#Their characters just elude me
leadendeath · 9 months
using squared, angular faces like ¬_¬ and :] to deliberately yet subtly allude to my computerness
this post is always popular so instead of turning off rbs for like the third time *posts my links* also i have a plan for my assessment which i need to add to my gfm page when i can find my phone to login- ask me about it! :]
you’ll reblog this version if you’re not a coward >:]
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rubberduckyrye · 6 days
Okay so like. This isn't aimed at anyone in particular, but it is a sentiment that I see in the fandom for Kokichi and it especially annoys me.
It's the sentiment that Kokichi doesn't ever want to die.
You can argue that for chapters 1-3--I personally HC that he struggles a lot with self worth and mental health, but you can argue that even if he was maybe willing to offer himself up as sacrifice before, that he didn't necessarily want to die. Fine, I get that.
But then you get to Chapter 4.
Chapter 4, where Kokichi sees the Secret of the Outside World all on his own. He sees the world's destruction, something that makes literally everyone else in the school suicidal--and yet you're going to tell me he didn't want to die?
He didn't have anyone to comfort him. He didn't have anyone he could trust. And you're telling me he just, dealt with that devastation all on his own in the most. Frankly unrealistic way in fiction? That he didn't feel devastation upon knowing everything he loved and hated and didn't care about was gone?
You're going to tell me that this boy is the only one who didn't want to die when he saw the secret of the outside world?
Mercy Kill Theory be damned, why the fuck do people assume he isn't as deeply affected by the literal end of the world? Why do people keep thinking that Kokichi can just, walk it off--especially when it, in my opinion, perfectly and logically explains his actions in chapter 4. Why his behavioral shift is so drastic and why he's out of control. Even disregarding the Mass Mercy Kill Theory.
The problem here isn't just my own interpretation and what not--its that once again, Kokichi is being singled out as an outlier. He's being interpreted as the odd one out, the one who Doesn't Feel the Same Feelings as Everyone Else.
He's just a fucking kid. A smart, mischievous kid with issues, sure--but he's just like the rest of his classmates. He's no more special or deviant than they are.
So once again, I ask: Why the fuck is it that only Kokichi is considered in this way? Why is he the odd one out? Why is he not treated by this fandom like the other characters are?
I need people to think about this for a hot minute.
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triglycercule · 19 days
murder time trio should get to all experiment with dead bodies. why? because they can and it would be cool (okay but seriously i'll provide an explanation). all these freaks are scientists. i think it would be cool and funky if they all got to experiment! except morbidly and bloodily because none of them are right in the head now
killer like has his whole thing with wanting SOULs for some unspecified reason??? i'm just gonna steal the common interpretation that it's so he can find a way to fix his own soul through coding. but like,,,, what does he do with the desd bodies??? all the fellas he stole those souls from??? well this is where dust and horror come in
it's One Panel and i'm ABSOLUTELY reaching here but there's a (single) panel in horrortale where horror's pulling apart some sort of human limb like an arm with a device. why? what for? i dont fucking know at all man like papyrus said why is he always doing something weird in his room. anyways i'm just gonna guess its probably for rationing in horrortale (but it could also be that horror just felt like ripping apart an arm. for scientific purposes. or because he did this after ripping off aliza's arm so maybe he's doing some sort of recollection reflection or something i dunno im not a professional on this man). killer could totally send all the already dead HUMAN bodies horror's way for horrortale's food situation. maybe horror likes to dissect the humans yk maybe he's not just the type of bash (a head open) and dash. monsters dust so you cant see their guts but humans dont so horror gets prime time first hand experience on the human body! and then after he's done poking around in the brain he can give the meat and organs to papyrus for him to do his specific spaghetti confectionery
but but but what about the monsters that killer takes the souls from! surely he doesn't just take from only humans (dude idk if he actually does take from only human or monster. probably not right? he needs to study BOTH types of code so he can be most informed) so he must also take monster souls. and fortunately for dust (i do NOT think he'd quite like handling gore) monsters don't leave behind bodies or blood or allat they leave behind dust. hah. dust experiment with dust. i think its already a headcanon out there that dust likes to study dust. i cant exactly recall WHY exactly but maybe it's for sentimental reasons or just something to do to pass time between resets. so killer can just pass on whatever dust he gets to him and he can put it under his little microscope and be a little nerd what a GEEK. give this guy glasses and remove all his teeth but one i guarantee you he'll look like 🤓
