wip: unholy, unruly [eyes emoji]?
finally catching up on month old asks 😭
THANK YOU for asking about this oneeee it’s my lucienne/mazikeen wall sex fic!! it’s an incredibly fun challenge to come up with their dynamic, since they don’t interact on screen.
porny snippet under the cut
Without any more warning, Lucienne hitches Mazikeen up on her thigh, and the feeling of that sleek, flexing muscle beneath her cunt makes Mazikeen grunt. She sinks her teeth into her lower lip, and the desire flooding her mouth carries the iron tang of blood. Lucienne’s hands—what can Mazikeen say about those hands that can possibly be adequate, can describe the firm palms and exquisite fingers in all their glory—dig into Mazikeen’s arse, supporting her weight.
Mazikeen wraps her arms around Lucienne’s back and her hips roll, almost on reflex, and she drops her face into Lucienne’s chest, forehead falling sweaty against Lucienne’s skin. The fabric of Lucienne’s trousers is not soft, but Mazikeen doesn’t care; she relishes the rough slide against her cunt, the crass friction of it as pleasure tears through her body. Lucienne shifts her leg and the new position sends sensation screaming across Mazikeen’s clit. She can’t suppress her groan, then, low and heady in the handsbreadth of space between herself and Lucienne. Lucienne makes a pleased noise.
“That was good, I take it.”
“Oh will you shut up,” Mazikeen pants.
“Careful, Mazikeen,” Lucienne warns. She makes her leg sag, and Mazikeen has to let one foot slam back into the ground in order to keep her perch.
She tips her head back to look Lucienne in the eye and bares her teeth. “You don’t come to me for careful, darling. You never have. Now move.”
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cattlearts · 1 year
rating warhammer 40k fanfic tropes
‘fix-it’ fics - awful. shit tier. this is because a startling amount of fans believe the thing that ‘went wrong’ was the emperor being put on life support, and that a ‘fixed’ universe would be a giant genocidal empire. 
shipping fics - a weird amount of incest. there’s obviously the whole ‘astartes being like monks and calling each other brother’ thing, but beyond that there’s a lot of people that write about the primarchs fucking. 
crossover fics - either pretty good (culture explores 40k) or really fucking bad (all the star wars vs 40k fics). this is because the previously mentioned startling amount of fans write wank about how badass and unbeatable the imperium is which becomes pretty obvious fash propaganda.
‘alternate heresy’ fics - i have never read one that i actually liked. often become weirdly bloated with little to no character. 
planet swap fics - basically nurture vs nature character explorations? can veer into replacing the primarchs with ocs but thats fun too, so i like them a lot. good fanfiction.
toyhammer aus - oh to be online in the early 2010s, writing about all your plastic armies coming to life, bringing with them all their insane bullshit. incredibly nostalgic to read, but sometimes stained with 2010s humor and attitudes.
canon divergence fics - weirdly good. ‘vulkan ascendant’ manages to be an excellent demonstration of the evil of the imperium, and a deep condemnation of the emperor as a leader, a person and a father. ‘everqueen’ is also good, for mostly the same reasons
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persianflaw · 5 months
strawberry cream for the asks [blows kiss]
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😜 wait hang on. hey. hey. i google image searched "sits whorishly" because i was pretty sure there was a reaction image i could use there but it's all pictures of david duchovny. this is not a joke. what 's happening.
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olreid · 2 years
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[ID: Such copying, inherently flawed, always begs for ratification even as we look to copies themselves for assurance of continuity, value, and authenticity. Anything unique is at risk of vanishing: we make a twin —a notarized copy, a plaster cast, paste diamonds, Thayer’s working replicas. An object uncopied is under perpetual siege, valued less for itself than for the struggle to prevent its being copied. The more adept the West has become at the making of copies, the more we have exalted uniqueness. It is within an exuberant world of copies that we arrive at our experience of originality. end ID]
culture of the copy by hillel schwartz
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dndsettingsinfo · 1 year
Castle Guest Room [22×12] by Hold of the Everqueen
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evenmyhivemindisempty · 7 months
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Clean-shaven Pierce! @subverbaldreams @the-everqueen
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dieinct · 5 months
sophie @sophelstien (i think?) tagged me for 9 no-skip albums and i immediately forgot that i had ever listened to music in my entire life. so there you go.
