#even though he just dresses like a white bisexual french man
thermesiini · 2 years
white french bisexual guy gosd i think i just thre w up in my mouth
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xceruleanrosesx · 1 year
Birth Name: Laurent Éliott Le Blanc
Aliases: Lauren, Mr. Le Blanc, Spy, Spook, Ghost, Rose, White
Age: 41
Gender: Male
Height: 5’7
Weight: 155lbs
Hair Color: White (Dyed brown)
Eye Color: Hazel/Amber
Skin Tone: Tan
Nationality: French
Languages: French, English, Spanish, Russian (Limited), German, ASL, and Japanese
Birthplace: Montpellier, France
Birthdate: October 11, 19XX
Sexuality: Bisexual (Male-Leaning)
Dom or Sub: Switch (Sub-Leaning)
Mother: Delphine Fontaine (Deceased)
Father: Pierre Le Blanc (Deceased)
Blood Type: O+
Personality: If flirting was a person, this man would be it. He loves to tease and play with others, plucking the strings of their hearts just enough to keep him on the mind. It’s a great past-time, and one easily exploitable. Laurent is an opportunist at heart, taking openings whenever he sees them. In his eyes, no one is without purpose. Everyone has something they wish to hide. However, most of that is just a character. In private, he is quite the sophisticated and elegant being. He holds himself to high standards, so much so that he often feels like he’s choking on his own self-loathing. In the company of others, he pushes forth confidence and elegance. The world is his stage, and he must perform, or risk falling short. 
As his notes state, The Spy is quite the competitive man. If someone gets him, he’s going to want to get them back with a burning passion. They will NOT have the last laugh over him. Unfortunately, his facade of calm and collectivism can easily be shattered by the press of a few very specific buttons. Finding him out before he finds his target out is one of those buttons. Laurent prides himself on being above it all, but can easily be struck down from the sky if someone gets a few steps ahead of him. 
Being invited to be a lover, he is incredibly flirty, touchy, and compassionate. Nothing matters more to him than the happiness and well-being of the one closest to him. After all, they were intelligent enough to navigate through his walls. Why wouldn’t he absolutely adore them? Friendships are similar. Even though the man is indeed a Spy, he is quite the good listener and secret-keeper. That is, unless you stab him in the back. Thankfully, breaking up with him is not one of these cases. 
Once someone has created an enemy out of him, they’re going to wish they had watched themselves a bit more carefully. He will go out of his way to make sure you cannot win. The more frustrated his enemy is, the more satisfied and pleased Laurent is. Fear situations are the exact opposite. If harm to his being is presented, he’s more likely to bend to the will of whoever wields his fear. As long as his worst fears don’t come to light, he will listen. When sad/upset, he is most likely to retreat to a place of solace. Nobody deserves to see him cry, no one. 
Backstory: Laurent started out life as a rich socialite, the male and only heir of the Le Blanc family. They were quite well known for producing the finest of tobacco products, only stamping their seal of approval on the batches that were considered adequate. His parents were quite the aristocrats, having chosen to have a son quite late in their marriage. Pierre wanted to ensure his legacy and his empire before even remotely deciding to try and hand the reins over to someone else. From as young as 5, Laurent was trained to be the pinnacle of society. He was taught how to dress, speak, act, be eloquent and fluent, absolute perfection. It left little time for his true passion; artistry. 
His teachers and mentors had always presented a knowledge of fine arts and fine society to be an incredibly important factor in his upbringing, but not something he should take part in for himself. It frustrated him greatly, finding a longing to feel a brush and canvas beneath his fingers. However, one of his mentors seemed to take notice of this, watching him doodle pictures of wine glasses and simple things on the sides of his journals. They were incredibly good. It was a blooming talent that this mentor felt he needed to nurture, gifting the boy with a set of paints, a brush, and a small canvas when he was 10. 
It didn’t take him long before he was painting landscapes and night skies. In the paintings, he felt he could be himself, his truest form coming to being. The skies and the grasslands were freedom to him, freedom of expression and to be himself. It quickly became one of his biggest hobbies, designing lands that could only be observed in dreams or fairy tales. However, he didn’t feel completely satisfied. Another thing that bugged him were the suits he wore. They weren’t his style AT ALL. Not that his tailor ever asked what he preferred. Everything was mandated and regulated by his family. 
Fed up with this, he began to shift his focus from painting to designing. Maybe if he could make his own suit, he’d feel happier in his own skin. His first couple of designs were… needless to say… abysmal. Of course, nobody is born a designer overnight. It took weeks before he found a style that fit, that made his heart race with excitement, that made his eyes light up with mirth. As soon as he could, he used some of his spare time to purchase the finest fabrics from the store he normally got tailored at, because he couldn’t be seen in anything less. 
He spent an entire night, tirelessly wrestling with a sewing machine and a sewing tape measurer. After four dozen pricks to his fingers and a couple broken threads, he made his first suit. Now, it wasn’t the most glamorous of things, but it just felt like HIM. Of course, he wouldn’t wear such a ratty and ghastly thing, but he’d continue to work on his craft. At around age 15, he was getting quite good at making suits. Most of the suits he wore now, he crafted himself. Instead of family controlled elegance, it was the elegance of a free spirit. It was liberating, in a sense. 
One fateful day, he was stopped in the street by a stranger, begging to know where he had gotten his suit. Laurent proudly proclaimed that he was the tailor of his own suit, puffing his chest out with pride. He was then dragged to the store where the man had gotten his suit made, demanding the owner take him on as an apprentice. Little did he know, this was the famous shop owned by the famous French tailor: Pierre Cardin. Laurent didn’t get an apprenticeship that day, of course. However, he was told to return for a test, to see if his visions were up to the standards and high demands of society. 
The boy did proceed to return, tools in hand, ready for the opportunity of a lifetime. He worked all day and well into the evening, working on the most ornate and fashion-forward suit he could muster. By the end of it, he had put his blood, sweat, and tears into this test, showcasing what he had. It impressed the head tailor so much that he was immediately brought onto an apprenticeship. Finally, he didn’t have to be locked into the stuffy lifestyle of a tobacco baron. He could be what HE wanted to be. Everything went smoothly for a while, sewing and designing to bring about a reputation of ingenuity and craftsmanship to his new line of work. It was a dream come true, until it all came crashing down. 
There was a competition being held in the city for all designers to present something inspired, something new, something Paris had never seen before! It was everything Laurent had wanted to showcase in his work. Quickly, he began to draft up designs, taking inspiration from darn near everything around him. Life was color and beauty, popping out before him. It took half of the week, but he had a stack of designs he was ready to put into action, heading home and heading right to sleep. 
During that night, a rival shop’s apprentice, whom Laurent was on pretty good terms with from the last season’s showcase, broke in and stole every design concept in the building. Upon learning this information, he began to swiftly investigate every shop for the culprit, desperate to find his designs before they were lost to him. By the time he was able to figure it out, part of them had already been started. His life… his entire future… it had all been ruined. Those designs had been his only inspirations and now? They weren’t even his. Filled with rage, he began to wreck the place, killing both the owner and the apprentice in the process. 
Once out of his rage-induced state, he panicked and fled the scene, trying to figure out what he was going to do now. He didn’t return home, instead, opting to put himself into the only line of work that could protect him and provide him with the finances he needed to keep himself afloat; spying. Surprisingly, he was quite good at it. Most of the skills he had been taught at home could be utilized for his work, charming the pants off of every random Joe he needed something from. However, the deeper he got, the more he lost his sense of self. The more he lost his sense of self, the more he was willing to do. 
During his devolvement into crime, his parents had passed away from old age, leaving him as the sole heir of his parents’ company. Guess he couldn’t escape being a tobacco baron after all. The news struck him like being hit by a plane. It hurt deeply, and he felt such deep regrets for not being there with them, and not being able to attend the funeral either. His life truly had been stolen from him, but there was no turning back now. 
It didn’t take long before he was contract killing as a spy, taking out high-value targets and getting high-dollar information back. He got so well known amongst the hiring community that his name began being tossed around at MannCo. To them, the man could name his price, so long as they had someone with a modicum of skill to take on their tasks. Of course, he would be heavily monitored, but he was the exact man they needed. 
And how could he say no to such an auspicious offer.
Likes: Candles, gardening, tea, coffee, making fancy drinks (he’s great at it), PDA, painting, classical music, playing the piano, forests, traveling, flowers, cats, birds, dressing up nice, when others flirt back, sunsets, dancing, gathering intel, quiet nights in his room
Dislikes: Messes and clutter, storms, closed spaces, spiders/bugs, certain attires, pranks, elevators, flashing/blinding lights, sudden loud noises, unclear instructions, criticism, being ignored, feeling out of control, loud music, losing, dogs
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flufflepuffle296 · 4 years
Heathers au: Beautiful Songfic
This is more centred around Veronica/Marinette so not really any mentions of Heather/Heather/Heather. Sorry if someone’s done this before I apologise I just got into Heathers like two days ago. Also I changed some lyrics and took others out to make it more “realistic”. Sorry I suck at endings, it’s 5:30am rn and this is my first fic so be nice please! (I’m on mobile so I can’t add the keep reading tag so sorry if you don’t like this) xxx
I brushed down my dress: I couldn’t give them anything to criticise me over. Everything had to be perfect. I had to be perfect. Chloé sat next to me, my beautiful fiancée, slipping on her kitten heels. She may be 3 months pregnant but no Bourgeois woman would be seen wearing flats. I was in a red floor length a line dress — I grew out of my childish pink years ago, before it even went out of fashion! My hair was twisted into two plaits that were knotted together into a stylish bun at the back. Chloé meanwhile had stuck to her white and gold aesthetic, currently in a slim fitting white dress, showing off her small baby bump, decorated with gold jewellery. I rummaged through my drawers, trying to find a lipstick, when a thin book toppled out. I picked it up, and laughed fondly when I saw what it was.
My old Collège and Lycée diary.
I flipped through it, landing on the page that stuck most clearly in my mind. It was the day my class reminded me of my current reality at that time, shocking me out of a bubble that had surrounded me during the summer holidays that year.
September 1st, 1989.
Dear Diary: I believe I'm a good person. You know, I think that there's good in everyone, but—here we are! First day of senior year!
And uh... I look around at these kids that I've known all my life and I ask myself—what happened?
I bit my lip. What happened? I knew darn well what happened. Lila Rossi. She came in, flaunting her friendships and connections, a new disability every other week to cry about, another rumour about me coming out every 3 days.
Alya ended our friendship, Adrien continued to cry about Lila’s feelings. Lila just kept doing what she did best. The class gave up on changing my mind and instead decided that calling me names would be better. Because logic?!
“Freak!” “Slut!” “Burnout!” “Bug-eyes!” “Poser!” “Lard-ass!” Were the insults they liked to yell daily. Yeah, they weren’t the most creative...
We were so tiny, happy and shiny. Playing tag and getting chased. Singing and clapping, laughing and napping. Baking cookies, eating paste.
Nino and Kim used to come over to the bakery when we were kids, where we’d gorge ourselves on sweets, before celebrating our sugar rushes by chasing each other in the park and then crashing on my sofa, cuddled in blankets and laying on top of each other.
Then we got bigger, that was the trigger. Like the Huns invading Rome. Welcome to my school, this ain't no high school: This is the Thunderdome. Hold your breath and count the days, we're graduating soon. College will be paradise, if I'm not dead by June!
But I know, I know, life can be beautiful. I pray, I pray for a better way. If we changed back then, we could change again. We can be beautiful...Just not today.
I scoffed at my optimism back then. Them changing? They never did, I don’t know why I bothered trying at that point. I should’ve moved on but hey! We all make mistakes. It’s just that sometimes you make 11 friendships worth of mistakes.
“Freak!” “Slut!” “Cripple!” “Homo!” “Homo!” “Homo!”
I cringed as I read their old “insults”. They would write homophobic messages across my locker, getting Alix to spray paint a few slurs across my work after I came out as bisexual.
Things will get better soon as my letter comes from Harvard, Duke, or Brown. Wake from this coma, take my diploma. Then I can blow this town. Dream of ivy-covered walls, no smoky French cafés. Fight the urge to strike a match and set this dump ablaze!
I had purposefully sent out applications to universities far away from these people, from Paris. All three schools accepted me, something I can’t say about my classmates, most of whom were rejected for essays on false information (sourced by Lila) and a quick scan over the Ladyblog meant not a single newspaper would even consider my ex-best friend. Gabriel Agreste, as I later found out through my internship in America, had to bribe several schools with double tuition to get even one to accept Adrien, after he got exposed as sexual harasser and disgraced hero “Chat Noir”. I turned back to my diary, having to peel off rock hard gum from the page that someone had smeared in “revenge”.
Le Chiên Kim. Third year as linebacker and eighth year of smacking lunch trays and being a huge dick.
“What did you say to me, skank?” He would yell, his fist raised in the hallway.
“Aah, nothing!” I then cowered. I may be Ladybug, but he was 150lbs of pure rage. No one can compete with that!
But I know, I know... Life can be beautiful. I pray, I pray, For a better way. We can be beautiful...
“Marinette! Wide load! Honnnnnk!”
He was the smartest guy on the football team. Which is kind of like being the tallest dwarf.
“Hey! Pick that up! Right now!”
“I’m sorry, are you actually talking to me?” He used to snarl, his hands covered in sauce from knocking my tray.
I stood my ground, I had been practising for this moment. “Yes, I am. I wanna know what gives you the right to pick on me. You're a high school has-been waiting to happen. A future gas station attendant.”
Kim then smirked, crouching down to eye level and pressing a finger to my forehead. “You have a zit right there...” he pointed out, causing the cafeteria to laugh at my expense.
I used to ask myself “Why... Why do they hate me?”
And hear Adrien whisper “Why don't I fight back?”
Watch as Max Googled “Why do I act like such a creep?”
Listen in on Lila stamping her feet in the bathroom asking “Why won't he date me?” Clearly frustrated.
Kim panicking as he wondered “Why did I hit him?”
And Chloé sob down the phone “Why do I cry myself to sleep?”
I would stay up late, screaming, begging. At my lowest points I would cry out “Somebody hug me! Somebody fix me! Somebody save me! Send me a sign, God! Give me some hope, here! Something to live for!”
I remember when I first met my real friends. The famed trio had gone into the bathroom and I followed after them, clearly my throat.
“Who are you?”
“Uh... Marinette Dupain Cheng. I crave a boon”
“What boon?” Chloé asked, filing her nails.
“Um. Let me sit at your table, at lunch. If our class think that you guys tolerate me, then they'll leave me alone...”
Chloé threw her nail file out and began circling around me, running her hands through my hair, commenting that “For a greasy little nobody, you do have good bone structure!” Before coming to a conclusion.
“And ya know, ya know, ya know? This could be beautiful. Mascara, maybe some lip gloss, and we're on our way. Get this girl some blush; and Kagami, I need your brush. Let's make her beautiful.” Sabrina and Kagami, chimed in, echoing her words.
“Let's make her beautiful...”
“Let’s make her beautiful...”
“Make her beautiful...Okay?” Chloé ordered, dragging me out with Kagami and Sabrina, driving me to her hotel. They sat me down, taking my hair out of its bunches and brushing it out. Kagami painted my nails a deep navy with surprising precision, manning my cuticles. Sabrina twirled my hair into a high bun, leaving a few pieces at the front to frame my face. Chloé came back from her wardrobe, throwing a blue blazer and grey skirt at me. I changed into my outfit for them, to which they clapped their hands in glee. They dragged me back to school, taking in everyone’s reactions to the new and improved me. This became my new daily outfit for the rest of the year — the class couldn’t find anything bad about it, and even if they did Chloé would threaten them with her father’s power.
I was happy with my squad. Kagami taught us Japanese and Chloé taught us American English that she’d picked up from her mother. I taught them self defence, under the guise of learning it from my mum, unknowingly training them for the day I would rip Chat Noir’s miraculous from him, before slamming it into Kagami’s palm. I needed help that day, so thrust them bee and the fox miraculous at Chloé and Sabrina respectively. They became permanent heroes, Kagami under the name “Noirette”, Chloé under the new guise of “Buttercup” and Sabrina “Renard Rouge”. Akuma attacks have never lasted more than 15 minutes since we got rid of that alley cat, and we’ve been closing in on Hawkmoth recently.
I shook my head, snapping the crude book shut, throwing the diary in the bin. Today was going to be the day I made peace with all that happened, our 10 year school reunion. Doesn’t mean I’m gonna make up with anyone, just that I will finally leave everything behind. I found my lipstick and smeared on the crimson lip, smacking my lips together. I grabbed my clutch and helped Chloé stand up, though she wobbled a little in her heels. I slid her miraculous into her updo, blowing a kiss at her as to not ruin her makeup.
We met up with Kagami and Sabrina in the hallway, Kagami in a wine red suit with gold jewellery, and Sabrina was in emerald green to compliment her red hair. We stepped into the limo awaiting us outside and set off, arriving at the school 10 minutes later. We walked up the steps, hitching up our dresses and arrived in the courtyard. It had been lit up with fairy lights, with stands of food and drinks scattered around the court. Our old classmates were huddled in small groups, whilst Mlle. Mendeleiev’s was in a large group, enjoying each other’s company after 10 years apart.
No one noticed us, until Rose pointed at me and whispered “Who’s that with Chloé?” The group turned to stare at us, trying to place my face. Adrien looked up from talking to Lila, who seemed to be flaunting a rather tacky Gabriel engagement ring, and whispered,
The class began gossiping amongst themselves, “Marinette? Marinette? Marinette?!”
I ignored them, their childish ways were behind me, and walked up to Aurore and Mireille, fawning over their relationship. They turned Kagami, asking her about her life and squealing over her Olympic medal for fencing. I grinned as I watched my old class, happy that they had moved on from each other — well apart from Alya and Adrien, who were still hooked on Lila. I was finally, content! I thought back on my diary, one particular paragraph standing out to me at this time.
And you know, you know, you know, life can be beautiful. You hope, you dream, you pray, and you get your way! Ask me how it feels, lookin' like hell on wheels...My God, it's beautiful! I feel so beautiful... And when you're beautiful...It's a beautiful frickin' day!
Chloé boasted my achievements, my business, my awards, and the entire of Mendeleiev’s class started chanting “Marinette! Marinette! Marinette!”, much to my embarrassment. I boasted her’s in return, Sabrina revealed how far she’d come as a lawyer, Kagami swung her prized sword from side to side as she listened to us all catching up, laughing at the memories.
It really was a beautiful day.
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i never see top lock anymore, and i get why— but do you have a list of sherlock being dominant? i love when he’s possessive over the people who he loves.
Anonymous said to inevitably-johnlocked: do you have a master list of toplock?? i just love seeing sherlock jealous of possessive over john :)
Anonymous said to inevitably-johnlocked: do you have any possessive smut fics with sherlock topping? (or just rough sex in general) i really love jealous sherlock.
Anonymous said to inevitably-johnlocked: Hi, do you have any top!lock stories? It can be fluff, or smut. I really was in the mood for some top Sherlock, and if you could maybe some Jealous top!lock too. Thank you very much!
Hey Nonnies!
I hesitate to say you’re all the same nonny, but the wording is very similar and these all came a few days apart. If you aren’t please accept my apologies, for that and for the delay; when I get fic requests for fics I know I have a decent amount of, it takes me awhile to go through all 1000+ of my bookmarks to pick fics to rec for y’all. That said, I know I don’t have EVERY fic I have bookmarked with toplock in it, but I do have a few already tagged, so that’s what this list is for you today
Hope you enjoy, and as always, lovelies, please add your own fics or recs to this list! haven’t added ALL my fics with toplock in it, nor fics with switchlock (that will be a separate list when the time comes), so I’ve definitely missed some fics I’ve recced in the past
See also:
Jealous & Possessive Sherlock 
Possessive Sherlock Pt 2
Husband by jinglebell (E, 2,003 w., 1 Ch. || Est. Rel., PWP, Anal, Multiple Orgasms, Fluff) – Sherlock orgasms when John refers to him as ‘husband’.
Caught in the Act – by Mycroft by ShirleyCarlton (E, 2,040 w., 1 Ch. || Unintended Voyeurism, Mycroft’s POV, Blow Job, Humour) – Mycroft had only planted the camera for Sherlock’s own good, simply to keep an eye on his little brother and make sure he was alright. He hadn’t quite meant to see his brother this content, however… Part 4 of Caught In The Act
Stay by msdisdain (M, 3,561 w., 1 Ch. || First Kiss / Time, Angst / H/C, Bed Sharing, Nightmares, Blow Jobs, Anal) – John’s nightmares are nothing new. Sherlock’s inability to ignore them, however, is.
