#eventho he doesnt really show it
sapphicyanli · 2 months
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sexysilverstrider · 20 days
reading the japanese and english takukamu S supports im just getting really emotional over the japanese version
when i reread the official english version, i realize they kinda water down how takumi really felt. that explains why i got REALLY emotional reading the japanese version. some of the changes were:
english: there is something else I wanted to talk about… japanese: will you listen to my request?
while this doesnt seem much, the eng version makes takumi sound calmer while jpn version makes him sound nervous. it was a bit odd when takumi says request but then
english: So…does this change anything? About your feelings toward us, I mean. japanese: Hey. Earlier... you said you would listen to my request. So, will you... forgive me for this?
apparently after confessing his feelings n telling the truth, jpn takumi clearly felt disgusted and horrified that he has romantic feelings for someone he was supposed to call sister. eng takumi once again makes him feel calmer and chill as if he had enough time to think and ponder--almost as if the big truth wasnt all that much--while jpn takumi is implied to have rued and suffered through his feelings, fearing that kamui will hate or be disgusted with him. after alls said and done, all takumi ever wanted was for kamui to accept him even if she doesnt love him
english: Avatar: When you said that you liked me, my heart started racing. But I didn't want it to show because I didn't know about Father. Everything is so confusing. Takumi: That's right. But in a confusing world, we must cling to the few fragments of truth we share. And the truth is that I love you, Avatar, and you love me. Let's build a future on that. Avatar: Y-yes. I think you're right. Let's give it a shot. What's the worst that could happen? japanese: Kamui: When you said that you liked me earlier, I was really happy. Because we're siblings, I've avoided saying such a thing... Takumi: Kamui-neesan... Kamui: ... But you came straight out and said you liked me. You showed me that it was okay to love you. Thank you, Takumi. I also want to stay by your side... Takumi: Nee-san...!! For you to have the same feelings as me, I've never been this happy in my life. So... I'll give you this ring. ... I'll protect you with my whole life. Kamui: ... I'm so happy, Takumi! From now on, please take care of me! Takumi: Okay...!
once again this ending!!!! while i do like the eng version the fact that it feels......less emotional than the japanese one. yes takumi is more assured of his feelings now that its reciprocated. i hate that the english version doesnt wanna highlight the 'i cant romantically love you coz i thought we were siblings' like cowards. apply the brocon/siscon themes in this game as its supposed to be. but yeah i still do appreciate takumi being more confident and kamui still being hesitant but they both embraced their feelings nicely
but the japanese one
oooohhh OOOHHH kamui straight up saying she loves takumi too but didnt act out coz she thought they were related. takumi preparing A RING eventho he was 70% sure she wont love him the same way. takumi saying he will protect her with his own life which brings the whole conquest story 10x more painful.
english: If you were aiming for my heart, you've struck true. This was meant to be…
cheesy cute S support dialogue. 10/10. adorable. the last sentence is my otp tag for them after all
japanese: Thank you, sister. I'm so very happy. No matter what people think...these feelings won't change. I love you.
and my personal favourite difference of them all?
english: I'm sorry. I struggled with whether or not to tell you any of this. After all, now that you know, we can never go back to being siblings. But I couldn't simply pretend to be your brother for the rest of my life. Especially not with the way I felt about you. It is shameful, I know.
again takumi is being calm and somewhat professional. he knows its weird and tbfh i hate that the localization want to highlight how weird it is. we get it i know. but they make takumi level-headed which when i think back is kind of off for him but i appreciate the maturity of his behaviour here
japanese: I'm sorry... Nee-san. I was really at a loss as to whether I should tell you this or not. Now that I have, we can't go back to being siblings. But I... couldn't have beared living my whole life acting as your brother. I would have rather died...
FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK OHHH MY GOOOOD FUCK FUCK FUCK AAAAAAAAAA!!!! i can hear his pain. his sorrow. his guilt. there is no voice acting in the supports but i can HEAR takumis emotions. the very fact that he loves her so so much and he cant bear pretending to be her brother anymore. the very fact that seeing kamui with another man might n will kill him. the very fact that he would rather die than pretending to be someone hes not. this is what im eating. this is what ive been robbed. this very line made me cry THE SECOND I READ IT im about to cry now!!! that very last line is just a big Fuck You to his fate in conquest GOD AAAAAAAAAA
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yeahiwasintheshit · 2 years
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watched that movie, Men, that came out this year, by alex garland and man, it was a wild crazy movie. its definitely a movie that will keep you captivated, esp the last third when it really goes off the rails.
tho the early parts of the move has those lulls in it where not much is going on and you can find your mind sort of wandering off, but then you really find yourself engrossed in whats happening. i was def literally on the edge of my seat for many scenes, cause alex garland really expertly crafted this icky sense of foreboding and dread. you are experiencing all these weird little creepy moments with the main character, harper, played by jessie buckley, who is really great.
i dont really want to say much about the plot in case it ruins it for anyone, eventho the plot is fairly simple, but essentially its about a woman whos gone thru a tragic experience, which still haunts her, and either as a result of that tragedy or not, she decides to rent an old old house in the english countryside, where... really creepy things start happening to her. i think id categorize this as a horror movie, but theres so much more to it than just one kind of genre. it is without a doubt a hair raiser. the hair literally stood on end for me in quite a few scenes in the early part of the movie where the threat was just starting to build.
its shot so so beautifully. garland gives the idyllic english landscapes this really creepy vibe. i noticed, more so at the beginning, (i didnt notice towards the end) that he shot a lot of scenes with a vignette on the lens, so many of those scenes at the beginning, esp along the abandoned train track and tunnel have this unnerving sense that you are watching the main character, harper, thru the eyes of whatever the threat is. kind of, pov of the serial killer a little. at least thats how it felt to me.
technically, this is so so good. from lighting to editing to even the depth of field it all helps build this claustrophobic feel to many scenes. garland even uses a couple shots that were very kubrick like. like, idk man, when you are like following a character and they are dead center in the frame and the camera is moving along behind them, it always feels creepy because of kubrick. of course the music and sound track help to build it too. its really unnerving when they use jessie buckleys voice and echo. it helps really ratchet up the tension.
man, i really want to talk about the last third because thats where it really took a wild left turn into weird body horror and its just crazy. one scene where harper finally uses the knife through the mail slot, i literally was making guttural gasps, it was gross and fantastic and weird. and thats not even the wildest part of it all lol its just so weird and crazy and gross. it was literally wtf (one minor criticism might be that all that weird shit doesnt quite seem to have a whole lot to do with all the other plot elements that preceded it... or maybe it did and i just am not smart enough to put it together. idk, either way, it wasnt enough to ruin the movie, and tbh all that crazy shit enhanced it somewhat, eventho i didnt know what the fuck was going on)
needless to say, def watch it if youre in the mood for some creepy weird gross folk-y horror. i think i have my own ideas of what garland was going for, cause like i said i def was a little unsure what was happening at the end. like i kinda thought this may all be in her head, but they make sure to show that it may not have been. that it may have all been real. idk. its all sort of left to the viewer to decide what happened, which i generally like. i dont particularly like movies that spell things out so clearly. and there is not a lot of clarity to what is and what isnt happening at the end. which im ok with.
