I'm not gonna lie, it's- it's been really hard. I just, I just miss him so much. Your son was such a good person. Always a gentleman." I knew what I was saying.
Even if he is alive for sure, everything I said was true. He always has been nothing but kind to me.
Not to mention, I owe him for so much.
She seemed extremely thankful for hearing that and I was glad I could make her genuinely smile on this sad day.
"Really? Oh sweetie, thank you. That means, just so much to me."
I look back to my mom and brother waiting for me by the car, and I return my gaze back to Ms. Byers.
"Um, I better go. My mom is waiting for me. I guess I'll be seeing you at the wake. Goodbye, Ms. Byers."
"Thank you again, Y/n. I'll see you later, okay?" Her face slightly fell and she smiled at me.
I nod and begin walking backward sending a small wave her way before turning around a breaking out into a small jog to catch up to my mom.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
Being at the funeral of your best friend is daunting and quite surreal.
Being at the funeral of your best friend who is quite possibly alive in another dimension and you and only four other people know this is a completely different ballpark.
We had all met up at the wake and regrouped.
The plan was to ask Mr. Clarke if there was anything he could tell us about the theories regarding alternate dimensions. I'm just praying that we don't arouse suspicion given the setting.
"Mr. Clarke?" The tall man turned his attention away from the buffet to look at us.
Mr. Clarke smiled sympathetically. "Oh, hey, there."
The somber look came easily to my face as I looked to Mr. Clarke, Mike, and Lucas on either side of me while Dustin was digging into the buffet.
"How are you kids holding up?"
Lucas speaks up for us, slightly distracted by Dustin's blatant chewing. "We're... in... mourning."
"Man, these aren't real Nilla Wafers," Dustin sighed, shaking his head.
My eyes widen softly, and I look to Mr. Clarke trying to cover for him.
"You'll have to excuse my brother, Mr. Clarke, he's-" I stop midsentence to see him happily munching on more snacks, and look back to Mr. Clarke. "well, he mourns in his own... special way."
"We were wondering if you had time to talk?" Mike asked, wanting to move things along as quickly as possible.
"We have some questions," Lucas added.
I shook my head in agreement. "A lot of questions, actually,"
Mr. Clarke complied and the four of us found ourselves at the nearest table, asking our teacher about other dimensions at our "dead" friends' wake. Not something I ever could have imagined doing.
"So, you know how in Cosmos, Carl Segan talks about other dimensions? Like, beyond our world?"
"Yeah, sure. Theoretically." Mr. Clarke replies, noticeably confused at the subject of our questions.
"Right, theoretically,"
"So, theoretically, how do we travel there?" Lucas asked.
"You guys have been thinking about Hugh Everett's Many-World's Interpretation, haven't you?" A ghost of a smile on our teacher's face.
"Yeah," I chuckled, nodding my head in response.
The boys looked at me, wondering why I had said that.
I gave them a look that said, 'I don't know, just go with it.'
"Well, basically, there are parallel universes. Just like our world, but just infinite variations of it. Which means there's a world out there where none of this tragic stuff ever happened," I found myself nodding along, not for the sake of being believable, but actually lost in the idea.
"Yeah, that's not what we're talking about," Lucas sighed, leaning back.
"We were thinking of more of an evil dimension, like the Vale of Shadows. You know the Vale of Shadows?" Dustin asked, taking another loud bite of his off brand Nilla Wafers.
Not thinking that our science teacher would know anything about Dungeons and Dragons, I was completely taken aback by his next words.
"An echo of the Material Plane, where necrotic and shadow magic–"
"Yeah, exactly." Mike said cutting him off.
I shift uncomfortably in my seat.
"If that did exist - a place like the Vale of Shadows - how would we travel there?"
"Theoretically, of course." I add.
Mr. Clarke grabbed an empty paper plate and pulled out a pen from his jacket pocket. He then drew a straight line across the paper plate as he spoke, creating a visual for us.
"Picture... an acrobat..." He drew a small stick figure on top of the lines. "standing on a tightrope. Now, the tightrope is our dimension. And our dimension has rules."
He began drawing arrows on either side of the acrobat.
"You can move forwards, or backwards. But, what if..." He drew a very small creature under one of the arrows. "right next to our acrobat, there is a flea? Now, the flea can also travel back and forth, just like the acrobat. Right?"
"Right." We all agreed.
"Here's where things get really interesting. The flea can also travel this way... along the side of the rope." He drew arrows indicating the flea's direction around and under the rope, causing me to furrow my brows. "He can even go underneath the rope."
The boys and I all shared the same look before returning our gaze to Mr. Clarke. "Upside Down."
Mike spoke up. "But we're not the flea, we're the acrobat."
"In this metaphor, yes, we're the acrobat."
"So we can't go upside down?" Lucas asked warily.
"Well, is there any way for the acrobat to get to the Upside Down?"
"Well," Our teacher furrowed his brows, a thoughtful look coming upon his face. "you'd have to create a massive amount of energy. More than humans are currently capable of creating, mind you, to open up some kind of tear in time and space, and then..."
He folded the paper plate in half, creasing it shut before shoving his pen directly through both sides of the paper plate. "you create a doorway."
"Like a gate?" My brother asked eagerly.
"Sure. Like a gate. But again, this is all–"
"Theoretical." I smile, nodding my head.
"But... but what if this gate already existed?" Mike asked, timidly.
"Well, if it did, I... I think we'd know. It would disrupt gravity, the magnetic field, our environment. Heck, it might even swallow us up whole."
Mike seems to gauge our reactions, and I'm the only one who met his eye with an equally uncertain gaze.
"Science is neat." Mr. Clarke continued. "But I'm afraid it's not very forgiving."
We all lean back, digesting the information.
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masked-buffoon · 4 years
Chapter 10: Truth and illusions (Part 6)
Warnings: mention of traumatic events
Author notes: here is the last part for that chapter. I hope you liked it...! As always, don’t hesitate to comment and reblog...! And I’ll see you in the next chapter, where the case will continue! (Do I like cliffhangers? Surely I do...)
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The blond man arrived shortly after the doctor's departure and, already, I could feel the atmosphere change. The investigation would be directed by him, despite the case being mine, and would be led according to his methods, which I feared would be too righteous. I decided to report to him nonetheless.
"A mentalist…?" He sounded shocked.
"Why, it's either that or this woman truly is a robot." I shrugged "What does your ideal notebook say?"
"Neither should be possible." He declared, simply.
I rolled my eyes and took a paper on the table of the dining room, where I had installed a computer and diverse tools to work.
"Here is the list of every person in Yokohama able to put someone under hypnosis."
"There are three of them… And only one is legal. Is that a joke, Ogawa…?"
"Quiet…! My name here is Fuyuno Kasumi…" I whispered.
"What on earth…" He grumbled "As you wish, but I will question you about that."
"Sure thing." I sighed "Can we go back to the case, now?"
"Then tell me about this list."
"It's not complicated. Mentalism, in particular hypnotism, isn't an easy skill to learn, in the first place, so the number of people using it is very low." I explained.
"Why are most of them criminals…?!"
"Mmh… Except for the purpose of amusing people, what do you think of such a technique? Yeah, exactly that." I answered in his stead as I saw his puzzled face "Committing a crime is so easy when you can manipulate the witnesses or even your target. Suppose you want to rob a house —"
"Alright, alright, no need for details." He cut me "You should stay here while I go and find these mentalists or whatever, then."
"Oh, I don't think so."
Kunikida glared at me and closed his notebook swiftly.
"Why is that?"
"First of all, this is my case, and —"
"Your case? That's not your case but the Agency's! Keep thinking so individually and you'll never be part of us…!"
Then, as though he had realised something, he stopped talking a minute, blankly staring at me. After being yelled at so vehemently, I did not dare say a thing anymore and patiently waited for him to go on.
"What's the other reason?"
"Well…" I hesitated.
"Goddammit, that woman really is a pain…"
I was anxious. In fact, I was completely lost and a strange ball of tears had formed in my throat. I fought to contain them. Why was it that I kept messing up…? With Yosano-sensei, with Kunikida…
"Hypnotism doesn't work on me…" I said in a breath.
"What? Speak louder…! You who's usually so confident, how is it I can't hear you anymore...?!"
"Why is it that she's so useless, all of a sudden…?!"
My legs gave up on me and I crouched down, shamefully holding my hands above my mouth to repress a sob, but my tears betrayed my true feelings. I who had strived not to cry again… Why was it I could never hold it back?
"Ogawa…? Wait, what —"
I gasped when he touched my wrist and covered my head with my arms, backing away from him as much as I could.
"I'm sorry…! I'm sorry…!" I cried "Please don't hit me… I'm sorry…! I won't be useless anymore… So… Please…"
"What the heck is she doing…?!"
"Stop that…!" He demanded "I didn't do a thing, so stop crying!"
He was suddenly pushed away and replaced by another person, whose touch immediately dissipated the aggressive thoughts coming to my mind. Instead, they were replaced by my own, which looped around my brain, repeating "incompetent" again and again. It did not calm me down, but at least, I had retrieved some of my sanity. Hearing myself again… It was helpful, after all. I wrapped my arms around the one who had saved me, recognising his warmth and thanking him silently for coming. After that terrible day, he was everything I needed to overcome the everlasting pain in my chest.
