#even the first times i played rocket racing ... luckily they were there actually 2 hold my hand through it HBJAH
tamagotchikgs · 14 days
was going through the horrors but then i remembered my bf exists
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xnovamore · 4 years
Lost And Found Part 1
Samsteve Anniversary Week - Day 2: Captain America Sam Wilson. This event is run by @samstevesmallgifts
Read on Ao3
Summary: After a long mission and an even longer press briefing, Sam decides to take the long way home and walk through the park. It turns out to be a good decision.
It was with a sigh of relief and undeniable annoyance that Sam steps into the crisp D.C. air. It was still early in the day, maybe just past noon, but both his mind and body were so exhausted he would have believed it was close to midnight.
 He had been up for 3 days straight now, and come to think of it he had only gotten 4 hours of sleep the day before he left. Usually the pure adrenaline from a mission would make him forget his newfound bouts of insomnia, but this mission was not like his others. He woke up to a phone call from James Rhodes and things just escalated from there. Before he knew it he was picked up in a jet and flying halfway around the planet just to get into a shoot-out with an army of Hydra soldiers. They held their own but a wayward rocket going off destroyed a part of the city and trapped their team for hours before helped arrive. The destruction of the city triggered international outrage that only got worse when news broke that the high-level Hydra officials they were aiming to arrest escaped. From the moment they touched down in the United States they were dealing with reporter after reporter in between meetings getting yelled at by various officials. The press conference was basically open season and Sam himself had taken almost all of the heat.
In some ways, he knew it was going to be like this. Despite having taken over the Captain America title for months now, he was still considered a ‘new guy’ on the national superhero scene. To the American media, he was this random kid Isaiah Bradley found on the streets of Harlem and made his successor as he stepped into retirement. They hadn’t trusted him from the start and blamed him and his lack of experience for the mission’s failure. Luckily Rhodes and Ororo Munroe had his back throughout this entire ordeal.
He wasn’t used to this. To the distrust and out of pocket accusations coming out of passive aggressive television hosts all over the country. His neighborhood had always been supportive from the moment he started running with Captain America. Soon his name started flowing through all of New York but rarely outside of that. He still had his day job at the V.A. and with every major battle in the city there were more and more veterans seeking help with their PTSD. And his loyalty to the people in his community came first, which Cap understood.
But now Sam’s centerstage and he’s not really sure how to feel about that.
Shoving his hands deeper in his pockets he declined the offered car service deciding to walk home. He needed the time to come down off his mission high and exercise usually helped with that. There’s no way he could job in his current state so instead he walked at a slow and steady pace avoiding crowds and cutting through the streets of D.C..
His feet moved while his mind raced and eventually he stopped paying attention to where he was. He only looked up when the sounds of children yelling filled the air. The park before him was small, but pretty. The magnolia blossoms swaying in the wind as children ran around the open field was soothing to Sam. The noise reminded him of his own neighborhood, and that small connection to home was what he needed right now.
Sam sits on a nearby bench and watches the parks inhibits move around the space. There was a family of four walking slowly around the grounds chatting, a teenager sitting with 2 pouty children, 2 men jogging, an elderly couple sitting side-by-side not speaking but holding each other close, and a group of children playing tag football under the careful watch of 4 older women. It was nice. A reminder of normal everyday life that he’s long since forgotten. He stays there for awhile watching as everyone but the elderly couple and the children with their guardians leave and new people come in and out. He stays until the sound of cameras flashing and politician’s doubletalk is replaced by loud laughter and joyful screeching. He’s actually being to relax for the first time in months until the sound of small feet running gets louder and louder. Then he sees a blonde blur running past his bench and collapsing near a tree.
Sam’s on his feet calling for Redwing before he even knows it. He runs to the little girl’s aid and crouches down to where they’re eye level. “Hey, are you okay? Is something wrong?”
“No, not okay,” she wheezes back. She’s got her knees pulled up into her chest and her head resting on them facing downward as she spoke, “If I don’t get some water I think I might actually die.”
“Are you running from somewhere?” Millions of scenarios race through his mind as his eyes look for any injuries or signs of a struggle. Redwing caws in the air as Sam’s body gears up for a fight. “Are you running from someone?”
“Not running hiding.” The girl looks up at Redwing’s call and a pair of baby blue eyes lock onto Sam. She gasped and shoots up so fast Sam nearly jumps back in surprise. “Oh-OH!! You’re Captain America aren’t you?!”
“Yeah I am so if your in some kind of trouble-“
“No no its nothing like that.” She shakes her head hard sending lose hair clips tumbling to the floor. With a hand she brushes back her curly blonde bangs and stares wide-eyed up at Sam. “I’m just hiding from my dad.”
“Your dad?”
“Yeah we’re playing hide and go seek.”
With that Sam lets out a huge breath. His relaxes his muscles and chuckles under his breath. Of course, it’s just a girl playing in a park with her father. Calm down Sam. He refocuses on the girl before him and turns on the charm. He reaches out his hand with a wide smile, “I’m guessing your hiding?”
She takes the offered hand but doesn’t let up after she’s standing. Instead she shakes their hands hard up and down, “Yep, nice to meet ya Mr. Captain America. I’m Ellon.”
Sam gives her a genuine smile. “Nice to meet you too Ellon.” He points up to the sky, “Redwing says hi too.” And on cue Red squawks while circling the sky. Ellon grins and cups her mouth to propel her voice, “Nice to meet you Redwing!”
Redwing caws and does some tricks making the girl laugh. Sam smiles, really smiles. He can tell Ellon was a high energy kid, despite seemingly being out of breath only a few moments ago she was now bouncing in place looking like she wanted to take off after Redwing. He kind of wishes he could bounce back like that too.