and once again i hear you cry out but but triglycercule! why would killer even give the dead bodies and stuff to horror and dust in the first place??? erm number one because i said so silly. jk. and number two (if we're going in a nightmare's gang context here) it could be as a way for killer to gain horror and dust's trust. a way for them not to tattle on him for stealing souls for some unknown reason. maybe there's somehow important coding information left behind in the bodies/dust (because that's literally what utmv is made of) and killer wants dust and horror to do that work for him for some reason. maybe just a way for him to get rid of evidence maybe if theyre buddy pals and close enough just as a gift. i dunno man there's a bunch of reasons as to why he could possibly do this. i just really liked the thought of the trio all wearing fancy lab coats and goggles and i was like damn how can i make this a real possibility
#you can really sense the i dont know what the fuck i'm talking about energy in this one#all i had was a SINGLE!!! just ONE vision and there was straws for me to grasp so i fucking CLASPED those straws man. i'm totally reaching#listen when you gotta make do you gotta make do. the idea's cool and funky though i really like the vision#is the utmv code based or is it creativity based. which one#does the utmv look like a bunch of files or does it look like the doodlesphere. is it a concept or code???#i think that it's up to personal interpretation. it could also be both#i love the different possibilities that could be made based on the different code vs concept utmvs#with code you have possibilities like changing the files and breaking the game and stuff like that (error and killer etc)#BUT ALSO with creativity and concepts you can come up with characters just by saying oh i drew them or something like that (ink)#it just depends on the vibe you're going for i guess. darker stories sometimes have more associations with code#i like to think they both coexist but also are different#there are sections of the utmv that are purely coded like the antivoid and then section purely creativity based like the doodlesphere#and then there are worlds that have both like the code makes up the concept. or the concept makes up the code. either one#goddamn it everything just leads back to error and ink's digital vs traditional motifs AGAIN. i'm back at the fucking building AGAIN!!!!!#those two and their sick ass motifs can every elude me i feel like concepts in the utmv always have something to do with them#heh.... just shows how cool error and ink both are...... theres a reason theyre creativity and destruction (coolness factor)#hey hold on! this doesn't have anything to do with the murder time trio! triglycercule GET BACK IN YOUR NICHE!!!!!!!!!#looking back at my old posts to my new ones and i can see what lingo and typing styles i've faded out over time is so fun#or maybe i'm just the exact same and i havent change styles at all and i'm hallucinating and need to be put down#first day school is upsetting (as usual) so i need to think and post about the mtt to feel better#my favorite coping mechanism is thinking about murderous little creepypasta versions of a fictional guy from undertale#killer sans#dust sans#horror sans#murder time trio#bad sanses#bad sans gang#utmv#god i have NOT used tricule hc in a while........ i really should more#tricule hc
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legionofpotatoes · 5 months
not a huge fallout enjoyer but I like how the show is shot and graded with a distinctly early aughts feel. No sweeping location filters or flattened midtones and the blacks are rich-black and the whites are bright-white and everything reads and pops off the screen and sometimes a meticulous prop or makeup application will be tastefully shrouded in motivated shadow instead of forcefully blasted with an even softbox. on the flipside though todd appears to have named the stinky cowboy after himself, so like, it's a tossup
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musubiki · 2 months
i just wanna say that feixiao and moze from hsr reminds me so much coffy! they even have similar hairstyles (kind of)! i'm crazy about how feixiao is this shining beacon of light to moze in his splash art. 😭
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I ALSO THOUGHT THAT FEIXIAO REMINDED ME OF COCO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think its the gradient ponytail and cool lady attitude????? either way i didnt even notice her in mozes splash art at first thats a nice detail hehe
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collegeoflore · 3 months
the thing driving me most insane about xarrai/gale these days is that like. gale turns them down/gets turned down (it’s messy. lol) so xarrai can be with astarion instead and then almost immediately he has to watch them tear each other apart. you KNOW the whole time he’s bitter because he’s thinking that he would have been better for xarrai but the two of them Never would have actually worked for the exact same reasons that they Do work with astarion. but gale doesn’t know or think about that bc he’s too busy watching them hiss and growl at each other like feral cats and assuming the reason early act 3!xarrai is testy and a little withdrawn is bc they’re fighting with astarion (incorrect assumption) (well not entirely incorrect) (not a helpful assumption to make for anyone involved tho)
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peapod20001 · 4 months
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David is honestly just thankful Ash isn’t too young for him lmao
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theomaru · 1 year
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Still deciding on the general plot, but the pokebots and deceptimons [NOT THE. FINAL NAMES. I HOPE] are enemy rescue/exploration guild groups.
