agorejessstone · 2 years
FB group for NEW everbyte game
IF you want to join us, to talk about all things Everbyte, you can find the NEW group linked below.
The old groups got super spoiler-y and not fun. They don't have enough admins, and people are playing favorites.
Up to you, but everyone is welcome as long as you are kind, fun loving, and don't ruin everyone's day.
See you THERE
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schnattchen91 · 1 year
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My renewed confidence just lasted until I stepped in front of the reception desk. The grim-looking police officer snapped at me, " What?" I got a few crumbs from his bread.
"...an appointment with Mr Bloomgate," I stammered, having swallowed the beginning of the sentence. The plump policeman eyed me contemptuously. "I suppose [MC] " a man in his 40s spoke to me. I nodded. He extended his hand to me in greeting.
"Alan.", he said kindly.
I accepted this gesture uncertainly. Alan didn't seem much like what I had been threatened with. His grey-green eyes and the occasional grey strands in his dark brown hair made a rather kind impression. Even the way he gently put his hand on my back to guide me inside the building was more caring than threatening.
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dboutonsmith · 10 months
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😸☕ Richy and The Man Without A Face from Everbyte Studio's Duskwood.
#art #design #drawing #originalart #artistsoninstagram #colorpencil #sketch #duskwood #duskwoodfanart #duskwoodmanwithoutaface #duskwoodrichy #richyduskwood #manwithoutaface #friends #villain #mask #hoodie #legend #partnersincrime #artprocess #share #like #duo #gotyourback #boyfriend
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duskwoodraven · 2 years
Duskwood Episode 10 spoilers!!
When TMWAF took off his mask:
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lyon-amore · 1 year
⚠️ Duskwood episode 10 ⚠️
*Cry in Español*
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Why lie to everyone? I wanted to play the English version so I could say that Jake is my boyfriend 😭😭😭😭 Because as I already said before, we call him 'Friend' in Spanish, that is, I told Jake, the mysterious hacker I've been flirting with since episode 1 that I want to kiss him! WHERE IS MY DESERVED 'IS MY BOYFRIEND' in Spanish!?!?! 😭😭😭
🤣🤣🤣 Ok, the drama is over
This part is a great loss! I want to know Jake's reaction to this answer!!! Would you have seen this conversation? Would you know that we have told you that he is our boyfriend even though nothing is confirmed? Would he have gotten nervous or would he have said that he didn't bother him? 🤭
Something like...
Jake: You've told Dan that I'm your boyfriend.
MC: Has it bothered you?
Jake: No, quite the opposite.
MC: So did you like it?
Jake: Yes, but remind me of this conversation for when this is all over.
MC: Of course I will remind you 😊 We have a very pending list to talk about 🤭
Jake: Haha. Yes, the truth is yes. :)
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sociallyinepludi · 2 years
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What do I do with my weekend now?? The ending broke my heart. Time to restart it... (With premium right from the bat this time around) #duskwood #chapter10 #lastchapter #completed #gameover #iamjake #everbytestudio https://www.instagram.com/p/CeXKAq7MEKb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hacked-by-jake · 1 year
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hacked-by-nymos · 1 year
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DUSKWOOD EPISODE 10 – dir. EverbyteStudio
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bueno, aquí estoy de nuevo, ustedes alcanzaron la meta (todavía estoy trabajando en el tráiler, así que lo enviaré por un tiempo para quizás publicarlo, porque primero tengo que enviar a algunos de mis amigos para que evalúen el tráiler). a ver si sirve para post), soy una chica de palabra, solo me falta hacer algunas animaciones y dibujos (recordando que es un trailer y puedes teorizar lo que quieras cuando se estrene) Jake: bueno, terminemos con estas tonterías pronto... sí, estoy de acuerdo. Esta es mi versión de la visión de Jake, él será importante en la historia al igual que otros personajes, solo lo muestro porque es el único personaje que no puedes ver, porque es un hacker y vigila su identidad secreta. así que me basé en cómo sería, no solo en lo que él mismo dice en las conversaciones, sino también en su comportamiento y apariencia en el camerino. siempre vestido de negro, con mancara negra para desaparecer con la cara, guantes adecuados para tocar celulares y electrónicos para no dejar huellas dactilares, y un corte de pelo normal y corriente para no levantar demasiadas sospechas de ningún "indeseable", tiene ojos porque ( esto se mencionará en la historia), está muy apegado a su preciada computadora, usa lentes de contacto para no obstruir el iris de su ojo, por lo general usa lentes de contacto grises (hice este color para que coincida con la paleta de colores, una blusa gris verde debajo , tenes pantalones cerrados y anchos. Espero que les guste aún más ; ) my artwork and fanart: @teensadventuresstudio
⚠️ADVERTENCIA⚠️:el personaje original Jake pertenece a Everbytestudio
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Official Moonvale announcement - May 5, 2023
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Posted via Instagram @ everbytestudio
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schnattchen91 · 1 year
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Preview: The sleepless night had taken its toll. I struggled through my wet, unruly hair with the brush. I beat my hands against my cheeks. But the desired colour didn't appear. Disappointed, I reached for the yellow towel and wrapped it around my body. Immediately I reached for the door handle. The bright light blinded me. "A beautiful morning, my dear" Phil's voice greeted me as I was still trying to get my bearings. "Morning," I replied in a faint voice. I glanced at the two hawkins siblings and the set breakfast table. My left hand clawed at the knot of my towel. The drops of water falling from my body sounded so abnormally loud. I felt as if the table where the two of them were sitting was moving further and further away. My cheeks slowly began to blush until they were burning with shame! It had taken my brain far too long to reach the conclusion that the doorbell announced Phil's appearance. Then it took me far too long to realise that I was standing half-naked in the room. I open my mouth and breathed. "I..." My right foot took a wobbly step back. "Well, I got no problem if you join us looking like this," Phil winked at me. His intention probably had been to loosen up the situation a little. The opposite showed in the unhealthy red colour of my face. So the option of feigning self-confidence was also taken away. I gulped nervously and said, "I'll get dressed." I could still hear Phil commenting on my words, " Pity." and Jessy's giggle. Continue reading on:
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dboutonsmith · 1 year
Clue #2 We can use our code! Getting excited!