“You know, my dad is going to be so jealous I met you. He thinks you’re his biggest fan but he’s not. I’m your biggest fan, but I told him he could be your second biggest fan.”
A father and daughter bickering over him really was an amusing thought. Especially if it was this little girl, he could imagine she’d be a stubborn one. “Well you can both be my biggest fan.”
“No, we can’t! There can only be 1 #1! That’s why I always win when we play games.” She gasped and looked behind her. “Oh uh, I still need to hide.”
“Well I don’t see anyone coming.”
“Yeah but my dad is really fast. And he cheats!” She looks around for hiding spots but seemingly comes up empty. Instead she turns back to Sam pouting.
It may not be life and death, but I can still help her. Unfortunately, the size of the park left them without many options. The only thing that caught Sam’s eyes was an oak tree a few feet away. Walking over to it, Sam eyed the tree carefully rasping his knuckles against it. Ellon followed him over and caught on to what he was planning.
“This is perfect! You can fly so you can take me to the very top!”
“I dunno, it looks strong enough but we need to make sure it can hold you.”
Ellon scrutinized the tree with him, “It will hold, I can tell. Me and my dad go tree climbing a lot.” She pouts at him again, and when that doesn’t get a reaction, she pulls out a full puppy dog face complete with a quivering lip and big baby blue eyes. Sam knows when he’s beaten.
Ellon claps happily as he puts his jet pack on. He puts on his Darlene Wilson voice when instructing her to keep still as he lifts them into the air. Those few moments when his feet lifts off the ground and he’s weightless is still as amazing as the first time he flew. Ellon whoops as their in the air and Sam whoops back. He places her on a branch that’s hidden from sight on the ground but that’s not too high up either. When he reaches the ground again, Ellon pretends to zip her lips shut and Sam does the same thing back. He de-suits and hides his jet pack behind the oak tree. Then he sits at the bottom of it and waits.
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keeptheslnc · 5 years
Day 2: Soulmate AU
Weiss sighed at her reflection, her eyes staring at her bare shoulder. Well, it was pretty bare up until a few days ago when the faint outline of her soul mark suddenly began filling with a soft red. She traced over it with her right hand, the flames seeming to sprout from the top of the rose. She recognized her own snowflake crest merged within it, but it was less prominent. Whoever her soulmate was had the same mark on their body, just with her snowflake being more visible.
Everyone around Remnant knew about her family’s symbol, so it didn’t surprise Weiss whenever she met someone who claimed they were her soulmate, but she knew. She wasn’t about to waste her time on someone who wasn’t worth it. According to popular taboo, you weren’t supposed to even show people your mark until you met the one or else you’d never meet them.
Weiss wasn’t superstitious, but she also didn’t want to risk the chance.
A knock on her door drew her out of her thoughts and she quickly tugged her bolero back on. “Come in,” she called.
“Miss Schnee,” Klein kindly greeted, his mustache twitching with a smile. “Your bags have been brought down to the airship and it will depart in fifteen minutes.”
“Thank you, Klein. I’ll be down in just a moment,” she responded. Once he closed the door, Weiss turned back to her mirror. Tomorrow would be her first day attending Beacon Academy and all she could think of was if her soulmate would be there, too.
“Ruby, quit your worrying! I’m sure you’ll make lots of friends!” Yang exclaimed with a confident slap to her sister’s back.
The younger girl stumbled at the strike before giving the blonde a skeptical look. “I’m not worried about making friends here. I have you, after all!”
Yang could tell something else was bothering her, so she toned down her teasing just a smidge. “Come on, what’s gotten you so nervous? Is it because you think you’ll meet your soulmate here?”
Ruby’s eyes widened and Yang knew she hit the nail on the head. “I’m not nervous about that. Why would I be nervous?” Out of habit, she clutched at her left shoulder where her mark sat. The barely-visible snowflake had suddenly turned into a pale blue, indicating she was that much closer to meeting her soulmate. She didn’t recognize the symbol and she was too afraid of the taboo to ask around. It seemed that the past week was just full of surprises!
“You just have to be yourself, Ruby. Whoever your soulmate is will love you no matter what, or so the saying goes,” Yang told her. She placed a gentle hand on her sister’s shoulder this time. The blonde pictured her own mark which was slowly starting to fill in with black atop her own yellow sign. She was better at playing off her own nerves, however. “Now come on, let’s find the assembly so we can finally get settled in here.”
Ruby gave her a nod and let herself be guided by her older sister. Her eyes were flitting this way and that at any person who happened to walk by them, wondering if they’d make her soul mark heat up.
The morning after their massive sleepover, Ruby and Yang made their way to the cliff. They could already see a line of their classmates staring uneasily out over the forest. Professor Ozpin nodded to the two girls as they took their places along the line. Ruby’s nerves were still on the fritz despite nothing happening last night in the room full of people. She only started paying attention to the headmaster’s explanation of their initiation after an elbow nudge from Yang.
“Remember, the first person you make eye contact with will be your partner for the next four years here. Any questions?”
The blonde next to Ruby--vomit boy, she remembered--began asking what exactly a landing strategy was. Ruby glanced down the line to see people being catapulted into the forest. Her heart began racing in anticipation. This was something she actually trained for!
Her confidence fizzled when she caught sight of a girl in white holding her weapon out before being launched away. Silver eyes followed the trail of white, feeling some kind of spark in the back of her mind, but it was quickly replaced with a rush of air and the sensation of falling. It took Ruby a moment to realize that she had been flung into the sky and was now shooting towards the forest below. Quickly extending her scythe into its full form, she fired several shots to lead her towards a tree and then caught onto one of the branches, swinging herself around until she landed safely on the forest floor. She could vaguely hear Yang cheering as she rocketed herself further away and Ruby’s heart sank at her sister being so far.
