#everybody loves Smarties!!!!
larinah · 11 months
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lueurjun · 10 months
slytherin boyfriend sunghoon
request: Hi, Can i request a Slytherin Sunghoon x a Ravenclaw reader? Thankss <3 — you certainly can. hope this is alright for you my love. you didn’t specify a trope so i just improvised, i hope that’s okay<3 slytherin bf!sunghoon x ravenclaw!reader. @vickys-witchylife
ps. i apologize for how long this is… i got carried away- no but really this is really long like i didn’t intend on this but it just happened 💀
everybody pause because this makes so much sense
like sunghoon gives off major slytherin vibes
remember his blonde hair? draco malfoy could neverrr
and could you imagine him decked out in green and silver?
lord have mercy im about to faint
anyways before we get into the whole you guys love each other, cutesey vibes
let’s start with how it all came to be
how my man sunghoon managed to pulled YOU
yeah he’s fine but i have 3 galleons in the bank so #rollinindough #icanbeabetterboyfriendthanhim
now we’re not gonna go down the route of ‘all slytherins are bad’ because they’re absolutely not
but sunghoon wasn’t exactly the warmest at first
bro is not 🙅‍♀️ the sun
not in the sense that he bullied you or anything
me and the homies would jump him if he did… the homies being my demons 👹
he just didn’t see the point in befriending you because naturally the two of you were so different
you were just the ravenclaw smarty he was forced to do his prefect duties with
ravenclaw smarty 🤓 my delulu self would be flattered because to me that’s a nickname- you’re half way to marriage already
ah yes you read that right
prefect duties
more specifically: hallway patrol
paw patrol, paw patrol, we’ll be there on the double 💃
so the two of you spent the majority of your evenings together
being a prefect wasn’t a huge deal to sunghoon, it was just another gateway to his parents approval
not him thinking he’s too cool 😎
but you took your role very seriously and that was something that annoyed him about you
because you never allowed him to slack off
him slacking off could get you both in trouble and you weren’t going to let him take you down with him and potentially jeopardise your chance of snatching up the head ( whatever you identify as bae ) position
just because he didn’t want to be head boy didn’t mean you didn’t desire the position
needless to say it was a little frosty between the two of you at first
aimless bickering would echo off the walls as you demanded he stay on task and not stray off to go cause mayhem with his friends
personally i would take on all of his duties just so he could have fun- DON’T look at me like that, you’d be a pick me for him too smh
he wasn’t just put off by the fact that you ruined his fun and actually made him do his job
you’re a ravenclaw, one of the smartest people in your year and naturally, he assumed you wouldn’t want to be friends with someone like him
not bro having a victim complex
but that wasn’t the case at all
you weren’t one to judge, you didn’t care about houses, the only thing that mattered to you was principles
in fact, you were actually looking forward to befriending sunghoon at first
he just pushed you away all too soon and started acting like a rebellious idiot for the sake of his ego
what an idiot
things remained at a stalemate for several weeks
you’d both show up for your perfect duties, he would try to slack off or cause trouble, and you would scold him until the two of you walked side by side in silence
him sulking and you scowling
then, he’d stomp back to his dorm and talk crap about you to his friends
and you’d go to your own friends and express disappointment in the lack of progress made with him
don’t worry bae, you don’t need him. come put your head on my shoulder, mines comfier than his 🤭
things didn’t take a turn until a week before the winter holidays
one evening, sunghoon was over an hour late for prefect duties
you tried not to worry because why should you care? Without him, things would probably be much easier
but alas, something niggled inside of your heart and you found yourself abandoning your responsibilities to find him
you searched high and low, but to no avail. sunghoon was absolutely nowhere to be found
hide and seek in hogwarts is wild
eventually, you headed down to the slytherin common room—perhaps he hadn’t even left his dorm
but when you arrived, a crowd of people stood outside of the door whispering rather loudly
“how do we get him out of there?”
“i don’t know but he can’t afford to step another toe out of line, you heard his dad. one more detention and he’s being yanked out of the school.”
as you cautiously peered around the corner, your eyes settle on a distinctive group you recognize all too well — sunghoon's friends
they remained oblivious to your presence until you muster up your courage and break away from the shadows, facing them head-on
“where’s sunghoon?”
that’s right, you show ‘em who’s boss! hellos and how are yous? never heard of them 💅
“what’s it to you?”
jay fixed his gaze on you, analyzing you with careful scrutiny
“he hasn’t shown up for prefect duties.”
you square your shoulders and cross your arms, exuding an air of forced confidence
not that you were scared, they were hardly anything to fear. it was more the embarrassment of admitting that you were concerned for the safety of sunghoon
‘hardly anything to fear’ NOT YOU VIOLATING UNPROVOKED
lord knows that if it was you who hadn’t turned up, sunghoon would have most definitely thrown a party
this time, heeseung breaks the silence with a deep and weary sigh
“look if you’re here to get him into trouble—“
“who said i wanted to get him into trouble?”
“well—no one but he’s told us all about how you’re on his ass about following the rules. it’s not far fetched to believe that you’d use this as a chance to finally get him out of your hair.”
so he talks about you??? 🤭🤭
you try not to let that hurt your feelings
but it does a little because is that what they really think? is that what sunghoon thinks? that you just want him far away from you?
“look, i don’t want to get him into trouble. if anything i’m ‘on his ass’ to save it from getting kicked off the prefects. i even abandoned my own responsibilities to make sure he was okay, so can you just tell me where he is?”
the group of wizards looked perplexed for a moment, their eyes darting to each other with specific expressions before falling back onto you
and after a silent debate, sunoo spoke up
“he snuck into snape’s office to try and get back jungwon’s special quill. it was a gift from his grandmother, it’s got an unlimited ink charm on it. snape accused him of trying to cheat and confiscated it.”
jake continued next, looking desperate:
“it means a lot to jungwon, so sunghoon snuck in to try and get it but snape entered and now he’s stuck in there. we don’t even know if he’s been caught but he’s in a lot of trouble if he is.”
you eyes land on jungwon, who looks at the ground shamefully
me to snape rn 🤺
the expression on his face caused your heart to ache, but the thought of sunghoon getting into trouble had an even stronger grip on your heartstrings
i sense a crushhhhh 🤭🥰
which is how you find yourself outside of potions classroom, after instructing the boys to stay where they are, you formulate a plan
with your heart racing and your body filled with trepidations, you hurriedly entered the classroom, only to find sunghoon missing and snape seated at his desk
“sir-sir! i was on night duty when a slytherin and hufflepuff got into an altercation. they started hexing each other and i didn’t know how to stop—“
snape was already to his feet, the long black cloak sweeping against the ground as he hurried out of the room to find the ‘altercation’
“feel free to make a run for it!”
you call out, keeping your voice low in hopes that sunghoon can hear you from wherever he’s hiding
and then you follow after snape, leading him aimlessly around until you’re sure sunghoon could have escaped
oh you perfect mastermind you 🤭
“where’s the altercation?”
snape speaks with a snide drawl, his penetrating gaze fixed on you as impatience radiates from his every word
“they must have dispersed. very sorry to bother you, professor.”
you: 😬 snape: 😒
snape snarls, glancing around the dark and empty corridor one last time before turning around to make the gruelling walk back to his classroom to finish his evening work
once he’s out of sight, your shoulders slump in relief and you can only hope that sunghoon had gotten out okay
and you find out the very next evening, when he meets you for the night shift
you’re waiting for him anxiously, when he rounds the corner with such haste that it startles you
he doesn’t slow down until he’s right in front of you, gripping your shoulders
“i know i haven’t been the nicest to you, but what you did for me last night… i can’t thank you enough”
calm down bae they saved you from detention not a burning building 🙄 ( i’m bitter. you should be mine )
prefect duties for the next few days are a lot smoother now the two of you are actually getting along
the silence is replaced with genuine facts about yourselves, or you telling him things you had read and found interesting
every now and then, your fingertips meet in an unbidden caress, but neither of you pull away; instead, both of you savouring the warmth of the moment
it’s giving awkward crushes
finally, winter break approaches and sunghoon meets you on the platform
“i’ll write to you.”
you’re kinda surprised at that, but you beam up at him anyways
“i’ll write back.”
and you do, the two of you write back and forth for the entire of winter
friendly letters turning into awkwardly cute confessions that neither of you are brave enough to say in person
that’s actually adorable shut upppp
by the time term starts up again, the letters have transformed everything between the two of you
you’re no longer ‘just prefect buddies’, nor are you friends… but something more
sunghoon’s last letter highlighted that for you
‘i’ve never been the best with words, especially not in person. i find it much easier to hide behind a piece of parchment and confess that i’ve always found you rather endearing…perhaps when we return to school we could explore the spark between us?… man that was cringe, sorry.’
and explore you do
awkward hand brushes on prefect duty turns into gentle hand holding with matching rouge cheeks
if you see me on the road tonight, mind your business
sunghoon pushing your head away affectionately when you peer over his shoulder at the book he’s reading to pass time
the two of you avoiding your friends at all costs because they all do that annoying thing where they wiggle their eyebrows and make hearts with their hands
horrible flirting attempts
“you have really nice earlobes.”