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duskwoodraven · 1 year
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lyon-amore · 1 year
Las 12 Oneshot Bonus
⚠️ ¡Atención!⚠️  Oneshot extra de '¿Qué pasaría sí...?' después de los eventos de la historia, también contiene contenido caliente, sin muchos detalles, pero lo contiene
Oneshot inspirado en esta canción. ----------------------------------------------------
Había decidido pasar un tiempo en casa de mis abuelos después de todo el interrogatorio de Duskwood. Pero eso es otra historia. Necesitaba relajarme. Viajar. Coger un avión y marcharme un tiempo. Lo único que hago es llorar, gritar... Todas las noches tengo pesadillas. Le veo arder. A Jake. Grito su nombre e intento alcanzarlo. Pero el fuego me detiene porque sabe que le tengo miedo. Al menos sé que, si estoy acompañada, intento calmarme. Mi abuela entra en mi cuarto y me abraza, cantándome como cuando era pequeña, tratando de calmarme. Ninguno sabe de la existencia de Jake o que es al que le lloro todas las noches.
Paseamos por el muelle de Santa Mónica, escuchando a la gente divertirse. Veo a mis abuelos pasárselo bien, como si ellos fueran jóvenes. Sonrío. Verlos me hace tener un poco de esperanzas en mi futuro con Jake. Mi expresión cambia al ver a lo lejos una capucha negra. Mi corazón se acelera. Empiezo a caminar en dirección hacia él.   —Jake... —susurro, apartando a la gente— Jake.    Trato de alcanzarlo y alguien me empuja.   —Perdón —me dice el chico.    Lo ignoro y vuelvo mi vista al tío de la capucha. Había desaparecido. Meto la mano en el bolsillo de mi chaqueta para sacar el móvil y me doy cuenta de que no lo tengo ¡El tío de antes! ¡Me lo ha robado! Intento recordar lo que he llegado de ver de él. Tenía la sudadera... gris.... No llevaba nada llamativo para robar. Busco entre la gente y le veo haciendo otra vez la misma táctica. Me acerco a él a grandes pasos, siendo lo más silenciosa a cada pisada que daba.
Logro agarrarle y me mira asustado. Por supuesto, le he pillado desprevenido. Pero no puedo controlarme, estoy furiosa.   — ¡Dame mi móvil! —le grito, sin ninguna vergüenza a que la gente me mire.   —Tía, no sé de qué me hablar —me contesta, intentando librarse de mí.    La adrenalina de mi interior no me deja pensar con claridad. Solo deseo pegar a este tío si no me lo devuelve.   — ¡No te hagas el loco! ¡Devuélveme el móvil! —le agito, sujetándole de la sudadera.    A diferencia de Jake, este tío es de mi estatura y me es más fácil moverlo, es más débil... Como yo.   — ¡Que no lo tengo, loca! —me agarra de las muñecas, intentando hacerme daño para que le soltase.    Pero lo ignoro. Me ciega la obsesión de tener mi móvil.   — ¿Qué pasa aquí? —se acerca un policía, mirándonos a los dos.   —La mujer esta —me mira el chico con cara de asco—, dice que le he robado el móvil.    Me preparo para pegarle un puñetazo, pero me detienen. Me fijo que es mi abuelo, mirándome con calma.   —Lo sentimos mucho —se disculpa por mí—. Lleva un tiempo nerviosa, ha tenido unos meses duros.   — ¡No! ¡Me ha robado el móvil! —respondo mirando al policía.    El agente mira al chico y luego a mí. Vuelve a mirar al chico y le hace un gesto con la mano.   —Por favor, saque todo lo que tenga en los bolsillos.   — ¿Está de coña? —le responde, señalándome— ¡Es ella la que me ha atacado!   — ¡Es ese! —Grita un hombre— ¡Es ese tío! ¡El que se ha chocado conmigo y me ha robado la cartera!    Me muerdo el interior de la mejilla, controlándome. El policía mira directamente al tío y este suspira, comenzando a sacar todo lo que lleva en los bolsillos. Al ver mi móvil, lo cojo y lo llevo contra mi pecho, llorando. Si lo pierdo, puedo perder cualquier contacto con Jake. Si no lo tengo a mi lado, quizás le pierda ya para siempre.   — ¿Pero qué le pasa? Sólo es un móvil —dice el ladrón, mientras el policía le pone las esposas.   —Y tu libertad tan solo una fianza de tres números —le responde el policía.    Mis abuelos se acercan a mí, colocando sus manos en mi espalda y hombro, intentando calmarme. No es sólo un móvil... No lo es...