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justarandomgirly · 3 years
My Loki series - EP 3
Very long post
This episode features Lady Loki and the sun shining on Loki and Thor again
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When they return to Asgard, and they get off horses, they see several soldiers warching towards them.
- What now? signed Loki.
Fenrir starts growling at the guards. Small but fierce.
- Odin requiers your presence in his study says one guard to the princes.
Loki and Thor look at each other. Thor's comrads leave and brothers followed by Drrf and Fenrir head for the palace. They dont even make it to the study,because Odin is standing in the middle of one of the halls with spear in his hand and guards around him.
- I have shown remarkable patience with you,Loki he says But I have a limit and you are on its edge.
Loki sighs.
- We really have to stop meeting like this he says.
Odin looks at Thor
- You went to Nornheim to make some kind of a deal with Karnilla without notifying me?
- And why should I? Thor asks I am a king and I can bargain with whomever I please.
- Karnila isnt our friend! Odin protests
- She is mine says Loki And it was me who asked her for help. Be mad at me. You are very good at that.
Odin quickly raises Gungnir and fires at Loki. But he bounces the shot back at Odin and shouts
- See how easily I cast off your spells? Do you yet not realize you are facing someone stronger than you?
At this point Frigga comes and Thor takes the spear from Odin.
- You are no longer king says Thor You have no right to use this
- I am alfather! He protests I have made you king! I can easily take it back! Im warning you, Thor. Be aware...
Loki interupts him
- Can you remember a time you werent feeding off our fear? You dont get it,do you? We arent playing anymore.
Frigga is holding Odin's hand and as she gently says his name, Odin keeps looking at Loki.
- Stop fighting our sons she says.
- He isnt my son! Odin yells and eventho he doesnt have the spear no more;he tries to hit Loki with his fist but Loki catches his wrist and growls
- You will never strike me again.
Loki lets him go. Odin looks at him in shock. Loki never possessed such strength or he just never showed it. Loki smiles
- Now after all these years I know why you locked me, locked away my powers, kept my heritage hidden from me. Because you are afraid of me.
As if Odin,when absorbing Loki's words, lost his strength. He falls on the ground while Frigga holds his hand the whole time. Guards surroud Odin. Loki watches him fall into Odinsleep once more. Except this time Loki can sense Odin will not wake up.
Loki is sitting on a bench on one of the terraces with Fenrir by his side. The wolf is sleeping and Loki is petting his fur. Drrf slowly approaches him and sits beside him.
- I am sorry about your father,master
Loki shows no reaction.
- I never knew my father continued Drrf I think he ran away when he saw my appearance. I must have been a huge disappointment for him.
- And your mother? Asks Loki.
- I barely remember her. All I remember is her leaving me in the stables and saying to wait for her but she never came back. For a long time I was fooling myself that something must have happened to her. But now I know she gave me up.
Loki looks at him. One would say he is a child based only on his size.
- Have you been alone since that day? How did you survive?
- I found others.
- Like you?
Drrf nodded.
- Maybe runts among frost giants are not that uncommon.
Loki didnt want to snoop so he asked
- Can you lead me to them? To the others like you?
- Will you promise me nothing is going to happen to them?
- Why would anything happen to them?
- Queen doesnt consider is citizens. We are outcasts. We go out of our hidings to find food but lots of times we dont make it back. We literally become food ourselves.
Loki closes his eyes and shakes his head.
- That ends when Im king Loki says. You will all be treated equaly. And you, my dear Drrf, will have an honourable place in my council.
Drrf's eyes glow and he smiles
- Oh master. I already owe you so much. You have given me so much and I still havent returned it.
Loki smiles
- Some acts dont require response. Nor repayment. Only simple thank you.
- Thank you,master Drrf bows his head
Then he looks somewhere and his eyes open wide.
- I must go
And with that he runs away. Loki is confused but then he sees why Drrf disappeared
Sigyn was approaching him. In golden gown with green ornaments. He stood up and said
- I hope youre well.
- I am now she smiled Knowing that nothing bad has happened to you. I was concerned when I heard you left for Nornheim.
They stood pretty close to each other at this point.
- You were worried about me? Loki smiles softly looking down at her.
- I always am.
Loki gently touches her hand and plays with her fingers.
- I dont want to see you get hurt,Sigyn. You should stay here. Its going to be a gruesome battle
- But you will be fighting for what you believe in. I want to fight for who I believe in.
He looks at her
- How can you have such faith in me? He whispers.
Sigyn touches curls falling down on his shoulder and says
- Maybe I see in you what even you dont see in yourself.
Loki sighs and leans his forehead against hers.
- I am leaving in the morning he says But I will soon come back. I must see how many men my general has gathered for me. And wether anything changed in Utgard. My return depends on many factors.
Sigyn puts her hands on his chest and looks into his eyes
- Do not lie to me;Loki.
- Im not lying,Sigyn. Not to you. Ever.
He looks at Asgard glowing in the night and says
- I want to do things without lies. I want to forge my own direction. To meld my old name but with a new identity. For once...I want to be a Loki I can be proud of.
She smiles and touches his face
- I have always been proud of you.
In the morning Loki is saying goodbye. He is ready to teleport with Drrf and Fenrir to Jotunheim. They are standing in the gardens. Frigga also comes and she is hugging Loki
- I hope you know what youre doing.
- I know,mother.
- Take care,my son.
- Dont worry about me. I will soon return. Loki always survives.
She kisses him on his cheek then she leaves. Thor says
- Im sorry I cant join you on your quest, brother. I will give you my men but with Odin deep in Odinsleep, I cannot leave Asgard.
- I know,Thor. Just knowing you would follow me into any battle is enough for me.
Brothers hug. Loki wants to leave but Thor stops him.
- Wait. I have something for you.
Thor gestures to a couple of guards. They approache them carrying a large chest. They put it on the ground and leave.
- Open it says Thor
Loki carefuly does it and he is standing above an open chest surprised.
- It belongs to the king of Jotunheim says Thor It belongs to you
Loki leans forward and takes the object out of the chest with both hands.
The casket of the antient warriors.