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⦿ nickel creek - this side (2002) ⦿ metric - fantasies (2009) ⦿ ok go - oh no (2005) ⦿ the decemberists - the king is dead (2011) ⦿ stars - in our bedroom after the war (2007) ⦿ fleetwood mac - rumors (1977) ⦿ the dixie chicks - home (2002) ⦿ reptilians - STRFKR (2011) ⦿ flower boy - tyler the creator (2017) ⦿
okay i honestly don't remember who's done this and who hasn't so apologies if you have done one of these already. i'll tag um @hellhoundstooth @flight-of-the-hummingbird @starfoozle @crimeronan @the-everqueen @rocktavian @oddliestcatch @pegglefan69 @unopenablebox @impishglee @mosscosmos or anyone who actually has a brain for music.
this was fun. i have never really thought about The No Skip Album before this - there's lots of albums i listen to CONSTANTLY that have One Skip, and honestly i think like - old world underground is my favorite metric album, but it does have some skips, whereas fantasies is solid no-skips but not all bangers in the same way. however some of these albums are 100% banger. so it's hard to say.
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rriavian · 5 months
Ok so last week I saw this fanart of the Corinthian as a cat and well, I tagged it with basically 'what if Dream turned him into a cat at the convention' and then saw @the-everqueen's tags...so here is a fic concept because I just had to expand on it:
Still has his glasses (‘for comfort’ Dream says as the Corinthian hisses at the insinuation he requires soothing), and it’s a mystery how they stay on (Endless magic can be remarkably similar in properties to super glue?)
‘cats are unable to wield knives, Lucienne’ – a rebuttal to there being no logic behind Dream's decision, made in a conversation that definitely happens at some point
The Corinthian spends a lot of time trying to claw Dream’s eyes out and/or bite him, only to be absently redirected with an ease that drives him mad
Even if the Corinthian did manage to escape back to the Waking World, he'd still have to find a way to change back. In the meantime he's far more likely to be spotted by some random human who sees a cat wandering around all alone and decides the best course of action is to scoop him up and take him home
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aghastro · 2 months
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Character credits:
C-line , SaniaLaPomme , pianam15 , Robynrolo , partynano , Potof_gumbo ,EverQueen (x2) , Rybieradio , EggsMachina
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6 for calliope for the mary oliver prompts?
Hi, thanks so much for the ask!! This pairing of prompt and character…absolutely INSPIRED. *chef’s kiss*
This fic owes a special shout-out to @historynut101, whose story “fragments” I consider to be an absolutely superlative work of Sandman fanfiction. It is a keenly-written, heart-shattering exploration of Calliope and her sisters and how they’re all connected to each other, and I can’t recommend it highly enough.
(In Sandman canon, Calliope is the youngest of the Muses. There are doubtless some versions of the myths where that’s true, but I’m much more accustomed to the versions where she is the eldest. So that’s what I’m going with for this ficlet.)
6. “But if I sing, I sing from her.”
Calliope was their oldest sister, and she was a part of them all.
The Muses could not have been who they were without her guiding hand. It was her song that first rang out from the slopes of Mount Helicon. It was she, this chief goddess with her graceful head and proud chin, who taught each of her younger sisters in turn how to sing, how to meld their voices into a glorious whole.
For a long, long time after their sister was stolen from them, the Muses did not sing. They could only scream.
They were ripped asunder, nine into eight, blood seeping into the waters of their sacred spring. A tragedy—should Melpomene have known what to do, then? Should have known how to put the sisters’ hearts back together, assure them that this wretched pain would have its place, that some catharsis would be served?