Wasted Hours by songlin (E, 4,973 w., 1 Ch. || Omegaverse || O!John/A!Sherlock, Pining, UST, Angst & Porn) – John is respectful. John keeps his distance. He doesn’t look at Sherlock when Sherlock decides trousers are for dull people. He doesn’t breathe in and savor it when Sherlock flings himself onto the couch first thing in the morning, wafting alpha scent, dressing gown settling around him in a cloud of blue silk. He doesn’t linger when he’s piecing Sherlock back together after a fight, even though he’s half-dressed and beautiful and right there. He can ignore it. He can control it.
See Recipe for Details by pandoras_chaos (E, 4,981 w., 1 Ch. || Oral / Anal Sex, Food, PWP, Fingerfucking) – John knows Sherlock’s mouth will never water over the sweet smells of baking chocolate biscuits or a lovely roast chicken, but he’s watched Sherlock nick mince pies out of Mrs. Hudson’s fridge often enough to deduce that the man does have taste, albeit confusing and obscure. So John makes a list: Things Sherlock Likes
Caffeine and Adaptive Programming by DemonicSymphony (E, 5,540 w., 1 Ch. || Androids AU / Bond Fusion || Android Sherlock, Coffee Shop AU, Pining John Hinted Bond / Q, Toplock) – Sherlock is a coffee shop android slowly falling for a regular customer. But he’s not supposed to be able to feel emotions.
The doctor is in by PlainJane (E, 7,581 w., 1 Ch. || Omegaverse || Sex Therapist, Anal, Hand Jobs, Frottage, Virgin Sherlock) – Sherlock is a young alpha with an aversion to his cycle. John is a gender medicine specialist. Nothing could possibly go wrong… Part 1 of Doctors and detectives
Just Like That by sussexbound (E, 8,442 w., 1 Ch. || First Time/Kiss, Frottage, Virgin Sherlock, French Kissing, Anal, Emotional Lovemaking, Enthusiastic Consent, Tenderness, Crying John, Bathing/Washing, Insecure John, Toplock) – John doesn’t want to talk anymore. He wants. Oh dear god, how he wants. For the first time in what feels like years he WANTS.
London Gods by a_different_equation (E, 11,092 w., 5 Ch. || American Gods Fusion || Magical Realism, Sex Magic, True Love, PTSD John, First Kiss/Time, Marathon Sex, Sensuality, Genie Sherlock, Human John, Internalized Homophobia, Star-Crossed Lovers, Soul Mates) – Sherlock Holmes is a jinn who does not grant wishes. However, when Dr. John H. Watson, recently returned from the war in Afghanistan, gets into his cab by “accident”, it might not even need magic to grant both men their deepest wish: love.
And if you say the word, I could stay with you by CaitlinFairchild (E, 12,842 w., 1 Ch. || Domestic Fluff, BottomJohn / Topping from the Bottom, Fluff and Romance, Dirty Talk, Proposals) – What Sherlock thinks is, On the day I die, be it in a dirty alley at forty or in my bed at eighty, the last thing I will remember is tonight, the way you looked at at me on the snowy pavement, cheeks pink with the cold, breath puffing in frosty white clouds, your heart in your eyes and snowflakes in your hair. I will remember that single perfect moment in my life, that moment I knew I had everything I ever wanted, and whatever happens next, I will die content. What he says is simply, “Marry me.”
Take My Breath Away by Quesarasara (E, 14,240 w., 1 Ch. || Emotional H/C, Angst & Fluff, Toplock, Smut, Lingerie) – Sherlock opens his eyes and looks at his friend—his best friend—and slowly tips his chin down until his forehead rests softly against John’s. They stay that way for a long moment, lips just a whisper apart, warm puffs of air mingling as each of them struggles to breathe. It’s no wonder they ended up here, really, locked in this breathless moment balanced on the cusp of something new. They’ve spent years taking each other’s breath away…
The Palmyra Atoll by elwinglyre (E, 16,609 w., 3 Ch. || TSo3 Divergence / Episode Fix-It, Stockholm Syndrome, Kidnapped John Watson, John Whump, Evil Mary, Angst, Cuddling & Snuggling, Toplock, Limited 3rd John POV) – As John’s preparing for the wedding, Sherlock is preparing to have his heart broken, and Mary is prepared to do the unthinkable. Intervention required. Enter Sherlock. Set before Sign of Three with a far different outcome. John is drugged, kidnapped, and left on an island, but not just any old island.
Maintaining A Personal Life by Gingerhermit (E, 24,284 w., 6 Ch. || Alternating POV’s, Bisexuality, BAMF!John, Jealous Sherlock, Romance / Drama, Sort-of Case Fic, Peril & Angst, Love Confessions, Toplock, Soft Idiots in Love, Post S3) – Sherlock and John discover some interesting revelations about each other’s sexuality, which lead them both to question the assumptions they’ve made about one another for years. In the midst of their mutual discoveries, a dangerous psychopath looms on the side-lines who threatens to destroy their new beginning.
The Whore of Babylon Was a Perfectly Nice Girl by out_there (E, 32,897 w., 1 Ch. || Past Drug Use, Blowjobs, Toplock, Mentions of Switching, Rough Sex, Background Cases, Sherlock’s Past, Sherlock’s Sexual History, Experienced Sherlock, Past One Night Stands, Fingering, Cuddling, Possessive Sherlock, Paris Holiday, Bed Sharing, Naked Lie-Ins, Bathing Together, Confessions, Worried Sherlock, Laying in Bed All Day, Meddling Mycroft, Naked Lazy Day) – Sherlock walks into a room and takes all the space right out of it. He does the same inside John’s head.
The Wrong Wagon by DancingGrimm (E, 35,663 w., 20 Ch. || Alternating POV, MollyxJohn [Molly pines for John], Public Sex, Casual Sex, Obliviousness, BAMF!John, Awkwardness, Angst & Humour, First Time, Virgin Sherlock, Jealous Sherlock) – Molly sees John in a new light and realises that she may have hitched her horse to the wrong wagon…or something like that. John pines for Sherlock and worries what he will think if he ever finds out. And Sherlock doesn’t know what Molly’s up to…but he knows he doesn’t like it.
Only To Be With You by SinceWhenDoYouCallMe_John (M, 40,768 w., 4 Ch. || Black Mirror / Future AU || Character Death, Future Technology, Sickness/Cancer/Illness, Heavy Angst with Happy Ending, First Person POV John, Pining John, Heart-Wrenching Angst) – I tell myself that next time I’ll come near this same place again. Wait around for the mysterious stranger in his coat to dash past me, hot on the heels of a new criminal in black. I think this all the way back to my Exit, planning where I’ll wait and what I’ll say when I see him. Scheming on how to get his name. It’s only once I reach the Exit Point door that I realize two hours and forty-five minutes have passed, and I realize that this won’t be the last time I Visit. It won’t be the last time at all.
Guidelines by WithLoweredVoices (M, 43,018 w., 15 Ch. || Winglock || Angels, Fantasy, Angst, BAMF! John, War, Jealous Sherlock, Possessive Sherlock, Jealous John, Falling in Various Ways, Needy Sherlock, Wings) – The Good Soldier, one of the oldest and strongest of the fallen, is offered a bargain: to live as John Watson and to Guide a fledgling archangel so that he will stay on the path of good. Of course, Sherlock Holmes has different ideas about his destiny. Fantasy AU. Warnings for violence, occasional gore, and a whole load of hurt and angst.
Bloody But Unbowed by BeautifulFiction (E, 43,211 w., 8 Ch. || Abduction, John Whump, Mild Torture, Background Case Fic, Friends to Lovers, Post-TRF / S3 Rewrite, Hurt/Comfort) – When a familiar argument threatens to destroy the last remnants of John and Sherlock’s failing friendship, both men are left questioning their worth to one another. Before either of them has the chance to make amends, circumstance intervenes. John is left at the mercy of his abductors, and this time, he’s not sure Sherlock will bother coming to his rescue.
Triage by scullyseviltwin (E, 51,612 w., 14 Ch. || Character Injury, Introspection) – Sherlock’s mind goes exceedingly, devastatingly quiet and gray-blank. When he speaks it’s through a thick haze, it’s through molasses, he’s so disconnected from the words that it may as well be the unconscious shooter speaking.
Uphill by scullyseviltwin (E, 77,750 w., 18 Ch. || Olympics AU || Sherlock POV, Skier!Sherlock / Medic!John, Rivalry, 2014 Olympics, Happy Ending) – Sherlock Holmes is striving for gold in this, his fourth and final Olympics as a downhill Alpine racer.
Secrets and Revelations by Hisstah (E, 83,535 w., 9 Ch. || Sentinel / Guides Omegaverse AU || Adventure, Violence, Anal / Oral, Omega!John / Alpha!Sherlock, Case Fic, Politics, Mild DubCon) – Dr John Watson has some major secrets that he’s kept from his flatmate, Alpha Sentinel Sherlock Holmes. Now the Sentinel Tower is after him. Can John stay out of their hands until he can reveal his secrets to Sherlock? Part 1 of Secrets and Revelations
Secrets and Revelations by Hisstah (E, 85,535 w., 9 Ch. || Sentinel / Guides AU, Omegaverse, Aventure, Violence, Anal / Oral, Omega!John / Alpha!Sherlock, Case Fic, Politics, Mild DubCon) – Dr John Watson has some major secrets that he’s kept from his flatmate, Alpha Sentinel Sherlock Holmes. Now the Sentinel Tower is after him. Can John stay out of their hands until he can reveal his secrets to Sherlock? Part 1 of Secrets and Revelations
31_Days_of_Porn_Challenge_2017 Series by distantstarlight (E, 96,540 w. across 31 stories || Prompt Ficlets, Assorted Kinks, PWP) – A collection in response to the 31 Days of Porn Challenge issued by AtlinMerrik! Thanks for doing that because this has been buttload of fun (that joke never gets old). All stories will be brief stand-alone one-shots.
A Fold in the Universe by darkest_bird (E, 152,869 w., 26 Ch. || Omegaverse / Prime Universe Crossover || OmegaJohn / AlphaSherlock, First Kiss / Time, Friends to Lovers, Established Relationship, Angst, H/C, Dub Con, Humour) – Alpha Sherlock and Omega John are in a relationship. Prime Sherlock and Prime John are not. So what happens when a freak fold in the universe switches one John for the other?
Proving A Point by elldotsee & J_Baillier (E, 186,270 w., 28 Ch. || Me Before You Fusion || Medical Realism, Insecure John, Depression, Romance, Angst, POV John, Sherlock Whump, Serious Illness, Doctor John, Injury Recovery, Assisted Suicide, Sherlock’s Violin, Awkward Sexual Situations, Alcoholism, Drugs, Idiots in Love, Slow Burn, Body Image, Friends to Lovers, Hurt / Comfort, Pain, Big Brother Mycroft, Intimacy, Anxiety, PTSD, Family Issues, Psychological Trauma, John Whump, Case Fics, Loneliness, Pain) – Invalided home from Afghanistan, running out of funds and convinced that his surgical career is over, John Watson accepts a mysterious job offer to provide care and companionship for a disabled person. Little does he know how much hangs in the balance of his performance as he settles into his new life at Musgrave Court.
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Can we please know about the Wicked Lotus ROs? I need someone new to obsess over 👀
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None of the ROs are in the Brigade, purely because MC will not be staying Novassa (for now. I have a base of 6 ROs but it could change), which is where that section of the Brigade is posted and where the common route takes place.
Two ROs are flippable!
The demon IS an RO ;)
One of the ROs is hard to get onto their route, you have to pick pretty specific options to garner their interest and be a certain gender depending on their own gender purely because of who the RO is...
Name: Ishtaraem (Tara)
Age: ???
Pronouns, gender, sexuality: Woman, she/her, demi?
Species/Race: Demon (?)
Height: 5'9
Body Type: Average, muscular legs and arms.
Eyes: Swirling yellow, orange, and red, like liquid fire. Almond shaped and keen.
Hair: Mid-back length dark brown hair. Curly, kept in a braid with beads added in.
Appearance: Tara is inhumanly beautiful, but in a way that sets your teeth on edge and immediately sends the hairs on your neck standing on edge. Her skin is a soft brown. She has freckles all over her nose and cheeks. Her skin has natural moles. Her shoulders and hips are wide.
Job?: ???
Family: Spoilers.
Tara is the demon you make a deal with. She can be vicious and has very little interest in anything but her own goals. Her patience tends to wear thin and she is quite blunt. Her symbol is a blood colored lotus with black leaves.
Name: Killian
Age: ???
Titlements (if any): The Executioner, Tara's bodyguard
Pronouns, gender, sexuality: Man, he/him, bisexual
Species/Race: Demon? (that's what MC guesses)
Height: 6'7
Body Type: Muscular, well-built for strength and power.
Eyes: Very dark blue-violet.
Hair: Chin-length, wavy and auburn.
Appearance: Killian's entire presense demands attention, anxiety and fear, even when he is invisible. His skin is splotched with black and red, randomly white symbols will highlight on his arms and sternum. He is covered in silver tattoos on his chest and upper arms, and a large scarlet lotus with black leaves is in the center of his shoulder blades on his back. He is covered in scars. He has elfish ears and an extra set of canines on both the top and bottom. His nails are usually elongated into black claws.
Job?: Bodyguard for Tara.
Family: A younger half-sister who is only 13 in human years. Father is still alive and kicking, as much as Killian wishes otherwise.
Killian is unable to go out in public much, even in his more "human" form, due to the attention he draws, so he is incredibly touch-starved and sexually frustrated out the yin-yang. So much so that upon meeting MC, he propositions them... Killian is a rather aggressive man and has a tendency to use his fists for talking. His softer areas are guarded with spiked armor so thick that even Tara still gets stabbed by it sometimes.
Name: Roshan
Age: 23
Pronouns, gender, sexuality: Non-binary-Genderfluid, he/him, asexual bi-romantic
Species/Race: Witch, irl he would be Middle-Eastern
Height: 5'2
Body Type: Slim
Eyes: Hazel-blue
Hair: Long, straight black hair. Very frizzy, often kept in a bun.
Appearance: Roshan is a short, thin person with a medium brown complexion. He tend to wear colors that are very vibrant, especially royal blues and purples or shimmery reds and oranges. He has a mole under his right eye and a scar along the left side of his face, from hairline to just under the curve of his jaw. He tends to prefer to dress femininely or very andro.
Job?: Apprentice to the grand witch Lolandra.
Family: Mother and sister located in Haerstrom.
Roshan is quite friendly and is quite eager to talk to MC. He is a little absent minded. He is very open... for the most part.
Name: Lady Adelaide
Age: 34
Titlements (if any): Lady of Babliose
Pronouns, gender, sexuality: She/her, woman, pansexual
Species/Race: Human? IRL she would be French.
Height: 5'7
Body Type: Curvaceous.
Eyes: Startlingly clear green.
Hair: Flame-colored red hair. Kept in tight curls, naturally wavy. Tends to fall around her face to perfectly frame it.
Lady Adelaide is a master at the spoken tongue and dances around forwardness with grace befitting how she moves herself. Her skin is quite pale, thought utterly lacking any freckles or blemishes of any kind. Her features are almost sharp but something softens them just enough to go from prudish to seductive.
Job?: None, her last husband died two years ago, leaving her his wealth.
Family: An ailing twin sister, her mother, her aunt, and a rather expressive barn owl.
Lady Adelaide keeps the lower half of her face covered at all times, along with her hands. She wears very costly fashion.
Name: Eleanora/Elain
Age: 30
Titlements (if any): Captain for the Black Castle Mercenaries
Pronouns, gender, sexuality: Woman, she/her, bi; Man, he/him, bi
Species/Race: Human. IRL they would be Mediterranean.
Height: 5'8/5'10
Body Type: Muscular, well-built, some fat.
Eyes: Hazel-green with gold and bronze flecks.
Hair: Dirty blonde hair kept short. (Eleanora has it with sides shaved.)
Appearance: Heavily scarred. Both have numerous tattoos, some made from scarrification. Skin is darkly tanned, though MC can't tell if it's naturally that color or from sun exposure or both. Hard features.
Job?: Mercenary Captain
Family: None aside from an ex-husband.
E is quite open with their interests in others being... very friendly. Outside of that, they're rather quiet and observant, though they have a streak of being a sarcastic ass when it fits them to be.
I won't talk abt the RO who is very specific to get to, yall will have to find that out yourself...
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hms-chill · 5 years
RWRB Study Guide: Chapter 4
Hi y’all! I’m going through Casey McQuiston’s Red, White & Royal Blue and defining/explaining references! Feel free to follow along, or block the tag #rwrbStudyGuide if you’re not interested!
The Willard (75): A luxury hotel just down the street from the White House, where rooms can cost up to $8,000 per night. It hosts the turkeys to be pardoned by the president.
Cornbread and Stuffing (75): Traditional Thanksgiving dishes. Pardoning turkeys are commonly named after foods associated with Thanksgiving, recently including Bread, Butter, Cheese, and Apple.
Pennsylvania Avenue (75): The street that the White House and Willard are on.
Until I pardon them (75): The pardoning of the turkeys is an actual American tradition. Americans began sending turkeys to the president around the same time we started celebrating Thanksgiving, and the tradition of pardoning them began with Clinton in 1999. Only one turkey is officially pardoned, but there is always a backup turkey, and you can read their names here. 
En suite (76): A bathroom directly connected to a bedroom.
CNN (76): Cable News Network, a liberal news station.
Republican primary debate (76): A debate between candidates for the Republican (conservative) party, held before the party decides who they will nominate for the presidential race.
Summer home in Majorca (79): Majorca is an island in the Mediterranean, just off the coast of Spain.
Jurassic Park* (79): A movie in which dinosaurs escape from their cages and the main characters have to escape them.
Autoerotic asphyxiation (80): “erotic asphyxiation” is essentially sexual choking; if it’s “autoerotic” it would be Alex doing it to himself.
Silk pillow over my face (80): This may be a reference to the Shakespeare play Othello where (spoilers, though it’s been out for like 500 years) the title character smothers his wife with a pillow after rumors that she’s cheating on him.
Jaffa cakes (80): A British snack with a sponge cake base, a layer of orange jam, and topped with chocolate.
Jabba (81): Jabba the Hutt, a Star Wars character.
Great British Bake Off (81): A famously wholesome baking show that is technically a competition between home bakers from around the UK, though it is far from competitive.
Scandinavian skin care (81): Many luxury skincare brands have come from Scandinavian countries in the past few years.
Chopped (82): An incredibly competitive American cooking show.
The Manson tapes (82): A series of tapes revealing the dealings of the Manson Cult, which was responsible for nine murders in 1969.
David Bowie (82): A famously bisexual British actor and musician known for his bold presentation and stagecraft. He was admitted to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 1996. (listen here and here)
Seinfeld (82): An American sitcom from the 1990s. Wayne Knight, who played Dennis Nedry and had a very bad time in Jurassic Park, was also in Seinfeld.
Jeff Goldblum (82): An American actor (and force of chaos) known for his role as Dr. Ian Malcolm in Jurassic Park, a scientist who sees from the very beginning that maybe breeding massive predators is a bad idea.
The Post (84): The Washington Post
Oval Office (84): The president’s office in the White House
Lincoln Bedroom (85): A guest bedroom that is part of the Lincoln Suite in the White House, named after President Lincoln, who used to room as an office.
Chocolate shop on the first floor (85): According to the White House Museum online, there is a chocolate shop on the bottom floor of the White House that prepares the chocolates served in the White house.
The Atlantic (85): An American editorial magazine that covers news, politics, education, science, and more. It targets serious readers and “thought leaders”. (More)
Truman Balcony (85): A balcony overlooking the White House’s South Lawn (in the “back” of the White House).
Mijo (85): For those who haven’t read my fic “Speaking My Language” here, “mijo” is Spanish term of endearment that translates directly to “my son” (Mi hijo)
Washington monument (86): A tall obelisk on the National Mall in Washington, DC, dedicated to George Washington.
Eisenhower Building (86): The Eisenhower Executive Offices Building is a building that houses the executive Office of the President, including the Vice President’s office.
Los Bastardos (86): Spanish for “The bastards”.
Caldillo (86): a spicy Mexican beef stew.
Masa (86): A corn/maize dough used for making corn tortillas, tamales, and other Mexican/Latin American dishes.
Valedictorian (87): A student who ranks the highest in their graduating class in high school.
