#even with lesser impact because nobody has strong powers yet at that point
kunstkombi · 2 months
MP100 Fallout AU
I wrote down some headcanons for this AU (& others) in February & well, come April there's suddenly a Fallout TV series? (& there are Magic the Gathering Fallout cards since earlier this year, too??) Well Fallout brainrot is revived, here's long-ass worldbuilding/background ramblings.
Vault Tec & Claw
Claw existed before the Great War as an organization researching psychic abilities; though in this universe powers initially don't nearly reach the levels of MP100 canon
Toichiro & his wife start working with Vault Tec overseas & are assigned Vault 100, that is just being constructed
They are to conduct experiments with FEV-variants on promising psychics to try & enhance their abilities by new means the vaults offer in the future
Mob is born in 2058
Several years later Toichiro starts to "collect" mostly young espers to populate the vault with; of course the plan of direct & experimentation with yet unknown risks is left out
Parents of the kids he's interested in are offered contracts that promise a safe place for them to survive with the downside of being taken away to 'monitor', but the desperation over the worsening state of the world makes it easy to agree
The Kageyamas even beg for them to take both their sons, not only the one with some innate abilities - and succeed
Toichiro's wife leaves him over the increasingly unethical plans for the vault, but to her dismay their own son stays with his father
Vault Occupancy
In 2072 the contracts take effect & Vault 100 is populated and sealed (with mostly kids from JP & USA families)
Toichiro & the Ultimate 5 are in charge and oversee the vault and experiments
For about two years the vault is operated with its young residents living a pretty standard vault life, they have restricted permission to be in contact with their families
As the experiments so far show no effect & the young population is getting harder to control, the decision is made to make them enter cryosleep early & continue with different lines of experimentation while in this state
In 2074 all residents except the six in charge enter cryosleep, including Toichiro's own son
Correspondence with parents of the kids is fabricated from here on
Many of the kids die in the next few years while supplemented with barely tested substances to increase their affinities
In 2077 on the day of the Great War, Toichiro & the Ultimate 5 enter cryosleep themselves, joining their own experiments as subjects now that the fatality rates have reached 0 & brain scans look promising
They set their own systems to awake at a scheduled point in the future
It goes as planned; the 6 of them wake up & find themselves enhanced with never before seen psychic powers, marking their final experiments a success
Vault 100 is unsealed & Toichiro wakes only Sho from the remaining children, to take him with him
Sho is initially too weak to fight back but doesn't take to it kindly; as soon as he is able he goes back
He wakes Ritsu first, of course
Together they start waking the remaining kids - some of them, including Ritsu, don't seem to see any changes in their abilities, several of them are incredibly disoriented
However, Mob's cryopod malfunctions and won't release him - they could break it, but can't guarantee his survival should they forcibly remove him
They can only try to look for someone to help, so even if Ritsu has a hard time leaving he and Sho start their wasteland journey with that mission, while Teru stays back to watch over the others and Mob
Unfortunately Toichirou comes back in search of Sho and they are forced to flee, leaving Mob unattended
Reigen & Mob
Not too long after everyone's gone, Reigen instead finds the vault - it looks newly opened which could promise a fortune (& he isn't so wrong about that)
Despite, or because, not knowing what he's doing, he ends up accidentally releasing the single kid left
Mob is fine but overwhelmed & immediately starts frantically looking for Ritsu
Reigen's words don't get through to Mob - he gets some reaction when he talks to him in Japanese, but ultimate can just follow while Mob scours the whole vault
Soon he gets a showcase of Mob's new powers & in their strongest form, while Mob reaches 100% despair
In the explosion, most of the vault is destroyed
Reigen is shocked but fascinated and he stays with Mob and calms him
His initial plan to bring the kid somewhere safe asap change with the idea of taking him with him to profit from these powers - Reigen himself is not the strongest & survives mainly on charisma & luck out there
Reigen lies to him about knowing more than he does & possibly being able to help him find his brother
Throughout Mob's traumatic awakening into an entirely unknown world alone Reigen is his only company & guidance, so Mob trusts him quickly - & Reigen gets attached quickly
Reigen continues lying but his own gains aside, he soon genuinely tries to help Mob find Ritsu as well as the truth
Somewhere along on their journey they meet Dimple, an intelligent super mutant & he tags along, initially also out of interest in Mob's powers
18 notes · View notes
yellowcanna · 4 years
Flip that Coin, It Doesn't Matter
Heroes: Like the name, they are righteous people who fought for justice and the peace of society.
Villains: Like the name, they are people who misuse their Quirks to harm others and cause chaos.
In the current society where eighty percent of the world population has Quirks, every single person grew up knowing about Heroes and Villains.
However, there was one more occupation that was often overlooked yet their impact wasn’t any lesser than Heroes or Villains.
They are Assassins.
Midoriya has always dreamed of becoming a Hero due to his idolization of All Might like others in his generation. He had dreams of gaining a powerful Quirk—to fight the bad guys and saving people in need. But never once did Midoriya expect that the path of Heroes was one that was always intertwined with Assassins.
If Hero and Villain are the two sides of the same coin, then Assassin is the rim of that coin.
Rating: T
Genre: Crossover
Pairing: None
Author: Canna / Yellow Canna
Status: One-Shot
Available on AO3!!
━━━━━━━━»•» ❀ «•«━
Heroes: Like the name, they are righteous people who fought for justice and the peace of society.
Villains: Like the name, they are people who misuse their Quirks to harm others and cause chaos.
In the current society where eighty percent of the world population has Quirks, every single person grew up knowing about Heroes and Villains.
However, there was one more occupation that was often overlooked yet their impact wasn’t any lesser than Heroes or Villains.
They are Assassins.
Midoriya has always dreamed of becoming a Hero due to his idolization of All Might like others in his generation.
He had dreams of gaining a powerful Quirk—to fight the bad guys and saving people in need. But never once did Midoriya expect that the path of Heroes was one that was always intertwined with Assassins.
The topic of Assassins has always been a sensitive one. When learning about Hero and Villains in school, Assassin was a term that would constantly pop out, yet their mention only lasted a sentence or two before being completely bypassed.
Nobody ever thought much of it, even Midoriya. That was how it has always been. He never thought that Assassin would ever play a part in his life until he began his life as a Hero.
The first time he met Assassins, it was in the U.S.J. Incident.
That was the first time they had ever encountered the League of Villains…as well as their first time of encountering Assassins.
“Hey Midoriya, we’re just here to see how things are going, okay?”
“I know. We’ll run away the instant it seems dangerous.” Midoriya whispered, slowly poking his head out and searched for their teacher. He spotted Aizawa in the distance, fearlessly fighting the Villains despite being outnumbered.  
The underground Hero was swiftly mowing down the Villains left and right. He was strong. Midoriya couldn’t help the relieved smile on his face when he saw this. He naively thought that with their teacher being this strong, there wouldn’t be any problem.
And then, his eyes landed on two individuals by the fountain.
Midoriya wouldn’t have noticed them if it weren’t for their brightly coloured hair. For starters, both of these boys were young. The teen was certain that they had to be the same age.
The boy with red hair by the fountain with the blue-haired boy stood next to him. They wore similar clothing that looked like some sort of uniform.
The red-haired one wore a gray shirt with a hood and sleeves that reached his elbows with matching long pants. The blue-haired one was wearing the same thing, except his shirt was sleeveless and reached just above his belly button with shorts.
It looked like they were both wearing some sort of black skin-tight bodysuits underneath their gray uniforms. Both of them got black combat boots on their feet and brown gloves covering their hands.
Every part of their bodies was covered except for their heads.
