#but pedros characters have tons and i LOVE IT
man i gotta say the amount of pedro pascal related fics is huge and i think i am in heaven.
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for-a-longlongtime · 4 months
About shooting Triple Frontier, singing Moana songs on set, and The Hat
(disclaimer: this post includes some pap shots at the end, sorry. I'm conflicted about sharing them, even though these are really old at this point, but just given you a heads up in case you want to skip it - I've cropped them to show the hat on Oscar)
I've been meaning to make a post about this sooner, because a while ago I came across the Happy Sad Confused podcast (2019) where Oscar talks about shooting Triple Frontier - and it had some interesting things in it that weren't in the group promo for the movie. E.g. he talks about how he has videos of Pedro and Garrett singing Moana songs while holding assault rifles, "that's quite a bit of a mindfuck" (that tracks, I remember Bella talking about singing Moana songs with Pedro on the TLOU set).
About making the characters their own and bringing the story to the screen:
"There was not a ton of dialogue or backstory that you get to see about these guys. So there was an element of how do you show these people, how do you not make them anonymous? That didn't necessarily just jump out of the page. So a lot of that is trusting JC, and particularly trusting him in the edit. That's where he just, he really shines a lot - you can feel and trust that you can try a bunch of stuff. Things might not go great when you're shooting your production - the other was definitely a lot of like wrestling with ideas and things -, but in the edit, he sticks with it and he stays at it, and he is relentless."
At one point Oscar is asked about the Standard Heating Oil hat in the movie. For those of you who do not know the background story there; several years before Triple Frontier, Oscar worked with JC Chandor on a movie titled A Most Violent Year. He played Abel Morales, a Colombian born businessman who lives in Westchester, NY and owns the Standard Heating Oil company.
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And we all know the hat Frankie (Morales...) wears in Triple Frontier:
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Josh Horowitz from the Happy Sad Confused podcast is a real movie nerd, so he asked Oscar about it mentioning the JC Chandor Cinematic Universe. Here's what Oscar said:
"I know. That was, I gotta say, that was me, because I was like 'Can I, can I wear the Standard Hat?', and then he [JC] started thinking like 'Yeah, maybe', but then he was like 'It's too much, but Pedro can wear it'. And I was like okay, alright!"
Which brings me to my last point...
We know about those beach pics that were snapped of Oscar, Garrett, Charlie -- and then another set of them with Pedro and Tom Ben -- when they were in Hawaii to shoot Triple Frontier, right? As Oscar mentions in the interview, it seems like someone from the team [I'm assuming he means crew] ended up tipping off the paps for those photo ops.
I just randomly came across a much bigger set of those photos than I've seen before, and my heart suddenly stopped. Because...
...Oscar is wearing Frankie's hat?
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I mean.
I know it is/was Oscar's hat first, and I think it was @legendary-pink-dot who mentioned that a bunch of people on the crew had them, but as far as I can see, this was the only moment he was captured wearing it - so I love it. I'm having a moment.
If you haven't heard Oscar on Happy Sad Confused before, check out the podcast here.
tagging some folks for heads up: @sin-djarin @legendary-pink-dot @magpiepills @perotovar @romanarose @penvisions @prolix-yuy @writefightandflightclub @ezrasbirdie @astroboots @pimosworld @alltheglitterandtheroar @nerdieforpedro @wardenparker
ok my brain is asleep at this point, so consider this a tag for everybody
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alexxncl · 1 year
how the obey me characters like their coffee
brothers, dateables + luke, and side characters
resurgence of my coffee obsession has me thinking thoughts
and i'm right bc they all told me this themselves
masterlist | more drabbles/hcs
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i feel like he likes his shit sickeningly sweet...like you can barely taste the coffee
so much creamer it almost looks like milk, so much sugar that your teeth will fall out just by looking at it
it used to help him stay awake, but he's immune to it now. he just drinks it to drink it
he doesn't care for iced coffee that much. he had a sip of mammon's and almost gagged
the blackest coffee you've ever seen, extra espresso shots, whether it's hot or iced
y'all know how pedro pascal and jaemin from nct like their coffee? yeah...nasty
if he hasn't had his coffee, don't talk to him
unless you're mc or luke. then you have a pass
he drinks it before he leaves the house, while he's walking to RAD, while he's in class, while he's at lunch, while he's in detention, while he's-
you get the picture
but he won't admit that he's addicted
he likes chai tea 🫶🏽
coffee never sat well with him, it made him more anxious than he already is
he likes the taste but he can live without it
he drank a bunch of it once while pulling an all-nighter with mammon before an exam...never again
luci and mams keep a very close eye on his caffeine intake
no cream or milk, but a shit ton of sugar
"bitter like my soul" headass
he doesn't drink it often, but he's particular when he does
doesn't like hot coffee because he can't drink it right away
either makes it himself or asks asmo to do it when he's too tired
more milk than sugar with a pretty design on top
an oat milk girlie
strongly prefers hot coffee but will drink either
he just has a knack for creative stuff, y'know?
