#even on this dude ive had a crush on since elementary school
veloriium · 11 months
ive just come to the terrible realization of how many people ive ghosted and ignored during the early periods of my life .
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lanaswritingbook · 2 years
“That’s my girl”
Word Count: 600
Summary: Peter has a crush on his long term best friend and struggles on what to do about it. But what will happen when she’s on the other side of the door listening to his confession to Ned.
Warning: Self doubt.
A/N: My first Peter Parker story hope you enjoy there will be a part two tomorrow! TOLD IN PETERS POV!!
Part 2: https://eddiesmunsonswife.tumblr.com/post/689163973318377472/but-thats-my-girl-part-2
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Ned, Yn, and I have been best friends for years now ever since elementary, so were all extremely close but I still have to keep it locked up that I’ve been in love with Yn since 2nd grade.
During Lunch Ned and I talked about our plans for the weekend “Peter dude literally we haven’t hanged in like weeks” Ned groans “We we’re literally with each other last Friday” I grinned eating a fry.
But I suddenly go in high alert as I hear a familiar voice talking to some. “I mean sure we can I just have to check with Peter and Ned first.” Yn spoke but clearly uncomfortable. “Cmon your wayyy too good for them nerds hang with me. The Flash” he kissed his muscles as if he had any.
No Peter that was mean. “Are you even listening to me? HEY YN C’MERE” Ned waved her over. I suddenly fix my posture as she walks towards us “Whats up?” She smiled sitting right next me. I can already feel my cheeks becoming blood red.
“Yn tell Pete that we have to work on my new lego set tonight. I mean what do we have to do its Friday” he chuckled drinking his milk. She smiled at both of us hopefully she doesn’t notice that I haven’t said one word yet.
“I dont know Ned… Flash asked me to the movies and you know I dont like being rude” Yn sighed. “W-what like a date?” I finally spoke giving her my signature puppy dog eyes. She didn’t answer just looking around the room ignoring the question.
“Are you freaking kidding me I mean is the group falling apa-“ zoning out as Ned gives us a full blown lecture about not hanging I feel two sets of eyes on me. One of the girl I’ve been in love with for years and the boy trying to take her away from me sitting at another table.
“Peter are you ok?” She asked putting a hand on my shoulder while her other pulled away my closed fist. “Y-yeah fine. Great! I have to go sorry Yn.” Quickly running out the cafeteria going to the schools front door. I could afford missing a class.
Besides I wouldn’t be able to focus no way, I’m to busy thinking about how Flash is gonna French kiss my girl. I mean Yn.
“Dude whats got you all in your feels?” Ned asked while he laid on the floor. “What do you mean.” You ask not taking your eyes off of the group photo of you three. “You’ve been out of it man. Is it Yn?” My eyes widen as I sit up quickly. “Yn? What are you talking about” you nervously chuckle.
“Oh cmon on man Ive known you my whole life. Your in love with her.” He grinned. “No! T-that, thats… true. God Ned why did I have to fall for her thats my best friend she’ll never like me back that way.” You jumped off the bed walking on the walls.
“I FREAKING KNEW IT! I KNEW YOU LIKED HER ITS SO OBVIOUS” He yelled standing up. “What obvious how? No. Yn is to good for me. One she’s amazing, she’s super smart, and very pretty. So so pretty, and plus she’s the girl of my dreams but I know it’ll never work out if Flash gets with her.” Ned just grinned like a idiot at my confession.
“Just work your Peter charm there’s no way she could turn you down.” I nod taking a deep breath while sitting upside down on the ceiling. “No I cant! Flash has way more of a chance than me and hes a complete idiot. But Yn’s my girl so i have to try.” A spark lights in your head as you crawl to the door.
As my bedroom door creaks open my nose is hit with a familiar smell. Looking straight ahead is YN standing with her mouth open in shock..
Did I just ruin our friendship.
Part 2: https://eddiesmunsonswife.tumblr.com/post/689163973318377472/but-thats-my-girl-part-2
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choibinn3 · 3 years
get to know me game!!
tagged by: @tyunni
tagging: @tyuncafe this is suuper long btw so dont mind it if u dont wanna do it!! hehe
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what day is your birthday? dec 8th, sunghoons bday 😥 (thats how i heard abt enhypen actually, my friend was like "OMGG u share a bday wirh my bias!!!!")
what’s your favorite color? pink <33 it makes me so happy
what’s your lucky number? 8!!! like my bday date :')
do you have any pets? no :(( want a kitty real bad though
how tall are you? skipping. no comment. next question.
how many pairs of shoes do you have? like THREE and i rotate between two ♥️
favorite song? kpop?? um rn fever by enhypen or ghosting.. non kpop would be amoeba by clairo (shits GOOD plz go listen to it)
favorite movie? not the biggest fan of movies, but im suuper into slasher films/horror!!! so maybe smthng from there??
what would your ideal partner be like? jungwon ♥️ LMAO
do you want children? nope!! love kids but parenting doesnt sound like smthng id want to do unfortunately
have you gotten in trouble with the law? not that i know od?? Dont tell anyone
bath or shower? shower.. i dont thinj ive ever taken a legitimate bath b4, always showered
what color socks are you wearing? soz to say this but socks suck!! also irs 11pm and im in bed BUT THAT STILL STANDS
favorite type of music? like genre?? no clue, but i typically like music that reminds me romantic pining (aka, fever ♥️ or around you by hyunjin)
how many pillows do you sleep with? pillows are four!!! plushies,?? infinite bitch!!
what position do you sleep in? curled up on my side hugging smthng hehe
what you don’t like when you’re sleeping? yk that sleep where like,, ure sleeping... but u feel awake the whole time?? and rhen u wake up fuckin groggy like uve just been lying there.. that.
