#before anyones like oh you’re asexual or whatever like no i have been in relationships i have experienced love and desire it’s just
wulfhall · 2 years
wanting to experience love and romance but absolutely everyone gives me the ick
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alotofpockets · 11 months
Coming out | Yelena Belova
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Pairing: Yelena Belova x Reader
Summary: Yelena comes out as ace to her best friend. Based on Legends of Tomorrow's episode 7x10.
Warnings: alcohol consumption, and coming out.
A/n: This is a repost from an old account.
Masterlist | Marvel masterlist | Words: 720
After a long mission the team finds their way to a bar. At first the group sits down for a quick bite to eat all together talking about the mission together. It had been a while since they had all worked together on the same mission, so it was nice to close out the night like this. 
When the drinks were added to the equation, the team split into smaller groups. Bucky challenged Tony to a game of darts, Natasha, Wanda and Pietro found a quiet corner and continued their conversation. Kate and Peter were poking fun at Steve and Clint, the older of the four didn’t seem to go for any of their antics, though it was hilarious to look at still. The rest of the team was scattered all around the establishment. You and Yelena had taken a seat at the bar, as suggested by the Russian, this way she would be as close to the drinks as possible. She loved her alcohol, especially her vodka, which she was throwing back shots of as you speak. 
You were both looking around the room, appreciating the group of people around you. The people that had become your found family over the years. After some more looking around you decided to play a game. “Okay, enough looking at our friends, let’s play a game.” You opted. Yelena turned your way, ready for whatever you were going to throw her way. That’s one of the reasons the two of you were best friends. You worked together so well because the both of you were always up for whatever the other person had in mind. “Fuck, marry, kill out of Bucky, Cap and Tony?” 
Yelena narrowed her eyes at your question. “Ehm I’m not really into any of them.” You were quick to fall into your next question. “Okay, copy. How about Kate, Wanda and Valkyrie?” Again Yelena’s face filled with a questioning look. “Actually, not really into any of them either.” She sighed. “Also copy.” You said to reassure her that her feelings or lack thereof were okay. “What is your type then?” You ask, genuinely interested. You wonder why neither one of you had really talked about the topic before, but you left it at the work that you do and how quickly you had been thrown into a mission together, giving your friendship a rocket start, skipping the small talk. 
“I don’t really get those types of feelings for anyone. Maybe it’s one of those things that the Red Room took away from me, with the brainwashing, controlling, and what not.” Yelena looks down at her hands that she has folded in her lap. “Hey, no no no, what you’re describing is totally normal.” You quickly reassure her, placing your hand on her shoulder. “It just means that maybe you are ace, asexual. People who identify as ace have little to no interest in sex, but many of them still want to be in relationships.” You explain to the best of your abilities, knowing you’re not an expert on the matter. 
Yelena’s eyes light up at the words you speak. “Oh, I guess that makes me ace then.” She says with a content look on her face, like a whole world of possibilities just opened up to her. It was amazing to see your best friend realize that what they’re feeling isn’t something they’re alone in. If it has a name, other people must be experiencing similar feelings. 
You give her a moment to let it all sink in before asking, “Did you just come out to me?” Yelena laughs and looks at you with a big smile on her face, “I think so.” You lean in to give her a sideways hug. “Okay, copy.” You say with a wink. “Haha without jokes, I am very proud of you, and you know that I will love you no matter what, right?” She nods, “Right back at you.”
“Excuse me, can we get two more of these?” You ask the bartender. When he puts the drinks down in front of you, you thank him before raising your class towards Yelena. “A toast to you, and to figuring out who you are.” Yelena clinks her glass with yours and you each take a sip, enjoying the rest of the night with the team.
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buck-yyyy · 2 years
hey!!!! before i begin you should know that im 15 and not a weird old man asking about you. how did you know that you were asexual and not just deeply repressed? im sort of struggling with that because i don't hate the idea of sex and stuff, but i just don't understand the appeal or feel the attraction. am i still allowed to call myself ace? thank you for any advice!!!
hi anon!! first of all, thank your for clarifying, because i’ve had enough weird anons to last me a lifetime lmfao—
and, uh—there’s not a great way to say this, but i didn’t fully realize that i was asexual until i literally had to. meaning this is probably hella personal for the internet, but:
i’ve always kinda been uncomfortable with the concept of sex when it actually meant something. references in a joke, or in a tv show, or in a book or whatever—don’t care, doesn’t matter. but as soon as it got real, like when my friends would talk about it or whatever, i’d be so beyond uncomfortable. and then it got real real. like, personal real. and that was when i decided that okay, actually, this is something that i need to think about—because for a long time, i assumed that was just because i felt left out because i wasn’t dating anyone like my friends or something, UNTIL the idea of sex became something that i actually had to think about and consider in relation to my own personal relationships—which is pretty much when i realized oh, fuck no, no thank you very much.
some people who are asexual are sex repulsed, meaning that they don’t ever want to have sex and the thought itself is completely unappealing. some are sex neutral, meaning they’re indifferent to it, and may be open to it if their partner is interested. others are sex positive, and actively enjoy and want to have sex. all three are asexual, to be clear! they’re just different experiences. but that might be a good thing to look into if you’re wondering where you may fall on the spectrum, if you feel that you’re on it at all.
all in all, i’m really terrible with advice; but i think that the best way to go about it is by overall learning about yourself broadly, not just by focusing in on the possibility of being asexual. i’m not going to pretend that i’m in a good place with my own sexuality, because to be completely honest, i’m not, but i think that to focus on who you are as a person and how your relationships and possibly sexuality may factor into that is a much healthier way of going about it than what i did—which was shut it out and pretend it wasn’t real until it hit me in the face that it WAS real and there wasn’t any avoiding it.
(ps. you can absolutely call yourself ace if you’d like. labels are malleable, make of them what you’d like <3)
i hope this helped at least a little bit, and i wish you the best of luck nonnie—figuring yourself out takes time and effort, but i promise you’ll get there :)
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stranger-awakening · 1 year
ok if you dont wanna answer but but how did you figure out you’re ace and not ‘just’ repressing being gay or whatever else? I don’t think i understand what attractions supposed to be but looking at stuff like the lesbian masterdoc is really confusing and making me second guess everything i thought :/
Oh, thank you for being so respectful about this, but don't worry this is totally okay to ask !!! First, I want to say that I haven't read the lesbian masterdoc but you can absolutely be a lesbian and asexual if that's how you feel. Those things aren't mutually exclusive.
As for the more personal stuff, I actually realised I was ace a few years before I realised I was also bi, so I don't know how helpful this will be, but I'll put my journey under a read more in case it is !!!
So, I had my big asexual realisation when I was 17, I think entirely thanks to seeing the definition and posts by other aces on this site. I hadn't heard the word before that, but I read "lack of sexual attraction" and thought "hey that might be me."
I've always been a hopeless romantic who wanted a relationship one day, and I had a lot of crushes growing up, so it wasn't really until I was a teenager that I realised there was something different about me. Because that's when people started really talking about sex, and I was always so uncomfortable around sex talk. Like, I have a vivid memory of one of my friends in high school asking why I was so uncomfortable when they all brought it up, but that was before I had an answer.
At the time it was very much like, sure I like boys and I would like to date one but also I would rather die than sleep with one. Which (to my knowledge) isn't something people who aren't ace feel. I actually used to tell people I was waiting for marriage just to avoid being asked about it. Not for religious reasons, but because marriage was the latest (somewhat) socially acceptable time you can put that shit off. I kind of knew anyway that even if I really loved the person that wouldn't be on the table. I just couldn't picture or think about it without feeling kind of sick. Sex just wasn't for me or wasn't something I wanted. Which was super isolating because I didn't know anyone else like me until I found other ace people on this site and learned that was sex-repulsion and that a lot of ace people (but not all) feel that way.
So, that's kind of how I figured it out. I guess my asexuality is kind of textbook in the sense that I don't feel any sexual attraction and I'm sex-repulsed, so those are super defined puzzle pieces that were (somewhat) easy to link together. It was kind of confirmed for me too when I got into my first relationship and none of that changed. I loved my girlfriend at the time, but I didn't want to have sex with her. At all. I just never looked at her and wanted her that way.
That said, I honestly might not be the best person to talk to when it comes to liking girls if you want like clear cut answers because realising that was ... messy. For me, liking girls was always tied up in 'do I want to be like her/look like her or do I want to be with her.' It really took me until I was like, uh, 19 or 20 I think before I realised it was the latter, and I still second guess myself all the time.
But, in terms of not knowing what attraction feels like, I've heard a lot of ace people say that they've felt that way too. Here's an article that has some details about the different types of attraction which might be worth skimming through.
Hopefully some of this helped a little !! It's okay to be confused. Every person has their own way of finding out or discovering who they are in as many steps as it takes.
You can also absolutely send follow up questions if I didn't cover something and/or you want some more specific answers, I don't mind 💜
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norimiya · 3 years
these are purely headcanons, though I’m pretty sure we all picked up the vibes a bit okay, okay.
characters included: reki, langa, and miya.
warnings: slight depiction of panic in reki’s, overbearing relative in miya’s
lowercase intended, sorry.
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he’d be nervous, seriously nervous. and it’s okay because it’s understandable in this situation.
I’m going to be honest, i feel like he would avoid you for some time when he realizes. not because he thinks you’ll love him any less but because he’s just scared to admit it to himself.
when he does get to it he’s probably stuttering and sweating so much, avoiding eye contact, and pauses periodically because he just can’t say it.
you’ll tell him, “it’s okay, reki. it’s okay.” and he does appreciate it really, it calms him down but not entirely.
he’ll screw his eyes shut, blindly reaching for your hand, and just lets it slip.
“I’m bisexual.” he’ll blurt, slapping his hand over his mouth almost instantly. he feels tears running down over his hand and he can’t tell if they're from relief or something else.
he’s too scared to look at you but his grip on your hand is ridiculously evident by how hard he’s holding it.
so when (or if) you let go of his hand because of his grip, he will think it’s because of what he just said.
“oh? that’s really cool, reki. thank you for trusting me enough to tell me.”
the breath he was holding in gets released and he realizes the crying from earlier was from relief.
first off, i would like to apologize for how clueless i am going to make this guy. anyways,
he would not have a clue that he was even part of the community, he would just blatantly say what he thought and just roll with it.
he’s not going to be like, “oh yeah I’m —” someone is going to listen to him describe his feelings and say, “oh, so you’re —?” and he’s just going to be so confused.
i think you’d be the one to help him learn or realize that whatever he said he felt/feels is something so many other people feel.
now, bear with me for the next bp.
“langa, i think you’re asexual.”
he’d freeze for a moment, mainly out of shock that there’s been a word for what he was feeling this entire time, and then go on to say,
“really? asexual is what i feel all the time?”
now, I’m not necessarily an expert or heavily knowledgeable about asexuality, i just know the bare minimum ?
but i feel like langa just wouldn’t care about the way anyone looks. like maybe before you dated, you would pick and point at people and ask “aren’t they cute?” and he’d just reply with a plain, “yeah, i guess.”
(i could be completely wrong about asexual folks not being attracted physically to people, so please please correct me if I’m wrong! dunno if i can trust google much…)
i (personally) feel like Miya would have already known a plethora of information about the lgbtqia+ community even at a young age.
being exposed to the media at that age does make you mature incredibly quickly and just piles a crap ton of information on you.
but he wasn’t mad about learning about the lgbt, it was the missing point to what he thought finalized his character. a level up, if you will.
we all know the gross, and quite personal question that gets asked at family reunions or you know, by the media-
“Are you in a relationship?” “do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend yet?” or even a, “oh you’re so handsome now, the girls must be swooning over you at first glance!”
so when he invited all of you over to his house during a birthday celebration, his overbearing aunt was there to pop the million-dollar question! (ick)
you felt the air noticeably shift when the question was asked, sparing a passing glance at miya’s very obvious uncomfortable face.
“hi! mind if i steal the birthday boy for a moment?” you don’t even give her a chance to reply before pushing him away from her by the shoulders, smiling politely when she stammers.
“god, thank you.” he breathed out, reaching into the cooler for a drink. “it’s no problem,” you say, “that question is the worst.”
he’ll only nod in agreement from there but he feels his heart beat against his rib cage for some reason he doesn’t know.
he’s not out to anyone yet, not his parents, not you, not his friends, and definitely not his extended family.
so he decides to change that.
“can i tell you something.” you perk a brow, nodding so he could continue. “i don’t like people.” “I’m quite aware, Chinen.” “no- you slime, i mean i don’t like people romantically.” “oh! oh, you’re aromantic?”
it shocks him that you know the term even though it shouldn’t-
he’s happy that it was said and that you accept him. just hopes that coming out to everyone else will be as easy as it was with you.
(hot take that reki is just “oh sick!… ( ._.) what does that mean?”
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slytherinnbitch · 3 years
Day 30: Pride
"So who all are going tomorrow?" Harry asks his usual friend group. Everyone responds with a yes and how is that possible?
"Uhm, I'm sorry did I miss something?" He asks incredulously.
"Maybe our coming outs," Pansy comments from beside Blaise and he looks at Draco for confirmation and he shrugs.
"Maybe we all can come out to each other? I don't think we ever did that properly." Neville suggests and everyone agrees and so it begins.