“thanks? i like your knees…”
me tryna flirt ^
you still have to stop him from slacking off, but you’re less irritated by it and more amused
because everything sunghoon does amuses you
you’re all surprised at how loud he can be
he always seemed quite reserved, like the normal one in his friend group but you come to realize that he’s just as mental—if not worse than most of them
and your first kiss is just so… you guys
sunghoon had tried to kiss you three times and every single time, you accidentally moved away
the embarrassment- i cannot 💀
it finally happened on the fourth time
the two of you had just finished up for the evening, and sunghoon insisted on walking you back to your common room
things weren’t verbally official yet, but it was an unspoken agreement that you were basically together
you paused at the door, ready to turn and bid your farewells when you were suddenly met with his face mere inches away
taken aback, your immediate reaction was to...
headbut him
even the portraits were absolutely mortified because that could not have gone worse
me and the portraits rn: 🫣
sunghoon recoiled, hand reflexively covering his face in shock. you couldn't help but gasp in surprise, one hand instinctively flying to your mouth
“oh my gosh—i’m so sorry. are you okay?”
his ego wasn’t the only thing bruised, now his head too
“yep. fine. don’t worry about me, though a simple ‘please back away’ would have sufficed”
“i didn’t realize you were going to kiss me! i’m so sorry, sunghoon…”
it takes several moments for everyone to recover
but eventually, the portraits stop hiding behind their hands and sunghoon can finally face you again
the way this would keep me up at night
“i’m really sorry…”
“no it’s totally fine. i should have asked permission first.”
you nervously clasped your hands together in front of you, your gaze drawn to the tender spot on his head where a bruise was already beginning to form
the guilt consumes you and you don’t know how else to make up for it
“i mean…you do have my permission now, if you still want to kiss me that is”
sunghoon looks unsure at first but takes an attentive step towards you
he hesitantly rests his quivering fingers against your delicate jawline, one thumb tenderly pressed against your rosy cheek whilst the other gently wraps around your hand
sunghoon leaned in until he was but a whisper away from your lips, his gentle breath grazing your face and making you close your eyes in anticipation
“you’re not gonna like punch me are yo—“
overcome with impatience, you closed the gap between you and sunghoon, capturing him in a timeless kiss.
those damn portraits are whistling, causing the two of you to pull away shyly
“well go on, make it official.”
“didn’t you see that kiss? that sealed the deal! i would’ve swooned had they not given the poor boy a concussion first.”
“personally i think they should’ve ended up with lueurjun” oh would you look at that! the portraits hey ship us too 😌
this is so long but anyways onto the actual relationship vibes
you have a habit of fixing sunghoon’s tie and robe whenever you see him
and he responds by fixing your hair for you
don’t ask why but sunghoon gives off ear scratches vibes like i just feel like he would like them
so you scratch behind his ear lot and he relishes in it
once the two of you get more comfortable with each other, he sees how unhinged you actually are
and he loves it
biting his lip during makeout sessions
now that is scandalous 🤭
his parents adore you because you keep him on track
you tying his laces because he’s prone to just letting them hang loose and almost tripping himself up
sunghoon getting cuteness aggression over your existence and just having to squeeze your cheeks
bickering like there’s no tomorrow
“i didn’t say i hate you, you just annoy me”
“next time, i’ll let you rot in snape’s office”
harmless shoving of each other
though it wasn’t harmless once ‘cause sunghoon miscalculated his strength and accidentally shoved you into a random classroom
this happened to me once but it wasn’t romantic-
he then ran off and left you to deal with the awkward conversation with your professor
you being more lenient and sneaking down to the kitchens 15 minutes before your duties end to feed each other snacks
which then turns into a mini food fight
drinking each others drinks when you go to the three broomsticks
like you both have your own drinks but end up drinking each others
listen that probably didn’t make sense, i’ve been writing this for days AND IM EXHAUSTED
you helping him study
studying usually ends in makeout sessions in the library
you putting little notes in his books to remind him that you’re thinking of him
and him drawing a penis on yours
he’s so real for that
overall, the two of you are a pair of awkward cuties who can’t get enough of each other and i love it so much
even tho you should be with me but i’ll allow it 🙄
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this-is-wilhom · 10 months
sometimes i just think abt how people have no media literacy and i have to think abt like. how did this happen to you. like i don’t think i’m the ultimate smarty pants who immediately knows everything about something i watch or read but i like to think i at least come away from it knowing the general theme of the media?? like i’m thinking SPECIFICALLY abt the SAIKI K. FANDOM. ON TIKTOK. because HOOWWWWWW did you watch this whole show. and then when you finish it you still think saiki HATES HIS FRIENDS????? THE ENTIRE POINT OF RHE SHOW IS THAT HE DOESNT!!! YOU GOT TRICKED BY THE UNRELIABLE NARRATOR HOW ARE YOU GONNA LET THIS STUPID LITTLE MAN TRICK YOU HE ADORES HIS FRIENDS!!!!! WATCH THE SHOW AGAIN!!!!
this is ESPECIALLY targeted at teruhashi haters and ppl who think saiki still hates her. he does not. please watch season 2 again. he outright admits he thinks she is a good person and he clearly likes her as a person the thing he dislikes is the attention she brings bc everybody loves her!! they’re literally bffs shut up!!!
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starastarship · 3 months
opening adoptables 1/4
gonna open adoptables here now! each of them cost 10$ each! The designs are all based on my AUs magic system of getting a kid! if you want anyone just dm me!
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this is part 1/4 (and yes including the fanchildren of my OC Starchild too, but once adopted they won't have a connection at all)
Now to sum the first once up
Pendant: Risking is all this penadant about. Darin will get a sudden spurt of an idea they can do. Depending on how big the idea is, it chances of success increases or decreases!
A certain interest in stunts, they are daring to try out new things. But don't take them as just someone who just takes the risk. They calculate each stunt to bring the best outcome of it!
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Pendant: Moonhop is already fast as is, but using their pendant, gripping it, they become extremely fast, leaving a trail of dust behind like a comet.
This Bunny-owl was born ready for any kind of competition! Having quiet the Energy, Moonhop is always up for a game, sport or not! Just don't be a sore loser if they win!
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Pendant: Whenever they are in danger, or need help their pendant summons a bubble around them and if needed all the critters nearby/ they want to protect.
They will protect anyone and everybody in need! Thunderguard will jump into action, if someone needs help and protection, not really having a regard for their own safety! Remind them always that their safety is important too!
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Nighty Nightphant
Pendant: With the Power of the stars, Nighty can gain the wisdome and knowledge of the past, present and future for a short amount of time, thanks to the telling of the stars
A curious nature and a fascination with the night sky, Nighty will always tell you the newest thing they just learned from the sky. Carrying a big telescope whever they go, to see the night sky wherever they are!
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Smarty Smartcorn
Pendant: If Smarty knows and remembers the scientific component of an object, they only have to think of it and the object will come out of their pendant. However the Pendant either needs to cool down before it can create another object or the object before has to be destroyed.
A mix between the logic and the creative side of the brain, Smarty uses their knowledge on things and their creative thinking, to find a solution to any kind of problem!
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Dreamcat (closed)
Pendant: The pendant, when activated, can let Dream give everyone a dream of their choosing, good or bad, and let them look into the sleep of others.
sleeping for most of the day on their floating cloud, Dreamcat wishes all their friends a good night sleep wherever they are! A calm and relaxed nature, brings even the most insomniac critters, sweet dreams!
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Pendant: This Pendant, bases the mood of a critters based on Cuddles. It works in a specific radius, which makes all the critters, feel the same emotion as Cuddles themselves.
Cuddles, with their un-bear-able love to give, will make sure that you will have the most amazing, active and loved day, everyday! Be it with simple compliments, getting you out of bed, hugs and more, to accomplish their goal!
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Pendant: Coolcaw has the power to change the weather in either direction. It could be a sunny day and the next thing you know it's raining cats and dogs!
Make way for this cool critter! Coolcaw will take you up on all challenges at once to show you who is the coolest and awesomest critter out there! But be warned they neither are a good winner nor a good loser!
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Shelly Seashell
Pendant: Shellys pendant, let's them take control various little sea creatures for 5 minutes, before they start fighting the control off and regain themselves again.
Shelly can never pass onto some good seafood. They always brings snacks for their friends and some seasnacks just for themselves!
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reasonsmandy · 1 year
Smarty Pants
Eddie Roundtree x Fem!Reader
✧.* requested by @holymotherfxrkingshirtballs — Eddie Roundtree fix based off of Jackie and Hyde from that 70a show?? Basically Eddie hates her cause he thinks she's shallow and a bit spoiled sometimes but she ADORES Eddie. I'm just asking for that one scene where Jackie tries to make Hyde jealous by bringing this guy and Hyde is like "it's... cool" but deep down he's jealous and he's like "pull yourself together man" to himself. And the guy she brings is calling her a bitch and stuff and Hyde is like "oh no" and punches him. Then he's like just in denial about liking her then everyone tells him he likes her and he just comes to his senses.
✧.* summary — Eddie had a back foot when it came to you, some disagreements between you made him think that you were spoiled and that you thought too much of yourself. However, that wasn't going to stop him from defending your name.
✧.* warnings — Eddie being kinda mean.
✧.* word count — 2.3k
✧.* 🎸 — Eddie's masterlist
✧.* mandy's notes — I had never watched the series before and I had so much fun watching the episode, writing this was very satisfying. Hope you like it as much as I do 🫶🏾
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"Eddie man you're not making any sense, right now." Warren says, sipping some of his beer. "She's great, everybody likes her…."
"Yeah man, Warren is right." Graham continues, receiving from Roundtree just an eye roll. "Tell me, what's the reason you don't like her? The real reason."
"She's just annoying, you think she's cool because you're not the ones who have to listen to her guesses on your stuff!" Eddie settles back in his chair, taking a long drag on his cigarette.
