#even if he’s not a literature teacher like takeda
coach ukai occupies such an interesting narrative position in haikyuu. he’s a lot like what nick carraway is to the great gatsby. he’s not the main character by any stretch. the events of his life are not the substance of the show. still, he is our window into the narrative. the matches are accompanied by his commentary and his narration. he is what bridges the gap between the narrative and the meta-narrative. he starts out as an onlooker but ends up getting dragged into the thick of the story until he’s too emotionally invested to leave. he’s a reader he’s a narrator he’s a character he’s everything to me
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hazyletter · 6 months
i had time to think it over (and all i can say is come closer)
Exclaims of startled shouts fill the absence of the halls sectioned by second years from Karasuno as a running figure stumbles throughout and apologizes over and over. They shake their head as an attempt to remove the sweat dropping from their covered forehead as footsteps resume. Sliding doors are opened filled with confused faces who get even more baffled by the very familiar face that peeks through whilst Kei can't say anything else in the midst of the mess he's doing except whispered curses to himself.
Being a top student, it's an immediate alarm in his head to warn himself that he shouldn't be hastily running through the hallway with such nerve especially because of his tall figure giving him more space to stride than the average guy in the building, but adrenaline feels like the ocean to Kei at the moment, not knowing the difference between letting himself drown or if it's just him doing a floater with half-soaked ears down the water.
"This is driving me crazy..." A swear slips away from Kei's gritted teeth but his heart temporarily stops when he spots his homeroom teacher just about to open a classroom door in front of him and Kei's mouth quickly closes to stop himself from saying anything brash even more.
The man closes the door first before raising his head, seeming to be surprised to see Kei, then he notices the seemingly ruined façade of the blonde's along with his face that looked to be in a hurry, chest moving up and down as he catches his breath. "Tsukishima-kun."
"A-ah..." Kei gasps a little before blinking away his thirst for water at the moment, already been running around the school for 5 minutes straight. "Hello, Ta...Takeda-haah-! Sensei..." He gives a quick bow before swiftly exiting the scene, not running as to not give himself shame in front of a teacher, but with quickened steps and when he finally turns to a hall where the stairs are, Kei full-on bolts, not even looking back at the speechless Takeda-san watching a believed-to-be behaved student like him almost stumble on his steps like an underwater seaweed.
Seriously, all of this running is now making Kei hungry as well, and it's all because of a stupid reason that makes him want to hurl in embarrassment, Tadashi an always witness for his misery that gives him more shame than a 99 instead of 100 in Japanese Literature can.
A damn lost I.D.
Stupid, fucking, idiot. A headache starts swirling at his already going-on-a-tangent forehead and all Kei knows is he's going to be doing something stupid which he knows is a pretty fucking surprising thing to happen when it comes to him. But there's no time to question everything he'd done in this lifetime when he sees everyone around the entrance of the library door jump when it's opened by his heavy hands, thumping down the walls connected to it with a loud slam that gives him a glare from the librarian.
Trying not to embarrassingly facepalm himself in front of ticked-off high schoolers and a judging adult, he bows apologetically in every direction before continuing his search around ever nook and cranny of bookshelves upon bookshelf and with a deep sense of failure that pricks with disappointment inside of him, Kei slows down his walking with catching breaths as he goes up the stairs to the second floor.
Not once did Kei remember every student of the campus and what distinguishes them from one another but as he looks down at the plastic material in his clutched hand, he seems to find another surprising thing about himself once again.
He remembers that one wednesday and every frame of movement, every jolt he had felt at that one coincidental day like the back of his hand, along the exact temperature of the coffee he was drinking and how many minutes he had waited for the parfait he ordered at that specific part of the school. Tadashi had called him dramatic from his over-exaggerated groaning when he had finally spit all of it out but seriouslyㅡnot once, even just a 0.1 percent chance of it ever happening, who would ever expect one Tsukishima Kei to be attracted to someone with just one look at them?
Well, he didn't. Why would he? The topic of liking someone had never interested him as much as what dinosaurs had ever done in the middle of history class, and he didn't dwell on it too much when Tadashi started dating a girl at the end of their first year, seeming to not be feeling left out because why would he?
What he felt the moment he visited Karasuno's art club's booth behind the front gates of the school festival and saw and heard what he thought to be the closest he'll ever be to seeing perfection itself was one of those things Kei had muttered as to why it started to be.
It looked too much like sapphires than what they actually are, drops of eyelashes like pieces of a puzzle, and it took Kei one inhale, looking at the stranger who was quietly staring down at the art prints he was organizing. No amount of fairytales can explain what Kei has felt at that moment.
Then they look up, locking eyes with him, settling things into its right place, and Kei felt his breath taken away while the stranger blinks at him with a wondering, a bit confused filter. "Um..?"
His voice snaps Kei out of it, and he remembers where he was. The booth. He came up because a print of a field of cornflowers on the display tables caught his eye. His wallet is left open on his hand as he is idiotically standing in front of the hotㅡCOUGHㅡguy in front of him.
There's this sudden ache inside Kei close enough to make him feel nauseous, but more possibly may be the reason why he felt like his breath had been taken away. To save little to what his conscience is left, Kei shakes his head to snap himself out of it and settles on a sheepish raise of the corner of his lips, "Sorry. Uh, I was.. wondering as to how much this art print was..?" He points.
The guy blinks at him for a second before recognition paints his face, "Ah." He turns his head, seeming to search for something before looking back at Kei for a moment, looking a bit flustered, "Uh, sorry, I don't have my-" His expression turns slightly constipated, "friend... with me right now, he knows the prices. If you don't mind waiting, thoughㅡhe's grabbing something from our club room."
It's definitely fine. Please stop looking at me like that. Trying not to goddamn have a heart attack, Kei takes a deep breath and nods, "It's okay." Adding an awkward laugh in the end, Kei puts his wallet back in his pocket.
The guy nods and eyes him for a moment before looking back down at the art prints he was organizing with a hum. Kei couldn't help but stare for more than a moment.
No moment was enough for Kei to count all kinds of skies he can find from the eyes that are focused on their task, hands that are finely trimmed, close to the quick, and as quickly as Kei startles when those same fingers move to tuck themselves under a chin, the sun dusting off cheeks that look blushed because of its rays and making the skin under it shine like gold-
"Dude, what are you doing!?" 
Kei turns his head to the left and sees another student with ginger hair, short as Kei points out for no reason, and the former steps close to the guy and half-heartedly smacks his shoulder.
The guy grunts with a glare, "Took you long enough, dumbass. Because of you not putting up prices, a customer had to wait." He gesture to Kei.
Suddenly, Kei is faced with two pairs of eyes and the ginger exclaims, "Huh?! I told you to remember them! I sent you a list by email!" He glares at the guy before turning to Kei with a polite smile. "Sorry. What are you interested in again, please?"
Kei tries not to turn to the guy rolling his eyes and scooting his chair while still sitting on the side to let the ginger be in the middle of the table as he speaks, "The dandelions."
The ginger makes an interested hum as he grabs packing materials from the other side of the table. "Want an autograph with that?" He looks up at Kei, suddenly with mischief filling his eyes. He points a thumb to the guy, "He made it."
They look at the guy and it takes a moment for him to notice and he looks up at both of them. He immediately glares at the ginger with a kick in the leg that made the ginger stumble a little to the side with a gawk. "Quit it, bastard."
The ginger glares back and holds up a threatening fist, "You quit it! First not memorizing the prices, now you're just being the bastard...!" He clicks his tongue. "Damn Bakayama..." He shakes his head before turning to Kei once again. "That'll be 520." He sheepishly smiles.
Baffled by the scene, Kei nods and hands out his bills and bows as he receives the art print that is now covered by a small, flat white paper bag.
Before he leaves, ready to combust, the ginger chirps another tease, "You sure you don't want an autograph?"
Him and Kei are both left unprepared when the guy gets a hold of his hair, "If you don't stop speaking, I'm snapping your head."
"How violent! That's a low blow even for you, Kag-ow! Damn it, let go! Agh-! Get off-"
Other people going past the booth are starting to look and Kei took his time to finally get out of there, leaving his heart beating after witnessing the guy pulling on his necktie in frustration before he finally entered the school building.
So. Here, with Kei holding onto a lace that he found on the ground in the club rooms' floor when he was on his way to visit Tadashi's, containing a face that he might never quite forget, even if months are already in the making with spared glances and not-so-subtle bumps in the hallway that were definitely Tadashi's pushing's doingㅡKei runs.
The moment Kei opens the library as a desperate attempt, the feeling in the pit of his stomach making him certain that this was his final stop, he doesn't hesitate to push it open and the doors slam on the walls connecting to its edges once again, the sound echoing at the continuous very-silent room. Kei winces, immediately regretting it while still catching his breath. He doesn't feel any better when he looks to the side and sees the librarian glaring at him, remembering his face, and stares from the other students that are seated around the library, same as the last time.
Kei tried a smile which only looked like a grimace because of his pants and bowed with apologies muttered but the librarian just mutters to themself with a shake of their head before returning back to reading.
He looked everywhere for another time, the threat of annoying other occupants further with every quickening steps he took crippling the back of his mind, but the intense, overwhelming temptation of seeing the guy again leaves Kei feeling lightheaded. He shakes his head, not wanting to confront the deepness of his feelings to a guy he only had one conversation with, and thoroughly checks every nook and cranny.
From the last bookshelves until the end where there's a window seat, Kei stops in his tracks.
The same dark navy hair, eyelashes that took him more than a moment to count, and eyes that are kept from the world because of shut lidsㅡthe guy is leaning to the wood framing it, looking sound asleep with art materials scattered beside him, the same guy that owns the I.D. Kei was holding.
It was enough for Kei to inhale all the air that made him gasp from running.
Kei grows conscious over all of it, feeling strange and weird from putting effort to someone he doesn't personally know, and he takes a step back from the nervousness. Sure, they're not actually alone, but this is the first time he's truly face to face with the guy since the school festival.
The thought of being thought of as strange leaves Kei with a knot in his throat.
But he doesn't have another moment to hesitate because the guy- no. Kageyama, as printed on his I.D., makes a sound while his face slightly scrunches up, and when once closed eyes sleepily stare back at Kei's frame, the latter feels himself suddenly up for runningㅡrunning away.
Kageyama blinks, trying to organize his form of consciousness before he rubs his eyes and looks around, staring at his art materials beside him before at Kei again, looking confused. 
All the adrenaline inside Kei vanishes and suddenly, he is speechless. His mouth opens but nothing comes out as Kageyama just watches him with a tilt on his head. Finally, Kei swears to himselfㅡpathetic little self  as he calls itㅡand shook his head. He steps slightly closer to Kageyama, holding out the lace of his I.D. "Your.. I.D."
The sleepiness in Kageyama slowly vanishes as he stared at it for spared seconds for realization and his mouth parts, looking up at Kei. "Ah..." He holds out a hand, and Kei quickly laid the I.D. on top of it. "Thanks." Kageyama takes a moment to put it around himself. "How did you, um, find me?"
I ran laps around the campus while idiotically not searching the art club's room first. "I just asked around for you." Kei politely half-smiles.