"I'll start then?" Pansy suggests and before anyone can respond she is talking again, "I'm a raging lesbian, if there was ever doubt to my homosexuality then I would like to apologise." She smirks at them and all of them laugh loudly at that.
Blaise goes next, "Pansexual!" he declares proudly.
"You mean anyone who even shows a slight interest?" Draco quips and gets swatted on his head for that.
"As if, darling. It's the other way round, everyone falls over their feet for me." Blaise preens and Pansy shuts them both with two mild stinging hexes.
"Okay me now!" Draco squeals and Harry shakes his head fondly, "I'm bi. And ready to die." Draco smiles cheekily at his own joke and Harry shakes his head. What did he do to get this bloke in his life?
"Oh, I always thought you're gay." Ginny comments and many of them nod agreeingly.
"Nah, bi." Draco waves them off and it's Harry's turn.
"Well I'm gay." Harry rubs his neck as he looks around.
"Was I really the only one to think that Harry was bi and Draco was the gay one?" Theo asks and by the looks of most of his friends, no most of them thought the same thing. Well, it's not like he ever came out properly or anything. He just started dating Draco and let people assume whatever they wanted to. Maybe it was a bad decision to not include their friends. Maybe.
"Girls nah!" Harry exclaims and Ginny frowns and exclaims, "Hey!"
"Gin, as much as I love you. You are a lesbian yourself and in love with a mysterious blonde. Much like me, so shut it." Harry says goodheartedly and Ginny makes a face at him but shuts up.
"Well, you all know I'm Trans and probably a demisexual. Not really sure about that," Neville says next and then adds as an afterthought, "I like boys though."
"Really, darling? No one would have guessed via how you are in a relationship with a bloke, now would they?" Theo quips and the rest of them chuckle.
"Well I'm gay through and through," Theo says next and kisses Neville on the lips as if to show that.
"Agender and asexual." Luna declares next and this is someone all of them knew since Luna was the only one to officially come out to everyone of them.
"And mine." Ginny says possesively beside her and kisses her cheek. "I'm lesbian, as my dear ex just pointed out not five minutes ago." She smirks at him and he flips her two fingers.
"Gay." Seamus and Dean say one after the other. It's not like they ever looked at anyone else since Dean and Ginny's breakup. He still wants to know the actual story behind that one.
"Well, so," Ron starts and everyone looks at him in unison, he looks a bit red but that can he the light as well. "I uh recently discovered that I am bisexual." And everyone looks shocked. Harry is pretty sure he is staring with his mouth open, but he can't make himself look away.
When was his bestfriend going to tell him this? He sorta feels betrayed but how-
"I came out to Hermione a few months ago and well that's it I guess." Ron states, and Harry thinks he is missing a vital part somehow.
"So who was it?" It's Pansy who breaks the silence.
"Yeah that's right, Ron. Who was the bloke or non binary person who finally made opened your eyes towards the other genders." Blaise inquires as well.
Ron is now red in embarrassment so it's Hermione who answers, "Well, love can I then? Since you don't seem like you can talk in the next hour?" Ron nods his head resigned and Hermione smiles her cat-ate-the-canary smile. Oh this is going to be good.
"Well, it's the same person who might have instigated it years ago but Ron had been quite oblivious that time. Much like you and Cedric, Harry." Something in her voice tells Harry that she is giving a clue, to maybe Harry exclusively because the others still look clueless as ever.
And then clicks and holy shit-
"Victor Fucking Krum!" Harry says out loud and it makes sense with all the obsession and everything that he say in his fourth year.
"That's right! Ron saw Krum a few months back, he was in Berlin for the new shop there and he came across there and I got a floocall taht very evening, he came through and told me through his haze." Hermione smiles at her husband and messes his hair slightly, "Just imagine my shock-"
"You thought it was Krum he was jealous of at the Ball but it turned out to be You!" Harry joins in and both of them stare at each other before bursting out loud at the situation.
"Alright, both of you. Stop laughing at my expense. I know the irony of the situation." Ron says at last.
"But Weasley, just think about it! We might have had Krum with us tonight as your partner and not Granger." Draco says and scrunches his nose in mock disgust and the couple sends a stinging hex each and Draco yelps.
"Harry, baby! Your friends are abusing me!" he whines and Harry tuts mockingly which gets him a glare.
"Aww, sweetheart. Maybe don't mess with these two then. One of the most successful business man who is so accomplished in hexes and jinxes and our Minister of Magic. Deadly couple these both."
"Oh come off it, as if you both aren't deadly as well. Head of DMLE and Head of Unspeakables. I think that makes you both more dangerous." Hermione replies and he shrugs in response.
"Yes, yes. All of you are bigshots and we are grateful for so much security among us. Can we proceed then?" Pansy asks and Harry blushes slightly at the implications.
Just Hermione is left.
"Well, I'm just going as an ally. Mostly for Ron but all of you are going to be there anyways so I took a day off." Hermione says and wow, Hermione and off days. That's almost unheard of.
"Wait, so almost all the heads of the Ministry are not going to be there tomorrow?" Blaise asks and six of them turn to glare at him but it's Harry who replies.
"Don't worry, Blaise. Our best officials will be handling everything in our stead. And it's not our fault that all of our friends have such a good role in the Ministry and outside as well." Harry gives him the look he gives the hitWizards when they tell him a basic criminal slipped from their hands. Blaise looks mostly unbothered by it.
"Was planning on making a attack on the Ministry tomorrow. Would definitely be successful." Blaise replies instead.
"Shut up, Blaise." The six of them, him, Draco, Hermione, Neville, Theo and Luna say in unison and it's a pictureworthy moment.
They steer back into what they will be wearing and which type of makeup would look the best.
In the last, Draco agrees on a goth look with a short dress and mesh slacks. Harry with golden eyeliner which Pansy says would look godlike on his brown skin, so Blaise is going to do the same. He decides on wearing just his flag colours, with clip-on earrings and everything.
Blaise agrees on full black, as usual. Just the make-up would be his highlight, according to him. Luna is going in a fairy dress, Ginny in shorts and a sleeveless camisole.
Pansy in her signature heels and dress but make it pride colours. Ron, after a lot of coaxing decides on blue trousers, a pink and violet custom made sweater which apparantly Hermione had ordered almost three weeks ago. That makes him beam at her.
Neville is going in his usual wool sweater and trousers and his flag around his shoulder. Theo is matching with him.
As Harry looks around the table at the end of the night, and sees the happy faces of his friends who has somehow become his chosen family. He just feels one emotion. Love.
Endless love.
Day 29: Coming Out || Day 31: Unashamed
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yandere-dark-cupid · 4 years
Yandere alastor from hazbin hotel if that is ok?
It's okay, T.Angel.💜❤💜
Yandere Alastor:
Yandere type: Charming, Possessive, Violent, Manipulative, and Sadistic
How you guys met can end in many different scenarios. Maybe you're a citizen of hell that caught wind of Charlie's hotel; and decided to go there for the false humanity that's called "redemption", Maybe you're a desperate human that's facing the harsh, ugly hardships of life and made a foolish decision to summon the all powerful 'Radio Demon' since you heard he can make deals and can be of assistance for your rather tough life, or maybe you're some type of poor creature that was chosen ( by the man himself ) to be a certain Deer demon's prey. Whatever it is,...Babe..Honey..Sweetie, Darling, ANGEL....Please do understand..you are Totally, Royally FUCKED the moment he's noticed you.
Like I said, the moment Alastor has met you; it's all over. But you don't know that yet. He's already twisting gears in his mind to make you HIS. That being said; Alastor is going to put his Smooth, Charming persona on, to sway you to him. So at first instinct you're gonna fear him ( believe you're gonna, it's natural ), but to me I believe you're going to be drawn to him in away. And Alastor knows he has that affect on people ( he's also smug about it because it'll be easier on his part/ but harder on your part ). So he knows you're going to be his in no time. All he has to do is use his natural charm on you and it won't be long before you fall for him, but if you are hesitant or resist his charm he'll have to amp up his charm even more ( and possibly intimidate you even more ) to get you to comply to him.
Then after that, the outcome all depends on you. If you fell for him then, congratulations you just saved your self from a kidnapping ( but the kidnapping will be used later though ). If you didn't fall for him by now ( which is kind of weird since you should have, he made sure of it ) and you're still hesitant and is still too afraid to acknowledge only other feeling other than fear..well...all I just got to say is....I hope you like getting chased down and kidnapped by a psychotic, homicidal bambi. Just to get this straight T.Angels; even if you do fall in love with him and pledge yourself as a loyal partner, he's still going to kidnap you. It's just going to take longer ( but that's if you do fall for him ). Never forget Alastor is naturally a possessive creature, and as a yandere it only gets worse.
Once Alastor has kidnapped you, escaping is the equivalent of the impossible. A little reminder that Alastor is an Overlord from Hell, a powerful one at that. It shouldn't be to no surprise that he has connections, many of them. But if you do some how managed to escape his heavy secured manor ( I believe he owns a manor, it's my own little headcanon ), then ooooh booy I hope you like games; because ready or not here he comes, because Alastor has came out to play. It's like a sick game of hide n go seek with a murderous deer, Cat and mouse, Predator and prey. Yes he has connections, but he's one of the small handful of yanderes that won't use his connections(... Yet ). No, Alastor wants you to think you got away or has a chance of getting away. He thinks it's so cute on how you are holding to that little bit of hope, so he can rip it away and tease you after towards. Then after that the real "fun" will begin.
By "fun" I mean punishments. Takes great joy and pleasure in that you think you could escape him. But he takes even greater joy and pleasure into giving you the penalty afterwards for attempting to escape. At first he'll go easy on you ( this was your first escape attempt after all ), he'll chip away at your confidence and self-esteem. And it will hurt you mentally and maybe emotionally, and when pain ( from you or anyone, but mostly you ) comes pleasure to Alastor. We all know Alastor is a Sadist ( EVERYONE KNOWS ALASTOR IS A SADIST ), so while he's punishing he'll with most disturbing "happy" smile on his face ( No wait, he always has that smile on his face ). Now if you escape a second time, expect to be not only talked down but to be smacked around too. Now first escape attempt he went "easy" ( if being easy means having your confidence and self-esteem being cut down to nothing in a slow painful process, then yeah Alastor has been going easy on you ) on you, so on your second escape attempt he will get physical with you ( and not in away you want it ). If you're bold and try to escape the third time, you will be hit around radio/ microphone cane ( thing ???) and talked dow too. Now if you're still bold and still think that you have a chance of escaping.. Oh... Oh Angel, May the Lord above have you in his good graces and may he have mercy on you, because Alastor on the other hand; will NOT in 6 rings of hell will have mercy on you. You see on your fourth FAILED escape attempt, Alastor will get.... crafty. It'll be like your first failed escape attempt all over again, but instead of him just searching for you by himself; Alastor will use his Demonic powers too ( and at that moment... You.Are.Fucked Angel ). Now to those that know, Alastor powers revolves around shadows, portals, tendrils, and deals ( or as we know of right now ). So when When Alastor puts that out to play, it's basically the equivalent of one man hide n seek ( If you know what that is, give yourself a pat on the back ). But this time Alastor will give you a 1-2 hours head start. Once your time is up, he and his shadows will come looking for you. And It's hella scary. But like I said before Alastor likes to take his sweet time and make you think you got away or have a chance of getting away. And as time pass by agonizingly slow, you know Alastor is still out there looking for you and like to take his sweet time. And since you've been with Alastor for a while or at least for some time to know him, you know Alastor will take his time and get himself railed up. So basically the more time you spend away from Alastor from escape, the more eager Alastor is to punish you. So Once Alastor has found you and like I said he's getting crafty with with this punishment; Your mind will be broken down into nothing, you'll be tossed around by his tendrils, and thrown into a portal and Alastor will let his shadows handle you. Not only that but He ordered them to leave a few marks, as a reminder to never cross him and never leave him.....
So after all the failed escape attempts and being mind broken and having your spirit broken, the molding process will begin. It was fun; having you run away, hunt you down, and break you down to nothing. It was truly adrenaline filled and it kept Alastor's blood pumpin. But in the end every yandere would want a seemingly docile submissive darling. And surprisingly Alastor is no different. And now that you know that you are his and only his and your place is only by his side; Alastor is going to praise you. You're finally being the good little Darling your supposed to be. Not only that but Alastor is going to shower you with love and take you places. Ooooh he can't wait to take you to his radio station, or to go out dancing, or OR maybe he'll take you to the hotel to see his friends and colleagues. But beware, you may have this new found "freedom"; but Alastor has a sharp eye on you. And to be completely honest with you, part of the reason why Alastor has given you this "freedom" is to mock you and wave it in your face. So in hindsight, you're still trapped with him. And if you are not truly broken and take this new found "freedom" as an option to escape, the game will start up again and Alastor will happily break you for REAL this time. You are his after all, ain't ya?........