"Dazai…" I hiccupped "I… I screwed up…"
"Not yet, Ogawa…" He spoke, softly "Not yet…"
"With the detectives… I angered sensei and Kunikida…"
"Everyone makes mistakes…"
"... I am a hateful person…"
"Who said that?"
I pointed at myself.
"I can feel it… In here… I am not someone good… I can't do it, after all… Being part of the Agency… I'm not fit for the job after all…"
"Ogawa…" He sighed, grabbing my shoulders to force me to look at him "Stop, now. The director gave you a chance because he believes in you. That's why, don't you dare pity yourself and, instead, stand up to face the trials. You can do that much, can't you?"
His fingers felt rough on my body and I whispered slightly. He was scolding me, too, and I knew that, had we not gone through specific stages of relationship, he would have slapped me. I took a moment to breath and wiped my tears away. He was right after all, crying would not solve a thing, nor would it fix the situation. I grabbed the hand he held out to me and stood up to brush the dust away from my clothes, then faced the blond detective.
"As I was saying earlier…" I cleared my throat "Hypnotism doesn't work on me. My ability allows me to know beforehand about my interlocutor's motives, after all."
"What the hell was that…" Kunikida groaned, massaging his temples "And what are you even doing here, Dazai…?!"
"I figured Ogawa would need some help with you~" He hummed "Besides, her name is Fuyuno Kasumi here, don't forget that…~"
"As long as it doesn't hinder the mission."
"It won't, I promise." I assured "Anyway, as I said —"
"Yes, I know, you're immune to hypnosis or whatever… Even so, I can't let you go alone, and you perfectly know why."
"It is true that I do seem mentally unstable to you…" I thought out loud, a hand under my chin "Moreover, you don't trust me…"
"That's not it…!" He protested "That's your first time working for us, have you already forgotten…?!"
I chuckled.
"Obviously, I was just messing with you. Although the part about trusting me was not a wrong guess from my part." I grinned "However, if you go, we'll never find Sakunosuke-kun."
"Hoh? Why is that?" He glared at me.
"Because~" Dazai answered for me "You'd be easily manipulated~"
"Me?? Never…!" He scoffed.
"Kunikida…" I held back a snicker "Just yesterday, I used you to go back to the Agency…"
"I did see through your intention…"
"And I convinced you to write something about wrinkles in your notebook when you arrested me, the first day we met… To better knock you out with a chair." I reminded him.
"You did that…?" Dazai's eyes widened "That's my friend…! Just before meeting you again, I did the same…! But it was about heart disease…~"
"Alright, you win!" He conceded "You'll go, and I'll come with you. Dazai you stay here to watch over Yumiko-san and Kitaro-kun while we investigate with… Fuyuno."
"Sure thing. Have fun the two of you~ And, mostly, don't traumatise her, Kunikida-kun~ She's a sensitive woman, as you witnessed~"
"Stop mocking me." I glanced at my friend playfully as we left "Let's go, Kunikida…! We'll start with the legal one, an illusionist named Cosmo… Cosmo the Wonderful. "
"Don't order me around…!" He protested "But, sure… That's better, to start…
"Don't tell me… You're afraid of being used…!" I guessed.
"Absolutely not…! Mind your own business…!"
"Eh… The mighty Kunikida is scared of illusionists… That's because you don't understand their tricks, but once you know how they work, it's fine." I told him.
"I'm not scared…!"
"Want me to explain how they do the box trick on the way? You know, the one where they cut —"
"Aaah stop that!! You're unbearable…!"
"... A person. In fact, they don't really cut their assistant. It's an illusion created by mirrors…"
"It's going to be a very long drive…"
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empyrealarc · 4 years
boss battle, but also reverse boss battle pls
BOSS BATTLE! @gatecoeur
The Challenger: Arelette Gatecœur!
The Stage: Sanctuary of Serenity, Ana's "chosen throneworld" from which she planned to rule over the cosmos. The planetoid is empty, save for the new vessel of Eternal Hunger and the Nexus of Bae.
The Scene: Ana is slipping. The pet names, cutesy '~' noises, and the spark in her eyes is gone. She is preceeded no longer by the sound of laughter, but by the rumbling of her stomach. Espirit Cosmique, sworn to the defense of reality, knows what she has to do, and is mighty enough to do so. Though she tries and tries to get through to her friend and ally, she is met only by gluttony and greed. She is forced to act...
The Soundtrack: Not Ready To Die by Avenged Sevenfold!
And here's why!
The song is a guitar and drum heavy MARCH through a seven-minute tale of an ancient evil and the once innocent souls stood against it and fallen to it. With tonal callbacks to a composition about hopelessness, the funeral march, and requiem.
[Lyrical Snippet] GONE! Cast away in time. Evil yours? Now evil mine. So, I robbed you blind. The voices in my head suggest a less than peaceful side. DAMNED, watch the masses fall! Burn 'em down, control 'em all!
A glimpse into Ana's ascent from demi-godhood to true divinity. Rid her father of his permanence, stole his throne and yet... the weight of her actions is changing her. Making her worse. The faith she brought together is no longer her beautiful coalition. They're a tool. A weapon. Fodder. And Arelette seeing this, knows something is wrong.
[Lyrical Snippet] You can't break me! Crushed the fears of yesterday. You can't change me Barriers our trust will fade. I've stood in the dark, been waiting all this time. While we damn the dead... I'm trying to survive.
A piercing moment from Arrie's perspective. Though she has been rebuilt, altered, upgraded and even made 'cosmique', she REMAINS Espirit. A good soul dedicated to helping those around her, putting her life on the line against governments, shady corporations, evil gangs and even GODS to ensure life is worth living for those who can't see it as such currently.
The trust she had in Ana is gone in lieu of her new perspective. She's been serving alongside a dark entity for some time, but no longer. She can't live with herself if such continues, if such evil continues to wear her friend's skin.
[Lyrical Snippet] Through the madness we find, loyalty is no match for power. Say goodbye to your life, left to rot in your darkest hour... Friends won't help you now as long as you're mine!
The voices presented in the story come together at this point. They've been in sync before, it seems that even at their end, they can find another chance to be as one.
Loyalty is no match for power. "You'd betray me?!" "You've betrayed our plan, Ana!"
Friends won't help you now. There is no Faith Militant around. No back-up, no NPCs, nothing but God and her Right Hand. One has to go, to ensure balance in the universe, but...
[Lyrical Snippet] I'm not ready to die. I'm not ready to die! I'm not ready to die! I'm not ready to die! Ready to die! (Ready to die!) (Ready to die!)
It's rare to face the end prepared. Neither thought today would be that day. A shame it most certainly was.
The Challenger: Lana'Bita S'byll-Breed~
The Champion!!: Arelette 'Dumps like a Truck' Gatecœur!
The Stage: The Town of Agua Fria Arrie's warehouse loft. It's the easiest way to get her guard down, and wearing a familiar face helps, non?
The Scene: Ana is closing in on Lana. She's made some enemies, refuses to come in for questioning, and needs to fucking escape before her sister straight yops her in twain. How lucky for her she manages to find 'The Dearest' unprotected and unassuming? Especially after the ass whooping she got from Remus or whatever his fucking name was? Sounds like it's time to be PETTY!
The Soundtrack: I Can't Decide by the Scissor Sisters!
And here's why~
This song is a jaunty, lively piano-driven tune about someone happily resigning themselves to murdering, torturing and just HURTING a pure individual! Not for any good reason, not for their own benefit... the singer acknowledges that they're a piece of shit and rather than steer away from it? Let's keep dancing and scheming on your death sugar!
[Lyrical Snippet] It's not easy having yourself a good time. Greasing up those bets and betters, watching out they don't four-letter. Fuck and kiss you both at the same time... Smells like something I've forgotten, curled up died and now it's rotten! I'm not a gangster tonight, don't wanna be a bad guy. I'm just a loner baby... and now you've gotten in my way!
She knows she's a terrible piece of krutack. She's horrid and vile and uses people for her own amusement and delight! She realizes that at some point in her life, she did have a heart... or a soul. But it's gone now! Fed to the void she was spawned from and there ain't no going back~ (note: using ana's preferred 'baby' instead of her own 'sugar' is meant to further the Deception; strengthen the anguish.)
[Lyrical Snippet] I can't decide whether you should live or die! Oh, you'll probably go to heaven, please don't hang your head and cry... No wonder why, my heart feels dead inside. It's cold and hard and petrified, lock the doors and close the blinds. We're going for a ride!
Lana has seen all the affection Arrie has earned. From her own dance partners, from Ana herself? The girl is innocent of any 'true crime' except for existing in her airspace and as such? She gotta die! Or be tortured. Or be eaten. Or replaced. Or- the list goes on and on, because creative torture is a specialty both Ana and Lana share. There are ways to wound and mar and WRECK that don't get spoken about in public and who better to unleash them upon?
She wants only to HURT. If killing achieves the most hurt? COOL! If not? She's got options, sugar! That's why she's doing this wearing Ana's face. It has to hurt from the very top and not stop hurting until it's over.