Kageyama hums at that before his gaze turns to somewhere, but something seemed to catch his eyes and Kei follows it. It led him to his own I.D. which got flipped possibly from all his earlier movements and is now facing backwards, showing the photocard that was placed beside his card.
Kei thinks to himself and remembers the photocard's content and he starts to explain but Kageyama speaks first.
"That's... I only sell that at a very specific shop. Where did you...?" Kageyama's interest grows on him.
It was Kei's turn to feel his nerves again, the familiar warmth thrumming on his skin threatening to leave it crimson, specifically the ones on his cheeks. He tries being nonchalant but his glances to the side begs to differ, "I-I started following the username printed, um, on your art print I bought at the school festival last year..."
Recognition paints Kageyama's face. "The guy who bought The Fields. It was you."
Kei feels a force-of-habit sly grin on his lips, breaking free from how flustered he actually feels. "And the one who noticed you and the ginger fighting like children."
Some color paints Kageyama's cheeks and he huffs, "That dumbass? If you knew him, you won't avoid fighting with the ridiculous bastard."
Kei chuckles with a grin. "Seems like you're good friends."
Kageyama's face scrunches up in disgust and Kei can't help but laugh a little. He couldn't explain it, he feels the tightness in his throat bounce free and all that is left is a floating sensation as he watches visible dust following the sun's glare forming around Kageyama's slightly messy hair from his nap. He still can't believe he's having a casual conversation with the guy that is still a stranger but is not hesitating to react to his initiation, not thinking of him as weird.
But he didn't expect one other thing the most. In the midst of Kei's daydreaming, Kageyama gathers his sketches spread around his color pencils and pens, tucking them at one page of one of the couple of sketchpads and sketchbooks he had with him and seemed to be trying to find something.
When Kei finally snaps out of it, he jerks from a tap on his shoulder and there Kageyama was, standing in front of him.
Kageyama's lips curl as he blinks, "Sorry for startling you but..." He pulls up the paper Kei only now noticed that he was holding. "Here."
Kei's heart thumps at how close they are, hands slightly shaking as he holds the paper that he notices to be ripped from a sketchpad and his breath is once again taken away by the colored sketch laid upon his very eyes.
It's another drawing of a field, similar to the cornflowers but here they are rough and real, thoroughly drawn to the surface of the sketchpad and with meticulous brown line art that highlights the dandelions that spreads around the green field that is drowned by the sunset's gleam, the whole sketch mixing with different warm colors that leaves Kei feeling like he was right there in the midst of the flowers. He is left speechless at the beauty of it all.
Kageyama is silent in front of him, not noticing how the raven fidgets with his hands as he watches Kei just stare at the artwork.
"...It's so pretty."
Kageyama looks up and sees Kei's awed face, attention still on the paper before he faced up at Kageyama again with lips that could not fight a genuine curl of merriment.
Kageyama fights his, "I.. actually. You reminded me of them when I saw you at the booth... your hair is.." He takes a breath, his dark blue skies reflecting Kei's face like glass. "It looks gold."
Kei had no defense when unspeakable attacks of feel, just pure and utter feeling of simply everything that spreads throughout his insides. He couldn't escape its effects of leaving pink dust on his face, his hand immediately snapping up to cover half of it in embarrassment. He can't find words, from his buckling feet to the gold strands of his hair, Kei is a complete and utter mess of himself.
It feels like he's floating.
The pathetic sound leaves his lips and Kei closes his eyes from shame, wanting to hide from Kageyama and the world itselfㅡjust tuck himself into a corner and save him from how horrified he embodies.
"You can keep it."
That catches Kei's attention, though a bit slow behind his lightheadedness, and he fully looks. 
A matching dust of pink lays itself on Kageyama's face, reflecting the yellow halo of the slowly setting sun of the afternoon from the window against it, but no colors clash, humming in complete harmony along the quickening thump thump thump of Kei's heart the longer he looks, the longer he takes some time to watch the nervous quiver of Kageyama's lips that is brought wet by a small inch of a tongue peeking out.
A flash of heat, one that is different, pricks on Kei's side and he flinches, and shakes his head to snap him out of it with a curse. Though stumbling on his words, Kei softly pushes the sketch back in front of Kageyama. "A-are you... sure?"
Kageyama's brow slightly clicks and he releases a breath before shaking his head, "Of course. I have no other use for it."
Kei nods in the end, though still hesitating out of courtesy when he stares at the sketch again, not having the courage to contain the reverence he feels, eyes the same color as the flowers picked in front of him filled with bubbling gleams.
"Do you... want to see more?"
That voice pulls for Kei's complete attention and he leaves the paper, seeing Kageyama return to his seat on the window, sketchbook and mechanical pencil on hand as he waits for Kei.
Kei makes a sound that is close to sounding like a scrunched-up groan. Gods, how can Kei keep breathing with this boy in front of him? He couldn't help but exclaim as a familiar knot in his stomach leaves Kei once again overwhelmed.
The more conscious, shameful, part of Kei complies and tucks himself between Kageyama and his many materials that leaves Kei familiarizing himself as to who Kageyama truly is outside what he only sees based on appearance, hearsay, and third-party point of views.
It seems that this would be the day to have more reason as to why Kageyama caught his eye in the first place and he left it to be taken over and over again. He hears Kageyama's voice painted with excitement and passion as he recalls every sketch and "sketch"ㅡas Kei likes to call them in his mind because their colored, detailed pictures amidst the other drawings the same level to those to be displayed in a museum, and those that already areㅡcompletely enamored by the being who clearly breathes art like his own kind of oxygen.
Their eyes meet and the same blues that shows, and continues to show, Kei that the life that breathes in it, with it, and from it, can stay in his own amber ones however long he wants. 
And as Kageyama starts a new drawing beside him while muttering because of his mistakes in between erasing them, Kei relaxes in his seat and watches, watches until Kageyama snorts in his tired state and curiously says, "Are you not going home?"
Kei merely snickers with a hum, "No. And I'd rather be here."
Kageyama eyes him to see if he is lying before shrugging and going back to his pad.
Kei looks out to the window and watches as the setting sun of the close-evening is covered by the darkening trees, leaving him with gold spots on his face, and another breath of fresh air as he feels his chest let go and move to the side for a new place to settle in his heart.  
I'd rather be here.
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Okay (I'm watching HQ again so that's where my head is), but the funniest part about daisugace is that Daichi is literally the only one on the team that doesn't know me. Which is even funnier considering I sit directly in front of him for one of his classes.
Tanaka and I have been best friends since we were in diapers.
I'm in Year 2/Class 2 with Kinoshita.
Ennoshita and Narita are my tutors in most of my subjects.
I tutor Nishinoya in Contemporary Lit.
Ever since Daichi/Suga's first year, I've been in their World Lit class even though I'm a year behind generally speaking (Suga's spoken with me a few times, but he's mostly crushed on me from afar).
I've been in Asahi's English class since his first year, where we've spoken plenty (he finds it very funny that even though I'm taking an "advanced" class I get poor scores because the teacher doesn't like that I keep using "American" English, but I literally can't be in a lower class).
I'm Vice President of a gaming club that meets during lunchtime, that Yamaguchi sometimes drags Tsukishima to.
And Kageyama and Hinata both travel along my route to and from school, so I've spoken to them a couple of times.
I'm even a fixture in the corner store—I get the same thing every morning before school, and at some point Ukai started having it prepped for me instead of having me waste time among the shelves.
I had asked Takeda to be the faculty advisor for the literature club before I found out he was with the boy's volleyball team (he hated denying one of his all-time favorite students, but he had already made the commitment).
I tried recruiting Yaichi to the school newspaper.
I know Kiyoko from her running days.
Like he's really stared at the back of my head for two and a half-ish years without speaking a word to me before Noya and I collide in the hallway outside his classroom. And then his whole world opens up, and he falls hopelessly in love with me 😜 (He's secretly been in love with Suga the whole time, so there are some fun, mixed feelings there once I'm in the picture.)
Too bad I have a really shitty boyfriend (OC) in the way.
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fandumbs · 3 years
Prompt Post: Ukatake Tension
One word to describe this ship: Underrated. (Note that I may or may not have inserted my OCs in here).
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So, Ukai is madly in love with Takeda. Like that man has fallen HARD for the teacher. To make sure that he suppresses his feelings, he tries to act like nothing is wrong and that he absolutely does not have feelings for the cute, awkward, literature teacher who just so happens to be the person who made him love volleyball again. 
Yep, he is strictly professional with his feelings.  
But what he doesn’t know, is that he isn’t slick while suppressing his feelings. Like, I’m talking “we know you have feelings for Takeda-sensei, just make a move already,” kind of way. The team thought that Myra (their unofficial assistant coach/ assistant teacher,) and Tadamei (alumni of Karasuno and part of the Neighborhood Association) were bad, and they had feeling for each other for over 5 years (12 on Myra’s part)! But no, these two were worse. 
And what makes this even funnier is that Takeda also knows about Ukai’s feelings towards him.The reason as to why he’s not confessing as well is because he wants Ukai to make the first move as Takeda has always initiated a lot of things. You decide how things go from there. 
Bonus points if Karasuno plans some stupid acts for Ukai to get his shit together. 
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kitaofthearth · 4 years
everyday i get closer to ukai’s age in the manga and honestly i don’t think it’s discussed enough how incredible it is that at age 26 he managed to take this ragtag team to nationals in his first year of being a coach with no prior formal coaching experience. i would be remiss if i didn’t also mention takeda’s role in this too because it was he who rekindled the nekoma/karasuno connection which led to connecting karasuno to the greater fukurodani network of teams (takeda just deserves his own post tbh. it’s been years but i still get chills reading his chemical reaction speech whenever i reread. literature teachers really just hit different huh)
but i want to talk about ukai keishin, age 26, and what this really means. i first read hq when i was 19. i remember seeing the words ukai keishin age 26 and fully regarding him as an Adult™ lmao but as someone who’s still in school, who still doesn’t have an established ~career~ and have only worked a few different jobs i can say that at age 26 you are an amalgamation of relatively few life experiences still trying to figure it out. at 26, you’re at a point in your life where you’ve matured in a lot of ways but are still incredibly inexperienced. you’re at a point when you can look back nostalgically and appreciate the relative simplicity of your high school years but can still easily remember what it was like
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(ch 26)
this particular perspective you have at 26 is a part of why i think ukai was able to take karasuno to nationals despite his lack of coaching experience. it’s not easy to make those tough coaching decisions and it takes a lot of maturity and confidence to make these calls. especially when ukai can still easily empathize with how the players feel, putting aside these personal feelings takes a lot of maturity on his part. yet he knows firsthand the frustration of not being able to play, practicing for hours all for the chance for even one second to stand on court. he takes risks by letting yamaguchi, kinoshita, ennoshita get their chance. whether they fail or succeed, these in-game experiences eventually add up and they become better players because of these chances
a lot has been said already about suga’s maturity in that scene where he confronts ukai to not consider his status as a third-year when deciding their official starting lineup, but now i’m really seeing it from ukai’s perspective and appreciating how hard of a decision it was for him to make as well. to simultaneously know what the best strategical decision is while feeling deeply in your heart the player’s perspective because you can still remember exactly what it was like at the receiving end of such decisions is difficult to navigate. this is especially hard in-game when the unpredictability of events requires you to make split-second decisions
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i also want to talk about how tough it was for him to even just come back to the gym. this man is achingly sentimental. he resisted takeda’s pleas to take on the coach position so many times because of his nostalgia, his desire to keep his high school volleyball memories as they are and not wanting to replace them with anything.