Their uniforms got plenty of pockets too and from what Midoriya could see, these pockets all looked full. The two youths were watching the fight with serene smiles on their faces. Just the sight alone sent a chill down Midoriya’s spine.
“Hey,” the man with a hand covering his face gritted out, taking notice of the two at the very back. “Who said you can slack off? Get in there and stop him!”
“Hm…don’t feel like it.” The redhead spoke in a lazy tone and waved his hand at the Villain leader dismissively.  
“What’s going on?” Mineta muttered.
“An internal dispute?” Asui guessed.
Midoriya saw the Hand-man becoming even more agitated.
“You were the ones that came to us agreeing to the terms, or are you chickening out?” Hand-man growled.
“Agree?” The redhead rolled the word around his tongue before snorting as if he just heard something hilarious. “We never agreed to anything. You’re the ones gathering all the thugs in the area claiming you can take down All Might.”
“We never said we’ll help you fight.” The blue-haired one finished for his companion.
“Then what the fuck did you come for?” Hand-man snarled, scratching at his neck.
“We were just curious what made you so confident that you can take on the No.1 Hero.” The red-haired one shrugged.
And then, the Villain couldn’t be bothered by those two anymore. He was too busy dealing with Aizawa.
The three students’ attentions were also turned back to the battlefield. They watched in horror as their teacher was brutally beaten. None of them could look away from the brutal scene. They couldn’t do anything but stand there and watched the enemy break their teacher bit by bit.
“Ah!” Mineta screamed. Midoriya and Asui jumped back at the sight of that red-haired boy crouching on the ledge next to them, looking at them with a wide smirk.
“Do you want to save your teacher?”
“W-what do you mean?” Midoriya asked in a shaky voice. He could hear the sound of his own heartbeat pounding against his eardrums. When did he come over? How come none of them noticed?
“Your teacher,” the redhead jabbed his thumb over his shoulder, pointing directly at Aizawa whose head was slammed into the concrete by that monster. “He’s gonna die at this rate. Do you want to save him?”
“Why?” Asui asked while pushing Mineta back with her arm. “Why would Villains offer help?”
“Villains?” The redhead chuckled, but there was a dangerous glint in his golden eyes. “We’d appreciate it if you don’t group us together with the likes of them.”
“You’re…not Villains?” Midoriya asked skeptically, finding it hard to believe considering they had appeared with the Villains.
“We’re not Villains,” another voice spoke up, this time from behind them.
Mineta let out another scream. With them so focused on the red-haired boy, they didn’t even notice the blue-haired boy that was standing on the ledge behind their backs.
“He’s going to die at this rate,” the blue-haired said while looking at the battle.
“You wanna save him or not?” The redhead asked again.
“How do we save him?” Midoriya’s eyes darted back and forth between the two. He was still wary of them, but if there’s a way to save their teacher...
“Simple!” The redhead snapped his fingers. “Hire us and we will kill that guy off for you.”
“…What?” Midoriya’s head was ringing. He couldn’t help but wonder if he had heard wrong.
“Like I said~” The redhead got up and pointed directly at the Villain with a hand on his face. “Hire us, and we,” he made a sharp gesture across his throat, “kill him.”
“W-what are you…!!”
“You still don’t get it?” The redhead arched a brow at them.
“We are Assassins.” The blue-haired teen whispered in a voice so low that only they could hear.
“Gero!” Asui immediately backed away with Mineta.
Midoriya did as well.
Cold sweats were starting to break out from all three of them. None of them could believe that these two kids who looked like the same age as them were murderers.
Midoriya rolled his better hand into a tight fist. He was ready to fend them off should they suddenly attack.
“Oh?” The red-haired boy’s eyes gleamed as if knowing what Midoriya was thinking. “Are you going to hit me?”
“Karma-kun.” The blue-haired boy called the other in a disapproving tone. Then he looked back to the three U.A students. “We’re not here to fight you. We’re just here on an assignment from our school.”
The three gapped at the Assassins.
Assassins have school?!
“But if you hire us to kill the guy off, we might get a bonus mark. That guy has already killed more than ten people. He’s qualified to be on the hit list.”
“What are you—” Midoriya couldn’t finish because the Villain with warp Quirk appeared by the Hand-man’s side, telling him about someone making it out to call for help.
“Tch…looks like it’s over.” The redhead clicked his teeth and shoved his hands into his pocket. “Come on Nagisa, let’s go!”
“I thought you wanted to kill them, Karma-kun?” The blue-haired boy now known as Nagisa inquired. He didn’t sound irritated or anything. It was just a genuine question—like if the boy said yes, he would immediately jump in to support him.
“It’s not like these kids have the money anyways." Golden eyes scanned over Midoriya, Asui and Mineta, then back to the Villains. “Right now those guys are just nobodies. It’s better to wait for their rank to grow and then kill them.”
“I can’t argue with that.” Nagisa smiled and just like that, the two of them walked away, turning their backs to both Heroes and Villains. Midoriya didn’t know where they were going considering they were walking the opposite direction from the exit.
The Villains didn’t bother with the two either since they were irrelevant to their plans.
It was only after All Might and the reinforcement arrived that Midoriya and the others found the chance to tell them about the strange boys that called themselves Assassins.
The moment their teachers heard of this, they were immediately on high alert. They searched the entire U.S.J, but couldn't find any traces of the two boys.
At that time, Midoriya hadn’t known how big of a deal meeting two underage Assassins were.
Assassins never make any public appearances due to their skills in avoiding cameras and killing their target in secrecy. Despite that, Heroes and governments were still able to gather plenty of information about them. It was common knowledge within Heroes and experienced Villains that Assassins were all grown adults.
No children Assassins were ever to be seen throughout history.
By having information on Assassins trainees, they could learn a lot about this mysterious group. Things such as old do Assassins begin their training, how were they chosen, do Assassins train their students one on one, or was there an actual school teaching them?
And most importantly, did these people willingly become Assassins?
These were all questions the government has always been searching for. And now, for the very first time in history, two young Assassins appeared—and with the Villains nonetheless.
It was two weeks later that Midoriya—as well as the rest of the class—were finally told about Assassins. This information was something they weren’t supposed to learn until they were in third years, but the appearance of the Assassins pushed the school to let them know early.
“As you probably all learned in middle schools, assassins are individuals who received request and payment to eliminate a target.”
Aizawa’s entire body was wrapped in bandages and looked as if a little bit of wind would be enough to blow him over.
“In the past, Assassins were regarded the same as Villains, but everything changed in the 24th century when the rise of Villains got out of hand. Governments around the world decided to hire Assassins to aid them in controlling Villains.”
The class burst into gasps of disbelief, including Midoriya. None of their history books or anything ever mentioned the government hiring killers.
“But sensei!” Iida raised his hand. “Isn’t that just the same as hiring Villains to take care of Villains?”
Many students nodded, unable to understand the reasoning.
“If you are going to become Heroes, then there’s one thing you need to remember from here on out,” Aizawa told them sternly, staring at them from the gap of his bandages. “Assassins are not like Villains. Villains do things out of their own self-interest, Assassins do not. They are killers, but not by nature.”
“Then…you’re saying they are good guys?” Sato asked in disbelief.
“I didn’t say that,” the teacher replied. “Assassins only kill when there’s a client hiring them to do so. In other words, they only kill when they are paid to do so.”
Midoriya suddenly remembered that red-haired boy—Karma’s parting words.
“It’s not like these kids have the money anyways. Right now those guys are just nobodies. It’s better to wait for their rank to grow and then kill them.”
Kill for money.
Midoriya’s hands rolled into fists. He couldn’t accept something like that.
None of the kids in the class could, which was understandable.