[Lyrical Snippet] Oh, I could throw you in the lake, or feed you poisoned birthday cake. I won't deny I'm gonna miss you when you're gone. Oh, I could bury you alive! But you might crawl out with a knife and kill me when I'm sleeping... that's why~
Win or lose? Death or Freedom? Arrie or Lana? The jaunty dancing monster has had her fun and achieved her goal. Turned her counterpart's friends and allies into pieces in her sick game and twisted the knife as much as she could. There's nothing sweeter, and believe her sugar, she's tried cinnamon toast crunch since arriving on Earth. It don't compare~
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Cosmo & Amber
Amber: [okay so the clerb was a whole mood ™ before his ⚽ mates make it awkward and she goes off with some other lad, but we wanna say anything happened between them before then or is it just a VIBE] Cosmo: [I say a VIBE] Amber: [if you wanted you could do your own #necklaceapology here unless you wanna say that already happened] Cosmo: [probably not now 'cos of the leaving with someone else element of it all, even though he deffo changed and blanked her basically, 'cos you know] Amber: [ah the joys] Cosmo: [fun times all 'round] Cosmo: get home safe? Amber: I will when he takes me home Amber: how are you feeling? Cosmo: fantastic Amber: 9 lives Cosmo: no need to compare numbers Amber: did you have a game today? Cosmo: friendly Amber: and was it? Cosmo: you wanna know if I got carded? Amber: and if you scored or helped someone else to Amber: I want to know everything that happened Cosmo: We lost Amber: and you don't want to talk about it or we can? Cosmo: we've had enough of an ear-bashing off the management but if you reckon you've got any suggestions feel free Amber: why do you think I'd be coming from a place of 😠? Cosmo: losing = bad Amber: not if it means you win next time Amber: everything's a learning experience when your dad's a teacher Cosmo: I was just off my game Cosmo: it's not going to happen again Amber: I do remember saying that maybe Saturday wasn't the best night to take my clubbing 🍒 Cosmo: you wanted to go, you got what you wanted Amber: do you want to talk about it? Cosmo: about what, exactly Amber: that dig which implies you didn't get what you wanted Cosmo: There's no dig, I lost, that's not what I wanted Cosmo: I don't need you coming in after the fact with an 'I told you so' Cosmo: you saw the rest of my team out, it's a weekly occurrence Amber: then don't put the blame onto me Cosmo: where'd I say that Amber: I wanted to go, it's my fault Cosmo: You didn't force me to take you Cosmo: you couldn't Amber: I know, so I don't appreciate the tone Cosmo: I'm so sorry Amber: I'm sorry you lost Cosmo: sure you are Amber: it's genuine, unlike yours Cosmo: I'm not apologising to you, what the fuck have I done but take you out Cosmo: and you clearly had a good time Amber: you could apologise for how you acted last night or how you are now Amber: but I won't wait for either Cosmo: I weren't acting Amber: not before your friends got there Amber: only after Cosmo: other way 'round Cosmo: that's who I am Amber: why did you invite me out if you don't want to be seen with me? Cosmo: it's not that Cosmo: I knew they weren't your people, you wouldn't have enjoyed hanging with them Amber: you don't get to make those kind of decisions for me Cosmo: I wasn't going to let them be dicks to you Amber: neither would I Amber: I can defend my own honour, thanks Cosmo: Well if I can, then I'm going to, simple as Cosmo: it didn't need to be a thing Amber: no, if you can keep me separate from them, you're going to Amber: that's what you mean Cosmo: I told you, you're not my type of person, I'm not yours Cosmo: that includes my friends Amber: you spelled out to me in great detail how I don't fit into your life the way it is, so why did you invite me out?! Amber: you made it into a thing Cosmo: you wanted to Amber: I wanted to, the way you said it would be, not THAT Cosmo: they usually go [different club] Amber: we could've left, I'd have gone to a different club with you Cosmo: wasn't my plan either Cosmo: you would? Amber: of course, I would've, I meant everything I said about not adding to the pressure that you're under Amber: but that doesn't mean I'm going to make it easy for you to smuggle me into dark corners like it's such a shameful secret that we're friends Amber: you don't get to treat me however you want because your life is hard Cosmo: I know it's fucked up Cosmo: and yeah, it saves me hassle, not going to deny it, but I don't wanna hear the shit they'd have to say about you, any more than I'd want you to hear it Amber: address it and you wouldn't have to hear it again, about any girl Amber: stop giving them a free pass to say things like that Cosmo: yeah, it's that easy Amber: It's not easy, nor is it easy being a girl getting treated like an object Cosmo: this is my career we're talking about Cosmo: I make their lives hard, they make mine hard for me right back Cosmo: I'd be off the team before I knew it Cosmo: it's not like they're rapists or anything crazy Amber: you've got better excuses than your brother, I'll give you that Cosmo: don't compare us Amber: why not? it's a variation of the same behaviour and I'm tired of it Cosmo: I'm fuck all like my brother Amber: at least you're sorry Cosmo: What's he done to you now? Amber: he hasn't done anything to me and this conversation isn't about him anyway Cosmo: Amber Cosmo: you can tell me Amber: you already know what he's like, I don't need to Cosmo: Sure, he's a little prick Cosmo: but why are you upset with him right now Amber: because there are girls there that are more vulnerable than me and the way you're acting like you need to stand up for me against your friends is what they need and aren't getting Amber: it was brought to my attention and I should've realised before Cosmo: what does that mean though Amber: I need to do something to help, I don't know Cosmo: you mean he's like hurt someone Amber: not physically, don't worry Cosmo: okay, good Cosmo: it sounded like you meant he'd like Cosmo: assaulted someone Amber: I'm sorry, no, it's not that Amber: like your friends, I'm sure he wouldn't Cosmo: don't girls have a whole code Cosmo: put the word out about him being whatever type of dick he's being, then you won't have to feel bad, it'll be on him and them Amber: I have Cosmo: there you go then Cosmo: they'll have the info to make their own decisions now Cosmo: opposed to whatever bullshit he might come out with Amber: I don't want to talk about Dash Cosmo: okay Amber: was your dad at your game? Cosmo: no, he was doing something with his girlfriend's family Cosmo: so I'll have to tell him now, that we lost Amber: how upset is he going to be? Cosmo: when he realizes why Cosmo: quite a bit Amber: you could lie, I won't sneak in through his window and tell him Cosmo: he'll see Cosmo: or talk to the managers Cosmo: I can maybe think of something that makes it sound better but he isn't big on excuses so Amber: they don't know why, do they? unless they were also at the club which is a bit hypocritical and strange Amber: but I was asking to see if you wanna do a meditation or something with me before you tell him Amber: this boy doesn't have a yoga mat, I could improvise though Cosmo: One of the lads practically sprayed the pitch Cosmo: weren't me but it's a sort of if one of us is in shit then we all are Cosmo: but no one else's dad will make 'em do extra training on top of the extra training Cosmo: it's fine, just not ideal Cosmo: I think you should leave, though Amber: why do you think I should leave? Cosmo: you don't even know who he is Amber: he's making brunch and I have manners Cosmo: if you had manners you wouldn't be using me for entertainment whilst you wait Amber: I'm not Amber: I'm making sure you're okay because I haven't seen or heard from you since last night happened the way it did Cosmo: You don't need to check up on me Cosmo: go enjoy your brunch Amber: you didn't need to either but you started this conversation to do exactly that Cosmo: I had no idea you were having brunch Amber: relax, 9, it isn't candlelit Amber: he's on his phone too Amber: just because I sleep outside doesn't mean I was born in a barn Cosmo: Does he know how old you are Amber: yes, I don't seduce men via deception Cosmo: how old is this man then Amber: 18, he's a boy really Cosmo: 🙄 Amber: what? Cosmo: bit weird on his part Amber: where did you meet all your stalkers and girlfriends? Cosmo: I've not gone out with an 18 year old Amber: you're behaving like I said 28 Amber: if I'd met him at school, it wouldn't even be an issue Cosmo: it'd still be weird Cosmo: you're a kid Amber: ⭐ Cosmo: Whatever Amber: it's not, stop trying to make me feel bad about this Cosmo: I'm not, I'm saying he's weird Amber: do you know him? Amber: because after your reluctance to let your friends anywhere near me, I don't think you're in any position to judge Cosmo: he's 18, you told him you were 15 Cosmo: speaks for itself Amber: boy, you're in the wrong career 👮 Amber: I'm fine thanks, officer Cosmo: 'cos sound lads can never get girls their own age Cosmo: it isn't my fault if you feel bad Amber: yes it is because last night is a weekly occurrence for you and it you know it wasn't for me Amber: so you don't get to tell me how I can or can't decide to make the best of something Cosmo: Then you should listen to me and go home Cosmo: for fuck's sake Amber: I can't walk home from here in this outfit, it's too far Amber: you think he's weird that'd be nothing on what I'd get from actual grown men if I do Cosmo: you can't make him give you money for a cab? Amber: I don't want to ask, because if he says no then you're right, and I don't want you to be right Cosmo: I'll ping you some now alright Cosmo: then we don't have to find out Amber: don't, I haven't got any way to pay you back Amber: you've spelled out your feelings about 🍏🍊🐓 Cosmo: would you rather chance it and get a lift back from someone you don't even want to ask about the taxi Cosmo: how else are you going to do it, don't be stupid Amber: 😠 okay Amber: but I'm staying angry at you Cosmo: do what you like, I don't care about the money or paying you to be nice Amber: what do you care about? I'll do something that'll benefit that Cosmo: just get home unmurdered, yeah Cosmo: that works for me Amber: are you home? I could make you brunch Cosmo: you just