#every night i can read something be it a prt of a series or a one shot
man i gotta say the amount of pedro pascal related fics is huge and i think i am in heaven.
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nike-shawn · 4 years
Hockey Shawn Prt II
Here’s part two!! I’m so sorry for the wait-- I rewrote this like four times. Thank you for all the love on the first installment of this series. It’s super fun to write and I’m glad to hear you guys like to read it.
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Part I 
After you get his number, you see Shawn a lot. 
He texted you a couple days ago, asking what your plans were for that night, whether you had eaten (you had, of course, but you said you hadn’t). He was at your front door within half an hour. 
You sheepishly smiled as you allowed him into your apartment, crossing your arms across your chest. You watched as Shawn took in your cheap, run-down apartment that you share with a few roommates, their coats and shoes scattered across the floor. You felt very much below him, then, thinking back to his high-rise apartment on the Upper East Side with a doorman and an impeccable view. Your apartment smells like the Chinese restaurant that you live above and it’s an odd week when you don’t kill a few roaches in your kitchen. 
To say you two live different lives would be an understatement. 
“S’ nice,” Shawn said kindly. You knew he didn’t mean it, but you thanked him anyways. “So... does Chinese sound good?” 
It didn't. It absolutely didn’t sound good, so you nodded, took a few steps forward until you were gripping both sides of his open coat. As soon as your lips met his, you were sure that Shawn wouldn’t be thinking about Chinese food any more. 
He hummed his surprise against your lips, but his hands came up to grip your jaw, his palms dwarfing your cheeks. He was cold from the winter air outside and you felt like he was trying to melt into you, trying to adopt your warmth. Your hands tangled in his hair and gave the curls a slight tug. His thigh came between both of yours as he walked you back towards your sofa. “Wait, wait,” you said breathlessly, pulling away from him, “roommates. I have roommates. Let’s go over here.”
You led him by the hand down the dark hallway towards your bedroom, his chest almost pressed against your back with how close he was to you. He stumbled over one of the odd shoes that you nimbly avoided, and you stifled a laugh as you opened the door to your bedroom and let him gently press your back against your unmade bed’s comforter. His lips found yours again and his fingers nimbly started to unbutton your work shirt, a light cotton button down with faint blue stripes. In the meantime, you found the waistband of his joggers and tugged them down.
He stepped out of his pants as you shrugged off your shirt, and as soon as his palms gripped your breasts, squeezing and pulling down the cups in an effort to get the garment off, there was a knock. “Y/N? Hey, the maintenance man is here. What did you say he needed to fix in there?”
Shawn sighed out the breath he was holding, ducking his head so his forehead rested against your bare collarbones and his breath was washing out over the cold skin of your chest. You fought the disappointment in your mind as you eased him off of you, grabbed your shirt from the floor and started to do up your bottons again. “Hey, yeah, one second. Sorry. Just have him wait in the living room and I’ll come get him,” you told her, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.
She must’ve just come home, you thought, because she was nowhere in sight just a few minutes ago. You started to feel anxious as you wondered if you just didn’t notice she was home, if she saw the famous hockey player you were making out with in your apartment. She is completely the type to blab to her friends about every last thing— if she told and the secret was out and you had to explain to Shawn why everyone knew that you two were hooking up and —
“Hey, get out there,” Shawn said playfully, breaking through your wave of thought. “I can head out.”
“Oh,” you replied, “yeah, that’s fine. If that’s what you want.”
“Is that what you want?”
You looked at him now, brushing back your now messy hair. “Well, no. I would like to see you more, but I don’t know if my roommate should see you.”
Something dawned on him then, recognition flashing across his eyes. The two of you hadn’t had a conversation about his job yet, and you figured he thought you were completely oblivious to the level of fame he has achieved. “Why do you say that?” He said it quietly, less like a question and more like he was asking you for confirmation.
“She’ll recognize you. She’s bad at keeping things to herself, so...”
Shawn watched you as you watched him. He was taking note of your sudden uncomfortableness. His eyes followed you as you walked towards the door, flicking the lock back so it was now unlocked. He stepped back into his joggers and coughed into his fist. “Okay, I get it.” He looked up at you with a forced smile. “Did you know?” You paused, looking to the floor. “Did you know, like, what I do? When we met?”
“I... I didn’t know when we met. But I figured it out pretty soon after.”
He nodded. “And what did you figure out?”
“What did you figure out? About me?”
You fiddled with the hem of your shirt. “I looked you up. Saw that you’re a hockey player for the Lightning and— ”
“— used to,” he interrupted. “Used to play for the Lightening.”
“Right, um,” you stuttered, “used to play for the Lightning.”
Shawn looked at you again, prompting you to say more. “That’s it?”
You didn’t answer, just shrugged childishly. He raised his eyebrows, calling your bluff. “I also saw something else. A video.”
He hummed his approval. “And what conclusions did you draw from that?”
“That you had a bad breakup.”
“Interesting. What else?”
“You punched him. The camera guy. I thought maybe you’ve been harassed by cameras a lot lately. A scandal, maybe? I don’t know.”
He licked his lips, fiddling his thumbs. “I kinda thought you didn’t know what I did. You just acted so normal.”
You felt almost guilty, though you know you did nothing wrong. It was simple curiosity— you didn’t mean to find out about his latest scandal, or learn about his injury. You were just trying to know more about a guy you were seeing. You tried to push aside the feeling of uncomfortableness and force yourself to make eye contact with him. “Is it so bad that I know what you do? I don’t feel any differently towards you now than I did when I met you.”
Shawn hummed again, avoiding saying anything that may have forced more awkward conversation. He pushed past you through the doorway and you followed, seeing your roommates’ eyes get wide as you and Shawn broke into the living room, him immediately making his way to the front door. You watched as he gripped the doorknob and allowed cold winter air to seep into your apartment as the door opened. He looked back at you. “Do you wanna walk me out?” He asked.
Surprised but relieved, you followed him out. You both walked in silence for a bit. Then you said, “I’m sorry.”
Shawn shook his head and bumped his shoulder against yours kindly. “Nothing to be sorry about. I understand.”
“I was just curious.”
“I know.”
You came to his car and sideled up to the drivers side as he started to get in, his lanky legs looking almost unnatural in such a small, pretty car. “I’ll text you; sounds good?”
“Yeah, sounds good.”
He reached up to grip your shoulder and led you down to meet his mouth, your lips meeting chastly and only for a moment. Then you stepped to the side and waved as he drove away.
Now, two weeks after that day, you still haven’t talked to him, and you wonder if him saying he would text you was some kind of courtesy he extended at the time, knowing you two would never see each other again. A slow break. Letting you down easy.
You’ve gone through these two weeks wondering, wondering, wondering what makes you so different now that you know about his job. Since you saw him in the parking lot right after you two hooked up for the first time, you’d seen Shawn just about every day leading up to the day he left for good. Sex, wine, and television shows defined your relationship, and you avoided all questions about his life. He preferred it that way, and you knew that. But you never thought that when his job came up, he would run away like a child.
Your roommates grilled you when you returned to the apartment, asking you how and why and what you and Shawn were. You didn’t know how to answer any of their inquiries, so you dodged all of them and holed yourself up in your room. You pretty much just go from your room to work to Lily’s house in some weird, endless cycle, and he’s never too far from your thoughts.
“I like you a lot,” he says, his hand finding your jawline, sleepy features illuminated in the yellow glow of the streetlight outside your window.