New Orleans (87): A city in Louisiana known for its vibrant blend of French and Creole culture, its jazz scene, and its Mardi Gras celebration. It is also Casey McQuinston’s hometown.
AP classes (90): Advanced placement classes are high school classes taught at a college level; at the end of the year, students take a test to determine whether or not they will get college credit for it.
Hanukkah (90): A Jewish celebration honoring the second rededicating of the temple in Jerusalem. It is not traditionally a major Jewish holiday, but it has become one of the best-known due to the fact that it occurs near Christmas every year. 
“Good King Wenceslas” (91): A traditional Christmas song about a king who braves the cold to give alms to a poor peasant on Christmas.
Jim-jams (91): Pajamas.
Tiger sharks over a baby seal (91): According to my roommate, who loves sharks, tiger sharks are one of the most vicious types of sharks. They’re bottom feeders, so they wouldn’t necessarily get seals too often, but if they got one, they would be all over it.
Bougie (95): Fancy or upper class (from the French “bourgeoisie”).
Real Housewife (95): The Real Housewives of [City] are a string of semi-popular American reality TV shows.
East Room (95): An event and reception room in the White House.
Tramp stamp (96): A tattoo on the lower back, associated with less savory activities and a general air of trashiness.
Zac Posen (97): A gay, Jewish fashion designer from New York, known for his glamorous evening gowns and cocktail dresses.
Middle-shelf whiskey (97): A “middle shelf” alcohol is one step up from the cheapest option; a whiskey is a dark alcohol associated with Texas/the West.
“American Girl” (98): A 1976 rock song that has become a rock classic. (Listen here)
Center for American Progress (98): A liberal public policy research and advocacy organization.
Pez (candy) (99): A type of small, sweet pieces of candy that come from fancy, collectable Pez dispensers.
Sky writers (99): Sky writers use the trails of their airplanes to write things in the sky. It costs at least $3,500 for a single message.
“Get Low” (101): Despite its incredibly raunchy lyrics, this song was a common one at school dances in the early 2010s. I was in middle school in roughly 2010-2012, and I have vivid memories of people being into this song.
The Kid ‘n Play (102): A dance move pioneered by the hip-hop duo of the same name, loosely based on the Charleston. (see it here)
Vato (102): Mexican slang for “friend”, “person”, or “dude”. 
Moët & Chandon (102): A luxury French champagne.
New Year’s Kiss (103): At least in the US, it’s traditionally considered good luck to kiss someone at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s.
Peach schnapps (103): Schnapps is a sweet, inexpensive, and very alcoholic drink.
Rookie NFL running back (103): A running back is a football position responsible for running with the ball. Most are either short and quick to avoid tackles or big and stocky to power through them.
Yacht kid (104): Someone rich.
Orion**(105): A winter northern hemisphere constellation of a hunter/warrior. According to Greek mythology, Orion was the only man (or person) the goddess Artemis ever loved, but she refused to give up her life with her huntresses for him. He began burning/destroying her forest in retribution, and she is forced to kill him.
America’s golden boy (105): A “golden boy” is a boy who is favored or put upon a pedestal. 
Tequila (106): A type of alcohol that originates from central Mexico.
Bloke (106): British slang for a “regular dude” or everyday man.
Teen Vogue (106): An American magazine aimed at teenagers that used to focus on fashion and celebrity news, but has more recently shifted to dealing with serious social issues.
*This movie is especially known for its special effects, which are incredible because they actually built animatronic dinosaurs and also got real scientists on the project to help them figure out how dinosaurs would move/act. After it came out, earth and environmental science departments around the world got a ton of funding to see if they could find any dinosaur DNA in fossils, as that’s a central part of the movie’s plot.
**According to a nerd astronomy class I took in like 4th grade, every culture who could see Orion saw a warrior, which is just... really cool to me. That so many people for so long saw the same thing in a set of stars.
If there’s anything I missed or that you’d like more on, please let me know! And if you’d like to/are able, please consider buying me a ko-fi? I know not everyone can, and that’s fine, but these things take a lot of time/work and I’d really appreciate it! A massive thanks to @lyanna-wilson for the ko-fis the other day; they meant a ton!
Chapter 1 // Chapter 3 // Chapter 5 
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ophvichus · 4 years
–––– pack q & a part i !!
coffee order/current coffee shop order if they don't drink coffee?
what is their scent like?
what is their favorite season?
what is their favorite holiday?
what is their style?
coffee order/current coffee shop order if they don't drink coffee? she takes the sweetest, most sugar-filled thing on the menu!!! she’s pretty comfortable with changing it up, but if she can taste even the slightest hint of bitterness in her coffee, she’ll have a fit. she’s embarrassing.
what is their scent like? usually, very floral!! she only ever uses nature-scented perfumes and shampoo, so the scents of jasmine and lavender cling to her at all times.
what is their favorite season? spring babey!! the idea of newness and rebirth... she’s heavily into that!
what is their favorite holiday? valentine’s day!! the overabundance of love and also chocolate!!! hello!!!
what is their style? weird thing: absolutely loves skirts, absolutely abhors dresses. while she doesn’t stick with a particular color scheme, she does prefer something floral, if she can help it. in the colder months, she’ll stick with pants and a cute shirt, or a pair of tights beneath her skirt and a sweater. also: big into knit sweaters. her sleeves are almost always long. when it comes to jewelry, she isn’t too particular; she’ll wear necklaces or earrings, but she rarely ever wears rings or bracelets, because she hates having attention drawn to her hands or wrists. she doesn’t put much time into her makeup, but she makes sure to look cute and passable at all times!! she always does something different with her hair — curled, straight, in a bun, in pigtails. her hair has to compliment her outfit, it’s essential!!
coffee order/current coffee shop order if they don't drink coffee? he really isn’t into hot drinks, because of his ptsd? so, if he does get coffee, it’s an iced latte — just enough to get him going for the day, but usually not something he needs. also, on account of having a four-year-old, he always takes home a treat. jeremy (said four-year-old) refuses to eat anything from a cafe that isn’t a bacon cheese sandwich and maybe a cake pop, if he’s in an especially good mood. however, he does not care for caffeine and for that, we gives thanks.
what is their scent like? on account of being a firefighter, he always smells vaguely of smoke. (there’s a lot to be said about a man who fears heat yet continues to run towards it in the interest of saving people.) but he also showers very frequently and tries not to smell like a burning house. he won’t claim to wear any fancy colognes, but he will take whatever scent he can find at a local target and use a bit of it each day to make him smell normal.
what is their favorite season? winter! everyone is just so happy! buying gifts for jeremy tends to run him dry, but it’s worth it.
what is their favorite holiday? christmas, for the reason listed above!
what is their style? he’s surprisingly immodest when it comes to showing off his scars and burns; that is, he doesn’t try to hide them, but he doesn’t try to show them off, either. he tends towards skintight shirts and form-fitting pants, and he prefers lighter colors! whites, pinks, grays, blues — he lives for then. because it’s nearing the cooler months, he’s shifting into long sleeves and thin jackets.
coffee order/current coffee shop order if they don't drink coffee? like a normal person, he’s chill with regular old coffee — french hazelnut, preferably, little bit of cream and sugar. he also gets a breakfast sandwich to go with it, because he takes his meals very seriously! sometimes, he’ll grab a dessert to go with it — usually a slice of cake or banana bread — but not always. he also has a ten-year-old sister who doesn’t let him have shit to himself, so he usually ends up getting something for her, too, unless he can hide it.
what is their scent like? his grandmother is rich, so he’s not afraid to pick up am expensive bottle of cologne or aftershave. whatever he grabs, it’s strong enough to cover up the scent of wolf, but subtle enough that no one crinkles their nose at it.
what is their favorite season? he prefers fall. it’s cool, it’s pretty, it’s lacrosse season—
what is their favorite holiday? halloween. what’s not fun about halloween??
what is their style? he can dress like a bit of a rich douche, but like... casual. when he’s out of his dp uniform, he’ll have on a sweater or polo and a collared shirt with some khakis and whatever shoe looks nicest with that particular outfit. sometimes, though, he’ll rock a plain shirt and jeans with sneakers; you really gotta catch him on a good day and a chill hour for that, though. he does a subtle makeup, just enough to compliment what he’s wearing. usually has on a watch and an old family ring that belonged to peter.
coffee order/current coffee shop order if they don't drink coffee? she likes her coffee pretty close to black — dark roast with a little bit of cream and a decent amount of sugar. she usually doesn’t get anything to eat, but if she’s buying for bailey and aoife, then the latter will peer pressure her into at least getting a croissant.
what is their scent like? she has a very earthy scent, more natural that evie’s. it’s woodsy, like she’s spent years trampling through rainforests and can’t get the scent out. she smells a little like wood and rain and fresh soil. some find it grounding, some find it gross. cora doesn’t particularly care. she also lights a cinnamon-scented candle every day, so that scent clings to her, too!
what is their favorite season? winter. she just likes the cold.
what is their favorite holiday? new year, new beginnings.
what is their style? due to a lot of psychological stuff, cora still has a lot of burns from the fire. (she also doesn’t remember anything from before the fire. her mind does a lot of work to protect her from grief, but unexplainable guilt still eats at her.) she tries to keep them covered, which isn’t too hard, considering they span from her hip to the top of her chest, with only a few licking up her arms. she doesn’t care about the burns on her arms showing, if only because she’s trying to show evie that scars are nothing to be ashamed of. so she wears a lot of short sleeves and jeans — 99% of the time, she’s wearing black, but if her parents buy her a white shirt, she’s not going to avoid it. she also has an odd fascination with overalls, so she has... more pairs than you’d think. she doesn’t do anything fancy with her hair, it’s either down or in a bun. she also doesn’t really do her makeup; if it’s done, then evie did it and Cora complained the whole time.
coffee order/current coffee shop order if they don't drink coffee? he’s a tea person, to be honest! if he does have coffee, it’s pretty similar to brett’s order, but most of the time, he’ll take chamomile tea and can it a day.
what is their scent like? he rocks his armani, my dude. mostly because he’d smell like a lacrosse game if he didn’t and no one thinks that’s a pleasant smell.
what is their favorite season? summer! it’s a time when people release their inhibitions and don’t feel the stress of school. also, pool parties!!!
what is their favorite holiday? lydia has informed him that he is required to say her birthday.
what is their style? he really doesn’t put too much thought into his style. he just... wears what he wears. usually, this means a plain shirt, jeans and sneakers. he wears a corded bracelet that lydia made him when they were eight and... that’s about it. he always looks good anyway, so he doesn’t put much thought into it.
coffee order/current coffee shop order if they don't drink coffee? he’ll literally drink anything you put in front of him. he doesn’t like super sweet coffee (aoife: shocked and upset) but if that’s what you give him, he’ll take it. so usually, he just orders black coffee and if he feels like dressing it up a bit, he will. and he’ll try to get a breakfast sandwich or something... pretend he takes care of himself...
what is their scent like? he doesn’t have a particular scent, believe it or not! it’s very intentional, shoutout to scentless soap. if he’s tracking an animal, it won’t pick up on his scent; if he’s hiding from his dad, he won’t pick up on it, either. at most, daryl smells like whoever he’s been around that day.
what is their favorite season? winter; it’s not too hot, there are no leaves to crush under his feet, and it’s not too wet outside, either.
what is their favorite holiday? he doesn’t really have one? st. paddy’s day, maybe. everyone’s drunk, so he doesn’t stand out.
what is their style? very casual, very indistinct. (his entire thing is being unnoticeable. is that because of the hunting or the abuse? yes.) he doesn’t tend towards light or dark clothes, but neutral. grays, blues, greens, browns. His jeans aren’t too baggy, but he really can’t move in the tight stuff, either. his hair is cropped pretty short for the time being, but he has considered letting it grow out a bit. he doesn’t wear any jewelry either, though that’s mainly because he just... doesn’t have any??
coffee order/current coffee shop order if they don't drink coffee? he takes his coffee straight black. he’s stressed. he’s bisexual. he’s new in town. (or, uh. back in town, anyway.) he doesn’t have time for fancy alterations.
what is their scent like? derek smells a lot like old books and fresh leather. the running theory is that he has some special cologne that gives him those specific scent, but we have yet to discover what cologne that might be. he has a slightly earthy scent to him, too; it’s nothing compared to cora’s scent, but it’s there.
what is their favorite season? spring. he’s a flower guy, he must admit.
what is their favorite holiday? he... doesn’t have one? it’s kind of hard to enjoy the holidays when you think your entire family is dead. but if he had to pick one, it would probably groundhog’s day, because no one really celebrates it and he enjoys the calm.
what is their style? he is, as the kids say, dramatic bisexual. tight shirts and brand name jeans, dark leather jacket, leather shoes. he doesn’t wear designs or stripes or polka dots, because it would contrast his overall aesthetic. he also has a way of making even light colors look dark. he’s wearing blue? it’s dark. he’s wearing white? it’s dark. he might actually be a vampire.
coffee order/current coffee shop order if they don't drink coffee? coffee is disgusting. that’s why she always adds vodka to it. listen, listen! ...don’t judge her.  she’ll take a french roast black coffee, like a normal person, and add vodka, which is perfectly reasonable. she’s trying to become a pathologist, goddammit. she’s tired.
what is their scent like? she smells like peppermint. she hates the scent of a science lab and she hates the scent of booze, so she leans towards the most calming scent on earth: peppermint. it clings to her clothes, to her hair, to her breath. but it’s not overwhelming, okay, she’s not trying to turn into a candy cane.
what is their favorite season? summer!! party time, bitchesssss!!!
what is their favorite holiday? halloween! parties and sexy outfits, are you KIDDING???
what is their style? she’s what you’d get if you mixed Derek’s style and post-bite erica’s style. tight shirts and ripped jeans, usually tucked into a cute pair of boots. she also does not shy away from a little cleavage; if you got it, flaunt it! her makeup usually isn’t a concern, so the most she’ll do is a gloss with some eyeliner, but even that’s asking a lot of her. her hair is almost always puled back into a ponytail, because of how much time she spends in the lab, but if she’s going out, then she’ll wear her hair down. she doesn’t really wear jewelry, either. however, she got herself and elise matching necklaces back in high school, and she wears hers every day!
coffee order/current coffee shop order if they don't drink coffee? she usually goes for a chai latte. coffee’s good, if she needs the kick of energy, but for the most part, she’ll stick with her chai, thank you. she should get actual food from coffee shops, but instead of doing that, she’ll grab a couple of cake pops and head home!!
what is their scent like? to a wolf, she always smells faintly of electricity, but to the average human bean, she kind of smells like cheap perfume and incense. post-bite, she’ll smell a little less like electricity and a little more like whatever perfume she bullies derek into buying for her.
what is their favorite season? winter. she likes being able to dress in comfy sweaters and hide away from the world a little bit. post-bite, she’ll have a bit more love for summer and her ability to show off her body, but winter will always reign supreme.
what is their favorite holiday? frankly, she hates holidays, because people always find an excuse to shoot up fireworks and it's all an epileptic nightmare. but if she had to choose one, it would be labor day, because people do nothing but cook and chill. she has no family to chill with, but at least there are no fireworks. and she has cookie, her dog!
what is their style? pre-bite, she’s gotten used to dressing comfortably. leggings and t-shirts, nothing special, if only because the second she has a seizure, it either gets soiled or taken off anywhere. she doesn’t do makeup, because no one’s ever been around to teach her, and she’d rather not trust youtube to tell her important things like that. her hair is almost always up in a bun or ponytail, though she’ll let it down when she’s having an especially good day. post-bite, she likes to show off what she couldn’t before. she doesn’t have to worry about seizures anymore, so she wears tight clothing and mini skirts, leather jackets and high heels. she also takes this burst of self-love and learns how to do her makeup. she basically becomes elliot.
coffee order/current coffee shop order if they don't drink coffee? she wouldn’t know, to be honest. she’s been in captivity for, like, eight years. but now that she’s a free woman, she is... experimenting with caramel lattes. it takes some adjusting.
what is their scent like? she smells like antiseptic and sewage. it’s... very gross. so she’s taken to showering a lot and stealing perfume and shower gel from stores on their road trip. her favorite shampoo smells like vanilla, and she keeps bubblegum on her, so her breath is always cotton candy minty fresh.
what is their favorite season? when she was a kid, she liked fall, because she liked watching the leaves fall. she hasn’t really seen the seasons pass in quite a few years, so she’s inclined to stick with her original bias.
what is their favorite holiday? she has to say christmas.
what is their style? she doesn’t have much of a style yet. she knows that she likes beanies; her favorite one is red and it was a gift from tara when they first escaped. she prefers baggy clothes that are easy to move in, maybe combat boots, if she can get her hands on some. eventually, she’ll sharpen that style, come to find that she looks best in maroon  and that she likes ripped jeans. she’s learning how to do this cat-eye makeup thing that she saw on a woman in a diner once and she’d determined to get good at it. she doesn’t care much for jewelry, but if she finds some pretty wristbands, she’ll slip them on and make them work for her.
coffee order/current coffee shop order if they don't drink coffee? the circus only ever gave her crappy coffee that tasted more like sludge than actual coffee. she never liked it, so by the time she got out of there, she had no interest in rediscovering coffee and seeing if it actually tasted any good. she’s much more comfortable drinking hot chocolate.
what is their scent like? she used to smell like cotton candy all of the time. she never understood why her captors wanted her to smell like that. but they would put it in her clothes, her shampoo, her food. everything smelled like cotton candy so that she would smell like cotton candy. while she doesn’t hate the scent now, it does make her nauseous. instead, she prefers the scent of fresh-baked cinnamon rolls and hot chocolate, so she chooses shampoos and perfumes that match those scents.
what is their favorite season? winter! the circus went to michigan for christmas once. she’d never seen so much snow.
what is their favorite holiday? thanksgiving. she doesn’t care for the history of it, but she used to love gathering with her family and eating together. sharing what she was grateful for was always easy, because she was just grateful for them.
what is their style? she’s used to loose but slightly revealing clothing, as a result of the circus. even though she’s trying to form her identity outside of her captivity, she still tries to stick with what she’s comfortable in. so she wears pleated skirts and blouses with blazers, typically sticking to darker colors. she also takes care to wear shorts or leggings underneath, because she’s prone to do acrobatics in the middle of the room, all handstands and backbends and front walkovers. it helps her think. she finds jewelry very pretty and she wears it often! she likes necklaces most of all, but she also likes bracelets and earrings!!
coffee order/current coffee shop order if they don't drink coffee? because of her stupid stomach, jude cannot handle coffee or any caffeine, for that matter! ...it does not stop her from drinking it!! while she prefers her coffee to be abysmally sweet, she just steals whatever her dad is drinking. she never orders her own, because she know she won’t drink all of it. she will always, always get snacks when she goes to a coffee shop. diabetes whomst.
what is their scent like? she smells like paper, fresh ink and freshly baked cupcakes! she also smells a little a waiting room from all the time she spends in the hospital. that has to be, like, a personality trait or something.
what is their favorite season? she likes all seasons. she just... likes everything. too much. if she had to choose, she’d probably a summer babey because that’s when her birthday is, but she doesn’t discriminate.
what is their favorite holiday? she has been informed that she has to say lydia’s birthday.
what is their style? she’s kind of all over the place, but in an organized way. for a rich girl, she dresses like a normal person on the street. she likes tattered sweaters and rolled up jeans and dirty sneakers. she rarely wears skirts or dresses, because she goes to a lot of protests and gets into her fair share of fights. and she doesn’t go for any particular color scheme, so much as she wears whatever she’s feeling that day. her hair is usually pulled back in a ponytail, but she’ll do something different on occasion. she really isn’t good with makeup, but when lydia, andie, maggie or beth feels like putting a look on her, jude will happily accept. the only jewelry she really wears is her medical bracelet, but she accidentally forgets it all the time. oops.
coffee order/current coffee shop order if they don't drink coffee? she’s a tea person, sorry. but if she does get coffee, she’s fine with something semi-sweet, but not as overwhelming as what some people (read: aoife) take. she might get something to nibble on, but altogether, her appetite isn’t that big.
what is their scent like? she smells like fabric softener. her parents tease her about it all the time, and they all know it’s because she only wears clothes that are fresh out of the dryer and carefully ironed. and it’s a nice smell, so it’s not like it’s a bad thing, but no matter how hard she tries, she just smells like fabric softener. and peaches, sometimes. it’s a weird combination, she’s suing whoever chose this for her.
what is their favorite season? winter: the blessed time of the year where she can wear big sweaters, leggings and no personality.