want two brunches Amber: yes, but I also want you to have one Cosmo: What are you going to make? Amber: after extensive research, a lot of footballers are vegan, are you? Cosmo: for the most part Cosmo: I eat fish sometimes Amber: oily fish is good for ⚽ that was part of the research and 🍣📸 is apparently part of the lifestyle Amber: but avocado toast with blueberry, banana and chia seed pancakes won't get me voted out of the commune Cosmo: alright nerd Cosmo: is he a footballer or what? Amber: no, he goes to some catholic school, I don't know it Cosmo: definite weirdo then Cosmo: nah, thanks though Cosmo: sounds good Amber: his parents house is pretty close to yours so don't ruin your appetite with snacks Cosmo: I don't eat snacks Cosmo: not even to piss you off Amber: never?! Amber: What about 🍏 🍎 🍐 🍊 🍋 🍌 🍉 🍇 🍓 🍈 🍒 🍑 🥭 🍍 🥥 🥝 ? Amber: or 🥜? Cosmo: if I was dying but nah Cosmo: little and often Amber: I'm relieved you're not dying Amber: it sounds like you and your friends partied harder than I did after we separated Cosmo: They did anyway Amber: you didn't? Cosmo: I never get as fucked up as them Amber: because you don't want to or because you're 💪🏽? Cosmo: I don't wanna be the one making us lose Cosmo: or losing my spot on the team Amber: it stops being fun Amber: if I make a decision I'd like to know that it wasn't my blood alcohol level that really did Cosmo: yeah Cosmo: think a lot of people do the opposite for the excuse Amber: not to side with your dad before I've even met him but I don't love excuses either Cosmo: it's a good rule, if a little tough Amber: I did think you were saying that was why you weren't as focused though Cosmo: can be, if you like Amber: but what's the answer? Cosmo: nosy Amber: secretive Cosmo: it doesn't matter does it Amber: it must matter to you if it's why you lost Amber: but it doesn't matter if you don't want to tell me, I'm still making brunch Amber: [show up and knock 9 times again gal] Cosmo: [shooketh lowkey like didn't think you were that close, also so many knocks, saying Indie is home so being over your shoulder like it's fine I know who it is as you open the door] Amber: [we know the vibe she's making herself at home immediately because she's that bitch, saying hi to his mum and asking her if she wants brunch too or just tea or coffee all the while in last night's extra af club lewk because awkwardness doesn't exist for her and we're getting in that kitchen and putting on music and dancing and cooking like we live here] Cosmo: [just introducing her because we're freaking out but then you're like, idk what to even say so you're calling her 'Dash's friend' which frankly makes this stranger though I guess explainable lol, lowkey not even looking at her because we cannot for all the reasons] Amber: [that hurt her heart because boy I'm literally making you brunch, we're friends, but we're not correcting that sentence, we're just chatting to his mum and doing all the things like he's lowkey not there] Cosmo: [oh boy, so lowkey rude truly on accident because you don't want the conversation I highly doubt your mum would start rn like OOOOOOOOH lol, gonna make your dad call you like he's found out so go outside and promise all the shit you're gonna do to stay on top] Amber: [Indie would never do you like that boy but we know where you're coming from and Amber isn't coming for your life rn either even if she doesn't understand because she literally tells her parents everything] Cosmo: [come in in a bit visibly more stressed even though you already were/always are, poor boy[ Amber: [at least the food would probably be ready by then because none of the things she was making would take that long and I assume his dad was going off for a while so she can just put the food in front of him] Cosmo: [look like ? as if you literally didn't compute she was really doing it until it's fully in front of you like oh 'thank you' also piss off now Indie/Billie sorry bye] Amber: [take your coffee and go gal before he has a breakdown please, the bae who isn't the bae needs to smile at him in a really genuine and adorable way because he remembered his manners] Cosmo: [smiling back but we're just distracted by all things so it's not as real as it can be though we trying 'what did you have for your first brunch?'] Amber: ['oatmeal' not said in a shady way but it's just reinforcing that the boy wasn't bringing his A game here] Cosmo: [just raising a brow and trying not to smile too smugly 'glad you put more effort in'] Amber: [😠 lowkey because he doesn't get to be smug like at least that boy made something he hasn't even made her a drink like excuse you 'I'm glad you like it'] Cosmo: [nudging her under the table with his foot like what] Amber: [a look like you know what] Cosmo: ['you want more oatmeal?' doing a bad mimic of her voice] Amber: [hitting him on the arm like stop, even if she has to lean across the table to do it] Cosmo: ['what?' well done for saying it] Amber: ['I like oatmeal more than you right now' because we're cross] Cosmo: ['hey' and reaching across the table to do the squeeze-of-the-hand-apology and then gesturing at her plate like let's just eat] Amber: [when he literally hasn't touched her before this so we're dying but eating like it's chill] Cosmo: ['this is a better way to do the footballer diet than I have been' for a compliment moment 'cos like everything we're being overly regimented duh] Amber: [leaves the pancake recipe in the chat for him because quick and easy tbh] Cosmo: 👍 Cosmo: [then doing it IRL like a nerd] Amber: 🤓 Amber: [but we're amused] Cosmo: that's you Cosmo: I'm evil, I remember Cosmo: [jokey 😒 'cos wants to be a Gryffindor 'good guy'] Amber: no, you're brave but not stupid Amber: [goes on a little slytherin pride style rant like this is how great you are] Cosmo: [just like 'say how you really feel about me' like it's all bants but listening to all her nerding out] Amber: ['I feel like you'd be a good friend to have' because we haven't forgotten what he said earlier] Cosmo: [penny dropping moment 'cos boys are that oblivious facts lol, shrugging like come on but clearly awkward 'what should I have said? after last night-' like are you even my friend now] Amber: ['You said what you were comfortable with' again not said in a shady way, just like yet again I'm not trying to make your life hard boy 'but after last night, if I were you, I'd want to pacify me'] Cosmo: ['how would you suggest I do that?' saucy saucy] Amber: ['I would suggest it comes from you, to be like, actually sincere'] Cosmo: [🤔 then being like hold up and go get that necklace honeyyy] Amber: [we're immediately putting that on even though it doesn't go with this outfit] Cosmo: [nodding our approval 'cos not risking saying anything rn] Amber: ['it's not a good luck charm, right?' like I'm not getting blamed if you lose again] Cosmo: [shakes his head 'if you start doing that kind of thing, can get a bit OCD, like'] Amber: [playing with this necklace casually 'maybe it will be for me' cos we're happy now that he's being nice] Cosmo: ['what do you need luck for?' actual question not being rude lol] Amber: ['next time you take me clubbing' we got bants] Cosmo: [just like alright, alright 'it was me who ended up having a shit night anyway'] Amber: [doing the hand squeeze apology back to him] Cosmo: [pulling away, not too dramatically 'cos not an ew moment, but clearly not her fault so like nah girl] Amber: [getting up to wash up because even though they've 100% got a dishwasher she wouldn't have ever lived anywhere that does cos hippie life so it wouldn't occur to her honestly] Cosmo: [finding a tea towel like I'll dry] Amber: [how coupley of you, love that, just grooving while we do this because of course] Cosmo: [gonna lowkey check you out 'you didn't do enough dancing...we'll have to go again, actually'] Amber: [just giving a horrified look like they're no such thing as enough dancing thank you but then loling 'we could do a friday night instead, if that works better for you'] Cosmo: ['alright' then pausing 'probably not for a while' 'cos we have all this extra training to do and people to appease so we gon' be busy] Amber: ['okay' genuine because she will wait and that's the tea, then I'm gonna take the bathtub moment from the OG convo we did because #mood and it actually works better now cos she does need to bathe lol so I'm saying she goes upstairs, making herself at home again obvs and calls 'bring me tea' over her shoulder as she goes like the queen she is] Cosmo: [it does work better and is needed so go ahead, though he is truly confused where she is going and why but like okay, pop off at this point] Amber: [excuse us Indie because you're assumedly still here lol] Cosmo: how do you take your tea Cosmo: we don't have green Amber: I don't like green tea, don't worry Amber: but I still take black tea that way, no milk Amber: what colour is your sugar? Cosmo: I think we might have some 🤎 in the baking shit if it's a dealbreaker Amber: if there is, I'll have some but it's not Amber: we run out of everything at home Cosmo: I'll be amazed if we have any left but 🤞🙏 Amber: at least you have hot water Cosmo: that's what you're doing Amber: 🛀🏽🧜🏽 Cosmo: don't get in yet Amber: why? Cosmo: your tea will get cold Amber: you're supposed to bring it to me, boy Cosmo: how am I meant to Cosmo: leave it at the door? Cosmo: close my eyes? Amber: I won't be able to reach it if you leave it there, and you don't need to be embarrassed Cosmo: I'm not embarrassed Amber: fine, neither of us will get accidentally scolded by hot tea that you're carrying around with your eyes closed then Cosmo: not clumsy, for one, do more research nerd Amber: oh, are you carrying it with your feet? I didn't realise, sorry Cosmo: you reckon all my skill is in my feet only? Amber: and your head, if footballers are still allowed to do that? Amber: but you're not a goalkeeper Cosmo: yeah, headers are valid Cosmo: rest assured, I can still get a full mug to you Amber: they are banned for children because the risk of brain damage is valid too, according to my research Amber: chronic traumatic encephalopathy Cosmo: big words Cosmo: all I know is rugby is rougher Cosmo: or I could be a boxer, so Amber: it also happens to boxers, I don't know about rugby players Cosmo: anything where you're getting bashed about the head too much Cosmo: most only do it when necessary but it's some people's 'thing' to assist or