#every time i open a dating app i’m like god i’d rather die than kiss any of these people No offence.
wulfhall · 2 years
wanting to experience love and romance but absolutely everyone gives me the ick
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mrshenrycavill23 · 4 years
A Dream to Remember ✨ - PART 2
-Sequel to my last short story, Destiny, featuring Henry & [Y/N] character a fangirl who has met him during a trip to Antalya, Turkey. This story begins where the Destiny finished.
#2 Tangled ✨💘
The ride was rather a short one. But I was all lost in my thoughts while secretly staring at Henry’s curls and temples. While looking at him, I began to relive the moments my soul got to experience while tangled with his the night before. The way he made me feel so small yet so loved, so lost yet so found, he took what was meant for him all this time. I suddenly felt a bit sore down and got a bit uncomfortable sitting in the backseat while he was sitting beside me. I tried not to show my discomfort but he suddenly looked at me, as if he could sense it, sense the soreness, sense the pain, he looked at me, then gazed down at the end of my dress, his gaze alone made me feel as if he could see me naked while I was fully clothed. He put his hand on my thigh and was slowly moving towards me when his phone ringed and it was the Uber app notifying that we had reached the restaurant he wanted me to have breakfast with him at.
The driver stopped the car and Henry got out first and quickly moved on the other side to open my door. My God, what a true gentleman. I was no one and yet he made me feel like the most important woman in the world.
The restaurant was very fancy, it was surely a sunny beautiful day and sun-rays spread through the glass doors and windows of the restaurant and glistened the entire room. Henry, wearing a white shirt with denim, looked like a greek god had come to life. There weren’t many people and we quickly sat down and gave our orders.
“So, I’ve been thinking to ask you this. Are you comfortable with me, [y/n]? I mean you don’t feel scared that paparazzi might just bust from anywhere right now and you will be dragged into something you don’t deserve to be in?” Henry asked with those worried puppy like eyes.
I thought for a second. What did I have to lose?
I had nothing to lose as compared to what I was living through in the moment.
“You’re a great company, Henry. I enjoyed talking to you heart to heart last night at the beach. I felt so good after a long time. It’s not about you being the celebrity I adore, but I truly value the person you have turned out to be. I’m willing to risk it all to know you more.”
Words came out of my mouth so easily yet each word made me more nervous than the one before. What was I doing with myself? It’s Henry Cavill. Women way better than me could die for him and here I am expressing how I feel in the most minimal way possible.
“Oh yes, I felt so good. Beach, you mentioned eh? It was dark last night, do you want to go right now? It’s been a while since I enjoyed the waves with someone.” Henry smirked as he sipped the juice he ordered.
Happiness rush through my entire body. What is this? A date? Going to the beach with him? Oh my God. Yes. I deserve this. After all those years of dreaming of being with him. Yes. YES!
“Um, yes sure but what about the media people you wanted to avoid? I’ve been here before and I know a secluded beach, away from the crowds, it’s a bit far though. We’d have to hire a taxi for the day” I said with an overflowing excitement in my face and voice.
“Nah, we wouldnt hire a taxi. We’ll rent a car for the day. I’ll drive and you can tell me the route, what do you say?” He said, smiling.
Oh to see him driving. Was I in heaven or is this reality. We finished eating and walked our way to the nearest tourist-help centre where they arranged a car for us and Henry being the gentleman he is, first made sure I was comfortable in it then he made his way to the driving seat.
He was so big, his arms, his biceps, the same arms that held me down while he fucked me hard last night. I suddenly got flashes of the sex we had and started sweating a bit, just seeing him driving seduced me, I wanted him to do it again, to fuck me again, to ease my soreness or make it hurt more, but I could not make the first move. I did not know if he wanted me again? or was it just a friends with benefits / one time thing? To release myself from my thoughts, I connected the aux cable with the player of the car and played Fetish by Selena.
“This song goes so well with these views, damn Antalya is so beautiful, roads are like butter. The car is pretty fine too. I hope you’re enjoying it? Woah, look at that lake!!”
I was so occupied by Henry’s presence that I almost forgot how beautiful the views were. Beautiful sky, green valleys with sounds of waterfalls and a glimpse of the crystal clear blue water of the beach we were near to.
“It’s so beautiful right? Oh turn right, we’re almost there” I exclaimed.
There was it. The beauty, the seamless waves crashed on the silent beach where there was no one but the two of us. I kind of felt scared, maybe the beach was way too secluded.
“Wow ma’am you really didn’t watch anyone to catch you with me? Eh?” He remarked with a raised eyebrow.