Yet she couldn’t stop thinking about the girl in white.
Weiss stomped her way through the bushes. Honestly, what kind of initiation was this? Getting flung into a forest full of Grimm. Preposterous! If only her father heard about this-- No, no, wait. Telling Jacques of Beacon’s questionable tactics was a surefire way to get Weiss sent back to Atlas. In an instant, she resolved to do whatever it took to keep attending this school.
A rush of footsteps caught Weiss’ attention and she spun around, hand going towards Myrtenaster by her side. She was surprised when she found herself staring into a pair of silver eyes. Her breath caught in her throat as they continued to stare at each other until the brunette in the red cape nervously smiled.
“Um… Hello!” she squeaked out.
Weiss blinked in an attempt to clear her mind. “H-Hi.” Way to go.
“Looks like we’re partners! My name is Ruby Rose,” she introduced with a bright smile that immediately made Weiss’ heart flutter.
“Weiss Schnee.”
Ruby seemed about to say something before she clamped her mouth shut and grabbed her left shoulder at the same time Weiss felt a cool yet hot sensation on her own. Sudden realization dawned on the two, both minds racing with what it could mean. Only now did Weiss glance at Ruby’s belt and recognize the metal rose buckle.
“You… You’re my… We…”
“We’re soulmates?!” Ruby loudly finished her sentence. All of her nerves from yesterday came back in full force. She was at a complete loss on what to do as she just stared at icy blue eyes. Luckily, her new partner made the first move by extending her hand.
“Well, what are we waiting for? That relic isn’t going to collect itself,” Weiss told her with the hint of a playful smirk. Her own heart was pounding in nervousness, but by some miracle it calmed down the moment Ruby’s hand touched hers. The warm palm was everything Weiss didn’t know she was missing.
Ruby gave her the softest smile, clearly feeling the same way. Her earlier panic was soon replaced with a sense of calm and she instantly felt at home as she curled her fingers into Weiss’. The two made their way through the forest, both certain that this would shape up to be an interesting year.
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eene-fangirl · 5 years
Ed, Edd n Eddy                          Never Let Me Ed Chapter 13
NOTE: This is the chapter that started it all. So, I changed some things around from the original version I wrote of this scene. @nintendogal55 and I have been having a blast writing this crossover and we hope that you’re enjoying it! Enjoy the chapter! 
Here is the link to the masterpost
And finally, they made it back up on the main decks of the ship. Just like when Edd was out here earlier, there was little to no standing room. The deck was tilting steeper. Pretty soon they wouldn’t be able to stand on it at all! Edd couldn’t think about that now.
Panic started to arise more from passengers. Officers feverishly boarded them into the lifeboats. There wasn’t much time.
Shoving through the crowd, Edd never let go of Eddy’s hand. His clothes were still damp from sloshing through the flooded hallways on the lower decks. The cold night air wasn’t helping much. His hands already felt numb.
“The boats are gone!” Ed frightfully announced, holding May close to him. Looking out into the dark ocean most of the lifeboats were rowing away. Some were filled while others hardly had anybody in them. Why weren’t officers filling them all the way? It was such a waste.
“No, look! There’s a crowd over there!” Kevin pointed out. Struggling to move through the crowds they made their way over to the remaining boats. It was like walking down a steep hill.
The band was still playing soothing music. Except they were only being ignored. Edd felt a wave of relief run through his system, listening to them.
“Music to drown by. Now I know I’m in first class,” Eddy whispered to Edd trying to lighten the mood.
Edd smiled lightly, but it didn’t quell any of the worry in his gut. His mind had been reeling for hours. He was just seconds from having an anxiety attack. No, he couldn't let anyone see that. Especially Eddy.
It was Lee and Marie! May’s whole face beamed the instant she saw her sisters. The girls scooped one another up in a big tight hug.
“Where the heck have you been?” Lee asked her with all the big sister authority.
“Yeah, you had us worried sick!” Marie was next to snap.
“Sorry guys, I went back down below and then they wouldn’t let us back up!”
“We were gonna board a lifeboat without you!”
“But you’re lucky we didn’t! Come on! That one is still letting on women!” Lee took May’s hand and lead her sisters through the immense crowds. Marie even shoved passed a man almost causing him to fall into the ocean.
May turned back to Ed, grabbing at his hand so they wouldn’t get separated. Edd and Eddy followed closely behind.
Rockets were still exploding into the sky. Officers were shouting for the men to stand back. It was so loud. Women were being taken against their wills from their husbands. And the children were crying.
“Women and children! Any more women and children?! Three spots left” An officer shouted over all the commotion.
“Yeah, right here! Let us in!” Lee shouted just pushing through the crowd.
“Wait, wait!” May protested, getting loose from her sister’s grip.
“What is it?” An impatient Lee spat.
May turned to Ed throwing her arms around him. “What about you?”
Ed stared helplessly into her eyes. “I’ll get in a lifeboat, bunny.”
“There’s not enough left!” May cried, hugging him tighter. Marie grabbed at May’s dress. She didn’t mean to be rushing things. An officer was starting to put Lee in the boat but she refused until all her sisters were together.
Ed grasped her face. There was hardly enough time. “I’ll get the next one. Please, go? I’m a survivor!”
“Come on, May!”
Ed and May shared the most romantic kiss until she was pulled away. Safely she and her sisters were placed into the lifeboat. The officers started to launch the lifeboat into the water. It wasn’t that far down now. Slowly, May disappeared down the side of the ship until the boat landed in the water, rowing away.
Ed waved goodbye to her. His heart cracked open. This was new. He’d never fallen in love with anyone before.
“Heartbreak hurts, Eddy!” Ed cried, grasping his chest.