Aizawa himself and all other Heroes were the same. No matter how bloodied the Villain’s hands may be, it was not a Hero’s job to kill them. It wasn’t that they couldn’t understand the feeling of the people who resorted to hiring Assassins to vent out their anger, but deaths won’t bring anything back.
As humans, they have no right as an individual to pass on judgments to others. That was why they have laws. Their job as Hero was to bring these Villains to justice—where they will be sentenced for the crime they committed by the country and the people as a whole.
These Assassins used the despair of people who lost their loved ones and made money off their revenge.
It was simply wrong, and no one who aspires to be Heroes can come to like Assassins.
“After that collaboration, the Assassins struck a deal with the governments and the World Assassin Association was formed.”
Midoriya gapped. They even have a World Assassin Association? How big were they?! Why weren’t they taught something like that? Shouldn’t the public be made aware of this?
“The Assassin Association has three rules that all Assassins must follow. The first rule is that only those who have killed more than ten people can become an Assassin’s target, be it directly or indirectly.”
"That guy has already killed more than ten people. He’s qualified to be on the hit list.”
“The second is that Assassins cannot attack Heroes unless it was the Hero who made the first move. Everything that happens afterward, the Assassins will be able to justify their actions under self-defense.”
“Oh? Are you going to hit me?”
“The third is that they cannot kill anyone that they were not hired to. These are their three rules, keep them in mind.” Aizawa instructed sternly. “If you ever come across an Assassin, never attack them. As long as you don’t attack them, they cannot attack you. The moment you do, they will gain the right to attack you and not be held accountable for anything that happens afterward.”
“But aren’t they still criminals?” Asui wondered out loud, not understanding why as Heroes they can’t fight against Assassins.
“Aizawa-sensei, are Assassins super strong?” Ashido asked curiously.
“No,” Aizawa replied. “If we judge them by the standard of Heroes, they are not strong. In fact, it is speculated that most of these Assassins are Quirkless.”
That made the class blow up.
“Quiet!” Aizawa shouted and the students shut their mouths. However, they were anything but calm, especially Midoriya who was once Quirkless.
To suddenly learn of an occupation that hired mostly Quirkless people was…
“Aizawa-sensei!” He couldn’t help but raise his hand, wanting to know. “If Assassins were all hidden and not much was seen, how do you know they are mostly Quirkless?”
“Let me ask you this.” Aizawa stared at Midoriya. “Who do we fight against, as Heroes?”
“Villains,” Midoriya replied naturally.
“Then what does it take for someone to be defined as Villain?”
“Someone who misuses their Quirks—” Midoriya froze, unable to continue as his tongue suddenly felt numb in his mouth. His eyes widened as he slowly began to understand.
“That’s right.” Aizawa continued, looking towards the rest of the class. “As Heroes, our job is to deal with those who use their Quirks to fight. Then what happens if there exist criminals that don’t use their Quirks?”
“They will fall to the police,” Iida gasped. They understood now. They now know why as Heroes, they are unable to touch Assassins. Heroes and police may seem to be on the same side, but there were many complications between the two departments. If by law that Assassins cannot be arrested by Heroes, then in doing so will only get them in trouble with the police!
“But wouldn’t they be easy to deal with? I mean, they can’t use their Quirks in a fight, right?” Kirishima asked.
“Assassins have killed more Villains than anyone in this world,” Aizawa deadpanned. “And they have done it without the aid of any Quirks. Assassins pride themselves on their skills. They don’t need Quirks to perform their jobs. That’s why those without Quirks are often the most ideal type to become Assassins. Without any special features, they can blend in and become anything.”
“Blend in?” Yaoyorozu muttered as the class shared a look.
For the next fifteen minutes, Aizawa began going through detail on how Assassins truly operate.
To all of the children’s shock, it wasn’t anything as simple as just waiting in the dark with a weapon.
Assassins have a huge range of skills, ones that no Villains or Heroes could compare to. To the point where they can be placed in any situation and still be able to swiftly blend in. They must have knowledge in all areas and all fields. Honey traps, disguises, informants…there were just countless ways for Assassins to move without alerting anyone around them. They can even kill a person in broad daylight and no one will ever know who has done it.
Just hearing it sent chills down their spines, thinking that perhaps one day, they will walk by an Assassin without even knowing.
“Assassins are masters in disguises and because their disguises are not Quirks, it’s not something that can be detected easily. Their expressions, their form and even down to the slightest movement are calculated. They will be at a disadvantage once exposed, but it doesn’t mean you can underestimate them. If anything, dealing with Assassins are far more dangerous than Villains. Assassins fight with a variety of weapons and poisons. They all have a thorough analysis of the human anatomy to know how to incapacitate you for the rest of your lives. There have been examples of Heroes fighting Assassins only to leave their Hero career due to this.”
The class shivered at the dark look in Aizawa’s eyes.
“But…Assassins only target those that killed more than ten people, right?” Kaminari laughed weakly. “Doesn’t that mean that we probably won’t ever see one?”
“No,” Aizawa stated flatly. “If anything, Heroes are the only career where you will meet more Assassins than any other ones.”
“Eh?!” Aoyama couldn’t stop the small screech he let out.
“More often than not, these Assassins will come for the Villains you’re fighting.” The raven-haired man replied. “To Assassins, the most important thing is the ability to kill their targets in one shot. In other words, they will wait for the perfect opportunity where the failure rate is at the lowest. It’s not uncommon for Heroes to subdue a Villain only for an Assassin to take the chance and kill the Villain off. Whenever you hear a report of a Villain’s death after engaging with a Hero, most of them were in fact killed by Assassins.”
“Aizawa-sensei,” Iida raised his hand. “Why does the government hide all of this? The World Assassination Association and these reported deaths…shouldn’t the public be made aware of this?”
“Because if the news gets out, more people will be aware of these Assassins and will lean towards them. There might even be an increase of clients for these Assassins,” Aizawa said slowly. “These Villains Assassins target are people that have murdered over ten people. If these Assassins’ accomplishments were brought to light, there would be a split between society on whether or not the Assassins’ actions are just and that can become extremely dangerous. This is why Assassin’s involvement needed to be covered up.”
The man looked around the class before continuing.                     
“The final thing you all need to know is a fourth rule of the World Assassination Association. This isn’t a rule for the Assassins to follow, but it is the most crucial rule we as Heroes need to know. If for whatever reason someone was to kill an Assassin, then the first three rules of the World Assassination Association will no longer be applied to that specific person.”
“Then doesn’t that mean that anyone can kill them?!” Mineta cried.
“That’s why you need to avoid any fight with Assassins. Even if a fight were to happen, figure out a way to pacify the Assassin. Assassins are not like Villains. They are capable of listening to reasoning and can be negotiated.” Aizawa instructed.
“In the future, there will come a time when you must face off against an Assassin that has come to kill the Villain you’ve captured. The only thing you can do in that situation is to protect the Villain. As long as you don’t attack the Assassin, they can’t attack you in any ways. The moment the Villain is transported into jail, the Assassin will have no way to kill them, that’s why they will do everything in their power to kill the Villain before that happens. They may even appear in front of you disguising as an ally to trick you.”
“Then…how do we know if they’re Assassins or not?” Uraraka asked nervously.
“…You don’t.” Aizawa replied slowly, remembering something from the past. “The only thing you can do is to trust your instinct and let that be your judgment.”
Those were the only advice Aizawa could give to his students.
Everyone heard it. They understood what their teacher was trying to tell them and took it to heart. But understanding was one thing, putting it into practical use was another.
Midoriya learned it the hard way after the fight with the Hero Killer.
That was the first time Midoriya has ever witnessed a death right in front of him.
Back then, Midoriya, Iida, and Todoroki did everything they could to put the Hero Killer down. The moment the Villain was beaten, they all relaxed, thinking that everything was fine now.