As he is holding it,he is turning blue. Thor sees his brother in his natural form for the first time. Loki is looking at the casket. Then he looks up, directly into the camera and mischiviously smiles.
Tag list: @groovygirlie @miathenerdypotato @alls-fair-in-pride-and-prejudice @alirhi @kayleigh-nightingale @finnismyoriginalsin @shadowassassin32 @itscomplicatedx
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ayyysweetcreature · 4 years
highschool!boyfriend haechan
mode: fluff, comedy and a lot of bickering! 
haechan x reader! 
p.s.: hii it’s been a long damn time I haven’t written about nct-related kind of things lol anyways I hope you guys would like this one eventhough it’s quite long and I had so much fun writing it! haha I would appreciate it so much! happy birthday to lee donghyuck, our pride, our fullsun haechan! I love you. ♡ (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
ridin and rollin oh baby 
first of all y all know haechan aka lee donghyuck 
such a pain in the ass jjsjsjs jk 
he would literally annoy you every second, every minute everytime hes with u 
bcus he loves u 
like he finds u cute he loves seeing reactions 
so u guys go to the same highschool and obviously classmates duh 
and imagine him in a smart highschool attire esp with his body proportion  and his hair up showing his forehead omg 
he would wait for u outside the school bcus u’re too slow jsjs
too slow too fasT 
but whenever ure done and is finally outside the school w him, he would hold your hand tightly and kiss ur knuckles as he swings ur arm
when he sees the other guys tryna check u out oof boy he snapped 
“what are u looking at she’s mine u flat ass”
u guys aren’t seatmates but he’d literally push ur seatmate mark lee away so he can sit with u 
“get away im lee haechan aka y/n’s boyfriend” 
and whenever it gets cold and u fall asleep in the classroom he’d silently wrap ur body w his sweater or jacket 
hanging out at the canteen with the dreamies!! 
haechan would literally steal your food when you look away 
and out of anger and annoyance you’d pull his hair literally 
you guys would literally chase each other haha 
god hes so annoying 
but i love him 
btw hes such a bad influence 
you guys will be doing the baekhyun’s candy dance challenge in the school’s hallway!!
u’ve never ever skipped ur class in ur entire life until like u guys met and got closer im srs 
“duDe aren’t you bored? this class is so boring i might die lets sneak out together and ill buy u food” 
“shut up im trying to focus here dumbass” 
“u can’t tell me what to do” 
“im gonna get in trouble again if i follow all the things that u said wtf-”
“well u only live once oh come on please pls-” he replied back w his pouty lips and u know that kind of sad cute eyes 
“what food where” 
“um me cus im a snack-” 
“i bet u taste horrible-” 
“oh no i mean im a wholemeal and i bet u taste even more horrible” 
“right now im not even surprised if i have a damn high blood pressure bcus of u”, you replied to him 
“me too bcus u’re old”
the no ending bickering jsjs it’s a MUST 
he loves to pick a fight w u for no reason man I SWEAR TO GOD
no bickering, no haechan
no haechan, no life
bcus he thinks ure cute when ure about to explode and get upset 
omg remember when he talked about renjun being cute whenever they bicker and he makes him feel upset uwu
he be gettin all the attention skrrrttt skrt
but anyways u guys ended up skipping class and went to eat at ur favorite restaurant or whatevahh 
he attac but he also protec 
u guys went to his house after chillin and eating at the restaurant cus why nOt 
it’s normal sometimes u would spend ur time at his house or he’d come to ur house so that u guys can spend ur time together ehe 
spending time at his house with him is so much fun even his parents adore u 
his room would be filled w michael jackson’s songs, ur and his loud laughter, a lot of love and just pure affection uwu 
u guys would study together and help each other whenever one of u have trouble in understanding smthg, eat and even cook together eventho it’d be a mess, play games, listen to the playlist that he made for u, listen to his smooth  honey voice singing to u, dancing w just the two of u together like u guys are just vibin y knoww 
he might be a pain in the ass kind of boyfriend but deep inside his love for u is soooo deep u can’t even see 
he has this special soft spot for u but he doesnt rlly show it but its obvious most of the time lol 
“hi baby”
“im literally sitting beside u haechan” 
“hello my name is haechan” 
you giggled, “what’s up, baby?”
“um nothing but like have u ever thought about your weakness? do you even like exactly know what are some of ur actual weakness is?” he suddenly asked
“honestly yeah i do think about it a lot and yea i know what are some of my main weakness is it’s quite...a lot”
“what is it?” 
haechan pulls u closer into his arms till u guys are like in a cuddling position next to each other on his bed and then he plays w ur fingers w full of love as u continue
“hmm like um failing? like i can’t accept my own failures” u hold his hand while stroking it up and down gently 
he might be annoying and always love to tease u nonstop and like how u guys would bicker and everything 
BUT having a deep heart to heart conversation w him is the best 
he loves it and treasures it so much and so do u 
he’s very attentive and a genuine good listener, like when he listens to u, he ACTUALLY listens 
he knows when to be goofy and tease u and when to actually be serious 
“failures? baby, you’ve been doing great and working so hard especially in your studies! I can’t even do it like you and in fact you’re the smartest person I’ve ever met and known” 
you shrugged, “I mean yeah sure but like I feel like I’ve been lacking a lot especially in my maths! you know how I’ve always dreamed of studying actuarial science for my uni major and it’s rlly deadass tough-”
haechan then holds ur chin up so that u can look at him and he cups ur cheek as he looks at u softly 
“hey, if you fall, I also fall. I’m not letting you give up so come on what do u need help with ur maths? I can help and teach u” 
you chuckled as ur eyes met his eyes and sigh, “hey, thank you for existing, hyuck. really.” 
he smooches ur whole face and coos at u, “no problem, I’m ur fullsun” uwu 
haechan wants to go to the bathroom so he stands up from the bed before making his way 
“hey wait, wait a second, I have something to tell u before u go to the bathroom-”, you said trying to stop him 
he looks at you with a curiosity, “hm, what is it?” 