Regresamos a casa y me quedo sentada en el porche, viendo cómo empieza el atardecer. Mantengo el móvil en mis manos, apretándolo con fuerza. Esperando un mensaje. Esperando a Jake. Mi abuelo se sienta a mi lado y me tiende un vaso de limonada. Doy un pequeño sorbo, saboreando el contenido.   —Tu abuela y yo estamos bastante preocupados por ti —me dice con una voz calmada—. Vuelves a ser esa Macie de hace dos años.    Suspiro, sin saber qué decir. Esa Macie que se sintió culpable... Como ahora...   —Macie ¿Qué pasó exactamente? —Le miro y vuelvo a llorar— Quizás te sientas mejor si hablas.    Escucho unos pasos detrás de mí y me giro a ver a la abuela, que se sienta en una de las sillas.   —Cuando murieron tus padres, nos dolió mucho —continúa hablando y le presto atención—. Tu padre no tenía que haberse muerto antes que nosotros. Pero al menos, no perdimos una nieta —me coge la mano y la aprieta con cariño—, ya sabes que con nosotros siempre puedes contar.    Asiento, llorando más fuerte. Me apoyo en su hombro y él me acaricia la cabeza, dándome un beso.   —Lo he perdido... —respondo entre respiraciones entrecortadas— Siento que le he perdido para siempre... Se sacrificó por mí y puso su vida en riesgo... No sé si está vivo o... —me muerdo la lengua, tampoco debo dar más detalles de que podían haberle arrestado.   —Lo siento mucho cariño... —me dice, con una voz igual de rota que yo— Si aún no le han encontrado, quizás haya esperanzas, no te preocupes.    Sé que lo dice para animarme. Pero sin una noticia de Jake, lo único que tengo es miedo de perder a otra persona importante en mi vida. Y que sea el hombre que amo, era mucho más doloroso.
Intento dormir, no parando de dar vueltas en la cama. A lo lejos puedo escuchar el movimiento del mar. Hacía un poco más de frío por la noche, la temperatura había bajado. Me pongo a mirar el techo y suspiro. No logro dormir... Me levanto de la cama y busco en el armario una toalla y mis zapatillas de deporte.
Me voy acercando a la playa. No hay nadie para ser solo las doce. Un poco extraño, normalmente hay gente, pero todo está tranquilo. Coloco la toalla en el suelo, haciendo que las zapatillas la sujetes. Me siento y me pongo a mirar el mar, pensando en estas semanas. Duras semanas sin Jake. Semanas en las que todo el grupo estamos demasiado afectados. No les he vuelto a escribir desde que regresé de Duskwood porque les dije que necesitaba estar un tiempo sola. Aunque sé que me necesitan, pero... No puedo. Todo me recuerda a él. La Luna es menguante, no llena. También a ella le falta algo para ser perfecta. Vuelvo a mirar al mar y despacio me levanto, acercándome a él. El agua que choca con mis pies es frío. Helado. Como cuchillas. Poco a poco comienzo a caminar hacia el interior.
El agua ya está por mi cintura. Un escalofrío recorre mi cuerpo. Tomo aire y me hundo. Frío... Mucho frío... Es diferente al calor del fuego. Ah... menuda tontería acabo de pensar. Claro que es diferente.
Me incorporo y me aparto el pelo de la cara, tosiendo ¿Cuánto tiempo he pasado debajo? El leve viento hace que me congele por completo. Me abrazo a mí misma. Deseo sentir este frío a sentir el horrible calor del fuego.   — ¡Macie! —Escucho a alguien gritarme.    Abro los ojos tanto, que parecen que se vayan a salir. Temblando, dirijo mi mirada a la voz. Mi corazón se acelera al verle.   —Jake... —susurro, comenzando a caminar para salir del agua.    Le veo ahí, quieto, con su mochila, su sudadera negra. Se acerca un poco a la orilla y cuando estoy cerca de él, me abraza. Le respondo el abrazo, llorando ¿Cómo era que estaba aquí? Vuelvo a mirarle. Sus ojos verdes resplandecen en la noche, casi como un gato. Llevo mis labios hacia los suyos, que me corresponden. El calor del beso empieza a surgir un pequeño efecto en mí.   — ¡Creí haberte perdido! —Exclamo, separando mis labios de él, intentando poder hablar bien— ¡Creí que- ¡Creí que te habían detenido! ¡Creí que ya no estabas a mi lado!   —Ya, bueno —empieza a decir, mirándome preocupado—, logré salir sin problemas —coloca sus manos en mis mejillas, acariciándolas— ¿Pero qué haces tú en el agua a estas horas? Te vas a congelar.    Me abrazo entonces a mí misma, temblando.   —Mira tu ropa, vas a enfermar —suspira y se saca la sudadera—. Quítatela antes de que enfermes.    Asiento y empiezo a quitarme la ropa, para luego colocarme su sudadera. Cálida por haber estado en su cuerpo, dejando mi pijama en la toalla para evitar que se llene de arena.