Eddy placed a comforting hand on Ed’s shoulder. “It’s gonna be okay, lumpy. You’ll see her again.”
Edd also put a comforting hand against Ed’s shoulder. His own heart cracked. Now he couldn’t bear to leave Eddy behind after witnessing such a tender, yet a heartbreaking moment.
“There’s another lifeboat going to launch over there, let’s go!” Kevin ushered the Eds.
An avalanche of passengers scurried to the lifeboat. Edd caught sight of a woman with a baby. The third class passengers were just trickling out on the deck. There were still thousands of passengers left! Water was looming closer and closer as the Titanic sank deeper into the bitter claws of the Atlantic Ocean. Would they even make it out alive?
“Step back! Women and children first!” An officer shouted at the mountain of men swarming the lifeboat. He had a gun in hand, pointing it at each of them. Edd gripped Eddy’s hand when the officer pointed it in their direction. Would he actually shoot anyone?
“Go scope out the other side!” Eddy ordered Kevin. Reluctantly, Kevin pushed through the crowd and disappeared.
“What do we do, Eddy? What do we do?” Ed asked Eddy. He was practically clawing at his hair.
“Please, I don’t want to go!” A woman shrieked. She nearly fell over the side of the Titanic from her struggles.
“What if we bribed him? No, why would someone want twenty-five cents?”
“It’s only for a little while! Be brave for Daddy!” a father pleaded to his crying daughter.
“Double D, what should we do?” Eddy turned to Edd.
“Women and children only! Stand back or I will shoot you all like dogs!” An officer shot into the air.
Edd’s legs felt like jello. He stared up at a rocket. It looked so bright. Why was it so hard to breathe all of a sudden?
“Double D?”
They were in a new location. Edd sitting on the deck, leaning against the wall. Eddy was sitting close by, holding his hand, and gently holding his cheek. He looked very worried. Until his thoughts started racing back Edd couldn’t make out what Eddy was saying to him.
“Listen to me, Double D! Follow my counts! Breathe in 1-2-3...Breathe out 1-2-3...”
“Row row row your boat gently down a river of butter, merrily, merrily your stomach has some good old buttered toast!” Ed sang.
Continuing this calming breathing exercise for a few more moments, Edd’s breathing returned to its normal pace. Hot tears crawled down his cheeks. How embarrassing! He let all the excitement go to his head! That was the exact reason why his parents never took him to extravagant parties. That, and the incident. His anxiety only made them more embarrassed of him.
“Oh Eddy, please forgive me!” Edd cried. He clung to Eddy, crying into his shoulder. He didn’t want to look at all anymore. This was all too much. First, it was the ship of dreams. And now it was sinking to its doom on its first voyage. Everyone else on dry land had no idea what was going on.
“Forgive you, what’d yah do?” A confused Eddy asked smoothing his back. “Look, happens to me, too! My Mom taught me that,” Eddy assured him. He even pressed a calming hand on Edd’s knee.”How do you feel?”
Edd arguably felt better. That still didn’t make the situation any better. That lifeboat they were at had a swarm of men around it. The officer in charge wasn’t letting any of them into the lifeboat. If only... no, he wasn’t going to think that. Edd was happy to be a man.
Cuddling against Eddy, Edd whimpered, “Eddy, I don’t want to be separated!”
“We Eds are stickin’ together!” Eddy assured him.
“I’m not going to leave this ship without you two!” Edd determined proudly to his friends.
“And I’m not leaving without you.”
Victoria loomed over Edd staring at him with that disdainful smile. Edd felt his heart stop again. He thought she would have left already. Rudy was still with her though he looked as if he wanted to be anywhere but here.
Immediately, Victoria dropped to her knees, scooping Edd up in a bone crushing hug. “Oh, my Eddward, there you are! I have been searching every inch of the ship for you! You had me worried!”
“What the hell are you doin’ here?” Eddy scowled, holding Edd closer to him.
Victoria turned her nose up at Eddy, disgustedly. “You need to learn some manners! Oh, Eddward you’re freezing! Here,” Taking off her immense fur coat she tossed it around Edd’s shoulders. “Now stand up off from this filthy deck! Oh, get a grip on yourself!”
Eddy tore Edd away from Victoria, eyeing her darkly. Ed went along with trying to stare her down, too.
“Ma’am the lifeboat is filling up,” Rudy tapped Victoria’s shoulder to get her attention. “We best chance it.”
Victoria took one look at Edd dressed up in her fur coat and her eyes grew. She wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him close. “Eddward, I have a brilliant idea! We could get into the boat together!”
“What do you mean?” Edd asked her.
Victoria placed the hood over Edd’s head. “They’ll think you’re a woman!”
“I beg your pardon!”
“We can get into the boat together! Say nothing, or they may believe you to be a woman anyway.”
Edd stepped away, tossing off the hood. “I am not leaving this ship without my friends!”
Eddy snapped his finger. “Hold on, what if we all dressed under a blanket!”
“That would work!” Ed agreed with the plan.
“Those rotten scoundrels are not getting into the boat with us!” Victoria hissed.
Edd grabbed at her hand, pleading. “Please, Victoria, If you let them come with us I...”
Edd turned helplessly to Eddy. Feeling his heart swell, guilt loomed inside of Edd.
“What, Eddward?” Victoria asked curiously.
Guilt swarmed Edd’s heart. “If you let them come on the lifeboat... I will marry you...”
“What?!” Eddy exclaimed.
“You will?!” Victoria looked completely taken aback, probably one of the few times it wasn’t feigned in the time Edd knew her.
“Only if you let them come aboard with us!” Edd affirmed with finality.
Victoria smiled. “You’d better find some wardrobe, gentleman. We haven’t much time!”