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randomnameless · 1 year
The phrase “we have been aware of the high levels of competency from KT's writers, especially with their work for 3H” is worrying; i'm not going to shit-talk them just for thinking that 3H has a good story, especially when someone's standards for what makes a story good or not is subjective and could be different from ours, but KT's story-telling skills are never going to improve if people keep only telling them that Three Houses' deeply-flawed story was actually a narrative masterpiece, instead of a self-contradicting mess with plot points it introduces solely as gotchas and has no intention of ever following up on in any meaningful way, characters getting assassinated left and right to try and argue that female Ashnard might actually be right and not so different from them in terms of morality and goals (while they're in the middle of fighting for their lives and watching their friends die in battle because she decided to invade their home unprovoked and solely for a landgrab), and an over-powered villain group that should have ended the story long before it even started because the writers decided to give them a stockpile of magic nukes they can launch at anywhere in the world, which was also introduced solely for shock value and without them realizing how much of the story is ruined by making it so that the villains who want to kill everyone and take over the world can just nuke anyone they want (that isn't inside Garreg Mach when they launch it) with no consequences.
I just don't like what it means for the future of FE stories if the worst story in the series keeps getting praised as one of the best, even by separate developers, is all.
Wait and see anon!
For what it's worth, while Engage's sales are apparently not as stellar as Houses in the same timeframe (like House after month 1 and Engage after month 1?), Nopes totally crashed.
Amazon isn't the only market in the world, but in some places in the world (tfw not for amazon.fr) Nopes is now sold at around 15 bucks, which is ridiculous considering older games released on consoles still being in circulation are more expensive than this thing that is barely 1 year old(even the first FEW?).
Also, Engage was supposed to have been released earlier but Covid and Houses being released later than planned meant it was delayed, but Engage was supposed to be Fodlan's antithesis, at least writing wise - you'd think IS would have tried to retrofit more Fodlan themes (maybe more uwu maybe some villains aren't BaD and earl grey because they luf u) but they didn't.
Imo, fwiw, while KT apparently loved how Fodlan was received, IS is aghast and doesn't want to touch it within a 10 meters radius, only if it means selling units in FEH and even there, they sometimes retcon Fodlan units (hello F!Billy/Sothis) or challenge them in various FB (Brave!Supreme Leader, but also in the most recent one, Sylvain harping on his Crust being BaD...) clearly showing how they don't really want to follow KT's direction regarding those units - at times, it's almost as if the CoS receives more development in Heroes than in both Fodlan games!
So I'd like to see what IS has in store for the next FE games (or the next non remake FE game), even if in my opinion, given how Heroes has to retcon/finish the writing (Mercedes reveals more about her Adrestian family in FEH than in two of her games!) for characters just to sell them in the gacha game ffs, speaks volumes on what they think of Fodlan's writing.
On top of that, FE16 was the first game where people received surveys/mails from Nintendo/IS asking them if they understood the game... - so despite Fodlan selling well (better than expected?), imo it's clear the writing isn't to praise, at least for IS, and they don't want anything to do with it (Nopes' DLC was scrapped, when shiny!Rhea's sprite was datamined, so either they made an useless sprite, either this sprite might have been used in a future DLC?)