Nos sentamos en la toalla y me abraza. Coloco mis manos en sus mejillas, tirándole un poco hacia mí, volviendo a besarle. Él coloca su mano en mi cadera y detrás de mi cabeza, atrayéndome más a él. Separo despacio nuestros labios y suspiro.   — ¿Por qué no me has enviado ningún mensaje? —empiezo a preguntarle nerviosa— ¿Una llamada? ¡Jake! ¡Estaba preocupada! ¡Muerta de miedo!   —Era demasiado peligroso para volver a reunirme contigo —me contesta, cogiendo mi mano y besándola—, lo siento Macie... Ya sabes que no te pondría jamás en riesgo.   —Lo que importa es que estás aquí... —le sonrío feliz— Estás a mi lado ¡Estás conmigo de nuevo!    Suelta una risa, acariciándome la mejilla. No aparta sus ojos de mí.   —Echaba de menos volver a verte ángel —susurra, de manera profunda. Desaparece mi miedo y el frío—. No debí dejarte sola de nuevo,    Niego con la cabeza, abrazándole con fuerza. No quiero separarme de él de nuevo. Ahora que está conmigo, quiero que se quede aquí para siempre.   —No me dejes jamás, Jake —suplico, dejando un beso en su cuello— ¡Por favor! ¡No me dejes!   —No lo haré, por eso estoy aquí.    Me abraza con fuerza y siento que me drogo con el olor de su cuerpo. Que el abrazo que me da es el mejor modo para entrar en calor.   — ¿Te apetece bailar? —me pregunta y me río.   — ¿Qué?   —Quiero celebrar que nos hemos encontrado de nuevo —me dice, ofreciéndome su mano.    Le sonrío y la acepto, levantándonos. Es como aquella noche en el motel, los dos solos. Ha puesto la canción de nuestro primer beso. Sus manos están en mis caderas, mientras que las mías están en sus hombros. Su sonrisa... Dios... Echaba de menos ver su sonrisa. Jake no deja de mirarme y yo no paro de sonreír como una tonta. Todas mis preocupaciones han desaparecido. Ya no pienso en el miedo que tenía estas semanas, ahora me siento como si todo fuera perfecto.   —No tienes ni idea de cuánto he deseado volver a verte... —susurro, solo para él.   —El sentimiento es mutuo, Macie —dice, con una voz tranquila—. Quise muchas veces ponerme en contacto contigo, pero tan solo podía verte por vídeo. Lo siento. Siento que tuvieras que llorar tanto por mí.   —Ya no lo haré más —suspiro, sonriéndole—, ahora que estamos juntos, se acabó llorar.   —Me alegra escuchar eso —suelta una pequeña risa.    Lleva su mano debajo de mi barbilla y me la alza un poco más, para besarme. Cierro los ojos y me dejo llevar, posando mis manos en su pecho, notando el calor de su cuerpo. Arde... Igual que el mío ahora. El frío ha desaparecido. Intento dominarle un poco, mordiéndole el labio. Escucho como hace un sonido de garganta demasiado sexy. Dios... Lo echaba de menos.
Se separa un poco, pero le vuelvo a besar, siendo un poco más pasional. Él me responde, dejándose ahora él llevar. Sus manos recorren mi cuerpo hasta dejarlos en mi trasero, aproximándome a él. Suelto un gemido al notar que pasa por delante de mi prenda, acariciándome despacio. Sonrío con malicia y me separo, para colocar mis manos en sus hombros y obligándole a sentarse en la toalla. Su sonrisa se transforma a una hambrienta, mostrando sus dientes con deseo.
Me siento encima de Jake y vuelvo a besarle, y él continúa con lo que estaba haciendo. Sus caricias hacen que a veces arquee la espalda, gimiendo en sus labios.   —Jake... —digo con dificultad— Yo...   — ¿Tú qué, ángel? —me susurra, comenzando a besarme por el cuello.    Me muerdo el labio, llevando mis manos a sus pantalones.   —Por favor... —suplico— Te deseo...    Escucho cómo se ríe. Se mete por oreja y atraviesa mi cerebro, manteniéndome pendiente en cuál será su siguiente paso. Sus manos, suavemente baja mis bragas y contengo la respiración al notar sus manos en mi piel. Lo hace tan despacio que sabe que es una tortura para mí. Le ayudo a bajarse un poco los pantalones y los boxers y me coloco mejor encima de él. Su mirada me penetra el alma y yo suelto un gemido por cada movimiento. No pensé que también volvería a sentirle tan dentro de mí de nuevo, pero esta vez, llevando yo las riendas. Y le veo cómo suelta pequeños gemidos también, se controla. No le gusta hacer ruido. Me besa para poder así evitarlo y juega con mi lengua, paseando sus manos por mi cuerpo, acariciando uno de mis pechos con suavidad. Mi corazón se acelera. Todo esto... Esta noche, aquí con él... Era lo que más deseaba. Estar solos. De nuevo. No estar con nadie más. Estaba conmigo de nuevo. Y estaba vivo.
Enredo mis piernas con las de él, mientras ahora, tumbados en la toalla, nos miramos profundamente. Jake me acaricia la mejilla con carió y yo suspiro, acurrucada en sus brazos.   —Preciosa... —me dice.    Suelto una risita, tímida. Me besa de nuevo, muy lentamente y, todo mi cuerpo vuelve a estremecerse con su tacto al meter la mano por debajo de la sudadera para atraerme. Su agarre es firme y fuerte. Como si no quisiera dejarme marchar. Cuando nos separamos, trago saliva nerviosa.   —No te irás a marchar de nuevo ¿verdad? —le pregunto preocupada.   —Lo siento mucho Macie —me responde—, he pasado demasiado tiempo aquí, no sé si habrán logrado localizarme mientras estábamos ocupados —me responde, dejándome pequeños besos en la cara.   —No quiero que te vayas... —susurro, con voz rota— Jake, quédate conmigo, por favor —cuando se separa dejando de besarme, le miro a los ojos—. Por favor, marchémonos ahora, juntos. Regresemos a por Henry y marchémonos para siempre.   —Yo... —Jake suspira y se incorpora. Hago lo mismo, mirándole confusa— Lo siento —dice al final—, no puedo dejar que vengas conmigo.   —Pero me lo prometiste —empiezo a ponerme nerviosa, temblando de miedo de volver a alejarme de él— ¡Dijiste que vendrías a por nosotros!   —Lo sé, sé que lo dije —me mira con dolor—. Macie, espera un poco más, tan solo un poco más.   —Pero... —comienzo a llorar, sin saber qué decir. Todo esto era confuso— No me importa... A mí no me importaría seguirte.   —De eso no me cabe la menor duda —me acaricia la mejilla y apoya su frente con la mía—. Ten un poco de esperanza de que podremos volver a vernos de nuevo, ángel.   —No lo entiendo... —le respondo, intentando controlar mis lágrimas— Tú me lo prometiste, que ya jamás nos separaríamos, que estarías conmigo ¡Jake! ¡Aún hay muchas cosas que tenemos que hacer juntos! ¡No me vuelvas a dejar sola de nuevo!   —Perdona Macie —suspira—. Pero como he dicho, ten esperanza de que nos volveremos a encontrar. Porque aún sigue la promesa de que no dejaré que me separen de ti tampoco.   — ¿Esperanza volvernos a encontrar? —Me separo, mirándole a los ojos— ¿Qué dices? Si nos hemos encontrado.    Escucho una leve explosión y dirijo mi vista dirección del sonido. El mar.
