elphabaoftheopera · 2 years
the photoset you reblogged of the people talking in the cleaning aisle is from santa clarita diet! it's a zombie comedy show, pretty gory but also HILARIOUS
Ohhhh thank you! I’ve seen some of that show but didn’t recognize this scene. Maybe this is a sign I should go back and watch it!
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sunshinycc · 11 months
rules: pick a song for each letter of your url and tag that many people
got tagged by @nullclockwork thanks for giving me something to do on my break
S - S.A.S.S. by Hands Off Gretel
U - Unholy covered by Bella Sisoski
N - No Children by The Mountain Goats
S - Suerte by Shakira
H - House of the Rising Sun by The Animals
I - I Don't Think I Like This World We Live In by Pink Williams
N - No Scrubs by TLC
Y - You Belong with Me (Taylor's version) by Taylor Swift
C - Curses by The Crane Wives
C - Crying in My Subaru by Small Fools
Tagging @anonlynymous @hakinnas-overactive-imagination @kittengirlpaws @hella-nonbinary-witch-punk @strongintherealgay @writing-in-a-daydream @waldosakimbo @send-me-off-to-sea @optimistic-violinist @everqueen12
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elsewhereuniversity · 4 years
galaxy brain take: the swamp hag is much like gritty in that her guiding life philosophy is "bite" and "fuck around and find out"
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penbattles · 4 years
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Here is the commission piece that I did for @everqueen12 of her DnD OC Helena!
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lichlover · 4 years
your tags on literally everything give me LIFE i love you!
kat!! i love you too!! i have so much love to give and i’m putting it everywhere i can!!
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charmandhex · 5 years
halcyonhowl replied to your post “The funny thing is, what is quite possibly my favorite Lup quote, the...”
Which quote is it?
Also @sadistickitten, who asked as well
Also also @everqueen12 because Kat I am literally typing this as you asked dammit.
Okay, so also from the robot scene in Cycle 17, but I think it gets overshadowed by its placement in the middle of one of Lup’s speeches and by some of the other lines in the scene:
“This is the point where we get to decide who we are.”
Because, yes. That’s it. Life is active, doing the right thing is active, you have to decide to do it and then you’ve got to do it. This quote resonates with me in much the same way that “choose joy” does.
But I will say, as much as that was the point where they got to decide who they were and were going to be, it was also one of many points where they decided who they were: Magnus saving the cubs, Merle staying and praying in his church, Magnus trying to keep the soccer kids safe, Taako trying to get his students to hide, Magnus taking Fisher with them, Merle dying over and over again while befriending that sanctimonious bastard, Taako unquestioningly giving Lup her best day and supporting her despite his own fear...
Life is a constant series of points of deciding who you are going to be in that day or even in that moment. We as humans are generally not bound by a single decision; we are a constellation of who we were, are, and decide to be.
And it’s not easy. Of course it’s not easy. And I know full well that with time and circumstance, it can be near impossible. I don’t have an answer to that and can’t speak to the lived experiences of others.
But, for me, personally, I want to keep going, keep fighting, keep trying, keep getting back up, keep doing good recklessly when I can help, keep choosing joy when I find it the most difficult, keep not going fucking anywhere when I need to stand firm, keep deciding just who I am and who I’m going to be.
But a reminder always helps.
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watcherscrown · 5 years
6, 12, 14, 15, 25, 32, 55, 86, 92, and 98 for the weird asks!
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
Somewhere between boho and tomboy depending on the day, in summer i’d say my look is kind of lazy femme! When it’s cold i like big t shirts and boots
 12. name of your favorite playlist? 
I’m not a big playlist person but my fav customized white-noise generator (on noisli) is called Cthulu Rising lmao. It’s the sound of lapping waves and a deep metal fan. https://www.noisli.com/get_combo_by_link/BUNJuuzNLo0Ul5c
14. favorite non-chocolate candy? 
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde or Brave New World by Aldous Huxley or Lord of the Flies by William Golding
I love books so it’s hard to choose. I also LOVED the Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde but it’s technically a play. It’s so goddamn funny. Even if you don’t read it there’s a good movie adaptation with Colin Firth and Reese Witherspoon
25. first song you remember hearing? 
hmmmmmmmmmm. baby beluga by raffi??? but as far as real songs go i’m not sure. maybe something by the dixie chicks lol
32. top five favorite vines? 
take a closer look at that snout!
are those helium balloons!?? ahh it’s too late car’s flyin awey
german shepherd dances to africa by toto
it’s water me-LON inside a water meLAWN
Jesus, you JESUS!
55. favorite fairy tale? 
I’m fond of beauty and the beast/cinderella variations (esp the chinese cinderella) but my favorite that i didn’t grow up with is probably Crystal the Wise, from Chile
86. cookies or cupcakes? 
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights? 
Lamps! I love soft lighting, babeyy
98. favorite historical era?
I’m really fascinated by the edo period of japan!! specifically the leisure culture of the upper classes depicted in ukio e paintings. I know it’s all romanticized but the world it presents is so idyllic and beautiful. ancient egypt is also cool as hell!
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basementtreasure · 6 years
hey your taakitz fic about the philosopher's stone killing kravitz was so fucking good i'm still yelling about it thank you for writing it
awww thanks so much! 
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sevenrelics · 6 years
holla, just droppin in to say i super loved your taakitz fic about taako saying he loves kravitz, it was so sweet and good and pure
thank you so so much kat!! that’s still my favorite thing i’ve written, and i’m so glad others do too !! 💛💛
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elsewhereuniversity · 4 years
a charm for you: a safety pin from which dangles a tiny charm of blue glass, covered with what was once protection from the evil eye but is long since faded. a gift, freely given, from a man in Istanbul that has been carried in the same pocket for two long years, worn smooth from constant rubbing
Clipped to the breast pocket of my jacket and cherished. In return: what do I have for you? A poppy of candlewax, each petal as thin as paper. It will burn for longer than you’d expect, and the light will be visible to none but you, and the air while it burns will be clean and sweet no matter the miasma you struggle through.
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nattoppet-dj · 6 years
50 million years late but i got feathered queen on the generator so does that make me the raven queen
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lichlover · 6 years
tess that fic with julia got me SOME KINDA WAY HOLY SHIT I'M SO EMOTIONAL
you’re talking about this fic! and i am just… comically awful at responding to asks, but kat, i love you so much. although i’m not sorry for making you emotional, because that’s showbiz. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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charmandhex · 6 years
everqueen12 replied to your post “Anniversary”
unending pain
Well that’s just rude
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jesterlesbian · 7 years
i saw a post you made about it and i can't stop listening to Still/The Neva Flows (Reprise), but do you have a link with Anya's declaration of who she is??? it's not on the soundtrack version
lmao yeah the fact that the declaration isn’t on the cast recording is a tragedy
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archi-pelago · 7 years
Six's new look is revenge for them trying to get rid of Ava's eyebrows
that’s what you get six!!! that’s what you get
you play with fire you gon’ get burned
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doing-that · 7 years
hey so i saw the theory that the beings in the Hunger are from the worlds it's devoured and wHAT IF THE BOYS HAVE TO FIGHT THE HUNGER FORMS OF THEMSELVES FROM WHEN THEY DIED ON OTHER WORLDS
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