what do you have for breakfast? no breakfast!!! 2 cool 4 that. also i wake up at like uhh 11am-3pm sometimes
have you ever tried archery? NO!! sharp objections should not be in my possession apparenrly. tch 😒
favorite fruit? strawberries? mangoes?? anything fresh
favorite swear word? no favs, jm too indecisive for that :((
do you have any scars? yea, i dont have a cool story for them though.. i was just a scab picker kid lol
are you a good liar? SHITTY. horrible, the worst. i cant lie dor shit nd it gets me all shcoked everytime someone is like "mai ure LITERALLY so bad at this" during a lying game lol
what’s your personality type? istp-t!! same as huening whoooo 🎉🎉
what’s your favorite type of girl? mean girls...... i jusy like mean ppl in general but mean gurls have a special space in my heart ♥️!! theyre so demonized but as long as theyre not acrually complete assholes (like homophobes, bigots yk?) they r everythint 2 me
innie or outtie? gots an innie :]
left or right handed? right
favorite food? no favs again!!! but SPICY FOOD YUMM
favorite foreign food? probs uhh Bún bò Huế!!! im viet so idk if that counts as "foreign" but omgg ITS SO GOOD
are you clean or messy? messy!! i feel like everythings much more comfy and natural.. not like too messy though
most used phrase? BARK BARK (not proud of this one guys)
how long does it take you to get ready? like 40-60mins... ONLY BC i zone out tthough and forgot im meant to be gettinf ready LOL
do you talk to yourself? Yes. i do <3 thats also why i read&write fanfictions
do you sing to yourself? mhm!!! esp when the songs too good i sing along or throughout the day
are you a good singer? actually, literally not sure at all. i took chorus since like elementary school tho if that helps
biggest fear? heights and commitment ♥️
are you a gossip? what does this mean. but i think?? i like heaeinf gossip but im not tonna get outta my way to talk abt it ?
do you like long or short hair? on myself short!!! but guys&girls nd just everyone in general look so damn good with long hair sometimes
favorite school subject? none lol <33!! school sucks this question pains me every time i see it on back2school answer sheets
introvert or extrovert? introvert, im a lil hermit all cooped up inside my room all the tim3 ://
what makes you nervous? ppl i like are cool!!! or like ppl in general, i cant even order my boba by myself dude
who was your first real crush? i THINK. it mightve been my bff from when i was in 5th grade.. idk if this counts bc i (THINK) but like...... i cried so fucking much when we stopped being friends. it felt like a breakup and im still not over it tbh (tmi?)
how fast can you run? not fast at all but i can JUMP
what color is your hair? black, still have virgin hair!!
do you like your own name? umm tbh no, but my screen name (mai) is my middle name anyways so i dont think that matters too much
what makes you angry? people who dont listen :( pisses me off but tbh i dont get angry often
do you want a boy or a girl as a child? NEITHER. if i had to pick maybe boy but NOOOOO
what are your strengths? ive been told im endearingly stupid (like twice by the same friend) and it stuck with me. like AWWW :(( U THINK IM ENDEARINGG??
what are your weaknesses? id say im too socially anxious, public speaking makes my hands shake and i cant speak so its real bad
what’s the color of your bedspread? like white with blue polka dots ^_^
what’s the color of your room? this nice beige color,, like the color of my blog rn actually!!!! i based it off of jungwons color scheme but ig this works too
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frankthewest · 6 years
7, 12, 15. 22, 40, 42. 46, 54, 58. i want some long long answers qt LMAO
gdi i dont wanna write a 5 page essay for each question lmao
7- what was your life like last year? my life is the same as it was last year. still working at target, still not doing much with life lmao. at least now i have a car where i suffered going places with friends (tho i still need my license......)
12 - what is something you want right now? oof a lot of things. mainly no more heroes 3 because im a slut for suda51 games AND THE TEASE IN THE END OF THE NEW GAME KILLED ME. i want more money to spend shit at the next anime con. i REALLY WANT EVO TO HAPPEN NOW SO I CAN CRY OVER PEOPLE PLAYING FIGHTING GAMES.
15 - personality description? I guess im really nice??? i buy too much shit for my friends even tho they tell me to stop. im loyal af and will help out like lend them money if they need it badly for shit (if im not broke atm) im chill because i dont really talk much.
22 - description of crush? i dont have a crush atm tbh so ye. i had a crush on a team member at target but ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh????????????????????????????? fell out of it lol
40 - favorite memory? ...... im bad at remembering shit..... but i guess any time the old highschool group hanged like during prom and just us playing dungeons and dragons and other board games
42- favourite book(s)? i cant read. (i dont read much i need pictures in my books(i feel i have minor dyslexia???????)) but if i had to choose oyasumi punpun hands down and really enjoying the snotgrl comics
46 - what my last text message says?  “come inside the store” got off of work and was gonna have my bro find shit for me
54 - something thats worrying me at the moment? if my pc is ever gonna get fixed. i just want to play my games ;n;
58 - description of my best friend? ive known this dude since elementary school and he is chill and is just a dumb nerd. we quote dumb shit all the time and i just send him memes of shit only both of us would get or like lmao.
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85 Questions Tag
I was tagged by @vldrocketeer! Thanks, sweetie, sorry Im getting to doing this so late!!!
— What was your last…
1. Drink: Coca-Cola! And, Im about to go grab another can...
2. Phone call: My mom! I sent her some cute bird videos, and called her to hear her reactions to them.
3. Text message: A good friend I made in first year! His name is Colin, and he lived across the hall from me in residence first year. We’re both the same major (English Lit), and we both have similar interests in video games, so we got along great. I won’t post what I said, since we’re catching up and it was a long ass text message, but it was basically me explaining why I haven’t seen him around lately (since I’m usually holed up at work when I’m on campus)
4. Song you listened to: “Turning Page” by Sleeping At Last. It’s a favourite of mine!
5. Time you cried: Oh jeez... Uh, last month? March has been pretty stressful, and April will make me want to rip my hair out...
6. Dated someone twice: I almost did! But no, never actually dated the same guy twice.
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Its hard enough to get me to kiss someone, let alone do it and regret it.
8. Been cheated on: I have. He was my first and only heartbreak (so far)
9. Lost someone special: Hmm... I think my best answer here is “yes”.
10. Been depressed: I mean, Im usually a pretty happy person, but everyone has their ups and downs. I cant say Ive been clinically depressed, but I have had a very dark part in my life, and I feel like another one is coming.
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: HAHAHA uh... no... I mean, that totally wasn’t me...
— Fave colours
12. purple!!
13. blue, like, a royal blue, yknow?