Era ahora un mar de llamas.
Me giro para ver a Jake, asustada. Pero él ya no estaba a mi lado. Me levanto de la toalla. Todo estaba ardiendo a mí alrededor.   — ¡JAKE! —Grito desesperada, buscándole con la mirada— ¡JAKE!    Hago un esfuerzo y salgo de la toalla, con miedo a quemarme. El fuego se aparta cuando doy un paso. Me pongo a caminar decidida, gritando el nombre de Jake ¡No podía dejarme así! ¡¿Y qué había pasado?! ¿Por qué estaba ahora todo en llamas?   — ¡JAKE!   — ¡MACIE!    Me giro y veo una silueta. Corro hacia él, pero las llamas no desaparecen, tenemos una barrera entre los dos.   — ¡Jake! —Le miro asustada— ¡Jake! ¡Quédate conmigo!   — ¡Lograré encontrar la manera de volver! —Grita, colocando sus manos en el muro de fuego— ¡Macie! ¡Volveré! ¡Te lo prometo! ¡Ten esperanza de que volveré a por ti!   — ¡NO! ¡NO ME DEJES!    Veo una sombra detrás de él, que poco a poco empieza a ser más visible. Mi respiración se corta al verle. Empiezo a sentir rabia de nuevo. Richy agarra a Jake por el cuello, arrastrándole. Jake intenta librarse y él... Richy... Veo que tiene lágrimas en los ojos.   —Lo siento —oigo que dice entre lágrimas—. Si te digo que lo siento ¿me creerías?   — ¡RICHY PARA! —Grito con todas mis fuerzas— ¡NO TE LO LLEVES! ¡NO TE LLEVES A JAKE!    Doy un salto al muro en llamas y comienzo a arder.
Abro los ojos después de haber gritado. Me incorporo en la cama, sudando.
Tengo la piel caliente, como si hubiera estado cerca del fuego. Me tiro de nuevo en la almohada, llevándome las manos a la cara. Otra vez... Otra vez soñando que lo vuelvo a perder...
Después de estar un poco más en la cama, me levanto para desayunar. Me parece raro que no haya nadie en casa ¿y los abuelos? Escucho el coche y dejo el zumo, saliendo de la casa.   — ¡Buenos días! —me saluda mi abuela, con su aspecto risueño y sus gafas de sol   —Buenos días —saluda mi abuelo—. Hemos ido a comprar, perdona por no haberte avisado.   —No pasa nada —respondo, acercándome para ayudar—, me llevo esto —cojo dos bolsas y empiezo a caminar en dirección a la casa.   — ¡OH! Espera cielo —mi abuela me detiene, cambiándome de bolsas—. Como tu abuela ya es mayor, no me había acordado, te he comprado un paquete de compresas y de tampones, no sé, lo que prefieras.   —Gracias, con todo esto que ha pasado ya ni me- —paro de hablar, poniéndome a pensar.    ¿Cuánto tiempo había pasado? ¿Cuántas semanas?
Intento hacer cálculos ¿Cuándo fue la última vez? Tendré que mirarlo en el móvil.   — ¿Estás bien cielo? —Me pregunta mi abuela, preocupada— Acabas de palidecer.    Niego con la cabeza, sonriéndola.   —Va todo bien —contesto tranquila—, voy a... Guardar todo esto.    Vuelvo a caminar, entrando en la casa.
Voy a mi cuarto y me siento en la cama, con el móvil en la mano.   —No me jodas... —Me tiro hacia atrás, mirando el techo. Asustada— No puede estar pasándome esto ahora ¿no?    Espero que sea una falsa alarma y que se haya retrasado por el estrés, si no...
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duskwoodgirl4life · 1 year
Yes he does
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agorejessstone · 2 years
Duskwood: Into the Forest Part 14
Your hands tremble at your sides. You clench them into fists as you hurry through the crowd, your gaze scanning for the others. You skid to a stop near the sidelines of the car parade, panting. You press your fists into your sides, heaving, gasping for air. Jake’s hand finds your back, rubbing circles to calm your nerves. Your breathing slows and you straighten yourself, looking around frantically.
“Where are they!” You shout as loudly as your lungs will allow.
“We’re a bit early.” Jake tries to calm you, reaching for your hand.
Your palms are clammy, but you don’t care. You let him slip his hand into yours, intertwining your fingers. Warmth envelopes you, calming you almost completely. A small, nagging feeling pulls at you.
“Where do you think Richy is?” You whisper leaning to let Jake support you.
Your legs are weak, barely holding you upright. They strain under your weight, begging you to sit down, to collapse, but you can’t. This is it. This is your only chance to save your friends, to put an end to the nightmare.
