crumpetsandbiscuits · 2 months
Biana made so much sense in the first book
Let’s say you were Biana in the first book.
Before the events of KOTLC:
Your brother and your dad are always disappearing and leaving you out. You find yourself picking out flaws that your brother never had a problem with. “Am I always going to be the bronze to his gold?” Naturally, you start to turn to your friends for entertainment, including your best friend and your brothers’ cute friend who skipped a grade. You quickly become the most popular girl in school, everybody at your feet. “Do they like you because of you, or your status?” One day, you invite some friends home. They seem really giggly, for whatever reason. The second your brother walks in, they all flock to him. “Did he really make it about him today?” Your mother and your two best friends are the only ones who understand. Your mother tells you to be nice, because he doesn’t have many friends. It’s ok, at least your brother’s back.
When Biana is first introduced:
A dress suddenly disappears in your closet. When you ask your mom what happened, she says they’ve picked up some girl your age. It’s why they were doing all those errands, and they took your dress instead of buying a new one. “Another kid for my parents to love more.” You finally can’t take it, and you and your mom get into an argument. She uses her powers to disappear. “Classic. Always running away from conflict.” You hear your father’s voice. Oh. That girl is here. The epitome of everything your parents love more. Secrets, leaving you out, and your brother. Whatever.
The Elwin scene:
Is the school nurse in your house today? In taking a closer look, he is. You go to investigate when you see a ‘moment’ shared between your brother and that girl. She’s scared of the doctor. Yeah, right. The worst thing in the doctor is the medicine. You have a fun little chat with your brother and then go back to your room. It’s ok. You can always ignore her. It will be hard, but not impossible.
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krispykreeme · 7 months
i don’t know who else religiously studies the kotlc map but everglen is next to Florida. the vackers are right next to the most chaotic state (as a non American).
florida man in the news is a vacker. maybe it’s fitz when he was searing for sophie.
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mallowmelt-down · 3 months
Part 2 of my KOTLC builds in Sims 4.
I finally finished Everglen. I did my best to follow the art from Unlocked. It is placed in the Cavalier Cove neighborhood from Brindleton Bay.
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The main hallway (the one with the colored water):
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Sitting room (where Sophie meets Biana):
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Biana’s room (with Lady Sassyfur ofc):
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Fitz’s room (featuring Mr. Snuggles and Fitz’s human collection):
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Alden’s office:
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Formal dining room (where Sophie meets Bronte, Kenric, and Oralie):
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Please feel free to suggest other KOTLC builds you want to see in tags or comments.
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Number one victory royale just wiped out everglen now
*pans to a shot of a traumatised fitz*
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siennamakeschaos · 3 months
today i created floor plans for everglen! :D
i can't decide whether i want to post them or not, since it's really messy
it's based off no canon at all, entirely fanon stuff
it also has many notes (related and non-related)
i might post it, might not, still debating.
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snowsays · 4 months
ok before I forget this train of thought I had
Architect moment
I was thinking about elvin modes of transport and architecture, like you do when you're hyperfixating in the book series that derailed your architecture thesis for 20 days straight, and also of the fact that Havenfield's party hall (forgot what its called oops) is what Sophie's room used to be, and it's on the third floor, and I was like ...why?
And it made me think of this excercise I had to do in 9th semester (aka hell) where in groups we had to outline a society 100 years in the future. Everything. From how the number of people would grow to methods of food production to garbage disposal to modes of transport. And all of that affected somehow the housing design
For example, if you pose that cars now fly, and all mode of transportation is made through the sky, why would you need a front door in the first floor? And why would you have bedrooms in the second+ floor (which we do for privacy, in houses that have more than one floor ofc) if you're coming in from the upper floor? What would make more sense in that case would be to flip the spaces and put the rooms in the first floor and any common spaces in the second one and up
So that would explain why the dancing hall in Havenfield was in the third floor, considering Leapmasters are chandeliers and from what we've seen they usually are in the upper floor, but THEN, they dont use Leapmasters to come back to the house, and I'm pretty sure the Leapmaster leaves you IN FRONT of the place you're going to, not under that place's Leapmaster, so once again, WHY IS THE DANCING HALL IN THE UPPER FLOOR? It explains the fact that elvin houses still have a front door (if it was only for utilitarian purposes like, I went for a walk and now I'm back, or I went to the pastures to feed the animals and now I need to get back into my house, it probably wouldn't need to be super grandiose, tho I get it checks out with how the elves try to make everything huge and wowing), but I guess it might be just a Havenfield thing, because Everglen does have its dancing hall on the first floor
idk, I guess it's probably that Shannon didn't think it was that deep (insert "you know what it never was? that serious" tiktok audio here) and its just my architecture degree holding onto a tiny detail, but it made me think
It's also interesting to me that Leapmasters sound kind of like teletransportation pods in scifi, but dont have like a specific spot where you land
-takes off architect hat- ramble over, hope it made any kind of sense
feel free to add anything if you have a theory/opinion
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hashira-in-training · 2 years
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Alvar’s done lots of horrible things, but I can’t help feeling bad for him.