"Can't get you bro, sorry to tell you that." Warren shrugs as he takes out a cigarette to smoke. "Not to mention she likes you man, she enjoys your company."
"I just answered your question!" He shrugs. "It's not that I don't like her at all, I just think she sticks her nose in a lot."
"That looks like passion, huh." Graham says with a smirk on his face, Roundtree grabs the nearest pillow and throws it at the younger Dunne.
Graham's words left Roundtree thoughtful, after all this would never have been a possibility for him, you were always so irritating, so intrusive in his point of view that to suggest that he's in love with you was almost absurd. You would never have done anything to anger Roundtree for harm, but your way of helping was considered invasive in his view, apparently.
You adored him, you always had a lot of admiration for him since you were a small band in Pittsburgh and knowing the incredible potential he had you always encouraged him and gave him advice to improve and be better. It wasn't a secret to anyone, after all you never wanted to hide it, that you admired him a lot, and your friends already knew that you liked him in a way more than just admiration.
However, in the last few days you've noticed that he avoids you, that your presence and your comments make him roll his eyes and "snort" with irritation, you don't understand why and what you could have done to trigger this type of reaction. You then decided to have a frank conversation with him, trying to understand what could have happened, but for a change you always missed each other at the house, or rather... He always avoided you at the house.
Hate was not the word that would define Eddie's feelings for you, perhaps the ideal would be bother. There was something about you that moved him, that made him think, question, and consequently bothered. He knew you were very talented, from the day you got in band he knew you were a point to take off from, that you would always grow in there, but from the moment you started to give him too many tips and advice he got extremely bothered. His view began to change about you, he knew that any time you communicated with him it would be you giving a tip on his solos, or anything else related to the way he played.
As he was leaving his room one day, you caught him in the hallway. "Hey Eddie, can we talk for a bit?" you asked.
He raised an eyebrow. "What smarty pants, you want to tell me how to play my guitar again?"
You dropped your gaze, fidgeting with the rings on your hand. "No, I just wanted to know if you're coming to Cami's party tonight."
"Why do you care?" Eddie asked, crossing his arms.
"Well, Warren will be late and Graham and Karen already left," you explained. "I thought maybe we could go together."
Eddie chuckled wryly. "You and me? Yeah, that's a great idea," he said sarcastically. "Sorry, I'll pass. See you later."
He leaves towards his room leaving you with a tightness in your chest as you watch him leave, the frustration is suddenly replaced by an impulse of anger. You got to the phone and dial the number of the man from the record company who has been hitting on you lately. He answers on the second ring.
"Hi, is this Jay's number?" You say after you hear a noise on the line.
"Hey, Y/N! What's up?" he says.
"Hey, I was wondering if you're free tonight," you say, twirling a lock of hair around your finger.
"Of course, for you, always," he says, his voice dripping with charm.
"I'm going to Cami's party, and I don't want to go alone. Do you want to come with me?" you ask, your heart beating faster as you wait for his answer.
"Absolutely. I've been wanting to spend more time with you," he says, and you can hear the smile in his voice.
"Great, I'll pick you up at 9?" you say, already starting to plan your outfit.
"Sounds perfect. I'll be ready," he says.
You hang up the phone, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. You've never really considered him in that way, but he's always been sweet and attentive to you. Maybe tonight is the night to give him a chance. That was what you tried to convince yourself of, but deep down you knew that your desire was to make Roundtree jealous, to play games and see if he really didn't care about you.
Later that night, you arrive at the party with him by your side. The house is beautifully decorated with fairy lights and balloons, and the music is already thumping.
You spot Cami and a group of friends by the drinks table and head over to say hi. As you chat with them, you can't help but feel a bit disappointed that Eddie isn't here yet, but you try to push those thoughts away. Deep down you expected him to show up at your bedroom door, telling you that he changed his mind and that he would love to go with you to the party, but obviously that didn't happen, and there you were feeling ridiculous to think he could consider you even once.
"Honey, are you alright?" Karen whispers in your ear, noticing you distant.
"Yes, of course." You lie, forcing a smile. Karen raises her eyebrows noting how sincere you weren't being "I just need to get some air." You say walking away, letting your companion know you wanted some air.
Eddie caught sight of you and Jay a few moments before you left. He hadn't taken his eyes off you since he arrived, intrigued by your company, he sees you walking away for a smoke- he guessed, and his eyes narrowed for a moment before he composed himself. He walked over to you with a nonchalant expression, but you could see the tension in his shoulders.
"Hey, Smarty Pants. Looks like you found yourself a date," he said, gesturing to Jay.
You feel a pang of annoyance at his comment. "I couldn't come alone," you reply coolly.
"Well, I'm glad you found someone," he says, offering you a cigarette. You accept, and he lights it for you before turning to go back to the rest of the band.
As he walks away, you can't help but feel a twinge of regret. Maybe you shouldn't have come to the party with Jay after all. But you shake your head, trying to clear your thoughts.
"Look if it's not my favorite bassist." Rojas says approaching you, he was clearly stoned. "Why are you here looking like a stray dog? Let's have fun! Come with me."
You laugh at his state, and follow him to the "dance floor", Warren distracted you for so long that you didn't notice that Eddie approached Jay a few minutes ago.
"Look who it is," Eddie said as he approached Jay and sat down beside him. "My replacement for the night."
"What man?" Jay asks without understanding Roundtree's speech.
"Nevermind." Eddie says crossing his arms. "So you and Y/N, uh? What's the deal man, I mean…"
Jay shrugged. "She's hot, man. I've had a thing for her since the first day she appeared at the label. Okay, her conversations are very boring and I almost fall asleep when she opens her mouth but."
Eddie laughs at the comment, interrupting him. "Ah, it's not like that either, sometimes she's a little too much but with time you get used to it."
"But I won't have to learn to deal with her either." He shrugs and Eddie frowns. "I just want to get into her pants anyway. I've been crazy to fuck her ever since we first met."
"Are you fucking serious?" Eddie's voice was low, full of hate.
Jay just shrugs. "She's hot, and you must know that when a man has his needs he does it his way. What's the big deal?"
Eddie's face contorted with anger. "The big deal is that she's not just some piece of meat, you fucking asshole. She's a person with feelings, and you're treating her like she's nothing."
Jay rolls his eyes. "Relax, man. I was just joking around."
"It's not a joke," Eddie snaps. "And I don't want to hear you talk about her like that ever again."
Jay smirks again. "Or what?"
As you dance with Warren, you notice Eddie and Jay sitting in the backyard together. You can't hear what they're saying, but their body language is tense. Suddenly, Eddie stands up, looking furious, and says something to Jay that makes him laugh.
"What's going on over there?" Rojas asks, nodding in their direction.
"I don't know," you reply, feeling a sense of unease. "I'll go see what it is."
"Hey hey niña, it seems to be getting ugly." Rojas stands in front of you, preventing you from going. "Stay here."
Eddie's eyes flash with rage, and he lunges forward, punching Jay in the face. Jay falls back onto the grass, and the two of them start fighting, rolling around on the ground and throwing punches.
"Warren!" You exclaim running towards the two, little by little the whole party saw the scene and were watching from afar.
Billy separates the fight and Eddie gets up, dusting himself off. He turns to Jay, who's still lying on the ground with a bruised face.
"I hope you got the message, asshole," Eddie says, his voice cold and dangerous.
Jay scrambles to his feet, holding his nose which is bleeding now, and runs away from the party, while the other guests disperse, muttering to themselves. Eddie walks away, heading into the house to clear his head and calm down. He still didn't understand the reason for his sudden outburst, but he wasn't going to let anyone talk about you that way!
You go towards him, finding him in Billy and Camila's room, you decide to go to the kitchen first to get some ice for his hand. When you return, you knock three times on the door calling the blonde's attention. He smiles weakly at you, and soon you walk in and sit next to him.
You rush over to Eddie, who's holding his injured hand. "Are you okay?" you ask, concern etched on your face.
"I'll live," he replies, wincing as you gently examine his hand.
"What the fuck happened out there?" You asked, putting the ice on his hand. "You shouldn't have done that," you say softly, shaking your head.
"He deserved it," Eddie says, his eyes burning with anger. "I won't let anyone talk about you like that."
You look up at him, surprised by his words. "What do you mean?" you ask, curious.
"I mean, he was objectifying you like you were just some kind of toy," Eddie says, his voice softer now. "You're more than that, Y/N. You deserve better and that prick was overcoming all the boundaries."
"Let me see that hand," you say, taking his hand gently and examining the wound. You drag him to the bathroom, clean it up as best as you can with a tissue, and he winces at the sting of the alcohol.
Eddie doesn't take his eyes off you for a second, and you feel his gaze on you. "You're confusing you know?"
"What?" He says, being taken aback by you.
"I genuinely thought you hated me." You laugh, looking him in the eyes. "But now I don't know what to think anymore."
"I don't know how to explain what I feel for you smarty pants." Eddie whispers, getting closer to you. "I just know I wasn't going to let that bastard talk about you like that and pass it off."
"Thank you, you didn't have to do that..." You say turning your focus back to his wound. "How are you going to play now huh grumpy?"
"I have no idea." He says laughing. "I think this would be a good opportunity to take a day off."
You nod, thinking that would be the end of it, but he opens his mouth to speak and gives up multiple times.
"Just say it already." You chuckle.
"I was just thinking that maybe I could, like, I don't know..." He looks nervous, and you stop touching his hand to give him your full attention. He takes a deep breath. "That maybe, you know... Do you want to spend this day with me?"
You are taken aback, a smile spreads across your face. "Wow, let me get this straight. Is Eddie Demetrius Roundtree asking me out?"