what is their favorite holiday? children’s day! it was her favorite holiday growing up and even though she’s a little too old to be considered a child now, she still loves it.
what is their style? she tends to favor the whole skirts and leggings thing, all year round. she likes shirts with personality, be it flowery or graphic. sometimes, she’ll don a jacket or a cardigan, but her looks usually go well without them. she likes earthy colors, with a splash of white or black, when she’s in the mood. she doesn’t really wear makeup? she just never learned and she was too anxious about messing it up to teach herself. she does different things with her hair; she’ll braid it or let it down, or make a crown of it. she does wear jewelry, but she usually has it hidden beneath her clothes, because she’s a nervous baby.
coffee order/current coffee shop order if they don't drink coffee? black coffee and a breakfast sandwich. he has a lacrosse career to stress about, okay, he doesn’t have the patience for anything other than that.
what is their scent like? regrettably, this teenage boy smells like a teenage boy. all of the time playing lacrosse has left its scent on him and no amount of showering really takes away the scent of wind and turf. he wears cologne and aftershave to take the edge off, but it’s still tough to miss the scent.
what is their favorite season? fall. it’s lax season, what could possibly be better than that?
what is their favorite holiday? hanukkah. it’s probably the only holiday that doesn’t annoy the hell out of him.
what is their style? he dresses like the problem child he is. he uses his wealth for a lot of things, but clothes are not on the list. he prefers lighter colors, thin jackets, skinny jeans, the works. he puts a bit more effort into his looks than some, but he’s not the most fashionable by any means. sometimes, he lets brett put some eyeliner on him, but that’s about as far as his makeup goes.
coffee order/current coffee shop order if they don't drink coffee? french hazelnut with two shots of espresso, half a shot of caramel, 1 tablespoon of sugar and a sprinkle of cinnamon. as for food, she’ll take a bowl of fruit for now with a salad and parfait for later. this has been her order since she was twelve and it will probably never change.
what is their scent like? she smells heavily of strawberries, vanilla and just a little bit like fresh coffee beans. it’s a carefully curated scent, one that she happens to love on herself, thank you very much.
what is their favorite season? fall, duh. that’s when she was born. it’s also lacrosse season, so she gets to see jackson smite his opponents like the hand of god. that’s not to say that he doesn’t best everyone in everything, but he shines in a completely different way when it comes to lacrosse.
what is their favorite holiday? her birthday? how is this even a question?
what is their style? she is among the pickiest dressers in beacon hills. she’s a big fan of lace and flowers, but she doesn’t go overboard with it. she’ll venture past the usual jeans or skirt. actually, she rarely wears jeans; she much prefers skirts or rompers. everything is extremely classy and sophisticated, but every now and again, she’ll show a bit of cleavage. that’s very rare; not because she thinks cleavage isn’t classy, but it’s just not her vibe most of the time. shoes are a very big deal, too; she doesn’t even glance at anything less than six inches. wedges are a favorite for school, but she doesn’t shy away from red bottoms or stilettos. her hair is almost always just curled, but sometimes, she’ll put it in a braided crown or something. she doesn’t shy away from jewelry at all. she loves rings, bracelets, necklaces. and her makeup is always flawless, of course. who do you think she is?
coffee order/current coffee shop order if they don't drink coffee? the very antithesis to all that her baby sister is, maggie is fine with a simple dark roast with a little bit of cream and no sugar, than you.
what is their scent like? where lydia runs from the scent of the farm, maggie embraces it. while she’s very careful not to smell like horse dung, she’s fine with smelling a little like grass and the chamomile that her mom makes in the morning. her shampoo is mostly scentless, which just allows her to lean into the chamomile and grass scent. it’s an odd combination and lydia is begging her to choose something more, but maggie doesn’t have a problem with how she smells.
what is their favorite season? summer. no particular reason, she just likes it.
what is their favorite holiday? contrary to what lydia insists, it is not her birthday. rather, maggie loves easter. or, as she’s always called it, resurrection sunday.
what is their style? once again contrasting her baby sister, maggie’s style is much more casual. she’s up for a cardigan and blouse every once in a while, but for the most part, she’ll stick with her overalls, jeans and farm boots. she likes earthy or dark colors, because it sucks to get mud on a white shirt. she doesn’t really wear jewelry, aside from some old handmade bracelets and a necklace her daddy got her when she was little. she doesn’t really do makeup aside from sundays, because there’s just no need for it every day, despite what lydia seems to believe.
coffee order/current coffee shop order if they don't drink coffee? michonne is fine with tea, but if she’s getting coffee, then she’ll take a macchiato or something. honestly, she’s a law student, she takes energy wherever she can get it, she’s not complaining. when noah shoves cafe food at her, it’s usually a sandwich and... way too many treats.
what is their scent like? she smells a lot like lavender, surprisingly. it’s her favorite scent and she does her best to adorn herself with it.
what is their favorite season? she likes winter, cali-style. when it’s still raining and the skies are dark all throughout the morning and everything is a little chilly, but not so much that she feels the need to close herself in her house and never come out.
what is their favorite holiday? mardi gras. she spent a few summers in new orleans with her ex-boyfriend and the holiday has a special place in her heart.
what is their style? she’s a big business casual kinda person. jeans and boots with a white blouse and a pretty little blazer. she never wears skirts or dresses, but she’s resigned to the fact that she’ll have to, once she becomes an actual lawyer. she’s learning to cope. she tends towards dark colors, but she’ll throw on a white shirt or something. her shoes tend to be ankle boots or flats, because anything else just annoys her. (noah gave her a pair of crocs for christmas two years ago and she’ll never admit it, but those are her favorite lounging shoes. they’re so ugly but so comfortable.) she either curls her hair or braids it, but she tends to dye it, depending on her mood. as for jewelry and makeup, noah calls every day to tell her what to do and she just goes with it.
coffee order/current coffee shop order if they don't drink coffee? disorganized bisexual, he orders something different every day. it’s a recipe for disaster, but he swears it’s fun. live, laugh, love.
what is their scent like? he smells like potpourri and this is not an accident.
what is their favorite season? summer! everything is so lively and fun in the summer, the other seasons want what she has.
what is their favorite holiday? fourth of july! like, fuck that independence thing, we all know that’s a lie. but there are pool parties, fireworks, barbecues. it’s literally the perfect holiday, aside from the intentional blind eye to prevailing systemic racism and oppression... live, laugh, love.
what is their style? he puts just as much thought into his looks as lydia does. his look is caught between very classy and very casual. he prefers polos or preppy sweaters, with form-fitting khakis and light jeans. he does prefer dark tops, but he knows that he looks good in basically anything. he spends a lot of time in barber shops to maintain the perfect hair and he spends at least thirty minutes brushing it per day. he loves jewelry. some days, he wears earrings. some days, he wears rings. but he always wears a watch that his dad gave him last year. when it comes to shoes, he usually wears combat boots or the right sneakers, but if the occasion calls for loafers, then he’ll wear the damn loafers.
coffee order/current coffee shop order if they don't drink coffee? she can never get over the bitterness of coffee. she respects people who love it, but it’s just not for her. she’ll take hot chocolate any day, thanks! and if she remembers to grab some food, then she’ll just get something random but filling. she doesn’t put much thought into it.
what is their scent like? she smells like a rain shower, in the best way. it’s a very comforting and grounding scent, thought it’s hard to understand how she even manages it.
what is their favorite season? winter! not because of her birthday, but because the christmas lights are all so pretty and she just loves the euphoric vibe of the yuletide.
what is their favorite holiday? christmas, for the reasons listed above!
what is their style? she keeps it very simple. a plain shirt and jeans or a skirt, usually leaning towards earthy tones, including rose pink or black. she doesn’t put a whole lot of work into her appearance every day, though she certainly understands people who do. she wears earrings and a chokers every day and often wears bracelets. she does her makeup every day, but it’s a very subtle thing, because she doesn’t particularly want to draw attention towards herself. when it comes to shoes, she prefers boot, flats and sneakers. her hair is usually curled, but she’ll wear braids when she has the patience for it.
coffee order/current coffee shop order if they don't drink coffee? if he has coffee, he likes it just a little sweet, but not an overpowering amount. he just needs to take the edge off and he’s fine.
what is their scent like? he smells like a lacrosse field, but he also smells like dogs. it’s not the greatest combination of scents, but it’s not like anyone pays that much attention to him. he gets to work with animals all the time and that’s cool enough that he doesn’t care how it makes him smell.
what is their favorite season? summer, because fuck school.
what is their favorite holiday? halloween, because he is a child and he still goes trick or treating every year. his mom keeps saying he’s too old, but he pretends that he doesn’t hear her.
what is their style? he’s very casual and usually just wears whatever his mom buys him. flannel button-ups, dark jeans, old sneakers, the works. he tends towards darker colors, but he’s not shoving his whites and pinks to the back of his closet by any means. he doesn’t really wear jewelry or makeup, though he would try it if he had any. 
coffee order/current coffee shop order if they don't drink coffee? she likes her coffee almost as sweet as aoife’s, but not that much. she doesn’t drink coffee all that much, but if she is going to drink it, then it needs to be sweet as all get out.
what is their scent like? she smells like a lake and a graveyard, all at once. hayden pointed it out a couple of weeks ago, back when they first escaped, over mcdonald’s burgers that they’d gotten by questionable means. tara... doesn’t really know what that means. the scent thing, that is.
what is their favorite season? fall; it’s cooling down, but it’s not overwhelmingly cold, either.
what is their favorite holiday? the new year; every year that she and her brother have survived is one year closer to them making it home.
what is their style? crop tops and leather jackets, babeyyy. she wants to look like a dangerous lesbian and she manages! her hair is naturally curly and she doesn’t really try to fight it into any particular style aside from brushing it into something presentable. she likes dark colors, but she really doesn’t have the room to be picky. she doesn’t really have the opportunity to do makeup or anything, aside from some stolen chapstick. and her shoes are just some beaten-up sneakers she found in a trash can.
coffee order/current coffee shop order if they don't drink coffee? he takes iced tea!
what is their scent like? old spice and french fries! it’s a very odd scent that has had michonne raising her brows at him for ages, but he always grins because he likes it! he’s been using this old spice cologne for ages now and that’s not going to change. and french fries don’t even smell bad, so he really has no complaints.
what is their favorite season? fall, because that’s when mason was born. therefore, it’s the superior season and t is not taking any debate or criticism at this time, thank you.
what is their favorite holiday? thanksgiving, because he gets to spend time with his family and tell them how much he’s grateful for them! and he tells his friends, too! also easter!! and christmas!! he just really loves holidays, okay.
what is their style? t is a very fashionable but modest dresser. nothing of his is too tight, but he makes it all look good. sometimes he wears floral print or stripes, but that’s about as adventurous as he gets. he tends towards lighter colors, because dark colors just don’t match his personality. he doesn’t wear makeup or anything, but the one time liam hesitantly showed an interest in that kind of thing, t offered to learn how to do it with him. and even though that was a few years ago, his offer stands!
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maddie-grove · 5 years
The Top Twenty Books I Read in 2019
My main takeaways from the past year’s reading:
Sometimes you think something is happening because of magic, but then it turns out to have a non-magical explanation so weird that you find yourself saying, “You know what? I wish faeries or God were responsible for this. I’d honestly feel less disturbed.”
Stop bathing and changing your clothes and shaving for three years, three months, and three days. You’ll find out who your real friends are. I promise you that.
I want more books about bisexual ladies!!! Give them to me!!!
20. The Prodigal Duke by Theresa Romain (2017)
Childhood sweethearts Poppy Hayworth and Leo Billingsley were separated when his older brother, a duke, sent him away to make his fortune. Years later, the duke is dead, a financially successful Leo has come back to England to take his place, and Poppy has become a rope dancer at Vauxhall Gardens after a life-shattering event. New sparks are flying between them, but is love possible when so much else has changed? Leo and Poppy are believable and charming as old friends, Romain makes great use of obscure historical details from the oft-depicted Regency period, and I loved Leo’s difficult but caring elderly uncle.
19. Simple Jess by Pamela Morsi (1996)
Althea Winsloe, a young widow in 1900s Arkansas, has no interest in remarrying, but almost everyone in her small Ozarks community is pressuring her to remarry, and she still needs someone to help farm her land. Enter Jesse Best, a strong young man with cognitive disabilities who’s happy to take on the work. As he makes improvements to her farm and bonds with her three-year-old son, Althea gets to know him better and starts to see him in a new light. This earthy romance could’ve been a disaster, but instead it illustrates how people with disabilities are often...uh...simplified and de-sexualized in a way that denies them autonomy. Morsi has a similarly nuanced take on Althea and Jesse’s community, which is claustrophobic and supportive all at once.
18. Leah on the Offbeat by Becky Albertalli (2018)
Outspoken and insecure, bisexual high school senior Leah Burke is having a tough year. Her friend group is in turmoil, her single mom is seriously dating someone, and she’s caught between a sweet boy she’s not sure about and a pretty, perfect straight girl who couldn’t possibly be into her...right??? The sequel to the very cute Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda, Leah on the Offbeat pulls a The Godfather: Part II with its messy protagonist, sweetly surprising romance, and masterful comic set piece involving the Atlanta American Girl Doll restaurant.
17. Copper Sun by Sharon M. Draper (2006)
Kidnapped from her home in eighteenth-century Ghana, fifteen-year-old Amari is sold into slavery and winds up on a South Carolina plantation, where she faces terrible cruelty but finds friends in an enslaved cook, her little son, and eventually a sulky white indentured servant around her age. When their master escalates his already-atrocious behavior, the three young people flee south to the Spanish Fort Mose in search of freedom. Draper’s complicated characters, vivid descriptions, and deft handling of heavy subjects makes for top-notch historical YA fiction.
16. A Prince on Paper by Alyssa Cole (2019)
After her controlling politician father was jailed for poisoning a bunch of people in their small, prosperous African country, Nya Jerami gained unprecedented freedom but also became the subject of vicious gossip. Johan von Braustein, the hard-partying stepson of a European monarch, wants to help her, partly because he sympathizes and partly because he has a crush, but she thinks he’s too frivolous and horny (if wildly attractive). After an embarrassing misunderstanding compels them to enter a fake engagement, though, she begins to wonder if there’s more to him. I’m not a huge fan of contemporary romance, but this novel has the perfect combination of heartfelt emotion, delicious melodrama, and adorable fluff. 
15. One Perfect Rose by Mary Jo Putney (1997)
Stephen, the Duke of Ashburton, has always done the proper and responsible thing, but that all changes when he learns that he’s terminally ill. Wandering the countryside in the guise of an ordinary gentleman, he ends up joining an acting troupe and falling in love with Rosalind, the sensible adopted daughter of the two lead actors. Like another Regency romance on this list, this novel celebrates love in many forms: there’s the love story between Stephen and Rosalind, yes, but there’s also Rosalind’s loving relationship with her adopted family, the new bonds she forms with her long-lost blood relatives, the way her two families embrace the increasingly frightened Stephen, and the healing rifts between Stephen and his well-meaning but distant siblings. Stephen’s reconciliation with his mortality is also moving.
14. My One and Only Duke by Grace Burrowes (2018)
Facing a death sentence in Newgate, footman-turned-prosperous banker Quinton Wentworth decides to do one last good thing: marry Jane McGowan, a poor pregnant widow, so she and the baby will be financially set. Then he receives a pardon and a dukedom at the literal last minute, meaning that he and Jane have a more permanent arrangement than either intended. I fell in love with the kind-but-difficult protagonists almost at once, and with Burrowes’s gorgeous prose even faster. 
13. Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell (2013)
It’s 1986, and comics-loving, post-punk-listening, half-Korean Park and bright, weird, constantly bullied Eleanor are just trying to get through high school in their rough Omaha neighborhood. He’s only grudgingly willing to let her share his bus seat at first, but this barely civil acquaintance slowly thaws into friendship and blossoms into love. Far from being the whimsical eighties-nostalgia-fest I expected, this is a bittersweet love story about two isolated young people who find love, belonging, and a chance for self-expression with each other in an often-hostile environment (a small miracle pre-Internet).
12. Shrill by Lindy West (2016)
In this memoir, Lindy West talks about the difficulties of being a fat woman, the thankless task of being vocally less-than-enthused about rape jokes, the joys of moving past self-doubt, and the very real possibility that Little John from Disney’s Robin Hood was played by “bear actor” Baloo, among other subjects. I was having a hard time during my last semester of law school this past spring, and this book’s giddy humor and inspiring messages really helped me in my hour of need.
11. Seduction: Sex, Lies, and Stardom in Howard Hughes's Hollywood by Karina Longworth (2018)
In 1925, very young businessman Howard Hughes breezed into Hollywood with nothing but tons of family wealth, a soon-to-be-divorced wife, and a simple dream: make movies about fast planes and big bosoms. He got increasingly weird and reactionary over the next thirty years, then retired from public life. More a history of 1920s-1950s Hollywood than a biography, this book has the same sharp writing and in-depth film analysis that makes me love Longworth’s podcast You Must Remember This.
10. The Beguiled by Thomas Cullinan (1966)
In Civil-War-era Virginia, iron-willed Martha Farnsworth and her nervous younger sister try to run their nearly empty girls’ boarding school within earshot of a battlefield. When one girl finds Union soldier John McBurney injured in the woods, she brings him back to the house, where he exploits every conflict and secret among the eight girls and women (five students, two sisters, and one enslaved cook). Charming and manipulative, he nevertheless finds himself in over his head. Cullinan makes great use of the eight POVs and the deliciously claustrophobic setting; it’s fascinating to watch the power dynamics and allegiances shift from scene to scene.
9. A Gentleman Never Keeps Score by Cat Sebastian (2018)
Reserved tavern keeper Sam Fox wants to help out his brother’s sweetheart by finding and destroying a nude portrait she once sat for; disgraced gentleman Hartley Sedgwick isn’t sure what he wants after having his life ruined twice over, but he happened to inherit his house from the man who commissioned the painting...plus he’s not exactly reluctant to assist kind, handsome Sam in his quest. I wrote about this heart-melting romance two times last year; suffice it to say that it’s not only one of the best Regencies I’ve ever read, but also possibly the best romance I’ve ever read about the creation of a found family.
8. Frog Music by Emma Donoghue (2014)
Blanche Beunon, a French-born burlesque dancer in 1876 San Francisco, has a lot going on: her mooching boyfriend has turned on her, her sick baby is missing, and her cross-dressing, frog-hunting friend Jenny Bonnet was just shot dead right next to her. In the middle of a heat wave, a smallpox epidemic, and a little bit of mob violence, she must locate her son and solve Jenny’s murder. This is a glorious work of historical fiction; you can see, hear, smell, and feel the chaotic world of 1870s San Francisco, plus Blanche’s character arc is amazing.
7. The Patrick Melrose novels (Never Mind, Bad News, Some Hope, Mother’s Milk, and At Last) by Edward St. Aubyn (1992, 1992, 1994, 2005, and 2012, respectively)
Born to an embittered English aristocrat and an idealistic American heiress, Patrick Melrose lives through his father’s sadistic abuse and his mother’s willful blindness (Never Mind),  does a truly staggering amount of drugs in early adulthood (Bad News), and makes a good-faith effort at leading a normal life (Some Hope). Years later, the life he’s built with his wife and two sons is threatened by his alcoholism and reemerging resentment of his mother (Mother’s Milk), but there may be a chance to salvage something (At Last). Despite the suffering and cruelty on display, these novels were the farthest thing from a dismaying experience, thanks to the sharp characterization, grim humor, and great sense of setting. Also, I love little Robert Melrose, an anxious eldest child after my own heart. 
6. The Perilous Gard by Elizabeth Marie Pope (1974)
In 1550s England, no-nonsense Kate Sutton is exiled to the Perilous Gard, a remote castle occupied by suspicious characters, including the lord’s guilt-ridden younger brother Christopher. Troubled by the holes she sees in the story of the tragedy that haunts him, she does some problem-solving and ends up in a world of weird shit. Cleverly plotted, deliciously spooky, and featuring an all-time-great heroine, this book was an absolute treat. The beautiful Richard Cuffari illustrations in my edition didn’t hurt, either.
5. An Unconditional Freedom by Alyssa Cole (2019)
Daniel Cumberland, a free black man from New England traumatized from being sold into slavery, and Janeta Sanchez, a mixed-race Cuban-Floridian lady from a white Confederate family, have been sent on a mission to the Deep South by the Loyal League, a pro-Union spy organization. Initially hostile to everyone (but particularly to somewhat naive Janeta), Daniel warms to his colleague, but will her secrets, his shattered faith in justice, and the various dangers they face prevent them from falling in love? Nah. Alyssa Cole’s historical romances deliver both on the history and the romance, and this is one of her strongest entries.