You nod and kiss his hand. He smiles, a sad, sleepy kind of a smile. Then the hand from your face travels to your chest, resting over where your heart was beating wildly. His gaze follows the hand. Your gaze rests on his face. He has a scar from an old hockey injury that you analyze like an academic over a piece of old text.
Shawn leans down to kiss you, his hair rustling against your pillow, eyelashes kissing below his eyes as they close. Your lips move against his like dancers to a silent rhythm.
You scold your mind for thinking of him again. He’s not here. You fell for an athlete with an injury and a scandal and probably a million other skeletons in his walk-in closet.
And you know the world is cruel because today, as you’re sulking over the boy who doesn’t like you back anymore, his pretty yet tired face shows up on your TV. The news anchor takes on a fake somber tone as she says that “Shawn Mendes, star Lightning player, has gotten back together with his longtime ex-girlfriend, Madison Harrold. Harrold broke the news on her Instagram late last night, posting this picture with the caption, ‘miss me?’”
The picture on the screen is what made you tear up, not the story itself. It was his face right up next to hers, her eyes blissfully closed, and his hand resting over her heart.
When you see him again, it’s because of a text message from some random number you didn’t have saved.
Hey Y/N, it’s Shawn. I’m in town this weekend and I’d love to see you.
You let the text sit in your unread messages for the whole school day. You refuse to let this man take up any more of your energy, any more of your thoughts. Your students notice something is off but no one mentions anything and keeps to themselves for the most part. You’re grateful.
You text him back after you changed out of your work clothes, chatted to your roommates, and poured yourself a glass of red wine. As the bitterness washes away some of your tension, you reply.
New number?
He writes back, Yeah. Old one got to the public somehow.
Your mind drags you to the conclusion that he had hooked up with some other unfortunate soul and she leaked his number, but you don’t know that so you try to press the thought of your brain. Are you at the hotel?
When can I come over?
For a split second you think to yourself that you should turn him down, but you want to see him. You want to see if Maddy changed him somehow. You want to see if he’ll address it.
So you go to the hotel.
He opens the door with a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. He pulls you into a quick hug, and when you pull away you notice the hairband pushing back his curls and the slouchy grey sweater that’s hanging from his shoulders. You take note of the prominence of his collarbones and ask yourself whether he has always looked like that or if he suddenly lost weight. 
“How’re you doing?” Shawn asks you, gesturing for you to follow him into the hotel room. Memories come flooding back as you perch at the edge of his unmade bed. 
“You’re gorgeous.” Shawn breathes that into your mouth as he hikes up the hem of your dress over your hips, his hands gripping the bone there tightly, like he’s afraid you’ll run away. “So gorgeous.” 
You break the kiss to pull your dress over your head and you throw it to some corner of the room. Shawn’s hands trace over the newly exposed skin and the touch leaves goosebumps in its wake. They find your hair, tangling in your straightened locks, tugging lightly. He starts to walk you backwards towards the bed. The back of your knees hit the edge of the mattress and you let yourself fall backwards, him following close behind, his elbows on either side of your head. His lips find yours yet again as your hands find his belt...
You snap back to the present day, dragging your eyes away from the mattress where you spent most of your time on your last visit. “Oh, yeah, sorry. I’m well, thank you. And you?”
“I’m fine.” 
You nod absentmindedly, once again looking around the room, taking in the empty suitcase. He must’ve folded and tucked away all of his clothes in the drawers.
He’s staying awhile, this time.
“When did you get back in the city?” you ask.
“Last night,” he responds, still standing somewhat far away. He starts to tangle his fingers together nervously. “I had some business in Toronto.”
You think back to the news that you’d watched earlier, noting that Maddy’s Instagram post was geotagged as Toronto. 
So Maddy is classified as business? 
In a bout of uncharacteristic courage, you ask “what kind of business?”
Shawn’s eyebrows raise. “What?”
“I asked what kind of business was in Toronto.”
He sees right through you. “So you know about Maddy,” he says, not as a question but a statement, picking up on your suspicious tone. 
He clears his throat. “We have a weird relationship.”
“Are you cheating on her?”
Shawn laughs darkly. “No, I’m not cheating on Maddy.”
“What’s going on, then?”
He furrows his brows in an annoyed expression. “Why do you need to know?”
You feel your anger boiling to the surface. You fist your fingers together, gripping the duvet tightly to keep yourself seated. “Because, Shawn, we hung out together every night for three weeks and then you stopped talking to me without explanation.”
The two of you hold eye contact intensely and you fight the urge to look away. Shawn’s sharp jaw ticks. “We weren’t dating, Y/N.”
You feel frustrated tears gather and you immediately feel embarrassed about crying over a boy you barely know. You swipe away the wetness beneath your eyes quickly, though you know Shawn caught it. “Why are you being rude all of a sudden?” You ask, your voice taking on a quieter tone that you hate. You hate how affected you sound. But he hurt you, and now it’s obvious. “I knew we weren’t dating. But I didn’t think it was fair for you to cut me off completely and then, the next thing I hear about you, you’re dating a completely different girl.” You pause for a moment to collect yourself. “You could’ve fucking texted me.”
Shawn takes a few steps closer. He’s standing right in front of you, close enough to see the redness rimmed around your eyes. He has his hands in the pockets of his joggers, though you know that if you were on better terms those hands would be cradling your jaw. You can see his tongue running over his teeth behind closed lips, thinking. “I’m sorry for not talking to you,” he starts. He’s staring at the ground. “That was immature of me. I got spooked when you said you knew who I was because I thought I was...” he shakes his head, looking for the right phrasing, “I thought I was just some guy you met.”
“You were just some guy I met.”
“But if you knew what I did, why wouldn’t you say anything? When you said you knew it felt like you had been lying to me before; I don’t know.”
“I thought it would make you uncomfortable if I brought it up,” you say. Shawn goes quiet, shuffling his feet. “I knew there was a scandal and that you were injured. I thought it would bring back bad memories or just a weird conversation if I brought it up.”
He covers his face with his hands. “I didn’t think of that. I'm just... I’m just very conscious of my position in the world right now. I don’t know if that makes sense--”
You stand and take his hands away, dropping them back at his sides. You look up at him, seeing remorse on his features. “It’s okay.”
He blinks a few times, one of his hands twisting the fabric of his pants between his index and his thumb. “Do you want to know about Maddy?”
You watch him for a second, biting your bottom lip. “Do you wanna talk about Maddy?”
“Okay,” you respond, voice dropping to a whisper. 
And as he starts to kiss the rest of your thoughts away, the only one remaining is the picture of him in Maddy’s bed, in Maddy’s city, with his hands over Maddy’s fragile, little, heart. 
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Need You Part 2: Tyler Seguin
Hello everyone, thank you for loving this series! It won’t be a super long series, it was just something I had to get off my chest. Please leave some feedback, my inbox is always open, requests are also open! Those of you who have thank you so much! I love you all. 
Prt 1.
Warnings: Lots of cussing.
“He said he loved you?” You took a sip of your Jamba Juice and nodded looking up at your best friend. 
“Did you say anything back?” You sighed and looked over at the sleeping baby in the stroller.
“No, Nicole I did not. Because I was taken off guard and couldn’t wrap my
Head around the fact that he had said it.” Nicole gave you a look.
“But literally this has been what you’ve been-“ 
“Yeah that was before Ava.” You had a daughter to think about how and you two were starting to get into a schedule, a routine and you weren’t ready for someone to come in and mess it up or disrupt it even if it was the guy you had been in love with for At Least a year. 
“You don’t think he’d be there for her?” You shook her head.
“I think he’s not ready to have that responsibility, I think he’s still has to grow up and live his life.” 