“I just wanted you to enjoy without the fear of being photographed all the time” I said, while blushing.
He quickly unbuttoned his white shirt, threw it on the spot we were sitting and started striding towards the beach when he looked at me and said with questioning eyes while I was amazed by his hairy chest and broad shoulders,
“What?? Get up come on let’s go for a swim!!!?
What are you waiting for??” He shouted with excitement.
Little did he know that I didn’t know how to swim. I have this fear of deep water. I can only get my feet wet and that’s about it. Since childhood I have never been able to go for a swim whether it’s a pool or sea. I can’t breathe if water level reaches above my knees.
“Henry... I.. I can’t swim, I don’t know how to swim, I’m scared of deep waters” I said in a very low, embarrassed voice.
“Oh.. I’m sorry I didn’t know that. But you can come with me? Enjoy the waves as they touch the shore? Can get your feet wet right??” He said with a worried voice.
He slowly came towards me, held my hand gently as I stood up and then hand in hand we walked towards the waves, he then indulged in the shallow waves while I looked down at the wet sand sucking my feet. It was peaceful.
He looked like a beauty, like a small orca, he was so big yet swam so beautifully. He was all wet and I could feel myself getting wet. I had no control over it. For the first time in my life I had seen a man who controlled my body even when he didn’t touch it.
I was staring at him and feeling the waves at my feet when suddenly a large tide hit my knee and I lost my flow. All I remember after it is being swayed away by the waves while struggling to breathe while Henry shouting my name and running towards me.
“WAKE UP [Y/N]!!!!! WAKE UP PLEASE, OPEN YOUR EYES” I heard Henry shouted while he struggled to slowly pump by chest to make me cough out the water inside my lungs. I was unconscious and I don’t know for how long.
The first thing I saw when I gained back consciousness was Henry’s glistening lips trying to resuscitate me and his worried eyes, while my head lay in his arm. I could die here, I wanted to. What a beautiful death it would be.
“Henry ...? I’m sorry.. I didn’t know what happened a wave came..” I said in a low voice gaining back my consciousness.
“Shhh, it’s okay, I am so sorry, it’s my fault, it’s all my fault, I should never have forced you to come near those tides with me, it’s all my fault, i could’ve lost you.. “ He kept mumbling as I shut him up with a deep kiss.
I wanted to make the first move since so long but just couldn’t, and now? He made me fall in love with him all over again. I slowly moved his lips with mine as his words became inaudible. With one hand I touched his chiseled jaw and my other hand was holding him with my fingers in his curls. I kissed him as if he was water and I was stranded in a desert for days. He knew what was happening. He put his hand on my waist and the other hand slowly moved from my neck to breasts. I had lost all control.
He kissed me back hard. His tongue invaded my mouth as if raging war with mine. He pushed me back on the wet sand, as I held his hair and he held my thighs.
“I’ve wanted this for every second since last night” He whispered in my ears as his hand made its way to my pussy. I leaned back
as his fingers slowly circled around my clit from outside of my panty, his palm touched the wet patch. I moaned as he slid his fingers inside and touched my sore clit and layers.
“Fuck me, Henry” I moaned as he put his two fingers inside my newly popped pussy. It was still tight as he pushed his fingers inside, while his lips slid from my neck to my breasts. He first bit my boobs from outside the dress as it was wet and showed my nipples, then from the other hands undressed me partly and sucked my nipples.
My mind couldn’t comprehend which area gave me more pleasure. His fingers vigorously moving in my pussy or his lips slowly sucking my nipples. He quickly hit my g-spot as I pushed my clit on his palm to cum on his hand.
“Yes baby, come to me, fuck you” Henry whispered as he moved his mouth to my neck and gave me a love bite. I moaned louder as he pushed me on the sand, and quickly unzipped his jeans, and there it was. His big, towering, raw dick. I gasped as I knew it would hurt but it was all going to be worth the pain.
He separated my legs with the weight of his thighs and teased my clit with his tip.
“You took my breath away when I thought I almost lost you, don’t do that again, don’t scare me like that again or I am never going to forgive you!” He roared and looked in my eyes with an intimidating stare as he thrust it inside me. I moaned and held his waist as he dug his teeth in my neck slightly moaning. He kept ramming it inside me and pumped at the right spots. It was as if he knew which buttons to press to make me lose my senses.
The sand covered us both, it was sand, sweat, and smoke of lust. I crossed my legs around his waist as he thrusted deeper inside me. It hurt but I liked him hurting me, the pleasure was more than the pain. I want it as badly as he wanted it to give it to me. He felt so big while I was only half his size. I was about to come, I was on the edge of my self control.