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Bonus ✨✨✨:
Since Alastor is both Aromatic and Asexual, that won't stop you from being in a relationship. In fact, the both you will be in a queer platonic relationship. So you guys can still be together. Alastor will love to plant kisses on your hands, hug you ( though he'll have you in a possessive, and almost bruising grip ), and over all be close to you. ( Since I don't know where Alastor is on the Aromatic and Asexual spectrum, I'm playing it safe and trying to keep it as platonic as possible. )💜💚💜💚
Like I said before Alastor would to take you out dancing, and will love to do the swing with you. So if you're a darling that specializes in dancing or just like dancing, saying Alastor will be happy is an understatement. He'll be absolutely ecstatic! He'll just love to dance the night away with you ❤💃❤
Another thing I said, Alastor will take you to his Radio station. And with him being a Radio host he'll ask you opinions and sometimes questions. Alastor will like to have a talkative darling or a darling that likes to ramble on certain topics. To some it may come of as weird or annoying, but to Alastor he sees it as cute and charming ❤📻❤
We all know Alastor is a Overlord from hell, and one of of the most powerful out there. So if you think someone will help you, you are dead wrong. Once everyone knows your the property of the Radio Demon, no one will much even look at you. If anything they'll avoid you like the plague, So they know your off limits and knows what's good for them. So no one would dare or has the balls to go against Alastor, anyone with a brain would know what's coming to them if they do. But If someone was brave and kind enough to help you ( more like ignorant and naive ), they are the equivalent of a dead man/ woman/ person. If you watched the pilot episode, you saw what happened to Sir Pentions the same thing will happen to them; just far more worse. So you might as well kiss that help good bye Angel( that's if you get help that is ), because it won't last long. 💀💀💀
Sorry your ask took so long T.Angel. But I hope it's to your liking. Well until next time my Little Tainted Angels, see you soon ~💜❤💜
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ezrasarm · 4 years
Coming Out As Asexual/Aspec
Pairings: Javier Pena x reader, Marcus Pike x reader, Din Djarin x reader, Ezra x reader, Frankie Morales x reader
Word count: 2.3K (oops)
Warnings: discussions of sexuality, depictions of main characters as Aspec
A/n: I apologize these were meant to be head canons and a few of them wound up turning into mini fics. I would like to thank @dishonouringmycow for supplying many ideas and helping me concoct these for you and @kiss-evans for her insight as well. These were a lot of fun to write! We’ve written these HCs in hopes that they will be inclusive and relatable to most ace/demi-/greysexual folks and anyone in between. We hope you like them!
Javier Peña
Telling Javi is a little tricky.
Given the time period, and the fact that asexuality was hardly a word let alone a widely accepted concept, Javier didn’t stand a chance when you went about explaining to him your “unconventional” relationship with sexual attraction.
You didn’t even fully understand it yourself at that point which is why you were terrified when you felt you owed him an explanation for turning him down.
You and Javi had been dancing around each other since pretty much the moment you landed in Bogata.
You knew you cared about him more than the average coworker and Steve didn’t hesitate to tease either of you mercilessly for it with every chance he got.
But there was a reason you had been avoiding acting on those feelings you harboured for him and a reason you were so terrified when he reciprocated them.
Silence overwhelms the small stakeout vehicle when you tell him.
He doesn’t get it.
The disappointment that pours off of him is palpable.
This really wasn’t the reaction he was expecting to the heartfelt confession he had mustered up the courage for only moments ago.
“Javi,” You sigh, “It’s not like that. It’s not personal. I don’t feel attracted to anyone that way.” You reiterate but he still seems convinced that this is just an elaborate attempt to spare his feelings.
“You don’t have to do that, you know? You don’t have to let me down easy.”
“That’s not what this is. I really just don’t operate that way.”
You had seen the girls coming and going from his apartment across the hall. You knew how he chose to blow off steam after stressful days at work and you knew you couldn’t keep up with that.
“I don’t think I can be there for you like you want me to.”
It takes a moment for it to dawn on him what you mean and you think he finally takes the hint when another ‘oh’ escapes him.
“I don’t need-“ He starts up but cuts himself off when you give him a pointed look.
“I really, really wanted this to work.” He says after what feels like hours of you discussing all the reasons you would wind up resenting each other if you went down that path. All the fears you had of starting something up with him.
“Me too.” You hum solemnly when you deflate to lean into his side and rest your head on his shoulder. “I’m sorry.”
He’s quick to shake his head and whisper a quiet “Don’t apologize.” When he wraps an arm around you and places a kiss to the top of your head.
You both walk away from that stakeout with heavy hearts but lighter shoulders and although it takes some time to heal you learn to show how much you care about each other in different ways.
Now he slings an arm around your shoulders when you’re getting unwanted attention on a night out.
You stay up drinking with him so he doesn’t have to brood alone after a particularly tiring day.
Soft touches and reassuring words come easier between you two.
Most importantly you’re both happy and you haven’t lost each other.
Marcus Pike
Marcus is a little less clueless.
He knows Asexuality exists and has a vague sense of what it is, he just doesn’t know a whole lot about it.
There’s not much pressure when you tell him.
It comes as a bit of a disclaimer early in your relationship and you try not to make a big deal of it. You just want to make sure that he’s aware as your relationship progresses.
Marcus, ever the sweet and compassionate boyfriend is attentive and understanding as you speak.
The words that seem to stick out in his mind come at the only point when the slightest bit of doubt weens it’s way into your voice, “I just wanted to make sure that that’s- that I’m enough for you.”
His heart stops and he’s overcome by a feeling of both shock and sorrow that you could ever think such a thing of yourself.
“Of course. Of course, you’re enough.”
“You’re more than enough. You’re… you’re everything.”
What you don’t see is the way that after this conversation he finds himself wracking up more and more questions that he’s too scared to ask you. Not because he’s afraid of the answer but because he doesn’t want to overstep or make you uncomfortable.
So naturally, he turns to the next best thing.
The internet.
What he fails to realize is how broad a spectrum of asexuality there is and all he gets is more and more confused.
Marcus accidentally develops a following on Aspec Reddit forums for trying to ask people questions and them all just going “aww, Hun” at this poor clueless bean and swooning over how much he cares about you.
Despite the enthusiasm and volume of their responses, they don’t really add much clarity beyond “Hey, maybe you should ask your SO”
Instead, he runs around treating you like glass while he tries to buck up the courage to actually talk to you about it until on a movie night as he awkwardly tries to contort himself around you so he’s cuddling you… without touching you, you finally snap.
“Marcus! What is going on?”
That’s when he finally and rather sheepishly admits that he wants you to tell him more about your sexuality.
You pause the movie and give him your full attention as you try and talk him through as much as you’re able to explain until suddenly you’re stuck for an answer and you look up at him with rather watery eyes as you admit you have no idea and suddenly you’re the one having the existential crisis.
“Oh, oh no. It’s alright, we can figure it out together! Shhh, it’s all fine. Please don’t cry! Reddit didn’t tell me this would happen!”
Din Djarin
Coming out to Din is rather anticlimactic.
He doesn’t have much to say beyond “Okay.”
You’re a little confused at first.
That went… too well.
It’s a while later when he brings it up again that you begin to realize why.
There’s no hesitation or taboo, he’s quite straight forward when he asks why you were so nervous.
At first, you’re not so sure what to say. Wasn’t that kind of obvious?
“Not everyone takes it so well.” You shrug thinking back to past relationships where your partners seemed to expect you to give them more than you were willing to.
You could practically see the gears turning behind his visor and it’s only now that you connect the dots and his reaction from before seems to add up.
To him, that was the norm.
It makes sense the more you think about it.
In all the time you had spent travelling with him, all the objectively beautiful women, men and everyone else in between that had crossed your paths, all the slurs that had been thrown at him by drunkards in cantinas about how he fucks with all that armour on, all the rather compromising situations you had found yourself in with him before and you had never caught his gaze wander or heard him express any indication of interest in yourself or anyone in that way.
You had always put it down to his creed. As far as you were aware such things were forbidden for people of his faith but you’re left with an odd sense of comfort as you realized that wasn’t the case.
Perhaps this was his strange little way of letting you know you weren’t alone.
When you met Ezra you were prepared for the worst.
A guy as cocky and loquacious as him and you just trying to keep your head down in the busy bar and enjoy your drink in peace after a rough day.
You didn’t have high hopes when he swung into the booth across from you and started down whatever elaborate story he had decided would impress you enough to get you into bed.
“It’s my missing appendage, isn’t it?” he asks when you quite clearly don’t bite.
He’s already moving to leave you be when your eyebrows knit together in confusion and your eyes blow wide as you’re hit with a sudden wave of guilt.
You had grown used to deflecting advances like this but something about the way he said it, the bold, charismatic man suddenly looking like a kicked puppy made your guts churn.
You didn’t normally give an explanation, you didn’t feel you owed anyone that, especially not a stranger and yet here you were.
“What? No! No, I actually think you’re very good looking and charming and all those things people look for in a partner, I’m just not particularly one for casual hookups.” You say looking around the room where you now felt wildly out of place with just about all of its inhabitants presumably looking to get laid or trying to forget someone they couldn’t do so with.
“...Or any hookups really.” You correct yourself and watch as the disappointed look on his face morphs into a glint of curiosity.
“You a uh- a spade?” He asks resettling into the booth, an oblivious smile settling on his cheeks when you laugh at him.
You spend until last-call deeply enthralled in conversation and comforted by one another’s company.
That’s all either of you were here for in the first place, to feel a little less lonely.
You’re only pried apart by the closing of the bar, the nag of sleep hot on your heels and the promise that this wouldn’t be the last you saw of each other.
Frankie Morales
Frankie knew you were asexual.
You had told him before, he just didn’t entirely understand what that meant until much later on.
He seemed familiar with the term but his knowledge of the concept didn’t seem to extend beyond a basic definition.
Frankie’s first wife was his first for a lot of things. First girlfriend, first kiss, first love, first lover, first breakup.
He took the divorce pretty hard, as anyone would.
They’d gotten married so young, before he was deployed, that the guys had never seen him single before and neither had he really.
It took a long time for him to recover and by then he was content. ‘not in a particularly big rush to start down the relationship path and get hurt again’ is how he had phrased it to you once in confidence.
But another factor that he failed to recognize fully at the time was that he just hadn’t found anyone he was interested in in that way.
He’d tried going on a couple of dates but none of them clicked and it just left him feeling more alone.
It was after Tom died, almost five years after his divorce that the guys finally called him on it.
At first they just assumed the way he had been acting was about Tom and in a sense it was, Tom was the only one who had been through a divorce before, he was the only one who really understood and talked him through it when the going got tough.
Will was the one to put the pieces together and realize that the issue wasn’t Tom so much as Frankie getting more and more tired of being on his own.
His intentions were well meaning. They were just trying to help.
All they wanted was to see him happy but the more the boys seemed to try and set him up, the more resistance they were met with and even Frankie couldn’t figure out why until he was sat, venting to you about it one night.
“How did you know you were ace?” He blurts out suddenly and you’re a little lost for words, you weren’t really expecting this conversation to go this way but it was obviously something he had been considering for a while.
“Sorry that wasn’t a fair question,” He says when he notices you’re struggling, “I just- they keep trying to set me up with, who I’m sure are some really great people, but it’s all on this little tiny screen and all you see are a couple photos and maybe a blurb if you’re lucky and there’s just no…”
“Connection?” You suggest. Those big puppy eyes shoot up to you from where they were fixed on the counter in front of him and he gives you a slight nod.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” He sighs and your heart breaks a little looking at him like that before you round the counter and pull him into a hug. “I’ve felt attraction before but I look at the guys and it feels like it takes so much more for me to get to that point than them.”
“There’s nothing wrong with you.” You assure him gently, brushing your fingers through his hair when you pull away to give him a reassuring smile. “Sounds like you could be on the asexuality spectrum.”
“There’s a spectrum?”
Permanent Taglist: @agirllovespancakes @chaoticspaceidiot @engineeredfiction @pedropascalito @dreamgirl-67 @wickedfrsgrl @hillarymurray4 @din-damn-djarin @yespolkadotkitty @wille-zarr @oloreaa @browneyes-djarin @marydjarin @roxypeanut @opheliaelysia @cryptkeepersoul @prxtty-boah @aliciaxglasgow @elena-myth @theocatkov @bioticgoddess @edencherries @kandomeresbitch @mrsparknuts @hayley-the-comet @rachelxwayne @thirstworldproblemss @andriecastana @justanotherblonde23
Pedro Boys Taglist: @theravenreads @mrschiltoncat @seasonschange-butpeopledont @dishonouringmycow @deafspaceperson 
151 notes · View notes
Coming Out (as ace)
All Brothers x ace gn!MC
Words - 1352
Format - Headcanon / Scenario
Content warnings - some internalized acephobia, but so so so much love and fluff and support
Prompt/inspiration - for SpringZephyr on AO3 ❤️
Scene -
Your time in the Devildom had been an amazing experience for you. You found a family you didn’t even know you needed, you made friends with the unlikeliest beings possible - and you even found love.
Except, you hadn’t told him yet. You were worried if you did it would spoil things, and you couldn’t bear the thought of losing your closest friend. If only you had been more open about things when you first arrived, then maybe things wouldn’t be this complicated. But you knew that would have been impossible because you had no way of knowing then just how much your life would change during your stay here and how important the Brothers would become to you. And this wasn’t something you were comfortable going around announcing to everyone you met.
Well, hindsight is 20/20.
What you weren’t prepared for though was for your favorite demon to confess to you first...
Him confessing to you honestly came as a shock. You were pretty sure he didn’t like you for a long time, but you seem to have won him over, after breaking through his very thick shell.
And when you tell him you’re ace, he isn’t quite familiar with the term.
When you explain what it means (and how it applies to you), he’s very understanding.