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(ch 19)
the only thing that works to bring him back is the mention of nekoma. the only thing that makes him stay permanently as a coach is the re-ignition of the karaneko rivalry and the chance to make their fated match at nationals happen. ukai cherishes his high school volleyball memories and doesn’t want to tarnish this rose-colored view of his youth, but he takes the risk anyway to come back as a coach in order to realize a dream that’s been passed on through the decades. it’s really so poetic that in taking this risk he, a high school bench warmer, was able to see greater heights he wasn’t able to reach before.
washijou’s development understandably garners a lot more discussion because he has a more clearly defined character arc, which is also really well-written and i personally enjoyed (there are many who don’t like him as a character which is valid). but ukai is really underrated to me especially when you consider his context and what he managed to achieve despite it
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jui-imouto-chan · 4 years
HinaHarem Summoner AU Part 1
Series Masterlist
So tumblr doesn’t let me post things on desktop but I’m having a HinaHarem idea in a magic au or something so I’m posting this on mobile.
Basically most of the guys are some brand of supernatural and whenever Hinata’s blood hits a summoning circle (or eventually, if he just bleeds at all) he summons a powerful supernatural being.
He used to just get these little plant spirits that he unknowingly fed mana, which eventually, through that power, are able to attain “human” form and become his best friends Izumi and Kouji! (He thought the plant spirits were imaginary friends that he made up, looking back at it.)
Then one day he’s flicking through a textbook about history that has a summoning circle that was supposed to represent witchcraft in the section he was supposed to be reading about. Unfortunately, he’d gotten a papercut whilst turning a page and his blood smears across and he summons... Kageyama.
Kageyama is a half-demon who was raised in the demon realm. Demons and anyone “tainted” with demon blood who had been in the demon realm for most of their lives can’t stay in the human realm on their own, so when he tries avoiding Hinata (while attending school as a transfer student), he starts to get sick and weak. Eventually Hinata, getting a bad feeling (which he doesn’t know is natural for summoners), goes to find Kageyama and they work things out.
Demons usually feed off of humans in either of two ways, depending on their relationship with the human—drinking their blood or consuming DNA to some effect, or displays of affection/trust/care, which can range from hugs to even verbal affirmations. The latter was widely unknown due to the hostility humans and demons held with one another (as well as the strong distrust, even between a demon and his summoner), and was more often attributed to the angel summons that would rarely occur.
Kageyama was very distrustful due to his history with summoners who considered him too much to handle and that had abandoned him to make deals with much more powerful demons, weakening him with distance and hate until he used what remained of his power to forcefully terminate his contract and be ejected to the demon realm.
Oikawa is a higher demon than Kageyama, who has a good amount of contracts (one is with Iwaizumi, whose show of trust is his iconic smack downs of Oikawa, although Iwaizumi is a halfie who was raised in the human world). Deals with Oikawa can grant his summoners exponential increases in existing abilities, boosting them slightly beyond 100%.
Anyway KageHina runs across Kindaichi and Kunimi, and they freak out and summon Oikawa afterward to tell him that they saw Kageyama.
Takeda is Hinata’s historical literature teacher who’s really close to their PE teacher, Ukai. Turns out Ukai is a demon he summoned a long time ago, and although Ukai did his best to live on his own for a while, he eventually returned to Takeda’s side after Takeda pestered him every day for a few months, and now they’re in a very harmonious, symbiotic relationship. So when Takeda sees Kageyama following Hinata around with a very reluctant and grouchy expression, he basically just sees himself and Ukai. Also Ukai is trying to convince Takeda to tell Hinata but Takeda’s like “he’ll figure it out, but let’s stick around and keep an eye out in case he needs help!”
So back to the plot bc I went on a tangent for a moment
Hinata is trying to explain to Kageyama about how he accidentally summoned him, and in his haste to do so (since Kageyama is yelling and calling him a dumbass bc “how do you just accidentally summon a demon, idiot?!?”), does the e x a c t same thing as he did before, getting a papercut and smearing the blood on the page when he points at it.
And then there’s a sudden plume of darkness, and Iwaizumi and Oikawa are in his room.
•• Part 1 of (?) ••
• Send Asks for a Continuation! •
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umisabaku · 3 years
Hi hi! U mentioned wanting to see D:M headcanons and that made me remember that apparently Akashi's VA in the knb anime later became the VA for Takeda-sensei in haikyuu. So now im just like "how can i connect these two?!" Maybe hes a distant branch relative of masaomi's? Or maybe he was originally working on the red zeros but eventually got out and changed his name etc like yachi's aunt did...
Maybe while being a scientist working to engineer language and the specific details of how an Order is phrased and obeyed (bc he becomes a literature teacher i think), he learned to despise the idea of absolute order and tried to do his best when he was out to never become someone who demanded things from people - so now he's timid and even when he's persistent he still lets the other person say 'no'.
Its not quite a headcanon but it was a tenuous link that just makes me wanna find some connecting thread that could work in-verse XD ty for reading my ramblings ^_^
Thank you for sharing this headcanon, friend!! I had no idea they had the same VAs, that’s so wild to think about =P I LOVE the idea of Takeda-sensei as a mild-mannered Red Zero, that is such a fun concept to explore =) He seems too nice to have ever been a Teiko scientist though, although that would ALSO be a really interesting thing to explore.
Thanks again for sharing this thought =D
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obscureamor · 4 years
What do u think will happen in the ukai x manager x takeda realm if she got preggers by one of them💞
boy, oh, boy. so, i’m assuming this is referring to that one messed up scenario and i mean, like… devastation. now, i always have to drag sugawara into these scenarios.
honestly, it could go one of two ways.
t/w  |  mentions of past noncon, alluded abortion in first scenario, kidnapping in second scenario, fem! reader
1. sugawara picks up the pieces.
you’re missing practices a lot. you’re missing school a lot. you won’t talk to anyone on the team. in takeda-sensei’s class— the one you two share together —you always looked so spaced out.
he shows up to your house one day, sitting on your bed as he gently tries to coax the reason why you're feeling this way out of you. you can't tell him no matter how much you want to. the words are on the tip of your tongue, but instead of telling the truth, an ‘i’m pregnant. it— it was a one night stand... i can’t remember the guy.’ comes out. not what really happened, not ‘the coach raped me and takeda-sensei joined’. you can tell he doesn't believe you. he gets that far away look in his eyes and you can tell he’s racking his brain for something.
he knows… you know he knows, but sugawara will never mention the time he lingered behind. the time he stood outside the classroom door when takeda-sensei told you to stay behind. the time he heard you crying as numerous apologies spewed out of his sensei’s mouth. his hand placed on your cheek as you trembled in place, running out the exact second takeda offered to take you home.
it's unbearable sitting in the waiting room with him. suga’s hand finding yours and to any outsider it’s a boyfriend comforting his girlfriend because she’s scared— not a friend offering comfort to their traumatized crush.
2. ukai and takeda pulling a yandere move.
they honestly don’t know what to do. ukai’s paranoid and takeda is riddled with guilt.
so, he makes a home visit. he’s a concerned teacher wondering why his star student hasn’t been attending school. ‘may i…’ he starts. ‘may i go up and talk to her?’ of course, they’ll say yes because maybe he can finally give them a reason as to why you’re acting this way. the first thing takeda sees when he enters your room is you splayed out on your bed, eyes closed, looking peaceful as you sleep. he shuts the door taking a seat on your bed, resting his hand on your leg before looking around. it’s the average room; stuff hung up on the walls, knick-knacks on your desk, a box of pregnancy tests in your trash can, and books— what?
his attention is brought to the bin. a box labeled with those dreaded words sticking out, haphazardly covered up by snack wrappers and paper. no one has been in here except you, so he can see why there wasn’t much effort in covering it up. he makes his way over, dumping the box, different brands of tests falling out. all with those... two little lines. takeda swipes one up, placing the rest back in their place, trash covering the box once again before he leaves the room.
it’s not hard to take you. the day you finally return to school, staying after hours to deal with extra literature club duties from your time away. sugawara had always warned you not to walk home alone late at night. ‘call me and i’ll go back…’ he can tell you’re not taking him seriously, so he continues, ‘i don’t care how late it is!’
ukai does most of the work; snatching your phone from your hand, grabbing you from behind, and throwing you into takeda’s trunk before you can even comprehend what’s happening. as he contemplates, your phone never ceases its rings. sugawara’s dumb face popping up as you smile next to him when he calls for the nth time. takeda looks at ukai with worry laced in his features. he watches as ukai shuts the phone off, staring out the window with his fists clenched. in a way, this is a guarantee that you're his. you’re having his kid— or specs’ —but that doesn’t matter right now. 
you can't leave him.
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soranihimawari · 4 years
who yuu loves
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tagging: @smolbludandelions @m0nstergeneration20xx and anyone who loves the 5 W’s series event
|masterlist| >>
of all things to walk into, you were not expecting the bird you raised since it had long since been abandoned by it’s flock, to fly into the noisy gymnasium of your high school. classes had long since ended, but the boys volleyball club had an important match coming up, so you remembered takeda-sensei mentioning something about not having homework from his class for that day.
it wasn’t until you had arrived home and decompress that you found yourself climbing the fire escape of your parents’ apartment building to pay a visit to the birds you took care of. one of the oldest birds you took care of had been in your care since you turned twelve; he was a young crow hatchling whom you affectionally called ‘little brother.’ your mother had been terrified when you came home from middle school with a baby bird nuzzled against your neck, your father, on the other hand (who by trade was a vetenarian), shook his head.
“another one?” he asked once he noticed his wife staring daggers and mouthing something along the lines of ‘do something, she’s your kid too.’
“mmhm! i’m going to call him onii-chan since i don’t have a real one yet,” you said. the bird squawked in approval. you left your parents in the dining room after you took your leave and started to head toward the aviary up on the roof your building.
you said your greeting salutations for the flock while opening the cage of the aviary your father built during the summer you turned thirteen. your mother had given in through a series of compromise once she realized your love for your ‘onii-chan’ was the first of five crow siblings you’d surround yourself with in the days of your childhood.
since then, you were known amongst the neighborhood to be the girl with a murder flock. there were nasty rumors floating about you as you grew up and every school year, you were thankful you had two members of a certain sports club remained in your homeroom class after you began your first year at karasuno high school. nishinoya yuu and tanaka ryuunoske had similar personalities to a few of your feathery siblings once you got to know them in your first year attending karasuno. you also met the rest of the team formally during one of the practice matches prior to the start of your second year.
flash forward to this afternoon, you found yourself running back to campus after you explained to your mother beloved ‘onii-chan’ flew out of the cage probably because although you thought you heard the cage door shut, the lock must have finally fallen off. you had trained that bird through a series of conditioning encouragement treats the flight path to karasuno high. luckily, you were able to send a rushed text message to your two friends. with a blow of a whistle echoing throughout the walls of the gym, all talking ceased once you heard one of your senpai’s say, “there’s a bird in here.”
tanaka elbowed his best friend in the rib rather hard when the bird let out a raw squak.