4. The Lady’s Guide to Celestial Mechanics by Olivia Waite (2019)
Heartbroken by the death of her father and the marriage of her ex-girlfriend, Lucy Muchelney decides she needs a change of scenery and takes a live-in position translating a French astronomy text for Catherine St. Day, the recently widowed Countess of Moth. Catherine, used to putting her interests on hold for an uncaring spouse, is intrigued by this awkward, independent lady. I’ve read f/f romances before, but this sparkling Regency was the first to really blow me away with its fun banter, neat historical details, and perfect sexual tension.
3. The Wager by Donna Jo Napoli (2010)
After losing his entire fortune to a tidal wave, Sicilian nineteen-year-old Don Giovanni de la Fortuna sinks into poverty and near-starvation. Then Devil makes him an offer: all the money he wants for as long as he lives if he doesn’t bathe, cut his hair, shave, or change his clothes for three years, three months, and three days. This fairy-tale retelling is an extraordinarily moving fable about someone who learns to acknowledge his own suffering, recognize it in others, and extend compassion to all. 
2. Vampires in the Lemon Grove by Karen Russell (2013)
In this collection, Russell weaves strange tales of silkworm-women hybrids in Japan, seagulls who collect objects from the past and future, and, yes, vampires in the lemon grove. She also posits the very important question: “What if most (but not all) U.S. presidents were reincarnated as horses in the same stable and had a lot of drama going on?” My favorite stories were “Proving Up” (about a nineteenth-century Nebraska boy who encounters death and horror on the prairie), “The Graveless Doll of Eric Mutis” (about a disadvantaged high school student who discovers an effigy of the even more hapless boy he tormented), and “The Barn at the End of the Term” (the horse-president story). 
1. The Wonder by Emma Donoghue (2016)
Lib Wright, an Englishwoman who has floundered since her days working for Florence Nightingale during the Crimean War, is hired to observe Anna O’Donnell, an eleven-year-old Irish girl famous for not eating for four straight months. With a jaundiced attitude towards the Irish and Catholicism, Lib is confident that she’ll quickly expose Anna as a fraud, but she finds herself liking the girl and getting increasingly drawn into the disturbing mystery of her fast. Like The Perilous Gard, this novel masterfully plays with the possibility of the supernatural, then introduces a technically mundane explanation that’s somehow much more eerie. Donoghue balances the horror and waste that surrounds Anna, though, with the clear, bright prose and the moving relationship that develops between her and Lib, who grows beyond her narrow-mindedness and emotional numbness. I stayed up half the night to finish this novel, which cemented Emma Donoghue’s status as my new favorite author.
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superiorvanity · 5 years
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Full Legal Name: Emma Noémie Vanity
Nickname(s): None if you know what’s good for you. 
Age: 20
Gender & Pronouns: Cisgender female & she/her
Allegiance: Neutral 
Status: Pureblood
Sexuality: Bisexual, with a preference towards women. Emma will seek out a woman if she is hoping for a good time, but men have their uses. If there is something to gain she will spend her time with a man--- whatever that reason may be; good publicity for being seen with someone, spending her time with someone who has connections to whatever it is she may be interested in, etc. Sometimes she might be surprised, but Emma is a selfish creature and has found she’s enjoyed herself more with a woman in bed with her. The Slytherin knows one day she will have to be wed to a man to carry on with the family, so for now Emma is simply enjoying herself with whoever shows the most promise at the time.
Date of Birth: November 2nd, 1957
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Faceclaim: Madelaine Petsch
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 119 lbs
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Light brown 
Noticeable Features: Naturally red hair which is exceptionally striking.
Typical Outfit or General Fashion Sense: Emma dresses to impress, but the colors she sticks to are usually dark or neutral tones. She’s always wearing heels to give her an edge on her height, even if it’s just to go to Potions Class. 
Hometown: Chelmsford
Financial Status: Incredibly wealthy
Spoken Languages: English and French
Dream Job: After having a very successful internship over the summer, Emma doesn’t believe in a ‘dream job’. Once her time at Hogwarts is over she will graduate and immediately start her climb up the ladder at the Ministry in the Department of Magical Games and Sports. At first it will start off with just busy desk work--- helping people throughout the Department who need it. Determined to make her mark fair and square without people saying Emma paved her career with the help of anyone pulling strings for her. Her goal is to make her way to the International Event Coordination Team within at least a year of working at the Ministry--- maybe two. Her next step would then become the Head of the Event Coordination Team and have her own department within the Department along with her own set of staff. Emma’s goal is to achieve such a title before she has her second child because she certainly would never stop working to be a stay at home parent. 
However, Emma is aware Quidditch teams are looking at her and with it being her final year teams would be looking to recruit her before she officially graduates so she’d be signed onto a team and can start up once summer begins. While the thought will be certainly tempting for her, Emma will end up turning down Puddlemere United (a very difficult decision for her, knowing how proud it’d make her father to say his daughter played on the same team he did) which would have been the only team she’d even consider, but it’s her life and that isn’t how Emma wants to spend it--- no matter how much she loves to play Quidditch. Through her job at the Ministry she will still keep up the hobby. 
Vices: Emma doesn’t believe in bad habits. She barely drinks unless it’s socially, and never enough to risk making a fool of herself. 
Mother: Yvonne Vanity née Dubois (Socialite)
Father: Carter Vanity (Former Chaser for the team Puddlemere United; current Death Eater)
Sibling(s): N/A
Pet(s): A snow white cat named Sylvester.
Grandparent(s): Amélie and Gérard Dubois on her mother’s side. Eliza and Noah Vanity are on her father’s side. Emma is close to both sides of her family and visits them with her parents as frequently as she can. 
Cousin(s): She has a few on both sides of her family, some she’s closer to more than others. 
Wand: Rowan, Kelpie Hair, and 12.25 inches
Patronus: Emma cannot produce a patronus and likely will not have a reason to bother learning for quite some time, but whenever she finally casts it it will take the shape of a viper. 
Boggart: At this exact moment, Emma’s boggart would take the form of a Death Eater. She knows nothing of this obscure group who goes around causing destruction--- granted their targets seem to be directed more towards those who aren’t purebloods or those who don’t openly uphold the values and traditions expected in this day of age. Nonetheless, these extremists are hurting and killing people. Who knows who could get caught in the crossfire of things? Emma has no interest in the war and would like to keep herself firmly away from it entirely.
OWLS: Charms (Outstanding), Care for Magical Creatures (Acceptable), Defense Against the Dark Arts (Exceeds Expectations), Potions (Exceeds Expectations), Transfiguration (Outstanding), Ancient Runes (Outstanding), and History of Magic (Outstanding).
For the first part of Emma’s life Southern France was the place she called home. Growing up in a large manor set back just far enough from the ocean the young girl could see the water from her bedroom window. With a father who played Quidditch for a living and a Socialite of a mother who was around more to help the nanny of the time with Emma, Yvonne thought it would be the perfect opportunity to shape her daughter into the spitting image of herself. At first it seemed easy enough--- while stubborn to a fault since the moment Emma could get a word out, she was the perfect daughter. Charming enough to hold a conversation with anyone about anything (even though Emma has always despised small talk), beautiful enough to wear anything and look spectacular, and a clear ambition which showed even at a young age the Vanity heir was going to go far in life. Yvonne saw herself in her only child and couldn’t be more thrilled, that is until she learned her daughter would much rather go out and play Quidditch rather than sit around and have tea parties with her friends.
Carter introduced his daughter to his pride and joy thinking she’d be bored with it--- after the first game he figured Emma would never want to go again. He never expected his daughter to attend every single game through her childhood, let alone find passion in the sport herself to pursue a spot on a team when she got old enough to attend school. 
For the first four years of her schooling Emma attended Beauxbatons School of Magic. The school was her home and Emma found a close circle of friends and cousins who she attended with. She loved her education and pushed to be at the top of her class--- perhaps she didn’t do the best, at least not every time, but the girl never allowed her grades to slip. Emma had always been hard on herself, even worse than her parents. Her friends were jealous Emma had so much freedom at such a young age--- neither parent dictated every aspect of her life like most did, especially when it came to the daughter of the family. No, the family saw no reason to be breathing down their daughter’s neck when Emma herself had a stricter set of rules for herself than they could likely come up with. She was tough on herself, but Emma refused to allow any slip ups which people could hold over her.
The summer after her fourth year wasn’t a particularly favored one. Usually her summers were spent enjoying trips with her family and friends. Shopping and hours lounged out on the Vanity’s own private beach. Emma said goodbye to everything she could call home and her family packed everything up to move to England. Even with her persistence Emma couldn’t bring her parents to stay, her father claiming the move would be good for them. She had no idea about her father’s ties to Voldemort’s group of Death Eaters--- Carter preferring to keep his daughter in the dark about his less than pleasant activities he attended to when Emma wasn’t around to notice. 
Hogwarts wasn’t particularly a bad school--- it was highly talked about even as far away as France. It just was full of new people and Emma had to readjust to a whole new life. She was a survivor at heart and forced herself to adapt--- forced to find a home in Slytherin, and find one she did. The redhead quickly settled into her studies and made the Quidditch team with no question. It took her a bit longer to find a group of friends she felt comfortable with because it took Emma longer than most to warm up to someone, but she found a few who she held close. The Slytherin even found another Slytherin who fancied her interest, a boy two years her senior. They dated through the year and the summer before her sixth year Sebastian asked Emma’s father for a betrothal to his only daughter. He wasn’t expecting Emma to come storming into Carter’s study, demanding to know why he’d ask her father rather than the person he’d be marrying after Emma’s graduation. Refusing to start a relationship with someone who didn’t put her on equal ground with themselves, Emma kicked him to the curb, right in front of her father who tells the story proudly to others. 
Her sixth year was easier--- Emma was used to the school and professors she had. She spent the year building up her résumé for her internship at the Ministry she desired for the summer. Of course Emma was accepted, but that didn’t keep her from working hard. The Slytherin saw her future and Emma liked what she saw, she just had to be patient and make her way through school. With her final year at Hogwarts on the horizon Emma plans to focus on her studies and hopefully have another smooth year to give her a pleasant kick start off from graduation. Maybe she’ll loosen up to actually slow down and enjoy the last year of her still being just a kid, but if you ask Emma it wouldn’t be likely. 
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unkindrewind · 5 years
FULL NAME: Charles Matthew Ayers NICKNAME: Charlie // Preferred, only his mother calls him by his first name . Ken // Around campus by peers due to attachment to Sarah. Charliebear // by Sarah .  Space-case. Airhead. Dunce cap. Nimrod, Etc // by Christopher AGE: 19 - 20 // Verse Dependent  BIRTH DATE: December 19th , 1964 ZODIAC: Sagittarius ETHNICITY: White GENDER: Cis Male PLACE OF RESIDENCE: Craven Creek , Washington SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Bisexual // Closeted would imply awareness of some kind , most attraction to those male presenting is seen as ‘ just being friendly’ in his eyes. Coming from a very traditional small town in the 70s & 80s with no obvious LGBTQ representation. . He is oblivious to his sexuality for the most part. RELIGION: Raised Protestant // Personally non - practicing , or practices only around family SPOKEN LANGUAGE: English . Handful of French and Spanish CURRENT LIVING CONDITIONS: Living within his messy dorm at SCU EDUCATION: EDUCATION: High-school graduate from Carpenter High // Had to repeat a few classes making him graduate a year later than his peers. Freshman at Silas Craven University - SCU - on a sports scholarship. OCCUPATION: Part time // Usually night - shift at Flick Picks Video Rentals. TRANSPORTATION: 1970  Ford Mustang Sportroof // Sky blue, basic model. TYPICAL LOCATIONS [ FOR PLOTS ETC ]:  Flick Picks Video Rental shop. SCU campus // Class, dorm and frat parties, hockey arena, pool . Movie theater.
PARENTS: Denise Ayers // Mother . Richard Ayers // Father - On friendly enough terms with the two of them, but the institutionalized 'parent /child' detachment has always been present . Richard, the businessman always on the go, has never taken a moment away from his work. And Denise, though a stay - at - home mother, often spends her time in the company of fellow mothers and projects around the house. Beyond the basics, they know very little about their children and hold to the belief their main job is to provide and care for them, not be their best friends. SIBLINGS:  - Christopher Ayers // Older brother, by three years - A very complicated relationship. Christopher is, in the eyes of everyone and especially their parents, the proverbial 'golden boy' : Smart. Handsome. Charismatic.  Popular. The desire of every girl's heart. Captain of every sports team he's been a part of, that position currently being in SCU's lacrosse and basketball teams. From the outside looking in, he is by old school terms, perfect, though few see or even know of the rather aggressive and twisted side of him, including their mother and father. That side is and, since their childhood, has been reserved for Charlie's eyes only. Yet despite taking the brunt of Chris's cruelty and jokes at his expense, Charlie has always admired and looked up to him. And sadly, still does. - Robert ‘Robbie’ Ayers // 12 year old brother - Close, though sadly not as close as they once were. Moving away from home has created a bit of an inevitable distance. Between games, parties, and basic expectations of highschool, Charlie had been Robbie's go-to babysitter. The two had been thick as thieves - Robbie being among the rare few to not only know of Charlie’s dabble in home-movie horror, but even star in a few films himself - and whenever a need for brotherly bonding and advice was warranted, Charlie was there. -Rosie Ayers // 3 year old sister - Sadly, Charlie isn't as close with her as he'd like to be. Born when he was just beginning his escalation in popularity, he didn't spend much time with her, and over all still hasnt. NOTABLE CONNECTIONS:  - Irene Fernandez // @gcrefxed Close Friend Fellow target of the mysterious killer .  - Sarah Reed // @killerxquccn Best Friend since middleschool. The term 'soulmate' has been thrown around [ Much to the annoyance of Charlie's exes ] due to how close they are and how well they get along. As have many other affectionate monikers; 'Sarah Sunshine' among them, inspired by the bright and warming smile that since knowing her the mere presence of has never failed to make Charlie's day all the better. A matching pair : The jock and the cheerleader. A match that due to their popularity hasn't gone unnoticed ; people speculating they are dating or saying they should be, and earning them the nicknames ' Barbie and Ken ' since highschool, and often heard around campus. Girlfriends and latenight partners come and go, but Sarah has always remained. She is considered by far one of the most important people in Charlie's life. One he could never - and would never - imagine living without. Fate, however, has different plans. SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Jessica Thompson // Recent Ex Girlfriend.  Beautiful, upper middle class, and notable mean girl. Well, notable only to those she targets ;  mainly fellow girls lower on the popularity totem pole. Sly and clever Jessica  knows who to target, how, and how to get away with it. Which is precisely what happens, and has her entire school career..  Charlie in particular was never aware of her actions, as she is always careful to show her cruelty when few are around and those least likely to spread word,  though to anyone else in his position the writing was very clearly on the wall. Through most of their close to two year relationship, Jessica used Charlie's good-hearted nature, penchant to fall hard for pretty girls, and unfortunate tendency to be too forgiving to the point of becoming a pushover to those he cares for to her advantage: taking more than giving, but giving just enough to make him believe there was more requited love than there really was. In truth, her sights - like many- had always been on Charlie's older brother, Christopher, ever since highschool, but being the revolving door of women type, his sights were never aimed in her direction. To Jessica, Charlie was merely a fall back; if you can't get the prize, second best was better than nothing. Until one fateful night, Charlie decided to stop by Jessica's dorm and found none other than his older brother there to greet him. Half dressed and radiating smugness. In no way did either Chris nor Jessica attempt to deny what had happened between them, Chris giving Charlie a pitying pat to the shoulder and leaving the scene with a final jab, ' Guess she wanted a real man. '  While it was a dream come true for Jessica, to Chris it was nothing more than a one night only event, with the added enjoyment of his conquest being his brother's girlfriend . Despite the betrayal, Charlie not only wanted to fix their relationship but blamed himself for her act, asking what he had done to drive her to it. Jessica, seeing Charlie's devotion as weakness, was merely disgusted.  Simply giving a cutting, curt 'There's nothing to fix.' And like that, it was over. Leaving Charlie heartbroken and devastated, with that wound never able to fully close seeing Jessica around campus often. SEXUAL / DATING HISTORY: Has had quite a few partners and girlfriends, but wouldn't be considered a playboy like his older brother by any means. While he can be on the promiscuous side, generally he wants more meaningful connections. Sadly, without realizing, he tends to lean towards more superficial relationships -not helped by his worry to open up about his true interests and passions in life- which takes a toll on said relationships longevity.
EYE COLOUR: Hazel // Warm brown with small flecks of mossy green HAIR: Dark Auburn // Kept short // Wavy HEIGHT: 6 ‘ 3 ” BODY BUILD: Athletic // Fit , broad shouldered NOTABLE PHYSICAL TRAITS: Has a very slight crookedness to nose after having it broken during hockey practice in highschool.   . A warm , sometimes described ‘dopey’ grin . Kind eyes. FACECLAIM: Ross Lynch
INTELLIGENCE:Not the sharpest tool in the shed. Academically, he can be a bit slow. Emotionally and creatively, however, very adept and intelligent. More right brained. INTERESTS: Film fanatic . Horror movies // Has an interest in one day becoming a movie director but keeps it very close to the vest. Sports enthusiast . Hockey // Plays for SCU’s  team. Swimming // On SCU’s swim team.  Attending every party he can. STRENGTHS: Easy going . Understanding . Empathetic . Great sense of humor . Determined . Playful . Outgoing . Sweet . Loyal . Imaginative . Open - minded . Supportive . Energetic. Congenial. WEAKNESSES: Insecure // mostly about intelligence . Stubborn . Blunt // Says the first thing that comes to mind without thinking it through . Apologetic or sometimes overlooks the bad actions of those he cares for / his family . Gullible . Occasionally reckless // especially when stressed .  Too forgiving . Christopher. DISPOSITION: Very laid back, friendly and approachable // easy to strike up a conversation with on just about anything SOCIAL STANDING: Popular // Both he and his older brother Christopher have been since Highschool SLASHER TROPES: Dumb Jock // The Nice guy
Nice house. Nice yard. White-picket fence. Mother, the home - maker. Father, the shrewd businessman. Children, well behaved and well liked. The Ayers family lives the ideal cookie-cutter simplicity of upper middle - class conservative America. And for most that's enough. For Charlie Ayers, the second eldest son, it is. At least, he thinks so. An upbringing of keeping to the status quo, hard rigidity to conform, is all he knows. Evident in his persistent standing as another popular jock continuing into college . In 1983 small town suburbia, minor deviations from the expected norm is a thing balked or crucified. Even something simple as an innocuous interest. And therein lies the reason his true love, of media, of a genre most consider ghoulish and the dream to DIRECT and make such films , has been kept a secret from most.          A JOCK WITH A HORROR MOVIE FETISH? WEIRD!  A silly thing to hide, perhaps. Yet hide he does. Perhaps not entirely well, as the few home-made films in his repertoire have been surreptitiously added onto the shelves of the VHS rental store he clocks into most weekdays. But he'll take the fact he hasn't been reprimanded by his superior as a win. Flick Picks Video Rentals is, in many ways, a haven. A place where for the first time, Charlie could feel at home with his covert passions for film in which he would be expected to be ashamed anywhere else. A small respite, that unbeknownst to young Charlie, wouldn't last. Despite the kindly reminder to rewind before returning, most seldom listened. In the quiet and uneventful hours of the night, that became Charlie's job. VHS popped into the rewinder, eyes on the CTR TV to check for any scratches or tangling of the tape, slide into its box upon completion, rinse and repeat. It was a tedious task to be sure, but something Charlie found mildly comforting in its predictable repetition. One that seldom provided any surprises. 
               Until ONE TAPE …
It wasn't unheard of for someone to record over one of the rentals. Uncommon, yes, as it was guaranteed to earn you a ten dollar fine to replace what was lost, but not unheard of. Usually in such a case, rewinding was stopped, the tape set aside with a note. Yet something- … something wasn't right. This tape wasn't one of theirs. Or professionally made for that matter. The film had the signature grain, bad lighting and time code at the bottom of something made at home. But the stationary upward framing, fixed on a single person. A single tied person. Bloodied. Sobbing. This wasn't right. A masked figure stepping into view. Toying with the other. Armed with a knife. This definitely wasn't right. The one tied, turned frantic. The knife slicing. The blood. It couldn't have been real, right? Someone trying their hand at horror like he did. And effectively at that. It was unsettling to say the least. Something he brought up, showed to a coworker the next day, and was assured in a chiding manner it was fake. Even he in what film making experience he possessed, had reservations. Why, then, he remained uncertain he wasn't sure. 