So long as you understand that you’re still his, right? ;)
He’ll reassure you he loves you for who you are, regardless of what form your physical relationship might take.
Of course he’s not going to complain if you ever want to try something out, and will be very supportive of you if something makes you uncomfortable and/or you’re just not interested.
Lots of forehead kisses and hugs from him. He’ll do anything to protect you. You mean the world to him.
You were almost expecting his confession, you just didn’t think he’d be the one to admit to anything first.
When you explain to him that you are ace, he’s very confused.
He just can’t wrap his head around this. He worries if it’s perhaps something wrong with *him* that makes you not want to have that sort of a physical relationship in the same way he does.
Begrudgingly, he’ll turn to Asmo for help. He loves you so much he’ll even put up with his brother mocking him just so he can understand you better. (Of course, Asmo doesn’t mock him for once because he cares about you too.)
After he learns there are other ways he can be intimate and close with you, he spends a lot of time trying to find out what you like and what he can/can’t do.
He always asks before doing anything, blushing and nervous, but the last thing he wants to do is make you uncomfortable.
Is very quick to understand that *intimacy* is what he craves the most, and that sex is only one way to express that.
So give him lots of cuddles and never, ever let go of his hand.
Completely blindsided by his confession. He wrote you a letter, which he was scared to give to you, but you eventually are able to convince him to.
And surprise surprise, he feels the same way as you.
He loves hugging and kissing you, but he’s not very interested in other things.
Maybe one day he’ll be willing to try some things just to see how it feels, but he’s perfectly content to snuggle up to you for the rest of his life.
He has a lot of insecurities to deal with too since he thought he was weird for feeling how he did.
Knowing you understand him, makes him feel so loved and safe. Even if he doesn’t talk about it much.
And I wrote a whole fic about this because I love him so much.
When he confessed to you, you were also rather surprised. He always seemed so reserved around you.
And when you tell him that you’re ace…
“Oh is that what it’s called? I could already tell you felt that way. I didn’t know it had a name.”
What you mistook for him not being interested was just him trying to be respectful of you and not put pressure on you.
Learning that will probably make you cry buckets of happy tears, because how can you not??
Once you explain to him that you still are ok with some things, he’s quick to adjust his behavior and give you the sort of physical affection you’re comfortable with.
He will absolutely murder anyone that makes you feel “less” for wanting different things. He usually does a good job managing his Wrath, but that’s a sure fire way of setting him off.
Receiving his confession honestly made you uncomfortable at first. He’s the Avatar of Lust, and is constantly making jokes about wanting to do certain things with you (and everyone else for that matter).
You just knew if you told him how you felt that that would be the end of it, and he wouldn’t be interested in you anymore, even as a friend. After all, it’s happened before.
“Oh honey, I already know. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable, but I love you as you are.”
In fact, that is probably one of the reasons he fell for you in the first place. Because he knows you love him for who he is as a person...err...demon. You spent time with him because you enjoyed his company, and that thought just makes him all kinds of warm and fuzzy.
And like with Satan, lots of crying on your part because that’s probably the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to you.
He does such a good job about respecting your boundaries, and if you’re uncomfortable with his jokes, he’ll avoid making them around you too.
He loves doing intimate but nonsexual activities with you like taking baths. He just wants to feel close to you.
He’s also completely willing to experiment with you if you ever want to try out different things, and he’s a wealth of information about ways to enjoy yourself regardless of your preferences.
You knew it was only a matter of time before Beel confessed to you. And the thought scared you a little because you just loved him so much. You didn’t want to hurt him, and you were scared that’s what would happen.
He doesn’t know what asexuality is at first, but when you explain things to him, he’s quick to pick up on it.
He gives the best hugs in the world, and he makes sure you never doubt for a second just how happy he is to have you around and to be able to hug you.
He just wants to spend time with you and make you happy.
He’ll always ask you if you’re comfortable with something before doing anything, and is very understanding of your personal boundaries.
You’re his family now, and he’d do anything for you to protect you - physically or otherwise. And absolutely won’t tolerate people trying to make you feel bad for being yourself.
His confession came as a bit of a surprise to you as well.
You thought he just viewed you as a friend and snuggle buddy, so hearing it made you uncomfortable at first. Was he going to start expecting different things now?
When you explain to him your feelings, he doesn’t really care. But not in a bad way. In a “whatever floats your boat” sort of way.
He can still cuddle you right? And nap with you? Ok cool, he doesn’t care much about the other stuff. He’s fine with whatever you want to do (or don’t do).
Like Beel, you’ll never doubt for a moment that he loves you and is happy being close to you. He just likes feeling you nearby, and loves how warm you make him feel when you hug him.
He makes sure everyone knows that you’re his, and he gets rather possessive about your cuddles too. (And can you blame him? He loves your hugs.)
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fruitquake · 4 years
realizations pt. 2
part one
read it on ao3
Regulus Black knows he doesn’t like girls. He wishes he did. It would make everything so much easier. But at some point, you have to accept that maybe you aren’t just a late bloomer. Maybe it isn’t just that you “haven’t found the right girl yet”. Maybe it’s just who you are.
Aside from knowing he definitely doesn’t like girls, though, it’s all very confusing. It seemed like a logical conclusion that if he doesn’t like girls, he must like boys.
But then, James Potter kissed him, and he’s pretty sure that if he were gay, it would’ve felt… special. Or it would’ve felt like anything at all. But rather, it felt exactly the same as kissing girls: uncomfortably and wetly smashing your mouths together. He didn’t say any of this to James. He didn’t say anything, actually, just left with what he knows was a terribly transparent excuse. Now, he’s in his room, sitting on the floor and staring out of the window at the few stars visible through the clouds.  
Is there something wrong with him? The question has been echoing in his mind since the kiss. Well, really, it’s been there long before, but he has managed to ignore it well enough before today. It was easy to push it to the back of his mind, and tell himself that he would figure it out eventually and it didn’t really matter.
But… He kissed James. James Potter, the guy who half the girls - and several guys - are utterly enamoured by. James Potter, who is objectively very handsome. And surely, if he were gay, kissing him would’ve felt… good? How is kissing supposed to feel? Regulus has tried it a few times by now, and it has never been the enjoyable experience that people make it out to be.
He is typing the words into google before he even registers having taken his phone out. Is kissing supposed to feel good?
Most of the search results are clinical, detached articles, explaining the biological and social reasons as to why humans like kissing. Until he stumbles upon a blog post on one of those ask-and-answer forums.
Anonymous: need advice!! my friends are constantly going on about their crushes and the people they’ve been with, how much they love kissing, all that stuff. and i just can’t relate at all. i’ve kissed a few boys, and once a girl too, and i don’t understand the hype at all? i’ve never really had a crush on anyone either, i think. all that kissing and dating and sex stuff just seem like a waste of time to me. is there something wrong with me? am i broken or something?
Regulus’s heart stutters as he reads the post through. He… relates to most of it. Is there something wrong with me? It’s the same question that’s been ringing loud and clear through his head since the kiss.
The comments are mostly stuff like “just wait til you’re older” and “you’ll get it when you meet the right person”, and Reg feels his stomach sink. Is that really it? He’s supposed to sit around and wait for “the right person” to come into his life and… fix him? He thinks about James again. James, who is kind and funny and one of his favourite people in the entire world. But kissing him didn’t feel right. It hasn’t felt right with anyone.
But then his eyes catch on another comment on the person’s post: you should look into the terms asexual and aromantic. i don’t think there’s anything wrong with you or that you are broken, but if you don’t have an interest in romance/sex it could be because you’re ace and/or aro.
Asexual and aromantic. Regulus googles both terms, spends hours reading through articles and blog posts and people sharing their experiences, and for the first time in his life he feels… seen. He hadn’t realized how lonely he felt, before discovering that he isn’t alone.
It’s a lot to take in. A lot of thoughts and questions and answers swirling in Regulus’s head. He really, really wants to talk to someone about all of this. But first of all, it’s 3 AM. Secondly, who?
James is… kinda the whole reason he’s having this sexuality crisis to begin with. He is certain he would’ve figured it out anyway at some point, but it’s thanks to James that he is up in the middle of the night, buried in research about his own identity. He doesn’t think he can talk to James about all this. At least not yet.
Then there’s Sirius. Regulus doesn’t know if he would understand. He feels some of that familiar loneliness creep up on him again. He and Sirius are finally close again. After years of division and hurt and pretending the other doesn’t exist, they have a relationship that’s actually good, and Regulus doesn’t want to ruin it. What if Sirius doesn’t understand or doesn’t accept him? He can’t lose his brother again. He doesn’t have anyone else.
Should he just… not tell anyone, then? Perhaps that is best, at least for now, he thinks. If no one knows, no one can judge him for it or tell him that it’s wrong or that his experiences aren’t real. He nods to himself, settling back into bed. It’s better if no one knows.
Regulus doesn’t get any sleep that night. Not that he really expected to. He spends the next day dozing off in class and avoiding James. Both are working out great for him until he starts awake, feeling a gentle hand on his shoulder.
He sits up straight on his chair and squints as he looks around. The classroom is empty, except for him and-
“Sorry, did I wake you?” James asks. He's standing beside Regulus’s desk, looking down at him with something like concern.
“S’fine,” Regulus mumbles, stifling a yawn.
James sits on top of the desk next to Regulus’s. “You look tired,” he says. “Are you okay?”
Regulus still doesn’t know how to react to people showing him genuine concern. It’s not something he’s really used to. “I’m fine,” he says, perhaps a bit too forcefully. He stands up, almost knocking over his chair in the process, and starts quickly packing up his things.
“Hey, uh,” James says, nervously messing up his hair in that way he does. “There’s something we should probably talk about.”
The kiss. Reg was desperately hoping James would pretend it never happened. He slings his bag over one shoulder and starts towards the door. “I’m sorta in a rush.”
James stands up. “Reg, please,” he says. “I… I really need to talk to you about it. Please.”
Regulus sighs, but stops in the doorway. “We don’t have to,” he says in an almost pleading tone, turning around to face James. “It doesn’t matter.”
“You don’t understand.” James looks at him with big doe eyes. “Reg, it matters to me.”
He regards James for a while, before nodding, signalling for him to say whatever it is he wants to say.
James takes a deep breath. “So, er… The thing about the kiss,” he begins, fidgeting nervously with the strap of his bag. “It sorta… made me realize something? About myself?”
Regulus has never seen him this nervous. He waits in silence for him to go on.
“Shit,” James mumbles, rubbing his face with his hands. “I feel like I’ve rehearsed this conversation all day, but now I just, like… Have no idea what to say.” He takes another deep breath. “Screw it, I’m just gonna say it, okay? I really fucking liked that kiss and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it and also I’m bisexual.” It comes out as a quick string of words with no pause for James to breathe - or for Reg to interrupt him.
James looks at him; nervous, expectant, awaiting. But Regulus really doesn’t know what to say. He feels a tight knot in his stomach. “Oh,” he finally manages.
“Ah, shit,” James says frantically. “That’s right, there was something else I was gonna say, something important. I, er… I completely get it if you don’t feel the same way. I don’t want this to ruin our friendship, because I really care about you and I don’t wanna lose you. I just… really needed to get this off my chest.”
He sounds so genuine. Of course he does, Reg thinks and feels stupid. When has James ever been anything but genuine, honest and loyal? When has he ever judged Reg or turned his back on him for anything? James knows him better than he allows most people to, and if there’s anyone Reg can talk to about this, it’s him.
“There’s something I need to get off my chest too,” Regulus says quietly.
James’s eyes widen. “Oh? What is it?”
Reg sets down his bag and goes to sit by the desk opposite James. He doesn’t look at him as he starts talking. “I’m aroace. I don’t experience… that kind of attraction. Romantic or sexual. It’s… not exactly that the kiss made me realize it. Or maybe it did. But I kinda already knew. I just… wasn’t ready to admit it to myself, I suppose? Also I didn’t really know the word for it. But… yeah, that’s who I am and I can’t do anything to change that, just as you can’t change the fact that you’re bi, so… I hope you won’t hate me now.”
When James stays quiet, Regulus forces himself to look up. James is looking at him with an unreadable expression, and Reg’s stomach drops. This was a terrible idea. He should’ve known he couldn’t tell anyone. He has ruined everything. James opens his mouth but before he can say anything, Reg has pushed out his chair and is walking toward the door with swift steps.
“Nevermind,” he says, ignoring the stinging of tears in his eyes.
“Reg, wait!”
“Forget everything I just said.”
James finds him rather quickly, at the area behind the school that’s nearly hidden with shrubs. It’s where he comes when he needs to be alone, and he knows it’s also where Sirius comes to smoke.
Regulus is sitting on the ground with his back against a tree trunk, not caring if his clothes get dirty. James sits down about a meter away from him, but doesn’t speak, so Regulus is the one to break the silence:
“Are you upset because of my sexuality or because I don’t have feelings for you?” he asks. His voice is harsher than he meant it to be, but at least it’s not shaking.
James draws in a sharp breath, turning to face him. “I’m not upset at all!” he exclaims. “What on earth gave you that idea?”
He’s… not upset? Regulus clears his throat. “Well,” he mumbles. “You didn’t say anything.”
“I’m sorry,” James says earnestly. “I didn’t really know what to say. And you didn’t exactly give me a lot of time to think before you stormed off.”