“oi, noya, doesn’t that bird look like...?”
“shit, it is!” noya exclaimed excited upon glancing at the direction the bird call came from. after seeing your onii-chan with his best bud over the time he was suspended, noya knew you were close by. it was during this time too that noya had been called out for being a simp for two women and two women only: the goddess manager (kiyoko-senpai) and the queen of the northern sky (your nickname on his phone was always followed by a bird emoji & a cloud). tanaka, along with the rest of the second years who finally returned back to the folds of the team, had a boys night only sleepover called out noya for having a huge crush on you. noya couldn’t ever hide the ways his eyes lit up whenever you were within his line of sight, like right now when he saw your onii-chan flew past the highest point of his spiky hair.
“you two know this bird in particular?” sawamura-san, the captain of the team that year, asked them after the bird took its leave and settled on the railings of the second floor of the gym.
“not a bird captain-senpai,” you said in between catching your breath. the crow let out a triumphant caw. you tilt your head to the side to raise your forearm above your head. the bird flew toward your arm and perched itself there. you moved the bird to your shoulder with a soft smile.
“sorry if my onii-chan interrupted your practice guys,” you said, petting the bird under its beak. when your breathing finally returned to it’s natural rhythm, you had a cute grin strewn over your features when you placed your hands in your jacket pockets. “guess we’ll be going then. see you in class tomorrow noya. bye tanaka!”
there was another commotion altogether once you were off campus grounds.
“what a woman,” noya thought he said that to himself, unaware of his inability to control his vocal volume. he nearly combust on the spot because you named him first in your farewell. tanaka on the other hand had thought his spirit escape his body via his mouth when he saw you spoke so informally at their captain.
other members of the team made mocking kissing noises to tease their libero and their outside hitter.
“alright alright. enough of a break, let’s get back to work,” daichi instructed with loud clap.
“daichi, i don’t think we can,” his vice-captain states, nodding his head to the side of the court where noya.exe had stopped working.
the first and second years surrounded their teammates in a semi-circle.
“say noya,” ennoshita begins while folding his arms over his chest. there is a mischievous glint in his eyes. suddenly the other second years chuckle recalling the sleepover rankings of beauties in their year. “y/n-san is really pretty now that we’ve seen her in those yoga pants and tangerine jumper...”
that compliment broke noya’s brain even further. he was so close to coming back to reality and then with what ennoshita mentioned, the karasuno libero’s jaw went slack.  
“noya-senpai’s face is really red right now!” hinata yelled.
“where’s the first aid kit? tanaka stopped breathing too!” yamaguchi exclaimed while their new manager in training, yachi, handed him the small box.
one thing was certain, nishinoya was not going to give up pursuing you because after all, you were the one who he loves most.
when you climbed back up on the fire escape to reach the roof that evening, you replayed the events of the shenanigans your onii-chan pulled the an hour ago. you thought nothing of it as you prepared to close the aviary for the night after to scatter the evening seed blend for their dinner. your onii-chan fluttered about to his side of the cage, his ebony eyes sassing you about seeing your crush nearly passing out from what you opted to wear sans hoodie in that brisk spring evening rushing out the door when you realize that he broke out.
“don’t look at me like that chibi-chan,” you say in a chastising tone.
the trouble maker sqwaked a resounding “uh-huh.”
“it was worth seeing noya’s adorable face though, haha,” you glance at the bird again. “besides, you like him too so don’t start. g’night boys.”
after you climbed back down from the fire escape and back into your kitchen window, you bid your parents good night explaining to parents you needed to read the next few chapters for your classic literature class taking your curry bowl into your room.
the following morning, your alarm rung at six in the morning. you decided to scatter the bird food for your feather-clad brothers in arms. when your brain decided to remember the look noya and tanaka gave you when your adopted crow-brother perched on your arm, you chuckle to yourself, wrapping your wool scarf around your neck (your hair was slicked back by a headband) .
“today’s white day boys,” you whisper watching your breath hover in the frosty air. “who am i kidding? it’s not like either noya or tanaka wants to risk ruining our dynamic.”
as soon as you said that, you shook your head to clear the jumbling daydream of your ever slightly growing affections for the two of them.
“wish me luck & try not to escape this time, mmk?”
—later that morning—
when you arrived at karasuno’s campus grounds, you saw that someone left something in your personal locker. there was a post-it note with noya’s handwriting on it; his handwriting was a bit rushed judging by the smear on the date in the corner.
ʍąɾçհ 𝟙५, 
հҽɾҽ, վօմ ƒօɾցօէ էհìʂ ահҽղ վօմ Ӏҽƒէ էհҽ ցվʍ Ӏąʂէ ղìցհէ Ӏօѵҽ. 
-վօմɾ ցմąɾժìąղ ժҽìէվ
“hah,” you coo. “only you.”
after you read the note, a blush formed under the corners of your eye. using your dominiant hand, you reached back into the locker and trace a finger over the ivory kanji stitching on the team jacket. the faint scent of the gentle rain shower fabric softener reached your nose, you hugged the gift. 
when the first period bell rang, you shimmy out of your school sweater literally buzzing with excitement and put on noya’s team jacket. you pushed up the sleeves before you take your leave wandering into your classroom to view an ecstatic libero practically fainting on the spot while his best friend (and by default yours too) giving the buddhistivva face of prayer.
you stopped by noya’s desk thanking him for the jacket by planting a fleeting kiss on his cheek prior to your home room teacher coming in and you took the utmost pleasure in watching noya physically short circuit during roll call.
noya’s letter in default font:
march 14,
here, you forgot this when you left the gym last night, love.
-your guardian deity
tagging: @smolbludandelions & @m0nstergeneration20xx others looking for nishinoya fluff.
inspiration collage from various Pinterest arts & all content belongs to their original creators:
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villainscomplex · 5 years
the corner of first and amistad
i can’t believe it rlly took me getting neck deep into haikyuu to yeet my writers’ block smh
Also on:
Ukai Keishin grows weary of the city.
He’s a country boy at heart, born and raised in a place where he can glance outside and see the stars anytime at night. The crickets sang to him when he jogged through the chilled night air, lungs cold and body warm.
Here, the cacophony of cars keeps him awake at night. People are only polite because they have to be. There’s nothing but the black sky above him, empty of the starlight he’d taken for granted as a kid.
When he’s twenty-two, he moves to the city to make a better life for himself. By the time he’s twenty-six, he’s just tired, in a bone-deep wary sort of way. He takes up smoking a year and a half in. It isn’t as if it’ll kill him any more than this place will, after all.
Sleep seldom comes easy. He turns in around ten every night, but without fail he’ll toss and turn until two or three. After that, he finally gives up and rises again. Sometimes, it’s easy to occupy his mind with the same two late-night television channels until he passes out or the sun comes up. Sometimes, he’s too restless.
Tonight is such a night.
His apartment is on the third floor of the complex. The rent is spiked high for such a dingy, busted place, but it’s barely in his pay range and he’s lived here for the past four years, so it’s home now whether he likes it or not.
Despite the time he’s been here, it hasn’t changed much. It’s the same ratty couch and low table that serves more as a catch-all than anything else. The carpets are stained with things he doesn’t care to question and the occasional bugs aren’t favorable, but at least he hasn’t seen any rats thus far. The appliances are liable to break and there’s been two break-ins at the complex since he’s lived here, but not at his apartment.
The window to the fire escape whines in protest as Keishin shoulders it open. It doesn’t have a particularly good view unless the viewer is fond of brick walls and dark alleyways, but Keishin doesn’t particularly care about his view. He shuffles out in his cotton pajama pants, no shirt, no shoes, bleached hair loose around his face, armed only with his lighter and a single cigarette.
It’s three a.m. and the city is still awake. The cold air bites at his face as he flicks his lighter several times without success, attempting to light his cigarette. Finally, it gives him a feeble enough flame to light the end, and he takes a long inhale. Distantly, he hears the sounds of the cars on the busy streets. There are sirens somewhere in the distance, high and wailing above the blinding lights and dark skies.
He exhales into the chilled air, watching the smoke curl into wisps and fade into the darkness.
Everything feels kind of muted, like he’s the only thing living in this moment, like the city is bearing down on him all at once, softly requesting his humanity in exchange for blinding lights and endless noise and eternal pleasures.
God, he misses the stars. He misses the serenity of the country, even with its mosquitoes and nosy people. It was so easy to forget the world there, in his quiet bubble of serenity.
He shifts from foot to foot in a half-hearted attempt to warm up, exhaling another breath of smoke from between his teeth. He considers, not for the first time, that this is a bad habit he needs to break, but it’s the only thing that never fails to ease him on nights like these.
Keishin snubs the last bit of his cigarette and turns to flick the butt off the railing and go inside, but scuffling sounds and muffled voices give him pause. He watches as two men, hoods flipped up over their heads, wrestle a third into the end of the alleyway. The third man is visibly afraid, even from this distance, short black hair ruffled, glasses askew, and clothes disheveled.
Probably a mugging. They happen commonly in the area. Keishin sighs. It really isn’t his concern, but he’s not a bad person at heart.
He raises his hand to his ear like he has a phone – not that they’ll be able to tell from where he is – and his voice. “Yes, officer? There are two men here attempting to rob someone,” he starts, watching out of his peripherals as the three men down below start, their heads whipping up.
He starts in on the address, but the two would-be robbers have already abandoned their mission and raced out of the alleyway, leaving the third man unceremoniously dumped on the cold concrete.
Keishin watches him stumble back to his feet, seemingly disoriented. He sways a little like he’s been drinking, and then adjusts his glasses and peers up at Keishin properly.
“Oi,” Keishin drawls, finally flicking his forgotten cigarette butt, “it ain’t safe to wander around these parts at this time of night. You stupid or somethin’?”
“I guess so,” the man replies, voice soft and grateful. “Thank you for helping me. I figured it’d be safer to walk intoxicated than drive, but I guess I should have just gotten a cab, huh?”
So he’d hit the nail on the head. Tipsy businessman, probably out drinking with equally irresponsible coworkers. Keishin has a nasty feeling this guy is a magnet for trouble. He looks too nice. With a quiet groan, he drops his head against the cold metal of the railing, debating -- not for the first time, as usual -- his life choices.
“Fuck’s sake,” he mutters to himself, and then, louder, to the man, “306. You’d better sober up before you get mugged again.”
He doesn’t even pause to wait for a reply, going back inside and shoving the window shut behind him. If the dude decides not to take him up on the offer, it isn’t Keishin’s problem. He’d tried and that’s all he can do.
Suffice to say, he isn’t actually expecting the soft, hesitant knock a few minutes later.
Keishin opens the door and fixes the man with a scrutinizing look. “I was right,” he decides, “you are too trusting. What if I tried to kill you or somethin’, huh?”
Up close, the man is visibly shorter than him and narrow, all messy black hair and wide, brown eyes. His face is scuffed, undoubtedly from the earlier alteration, and tinged red, which Keishin assumes is from drinking.