score rather than lose it in the scrabble of feet Amber: that makes sense, but we've digressed here away from the debate of how good you are, or aren't, with your hands Cosmo: what you mean is, we've digressed away from you getting your tea in a prompt manner Cosmo: diva Amber: yes and yes Cosmo: 😏 Cosmo: it's brewing Amber: thanks Cosmo: you can take back what you said about my lack of skills later, like Amber: if you have foraging skills for sugar, maybe I will Cosmo: see if you taste the difference Amber: now you're doubting my skills? I guess I deserve that Cosmo: your taste? Cosmo: happened last night tbh Amber: 😠 Cosmo: come on Cosmo: I could've said when we met Cosmo: I was being well nice Amber: if you'd said it when we met I'd have agreed with you Cosmo: I suppose anything's a step up Amber: the sex absolutely was Cosmo: thrilled for you Amber: there's still plenty left for you to make fun of him, and me, about Cosmo: I'd rather not Amber: I'd rather you didn't either but it hasn't stopped you so far Cosmo: just stop talking then Amber: talking to me like that isn't going to provoke me into giving you the silent treatment Cosmo: [just bring this tea up moodily] Amber: [taking it and saying thanks again as if you're just at the kitchen table or whatever instead of naked and chilling in this bath lol] Cosmo: [we are not looking and just shrugging like whatever idc] Amber: [splashing him obvs like stop being rude] Cosmo: [when you can't even be mad like your ma uses this bathroom 'cos clearly not so you're just scowling but not 👀 her] Amber: [just smelling everything that's on the side of this bath because you don't want to use anything that's Dash's] Cosmo: [doing our hair in the mirror as if we need] Amber: ['are you always like this when a girl wants to spend time with you?' do we mean rude or checking yourself out instead of her or both tbh] Cosmo: [big sigh and rubbing our temples 'you wanted a bath'] Amber: ['and you'd also rather I didn't do that?'] Cosmo: ['do you not think this is weird?'] Amber: ['You're making it bizarre now' because genuinely doesn't think it's weird obviously or she wouldn't do it] Cosmo: [scoffs like oh yeah, me] Amber: [splashing him bigger than before] Cosmo: [turning 'round like STOP but then you're just looking at her the most intense] Amber: [obviously looking back like please just say something or do something before we both die lol] Cosmo: [when you shake your head microscopically to say you can't 'cos you wanna so bad obvs] Amber: [when you're not even doing the pout for a pisstake it just happens naturally because likewise, soz for drawing even more attention to those lips like] Cosmo: [the noise you're barely holding back here 'you know we can't'] Amber: ['I know we could' because it would be so easy rn to let this happen and they both know it lbr and I can only imagine how her voice sounds rn, soz again] Cosmo: [shaking your head more vigorously to snap yourself outta it 'cos you must, and throwing a new towel down for her like there you go and making your exit] Amber: [doing such a cinematic and dramatic lay down in the water moment because ffs] Cosmo: [lord knows what you're gonna do with yourself boy] Amber: [she should literally leave right now immediately but we in this bath now so blatantly getting clean first, a lot quicker than she would of but still the idea makes me lol] Cosmo: [lmao, just glad you no doubt have a gym sesh or something now so get that frustration out but lord] Amber: [just gotta awkwardly leave here in that club lewk because we can't ask him for an outfit rn, oh gal] Cosmo: [ah the awks awks awks] Amber: [such fun, this is why I love you two, he cockblocks himself so we don't have to] Cosmo: [truly but also hate it lol] Amber: [we 100% need to give him a WAG girlfriend like remember when Joe had that cringey Blake Lively one back in the day] Cosmo: [oh lord yes] Amber: [I'm trying to think who looks like a WAG so we can give her a face for the lols] Cosmo: [I was thinking a character like Ruby from sex education, she's the only one I can think of rn, but that's a WAG-ish vibe] Amber: [I vibe that and I also have an idea how he could meet her like what if she's to do with the dad's girlfriend like when people are really extra about their goddaughters pretending like they are fam when they're for real not even] Cosmo: [that's a fat mood, just using your godmother to get a mans lowkey lol] Amber: [anyways that's for another convo, you can post this if you like]
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COSMIC - S1:E5; Chapter Five, The Flea and The Acrobat - [Pt. 2]
A Will Byers x Gender Neutral!Reader Series
𝘏𝘰𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘳 𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘬𝘴 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘢𝘣 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘴, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴. 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘺 𝘢𝘴𝘬𝘴 𝘔𝘳. 𝘊𝘭𝘢𝘳𝘬𝘦 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘭 𝘵𝘰 𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘥𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯.
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"Fear not, for I am with you. Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you."
'I can't believe I'm at Will's funeral.'
"Yes, I will help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." The pastor continued.
I spared a glance at the people around me.
I looked to Jonathan, his head bowed, and poor Joyce who was sitting nearby.
I can't imagine what they must be going through.
Joyce was like a second mother to me, and she has always treated as if I was one of her own. I'll always be grateful for that. I lay a hand on her shoulder.
She looks up to me confused like I had pulled her deep out of her thought, upon seeing it was me she smiles thankfully. She put her hand over mine and gave it a few gentle pats and then a small stroke with her thumb to say thank you.
I smiled solemnly at her and let go, listening to the rest of the service.
"It's times like these that our faith is challenged. How, if he is truly benevolent... could God take us from someone so young, so innocent?"
I looked down at my feet.
"It would be easy to turn away from God... but we must remember that nothing, not even tragedy, can separate us from His love."
I felt a nudge on my shoulder and turned to look at Dustin. He wore a sly smirk as he looked to his right, past me and Mike.
Frowning in confusion, I turned my head to see what he was smirking about.
"Just wait till we tell Will that Jennifer Hayes was crying at his funeral." Dustin said cheekily.
I scoffed under my breath, rolling my eyes.
"Since when has she cared about Will? She couldn't even get his name right, remember that week she called him Bill?" I huffed, crossing my arms in distaste.
The boys smirked at me.
"What?" I asked.
"Somebody jealous?" Lucas smirked.
"No-! Not ev- Shut up!" I scowl.
The boys giggle earning more than a few concerned and offended glances making me smile to myself. Mrs. Wheeler leaned down and shushed the boys making me smirk more.
'Serves them right.'
Soon enough, the casket had been lowered into the grown and roses had been thrown on top. I made my way to the very side of the grave, looking down.
"I know you're not dead. But I swear to God, if you don't come back I'm gonna kill you." I muttered to the casket in the ground.
As people began to filter out, we watched as Mike's mom said her condolences to Will's parents.
"I'm so, so sorry."
"Oh, thank you so much for coming." Will's dad said.
I never liked him.
Joyce was just standing by herself quietly, her arms crossed looking down at the grave.
"Yeah, if there's anything we can do..." Mr. Wheeler offered, shaking the man's hand.
"I appreciate it. Thank you so much."
I said goodbye to Lucas who had to follow his parents out, even though we would be seeing him later at the wake. I did the same with Mike, and soon enough Mom was waiting for us so we could get to the car.
"Mom, will you give me a minute?"
"Of course, Pumpkin," She smiled at me with sympathy.
I turned around and wove through the crowd that had separated me from Joyce. I tapped her on the shoulder, seeming to jostle her from her thoughts a second time.
Upon seeing it was me, she smiled.
"Hi, Ms. Byers."
"Oh, hi Y/n. Thank you, for coming, sweetheart," She smiled.
I captured her in a bear hug and she gladly reciprocated, giving my several comforting strokes.
"Of course. I'm so, so sorry for your loss." I said, letting her go.
"Oh, thank you, honey. T-Tell me, how have you been holding up?" She asked gently.
My eyes welled up.
"I'm not gonna lie, it's- it's been really hard. I just, I just miss him so much. Your son was such a good person. Always a gentleman." I knew what I was saying.
Even if he is alive for sure, everything I said was true. He always has been nothing but kind to me.
Not to mention, I owe him for so much.
She seemed extremely thankful for hearing that and I was glad I could make her genuinely smile on this sad day.
"Really? Oh sweetie, thank you. That means, just so much to me."
I look back to my mom and brother waiting for me by the car, and I return my gaze back to Ms. Byers.
"Um, I better go. My mom is waiting for me. I guess I'll be seeing you at the wake. Goodbye, Ms. Byers."
"Thank you again, Y/n. I'll see you later, okay?" Her face slightly fell and she smiled at me.
I nod and begin walking backward sending a small wave her way before turning around a breaking out into a small jog to catch up to my mom.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
Being at the funeral of your best friend is daunting and quite surreal.
Being at the funeral of your best friend who is quite possibly alive in another dimension and you and only four other people know this is a completely different ballpark.
We had all met up at the wake and regrouped.
The plan was to ask Mr. Clarke if there was anything he could tell us about the theories regarding alternate dimensions. I'm just praying that we don't arouse suspicion given the setting.
"Mr. Clarke?" The tall man turned his attention away from the buffet to look at us.
Mr. Clarke smiled sympathetically. "Oh, hey, there."
The somber look came easily to my face as I looked to Mr. Clarke, Mike, and Lucas on either side of me while Dustin was digging into the buffet.
"How are you kids holding up?"