He laughs sheepishly, running his free hand through his hair. "Yes, I'm asking you out Y/N L/N"
"Friday at 3pm." You say finishing the bandage. "I'll wait for you in my room."
You walk out of there leaving him with a silly smile on his face. Hitting someone had never been so worth it. And he looked forward to seeing what this new thing would lead to.
"A date on Friday, huh?" Warren's voice catches him by surprise. "I thought she was annoying."
"Were you spying on us?" Eddie says with raised eyebrows.
"Spying is a strong word, I just passed by and ended up listening to you guys" Rojas winks, and Eddie rolls his eyes.
Warren Rojas: I was definitely spying on them.
Hi, I hope you enjoyed it... If you wanted to ask for something my requests are open, and if you want to ask and don't have any ideas check out my prompt list :) xoxo
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smolwritingchick · 7 months
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 80- Taking Things A Little Further
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Chapter Summary: Jennie returns to Korea as BTS prepares for their Festa. Jennie hangs with Big Bang. Jennie comforts Jungkook and calls out the Flower Crew cast for how they mistreated him during filming. JenKook start a Twitch gaming channel together. 
Words: 7,000+
With the guys back in Seoul, they were shooked and happy to see Jennie take so many photos with several celebs.
“Aw~! Munchkin finally got to meet him.” Hobi pointed out the photos with her and Shawn.
"Did he have to hug her so tightly?" Jungkook grumbled, frowning at the hug while the guys laughed and teased him. 
“Look at how big she’s smiling!” Taehyung giggled.
“She’s cheesing, huh?” Yoongi chuckled.
“That smile is so wide. She must’ve been blushing.” Jimin pointed out.
"You think you're gonna lose your girlfriend?" Namjoon teased while the members played along.
"Shut up!" Jungkook whined, trying to hit the guys while they laughed.
“Wow, she met Ludacris and 50 Cent!” Hobi said in awe, pointing at the photos she had taken backstage with all these celebs.
They watched a video of Jennie teaching Ludacris Korean backstage on Billboard’s Twitter.
“So, how do you say it?” Ludacris asked as he tried to say hello in Korean after Jennie repeated the word slowly for him.
The boys laughed at the video and liked his pronunciation of the word.
It seemed like BTS’ name was traveling fast because Jennie was in a lot of videos with several celebs and Billboard staff as she talked about Korean Pop. Which was a great thing as she put out the idea of having K-Pop groups attend Billboard one day.
As soon as she arrived back in Korea, she had to go straight to work. Arriving at Big Hit’s building, she went to her studio, quickly changing into her outfit for dance practice. Turning to her desk, she saw smarties and a cute note connected to it. 
Smiling softly, she examined it to see that it was from Jungkook, who drew a small doodle of a bunny and a hamster.
‘I missed you! I hope you had a great flight. Enjoy these. See you at practice. I love you’ – JK
Walking into the dance studio with her gym bag, posing dramatically at the door, she announced, “I’m back~!”
The guys stopped talking and turned to her with bright smiles on their faces. “Jennie~! Yay~!” the members happily cheered and rushed over to her as she laughed.
“Ennie’s back! Ennie’s back!” Taehyung beamed.
“How was the show? We saw all your pictures. It’s like you met everybody,” Namjoon exclaimed.
“How’s Shawn?” Jungkook asked with jealousy, crossing his arms, and making the guys laugh. “You seemed to have a lot of fun with him. Even baked for him, too. When was the last time you baked for me? I’m always up for your baking.”
“Someone’s jealous,” Hobi teased, nudging Jungkook as he playfully hit him back.
"Yeah, Jungkook was complaining a lot when he saw the photos and videos of you and Shawn Mendes," Jimin laughed, throwing him under the bus.
"They have a cute ship name, too!" Jin brought up in a fit of giggles while Jungkook glared at him.
“Oh, would you relax?" Jen giggled at Jungkook. "Shawn has a girlfriend. He told me they're dating privately which is what we're doing. Shawn and I are friends. I think we're going to be the best musical partners going forward when we start collaborating. Anyway, he's great. Everything is great. I'm so glad I went to the show,"
“Angelina was amazing. I had to watch her perform a couple of times. Just wow. Blown away.” Namjoon added.
“Right?! I am so proud of her! She deserves everything!” she went to hug Jungkook who leaned down to kiss her. “So, Silver Spoon, right? And then rehearsing for our Festa?”
“Right on. We’re being filmed for a Bangtan Bomb for this dance practice too,” Hobi added. 
“All right, let’s do this.”
“Let’s have someone take over Hoseok’s dance part at the end of Crow-tit.” Yoongi suggested. 
Hobi agreed since he always did the dance break. After a game of Rock, paper, scissors, Yoongi was the one to lose and would have to do the dance break. As soon as he realized he lost, he dropped to his knees while everyone laughed.
“Yoongi Hyung’s got it!” Jimin cackled.
“I’m glad it ain’t me!” Jen high fived Jimin, celebrating.
After pulling themselves together, they got in position to dance. Jen stood next to Jungkook as their backs were facing the camera and the music came on. Quickly turning around, they shimmy on the beat. As they walked towards the camera, Jen put up three fingers and counted down just before Rapmon began his verse.
They call me baepsae
yokbwatji i sedae
ppalli chase ’em
hwangsae deoge nae garangin taengtaeng
Her weak pelvic thrusts caught the attention of those around her as they laughed at her while she stuck her tongue out. If they don’t leave her alone. Perhaps she’ll just freestyle and shake her ass instead next time.
So call me baepsae
yokbwatji i sedae
ppalli chase ’em
geumsujeoro taeeonan nae seonsaengnim
Moving out of the shot, she watched as Hobi, Jimin, and Jungkook danced. She stood in the background with V and decided to dance with him as they both started to dab and laugh.
alba gamyeon yeoljeongpei
hakgyo gamyeon seonsaengnim
sangsadeureun haengpae
eolloneseon maennal myeot po sedae
Once Rapmon was about to rap, she came back into the picture with him.
rul bakkwo change change
She stood in between Jimin and Rapmon and as she kicked, she put a little bit more fierceness into it as she thrusted her shoulder forward.
hwangsaedeureun wonhae wonhae maintain
geureogeneun an doeji BANG BANG
As they moved around, she stood behind a kneeling Jimin, while Jungkook was next to her as they put up gun signs. Then, she started bodyrolling in sync with him.
igeon jeongsangi anya
igeon jeongsangi anya
Grabbing Jimin’s cap, she took it off his head and placed it on hers instead as he stood up and gave her a playful glare. She stuck her tongue out in response.
ah noryeoknoryeok taryeong jom geumandwo
ah ogeuradeureo nae du sonbaldo
ah noryeok noryeok ah noryeok noryeok
ah noraguna ssaksuga
yeoksi hwangsae!
noryeoktaryeong jom geumandwo
ah ogeuradeureo nae du sonbaldo
ah noryeok noryeok
She froze with the rest of the members until Jungkook low fived Hobi and they all leaned back in sync.
ah noryeok noryeok
ah noraguna ssaksuga
Standing in the middle while the guys were dancing around, Jen began doing the shmoney dance for fun.
yeoksi hwangsaeya
“silmang an sikyeo.” she lipsynced with Jimin
yeoksi hwangsaeya
“ireum gabt hane.”
Jimin took his cap back and placed it on his head as they danced with each other, rocking to the beat. Then he got to the front as she stood behind him while they all moved their leg up coolly.
yeoksi hwangsaeya
“da haemeogeora.”
yeoksi hwangsaeya
Jumping to the front, J-Hope continued the chorus as Jen put her own flavor into the leaning to the side dance move by looking extra and having a surprised expression on her face.
They call me baepsae
yokbwatji i sedae
ppalli chase ’em
hwangsae deoge nae garangin taengtaeng
Instead of the pelvic thrusting, she decided to shake her ass, which she felt much better doing as she turned around for her butt to face the camera. She got a kick in the butt in response by Jin who wasn’t too happy, which made her laugh.
So call me baebsae
yokbwatji i sedae
ppalli chase ’em
geumsujeoro taeeonan nae seonsaengnim
Swiping Jimin’s cap off his head again, he laughed as he walked out of the shot while Jen stayed to dance around Suga with Rapmon. She decided to copy Rapmon’s moves as he laughed at her.
nan baepsaedari neon hwangsaedari
gyaenen malhaji ‘nae darin baekman buljjari’
nae ge jjarbeunde eojji gateun jongmok hani?
They say ‘ttokgateun chowonimyeon gwaenchanjanhni!’
Never Never Never
rul bakkwo change change
hwangsaedeureun wonhae wonhae maintain
geureogeneun an doeji BANG BANG
igeon jeongsangi anya
igeon jeongsangi anya
Walking over to the front, she adjusted Jimin’s cap on her head and started to lipsync, “ah noryeoknoryeok taryeong jom geumandwo. ah ogeuradeureo nae du sonbaldo.”
Tapping the side of her shoe, she smoothly leaned back while the rest of the members froze until it was their cue.
“ah noryeok noryeok ah noryeok noryeok. ah noraguna ssaksuga.”
yeoksi hwangsae!
She pointed to Jungkook, who lifted up his leg and arms, pretending to be a bird, with the guys. Jimin started to move past her to the front as they made eye contact and laughed again. She then placed his cap back on his head.
noryeoktaryeong jom geumandwo
ah ogeuradeureo nae du sonbaldo
ah noryeok noryeok ah noryeok noryeok
ah noraguna ssaksuga
yeoksi hwangsaeya
Jungkook started doing one of his meme dances which made Jennie laugh as she continued the choreography.
nae tasirani neo nongdamiji
gongpyeonghadani oh are you crazy
ige jeonguirani you mu be kiddin’ me!
