#kale gets an ask
can you draw Fintan
yes I can!!! I was reading stellarlune so here are a few things from that
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something's missing . . .
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and then silly doodle ft. marella
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simmersofia · 4 months
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Kale: Woah! What happened to your hair??!!
Johnny: I shaved it all off in a panic spiral.
K: I thought you were gonna pee on a stick.
K: Just do it, you’ll feel better once we know. And since you refuse to go to a doctor, this is the best we can do in this situation.
J: It’s positive, K.
K: Oh my—
J: My life is over. I’m a freak of nature. They’re gonna wanna do all sorts of freaky tests on me, Caleb! I can’t deal with puking, what if there’s puking involved?? How is this thing coming OUT??! I wanted to travel to Tomarang sometime, what if I never get to go there now? People say you can travel with a baby, but they are all lying!
K: Hey, baby, calm down.
J: I’m not ready to be a dad, Kale.
K: We’re gonna be parents, Johnny. Together.
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whosectype · 4 months
got anymore vividi sillies 🥺
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I got plenty of them >:D
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pessimistkale · 9 months
Any Rhys Hcs?
ty for the ask!! i have a lot for him, so here’s what i can remember off the top of my head lol
his hyperfixation is the ecology of the flora of daemos (his favorite flower to study is the lotus)
though he doesn’t wear a lot, he loves gold jewelry — he wears golden stud earrings as well as a gold septum ring
he likes to take care of his nails; they’re usually painted dark blue
he specializes in illusion magic — he can make an intricate room out of thin air, or make a person or thing completely change its form
he had his first kiss with asch when they were 14 (they dont talk about it)
when he was younger, he entered the sacred library by himself, only to be found by lady grandma and thoroughly scolded for putting his life in danger
he has a tattoo of a lotus flower on the back of his neck as a tribute to his mother, who had the same tattoo
as for his backstory:
his mother was actually a general in the kingdom’s army, and the highest ranking among the king’s knights — known as General Amaryllis, or Mar for short. her and the king (Asch’s father) were very close friends, and he often went to her regarding important political decisions. she fell in love with a lower class village woman, and soon had Rhys with her (magic!). Mar intended to raise him as a warrior like herself, but when he developed a love for books and learning at a young age, she asked Lady Grandma to be his mentor so he could get a proper education.
Rhys didn’t get to see his other mom very often, as her village was far from the castle. Mar was very secretive about their relationship, so nobody knew who his other parent was. when he was still a child, Mar sacrificed herself to save the king in a battle. the royal family did not know what to do with her now orphaned son, as they had no way of finding any of his other family. mourning the loss of his closest friend and advisor, the king was reluctant to give him up to be adopted by another family. eventually, they ended up letting him stay in the castle as Lady Grandma’s pupil.
though Rhys has complicated feelings toward his mother and her choice, he still greatly respects her and looks up to her for her valiance in battle and loyalty to the king. as for his other mother, he hardly remembers her — and prefers not to think about her, for fear of opening up old wounds and possibly learning something that would change him.
anyway, that’s all i have in terms of headcanons! tysm <33
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whistler-king · 6 months
i am always happy to give a gentle shove <3 i adore you. now PLEASE tell me about grey hair jake
@urmomsonfire Hope you know ill be pulling you off the cliff with me if anything, sure there will be fun at the bottom <3
Thank you for the ask, this made my niiight to answer.
This one took a few turns but it was motivated by that picture of Glen Powell with the patch of grey patch at the side ? Me being an absolute sap thought it would be cute if it was the spot that Bradley would kiss every so often after he first noticed it. Jake woulda gotten a kick out of beating him to another milestone, make a few silver fox jokes, confident as ever, not a hint of wanting to get it covered. Que smut.
...what it turned into, because i am, again, a sap, is the two of them coming up to their hotel room after a night of Jake schmoozing and Bradley taking care of him. Jake would be more tired in this one, so he'd complain about all this networking giving him greys. Not a complaint at how he looks but at this being part of his job. Im not 100% set on if they're married by then or not but it would just be Bradley sharing all the things he cant to do by Jakes side.
i think i wanted to see the sides they would take in their relationship later on, what they would have learned the other needs after nights like this after trial and error. Their strengths, how they navigate what they both are working towards in their field. How they're still different, but also how much more open they may be to open communication.