“There you are!” Phil’s voice breaks through your thoughts as he arrives at your side.
Slowly, the others join you. You fill them in under your breath. Their faces range in emotion. First relief, as Richy is alive. Then sadness as they realize we might not be able to stop the man without a face, Michael Hanson, in time. You shudder to think but continue anyway.
“We need to find the Gremlin,” Jake says with a sense of finality.
They nod in agreement as a booming voice comes over the speakers. The car parade is about to begin. You spot the Gremlin at the very end of the line. What is he thinking? Where is Hannah? You peer through the glass and see that the man driving is alone. You listen closely.
“Jake, do you hear that?” You question under your breath as the car passes, a small thunk from within.
“Yes. She’s in the trunk.” He frowns, looking over his shoulder. “Where does the parade end?”
“Near the edge of town. There is a place where you can easily turn around.” Jessy’s voice is low and shaky.
“Wait, can you show me on this map?” Jake pulls a piece of paper out of his back pocket with shaking hands.
“The scene of the accident? Is it the same place?” Dan’s voice carries from below where he sits near the front in his chair.
“It is,” Jake says quietly.
“And it’s near the lake.” You shudder against the thought of Hannah, trapped in the trunk of the car.
“Shit,” Phil says under his breath. “We still have time, but not much time. We need to get over there, right away.”
You push your way through the crowd of onlookers and make your way back to The Aurora. Jake never lets your hand free of his own. He’s shaking beneath your touch. Is he worried for you, or is he worried for Hannah? As you race through the throng of people, your heart in your throat.
“We need to separate. I don’t think Richy is in that car. He needs medical attention right away. I want to send those of you that are capable to the church.” He quickly reaches into his bag and shuffles through it for his lock pick kit, “Everyone but us and Phil, head to the church. Phil, you still have that pistol?”
Phil nods.
“What pistol? Phil, please, don’t do anything stupid. You’re already on the police radar.” Jessy crosses her arms against her chest, glaring and out of breath.
“I’ll be careful,” Phil says with a slight smile.
“Please take photos of Richy and the surrounding areas for evidence. We’re going to need it.” Jakes’s voice dies off as he turns to face you, taking your free hand in his, “You need to take a video of everything that occurs the moment we reach the edge of town.” He smiles weakly, “Even if it means implicating me.”
You frown, biting your lip, “I’ll do my best not to get your frame.”
He shakes his head adamantly, “No, you need to get all of this on camera. We won’t be able to prove it if you don’t. I think I know what he’s planning, but I can’t be sure.”
You smile weakly at him as he plants a kiss on your forehead. You try to give him a bright smile, but you can’t. Your thoughts are selfish. You know that Hannah means a lot to him, but he means the world to you. How could you ever place the life of someone you don’t know above his? The only thing keeping you moving forward was his presence, and the fact that you know he’d never forgive himself if he didn’t save Hannah.
You sigh, “Let’s get this over with.”
The others race toward the church, Jessy clutching her phone in her hand, Thomas the lockpick kit. You send a silent wish to the sky, praying that they return unharmed. You turn your back on them for what may be the final time and hop into the rented truck, spray paint still stuck to its exterior.
“That asshole. I’m going to make him pay. I can’t imagine what this is going to cost me to fix.” Phil chuckles uncomfortably as he kicks at a tire.
“Your pistol, please take it out and be ready.” Jake nods towards the backpack you’d slid between your legs.
You head to the site of the accident in silence. No one dares speak or turn on the radio. This is it. The moment you’ve been waiting for. If it weren’t so serious, you’d make a joke about unmasking a killer, like on Scooby-Doo. Internally, that’s a funny thought, but you don’t dare break the silence with even a small bit of laughter. Jake’s hand is still in yours, almost unbearably warm against your clammy skin. You sink in the seat as you carefully make your way through the streets, towards the turnaround point, the point of no return.
You park off to the side of the road and slide out of the truck, gravel crunching beneath your shoes. Birds chirp happily under the brilliant rays of sunlight. The lake glimmers underneath the clear blue sky. If not for the fact you were facing a potential murderer, you’d find this a perfect spot to relax. You find irony in how oblivious the world can be.
You glance sideways at Jake as he lets your hand fall from his and readies his pistol.
“Get your camera ready.” He says quietly, “I need to set something up.” He turns to the bed of the truck and shuffles his backpack around, whipping out his computer.
His hands move quickly. You watch out of the corner of your eye as you ready your camera. As it clicks on, you notice that everything you are seeing on your screen is reflected on his. He’s recording in real-time, or is he transmitting this feed somewhere? He clicks his tongue in frustration.
“What is it?” You ask as you approach him.
“I wanted to send this feed straight to the big screens at the festival, but it seems someone has already infiltrated the network. Is that his plan?”
The screen reflects the dashboard of a vehicle in a flash. It swivels quickly, showing the face of a man in his late forties, early fifties.
“Michael.” Phil’s voice creeps up from behind. “Is he saying something?”
Jakes’s fingers glide over the keyboard, increasing the volume. A man’s voice reverberates through the speakers.
“As some of you may know, I am Michael Hanson, the previous owner of The Aurora. Ten years ago today, my daughter, Jennifer Hanson, was murdered.”
You gasp, clasping your hand over your mouth.
“I say some of you because most of you believe this incident to be an accident. You have local law enforcement and a few of my regular patrons at the bar to thank for that.”
He’s quiet for a moment as you hold your breath, the air around you thick with anticipation.
