#every single queer hp blog i know has shut down because even the most hardcore of fans could no longer ignore what she was and always has
trisockatops · 1 year
I can generally just scroll past all the JK/HP bullshit because I've generally cultivated a sphere of people who also hate her and can no longer use "death of the author" (SHE ISN'T DEAD, SHE'S VERY ALIVE AND ACTIVELY DOING HARM) to excuse her violence towards vulnerable groups. But I'm getting that it still has too many aspec fans when I'm having to regularly block HP posts in the tag. Y'all, really?
JK is openly transphobic, racist, and antisemitic and funnels her money to causes that directly harm the people she hates and brags (and laughs!!!) about doing so. At least keep your HP bullshit out of the asexual and aromantic tags. Come up with a code word so I don't have to come across your lack of allyhood when searching for aro/ace posts. Tons of us aspecs are trans/BIPOC/Jewish, and we see you shoving us out. We matter. Please act like it.
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