Reinforcement arrived and things were seemingly peaceful until the flying Nomu appeared.
Then afterward, Midoriya was saved by the Hero Killer.
At that moment, no one could move from the blood lust the Hero Killer was expelling.
Midoriya could only stare, feeling as if there were invisible hands gripping onto him. He couldn’t move at all, even by an inch. He could only stare with fear on his face as the Hero Killer headed for the rest of the Heroes.
“I must make things right…!”
He said, taking a step forward.
“Someone must be dyed in red!”
He took another step.
“I must take back what it meant to be a Hero!!”
He slammed his feet down and glared at the Heroes before him.
“Come! Try to get me, you fakes! The only one I’ll allow to kill me is the real Hero! ALL—”
Midoriya saw something flickered by.
It was too fast for him to make out exactly what it was. All he knew that whatever it was, it went right through the Hero Killer’s head, followed by blood gushing out from the Villain’s temple. And then, like a marionette with its strings cut, the Hero Killer crumbled onto the ground.
For a while, nobody could move. All of them were still frozen in place, staring at the Villain lying on the floor motionlessly.
Midoriya stared at the body in front of him and felt everything inside him turning cold.
Gran Torino and Endeavor were the first ones to react. The moment Endeavor shouted that out, he jumped in front of the Hero Killer, using his large body to shield the Villain. Gran Torino had already activated his Quirk and flew off, heading towards the direction where the shot came from. The rest of the Heroes hurriedly grabbed the three U.A students and ran from the scene.
As Midoriya was carried away, he spotted a small hole in the ground a meter and half from where Stain laid.
Hero Killer: Stain, has died.
The Assassin that had killed Stain him was never found.
The moment the Assassin shot the Hero Killer, they went into hiding. Even with Gran Torino’s speed, he couldn’t find where the Assassin had gone. Just as Aizawa had said, the police covered up Stain’s death as an unfortunate accident, but a video of Hero Killer’s last moment began to surface all over the internet.
The video cut off right after Stain was shot, so questions and conspiracy theory began to pop up everywhere. They were even speculating that the police were the ones that had shot Stain off camera.
Despite the things the Hero Killer had done, society had split opinions of the Villain. Many idolize Stain and could relate his reasoning—something that Aizawa told them would happen should the public know about the Assassins.
Distrust towards the police and Heroes began to rise.
Midoriya didn’t know how to take the news. He didn’t know how to feel about the Hero Killer’s death.
Given that the Hero Killer has only killed Heroes, whoever hired an Assassin had to be from one of the deceased Hero’s families.
Even without giving any information, Midoriya knew the police must be investigating those families. He couldn’t understand. While he may not know all those Heroes that had died, surely the last thing these Heroes wanted was for their families to become murderers, and that’s what they will be the moment they decided to hire someone to take someone else’s life.
For the first three days, Iida didn’t even climb out of bed. The criminal’s death no doubt affected him the most. Iida had wanted the Hero Killer to die. He had wanted to avenge his brother.
But now, when the Hero Killer really did die, Iida didn’t feel any happiness at all.
All he felt was the frustration left in the form of a void inside him.
Now, there was no one for him to resent for what happened to his brother. He wasn’t even satisfied with how everything turned out. Iida realized now that what he really wanted was to bring the Hero Killer to justice, to show everyone that the Hero Killer was wrong.
To prove to the Villain that he was wrong.
But that won’t ever happen…never again.
When his one week internship was over, Midoriya was going to bid Gran Torino good buy when a thought came across his mind.
“Gran Torino,” he began, “when the Hero Killer died, how did you know it was an Assassin and not another Villain that had shot him?”
“Hmm…when you worked in this field, you’ll get to understand how those Assassins operate.” Gran Torino replied. “Waiting in the shadows to strike at the very last second has always been their signature method.”
Torino raised his brows when he saw Midoriya open his mouth. As if knowing what he was going to ask, he continued.
“Of course, it could have been a Villain, but Villains wouldn’t have snipers skilled enough to kill the target in one shot. The sniper that night had shot him from quite the distance away. You need skills for that, kid. It’s not something anyone can do without intensive training. That’s something Villains wouldn’t waste time on when killing people with their Quirks are faster and more convenient.”
“But they could still imitate…”
“And what good will they get out of imitating an Assassin?” Gran Torino asked, and Midoriya had no answers to that.
“While the government acknowledged the World Assassination Association, killing is still killing and Assassins can still be arrested. If the Assassin is caught, they will just sit in jail until the World Assassination Association bails them out. The only thing Villains would gain by pretending to be Assassins would be Assassins sniffing on their tails, and that is the last thing any Villain with half a brain would want. That’s how much Villains fear Assassins because whenever they cross paths with Assassins, the Villain will always be the one to die.”
When they returned to U.A, everything that happened during the past week felt like a distant dream. The police had asked Midoriya, Iida and Todoroki to keep silent about that night’s incident, especially the appearance of an Assassin. To the public, everyone believed that it was Endeavour who had brought down the Hero Killer before the Villain was shot.
Midoriya couldn’t even tell anyone the truth of that night. He felt as if his world was slowly spiraling out of control. He couldn’t stop the frustration burning inside him. The more he thought about the Hero Killer, the more frustrated he was because he realized another crucial information he had overlooked.
The Hero Killer always attacks his victims in less populated areas, preferably in alleys where there are walls surrounding them. Midoriya had thought it was to prevent being seen, but the main reason the Hero Killer chose that location was because he was aware of the Assassin after him.
With his kill count, he knew that someone would hire Assassins to go after him, especially when these families of Heroes were all wealthy. When the Hero Killer fought, he was always mindful of his surroundings, prepared for any surprise attacks from the Assassin.
Midoriya couldn’t help but blame himself for not thinking of this earlier. If he had taken Aizawa’s word more to heart, he would have figured out that an Assassin would be watching them, waiting for the perfect chance to kill the Hero Killer.
As much as Midoriya didn’t like the Hero Killer, he should be brought to justice and atone for his crimes, not to die like that. If he was able to stop it, then somewhere out there, a family may not have to live the rest of their lives knowing that their hands had been stained.
Midoriya couldn’t contain these feelings inside him so in the end, he went to the only person he knew could help him through this.
He went to All Might.
They sat in the staff break room with All Might placing a cup of tea in front of him.
“I see,” he said gently, taking a seat on the other side of the couch. “Teacher had told me what happened that night.”
“Hm…” Midoriya nodded slowly, taking a small sip of the tea without really tasting it.
“Young Midoriya, what you’re feeling is completely normal,” All Might assured him. “As frustrating as it is, we cannot do anything about the Assassins. As Heroes, we are only allowed to deal with Villains. Assassins can only be apprehended by police, that is the agreement they established with the governments around the world.”
“What happens to Assassins that get arrested?” Midoriya asked.
“Well…” All Might sighed. “If the police successfully apprehended them, the World Assassination Association will negotiate with the government to bail them out. There will never be a real charge place on their heads.”
“Even if they killed people?”
“This was an old agreement established when Villains were striving.” All Might explained. “Back then, the governments were in desperate need of their help and agreed to many of their terms. None of them expected the newly established World Assassination Association at the time to grow into what it is today. As long as Assassins keep their words and follow the rules, there’s nothing anyone can do but overlook their crimes.”
“But it’s wrong,” Midoriya gritted out. “What about the people who hired the Assassins? They…!!”
“Young Midoriya.” All Might called out his name. Midoriya looked up as a heavy hand fell upon his shoulder.
“I too share your frustration. All Heroes do. In all my years, I have encountered a fair number of times when I let the Villain I captured die at the hands of Assassin. It’s extremely frustrating, but that is just how it is. There is nothing that can be done about Assassins.”