“My daughter and her boyfriend argued that evening. Ted was very intoxicated. He’d been in town to visit with his girlfriends. Yes, you heard me correctly, girlfriends, plural. When Jennifer found out that he was not faithful, she got out of the vehicle and started to walk. Ted enlisted the help of two youngsters. He was not fit to drive, you see.”
“Hannah and Amy,” Jake says through clenched teeth.
“One of those girls, Amy, was the other woman, and much too young to be dating Ted, or driving for that matter.” His voice starts to quake with emotion, “Feeling guilty, Amy asked for help from a friend, someone she knew from school, someone she’d seen driving before.”
“Hannah, please don’t hurt her!” Jakes’s voice shakes as he shouts at nothing.
“Wait, this is broadcasting to everyone in town?” Phil says as he watches the various classic cars stop and turn around just across from where we’re parked.
Jake nods focused on the screen before him.
“Maybe it was an accident, what those two innocent young girls did to my daughter. Maybe, just maybe, but covering it up wasn’t an accident, was it?” He clears his throat loudly, as the screen nears your location, “The parents of those children, they covered it up! My ex-wife and I, suffered, for 10 whole years, wondering what happened to our daughter. We spent days, weeks, looking for her, until we found her, buried outside of Duskwood. It was intentional, so why, why didn’t anyone speak up?”
“They were trying to protect their children,” I speak quietly, not sure I want to be overheard.
“I would have been willing to forgive them, you know? I’d have taken my lumps in life, and moved on, had I only had closure. Why couldn’t you just give me the closure I needed? Alan Bloomgate, I hope you’re present, you snake!” His voice hisses with anger through the speakers, “How can you call yourself a cop? How did you climb the ranks after that case? You told me that the killer was never found!  That it looked like an accident! Maybe the killer wasn’t even from Duskwood. You accused ME! Her loving, doting father, of having something to do with it! ME!” His fury echoes through the speakers as he gets closer and closer still. “Mr. Rogers, is your wife doing, okay? Did she have a stroke because you told her the truth? Did you tell her how you took the Gremlin that struck my daughter’s prone body that night, repaired it, and sent the owner on his way?”
Your stomach churns as you wrap your hand around it. You want to throw up. He’s not just out to hurt Hannah. He’s trying to rip Duskwood apart, right down the middle.
“Mr. Donfort, does your wife know that you weren’t on a business trip some 25 or so years ago? Does she know that you were seeing another woman? Does she?! Tell me! How does it feel to have your family ripped apart?! Did you continue to see her after you found out that your daughter, Hannah, had been the one to run down mine?”
Uh-oh, that’s not good. Jake’s spent his entire life trying to hide that from them, trying to save his family from being torn apart. We knew that Michael meant to make a show out of this, but to destroy those families like that, to say things to hurt them, it was sickening. You reach for Jake’s hand, but he pulls away, back into himself. Shaking his head slightly, he readies his pistol.
“You know the funny thing is, Amy didn’t have to die. All she had to do, was tell me who was driving that night. She refused, and when she did, I tortured her. When that didn’t work, I hacked into her phone and found all the proof I needed. She’d been in contact with Hannah. She’d discussed everything, time and time again. Did she know that the man without a face wasn’t real? That I was using that to follow her and her friends around, to gather information?! Did she sleep well, all those nights I watched her bedroom from the forest? I hope she didn’t because I haven’t slept in ten whole years!” His voice trembles. Is he crying? “It’s a shame, isn’t it? Even the therapist in town helped cover this up, but he can be bought, you know. He’d known I was following her for so long, but every time Hannah brought it up, he denied her, making her feel like she was going mad. That was on my dime, this whole investigation was on my dime! Oh, and Chief Bloomgate, when did you stop watching after Hannah? When did you stop staking out her apartment to make sure she was safe? If you can figure that out, you can figure out when I went after her, started planning my revenge!”
“There’s not much point in recording this now, is there Jake?” You ask, your voice shaking as you watch the last of the cars pass.
“Do it.” He says quietly, waiting for you to point the camera at the passing vehicles.
“Phil, we need to stop that car before he gets near the lake. It’s going to be tough, but if we shoot the tires, we should be able to. We need to do it at the last second, so no one else gets hurt. Be wary of the trunk.” Jakes’s voice shakes with rage. He’s angry. Pissed even.
“This is it! I’m tired of living like this! I’m not myself, and I don’t think I ever will be again. The mechanic, he’s dead! I killed him just before taking Hannah and stuffing her in this hatchback with me. I’m nearing the lake now. Think you can stop me? Go ahead and try!”
Your head snaps up as you see the Gremlin around the corner and pick up speed. He’s moving too fast! You don’t know if you can keep the camera on his position. How are the guys going to get a good shot off?
The gremlin whips past you at a high rate of speed, sending dirt and gravel flying in your direction. Phil and Jake take cover behind the truck. You cower near the front end, trying to maintain the view of the vehicle as it whips towards the lake. Its back tires are in view. You suck in a breath and hold it, deep in your lungs, closing your eyes tight. Gravel sprays your clothing, bounces off your face, mud sticks to your hair. You refuse to budge, holding the camera as steady as possible. You feel a sharp pain near your brow. Something warm trickles down the side of your face. You ignore it, digging your nails into your palms to lessen the pain.
“NOW!” Jake shouts.
Several pops reverberate through the air followed by the shattering of glass and hissing of air. The tires have popped, sending the vehicle careening towards the lake, tipping to one side.
“It’s going to roll!” Phil screams as he advances on the vehicle.