i feel like he worked as a batista for a while and does little pop up shops for his fans :(
he doesn't drink coffee like that. it doesnt do anything for him
but he likes sweet things, so he asks belphie to put flavored creamer or sweetened almond milk and a lot of sugar in it whenever he does drink some
he started drinking it to get closer to luci and mams, but he never made a habit out of it like the two of them
asked asmo if he could learn how to make it so that mammon wouldn't run out during the day and is actually really good at it
do NOT give him coffee
he hates it
it's nasty and it makes him jittery
he'll make it, and he's almost as good as asmo, but he won't drink it. absolutely not
never really got the hype until he had some of lucifer's
only drinks his coffee that way now
he still prefers tea, but a little caffeine every now and then won't hurt
he tried black coffee and hated it. you know he loves his sweets
drinks it on occasion but will lie if you ask him about it
he's THE tea demon, yk? can't let the title be for nothing
if he makes some for diavolo, he'll drink it however dia likes it
if he's just making it for himself, he likes it with a little sugar and no creamer
spiked (sometimes, when he's not writing) and black
mainly because he doesn't want luke to drink any and thinks this is the best course of action
also because it keeps him awake
(he's like lucifer, coffee doesn't do anything for him anymore. it's a habit atp)
spiked and sweet
he's too old and too tired
but it's only ever spiked with top shelf, aged, hard shit bc he's extra
tried it black and spiked and hated it
please don't give the baby coffee
11 year olds don't need coffee
he kept asking to try it, so mammon gave him some of his (much to simeon's disdain) and he quite literally almost died
he'll never touch it again bc why is it so BITTER
he won't admit to it but he cried
mammon has proof - videos and pictures
tried it once and threw it away
likes his black like mammon, but way less espresso
only likes iced americanos
also likes them extremely watered down ??? idk man he's weird
another tea drinker but he likes his caffeinated
can't stand the taste of coffee, he doesn't know how simeon drinks it so often
tried some of simeon's - before he started spiking it, mind you - and threw it away bc he thought it was disgusting
simeon did not in fact cry (yes he did)
it depends on the day, but she's a mocha girlie 99% of the time
when just wants coffee or she's having a really bad day, she gets her usual
if it's a really good day, she gets something different
iced or hot, she doesn't care
a very specific order and only gets hers from a very specific mom and pop shop in a run-down area of the otherworld
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ponett · 9 months
i finished a recent reread of One Piece recently and your "ho would you fix one piece" ask annoyed me all over cause at the end of Wano Luffy is all like "Yamato and Momo are honorary crew members and cant join up when ever they please!" and i was just in my head screaming "WHAT ABOUT CARROT! WHY NOT HER TOO! I DONT CARE THAT SHES THE MINK KING NOW! shes had a whole little ac about wanting to see the world and then carry on Pedro's will to see the new dawn!" and it bums me out so bad
i really get the feeling that oda just... didn't realize how popular carrot would be? which is bizarre when you look at how prominent she was throughout whole cake, and how well she gets along with the crew, and the stuff about carrying on pedro's legacy, and all the scenes of her sailing with the straw hats that seemed to slot her in as their lookout. (carrots have vitamins that improve your eyesight! she's a rabbit who can literally leap right up to the crow's nest! it all fits!) but... it just wasn't meant to be. she was a temporary ally with an extremely situational transformation that she can only use during the full moon. you can only play that card so many times. the whole "by the way you're in charge of the mink tribe now" thing at the end felt like a last second consolation prize for us carrot stans after she got sidelined in wano
despite hoping carrot would join the crew for years, i think i'm more baffled by yamato. like, i love yamato, but there were already so many moving parts to worry about going into the onigashima raid. why did we ALSO need to introduce a brand new character out of nowhere who gets a ton of focus and a whole backstory and repeatedly declares how he's going to join luffy's crew... if he's just gonna decide to stay on wano at the last second? what was the point of all that, then? i mean sure, yes, giving us a character with transmasc swag is a noble creative goal in and of itself, but it feels like the most bizarre, pointless bait and switch right now
i'm not THAT upset about either of them, though, because i know carrot and yamato will come back for at least a bit. all the stuff with zunesha and opening up wano is still unresolved. they may not be on the main cast, but they probably have to come back at some point in the final war. the focus has just been shifted away from wano and the minks and all that right now for a change of pace
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jahsontodd · 1 year
✨rating pedro pascal characters based on nothing but costuming (non-exhaustive)✨
*real housewives voice* thats my OPINION!!! also subject to change upon reflection, just going off my current feelings. 
not really discussing whether the costuming is good or bad for character, context, or source material but just how much I like them if that makes sense. 
some of these costume designers knocked it out of the park but would I be a little grumpy if I went on a date and they showed up in a walmart denim button up and ripped their $300+ jacket to shreds? Yes. Was that costume absolutely perfect for Joel? Yes again.
Mostly discussing costuming in context modern/21st century settings. The Mandalorian+GOT+ etc. in part two?
Minimal discussion on hair+cosmetics, only really when it applies to the whole look
Javier Gutierrez: The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent
Rating: 10/10
Paco Delgado: Costume Designer see also: John Wick: Chapter 4, Death on the Nile, Jungle Cruise, Cats (2019), Split, Les Misérables 2012 (and many more he’s booked and busy)
full cast and crew
They did not have to go so crazy on these outfits!!! 
Why does one of my favorite looks apparently not even appear in the movie!?
every look is so *chefs kiss*
I feel like mustard yellow is such a good color on him. 
Like call up those people on tik tok who make nonsensical categories like “strong winter” “ambivalent fall” and find out why mustard yellow always works.
The palette is a cute mix of like warm bricky colors like red, brown, mustard yellow mixed with baby blue and eggshell white. its actually perfect. 
What really makes him stand out is the fact he accessorizes. 
Lots of men don't accessorize because they don’t think its important - they couldn’t be more wrong. 
It’s one of the many injustices of the world that a man’s outfit looks 10x better by adding one necklace or in this case- pinky ring.
Do I like the sunglasses? No. But I like that they are there. 
Obligatory hair mention: The hair looks great. With longer hair becomes more responsibility, ie sometimes the part is a little too deep making the front pieces have a combover look. This is only when its messy though so that may have been the point?
If I included every outfit I liked it would just be a slideshow of the whole movie so I picked my favorites 
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Javier Peña: Narcos
Rating: 10/10
Bina Daigler: Costume Designer (season 1) see also: Dumplin’, Tár, Mulan (2020), 1899
María Estela Fernánde: Costume Designer (season 2-3) see also: Narcos: Mexico, Queen of the South, Hell (El Infierno)
Mayra de Abreu: Wardrobe Supervisor (season 1) key costumer for (season 2-3) see also: Narcos: Mexico, The Head of Joaquín Murrieta (La Cabeza de Joaquín Murrieta)
full cast and crew
Can you tell I like 70s inspos?
Its unique but true to someone who grew up in RGV and now on his own
ie good luck getting him out of boots. you can’t do it
When he dresses up in s1+2, damn i love a tan suit! 