“your breath...smells kinda bad just now” 
he rolls his eyes showing his disbelieved facial expression, “i swear to god don’t even start you-” 
and thennnn it beginsss 
anyways u guys spent ur time together in his room that day with him teaching u maths in the topic that u had hard time understanding and solving it 
hes so good at teaching and explaining that u can’t help but to stare at him in awe 
“sTop checking me ouT” 
“wtf hyuck i aM noT” 
jamming to love again while studying together!!
after like half an hour, u guys wanna take a break and u wanna eat some snack so u go to the kitchen 
haechan wraps his arms around your waist as he snuggles his face into your neck, “I thought you want a snack” 
“babe, i’m trying to cut these oranges stop bothering me” you replied to him while struggling with cutting the oranges 
to be honest ure not really good with cutting fruits :’) but u love oranges 
ten can’t relate oops 
haechan watches u from behind with his arms still wrapping tightly around ur waist and stops u
“hMm wait hold up, who the heck cuts an orange like that-” 
“I-I actually am not really good at cutting fruits-”, you replied as u look at him
he giggles while shaking his head, “shut up you’re cute” 
he then proceeds to hold your hand and fingers holding the knife carefully as he stands still behind u and shows u the right way to cut the orange at the same time teaching u slowly too
isn’t he lovely made from love 
you guys would always end up watching the same movie haha
so the two of u lie beside each other on the couch w some of the snacks that u guys prepared at the kitchen 
cuddling is a must!!! 
he prefers to be the big spoon and u the smol spoon 
but when he doesn’t feel well or stressed out, you’d be the big spoon 
he loves to wrap his arms around your waist and just having your hand in his hand
he would kiss your knuckles and stare at u but as in like lovingly and admiringly 
he loves giving u smooches and lil kisses all over ur face eventho u might act disgusted but u love it too deep inside lol 
“hey, look at me” he whispers to u as he entangled his legs w urs 
pls just look at him or else he’d make u suffer with his otteoke otteoke song aegyo 
anyways the movie got boring so u just get closer to him and lay your head on his shoulder while putting ur left arm around his waist tightly 
“hyuck baby, sing me a song”, you telling him 
“you’re my missing puzzle piece”, he starts singing softly in ur ears while playing with your hair gently using his delicate fingers 
you rub his cheek slowly as u admiring his tanned skin, the details on his face and his beautiful honey brown eyes 
then u fell asleep 
he pulls the blanket nearby the couch and wrap the blanket around the two of you tightly so warm like a tortilla 
haechan looks at u w that soft eyes for awhile and smile before closing his eyes
“7 days a week, I’ll always hover by your side”, he whispers lightly 
“I love you”, you mumbled before going back to sleep 
“I love you too, idiot.” 
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tyrone-x-evita · 4 years
This is going to fly over a lot of people’s heads but ANI ACHOLA isn’t even the worse person on the show. I think Clay and Alex are annoying but you don’t see me harassing and BULLYING those actors. You’re not even watching the show for the messages at this point and it’s disgusting. I’m sorry but I’d like to live in a world where Murder and Rape aren’t considered less punitive than someone being simply ANNOYING. Some of you guys lack brain cells. Thank god this is the last season and the writers aren’t giving you guys the time of day. Can’t wait to see Ani next season flourishing ❤️❤️❤️And you’re that upset that Ani slept with Bryce? Chloe was sleeping with him too after he raped Jessica. This was before she found out that he did it to her too. Where’s her hate at? She slept with Bryce too. Also hold that same energy with Justin who let her get raped in the first place. And also sympathized with the rapist. Alex still entertained Bryce eventho he hurt the TWO most important people in his life. Clay FORCED Jessica to open up about her story. Where was this alliance for the victims then? Ani May have done some shitty stuff but in NO way is it worse than what some of these other characters have done. Just say you don’t like her bc she doesnt look like you and grow the fuck up. If it was really about her character, you guys would’ve been attacking the writers room, not the fucking actress bringing THEIR character to life. I hate that they made her sleep with Bryce too but I can see that that’s not the most fucked up thing in the show and characters who have done similar or even worse shit aren’t getting this much backlash.
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rsalibio · 5 years
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I actually wanted to post this last night
But I was afraid it would spoil heenim's bday
But seeing how it turned out and how i kept mum about it made me think otherwise. I was out last night i put off my phone. Because I know that when I post about it, my notifs would burst. His decision wasn't stable. Not until today. Not until HE managed to sneak in that MEMBERS WOULD BE LEAVING KOREA. Was it coincidence? For me its not. Because he posted it just when MEMBERS were on the airport already. Did anyone noticed the hugs? Did you guys see their expression? How about heenim? He just had his birthday we should have seen him HAPPILY GREETING MEMBERS. But what happened? What have you noticed? Leeteuk wearing black glasses. Them wearing masks (its natural yes) but HYUKJAE TOTALLY COVERED, DONGHAE, RYEOWOOK AND YESUNG. how could you not notice? They are different. The vibes. Everything. This was not coincidence. And I think his decision was not because members wanted him to leave or the company. It was ONLY HIM. so stop trying to say that the members did this or that. YOU DON'T KNOW THE STORY. If you happened to watch 80% of his "off cam" and "on cam" interviews you would know how much he values the members and their words for him. In all about sj he confessed that he wants sj down after what happened to him but he changed. He did everything to go back up for the members in order for him to not drag them down. And he managed. Actually he did great. Imagine 3 seasons of A song for you and other shows. He even had a MOVIE for crying out loud. But it vanished. Everything he worked hard for gone in just one ACCIDENT. ITS NOT DRUGS. SO DONT YOU DARE DRAG HIM DOWN THERE. HE IS NOT PART OF THAT CHAT. HE IS NOT. AGAIN. I feel sorry for kangin. Because he was dragged down by others. Lucky for those who didn't leave the group eventho they were members of the group chat. I'm at lost for words. I just saw him 5 years ago. Twice. I didn't think it would be the last time. He was super fun. He made everybody laugh and his voice. Shit i will miss it. I remembered not long ago Yesung posted your upcoming drama. And damn. He was attacked. Yes ATTACKED because of those people who doesn't want SJ to be near you. BS to those people. I don't want to sound rude. Shit. I'm sorry appa. Im sorry. Im sorry if you felt alone. Im sorry if you feel that somehow we dont love you as much. But please know that WE DID OUR BEST. WE TRULY DID. I remember when you guys had intimate note. You were paired with sungmin. You hated it not because you hate sungmin but bcoz you're not comfortable with him. Appa you cared about the members we know that. And you always put them first. Those bitches who wanted you out knows that. Ah shit my tears doesnt stop.