The man blinks back at him, confused and a little scared. “...You’re not going to murder me, right?”
Keishin snorts and steps out of the way to let him come in. “‘Course not. Murder aftermath sounds like a pain in the ass to handle.”
The man seems a little hesitant, but he shuffles in, nonetheless, and promptly bows at the waist. Keishin jumps.
“Thank you for helping me even though we’re complete strangers!”
Keishin grimaces. “It’s not a big deal,” he says, reaching past the man to shut the door, “you don’t gotta bow or nothin’. Any properly raised person woulda done the same.”
The dark-haired man straightens up slowly, frowning. “Most people here would have turned the other way, I think.”
Maybe so, Keishin thinks, offering out a hand. “Name’s Ukai. Ukai Keishin.”
The man smiles, gentle and warm, taking it. “I’m Takeda Ittetsu.”
After the initial introduction, Takeda settles in on the couch with a cup of water while Keishin starts some tea and puts on a proper shirt. It doesn’t really matter too much anymore since their first meeting isn’t really all that orthodox to begin with, but Keishin has nothing if not some manners.
Takeda seems to be sobering up more or less, but he’s clearly still tipsy enough that he’s a danger to himself on the city streets at this hour. Maybe it’s just Keishin wanting the company, but he thinks Takeda doesn’t seem like he’s in any haste to leave regardless.
They talk some over tea. Takeda tells him he’s a teacher – no, he laughs, when Keishin brings it up, I’m not a businessman in that sense – and he teaches high school literature. He seems all too happy to talk about the antics his students get into.
For the first time in a while, Keishin forgets about the city.
When he wakes in the morning, draped awkwardly on one end of the couch with a blanket over him, Takeda is gone. There’s a note on top of the TV, where Keishin luckily sees it quickly.
It’s a hastily scribbled thank you and goodbye.
Keishin crumbles it up and throws it away, stepping out for another cigarette.
Things return to what Keishin has come to call normal. He doesn’t think about Takeda Ittetsu or the brief warmth that had come into his shitty apartment the moment the teacher had crossed the threshold. He works, he comes home, and repeat. Occasionally, he goes to the gym. Generally, sleep evades him.
“Keishin,” his mom says over the phone, days later, her voice hardly audible over the bustle of people on the sidewalk, “you’re twenty-six already. Haven’t you found a nice girl yet? You’ll be thirty before you know it and then it’ll be much harder for you!”
He’s watching the traffic light impatiently, waiting for it to change so he can cross. The walk sign on the opposite end seems to be taking its sweet time, though. Keishin just wants an excuse to get off the phone.
“Ma,” he sighs, “I already told you, it’ll happen when it happens. I don’t have time for a relationship right now, anyway.”
It’s the easiest thing to tell himself. The light finally signals for them to walk, and Keishin hurries across the street with the rest of the crowd. A man jars him from the side and he nearly drops his phone. Instinctively, he checks his pockets and-- Sure enough, his wallet is gone.
“Ma, I gotta go,” he grumbles, hanging up as he shoves through the people after the man. God, he’s not in the mood for this today.
The man breaks into a run the moment he realizes he’s being pursued and Keishin races after him. His wallet is the last thing he can afford to lose, and of course the one day he forgot his chain is the day he gets pickpocketed.
“Oi!” He shouts, irritated and exhausted, shouldering through people. At this rate he’ll get--
He watches the guy suddenly eat shit, feet coming right out from him.
Huh. Keishin slows to a stop and yanks the guy up by his collar, snatching his wallet back with a snarl. The man has a bloody nose from hitting the concrete so hard, and Keishin can’t help the little sting of pleasure from the karma.
“Oh, no,” says another voice from behind him, “I didn’t mean to make him hurt himself! I just meant for him to trip up a little, but he was going so fast-”
Keishin turns around. Takeda Ittetsu stands behind him, looking distressed out of his mind and suspiciously like he’s close to panicking. Keishin puts the pieces together. Takeda’s presence, the man abruptly wiping out.
“Did you… trip him?” He asks slowly.
Takeda straightens up when he’s addressed, gaze darting to Keishin’s, and then away again. “I, um. I saw you chasing him a-and he reminded me of those two from that night I almost got mugged and I just… reacted?”
Keishin drops the man in favor of howling with laughter. He barely even notices when the almost thief scrambles away. “Damn!” He laughs, slapping Takeda on the back so hard that the man stumbles and his glasses slide halfway down his nose. “I didn’t know you had it in ya, sensei!”
Takeda fixes his glasses, glancing up at Keishin. “Neither did I.”
He finds out Takeda had been waiting for a taxi to head home. He’s got a bag full of books over his shoulder. Keishin’s admittedly a little surprised – in a place like this, running into someone twice by coincidence isn’t a very easy feat. He hadn’t thought for a second he’d meet Takeda again.
“I was on my way to get groceries,” Keishin tells him, “so it woulda been a pain in the ass to lose my wallet. Normally, I have a chain for it, but I completely forgot to attach my new one after my old one broke.”
“Oh,” Takeda’s eyebrows rise, “that’s a really good idea. I didn’t think about a chain.”
“Can ya even wear one as a teacher?”
Takeda considers this. “No,” he finally admits, “probably not.”
“You’re doomed,” Keishin remarks, patting the other man’s shoulder. “In any case, thanks for your help with that. I’d better be off.”
“Oh, wait!” Takeda scrambles after him. “Let me thank you properly for the other night.”
“Huh? I think you’ve definitely repaid me plenty just now.”
“At least let me treat you to drinks or something,” Takeda persists.
Keishin gets the feeling this guy is a very, very stubborn person. He frowns a little at the determined furrow between Takeda’s wide eyes and the little, persistent downward curl of his mouth.
In hindsight, this is the exact moment Ukai Keishin could have pegged himself as screwed.
“Fine,” he sighs, “but not alcohol. I’ve seen firsthand how you handle that. Coffee or somethin’ is fine.”
Takeda visibly brightens. “Great! When works for you? I don’t have any other plans today, and tomorrow is Sunday so I’m off too, but during the week I’m not done until about three if I'm lucky…”
Keishin considers the fact that this sounds suspiciously like a date, but ah, what does he know? He hasn’t been on a date since he was twenty. Besides, he barely knows this guy.
“We can go now,” he replies, deciding it’d be best to get it out of the way immediately, “I can do my grocery shopping later.”
Takeda takes him to a small cafe near the local dog park. It’s a little more out of the way, and Takeda offers to pay for a cab, but ultimately they end up walking there. Takeda is naturally a slow person, but he tries to speed up and Keishin tries to find a middle ground for them.
It’s only a little successful.
“Yeah, unfortunately,” Keishin says as they arrive, opening the door, “I’ve been working at the same convenience store since I moved here four years ago. It’s not the worst. I work at this hole-in-the-wall flower shop, too.”
The bell overhead jingles to announce their arrival. One of the employees calls out a greeting as the two men join the short line. Keishin eyes the menu.
“Well, that just means you’re committed, doesn’t it?” Takeda asks. “I didn’t take you as the flower type. Do you enjoy it?”
Keishin assumes that’s short for you look like a thug, but he takes it in stride. It's not the first time someone had that impression of him. He shrugs noncommittally at the question. He does enjoy gardening, but doing any enjoyable thing for money tends to suck the joy out of it, so he’s not really sure how to answer that. Besides, they’re at the front of the line.
“Get whatever you want!” Takeda tells him.
Keishin ends up getting a medium coffee, nearly black, and dumplings. The dumplings are surprisingly good – a compliment coming from someone as picky as him – and Takeda looks a little terrified at the idea of his nearly black coffee, having gotten a disastrous, caramel loaded abomination himself.
They don’t stay, but they don’t go their separate ways. The dog park is only a little busy, so they sit on a bench nearby, watching some of the dogs playing around. Keishin likes dogs, but he definitely doesn’t have time for those, either. He’d hate to get one and have it on its own most of the time.
“I love dogs,” Takeda voices his thoughts, “but my apartment complex doesn’t allow them.”
“Mine does,” Keishin says, taking a drink of his coffee, “but I don’t really have time or the means to take care of one right now.”
His phone rings again in his pocket. Takeda glances sideways at him as he fishes it out and glances at the caller ID. It’s his mother, probably annoyed after he’d hung up on her earlier. Keishin doesn’t want to deal with it right now, so he ignores the call and mutes his phone.
“You aren’t going to answer it?” Takeda asks tentatively.
“Nah,” Keishin shakes his head, “it’s my ma. She’s just harassing me about my love life, s’all. I ain’t even thirty and she’s tryin’ real hard to make me get married as soon as possible.”
Takeda pauses. “How old are you?”
Keishin grins sideways at him. “Awfully forward, ain’t you?” He asks, and when Takeda looks apologetic, he continues, “I’m kidding. I’m twenty-six.”
Takeda pauses, drink to his lips. “Wait,” he says, “you’re younger than me?”
Keishin’s eyebrows rise. “How old are you?”
“I’m twenty-nine,” Takeda says.
Keishin snorts, nearly chokes, and then doubles over laughing. “Damn, really? I thought you were my age or a little younger! I guess it makes sense with you bein’ a teacher and all, but you definitely don’t look like you’re almost thirty.”
“I’m not sure if that’s a compliment or an insult,” Takeda admits.
“I wonder,” Keishin remarks, downing his coffee.
They watch the dogs a while longer, but inevitably, Keishin needs to leave. He has to get his shopping done, get home, and go to his night shift at the store. Takeda looks as though he wants to say something more, but ultimately, they say their goodbyes and go their own ways.
Keishin puts Takeda Ittetsu in the back of his mind again, convinced that he’ll more than likely never run into the man again.
Fate has a funny way of proving him wrong, he supposes.
He takes Takeda for a rational person, but this time might just prove him wrong. Keishin stares down at the unsteady dark-haired man, frowning. He’s not sure why Takeda ended up here again, drunk again, but here he is, dressed down in a blue sweater and missing his glasses at eleven at night. He squints back at Keishin, smiling a little lopsidedly.
“Why are you here?” Keishin finally asks.
Takeda beams. “We’re friends! I wanted to see you! Also, I think my coworker has my house keys,” he slurs.
On god, this man was going to be the death of him. Keishin sighs, but he moves out of the way to let Takeda stumble in and shuts the door behind him. He doesn’t bother with a shirt this time.
“Please don’t throw up on my carpet. There’s too many weird stains as is.”
Takeda hears him, he assumes, watching as the teacher locates the bathroom very rapidly on his hands and knees. Keishin starts some tea again. When Takeda returns, he drops down on the couch and burrows underneath the blanket that had been abandoned there, groaning softly.
“M’sorry,” he mumbles, when Keishin nudges him to hand over the tea.
Keishin watches his head resurface from beneath the blanket, still squinting and hair even messier. He isn’t sure how Takeda is this bad at holding his alcohol, or why he keeps doing it despite knowing he’s bad, but Keishin isn’t really one to judge. Besides, he’s still thinking about the whole we’re friends thing Takeda had dropped on him at the door.
Are they friends? He doesn’t want to dwell on that too long.