Its very formulaic, but not to the extent that it looks like he bought 7 colors of the exact same shirt. He’s pretty much always wearing a short sleeve button up and fitted jeans. which makes the times he isn’t stand out
ie the tan suit. what can i say i am an american who is up to date on politics i always defend a tan suit when i see one
also occasionally breaks out this like tan vest situation? 
I think it’s a good balance between like clearly not being inspired by like their “current day” but not so 70s that it would be odd. It’s kinda timeless. 
He tends to follow one of my outfits rules: max 3 colors
Rules are meant to be broken obvi 
But I do feel like as a general rule of thumb and since he doesn’t wear a ton of patterns, wearing more than three colors starts to make an outfit look random and not put together
For Javi, this usually means 
color 1: *shirt color* 
color 2: pants (pretty much just blue or black, he does throw in some brown pants) 
color 3: brown (pretty exclusively wears brown belts/shoes)
Short note on hair/grooming: I love how season 1 has some more length in the back and generally has a shaggy sort of look? By season 3 his hair is more cropped probably bc of his new role. 
Something about the extra length in the back makes him look young- not in the sense of like actual age but maybe looking more hopeful or green, even when dressed up 
Also every so often you can see when they mess up the stick on sideburns. It tickles me.
He’s a menace to society. And he knows it 
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Pietro Alvarez: If Beale Street Could Talk
Rating:  8/10
Caroline Eselin (Caroline Eselin-Schaefer): Costume Designer see also: Moonlight (2016), Father of the Bride, Troop Zero, The Underground Railroad
full cast and crew
We don’t see much and what we see! Is so good
This deep deep red is very nice and I like that is a monochromatic look (I don’t think we see his pants in the movie but collecting pics for this I saw the pants are the same color) 
It also has my favorite type of collar- that extra pointy extra long collar. 
And he *drum rolls* accessorized! Its only a necklace but the choice to have it OVER the shirt, over an already perfectly monochrome outfit makes it pop
The things that bring it a little down for me is, well, there is only one scene to work with so it feels wrong to rank higher than projects with multiple outfits, and the grooming
The mustache didn’t have to be so thin. 
Hair wise I don’t understand why we always have to exaggerate the side burns to achieve the “deep sideburn” look. 
I feel like we could still make the hair look “of the time” by taking some of the weight from the sides and leaving it up top and working with his natural side burns (even if that means making them darker, just not necessarily longer)
Even though I get the hair of the time was very um... spherical
side note: everyone in this movie is dressed spectacularly. I am appreciating through the tears in my eyes
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Jack Daniels: Kingsman: Golden Circle
Rating: 7/10
Arianne Phillips: Costume Designer See Also: Don’t Worry Darling, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Nocturnal Animals, Kingsman: The Secret Service
Full cast and crew
Have I watched in full? Maybe a few years ago? I remember the first one quite clearly bc the water filling up the bedroom scene YIKES!
The snowsuit is so good. It’s functional, it’s sassy. It has one of my favorite western top details I don’t know the name of but the little patch details on the front of the shoulders. 
Who’s idea was it for the belt buckle to be a FLASK!!! thats gold
I love a color SCHEME!!! 
brown leather deserves love
The rain boots- a practical choice in the middle of like the least practical movie ever? Leave him in cowboy boots you cowards
Like oh the grounds might get muddy he needs rain boots. His belt buckle was a flask guys be real
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Marcus Pike: The Mentalist
Rating: 5/10
Amanda Friedland: Costumer Designer See also: 13 Reasons Why, House of 1000 Corpses, Terminator: the Sarah Connor Chronicles, Fight Club, Clueless,
Scott O’Leary: Costume Designer See Also: The Rookie, Lucifer, Supergirl, 21 Jumpstreet
full cast and crew
Have I watched in full? No. I caught a few episodes it was when it was airing but I don’t think i could tell you a single plot line 
(there is a LOT of FBI Department of Pseudo Psychology shows ok)
I do remember in one of his early eps they use the murder house from Nightcrawlers.
*Abby Lee voice* you didn’t stick out to me
Very government employee of you to wear ill fitting suits
Not to be irrational but v-neck t shirts don’t rub me the right way. 
This is a completely personal ick that I don’t expect anyone else to agree with. 
I just ~~ just do a crew neck you know? 
Maybe WHY I don’t like it is because its very 2010-2014. 
Which, in Marcus’ defense, just makes v-neck t-shirts something of the time 
Does nothing crazy with his suits, but nothing that makes me cover my eyes either 
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Joel Miller: The Last of Us
Rating: 6/10
Cynthia Anne Summers: Costume Designer See also: Swan Song, The Babysitters Club, Snowpiercer, A Series of Unfortunate Events (2018), Apollo 18
Full cast and crew
Joel we get it you are nOT like other girls 
It makes sense for who he is. 
And who he is is someone who is not thinking about how much cunt he is going to serve with his outfit that day. 
His pants ARE suspiciously fitted. Not so utilitarian when it comes to pants are you Joel?
But! I love the big coat. Could live in the big coat. The big coat deserves an award
The best part of the big coat is the main defense against the simplicity of Joel’s outfits are “oh it’s the apocalypse” or “oh he’s not thinking about that” 
Really? bc this is a SHEARLING lined coat. Do you know how quickly those fluffy shearling/sherpa etc. liners start to look like shit? if its a real shearling lining (the one he uses is real) you need to avoid getting it wet and store in dry areas. 
I am not even talking about price here! Because I have already explained why I think its not that weird to have people wearing expensive clothes 20 years into the apocalypse. 
Its the utility of having a shearling lined coat when you don’t have a closet full of DampRids
No way he had it in Boston since they only travel with regular sized backpacks. He saw it, liked it, wanted it, got it. 
He got that coat for the cunt of it all, you can’t convince me otherwise. 
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Thank you so much for coming on this ride with me it was a fun exercise to look at just the clothes and not my feelings toward the character/movie/show. 