I first saw you 5 years ago. SS5Manila. You were there always in front of us. You always wear a smile and laugh very hard. You were so cheerful and so handsome. My ghad. I even shouted your name. I don't know why. But I'm glad I did. The second was Best of Best Manila you were cheering amd saying that it was not awhile ago we were here you said and you also said that it was like super show again. You laughed  so hard when donghae was doing his acrobat? Lol. Yeah. Im laughing but at the same time crying. I'm not sure what to feel exactly. I know and I'm certain I'm sad. I know I'm hurt because maybe the fact that SUPER JUNIOR isn't the SAME GROUP anymore. Who are we kidding, they are NOT THE SAME ANYMORE. 😭 Appa. I dont think I will get over the fact that the this is it. This is 💔. I'm sorry 😔. I haven't had enough of you yet. It was only 2 appa. 💔. But on the back of my mind I'm relieved? I feel at ease. That FINALLY you can now be free. Free from every disappointment this fandom gave you (im not speaking this in majority level) but this had been your family. I know. This was your dream after being a baseball player. I'm happy for you appa. Truly happy. But please give me this chance. Give this to me. To share what I feel. To say this to everyone who reads my posts and somehow understand what I feel. Im not alone right now. I know many are at lost for words. I know many fans love you. I know it well. Many hoobaes likes you. Many adores you. Even the sunbaes in the industry. You're a LOST NOBODY COULD REPLACE. But DAMN IT. WE JUST LOST ANOTHER TALENT. ANOTHER BEING WHO LOVES US DEEPLY. the name "KANGIN" WILL ALWAYS BE REMEMBERED AS SUPER JUNIOR. You will always be our Kangbear. Our Appa. Our Hyung. Our Oppa. The Mother's Favorite son. The Father's favorite Son in Law. The BROTHER LIKE FIGURE. could this be a bad dream. Can I wake up from this? Appa. Please know that we love you. We will still support you. We will never replace you in our hearts. Your spot will be there. Shit I don't want to end this. I don't want it. Shireo. 😭
Kangin: "I'm going to protect Leeteuk and Super Junior no matter what"
*A promise that he fulfilled today. Leaving Super Junior to PROTECT Leeteuk and Super Junior is really risking his own life. 💙. I stan the right man. 💙🤘. I'm going to see you again as Kangin with very strong heart, mind and soul that no one can ever dissed again!
Saranghaeyo Kim Youngwoon
Uyu biccal Kim Youngwoon
Gidarlike Kim Youngwoon
Kim Youngwoon Jjang
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eunhae-code · 5 years
I tought about what you said that how someones seems to see Donghae as “stiff” so I just had to tell everyone what I see.^^
I see a temperament person, someone who “flames up” easily but has learned how to calm down when he matured. He is like a sea, as fun as that sounds, calm on the surface but constantly moving under.
He is a sensitive, he feels what other feels, thats why he is good in writing songs. And eventho he is more withdrawn in front of cameras he is a really outgoing person behind the scenes. Thats why he have a lot of friends. He loves to make everyone around him to laugh, eventho to himself. 
And because he feels everything so deeply sometimes he cant get himself out of it and everyone around him sees it. Thats when his eyes shows it. He has learned to cover his feelings as he got older, thats what we all do, but sometimes we cant hide them. 
He is very careful person and likes to keep his personal life out of cameras. 
So Donghae is anything but stiff, beside the occasional times in front of cameras, he is constantly moving sea, who has so much going on in his mind that no one can really keep up.
Like the Pd (the one from the recent movie that hae took part of) told us, “I like his eyes. They show emotions but theres always more than I can read” .
And I just had to take eunhyuk there. I think he feel extremly drawn to hae, because he is so different. Everything is organised for eunhyuk, he doesnt “see too deep” and doesnt feel too much. So for him, Donghae is the most interesting person because eventho he knows him the best, he still doesnt seem to know whats going on in his head and thats why he is constantly surprised by donghae.
So Donghae is the most lively person, so childlike, wonders about everything around him. He is temperament, thats why the rest of suju makes fun of him, and he is so mysteric too. He really is like the sea.
Sorry this became long one  :D And I still feel like writing! Maybe I analyse eunhae sometime :D (I have studied microexpressions and human behave btw)
Have a nice day and sorry for the mistakes.^^
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conglomo · 5 years
😇 If your special interest is a video game/movie/tv show/etc, who’s your fav character from it? I HONESTLY LOVE ALL OF THE MAIN CHARACTERS N THE BIG SIDE ONES... I think my all time fave is Fil/burt though, he is the funniest to me i think his whole character is a little absurd in a good wayI also love Ro/cko himself, i think hes Relatable and hes very sweet! I feel like his type of character doesnt normally take the main roleBev as well is a fave bc she deserves every ounce of love in the world.
💕 What’s your fav thing about your special interest? I answered this but for this ask I will continue on from my character rant lol.I think most of the cast is pretty unique?Rock/o is a different main character for  cartoon bc hes a worrier and a pushover being very influenced by the things around him instead of the other way around. H/effer is probably not so unique, but I still enjoy his character!!Filburt, as I mentioned, is my favourite. I think hes very different for one of the main characters. Hes very unintentionally funny which is my favourite type of humour, I find myself laughing in his scenes the most.The B/igheads arent really unique as a concept but I think their individual characters are done so well that it doesnt matter.Eventho Ed is an ass and often the butt of the comical cartoon violence i still find myself rooting for him at timesBev is just the best idk what else to say, someone needs to give her some real love
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lupienne · 6 years
Hey, @jaycee374 I hope you don’t mind I made this a post. I thought you made some good points and wanted to reply in something better than a ‘reply box’. XD (Just let me know if you’re opposed and I will delete this post pronto. :))
@lupienne ah this is gold xD TV!Negan indeed always said he likes killing (under the right circumstances)^^" maybe this rn was just a set-up to make it especially nasty. also considering the amount of shit talking, can you really blame him for not remembering all of it? xD yes! i forgot to mention. but walking in there with a crowbar and not a gun was so fucking wild xD i get she wanted to bash in his head but girl, you need a safety gun. smh
i like what you said but bc their motivation to beg for death is so different i think it's okay tv!N didnt apologise. bc he doesnt feel sorry for what he did. he's just sorry for himself, what he became. eventho he had 1.5yrs to think about it i doubt he'd  realised anything without input and the "redemption" comic!N went through. Tv!neg is just not there (yet?) he really does have to earn it first. i hope we get that somewhen.
the show tries to ride the pity train but doesnt seems like it's working xD ppl who hated negan still hate him. they gotta do a lot better than this. lol basically you cant expect tv!Negan to act like comic!neg in any way. he's not been through the same and tbh it's not even the same person. bonus: i can't get over how negan can't move without making those old man sounds xD we get it you're old. geez
and as for maggie, it's like you said. letting him live isn't mercy it's punishment. tv maggie didnt really move on but got her 'justice' as much as she can rn. urgh i hate that they make her leave off screen tho. like srsly?? maggie deserved better”
That’s true, I suppose we can forgive TV Negan for not remembering all the shit talk he did LOL Hell, Comic Negan confused Holly for Andrea XD Maybe small details isn’t their strong suit. ;)
Right, at least Michonne could’ve stood on the steps with a gun in case things went bad. Out of sight, but there to protect Maggie.