They can still butcher a future remake (plz no jugdral) by adding pointless supports between units and trying to uwu more than needed the red emperor - or add an OC waifu du jour who will sell merchs and try to uwu her if she is on the side of the red emperor - but I feel like we will see where they will go with a brand new game (since Heroes's writing is... as consistent as a fog and basically circles around "women sad'n'lonely*, men evyl", female playable OC simps after the avatar and is useless in the resolution of the plot because Alfonse will finally find a mc guffin way to defeat the villain of the year).
*i truly hope Vero isn't any indication to what the writing of the future games will be, like heavy retcons from her first apparition to "i was brainwashed and akshually everyone supports me from my home even if i send them to death against askr because the voice in my head told me to do it" because that'd suck, but vero is a young woman, thus she could be monetised for alts, figurines and even DLC content in a main game!
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godforsakenbeast · 3 months
fucking begging y’all to remember Tubarão’s existence at all, but especially to include him in pride content.
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sorbet-and-gelato · 7 months
a lot of ships that are really popular (so popular that they're basically considered canon or expected that everyone likes them) don't actually have anything inherently romantic about them. i don't really get it...
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pedrasacorn · 2 months
For the love of god give me a normal dream with Jason Todd and not a girl cosplaying red hood or a bunch of Arkham knight tshirts in Walmart
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jewishcissiekj · 3 months
so I have this super-self-indulgent-asajj-and-anakin-centered-highschool-/-modern-AU in my head that is like. the stupidest thing ever. but it's so fun to think about
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dan-crimes · 1 year
I love writers I love when they ramble on abt characters and their motivations, their core values and the reasons why they react to things in certain ways and having character interactions work off of each other due to their differing ways of viewing the world and in general I just love character analysis
#as someone who loves humans and human behaviours and figuring out why people react to things the ways that they do#uhhh I'm actually surprisingly really bad @ writing characters with those same traits 😅#unless it is smth I can connect to on some sort of level like a few of my characters have issues that I specifically relate to#thereforee I can understand the ways they act in certain circumstances#BUT when it comes to characters that are like almost entirely outside of my wavelength it's pretty hard for me to understand how they work#and it's pretty basic habits and behaviours I just fuckin lack them in general#like the concept of clinginess or abandoment issues or wanting to stay around people who treat you badly or jealousy or missing people#also love like I understand my type of love but my type of love isn't typical from what I've seen from others#even some of my own past issues like dealing with trauma have kinda been lost on me especially bcuz I'm the type to ignore stuff#like I just ignored it til it came back to bite me in the ass and had to just kinda struggle with it and go completely numb#until I got tired of feeling that way and pulled myself outta it step by step and my various negative ways of thinking elude me#since I just gradually built myself up and rearranged my brain so that all negative thinking eventually turns into dust#whether be positive or purely neutral until I'm able to handle it better#REGARDLESS I try to get a sense of what these other traits are like and how exactly they work for people but it is VERY difficult for me#bcuz the stuff is just such an alien emotion to me like people get REALLY emotional about things that simply aren't a problem for me#and I wish I could understand why and what goes on in the brain that causes that but my brain just doesn't work that way#SOOO me trying to make characters of typical issues I see people having DOESN'T really work when I have no idea what's going on#like IN GENERAL my characters need to have more emotion behind them but the emotions I need them to have are#like I said before. something I totally lack ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ so I have no idea how to do it#I mean I think I need like a check list I need to make a list of traits my characters have in general cuz I never write anything down#it'd be easier to figure it out if I had words to go along with it and then I could figure out the behaviours behind those words#plus I need to draw my characters cuz I'm very much a visual person I can't get as good of a feel without some visuals along with it
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bookpdf · 6 months
they should invent a kind of art studying that doesn't make you feel like you're being flayed alive and set on fire when you're just drawing things poorly in your sketchbook so one day you can draw them better
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council-of-beetroot · 11 months
I have my biogeo midterm tomorrow and I failed an assignment in the class because I thought the teacher was going to grade by observation rather than all three observations and I want to cry
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