When Melpomene had imagined this situation—and it had crossed her mind, of course it had, the laws about how the sisters could be bound always a spectre clinging to her back—she believed she might be able to react with composure. With the sober yet sensible attitude one might expect from someone who spent her days with her hands wrist-deep in stories of pain.
She had been so very wrong. Even goddesses were not immune to small pockets of naïveté.
The first time the remaining sisters tried to sing, it was nothing short of a disaster. They could not find their once-dazzling harmonies without Calliope’s grounding melody. One by one their voices faltered and fell silent. Polymnia bit her lip until she drew blood, and poor Terpsichore buried her face in her hands.
It was Clio who rallied them. She knew, more than any of her sisters, how to draw meaning from what was no longer present.
She walked among her sisters—touching a shoulder, stroking a tumbled head of hair. Softly, she told them, “Let us begin again. She would want us to sing.”
Erato’s bitter laugh sliced the air. “What does it matter, sister? Calliope is gone.”
“No.” Steel crept into Clio��s tone. “As long as we have breath, Calliope will be here.”
They could not forget this. Calliope was their oldest sister, and she was a part of them all.
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crimeronan · 2 months
@the-everqueen tumnlr wasn't letting me edit the submission prior to posting but: para mi!! oh i love merri. would accept so many nose kisses....
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persianflaw · 5 months
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(submitted by @the-everqueen i forget how tumbly will display this)
yes... yes...... >:)
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olreid · 2 years
just wanted to say...thank you for your blog. i started following recently after binge-reading your thoughts on tv and time-loop-oriented fiction (can something be oriented toward a loop?). also i have been greatly appreciating the things you share related to child studies. these have been a fascinating diversion from my actual research but also have given me words for things i've been thinking through lately but couldn't articulate. i wish i could give something in return, but all i have rn is the gratitude.
wah this is very nice!!! and its absolutely not true that you havent contributed meaningfully to the olreid dot tumblr dot edu experience -- off the top of my head i can say that your reccing the culture of the copy has been essential to my thinking about doubles and that your comments on recent tlt and trc posts have been extremely helpful to think with! <3
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phlegmykins · 2 years
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Babygirl of the endless commission for @the-everqueen (tysm✨)
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ladywavecutter · 10 months
Diamariel Wavecutter - High Elf Ambassador, Patron
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“She seemed sweet enough but I couldn’t help but feel I was in a pool with a shark.” - Lieutenant Kyalan of the 6th regiment of the Silver Helms
Diamariel Wavecutter
Motivation: See the Asur take responsibility as mediators of allegiance between the mortal races. Short Term Ambition: Liaise a better trading relationship between Ulthuan and the Empire. Long Term Ambition: See Ulthuan rise to once again be the supreme global power.
The second eldest daughter to Lord Bel-Haner Wavecutter, Diamariel’s lot in life—one of privilege and prestige—was all but secured upon her birth. The only unseen variable was Diamariel herself. A hidden seadrake among her siblings, Diamariel proved herself ambitious and driven enough to secure herself a place in the court of the Everqueen as both dutiful ambassador and confidant to Allarielle the Radiant. Gifted in both the custom of court and the winds of magic, Diamariel has readily proven that eventually her machinations will, through charming diplomacy or arcane mastery,  come to fall in line with her decided outcome.
Diamariel was expected to follow the path of domesticity taken by her mother and eldest sister: find a husband of good standing, raise his children and run a household of her own. It was perfectly ordained to the norms of her people - it was also regretfully boring and the very thought of such an existence made her skin crawl.
Through her guile, wit, and success in study of the arcane arts, Diamariel established herself as not only the rebel of the Wavecutter family, but made a name for herself as an agent and diplomat of the Everqueen Alarielle. She earned the Everqueen’s favor very early in her career, by way of an incident in which the then young Diamariel returned a great stag to the menagerie of Avelorn, from which point she slowly rose to see herself tasked with managing the Queen’s interests and affairs across the Great Ocean in the Empire and beyond.