“Don’t you dare cum, you can only cum with me” He roared as he pushed me aside and quickly held me by my waist as he leaned his back on the sand, now me on top of him.
Fuck. I wanted to ride him. Back in the car, back at the restaurant, last night. I wanted to ride it. I sat up and slowly took it in while being half undressed. My boobs were out, wet, and sun’s rays falling on my brown skin and my untied long black hair on the side of my shoulder. He looked at me as if I was a feast. He slowly held my arm with one hand and tightly grabbed my both boobs in one hand as I rid him. I pushed myself on his dick as he fucked me while going in harmony with my movements. It was like a song, a wave, a fire. I bent down and kissed him while riding him, as I felt his dick’s veins getting more prominent inside me. I could feel him pumping inside me as he tightly gripped my hair, and kissed me deeply “Come with me, NOW” he growled.
I let it lose, as he filled me up with his cum and mixed up with my orgasm. I felt as if I was being drugged into unconsciousness. He kissed me and I kissed him back letting my body lose itself on his. We were tangled like a rope, like a knot. And I loved it. I loved every bit of it.
He rubbed my back as I hid my face on his neck. He looked at me, with longing eyes, “I love you” He said with a voice that sent trembles down my spine.
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ficsxreaderr · 6 years
Running lines.
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x reader
A/N: I know this one isn’t a big deal, nor it is the most original thing I’ve written but I just had the idea wandering around my head so I wrote it down! Ballroom is taking me a while, but I’m getting there!!
I don’t have a “permanent” tag list, but if you would like to be tagged in the upcoming stories (Seb/Bucky/Marvel related), just ask!!
Warnings: Making out?? Small amount of fluff...
Reblogging and feedback are appreciated!
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“Y/N, did you make sure you cancelled my breakfast meeting tomorrow?” He asks as he sits on the couch of his office, taking the book he’s been reading from the coffee table.
“Yes, Robert, everyone’s been notified, and I also set your lunch meeting for…2 PM.” You reply checking your tablet, twice so you don’t make a mistake and send Robert Downey Jr. an hour early or an hour late for his meeting. You’re sitting on the couch across the table from him, checking multiple apps as you revise his schedule.
“Perfect, that’s all for now, thanks. Now go have some coffee, please, I can’t imagine what 8 hours straight walking beside me feels like.” He replies, with the most concerned tone you could hear. You smile at him in relief and turn off your tablet as a sign that you’re done for the day.
“Thanks, Rob, and if you need me, please call my phone or text me, okay?”
“I won’t do that because as for this moment you’re free for the rest of the day. If I need to be a pain in the ass I will be to someone else.” He shrugs, and you both laugh, but you know he means every word of it.
“Alright, bye, Robert, enjoy your day.”
“Bye, kid.” He winks at you and you walk away, as tired as ever. You’ve been working for him nonstop for the past three days, he’s been so busy lately which instantly makes you busy. You don’t have much to complain about, though, he’s the best boss you could ask for. He has his bad moments just like anyone else, but you’ve known him for three years now, you know how to handle him. He’s never disrespected you, you’ve had your fights and arguments, but it hasn’t gone that far. Sometimes, he drives you crazy because he’s so indecisive about the dates he wants to set for appointments or meetings, but you rather help him choose instead of making the decision harder for him
You leave his office and as you close the glass door, you sigh, keeping everything that reminds you of work in your purse. You walk down the hall, and to the elevators to make your way out of the building.
You walk out and hear your phone starts ringing, since you had put it inside your purse, you need to look for it, and while you’re at it, you curse yourself for not turning it off before. You keep walking but you can’t find it, and as you stuff your hand deeper in the mess your bag is right now, you’re stopped by a voluminous body, which instantly makes you look up, scared of someone being mad at your for walking so stupidly.
“Oh, God, I’m sorry, I’m such an idiot.” You say without recognizing who it is.
“Relax, Y/N,” Sebastian chuckles at your reaction. “What is Downey making you do now?” He puts his hands on your shoulders, ready to listen to your complaints. You’re not going to tell him that, but finding him now is just what you needed to make your day brighter.
“Oh, no, nothing, I just heard my phone ringing and couldn’t find it in this damned bag.” You run a hand through your hair in desperation and sigh deeply. “But tell me, how are you?”
“How are you?” He frowns in concern. He cannot stand seeing you when you’re stressed, he feels the need to make everything right for you. “He’s driving you crazy, isn’t he?”