Luckily, two blankets were sitting right by the railings. Ed and Eddy through the blankets over themselves making sure to conceal their faces good and tight.
Edd approached Eddy, guiltily looking into his eyes. He wanted to tell him that it was only a ruse but Victoria had the ears of a hawk.
“Eddy, are you sure this will work? Can we get in together?” Edd asked him.
“I’m sure, Double D!” Eddy nodded giving his hand a tight squeeze.
Flipping the hood back over his head, they started off towards the boat, Ed and Eddy leading while Edd was right behind them. Victoria chained Edd, keeping a firm grip on his shoulder. At least he could reach out and hold Eddy’s hand. Rudy was walking right alongside them. Edd eyed him, watching his every move. He was the one who orchestrated the scandal earlier that night.
“Here, let me help you, ladies,” the officer offered to the covered Ed and Eddy. This was actually going to work!
But then, the blankets disguising Ed and Eddy flew off, revealing themselves.
Edd gasped noticing that Rudy had purposely stepped on the blankets.
“You shallow imposters! They were trying to disguise themselves as women!” Victoria confronted pointing right at them.
“Step back!” The officer ordered, pointing his gun at Ed and Eddy.
“Eddy...” All hope faded out of Edd’s voice. How could he be so naive to trust Victoria?
“Could they at least help us in? It would teach these mongrels to act like gentlemen!”
“I don’t want to go without you...” Edd begged, reaching out to Eddy.
“Oh, there’s another boat on the other side letting in men,” Rudy pointed out.
“Is there really?” Edd asked.
“Yes, it’s where we were before we found out that you were on this side of the deck. Don’t worry, Rudy will lead them over there.”
Rudy blinked. “Ma’am, I thought I was coming with you.”
“That was before I found my darling. You’ll be okay, Rudy. Now, be a good butler and help us into the boat!”
Rudy stared ungrateful at the woman. How could he have given up his original occupation for this?
Then Victoria turned to Eddy, “Pity I tore up that drawing of yours. It could have been worth hundreds by morning,” she said to him.
Eddy was just about ready to explode. Seeing him this way only made Victoria smirk even more. The uncanny resemblance to his brother was not making the matter any better.
“Get in,” Eddy ordered Edd.
“No!” Edd refused again but Victoria continued to drag him away.
“I’ll find a way! You know me! I’ll get on the other boat. Don’t worry, Edd. I’m a survivor, too!”
Right before Edd could kiss him farewell Victoria pulled Edd away, sneering disgustedly at the men’s love. She pushed Edd in front of her as she placed her hands on his shoulders. Edd peered through the hood noticing the officer look at him.
“My sister isn’t well. Could you make sure she gets on, please? Oh, she’s so fragile,” Victoria went on. “Always needs someone to help her. It’s quite sad.”
As the officer helped Edd, Eddy also supported him into the boat keeping a hand on his back, mostly in comfort. Once assured that Edd was safe, Eddy stepped back only for Edd to reach out and grab Eddy’s hand in one last attempt to feel the soft flesh but also to see if he could pull him in. It could look like an accident. Then the officer would have to let him stay.
Victoria practically shoved Eddy to the side breaking the lover's connection. She leaned on top of him pushing all her immense weight on Eddy’s shoulder as she pulled herself into the boat with no problem.
“Thank you, dear boy!” she roughly pinched Eddy’s cheek as a mother would do to a little child.
Eddy stared hatefully into her eyes. “There is no boat, is there?”
“There might be,” she whispered back. “But, you see, Eddy. I always win.”
And Victoria stepped into the lifeboat seating herself next to Edd, still holding his arm in an attempt that he may try to escape. Edd already knew how dangerously frigid the water was. Victoria had him right where she wanted him.
Eddy could see Edd frightfully peering out from under the warm fur coat. Eddy gripped the railing of the ship, his composure obviously failing him. It hurt to even smile. Edd deserved to be saved. But not like this. Ed kept a hand on his shoulder. He couldn’t find any words of comfort.
“Lower away!” The officer called out.
And the lifeboat slowly descended. Edd never broke eye contact with Eddy as he was lowered further and further from Eddy’s reach. Rockets were still being fired into the night sky. They illuminated quite nicely behind Eddy. His blue eyes sparkled. He looked so handsome.
“Together forever, Eddward,” Victoria proudly stated leaning against his shoulder. “We can make this work. We can get married. I know you haven’t been on your best behavior as of late, but nothing like a little punishment won’t help. However, I have decided to give you this.”
Taking out the blue diamond engagement ring, she slid it around Edd’s finger.
The diamond ring felt so cold. Although it was so little it weighed Edd down.
Edd looked up at Eddy once more. He was much farther, too far for Edd to reach out.
It had only been three days since he met Eddy. Through that little time, Eddy helped him understand himself. He gained more confidence actually standing up to his mother and father about an hour ago. Edd felt capable of so much when he was with Eddy. And yet, he was here with this woman who manipulated him at any chance she got.
Edd actually felt like a man with Eddy. Until now Edd had no idea what love was. Eddy loved him.
Edd’s heart stung. Again, he was obeying like a polite little puppy. Edd didn’t want to be in this lifeboat. He had no desire to sit next to this… this… woman.
“Hold my hands, darling,” Victoria pleaded, already taking Edd’s hands. “They’re cold.”
Edd shoved them away. He stood up, jostling the lifeboat.
“Miss, can you sit down?” The officer in charge ordered.
“Edd?” Eddy called out from above.
“Emily, sit down! We’re not allowed to stand!” Victoria ordered roughly grabbing Edd’s hand. “Sorry sir, my sister is stubborn!”
Edd threw off Victoria’s fur coat throwing it right into the sea. Victoria was so shocked that she tried to reach over the side of her lifeboat to grab it.