And to conclude this essay, the reason it ain't out yet is cos even this simple question has me writing an essay when i could give you a line. BUT now that i have it open and nothing to do tomorrow but drink mulled wine... maybe ill have a snippet for you ;)
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appsa · 1 year
um you don't have to answer, but what about Mindy Kaling do you not like?? I'm Indian myself and i watched a little of her show and something about her just felt Not Good but i couldn't figure it out? if you could put that to words that'd be cool if not, have a good day!
Well uh. I just wanna preface this saying i dont know anything abt mindy kaling. I never watched the office or whatever sitcom she came in first and like i only found out she existed like a yr or two ago when i watched some show she produced. Just going off vibes here alone but yeah i agree the vibes in her shows are just Bad. Theyre all about like... a brown girl being surrounded by hot white men who all want her, and all the other female characters around her come off as shallow and unimportant in comparison to her so they will never be competition for her in that regard. Which sounds like yeah whatever its just trashy television.
But like i feel the grossness of that attitude in her shows rly comes thru when she depicts other indians, especially other indian women. She immediately sets them up as a rival or whatever and its honestly a little embarrassing to watch. Her internalized racism comes thru so aggressively and lol idk if its because ive been around w a Certain Kind of diaspora indians and dealt w their bullshit before but i have zero sympathy anymore for the heartbreaking dilemma of indian americans who have so much internalized racism that they hate their relatives who visit from india and give them second hand embarrassment by being "too indian" and "too perfect" with family stuff in comparison to them. I simply do not care for the self hate that poor indian americans feel around us.
More on how she depicts indians, her right wing sympathies especially visible in never have i ever, but it gets brushed off because ppl outside india will miss it because its not as obvious if ur not in tune w indian politics. Theres so many little things like the main character being completely ignorant of knowing that most of indias population eating nonveg food (showing that shes only picturing uppercaste indians when she thinks of india), the immigrant sister being told that she'd be treated as an outcast in the community if she married someone who her parents didn't pick for her (basically she'd be miserable and never find community again if she doesnt marry a guy of the same caste same religion etc), and then her actually abandoning the guy she liked for the guy her parents chose for her, and the literal shout out to modi the main chatacter's mom does like. U get it. It paints a picture. And the show still gets praised for being progressive because it has a "diverse cast".
Honestly its not even surprising to me that it came out that her brother racefaked to get into college (or whatever he did. I never looked up the details and im not interested to either). Right wingers in india have been attacking affirmative action in india (reservation for depressed classes in institutions) for literal decades because they are losing seats they feel theyre entitled to, but they have no problem going abroad and using 'diversity' to their advantage. Idk if i put it in words right but thats the vibe.
Pls do not rb btw i dont want to start shit
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mickgaydolenz · 1 year
so, i was reading 17° Aquarius which is what Micky's Mars is in and it was... interesting. i mean it's main theme is egotism and being dependent on others for stimulation; corruption and selfishness at its very worse. there's some merit to this but i only say that confidently because his Mars is in his 12H.
while the 4H represents the hidden life, and 8H represents the hidden mind, the 12H represents just being hidden in general; whether its abilities, emotions, opinions, the past, whatever is placed there. it's only accessed/activated -- other than for a profection year -- either willingly, or being forced to tap into it. especially so if there's aspects to it. it's also the last house which often represents endings and closure, answers given, and healing from old wounds.
majority of the time people will either totally ignore whatever's in this house or they'll escape into it to avoid reality. sure, you can ignore or run to your 12H placements for as long as you want, but they will always come back to bite you in the ass. everyone like's to throw karma around here, but that word has become so overused that it overtime lost it's original meaning, to which i cannot even define, as it's been bastardized to fit the white person's spiritual lexicon (thank you colonialism very cool /s). soooo a better way of describing this house is a house of personal retribution.
the reason im bringing this up is not to talk so much about Micky's 12H, since it's only his Mars there ...so sorry worldwide Micky girls nation <\3. although i will say, when i read "susceptibility to physically illness if frustrations grow intense" i got worried, so my eyes are closer than ever on that old man. watching him like a hawk as we speak.
i'm bringing this up because i've mentioned before about Mike's 12H and how that might've came into play when he had that "i got it" moment in his life. we actually have some telling placements here. he has three: his South Node, and asteroids Vesta and Pallas.
im actually not gonna talk about his asteroids because it's not why i'm here in your inbox. why i'm here is to discuss his South Node. this is extremely important, Mike girls. you should take notes. its gonna get melancholic.
in astrology, we have these things called Moon Nodes. you have a North and a South Node, and they will always be opposing each other in opposing signs, because they're supposed to; the North Node represents the present life, the quest, growth, while South Node represents the past life, the resource, our blockages. do you see where this is going?