14. pink
— in the last year have you…
15. Made new friends: I have, fortunately!!
16. Fallen out of love: “I need to be in love for that to happen” god Erin, same
17. Laughed until you cried: Those are some of the best moments. I’m a loud laugher, and it happens like, once a week probably.
18. Found out someone was talking about you: I don’t do anything special enough to be talked about
19. Met someone who changed you: I feel like every person I’ve ever met has influenced me in some way or the other, so yes.
20. Found out who your friends are: Oh man, I certainly have. Fortunately, I have that cliche best friend story where I’ve literally known her since SK, went to the same elementary school, high school, and university together... And she lived around the corner from me when I still lived in my hometown.
21. Kissed someone on your facebook friends list: Well, considering my one ex is my friend there, I have to say yes.
— General
22. How many of your facebook friends do you know irl: Every single one. Although I’m never on facebook so don’t ever add me; itll take a month to hear back from me.
23. Do you have any pets: I have two cats! Well, one lives with me, and the other is at my parent’s place. But Perriwinkle is with me, my precious kitty, and shes all I need!
24. Do you want to change your name: Hmm... I do quite like my birth name, and I adore my last name, but my middle name... Im not super fond of “Marie”.
25. What did you do for your last birthday: hahahaha uh, well, Id been working at my new job for about a week at that time, so I was working on my 19th birthday.
26. What time did you wake up today: 11:35am
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: I was working on The Power of Faiths upcoming update! ;)
28. What is something you can’t wait for: to be done university... As much as it’s a cool experience and all, all the stress it brings is gonna kill me prematurely.
30. What are you listening to right now: “I Get To Love You” by Ruelle
31. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: I work with a guy named Tom. He’s a music major, he plays piano and is overall a super cool dude
32. Something that’s getting on your nerves: when people I call for my job pick up the phone on a Sunday and bitch at me that I’m calling on “the day of rest”. Like?? Bitch, you did not have to pick up the phone. You saw the caller ID, just, let it go to voicemail?????????
33. Most visited website: It’s a toss-up between tumblr and ao3
34. Hair colour: brown, like, chocolate brown I guess
35. Long or short hair: It’s long for some people’s standards (it comes to between my shoulder blades) but still pretty short for me. I’m used to my hair reaching the small of my back.
36. Do you have a crush on someone: Oh hell no, aint nobody got time for that
37. What do you like about yourself: Uh... You guys wouldn’t like my answer.
38. Want any piercings: I seriously thought about a tongue piercing, but idk.
39. Blood type: You’d think, from the amount of blood Ive had taken for allergy tests and the like that I’d know. But nope, I have no idea.
40. Nicknames: Sam, Sammy, Samserban, Pretties, Samuel.
41. Relationship status: Single
42. Sign: Gemini!
43. Pronouns: she/her
44. Fave tv show: Voltron
45. Tattoos: I’m looking into tattoo parlors to get my first tattoo over the summer. I’m gonna get a bunch of flowers on my back, over my heart, for my grandma <3
46. Right or left handed: Right
47: Ever had surgery: Nope! Worst I’ve had are x-rays
48. Piercings: I do have my ears pierced, just once.
49. Sport: Hahahaaaa not anymore, I’m lazy af. But I used to figure skate competitively, row competitively, and ride horses.
50. Vacation: I hardly ever travel. Ive been down to Florida twice, and been to England and Scotland around this time two years ago with my two best friends.
51. Trainers: ...no? Again, I’m lazy af.
— More general
52. Eating: I dont eat as often as I should.
53. Drinking: Coca-Cola. Or coffee. Not sure which I’m gonna get yet.
54. I’m about to watch: I mean, I should be working on papers or something... Or even writing... But I just finished watching Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood the other day and I loved it!!!
55. Waiting for: my English prof to give me my marks back for a paper I wrote.
56. Want: a lot of money so I don’t have to work as much as I do to live in my bachelor’s apartment with my cat.
57. Get married: Maybe..... It depends on if I ever find the right person. But if I dont, I am more than happy to be alone.
58. Career: I really reeeaaally want to get into a writing/editing career. I want to one day work for a firm to work one on one with authors to help them edit and publish novels!
— Which is better
59. Hugs or kisses: Hugs!
60. Lips or eyes: Oooh, eyes man!
61. Shorter or taller: Taller...
62. Older or younger: Older
63. Nice arms or stomach: Ooooh... arms...
64. Hookup or relationships: Definitely relationships, but I’m terrible at keeping them,,
65. Troublemaker or hesitant: Oh gosh, I mean, Im definitely more of a trouble maker... But like, a cautious one.
— Have you ever
66. Kissed a stranger: Oh hell no
67. Drank hard liquor: Im Canadian... Yes
68.Turned someone down: Haha, I sure have! I got asked out by two different guys on the same day before.
69. Sex on first date: Oh god no
70: Broken someone’s heart: Probably.....
71. Had your heart broken: I most certainly have!
72. Been arrested: Fortunately, not.
73. Cried when someone died: Yes. But, only once.
74. Fallen for a friend: I have no idea what this means???
— Do you believe in
75. Yourself: hahaha uh... No???????
76. Miracles: Id like to??
77. Love at first sight: I do, but not for myself.
78. Santa Claus: Nope
79. Angels: Oh god no
— Misc
80. Eye colour:  like, a warm brown colour?
81. Best friends name: Kaylee!
82. Favourite movie: I love too many movies... But the ones that come to mind are Spirit: Stallion of the Cimerran, Stardust, The Swan Princess, and Toy Story!!!
83. Favourite actor: There are days I can barely remember my coworkers names, and I see them for like, 15 hours a week. Let alone someone I’ve never met???
84. Favourite cartoon: It’s Voltron ;)
85. Favourite teacher’s name: I dont really consider myself to have “favourite” profs. But I am fond of a few that I’ve had!
I’m gonna tag @forsakenangel88, @mardimari, @dumb-birdd, and any of my followers who want to do this! Just tag me, I’d love to see your answers <3
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hyucksbf · 7 years
92 statements !
aaaaaaa so i’m finally getting around to doing all the tag games ive been tagged in so yeeeee,, thank u @nakamottoyuta and @thenctscenarios for tagging me !!! someone else might have but i dont remember akksdhkkh
1. drink: milk
2. phone call: uhh ?? i think my private teacher ??