You mu be kiddin’ me
you you mu be kiddin’ me!
After he finished lipsyncing, Taehyung jumped on his back and slapped his butt as he walked back to his position.
ah noryeoknoryeok taryeong jom geumandwo
ah ogeuradeureo nae du sonbaldo
ah noryeok noryeok ah noryeok noryeok
Being extra, she decided to lean back farther than usual, which would be a big rewind moment for reactors on YouTube.
ah noraguna ssaksuga
yeoksi hwangsae!
noryeoktaryeong jom geumandwo
ah ogeuradeureo nae du sonbaldo
ah noryeok noryeok ah noryeok noryeok
ah noraguna ssaksuga
urin baepsaeya
“silmang an sikyeo.” Jen and Jimin lipsync again. Jimin decided to copy her shmoney dance as she laughed and did it with him.
urin baepsaeya
Afterwards, it was Yoongi’s time to shine as he started twerking with everyone hyping him up.
“WORK!” Jen cheered, laughing with Jimin while Rapmon covered his mouth.
So call me baepsae
yokbwatji i sedae
ppalli chase ’em
geumsujeoro taeeonan nae seonsaengnim
After the ending pose, Taehyung kicked Hobi’s butt and the recording ended as everyone caught their breath.
Now it was on to practicing for the Festa. The practice room was filled with Hobi’s “Ba bams” and music as he helped Jin with his solo dance while Jimin helped Rapmon with his. V walked around rapping for Cypher Part 3, and Jennie walked around to go over the lyrics for Sunmi’s Full Moon since she’ll be singing and dancing. Including rapping Lena’s part.
Yoongi was with her as he listened closely to her rapping.
“Perfect weather, can get no better,” she rapped smoothly as he nodded. “Everything around us so so real yo. Tonight, it’s the night, boreumdareul jomyeong sama, sarangeul soksagigi ttak joheun bam.”
“geudae soneul japgo Walking on the moon, gutge dachin mun ppajimeobsi yeoreo, oraetdongan gidaryeo watdeon kkum.” she messed up on transitioning back to Sunmi’s verse and stopped singing altogether.
“You sound good, smartie,” Yoongi praised. “Let’s just work on how to control your breathing,”
She needed to make sure her transition from the rap to the chorus wasn’t sloppy as she worked hard on her breath control and timing. Maybe breathing through her nose will help. 
After working on the lyrics, she focused on practicing with Jimin and Jungkook for the Coming of Age Ceremony cover. She swiped Jimin's hat off his head again to wear as they rehearsed. At one point she slut dropped all extra, making the boys laugh at her randomness. 
As the song continued to play, she listened closely to the lyrics. ‘I’m not a little innocent girl anymore, you don’t need to hesitate any longer,’
“Wow, a relatable song to me,” she commented, making Jin stop working on his Festa project.
“What do you mean relatable!?” he called out.
“I was joking,” she quickly replied.
“You better be,” he pointed to her, narrowing his eyes, and making her giggle.
“SKRT!” V shouted on the mic as Cypher pt 3 came on. “SKRT SKRT! SKRT!”
‘This man is a character,’ she thought with a chuckle.
“Hi, Kim Taehyung, I’m so happy I get to rap like this,” he rapped.
On camera, Jennie was standing in the background, smirking at her phone in amusement while nodding her head to his flow. She was going over the lyrics for her performance. 
Jimin’s hat was taken off her head and she looked up to see Jungkook placing his hat on hers instead. It looked like he was a little jealous to see her wearing Jimin’s hat. He planned on leaning down for a kiss but then remembered the camera was on them since Taehyung was rapping in front of them for a Bangtan Bomb. Although it could just be edited, he decided not to take the risk. Instead, he stood with her as they watched him rap.
“Hyung, you really shouldn’t rap,” Jungkook immediately chuckled after he finished the song
“Jungkook.” Jen scolded and turned to V, “Don’t listen to him. I’m your biggest supporter on this no matter what. You killed it. Just keep practicing. Army is going to be excited over it,”
A boxy smile came across V’s face as he looked at her with appreciation.
Later, Jen stared at Yoongi and Hobi wide-eyed and started laughing as they sang dramatically, practicing their cover of Homme’s I Ate Well.
“It’s a big mistake to ask them to do this. I’m extremely good at harmonizing. We should’ve done it together. It’s such a pity.” Rapmon complained.
“AHHHHHHHHHHH~!” Hobi screamed out while singing, causing Jennie to look up from her lyrics, furrowing her eyebrows. The camera caught her reaction and it was sure to become the next K-pop meme as Jungkook and Jin laughed at them.
“Oh yeaaaaaaaaah oooooooohhhhhhhhhh~!” Yoongi sang out
While the guys were doing their own thing, Jennie finally started to practice Sunmi’s Full Moon dance. There was a couch against the wall that she used as she put on the song to practice. Concentration was on her face as she drowned out all distractions to make sure she got this choreography and sensuality right. But Yoongi and Hobi decided to mess with her by sitting next to her on the couch to try to copy her moves. She suppressed a laugh as she continued to dance.
geudaeyeo boreumdari tteuneun nal, nal boreowayo
i bami gagi jeone hae tteugi jeone seodulleojwoyo
As she danced to the chorus, angling her arms up in the air like a moon, Jungkook, Yoongi, and Hobi copied her and pretended to be her backup dancers.
She slowly kneeled and rubbed her hands together.
Eh eh eh eh eh
Eh eh eh eh eh
Eh eh eh eh eh
After practice, Jennie went to meet up with Big Bang as G-Dragon invited her to go eat with them. The excitement in her was building as she made her way to a private section of the restaurant where he was waiting for her.
“Jennie,” his eyes lit up as she went to hug him.
“I missed you! What’s been going on?”
“Touring has been fun. Just enjoying every day. So, does BTS know you’re going to be hanging out with Big Bang?”
She smiled sheepishly, “Not...yet.”
They both laughed.
“I’ll let you be my little secret for a little while longer,” she added. “It’ll be nice if we can all hang out one day. I’m sure the guys would flip.”
As they walked over to the table, Jennie was met by excited smiles from the members.
“Here she is. Miss Jennifer.” G-Dragon announced
“Hey!” she waved excitedly.
“Jennie! Welcome!” Seungri happily greeted which caught her by surprise.
“So, you’re the precious Jennie hyung is always blabbing on about. Nice to finally meet you!” Taeyang smiled.
Jen’s face immediately heated up by the way he was smiling so charmingly. It was surprising to her that they knew her name. Like Big Bang knows who she is!? That’s amazing.
When her eyes met TOP's, she almost fainted.
He smiled softly. "It's nice to finally meet you, Jennie,"
"Oh my gosh, hi~!" she giggled, making the guys laugh at her enthusiasm towards him. 
Taking a seat next to G-Dragon and Seungri, she was welcomed with open arms. She watched the group bicker and crack jokes which made her laugh. It made her think of her bond with BTS and she hoped it would remain as strong as theirs.
“I baked some cookies for you guys! I hope you like them. Thanks for having me here.” she took out her bag and placed it on the table to reveal a big container of various chewy cookies. They immediately thanked her as they looked at the cookies happily.
“I like her even more,” Daesung called out with a laugh, making her smile.
“Oh wow, thank you!” Seungri happily took the container of cookies.
“It’s for all of us,” TOP called out, grabbing a hold of it, and pulling it to him.
“Yeah, bring it to the middle of the table so we can all share,” Taeyang added, bringing it to the table which made Seungri pout. “Jennie, BTS’ fire comeback is very impressive.”
“Thank you, that means so much coming from you. The guys will be stoked to hear about you liking the comeback,” she said. “I have to give thanks to G-Dragon for helping me.”
“Seeing your hard work pay off is great to see. You’re doing well,” G-Dragon praised.
“Speaking of fire, TOP caught me making a dance video about it,” Seungri laughed.
“Oh really?! You have the video?” she eagerly asked while G-Dragon and Daesung snickered at the memory, shaking their heads.
“Way ahead of you,” TOP took out his phone to show the video of him secretly filming Seungri in a dance room, making everyone at the table laugh.
“We should make a dance cover video of fire,” Jen suggested.
Seungri seemed to enjoy the idea and wanted to make plans to film a cover with her for fire soon. 
“How is the idol life for you? Any questions?” Daesung asked.
“Yes. I hate to kill the mood but I feel like you guys are the best to ask about this. Um, how do you guys deal with sasaengs? Because I think I was followed by a few when I went to the billboard awards.” she frowned.
“What happened at Billboard?”
“I just always feel eyes on me. It’s crazy about the idea of being followed. And I hope it doesn’t get worse with family being involved.”
“That’s the worst when they start following our families.” TOP sighed and rubbed his temples. “One thing I recommend is speaking up about it. Call them out. Be stern about it. Enough is enough. Stand up for yourself. And keep Big Hit informed,”
“I will. I've been taking self defense classes, too. So, I do feel good about defending myself if anything comes to that.
“You hear that, hyung? Don’t make her upset or she’ll beat you up,” Seungri teased.
“I wouldn’t do that to you,” Jen reassured TOP, as the members laughed.
“You know with me, I had to move at one point because some crazy girls were hiding around my apartment at night. It was shocking. So, I moved to a more private apartment.” G-Dragon mentioned.