“I understand, but…” Midoriya chewed on the inside of his cheek. He understood what All Might was telling him, but it didn’t make it any better.
“In every generation, Assassins play a crucial part in keeping the Villains in line. It is due to their existence that many Villains don’t dare to recklessly kill people, because if they do, their kill count will go up and could become targets for Assassins.” All Might told him. “You will understand eventually, young Midoriya.”
Midoriya could only nod.
Time went by like this.
Whenever Midoriya heard of a Villain dying, he would search it up, trying to figure out whether or not an Assassin was involved. He knew he shouldn’t be digging around like this, but there was never anything for him to dig up anyways. If Assassins were so easy to find, the governments wouldn’t be looking for so long and still not find a single clue.
Midoriya’s mind kept thinking back to the two Assassin students he encountered during the U.S.J incident. Were they Quirkless as well? Why did they become Assassins? Was there something that forced them onto that path?
The teen shook his head at that last thought.
No, they weren’t forced.
He recalled the looks on those two boy’s faces. The gentle and easy smiles as well as how relaxed they were in front of bloodshed and violence. While they were all shaking in fear, the two Assassins acted like they were more than used to such scenes. Midoriya could also not forget the disappointment the redhead displayed when they walked away as if they had just decided to walk out on a movie that was still playing.
Were they…still human?
In many ways, it was this behavior that made them more frightening than Villains. Villains kill, but they kill for their own, sick pleasure. What about these people? They didn’t enjoy killing, yet they kill because they get paid.
Midoriya wondered just which of them was better? Killing for pleasure, or killing for money?
The youth shook his head again and slapped his hands against his cheeks.
No matter what the reason, killing is killing. There was no way to justify their ways of taking a life.
Yet unlike Villains, there wasn’t anything they could do about it.
Not the Heroes and certainly not the government.
The next time Midoriya saw the two young Assassins, he didn’t see them in person but on the television. It was the very first time in history that an Assassin was captured in action. It was also the first-ever video for anyone to witness such one-sided and crushing defeat for a Villain.
“Force Quirk Activation! Magnetism!”
All For One forcefully activated Magne’s Quirk to throw the members of the League of Villains into Kurogiri’s wrap hole.
“Wait! Don’t, Master!” Shigaraki shouted, hands digging into the dirt to fight against the pull that was drawing him closer and closer towards the portal. “With that body, you’ll—!!”
Shigaraki was cut off with a sharp gasp as he was thrown into the air, falling back towards the warp hole.
“No!” The hand on his face slowly fell off, revealing the scared and lost look on his face. His body was already passing through the warp hole.
The moment his body was engulfed by the black mist—leaving behind just his face—he stopped.
Before anyone could react, something was rapidly fired out of the black hole, aiming directly at All for One who was hovering in the sky. Having his attention lock onto All Might, All for One wasn’t even given the time to react before bullets pierced through his body.
Everything happened in a blink of an eye.
All for One fell from the sky and slammed into the ground, causing blood to splatter everywhere.
“MASTER—AAH!!” Shigaraki’s cry turned into a scream with his face distorted in a mixture of anger and pain.
Sweats rolled down his face as his red pupils rolled into the back of his head. His voice was gone, leaving behind just his gaping mouth as he fainted.
“Shigaraki…!”All for One had no idea what had happened. He never anticipated anything like this before.
All Might was stunned as well, and so were the citizens on the other side of the television watching the live broadcast. No one had any idea what had happened until Shigaraki’s head began to move. He slowly moved forward, coming out of the dark mist until his entire head was out, revealing the gloved hand gripping onto the back of his hair.
Shigaraki’s arms fell out of the mist. To everyone’s shock, his arms were twisted around the joints and broken in various places
The dark purplish mist fluttered before a person walked out.
Bright red hair, gold coloured eyes, gray and black uniform…although All Might has never personally met this boy, he knew about him. He learned about him from reports given by Midoriya, Asui and Mineta. He was one of the two Assassin students at U.S.J!
Unlike before, the boy was wearing a black mask covering the bottom half of his face.
“Good evening!” He greeted in a cheerful voice, holding up Shigaraki’s head and waved like a puppeteer performing an act with his puppet. “I’m not interrupting anything, am I?”
With a wave of his hand, he tossed Shigaraki through the portal behind him. Before, All for One couldn’t close the portal when Shigaraki was stuck between dimensions, but now that his disciple was out, he could finally close it.
However, even if he did close it off now, he knew it would be meaningless, as this boy did not need the warp hole anymore.
All Might stared at the young Assassin standing before them.
It couldn’t be…
But why after all these years…?
As if thinking the same thing, All for One began to cackle, but was cut off when he began coughing intensely
“So the Assassins have finally come to take my head!”
The moment that name came out, the crowd of people watching the scene burst into gasps. All of them recognized the name Assassin, yet none of them had any idea what this name meant until this very moment. 
“Yep,” the boy tucked his hands into his pocket and walked up to the most feared Villain without a care in the world. “I’ve come to assassinate you, old man.”
“Assassins always worked in the shadows,” All for One chuckled. “And you’re young…what made the Assassins send out their fledging to do their work?”
“Nothing much,” the boy shrugged. “Just that the price of your head went down…to the point where even a fledgling like me can take your head.”
“Affordable?” All for One laughed. “And what makes you think you can kill me? I’ve been alive all this time and never once have Assassins ever been able to kill me!”
“Dabi, Himiko Toga, Twice, Spinner, Mr. Compress, Magne, Kurogiri and of course, Shigaraki Tomura.” The redhead started listening out all the names of the people All for One just saved. “Right now, my classmates are standing over them, watching this live broadcast. The moment they get the signal or if you try anything funny, they will kill them.”
That made All for One’s breath hitched. It was a very small and unnoticeable action, but the way the boy’s eyes curved up in a smile told the Villain that he had noticed.
"Assassins can't kill people who are not on the hit list.”
“And how do you know they’re not on the hit list?” the redhead challenged.
“I have my sources,” All for One replied confidently.
“Oh but they’re on the hit list!” The boy grinned widely behind his mask. “They’ve been on there since five minutes ago~”
“Impossible, that’s—!” All for One cut himself off when a thought came to him. However, this was something that has never happened before! “You requested a hit on their heads…!”
It was a general rule that Assassins cannot place a hit on anyone’s head, but there was no rule saying that Assassin cannot request someone who isn’t an Assassin to put out a specific hit. Although not against the rule, this was something that has never happened before, as doing such a thing will damage the Assassin’s name within their community.
But this person right here was a child. As a child who hasn’t become a full-grown Assassin yet. For a child who isn’t a true Assassin yet, these sort of actions could certainly be excused!
“You see, we rank those on the hit list base on difficulties!” The boy waved his finger, drawing lettering in midair. “E-rank, D-rank, C-rank, B-rank, A-rank, and S-rank. The rank changes depending on the Villain’s abilities and their effect on society. The moment it was clear that you have a successor, you dropped from S-rank because you became replaceable. The moment police and Hero decided to team up and raid your little hideout, you dropped even more.”
And then, the red-haired boy leaned down, hovering over All for One’s face.
“Do you want to know what rank you fell to the moment you’re exposed in public eyes?”
All for One stared at the kid above him. He wheezed while his mind turned and began to run over the possible scenarios.
“You want to know, don’t you?” The boy laughed. “The answer is—”
And then, All for One’s brain stopped functioning.
He could still see the boy, yet he could also feel his life quickly slipping away from him. He tried to move his body, to figure out what had happened, but it was already too late.
All for One may not have known what happened, but onlookers did.