3. text message: to one of my music camp friends !!
4. song you listened to: 태양처럼 by day6, specifically this live bc it’s better than the actual studio recording tbfh
5. time you cried: i cried at music camp bc i was having an internal crisis w myself aha :)
6. dated someone twice: never dated anyone oops
7. kissed someone and regretted it: i was almost kissed at music camp but thank god i avoided it bc i definitely would of regretted it since i didnt even kno the dude lmao like pls u dont just get to take my first kiss like that thanks
8. been cheated on: again,, never dated whoops
9. lost someone special: yea :(
10. been depressed: yep
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: jsjdh nope and i never will bc alcohol is just so unappealing to me
12, 13, 14: pink, orange, and purple
15. made new friends: yes many !!! i love u all !!
16. fallen out of love: no...?
17. laughed until you cried: *music camp flashbacks*
18. found out someone was talking about you: yes but in a good way
19. met someone who changed you: yes many !!!
20. find out who your real friends are: yea kinda ://
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: dont own a facebook u nerds
22. how many of your facebook tumblr friends do you know in real life: changed it bc its more fun this way but !! shoutout to my irl friends who happen to be nerdy enough to also own a tumblr: @iwriteblogpostsnotsongs @graciasysaludo
23. do you have any pets: yes sjsjhj i have my best friend davidson the cat i love him then i have another cat whos really old shes like 17 but shes a sweetheart and then we also have two doggos (three if u include my grandparents dog who lives downstairs i love him the most aaaaa) and then two guinea pigs
24. do you want to change your name: sometimes i think of other names but i think ive created a name for myself with this one so i cant really leave it
25. what did you do for your last birthday: hsjhj i dont rememeber probably a small party or smth like that ???
26. what time did you wake up: uhh i think around 10:30 ?
27. what were you thinking at midnight last night: “why the fuck am i not asleep already”
28. name something you can’t wait for: districts next year aaaaaa !!!!
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: an hour ago ??
30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: have be people be more open minded and nice
31. what are you listening to right now: first time by day6 bc day6 is the Shit i love
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: probably ??
33. something that is getting on your nerves: nothing really rn,, i’m pretty content
34. most visited website: u kno what it is lmao
35. elementary: if u have not completed elementary school yet pls leave tumblr pls
36. high school: gonna be a junior next year aaaaa im Excited !!!
37. college: hopefully ?? or a conservatory would be nice hsjdjdj
38. hair color: my natural color is ugli brown ew gross,, but i’m gonna be dying it a rose gold at the end of the summer !! its basically pink tho who am i fooling
39. long or short hair: i have short hair sjssj but its so long rn i can put it up in a little ponytail if i wanted to oml
40. do you have a crush on someone: do i ?? do i not ??? i confuse myself too much
41. what do you like about yourself: i like how confident ive gotten in myself this past year,, like i can actually be myself nowadays and not feel like i have to act a certain way or live up to other people’s expectations
42. piercings: aha no last ones i had got infected so never again :::)
43. blood type: i ?? have no clue ??
44. nickname: hunter with weird accented vowels,, hoonter, dad don’t ask it happened at midnight on the band bus,,, husband also band bus antics
45. relationship status: im in love w my clarinets
46. zodiac: leoooo yeeeeeeeee
47. pronouns: he + him !!
48. favorite tv show: hskkhhd theres too many pls,, but agents of shield has been a long time fave
49. tattoos: AAAA i want so many i have a List,, i want a giant lion on my shoulder bc im a leo,, then i want a music note behind my ear (i want that to be my first tattoo) then stars and planets on my collarbones bc space man,, also wings on my back, my birthday as a barcode somewhere ?? havent decided where yet + a heart on the inside of one of my fingers
50. righty or lefty: righty !
51. surgery: havent had any yet but i will at some point
52. piercings: i had some in my ears but they became infected and gross and yea no piercings for me thank
53. sport: my parents tried to make me play soccer lmao
54. vacation: the first one i remembered was going to the outerbanks,, but supposedly we went to maine when i was a lil kid but i dont remember rip
55. best friend: we met in kindergarten and are still best friends today aaaaa
56. pair of sneakers: sketchers lmaoooo rip me
57. eating: i’m chewing gum ?? does this count ??
58. drinking: water
59. i’m about to: go write some angsty markhyuck ::)
60. listening to: colors by day6 um Emo
61. waiting for: something great to happen !!
62. want: everyone to get along ::(
63. get married: nahhh
64. career: something in music !!
65. hugs or kisses: both are cute aaaa
66. lips or eyes: both are v pretty aaaaa why
67. shorter or taller: i’ll probably be shorter than everyone anyways with my 5′ 3 ass
68. older or younger: doesnt matter to me !!
70. nice arms or nice stomach: one, both or neither wouldn’t matter to me
71. sensitive or loud: loud !!! but also sensitive ??
72. hookup or relationship: relationship shakjdsk
73. troublemaker or hesitant: a good balance between the two would be nice lmao
74. kissed a stranger: thank god i didnt wowie
75. drank hard liquor: i dont drink so,,
76. lost glasses/contact lenses: i lost my fake glasses lmao
77. turned someone down: many times yes
78. sex on the first date: uh no
79. broken someone’s heart: i really hope not ??
80. had your heart broken: nah
81. been arrested: nope nope
82. cried when someone died: i cried when my cat died ?
83. fallen for a friend: no.. ??
84. yourself: yes !!