Lucas speaks up for us, slightly distracted by Dustin's blatant chewing. "We're... in... mourning."
"Man, these aren't real Nilla Wafers," Dustin sighed, shaking his head.
My eyes widen softly, and I look to Mr. Clarke trying to cover for him.
"You'll have to excuse my brother, Mr. Clarke, he's-" I stop midsentence to see him happily munching on more snacks, and look back to Mr. Clarke. "well, he mourns in his own... special way."
"We were wondering if you had time to talk?" Mike asked, wanting to move things along as quickly as possible.
"We have some questions," Lucas added.
I shook my head in agreement. "A lot of questions, actually,"
Mr. Clarke complied and the four of us found ourselves at the nearest table, asking our teacher about other dimensions at our "dead" friends' wake. Not something I ever could have imagined doing.
"So, you know how in Cosmos, Carl Segan talks about other dimensions? Like, beyond our world?"
"Yeah, sure. Theoretically." Mr. Clarke replies, noticeably confused at the subject of our questions.
"Right, theoretically,"
"So, theoretically, how do we travel there?" Lucas asked.
"You guys have been thinking about Hugh Everett's Many-World's Interpretation, haven't you?" A ghost of a smile on our teacher's face.
"Yeah," I chuckled, nodding my head in response.
The boys looked at me, wondering why I had said that.
I gave them a look that said, 'I don't know, just go with it.'
"Well, basically, there are parallel universes. Just like our world, but just infinite variations of it. Which means there's a world out there where none of this tragic stuff ever happened," I found myself nodding along, not for the sake of being believable, but actually lost in the idea.
"Yeah, that's not what we're talking about," Lucas sighed, leaning back.
"We were thinking of more of an evil dimension, like the Vale of Shadows. You know the Vale of Shadows?" Dustin asked, taking another loud bite of his off brand Nilla Wafers.
Not thinking that our science teacher would know anything about Dungeons and Dragons, I was completely taken aback by his next words.
"An echo of the Material Plane, where necrotic and shadow magic–"
"Yeah, exactly." Mike said cutting him off.
I shift uncomfortably in my seat.
"If that did exist - a place like the Vale of Shadows - how would we travel there?"
"Theoretically, of course." I add.
Mr. Clarke grabbed an empty paper plate and pulled out a pen from his jacket pocket. He then drew a straight line across the paper plate as he spoke, creating a visual for us.
"Picture... an acrobat..." He drew a small stick figure on top of the lines. "standing on a tightrope. Now, the tightrope is our dimension. And our dimension has rules."
He began drawing arrows on either side of the acrobat.
"You can move forwards, or backwards. But, what if..." He drew a very small creature under one of the arrows. "right next to our acrobat, there is a flea? Now, the flea can also travel back and forth, just like the acrobat. Right?"
"Right." We all agreed.
"Here's where things get really interesting. The flea can also travel this way... along the side of the rope." He drew arrows indicating the flea's direction around and under the rope, causing me to furrow my brows. "He can even go underneath the rope."
The boys and I all shared the same look before returning our gaze to Mr. Clarke. "Upside Down."
Mike spoke up. "But we're not the flea, we're the acrobat."
"In this metaphor, yes, we're the acrobat."
"So we can't go upside down?" Lucas asked warily.
"Well, is there any way for the acrobat to get to the Upside Down?"
"Well," Our teacher furrowed his brows, a thoughtful look coming upon his face. "you'd have to create a massive amount of energy. More than humans are currently capable of creating, mind you, to open up some kind of tear in time and space, and then..."
He folded the paper plate in half, creasing it shut before shoving his pen directly through both sides of the paper plate. "you create a doorway."
"Like a gate?" My brother asked eagerly.
"Sure. Like a gate. But again, this is all–"
"Theoretical." I smile, nodding my head.
"But... but what if this gate already existed?" Mike asked, timidly.
"Well, if it did, I... I think we'd know. It would disrupt gravity, the magnetic field, our environment. Heck, it might even swallow us up whole."
Mike seems to gauge our reactions, and I'm the only one who met his eye with an equally uncertain gaze.
"Science is neat." Mr. Clarke continued. "But I'm afraid it's not very forgiving."
We all lean back, digesting the information.
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Cosmo & Amber
Cosmo: Glad you didn't lie about how unique you are Cosmo: looks good Amber: would be appropriate if there were 8 other Ambers but no Cosmo: get 10 more and we could play some time Amber: ⚽ ? or..... Cosmo: 😂 Cosmo: that'd be a pretty specific fetish don't you think Amber: I don't know what you're saying to me, boy Amber: & you hate assumptions more than anyone I've ever met Cosmo: I refuse to believe you know anyone that likes them Amber: when you're that stoned whatever helps shit flow is a blessing Cosmo: less human more 🥔 Amber: 👽✌ Cosmo: intelligent lifeform might be pushing it Amber: calling me unintelligent is gonna push me towards 😠 Cosmo: I weren't talking about you Amber: it's what I do too Cosmo: yeah well Cosmo: you're self-described different Amber: you put that label on me Cosmo: Did I? Cosmo: sounds more like something you'd say Amber: how many headers do you do at training? maybe take a break & just kick the ball Cosmo: 😏 any more reference and can accuse you of swotting up Amber: ⬆ not unintelligent Cosmo: 🤓 Amber: yes & I have questions like why 9? Cosmo: its to do with position, at least on our team Cosmo: goalie is 1 and it goes from there Amber: if you change position, am I gonna have to wear a different necklace? you said you can Cosmo: I won't, I'm the best Cosmo: but when I get on the main squad somewhere, when I'm 18, then might be different Cosmo: keep you posted Amber: 💌 Cosmo: right Cosmo: reckon you'll have changed address by then? Amber: if my mama breaks up with her boyfriend, potentially Amber: we came here because my dad's girlfriend wanted 👶s & he didn't Cosmo: isn't it hard Cosmo: where you live depending on so many people Amber: if we go somewhere that has no clean water or electric again Amber: it's hard when nobody speaks the same language Cosmo: do you like it Amber: yes & no Cosmo: like, would you prefer to just live in a house with your mum, or dad, whoever Amber: sometimes we do Cosmo: why do they do it Amber: they go where they feel needed Amber: my mama's a midwife, she's saved women's lives before Cosmo: How long have you been here? Amber: it'll be 7 months in about a week Amber: they don't up & go as often since they left me in India & I nearly died Cosmo: you what Amber: 🐍 it's when & why I got the tattoo Cosmo: bullshit Amber: come sleep over & you'll see me wake up in the middle of the night thinking there's one in my bed Cosmo: that's fucked Cosmo: who did they even leave you with Amber: friends Amber: they went ahead to Vietnam Cosmo: that's ridiculous Amber: they didn't know I was gonna get bitten Cosmo: not really the point Amber: let me guess, the point is they are bad parents? Cosmo: I didn't say it Amber: you're being confrontational & I have another ⚽ question Amber: 🤫 Cosmo: go on Amber: can anyone come & watch you risk your short term memory & ability to refocus your 👀 doing too many headers or is it only the matches that get an audience? Cosmo: We have 2 matches a week, friendlies out of season but you can come to that Cosmo: coach doesn't like people coming to training though Amber: I would be trouble Amber: diverting the attention of the players Cosmo: Oh really Amber: yes really Amber: but I'll try and blend into the crowd at matches Amber: hide behind whatever sign I've made that week Cosmo: if you have a sign, you won't be blending in much Amber: [pouty face selfie] Amber: there's etiquette? share the dos and don'ts with me Cosmo: 😏 Cosmo: big teams might have signs Cosmo: I'll give you a lowdown and you can get out the poster paints for whoever Amber: what about this... Amber: [selfie of her with gold stars and a 9 drawn on her face looking so cute] Amber: allowed or not allowed? Cosmo: did you really just do that Amber: yes? Cosmo: you're crazy Amber: but if that a do and don't? Amber: you're keeping me waiting Cosmo: yeah, I am Cosmo: maybe you'll pout again Amber: or maybe I'll hit you instead of your brother Amber: is this a game you wanna play, boy? Cosmo: you'd have to find me for that Cosmo: I'm harder to reach in all the ways Amber: I'll reach out when you're ⚽ Amber: that schedule is easy to find with what you've already told me Cosmo: when you're a master stalker like you Amber: true Amber: but thank you for leaving the crazy out on that occasion Cosmo: I think its implied Cosmo: but you're very welcome Amber: so many things are with you Cosmo: Or are you hearing implications where they ain't Amber: how many kinds of crazy are you saying I've got, huh? Cosmo: 🤔 Amber: 😏 Cosmo: you like crazy, you're that type Amber: I like authentic Amber: whatever that means to whoever I'm with Cosmo: So you change person by person Cosmo: howis that authentic Amber: how is that what I said Amber: I like people who are themselves, whether that's crazy or not Cosmo: That's not saying anything Cosmo: everyone is themselves Cosmo: and no one likes everyone