“No, not at all, in fact he gave me the rest of the day off but I—you know how I am, I stress out for nothing.”
“Well, he better be treating you right if he doesn’t want to hear a word or two from me.” He jokes, stroking your upper arms for you to relax.
“Shut up, you wouldn’t kill a fly!” You hit his arm playfully.
“For a girl like you, I’d have everybody fired if necessary.” You roll your eyes in amusement and he chuckles as he sees you’re now a little relieved. “I’m glad I ran into you, sweetheart, I hate to say this now but I was wondering if you’d help me run through some lines, you’re the best at it…but if you’re too tired, then I understand.” And there it is…sweetheart. You’ve known Sebastian for almost a year, and during the past months he’s chosen to call you with that pet name. You melt inside every time he calls you that, and you would die for him to feel the same way you feel, but maybe it’s just flirting and he doesn’t mean anything by it.
“I’m never too tired for you, Seb, I love running lines with you.” You certainly do, you love anything that has to do with hanging out with him. He smiles broadly and pulls you in for a hug, his hugs are the best. He strokes your back up and down, and you surround his huge body with your arms. You inhale his scent, too god for your senses, close your eyes and smile, too glad you just found him. He nuzzles your hair and then pulls away, too soon for you. “Your place or mine?” You ask.
“If you’re good with it, we can go to my place, we can run lines, and then watch a movie…or watch a movie and then run lines, it’s your call.” He shrugs, letting you make the decision you want, as always.
“Your place is fine, I guess, my place is a mess right now. This script is for your new project, right?”
“Of course, I wouldn’t let you even think of the script for anything Marvel related, that would kill you…and the Russos would kill me.”
“Thanks for your consideration, Stan.” He chuckles. “Shall we?” You ask, gesturing with your arm for you to start walking. You get to his car and, as usual, he opens the door for you and then gets in to drive to his place.
“Have I ever told you I love your apartment? It’s so classy and the view is great!” You say, standing in the living room with your arms crossed, watching through the huge window that lets you see the whole city. Sebastian is making some popcorn for the movie you’re going to watch, since you both decided to do that first.
“It’s no big deal, I picked this place for the silence, to be honest.” He speaks up from the kitchen, as humble as ever.
Once he’s done, he walks back to the living room and sits on the couch. “Come here, sweetheart, I poured you some beer if you’re in the mood.” He says turning on the TV and starting the Netflix app. You sit beside him, at a distance that won’t make it obvious you’re dying to cuddle with him, but that doesn’t show that you’re trying to stay away.
“What are we—did we just meet?” He frowns, sarcastically. “Get closer, it’s not like we don’t know each other!” He says, chuckling and propping his arm on the back rest, inviting you to sit as closer as possible so he can put his arm around you. Screaming internally but just smiling on the outside, you do as he tells you, trying not to look so eager. He drapes his arm around you, stroking your shoulder as you get comfortable.
“Are you okay there?” He asks, looking down at you, and you’re just dying to tell him you’re more than perfect, that you’re the happiest when he’s around. You nod and give him a smirk, and he smiles back, letting you see the crinkles at the corner of his eyes, those you love so damn much.
As you’re watching the movie, he lets you grab your beer from the coffee table, but as soon as you lean back on the couch, he drapes his arm around you again, pulling you closer to him. Once or twice, he kisses or nuzzles your hair, or places his fingers on your nape, caressing it through your hair, making you melt at the warmth of his hands. He plays with the ends of your hair, he asks you if you’re comfortable every twenty minutes, and if you’re cold every fifteen minutes. Within the first thirty minutes of the movie, you feel a lot more confident, and curl up your legs on the couch, resting your head on his shoulder, near his chest, and resting your hand on his abdomen, and so when he takes a deep breath or chuckles, you feel his chest vibrate against your ear, which only sends shivers through your body, and peace to your mind.
“I was not sure you were going to like it, but I see you did, you were quiet during the whole thing. Or did you hate it?” He asks after you’ve watched Inception, not moving a muscle to change his position.
“Of course I liked it, Seb, I had only watched parts of it but I never got it until now.” You reply, in almost a murmur, since you’re now a little sleepy.
“You sound tired, Y/N, are you sure you don’t want to go home?” You could be awake for hours if it meant spending them with him, so you just nod and sit up, facing him, showing him your best smile.
“I’m okay, I’m tired but we still have a pending task.” You prop your elbow on the couch, fisting your hand and resting your head on it. “Hey, Seb?” You say, already regretting what you’re going to ask, but you know if you don’t do it now, you never will.