85: miracles: the concept is nice but idk
86. love at first sight: i believe that u can like the idea of someone at first sight,, but you cant love them at as a person since you don’t know them yet
87. santa claus: nah
88. kiss on the first date: i mean i guess ?? idk
89. angels: nope
90. current best friend’s name: i have too many to just name one
91. eye color: brown yeee
92. favorite movie: either pacific rim or sunshine both golden
now to tag: @softptg @omgnille1010 @featureless-spy @makkeuga @iwriteblogpostsnotsongs @peurodyuseu @haechance @hyukhyuck
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92 Truths
Thanks @edsmysterygirl for the tag! <3
Tagging @ownerandwriterofedsnnnnggghhhh​ @drinking-sangrias​ @karesera @edsavedmylife
1) Drink: Water 2) Phone call: My mom 3) Text message: We don’t use text messages here, but yesterday my mom sent my one. 4) Song you listened to: Hearts don’t break around here 5) Time you cried: Can’t remember the exact day but it was last week, I saw a ring my ex boyfriend gave me and well...tsunami tides in my eyes as Ed says
6) Dated someone twice: No, I’ve only been with one person trough out my whole life 7) Been cheated on: He said he didn’t cheat but I’m almost positive he did. 8) Kissed someone and regretted it: Yeah, a guy at a party. 9) Lost someone special: My grandpa, who died in 2012. And my ex who voluntary walked out of my life. 10) Been depressed: Yes. Last year and the beginning of 2017 11) Gotten drunk and thrown up: No, I don’t usually drink but when I do I do it moderately.
12) Pink 13) Mint 14) Red
15) Made new friends: Yep yep IRL and here 16) Fallen out of love: Not yet but I hope so. 17) Laughed until you cried: No 18) Found out someone was talking about you: hmm not that I recall 19) Met someone who changed you: Not technically, but as MG said Ed changed me even though I haven’t met him. 20) Found out who your true friends are: Hell yeah, I don’t have one true friend I think, but I don’t open up easily so it might be my fault. 21) Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Nope, my ex deleted me from FB so...
22) How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life?: 80%  23) Do you have any pets?: Two beautiful wrinkly doggies, even though I’m convinced the little on is indeed a tasmanian devil, as in attitude not looks hahaha 24) Do you want to change your name?: I would like to get rid of one of them, not because I don’t like it but because my last name is already goddamn long to have two names. I’d also like my last name to be shorter 25) What did you do for your last birthday?: A waffle party with my friends! YUM! 26) What time do you wake up?: Around 7:30am, I changed my work schedule because I was fed up with waking up a 6:30am hahahaha I’ve been doing that since I was 12 27) What were you doing at midnight last night?: Trying to fall sleep 28) Name something you cannot wait for: See Ed live again 29) When was the last time you saw your mother?: This morning, we had breakfast together 30) What is one thing you wish you could change about your life?: I’d love to live somewhere else, preferably a different country. But I’d love to not live in this city any longer, everything reminds me of my ex but I’m too scare to go away :( 31) What are you listening to right now?: Sorry - Justin Bieber (I’m listening to a party playlist at work - Girls’ Night hahahaha) 32) Have you ever talked to a person named Tom?: Nope, no Toms here 33) Something that is getting on your nerves: Feeling like I’ve achieved nothing yet and that I’m not good at my job 34) Most visited website?: Facebook and tumblr. 35) Elementary: Changed schools so a bit unpleasant but made friends easily. 36) High School: Nice, I met all my friends there and we’re still tight. 37) University: Hell. Met my ex there which was nice, he was the only good thing about it, but my professors were really really mean, suffered a lot there. I think that’s why I finished it in 4 years hahaha then I did a post graduate course at a different uni with different professors and it was great! and my masters was in an online uni so it was good too. 38) Hair color: Almost black, a really intense dark brown. Though I now have ombre hair with some goldenish highlights. I looooove it. When I was younger I used to say I’d never dyed my hair (I was super proud of my black hair) but once I tried ombre there was no turning back hahaha 39) Long or short hair?: Short, right below my shoulders. 40) Do you have a crush on someone?: A ginger dude, Edward Christopher Sheeran, you may know him, he’s a singer or something like that. I used to have a major crush on a coworker for the past two years but we drifted away since we are not working together anymore unfortunately 41) What do you like about yourself?: hmmm looks wise? my eyes. Personality wise? that if I set a goal I will most likely achieve it, though I’d love to be more focus and hardworking, I’m waaaaaay too lazy. 42) Piercings?: My ears. 43) Blood type?: 0+ 44) Nickname?: Short versions of my name. My mom has hundreds of nicknames for me, all way too embarrassing to list here 45) Relationship status?: Single as a pringle, after 8 years of being in a relationship so I’m still getting used to it 46) Zodiac sign?: Libra 47) Pronouns: She/her. 48) Favorite TV show: hmmm I really like New Girl. I’m currently watching OITNB. Loved Stranger Things too. 49) Tattoos: None. But I’d love to get my first ones soon, a lighting bolt for Harry Potter and my comparsa (I really don’t know the word in english for it, but where I live we have carnival just like Rio de Janeiro, and we have “teams” that compite each year, well my team symbol is a lighting bolt) and Bibia be ye ye because that line came at the right time in my life so SHOUT OUT TO ANY SHEERIOS MEETING ED could you please please please ask him to write it down on a piece of paper so I can get it done in his handwritting? 50) Right or left hand?: Right hand.
51) Surgery: I’ve never had a surgery thank god. I’m super scared of needles (that’s why I don’t have tattoos) I think it’s a phobia, if I ever had to have a surgery it will be a disaster. Getting my blood drawn is the worse for me, I try to avoid it at all costs. Imagine if I had to get a IV? I’d die of fear. 52) Piercing: Again, needles involved so NOPE. Oh! I have my years pierced but it wasn’t my decision but my mum’s, I was a newborn, like weeks old. I don’t mind it though, I love to wear earrings, and if she didn’t do it I wouldn’t have the courage to do it. 53) Sport: Swimming, my grandma always insisted it was a must learn thing so she took us to take lessons from a pretty young age, I live in a river side city so it’s a life saving thing too. I have always loved it and was pretty good but I’m way too lazy. 54) Vacation: I went to Brazil with my family, I think we went to Torres. Brazil is amazing, beautiful place, great food and lovely people, they have this energy that is so contagious, I’m not a big fan of the beach but I’d love to go back there some time. 55) Pair of trainers: I was way too young to remember. WHY IS 56 MISSING <--- I didn’t notice this but MG did, great observation skills girl! 57) Eating: Today? Medialunas calentitas! Yum!  (a fresh out of the oven croissant but in an argentinean way, actually uruguayan? because the cafe where I ate them is from uruguay, and they are well known for their specials croissants)  58) Drinking: Orange Juice. 59) I’m about to: Get some worked done, because I should be working hahaha 60) Listening to: Be my Husband  61) Waiting for: something exciting to happen in my boring as hell life 62) Want: Quit my job and go travelling 63) Get married: I didn’t get married. I’m still not sure if I ever want to 64) Career: Graphic Design / I’m a web designer wannabe with a long way to go and so much to learn, but hey! I can build websites! hahaha
65) Hugs or kisses?: hmmm kisses maybe? 66) Lips or eyes?: Eyes. And if they are blue, oh god. 67) Shorter or taller?: Taller! I’m 5′1 so it’s not that hard hahaha but in argentina guys are not very tall. My ex was 6′ and people always mentioned he was huge. 68) Older or younger?: My age. A year younger or between 2 to 3 years older. My ex was 6 months younger than me and  I’d love to date a certain guy who is 4 months younger than me. 69) Nice arms or nice stomach?: Arms all the way. And a nice back too, I love backs (?) 70) Sensitive or loud?: Loud. 71) Hook up or relationship?: Relationship. I never had a hook up but I guess I prefer relationships. 72) Troublemaker or hesitant?: hmmm troublemaker? Can’t stand hesitant guys who just take too long to do something, I like driven people! 