“There are times I can’t even get in,” Taeyang added.
“Just let me know when you visit,”
“I do!” Taeyang turned to Jennie and joked, “I feel like he just doesn’t want to see me,”
“You guys are about to celebrate ten years as a group,” Jen brought up in amazement. “Right now Bangtan and I are focusing on our annual Festa. We’re celebrating three years. Time is flying so fast. I hope that we can last a long time like you. Ten years is astonishing. So much hard work and dedication. It’s inspiring,”
“You will,” G-Dragon predicted. “I can see that BTS has a bond like no other. No matter the hardships, teamwork is how to do it. You made it this far. You’re going to soar.”
“Namjoon always told me teamwork makes the dream work as our fans work with us to be the best that we can be,”
After their lunch, the members posted photos from their outing. Seungri posted a selfie of him gobbling up Jen’s cookies while she pretended to look at him like he was crazy and captioned it, ‘Nice to meet u, Jennie! I’m keeping the cookies hyungs!’
Daesung posted a cute photo of them hugging, 'Nice to meet you, Jennie! Thanks for the cookies! You are going to do well in the industry,'
G-Dragon posted a group photo that they took during the lunch with the caption, ‘Big Bang X JW.’
Taeyang had posted a cute selfie with Jen with the caption, ‘Dope Meeting, congratz’
TOP posted a photo of him and Jennie looking cool for the camera. With the caption, ‘W Jennie’
'God...give me the strength. Because I’m trying my hardest to mature and keep in this frustration. But people keep trying me. #Jen’ Jen tweeted as ARMY commented on asking her if it had something to do with Flower Crew.
Earlier today, she had checked out the first episode of Jungkook staring on Flower Crew while taking a break from shopping. He had been talking about it for weeks and was extremely excited to be able to be on a variety show by himself. She thought it would be an amazing experience for him.
But when she watched the show, things started to go downhill as her blood began to boil. Jungkook bought burgers for the cast and then Jo Se Ho decided to act like an asshole and claim they were leftovers, making Jungkook upset and embarrassed.
An irate Jennie had to go on Twitter to tweet and then begin to type out her rant on her notes to post as photos for Twitter. She knew some would most likely criticize her for speaking about someone older than her in Korea like this but this needed to be said. You shouldn’t treat someone any type of way regardless of age. Her heart ached to watch Jungkook look so bummed and uncomfortable during the show. He did not deserve that.
When she brought it up to the members via text, they immediately went to Jungkook to get him to explain what happened as they all went into full protection mode.
“Why didn’t you tell us about this?” Namjoon asked.
Jungkook cringed at the memory and looked down. “It was embarrassing...”
The guys had sat him down to give him a pep talk and to make him feel better, they went out to treat him to lamb skewers.
Jungkook scrolled through Twitter and noticed a series of new tweets from their account, including Jen’s photos of her rant through her notes. He started to read:
‘With all due respect, what made you think your actions towards my best friend were OK? He’s on his first variety show alone, so excited, and took time out of his day and money to treat you and the rest of the cast to burgers. And you say they’re leftovers? You’ve got to be joking me! That’s not cool, Jo Se Ho. Jungkook is one of the kindest, sweetest souls in this world and for you to treat him like that is revolting. Apologize. Immediately. You lucky I wasn’t on the show because I probably would’ve been criticized and asked to leave after what I would’ve said to you on TV. This is unacceptable behavior. The heck is wrong with you acting like this on TV to someone? Grow up. Encourage us young people, not berate and embarrass us. ARMY, stay away from the cast's social media. This is the first and last time I’m giving this joke of a man the time of day. Don’t attack him online or the rest of the cast. It’s going to give a bad rep. You’re better than this. You do not need to attack anyone on social media, so please chill out, and let’s focus on more positive matters. Let us continue to give Jungkook love and support. Kookie, my Marvel bestie, your banana milk is waiting for you.’
Fans tweeted:
'Miss Bangtan said to not attack him online! Respect her request. We are better than this’
'Jennie snapped!’
'Can they date?’
'JenKook RISE! She said what she said!’
'And she’s giving him banana milk. Awwww. Thank you for speaking up Jennie’
'Miss Bangtan has spoken! Thank you for being a great friend to Jungkook’
'THIS is friendship. She’s giving him banana milk!’
'I really want them to date. Because that last part was cute af.’
When Jen arrived back at the dorm, she had placed five bottles of banana milk down for Jungkook as he smiled appreciatively. He was then met with a tight hug from her and they stayed like that for a while.
“How are you feeling?” she asked with her head against his chest.
“I’m feeling much better now. Thank you,”
She looked up at him as he looked down with a smile. “Don’t mention it. Don’t let people take advantage of your kindness like that. And don’t let this ruin your variety show experience. He was a big jerk.“
“I won’t. I prefer Running Man. Especially when it’s with you,”
"We’ll be on another episode of Running Man, soon enough, okay?”
The next morning, Jennie felt like she was about to die as she stayed in bed, clenching her stomach due to the most deadly cramps of the century. Every time she got her period, it was the worst for the first two days and she became a different person. If you say something wrong or look at her the wrong way results may vary when it was that time of the month.
Jungkook had been educating himself on periods and to get somewhat of an understanding of what women go through when it is that time of the month. Lately, he had started to track her period to prepare himself and buy things for her in advance such as a heating pad for her stomach. He even spoke to Jin about it.
The first sign that it was that time of the month was when she was bedridden and irritable. She doesn’t want anyone to bother her, always snaps at people, and tends to pass the time by playing games on her phone and napping. Jungkook didn’t take her irritation to heart, no matter how many times she snapped at him. Although she can be a little scary, he knows she doesn’t mean it. If anything, all he wants to do is cuddle her.
“I don’t care, go away!” she placed a pillow over her head.
Next was her weird food cravings. He would always ask what she wanted to eat. For some reason, she enjoyed eating potatoes and bananas the most while on her period. So, he always made sure to stock up.
One time he had given her smarties since he knew that was her favorite snack. But when she rejected them, that made him Jungshooked.
“Ew, I hate smarties. They’re disgusting. Throw them all way!” she complained.
“Wh-what? But you love smarties!” Jungkook tried to reason.
“Who lied? They’re gross. Throw all of it away. I don’t even want to look at them,”
Biggest mistake ever.
Because once she was off her period, she almost tore the entire dorm apart, trying to find her favorite candy.
“B-but you said to throw them away-“
“YOU THREW THEM AWAY!?” Jennie screamed, making him flinch. Jimin, J-Hope and V yelped and took cover, getting as far away from her as possible while Rapmon sat on the couch with his headphones on, oblivious. “WHY DID YOU LISTEN TO ME!? THAT WASN’T ME TALKING!"
He assumed everything she said was literal when she was on her cycle and decided to do whatever she said. But now he knew that if she said to throw away smarties, don’t do it. It was just her crazy hormones talking.
Today, during the first day of her period, Jen was lying in her bed, with a heating pad on her stomach given by Jungkook which had started to help.
“I hate everything...I hate my life. This is the worst. Why? What did we do to deserve this pain?” she complained, hissing at the sharp abdominal pain in her stomach.
She then felt herself get pulled back into a warm chest, getting closely held.
“Go awaaaaaaay~!” she whined, trying to get out of Jungkook’s arms.
“I’m not leaving you.”
“Go play video games with the guys or something.”
“I want to be with you,”
“Well, I don’t right now. I look like shit. I feel like shit. I am shit. Leave.”
“No.” he simply answered.
She sighed and decided to just deal with it, making him smile victoriously. As much as she hated to admit it with her stubborn attitude during her period, lying with him helped tremendously. She hoped he would stay after she woke from her nap.
A few days later, playing video games in her room, Jungkook tried to focus on Overwatch while playing through his aching back. He had strained it when he danced too hard during the fire promotions. He had tried his best to hide it from Jennie. But this time, he got caught as Jen had been observing him for days.
“So, how long are you going to hide that from me?” she called him out.
“Hide what?” he asked innocently.
“Your back. You look like you’re uncomfortable. What happened?”
“It’s nothing. Don’t worry,”
“Kookie, you’re never going to perform your best with that much tension. Stop playing the game for 30 minutes, come here, and lie down on my bed.”
“I-it’s okay. Really,”
“Really? You always ask me for massages. And lately, you haven’t been asking. Why? What’s the problem?”
He started to feel a little fidgety.
‘Because I don’t know if I can control myself with the way you touch me,’ he thought.
Lately, it seemed like his body was reacting much more to her. It was getting to the point where almost every time they made out, his lower region began to have a mind of its own. Sure they did some things during Prom Weekend but he had been trying his best to avoid being extra touchy these days until he could work on his hormones that were running all over the place. And with them not being alone like they were during Prom Weekend, it was getting harder.
Having enough, Jen rolled her eyes and took the controller out of his hands.
“Goodness gracious.” she huffed, exiting out the game
“H-hey! I was in the middle of the game,”
“I don’t care. Lie down. Now. I’m done watching you in pain like this.” she set the controller down and made him lay on his stomach on her bed after taking his shirt off.
“I told you, I’m okay.”
“I don’t want to hear it,” she sat on his behind, rubbing massage oil on her hands, and began working on his back. 
While massaging him, she proceeded to nag him, which he always thought was cute. He had to admit her hands were doing magic as he immediately felt relief from her touch. But his mind started to drift elsewhere as it started to make him feel fidgety again. Once he felt her nails lightly rake his back, his struggle to keep himself together worsened.
His mind went to a suggestive place, as he thought about her underneath him. He didn’t mean for these dirty thoughts to happen but he couldn’t control it. He knew her massaging him was a bad idea.