Who should I do next time? I have plenty of more thoughts hehe
~Tags for amiges who wanted to see this post!~
@fuckyeahpedropascal​ @simpingcowboy​
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ladamedusoif · 11 months
Hi! I've just read 20/20 and it's so good👓
May I just say that I admire the way you write not only in general, but also that you write Pedro characters fanfiction without massive age gap? I like those too, but god, there are tons of it and it became sooo hard to find Joel (bc 80% of age gap fics is about Joel) being happy with a woman of his age.
I happen to think more and more lately that older women seem more real, thus more interesting to read - young girls are all pretty with their sexy young bodies, etc., and the older you get, the more insecurities you have, and you believe somebody like Joel or Ben has plenty of options when in fact they probably want somebody to feel comfortable with, somebody who they can laugh with *looks at Lydia*
I guess, sometimes young reader is too perfect. How could real person like me ever compete with that? Imperfect characters are comforting and real (they suffer to make us feel better, they're our heros) and they evoke real feelings, you care about them. That's why I love to read non-age gap work when I see one.
Anyway, sorry for rambling, thank you!!🤍
*throws hearts at you and running away*
First, thank you so much for the lovely words about my writing! Here are some hearts in return: 💜💜💜
Honestly, this kind of ask means the world. I’m so grateful and so honoured.
A warning: this will be a long answer. Sorry!
I genuinely felt emotional when I read your words about my decision to write in a way that is either no/minimal age gap or where the reader’s age isn’t specified (because this is possible, and is arguably far more inclusive for reader insert). I particularly like that you’ve chosen to focus on why older OFCs/reader characters are more interesting, rather than on the extreme age gap trope.
I can’t deny that the age gap trope is the dominant one in this fandom’s fic at the moment - most obviously for Joel, but also for other characters. And I sometimes wonder if Visiting would have more notes and engagement if Lydia was a student, not Ben’s contemporary and perfect equal - intellectually, emotionally, in every way.
But as you say: Lydia has a life, has lived, and is imperfect physically and emotionally, like us all. She’s interesting for all those reasons, and more. That’s why Ben is drawn to her, and she to him. (I sometimes wonder how people would feel if the age gap trope was reversed, with a much older OFC paired with a younger P boy…)
This is also why characters like @fuckyeahdindjarin’s Cee and Sugar, in Seams and Palomino respectively, or @lunapascal’s Andie in Curls, or @julesonrecord’s Eva in Shots, or @iamskyereads Beatrice in Compulsion, or the many other no age gap/no age specified characters and reader inserts in the fanfic are so gorgeously engaging. You get it - they’re real.
They’re not all thin, pert, visions of youth as beauty and beauty as youth. Ageing is a privilege, and it hurts me, really and truly, to see the implication that only youth is attractive in so much of the fanfic in a fandom dedicated to a man who has aged so beautifully.
I know people who have been subjected to anonymous abuse over this issue, which insists they’re just angry old women because “hot celebs won’t fuck you”.
I’m passionate about this for all sorts of reasons. I am more than a little unsettled by the vision of Joel, in particular, as exclusively attracted to much, much younger girls. I sometimes feel that some of the explanations for why age gap is good or better are somewhat problematic (that’s just my opinion, before anyone yells at me, but it’s rooted in experience and the fact that I work with many college-aged people and know the consequences of the age gap fantasy when it hits reality). And there are broader implications for the message being sent to younger readers about ageing, attraction, and female sexuality, which my feminist brain is furious about.
Finally, I am struck by the fact that we often see posts about how the fic world is a broad tent, and that there’s room for everything. Yet when people ask for more fic that doesn’t repeat the age gap trope, or some of us write fics that explicitly avoid that, there’s a reaction against that.
Sigh. You see why you didn’t need to apologise for rambling, for I am a rambling Rose, and endlessly grateful for your kind words and wonderful support. Here’s to a more diverse menu of fic on the dash - the tide does seem to be turning. You may have seen the post that’s been doing the rounds where @tessa-quayle has very helpfully compiled a list of fic that doesn’t involve an age gap or DBF/daddy thing - it’s really good on the need for more diverse reading.
PS: a more general query for the dash: is this such a massive trope in other 40-something male actor fandoms??
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Hello! Hope I'm doing this right :)
Sooooo about the Brooklyn 99 au................ I am very excited and wanted to ask if triplets and Alma (and Pedro) are in the picture too? And who is the new captain, is it who I think it is? 😀🫢
And is the precinct like Casita? Maybe it is a really old place and it creaks sometimes and it sounds like it's talking? And maybe the characters interpret the precinct 'talking' according to their needs (like, Mirabel or Dolores - to prove their point, or Camilo - to have an excuse to fool around)?
And do the Madrigals fall in the established characters (e.g. I suppose Camilo could be Peralta, Luisa or Isabela - Rosa and etc.)?
And how does Aaron look like?
And do you mind if I come up with a kind of a story with this au? I have an idea, and I think it would get richer once I hear your answers!
There is no right or wrong way to do it, don’t worry!
I love it when people send me tons to answer.
This is going to be a long one.
Alma, Julieta, Pepa and their husbands are in the picture too, yes. But serve as relatively background roles, I’m afraid - to fill the parental relationships that you see in B99. They’ve been split, so each of them does parent one of their respective “kids”. There is an exception to this, however, as Pedro, Antonio and Bruno (we’ll come back to him) aren’t related to any of the “kids” at all and are their own characters.
Alma is Bruno’s mother
Julieta is Luisa and Mirabel’s mother
Agustín is Isabela’s father
Pepa is Camilo’s mother
Félix is Dolores’ father
However, they all keep elements of both their canon parents.
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Mirabel’s design is inspired by Agustín - very classy and formal in her dress.
But yes, Bruno (who keeps the surname Madrigal) is going to be their new captain.
The precinct is how you see it in the show. Modern building.
Casita, however, plays a role as the local bar in place of Shaw’s. Where it is in fact old and creaking. A theory is passed around that the place is haunted - though that is mainly to scare off firefighters, and occasionally Mirabel (Camilo likes winding her up)*. In saying that, there has been unexplained accounts of strange things happening.
The odd door might hit you if you get too riled up. The chairs always seem to be there to catch you. There’s a few tiles that seemingly clink to the music. Etc.