i could explain the Nodes themselves, as it does give way to fully realizing their curriculum in his chart, but ive honestly hadn't gotten around to fully understanding them just yet because i'm still stuck on degree theory. i'm only sharing what i know and what i'm currently reading on them so that i can explain this correctly. you can read here and here if you sincerely need to know the details. all you have to know for this is that his NN is in Leo 6H and his SN in Aquarius 12H. i've already explained the 12H, but the 6H deals with daily living, organization, service and health. now you are bueno *whip crack effect* 👍
tw death mention coming up here//
i've been quietly busy piecing things together to see what important placements were there in-around the times of death for the three. mistakenly, at first, i would focus heavily on their profection year they died and the aspects to it, without even considering the years before that would lead up to that. those prior years do in fact play a role here. what i've found is that there's no one important placement, aspect or degree that can encompass a death-like sentence to someone's astro makeup. while astrology cannot predict when or even how someone will die, what we can do is posthumously see what important factors lead to their passing.
in Mike's case, he passed in his 7H profection year; the year before, he was in his 6H; to note, he actually has a stellium here, which are all entirely retrograded, but that's not important to this. and guess what was there? because this was the year of 2020, when everyone was isolated and recollecting themselves; this was his Node's last attempts to sober him up before it all ended, and it had to do so by sheer force.
you know what happened next? he stopped hiding.
even after Davy had passed and he gave in to touring with his surviving band members, he still seemed to isolate himself after the show was over. barely showing for interviews with the others. didn't spill himself too much that wasn't about what was going on around him. he kept to himself as always and no one tried too hard to pry him. the usual Michael Nesmith routine.
but after Peter had passed, i think something just snapped in him. for some reason i feel like he found himself more comfortable being vulnerable after Peter was gone... really strange stuff. almost like he was afraid of being or feeling similar to him? ffs i wish he was still alive so i could ask him cause it's gonna kill me otherwise.
but now, amidst the chaos of 2020, instead of running away into comfort and escaping from being vulnerable, he brought those vulnerabilities out instead, especially so on stage. if i had to guess anything about Mike during this time, is that he just wanted to heal. he so badly wanted to mend things even after things were too late & far gone, which i would also include his physical health here too, as 6H rules physical health -- Micky did say he had health issues for a long while. but his struggles trying to communicate that among other things made it a too-little-too-late issue (uh-oh girls, it's his Saturn Rx 3H eating him alive!).
but what he could mend at that moment, he did, and what he was able to mend was his relationship to his audience. remember when we talked about this before with Peter? sighs. Mike went YOINK and took those lessons without directly discussing him, whether he knew it or not. he is sooooo irritating ❤
i'll end this off by sharing this: in one of my sources i have that actually talks about the Nodes, there's a section where the author explains the Nodes through the lens of different religious and cultural mythologies. of course, since we're talking about Mike, the Christian version stood out to me most for this case, which brings in the story of Adam & Eve. at first i passed it off cause it's only a short paragraph in a sea of much more lengthier mythologies, but the more i read it the more enlightening it became to me.
here's the direct quote:
"Eve draws Adam into the world of duality, relationship and further incarnation, by listening to the serpent. Later, Eve having given birth to Mary, God enters mankind through her, thus bringing the Christ out of Adam. Here I would understand Eve and Mary to be representing two different facets of the cosmic feminine principle. So by listening to the serpent, we move further into duality and the world of form, and by listening to God, we are reconnected with unity."
and in the end, Mike finally listened to God. properly. for once in his life.
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entropy-sea-system · 7 months
I think g3 movie 2 made Toralei my fave maybe because it shows her mental health issues a bit and also g3 show started showing how her behaviour was linked to issues as well and I relate to that a lot as someone w personality disorders
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el-im · 1 year
i'd love to know ur sauce recipe :0
<3! i’m touched, you got it!!
i chopped up the white/light green sections of a leek into half rings + combined those w around 2 cups of red kale in 1 tbs of olive oil over med-low heat
reduced for ~20 mins until leeks were soft and then added a cup of collard greens and like 4 cloves of slivered garlic + cooked until the greens were limp
add a cup of heavy cream + 1/4 cup parmesan + salt + pepper + paprika to taste and reduced until it thickened :)
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synonymroll648 · 1 year
can I do the writing thing with you 🥺 I reall do need to write like 59 things lol
ofc!! what's the word count goal? 500? something else?
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Can you make some Kesline stickers for your redbubble shop??!!