“Plus he said he loved me, past tense.” You shrugged.
“He left or well I told him he had to leave because I couldn’t have that conversation. I wasn’t ready.” Nicole took a sip of her drink.
“Has he tried to call you?” You nodded your head.
“every day… it’s been four days. I’ve literally ignored him. I don’t know what to do.” You weren’t lying. After he had told you he loved you, you were speechless and as he tried to explain you couldn’t wrap your head around anything so you asked
Him to leave which he of course fought you on. However, Tyler was persistence, he always got what he wanted but not with this, not with you and Ava. You couldn’t have that conversation, not with him and not right now. So without asking
Him again you walked to the door and opened it, which he surprisingly took as get out. 
He didn’t say anything as he walked out and neither did you. It had been four days and you couldn’t really comprehend why now? Why did he have to tell you about it now?
“What do you want to do?” You looked over at Nicole and shrugged.
“In a perfect world I would jump into
His arms and we would be together and Ava…”
“You don’t think he’d love
Her to death? Y/n, he adores his sisters,
He loves his god daughter. He’s good with kids.” 
“She would be a constant in his life
Though, unlike his god daughter he wouldn’t be able to give her back. He would be with her if he wanted to be with me. We’re a packaged deal now.” You grabbed onto Ava’s foot lightly as she slowly opened her eyes from her nap. Looking up at you with big brown eyes she whined a bit meaning she was hungry. You smiled down at her and picked her up, grabbing the nursing blanket from the top of the stroller, adjusting it over your shoulder so you could breast feed. You shhh’d Ava as she whined before she started to feed.
“You’re good with her you know, not
Just because you have to be but being a mother comes Naturally to you, at least that’s what it seems like.” You shrugged a bit.
“I didn’t really have a choice, I made a stupid decision and got this amazing girl in my life.” Nicole smiled at you but glanced down at your phone which lit up. On the screen read:
Tyler. You sighed and stared at it. 
“You want me to answer it?” You nodded.
“Just tell him I’m busy with Ava.” Nicole Picked up the phone and let out a “y/n’s phone, this is Nicole how can I help You?” You watched as she let out a hmmm.
“She’s feeding Ava right now, Tyler. I’ll let Her know You called.” She rolled her eyes.
“Geezus Tyler, she literally has her child stuck to Her boob right now I’ll let her know you called.” You giggled and watched as she hung up The phone.
“He’s persistent, I’ll tell You that.” You nodded.
“Always has been.” A comfortable silence fell around you two as you say at the picnic table outside your apartment complex.
“So I know we’ve briefly talked about this, but like...you have any idea who the father is?” You sighed, it was an ongoing question between everyone who knew about you.
“No, I can’t remember anything from that night. I remember getting piss drunk at Tyler’s party, I remember playing beer pong with him and Freddie and Brett and then I turned around and he was making out with the cute blonde. After that I remember just taking shot after shot and waking up in Tyler's guest bedroom .” You did some things you weren’t proud of that night was one of them. But waking up in Tyler’s guest bedroom wasn’t rare, you would usually stay there after the party was over because you were too drunk to drive.
You would go get breakfast with him the next morning and then head out. However that morning you remembered waking up with no clothes on, no sign of any one else being in the room and your clothes at the foot of the bed. You remember jumping into the shower and then heading downstairs where you saw Tyler saying bye to the same blonde he was with the night before. 
You didn’t feel up to having breakfast with him and you remembered as you told him he acted weird, saying it was okay because he had other things to do anyways and that was it.
“I just feel like most people would leave a note or something. And you swear you used protection?” You gave your best friend a pointed look as you shifted yourself back into your shirt and removed the blanket, placing  Ava over your shoulder to burp her.
“I’m positive.” You felt bad not for yourself because one day you’d have to tell Ava why she didn’t have a father. 
“Well, At Least we got this cute little one here. You ready to head back?” You nodded as you stood up with her and Nicole grabbed the stroller. 
There was too much to think about right, but as you heard Ava burp a bit and you put her back in the stroller, her soft eyes looking up at you like you were her world you somehow felt at ease. 
You had just gotten home from work, unlocking the door it was quiet in the apartment. Ava was with your mom and wouldn’t be back for another hour. 
The 24 hour animal hospital you worked at you only worked three days out of the week but long shifts which made it both exhausting and easy to have your mom watch Ava on days you were at work. 
You threw your purse on the couch and slipped out of your shoes getting ready to take a quick shower and start dinner when there was a knock on your door. You glanced at the clock above the stove that read 6:30, you could’ve sworn your mom was going to bring her by around 7:30.
Walking over to the door you opened it and immediately regretted not looking through the peep hole.
“We need to talk.” You groaned as Tyler stood in your door way.
“Y/n, please we need to talk about this.” You were trapped, now would be the perfect time considering Ava wasn’t here but you were also exhausted from work.
“Tyler, I’m exhausted.”
“So am I but here we are and we’re going to deal with this.” Without waiting for an invitation be pushed past you.
“Sure come on in.” He stood in the middle of your living room tattooed arms crossed and a narrow glare on you. He looked pissed kind of how he looked after they lost a game.
“I told you I loved you. And you shut me out.” You glared back at him.
“I needed time, Tyler. You haven't talked to me for months and then you decide to show up on my doorstep one day and drop this bomb on me?” He went to speak but you cut him off.
“I know you’re used to getting what you want, I know you’re spoiled in ways I could never imagine Tyler. Attention always has to be on you, but you couldn’t even take the time out of your day to come see me when I had her. Not even a phone call and then all summer you’re on Instagram and ignoring my calls? You don’t owe me Anything but fuck Tyler we were best friends. And then you expect me to believe that you loved me?” You were on edge and you knew it, you were exhausted but all this word vomit had no barriers at this point. 
“I was your fucking best friend and you just left, Tyler. I didn’t ask anything of you, I didn’t ask for money I didn’t ask you to be at the baby shower, I didn’t ask for you to plan anything. I didn’t even ask for you to be there for me but I figured as much as you claimed you cared about me you’d want to be there for me. For fucks sake, Jamie and Katie came to see me the week after she was born. Ben, Ben Bishop? You know your goalie? He’s called me
More times then you have, face timed me even to see her. And where were you? Living your best fucking life in Mexico with some cute blondes.” You could feel the tears now streaming down your face and you watched as Tyler’s face softened at your hurt expression. 
“I would like to think we became more than party friends, we’d have lunch, we’d have breakfast we’d go shopping for shit together, I’ve hung out with your sisters and your mom for the holidays. I thought we were closer than that…” you trailed off as you let out a sad laugh.
“I really needed you Tyler, and you were just gone.” You let out a shaky breath and looked up at him. He was chewing on his bottom lip and his eyes were rimmed red, he ran a hand through his hair, a habit he had when he was nervous. 
“I fucked up y/n. I fucked up big time, I realized I had started having feelings for you, but you were the first girl I had formed a solid friendship with. It was easy with you, bringing you around my family, walking the dogs, watching movies, you didn’t want anything from me but my company, my friendship. You had your own money, your own job so I knew that wasn’t the reason you stuck around. We had fun together, we were actual friends.” You wiped your face as more tears surfaced and you watched him pace your living room floor.
 “And then the parties would happen and all I would want to do is spend time with you but I watched you with the other guys, and I realized it was better to not ruin what we had. So I buried them all, and then you showed up to my house in tears talking about how you were pregnant and you didn’t know what you were going to do and you didn’t know who the father was and I swear y/n, I was so mad. I was mad at
You, mad at myself. And I suck at words so I didn’t know how to comfort you, I didn’t know what to say. I couldn’t be dissapointed but I felt my heart shatter y/n.” You could feel yourself get angry because how dare he? But you watched as he took in a shaky breath and continue.