Now Reg feels like he’s the one who should apologize. He doesn’t, though. Just stares straight ahead at the shrubs surrounding them.
“I’m really sorry I made you feel this way, Reg,” James says softly. “I promise I’m not upset. I care about you. A lot. And I, er… I may not know that much about this stuff, but I’m gonna do research on it so I can support you the best I can, because I care about-” He cuts himself off. “No, wait, I already said that part,” he mumbles, laughing nervously.
Reg smiles at him. “You hate doing research,” he says. “You avoid it like the plague.”
James laughs again. “Shut up, you wanker,” he says, shoving him gently. “This is different!”
He scoots a bit closer, putting his hand on Regulus’s shoulder. “But really,” he says, his tone more serious now. “I support you one hundred percent. You’ll always be family to me. So if you want, we can just forget all about that kiss.”
“But…” Reg looks up at him. “The kiss did mean something to you, didn’t it?”
James considers this for a moment. “I mean… it was a good kiss. And it did sorta… force me to come to terms with my sexuality. But what really means something to me is you, Reg, and our friendship. I don’t wanna lose that, ever. So… do I maybe have a teeny tiny crush on you? Yeah, I think I might, but it’s honestly no big deal. It won’t change anything between us, I promise.”
He holds out his pinky finger, and it takes Regulus several moments to realize what he’s doing. He holds up his own pinky and laces it with James’s.
“I just realized, I’m kind of an asshole,” he says after a bit. “I practically dismissed your coming out because I was so worried about my own.”
“Oh.” James chuckles. “Mate, don’t worry about it. I completely understand.”
“If you want, you can tell me again and I will try to react better,” Reg offers.
James shakes his head, amused. “I… alright,” he says, grinning. “Regulus?”
“I’m bisexual.”
Reg smiles at him. “Oh, okay!” he says, acting as though it’s the first he’s hearing of this. “That’s lovely. I’m very happy for you. And… obviously, I support you, and I care about you a lot, too.”
James’s grin grows wider. “Thank you,” he says.
They sit quietly for a while, before James speaks again:
“Do you wanna come over today? Mum is making pancakes for dessert. And we can play Mario Kart.”
Regulus groans, but can’t quite suppress a smile. “Ugh, I don’t wanna play Mario Kart against you. You always win. I swear you’re cheating, somehow.”
“How would I cheat at Mario Kart?” James asks with a laugh.
Reg shrugs, crossing his arms. “I don’t know, but I don’t wanna play with you either way.”
“Okay, well… You can play against Sirius? Or you two can team up and try to beat me together,” James suggests, nudging his shoulder. “Come on, it’ll be fun. And pancakes.”
“Fine,” Reg says, as if he wasn’t going to say yes from the beginning. “But only because of the pancakes.”
James nods solemnly. “That’s fair,” he says, and Reg tries not to smile like an idiot, but it’s hard not to because at least for now, all of the worries and doubts swirling in his chest have been driven away by a warm, relieved feeling.
“James?” he says.
He doesn’t actually know what to say, so he just wraps his arms around James and pulls him into a hug. James hugs him back tightly, and Regulus feels incredibly lucky to have a friend like him.
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casuallyimagining · 4 years
I Meant What I Said
Jeon Jungkook x Ace!Reader
Summary: For Jungkook, the scariest thing about this Halloween is thinking you’re mad at him. Notes: This was very self-indulgent, but I’ve been wanting to write something like this for a while. Hope you enjoy. This is part of the Long Term Couples series.  Read more here
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The party was loud--almost too loud. Jungkook could barely think. His eyes scanned the bodies in the room. People were dancing, their costumes all matching the theme—the 1980s—and looking like Boy George himself had vomited neon and bad hairstyles all over everyone. In the far corner, someone dressed as an ‘80s home workout coach--Hoseok-hyung, his brain barely registered--was surrounded by people hanging on his every word. Not seeing what he was looking for, Jungkook began to wander.
He was mad at himself, but he wasn’t sure why. He knew he said something wrong, something that had made his best friend disappear. But for the life of him, he couldn’t figure out what that something was. Jungkook had even relayed the conversation to Jimin and Taehyung when they arrived at the party, but they either couldn’t or wouldn’t help him. So he was forced to wander through the sea of costumed bodies alone, searching for you.
“Your costume looks amazing. It would look better on my floor.” 
Jungkook replayed the brief conversation in his mind as he looked. You were dressed as Cyndi Lauper. It shouldn’t be this hard to find you.
He sighed. It was a joke, he thought you understood that. Looking back, though, he should have known that when your smile stopped meeting your eyes, you didn’t see it as a joke. Was it his tone? Admittedly, he was shamelessly flirting with you, but in his defense, you had never taken offence to his flirting before.
After years of friendship, he had finally gathered up the courage to ask you out a few months ago. If anyone asked you, you would probably say Jungkook had drunkenly confessed to you one early morning and you had humored him. He just hadn’t left your side since. You were his best friend and his most determined supporter. Jungkook had thought the relationship was going well--nothing much had changed between the friendship and the romance--and it killed him to think that maybe he had ruined everything with a stupid joke.
As Jungkook approached the door to the balcony, he heard Jin’s squeaky laugh. He peaked out and saw you and Jin sitting on a bench, drinks in your hands. For a moment, he paused in the doorway, unsure if he should approach you.
Just as he was about to turn away, you noticed him standing there. A small smile played at the corner of your lips, and Jungkook couldn’t help but return it. Jin stood, then, and after making some excuse about having to find Namjoon, he hugged you tightly and slipped back inside.
It was quiet out on the balcony with the eldest member gone. The late October air was chilly, and Jungkook was glad that he had chosen a lazy Freddy Krueger costume--the oversized sweater, though itchy, kept him warm. Silently, he found himself drifting towards the railing of the balcony. As much as he wanted to talk to you, he thought better of it.
What if you were still mad at him?
The property Bang PD had rented for the party was gorgeous. The trees were lit up with purple and orange spotlights, casting long shadows on the lawn below. Pumpkins--some carved, some not--littered the patio below the balcony. Close-by, someone had constructed some sort of spooky maze in the foliage.
After a moment, he felt you gently brush against his shoulder as you leaned against the railing beside him. You sighed, and he watched you rub the side of your nose out of the corner of his eye.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, keeping his eyes on the trees.
You froze, your hand still under your eye. “What?”
“I’m not entirely sure what I did, but you’re mad at me, and I’m sorry.”
He turned to look at you then. Your face was full of confusion as your eyes scanned his features, focus flitting back and forth between his eyes. Eventually, you found what you were looking for--though what that was, Jungkook had no idea--and your eyes met his own. You mumbled a soft “Oh, Jungkook,” before turning your head away to look down at the cup in your hands.
You leaned even more into the balcony railing as you shifted your weight from one foot to the other. He could practically see the gears turning in your head, could see the thoughts pop into and out of existence, could see the war you were waging with yourself in your mind.
“I need you to know that this isn’t your fault,” you said finally, refusing to look at him. Your voice was steady and without emotion, almost as if you’d practiced what you wanted to say. “And I also need you to know that I didn’t intend for this conversation to happen like this. I should have told you this a long time ago.”
It was Jungkook’s turn to be confused. He had no idea what you were talking about. Were you cheating on him? Did you not want to be in a relationship with him? Were you living some sort of double life? Luckily for him, you only took a moment to collect your thoughts before continuing.
“I don’t want this to ruin things,” you said carefully, picking at your nails. It was one of your nervous habits, and normally, he found it endearing. But right now, he was just nervous. “But I’m also not an idiot. I understand if it does.”
“Ruin things. If you don’t want to do this anymore, I’ll understand.”
“Jagi, I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Jungkook reached out and smoothed the side of your hair that wasn’t teased to hell and back. He felt you tense under his touch. It was so brief, he thought maybe he imagined it, but the look on your face made it clear that he didn’t. You sighed as he retracted his hand.
“I’m asexual.” Your tone was methodical. If someone had just been listening to the conversation, they might even have mistaken it for casual. But Jungkook could see the way you blink a little faster, the way your eyes darted in the opposite direction of him, the way your arms wrapped around yourself. This was not the first time you’d had this conversation. Or, maybe it was, and you cared more about his opinion than you’d care to admit.
You continued before he could respond. “I didn’t want to tell you like this, but I didn’t want to make it seem like I’m leading you on, y’know? I mean, we’ve been friends for years now and like… you’ve told me about your other girlfriends and… everything… and I-I don’t want you to get the wrong idea about us. About me.”
“So, I mean, I understand if you want to go back to just being friends. I get it. I’ll be okay.” You nodded, and Jungkook could tell you were trying to convince yourself more than him. Suddenly, you were very interested in the empty cup in your hands. “I should go get a drink.”
You moved to brush past him, but he caught your wrist and you froze. He said your name gently, but there was a firmness to it that kept you in place, even when he pulled his hand away from your arm. You stood there in silence for what felt like eons. He watched you avoid his gaze.
Jungkook sighed. “Why didn’t you tell me before?” He spoke softly, trying his best not to set you off into another panic-induced ramble.
“It didn’t matter. And then it did. And the more I put it off, the harder it got.”
His hand came up to cup your face, his thumb ghosting over your cheekbone. You could feel his gaze on you. When your eyes finally met his, you could see the emotion in them.
“You thought... what? That I’d leave?” You shrugged, chewing on your lip nervously. He sighed again. “Jagi, I don’t care if you don’t want to have sex with me.”
A look of confusion crossed your face. “You… don’t?”
“I mean, I do.” He could feel his face heating up. “But not if you don’t want to. Not if it makes you uncomfortable.”
For a moment, the sparkle came back to your eyes and Jungkook could feel his heart soar. But then you frowned again.
“What if you change your mind?” It was more of a statement than a question, and a small piece of him broke as he realized that maybe you weren’t used to being loved like that. Maybe you weren’t used to someone understanding. A small piece of him wanted to rage against society, to burn it all to the ground, if it would help you feel better.
“Then we’ll talk about it like adults.” He pulled you to him suddenly, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. “Fuck fucking. I’ve loved you for so long, I just want to be with you.” Your hands froze on his waist at his confession, but he only squeezed you tighter. “Maybe I will change my mind. In a year, five years, whatever. But we’ll talk about it. Fuck, we’ll get therapy if we have to.”
He fell silent, then, but continued to hold you to him. After a moment of quiet, he felt you relax. Your arms snaked slowly around his waist. And while it was clear to him you were still a little conflicted, you had opened up to him. And that was a start.
“Jesus, jagi. I thought you were mad at me,” he breathed. He felt you shake your head against him before burying your face into his neck.
As the silence enveloped the two of you again, Jungkook’s mind wandered. The music was so loud inside, it was amazing how quiet it was on the balcony, even with the door open. Slowly, he started to sway your bodies to the beat of the song, some American pop number he recognized but didn’t really know. One of his hands found its way into your hair, the other rubbed lazy circles into your back.
“I hope you know you can trust me,” he whispered into your hair. “I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable. I know we’re dating, but you’re my best friend first.”
You squeezed him around the middle in acknowledgement. Jungkook leaned back, holding you at arms’ length so he could look at your face. Your hands balled in the hem of his sweater that hung loosely around his waist. Your eyes sparkled in the moonlight, and you looked happy—genuinely happy. He smiled gently.
“I meant what I said. I love you, jagi.”
Your breath audibly caught in your throat. For a moment, Jungkook was disappointed you didn’t respond to him in kind. But looking closer, he saw the depth in your eyes, felt your hands grip his sweater tighter. Maybe you weren’t ready to say it yet, but Jungkook could feel it.
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Read more of the series here
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phoebenavarro · 4 years
the fading sun
I haven’t posted any of my writing here in a very long time but I’m rather proud of this piece so, why not. part of my “Jon decides Tim is the only person he can trust in s2″ AU, but can be read on it’s own
the magnus archives, jontim, 1,456 words 
on ao3 here
Jon is the most tactile person Tim has ever met. It came as a bit of a surprise to him, because of the general vibe Jon has projected the entire time they’ve known each other, but as they’ve gotten closer, Tim has learned that Jon only allows himself to be like this with people he trusts, and Jon has never trusted many people. Tim feels all warm and fuzzy, knowing he’s one of the few people Jon trusts. So Tim holds Jon, and Jon clings to him like a lifeline. Jon is wrapped around him, with his head resting on Tim’s chest, and Tim is stroking Jon’s hair when a thought strikes him, and he snorts. Jon hums an inquisitive tone.
“Nothing really,” Tim says, “I just realized that this…..” he gestures between them, “Whatever this is. Us. Is the most stable relationship I’ve had in years.” Jon huffs out a half laugh, a little bitter.
“Yeah. Yeah, me too.”
Tim lets that sit in the air for a few minutes, enjoying the calm between them.
“What are we?” he asks, “Are we a couple? Romantically, I mean.”
Jon considers it. “I don’t know, are we?” he replies, lifting his head to look at Tim with a raised eyebrow. Tim pulls Jon up to face him more comfortably.
“Oh no, you’re not turning the question back on me,” Tim says, a little indignant, then, softer, “I wouldn’t ask if I wasn’t interested.”
Jon has definitely thought about it. He’s thought about how his relationship with Tim really isn’t that different from any other romantic relationship he’s had in his life. The main difference is the lack of kissing (or well, snogging, but Jon hates that word), and going out on dates. Tim is handsome, and kind, and funny, and he’s the only person who makes Jon feel safe, the only person who understands exactly what Jon is going through.