With the boy hovering over All for One, the Villain’s attention was zeroed in on the boy. He was observing the boy carefully, watching out for each and every one of his moves. His head was even pulled back, so he could keep the boy in his vision.
Therefore, he couldn’t see the blue-haired boy that had seemingly appeared out of nowhere, nor could he stop the sharp blade slicing through the base of his neck—skillfully going under his equipment and into the flesh.
The blue-haired youth stood over the Villain, a foot on each side of his body with a bloodied knife gripped tightly in his gloved hand.
All Might felt a chill as he stared into those blue eyes completely void of emotion as they stared down at the head that he had just detached.
“Bye, bye, old man,” the red-haired boy waved and with a light kick, he turned the head over, ending their conversation.
“That’s a Villain boss for you! Over thirty shots with a submachine gun and he still wasn't down,” he hummed joyfully.
“We don’t know if he’s dead for certain, Karma-kun,” the blue-haired boy informed his companion. The cold glint in his eyes was gone, replaced by warmth and gentleness. Although All Might couldn’t see the boy’s lower half of his face, he was certain that the child was smiling. 
“Reports did say that he survived even without his head.” As he said that, his ocean blue eyes shifted to All Might who was standing in the distance. The No.1 Hero watched the scene with his mouth still open, unable to react properly to the turn of events.
“Nagisa-kun is correct!” A voice came from the sky. All Might and Gran Torino automatically looked up, but couldn’t see anything.
When they looked down, they were surprised to find a person with octopus mutation standing behind the two children.
“Koro-sensei!” The two kids shouted.
All Might and Gran Torino were instantly tensed. First Assassin students and now their teacher has appeared? What was going on?
“Well done, Nagisa-kun, Karma-kun!” the yellow octopus complimented, using his tentacle arms to pat the two boys on the head. “That was a beautifully well-executed assassination! Sensei is extremely proud!”
“Took us months though,” Karma said, pushing the tentacle off his head.
“A good Assassin must have patience,” Koro-sensei nodded. “You both took your time analyzing all of the League of Villains as well as their safe houses and laboratories. With thorough calculation, Karma-kun was able to pinpoint the exact location All for One would send his disciple to when in danger. Instead of acting, the two of you waited for an opportunity, and that is the Heroes’ attack on the League of Villains.”
The Assassin teacher made a point by nodding his large head towards the two Heroes in the distance.
“Karma-kun lay low in their laboratory while Nagisa-kun hid within the debris amidst the battle. Your plans have worked marvelously, but as your teacher, I will still have to deduct marks off the risks you took, especially Karma-kun!”
Karma didn’t say anything, showing that he fully understood what his teacher was talking about.
“Even now, we don’t know the full extent of All for One’s Quirks. Had he been calmer and thought more rationally, he would have realized that Karma-kun was bluffing about putting hits on the League of Villains then things will become extremely bad. And while I trust Nagisa-kun’s ability to stay hidden, there’s still a chance you could be hit or get caught up in the battle.”
“Yes…” Nagisa nodded slowly, almost dejectedly.
“Nevertheless, great job, both of you. Sensei is extremely looking forward to all of your futures!” The octopus sniffed proudly. “You’ve all come so far! Let us go back, everyone’s waiting for you!”
“Sounds like everyone else finished their assignments, Karma-kun,” Nagisa’s voice carried happiness as he turned to his companion, holding out his hand and curled his fingers in so it became a fist.
“Sounds like we’re the last two,” Karma snorted, lifting his own hand and bumped their fists together.
And then, clouds of white fume began shooting out from all around them. Some coming out from the mountain of debris while others from small cans that have been set on the floor at some point.
“Wait!” All Might gasped, he tried to run up, but his battered body wouldn’t allow him to go far.
“Toshinori!” Gran Torino had to pull him back when he nearly fell over.
“Nyuruhuhuhuhu~” A weird laugh echoed into their ears. They looked around, but couldn’t find anyone. “You should use this chance to leave as well! Your power is leaving you, it’ll be bad if you get exposed in front of the camera.”
“Who are you?” All Might asked, looking around the thickening fog.
“I’m a fan, and a fellow teacher,” the Assassin teacher replied. “Being a teacher is tough, isn’t it? I’m sure our students will cross paths in the future, I look forward to those days!”
Just like that, the Assassins left, taking the body of All for One with them.
No one knew why these Assassins took the bodies with them, but one thing for certain was that All for One was truly dead. Assassins will never assist Villains, just as how they will never assist Heroes. Their only job is to kill.
All for One will never come back—the Assassins will make sure of that.
As simple as that, the Villain that had seemed so powerful and out of reach has died—at the hands of two children no less.
The truth of All Might’s identity was kept safe, but the last ember of One for All has completely left All Might. The next day, All Might announced his retirement, putting an end to his Hero career.
The world was in an uproar after that.
Everyone was frantic over the loss of their Symbol as well as the escaped Villains.
But more than anything, they were shaken over the appearance of Assassins.
In that battle, the two Assassin children left a deeper impression than anyone else. With just bullets and knives, they killed the super Villain that was on par with All Might. This also served as a reminder to the world and Villains that Assassins are walking amongst them.
The Villains cheered at the disappearance of All Might, but the reminder of Assassins made them even more cautious than before, fearing that the moment they killed ten people, an Assassin would come to take their head.
This was a three-way deadlock.
“They did it on purpose,” All Might said, staring out to the city from the roof of the school with Midoriya by his side.
“Those two children, as well as their teacher, were putting up a show for the media and the world,” the blond explained. “The moment they struck All for One from the warp hole, the battle was already decided. There was no reason to let themselves be seen, yet those two children did, knowing full well that they will be on live broadcast.”
“But why would they do that?” Midoriya couldn’t figure out what they’ll gain by doing this.
“That Assassin teacher…he knew about the truth of my power. Perhaps they already knew the moment you entered U.A, young Midoriya.”
“Me?” Midoriya’s eyes widened.
“Without a symbol, the world will fall into chaos with the Villains running amuck. To prevent the worst from happening, they sent out their students to show the world that the Assassins were striving. They show off the skill of their young ones and had them take out the most dangerous Villain in history as a warning.”
“You mean…if Villains were to overtake the city, it would cause issues to Assassins?” Midoriya frowned. “But wouldn’t it benefit the Assassins if more Villains were to appear? That means they will get more…”
The boy trailed off, not sure how to call it. Work? Business? They all felt so wrong, especially when these works involved taking a life.
“Assassins only kill those who have taken lives.” All Might replied. “But if the world was to go out of order and everyone has dirtied their hands, would anyone still bother to hire Assassins?”
Midoriya thought over All Might’s words and realized that no—no one would hire Assassins whose specialty was only to kill one person at a time with a price.
“If the world were to go out of order, there would be no place for them. Compared to Heroes and Villains, Assassins are the closest to ordinary civilians. Or to be precise, they blend within our society and live like ordinary citizens. If the world was to be filled with Villains, it would be inconvenient for them who can’t kill unless hired to do so.”
“Then…does that also mean that Assassin might be on a rise?” Midoriya asked. After all, he has seen the talks on the internet. Compared to the hype Stain brought, these Assassins impacted the world more than Stain ever could. Everyone was talking about them and there were heavy debates on whether or not Assassins are evil.
“It is possible.” All Might frowned. “Anyone with money can hire Assassins.”
Then he reached out a hand and spread his fingers out as if there was something in the distance for him to grasp onto.
“That’s why, as Heroes, we must do our best to protect everyone, young Midoriya.”
Midoriya looked up at All Might before a smile broke on his face. He nodded, looking over the city before reaching his hand out, making the same pose as his Hero.
Please visit AO3 link for Author’s note!