“And then I realized how different it was going to be, there would be no more parties for
You. No more Drinking, you’d be having morning sickness and getting bigger and you wouldn’t be able to fly out to see my family anymore. I was...I was selfish because I realized I was going to lose my best friend and I fucked up with assuming  that but I’m also not that smart, hockey player remember?” You continued to watch him.
“So I distanced myself figure if you’d be mad at me it would be easier to let you go. I knew your due date, always had, I had written it down the first time you told me it and when that day happened I couldn’t bring myself to go see you. I didn’t want to admit or give you up. And then Jamie and Katie came to see you and then Ben and they had showed me pictures and I could feel myself ache because it had been so long since I had talked to you, but I figured you’d be too upset with me. So I took off for the summer I went to Cabo except you kept calling me and every time I tried to answer, I didn’t know what to say.”
“You’re a selfish dick Tyler seguin.” He shrugged and looked down at his shoes.
“That’s what the media says.” You glared at him.
“So then why did you come here the other day?”
“Jamie, mentioned that he had seen you again and that I needed to grow a pair and talk to you because even if you didn’t love me back, you’re still my
Best friend and I should be there to support you. All stuff I knew in the back of my mind but like I said...I was being selfish.” He waited for you to say something, Anything but you were still stunned, unsure of where this put you. You realized your guys friendship had shifted and you didn’t think he understood what dating you meant. 
“ Tyler,”
“She’s mine.” You froze at his words. Your blood running cold, there’s no way.
“Ava is mine, y/n.” You shook your head.
“No, there’s no way she’s-“ 
“She’s mine because I woke up that morning and left the room, naked, y/n.” The breath leaving your chest.
“No, we used a condom there was one in the trash can.” Tyler shook his head.
“We used a condom and went at it more than once.” You could feel the tears now, there’s no way you would’ve remembered.
“I don’t remember much but waking up naked and turning and seeing you fast asleep
In the bed next to me.” You literally leaned against the kitchen counter closing your eyes.
“Tyler, there’s no way. You’ve kept this secret?!” That means this whole
Team he should’ve been there for you during the pregnancy. He should’ve helped you.
“I didn’t realize it, until that summer. I thought it was from another hook up you had. We both hooked up a lot but never did I think it would be from that hook up, but I did the math y/n. Ava is mine.” Automatically you wanted a dna test.
“I want a test.” Tyler nodded and you watched as he ran a hand through his hair and scratched the back of his neck. He was nervous and low key freaking out.
“I told you I fucked up. I should’ve been there, I should’ve. But I wasn’t and I missed out on so much and I feel like shit and I fucked up. I’m so sorry.” You could hear the sincerity in his voice.
“That’s why you wanted to see her the other day, you already knew.” He didn’t say anything.
“Tyler-I can’t. This is too much-“ you could feel the tears and the weight of all of this. This was too fucking much, your hormones still all out of whack from having a baby and all the vitamins and lack of sleep and you couldn’t handle it.
“She’s mine, y/n. I’m sorry but she is.” You glared you at him.
“She May be yours, Tyler. But you knew, you knew for so long-“
“I want to make this right y/n. I want to see her.” You shook your head.
“No, I can’t. I’m not ready for that.” Tyler didn't say anything instead he just looked over at the pictures on your wall.
“I deserve to meet her, y/n.” You felt the anger rise up and the way you gripped the edge of the counter. 
“You knew for how long?! And you decided to wait because you were selfish Tyler!” He shook
His head.
“I understand I fucked up, I’m so sorry, y/n. I’m so sorry and nothing I can do or say will fix that but she’s mine and I deserve to meet her.”
You took a moment and looked up at Him.
“You’re not ready to be a father, Tyler.” The look of hurt that washed across his face made you want to take the words back but you knew it was too late, things were about to get messy and there was nothing you could do to stop it.
“He said he loved you?” You took a sip of your Jamba Juice and nodded looking up at your best friend. 
“Did you say anything back?” You sighed and looked over at the sleeping baby in the stroller.
“No, Nicole I did not. Because I was taken off guard and couldn’t wrap my
Head around the fact that he had said it.” Nicole gave you a look.
“But literally this has been what you’ve been-“ 
“Yeah that was before Ava.” You had a daughter to think about how and you two were starting to get into a schedule, a routine and you weren’t ready for someone to come in and mess it up or disrupt it even if it was the guy you had been in love with for At Least a year. 
“You don’t think he’d be there for her?” You shook her head.
“I think he’s not ready to have that responsibility, I think he’s still has to grow up and live his life.” 
“Plus he said he loved me, past tense.” You shrugged.
“He left or well I told him he had to leave because I couldn’t have that conversation. I wasn’t ready.” Nicole took a sip of her drink.
“Has he tried to call you?” You nodded your head.
“every day… it’s been four days. I’ve literally ignored him. I don’t know what to do.” You weren’t lying. After he had told you he loved you, you were speechless and as he tried to explain you couldn’t wrap your head around anything so you asked
Him to leave which he of course fought you on. However, Tyler was persistence, he always got what he wanted but not with this, not with you and Ava. You couldn’t have that conversation, not with him and not right now. So without asking
Him again you walked to the door and opened it, which he surprisingly took as get out. 
He didn’t say anything as he walked out and neither did you. It had been four days and you couldn’t really comprehend why now? Why did he have to tell you about it now?
“What do you want to do?” You looked over at Nicole and shrugged.
“In a perfect world I would jump into
His arms and we would be together and Ava…”
“You don’t think he’d love
Her to death? Y/n, he adores his sisters,
He loves his god daughter. He’s good with kids.” 
“She would be a constant in his life
Though, unlike his god daughter he wouldn’t be able to give her back. He would be with her if he wanted to be with me. We’re a packaged deal now.” You grabbed onto Ava’s foot lightly as she slowly opened her eyes from her nap. Looking up at you with big brown eyes she whined a bit meaning she was hungry. You smiled down at her and picked her up, grabbing the nursing blanket from the top of the stroller, adjusting it over your shoulder so you could breast feed. You shhh’d Ava as she whined before she started to feed.
“You’re good with her you know, not
Just because you have to be but being a mother comes Naturally to you, at least that’s what it seems like.” You shrugged a bit.
“I didn’t really have a choice, I made a stupid decision and got this amazing girl in my life.” Nicole smiled at you but glanced down at your phone which lit up. On the screen read:
Tyler. You sighed and stared at it. 
“You want me to answer it?” You nodded.
“Just tell him I’m busy with Ava.” Nicole Picked up the phone and let out a “y/n’s phone, this is Nicole how can I help You?” You watched as she let out a hmmm.
“She’s feeding Ava right now, Tyler. I’ll let Her know You called.” She rolled her eyes.
“Geezus Tyler, she literally has her child stuck to Her boob right now I’ll let her know you called.” You giggled and watched as she hung up The phone.
“He’s persistent, I’ll tell You that.” You nodded.
“Always has been.” A comfortable silence fell around you two as you say at the picnic table outside your apartment complex.
“So I know we’ve briefly talked about this, but like...you have any idea who the father is?” You sighed, it was an ongoing question between everyone who knew about you.
“No, I can’t remember anything from that night. I remember getting piss drunk at Tyler’s party, I remember playing beer pong with him and Freddie and Brett and then I turned around and he was making out with the cute blonde. After that I remember just taking shot after shot and waking up in Tyler's guest bedroom .” You did some things you weren’t proud of that night was one of them. But waking up in Tyler’s guest bedroom wasn’t rare, you would usually stay there after the party was over because you were too drunk to drive.