Ok, you make a good point. Although it is the reason why I dislike the placement of this scene. The entire mood, weight and meaning of the scene is different from the comics. You’re entirely right that TV Negan didn’t apologize because he didn’t feel sorry, he hadn’t yet gotten to that point and it was all about ending his own suffering. Not guilt over the suffering he caused others. Just his own. It makes sense for TV Negan 100%. Hell, you’re actually right that it wouldn’t even be genuine if he did apologize. It’d be more insulting to Maggie than anything.
At the same time, it makes me wish they hadn’t even done this scene because other than to show TV Negan is miserable and sad, he hasn’t grown in any way. I don’t even know if TV Negan is capable of remorse and empathy so maybe everything I’m griping about is a moot point. Maybe he’ll never feel bad about what he did.
I know I can’t expect them to act the same, I still do ‘enjoy’ comparing them but at this point it’s like comparing apples to oranges. You’re right that TV Negan hasn’t gotten the same experiences that Comic Negan has. That’s what bugs me about having this scene at all because it loses it’s value. Or, rather, it just takes on a different value - we see a sad Negan, a powerless and suffering Negan and a Maggie who at least gets to feel some small vengeance against him. It’s more about her than him, whereas in the comics it felt like it was a turning point for both of them. Comic Maggie got to feel revenge/closure and Comic Negan was humanized, humbled and repentant. And yeah, it’s a total bummer she is leaving (?) (I’m not entirely sure, it’s something about her contract...) But damn all these characters leaving/getting killed off sure does mess with these comic moments. Maybe they should just split off from the comics entirely, honestly. Not do any comic things, just keep the stories completely separate.
LMAO I lol’d at his ‘old man sounds’ *grunt, groan, moan* ‘ahh my bones are creaky’ Heh. Sounds like me when I get up in the morning hahaa!
So, overall, I do think you make a great point on how this scene works for TV Maggie and Negan. I just know some people are going to think this TV scene is somehow reflective of the comic scene when they both are entirely different in tone. The two scenes have completely different meanings (at least for Negan.) I guess that’s my overall gripe but in the end maybe it’s just a moot gripe. Lol.
(again please let me know if you wish me to take this post down.)
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sexysilverstrider · 5 years
We all know that Bede is a smug jerk (and I love him for it) but can you just immagine also how SAD his life must have been?
binch im way ahead of you!!! bede is an orphan and whats worse its basically stated he lost his parents at such a young age and probably lived off homeless shelters and kitchen soups and worse.....in the streets. it was until chairman rose found him that he found some sort of familial comfort and love eventho that comfort and love were completely exaggerated by his perspective. he craves validation so badly that he stooped to do shitty things like ruining ancient murals all for the sake of pleasing the man who doesnt even remember his name fuck u rose
in japanese its stated bede uses polite language and even in the english version as shitty as he is, bede doesnt use crude or harsh language like how hop does. hes still polite. im sure bede was a VERY insecure kid who wants nothing but love and hes willing to please any person who shows him signs of care. he mocks the protag and hop yes but was he rude to opal??? not in the least and opal was being Super Creepy towards him. its free grandson.
im sure when bede got disowned so coldly he must hv been SO heartbroken. so lost and devastated. he was back to become that useless homeless orphaned boy who is unloved and uncared for. he just wants someone to love and care for him. even when he got snarky w the protag he was slightly taken aback and also pissed if protag shows sympathy for him. hes so angry and lost and its all protags fault but hes just....he doesnt know What to do before opal came along
and then the fact that he admits to protag and they went thru all that fairy bootcamp JUST so he can battle them again....that he made it his sole mission to face you and even stake his career - his dream - damn gloria really straight up hopped into his heart and he doesnt realize its love baby
also i love that bede accepts being opals apprentice for the next gym leader. despite all that groaning and whining he actually accepts his new role and when the audience cheered for him!!! bede went from loveless desperate orphan to a boy who slowly has people accepting him for who he is.
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kwanfairy · 3 years
Rules: Answer the questions (if you want to skip one, feel free to do that too of course!). Tag 3 people (or more or less, you choose really). Tag your post with #CHOICE_tag so we can find each other’s posts! Have fun!!
I was tagged by @choi-hae - thanks love for always thinking of me (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
I’m tagging: @aamorella @moonsehyoon @kimbye0ngkwan
i know i havent interacted with either of you 3 yet and i feel kinda akward for calling you out like this so pls feel free to ignore.
1. Introduce yourself. You choose how much and how little!
hi hi im Bikki and i hate introducing myself cause i never know what to say lmao. im a pretty big loser with a big heart and an unhealthy obsession with anything dog related cause dogs are everything („ಡωಡ„)
2. How and when did you become a CHOICE?
ive started to get into kpop fairly 'late' (in 2016) and by the time undercover dropped a year later i was still quite confused and overwhelmed but i remember i really liked the song (and could not for the life of me tell bk and sehyoon apart in that MV wtf @ 2017 me LOL). fast forward to 2020 when favourite boys hit me like a truck and honestly it all is kind of a blur afterwards lmao. the aes of the MV had me fall in love with them instantly and i think i watched a bunch of 'funny moments' vids and stuff and it all spiraled from there
3. What is your favourite part of being a CHOICE?
4. What is your favourite A.C.E song? Do you prefer their title tracks or b-sides more?
this fandom mirrors the boys' crackhead energy like i have yet to meet a choice who isnt just as weird as the fools themselves and i absolutely love it (◡‿◡)
also: being choice means being a fan of ace and whats better than that
i really cant say. i like each song for very different reasons. i love Stand By You for its soft yet melancholic vibes. i love Golden Goose cause their performance on theshow killed me. id literally go feral listening to Hell if they finally. give us. a studio version. :) :) :)
5. Who’s your bias? What do you like about them?
my bebi Byeongkwan for sure eventho i also feel very drawn to Sehyoon cause we are pretty similar personality wise (i say as i dont really know him at all lmao). but best boi BK will put me into simp mode in -0.34 secs. i cant really say why i just love this gorgeous lil firecracker (ಥ◡ಥ) and im obsessed with ppl calling him fairy it literally makes me flatline cause yes yall are so right.....
but really, im a huge simp for them all (yes... even jun eventho it makes me gag to admit it LMAO)
6. What is your favourite thing about A.C.E?
how they play (and fuck) with gender norms and try out so many different things, esp style-wise. to me, it is such an aesthetically pleasing group(point proven with the siren teasers id say). i also love how natural they seem. like they dont bother about upholding a fake image. i esp get that feeling of 'just 5 dudes being friends' which i love so dearly during their vlives - its so refreshing and fills my heart so much
7. Which concept has been your favourite? What kind of concept do you want them to try?
8. Which A.C.E friendship is your favourite? Which one do you want to see more of?
id say undercover is pretty high up there (i mean pig tails crop top BK .......) but it looks like siren will take the crown once she drops....