*To note - Mirabel was in a collapsing building as a child and she still gets freaked out over any building being potentially broken or unsafe.
They somewhat fall into established characters. Some more than others:
Camilo is Jake
Aaron is Charles
Osvaldo is Hitchcock
Rendon is Scully
Dolores is Amy (NOT romantically)
Isabela and Luisa both flick back and forth between being Rosa & Gina. Isa can’t do the more stoic and silent demeanour of Rosa, while Luisa isn’t quite as bold and verbally brutal as Gina.
Mirabel doesn’t really fit with any pre-established character, but is somehow the mother of the squad (in spite of literally being the youngest and having no authority). If you consider Terry being the father. So there’s that.
Bruno initially starts off a lot like Holt, but slowly becomes more of himself as time progresses and Camilo starts bringing out his more chaotic side.
Aaron was purely created for the purpose of giving Camilo his own Boyle.
I’ve been using this kid (from the Where Is Bruno Hiding? Book) as inspiration for his design:
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I am absolutely honoured that you’ve taken such an interest in my AU. I’d love to hear more of your story idea first, if that’s alright.
It is still new and I haven’t done much for it yet myself, as this is the first ask I’ve received from it.
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endlessthxxghts · 3 months
finally found a pedro pascal character smut story that actually has a plot. i’m so ready for chapter 2. in the meantime, i’m gonna be rereading this..
And although I appreciate your smut-to-plot ratio comment, I just HAVE to say: if you’re looking for more stories with smut that still contains juicy plot with Pedro characters, I’ve got tons of recommendations for you to read!!! There are so so so many out there.
The following are only a few out of the many that I’ve read, but these are definitely in my top favs. In no ranking order, I recommend:
A Burning Desire (ongoing) by @honeyedmiller
Law of Attraction (complete) also by ^^
It’s Never Too Late (ongoing) by @javierpena-inatacvest
The Layover (complete) by @goodwithcheese
Hot & Heavy (complete) by @tieronecrush
All of the above are series, but there are so many other series and one shots I can recommend as well <3 if you go on my page and search the tag fic rec, you can find more!!!
Again, thank you so so so much for the love, I’m so deeply grateful🥹, but I also had to take the opportunity to put you on some other amazing stories as well!!
All my love, L🩶
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wannab-urs · 4 months
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Pedro Pascal Character Fanfiction Recs | Vol 33
AO3 | Kofi | Main Masterlist | The Spreadsheet Masterlist
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Welcome to the Spreadsheet Digest, my weekly(ish) fic rec list. This is two weeks worth of reading, but still fairly short. Animal Crossing had me in a chokehold lol.
All info provided by the author unless it was blank, in which case I filled it in.
Fic Recs Below!
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The only time we have
Din/Poe one shot by @nerdieforpedro
Summary: Is taking care of physical needs all Din and Poe doing? All they're capable of? Only the darkness and walls know.
Tags: anal sex, cum worship, body worship, rough sex, semi-public sex, cockwarming
do i really have to chart the constellations in his eyes?
Frankie/Santi series by moonknightly (AO3)
Summary: "Neither of you want the night to end. That’s the only reason it takes you ten minutes to put your clothes back on and the only reason he offers to share his tequila after he’s gotten you out of them."
Tags: Cheating, Infidelity, Post-Break Up, Angst, Smut, Cuckolding, sloppy blowjobs, Dom/sub, Threesome - F/M/M, Spanking, Pain Kink, Choking, You're mostly fucking Santi here
Down the Rabbit-Hole
Jack series by @absurdthirst and @wardenparker
Summary: When Jack accidentally shoots a civilian on a mission he takes on not only the guilt of the man’s death, but inherits his soulmate as well. To you, it’s a dream job with more perks than you can imagine - but for Jack it’s a nightmarish complication. Even more so when he starts to develop feelings.
Tags: mentions of deceased spouse, a lot of food and alcohol consumption, family recipes, age gap, cursing, Canon typical violence, Death, gun use, angst, Jack has a temper and Tequila has a dumb first name, Making Out, a bit of groping, heavy flirting, sexy shower time, a whole truck load of anger, Fisticuffs, a bunch of angry people being upset with each other, Kidnapping, Torture, burning victim with cigarettes, Broken Bones, a whole lot of gun pointing and talk about murder, medicine by injection, oral sex (f and m receiving), Outdoor Sex, Public Sex, Unprotected Sex, Vaginal Sex, Cream Pie, Cum Play, Anxiety, Accidental Hurt, panic attack (symptoms based on my own personal experiences), intrusive/racing thoughts, physical symptoms of anxiety, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Guilt, Possible Unwanted Pregnancy, Lies, Nausea/Illness, Talk of Abortion, canon typical injuries, Family Planning, Mentions of Sex Toys, Lingerie, Spanking, rough sex, Flirty and somewhat explicit banter, Pregnancy, Discussion of symptoms, Mood Swings, cemetery/deceased loved ones, speaking to deceased loved ones
Are You Alright, Honey?
Javi G one shot by @javigutierrez
Summary: You’re going on a long weekend with your gorgeous new boyfriend, and after a day of unresolved sexual tension out on a roadtrip you’re ready to jump him the second you get home. Unless he finds a movie at the gas station he had been looking for for years and he wants to watch it with you. Will you be able to mask your desire for him, to enjoy a movie that means so much to him? *(Spoiler alert no you won’t)*
Tags: fluffffff, freshly established relationship, pining like *whoa,* very explicit smut, f!oral, f!fingering, *tons* of nipple play, non-penetrative sex (sumata ig?), unprotected penetrative sex, multiple orgasms, allusions to squirting, pleasure dom!Javi vibes, tw alcohol, tw food mention, Javi is a *major* dumb of ass but he makes up for it, reader has female genitalia, some boobs, and long enough hair to tuck it behind their ear but no other descriptions (let me know if you find anything else!), no age references
Come here often?
Javi P one shot by @dancingtotuyo
Summary: fucking men in bathrooms of dirty bars isn’t your usual cup of tea, but sometimes you make exceptions.