“It’s fine,” he waves it off. “Drink that and get some rest. You can worry about everything else in the morning.”
He rises from his crouch and crosses to the kitchen to clean up some. Takeda only finishes half the tea before he’s out cold on the couch. Keishin fixes the blanket over him and shuts the lights off, locks the door, and retires to his room.
Sleep evades him.
He spends the first hour staring at the ceiling. When this grows painfully boring, he rolls over to check his phone. TV isn’t an option tonight with Takeda sleeping in the living room, but clearly he isn’t going to be getting much sleep tonight himself. At two, he finally caves and rolls back out of bed.
Keishin slinks quietly into the living room and grabs his new lighter and box of cigarettes off the table, creeping to the window and carefully shuffling it open. Mercifully, it doesn’t squeal this time.
Keishin slides out onto the fire escape, sitting on the outside windowsill so he can listen if Takeda wakes. His new lighter produces a flame immediately, and Keishin lights a cigarette, putting it to his lips. The sting of smoke is familiar, as disgusting as it is. Really, he needs to stop depending on this habit.
There are sirens somewhere in the distance again.
“Ukai?” Takeda’s groggy voice floats from inside the apartment.
“Did I wake ya?” Keishin asks, glancing back.
“No,” Takeda blinks back at him from the couch, squinting to see. “Why are you awake?” “I couldn’t sleep.”
Keishin exhales another breath of smoke and Takeda wrinkles his nose.
“That’s a bad habit,” he says softly. “Do you do this often? Come to think of it… It was the same situation when we met, wasn’t it?”
Yes, Keishin thinks, but he doesn’t reply out loud. Things have changed since then. Not just for him in particular, but for both of them as a whole. Back then, Takeda had just been a complete stranger that Keishin had saved out of the goodness of his upbringing, if not his heart. He takes another drag and exhales into the chilled night air. Goosebumps prickle over his exposed torso.
He can feel Takeda’s gaze on his back.
“Oi, sensei,” he says into the air, “you’re a good person. Stay that way, yeah? You gotta be careful 'round here. City like this'll eat your humanity.”
“Ukai,” Takeda asks softly. “Why do you make yourself suffer like this? You’re a good person, too.”
Keishin takes a long drag of his cigarette. For a moment, he considers not answering. It would make it easier. He could just finish his cigarette and go to sleep. Takeda probably isn’t going to remember any of this in the morning anyway.
But he finally exhales.
“I stopped focusing on what made me happy,” he breathes, “it makes life a lot easier.”
He almost misses Takeda’s whisper.
“Not from where I stand.”
Keishin leans back on his hands, cigarette in between his lips and gaze fixed on the starless sky. It's lonely.
“...Go to sleep, Takeda.”
In the morning, there’s another hastily scribbled note. Ukai, it reads, I’m so sorry about my state last night. Thank you again for letting me stay.
There’s a phone number at the bottom in lieu of a signature. Keishin plugs it into his contacts.
Somehow, slowly, Takeda Ittetsu slowly becomes a cornerstone of Keishin’s life. They see each other frequently and text even more. Keishin gets scolded about his phone more than once at work and he feels like he’s a teenager again. Takeda visits often and somehow makes a home in Keishin’s shitty little place, and sometimes Keishin goes to his own cramped apartment, simple and flower-filled and very much Takeda.
But somehow, Takeda ends up back at Keishin’s house every time he goes drinking without fail.
It occurs to Keishin, one night, when a half sober Takeda is slung over the arm of his ratty couch, hunched over a trash can, that Keishin isn’t so tired of the city anymore. He misses home certainly, but in the near year he’s known Takeda now, he’s become more at ease. It’s easier to breathe now.
“Oi,” he knocks a glass of water lightly against Takeda’s head.
Takeda looks up, glasses disheveled, hair messy, and eyes glazed over. He’s in various states of disarray, but even under the dim lighting of the apartment, there’s something so brilliant about him that Keishin thinks he might be a little in love.
Takeda shifts to sit a little more upright and curls his fingers around the cup of water, but Keishin doesn’t quite let go. Takeda squints at their overlapped hands.
“You don’t work weekends,” Keishin states more than asks, “so come back home with me this weekend.”
Takeda frowns unsteadily. “But we are at your house.”
Keishin releases the cup. “No,” he says, “home. Back in the country.”
“Oh,” says Takeda, but then he puts the cup to his lips and doesn’t reply.
Keishin wakes in the morning to Takeda sitting on the kitchen counter, a cup of hot tea in his hands and a pensive expression resting on his features. He’s a little surprised because even now, Takeda is usually gone by the time he gets up, having left a note or a text. He’s still in some sort of state of disarray, though he looks as though he’d made an attempt to clean up.
“Morning,” Keishin greets, bending to dig through the refrigerator.
“Good morning,” Takeda replies absently, frowns, and then continues, “Ukai, did you mean what you said yesterday?”
Keishin glances up in confusion. “'Bout what?”
“Me- Me coming back… home with you?” He won’t meet Keishin’s eyes.
“Ah, I didn’t think you’d remember that,” Keishin admits. “I guess. It was kind of a spur of the moment thing, so you don’t gotta worry about it if you don’t wanna. Figured it might be nice to have a break, s’all.”
“Okay,” Takeda repeats, pushing his glasses up his nose, “I’ll come.”
Keishin grins crookedly. “Okay.”
So they go.
Keishin had already taken the weekend off, having planned to go home this weekend anyway. Sometimes, a break is just a good change of pace, even if he's finally gotten himself in a good state of mind in the city. They leave in the late afternoon, after Takeda is finished at the school, and head straight to the train for the long ride ahead.
It’s dark by the time they arrive, and Takeda is out cold, leaning heavily against Keishin. He nudges the other man awake and guides him out of the train. Takeda’s awake the moment the cold air hits his face. It’s even colder here than in the city since it’s further north, but it’s more open for the wind as well.
“Wow,” Takeda breathes, and for a moment, Keishin isn’t sure what he’s talking about.
He follows Takeda’s gaze up and his breath steals away in a manner that he’d nearly forgotten. The stars blanket the sky above them, brilliant little pinpricks of light across the expanse of swirling darkness, flickering and blinking down at the earth. The more rational part of him knows they’re nothing impressive, nothing more than massive balls of gas billions of miles away from them, but it does nothing to diminish the fact that he’s desperately missed the sight of them.
“I’ve seen stars in theory,” Takeda says, “but I’ve lived in cities my whole life. I’ve never… seen them in person.”
Keishin smiles. “Trust me, it’s not a sight you’ll ever get tired of.”
Takeda gazes at him then, and Keishin isn’t sure what he sees in the other man’s eyes.
He apologizes in advance, later, for his parents. His mother is, as expected, overbearing, but nonetheless excited that Keishin has a friend to bring home. She gives him a curious little sidelong look that he pointedly ignores.
They crash as soon as they hit the pillows. Saturday blows by in a whirlwind of meeting up with old friends and getting back to old hobbies. Keishin remembers the stings of a volleyball on his hands as surely as he’d been in high school. Setting is still second nature. Takeda watches from the sidelines, eyes wide and attention rapt, and if Keishin shows off a little for his sake, nobody says anything about it.
“There’s one more place,” Keishin says, as the sun dips below the horizon later that evening, “I always went there as a teen. It should still be fine, I think.”
It’s just nearing the end of the autumn, in any case, so he thinks it should still be around. The weather is getting colder every day. Keishin absently drapes one of his two scarves around Takeda’s shoulders and takes the lead into the back parts of town where he’d run wild as a boy.
They crest a hill, breath forming white clouds in the chilled night air, and sure enough, red cloaks the tree-dotted area on the other side. Spider-lilies. Takeda gasps at the crest, gazing down in awe even as Keishin carries on, picking his way towards the central cove.
“I loved it here in high school,” Keishin admits, “I got into gardening for a while over it, but that ain't easy in the city, so it kinda fell to the wayside.”
"Is that why you work at the flower shop?" Takeda asks.
Keishin hums noncommittally. "Maybe."
He drops rather unceremoniously into a slightly emptier patch and lays on his back, staring at the sky. Takeda carefully sits beside him, tucking his knees up for warmth. The ground beneath them is cold, and Keishin knows the flowers won’t be alive for much longer.
“I always came here to stargaze. I’d sit for hours. It was kinda a safe haven, I guess.”
He looks to Takeda, expecting him to be looking at the sky, but to his surprise, the man’s dark eyes are fixed on him, glittering in the darkness like they’re reflecting the starlight itself. Keishin’s heart does a funny little thing in his chest, something he’s started to become comfortable with associating with Takeda.
“Ukai,” Takeda says, voice soft, as if he’s afraid of being heard, lips parted and one hand raised like he’s going to reach out.
“Aw, man,” Keishin tells him, “don’t look at me like that. I don’t know if I can stop myself, then.”
“Then don’t,” Takeda whispers, leaning in to meet Keishin’s mouth halfway.
His mother gives him another knowing look when he smiles privately at Takeda the next morning, but he pretends, once again, not to notice.
“In hindsight,” Keishin tells him, years later, when they’re thirty-two and thirty-five, living together with two dogs, five years into their relationship and counting, “I think you started a lot of the changes in my life that I ended up desperately needing.”
Ittetsu laughs as he rolls over, tucking his arm around Keishin’s waist. “You should learn to listen to your elders better!”
Keishin snorts. “I don’t have to take shit from a cradle robber like you.”
Ittetsu sputters indignantly, and Keishin howls with laughter. Five years ago, he’d nearly forgotten what it felt like to laugh so freely.
Nowadays, he can’t even imagine living how he had before. Maybe when autumn comes around again, he’ll take Ittetsu back to the spider-lily field. Maybe he’ll buy a ring this time.
“I think I should save pretty teachers from getting mugged in alleys more often, don’t you?”
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baesketballers · 7 years
One day Izuki gets courageous and writes a greeting for his soulmate in his wrist, knowing it'll show up in hers. Reader replies, and soon enough they start talking and enjoying the chats with each other. Izuki writes shitty puns and Reader seems giggly and draws cute kaomoji in return, but she's always too nervous to accept a phone number exchange... Until he catches a glimpse of his apparently no-nonsense manager's wrist under her sweater's sleeve... And notices his own handwriting in it.
Okay this is such a cute request! But can you imagine being soulmates with someone who doesn’t really write Roman letters like Japanese or Arabic or something (not that they can’t write in Roman letters, but their native language does not utilize Roman alphabets) and non-speakers would be like
*scribbles*Hey! Do you speak English
…or something.
Having to wipe out your wrist to be able to continue writing is also a pain in the arse. Buy Frixion™, guys, I think it’s easy to erase on skin, too. 
Anyway disclaimer: I tried to be funny?, Half-assed?, Short one, Reader can read/write Japanese, Fem!Reader, No Japanese puns because I cannot
Tumblr media
I don’t know if you read Japanese but hi
I’m your soulmate
Oh my god
!!! ((((;゜Д゜)))
Did you just draw a kaomoji
Sorry, you reply fast. And I was so nervous. 
Me too actually… Hi (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄
Is this a good time to talk?