Cosmo: its compatibility, simple as Amber: you were closer to being onto something when you said people change person to person Amber: plenty of the everyone are scared to be themselves Amber: or unable for other reasons Cosmo: you would say that Amber: what are you implying with that? Cosmo: that you can be yourself without living in a yurt for a year Cosmo: sometimes you is a lot like what you're meant to be, doesn't mean its any less real Amber: & you can be fake living in a yurt for two Amber: plenty of the people at the farm would dial up their 'hippie bullshit' when talking to you and be less deliberately 'quirky' later talking to me Amber: I'm not saying I'm always bringing 110% realness, just that that's how I prefer it Amber: when I am Amber: and people around me are Cosmo: its easier to take people as they come Cosmo: why am I putting in the legwork Cosmo: if that's how you wanna be seen, how you present yourself, then who am I to try and dig deeper and say you're lying Amber: too busy for genuine connection, boy, I know Amber: called it in our first conversation Cosmo: nah fuck that Cosmo: it ain't your business Amber: I'm not getting into yours, breathe out Cosmo: people like you piss me off Amber: maybe you'd be less angry if you followed your own advice & took people on an individual basis Amber: you don't need to categorise me Cosmo: whatever, you piss me off Cosmo: if you'd like to make it more personal than it is Amber: I've said something to piss you off Amber: it's only me & you talking Cosmo: well there's no need now Amber: quit being the rudest boy I've ever met Cosmo: that's just who I am Amber: that 🌟 is Dash's Amber: don't start sibling rivalry there wasn't on my account Amber: competing for it Cosmo: don't compare us Amber: you aren't comparable, that's the point Amber: he thinks my name is Anna Cosmo: he's not the sharpest Cosmo: there's only one, how do you fuck it up, like Amber: 🚬🌿 in large quantities messes with your memory Amber: but that's not it Cosmo: you don't need to tell me Amber: I'm not gonna Cosmo: good Amber: do you really not want to talk to me at all though? Cosmo: we've got nothing in common Cosmo: what would we talk about Amber: we barely know each other Amber: there's plenty to talk about Cosmo: but why Amber: why do I wanna know you? why don't you wanna know me? Cosmo: 🙄 come on Amber: it's a question, why don't you? Amber: because you're too busy, because I slept with your brother, because of something else, what? Cosmo: Jesus, do you ever stop Cosmo: because we're not the same, it doesn't work in any way, so there's no point starting anything Amber: if you want it like that Amber: I'll green light it Cosmo: its just how it is Amber: I don't have to be convinced to respect what you think Amber: do I get a goodbye then? Cosmo: Don't be like that Amber: that's how I end conversations Amber: how do you? Cosmo: I don't know Cosmo: fine Amber: ✌🕊👋 Cosmo: for fuck sake Amber: what's wrong? Cosmo: you don't care about anything yeah Amber: of course I care about things Amber: 👽 isn't the same as 🤖 Cosmo: then why is everything so easy for you Amber: why do you wanna make shit hard for me? Cosmo: you twisted it Cosmo: that's not what I said Amber: there's no way to twist you calling me a waste of your time Cosmo: I said a mutual waste of our time Amber: it's not up to you how I spend mine Cosmo: like I said, why Cosmo: why are you happy to waste yours Amber: I don't see it as a waste of time to meet and get to know people Cosmo: even people you don't like Amber: I've never expressed any dislike for you Cosmo: well you have Cosmo: but you should so it's okay Amber: I haven't Cosmo: I'm rude Cosmo: and a prick and whatever else Cosmo: the truest shit you've said Amber: maybe I like rude pricks Cosmo: all your ther mates are like me, yeah Amber: get to know me & find out Cosmo: I told you, I can't come there alright Amber: I'll come to you Amber: where & when? Cosmo: You're Amber: I'm ? Cosmo: really annoying Amber: [even more pouty faced selfie than before] Amber: are you this annoyed when any girl wants to spend time with you or just me? Cosmo: why do you want me to be gay so bad, hurt your ego? Amber: it's not about ego Cosmo: well I'm not Cosmo: gay, that is Amber: okay Cosmo: glad you approve Amber: how would you like me to respond? Amber: it's not a big deal if you are or you aren't Cosmo: I'd say its fairly important Amber: are you a time traveller? Cosmo: no Cosmo: its a massive part of your identity and life Amber: that depends on your identity and life Cosmo: exactly Cosmo: you've proved my point, not your own Amber: it's not a big deal for everyone, you wanna fight about it to fight about it Cosmo: you wanna be right but you ain't Amber: I don't wanna be friends with you because you're gay or not gay Amber: & I'm not gonna act like getting to know you means finding out your sexuality & being done Cosmo: its not irrelevant Cosmo: and I don't see how you dismissing anything and everything I say as such is any more conducive to getting to know each other but you know best, Amber Amber: I didn't put a word like that to it, stop trying to drag me Amber: if you took some of your precious time to listen instead of deliberately misunderstanding me at every turn, that would be Cosmo: I'm good Amber: I'm setting context for you, like in the realm of us being friends it doesn't matter to me who you sleep with Cosmo: We aren't friends and we never will be, that's the reality unfolding right before us so Cosmo: fuck a hypothetical Amber: ⬆ if that's how you want it Amber: we could be anything Cosmo: If we could, we would Amber: if you're shutting it down we can't & we won't Cosmo: I'm not shutting anything down, this is what I'm saying Cosmo: we talk different, we make friends different, nothing is compatitible Amber: we aren't friends and we NEVER will be is what you said Amber: that's not being open Amber: you don't have to have everything be compatible or agree with everything your friends think Cosmo: there has to be some common ground Amber: we haven't looked for it, it's been a whole minute since you've known me Cosmo: are you a time traveller? Amber: you had a good time, I was there Amber: stop it Cosmo: I know Cosmo: but that's weird Cosmo: who the fuck are you Amber: it can be weird but it can't be you making out I've lost my fucking mind Cosmo: I'm trying not to fuck you over here Amber: you're not trying to do anything Amber: why did you even give me your number? Cosmo: I am Cosmo: I don't know Cosmo: it was Cosmo: it felt right at the time Amber: & now it doesn't Amber: so do you want it back? Cosmo: no Cosmo: you don't have to keep it but I don't Cosmo: you wants yours back Amber: it's yours now Cosmo: it looks special, are you sure? Amber: I already gave it to you Amber: I wouldn't have if I didn't wanna Cosmo: no one's ever given me anything like that before Amber: that's what this is, I've creeped you out Cosmo: no, that's not what I was saying, honestly Amber: I didn't like how we left shit, because of Dash & because I upset you before he got there Amber: it wasn't meant to be a new ending but it can be Cosmo: You didn't upset me Cosmo: I didn't know what to do, and I still don't now Cosmo: its not your fault Amber: I'm sorry Amber: it wasn't meant to be some big, confusing situation either Cosmo: its really not your fault Cosmo: you don't need to say sorry Amber: I feel like I do Cosmo: You're too nice Cosmo: I can't be that, Cosmo: but I don;t want to make you feel like shit Amber: you haven't Amber: it's my mistake Cosmo: it weren't a mistake Cosmo: to me Amber: thinking that we were gonna hang out again, that's where I misjudged it Amber: It's okay Amber: things can just be what they they were and have a . after them Cosmo: I want to Cosmo: but you Cosmo: I don't know how to act around you Amber: act however you want Amber: authentic Cosmo: That isn't what I wanna be around you Cosmo: that's this Cosmo: or worse Amber: it doesn't have to be Cosmo: but if I fake being nice to you Cosmo: isn't that just as bad Amber: I'll decide how I feel about how you are and what you do Amber: what do you think I want? Amber: fake is never gonna come into it Cosmo: I have no idea, that's half the problem Cosmo: its usually obvious Cosmo: not even a question Amber: so I need to spell it out for you? Cosmo: don't take the piss, like Amber: I'm asking Cosmo: Fuck it, I've already gone this far Cosmo: go on Amber: there's no conspiracy, I just wanna see you again Amber: get more time to figure out if the vibe is more than just that Cosmo: Okay Cosmo: when Amber: fit me around training Amber: I'm not busy Cosmo: I will Cosmo: expect my 💌 Amber: I will Cosmo: have you been able to avoid my brother then Amber: no Amber: but he wants to talk about me not TO me, no big deal Cosmo: he's immature as fuck Amber: enough girls hang on his every word at the farm he expects me to, even after....everything you don't wanna hear about Cosmo: he's never got a girl that hasn't drank the kool-aid Cosmo: he dunno how to act either Amber: if they like the taste that's chill but I didn't Cosmo: no amount of sugar is detracting from the 💀 Amber: 😋 Cosmo: if you're still talking about my brother you can shut up though Amber: 😂 Cosmo: 😒😏 Amber: I know I'm supposed to wait but a little 🐦 told me you like clubbing Amber: can't we go? Cosmo: do 🐜 like clubbing too? Amber: if you wanna wear the necklace you don't need my say so Amber: it's yours Cosmo: what do you wanna be then? Amber: what animal? Cosmo: yeah Amber: 🦇 Cosmo: alright drac, do you like clubbing? Amber: I don't know yet Amber: I've never been Cosmo: forreal? Amber: Yes Amber: you gonna pop my 🍒 or not? Cosmo: have to now Cosmo: be rude not to Amber: when? Cosmo: cute Cosmo: maybe we could go this friday Amber: [a selfie like yeah I am cute] Cosmo: don't you wanna hit your socials with that Amber: you've seen it now Cosmo: you're rude Amber: that's not true Cosmo: nah Cosmo: what do you call looking like that then Amber: you're not ready to take me clubbing if that's your reaction to what I look like atm Cosmo: oh really Cosmo: you're ditching me already Cosmo: see, rude Amber: I can't carry you when you get all 😳 & hit the ground, boy Cosmo: please Cosmo: I won't be looking at you, like Amber: yes you will Cosmo: you'd know Cosmo: 👀 on me Amber: you're level with the sky Amber: where else am I gonna look, at my own feet? Cosmo: no skyline in the club, hippie Cosmo: you manage? Amber: find out on Friday Cosmo: Its a date Amber: 💞 Cosmo: 👍 Amber: what do you like to drink? Amber: 🍾? 