18 notes · View notes
mbti-notes · 5 years
I am privileged AF (young, no debt, STEM degree, white, born male) and yet I don't want to do anything with my life, I can't even get up from my bed to eat. I have so many possibilities but I don't have any passion, any craving, I don't even feel alive anymore. Everything is a pain in the ass, or I just don't give a fuck. How can I care about my life? Care about anything really? I know I do care but somehow really don't? I feel erased from existence, like it's not me at all. What shoud I do?
You don’t get to choose the circumstances that you’re born into, which is why we often use the phrase “accident of birth”. Whether you’re born into poverty or privilege is of little consequence in terms of “identity” because things that you can’t control should not define who you are. However, people run into problems when they start to believe that accidents of birth define their personal identity, e.g., believing that being born into poverty means that one automatically deserves lesser treatment, believing that being born into privilege means that one automatically deserves better treatment, or believing that genetic heritage or arbitrary achievements make you superior to others. You seem to indicate that you don’t subscribe to these problematic beliefs. Yet you still unwittingly link your privilege to your identity, otherwise you wouldn’t mention it as though you feel guilty for it, otherwise you wouldn’t imply that privilege “should” be bringing you a happy existence.
One good thing that has come out of Western culture is the idea of individuality, i.e., that you are more than the sum of your environmental influences. It is a valuable idea because it facilitates human progress by granting people the freedom to discover their gifts and make unique and creative contributions, in other words, it is a way to ensure that everyone has a role to play in society even when accidents of birth hold them back. However, individuality is a relatively new concept in human history, and I would argue that human beings still do not understand it because most of their attempts to express it are immature and rooted in irrational fears. Individuality states that, no matter your circumstances, you get to choose your attitude, you get to choose how to express yourself and respond to situations, and you get to choose how to make the best use of any gifts and resources you’ve been granted. Have you ever read Viktor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning, which includes his reflections on surviving the holocaust? I’d recommend it to anyone who questions the meaning of their life. Why is it that people living in the same circumstances react so differently? E.g. Some choose surrender, some choose death, some choose to fight, some choose brutality, some choose integrity. To make a “choice” means that there is an agent doing the choosing. To possess a sense of agency and express agency requires individuality. You cannot make real choices when there is no real “you” there to deliberate and decide. But when you don’t know how to decide for yourself, others are more than happy to step in and use you.
You mention that you “feel erased from existence”. What this indicates is that you have no sense of individuality. When you say that you “don’t care about anything”, what you’re really saying is that you don’t care about yourself. There is no “you” to care about, is there? To discover who you really are is called the process of self-actualization. Up until now, you haven’t done anything significant to discover who you really are, what you really need in life, and where your individual purpose lies, have you? Or, if you have, you haven’t gotten very far? One of the downsides of privilege (such as being male in a male-dominated society or being heterosexual in a heteronormative society) is low self-awareness, because you are rarely prompted to question your social role, you are rarely urged to reflect on whether you use your privilege wisely, and you are rarely forced into proving that you deserve your position of relative power. In other words, being an “insider” means that you naturally fit into the order of things and never have to think outside that small box. One reason that the privileged fight so hard to maintain the status quo is because allowing “outsiders” to speak is psychologically threatening, as it forces the insiders to reflect on who they are and whether they really deserve to have more than the people they label “outsiders”.
Privilege aside, many people suffer from no individuality because they are only extrinsically motivated, i.e., they have only lived their life by superficial external standards for the sake of garnering superficial external rewards/privileges, without ever reflecting more deeply on their life direction, much like an automaton executing someone else’s program. They are usually stuck at stages 1-2 ego development. I’ll give you an oversimplified example of extrinsic vs intrinsic motivation: Which child do you think continues to clean their room when the parent stops paying out money? The child who only cleans their room to get a monetary reward (blindly following the parent’s programming), or the child who feels strong inner pride in maintaining cleanliness (personal choice)?
Self-actualization is hard work, it is a personal choice, and you choose it because you understand the value of your life, the value of your time, the value of your gifts, and you want to make the most of them. Many people don’t choose self-actualization because they are afraid of failing, they are afraid of taking full responsibility for each and every decision, and ignorance/complacency is the path of least resistance. However, where does rejecting self-actualization lead you other than apathy or indifference, since there is no “you” to care about and, therefore, no “you” to motivate healthy self-care and self-developing behavior? It’s not that you don’t have a self, it’s that you don’t honor it and listen to it. If there were no self, you wouldn’t feel bad about being apathetic. The definition of apathy is “no interest”, yet that’s not really possible, because you are clearly interested enough to know it’s a problem and want to solve it. How long do you have to be stuck in apathy before you can’t bear the emptiness of it anymore, because it slowly morphs into deep-seated existential pain?
Nobody can make you care when you don’t. Humans are built to care. Care emanates from within, from “the heart”, but you speak as though yours is missing. One of the nice things about being human is that we all have a voice within that guides us and informs us about how to live life well - it is the same voice that prompts you to reach out for help when you’re hurt or lost - that voice is the true capital S “Self” that is always there whether you are aware of it or not. Some might prefer to call it “soul” or “spirit” instead. In any case, it cries out to live life, and it despairs when you reject life. Many people are discouraged from listening to that inner voice because they have been punished for it in childhood, or they feel that they don’t deserve a life of their own, or they are afraid of what might happen when they finally stop and listen.
Therefore, you don’t sit around and wait for something to “make you care” because, once again, you’d trap yourself in the cycle of chasing superficial external rewards; rather, you make a personal choice to care because 1) it is the best way to make good use of your life, and 2) you understand that not caring leads you into emptiness and “death” as you reject your own spirit. Whether you choose to care is nobody else’s concern because we should respect your freedom to live as you see fit, but it should be YOUR concern because it is directly related to who you are and the quality of your life. If you choose not caring, then you choose to be a nobody to no one, to have no influence, to make no impact, thus, to have no real existence - you single-handedly erase yourself from existence. You say you “feel erased”, which indicates that you suffer from passivity or even victim mentality, as though someone has cruelly inflicted this state upon you. Nobody can develop your individuality for you. Without it, you won’t realize that you are always free to choose how to be. At any point, you can choose to take full responsibility for how you live every second of your life rather than twiddling your thumbs or living in fear.
One way to look at privilege is that it grants you economic power and social capital that you didn’t earn for yourself. When you don’t properly earn something, you might develop an irrational fear of losing it, you are much less likely to appreciate it, and you are far more likely to take its positive aspects for granted. And when you no longer see the positive, what are you left with if not just the negative (or the “pain in the asses” as you put it)? It’s hard to appreciate privilege when you don’t really understand what it means to live without it or how hard some people work to obtain it (and perhaps still fail to). Many privileged parents actually damage their child’s psychological development by never allowing them to face any real challenges in life (sheltering them), by telling them that privilege is their birthright, by telling them they “should” be happy for an easy life, or that winning the genetic lottery is what makes them “special”. Many people believe that having all of their physical and material desires taken care of is the road to happiness, but it isn’t. There’s a reason we use different words to describe concepts like “body”, “mind”, and “spirit” or “soul”. Feeding the body isn’t the same as nourishing your soul.
Fulfillment comes from the arduous process of learning how to live your best life, which includes taking the initiative to confront your life’s challenges, problems, and obstacles as well as succeeding or failing by your own hand. If you allow privilege to shield you from proper hard work, then you rob yourself of the chance to learn about who you really are and what you’re really made of. When you define yourself with empty markers of success, like accidents of birth or unearned privilege, you don’t develop a personal identity and then “my life” remains a meaningless concept. Have you ever read the story of the Buddha, a man raised as royalty in the lap of luxury but then walked away from privilege because disillusionment prompted him to explore the true meaning of life? He listened to the voice within, found something that worked for him, and that is what each of us needs to do. We each need to set out on our own journey of self-actualization, to find our true individuality, to live to our unique potential. Privilege can be a cage as much as a blessing. Whatever your circumstances, a true individual would never accept a caged life, no matter how gilded the cage, because it means giving up the freedom for self-exploration.