I’m actually in class but it’s really boring so
Dude same
Wait can I ask
if you’re a boy or girl
I’m not a dude lol
Wait are you a dude?
Ever since that itch on your wrist you felt during one Thursday’s Japanese Literature class, you’ve been exchanging messages about the most idiosyncratic things with a destined stranger—a him, you later find out, though the two of you remain nameless—and it becomes your most anticipated thing to do in class. You invested in a Frixion pen for this weird messaging system, and your Japanese Lit teacher has grown accustomed to seeing you wipe your wrist of very often during his class. 
One thing that bothers you is how familiar his handwriting is.
You find your first clue two weeks later when the Seirin basketball team members hand in their summer camp forms. As newly appointed manager—you’ve only filled the position from spring—your job is to collect and go through them to make sure none of the important fields are empty. 
And then you see Izuki Shun’s form.
How weird, Izuki-senpai’s writing seems similar to his, you think before peeking at your wrist, only to find it empty. He erased it already and you relax slightly, but nonetheless there’s disappointment at the bottom of your gut. Wait, scratch that, you did not just admit to feeling disappointed. You don’t even know Izuki that well! He’s a senior and you’re a second year that somehow got roped in by Riko to be manager. 
That’s right, you’re a manager. You’re supposed to do your job, so you berate yourself internally all the way to the faculty room and you hand all the forms to Takeda-sensei, the club advisor.
You can’t sleep that night.
The second clue appears on your wrist one fine Thursday in the form of a peculiar message.
Can I ask you a question?
Your heart starts hammering like an angry neighbor from inside your chest. Is today finally the day the two of you exchange names? You’re not ready for it, but one half of you has been dying to know. What’s the worst that could happen, right? You pick up your pen.
Go ahead
What kind of dinosaur joined Disney Channel but later on rebelled
Your face scrunches up. Certainly that is not the sort of question you are expecting. Is this some sort of joke? Your senses are tingling.
I don’t know. 
The answer is: Miley Saurus (ノ・ェ・)ノ
And wow, indeed. It did make you snort a little, enough for some of your classmate to stare at you, only averting their eyes once they noticed that you’re just sending messages with your soulmate. For one second you are digesting the joke, thinking how the hell your soulmate came up with such a pun, but the next second you freeze.
Izuki loves puns, doesn’t he?? Shit. Your eyebrows are knitted together, so much so that your Japanese Lit teacher thinks you’re having too much difficulty trying to keep up with the lesson. 
“____________-san, is something the matter?”
You visibly jerk before immediately recovering, smoothly answering with a “Nothing, sorry about that, Sensei”. You are the focal point of the class for five square seconds, the amount of attention enough to snap you out of it. Soon enough, the teacher’s voice is again drowned by your thoughts. Izuki is not the only guy who loves puns, right? Pretty sure a lot of guys think it’s hilarious, it’s not like it’s only his thing or anything.
Wrong. You discover the fact during basketball practice when you are handing out water bottles.
Both Izuki’s hand and yours are on the bottle, and you’re confused why he won’t let go. The steel gray of his eyes focus on your wrist, exposed because your sleeve rode up your arm slightly, and he sees a very familiar handwriting on it—his own.
“___________-chan,” he calls out, and you notice that his voice is so calm it sounds like he’s been hypnotized. Bracing yourself, you look him in the eye, and he looks hypnotized, but you see the relief in his eyes. Then his cheeks starts to turn red and you can’t help but let the realization sink in. He continues, “Do you know what kind of dinosaur joined Disney Channel but later on rebelled?”
He doesn’t need you to answer; he sees it written on the inside of your wrist. The two of you stand, quiet and blushing and a waterbottle in two hands, until Hyuuga shouts at them to snap out of it.
You now have a date scheduled with Izuki after school. 
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sugaandyams · 6 years
“Mean Girls” Haikyuu crack fic: Part 2
Part 1 is here. Disclaimer still applies.
Chikara’s next class is literature and Narita and Kinoshita both have chemistry, so they all head back as the gym class collects their equipment.
Kinoshita hands Chikara a detailed map of the school. “This is your key to survival at North Shore,” he explains. “Arguably, the most important part is lunchtime. There are so many cliques.”
The bell rings before Kinoshita can explain them. “We’ll catch you at study hall,” Narita promises. “It’s right before lunch so we can leave early and scope out the cafeteria.”
Chikara is about to thank him when the crowd of students rushing to their next class swishes him away. He somehow manages to enter his homeroom once more.
Takeda looks away from the whiteboard to the doorway. Chikara can tell he’s once again the last student to arrive because all the desks are taken except for one near the front.
“Sawamura-Sugawara, I’m happy you’re in my class!” Takeda smiles. “How about you take a seat behind Akaashi?”
Chikara takes a wild guess that the figure hunched over, searching through his satchel, is Akaashi, only because of the empty desk behind him. He nods and sits downs. Takeda passes out syllabi and goes down the list of materials needed for this year.
He tries to listen to Takeda but his eyes wander back to the map. “Sexually active band geeks?” he mutters to himself. The guy in front of him turns around. “Did you say something?”
Chikara glances up and nearly gasps. “What?”
Akaashi (shit, that’s such a pretty name) has the most gorgeous hair Chikara has ever seen on a human being. Could a person have such beautiful eyes?
“I thought you said something,” Akaashi shrugs and Chikara needs to remind himself to breath.
“I did but I was just talking to myself.” Why did I say that?! he questions mentally.
Akaashi chuckles and Chikara really wonders if he can stay in his class when he’s having a bisexual reawakening. “I’m Akaashi Keiji. You’re the new student, right?”
“From Africa,” Chikara replies. “Sawamura-Sugawara Chikara.” Akaashi’s eyes widen a tad but return to their normal state when Chikara adds, “You can call me by my given name.”
“Alright, Chikara-kun.” Akaashi gives a light smile before turning back around in his seat and Chikara stares at his map, heat swarming to his face.
He doesn’t expect another conversation with Akaashi today but at the end of class, he turns back around after gathering his textbooks. “Have a nice day, Chikara-kun.”
“Bye Akaashi-kun,” Chikara says, a tad breathlessly. How can one person have such beauty? It’s not fair. Not fair at all.
Since Takeda is such a nice teacher, he didn’t assign any homework so Chikara has nothing to do except talk to Kinoshita and Narita during study hall. Luckily his blushing goes down so neither question him.
Kinoshita centers Chikara’s map on their library table. “Okay, we’ll explain all the major cliques,” he promises.
“I can’t believe sexually active band geeks is an actual clique,” Chikara mutters.
Kinoshita smirks but before he can make a comment, Narita ruffles Kinoshita’s hair. “I didn’t even say anything yet!” he grumbles.
“You were going to say something,” Narita knowingly says.
“Shut up.” Kinoshita looks over Chikara’s shoulder and waves. “Hey, Akaashi.”
Chikara freezes.
Akaashi gives a slight nod. “Hello Kinoshita-kun, Narita-kun.” He takes another step to see if it’s Chikara. “Hi Chikara-kun. I suppose you’re also in this study hall block.”
“Yeah,” Chikara murmurs and feels his face get hot. Kinoshita and Narita exchange glances.
“It’ll be helpful if Takeda-sensei ever assigns us a project,” Akaashi says. “We can partner up and work in study hall together.”
Akaashi and I as partners? Chikara numbly nods. “That would be nice.”
After he leaves and Chikara can breathe again, both Narita and Kinoshita have smirks on their faces. “You like him,” Narita states.
“I do not,” Chikara replies.
“Liar,” Kinoshita says. “How come you started blushing like mad?”
“Do you think he noticed?” Chikara asks, concerned. He’d hate for Akaashi to notice- what if he doesn’t want to be friends with him?
Narita decides to hide the fact Akaashi is very analytical and probably did notice.
“Akaashi-kun is a nice guy,” Narita assures Chikara, patting the back of his hand. “Don’t worry about it.”
Somewhat soothed, Chikara looks back at the map. “So, what all do I need to know?”
Kinoshita cracks his knuckles. “JV jocks, varsity jocks, desperate wannabes, burnouts, the greatest people you’ll ever meet-” he gestures towards Narita and himself. “And the worst, the Plants.”
Chikara runs through their conversation as he gets out the lunch line, wanting to buy a water bottle. He spots his new friends across the cafeteria, sitting by the wall and he relaxes his shoulders in relief. Right where the map said they’d be. He starts walking there, not realizing he’s walking in front of the Plants’ table when a guy stops him.
“May I help you?” Chikara asks, noting how attractive the guy would be if not for a smug and smarmy look across his face.
The guy, blond with an undercut and piercings, tries to give an innocent look. “We’re doing a questionnaire for new students, answer some questions for us, will you?”
Chikara mentally sighs and decides to go for it so he doesn’t make any enemies on his first day. “Sure.”
“Is your muffin buttered?” The completely male table Chikara just passed starts laughing. “Pardon?” Chikara blinks. Did he hear that correctly?
“Would you like us to assign someone to butter your muffin?” the guy asks, with an unkind smirk on his face.
Oikawa Tooru rolls his eyes and leans forward, resting his arms on the lunch table. “Is he bothering you?” he asks Chikara before glaring at Terushima. “Why are you such a creep?”
“I’m just being friendly, Oikawa!” Terushima insists.
“You don’t come over to my house for a party, break one of my parents’ vases, and then try to hit on some innocent boy- and failing, by the way- in front of us,” Oikawa coolly replies. He moves his eyes to Chikara. “Would you like to have sex with him?” he asks.
Chikara takes a step away from Terushima. “No thanks.”
Terushima’s grin slides off his face.
“Problem solved!” Oikawa happily says. “You can go shave your back now.”
Terushima curses under his breath and Chikara continues walking, glad that’s over.
“Wait!” Oikawa calls and Chikara turns his head. “Huh?”
“Sit down,” Oikawa invites, patting the table. Chikara glances at Kinoshita and Narita, who gesture for him to come over. He gives a simple “I don’t know what’s happening” look and pulls out a seat.
“Why don’t I know you?” Oikawa says with a tilt of his head.
“I came here from Africa and it’s my first time attending school in five years,” Chikara admits, opening his water bottle.
“Shut up.” Oikawa looks back and forth between Mattsun and Makki. “Shut. Up!”
“I didn’t say anything?” Chikara confusedly says.
“Home-schooled.” Oikawa rests his head on his palm. “Wow.”
Makki gives a bewildered look to Chikara. “If you’re from Africa, how come you’re not black?”
“Makki!” Mattsun hisses. “You can’t just ask people why they’re not black!”
Oikawa leans forward and smiles. Chikara doesn’t understand how Kinoshita and Narita hate him. He seems really nice! “Hold on for just a moment,” Oikawa says as he leans back against his seat, winking. Chikara casts his look back to Narita and Kinoshita, who look at him with perplexed expressions. He slightly shrugs in response.
Oikawa finishes talking with Makki and Mattsun. “Okay,” he begins with a deep breath. “We don’t ever do this, so it’s a huge deal.”
Mattsun sweetly smiles. “We want to invite you to have lunch with us for the rest of the week!”
“That’s-” Chikara begins before he’s cut off by Oikawa. “So, see you tomorrow?”