You would go get breakfast with him the next morning and then head out. However that morning you remembered waking up with no clothes on, no sign of any one else being in the room and your clothes at the foot of the bed. You remember jumping into the shower and then heading downstairs where you saw Tyler saying bye to the same blonde he was with the night before. 
You didn’t feel up to having breakfast with him and you remembered as you told him he acted weird, saying it was okay because he had other things to do anyways and that was it.
“I just feel like most people would leave a note or something. And you swear you used protection?” You gave your best friend a pointed look as you shifted yourself back into your shirt and removed the blanket, placing  Ava over your shoulder to burp her.
“I’m positive.” You felt bad not for yourself because one day you’d have to tell Ava why she didn’t have a father. 
“Well, At Least we got this cute little one here. You ready to head back?” You nodded as you stood up with her and Nicole grabbed the stroller. 
There was too much to think about right, but as you heard Ava burp a bit and you put her back in the stroller, her soft eyes looking up at you like you were her world you somehow felt at ease. 
You had just gotten home from work, unlocking the door it was quiet in the apartment. Ava was with your mom and wouldn’t be back for another hour. 
The 24 hour animal hospital you worked at you only worked three days out of the week but long shifts which made it both exhausting and easy to have your mom watch Ava on days you were at work. 
You threw your purse on the couch and slipped out of your shoes getting ready to take a quick shower and start dinner when there was a knock on your door. You glanced at the clock above the stove that read 6:30, you could’ve sworn your mom was going to bring her by around 7:30.
Walking over to the door you opened it and immediately regretted not looking through the peep hole.
“We need to talk.” You groaned as Tyler stood in your door way.
“Y/n, please we need to talk about this.” You were trapped, now would be the perfect time considering Ava wasn’t here but you were also exhausted from work.
“Tyler, I’m exhausted.”
“So am I but here we are and we’re going to deal with this.” Without waiting for an invitation be pushed past you.
“Sure come on in.” He stood in the middle of your living room tattooed arms crossed and a narrow glare on you. He looked pissed kind of how he looked after they lost a game.
“I told you I loved you. And you shut me out.” You glared back at him.
“I needed time, Tyler. You haven't talked to me for months and then you decide to show up on my doorstep one day and drop this bomb on me?” He went to speak but you cut him off.
“I know you’re used to getting what you want, I know you’re spoiled in ways I could never imagine Tyler. Attention always has to be on you, but you couldn’t even take the time out of your day to come see me when I had her. Not even a phone call and then all summer you’re on Instagram and ignoring my calls? You don’t owe me Anything but fuck Tyler we were best friends. And then you expect me to believe that you loved me?” You were on edge and you knew it, you were exhausted but all this word vomit had no barriers at this point. 
“I was your fucking best friend and you just left, Tyler. I didn’t ask anything of you, I didn’t ask for money I didn’t ask you to be at the baby shower, I didn’t ask for you to plan anything. I didn’t even ask for you to be there for me but I figured as much as you claimed you cared about me you’d want to be there for me. For fucks sake, Jamie and Katie came to see me the week after she was born. Ben, Ben Bishop? You know your goalie? He’s called me
More times then you have, face timed me even to see her. And where were you? Living your best fucking life in Mexico with some cute blondes.” You could feel the tears now streaming down your face and you watched as Tyler’s face softened at your hurt expression. 
“I would like to think we became more than party friends, we’d have lunch, we’d have breakfast we’d go shopping for shit together, I’ve hung out with your sisters and your mom for the holidays. I thought we were closer than that…” you trailed off as you let out a sad laugh.
“I really needed you Tyler, and you were just gone.” You let out a shaky breath and looked up at him. He was chewing on his bottom lip and his eyes were rimmed red, he ran a hand through his hair, a habit he had when he was nervous. 
“I fucked up y/n. I fucked up big time, I realized I had started having feelings for you, but you were the first girl I had formed a solid friendship with. It was easy with you, bringing you around my family, walking the dogs, watching movies, you didn’t want anything from me but my company, my friendship. You had your own money, your own job so I knew that wasn’t the reason you stuck around. We had fun together, we were actual friends.” You wiped your face as more tears surfaced and you watched him pace your living room floor.
 “And then the parties would happen and all I would want to do is spend time with you but I watched you with the other guys, and I realized it was better to not ruin what we had. So I buried them all, and then you showed up to my house in tears talking about how you were pregnant and you didn’t know what you were going to do and you didn’t know who the father was and I swear y/n, I was so mad. I was mad at
You, mad at myself. And I suck at words so I didn’t know how to comfort you, I didn’t know what to say. I couldn’t be dissapointed but I felt my heart shatter y/n.” You could feel yourself get angry because how dare he? But you watched as he took in a shaky breath and continue.
“And then I realized how different it was going to be, there would be no more parties for
You. No more Drinking, you’d be having morning sickness and getting bigger and you wouldn’t be able to fly out to see my family anymore. I was...I was selfish because I realized I was going to lose my best friend and I fucked up with assuming  that but I’m also not that smart, hockey player remember?” You continued to watch him.
“So I distanced myself figure if you’d be mad at me it would be easier to let you go. I knew your due date, always had, I had written it down the first time you told me it and when that day happened I couldn’t bring myself to go see you. I didn’t want to admit or give you up. And then Jamie and Katie came to see you and then Ben and they had showed me pictures and I could feel myself ache because it had been so long since I had talked to you, but I figured you’d be too upset with me. So I took off for the summer I went to Cabo except you kept calling me and every time I tried to answer, I didn’t know what to say.”
“You’re a selfish dick Tyler seguin.” He shrugged and looked down at his shoes.
“That’s what the media says.” You glared at him.
“So then why did you come here the other day?”
“Jamie, mentioned that he had seen you again and that I needed to grow a pair and talk to you because even if you didn’t love me back, you’re still my
Best friend and I should be there to support you. All stuff I knew in the back of my mind but like I said...I was being selfish.” He waited for you to say something, Anything but you were still stunned, unsure of where this put you. You realized your guys friendship had shifted and you didn’t think he understood what dating you meant. 
“ Tyler,”
“She’s mine.” You froze at his words. Your blood running cold, there’s no way.
“Ava is mine, y/n.” You shook your head.
“No, there’s no way she’s-“ 
“She’s mine because I woke up that morning and left the room, naked, y/n.” The breath leaving your chest.
“No, we used a condom there was one in the trash can.” Tyler shook his head.
“We used a condom and went at it more than once.” You could feel the tears now, there’s no way you would’ve remembered.
“I don’t remember much but waking up naked and turning and seeing you fast asleep
In the bed next to me.” You literally leaned against the kitchen counter closing your eyes.
“Tyler, there’s no way. You’ve kept this secret?!” That means this whole
Team he should’ve been there for you during the pregnancy. He should’ve helped you.
“I didn’t realize it, until that summer. I thought it was from another hook up you had. We both hooked up a lot but never did I think it would be from that hook up, but I did the math y/n. Ava is mine.” Automatically you wanted a dna test.
“I want a test.” Tyler nodded and you watched as he ran a hand through his hair and scratched the back of his neck. He was nervous and low key freaking out.
“I told you I fucked up. I should’ve been there, I should’ve. But I wasn’t and I missed out on so much and I feel like shit and I fucked up. I’m so sorry.” You could hear the sincerity in his voice.