“What is it?” He asks, mimicking your position.
“Why did you start calling me…sweetheart, and treating me the way you do?” You ask, almost murmuring but very sure of what you want to know. He remains silent for a moment.
“I thought you knew how I felt, Y/N.”
“I know you care about me, I know I’m your friend, but you’ve never told me anything else.” You say, hoping with all your might that he will tell you how wrong you are and how he’s fallen for you as hard as you have for him.
He draws his hand to your cheek, caressing your cheekbone with his thumb. He stares for a moment, his eyes glowing in the dim light, you’re mesmerized.
“I’m crazy about you, Y/N, I’m…the luckiest man for finding you and having this…bond with you, I can’t imagine my life without you in it.” Your stomach sinks, your heart is pounding, you can literally hear it; you feel your pulse getting stronger and faster, you even feel your hands are shaking. You thank God the lights are low so he can’t see your face as hot as fire, though you know he might feel it as he hasn’t taken his hand off.
“W-why didn’t you tell me…before?” That is all you manage to ask. You want to cry of happiness but you still can speak clearly without your voice cracking up.
“I was afraid you wouldn’t feel the same way, at the moment I still am. I was going to tell you, I just never knew how or when. I-I’m such an idiot, Y/N, I’m sorry.” Why the hell is he apologizing for? He didn’t do anything wrong and making him feel he did was certainly not your intention when you asked him that.
“You have nothing to be sorry about, I just wanted to know why you hadn’t told me because it drove me insane to be…so in love with you…” You whisper the last words, already falling apart and wanting to hug him forever.
He leans over, slowly, staring at your eyes until he kisses you. He slowly grazes his lips against yours, until you press yours against his, allowing him to kiss you as deeply as he wants to. He melts into the kiss, letting out a soft moan that makes you smile, but you’re unable to pull away. He keeps kissing you, placing one hand on your waist while the other one remains on your face; you place your hands around his nape, grabbing his hair gently.
“Stay the night, Y/N.” He whispers as he stops kissing you for a second to catch his breath. He stares at you with his beautiful eyes, which beg you to stay, hadn’t he said the words.
“I have to get up early and I have no clothes here.” You reply while he draws his lips to your neck, flipping the ends of your hair so your neck is exposed.
“I’ll drive you home early, I swear.” He murmurs against your ear, making your heart rumble, your body shiver and your hands fist on his hair. He nibbles your ear, and you close your eyes, letting out a small breath.
“Give me one more reason to stay.” You tease him, knowing damn well you already made up your mind, which you clearly couldn’t control given the way Sebastian was so close to your body, driving all of it completely insane.
He looks at you, tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, and pecks your lips softly.
“I—I love you, Y/N.” You let out a breath and curl up your lips in a smile, not believing your ears. Your hands now cup his face, tracing your thumb along his lower lip, he grabs your wrist and draws your hand to his lips, kissing your palm. “Is that enough?” He frowns.
“It’s more than enough, Sebastian.” You kiss him softly. “I love you, too.”
“Hey, Y/N.” You hear a whisper against your ear. Now, you feel his lips softly grazing your cheek, his fingers tracing along your neck, and his hands moving slowly along your bare shoulders. He kisses your shoulder, making you shift on your side to face him. “Good morning, baby.” He smiles broadly at the sight of your face, even if you feel you look lousy and tired. He strokes your cheekbone with the back of his fingers and kisses you softly.
“Good morning, Seb.” You sigh and smile to him. “Did last night really happen?” You ask, making him chuckle.
“Of course it did, baby, I find it hard to believe it myself, but it did.” In a second you come back to Earth. Shit, it’s Friday.
You sit up quickly on the bed and glance at the clock. “Shit, it’s late, Robert must have called me at least 50 times by now!” You exclaim, quickly sitting on the edge of the bed to put on your clothes and shoes. Before you can even stand up, Sebastian grabs your arm gently.
“Y/N, Y/N, relax.” He says, making you look at him over your shoulder. He sits up and kisses your cheek. “I called Downey at 7, okay? I told him you were sick and you had stayed here because it was too cold outside for you to go back home.”
You sit back on the bed, crossing your legs. “Did he buy it?”
“Fuck no, but he still gave you the day off.” He chuckles and you mimic him. He draws his hand to your neck and kisses you deeply, groaning softly when you bite his lower lip. “I love it when you do that.” He shakes his head in amusement, smirking and biting your lip. “I love all of you, baby.”
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