You care about life when your individuality and becoming a person of substance matters to you (intrinsic motivation) a lot more than chasing empty/fleeting rewards (extrinsic motivation). To be an individual means that you are your own savior first, so you don’t sit around waiting for one. Unless you’re brave enough to break free of your “automaton” life, nothing will really change, will it? It’s not your fault that you were born into privilege or granted privilege by society, but it is your fault if you keep choosing to hide behind it to the point that you never connect with anything, never recognize your potential, never grow, and never become anything - think of it as self-violence. It’s not about feeling guilty for squandering what you have, it’s about reflecting seriously on why you would ever choose the self-inflicted pain of living a spiritually dead life.
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monster-ronpa · 6 years
Could I request Yandere!dragon!Shinguuji+Gonta/fem!SO where Shinguuji's fascination with humans causes him to collect them and these two are the latest in his "collection"? (I'm not sure if a dragon will work but it's the first one I thought of cause of dragon treasure hordes and stuff like that).
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Hello! Sorry it’s taken me so long to do this request, work has unfortunately been rather hectic ^_^;
I hope you enjoy!
- Mod Gundham
- As a dragon, Shinguji’s subspecies would be a Japanese Ryū ! His obsidian scales, golden antlers and flowing shadowy mane are quite the sight to behold as he weaves through the sky.
- Though all dragons are natural attracted to precious stones and rare metals, they also tend to hoard their favourite items. For some, this might consist of rare species of plants, ancient scrolls or even scented candles, but for Korekiyo, he had a particular like for humans.
- His interest in keeping them first started when he heard tales of some of his western cousins abducting royalty.
- He had stolen the odd prince and princess in his time, but once you steal one, he feels that you might have well have stolen them all. Many reacted in the same way, there was no variety. How was he supposed to see more beautiful aspects of his pets if they were all the same? It just wouldn’t do. It must be because they’re all groomed to act and perform in a specific way.
- When he grew bored of the humans that were no longer entertaining him, he would sometimes pit them against each other, watching their desperation with glee as they thought to the death after being promised that the winner would be freed. If those fleeting moments of exhilaration and fear weren’t enough, the overwhelming waves of despair that the “Winner” began to drown in after finding Korekiyo wasn’t actually going to stay true to his word were delicious.  Sometimes too delicious, causing the enamored dragon to eat them.
- Unfortunately, that happened to his last acquisitions, causing Korekiyo to go on the prowl in his human form so that he could find some new toys.
- Korekiyo decided to go on the hunt in a small mountain village, donning a simple navy yukata with his hair tied back into a simple ponytail, allowing his handsome features to be seen.
- He chose this spot since there was a festival in full swing, thinking that nobody would notice if somebody happened to “Get lost in the crowd”.
- It didn’t take him long to find his targets.
- A large, muscular young man with wild chocolate hair eagerly tugging at his female companion’s arm, pointing at what looked like a swarm of fireflies that were illuminating a gloomy lesser used path that happened to lead to a derelict shrine that lay a short walk from the village.
- Korekiyo could help but smirk, unfolding his bamboo fan in an attempt to conceal his face as he watched the pair stumble over the uneven ground, sealing their fate.
- Once they were far enough from the town, the abandoned shrine just in view, Korekiyo used his magic to summon a heavy rain storm, strong winds battering the area, causing the festival goers to flee and his marks to panic, running towards the rickety shrine in an attempt to find cover.
- As soon as you enter the crumbling building, Korekiyo wastes no time, transforming back into his slender serpentine form and navigating the biting gales with ease.
- Using his powerful tail, he completely levels the already ruined building, not even giving the pair of you a chance to react as he snatches you both into his three toed claws. You’re not sure whether it’s the shock or the force of the impact, but you’re both knocked unconscious.
- When you awaken, you’re in a luxuriously furnished room. Gonta is softly snoring next to you, not yet having woken up from the ordeal. 
- The frame of the double bed looks like it’s made of pure gold, as do the jeweled chest of drawers and plant pot containing a carefully pruned bonsai. As you sat up in the plush bed and pushed back the silk covers, the gurgling trickle of water pulled your attention to a free flowing stream at the side of the room that fed into a small pool, containing baby koi. It was only after you pulled your attention away from them and continued to glance around bewildered at your surroundings that you spotted Korekiyo in his human form sat on chair in the corner, watching you expectantly.
- Being in his own home, he allowed his human form to loosen up a bit, exposing his tail and horns but otherwise appearing normal.
- Sat with his arms loosely crossed, one hand resting under his chin as he he stared at you expressionlessly, waiting for you to react.
- Whether it’s with fear or anger, he’s intrigued. No matter how much you try to to speak to him to ask him where you are or who he is, he keeps quiet for now, preferring to watch you plead and try to wake your companion.
- After a while, without saying anything, he stands and leaves the room, locking the door behind him. Unbeknownst to you, he’s leaning his back against that door, trembling in excitement as he tries to think of how he could get his new treasures to show him new facets of humanity.
- Although he’s keeping you captive, he treats you extremely well. He provides you with home cooked meals every day, several times a day and often leaves you with activities such as puzzle balls, just to see how you react as he secretly observes you from the pool, entering from a concealed tunnel underwater.
- Being a dragon who has lived outside of human society, he wasn’t really used to cooking actual meals until he started collecting humans. Though some of his well practiced recipes can be delicious, others can be disgusting. It’s a fifty-fifty risk.
- He especially enjoys it when the pair of you try to escape- testing the locks, locking for weaknesses in the walls or jade tiled floor. Once or twice, he has purposely left your room door unlocked just to watch your reaction and what you do next. Of course, he never lets you truly escape. The marble tiled corridors just seem to go on forever, an unrelenting maze. You always find yourself running in circle for hours, before ending right back in front of your room door.
- You don’t know how long you’ve been trapped in Korekiyo’s prison, the seconds now feel like months as day and night blend into one, the golden chandelier and candlesticks making up for the lack of natural daylight in the windowless room.
- After observing your for so long, Korekiyo began to grow fonder of both you and Gonta than his past humans, causing him to become a little bolder in his desire for more reactions from you.
- Upon announcing his name and that he was a dragon, he wasn’t especially impressed by Gonta’s pleas to be released, it was to far a normal reaction. Not only that, but the pair of you belonged to him now, you had no right to leave.
- Korekiyo’s method of punishment for bad humans is to tie them up in golden chains. He loves how the precious metal looks against their skin, and how they struggle as they try to wiggle out of them. Even when the friction burns start to warm their skin, their expressions of pain as they wince, continuing to flail even though they know it is meaningless, like a fly caught in a spiders web, it’s just so beautiful to him.
- Gonta wanting to constantly escape has resulted in the dragon binding him multiple times. Though Korekiyo enjoys watching him squirm clothed only in shiny chains, he can’t help but feel a sharp pang of fury at Gonta forever trying to escape. The longer he cares for you, the greater his possessiveness over the pair of you grows.
- If anyone ever did try to rescue you, you’d never know. Korekiyo would ferociously destroy any attempt of people taking away his precious collection.
- As time goes by, he becomes more touchy, taking any kind of neutral or positive reaction as an invitation to connect to you and Gonta with physical contact. SFW or NSFW, it’s up to you. Either way, behaving in a way he doesn’t like, or sometimes if he does, results in being tied up.
- Though he doesn’t talk much about himself, the one thing he can guarantee to you is that you’ll never see sunlight again.
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