“That’s why you wanted to see her the other day, you already knew.” He didn’t say anything.
“Tyler-I can’t. This is too much-“ you could feel the tears and the weight of all of this. This was too fucking much, your hormones still all out of whack from having a baby and all the vitamins and lack of sleep and you couldn’t handle it.
“She’s mine, y/n. I’m sorry but she is.” You glared you at him.
“She May be yours, Tyler. But you knew, you knew for so long-“
“I want to make this right y/n. I want to see her.” You shook your head.
“No, I can’t. I’m not ready for that.” Tyler didn't say anything instead he just looked over at the pictures on your wall.
“I deserve to meet her, y/n.” You felt the anger rise up and the way you gripped the edge of the counter. 
“You knew for how long?! And you decided to wait because you were selfish Tyler!” He shook
His head.
“I understand I fucked up, I’m so sorry, y/n. I’m so sorry and nothing I can do or say will fix that but she’s mine and I deserve to meet her.”
You took a moment and looked up at Him.
“You’re not ready to be a father, Tyler.” The look of hurt that washed across his face made you want to take the words back but you knew it was too late, things were about to get messy and there was nothing you could do to stop it.
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madamslayyy · 5 years
Cake prt. 3 (Trevante Rhodes x Reader)
A/N: Whats up! Back with another weekly update!! Sorry I know I was supposed to post this yesterday but I really had to edit so it’s a day late. If you haven’t read Part 1 or 2 please catch up on the entire Dadvante! Series via my Masterlist
Disclaimer: Yeah I actually don’t know anything about Trevante Rhodes, his mother, or if he even has siblings. This is all fictionalized and no actual research about this man or his family was done prior to writing this.
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Diane (Malik’s Girlfriend):
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Jaime (Trevante’s Brother):
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Mama Leigh (Trevante’s Mother):
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“You two spoil him.”
“It’s too much responsibility for him.”
“He’s a good kid.”
“Yes, he is a good kid but this is too much.”
“Not too much for us. Financially it wouldn’t put us in a bad place so why would we ever limit our kid?”
“To keep him safe! What if he got in a car reck!?”
“He could get in one of those in the car with me. Or Tre. At least this way he’ll have his independence.”
“What if-
“Look, mom, I didn’t call to talk about his gift, I came to tell you that his birthday dinner is going to be this Tuesday and we’ve already picked a restaurant and a time.” You had been on the phone with your mother for only 10 minutes and she had already gotten on your nerves to no end.
“Oh you booked a restaurant? He’s having a party?” She asked.
“No it’s just a family dinner plus his girlfriend and that way he can have all the fun he wants with his friends when the weekend hits.” You said waving to your husband who just entered the house.
“Okay okay, me and your father will be there.” She said and you sighed in relief. Why did everything have to be pulling teeth with her?
“Thanks mom, Love you.”
“Love you too, bye.” You hung up and rubbed your eyes. Well at least that was over.
“They set for Tuesday?” Tre said coming out of the kitchen chomping on celery.
“Yeah, your folks?” You said getting up and wrapping your arms around his neck to hang on him.
“Yep, called them yesterday.”
“Great,” you said closing your eyes.
“You think we’re doing too much getting him a car?” You mumbled into his chest.
“Baby, we got him the safest car out there. And it’s electric so we’re saving the environment too. A lot of planning went into it, dont over think it right before the finish line.” He laughed and you immediately felt your mind go at ease. He always knew how to calm you down when you felt yourself getting worked up.
“Do 16 year old boys even like to drive Hydroelectric cars?’” you asked, cocking your head back to look at your man.
“It’s a brand new model fresh off the lot, he better love to drive it,” Tre chuckled. You leaned up to kiss him but could only reach his colorbone due to your height. He lifted you up, allowing you full access to his lips and neck. Right as you began gnawing at his jugular, the two of you paused at the sound of a growl coming from below. You both looked down to see Malik’s pit bull, Cujo, growling on the floor, warning Tre to put you down. He obliged and you bent over to gather the midsized pooch in your arms. He seemed to purr the second you picked him up and held him in your arms, his tail flailing back and forth with joy.
“Can’t believe he likes you best after you were the one against getting him.” Tre scoffed.
“He can recognize the leader of the pack, can’t he? Yes he can,” you cooed, cuddling the dog like a newborn baby even though Cujo was way past his puppy days.
Tuesday was here and you were exhausted. You’d been hearing it about one thing or another by your mother and Tre’s Mother since you got here. Tre’s little brother kept flirting with the waitress’ and you were about to kick him out. Malik and his girlfriend seemed to be enjoying themselves, feeding each other off their plates while the while Malik’s other friends teased them. Meanwhile your combined families seemed to find one thing or another to fuss about all throughout the evening.
“I’m just saying I don’t entirely agree with allowing him to go off so far for school. I know college is still two years away but he’s an only child.” Mama Leigh, Tre’s mother, said.
“He’ll be fine. We sent this one off the second she got that acceptance letter and she turned out just fine.” Your daddy said gesturing to you.
“Well not every case is the same, besides she-“
“Time for cake!” You said ending the conversation. The last thing you wanted was your parents and Tre’s getting into it. It seemed there was only one thing they could ever agree on and it was that they wanted more grand babies. You were not about to have that discussion again and was ready to just get the night over with. Plus, the sooner you served the cake meant the sooner you could get to presents.
One Birthday song, followed of course by the infamous Stevie Wonder version, later and it was finally time for gifts. You let Malik’s girlfriend give him her gift first, followed by Jaime, Tre’s mother, you and Tre’s more mundane gifts (sneakers, video games, etc.) when finally the only thing left was the grand finale.
“Alright is that everyone? Great! So Malik, me and your father have been doing a lot of thinking an-“
“Wait where is Dad? And Grandpa?” Malik asked and the room went silent. You knew where Tre was: pulling the car around and slapping the biggest bow on the hood imaginable, per your request of course.
“He’ll be back in a minute. As I was saying, we-“
“Um, Y/N-“ Tre said rushing back inside.
“One second-“
“This really can’t wait, we have a problem.”
“With the, um, thing?” You said trying to be discreet. You did have the entire room’s eyes on you.
“Um, yeah, you might wanna step outside real quick.” You could tell by the look on Tre’s face it was something bad. Real bad.
“Why don’t we all step outside!” Your mother said cheerfully.
“NO!” You and Tre said in unison.
“Watch your tone, you two. We’re going outside, that’s final. Come, Malik,” she said rising from her seat. Malik hopped up excitedly, the rest of the party getting up as well following him.
“Who’s in charge here?” You asked exasperated. You rushed out with your husband and your jaw immediately dropped to the floor.
Parked right next to you and Trevante’s gift to Malik was a brand new cherry red Dodge Charger complete with a fresh set of rims and neon lights illuminating the underside of the vehicle and the interior.
“What the-“
“Happy Birthday Malik!” Your parents chimed in unison tossing him the keys. Malik was having an absolute fit of excitement bouncing up and down while hugging his grandparents. He then ran over and hopped in the car, immediately revving the engine.
“B-But But we-“ you were in a complete state of shock as Trevante rubbed your lower back, trying to calm you down.
“I know, baby” Tre grumbled, kissing the said of your forehead.
“They stole our thunder,” you whined.
“I didn’t even get to say my speech,” you said in a watery voice, the tears beginning to well in your eyes.
“Hey hey hey, it’s still the little man’s birthday, no tears where he can see em. You wanna go inside?” Tre asked cupping your face.