 That uncertainty nagged. Knotted his stomach. And eventually, sent him in an unorthodox direction to his university's theater department for answers. The course of logic he followed said if it was fake, a third and perhaps more experienced opinion wouldn't hurt. It was by pure luck and happenstance that one person with such qualifications was there. While the two had apparently gone to the same highschool, Irene Fernandez had been a complete stranger to him. Might have had something to do with them traveling within social circles so different they might as well have been separate planets altogether. Her skill and knowledge in special effects, however, made her essential to his needs. Was a random encounter over a gory VHS tape an awkward first meeting? Yes. Yet it was not nearly so bad at its beginning as it became in the end, when upon repeated viewing with Irene, Charlie's fears were proven right. No dyed corn syrup or tubes used to spurt it. No retractable prop blades. The blood, murder, all of it was REAL. Which meant the killer was as well. 
 Such a realization made all the more terrifying as another tape appeared in the return slot ...
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monsieur-de-paris · 6 years
REALLY LONG CHARACTER SURVEY. RULES. repost ,   don’t  reblog  !  good  luck  !
TAGGED. @kigakurutta​ thanks ^-^ TAGGING. @bourreau-de-roi​ @princely-alucard​ @thesarcasticviclet​ @devilsmark @xxsacrificiumxx​ @farnese-ojousama​
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FULL NAME: Charles-Henri Sanson de Longval
NICKNAME:  Charles or Charlot (lolol)
AGE: Verse-dependent, between 14 and 54
BIRTHDAY: February 15th
LANGUAGE(S): French, a word or two in English and German
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Verse-dependent, gets married at the age of 27
CLASS: As in social class - 3rd estate (commoner)
PROFESSION: Executioner & doctor
HAIR: Black, very long, straight or later wavy, thick, silky
EYES: Doe-eyed, gray/black of colour
NOSE: Straight, long, narrow
FACE: Diamond-shaped and long, not so defined cheekbones
LIPS: Plump and soft, red
HEIGHT: 195 cm ( 6'5'' )
WEIGHT: unknown
BUILD: Tall and skinny, well-trained
FEATURES: Soft enough to be able to dress like a lady and not attract attention
USUAL HAIRSTYLE: The parting changes over time (it’s either parted on the right side or combed back), but always open
USUAL FACE LOOK: Distressed lmao
USUAL CLOTHING: 18th century clothes
FEAR(S): People’s cruelty, having to execute the ones he cares for, generally having to kill people, he hates his occupation a lot ;O;
ASPIRATION(S) : To abolish executions, later: to make executions more humane
POSITIVE TRAITS: Kind, polite, open-minded, accepting, loving, caring, a strong sense of responsibility
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Naive, anxious, unassertive, easily led, manipulable
ZODIAC: Aquarius
TEMPERAMENT: Emotionally volatile, cries a lot
SOUL TYPE(S): Helper
ANIMALS: Dogs, horses
VICE  HABIT(S): None (crying?)
FAITH: He is religious, yes
GHOSTS?: I bet he believes in them
ECONOMIC  PREFERENCE: No idea (what is economic preference?)
SOCIOPOLITICAL POSITION: He supports His Majesty wholeheartedly
EDUCATION LEVEL: Mostly home-schooled, very good medical skills
FATHER: Charles-Jean-Baptiste Sanson
MOTHER: Madeleine Sanson
SIBLINGS: (Oh gosh, here we go with the list) Marie-Joseph Sanson, Louis-Charles-Martin Sanson, Nicholas-Charles-Gabriel Sanson, Louis-Cyr-Charlemagne Sanson, Madeleine-Claude-Gabrielle Sanson, there was later a baby too, called Pierre-Shanks Sanson, but I think it vanished (?)
EXTENDED FAMILY: His grandmother Anne-Marthe Sanson, his stepmother Jeanne-Gabrielle Sanson, his wife Marie-Anne Sanson, his two sons Henri Sanson and Gabriel Sanson, his uncle Nicholas-Gabriel Sanson, his cousin AND brother-in-law Jean-Louis Sanson, like 500+ other cousins, I think the Sanson family is rather large (and I need a drink after listing so many)
NAME MEANING(S): Apparently,Charles means “man” and Henri means “home ruler” lmao 
HISTORICAL CONNECTION?: He was actually the royal executioner of France? He is based on a real person 
BOOK: The bible prolly, also the memoirs of the first Sanson. He used to be very interested in science and philosophy, but I think his occupation sorta sucked the life, and the hunger for knowledge, out of him 
5 SONGS: He enjoys Bach
DEITY: The Christian God
HOLIDAY: Christmas and Easter, like the good boy he is
MONTH: April
SEASON: Spring
PLACE: Anywhere he can be left alone by his grandmother and father (lmao), I think generally among nature
SOUND: His violin <3
SCENT(S): Roses
TASTE(S): Wine, fruit, mild tastes
FEEL(S): Satin on the skin, but also pain
ANIMAL(S): I already answered this
COLORS: Black, red, blue
TALENTS: Riding, very good with a blade, very good medical skills, I guess singing too since he does it a lot 
BAD AT:  Killing, asserting his will
TURN ONS:  Pain (he won’t admit though, but because of the torture he had to undergo, his body got accustomed to pain a lot)
TURN OFFS: Irrationality, cruelty, chaos
HOBBIES: Playing his violin
TROPES:  Fragile Flower xD
AESTHETIC TAGS: Roses, Skulls, Black Hair, Edgy, Goth, Death, BDSM, Emo Quotes, Sad, Depressing, Velvet, Thorns, Blood
GPOY  QUOTES: I can’t think of any rn
MAIN  FC(S): None, unfortunately
ALT FC(S): None
Q1: if you could write your character your way in their own movie, what would it be called, what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?: I wouldn’t. I can’t picture Innocent as a movie, I can’t even picture it as an anime, because its beauty and style would just get lost, I feel.
Q2: what would their soundtrack / score sound like?: Something sad and gloomy
Q3: why did you start writing this character?: Well, I really love him ;_; I loved him from the moment I picked Innocent, but his development was nothing I expected - it actually made sense, unlike with many other characters, whose developments only make sense in a fictional, trope-driven setting. But Charles-Henri “matured” in a way a real person would, and even his character traits, which I would possibly hate on every other character aside from him, like his kindness and his gullibility, were somehow lovable to me, because they felt real and genuine, and not like the traits you give a character only to make them likeable. And then a good friend of mine picked him as a muse, we wrote together for sometime, and he just stole my heart completely.
Q4: what first attracted you to this character?: His hair. Also his face, I had seen pictures of him before and I always thought his face looked very unique, because I’ve never seen anyone with a similar drawing style.
Q5: describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse: I dislike, that he changed so much, even if it made sense. I just miss the old Charles a lot ;_;
Q6: what do you have in common with your muse?: I think I have a lot in common with him...except for his kindness and his patience with people. I do share many of his negative traits  though, I also act on impulse a lot.
Q7: how does your muse feel about you?: He is angry, because I contribute to his torment lolol
Q8: what characters does your muse have interesting interactions with?: All his interactions are interesting, those which aren’t usually get dropped :o
Q9: what gives you inspiration to write your muse?:  Books. Oh, and my love for him and for writing in general, I don’t think I could just stop writing. And also, he is very easy for interactions. He is very timid and not the most extroverted person in the world, but he would give everyone a chance, so having him meet other characters and actually show interest in them isn’t difficult (*cough* unlike Griffith *cough*)
Q10: how long did this take you to complete?: Tbh, I think ca. 2-3 hours.
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nirah10 · 6 years
From Anon,
Do you reckon it is possible to be hetrosexual but totally homoromantic? Or totally homosexual but completely hetroromantic?
And then later discover a demiromantic (like demisexual) side of yourself and romantically fall deeply in love with someone of a gender you thought you only liked sexually? I can’t work out if this guy I work with is a jerk or not. 
He claims to be totally hetroromantic and only romantically interested in women. Said he falls in love with women and wants to live with them and enjoys going on dates and enjoying their romantic company. 
But sexually is really really into guys but just feels like friends to them. 
So he married the ‘love of his life’ a woman, who he was romantic with. She knew he was not sexually into her but loved him too and so they had an open marriage.
He started sleeping with this guy (someone I also work with) regulary and then fell in love with him. Claiming he is like demiromantic. 
Now he is in love with two people and just sleeping with one, his boyfriend.
His wife is very very upset he has a boyfriend and is threanting to leave him. As she has other sexual partners but is not on a relationship with anyone else.
So he is torn. And told his workmates about it. Half reckon he should stay with his wife, other half reckon boyfriend- as then he can have a normal sexual and romantic real with just one person. I’m neither. I’m just like what the fuck.
He says he loves them both equally. He doesn’t want to leave his wife, who he has a romantic relationship with, OR his boyfriend, who he has a romantic and sexual relationship.
His wife has apparently given him a month to make up his mind. A month to settle the 'me or him’ thing. 
Demiromantic sounds weird.  Like there are too many labels our there. 
Do you think it is possible.
Like Ganbri is just a kid right and has only felt romantic love for women (well, Annie) so far? But could it be possible to get older and be purely sexually attracted to men? As I’m sure this dude must be pulling us, and his wife’s leg. Maybe he was always gay and didmdi want to admit it. I can get demisexual. But surely not demiromantic! He not even asexual! He is hypersexual!
Dear Anon,
This is a good question and the kind of thing that I seem to get asked a lot. It sounds all mixed up and confusing but it’s actually a lot simpler than it appears. 
The short answer to your first question is yes. Sexual and romantic attraction are completely different things. Think of them as egg yolk and egg whites--they often go together, so it can be hard to separate them, but they are still different. There are asexual people who still experience romantic attraction and there are sexual people who are aromantic (experience no romantic attraction). It’s also possible to experience both attractions but in different ways (like being sexually attracted to men but romantically attracted to women). The proof that it’s possible is right in front of you because you know someone who experiences that. Clearly, if your coworker is heteroromantic but homosexual, then people who experience that must exist. You know one of them!
Also, regarding your comments of there being “too many labels”, if we can have countless different shades of every colour, I think we can handle a few extra labels for orientations. If we can learn how to operate new mobile devices as they come out and follow super complex plots in our TV shows, we can learn some extra words. It’s not really that difficult and it’s worth being able to better understand the people you care about.
Now, on to the second part of your post. I don’t know your coworker, so I can’t say for sure what his intentions are, but it sounds to me like they were innocent enough. He’s heteroromantic but homosexual and it sounds like his partner was perfectly fine with having an open relationship to accommodate that. The possibility of developing feelings is always a risk in open relationships and I would hope they were both aware of that. Perhaps he could have communicated better or perhaps he should have stopped his sexual relationship when he started developing feelings, but he is human and humans make mistakes. That all being said, it really has nothing to do with his sexuality.
There is a weird misconception about the labels we use for sexuality and romantic attractions that seems to really trip people up. My motto for correcting this misconceptions is this:
Labels are tools, not rules.
There is a reason why so many people hate labels and refuse to use them. There is a reason why so many people think that labels are limiting. People have a strange habit to think that labels regarding sexuality and romantic attraction are somehow permanent and that they act like rules, deciding what people can and can’t do. That’s not what labels are for.
Your coworker may not have ever felt romantic attraction for a man and likely believed that he never could. He did feel romantic attraction for women and sexual attraction for men. Given what he knew about himself, it made sense to use the labels “heteroromantic” and “homosexual”. However, he met a man whom he developed romantic feelings for. This was outside of his norm but, if he felt that he wanted a new label to define himself, “demiromantic” could be applicable. Something about his life changed and he experienced something new, so he chose a new label. If he didn’t choose a new label and continued to say that he was heteroromantic, that would also be fine. He is heteroromantic, with the exception of this one man.
The point of the labels he uses is to make it easier to explain what he understands about himself, and that is subject to change. It is subject to exceptions.
If I tell you that I hate the colour yellow, I don’t think you would doubt me. I can’t imagine anyone wanting me to explain why I don’t like yellow or wanting me to explain how I can like orange but not yellow when they are so similar. I don’t imagine I would ever point out some yellow flowers and call them pretty and have someone say “But I thought you didn’t like yellow!?” As humans, we understand that we all like different things and that blanket statements about what we generally do and don’t like aren’t rules. We understand that there are exceptions to almost everything when it comes to a person’s preferences. We understand this concept just fine but, for some reason, we don’t want to apply it to sexual and romantic attraction.
My sister is a vegetarian. She won’t eat meat products, but she will consume caesar salad dressing (which contains anchovy paste) and she will eat products containing gelatin (which is made from animal byproducts). When she says that she’s okay with eating those things, no one suddenly doubts that she is a vegetarian. She’s just a vegetarian with some exceptions. Some vegetarians won’t eat any meat except for fish (and even have their own microlabel--pescatarians) and all they have to say is “I’m a vegetarian but I eat fish”. Would you argue with them about it?
It’s unfortunate that your coworker and his girlfriend are in such a tricky situation, especially because it looks like they can’t get out of it without at least one person getting hurt, but an issue in someone’s relationship does not equate to an issue with their chosen labels. There is no reason to doubt what your coworker says about his sexuality or romantic attractions. He isn’t “claiming to be” demiromantic--if he developed a romantic attraction after establishing a relationship with someone he wouldn’t normally feel a romantic attraction for, then he is demiromantic! It just doesn’t make sense for this particular person to lie about his orientation, romantically or sexually. He was having his needs met and, if he was just lying and being a scum bucket, it would have made more sense to say that he was bisexual or that he was polyamorous, so that he could have sex with his girlfriend too. It would have made more sense to date a man and say he was polyamorous. The fact that he was dating a woman even though he didn’t want to have sex with her tells me that he was probably dating her because he was genuinely attracted to her romantically but not sexually. The fact that he later developed romantic attraction for a man doesn’t mean he was lying--it just means that something happened that he didn’t think was possible before.
You may not agree with his choices, but you have no reason to doubt his labels. Labels are not rules and are not set in stone. Unexpected things can happen and they can change.
I don’t like coffee, but I do like Tim Horton’s french vanilla cappuccino. I don’t like yellow, but I do like daffodils. I don’t like pecans, but one of my coworkers made a pecan cake and I loved it, even though I really didn’t think I would.
If we were talking about any other kind of preferences, would you ever doubt it at all?
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Iwamura Munesuke
Name: Iwamura Munesuke Nickname: Iwa Age: around 400 years Birthday: 5th of May during the Edo era Gender: Male Sexuality: Bisexual Nationality: Japanese/Korean Status: Single  Species: five-tailed kitsune Appearance: Human: (Face-Claim: Jae-Young Park)
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Clothing: Iwamura likes to be comfortable but at the same time look fancy and modern therefore he combines those traits in his everyday clothes while looking like a tasteless cad sometimes. Height: 1,86 m Piercings: a few in his face Tattoos: on his right arm, on his left lower arm, on his left shoulder blade Personality: Iwamura rarely passes up a good opportunity to learn something new, especially abstract concepts. This information isn’t usually absorbed for any planned purpose as with dedicated studying, he just finds it fascinating. Having little attachment to tradition, Iwamura is able to discard existing systems and methods and pull together disparate ideas from his extensive knowledge base, with a little raw creativity to hold them together, to form bold new ideas. At the same time, the man has a way with words and wit that others find intriguing. His confidence, quick thought and ability to know what others want to hear is charming, even entertaining, and informative at the same time. Simultaneously, if there’s anything the kitsune enjoys, it’s the mental exercise of debating. More consensus-oriented personality types rarely appreciate the strength with which Iwamura tears down their beliefs and methods, leading to a great deal of tension. He does not concern himself with the needs of others and doesn't care what they think. He rarely feels bad about other people, even if they are close to him and because he is not sensitive, he bounces back easily from conflicts and difficult relationships. He will sometimes provoke others just to get a reaction and the kitsune can be morally ambiguous and will sometimes disrupt things simply for the sake of it. Relationships: Ishimaki Munesuke – mother; empress; kitsune; Japanese; deceased Sobong Hyun-Seok – father; emperor; human; South Korean; deceased Odette Derocles – wife; 25 years old; manager; human; French; alive Adrien Derocles – son; 4 years old; student; kitsune; French; alive Strengths: manipulation, quick thinker, good at sports, photographic memory Weaknesses: reckless, detached sometimes/has problems feeling sympathy, can’t be serious, overestimates himself Habits: biting his nails when he’s nervous, always plays with his fingers to not feel jittery, always wears different coloured socks Hobbies: kickboxing, hunting, playing the violin, karate, jogging, painting Likes: money, fresh fruits, classical music, wicked jokes, winning a debate, getting his job done, travelling, diamonds, white tea, partying, causing trouble Dislikes: plastic surgery, being told what to do, being late, not being able to stay at a place for too long, tea with milk, being dominated in a conversation, people asking him about the past instead of looking it up themselves, being judged for his looks, romance movies, losing a debate, people talking in “Anime” Japanese to him Fears/Phobias: is scared of driving himself and fast driving Occupation: Hitman Powers: creating fire and illusions, shapeshifting, flying, manipulation Position: Switch Virgin: No Turn-ons: being rough, vocal partners, either being dominant or put in his place, scratching, French kissing, BDSM Dom/Sub, being a brat/brats Turn-offs: threesomes, too much make-up, bodily fluids, leaving the clothes on, blood Other:
can speak Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Latin, French and English
has a slight limp due to a terrible car accident a few years ago
owns an amulet of his mother which he always has with him, touch it without his consent and your dead
is kind of a sociopath
Backstory: Iwamura was the only child of a Korean emperor and his wife who was unknown to everyone actually a kitsune and only created the illusion of being the daughter of the Japanese imperial couple. Already during his childhood, the young boy was spoiled rotten, not only by the servants of the royal family but also by his mother. Ishimaki knew how important it was to keep an eye on her son so none of the two would be found out and killed. The monarch’s heir was already taught to be a perfect ruler at a young age, different individuals from all over the world were staying at the palace to show Iwamura how to behave, speak correctly and other skills which weren’t vital to know for a prince but still needed to be mastered to show that he came from a wealthy home. Even though the royal child was a fast learner, he only ever paid attention in the classes which interested him, angering his father in the process. Unfortunately, there wasn’t a lot he could do than just sit and watch because his dear wife was unable to give birth anymore after surviving a terrible illness. The years passed by and Iwamura managed to grow up to a quite mischievous teen who loved to play pranks on the castle folk with his powers. To gain better handle said abilities and not lose control of them any time soon, his mother trained him in secret. Nearly every night after dinner the two of them locked themselves up in an empty room to practice all kinds of skills a fox-demon had to master. Like most other kitsunes, Iwamura was a quick learner and mastered most abilities without many complications nor burn marks. Unfortunately, it turned out that the two members of the royal family weren’t as sneaky as they thought because one night someone started a fire in the palace, trapping Iwamura’s parents inside the castle. Yet, destiny seemed to be looking out for the young man because he managed to somehow escape the burning flames of hell. Ever since this day, Iwamura was on the run, it didn’t matter to him if someone realized he wasn’t ageing or that he was actually a demon or not, every five years the Asian male always left not only the country he was staying in but often also the continent after changing his identity. Thanks to his former status as emperor, the kitsune always managed to get the contact information of people who could do such things not only flawlessly but also quickly as long as the payment meet their expectations. During one of his stays in America, Las Vegas to be exact, Iwamura made the drunk decision to marry this really good-looking human woman who he actually only knew for a few hours. Unfortunately, the French tourist was just as drunk as the Asian man and therefore agreed to be his wife. Although they spent the night having a lot of fun together, tomorrow would definitely be not as enjoyable. Well, like already predicted, the situation during the next morning was more than just a bit awkward, none of the two dared to even speak just one word to each other. As soon as the French lady was dressed at least somewhat properly again she left instantly, without saying anything, not even goodbye. After this day, Iwamura never saw his wife again and also never was informed that she was pregnant and gave birth to his baby son. Nevertheless, to be honest, the fox-demon didn’t care anyway neither about her nor about his son.
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zabinizara · 4 years
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And I will roar into the heavens that those who will raise a hand against me shall perish in the attempt. And I will roar into the heavens that I am a force to be reckoned with, and those who can not recognize that will be taught. 