So yes, it’s safe to say Jon is interested.
“I’d like that,” Jon says, shyly, “If you would.”
“Oh, I absolutely would.” Tim waggles his eyebrows at him, a large grin spreading across his face. Jon smiles back at him for a second, before his brain decides to ruin the moment for him.
“I’m asexual,” Jon blurts out. He winces, embarrassed at his own self. He’s never been good at this part. Tim sits up a bit, leaning on his elbow. He looks a little surprised, but not shocked at the sudden change in topic.
“I mean, I figured?” he says. Jon’s brain short circuits.
“You… What?”
Tim gestures to the black ring on Jon’s middle finger. “The ring. That’s an ace thing, right?”
“Oh!” Jon looks down at his hand. “Yes, uh.” Georgie gave it to him, shortly after he figured out he was ace. She was the first person to accept that he didn’t really want sex, and she was integral in helping him discover that there was a word for the way he felt. “I— Sometimes I forget I’m wearing it, and that other people know what it means.” Tim nods.
Jon plows on, unable to stop talking. He hasn’t dated in a long time, since before he got the head archivist position, so he hasn’t had to do the ‘coming out to a potential romantic partner’ spiel in a while. He’s always anxious about it, but with Tim, he’s terrified. Not that he thinks Tim will react badly, but… Every person he’s dated since Georgie lost interest after he came out to them. He knows that, statistically, his asexuality couldn’t have been the reason for all of them, especially when he considered his difficult personality, but the last thing Jon wants is to ruin what he and Tim have now.
“I don’t experience sexual attraction, I never have, and I just want you to know that sex isn’t something I’m interested in, except on very rare occasions. An— and it’s nothing you’ve done, it’s just me. It’s how I am.” He wishes he could blame it on a low libido, but it’s a lot more complicated than that.
Tim is looking at him with such gentleness that he thinks he might cry.
“Jon,” he says, “That is okay. More than okay, really. The last thing I want to do is make you uncomfortable.”
“I mean— I don’t—“ Jon sighs, “I know that sex is something that you enjoy.”
Tim laughs a little, because now it’s his turn to explain a complicated subject.
“Yeah, sure, I have been known to enjoy casual sex,” an understatement, “But it’s not something I’ve been doing lately.” He sighs, unsure of how to explain it. “After Danny I was just… Numb, for so long, and hooking up with people was an easy way to feel something. It was a coping mechanism, I guess, but it really wasn’t healthy, so I stopped. Not that I stopped hooking up with people completely, but y’know, going on dates with people first and making more genuine connections instead of just… using them. And then Prentiss happened, and well, I haven’t exactly been sleeping with anybody.
“I know what my reputation was in Research. and I first liked you because you were never all judgmental about that. So if you never want to have sex with me, I’m fine with that.”
“Well, I didn’t say never,” Jon mutters. He knows he gives off a ‘never’ kind of vibe, (and he was, for a long time, until he figured out what he likes and how he likes it), but he genuinely enjoys sex, on occasion. Usually the issue is that he’s too much in his own head, thinking too much about the logistics, the vulnerability required, that it’s too much trouble, but it can be different with someone he trusts.
“That didn’t come out right,” Tim says, “I don’t want you to think that you’re a burden, or something. Because you’re not, and I want to give this a go, with you, because you’re you, and I love you.”
Jon stares at Tim, dumbstruck for a moment, because it is such a painfully Tim way to say it, and Jon once again feels like he could cry.
“Thank you,” he says, “I appreciate you saying that. Other people have not taken it well, in the past.”
“Fuck that,” Tim responds, “I’m sorry people were shitty.”
“Guess we’ve got that in common,” Jon says.
“Yeah,” Tim sighs, “Bi ace solidarity?”
Jon nods and leans in closer to Tim. “Kiss me?”
Tim doesn’t need to be asked twice. He’s been thinking about it fairly often for the past few weeks. He presses his lips against Jon’s, gentle and chaste.Jon melts against him. Tim doesn’t want to push things too far, since they haven’t had a real conversation about boundaries, so they just trade soft, sweet kisses for a while. It feels simultaneously novel and intimate, and Tim finds himself thinking that he would be content to stay in this moment forever.
After some time, Jon pulls away, a small grin across his face.
“Alright?” Tim asks gently.
“Very much so,” Jon replies.
“Hey, if we’re dating, is it weird if I still call you boss?” Tim asks, humor back in his voice.
“Only if you’re into that,” Jon deadpans, and Tim laughs that delighted laugh he reserves for when Jon surprises him with a joke.
“Oh Christ,” Jon says, as he thinks about the implications of dating someone who is technically his employee, “HR is gonna be a nightmare about this.”
“I mean… Who says we have to tell them?” Tim says, and Jon stares at him, affronted. “Yes, alright, I’m sure the employee handbook has lots to say on the subject, but this stopped being a normal job the moment we got attacked by a worm lady, so forgive me if I don’t see the point in doing the proper HR paperwork.”
“I suppose you have a point.”
“I genuinely don’t think there’s much we can do at this point that would make Elias fire us. And if he did fire us for dating I would leave a hell of a bad review on GlassDoor.”
Jon smiles. “I don’t think academics really use GlassDoor.”
“Whatever,” Tim shrugs, “I think HR would also have a thing or two to say about me sharing a bed with my boss every night for the past few months.”
Jon’s face goes red at that. “Yes, alright. We won’t tell anyone.”
“I’ll make it up to you. We could go on a real, proper date? Go out to dinner, maybe see a movie?”
“I haven’t been to the cinema in ages,” Jon says, “ ‘Would be nice.”
Tim snickers. “Cinema. Alright, Grandad.”
Jon kisses him again to silence his teasing.
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not-using-this1 · 4 years
Sleepless Night ~N.Romanoff~
So this oneshot has kinda been sitting in my drafts on wattpad and on here for quite a while. I thought why not upload it after I rewrite it to make it better than it was, I’d say I haven’t touched this one since last October (oops) but here is this oneshot rewritten, pretty proud of this one (Again this is based off the gamerverse Nat hehe but I couldn’t find a gif for her just chilling so..)
Natasha Romanoff x Inhuman!reader :)
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Natasha catches you in the HARM room at one in the morning. Concerned about how you barely sleep, she confronts you about it. (Reader has the ability to create/manipulate fire) You tell her the reason as to why you’ve been struggling, she’s there for you in a heartbeat.
Just Natasha being a huge softie :)
Warnings: mention of sex only briefly for like a sentence, 18+, the rest of this is just fluff
Word count: Around 1500 
Natasha' POV
Like usual, I could barely get some sleep. It has been like that for a long time. But tonight was different. Currently it was one a.m. I highly doubted that most of the others were asleep right now but the atmosphere around the chimera felt peaceful, for once instead of hectic.
Walking out of my room, I decided to just take my usual late night walk (or early morning walk, whatever anyone wants to call it). Heading to the back of the Chimera I couldn't help but here the sounds of someone practising in the HARM room.
It's not very often that someone is doing this, especially at this time. Walking through the door that led to the room, a simulation was of course going on.
That's when I saw Y/n, beating the shit out of aim forces with her power to control fire. The poor woman had barely been getting any sleep it seemed, she looked exhausted and I knew how it felt to be that way.
Sighing I walk into the room "Jarvis, stop the simulation" I speak up. He complies and shuts it down. Y/n let out a frustrated sigh and turned towards me, my arms folded holding my ground. "Why'd you do that, Tasha. I was on a roll." Y/n complained as she walks towards me, unimpressed.
I sighed "For starters, it's one in the morning and you need to sleep. I have noticed you haven't slept in three days." I reply. I'm genuinely concerned for her health, she really needs to get some sleep.
"You’re telling me to sleep? You haven't slept in a while either." Yes, that was true but we weren't here to talk about me "besides I'm fine. I can still go on missions and be energetic, so why'd you care?" Wow that was harsh, the why'd you care part but Natasha totally gets it, she checks up on everyone from time to time of course but they just don't know it for some reason and she is quite direct.
"I check up on everyone but you guys just don't know it." I add with a light chuckle. I go back to being all serious, I need her to know that sleeping is important but I want to know why she hasn't been sleeping in the first place. "Come with me." I casually add as gesture for her to follow me, Y/n shruggs her shoulders and follows behind me.
I go straight into my room on the Chimera, she doesn't question me (at least not yet) I gesture her to sit down beside me on my bed. "So, are you gonna tell me what we're doing in your room, Romanoff?" There's the question but I sensed a little flirtation from her as she said my last name, I gave her a small smile. "What's been keeping you awake?" I asked her, Y/n looked at me she seemed worried about the question as if she didn't want to answer it because I might judge her but I never could.
"It's stupid, there's no need." Y/n replies looking away from me for a few seconds and then looking down at her knees. She was nervous but what for exactly?
"Whatever it is, it's not stupid. You know I won't judge you." I tried to speak a bit softer, suddenly grabbing one of her hands in mine which shocked up both, she gave me a small smile, her hand squeezed mine slightly.
"Something has been on my mind lately and I've been struggling to sleep because of it. I just can't get it out of my mind and every time I try it just doesn't work, thanks to a certain woman on the chimera. I get these conflicting feelings and it gets me so confused and unfocused but I just couldn't tell anyone because I thought that they would yell at me." 
I listened carefully to what Y/n had to say, come to think of it she had seemed rather off these last three days, especially on missions. It made me miss her ridiculous jokes, puns and silly flirtation, I want that Y/n back and I would do anything to get her back to her normal self. "What do you think could make us all hate you? We love you."  
Y/n looked at me, didn't break any eye contact, it looked as if she was on the verge of breaking down, my thumb started brushing her hand as I held it, silently telling her that it would be okay. None of us could ever hate her no matter what.
"I like girls, like love them and I also like this woman in particular- I shouldn't have said-"
"No, it's okay. If it makes you feel any better, Tony' bisexual, Cap is just as confused about himself but lets be honest he likes Tony even if they argue. Yelena is an asexual lesbian. The list goes on." I paused. I was thinking about what I wanted to say about myself. I like men but I also like women although I have never had a relationship with a woman I know I like them because I have had sex with a few before my time as an Avenger. "And me, well I like women to."
Y/n gave me another smile, she seemed a lot happier when I mentioned what I just did about everyone including me. "Wow, I never knew these things. I'm feeling somewhat better but there' something else. This woman I like."
I nodded my head and let go of her hand, I was silent and waiting for her to mention who it was or at least give me a describtion sometimes it helps talking about who you love but sometimes it can hurt, in this case I'm hoping it won't hurt Y/n.
"Well she's very badass, can kick ass very well, looks good while doing it, actually she looks good while doing anything. She's around 5'5, looks very intimidating but is an actual amazing person although she won't admit it. She's drop dead gorgeous, pale blue eyes, I love her personality, her body is just so perfect. May or may not have walked in on her naked once and has red hair and-
I listened to every detail she gave me, only to realise at the 'walked in on her naked' part was actually me. I didn't know how to react until I decided to shut her up by pushing her down on my bed and straddling her waist "Oh, and did I mention she has fast movement?" Y/n lets out a gasp as I pushed her down on the bed but she then chuckles and smirks at me. "You think all of this about me?" I whisper to the young woman under me "Duh, now-
"Shut up" I interrupted her, she raised an eyebrow at me in question but I ignored it and pulled her in for a kiss. The kiss was quite sloppy at first because it was something that the both of us seemed to need after a long time of avoiding these feelings (because I also like her). Pulling away she had the biggest smile on her face.
"So I take it, the feelings mutual?”
"Yes dorogoy, lets just get some sleep. Okay?" Just as I was about to get off her and lay next to her, Y/n pulled me back in for another kiss "I'd much rather stay up." She cheekily smirks as she pulls away, wrapping her arms around my neck and clutching onto me.
"Y/n" I rolled my eyes at her, her grip on me loosend enough for me to get off her. I press a kiss to her cheek and we both get under my covers, she backs up slightly more to me and I put my arm around her stomach to keep her close to me "This isn't some dream is it?" She whispered.
It had been a good thirty minutes and we had just layed there in silence, just as I was about to finally get to sleep with the woman I loved in my arms, finally. She had broken the silence.
Y/n' POV
I really couldn't sleep, I had forgot to mention to Nat that  had atleast two coffee' before I decided to stay up in the HARM room as well as stressing about the fact that I was confused over my sexuality and the fact I like her, I was so happy she liked me back and now here we are, laying in her bed, her arms wrapped around me.
"Nat, I can't sleep. I had two coffee' and I still have a lot of energy." I heard her sigh, I didn't even bother turning around to face her "Y/n, please just try. I was about to fall asleep."
I sighed and shut my eyes trying again but it just wouldn't work "You can sleep ya know. I'll go back to my room and-
I felt Nat' lips on my neck, pressing a few light kisses to my skin "No, you're here now and I don't want to let you go."
Wow that was cheesy even for Natasha "Okay, I don't want to either."