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bookwyrminspiration · 5 months
do you ever think about how pissed alvar was that fitz stopped pressing buttons
I haven't yet, but do you ever think about what, exactly, Alvar was yelling while he pounded on the glass? Because Fitz didn't specify
Was he furious at being imprisoned, enraged they stood by and watched? Was it because he was trapped or was it because it was them, his baby siblings, who had done it? Was it because it was just another example of the young being "better" than the old, or was it because deep down part of him wanted them to join him, to follow him, for there to still be something there, and this was a betrayal to that secret wish
Or was he desperate? Was he pleading, beseeching, imploring? Scared and screaming as the goop poured in hot and thick, yelling to be let out, to be saved. Did part of him, deep down, still believe that they would? That the family he'd scorned and disowned still meant something? That though he'd set the bridge on fire with his own hands, his baby siblings would reach out theirs?
What was he yelling, Shannon?
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camelspit · 10 months
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uhh very quick alternate graphic novel clothing design ideas for sophie.
@skylilac @callas-pancake-tree @arson-anarchy-death @steal-nightmares-leave-dreams @neverseen-nevermore @abubble125 @purplesoup-lad-le @gay-otlc @thefoxysnake @keeper-of-the-lost-dadwin @ravs6709 @did-i-say-you-could-get-up @kamikothe1and0nly @that-glasses-dog @presidentroarie @even-if-in-another-time @nyxpixels @slozhnos @katniss-elizabeth-chase @sofia-not-sophie @moontoastt @lemon-girl-in-devil-town @three-bunnies-in-a-trenchcoat @purpleunicycle @just-a-honey-badger @loverofallthingssmart @antisocialdork @tamsong @cutebisexualmess
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everyonehasthoughts · 9 months
Your hands are stained red with blood.
Blood that spews from where your fist snapped your brothers nose.
Blood from when your knuckles broke against his cheek.
Blood from the chip of his tooth that's embedded into your skin.
He is not family, he is not kin, he has lost the right
He turned away from the light
Light like the fire that burns in your bones
A solar flare of righteous fury
You watch his blood spill because that’s what he deserves
You spill his the same as he did innocents
His blood is thick with guilt
But he is still your blood.
The blood on your hands is the blood on his face.
It is the blood that runs through both of your veins.
It is the blood that coats the dagger you hold
It is the blood that wells as you press it against his skin
It is the blood that will remain inside of you
Even if his drains out onto the grass
Because the red on your hands is the red in your heart
And your eyes are reflected in the blood on his chin
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solreefs · 2 years
kotlc locations just inherently make good urls if you put an s at the end
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elgatoarcoiris · 11 months
another kotlc background studyyy
wanted to see what i could make with the description of everglen !
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ahoyimlosingmymind · 28 days
Dead FFitz. How would the crew react?
I don't think a single soul would actually believe it was real for a very long time.