On these endeavors, the Lady Wavecutter has found herself entangled in circumstances that have each given her a perspective of life outside of Ulthuan that so very few of her kin can boast of. One such expedition into the empire led the Lady to be embroiled in the unraveling of a conspiracy targeting the Supreme Patriarch of the Imperial Colleges of Magic, cementing the alchemists of the Gold College as a valuable personal ally. It was also during this expedition that through less than pleasant means she was first confronted with interpretations of the Asur, and their less than favorable depiction among the zeitgeist of the disenfranchised of Imperial society, as well as a keener understanding of how far behind the times Ulthuan had seemed to be becoming. 
The East of her Troubles
One of the things that puts Diamariel in stark contrast with many of her kin is her overwhelming sense of empathy to  both elf and man alike. This almost otherworldly emotional intelligence has positives and negatives which have manifested in the Lady’s complete willingness to pause her life in the face of unresolved turmoil. The most debilitating case of this occurred upon a series of burglaries against Asur residents of Altdorf. Upon confronting the thieves, instead of handing them over to the authorities, Diamariel did as she as most who know her would expect her to - engaging them in conversation.
It so happened that these thieves held Brustellite politics, disenfranchised by the systematic poverty experienced in the East End of Altdorf. They  attributed the economic inequality to the forced movement of established communities into this slum following the creation of the Colleges of Magic—an act of meddling by the Asur. Whilst she disagreed that the colleges and the Asur were solely the reason for the city’s ever broadening gap between aristocrat and urban poor, she sympathized with their plight, that their suffering was enough that they felt the need to lash out. In an attempt to put to bed at least some of the bad blood between the residents of the East End and help bring more wealth into the area for its residence, Diamariel established the Wavecutter Company Outreach Initiative.
This initiative began as a way to reach out to locals and get them working alongside Asur traders and sailors, picking up skills and trades starting with apprenticeships that would later on develop into employment. While currently in its infancy, she plans to expand the project to have generational impacts, though some, namely her fellow Asur, would regard her as more than a little eccentric for going this far simply due to the plight of some petty thieves with shaky political motivation.
Diamariel as a Patron
Characters serving Lady Diamariel will find their patron a warm and empathetic, but wise and tactful leader. As an accomplished diplomat, characters will find themselves embroiled in political intrigue, and, when the timing calls for it - action and peril. The political landscape of Ulthuan is a spider web of interconnected threads, weaved together to create a turbulent picture, irrespective of its orderly facade. It is a bureaucratic tumult that demands a great mind to fully understand and traverse, only becoming more daunting when outside influence and interests reach out to entangle themselves within it. 
Once having achieved the seemingly impossible task of learning to maneuver in this vipers den of princes, nobles, guilds and politicians, characters will find Diamariel both guide and taskmaster in understanding and exploring life within Asursociety. She may charge characters as messengers between lords that she is currently petitioning on behalf of her mistress the Everqueen, bodyguards to nobles who have received threats of violence from rival families (or even Druchii rogues), private investigators into matters of legal intrigue of corrupt politicians, and potentially mercenaries tasked with protecting missions of trade and diplomacy between Ulthuan and the Empire.
In short, the Lady Wavecutter is sure to provide her employees with duties to challenge or intrigue them. That said, she is highly attuned to the emotional and physical wellbeing of those who serve her and will equally look to push her employees into opportunities in which they can better themselves, as well as act as counsel for those who have earned her respect. This of course comes with the understanding that characters have earned her respect, and she is not above having those in her service prove their worth to her before any real investment is made on her part.
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Traits: Weapon (Quarterstaff) +5
Skills: Charm 100, Cool 95, Dodge 89, Endurance 78, Gossip 100, Intimidate 46, Intuition 102, Leadership 100, Melee (Basic 55, Polearm 55), Navigation 65, Perception 102, Evaluate 102, Channelling (Azyr 80, Ghyran) 80, Language (Battle 100, Classical 100, Magick 85, Reikspiel 100), Lore (Magic) 85, (Ulthuan) 100.