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bluejayblueskies · 4 years
n. a love based on deep connection to one’s well-being and built upon a love for one’s self; a centered wholeness
Words: 2.3k
Fandom: The Magnus Archives
Relationship: Sasha James & Tim Stoker & Martin Blackwood & Jonathan Sims, Past Tim Stoker/Sasha James, Minor Jonathan Sims/Martin Blackwood
Characters: Tim Stoker, Martin Blackwood, Jonathan Sims, Sasha James
Additional Tags: AU - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Fluff and Humor, Statement Fic (but not in the way you expect!), Aromantic and Asexual Characters, Implied/Referenced Homophobia (very minor), Implied/Referenced Arophobia (also very minor)
So, according to Tim, I’m supposed to be recording a statement on, quote, my “most swashbucklingest experience as an esteemed member of the LGBT community.” He left this recorder on my desk and stole my scone. Timothy Stoker, I will not forget that.
Statements of members of the archival staff at the Magnus Institute, London, regarding certain facets of their aspec identities. Statements compiled by Timothy Stoker on 10th June, 2016. For personal use only.
Ao3 link in reblogs
Or read below:
 —really don’t think this is necessary—
 Aaaaand we’re recording!
 (exasperated) Tim.
 Oh, come on Martin, it’s more fun this way!
 You cannot look me in the eye and tell me that this doesn’t appeal to your, and I quote, “retro aesthetic.”
 (reluctantly) It… might.
 See! So it’s perfect!
 Obviously you don’t have to if you don’t want to, Martin. I just thought it might be nice—to have something to look back on when we’re all old and sick of each other, you know? Here, I can go first.
 Tim, you don’t have to—
 (overlapping, adopting the ‘Archivist’ voice) Statement of Timothy Stoker, regarding the first time he went to Pride with his brother, Danny. June 10th, 2016.
 (cheekily) Statement begins.
 (in his normal voice) I realized I was into blokes too when I was 15, you know. Think it took me a while because of the whole ace thing, though that took me until I was in uni to really figure out. I was still fine with sex, you know, always enjoyed it when it came up, just… never really wanted it with anyone in particular. So I suppose I’d assumed for a while that the things I was feeling toward other guys weren’t romantic because I never had the sexual parts to go along with them. (with wry humor) Almost ruined a few relationships that way, actually.
 But I’m getting a bit off-topic. Can’t be one of those rambling statement givers Jon hates. God, I can see his face now, that thing he does with his nose—Martin, you know the one, the- the way it looks like he’s just smelled something really, really rank.
 I thought you said you weren’t going to ramble.
 Cheeky, cheeky. Okay, where was I. Right.
 Mom and Dad weren’t real big on the whole bi thing, so the first time I got the chance to go to Pride was in uni. The first time I got the chance to go with Danny was after he turned 18 and got his first modeling gig. At least, I think he was already modeling back then. Point is, we were both out of the house, and Danny had been dying to go to Pride with me ever since I sent him pictures of me and Sasha eating an entire box of rainbow-colored donuts that first year. I’d figured out I was ace by then, but it had been pretty recent, so when we got there, I found one of the vendors selling those big flags you drape over your shoulders and got an ace one. Felt a bit weird having the ace flag instead of the bi one like the other years, but I had worn that pink, blue, and purple button-down Sasha got me for Christmas once, so overall, it felt all right.
 And Danny—god, he loved it. Pretty sure he ate his weight in fried food that day.
 Almost got the aro flag he’d borrowed from Sasha dirty, actually, when he—
 (quickly changes course) Ah, nothing! Sasha, if you’re listening to this, absolutely nothing happened to your flag, and I definitely did not have it laundered before I returned it to you.
 Aaaaand that’s it! Statement ends, I guess.
 See—easy! (a bit more seriously) But really—you don’t have to record one if you don’t want to, Martin.
 No, I- I want to.
 Are you sure? I don’t want you to do that thing where you just do something because you think someone else wants you to.
 I do not—!
 Okay, okay, fine. Point taken. But yeah, I- I’m sure.
 (with an audible smile) Statement of, er, Martin Blackwood. Regarding… a crush. No, no, wait—god, that sounds so juvenile. Regarding himself, and a person who- er, someone whom he—
 Fine. Regarding a crush. Statement given June 10th, 2016.
 Statement begins.
 I’m always a little embarrassed to tell people that I’ve never dated anyone before? Okay, a- a lot embarrassed, actually. I try not to bring it up, but people will say things like, oh, you know how it is to shop for a partner or meeting her parents is definitely nerve-wracking—which is wrong on, er, two accounts, actually—and then I feel more awkward not telling them that I don’t know, actually, because I’ve never been in a relationship longer than a week or so. Then, they’ll get all sympathetic, like it’s some- some tragedy that I’m not involved with someone, and that’s worse, because then they’ll offer to set me up with people, or say that they don’t understand why I’m single because I’m a catch or whatever, and I have to give them some excuse about not interested at the moment.
 It’s not that, not really. Dates with strangers, they- they just never work out for me.
 I think I fall somewhere on the aromantic spectrum? I didn’t think about it much until Sasha mentioned it once over drinks—I think you were there, Tim, although you were (laughs) very drunk by that point. I told her I hadn’t had a crush on anyone since sixth form, and she threw around a bunch of terms. I- I honestly don’t really remember, it was kind of overwhelming and (laughs) I was also pretty drunk as well. But yeah, it… it sounds about right.
 (hesitantly, as if bracing himself for impact) So… this person. Who I, er. Recently, that is, who I…
 It’s really strange, that’s all. And a- a lot. I—heh—I don’t really know what to do about it.
 Uh, statement ends? I guess? I, uh, don’t really have anything else to say. (jokingly) It’s not like there’s any, er, follow-up or whatever. (to Tim) Was- was that okay?
 (audibly smiling) Yup! Most excellent, Marto. (more seriously) You felt okay, right?
 (huh) Yeah. Yeah, I- I did. A bit nice, actually. (quickly) As- as long as this stays in the archives, though. It… it is staying in the archives, right?
 Oh, definitely. Right next to the section on love potions, I think.
 (laughs) Yes, Martin, it’s staying in the archives. Pinkie promise. Just you, me, Sasha, and Jon. (in the tone of a man who knows a great secret and wants nothing more than to share it) Speaking of Jon—
 (quickly) Uh, recording ends!
 (undeterred) —is he the—?
 Right. So, according to Tim, I’m supposed to be recording a statement on, quote, my “most swashbucklingest experience as an esteemed member of the LGBT community.” He left this recorder on my desk and stole my scone. Timothy Stoker, I will not forget that. It was white chocolate raspberry, and I’m stealing the money it cost out of your wallet.
 Statement of Sasha James, given 10th June 2016. Subject of statement is… hmm. Let’s say… (laughs) A brief relationship with one Timothy Stoker.
 Statement begins.
 Tim, I know you’re listening to this, and I just want to preface this by saying that yes, it was Italian that we had for dinner that night, not Greek. You’re thinking of a different friendship-turned-hookup-turned-awkward-aftermath-turned-friendship.
 Anyway, I guess the best place to begin with this whole thing is by saying that I’ve known I was aro since I was 16 and that I’ve never been very good at talking about it. I’ve ended plenty of tried and failed relationships with the it’s-not-you-it’s-me talk because I didn’t know how to explain that I just… wasn’t interested in romance.
 I wanted to explain it to you beforehand, Tim, I really, really did. We’ve had this conversation, I know I know—I won’t rehash it over tape.
 But the important thing is that I like you so, so much, and—god, this is stupid—I guess maybe I thought that it wouldn’t matter with you? That you could like me romantically and I could like you platonically and it would be fine. Like I said, stupid, but you asked me out to that Italian place—yes, Italian, for god’s sake, I had the chicken parm and you had some sort of lasagna abomination—and I just… couldn’t say no. And it was nice, really. I had a lot of fun.
 And then we slept together. And… that was really nice. But then, the next morning, the… the guilt set in. Because I felt the same as I always had about you—which is to say that I loved you, just not in the same way you loved me—and I became convinced that I’d gone and ruined the whole thing.
 Ignoring you for a week was probably not the correct response. (quieter) Yeah, definitely not my finest moment. But I’d gotten it in my head that the moment I told you that I didn’t feel that way about you and that I would never feel that way about you—or about anyone—you’d hate me. And you don’t have to say that you’d never hate me—I know you wouldn’t. I think I knew it then, too. But fear is a powerful thing.
 Anyway, you know how it all turned out. You finally dragged me out to coffee and I finally told you why I’d been avoiding you and it was really, really awkward for about a month after that and then it just… wasn’t anymore. (audibly smiling) And you’re still my best friend, Tim. Even if you did steal my scone.
 Recording ends.
 Statement of Kyle Henning, regarding a strange mushroom he found growing in his garden. Original statement given April 15th, 2011. Audio recording by Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, London.
 Statement begi—
 Hey boss! Got a moment?
 (irritated) Tim, please at least knock when the door to my office is closed. I was just about to record a statement.
 (unbothered) So if you were about to, that means you’re not recording one right now, which means you do have a moment.
 (flatly) Shut the door on your way out, Tim.
 (brightly) Right you are, boss! Juuuust going to leave this here on your desk. Bring it back whenever you’re done!
 (dryly) I’m fairly certain that I’m the one who assigns you tasks to complete, Tim.
 That you do! I guess I better get back to them then. Have fun!
 (firmly) Tim—
 Right. Well, given that this recording is essentially useless now and I hadn’t even gotten to the statement, I may as well start over. (mutters under his breath) Bloody waste of tape and my time—
 Before I begin, I would like to make it very clear that this is not an appropriate use of working hours or the tape recorders, which should be used for statements that won’t record digitally as per Elias’s request.
 That being said, I am… not entirely opposed to this project. So, I suppose…
 Statement of Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, London, regarding… regarding a black ring worn on the middle finger of his right hand. Statement recorded by subject, June 10th, 2016.
 Statement begins.
 I’ve often been told that I am not a very open person. I don’t necessarily intend to be closed-off, but I’ve also never found the need to disclose every aspect of my personal life to everyone I come into contact with. And yes, Tim—because I trust that you and you alone will be listening to this tape—that is a perfectly respectable way to live one’s life. Not everyone needs to know what I ate for breakfast that morning or who my favorite primary school teacher was.
 I… will admit, though, that in certain circumstances, I… could probably stand to be more transparent regarding aspects of my personal life. Perhaps that’s why Georgie bought me the ring.
 It wasn’t a special occasion. She just brought it back from the shop one day, a few weeks after a… particularly illuminating conversation about certain sexual identities, and dropped it atop my copy of Wuthering Heights. Honestly, I had no idea what it was at first. I- (heh) I tried to make a joke about unorthodox proposals, but I- I don’t really think it landed. Georgie just looked at me and said that she’d seen it on one of the online forums, that it was called an ace ring, and that she thought I might like it. I think I was more surprised about the fact that the ring fit perfectly than at the fact that she’d bought me the ring in the first place.
 So I wore it. And it felt… nice. Understand, I don’t keep quiet about my romantic and sexual identities out of shame or embarrassment or indecision; I simply don’t feel the need to announce them at any given moment. So I’ve always been fond of small things—pins and stickers and such—that I can incorporate into my life, insignificant enough that they aren’t readily apparent to anyone but me, as they’re for me more than for anyone else. My ring is one such thing.
 Statement ends.
 (with something that might be a smile) As for your other request, I do have a prior engagement with Georgie and Melanie this weekend. Though if you’re willing to accommodate two more, I’m sure they wouldn’t be opposed to coming along. Georgie’s always telling me that Pride is more fun when you’re with a group, after all.
 End recording.
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vhenadahls · 3 years
Pippa - Omnia vincit amor; et nos cedamus amori.
LOVE CONQUERS ALL; let us too yield to love [from this prompt list]
Pippa bounces on her toes in the elevator, trying to drain off a little of the excess energy she’s been carrying for what seems like forever. The route to engineering is one she’s walked many many times, by now, and she practically skips along it. Coming back to talk to Tali every so often, getting more and more frequent, has always been a highlight of being on this damn Cerberus ship.
But after their last conversation - after Tali had readily admitted she trusted Pippa enough to link suit environments, and then stumbled over an explanation of the custom signifying a desire for further intimacy, and they’d both clumsily come around to admitting crushes on one another - and after their tour of the Rayya, Pippa’s already energy-filled body has been going on the double. The door takes too long to slide open, and Pippa finds herself bouncing on her toes again.
She falls to flat feet when she sees the dejected slump in Tali’s shoulders. “Tali?”
Turning around, Tali’s masked face tilts down until Pippa feels like they’re looking right into each other’s eyes. “Can we talk?” she asks, and nearly before Pippa’s nodded an answer she’s pulling her into the back of the room, where the noise of the drive core will mask their conversation.
Once they’re nestled in the back, both leaning on the railing, Tali takes a deep breath. “I’m sorry about before. It was unprofessional, and I...I was selfish.” She sags a little against the railing.
Blinking confusedly, Pippa reaches out to put a hand on Tali’s wrist. “Selfish? Sorry? Why, Tali? I told you I feel the same way! You’ve never been selfish in your life - you spend more time thinking about others than anyone I’ve ever met. Might be time to start thinking of yourself first sometimes.”
“Maybe that works for humans, but that’s not how quarians are.” She takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “If we don’t think of the whole crew, someone could get hurt. Or killed. And you...you deserve to be happy with someone. I can’t do that, can’t be that for you. I...I could get sick. Jeopardize the mission.”
Pippa slides one hand along the railing. “I don’t understand. How would us being together get you -” A lightbulb goes off in her head, and she cringes.