74) Kissed a stranger?: Yeah.  75) Drank hard liquor?: Vodka is a hard liquor? If it is, yes. I love vodka with orange or lemon juice, don’t judge me. 76) Lost glasses, contact/lenses?: Miraculously, nope 77) Turned someone down?: Yep. 78) Sex on first date?: Nope.  79) Broken someone’s heart?: Hmm not sure, maybe but not intentionally. 80) Had your heart broken?: Hell yeah. I’m still dealing with it. 81) Been arrested?: Nope. 82) Cried when someone died?: Yes. 83) Fallen for a friend?: My coworker was some sort of friend, so yeah.
84) Yourself?: Nope. 85) Miracles?: No. 86) Love at first sight?: No. 87) Santa Claus?: Not anymore. When we were little my parents told me it was baby jesus who brought the presents (I was raised catholic even though my father was agnostic) and Santa Claus (or Papá Noel as we called him) was just helping him because well, Jesus was a newborn hahaha but we were told we should thank baby jesus. 88) Kiss on the first date?: Didn’t have much dates, but on my first date with my ex we kissed so...wait is this thing asking if I believe in kissing on the first date? Well it depends on who the date is. 89) Angels?: No.
90) Current best friend’s name: I don’t have one, I’m don’t open up easily. 91) Eye color: Brown. 92) Favorite movie: I don’t have a favorite one, but from the last ones I’ve seen Wonder Woman kicked all the other movies asses 
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broke-ass-twat · 7 years
all of them . . .
Fuck you and fuck the anonymous asker and lets fucking get this shit started. Also do your goddamn work Izzy.
200: My crush’s name is: Hey Izzy. Because that was such a huge secret199: I was born in: October198: I am really: Bored197: My cellphone company is: AT & T (Are you gonna ask my mother’s maiden name and first pet name now?)196: My eye color is: Brown195: My shoe size is: 11?194: My ring size is: Decently large193: My height is: 6 foot tall god192: I am allergic to: Assholes. And cats and dogs and eggs and milk and eggplant191: My 1st car was: I had a first car?190: My 1st job was: I had a first job?189: Last book you read: The first 6 pages of Cat’s Cradle. Alternatively book 25 of Desolate Era (it’s a Chinese wuxia novel)188: My bed is: Comfortable?187: My pet: Don’t have one186: My best friend: I have several185: My favorite shampoo is: Head and shoulders184: Xbox or ps3: Xbox183: Piggy banks are: Chill182: In my pockets: 2 bic pens, typically my phone, wallet, asthma pump, chapstick, and keys181: On my calendar: I don’t really use calendars180: Marriage is: Something I’ll get to179: Spongebob can: Suck my dick (I don’t really get spongebob?)178: My mom: is caring but could use some chill177: The last three songs I bought were? I don’t honestly remember the last time I bought a song. Which is a lie but I don’t know what I bought176: Last YouTube video watched: Vaguely watched the youtube video for Girls by Mura Masa175: How many cousins do you have? Total of 3 I think174: Do you have any siblings? I have a twin sister173: Are your parents divorced? Yes172: Are you taller than your mom? Definitely171: Do you play an instrument? Nope170: What did you do yesterday? Die slowly
[ I Believe In ]169: Love at first sight: Sort of yeah168: Luck: Sort of but not really167: Fate: No166: Yourself: Honestly not really and that accounts for at least 2 rather important problems I can think of165: Aliens: Sure164: Heaven: No163: Hell: No162: God: No161: Horoscopes: They’re fun and sometimes fool me but no160: Soul mates: Not really?159: Ghosts: Sometimes momentarily hen I se shit move in the dark out of the corner of my eyes158: Gay Marriage: Yah157: War: Depends but yah156: Orbs: ????155: Magic: I fucking wish
[ This or That ]154: Hugs or Kisses: Um. Fucking both. but kisses153: Drunk or High: Depends. Mostly drunk152: Phone or Online: Online151: Red heads or Black haired: Read heads are hot150: Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes149: Hot or cold: Hot148: Summer or winter: Feeling winter atm (I know its odd)147: Autumn or Spring: Autumn 146: Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate when eh. Vanilla when stuff is quality145: Night or Day: Night144: Oranges or Apples: Orange143: Curly or Straight hair: Um. Curly?142: McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds is my shit (cuz apple pie)141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Milk chocolate you fucking heathen140: Mac or PC: Mac (theyre prettier tho I know PCs can be better)139: Flip flops or high heals: I don’t really wear either. Both are fine.138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: I can be ugly, sweet, and rich. Tho I guess this means ugly person. Ugly and rich since I’d just do whatever the hell I want and be rich137: Coke or Pepsi: Coke136: Hillary or Obama: Obama135: Burried or cremated: Cremate this mess134: Singing or Dancing: Dancing133: Coach or Chanel: My dude I know fuck all about either brand. Still would go with Chanel132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: Who the fuck?131: Small town or Big city: Big city130: Wal-Mart or Target: They’re both cool. target feels nicer tho129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: I hate them both128: Manicure or Pedicure: manicure127: East Coast or West Coast: This is actually hard. Um. Shit. Hm. Weast coast?126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Christmas. My birthday doesn’t tend to mean a whole lot to me (probably cuz I didn’t really have birthday parties as a kid)125: Chocolate or Flowers: I’ve never gotten flowers and that’d be chill but chocolate124: Disney or Six Flags: Disney probably.123: Yankees or Red Sox: Yankees you fucking heathen
[ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: Avoid it if possible121: George Bush: No very intelligent120: Gay Marriage: It’s fine119: The presidential election: Kill me118: Abortion: It’s your choice and fuck what other people have to say. Though it’s interesting to think about if one potential person wants the child and the other doesn’t. At which point I feel like whoever really wants it that bad should have sole care of it otherwise it’s unfair to both the child and one who didn’t want it. And if the dude wants the child then it’s still the woman’s choice I feel like? But this is rocky but would make a fun conversation tbh117: MySpace: Stop poking the dead thing with a stick116: Reality TV: Mostly really dumb with marginal entertainment115: Parents: Mine I guess are half really good but hard on me for good reason and the other half I seriously feel like I couldn’t care less about. In general Id hope for them to be caring, understanding, firm, and logical114: Back stabbers: Fuck em113: Ebay: Chill concept I’ve never used112: Facebook: Blackhole for my time111: Work: I hate doing it as it very rarely interests me110: My Neighbors: Chill109: Gas Prices: High I guess?108: Designer Clothes: Can be cool but mostly just why and dumb107: College: Fucking scam but also really cool adult babysitting106: Sports: theyre alright I suppose. Don’t really pay them any mind at all105: My family: I only pay attention to the ones I interact with even though there is a family member I really should talk to but don’t cuz I have a hard time caring although I really should104: The future: Scary
[ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: Today sorta. If not today then sunday102: Last time you ate: Like an hour ago101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: Thanksgiving100: Cried in front of someone: It’s been a while. Don’t remember99: Went to a movie theater: During spring break like 2 weeks ago98: Took a vacation: like 2 weeks ago97: Swam in a pool: been a while. Swam in the ocean like 2 weeks ago
96: Changed a diaper: I’ve never done that
95: Got my nails done: never94: Went to a wedding: It’s been a few years. Would’ve liked to go to one this year but couldn’t for some pretty shit reasons93: Broke a bone: Never92: Got a peircing: Never91: Broke the law: Um. Like Saturday90: Texted: like 30 minutes ago
[ MISC ]89: Who makes you laugh the most: Things that are funny. Also myself88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: Parents paying for shit87: The last movie I saw: Get out86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: Figuring out my shit85: The thing im not looking forward to: the future84: People call me: Kemi83: The most difficult thing to do is: Have self control and follow through on it82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: Never81: My zodiac sign is: Libra80: The first person i talked to today was: Today a girl named sara cuz I was up and around at 2am79: First time you had a crush: Like elementary school78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: There is no one I can’t hide things from77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: I have no idea. Probably within the last few days76: Right now I am talking to: Well right now I’m not talking to anyone75: What are you going to do when you grow up: Hopefully happy and relatively successful74: I have/will get a job: hopefully over the summer73: Tomorrow: Is another day72: Today: Is my current reality that I really should use a lot more wisely but tend not to71: Next Summer: It’d be nice to be a more productive person70: Next Weekend: Probably gonna be doing fuck all instead of doing work69: I have these pets: I don’t have pets68: The worst sound in the world: Nails on a  chalkboard, velcro ripping, people chewing with their fucking mouths open. I can’t choose one67: The person that makes me cry the most is: Um. Prolly my stepfather?66: People that make you happy: My friends occasionally family when they aren’t disappointed in me65: Last time I cried: I dunno64: My friends are: Chill63: My computer is: Cool but mostly a huge distraction I literally can’t live without cuz I need it for everything. And I also really like it.62: My School: Is meh. Some chill people61: My Car: Don’t have one60: I lose all respect for people who: I suppose cheat59: The movie I cried at was: I dunno58: Your hair color is: Black57: TV shows you watch: I dunno. A lot 56: Favorite web site: Youtube probably55: Your dream vacation: Europe54: The worst pain I was ever in was: I don’t remember feeling pain I thought was all that intense. Like shit has hurt a lot but not like holy fuck I’m screaming53: How do you like your steak cooked: Medium52: My room is: A little dirty atm51: My favorite celebrity is: Um. Gordon Ramsey I suppose? Don’t really have one50: Where would you like to be: In a very nice restaurant sipping very nice whiskey with a lot of money. Ive said this before.49: Do you want children: Maybe eventually. At least 2 but not more than 348: Ever been in love: yeah47: Who’s your best friend: I have multiple46: More guy friends or girl friends: I definitely have more girl friends45: One thing that makes you feel great is: music44: One person that you wish you could see right now: My girlfriend would be nice to just chill with tbh43: Do you have a 5 year plan: Don’t be a failure is sorta just it. realistically grad school.42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: I actually haven't 41: Have you pre-named your children: Nope40: Last person I got mad at: Um. I dunno39: I would like to move to: Somewhere on the west coast38: I wish I was a professional: Chef
[ My Favorites ]37: Candy: Twix is up there36: Vehicle: Teslas are pretty fucking cool35: President: Obama probably wasn’t the best but damn was he chill34: State visited: California never really disappoints me33: Cellphone provider: AT &T I guess? What the hell sort of question is this32: Athlete: Um. Don’t really have one. Ichiro Suzuki seems pretty chill. Curtis Grandson also seems chill. What can I say my stepdad likes the Yankees. Well so does my father31: Actor: Um. idk30: Actress: Idk29: Singer: Adele comes to mind cuz damn that voice. But I probably have others I like more and don’t remember28: Band: Mura Masa is high up there for producers. So is Flume, Ekali atm, Ta-ku, and Snago27: Clothing store: Don’t really have one. Uniqlo is pretty chill26: Grocery store: Fairways is chill25: TV show: Adventure time probably24: Movie: Don’t really have one tbh23: Website: I Don’t per se have a favorite. I like tumblr and Facebook 22: Animal: Deer are chill21: Theme park: Don’t have one. Which ever one has the wildest roller coasters20: Holiday: Um. Christmas19: Sport to watch: Baseball if I had to choose18: Sport to play: Ultimate frisbee17: Magazine: Cooks Illustrated is cool16: Book: Don’t really have one15: Day of the week: Friday or saturday14: Beach: Orange beach atm cuz it’s the nicest one i’ve been to13: Concert attended: Shitttttttt. Alina Baraz and Jauz are really high up there12: Thing to cook: I like making pasta cuz I do all sorts of shit to the sauce and I’m good at it. I also make pretty decent pork chops and shit. I dunno. 