“No, no. I’ll be okay.” You composed yourself, while Tre rubbed your arms, effectively calming you down but you couldn’t deny you were hurt. Your mother knew you were getting him a car and she’d turned around and done this anyway. It was probably why she’d been so adamant about talking you out of it in the first place.
“Aye what’s this other car here with the bow?” One of Malik friends asked.
“Ughhh....?” Malik looked over to where you and Tre were standing.
“Suprise....” you said dully.
“It’s for me?” He asked, confused.
“Yeah, we see we weren’t the only ones with this gift idea,” Tre chuckled, tossing him the keys.
“Damn, Lik, yo folks got you two whips?! And both them bitches brand new? Oh y’all got MONEY money!” One of his friends exclaimed, clamping him on the shoulder.
“Forreal,” Diane smirked.
“I don’t know what to say....” Malik said looking at the keys.
“You don’t have to say anything, go take it for a spin,” Trevante winked and you elbowed his side.
“He doesn’t have his license yet,”
“He can go get it tomorrow, c’mon baby let him have some fun,” Tre smiled showing you all them pretty ass teeth and you knew you couldn’t say no.
Later on that night at home, you and Trevante were sipping wine in the kitchen while Malik was putting away the rest of his gifts that could actually fit inside the house. Tre was seated across from you, giving you a foot massage that was out of this world while you downed your second glass that night.
“You really think he enjoyed today?” You asked for what had to be the third time since the dinner party ended.
“Lil man had a blast. You saw him earlier, he couldn’t stop smiling the whole rest of the night,” Tre was right, of course, but you always needed the extra reassurance.
“I’m gonna kill my mother next time I see her,” you said mundanely. Just because you were happy your son enjoyed his birthday did not mean she was off the hook.
“Okay okay I’ll settle for never talking her again,” you took another swig of wine.
“Mom... Dad...,” Malik came down the stairs and entered the kitchen. You could tell by his pajamas and sleepy expression he was ready for bed. He was even wearing his new Yeezy’s Trevante had just gifted him, having already vowed earlier he was never gonna take them off.
“Lik Lik...” you reached for your son and he came and sat in your lap like when he was a little kid, only this time he was much heavier. Your feet were still sprawled across Trevante’s thighs so they were really the ones supporting this whole arrangement. He was strong enough to take it though. Hell he was strong enough to pick you, Malik and Cujo up if he wanted to.
“I came down to tell you guys thank you for the car, and my birthday in general,” he yawned, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. Sometimes you didn’t know who was the bigger baby, him or Cujo.
“Your welcome. After all you only turn 16 once.” You smiled. “But you know you’re not keeping both those cars right?”
“Grandpa said legally you couldn’t make me choose,” Malik said, already half asleep.
“Whose the lawyer, me or Grandpa? Plus legally speaking, until your license is acquired and you’re insured, you’d be driving any vehicle unlawfully.” Your words fell on deaf ears as Malik was already fast asleep.
“Seems like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital,” Trevante said, looking at the two of you with nostalgia in his eyes.
“He’s growing like a weed,” you smiled and ruffled his hair. “A weed that’s getting pretty heavy, can you take him? And please remove those ridiculous shoes when you put him down.”
Trevante chuckled as he took his sleeping son from you and began carrying him to his room before stopping and turning at the base of the stairs.
“Aye, meet me in bed in five minutes.”
“What for?” You asked, stretching.
“You been working hard coordinating all this, thought I might show a little gratitude. Love on my baby,” he winked, heading back upstairs.
You had to pick your jaw up off the floor for the second time tonight. You poured yourself another glass of wine, knowing it was about to go straight to your nether regions which were already buzzing with excitement. You knew it was about to be a long night, because when Trevante was feeling a special type of grateful, he could eat it for hours. You found yourself humming as you strolled up the stair grinning ear from ear.
A/N: sorry I had planned on dropping this weeks ago but life kept getting in the way. Hope y’all enjoyed this and let me know what y’all think!
@chaneajoyyy @queen-of-the-jabari @queennanayaa @clydevevo @queennanayaa @chaneajoyyy @killmongerthiskoochie @theunsweetenedtruth @blackgirloneshots @blmforeal @erikkillmongerstan @jozigrrl@quietstorm-73@sailorsenshi420 @wakandamama @mxearth @chefjessypooh @macfizzle @chasingsunlight @dameshaemonique @rubiesandravens @raysunshine78 @melaninmarvel l @melanisticroyalty @softnani @vibranium-soul@itstaliaduh @cinki-the-black-goddess@thehomierobbstark @darkangelchronicles @bartierbakarimobisson @doublesidedscoobysnacks @blackpinup22 @tchokemedaddy @clydevevo @amirra88 @labelletemps @wawakanda-btch @supersizemeplz @purple-apricots @musicloveand-pride @babygirlofwakanda @laketaj24 @itstaliaduh @sailorsenshi420 @scentedclodauthorhairdo @4ftwonder
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surveysonfleek · 6 years
5000 Question Survey Pt. 49
4701. What is your reaction to beggers and homeless on the streets? Are they lazy? Why? i feel bad for them. they may have put themselves in that position, they may have not. no one can judge until you hear their story. 4702. Does pure altruism exist? Why or why not? not in my world. 4703. Is 'You like me and I like it all' an attitude you might have? nope. 4704. Finish the words. Ch: air An: al Ge: ar So: ul Ne: ver Bo: il Wi: ll E: ye
4705. What's your favorite science fiction movie? Make it a double feature. What's your second favorite? does black panther count? definitely that. second fave is probably the xmen series. 4706. If you had a remote control for people who would you set on mute? haha no. i’d just avoid them. 4707. When have you felt like you were living in the twilight zone? no. 4708. Do you have penis envy? Do you have vagina envy? haha no. 4709. The maker doesn't want it; the buyer doesn't use it; and the user doesn't see it. What is it? idk. 4710. A child is born in Boston, Mass., to parents who were both born in Boston, Mass. The child is not a U.S. citizen. How is this possible? this boston, mass must not be in usa. 4711. Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain on Earth? mount everest. unless there’s still one undiscovered somewhere. 4712. If you had to choose between being 3ft. tall or 9ft. tall which would you be? probably 3ft. 9ft is huge. 4711. If you could know the answer to any 3 questions, what would they be?: idk. 4712. If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the body or the mind of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want? probably the mind. you could still do a lot with your mind even if you’re frail. 4713. Would it disturb you much if, upon your death, your body were simply thrown into the woods and left to rot? Why? it depends. it would if i knew about it. 4714. Would you like to know the precise date of your future death? hell no. if it’s sooner than i expected i’d freak. 4715. Would you be willing to give up all television for the next 5 years if it meant 1,000 starving children in Indonesia would eat and get medicle care? if i could still stream shows and movies on my laptop i’d do it in a heartbeat. 4716. Name a close friend of the opposite sex: ok. Imagine they are from another country, visiting yours. Their visa is almost expired and if they get sent back to their country they may never get another visa to leave again. Would you marry them if after two years you could divorce them and they would be allowed to stay in your country? yes, i’d marry them. i chose my boyfriend lol. 4717. Do you always call/email in when you take a day off from schol or work? i always call at work. otherwise it’d be written down as an unexplained absence. 4718. A fatalist believes that the future is mapped out in a pattern. A causalist believes that every event is tied to a previous event. Neither believes in free will. An indeterminist believes in total free will. Which are you? not sure... a causalist i guess. 4719. Would you rather have a masters degree in ecconomics or creative writing? economics. 4718. Do you feel the need to defend the honor of your family and demand respect? always. they’re important to me. 4719. What do you think about that no one else thinks about? around my circle of friends... probably doing surveys lol. 4720. Which of the following best describes you: A laid back person who enjoys watching sports and playing with computers. An apathetic person who is open minded and passionate about music. A fiesty person who lacks an attention span. <----- this. Avant garde and over confident. 