Don’t you think ZARA ZABINI looks a lot like ZOE KRAVITZ? Apparently SHE is PROTECTIVE and INTUITIVE but can also be RUTHLESS and SELF-SERVING. They are TWENTY-FIVE and were sorted into SLYTHERIN. The HALF-BLOOD (PART-VEELA) is affiliated with THE DEATH EATERS works as a POTIONEER, and lives in CHELSEA, LONDON. (blossom, 24, MST, she/her)
Liquid silver dripping into a dark green bottle, a pet boa constrictor lovingly cared for, shattered tea cups, keeping secrets so tightly to your chest they wind around your heartstrings, a stack of diamond rings, black lace lingerie worn under a stark white wedding dress, smeared red lipstick, soft moans, power - endless and consuming power, emeralds, thigh high boots, bleach burning your nose, crocodile tears, lipstick on a cigarette, ballet shoes.
O N E ;; Zara is bisexual and biromantic. She will develop feelings for anyone deserving of those feelings and she’s not quiet about it. In fact, in the halls of Hogwarts, she would be seen holding hands with men and women alike.
T W O ;; According to the Veela Wikipedia page, the powers only work on men. This is the reason Zara has so many female friends. She can’t trust that men are around her because they’re interested in her or if they’re interested in the supernatural beauty she exudes. She feels her dynamic with women to be much more genuine.
T H R E E ;; Her Veela mother was the first one to show her power in its truest form. While Monique Zabini loved her husband, she did not love the men who ogled at the two of them. She with her dark skin and he with that of a porcelain dish. It came to a cusp when Zara and her mother were walking and a man made a deplorable comment about helping her make another light-skinned child. In a flash Monique, her beautiful and effervescent mother, became a monster. And, as quickly as it had begun, it had ended. She was herself once more, her silk dress now stained with blood. “Zara,” her mother had whispered to her that evening, braiding the child’s coarse hair. “You are never to allow a man to treat you as anything less than holy.” Zara's large eyes glanced at her mother through the reflection. “Yes, Mother.” And you know what they say. A monster is as a monster does.
F O U R ;; Her skin color has been the one thing Zara has yet to embrace. With her (literally) enchanting beauty, she’s never known what it is that truly, genuinely draws people in if it’s not her Veela abilities. Growing up, her ideals of beauty were her mother - dark skin the color of the pure silt running through the river beside her house - and the friends her mother brought around - skin as white as the snow that fell on the grass beside her house. She was neither, and when she looked in the mirror she wondered where she would ever fit. In her Hogwarts house, forced to hide her heritage to not become the enemy - in public, forced to decide whether she was more black or more white. Couldn’t she just be Zara?
boggart ;; her father as an Inferius. she knows he and her mother are her only two weak spots (until her son is born) and that if her father were to face her again, that would be the only thing to cause her to falter in battle.
patronus ;; an acromantula, the giant spider crawls up the walls and fends off Dementors. this is her Patronus because she is as venomous and unforgiving as the creatures, though their loyalty can be won - as can hers.
favorite spell ;; Cruciatus Curse
amortentia ;; the French countryside when it’s raining, her favorite bakery in Italy and lavenders
wand ;;
—- wood ; cedar wood | The witch or wizard who is well-matched with cedar carries the potential to be a frightening adversary, which often comes as a shock to those who have thoughtlessly challenged them.
—- core ; Veela hair
—- length ; 10 inches
playlist ;; [ HERE ]
pinboard ;; [ HERE ]
When Zara was born, her father’s eyes sparkled. A tear rolled down his cheek, and her mother - with a tired arm - reached to wipe it clear. “She’s beautiful,” he had whispered. “She’s our little miracle,” her mother had agreed.
Her face was perfect, even moments after birth. Drawing the nurses and doctors to wonder at her face in awe, astonished by the newborn’s beauty. She was just shy of one hour old and her existence was already cause for conversation. She grew up comfortably, in a large home right on a river in Scotland. Her father doted on both she and her mother, arriving home with flowers for both of them for no specific occasion. Simply for being his world, he’d told them. He was everything Zara wanted to find in a man - one to grow old with.
She was ten years old when her father didn’t come home from work one evening. Just old enough to understand what the Aurors meant when they said he’d been found, dead in an alley with his wallet missing. Her father had been taken from her over thirty Galleons, and he would never see her grow up. Monique was inconsolable, and therefore not of much help to her daughter as she struggled through the process alone. One day, things changed. Monique was done crying, she was there to braid Zara’s hair again.
“What did you do, Mama?,” Zara asked. “I didn’t let a man treat my family as anything less than holy.” She had said almost the same thing years ago, walking away from the scene in a blood stained dress. She was exuding emotion. Not just emotion. Justice. Not just justice. Revenge.
Zara longed for a taste of revenge.
Her beauty, the inescapable attention it brought, made it nearly impossible for her to be sure whose intentions were pure. She had a hard time trusting her heart in the hands of the ravenous boys who roamed the halls of Hogwarts. Or anywhere for that matter. And in Fifth Year her tentative spirit around them was proven correct as a man two years her elder held her down, silencing her cries for help. The next day he mysteriously lost his footing off of a ledge in the Astronomy Tower. Zara gave what happened to her no credit to turning her into what she had become. No, she would never give the pain someone had put her through the privilege of being the reason she was strong. She was the reason she was strong. She’d learned from a young age that to be strong was to be untouchable - and god help the person who dared to touch her.
The taste of power it gave her satiated the hunger for revenge that had been aching in her chest for years. She had come out on top. She would never let anyone hurt her again, and she finally felt whole. It was borderline sociopathic behavior, and despite knowing that, she continued her warpath, tearing through the halls radiating an energy only fools would choose to go up against.
Her time came when a recruiter of the Dark Lord approached her - her first husband. A wealthy man who she drew in with her charms, her beauty, her enchanting voice. Then, when she was high enough in Voldemort’s ranks - much more useful than her husband, of course - he found himself at the wrong end of a poisoned tea. She liked the way he writhed in pain beneath her. What they had had never been love. But still, she wiped away crocodile tears as they buried him, treating herself to a new necklace the next day.
She is powered by power. And men came to her, desperate to know what she might taste like. Women, too, only they never found themselves clawing at their own throats as fire tore through them from the inside out. She was gentle with women, allowed them in and out of her Venus Fly Trap as they pleased. A Black Widow, they called her. She liked it. She liked the sound of the venom behind the name she had been given.
Another husband came and went. A Pureblood she met while visiting her mother in France. It wasn’t long before he, too, met his end. Although she waited until he had given her a child and she knew she could secure another fortune before his… untimely death. Her hunger for revenge may have been satiated, but with every sip of power that she’s gotten over the years, the thirst becomes stronger.
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mrskandiibaby2269 · 7 years
AnotherRound: Deleted Scene
Another Round:The Right Decision Hmmm ok as I think to myself opening my walk in closet door. I need to wear something sexy. Something that would stop him in his tracks. I just wonder what does he really have in store for me. This I definitely cannot wait to see. Hmmm maybe.. I should.... Hold up...press pause...let's fast forward a little and listen real close. I think what you about to read will you have sip harder on your drink and clinch your invisible pearls. This story gets even more deeper and crazy than the last so here we go... He checks us in and escorts me to the restaurant in side and we order the same thing The Grilled Lobster and a bottle of their best champagne. Hours past along with a few laughs and conversations. "I just can't believe that he would say that about you though. That's just stupid. Please don't tell me you believe him, please don't tell me." "There are days where I do but then again I don't cause I know he still loves me then...I hear her voice and the background... anyways. It's whatever." "You deserve better than that though, babe. I know we weren't perfect but I can say those words never left my mouth. " "I know, you didn't and you're right.. but we can't go back those days anymore ..." "Or can we." "Look I told you I'm married and---" "There is something I need to tell you." He was looking so serious and to be honest, a little hurt. I was curious what could be on his mind, or on his chest. Whatever it was I had to brace myself. And pray to God to help me and fix whatever the case maybe. Cause I know I can't handle another heart ache. "Ok tell me what's going on? What's wrong?" "Remember when you said your husband called you and you would hear a woman's voice in the background ?" "Yes...?" "Well that woman's voice was my girl..." "I'm sorry, wait, what?!" " My girl that you was so concerned about was the one cheating with your husband." "How... how do you know this for sure?" "Because she was recording a Snapchat video of her being drunk with some guy. And she got all of his conversations with you on the phone. And I knew it was you, when he called out your name." "Are you sure?" "Yes, I am." And I knew he was, he had screenshots of her and my husband on Snapchat. ............ I was completely speechless.. I couldn't find... actually I had no words to respond back. It was so much to take in even though it shouldn't be, because this was some typical shit of my husband to do. I was so mad I couldn't even move an inch. All I could see was red. And me in handcuffs and a bloody body on the floor and the news reporter saying "Wife gone crazy. Found out her husband was cheating, so she cut him from his Adam's apple to his scrotum. Graphic details ..." but luckily my ex snapped me out of it. "Baby girl, listen I know you got that killing look in your eye. I know you're pissed I am too, right? But we can't let them see us sweat. We gon show them we're better than this." Inhaling and exhaling real slow, calming my breathing down. As much as I want to kill my husband for everything he's done to me. My ex was right. We are better than this and that's when I just had the most perfect idea to get them back. I've been saving this decision for a long time, and now it's time to use it. Asking the waiter for another glass of champagne and quickly gulping it down and asking for another. I finally regain myself in my right mind. And I close my eyes and I slowly look at my ex and begin to say.... "I need a favor babe." "Wassup, love?" "I need you to quickly take me to my house. I gotta look for something and make a very important phone call." "I got you baby. Let me pay for dinner and I'll meet you at the front door,ok?" "Ok, baby." We French kiss deep and passionate for about 10 minutes and we looked into each other's eyes..But I quickly remember that we're running out of time. So we quickly leave the hotel and race back to my place. I pull out my iPhone6, and scroll through my contacts. And called up the best divorce lawyer in town. "Hello, Brown Sugar Firm This is Shelia Brown attorney at law." "Heeyyy, girl. "Heyyy beautiful, what's going ,on?" "I'm gonna cut right to the chase I need a damn, good divorce lawyer." "Say no more, you know I got you. Ever since the beginning of y'all's marriage. You know I tried to warn you ,right lol?" "Yeah, yeah, yeah lol I know." "Ok, do you still have the divorce papers, I gave you yesterday?" "Yes, I do." "Do you know, where they are?" "Yes ma'am. I'm almost home, I can get there in less than 8 mins and sign them." "Cool, and all I need you to do is send me any evidence that you have of him cheating and I'll take care of the rest." "This is why I love you." "I love you more boo, text me when it's all done and ready." "Ok thanks girl, bye." "Bye." Finally getting home unlocking the door and disarming the alarm. I tell my ex to come in and make himself at home. While I go in my office and sign the divorce papers on my desk. So I emailed all the screenshots to Sheila and I texted her to let her know everything was done and ready. And she responded fast. "Got it, we're in action!" My ex comes up behind me and kiss my neck and continues to comfort me, I kiss him back. He picks me up and puts me on the desk and puts a lot of hickeys on my neck, whispers in my ear "I love you." I stopped him and asked him was he serious, he said as a cardiac arrest. And then he strokes my cheek and looks me in my eyes. Not looking away for anything, he lifts me and holds me while my legs are wrapped around his body and he proceeds to say me. "Baby girl all these years I've been missing you. I needed you back. And I'm not gonna screw up this time. I promise. I fully intend on treating you like my Queen,like my Goddess, nothing less." All I can say was ... "ohhh baby I love you." And kiss him. "Why don't, we go back to hotel?" "Yeah?" "And picked up where we left off." "I like that but I wanna do something a lil' more different." "Wassup baby?" "Do you have any home girls that wanna have a three sum with you and thick, bad, bitch like me?" "For real?!" "You remember since high school I'm bisexual baby. My husband never knew that. He didn't want to try it either. But hell yea I'm serious. Lemme be corny for a minute. I'm serious as cardiac arrest." "Well then, that case I know the perfect one." Rushing back to the hotel and I'm texting his home girl and she confirmed that she's down with everything. Got me excited and my panties soaking like a super soaker. I'm playing with myself in the car. He looking at me got him hard, but he still gotta focus on the road. Making it to the hotel. We being frisky in front of everybody, especially in the elevator he pushes me against the wall and puts my leg over his shoulder and eats me out. Got me moaning out loud. Flicking his tongue real fast on my pussy like a AK. Not realizing the elevator was on our floor. People looking all shocked, one lady gasping, one man had his phone out. We just laughed and got off and went to our room and we still kissing and touching. He's rubbing my pussy and I'm rubbing his dick, he was hard, throbbing, and ready. His kisses on my neck had me lit. Then we hear a knock on the door. We open it and I see his home girl who was bad as fuck. Sexy legs and thighs dressed in all pink. Curvy and thick in the right places. She had a phat pussy, I could tell by her camel toe through her shorts. Medium,long, black hair, brown eyes and brown skin. Looking like a delicious candy bar. We invited her in. She tells us. "Now let's get this party started." Taking off her jacket and showing nothing but her perky, big breasts. I walk over and kiss her and my new man pull down her shorts and eat her out. We blast some music on his phone through his speakers. 🎶 Now that pipe got her running like she Usain, baby You made me drown in it, oh touche, baby I'm carrying that water, Bobby Boucher, baby You know I'mma slaughter like I'm Jason Bust it, why you got it on safety? White girl wasted on brown liquor I probably shouldn't be around you 'Cause you get wild, wild, wild You looking like there's nothing that you won't do 
I probably shouldn't be around you
'Cause you get wild, wild, wild
You looking like there's nothing that you won't do
Ayy, girl that's when I told you
 When I'm with you, all I get is wild thoughts
Wild, wild, wild
Wild, wild, wild thoughts
Wild, wild, wild
When I'm with you, all I get is wild thoughts
Wild, wild, wild
When I'm with you, all I get is wild thoughts🎶 blasting from his phone . *ApexRingtone Ringing* My phone going off. I press ignore, me and Lil' sexy ( is what I call her) decides to give my new bae a lap dance. Twirl our phat asses in his face and teases him real good making sure he can't touch or get it. But we slip up on purpose and let him catch us. He pulls me to him and I look down but he puts his hand under my chin and left my head up. And looks at me deep in my eye. "No longer will you need to look down anymore, that's over now baby. For now on. You keep your pretty head up. Now look at me." He stands up and picks me up off my feet and place me on the bed Put my legs and feet in the air while my heels are still on. Kisses me from my feet, to my calves, to my legs, to my thighs, to my pussy, to both sides of my hips, to my stomach, to my breasts, to my neck, to my lips, mmmm sending chills to my spine his kisses was amazing setting me on fire, got me going crazy again. While his home girl kisses me, caresses my check and my breasts. "You got some nice lips. Beautiful how does my man, feel? Hmm?" "Mmmm shit. He feels so good. Keep going." "Ahhh wet this dick up for me babies ." "Ok daddy." "Ummm mmmm ahh mmm, slurrp." She takes the left side and I take the right. We slurp and suck on his dick keeping up the same rhythm making him lean his head back gasping for air. Moaning low then out loud. "Shhiit, hell yeah. Mmm yea baby girls suck that dick babies. Fuck." "Mmmm ahhh mmmm *chokes on it*" He picks me up and puts me on his dick and lays me down on my back and he makes love to me. And she's playing with herself fingering her pussy deep and slow. The same way how he's stroking me. "Hitting and stroking that pussy nice and slow.. mmm fuck!" "Ahhhh yesss... this.. feel so.. damn amazing." "Yeah daddy make love to her pussy oooh just like that." "Yeah baby. I told you. I got you. Mmm shit." Ahhh fuck. I never had it like this before. And I never had the best of both worlds, I've always wanted to try it and it's fucking litty. I mean damn watching her play with herself was making me wetter and wetter than a tsunami and a hurricane mixed together. He was deep in my pussy had me creaming and leaking my sweet juices all over the bed and his dick. But he was taking his time with it. Every time I tried to look away. He moves my head to him and tells me to look at him. "Every time you look away I will go harder and deeper. ... ok think I'm playing mmm mmm mmm ." "Oooh fuck you not playing damn. Ok, ok, ok, mmm shit yes yes, yes, yes, fuck I'm squirting already but keep going." "You can scratch me up if you want to. It's all good baby. Ahhhh fuck hell yeah." "Ahhh shit, yesss, don't stop. Don't stop." Then she made her way over to us on the bed and she said wanted to know if my head game was really bomb, just like my new bae so she sat her pussy on my face and I was licking and kissing her pussy lips rolling my tongue in circles sucking her clit. "Ahhhh shit yassss girl just like that. Baby are you hitting That pussy ? Ahhhh! Fuck damn girl yasss ahhh!!!" "Mmmm shit ahhhh mmm hmmm." "Damn this some great pussy." " ooohh her taste so fucking good." " ahhhh fuck ahhh shit ahh." *ApexRingtone Ringing* "Baby you're phone blowing up...'mmmm fuck why now?" "It's prolly work .... ohhh shit." "Won't me to answer it? Hmm won't big daddy to answer it? Mmmm" "'Mmmm fuck that phone and focus on this pussy." "Ohhh yes my queen. Ahhhh fuck fuck shit." *8 missed calls* *2 voicemails* *1Text Notification* "Husband: baby I'm sorry call let's talk" "You're FaceTime ringing again, baby lemme answer this shit." "But baby don't stop." I say with a naughty, slutty, pouty face. "Don't worry baby I'ma still hit this pussy. While you devour my home girl's pussy and I'ma talk at the same time... it's your husband. Allow me." "Hey baby look it's not what seems.. let's talk." "Hey ,sorry, bruh she occupied with me right now. " "What.. WHO THE FUCK IS THIS?!" "Her ex nigga who's about to be her new nigga all over again only difference is my home girl will be joining, Don't believe me? Lemme flip this camera, moan and say hey babies!!!" "Ahhhh fuck yesss, yesss, yesss, don't stop , ooh ,ohh, ohh, ohhh, yes, yes, don't stop." " Well as you can clearly hear the lady is done with you and just getting started with us . Deuces nicca!" I had to let him know a couple of things before he hung up. I had to slide her sweet pussy to side to speak and say my peace . "Dear future ex husband I'm done with you and your shit, have a good life with out me. The divorce papers are the bed. The same place you left the lovely note along some mysterious black lace panties that fit a size small. That I know damn well don't belong to me.... but anyway the divorce papers are signed, waiting for your signature." "No, no, baby---" "And don't try to deny shit I got receipts. My lawyer will be in touch. Bye!" I went to the fuck-festivities and told my bae to turn the music back up. 