“On Tuesdays, we wear sea-green!” Makki adds.
Kinoshita bursts out laughing in the boys’ bathroom. “You have to do it!” He wipes away his tears, he’s laughing so hard. “You have to do it and tell us all the horrible stuff Oikawa says!”
“But Oikawa seems sweet,” Chikara argues. Kinoshita stops laughing. “He’s not sweet! He’s a life-ruiner, he ruined my life!”
“What happened?” Chikara asks as Narita puts an arm around his shoulders. “When we were 12, Oikawa told everyone-”
“Kazuhito!” Kinoshita huffs. “Can we not?”
“Why do you hate him?” Chikara asks, curious to know.
“What do you mean?” Kinoshita responds.
“Oikawa. You seem to really hate him.”
Kinoshita doesn’t answer for a few moments, expecting Chikara to continue. When he doesn’t, Kinoshita raises his eyebrows. “I do. What’s your question?”
Kinoshita glares at Narita so he doesn’t say anything. “Nothing. It’s not about hatred or anything. I just think it would be super funny for you to hang out with them and tell us everything that happens.”
“What would we even talk about?”
“Hair products,” Kinoshita suggests while Narita claims, “Hot guys.”
“Please Chikara?” Kinoshita even sticks out a lip. “Please?”
Chikara sighs. “Fine.”
Kinoshita squeals and gives him a big hug. Maybe it’s worth it.
He won’t think that for long.
“Tomorrow is Tuesday and they said they wear sea-green. Do you guys have anything sea-green I can wear?”
Kinoshita snorts. “No.”
Narita shrugs. “Not really.”
“How about a trip to the mall after school?” Kinoshita offers.
“Oh! This is what kids do in those cliché movies!” Chikara cheers.
“I love you so much,” Kinoshita laughs.
Luckily Narita has a car and drives them to the mall. They spend a few hours there, goofing off after they found the perfect shirt for Chikara. It’s almost exactly dinner time when Chikara is dropped off at home.
He waves goodbye as Kinoshita leans over the driver’s seat and honks the horn as goodbye.
“Hisashi!” Narita yells as Chikara laughs, opening the door to his house. Daichi and Koushi were totally not standing by the door as soon as they heard the car drive up.
“Were those the friends you texted us about?” Koushi asks, having received a text message from his son a few hours before the end of school that he had a ride.
“Yeah,” Chikara answers, setting down his bag and backpack. “What’s for dinner?”
“Hold on,” Daichi says, blocking the kitchen door. “Aren’t you going to tell us all about your special day?”
“Did you meet any other friends?” Koushi inquires eagerly. “Any cute guys?”
Chikara figures he’d be fine- until his dad said that last statement. “What? No!”
“You totally did!”
“Dad!” Chikara whines, wishing he isn’t such an easy blusher.
“Who’s this boy?” Daichi instantly asks, crossing his arms. “I’m a cop, I can search him up in the records.” There’s a subtle teasing tone but Chikara never underestimates his fathers’ protectiveness.
“I’ll tell you over dinner,” he murmurs, going around Daichi and getting out a glass of water to calm his hot face.
“Our little boy is going up so fast,” Koushi whispers to Daichi. “Just yesterday he was clinging to our shirts and asking for our help on everything.”
“I think we need to have another talk with him, just in case.”
Chikara spits out his water. “Dads!”
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Headcanon: What if... The Lords in the High School {SLBP}
Game: Samurai Love Ballad Party Characters: Oda Nobunaga, Akechi Mitsuhide, Sanada Yukimura, Kirigakure Saizo, Date Masamune, Katakura Kojuro, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Maeda Toshiie, Tokugawa Ieyasu, Ishida Mitsunari, Uesugi Kenshin, Takeda Shingen. 
A third year student with selfish demanor and high self-confidence.
He was a Student Council President in the school.
He like eating Sweets. He can order someone to bring him sweets third time a day.
You can see a full jar of Konpeito Candy on his desk in Student Council’s room.
He in same years as Nobunaga.
He have calm personality and formal gesture.
Since he grew up with Nobunaga he know how to control him.
He was a Student Council Vice - President.
A second years student and he also the Kendo club’s captain.
He known as a very brave student and good person, of course.
Though a good person, he is somewhat dim-witted and oblivious to such things as romance.
He weakness is being around with girl. He easily get embarrassed being around them.
Shingen is the person that he respect the most
He enjoys a good fight, that’s why he always challenged all the Kendo members to fight with him. He often sparring with Inuchiyo the most.
He was in third years, same grade as Nobunaga and Mitsuhide
He always seems to take everything lightheartedly and often teases Yukimura the most.
He’s also very good at keeping things to himself and keeping face, even in tough situations, and good ot observing people.
The king of Skipping classes. He is willing to skip just to take a nap.
His favorite place to take a nap is on top of the tree trunk.
His favorite food is Dango. No Dango No Life
Second years student in the school, same class as MC and Inuchiyo.
Masamune is the quiet and very reserved student.
Due to his standoffish nature, many of student believe the wild rumors concerning his right eye.
He have a dark past about trusting people.
However, once you gained his trust he will revealed his kind true nature and his tenderness.
In the school he was a Japanese literature Teacher.
He was known as very strict and intimidating teacher.
How much strict he is, he’s bad at cleaning. If you come to Japanese Literature Prep room, you can’t see anything beside a mess he made.
He such a hard worker man that he forget to sleep and eat.
Masamune was his relative that’s why he like to take care of him.
He was a very carefree person.
He like to smile a lot and being kind to other people.
He was very popular with girls in the school because he always treating them kindly.
Despite his baby face looking he was older than Inuchiyo.
His hobby is teasing Inuchiyo.
He was in same class as MC and Masamune
He’s MC childhood friend.
He have a bad temper and really stubborn person.
He’s bad at studying.
Sometime he get in fight with MC because he was stubborn.
Always get irritated when Hideyoshi around.
Same as Yukimura, he joining the Kendo club too.
MC call him two-faced-devil.
When he interacts with other students, he always pretending to be nice. However, when is just the two of you, he always foul mouthing you even though you older than him, he such cruel and sadist person.
He gets easily irritated with someone.
He shared same past with Masamune, because of his dark past, he have hard time to trust people.
But, deep down you know that he was such a good person that show his nice side with his own way.
The most intelligent student in the school.
He can easily solved question for university student even he just in first year in the high school.
He gets easily irritated with someone and foul mouthing if they get close to him. 
He was in Student Council Secretary,
He admire and respect Hideyoshi so much.
He hate Ieyasu.
He like to read books. in his free time, he always spending the by reading them.
He was the school nurse teacher. I don’t know but this job suit him well XD.
Kenshin usually appears as happy-go-lucky person and lazy.
He often tries to avoid work and would rather running of somewhere.
Despite his perceived laziness, he is a good nurse and the students trust him.
He always listens the student problem and give them advice.
He have a thing for a beautiful thing and without knowing he will collecting them.
Poorly, he always gets scolded by the Biology teacher, Kanetsugu.
He’s the headmaster in the school. Though, I want to said that he suit more become sex-edu teacher www XD
He’s very friendly with all of students and often said that the student in the school is his own family.
He always thinking his students, he wanted them to realized their dream.
His best buddies is Kenshin.
Sometime, when he want to slack-off he always came to infimary and resting there.
He coaches the Kendo club when he have free time.
Lastly, he like to teach Yukimura about sex position and how to seduce women since he was the student that still virgin in the school XD.
Author Note: Finally! My first SLBP Headcanon is finished! T-T ahh... so happy! Tbh, I want to try made SLBP Headcanon for a long time but i can’t get idea what I should write and maybe, there character that very out so character since there a few of the character that I still not get in to it. Oh and! This Headcanon maybe will be related with my fanfiction series in the future. Yes, in the next future I’m planning to write the School Au fanfiction based on them. It’s still planning though. I already made the prologue so far but I need still figure what I want to write in the story. Well, that’s it. Hope you liked the Headcanon!
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here are the notes for the tsukki soulmate!au
my idea for this was originally VERY different and went down a more conventional route, but the idea of “incompatible” soulmates was there from the start. it wasn’t until i was rewatching season three and got to tsukki’s “blocking is systematic” line that this concept came along
i didn’t know whether i wanted to make the reader an artist or a writer. i settled on writer because it’s easier for me to describe disjointed writing—than to describe art in general, which i don’t have a background in. you can see what could have been artist!reader in the painting on the arm bit
but I realized that it would be very difficult to only describe parts of this poem and still have you see how it works in the end, so i decided to write the actual poem. It’s been well over a year since i’ve written one, and even longer since i’ve written one that i liked the beginnings of and want to come back and work on it
so this is very much a rough first draft of it, hence why it’s so obvious as well. it would take a very long time before a polished version would be done, and that doesn’t quite jibe with filling requests. that being said, i’ll probably be reworking this poem into something i can use outside the context of the series
takeda wasn’t involved in this at first, but i used his cog metaphor at first without realizing that the reader would have no way of knowing about it. but let’s be real! takeda is a modern literature teacher and that’s the reader’s thing, so him being their favorite teacher and helping out with his student’s writing makes a lot of sense. including a scene about it would have made this even longer, but i will say he has used the cog metaphor around the reader, because the they ask how to volleyball team is doing from time-to-time
also, he does not know that you and tsukishima are soulmates or at least he doesn’t ask. it’s possible that he’s seen words on your arms that are also on tuskki’s, so he might know. i like to think he doesn’t know anything about them, only that you believe yourself to be incompatible with them, and he won’t pry.
basically i want to write a takeda thing and also he is the literature teacher students deserve
outside of takeda, furudate-sensei uses some very poetic visuals and has characters say surprisingly poetic things (“i’m hinata shouyou and i sprouted from the concrete” makes me so mad because i wish i had written it!!!!!!) i wanted to play around with the tsukki brothers given names as well as the imagery and symbols used for other characters. the moon motif is already used a lot—and understandably so—so the firefly and light concepts were things i wanted to explore
the systems having numbers was more or less my way of splitting the poems into parts without doing that thing a lot of poets--myself included--where you just write a number and then write whatever is part of that section and then move on to the next one
anyway, that’s it. i’m sorry i took the bad writing route by posting commentary and telling you things instead of letting you figure things out on your own or putting it in the piece from the start, but sometimes i need to scream out my asshole and sometimes things in my writing are not clear and i’m not going to be a jerk and not try to clarify for anyone who might need it
i kept trying to use the “albatross around the neck” metaphor when i started the oikawa soulmate!au but it never worked no matter how i tried to frame it there. it ended up working better here
i wanted to account for the fact that tsukki’s sun sign is libra, and give a sense of “balance” that he would bring to his soulmate and vice versa. but as far as features in his natal chart (or any of the characters for that matter), i can’t know them for sure because that would require knowing a birth year, birth time, and birth location. which we don’t have. sensei probably doesn’t either and they wouldn’t need to??? as far as where venus would be in his chart (how we’d know what one is like in a relationship and what they like and need in one as well) basing it only on what we know of him from the series, i’d say his venus is either in taurus or in capricorn, but i didn’t factor in his soulmate’s venus sign because, well, that would be yours to fill in, friendo
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