4721. Why are so many letters silent in French? that’s just the way it is? 4722. For all the freedoms that people in the United States enjoy what are some of the ways that these people oppress themselves willingly and why? idk. 4723. What, besides genetics and besides your environment and experiances, makes you what/who you are? i feel like that’s exactly what makes us who we are lol. 4724. What bands do your parents listen to that you: hate? anything hip hop. like? pop and older music. 4725. What do you find: impressive: a lot of things. skills, talents, knowledge. unimpressive: number of instagram followers lol. 4726. How easily do you understand Shakesphere? about halfway there. 4728. Translate into regular english: 'Romeo Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?' romeo romeo, why are you romeo? 4729. What's your favorite girl scout cookie? Is it made from real girl scouts? never tried them sadly. 4730. How do you open your car door when it freezes shut? it’s never been frozen shut. 4731. Why is it that 95 percent of the letters in french words are not pronounced? idk. 4732. What are you Dreading? work. 4733. When will your ship come in? what ship? 4734. Do you craete your art for free? i have before. 4735. The Pope's recent message to George Bush is 'Go into Iraq and you go without God'. What do you think of this quote? quite truthful. 4736. Have/would you ever taken a botany (plants) course? nope. 4737. Are you using your own computere or someone else's to take this survey? mine. 4742. Is it true what they say about Star Trek movies, that only evey other one is worth seeing? never seen any, so i can’t say. 4743. Someone once said, 'Every possible outcome of something takes place in a parallel universe. So there is free will, but your choises only determine which of those parallel universes you live in.' Your reaction? ok cool. 4744. Why do you think a man 25 or above might date a teenager? Why do you think a woman 25 or above might date a teenager? Any moral objections? i think it’s a weird territory for both sexes. i think it’s wrong until we’re all adults. 4745. Is there a difference between what is legal and what is ethical?Should there be? i think there is.  4746. Point out something obvious: we all make mistakes. Point out something that isn't obvious at all: there’s good and bad in everyone. 4747. How do you stay so thin? haha i don’t. 4748. When looking at a clear night sky what constallations can you locate? southern cross. 4749. What movie has the worst ending ever? The best ending ever? lol idk. 4750. Are you feelin' groovey? no. 4751. Oh the tangled web we weave when: idk. 4752. Do you own anything velevet? If yes, when you wear it can you keep from touching it? nope. 4753. Who have you been friends with the longest? How long have you two been friends? probably mel. 23 years. 4754. Who do you feel like you are in competition with? no one. 4755. Is american culture more like mexican culture or more like japanese culture and why do you think so? it can be a mix of both. i’m not american so i can’t say. 4756. What subject are you so familliar with that you could you write an FAQ (frequently asked questions) list about it? travel. What would one question on that list be? book everything myself or with a travel agent? What is the answer to that question? yourself, duh! 4757. 'Don't use the rules. They're not for you - they're for the fools and you're a fool if you don't know that. So use the rules you stupid fool' How do you feel about these Clash lyrics? cool. 4758. Are you for or against: Unconditional Religious tolerance? for. no religion preaches hate. World Peace Under One Government? against. Total Freedom? in between. Feminism? for. Love For all Creatures and People? for. Organized Religion? against. The Freedom to be Homophobic? i mean if you don’t go about spreading hate then whatever. The War on Terror? against. The Green Party? idk. 4759. Have you read any of Anne Rice's Sleeping Beauty books? If yes, what did you think of them? nope. 4760. Can you do any voices or impressions and if yes, what ones? no. 4761. Guys, is it true that gentlemen prefer blondes? Girls, do blondes really have more fun? no. 4762. Do you enjoy sneaking up on people? to scare them, sometimes. 4763. Do you often break plans? haha not usually. 4764. "Angry" and "hungry" are two words that end in "gry". There are three words in the English language. What is the third word? Everyone knows what it means and everyone uses it every day. Look closely and I have already given you the third word. What is it? hmm i don’t see it. 4765. Does anyone smoke in your home? If yes, does that bother you? just me. 4766. Have you ever actually seen a pink elephant? no. 4767. The answer to 4764 is "language". Did you get it? Get it now, then? nope. 4768. What was the most embaressing or crazy thing you ever dreamed? idk lol. 4769. Are you depraved (marked by corruption or evil; perverted)? no. 4770. Who or what comes to mind when youhear the words: the dangerous objects factory? the dude who says dude? the man in black? the catastrophy involving food? the duct tape incident? lame. 4771. In blackjack, do you often double down? only for 9, 10 or 11. 4772. Who's the big winner? idk. 4773. Who do you care more about, your close friend in elementary school that you lost touh with or your first lover? first lover. 4774. What's your favorite part of a cat? tail lol. 4775. What was on the last cd you burned? no idea, it’s been years. 4776. If you wanted to learn a new language would you consider buying a Disney movie in that language to pick up pronunciation? What Disney movie? aladdin. 4777. Is there a modern plague? What? flu? 4778. Are your baths and showers so hot that your skin gets red? no. 4779. When you dry your body after a shower do you dry your parts in the same order each time, almost automatically, or do you dry your prts in a random order each time, thinking about it while you're doing it? same parts like a routine. 4780. Do you feel like those who are speak a language around you that you can't understand are making fun of you? nah unless they’re obviouslly looking at me. 4781. If you were blindfolded and your love/partner was placed in a line of fifty people could you pick him or her out only by: touching the face of each person? yes. feeling one elbow of each person? no. smelling the breath of each person? no. licking the neck of each person? no ew lol. listening to the breathing of each person? no. psychically sensing each person? maybe. 4782. Close your eyes and turn your head towards the room you are in. Open your eyes. Describe the first object you see without telling what it is: it gives me cold air. 4783. What three questions will you never say NO to? do you want some money? do you want to eat? do you want me to drive? 4784. Would you like to see an American in Paris? haha why. 4785. Are you more of a couch or a scratching post? Is there a difference? couch. idk lol. 4786. What is more important, imagination or knowledge? knowledge at this point in time. 4787. Would you consider modern life to be rubbish? depends on how you’re living. 4788. What's the most sinful food? fried shit. 4789. Name one thing about yourself that you are excessivly proud of: idk lol. 4790. If you went to Hell (imagining there is one) rank these punishments in order of the one you would most prefer to the one you would least prefer. being broken on the wheel: being put in freezing water: being force fed rats and snakes: being smothered by brimstone and fire: being dismembered alive: being boiled in oil: being thrown into snake pits: no thanks. In my mind hell is not like this. It's just a place where all the interesting people go to drink, talk and tan. 4791. What other windows or websites do you have open on your computer right now? youtube, itunes. 4792. What kind of student were you in kindergarten? i was a troublemaker, curious but always willing to learn. 4793. What misjudgement do many people make about you? i’m mean. 4794. If you had been named according to your personality what would your name be? haha idk.  4795. What is made for kids but you love it anyway? board games. 4796. Do you believe that China shuld cease to occupy Tibet? idk. 4797. What is your opinion about the north american free trade agreement? idk much about it. If you don't know go here: http://forums.transnationale.org/viewtopic.php?p=502 4798. Dedicate a song to someone now. What song? no. To who? What line from that song most makes you think about this person? 4799. Can you live completely in the moment giving no thought to past or future? sure. 4800. Can you honestly say that nothing bothers you? haha hell no.
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