Edd took off the ring, letting it hit the lifeboat.
“I’m a man!”
And he bolted to the side ignoring Eddy’s warnings from above. Edd jumped to the open window clutching at it nearly falling below into the frigid water.
“Someone stop him!” Victoria called out trying to grab hold of Edd.
Edd was pulled back aboard the ship. Once his feet safely touched the deck, he ran. He practically bulldozed into a man that he ran so fast. Tears leaked down Edd’s cheeks as he ran down the promenade deck and passed other passengers who were still on the doomed ship. Once he entered the grand staircase he saw Ed and Eddy running down the stairs searching for him.
“Eddy!” Edd cried when he saw the man.
The instant Eddy looked into his eyes with both a pained expressed mixed with overwhelming love, Edd started sobbing even more.
They ran into each other's arms, fiercely grasping one another, never letting go. Eddy was also crying, almost unable to catch his breath. Edd didn’t think Eddy could cry in the few days they’d known each other.
“Why did you do that?!” Eddy hollered, tightly gripping Edd’s face and covering him with kisses.
“I couldn’t go!” Edd’s cheeks hurt from smiling. He was more relieved to be here with Eddy then on that little boat for rescue. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, Eddy! I would never have married that woman!”
Eddy laughed. “You’re so stupid, you brainiac!”
“Eddy,” Edd pulled his lovers face to look at him. “You jump, I jump, remember?”
Eddy’s lip trembled yet again holding Edd’s slim frame closer. “Right,” he answered him still feeling overwhelmed. He didn’t know whether to be mad or overly happy. For now, it was happy. He didn’t have to be alone again.
And he kissed Edd. A deep, passionate kiss that electrified their whole bodies. They didn’t care that they were out in public showing affections which were completely disdainful. What did these people care? There was enough panic already.
Ed happily stared at the couple. At last, Eddy was happy.
Hearing a commotion, Ed looked up the grand staircase.
Pushing Rudy to the ground, Victoria pointed a gun at Edd and Eddy.
“Guys, look out!” Ed called out.
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dyde21 · 7 years
Hi! I shouldn’t have written this, I have actual work to be doing and Zelda to be playing. But I did. This is based off this answer from the amazing @schnee-dust-co and their answer HERE Basically their headcanons about JNPR in an arcade. I kinda couldn’t resist. If you enjoy this, give their post and blog some love as well. They seem pretty sweet and have pretty fun headcanons. Enjoy!
The hammering of Nora's fingers on the buttons was getting progressively angrier and angrier, causing the arcade owner to watch nervously from behind the gift counter. The old man usually enjoyed seeing the young students of Beacon go into his arcade. They brought plenty of Lien, and spare energy to burn. Nora however, he had learned to keep an eye on. She had a habit of being a little rough with the machines, but usually her partner Ren could keep her behaved. At the moment though, he seemed to be in a trance. They were side-by-side, dueling in Kingdom Fighter II Turbo. Nora's button mashes were quick, and a slew of inputs flooded the poor machine as it tried to keep up. Ren on the other hand, had hardly a wasted input. His character would perfectly respond to every move Nora made, beating her slowly but surely.
Their best-of-7 tournament was finally coming a close, 3 to 1 so far. With one final combo, Ren ensured his victory. Calmly Ren took his hands off the joystick, letting out a deep breath as the screen flashed victor. Nora on the other hand, stomped her foot angrily. She couldn't even accuse him of cheating, Ren would never cheat.
Unwilling to give up, she immediately dragged him over to her best chance of winning. Pinball. Random chance seemed to love Nora and she got pretty lucky in it. Putting in their change in side-by-side identical machines, the pair began.
Once again the arcade was filled with an unequal cacophonous roar of button mashing. One on hand, Nora seemed to think if she pressed the bumpers on the side fast enough, she might generate enough wind to push the ball more. Ren however, patiently waited and timed each press to send the ball exactly where he wanted it.
Nora's chaos was proving to be a fair match for his careful planning though. They were both down to their last ball, and Nora was in the lead by a solid 15,000. If Ren wasn't careful he would lose for the first time that day.
Never one to choke though, Ren focused properly. With some carefully timed bumpers, he activated triple ball. Nora's jaw drop as she saw Ren earn the bonus, his machine becoming a flurry of pin balls bouncing around as his score sailed past hers. She tried her best to stay in the game, but soon enough her machine read her final score. It was the second highest on the machine. Nora barely even flinched when she saw the number one spot read “REN”. Grudgingly she typed in her name for number two. “NOR”. It killed her every time she had to do that. Not because she once again lost to Ren, but because her name wouldn't fit! Why wouldn't it fit? Did all machines on Remnant have to only allow three characters? Was that party of the treat that ended the Great War?
Looking over, she saw Ren take the number one position on the machine, bumping her old top score to number two. The machines were new so they hadn't had a proper chance to lay claim on them, like the pair had every other machine in the building.
Ren and Nora had spent a lot of time stopping by arcades while growing up. They weren't able to afford much due to being orphans, but arcades were always a source of cheap entertainment, and most major cities had one. It was always a way to cheer up the pair as they wandered around. It had also been the birth of their rivalry in games and the legend of “REN and NOR” that every arcade seemed to have a record of.
Seriously. Why couldn't Nora fit? She had tried to come up with something cooler. ORA sounded like she was just yelling. NOA made her sound like a dude. NRA had it's own problems.
Vale's arcade had been quick to fall to Nora and Ren's conquest.
Jaune and Pyrrha had been skeptical when Nora and Ren insisted on bringing them to the arcade, but they were in awe when they saw the skills the pair possessed.
Soon though, Nora and Ren were the ones in awe. Their leader may have lacked in a few different fields; romantic insight, confidence, fighting experience. One thing he did not suffer from however, was a lack of dancing ability. This seemingly translated to Dance Dance Revolution.