🎶Bring that shit back, let you hear somethin' twice Ask how to keep drama clear from her life Said, "I don't know, girl, but here's some advice Stop bein' friendly to the fuckboys Stop bein' friendly to the fuckboys Stop bein' friendly to the fuckboys Stop bein' friendly to the fuckboys" Hold up, I'm who you've been cravin' for The one that you save it for Hop in the shower and shave it for Come and watch Power the day before🎶 *Slide To Power Off* "Mmmm that shit was sexy,daddy. Made me wetter." "Mmmm lol I can tell. I got you don't worry. I told you. Bend over for daddy .... yeah... arch that back mmm yes just like that take this dick. And continue eating her out let's go. It's game time ladies. " "Ahhhh, yes, yes, daddy, daddy yes damn." " ahhh shit her tongue feels so fucking good." "Throw that ass back .... ohhhhh hell yea!!! There ya go." "Mmmmm shit I'm creaming and cumming again." "It's ok just let it all go on my dick. Making love to this pussy. How it feel baby? " "It feels soooo fucking good daddy damn I needed this .... fuccck!!!!!!!" "I know baby, I know Gotdamn!!!! " Fuck this is exactly what I needed. A good fucking till the sun comes up. I'm lit, eating out a bad bitch, and my ex is pounding the shit out of my pussy. Got damn it's really hard to explain it right now. Especially when the shit is going down right now.... mmm we change positions. This time me and her do a 69 and he fucks her while she eats me, and I lick her clit, while my new bae strokes her, moving his dick in and out. Her pussy is creaming and leaking all over my face, and my pussy is squirting on her tongue. Our pussies are so wet sound like some one is smacking and chewing gum. We moaning loud. Going on for hours. "Mmmmm ahhh fuck that's my spot, daddy" "Ahhhhh shit fuck yea." "Yeah. Take this dick." " ahhh shit I'm gon fuckin squirt again!!!!!" "Ahhhh shit come here baby let me bounce on the dick." "Let's go baby. Turn around lemme see that ass bounce up and down." "Spread your legs open so I can rub your clit, real fast and I'll do the same to mine." "Mmmm ahh shit. Yes, yes, yes, yess, yasssss ahhh fuck I'm squirting already." "Hell yea. Yasss girl yasss take our daddy's dick. Mmmmm ooouuu yassss." "Hell yea, baby there you go. There you go. There ya go. Ahhhh fuck you so fuckin tight keep going." "Ahhh fuck ahhh shit mmmmm" "Let's switch this time you bounce on daddy dick." "Ok. Mmmm." Spitting on her hand rubbing it on her pussy while straddling my new bae. And she begins bouncing like we shooting a porno. "Ahhhh fuck ahhh yass yasss." "Yes baby girls ahhh fuck. Mmmm shit." " GOTDAMN IT!!!" "AHhhhh AHHHH MMMM AHHH." "Fuck FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, YASS FUCK ME DADDY." "Ahhhhhh SHIT IM CUMMIN'." "Cum on this dick, come on. Cum on this dick!!!!" "Ahhhhhh. I'm about to nut come here, baby!!!" "Fuck I'm squirting ahhhh ahhhh aahhh ahhh ahhha mmm ummmm umm shit!!!!! SHIT!!!!!". Her squirting going one way and mine going the other. And he's nut is shooting straight up. All three of us exhales in relief and then we all hop in the shower and go to sleep cuddling with my new bae being in the middle. I'm on the right and his homegirl on the left. Fall sound asleep around 8 a.m. Waking up naked in bed to a sexy man, a baddie with a big smile on my face. I get my phone of the night stand and turn it on and it vibrate notifying me a bunch of text messages and missed calls from my girl/ attorney Shelia. "It's finalized. It's done." "Call me. ASAP!" "Hey girl you need to call me back as soon as you get this." So I call her to see what's the emergency. She picked up quick as hell. As y'all know I gotta brace my self for whatever bullshit could happen next. Even though I'm use to it but, still any crazy shit could happen. "Heyyyy girl finally, where you been?" "I've been , uhh .. a little tied up." "Ok. Lol. Anyway how soon can you come down to my office?" "I'm really not far from it about 15 mins away, why?" "Like I texted you, everything is finalized. All y'all gotta is get in front a judge in private and sign this last agreement. And you're divorced." "I'll be there gimme 15 mins,ok?" "Cool bye, girl." *Call Ended* I roll over to wake my bae up and asked him if he can give me a ride to Sheila's office. I told everything that I had to do and he quickly agreed. We woke up his homegirl and let her know that we'll be back, we had to handle some business. She said cool gave us both a kiss and went back to sleep. Then we got dressed and left. While driving to her office just a few miles away. He looks at me, holds my hand and kisses it and he tells me, that he got me no matter what. And I did the same thing in return. Making our way to her office upstairs two hours later in front of the judge. He asked me and my ex husband if we had any final things to say before leave this room and go our separate ways. My ex husband had the nerve to speak up and try to give me a crappy apology. He should've known, I was not going to accept it. But he keep going and we got in to a big argument. I was trying to be the bigger person, thank the judge for everything and walk away but this fool gonna grab my arm aggressively and told me I'm not gonna go anywhere until he was done talking. I pushed him off, I maybe little but I got some fire in me, fuck with me and you gonna get hurt. No threats, all promises. And this fool tried grabbing me again! The judge tried to warn him to stop, but he kept on going. Then when I yelled "Get the hell off of me!!". My bae barges in, but a female comes in with him. My bae got in my ex-husband's face. The mysterious female got in mine. Everybody was going back and forth. It was like an episode of Love and Hip Hop. "Ay, man get the fuck off my girl!" "She's my damn wife!" "Nah, homie EX-wife, you fucked that up, remember?" "Bitch, back up away from my man ." "Excuse you. Your man? No, no, you fucked that up too.. now I know you yeah. You fucked that up screwing around with my EX- husband on Snapchat. " "Bitch you ain't got no proof of that shit!" " First of all. BITCH! I got the receipts. Why you think this divorce got finalized so quick?! Dumb bitch." "Oh I got yo dumb bitch! Let's go." She pulls my hair, I pull hers but I get loose and push her to ground and punch her in the face a couple of times. She nicks me a little here and there we going back and forth until my bae pull me off of her. And she still talking shit on the ground with officers busting in the room and holding her down. The judge tells us to leave, before he send us both to jail. Luckily Shelia conceives the judge to let us go, and she hugs me to let me know that it's clear and I'm in good hands, so I don't need to fight. She tells me she'll call me later. Then my bae gets me to calm down and kisses me. Because he thought me and his ex fighting was sexy and it turned him on. We kissed and we get back in his 2017 Navy Blue Dodge Charger, and head back to the hotel. "But all jokes aside baby, I'm so glad I got you back.... I missed you." " I missed you more..." Then our song plays on his radio synced from his iPhone7. And he pulls over and looks at the back seat. And looks back at me. 🎶Pussy wet and dripping, I been like sipping I eat the pussy with precision 6 rings, Jordan, Pippen I do gymnastics with a brick and flip it Money to the ceiling, no I ain't tripping No conversation🎶 "You wanna have some in the back seat, baby?" "Mmmm you read my mind. Follow me." Both of us getting in the back and I straddle him and we kiss passionately while the music play and the bass hit. He unclips my bra and I take of his shirt.... 2 years and 12month laters... we got married and we have beautiful 3 months old twin girls, a brand new penthouse, in Beverly Hills. My massage therapist career really took off. Now I give out the best massages to A-List celebrities. And my man a started his own game system, he's been working on since high school. He just signed a 3.4 Million dollar contract deal with Sony. And we have been named one of the main power couples on social media. We are truly blessed. We wouldn't trade it for anything. So I guess everybody deserves second chances every now and then. We just have to use our best judgement, because I learned through out all of this. I deserved better. It was the best decision I ever made. Looking over the beautiful, California view. *Suddenly The Music Volume Goes Up* 🎶Baby you know who I am and girl I know just who you are🎶 And there is my bae with a glass of Hennessy. Totally naked, sexy smirking at me. 🎶We ain't gotta rush into shit cause being in love is too hard I'm tired of all these flashing lights, girl we should just fuck in the dark Once you let me in it, I'mma get to switching, different positions Have that ass wishing that I was your nigga Wishing that I was your nigga, yeah yeah yeah Wishing that I was your nigga, yeah Once you let me in it, I'mma get to switching, different positions Have that ass wishing that I was your nigga🎶 "Come on baby, the twins are asleep. And our song is on and you know what that mean..." "It's Game Time." Both of us saying our sex-que at the same damn time. Dropping my robe on the floor. Taking a sip of my Hennessy, kissing him and pushing him on the bed. I'll holla at y'all next time, deuces *Closes The Door* " Mmmm, ahhh ,Ahhh daddy." "Yeah, mommy." 🎶Wishing that I was your nigga Wishing that I was your nigga Oh, oh, wish I was yours Haha, wishing that I was your nigga Breezy holla at me🎶 MrsKandiiBaby💋🍭👅💦😏😘😜
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christinamirabilis · 7 years
gay ask game for gays only (stolen from @fakeking)
doing this myself cos i’m bored and i don’t care
1. describe your idea of a perfect date?  okay like, perfect date that is (currently) unrealistic would be an extended overseas vacation with my love - somewhere warm but with lots of exciting things to do - culture, shopping, nightlife - i’m thinking like mediterranean europe, south america, thailand.  skinny dipping, lazy days lying in bed all day in a room with open French doors leading out onto a balcony with a nice view over cobbled streets and a warm breeze stirring the sheet white curtains, sitting outside a café eating delicious food, buying cool shit at the markets... just, yeah, travel.  perfect.
but otherwise, i guess like honestly my favourite thing to do is to go to a bar somewhere with outdoor seating where it’s warm, and we get antipasto platters and sangria or pizza and margaritas, or just whatever, food and drink, and we sit for hours and chat.  there’s a bar on the waterfront that has a bunch of beanbags out on the lawn and you can order food and drink and i went there once with soph and it was really nice even though we ended up having a fight later that night and it was awful, but i wanna go back there next summer i think, with a cute girl who loves me and isn’t planning on leaving lmao.  but anyway.
2. whats your “type”?  honestly i don’t really know like i just really love girls?  all girls?  i mean i guess i like girls who are curvy or a little on the chubby side, with an “alternative” look in some way - crazy hair or tattoos and piercings or just in the way they dress.  girls with loud laughs and big appetites and dirty minds.  i mean, i’m pretty much describing myself here, i’m aware of that.  there’s probably something ominously freudian or whatever in the fact that i’m attracted to girls who are similar to, but better versions of, me, but it’s whatever.  
3. do you want kids?  yeah i think i do.  it’s something i go back and forth on.  it’s not something that i absolutely need to be happy - i have dated people in the past who have not wanted children and honestly it’s more important to me to be with someone who i feel is my soulmate but who won’t have kids with me, rather than someone who i don’t love as much but who will?  but yeah i do want kids, i think, but i’m not sure, and i’m not set on it?
4. if you do, will you adopt or use some other form of child birth? well i’m definitely not getting pregnant myself.  if my partner wants to get pregnant, that would be fine, although i’m gonna have to get over my phobia of pregnant people lmao.  but i think my first choice would be adoption, purely because there are so many kids in the system who need a loving home, so i feel like it would be better for the world if i could make a tiny difference by adopting some of those kids?
5. describe the cutest date you’ve ever been on? ah man i don’t even know.  i’m just thinking about all the things i did with sophie and it’s making me sad so i’m not going to answer this one haha.
6. describe your experience having sex for the first time (were you nervous? or was it easy peasy?)?  i mean, yeah, i was nervous, but more than anything i was kind of like, “oh wow, this is really happening,” because it was a girl who i’d been on one date with and then we met up in town a few days later and i went home with her.  i was mostly worried that i tasted bad?  but i personally didn’t struggle with it like it just felt natural, and i was pretty stoked that i made her cum several times on my first time, like, i was worried i would be “bad” at it or whatever.
7. are you a morning time gay or night time gay?  night time gay.
8. opinion on nap dates?  good.
9. opinion on brown eyes?  good.
10. dog gay or cat gay?  i like both.  i am bipetual, if you will.  but if i had to choose, cats - but only marginally.
11. would you ever date someone who owned rodents or reptiles?  of course, except probably not snakes, but there are no snakes in new zealand.  but i love rats, and i don’t mind lizards and stuff.
12. whats a turn off you look for before you start officially dating someone?  if they’re polyamorous, non-monogamy is my only absolute dealbreaker - and in my experience, the consequences of trying non-monogamy have, for me anyway, been disastrous.
13. what is a misconception you had about lgb people before you realized you were one?  well, to be honest, i’d never ~met~ a gay person, to my knowledge, like, no one that was openly out (although in hindsight i had probably met a few) - and certainly no one that i had more than a passing interaction with, until my friend nic came to the therapeutic community i was living in.  and it was such a shock to me to meet someone who was so openly gay and so confident and unashamed?  because, to me, i had nothing against gay people, but i just felt like i myself couldn’t be one, there was shame to it somehow (a lot of this is tied into my ptsd, it’s hard to explain without going into all of that which i don’t feel like doing) - and i expected that other gay people would similarly be ashamed, like it was some kind of illness that they couldn’t help and they didn’t choose and that they’d rather be straight if they could.  and yeah, so it was a shock meeting nic.  but it was life changing, because it gave me room to consider what i had been in denial about for so long - that maybe i was gay too.  so i’ll always be so very grateful to nic for being in my life in general, because we went through recovery together, but particularly because she allowed me the opportunity to become my true self, and that has been more liberating than anything.
14. what is a piece of advice you would give to your younger self?  i guess to not worry, and that things will become clear to her when she’s ready - and to not worry about why she doesn’t find boys attractive and what might be wrong with her, and especially not to do the dangerous and self-destructive things she did (sending nudes to and sexting a boy she had never met, which could have gone horribly fucking wrong - and for all i know he might have shown all of his mates, but this was prior to social media and smart phones so it wouldn’t have been that bad, getting herself into a situation where she was date-raped at a party, trying to organise anonymous sexual meetings with strangers on the internet) to try and FORCE herself to feel attraction to men.  and that there’s no shame in being gay.
15. (if attracted to more than one gender) do you have different “types” for different genders?  i’m gay af.
16. who is an ex you regret?  ugh i don’t know, like, i have been through some awful shit with some of my exes, but i don’t regret any of them, because they all taught me lessons about life that i took into my next relationship, and into other situations, and i have become a better person as a result - and i have very fond memories with all of them, even if things did go really sour at the end?  particularly my last relationship - it was by far the most painful and chaotic relationship i’ve ever been in, towards the end, and i have so many regrets about how things went and how i should have done this, and shouldn’t have done that, but i don’t for a moment regret being with that person, because i loved her so much (and still do) and i have had some of the best experiences of my life with her and wouldn’t trade it for the world.  so yeah, i don’t regret any of them.
17. night club gay or cafe gay?  both, depends.
18. who is one person you would “go straight” for?  ugh you know i feel like i always have an answer prepared for this, until someone actually asks me?  i used to say kit harington but now i’m not sure?  fuck damn i was literally talking about this with my boss last week, but i can’t remember who it was.
19. video game gay, book gay, or movie gay?  book or movie.
20. favourite gay ship (canon or not)?  ah i’m not really into the whole ship thing but i guess clarke and lexa because that’s the first one i can think of.  OH and i definitely ship daenerys targaryen and asha/yara greyjoy - i know it’s never going to happen but it’s nice to imagine.  emilia clarke is my number one celebrity crush - she doesn’t know it yet but she’s gonna marry me.
21. favourite gay youtuber?  literally could not give a single fuck about youtubers.
22. have you ever unknowingly asked out a straight person?  not to my knowledge, like, i have only ever asked out people who i have been talking to on dating apps tbh.
23. have you ever been in love?  yeah.
24. have you ever been heartbroken?  oh god yes.
25. how do you determine if you want to be them or be with someone?  honestly i don’t!  the only way i can know is if i date them for a little bit?  sometimes it’s both and that’s okay too.
26. favourite lgb musician/band?  ok so i had to google a list of them to make sure i didn’t miss them.  my very favourite is jónsi, cos he’s the lead singer of my favourite band sigur rós.  also i love david bowie, and i like sia and beth ditto.  also apparently jackie cruz, who plays flaca on oitnb, is also a singer - and bisexual!  so that’s exciting.  there’s a whole bunch of people on that list who i didn’t know were queer.
27. what is a piece of advice you have for young / baby gays?  take no shit from straight people - live your truth and stand up for yourself.  but also, keep yourself safe - this is more important than anything else.  lastly, don’t let terfs and racists in the community get into your head - we are a minority, we MUST stand up for other minorities as well.  some of us are also trans or people of colour, and we must protect and uplift them.  we have to be better.
28. are you out? if so how did you come out?  i am completely out now, but it was a process over a couple of years, because it was really fucking hard.  i am now openly gay, to the point that i’ll mention it in passing to strangers if it’s relevant, assuming i feel safe to do so.  but anyway this is a long story, so settle in.
i never voiced the thought that i might be gay until i was 20, during group at the therapeutic community.  i thought i was possibly bisexual for a long time, but in retrospect i think i was trying to compromise with myself, that being bisexual was somehow more acceptable to me than being gay.  but yeah, so after that i didn’t tell anyone again until i was nearly 21, when i was having dinner with my best friend sarah and another good friend from high school, heather.  i remember it vividly, because heather said about how she’d been in a relationship with a girl while she was on study exchange in scotland.  i got up abruptly from the table, went to the bathroom, nearly threw up, and then came back, and they both asked me if i was okay, and i said that i might be gay.  it was really scary because at the time sarah was studying to be an officer in the salvation army and i was scared that she would no longer want to be friends with me, but of course she is a perfect angel and it was no problem at all.  after that i went on a date with a girl while i was living by myself in napier, and then i freaked out and ghosted her, which i feel bad about.  i was also out to my friend mixx, who i met on tumblr that year.  and after that, i didn’t come out to anyone else until i was nearly 23.  i had moved down to wellington to start university, and i had to do summer school for six weeks to do a refresher music theory course, so i was sleeping on my sister’s couch for six weeks.  i hung out with her friends a lot, including her flatmate (her ex boyfriend who was now her best friend, who had come out as gay), and one night i was sitting out having a cigarette with his boyfriend, and i just told him i was gay, and that i was scared to come out, and asked him not to tell my sister.  and then a few days later i was in the car with my sister and i just kind of blurted it out, and she was like, “mate, i’ve known that for years,” and i was kind of offended because i thought i had been really good at hiding it and that she assumed i was gay because i hadn’t had a boyfriend like maybe i just didn’t want one?  haha but it was fine.  and then a week or so later we went up to hawkes bay to visit my parents, cos jen had to take her car up there so dad could sell it for her, and i told my parents while we were eating chinese food, again spur of the moment, and my dad was unfazed but my mum kind of freaked out a bit, i remember her dropping her fork and there was fried rice all over the floor.  and she rang her best friend crying, and the friend was like, “oh man, i thought you saw this coming, i sure did.”  like, she wasn’t upset that i was gay, just that she hadn’t known, and apparently everyone else she knew had.  and i think she did struggle with my being gay to begin with, it took her a long time to adjust, but she seems to be okay now.  and then i didn’t bother coming out to anyone else, i just let the grapevine do the trick/liked lgbt pages on facebook and posted photos of myself with girls.  but apparently my extended family didn’t figure it out and it all came out when we were all at my cousin’s 21st about six months later, but everyone was chill and unsurprised about it.  and since then i have been very open about it, because, like, i had been in recovery for years, but i had been really stagnant, and coming out was the catalyst i needed to truly become well.  i mean, i nearly died later that year cos i had a really bad psychotic episode and tried to kill myself.  and i had another bad episode two years later, but that was related to ptsd.  so neither of those was related to my sexuality, and i do honestly think that being out for me is a protective factor - i don’t have the added complication of trying to hard part of myself while also grappling with illness, so i have been able to recover faster?  i don’t know.  anyway that’s such a long wall of text i’m so sorry kudos to anyone who read it.
29. what is the most uncomfortable / strange coming out experience you have?  ugh honestly most of the experiences i have had have been positive or at least neutral.  i know one of my aunts doesn’t approve - she’s a hardcore salvation army person, threw a massive tantrum when my parents let me read harry potter as a kid - which is hypocritical as fuck because when my (male) cousin came out she sent him a text saying that she still loved him and was proud of him, but she has never said a word to me about my being gay.  although she still treats me the same as she always has so i guess it could be worse, i just have very little patience for her in general.
but probably the worst experience i have had was when i was 23, newly out to my family, had just moved into a hall of residence, and was scared about making friends because i had been pretty much out of society for five years - three years in hospital/residential and then two years of living first by myself and then with my parents, working at a supermarket and with only one friend.  so i was scared, i was still forming my identity as a lesbian.  anyway, a group of girls who lived on my floor decided to adopt me, and i hung out with them for a few days and it was really nice.  i went to an o-week party with them, and on the way back to the hall they decided it would be hilarious to go to a strip club (they were all 18 or 19 so y’know).  i went in but i wasn’t really feeling it - i’m not really a fan of strip clubs and i didn’t have any money to give the dancers but i didn’t want to be in there NOT giving them money.  one of the other girls looked visibly uncomfortable so i asked her if she wanted to go and wait outside until the others were ready to leave.  we were chatting, and she was like, “yeah, i just feel uncomfortable being in the presence of naked women,” and i was like, “fair enough, i don’t mind cos i’m gay, but i don’t really like strip clubs.”  after that she turned really frosty but i didn’t think anything of it until they all snobbed me at breakfast the next morning - turns out this girl goes to one of those evangelical megachurches who think that being gay can be “cured”, and she told the others that she didn’t want me hanging out with them anymore.  think she might have made some shit up about me to make them not like me either, lovely thing to do.  it didn’t matter because i made other friends in the hall, including probably the only two other lesbians living there, but it still hurt.  but the funny thing about it is this homophobic girl was my next door neighbour, and i knew it made her uncomfortable whenever she ran into me in the hallway - and i made a point to occasionally take girls home and have very loud sex with them, knowing she’d be able to hear hahahahahaha.
30. what is a piece of advice for people who may not be in a safe place to express their sexuality?  just do what you gotta do to survive - you’re no less queer if you can’t be out.  find someone you trust that you can talk to, so that you’re not alone.  it won’t always be like this - one day you’ll be able to live your truth.  just keep holding on.
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