Tags: strangers, alcohol consumption, sex (p in v), unprotected sex (wrap it up), mirror sex, dirty bathroom, rough sex, mentions of bruising, hair pulling (reader has hair long enough to pull), degradation, 1 slap on the ass, Javi is a menace, Javi touches reader in flirtatious ways without consent, hints of exhibitionism, use of “good girl”, dirty talk, aftercare, soft! Javi at the end. Let me know if I missed anything.
Just Dumb Enough to Try
Javi P series by @whatsnewalycat
Summary: In 1993, you met Javier Peña in San Antonio. You made an emotional and physical connection with him. Now it’s 1998 and you’re starting a new chapter of life in Laredo with your fiancé. And who else walks back into the picture, but the man who left you high and dry five years ago.
Tags: alcohol use, Binge Drinking, Swearing, Recreational Drug Use, Cigarettes, Voyeurism, Smut, Bisexual main character, Touch-Starved, Female Masturbation, Vaginal Sex, Unprotected Sex, Dirty Talk, Teasing, Flirting, Mutual Pining, Cheating, Infidelity, Sexual Tension, Attempt at Humor, Soft Javier Peña, Movie Nerd Shit, use of daddy in a sexual context, Vulnerable Javier Peña, Angst and Feels, Family Issues, Mostly Post Season 3, Existential Crisis, Banter, Mental Health Issues, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, friends to lovers to friends to lovers, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Fluff and Humor, Oral Sex, Slow Burn, No beta idk I just got here, Fluff and Smut, Not Canon Compliant, Impact Play, Pain Kink, Domestic Violence, Praise Kink, Unplanned Pregnancy, Breeding Kink, Blood and Violence, Mild Gore, Kidnapping
Online Friends
Joel series by @walkintotheriveranddisappear
Summary: hot single dilfs in your area want to chat, and you're more than willing to comply (aka: anonymous sex chatting with joel) -- and then all the stuff that comes after
Tags: dom!joel and sub!reader, heavy dirty talk, degrading language, joel is a little mean but like in a sexy way, use of 'daddy' like twice, talk of p in v penetration, mutual masturbation, fingering, pillow humping, sex toys, sending nudes, p in v sex, unprotected sex, creampie, fingering, exhibitionism, public play, a bit of bondage, semi-public, some face slapping (in a consensual, sexual context)
Put it in, coach
Joel one shot by @magpiepills
Summary: you are an 18 year old high school senior on the cheerleading team, and Joel is the beloved and successful football coach. He helps you with some stretching after practice.
Tags: SMUT!! This is just porn. The girthiest age gap (18 & 56), consensual but extremely unethical sexual relationship, pervert Joel, power imbalance, dubcon (due to said power imbalance) but I assure you reader is of legal age and enthusiastically consents! Unprotected piv, oral (m receiving) fingering, dirty talk, innocent reader, spanking, minor pussy slapping, blackmail, creampie, twist ending, possibly dark Joel. Could be more, I don’t remember. No use of y/n, no physical description of reader, This is a good example of things that are GOOD in FICTION and BAD in REALITY.
Joel one shot by @prolix-yuy
Summary: You've been greedy for Joel for too long.
Tags: descriptions of wound care and blood, allusions to dubcon due to drinking and drug use, no actual smut
One Night
Marcus P one shot by @secretelephanttattoo
Summary: You get one night with Marcus Pike.
Tags: Implied/referenced smut but nothing is explicitly described. Smoking and alcohol. Angst because they only have one night together. Marcus is a flirty menace. House party nostalgia. Heavy petting in a stairwell
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I'd also just like to call out some fics I've been reading for a long time that finished up recently and that I loved: Psychomanteum - Dieter Series by @whatsnewalycat and Whistle in the Dark - Joel series by @gasolinerainbowpuddles.
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My most recent fics ( I have not been writing much lol)
Ravage - Ezra x f!Reader - saltburn AU, vampire scene
Only Good Girls - Dave x f!reader - D/s, punishment, mirror sex
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Happy Reading!
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assiraphales · 1 year
Something interesting Ive noticed, is that a lot if what craig/neil/ususlly og game voice actors, say things about the show and characters that they didnt actually put on screen.
Like saying ellie has a violent heart when she has cried everytime shes involved in violence and after stabbing David literally screamed and cries in terror when joel gently grabs her. Or that Joel who is not a cannibal and not a pedophile is like david when the actual episode goes out of its way to make sure you know that their actions and intentions make them complete opposites.
Like it honestly feels like they know that these are opinions that formed from making tlou2. But beacuse none of those are in the show they have to say it in the extra content and explain it. Like so much of what theyve talked about isnt rhe same characters on screen.
Like they want to push tlou 2 narrative but know general audiences will not be receptive to those ideas. So they stretch the truth in off show content to justify their opinions.
Its so dumb. The show they made does not match the narrative they wanted to push and I only wonder how much behind the scenes talks went on that may have scrapped them actually doing those things.
Like Bruce for the og game is a big reason Neil dropped a ton of dumb plots and I wonder how much of that happened with other persons including cast members played a similar role. But they know only dedicated typically game fans will watch their off show content so thats where they plug their rejected interpretations and can pretend its canon.
Pedros out there very diplomatically discussing the show, talking about how he wanted to show a softer side of joel that archtypes like him dont usually get so you see more of his love and humanity. And then you got those bozos on their whatever podcast going "yeah joel and the rapist are parallels basically (henry was joels parallel you bongos)"
no literally. literally!!!!!