i showed my anti(kpop) friend the intro:escape video and she said it gave her the creeps in a good way and ever since i have gone mad wanting a horror concept omfg
9. If you could tell A.C.E one thing, what would you tell them?
given that wowkwan are soft, tender, gentle boyfriends who have all my fucking uwus and therefore dont count, id say dongjun. wait nevermind these are husbands... ok junchan it is. i just love their father-son vibes
id love to see more donghun/sehyoon but only if grandpa doesnt call yoon fat or pig cause thats a big nono!!! or dongkwan cause i cant really think of any moments of them wth
how dare yall (¬_¬)
10. Which A.C.E member would die first in a horror movie?
11. Leave a small message for your fellow CHOICE!
i think its funny that everyone says jun but lets be honest.. the dumb ones usually make it longer dksdjkl
it for sure is sehyoon cause this airhead would probably get lost in his own thoughts without even noticing that he got separated from the others. the second his man BK isnt with him anymore to protect him its over for him lol
how are you all dealing with the teasers share your secrets cause im not doing so well :')
no but srsly the choice ive interacted with have been so incredibly nice and kind and patient with me and i love how this small lil fandom is so vibrant and caring both towards the boys and one another.
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lesbiansforandrew · 6 years
the loveliest @hiatusniall tagged me, thank youuu xx 
Rules: answer the questions given to you by the tagger, write questions of your own, and tag people!
1. Tell me about one of the earliest memories you have of your life.
probably from my aunt and uncle’s wedding, im the eldest child in the family and i was the only child then, i was around 3 or 4 i think. i was the flower girl and i remember snippets of the wedding and when we went on the canal boat and i was in the front with my aunt and uncle and at one point i stood on the bench and yelled at my mom. everyone still talks about that moment idk hahaha (and the trip we took after the wedding to disneyland where i was afraid of pluto and there is photograpical proof. i did hug him in the end) 
2. If you had to describe yourself as a fruit, what kind of fruit would you be?
shall i go for the obvious and say orange 
3. Quote your favourite character from a tv-show/movie
‘’who the hell is bucky?’’ the winter soldier aka bucky barnes in captain america: the winter soldier
4. What do you typically eat on a Friday night?
its either bread, pizza or mcdonalds really
5. If you have a pet, what is the story behind their name? If you don’t have a pet, what would you name them and why?
ok so we had lots of cats over the years (always one at a time) but i remember one cat that we got from the shelter and he had a permanent cold (so he sneezed a lot) anyway his name was wesley or something but nobody ever called him that so we decided to call him gabber which is the most dutch culture thing and @dizzyon will appreciate this. our latest cat was called smokey which we hated so we called her spooky which was real bc she was a white cat 
6. Which Hogwarts house do you belong in?
hufflepuff bitches !! 
7. What is your biggest fear?
at the moment its falling back into the deepest depression known to man 
8. Talk about one of the fandoms you’re in and why you joined that fandom!
lets pick the obvious again aka 1d, why i joined? bc back in 2010/2011 i was boyband obsessed and this group of fucking idiots stole my heart
9. Do you have a favourite fic? Which fic and why do you like it?
more than one for sure, but i Love into the blue and that fic where harry works in that hotel where louis also works i dont remember the name but both these fics are so lovely and i read them at times i felt really happy and good 
10. Do you remember the first website you joined? How old were you and what kind of website was it?
probably stardoll or something lmao, wait no it was probably habbo hotel at primary school actually
11. If you could go back in time to a concert you did not attend at the time which show would you go to and why?
OHHH BOYYYY fucking take me home tour in amsterdam, holy fucking shit. i am still bitter as fuck. i cried for like a week when i didnt get tickets, like that was their prime and i was in so deep and then i wasnt able to go eventho my friends did. wow its a suprise i didnt kms
12. What do you think is the meaning of life?
my depressed side is like life doesnt have meaning my other side is like harry styles, so 
13. You get to decide the setlist for One Direction’s reunion tour! Which 5 songs can’t be forgotten?
OH LORD what a feeling !!!!! 5 times. no joking they should also play olivia, home, act my age (YES OK) and end of the day (tbh just play everything from mitam tbh) (but mostly what a feeling) (obviously)
anywayyy dont really feel like tagging anyone so sorryyy xxxxx 
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hyunwoo-archive · 6 years
showhonon! im very sad today so im just going to leave this here, an atla!au showho where wonho is a waterbender and is a healer(?) and shownu is either a fire/earthbender (im not sure yet because tbh i kind of want him to be an airbender too?) but for now fire/earth who trains alot; gets bruises/burns so wonho has to heal him alot nd is fed up w his boyf constantly getting hurt until one day theres war. shownu has to fight in it nd eventho wonhos fighting too hes not in the frontlines :(
2/2 (forgot to put 1/2 in the first half ) and i kind of want this to be angsty but w a happy ending. idk why i can imagine wonho cradling a badly burned/injured shownu desperately holding back his tears as he heals him. (i've been watching war related movies im sorry) (also i hate angst because it hurts but im in an angsty mood so,,)
hi showhonon!!! firstable i hope u feel better soon D: !!! watch some mx or vines (those always cheer me up!!) or brooklyn 99 is a show i recommend to watch !! its really lighthearted and funny nd its serious but at the right times :D !!! feel better i love u !!!!
also sometimes i rly wonder if u can read my mind bc atla was such a big integral part of my childhood and i absolutely adore the atla universe ... its so,,, me: nuts bc of how deep and complex atla is..... icb u brought this to my inbox u are truly a Blessing :-( (also under the cut bc this got so long JKHFSJK)
neways !!!! i completely support this,,,, waterbender nd healer wonho,,,,, nd also thats a really interesting take for shownu :000 i did headcanon him as an earthbender but firebender,,,,, i feel like that would be a super interesting match ??? just bc he definitely doesnt look like someone who can manipulate fire but then its like whoosh ,,, kabam,,, he a firebender :0 (also!!! drawing back 2 that episode in atla where they talked abt how firebending could hurt but could also help ??? :0000... just a thought....) nd now im rly on team firebender!shownu KJHHJJS (buT ALSO !!! AIRBENDER..... THATS SMTH I CAN GET BEHIND TOO !!!)