Like the same designs you use for the doodle page!!? I would 100% buy them not even kidding
yes! i know you've already seen this and i know it's not the same design as the doodle page, but here they are!
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and here is where you can buy them :3
@cutebisexualmess @dizzeners @lemon-girl-in-devil-town @keefe--sencen @tastetherainbow290 @myfairkatiecat @awful-amateur @aspenaspenaspenaspenaspen
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reiketsui · 11 months
📲- Talk about someone/something you dislike, but only pretend to like
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he scoffs. " i would give the full list of people if i had enough spare time to sit here for four hours. so instead; kale smoothies. i don't believe anyone who claims they like it without a shred of irony. " / secrets.
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we-are-so-close · 11 months
hi sweet ash I hope you’re doing well 🩷🩵
hi kale! I am getting better each day. I'm just trying to get adjusted to living by myself with my kitties.
I hope you're doing well!!
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fandom-trash-xl · 1 year
Character Mixes 4/?: Caulifla and Kale
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SIDE A: CAULIFLA Punkish tomboy, tough Saiyan blood pumps in her veins... but she's still got a sweet spot for her girl~
You're Gonna Go Far, Kid - The Offspring Ain't It Fun - Paramore Take a Hint - Victoria Justice & Elizabeth Gillies (Victorious soundtrack) Girls - MARINA Jenny (I Wanna Ruin Our Friendship) - Studio Killers I Wanna Be Your Girlfriend - girl in red It Means Everything - Pedro Silva (OMORI OST)
(A/N: To get some of the more punkish tracks for her I actually had to tread out of my usual vibe for jams a little bit to get You're Gonna Go Far, Kid and Jenny. Could definitely use the former for a fight scene. Also considered Born2Run by Penelope Scott but I felt some of the lyrics were a bit too real-world-events for a fictional character.)
SIDE B: KALE Soft, shy, working on her self-esteem, pining for the one who sees her. She's got a tough side, she just needs the confidence to let her feelings loose.
Pink in the Night - Mitski Boys Will Be Bugs - Cavetown Cloud 9 - Beach Bunny Strawberry Blond - Mitski Doctor - Jack Stauber Stay Soft - Mitski Brutal - Olivia Rodrigo
(A/N: Kale was actually a bit tricky to do at times since some of the sweet stuff could apply to the Caulikale ship as a whole. I did manage to find some Kale-sided sweets for this side. Brutal is definitely a bit more intense than the rest of her mix- but that's her on the edge track, when her temper finally snaps.)
TAPE TWO: CAULIKALE/KALE-IFLA A pair that's tough to separate. Another side of them comes to light with this crush; Caulifla sweetens and Kale perks up. Honestly, a lot of this is just pure lesbian Chex Mix.
Still Into You - Paramore Be Strong and Hit Stuff - Casey Lee Williams (RWBY Volume 8 soundtrack) We Fell In Love In October - girl in red Homecoming - girl in red Magnet (Kasane Teto & Genbu Cover) - ELGD (original by Minato) Girls - girl in red Space Girl - Frances Forever
(A/N: I really love Be Strong and Hit Stuff for their tournament getting stronger together vibes. It was actual tricky to find other stuff that hit that mark, so I treated this more as what they'd vibe to- The Lesbian Chex Mix if you will (note: that phrase randomly came to me one night when I was planning this character mix and it's been on mind ever since). Also, when putting these together, I always act so hesitant with adding some of these tracks like I have to ration them out sparingly and I can only use them for one character's aesthetic. But that's not a rule that exists- heck, there are overlap tracks between Kale & Cabba and Frieza & Hit. Anyway, I've also found that Space Girl works really well for Kuriza x Bulla/Kurla. Just noting this.)
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sillyguy-supreme · 1 year
"that-glasses-bitch isn't like OTHER gays" im gonna cry this is so funny
i saw that-glasses-bitch and hbo reboot sunny entered my head so vividly and i had to share
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hypnotickale · 11 months
Oh, you're going to plead alright, dear Kale.
Especially since you've taken so long to show us how riled up you are. How the heat just keeps rising the more you interact with me. It's irresistible, and I'm quite pleased you've made it this far. It only means it'll make the burst of when you do break all the sweeter.
I bet that's why you're holding out on us. You want your display to be all the more desperate, you want to show us a display we truly won't forget.
I suppose in that case I don't blame you for holding back, sweet prey, so long as the results are entertaining.
IM... LISTEN OKAY IM MAYBE A LITTLE BIT IN HEAT! But it's not gonna be entertaining. I'm literally just a little bit needy it's so fine
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