“Shepard? Are you all right?” There’s Tali, always worrying about others before herself.
“I’m fine.” Taking a deep breath of her own, Pippa forces her eyes to open again and her shoulders to relax. “I wasn’t expecting to have this conversation quite yet, though, so this might be pretty scattered. But uh. I don’t know if this is a thing quarians have, but I’m what humans call asexual. I don’t experience sexual attraction, not to anyone. Humans, quarians, asari, turians, male, female, other genders, I just don’t. I do feel attraction, like romantically.” Her cheeks flame red, and she knows this is a human body language thing Tali has learned to read exceptionally well from her own ghost-pale skin. “Definitely still have crushes, uh, pretty obviously. But it’s not sexual for me. And not all asexual people are like this, but I personally don’t want sex at all. I understand intellectually why other people like it, but it just...doesn’t do it for me.” There’s more - a lot more - to it than that, but she doesn’t want to get that deep into it on the first explanation.
Tali doesn’t respond, and Pippa’s heart sinks. “I didn’t want to get into it right away because I didn’t want you to feel pressured to act any which way, because I didn’t know how far we’d want this to go. But...I just don’t want you to feel like I’d be unhappy being with you if we couldn’t have sex. It honestly would never have crossed my mind. And if sex could hurt you, I doubly don’t want it - your safety is paramount, for me.”
Anxiety pools in Pippa’s stomach when Tali still doesn’t say anything. “If you’re not comfortable with trying this out, then, I understand. Lots of humans aren’t either. I wasn’t trying to hide anything from you. I just didn’t know if we’d get to a point where we’d need to have this conversation. But I guess I really don’t know anything about quarian romance beyond Fleet and Flotilla, so I shouldn’t have assumed -”
Laughing, Tali rests a hand on Pippa’s arm. “Shepard. Pippa. It’s okay.” She shakes her head. “First, how did I not know you like Fleet and Flotilla? We will have to talk more about that later. Second, I...I think I brought this up earlier than I needed to. Everyone talks about relationships with other species like that’s what you have to be most careful of. Like no one else will think it’s real without...without sex. And I got a little caught up in that, I think. Even though you’re not like anyone else I’ve ever met.” She slides her hand down Pippa’s arm, linking their fingers together. “I still want to try this. Us. Whatever we might be. But,” she gestures to her mask, her suit, “I worry you might not see the real me.”
Pulling on their joined hands, Pippa pulls her into a hug, drawing another startled laugh from Tali. “I do. I see you. And I’m glad you want to, too.” With a grin, she rises onto her tiptoes and plants a wet, silly kiss on Tali’s faceplate.
“Hey!” Tali gently bonks her helmet against Pippa’s head. “Works for me.”
“Good.” Extricating herself from the hug, Pippa squeezes Tali’s hand again. “Now, will you tell me about quarian romance customs and how they’re different from Fleet and Flotilla?”
“Oh!” Tali stands up straight again, hands flying through the air. “So of course that relationship is between a quarian and a turian, not between quarians…”
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moonbeam-writing · 4 years
Hi 👉👈 can I request timeskip!Natsu x Sakusa!reader?
Like Natsu and y/n met when they were playing against each other on a match and became friends to lovers after
So when they were already dating they decided to come out to their brothers but y/n is scared to dissapoint Sakusa because she thinks he isn't proud of her? Perhaps Sakusa hears that and when they come out him and Hinata conforts them?
Fluff please :(💕
— Pride
๑ Requested by a lovely Anon!
๑ Quick Note: First off, thank you so much for requesting, both the request and character choice are so adorable and I'm so thrilled to be able to write this for you! Second, regards to the subject matter, though it's nothing scary, just a bit of a reminder! I just want to remind you all that this is a safe space for everyone (LGBTQ+, people of color, whatever your religion is, the only thing I won't accept is if you're against anyone in those categories,). I myself am a biromantic asexual and know how freaking scary it can be to come out and worrying about having to explain yourself and possibly not being accepted by those closest to you. Just remember that you are incredible, strong and perfect just the way you are and if you ever need someone, I am always here to help. ♡
๑ Characters: Natsu Hinata
๑ Warnings: Miniscule levels of angst, coming out. (There is a happy ending, though!)
๑ Word Count: 2,019
The first time you met Hinata Natsu was during a practice match against the Niiyama Girls’ High team. The two of you had recognized each other almost instantly and knew the odds of having a tight game, but neither of you would have had it any other way. In those early moments of the first set, there was some kind of noticeable chemistry between the two of you, though it was much more than people who were going to be rivals in a game.
You and Natsu had become the fastest of friends despite any distance or scheduling differences. Right after the game, the two of you shook hands and exchanged numbers, excitedly awaiting the next opportunity to play against each other. Three practice games, two tournaments, and endless texts and phone calls later, she asked if you'd be her girlfriend at the end of a game. Of course, Natsu was met with a tight hug and a resounding yes.
You and Natsu had kept a decent pace, both of you learning more and more about each other, growing to love each other more and more on a daily basis. For months, it was just the two of you, no one else knowing about your relationship, not that anyone could with the distance between you both. 
The upcoming date the two of you had planned, however, was going to change that a little. MSBY was going to be playing in Tokyo the upcoming weekend when the two of you had originally planned a date, so you suggested that the two of you go to your brothers’ game as your date. Not only would it be fun, but you could introduce each other to your brothers, and possibly, if you were comfortable, come out to them in the near future. 
Natsu knew that her meeting Sakusa and you meeting Hinata meant hopefully coming out to them and she was beyond ready. You, on the other hand, were nervous. You loved Kiyoomi, and even though you knew you’d be okay, disappointing him in any way was your biggest fear. Though you loved your parents, no one was more important to you than Kiyoomi. However, even though you loved your brother dearly, Natsu was who you saw yourself spending eternity with, and you planned on keeping it that way.
That weekend during the game, you and Natsu had held pinkies through the entire game, even when making your way down the stands and through the heavy crowds until you both saw Shouyo and Kiyoomi. The reason behind it wasn’t shame or embarrassment, but so you could part ways for a moment and congratulate your favorite people.
While Natsu went to hug her brother, you excitedly walked up to him, respecting his boundaries rather reluctantly, however, they hadn’t been able to go change due to the massive crowds and the press, so you supposed it was probably for the best. You had been in a gym full of strangers who could have been sick and coughing, and he was still sweaty from the game. Holding off on this hug was definitely for the benefit of both of you.
“Omi!” You called out to your brother, hearing a somewhat distant whine from Atsumu about how you can call your brother that and he can’t. In your defense, his name was slightly difficult for you when you were learning to speak.
Though it was barely noticeable to anyone else, you saw Kiyoomi’s small smile at seeing you clear as day. Your brother may have been stoic, but you could read his facial expressions like a book. What was going on in his head, however, was a different story entirely. “Hello, (Y/N).”
Taking a deep breath, you smiled back. “Way to go on the win! I’m so proud of you, you guys did so well!”
Scattered ‘thank you’s sounded around the two of you as Kiyoomi thanked you himself, only for Natsu to show up with Hinata and spike your anxiety right back up. Nothing too high, but possibly something that Kiyoomi could pick up, and that’s primarily what you were worried about
“Omi!” Hinata excitedly greeted his teammate, looking between the two of you and his little sister.
Getting a slight nudge in the foot from Kiyoomi and an encouraging look from your girlfriend, you took a deep breath and introduced yourself with a friendly smile, and a small bow purely out of respect for the boy your one and only seemed to idolize. “Hi, I’m Natsu’s friend (Y/N).”
“Nice to meet you, (Y/N)! Natsu’s told me a lot about you! I feel like I’ve heard your name somewhere else too,” Hinata trailed off at the last bit in thought, though you didn’t register it. You were stuck on the fact that Natsu would talk to her brother about you. Granted, you would talk to Kiyoomi about Natsu as often as you could, hell, he’s heard about her since the day you met, but it was still shocking. Seeing the flush across her cheeks and the tips of her ears made it worth it, though.
“She’s also my sister, Hinata.” Kiyoomi sighed slightly, though he couldn’t find it in himself to be too surprised. Just like he was back in high school, Hinata Shouyo was still a total scatterbrain at times.
“Oh! Right!” You couldn’t help but laugh, feeling a bit more comfortable in his presence, but still very aware that you’d have to see him tomorrow to be Natsu’s tether and be introduced as her girlfriend, rather than her best friend.
Following your girlfriend’s lead, you introduce the two and they make their introductions. Lucky for you, Kiyoomi didn’t say anything too embarrassing like Hinata had done.
After a few minutes, you and Natsu had left the boys to go do what they needed to and decided to spend the afternoon together before you drug her back to your place. The two of you got coffee, went to various stores, snuck sweet kisses and pictures, and made a small game plan for tomorrow.
“Are you scared?” Natsu asked as the two of you were cuddled up in your room together. “A little. Hopefully, he noticed how close we are and will beat me to it, ha ha. What about you?”
“Yeah, but I know it’ll be okay. It’ll be like ripping off a band aid.” Natsu’s bright yet sleepy smile coaxed a smile out of you as well. It gave you all of the courage you needed as you pulled her into you, waiting for the next day to appear.
Breakfast the next morning passed smoothly, everyone on the MSBY team was given a day off to rest, so you promised that you’d see Kiyoomi whenever the two of you returned from hanging out and seeing Hinata. Kiyoomi was confused as to why you needed to go with her but brushed it off, if it were important, you’d tell him. You’d always been on the independent side, much like the man himself, so he supposed he wasn’t too shocked.
The two of you met Hinata at the coffee shop that you and Natsu normally go to for dates when she’s in town. You figured that maybe a familiar and comforting place might help calm her nerves and so far, it seemed to be working.
“So, uh, Sho, I kind of have something to tell you.” Natsu slowly trailed off, reciprocating the firm and comforting squeeze you gave her hand underneath the table as she brought your intertwined hands to rest on top of the table as Hinata looked curious at what his little sister had to say.
“Ha, so, (Y/N) isn’t actually my friend. I mean, she is! It’s just a bit more complicated.” You both had to hold in a slight laugh at the small head tilt. It was as though the dots weren’t connecting, and part of you wasn’t entirely sure that they were. “As in, (Y/N)’s my girlfriend and I love her.”
With almost animatedly wide eyes and the quickly following dopey grin, his happiness was obvious. “That’s awesome! I’m glad you’re both happy together! How long has it been again?” You and Natsu happily answered all of Shouyo’s questions and small date and game stories that the two of you have made over time
.Unfortunately, a question came that you weren’t quite expecting. “(Y/N), have you told Omi yet?” You could feel your smile drop a little. “Uh, no. We were going to after we told you. Speaking of, babe, we should probably leave in an hour or so.” Natsu nodded in acknowledgment.
“You’ll be fine, you know,” Hinata reassures you. “He cares about you a lot, it’s almost like there’s a weird change after he talks with you. I mean, I only know that from the occasional time you call pretty much right before practice, but sometimes Atsumu asks about you too.” He chuckles slightly before continuing. “I’m pretty sure you could kill someone and he’d still love you, kid. You’ll be fine.” You quietly thanked the human ball of sunshine and the three of you continued to talk until you had to part ways once again.
And now, after hours of agonizing anticipation, the time for you to come out to your brother was here. Kiyoomi was home, your parents were out (not that that really mattered), and you had your ultimate emotional support at your side, hand tangled with yours, her thumb gently running over your knuckles and tracing shapes into the back of your hand.
Opening your front door, the two of you made your way inside and took off your shoes as you called out for your older brother as you and Natsu made yourselves comfortable on the couch, fingers once again laced together. You needed her now more than anything and you couldn’t explain just how happy it made you to have her here for this.
Kiyoomi made his way into the living room, raising an eyebrow at the shockingly serious, yet slightly nervous atmosphere. The amount of tension made him worry that something bad had happened to you, especially when he noticed just how tightly you were gripping Natsu’s hand.
“Are you two okay?”
The two of you wordlessly nodded at him, which only made his worry rise.
“Okay? In that case, why’d you call me out here?”
For what felt like the millionth time in the last 48 hours, you braced yourself and sucked in a deep breath. Just like Natsu said the night before; it’s just like ripping off a band-aid.
“I have something to tell you, and I’m scared, and it involves Natsu, and even though it’s ridiculous, I’m scared that once you hear what I have to say I’ll lose my brother, and I really don’t want that, because you’re my favorite person in the world.” The words spewed from your lips like word vomit and Kiyoomi was determined to not let you do that again.
With very little hesitation, Kiyoomi opened his arms and you almost immediately ran into them. You couldn’t help it. “What do you need to tell me?”
Tears pricked at your eyes, the fear of rejection nearly shutting your thoughts down. “Natsu’s my girlfriend. I love her a lot, and I’m not sorry if you hate me for it, but I also really hope that if that’s the case you understand that I can’t change that and I don’t want to change it.”
Deafening silence filled the living room, but Kiyoomi hugged you tighter, pulling away slightly to begrudgingly wipe tears away from your cheeks with his sleeve. “I could never hate you, (Y/N), and I’m sorry that I somehow made you think that that was the case. I love you so much, no matter what, and I’m so proud of you.” You were pulled against him once again as you tried to calm yourself down. “And Natsu.”
“Yeah?” Even though everything had gone well, she was still nervous.
“Thank you for looking after my sister for me when I can’t. Welcome to the family, kid.”
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