Now Ren was practically divine when he played the game. It was always his favorite game, and he had most songs memorized. He made the steps look like a practical routine.
Jaune however, wasn't far behind. His movements were fluid, and practiced. He didn't make as many unnecessary flairs as Ren tended to, but his feet moved as fast as they needed to. Jaune had explained that his sisters all had enjoyed the game to some extent. They also enjoyed playing with their brother, which meant he would always have to run the gauntlet when he ended up at an arcade with his sisters. That lead him being very experienced in the game, and finding ways to conserve his stamina for the long haul.
Pyrrha happened to find her partner strangely attractive when she saw his focused face as his body moved gracefully through the fast techno song. His smile had set her heart fluttering, and she had struggled to find a proper excuse when he had asked her between rounds why her face was as red as his was from effort.
Speaking of Jaune and Pyrrha, they were currently off in the opposite side of the arcade.
Jaune had made the startling discovery that Pyrrha had never spent any proper time in an arcade. Upon reflection, it made sense. After all, training for tournaments her whole life, excelling in school, and being forced to keep herself “proper” meant that she couldn't afford to spend time in places like these. No, arcades had always remained a loud, noisy, yet inviting mystery she would pass by on the street.
Now however, she relished in the chance to go to one. The fact she was with her close friends only made her happier.
Her joy however didn't make up for the lack of understanding she had in them. Now Pyrrha was smart, but when it came to having a “game sense” she severely struggled.
They had started simple, ski ball. Not a difficult concept to understand. Jaune had explained it well. Just roll the little ball up the ramp, and try to get it into the cup with the faded numbers on it. He had demonstrated for her, earning a small sum of points.
Perhaps too eagerly, Pyrrha quickly paid for a round and tried it herself. Only, she found her ball had slammed into the back of the machine with a loud thud before it dropped and rolled into the bottom hole. Her face flushed as she glanced over at Jaune.
To his credit, he was trying to be considerate. He was biting his lip and looking away attempting to hold back his laughter. He knew she struggled at times with more “ordinary” tasks that her childhood had been devoid of so he certainly didn't want to tease her about it. But that didn't mean he didn't find it any less amusing, or adorable.
Never one to give up, Pyrrha quickly tried again. This time the ball failed to make it up the ramp before rolling back to her.
Glancing over, she saw Jaune hunched over, biting his fist as he waved a hand in apology as he snickered uncontrollably against his wishes.
Taking a deep breath, Pyrrha couldn't help but smile. She was having fun after all. The next try was solid though. She felt a rush of excitement as she saw the score slowly tick up. Glancing at Jaune like a child, she only saw his approving and friendly gaze.
Soon they were off to the races. Jaune won through sheer experience, but Pyrrha was starting to get a hang of it and her normal skills were starting to kick in.
Attempting to avoid falling behind, Jaune suggested a new game. However, as Pyrrha was walking off, he stopped her before pointing down. Her eyes widened as she saw tickets piling out of her machine. She just stared at them, before eagerly pooling them up neatly. She held them close as she looked at him with a beaming expression. She looked like a child on Christmas.
Jaune just gave her his lopsided grin, quickly stuffing his slightly larger stack of tickets into his hoodie. She didn't need to be aware of the difference in their earnings at the moment, not that she was one to compare her good fortune with others jealously.
They had tried a flurry of games next. They tried the whirlwind, where you press the button to stop the light rotating around a circle, attempting to land on a high-score. Pyrrha claimed that the interval was consistent and that it wasn't fair. Jaune hadn't fared much better, so he couldn't exactly argue.
They tried a racing game, which they both came in the two last positions because they were too busy laughing to finish playing. Apparently, neither Jaune nor Pyrrha should ever step behind a wheel. They were a hazard to all living creatures, buildings, and trees within a mile radius of them.
Air-hockey had been perhaps a little too intense for their casual outing.
Jaune's years of experience was soon matched up against Pyrrha's impressive hand eye coordination. Luckily the pucks were plastic to keep the field even. But their hands were a blur as the puck rocketed back and forth across the table, the score stopping at 2/2 as neither one was letting anything past their guard. However, Nora suddenly slamming her hands on the nearby air hockey table when she had lost cause Jaune to jump, letting Pyrrha score.
Their battle resumed, until another outburst a little later about “IS FOUR LETTERS REALLY SO DIFFICULT?” distracted Pyrrha who let her guard down as Jaune scored.
The final point went on for minutes as the puck ricochet like crazy. Perhaps a little too crazy.
A slightly too enthusiastic hit from Pyrrha send it flying off the table. Ren happened to be walking by, and his hand shot out like a snake, catching it as he tossed it back to them.
Pyrrha raised a hand awkwardly. “I'm sorry!”
Ren just smiled. “It happens more than you think. Do not worry.”
Jaune ended up winning that round, Pyrrha feeling too embarrassed to properly focus.
One game Jaune couldn't hold a candle to her though was a shooting game. Luckily it was cooperative, so they wont together but clearly Pyrrha's experience with her rifle transferred perfectly. Jaune's experience couldn't keep up.
They bounced around to various dexterity-based challenge games. Pyrrha was slowly getting the hang of how to work with these games with their unique lag and slight deviations from typical actions.
Jaune had never seen her laugh so much and he hoped he could see it more.
As the day was winding down, Pyrrha paused as they passed a machine. It was a claw machine.
She was staring at a particular plush in it.
“Try it.” Jaune offered.
Pyrrha's eyes widened. “How does this work?” She asked, not quite understanding how the strange buttons pointing up and right worked.
Jaune just smiled, still finding her innocence adorable.