🍹? 🍺? 🍸? 🍷? Cosmo: Yeah, shots mostly Cosmo: not wasting calories or time, obviously Cosmo: someone will usually get some bottle service too Amber: 👌 we can be friends Cosmo: that was the key bit of info you were waiting for Cosmo: fair 'nuff 😂 Amber: 😏 Cosmo: priorities, like 👌 Amber: tequila deserves it for being delicious Cosmo: salud Amber: ជល់មួយ Cosmo: pardon Amber: cheers Cosmo: what language Amber: Cambodian Cosmo: how many do you know Amber: I can only speak English 'properly' Amber: a handful of words in plenty of languages doesn't really count Cosmo: still impressive party trick Amber: the boys love it Cosmo: I bet Amber: 😂 Cosmo: leads to so many quality chatup lines 'bout what else that mouth do, duh 🙄 Amber: trigger warning Amber: yes my 👅 can do plenty of impressive things but if that's how anyone is trying to find out Amber: they won't be Cosmo: that's just standard shit club chat, but I know you've heard it other places, so no need for the warning Amber: if I can hear it at the club the 🎶 isn't loud enough Cosmo: you ain't the only one with persistence Cosmo: soz to say Amber: [the pout he loves so dearly] Cosmo: 👊 Amber: pardon Cosmo: 😂 Amber: are you trying to scare me away from the club or you? Cosmo: its only digital, it can't hurt ya Cosmo: you've given me my 🌟 for not hitting women so Amber: but the suggestion is 💔 Cosmo: come on Cosmo: that lip is just asking for it Amber: I don't accept you putting any part of me & asking for it in the same sentence Cosmo: s'a joke Cosmo: you're safe Amber: you're not getting a 🌟 for comedy Cosmo: If you ever make me IRL 😂 either I'll let you know Amber: I'm not doing 🤡 makeup on Friday Amber: you're safe Cosmo: I won't be the one getting looks Amber: I get looks with or without Cosmo: surprised anyone can see you all the way down there Amber: 🤫 so unoriginal Cosmo: just 'cos I'm doubting how original you are Amber: why?! Cosmo: 😏 Amber: let me defend myself by giving me an answer Cosmo: I meant, you're cute, but are you THAT cute Amber: what's your definition of THAT cute? Cosmo: you don't need to know Amber: I can't tell you if I am if I don't Cosmo: nice try, drac Amber: 🙄 Cosmo: what's yours then Amber: it's about how he makes me feel Cosmo: hmm Cosmo: copout Amber: I'll hit you with a lie next time if you like Cosmo: I'm just glad I didn't answer truthfully if that's the way we're going at it Amber: you didn't answer so I don't know how you can say I copped out Amber: did you want me to describe my last boyfriend's looks? Cosmo: looks is what I meant, obviously Cosmo: clubs too loud, like you said Amber: it makes sense except the only thing they've had in common was being 'tall' which at my height allows for plenty of variation Cosmo: 🚫 hobbits allowed Amber: you're silly Cosmo: you Amber: you even more Cosmo: you to the 🌙 and back Amber: stop being Cosmo: what? Amber: adorable 🤓 Cosmo: I'm 💪 Amber: not atm Cosmo: oi Cosmo: you can't see Amber: I was going on how you were acting Amber: but let me 👀 Cosmo: [a lowkey 💦 trap moment] Amber: okay Cosmo: it's alright, I can easily hold you up when you 😳 Amber: I can literally 👀 your 😏 you prick Cosmo: you ain't mad Amber: you can't see, boy Cosmo: pout at me one more time Amber: no Cosmo: why not Amber: because you like it Cosmo: oh do I Amber: I was there, you know Cosmo: Yeah, I remember Amber: 🌟 Cosmo: 💫 Amber: 🌠 Cosmo: 🌌 Amber: what club? Cosmo: I'm still debating Amber: which is your favourite? Cosmo: I like baseline Cosmo: you might prefer utopia Amber: take me there, I wanna go where you feel like Cosmo: okay Amber: do you take anything? Cosmo: 🚬💊🍄? Amber: if you want it, I'll get it Cosmo: I can do some molly or white on Fridays Cosmo: as long as its out my system by Monday Cosmo: we get drug-tested Cosmo: s'for steroids obviously but if they see anything you're out so Amber: it's up to you Amber: I'm not trying to fuck with your training Cosmo: are you gonna be 🚬🌿? Amber: I'll do what you do Cosmo: we don't need anything your first time Amber: if we don't, I'll remember it better Cosmo: better or worse, batgirl Amber: you think I won't enjoy myself? Cosmo: I think you enjoy yourself anywhere Amber: except school Cosmo: well yeah, you're not totally insane Amber: what's yours like? Amber: do you have to memorise famous footballers? Cosmo: 😂 Cosmo: that'd be better Cosmo: its the same basically, we just do more sports Amber: do they let girls go there? Cosmo: yeah, we have women's teams Amber: what colour is your team though? Cosmo: ☘ Cosmo: of course 🙄 Amber: is your mascot a leprechaun too? Cosmo: we don't have some poor bastard in a giant foam suit, nah Amber: any Irish dancers on the sidelines? Cosmo: 😑 Cosmo: no Amber: have you always lived here? Cosmo: Yep Cosmo: no yurts in my past, I'm afraid Cosmo: I'm not even convinced that's what I mean but you've not corrected me so Amber: because I know what you mean Amber: it's heavily implied Cosmo: s'all the same Cosmo: fabric over some sticks so you don't 💀 Amber: essentially Cosmo: unless a 🐍 gets in Amber: it's not funny Cosmo: I know Cosmo: crazy though Amber: I was really fucking scared Cosmo: obviously Cosmo: it was venomous? Amber: yes Cosmo: christ Amber: I didn't keep it as a pet, you're safe Cosmo: Yeah I'm well concerned for myself here Amber: & I do appreciate it but it was 2 years ago Cosmo: that's alright then Amber: I just mean there's nothing you can do unless you are a time traveller Cosmo: might be Amber: are you? Cosmo: you think you've got access to that info now? Cosmo: don't think so Amber: 🍒 please share the info 🍒 Cosmo: I'd have to 🔫 ya Amber: BOY Cosmo: GIRL Amber: 😠 Cosmo: 😟 Amber: you're being unfriendly again Cosmo: No I'm not Cosmo: that's a water pistol that Amber: tell me your secrets Cosmo: that work with your ex, girl Amber: he wasn't a time traveller Amber: 95% sure Cosmo: I never saw him at the secret meetings Amber: how far back through my pics have you scrolled? Cosmo: 95% sure Cosmo: Haven't Amber: then you don't know what he looks like 👥 Cosmo: I can guess Amber: presumptuous Amber: 100% Cosmo: Not wrong though Cosmo: guaranteed Amber: are all footballers this smug or did I just luck out with you? Cosmo: ☘ Cosmo: don't categorize me, Amber Amber: I'm asking if any of your friends are worth my time Amber: less about you Cosmo: You ain't gonna meet 'em Amber: not through you Amber: but if I come & watch you play, they'll also be there Cosmo: you aren't their type Cosmo: I wouldn't bother Amber: 🙄 Amber: what % sure are you on that? Cosmo: 100% Amber: for the whole team? Cosmo: Yeah? Amber: what's their 'type' then? Cosmo: you can't chameleon your way into it Cosmo: even with a lot of hair dye and the highest heels going Amber: I'm curious but not to that degree Cosmo: its not something you need to devote any brainspace to, they don't Amber: understanding how a group of superficial time travellers banded together for ⚽ sounds like it's worth a few moments of quite contemplation Amber: quiet* Cosmo: 🙄 Cosmo: you're so used to being everyone's type Cosmo: leave your bubble a bit more Amber: you're rolling your 👀s at me but not high heels and highlights being considered a 'type' Cosmo: what's wrong with either Amber: they aren't personality traits, they're aesthetics Cosmo: and? Amber: ⬆ superficial Cosmo: maybe Cosmo: so are they Cosmo: you 😢 over it is unnecessary Amber: because I'm a girl I must be crying... Cosmo: no, 'cos you're crying Cosmo: you don't know them, why are you bothered Amber: you know them, why don't you think they should get out of their bubble? Cosmo: like I said, that doesn't mean they have to go down to commune and hang out with yous Cosmo: people like what they like Amber: not a suggestion I was making either Cosmo: so what, you're all for 💕 suddenly Cosmo: people can do what they like, freedom, remember Amber: you want my bubble popped but you don't like my questions Cosmo: what questions, you're moaning Amber: ... Cosmo: I'll give you fake next time Cosmo: if you can't hack it Amber: next time? presumptuous Amber: I'll find someone else to 'moan' to Cosmo: you're not coming clubbing then Amber: of course I am Amber: we won't be talking Cosmo: you can go by yourself then Amber: I will then Cosmo: 👍 Cosmo: have fun Amber: thank you Cosmo: 👋 around Amber: ✌🕊👽
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