Some part of Keefe would reach for his imparter to call Fitz before his wanderling was planted, feeling like he needed to talk to his best friend about his best friend's funeral. Only to realize he can't. Sophie would find herself reaching out to him telepathically, and finding an empty void in response. He was one of the first minds she'd ever entered, and they were cognates, and it would feel like she lost a limb. She'd reach out even knowing that he wouldn't answer, through some vain hope. Biana would get whiffs of the smell of baking from the everglen kitchen and hurry down just to find a gnome baking Mallowmelt. It won't ever taste like Fitz's, and she can't even take a bite without feeling like she's going to throw up. When she gets to the elite levels all she can think about how both of her big brothers are dead and how she's the only one left. Della would pace in front of her sons' bedroom doors, and she would sometimes open them, expecting to see her boys sitting on their beds, doing homework, or chatting with their friends on their imparters. They're always empty. Covered in dust, slowly losing the smell of their colognes'. When the gnomes come to clean, she screams at them through tears. Nobody touches the rooms after that; not even her. Alden doesn't go near their rooms. He won't even approach the hall. He keeps Fitz's imparter in his pocket and answers all of Keefe's half-thought hails in the middle of the night, and sometimes neither of them can breathe. Keefe hangs up first. He can't stand the fact that Fitz's teal eyes are staring into his, but he isn't even there. It all feels like denial. Like he's going to come back somehow, by some miracle. Sophie stares at all the bows she kept from the treats he baked her. She curses her photographic memory, because his movie-star smile never quite leaves her mind's eye, and Keefe uses his own to draw portraits of his dead best friend. Sophie won't look at them. Della holds them close to her chest, and Biana pretends that it doesn't feel like being stabbed to see them. Alden hangs them in his study. Keefe draws one of Alvar too, and Biana keeps it in a drawer in her room.
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if Fitz is British then Keefe is Australian and Dex is Canadian
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siennamakeschaos · 3 months
These are horrible. They absolutely suck. I couldn't access a ruler and, well, I have the messiest handwriting known to humankind. And any other existing being. I'll probably redo them sometimes, neater since I rushed all of these.
Also, the lighting when I took the pictures were horrible. Had to do everything on paper because technology was being mean >:0
yes I was leaning on an atlas
on the floor
One more thing to add- I based this off, like, no canon at all. (close to no canon at least) I made 99% of this up, based everything off vibes and hc's (bad ones)
Everglen floor plan under the cut! (complete with both related and unrelated notes)
Floor 1 plan
Floor 2 plan
Floor 3 plan
Everglen grounds plan
Related + unrelated notes
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lemme include a mini explanation about some of this :)
everglen has the vibes of three floors.
the kitchen is totally close to the door
so whenever biana is cooking in the kitchen the front door is close by, just in case. (my hc: she's a horrible baker. idk if that's canon or not)
biana and fitz's room are down the hall from each other- they can run down to the other's room in, like, 5 seconds because... sibling antics :D
there was some super random stuff i included. doesn't relate to everglen at all. (for example: 'mr arson x bronte' and some keefitz stuff)
i had a choice to be productive and FINALLY bake like i've been nagging myself to for the past few weeks or do random kotlc shit.
you can tell which option i chose.
everglen has TOO MANY BATHROOMS. plus, like, 3 guest rooms.
mysterious locked rooms. three of them. i'm GOING to find a purpose for them in my fanfic (keefitz ;D)
and i know little to nothing about architecture (how tf do you spell that-) so these floor plans would NEVER WORK
i also included like, the outsideness
lake, forest, alvar's flat thing he stayed in during..flashback was it?? i think i need to reread the series-
stargazing on the roof. fitz. biana. keefe. yes.
if fitz is up on the roof, his parents literally cannot get him down. he WILL stay up there till he wants to. he levitates up/down :)
keefe keeps almost breaking bones bc he is not the greatest at levitating
that's why he has fitz :)
tbh the lost cities needs therapists
elwin needs to be a therapist
he specialises in physical injuries? idc.
uhh anyways yeah that's mostly it :D
@a-lil-rats-art @stunning-mess
hey guys i posted it :D
told y'all it sucked but- 🤷‍♀️
I hate this. :)
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lumieumie · 2 months
You guys ever sit back and think about Keefe manifesting? He manifests in his home, and he hardly notices until he does something that makes his father angry. His home is so empty, so devoid of love and emotional attachment in general, that he doesn’t even realize he’s an empath. Then, when he finally realizes, he goes to Everglen, excited to tell Fitz… except when he gets there, he can’t help but burst into tears. Sure, being newly manifested is part of it,but Keefe has also never known what a real family feels like. All that love, joy, and everything else that comes with a functional family is something he’s never gotten to experience, and being hit with it would really be an eye opener. I wonder if that’s the turning point—when Keefe manifested and realized his family really isn’t like the proper ones he sees around, and he comes to the understanding that no matter what he does, it isn’t going to make his parents love him, so he does his best to spite them instead.
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