Talents: Acute Sense (Sight), Arcane Magic (Azyr, Ghyran), Attractive, Commanding Presence, Etiquette (Nobles), Night Vision, Noble Blood, Petty Magic, Read/Write, Savvy, Schemer, Second Sight 
Spells: Petty: Dart, Dazzle, Drain, Gust, Shock. Lore of Heavens: Comet of Casandora, T’Essla’s Arc Lore of Life: Forest of Thorns. Trappings: Grimoire, Staff of Diplomats, Best Quality Courtly Clothes, Map, Dagger, Magical License. 
Staff of Isha’s Envoy A staff expertly crafted to be bespoke for its weilder - gifted to Diamariel as a proof of office by none other than the Everqueen Alarielle the Radiant. This staff provides +1 SL to Channeling (Ghyran) Tests and +2 SL to Fellowship Tests
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clocktowerechos · 8 months
Factions of the Hellsworn Pact
of the Brightest Night AU
"Such a wonderous galaxy. I feel it better for it to be soaked in screams and bathed in blood. Too much? Yes, too much. Let us just burn it to cinders instead~ Then we can bath in screams!" ~ "Blessed" Lady Malys, the Everqueen of Chaos
The Ruinous Powers
With the existence of both the God Emperor and Isha being active players on the galactic stage, the Dark Gods have focused significantly more resources and attention to the material universe. Breaks in their great game are more common and they pour more of their power into their greatest champions. After their failure to corrupt the Primarchs, they have turned to alternative measures. Of particular note is Nurgle and Slaanesh. Nurgle holds a deep grudge against the Alliance and is determined to recapture Isha. Slaanesh however faces an entirely separate dilemma. Wish Isha being able to contest Eldar souls, Slaanesh faces a very real possibility of starvation from said souls, a terrifying concept for a god of excess. Thus they've had to adapt an entirely new way of executing their plans, most often through the Dark Eldar or the Chaos Eldar Their greatest champion is Lady Malys, known as the Everqueen of Chaos, the Black Maiden, and the Fel Lady among other titles. She is the "Abaddon", greatest champion of Chaos. Her blasphemous union to Asdrubael Vect remains the greatest profane ritual since the Birth of Slaanesh. Where as Abaddon has stable plans, Lady Malys swings between bouts of madness and genius brilliance. It is hard for the Alliance to try and counter her as often her Black Crusades simply have the goal of wrecking as much chaos and destruction as possible. As long as they are not stopped at the Cadian Gates, it is considered a success.
The Lost and the Damned / Traitor Astartes
While none of the Primarchs were ever swayed to the side of Chaos, due in part to the more open knowledge of what they really where, and the Horus Hersey never occurring, there was never a corruption of half the legions. However, over the course of the long millennium plenty have fallen to Chaos with its more focused attention. Regiments of Guardsmen, Chapters of Astartes, Maniples of Skitarri, Orders of Sororitas, and even a Custodes according to dark rumors have fallen, to serve new masters. None are truly safe from damnation in this universe. Some are ragtag rebel bands, heretical guerillas who serve whatever master will grant them power and supplies. Others have formed entire stellar kingdoms, organized and coordinated groups who pose a much more significant threat on the Materium than their raiding Warp-borne counterparts.
The Chaos Eldar
Known as the Croneworld Eldar or Shadishari meaning "Warp Corrupted", they are the inheritors of the foul legacy of the old, depraved Eldar Empire. The birth of Slaanesh had devastated them at first, but soon the Dark Gods found ready worshippers among them, their souls blackened and minds twisted by untold eons of degeneracy and blasphemous indulgence. Slaanesh was the first to bring back a handful of corrupted Eldar who had actually enjoyed the process of having their souls devoured, to which the Prince of Pleasure greatly loved. With most of the Croneworlds trapped in the Warp, they are a hellish successor to the worst aspects of the Eldar. Frequently raiding, pillaging, and conquering in the name of the Chaos Gods, they outnumbers their uncorrupted cousins and their greatest members have achieved a level of immortality by having their souls constantly regurgitated. It is said an Shadishari Daemon Prince is amongst the most dangerous forms of one with the Imperium and the Alliance going to great lengths to stop their ascension whenever possible.