Did she know how much of an effect she had on him?
How much he was starting to want her?
However, Jennie was starting to feel the same way. His back was so broad as she thought about him pinning her down against the bed. How nice his lips would be against her neck and even lower.
'No, stop.’ she thought, shaking her head as she tried to block the suggestive thoughts out of her mind.
They weren’t alone in the dorm so maybe making out wasn’t the best idea as she thought of the possibility of being walked in on.
After massaging him, she went into her bathroom to wash off the massage oil from her hands.
“See how easy that was? And you feel much better, right? Next time just tell me to massage you. No more waiting that long to be massaged,” she stated. "I hate when you don't tell me that you're in pain. You worry me,"
As soon as she walked out of her bathroom, she was met with his arms pulling her to him for a kiss out of nowhere. It made her stumble back into the bathroom as she kissed back, pulling him closer.
This kiss felt...different.
More frenzied and passionate.
It made her body feel flush as she was backed up to her sink with his hands on it to trap her. 
‘You’re not alone!’ reality hit her which made her reluctantly break the kiss.
“The guys are here,” she reminded him.
“Just for a little bit,” he whispered, ignoring her warning, and leaned back for another smooch.
“Jungkook,” she warned again.
But he kept getting handsy which started to almost make her forget about the guys being here. But clinging onto the last resistance she had, she gently pushed him back.
“I want to. But one of them may walk in. Let’s make out later. Like when everyone is sleeping or something,” she suggested, walking out of the bathroom.
Remaining persistent, Jungkook walked out of her bathroom and shut her door, locking it.
“There, no abrupt interruptions on our alone time,” he shrugged like it was no big deal.
She stared at him in disbelief. He was getting bolder these days. The intense stare coming from him was making her go a little crazy.
“And what if they hear me? I don’t feel like dealing with them teasing us about it for a couple of weeks,”
“I won’t let that happen,”
“Easier said than done with your unpredictability. We shouldn’t.”
He reached out for her but she turned around to avoid another kiss. One more kiss and it was over for her. She needed to stand her ground. There’ll be plenty of more times to make out. 
But her avoidance was short lived when she felt a pair of warm lips on her shoulder blade. Trapped in his arms, she began to feel her legs weaken as she shivered in pleasure when he began to slowly travel up to her neck.
This was so dangerous.
Her eyes closed and she leaned back into him as her breathing quickened.
‘We should stop but this feels so good,’ she thought as she felt a gentle bite on her neck.
“Just five minutes. And then I’ll stop,” he whispered, gently biting her ear.
'Who taught him this?’ she thought, enjoying what he was doing.
Five minutes he said. Maybe five minutes won’t hurt.
Turning around, she wrapped her arms around his neck for a heated kiss, as her desire for him took over. She felt herself being lifted up and moved to her bed as he sat on the edge of it, allowing her to straddle him. Cupping his face, their slow, passionate kisses left her breathless as their need for each other grew. Gripping her hips, he felt her move against his hardness, making him moan out her name.
"Keep your voice down," she whispered.
"I'm trying...you’ve been driving me crazy these past few weeks, you know that?” 
When he said that, she felt this need for him that she couldn’t quite explain. She wanted to go further.
Securely holding her, Jungkook turned them over to place her on the bed as he hovered over her and kissed her again. He then slowly moved down to her neck making her breathing quicken. 
This felt so good. Everything. The way he was touching her. She wanted more.
“You want me to stop?” he whispered in her ear, making her shiver.
Five minutes passed already? She didn’t want this to end. Can’t he keep going and ignore that the time passed?
“I can keep going,” he said like he read her mind. The way she was looking at him gave it away. “But you’re going to have to say it, baby girl,”
'Oh my God, who taught him this? Who is teaching him to say these things? Because this was new and I love it,' she thought.
“Keeping going,” she responded breathlessly as he went back down to her neck.
Suddenly, she let out an unexpected moan when he found a sensitive spot on her neck. She quickly covered her mouth, making him chuckle.
“They definitely heard that,” she exclaimed. “We gonna get caught,”
“No, we won’t, relax. It wasn’t even that loud,”
“To you.”
“It was for my ears only and I’d like to hear it again. Can I try something?”
“Trust me.” he leaned down to kiss her again, making her forget about her worries. 
He began grinding his hips into hers, making her whimper. She lightly scratched his back in response as she let out another sound. 
Okay, screw it. If they get caught, they get caught. This was feeling all too good right now, it was worth getting caught. She didn’t want to stop as she felt comfortable with him. She can only imagine how it will be when they’re ready to go all the way.
“Jeon Jungkook! I know you're in there!” Jin called out, knocking on the door, and tried to open it but it was locked. "Stop hiding in Jennie's room! I know you pranked me!"
Jungkook sighed out of annoyance, turning his head to the door. He looked down at Jennie to see her chuckling.
“It was nice when it lasted,” she said while he got off her and put his shirt back on. "What did you do to Jin?"
"I put eggs in his laundry. I guess he figured out it was me. I'm gonna hide from him. Don't tell him I'm here," he went under the bed.
That caused Jennie to laugh. She went to open the door to see Jin marching in, looking around.
"Where is this brat?"
"Jungkook isn't here,"
"Are you lying to me?" he crossed his arms.
"No, I haven't seen him all day. Have you checked the laundry room? I did hear him say he was going to wash clothes,"
During the week of the Festa, JenKook had set up everything for the start of their Twitch Stream for Army. They had the equipment set up, everything was recording fine and they sat next to each other in front of the camera. They were located in Jennie’s Smartie factory for the stream.
Jennie tweeted the link, ‘Guess who is streaming!? JenKook’s first episode is here! Click on the link and watch! Let’s have some fun!’
“It’s on~!” she said excitedly
“How many people should we wait for until we start the stream?” he asked, spinning around in his chair.
“W-wow. We already have over 20k.” she looked on in amazement as she peered closely at the viewer count on the screen.
“It’s still growing. Now 70k. Might as well start now.”
Looking at the camera, Jennie smiled, “Yo yo yo! It’s your one and only Miss Bangtan!” she turned to Jungkook, waiting for him to speak but he missed his cue and they ended up laughing. “We’ll work on our intro.”
“Yeah.” he turned to the camera and waved, “Hello! Jungkook here!”
“And we are The Golden Duo! Welcome to our first Twitch stream. You excited?!” she asked the fans who rapidly replied in the comments positively.
“I am. I can’t wait to win,” the Golden Maknae said confidently
“If you win,” she shrugged.
“I will. I win everything,”
“Well, perhaps today is the big day when you lose, my good friend.” she ignored his glare which made viewers laugh and respond with ‘hahas’ and ‘LOLs’. “Today we’re playing...”
“The Impossible Game!” Jungkook announced in English as the game was happily on the screen, waiting to be played.
“How ready are you to get this going?”
“I got this. Let’s play,”
They played a quick game of rock, papers, scissors to determine who would play first. Jungkook managed to win and they launched the game. The music began as the orange square moved at a steady pace. Jungkook effortlessly pressed the spacebar as it jumped over the first triangle. But automatically died when he failed to jump over the second. He paused the game while Jen let out a laugh.
“I got this. I win everything,” she mocked in a deep voice.
“I’m just warming up,” he said, brushing it off.
“Oh, okay. Try it again.” she turned to the camera, “He’s warming guys.”
He tried it again and this time got further as she watched closely. Once the music intensified, the orange square kept moving up the blocks. Jennie danced to the beat, making him laugh and distracting him as he hit a triangle.
“Stop distracting me,”
“What? I didn’t do anything,”
“Stop being cute,” he murmured and tried again.
“Hop...hop...hop...hop again. And again. Hop. Hop. Hop-hop-hop-hop-hop,” she said, following the square’s movements while he concentrated.
He got even farther as he tried again but still couldn’t make it past the part when the beat got higher pitched.
“Okay, my turn!”
“I bet you can’t beat that,” he said confidently.
“I really hope I win so I can see how salty you’re going to look,” she started the game. She made it just before the beat dropped as she felt accomplished. 
Hearing him laugh at her error, she responded, “Okay but I still made it farther than you on my first attempt,”
As she continued, for some reason, she couldn’t get much farther as she kept hitting the spikes. Meanwhile, fans were amused to see Jungkook grinning at her failure.
“CAN YOU JUMP!?” she shouted at the screen after dying again, making him laugh loudly. “Look I’m just-“
“I’m just not concentr-“
“Can I finish my sentence without dying, damn!”
She sighed loudly and paused the game to rub her temples.
Jungkook glanced at her and the screen as a moment of silence occurred.
“You okay?” he teased.
“Shut up. Leave me alone,”
“Let the professionals take over,” he unpaused the game and began to play while she rolled her eyes and watched him. “It’s okay to lose to me. It’s fine. It’s normal.”
“I’m seconds away from hitting you,”
He giggled as he progressed, jumping up the blocks. But then he suddenly died.
“No!” he shouted.
“Let the professionals take over,” she mocked. “It’s okay to lose to me.”
“The keyboard is just glitching,”
“Oh! Blame it on the keyboard. What’s next?”
“Me beating the game before you,” he replied as he got back to the section he stopped at but died again...and again...and again.
The intensity of the game increased as Jungkook began to look more serious while playing, determined to beat the game. Poking the inside of his cheek, his frustration was more visible since he wasn’t progressing further.
He threw his head back and let out a frustrated sigh. “This game is rigged!”
“Is it now?”