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perotovar · 3 months
tagged by my darling @sp00kymulderr thank you, honey ♥
favorite painter: oh man, i mostly just like eras rather than specific painters, but i tend to gravitate towards goya, monet, francis bacon, hr giger, rembrandt, and zdzisław beksiński
favorite writer: i don't read nearly as much as i'd like, but i really enjoy thomas harris' writing
favorite band: sleep token, twin tribes, a perfect circle, type o negative, tears for fears, the list goes on and on lol
favorite meal and drink: favorite drink at the moment is arizona tea's raspberry tea. favorite meal right now is the spicy shrimp sushi from this little family owned restaurant like 30 min from me lol it's so good
favorite outfit aesthetic: i'm a butch goth, so...
favorite singer: kate bush, bjork, tori amos, to name a few
favorite item i own/possession: (yes, i combined these lol) i have a shit ton of art prints of bg3 characters, pedro boys, rhea ripley, comic book characters, all kinds of shit. i love them and they need frames so they're all hidden away and it depresses me but still lol
favorite perfume: i have some bg3 character themed ones and the karlach one (cranberry, whiskey, clove, tobacco, magnolia, etc) is my favorite so far (i've got halsin and astarion, too) but i gotta get the rest at some point!
np tags: @chronically-ghosted @kedsandtubesocks @for-a-longlongtime @missredherring @mrsmando @swiftispunk @qveerthe0ry @userparamore @iero and whoever else wants to <3
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coffee-and-uhg · 30 days
Hi fellow Pedro Scout! 👋
I'm jumping into your asks to ask who your favorite Pedro character is? And who is your favorite non-Pedro character (any fandom, any media)?
Cheers! 💜
Hello fellow Scout!
So nice to hear from you!
My favorite Pedro character is this guy, right here. I can’t recall the amount of times I’ve watched Narcos over the years…..aside from the obvious primal-temporal-lobe-activation he causes me I love the dichotomy and complicated sides to Javier, how an officer of the law skirts ethical and professional mores to get what (and who) he wants while stuffed into tight jeans and half buttoned camp shirts I’m sorry/not sorry, I can’t resist.
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My favorite non-Pedro character is this guy. I’ve been a Star Wars fan my entire life and Cassian Andor hit me like a ton of bricks and being played by Diego Luna certainly helped because I’ve loved him for years and years. Again, another complicated protagonist who struggles with right and wrong for the sake of a greater cause and is also a manwhore (I think I have a type, I should discuss this with my therapist.)
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I SO appreciate you coming to my campfire *passes you a s’more and a juice box* and I hope you have a lovely evening!
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marksbear · 2 years
(Warning! Flirting,light smut, Daddy kink, PDA, Light killing, random people/characters and violence.) DON’T LIKE NONE OF THAT SKIP SOME OF THE IMAGINES 
Imagine: Being Pedro Pascal co-star and flirting with him during interviews. Like blowing him kisses,winking,checking him out. And Pedro being a flustered mess.
Imagine: Having Mr Wolf wrapped around your finger(Bad Guys)
Imagine: being the most handsome guy in the base and all the mercs being obsessed and clingy with you trying to get your attention and praise.(TF2)
Imagine: being in a poly-relationship with Arthur Shelby, Tommy Shelby, John shelby and Alfie Solomons. With All the Shelby's watching you and Alfie fuck like animals "Look at the way he takes his cock, like a whore!" Arthur laughs out. Alfie pulls out of you just to slam back in and you scream with pleasure mixed with pain. Tommy takes your cock and jerks you off and himself with John taking your head to suck him off while Arthur says lewd comments to you and jerks himself off as well. "Let's all cum together yeh?" John says and all your lovers nod in agreement. (Peaky Blinders)
Imagine: being christian best friend and helping him through his problems with Pablo and Carla. (Elite) 
Imagine: Being the host for SNL and being Beck Bennett's husband and your monologue is jokes and teases about him and your marriage. "To all the ones who wanna know. I am the top. And yes he has a Daddy kink" You say with an innocent smile. 
Imagine: dating Shawn Michaels and you're in the front row during his match. After he wins his match he runs up to you and grabs your head softly and kisses you as the crowd roars. (WWE)
Imagine: Being a teacher in Hogwarts and all the kids love you. Because of your handsome features, being kind, hardworking, fair and brave. And dating Snape he convinced you to take the job since you're a Pure Blood why not become a teacher. With you and Snape always whispering snarky comments about students and gossip among teachers. One of the downfalls about working as a teacher is dealing with nosy students. Over eight times students asked about your love life and following you non-stop. ( Harry potter)
Imagine: being the only person in the world that Revenant trusts and loves. During the game you wanted a break from hunting squads so you told him to have a break. He only looked at you weird, but didn't argue and nod. When y'all find a place you start to ramble about your day and Revenant grabs your head and kisses you roughly and whispers on your lips "Shut up skinsuit or I'll kill you." (APEX)
Imagine: You and Patrick Bateman being obsessed with each other. With Patrick will give up everything and end people's lives for you. And you manipulate him to stop being around certain people.(American Psycho)
Imagine: Being Jason Gideon's husband and secretly being an unsub the worst of the worst of  unsub. The FBI has been trying to catch you for years ,but you kept getting off their radar. The way you kill your victims was that every month for the first three weeks you slaughter anyone that crosses your path as soon as you see them alone. After each kill you go to a meat shop that your parents own and grind the meat up and pack it up and put it in the deep freezer. After all that you rush home to your husband to give him tons of affection giving him soft and rough kisses to his feet all the way to his head giving him all the attention he needs. You tried to stop killing people for the longest but your parents keep pressuring you to keep doing it since 'it 's good for business.' You're utterly terrified of the day you get caught and most likely get death row. But death doesn't scare you it's leaving your husband all alone in this world and all the stress he has. "I'm so sorry Jay..." You spoke in his ear softly full of sadness and guilt holding onto him tighter. (criminal minds)
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grogusmum · 9 months
48, 55, 69, and 78 for the ask game please Hazel ❤️
Hello beautiful Skye!
Who is your favorite character to write for? 
Oh, that's hard, but even though I haven't written for him in a while, probably Grogu. Not many people write Grogu centric fic, let alone from his pov. It's was nice to have a place to shine a little. It came so easily and made me giggle as I was writing. Blending some of those precocious children lit characters and styles to create him was very fun. Selkie Ezra is a very, very close second!
Has this changed since you’ve started writing for that fandom?