Several loud pops send you running for cover. You hear Jake howl in pain before hitting his knees. He’s been shot! Your heart pounds in your ears as you leave your cover and race to his side. You bob and weave, making it impossible for Michael to get his sights on you. He jumps from the speeding vehicle as it closes in on the shore, his pistol raised, pointed directly at Jake. You just need to reach him!
“Duck!” Phil’s voice gives you only seconds to react. You hit the ground within reaching distance of Jake.
Another pop and you cover your face with your arms. Your phone hits the ground, now pointed directly at the sky. You no longer care about anything else; you just need to reach jake. You pull yourself up on your elbows and drag your body towards where he lay, wincing in pain as gravel and glass dig into your arms.
“It’s just a graze,” He assures you as he glances back, “Stay down!”
You hear one final gunshot, followed by a splash. Phil races past you, kicking the gun away from Michael’s body, prone on the ground. You release a breath, trapped in your chest. Ripping off your shirt, you crawl on top of Jake’s body.
“Where is it?!” You shake him by the shoulders.
He groans beneath your touch, letting his arm fall away from his body. Blood seeps from his forearm, pooling at his side. You wrap his upper arm as tightly as you can.
“Hannah. She’s still…”
“Stop talking. Phil’s already on it.”
You look up just in time to see Phil dive beneath the waves. You hold your breath and wait. One minute. Two minutes. He comes up for air, jingling the keys between his fingers. You watch in agony as he breaks through the surface and disappears once more. One minute. There are flashing lights coming from town. The police and fire department are on their way. Two minutes. Your shaking, holding jake in your arms. Three minutes. Will they be, okay?
Finally, you see Phil’s head break through the surface. He’s kicking frantically, struggling. You push off the ground, smiling at Jake.
“I’ll be right back, okay? Don’t die on me.” You wink and run towards the water, shaking out of your pants as you go.
You dive in headfirst, an expert swimmer, fighting the current artificially created by the vehicle being drug into the depths. You see her before you see Phil, head barely above water as Phil struggles to support her weight, exhausted from the journey.
You fling one of her arms around her shoulder. She’s unconscious, paralyzed.
“The drugs.” You mumble as you spit water away from your face. The waves lap at her, threatening to pull you under.
Phil sputters beneath the weight. You shift her weight to your side. You’ve got the energy to spare, might as well use it. Before long, you collapse under the brilliant red and blue lights symbolizing rescue. Rocks dig into your wounds as you shuffle and drag yourself away from the water’s edge.
“We did it.” Phil’s voice is raspy as he coughs up water lodged in his lungs. “Is she breathing?”
You roll yourself over and check for a pulse. It’s slow, but there. Her breath tickles your hair.
“You did it, Phil. You saved Hannah.” You smile at him as you drop onto your back.
“You’re hurt.” He sits up frantically, reaching over to brush his hair away from your face. Blood trickles from the wound, “Are you okay?”
You nod, “I’m much better than Jake.” You chuckle ironically. “Shit, the police.” You turn around and scan the area. “Wait, where is Jake?”
“What?” Phil stands frantically.
“He’s gone.” Your voice trembles as you sink back into the rocky bed.
“I’m going to kill him myself.” Phil reaches down to help you to your feet as paramedic races to your location.
You say nothing as you make your way to the truck. You let the paramedics glue the gash on your forehead shut but refuse to go to the hospital. You’re in pain, but it’s no longer physical. You’ve texted him several times, but he’s not responded. Did he leave you? Is he gone for good this time? He promised. He promised damn it!
“Hey.” A familiar voice.
“Richy!” you jump off the bed of the truck and race towards him. Tears trickle down your face. “You’re alive!”
The others follow close behind. You wrap your arms around his neck, hugging him close.
“We thought you were dead!” Phil pats him on the shoulder before draping his arm around him.
“I am alive, see?” He smirks as he does an elaborate spin. “Are you okay?” His gaze travels from Phil’s face to your own.
“I…” You try to speak but your heart clenches in your chest, “I think so.” You manage but you aren’t so sure. Are you going to be okay without Jake?
“Let’s get you some dry clothes. Did you bring anything?” Jessy loops her arm through yours.
“Yeah, it’s in the truck.” You nod in the direction of the cab.
Cleo and Lilly collect your things.
“I’ve got to get this truck back to the rental office. I can’t imagine what this is going to cost me.” He nods at the raven painted on the side before climbing inside.
“See you around.” You manage a lazy wave as he pulls away from the curb.
You pile into Cleo and Thomas’ vehicles and make your way back into Duskwood. Alan wants you down at the station for a statement tomorrow but seeing as most of what occurred was broadcast to the entire town, he doesn’t need you right away. Michael was injured, but not fatally. He’ll most likely do life in prison, but that doesn’t clean up the mess he’s made.
“Lilly…” You say in a small voice, “Is your family, are you okay?”
“That remains to be seen.” She says with a frown. “In any case, I’m just happy that Hannah and Richy are safe.”
“Yeah.” You mutter as you sink into the seat.
“Hey.” Jessy rubs your shoulders gently. “I’m sure he’ll contact you. Hannah’s going to recover quickly. He’s going to want to check on her if nothing else.”
“Yeah.” You smile weakly. “I’m glad Hannah’s going to be fine.”
You watch as the town comes into view. You make your way through the now empty streets as the sun begins to set. You’d started this journey just over two weeks ago. It’s now finally come to an end. What’s next? Will you find Jake and forge a path together? Will you stay in Duskwood and start a new life? You sigh as you think about the future, so foggy and unclear. At least this bit is over, and you have eight new friends to lean on.
Jake Epilogue  Phil Epilogue  Richy Epilogue Dan Epilogue
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