11: Food: Sushi probably. Also like steak and curry a lot.10: Restaurant: Um. Five guys? I don’t really have one.9: Radio station: Don’t really listen to radio8: Yankee candle scent: Don’t know any7: Perfume: same as above6: Flower: honeysuckle5: Color: Blue and green4: Talk show host: Don’t have one3: Comedian: Louis C.K. is great2: Dog breed: Cant choose1: Did you answer all these truthfully? Very
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@alexanderthenotsogreat tagged me in this ayyyyyyyyyy thanks babe LAST…
[1] drink: Fanta Orange
[2] phone call: i called my mom to ask her where she kept the puppy needles at the clinic for my T shot
[3] text message: me and my friend being Petty
[4] song you listened to: Movin' Out (Panic! at the Disco cover from last nights concert whaddup)
[5] time you cried: LAST NIGHT AT THE PANIC! CONCERT DURING GIRLS/GIRLS/BOYS BOY HOWDY HAVE YOU EVER… [6] dated someone twice: honey i've never even been on a DATE 
[8] kissed someone and regretted it: NEVER KISSES ANYONE RIP
[9] lost someone special: yea
[10] been depressed: boy howdy
[11] gotten drunk and thrown up: nah, i've only ever been buzzed tbh LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS:
[12] gray
[13] maroon
[15] made new friends: ye
[16] fallen out of love: nah
[17] laughed until you cried: lmao yEAH
[18] found out someone was talking about you: lol yeah bc they're fckn COWARDS 
[19] met someone who changed you: i mean we all change each other constantly bUT yeah i met this one guy who changed my life 
[20] found out who your true friends are: MMMMMHMM
[21] kissed someone on your facebook list: AGAIN. NO. THANK U FOR REMINDING ME GENERAL…
[22] how many of your tumblr friends do you know in real life: ~5 i think ?
[23] do you have any pets: lol i live on a farm my boys 
[24] do you want to change your name: YEAH MY DUDES im changing it to Alexander Quinn 
[25] what did you do for your last birthday: i sat in my basement and played Dragon Age with my friends 🙃
[26] what time did you wake up: 7:30ish
[27] what were you doing at midnight last night: falling asleep lol 
[28] name something you cannot wait for: starting college in the fall !!!
[29] when was the last time you saw your mother: a few hours ago 
[30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: would my gender count? i sorta wanna b a cis boy tbh
[31] what are you listening to right now: my friends trying to play hide and seek in the dark in my friends basement rip
[32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: yepp
[33] something that is getting on your nerves: my inability to go into a boys restroom alone bc im scared Where’s [34]?
[35] elementary: ive been going to the same school since kindergarten rip 
[36] high school: graduating in the top 10 of my class
[37] college: going to Columbia College Chicago in the fall!!!!! super excited god bless
[38] hair colour: brown with mint tips ayy
[39] long or short hair: shortshortshort
[40] do you have a crush on someone: not really but i fall into small infatuations w cute ppl who smile at me tbh
[41] what do you like about yourself?: idk my voice finally dropped/is dropping 
[42] piercings: ears but imma get a lip ring soooooon
[43] blood type: R O Y A L
[44] nickname: Xanny Phantom, Sheep Boi, XanderGander, etc. 
[45] relationship status: single but not the fun kind :(((
[46] zodiac sign: im an Aquarius binch
[47] pronouns: he/him 
[48] fav tv show: idfk 
[49] tattoos: until i have money saved up, but i have my first one all planned out B]
[50] right or left handed: right, but i used to be ambidextrous rip FIRST…
[51] surgery: N/A
[52] piercing: ears
[53] best friend: a girl named Heidi who i dont really chill w anymore bc shes sporty and im not 
[54] sport: Tee Ball 
[55] vacation: Disney World when i was 8--also my only vacation ever 
[56] pair of trainers: light up sketchers whaddup binches RIGHT NOW…
[57] eating: nada
[58] drinking: mtn. dew like a good gamer boy
[59] i’m about to: scroll thru my gay ass tumblr dash for those Gay Feelings
[60] listening to: See [31]
[61] waiting for: the Sweet Release of sleep
[62] want: a cute boy to smooch and get jiggy with
[63] get married: nahhhh unless they the real deal, u kno?
[64] career: HOPEFULLY an illustrator for graphic novels and/or author of said novels WHICH IS BETTER…
[65] hugs or kisses: i am unable and unqualified to answer this 
[66] lips or eyes: mmmmmmmmmmmmm depends 
[67] shorter or taller: mmmmmmmm taller? depends tbh
[68] older or younger: older 
[69] [nice] romantic or spontaneous: either or both depending 
[70] nice arms or nice stomach: armsss
[71] sensitive or loud: loud 
[72] hook up or relationship: both or just hook up :]
[73] troublemaker or hesitant: both?? HAVE YOU EVER…
[74] kissed a stranger? I WISH
[75] drank hard liquor? yah
[76] lost glasses/contact lenses? YAH
[78] sex on first date? nah but ,';]
[79] broken someone’s heart? idk hopefully not 
[80] had your own heart broken? nah
[81] been arrested? nop but my dad used to be a DNR officer and hes terrifying
[82] cried when someone died? yeap
[83] fallen for a friend: nah DO YOU BELIEVE IN…
[84] yourself? to a point 
[85] miracles? to a point 
[86] love at first sight? nah. only attraction. 
[87] santa claus? negative 
[88] kiss on the first date? pls
[89] angels? to a point OTHER…
[90] current best friend’s name: Binch (@solarscam)
[91] eye colour: brown :[
[92] favourite movie: uhhhhhh half the gay movies on Netflix rn. ((currently obsessed with Closet Monster tbh))
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