Well, Pedro's cinematic universe has grown quite a bit since Mandalorian, so there's tons to chose from. I have tried my hand at more characters and have enjoyed them all. It's funny I was very slow at writing for some of them - like Javi G even though I knew he was going to be my special little guy before the movie came out. But I've had a wonderful time writing him and there's more to come for my fic IRL
Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? 
Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
Yes! As for words and expressions - to my chagrin!! And I apologize!lol Also, I love to be by the water, so that repeats... I'm not althat sorry for that lol, themes also us a yes, when I started writing fic I was going through a lot of transition, and upheaval in my life. Lots of stories about second chances.
What are your favorite fics at the moment?
That are not mine? Oh so many! I can never not mention my very favorite of all time Losing My Religion (din x jedi!f!reader) by @oonajaeadira but her more current Leave off Your Wandering (joel x f!reader) is pure delight!!
@ezrasbirdie has Stay Close (pero x plus-sized f!reader) and Surrender (joel x ofc) has me by the throat as the young people say.
Gosh and so many more-
you are all so talented!!!!
What motivates you during the writing process?
It's so good to hear from people, know what's hitting for them.
Writer Asks
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Some little things about me, please be gentle (^・ω・^ )
Presenting my OC, Daiyú.
An outlandish Binturong that loves to share their passion for music with others by teaching it (currently living on the musician village).
They have a past as a circus acrobat, with a kind of traveling circus company, until she became "too old to" and left it behind after revealing a dark secret from there.
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And these two, well... I can describe their relationship as a Queerplatonic one, in the sense that "historians could describe them as good pals" (If you know what I mean)
Because the KFP brain riot came stronger with the hype for the 4th movie, bringing back to life my love for the franchise, that basically lives inside me... since I was a child... haha
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(I feel indentified with Po on this frame, like... right now lol)
I'm a Shifu stan, and I love his character, all of it, his voices (Dustin Hoffman y Pedro Armendariz, mis patrones 🙏) his developent arc and his design so unique 🧡
I love you SO, SO, SO, SO, SO, SOOO MUCH!!
Also, I have seen other ships with this fluffy anger ball and I LOVE THEM AS MUCH AS I LOVE HIM!!! Like, the more, the marrier, because he deserves TONS of love
(Except for you Mei Ling from KFP:LoA... you are a -50/50)
I'm sorry, it's my multishipper nature I guess.
Also, i'll be posting KFP things here to not flood my principal blog with it
So... Ok, I'm done, thank you to pass by!
Tiny note: If you see me mixing english with spanish or posting in spanish from time to time... well, that's me
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leslie-lyman · 2 years
Hello there! Just dropping by to say that Stranger at my Gate is such a lovely fic! So warm and cosy and hot and wonderful! I’ve not watched the film so I don’t know what Pero is supposed to be like but your fic has made me want to seek him out. Would you be able to rec some Pero fics? Fluffy, smutty, plotty or AU - all welcome! I just feel like.. you’ll know good fics ☺️😉
Aww thank you so much anon! The Great Wall is…not a great film, but Pedro is definitely the best part of it. I think it’s potentially worth watching once, just to see Pero.
That said, I absolutely do have Pero fic recs!! Mostly because I have astonishingly talented friends who have blessed us with many amazing Pero fics. Okay, off the top of my head:
@ezrasbirdie just started posting a new modern bodyguard AU that has me utterly fucking FERAL. It’s also been a million years since I’ve read Cherry Wine, her other Pero series, but it’s Birdie so I’d rec anything she writes no hesitation.
@lowlights has a whole masterlist of Pero fics she’s written, both modern AUs and canon timeline, and all are excellent. Her Brujita-verse featuring dad!Pero makes me melt into a puddle of goo every time!
@thewayofthemandalorian also has several Pero fics on offer, but her latest in-progress fic, All’s Faire, is a modern AU featuring Pero and reader in an enemies-to-lovers scenario as they both work a summer medieval faire, and I have been LOVING IT. (Even if, forgive me Gillian, I have been bad about reblogging and telling you as much!)
@oonajaeadira’s whole masterlist is a smorgasbord of decadent delights for all sorts of Pedro boys, but her Pero works have a special place in my heart. Branded is an amazing work of creativity and world-building and chemistry between the two leads. Dulces Sueños took me on a whole-ass emotional journey that I never wanted to end. And Primroses: A Sign of Early Spring made my heart stop in my chest, but only for good reasons!
@writeforfandoms has one of my favorite takes on a time-traveling Pero with her Born to be Wild ‘verse. I especially love the Halloween installment!! And Jen has several other Pero stories and you should read them all, but The Voice is one of the most unique and gorgeous fics I’ve ever read for any character, not just Pero.
@beskarberry has a great list of Pero fics, but Unbridled is my favorite of hers! I dunno if monsterfucking is your thing, anon, but if it is, this one is a fantastic and wild ride (hehe).
@absurdthirst has so many great Pero fics! But I especially love Keri’s take on a modern bodyguard AU with The Client, and because I am a shameless wh*re for the a/b/o trope I always drool over The Primal Prize featuring alpha!Pero.
@littlemisspascal’s Little Red’s Shadow was one of the first Pero fics I think I ever read, and it played such a role in making me fall in love with his character! How I absolutely adore werewolf!Pero.
@chaoticgeminate’s entire Iridescence universe is fucking incredible. Kelly has built a whole fictional universe featuring nearly all the Pedro boys in different fantastical roles, and the Pero series in that universe is Precious Sea Glass featuring dragon!Pero (!!!!!).
@starlightmornings is another fabulous writer with several Pero stories, and since I started this list with a modern bodyguard AU I’ll end it with Kaylie’s canon timeline bodyguard story, Sworn to Protect!
I know I have barely scratched the surface of all the amazing Pero fics and writers we have in this fandom and I am sure I am forgetting people. Anon, you should also check out the Pedro Library run by @littlemisspascal if you haven’t already, Rae does the indispensable work of collecting all Pedro fics in one place, and I’m sure there are tons of amazing Pero fics waiting for you to discover there!
Okay y’all, who did I miss? If anyone has additional recs for anon, feel free to reblog and say so, or drop them in my inbox!
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