The Dark Eldar
Pirates and raiders hailing from the Dark City, many have combined forces with the Croneworld Eldar for their own ends. The greatest difference between them being their relation to Chaos, while the Croneworld actively embrace and wish for the power of the gods to infuse them, the Dark Eldar have little appreciation for the Dark Gods. They do not have the same assurances of being returned after death like their Croneworld cousins but the power their alliance brings is too great to be ignored. In canon, there is sometimes a tenuous understanding between Craftworld and Dark Eldar that they are kin and to not mess with each other too much, such an understanding does not exist here. The Drukhari will happily prey upon Craftworlds and Exodite Worlds as readily as any others and the Craftworlds call for the death of their fallen cousins. It is for this reason the Webway is significantly more dangerous to use as Croneworld and Dark Eldar prowl its tunnels without regard of who might catch their blades. Some have refused to accept the power of Chaos, especially after the marriage of Vect to Malys. They have escaped Commorragh and set up their own kabals and outposts in the Materium.
The Ashen Kyn
The Long Night was not kind to the Kyn and they were not immune to the gaze of the ruinous powers. When some holds and stations were cut off from their fellows, many became desperate. Their Votann became corrupted, either by rampant data overload, or direct techno-arcane sorceries. Bitter and hateful at how they believed themselves to be abandoned by their cousins and by their Votann Cores, they turned to Chaos and found good company with Vashtorr the Arkifane. Now they serve as critical resupply and production points for raiding Chaos fleets, rivalled only by the Hell-Forges of the Dark Mechanicum. They tend to focus on infernal engineering over daemonology, favored by the Dark Mechanicum.
The Dark Mechanicum
While the Hersey was avoided by the Imperium, the Mechanicum could not prevent the Schism of Mars. Fabricator General Kelbor-Hal refused censure by the Imperial Household and cease his delving into forbidden archeo-tech. Even with the intersession of the God Emperor Aurelian, he openly halted but kept going in secret. As he dove deeper and deeper, he became more corrupted by the whispers in his code. Telling him that he could become as powerful as the Man of Gold and then all the secrets of the universe and all the lost technology of Humanity's golden age. When he was discovered once again, Kelbor-Hal declared his intention to break away from the Imperium and called the red banners to arms. However, in his hurry, he failed to adequately access the political reality of the Mechanicum. Only half rallied to him with the other staying loyal. The following Schism broke the Mechanicum with a civil war that the Imperium intervened in. Despite claiming victory, the Imperium could not hunt down the newly forged Dark Mechanicum as in their distracted state, Chaos forces and Greenskin hordes launched the War of the Beast in an attempt to destroy the Imperium, letting the survivors flee into the war and to uncharted systems to rebuild anew. They have become masters of fusing metal and daemon in their terrifying arcane Hell-Forges
The Greenskin Hordes
The Orks are only "allied" to the forces of Chaos in the loosest sense, often being manipulated by the Croneworld Eldar to serve as cannon fodder or distractions. For their part, the Orks do not mind as they see it as an excellent opportunity to fight. Their power has been greatly increased by the appearance of "Brain Boyz" or "Brain Bosses", intelligent Ork warbosses who understand the Orks far more than their brutish nature would imply, their mere present boosting the intelligence and coordination of other Orks. Dubbed "Ork Bossmasters", they turn a fractious, infighting-prone mob into a proper military force capable of complex tactical maneuvers, long term planning, and huge engineering projects such as Attack Moons. Having first arisen during the Chaos-empowered War of the Beast, their numbers have only grown with the passing centuries to the point there is a recorded incident of a "Green Crusade", where an Ork Bossmaster led a combination Black Crusade and WAAAGH with Chaos forces.
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