“Okay. See you put some coins in here, and you get once chance. You hold the button to go right, when you let it go it stops and you can't press it again. Then you hold up until it's over the toy you want. You can't press it again once you let go though. Then the claw comes down and tries to grab a toy.” He explained.
Pyrrha stared at the machine with a new level of determination. She would have that plush. She would spend all her savings if needed.
Her first attempt hadn't gone so well. She had let go too early, failing to judge the distance back properly. Her second attempt had gone better, but it barely reached a foot. Her third attempt couldn't get a good grip. Her fourth one slipped out after it reached the top. Similar stories happened the following 6 times as well. Pyrrha rested her head against the glass with a defeated sigh.
“Maybe you should try for something else.”
“No.” Pyrrha said in a steely voice as she stared at her nemesis. Putting in one last try she aimed it perfectly. As it was raising up, she saw it start to slip.
Jaune had almost missed it, but he saw a faint black glow around the claw machine as the grip closed tighter.
“Pyrrha!” He accused.
Pyrrha's eyes widened, having used her semblance completely unthinkingly. The glow faded and as the claw swung back to normal grip the toy slipped and dropped down.
Pyrrha just sighed, pouting. She turned to Jaune, her lower lip quivering slightly. It was obvious to anyone just how disappointed Pyrrha was.
Jaune felt his heart break at seeing her.
“Scoot over.” He offered.
Pyrrha stared at him. “Can you...”
Jaune nodded. “I can.”
Pyrrha stared at him intently. “Jaune Arc, if you get it, I will give you a back massage when we get back.” Jaune's eyes widened. Both team JNPR and RWBY had found out Pyrrha could give amazing back massages early on. After a little while of both teams getting too greedy with requesting one from their friend who could never saw no, she had to stop offering them to her friends aside from special circumstances. She loved helping her friends, but it took quite a bit of time and the bribes were starting to get out of hand. That said, Jaune could usually find a way to get her to agree. But if she was offering one, there was no force in Vale that could stop him.
Pyrrha saw that same laser focus from Dance Dance Revolution in his eyes again. He positioned it perfectly as it grabbed it.
Pyrrha held her breath as she saw it start to slip. However, Jaune had grabbed it carefully so when it slipped, it's over-sized head was caught and it moved over the hole and dropped down.
Jaune grabbed it, holding it out to her with a warm smile. “You don't need to give me anything in return.”
Pyrrha slammed into him, throwing her arms around him tightly. “You're the coolest leader ever! I made a promise, I'll give you one later tonight.” She said with a smirk.
Secretly, part of Pyrrha enjoyed seeing the wonderful mood Jaune was in after her massage, and the fact he subconsciously would hang around her more often after wards
She crushed the plush her to her chest, already treasuring it. It was a little classic knight with a sword and shield. Felt blonde hair stuck out from underneath it's helmet as it stared ahead with a blue-eyed smile. Her little knight, won for her by her real knight.
Across the arcade Nora and Ren had reached a fever-pitch in their battle.
They were back at the Kingdom Fighter II Turbo. This time it was 3 to 3.  As they battled, they were both down to one round left. Ren hesitated for just a moment. He knew if he won, it would never end. Nora wouldn't give up. Before he could decide if he wanted to throw the match, Nora had seized the opportunity and finished off Ren's character.
Victory flash for Nora and she let out a massive cheer that dwarfed the sound of the arcade.
Ren just clapped. “Well done.”
Nora grinned, booping his nose.
Walking over, they saw Pyrrha hugging a knight close to her chest.
“Did you buy that with your tickets?” Ren asked with a slight yawn.
“You buy things with your tickets? They aren't trophies?” Pyrrha asked, tilting her head.
Nora, Ren, and Jaune all face palmed. Moving behind Pyrrha and pushing her, Nora spoke. “Over to the counter now, Missy!” She ordered.
Pyrrha jumped, before marching over to the counter. She saw all the options littering the wall.
The old man quickly counted her tickets, giving her a stub.
Pyrrha looked at the options, unsure of what to buy. A lot of it was junk or children toys.
Nora had bought a massive load of candy, and Ren had given his to a little child who was struggling with the machines. Jaune had purchased a figuring set from X-Ray and Vav.
Pyrrha couldn't decide what she wanted until she looked over at Jaune. Realizing she wanted to give him a gift for showing her around the place, she studied the wall carefully. He had already gotten the figurines. After a moment, she had an idea. She wasn't sure how much he'd enjoy it though.
Leaning over the counter, she explained what she wanted to the old man. He nodded, reaching up to grab it and hand it to her.
Jaune smiled, leading them out of the place. “Ready? We should get back.” He offered.
Ren and Nora headed out while Pyrrha stood nervously in place.
Working up her courage she moved her hand from behind her back, offering the plush to Jaune.
Jaune stared at it in surprise.
It was a plush of a female huntress, that had a sword and shield as well. It sported a long red pony tail and a green-eyed smile. It seemed to be from the same brand as the knight he had won her earlier.
“I know it's not much, but I wanted to get you something. I thought if I had a knight to keep me safe, you should have one too.” She said sheepishly. “Sorry I mi-”
She was cut off as she felt it taken from her hand.
Jaune held it close to his chest, beaming. “I love it Pyrrha!” It was true. The fact she spent her first hard-earned tickets on a gift for him made him swell with happiness. Plus, it looked just like his partner. It was perfect.
He gave her a quick hug, before he raised his hands. After some careful work, he had moved it to his hood so it was rest in his hood, leaning over his shoulder like it was riding on it.
Pyrrha just giggled, before clutching her knight close.
Feeling thankful for the best day in a long time, the pair ran to catch up with Ren and Nora. They would have to bring RWBY next time.
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this! Please do give the source of this idea some love. This wouldn’t have happened without them.
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