also another idea :0 !!! mayb wonho is from the northern water tribe so mayb he could descend from royalty ,,, ? nd thus mayb not be Very Experienced w war / w being hurt but he is very familiar w healing nd shownu could b from the poorer side of the earth kingdom/the outskirts of the fire nation so hes familiar w fighting to survive... nd they meet by chance :0 ... nd wonho doesnt understand why shownu trains so brutally but he heals him anyway but the healing sessions are always tense nd upsetting bc wonho wants to say things but keeps quiet nd shownu doesnt want to upset the silence so he stays quiet too 
then war comes around nd shownu’s gone for longer periods of time but he always comes back but worse than it was before . eventually they both relocate (out of safety) to one of the resistance camps nd stay there together nd wonho joins the medical team nd shownu’s part of the fighter team nd its just,,, one day theres a Rly Bad fight nd everyone that went off to fight that battle either comes back badly injured or dead and wonho is attending to everyone he can and looking for shownu amongst the people who returned but he cant find him at all so hes asking everyone like “have you seen shownu ???” but everyones either telling him they didnt or they saw him in the frontlines but that was it
out of desperation wonho leaves to find shownu himself nd he stumbles across a ruined town,,, like,,, Burnt 2 the foundations ruined and he looks in every hollowed out building until he comes across shownu slumped against a crumbling wall, cradling his stomach nd wonho immediately rushes to heal him but its Bad nd wonho is so desperate 2 do Something nd he just tells shownu he’s so stupid for being so reckless nd shownu’s literally Knocked out but wonho just keeps rambling as he passes water back and forth until theres nothing else he can do
some ppl banded together 2 look for survivors nd stumble across shownu nd wonho nd take them back to camp and wonho literally Never leaves shownu’s side as he heals up nd cant even find it in him to get mad when he wakes up but its okay because at least hes Awake ,,,,,
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heartsoftruth · 7 years
Ney is an idiot! What he's doing with Bruna (again) is getting really pathetic. He knows damn well what kinds reaction comments like "my wife" will bring and does it on purpose. Clearly he feeds of it,it pumps his ego and I think he's in love with the fact that she's beautiful and famous and they're this famous couple everyone talks about. It's lame and sad cuz I really thought he's smarter, more real and honest than that. And not so vain. Really disappointed at him cuz I judged him wrong :((
ANON1: Neymar commented “my wife” on bruna’s photo on Instagram…lol I’m going to die laughing if they break up for the third time😂
ANON2: Wow i See brumar haters going off saying they couldnt even date 2 years now hes calling her wife? Lol i bet he dont even know what wife means he probably thought its like yes thats my girl 🙄
ANON3: Ney is so extra we all know he doesnt speak english 😂 Eventho i dont like bruna seeing him totally in love makes me happy i really missed him beeing that😍
ANON4: i can’t wait for reality to slap neymar right across the face when he’s 2 years into his relationship watching his pregnant wifey walk out of his life again because he dared to not use a condom on a fame leeching gold digger
ANON5: Neymar just called Bruna his wife on instagram and just to think only a mere 7 months ago he was taking body shots off of 5 different strippers in his las vegas hotel room
ANON6: just saw neymars comment on bruna pic ‘my wife’… now I’m looking forward to all the drama and speculations that are gonna unfold in your asks tomorrow, can’t wait so hurry up and post one and all! lolol…. in all honesty tho, if they got engaged/married already it’d be so dumb ass stupid after the multiple breakups that the only question for me would be how long before the divorce. not negative or hating, just being realistic.
ANON7: Did u see Neymar comment under bruna pic? Your thoughts😳
ANON8: Do you think Neymar understood what he meant when he wrote my wife in English lol. Cause in Portuguese when others translate his comment it just meant his women but when he wrote in english it meant his wife hANON9: Ney is so cheesy mushy lovey I can’t even. Did you see his comment of my wife on her post. It’s a step up from the two other hearts and cat face but still I’m almost starting to wish they didn’t comment on each other’s stuff 😂 I don’t even want to know what she will write for his birthday. It will probably be sooooo cheesy n his comment even worse
First of all: Well damn I think I’ve copied all the Neymar ‘My wife’ Insta comments in one post hahaha. When it was finally a bit calmer surrounding him and her he does this… 😂😂 
I indeed things he means it more in a My wifey type of way and not literally ‘my wife’. We know his English is improving but it’s not ‘there’ yet if you get what I mean. So I presume he means it in a my wifey type of way. The literal translation would be ‘Minha esposa’ instead of ‘Minha mulher’ (I see Brazilian press a bit conflicted in how to translate it and I can understand why).
If he wants to comment on everything with a heart etc (while she doesn’t) then he should. I mean he’s free to do whatever. We all know he likes showing his life/thoughts with everyone via social media…
Vegas story is a joke I presume btw, bc not true. But we all know he was single at the time. And if he wasn’t he sure acted like it 😂😂
I see some new Adidas photos Bruna was tagged in today… Coincidence or?
Hey do you know if bruna actually went to the Louis Vuitton event I see her pics saying she supports it but no pic was ever of her at the party only at a bar after wheee she looked like normal self in regular clothes. Did she purposely get dressed up to have a post wearing the bracelet cause it doesn’t make sense. I get she looks different without makeup n pro photos but does she not do regular pics. I’m tired of her looking so staged and perfect to the media
I think she just took a photo with that bracelet for us all to buy because it’s for a good cause? I don’t know if there was an event for it. I think it was just this promo pic for it. But I have no idea.
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uzumaakkiii · 4 years
High hopes
man this sucks. literally stupid. urgh my mood from 100-0 just like that. so much as i thought i could make him feel the same towards me. but he definitely a tough one. im literally hurting myself just like that. urgh im mad. but today tho. he replied fast eventho he busy at work hm. urgh i should really take a step back. i dont want to end up hurting myself because his not doing anything to hurt me. maybe him saying “i want you” might actually put my hopes high??????? urgh i feel so dumb because i always show how excited i am talking to him and he definitely knowsss that i like him. it so way obvious la urgh. maybe his just acting cool? or maybe he treat me as a friend not more than friend. urgh i will look super dumb. bruh i have to stay calm and act cold too. but he definitely dont feel the same like all he wants to just fuck and be there for me while he can see me happy?????? goodnight without any emoji?? or or he didnt even ask me how my day. tbh he have never ask me hows my day like from the very start. maybe all this while he is actually talk to someone else like obvly i dont even have to assume. i wonder why is he always online till mf late asf 5am???? really talking to a guy friend at 5am??????? man its my fault for putting my hopes high. its my fault for giving him the attention and energy i have. it is my fault for letting abit of my feeling involved. maybe he doesnt even want my attention, man to think about it its actually pretty sad... sometime i wonder why i initiate things when i know its definitely temporary......... 
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