“Yeah! I barely touched the triangle and it made me die! It could have let me go by it,” he whined as she let out a giggle. “Is something funny?”
“Yeah, you. My turn,”
She went to play, making the orange cube hop over the dark boxes and triangles with ease. As the beat dropped, the cube continued to make it up to the top without any errors. Jungkook’s smile fell as she progressed past where he stopped and stared at the screen in disbelief. She kept going as he turned to her and then back at the screen.
He went to read the comments:
'Omg look at his face! He’s shooked’
'I love how cute she looks when she’s concentrating,’
The cube hit a triangle and it was back to the beginning as she tried again.
“How!?” Jungkook exclaimed.
“That was luck. I was trying not to freak out as I progressed.”
As she tried it again many more times, she and Jungkook started bouncing in sync to the beat. The block fell down for a moment but then she didn’t notice as it hit the spike and it was back to the beginning, making Jungkook cackle and clap his hands.
“NO~!” she screamed, “NO! ARE YOU-ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?”
"I’m done. I don’t want to play this anymore. It took me forever to get back to where I was,”
“Yeah, I think we both had enough,” Jungkook chuckled. “Well, it looks like we can’t beat the impossible game today. But we’ll just have to replay it on another stream in the future for round 2,”
Jen went to the stream chat to read a comment, “What game are we playing next? The next game we’re going to check out is Overwatch!”
“We don’t have a date yet for our next stream but just know when we do, we’ll tweet the link,”
“Yeah, so keep a lookout. It can happen any day, any time. All right, that’s all the time we have!” she paused and glanced at Jungkook. “We need to think of an outro too, don’t we?”
“We should think of something cool. Something catchy.”
“Let’s think of ideas later. So for now, we’ll simply say goodbye.”
With Matt Rife who lounged backstage before the show of Wild N' Out, he scrolled through Instagram to see the latest post on Wild N' Out's page. There it had Jennie announcing that she was excited to be a guest on the show in August with Desiigner & Angelina and hoped to take Nick Cannon's belt. 
"Damn..." Matt said as he scrolled through her Instagram page. "This girl is going to be on the show?"
He continued to lurk through her page, liking tons of posts.
“Damn...she is cute,” he said and followed her. 
On Instagram’s following tab where you can see the activity of the people you follow, BTS fans who watch Wild ’n’ Out and check who Jennie is following and who is following her noticed that Matt had followed her.
Mattrife started following JJennie_JW
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They even noticed his comment on her recent photo. A simple eye emoji with a smirking emoji.
Fans immediately jumped on the situation and began commenting and making Twitter threads to bring awareness to who he was and the whole Zendaya situation back in 2015.
‘Matt Rife followed Jennie!’
'They can never make me hate Matt. Shoot your shot!'
'White boys be loving some Jennie I swear lmfaoooo'
'Oh God...Jennie run. Run now run fast’
'Ew wtf he better unfollow her!’
'Stay away from her!’
'He bet not be trying to make a move because Jennie belongs to Bam Bam’
'He is not ruining my ship.’
'That is Shawn Mendes' future girlfriend! He better stop!'
‘Omgg lmaooo she’s going to turn you down’
'I don’t blame him for trying to shoot his shot’
‘Oh, he is handsome! Who is he!?’
'Get in line pal! A lot of people want her’
'He outta pocket for that comment ctfuu’
'Lol goofy’
'Jennie is single! So why not? He’s cute!’
'She single Matt! Make a move!’
'I honestly would not turn him down.’
“Whatever you thinking, don’t do it, man,” Nick Cannon warned with an amused voice.
“Do what? I’m not going to do anything,” Matt replied with a shrug.
“Nah dawg, you going to do some stupid shit on the day they come to the show,” Conceited joined in.
“What he tryna do?” Justina asked, interested in the conversation.
“He drooling over one of our upcoming guests’ IG page,” Nick informed her.
Justina rolled her eyes, “Here he goes,”
“What? I just wanna get her number. Come on! You guys can’t deny we’d make a great couple. She is fine as hell. Look at her. Look at them lips. It would fit perfectly on mine,” Matt rambled which made his cast members laugh at him. “You guys are some haters,”
“This is Zendaya all over again,” D.C Young Fly cackled.
“Matt, there is no way in hell Jennie is going to give you the time of day,” Nick guaranteed.
“You don’t know that,” Matt denied.
“Come on, Jen ain’t going to fall for just some white boy looks and so-called charm from yo ass,”
“Ain’t she in some Korean group?” Chicobean pointed out.
“Yeah, I heard that. What they called?” Justina asked.
“Bangtang or somethin’?” D.C called out.
“No, BTS,” Nick answered. “Seven guys and her in that group. Matt, do you really want to get yo’ ass beat by them boys if you try to make a move on her during the show?"
“They ain’t gonna touch me. I ain’t scared of them,” Matt said confidently, “Look I'ma make my move. I got this. You’ll see. I’ll definitely be getting her number. August can't get here fast enough,"
“He a lost cause. He gonna get embarrassed,” Chicobean laughed with D.C.
“Yeah, I know. And watch them Korean boys pop up on the show and say it’s on sight,“ Conceited predicted. "We ain’t helping you out. You on your own,”
Ignoring everyone, Matt went back on Instagram to look through her page and slid in her DMs.
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zanysmurf · 3 months
notes on brainy's smarty party
i like the 3 different illustrations of brainy on these invitations
"brainy, brainy, brainy beyond your wildest dreams" is like top 3 smurfs lines to me
"i don't give a smurfberry"
thought about the whole effort of pitching this big tent then immediately after hefty and handy were like yeah we only pitched this so we could swim in the pool
i could Never forget "i think i'm gonna like being a party smarty"
the ties look so huge in tailor's hands. love how greedy has to wear his over the napkin then later the napkin disappears and comes back
vanity bouncing ball off clumsy's head
dance of 100 smurfs mention
smurfberry tart yummm
laughter is jokey's favorite sound (contrary to what he said in jokey's funny bone i suppose)
"papa smurf everybody left me"
clumsy and hefty splashing eachother sooo much fun
clumsy suddenly wearing special hat midway through the party
clumsy pulling at sides of his hat again
greedy spontaneously spawns huge sack
"if you leave, i'll kick you out"
what kind of box did jokey bring to the outcast party this is an insane explosion
positive clumsiness interaction between greedy and clumsy
hefty and snurfette singing and dancing aww
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vertumnanaturalis · 8 months
A lot of people seemed to like my last one, so woe! More fic ideas be upon all ye again; compilation of au ideas I posted in LQ and haven't been edited to be easier to read edition!
(below the cut, because theres like 12 of them and its a big messy mess)
Nem?Tang fic where they wake up in some ancient convergent domain plant device with only hazy memories of how they got there but nothing solid enough to work off of, and also why is their hair so long, and where are their clothes, and where is the goddamn colony? Because oopsie daisy! it seems that somebody put them in the ancient alien magitech healing goo and forgot to take them out when they were done, and now two hundred years have passed and everybody else they know and love are long dead, and also apparently some giant ass fleet of earth guys tried to land while they were having a snooze but! oh! whoopsie! yet again! somebody sent them the wrong information about how to safely get through the wormhole and the majority of the fleet did not make it to the surface in one piece!!! and the some of the survivors may or may not have folk stories about people that may or may not be Nem and Tang’s loved ones doing either great or terrible things during those two hundred years they were sleeping through!!
mermaid au where Besk was a mermaid trapped in a research facility and Instance broke her out during her ecoterrorist days but Besk couldn’t go back to the ocean because (hand waves) so she stayed with Instance as a slightly-more-free test subject who could technically come and go as she pleases, and she did, and eventually came back from one of her outings with two whole goddamn babies, and despite their both their hopes both babies seem to be pretty much normal human babies except for the occasional weird non-human thing, like eating whole raw eggs or Tangent having an overnight sex change shortly after saying she’s a girl, and feeling like she’s the only mermaid left in the world eventually leads Besk to doing the same thing she always does, and now Instance is stuck with two ambiguously half-human grieving kindergartners, and now it’s the world’s words hybrid of Wolf Children and The Thirteenth Year (with a mild dose of human experimentation sprinkled on top)
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modern day/modern-ish all humans on earth au fic where Sym is a pre-school teacher(or aid??) who just moved to a new town with his beloved edgelord of a boyfriend who never wants to talk about his past or childhood and Sym only knows bits and pieces that he’s mentioned over the past few years (but that’s fine he’s just got his secrets nothing new there), and at his new job with his new class there’s a young single parent of twins that also moved into town only a little bit after he did, and apparently they don’t have anybody in their life besides their kids, they don’t have any family and the kids dad isn’t in the picture, so he does the nice friendly thing and offers to lend a hand if they need help with anything, and one afternoon as he’s supposed to be leaving work after making sure that the kids are all picked up, he spots said single parent and said beloved edgelord talking/arguing about something, because apparently they used to know each other but haven’t seen each other in a long while, and his boyfriend doesn’t wanna hear what “actually super important and kinda immediately relevant” thing that his old friend wants to talk about, and before Sym can really stop them the two kids go running to greet their parent, and look we all know where this plot is heading fellas
(not sure if this one should follow Tang or Dys primarily but Imma go with Tang side for this) fic where there’s more people than canon but they’re still on Vertumna with little research on it & Sol has dream memories (maybe use part of the old idea about the Helio arriving as part of a mini fleet instead of a lone ship?), and Tang’s intelligence is lauded like in canon and she’s put into the best position to learn smarty smarts stuff, while Dys’ rebelliousness gets him no favors with the Man and gets himself marked as a troubled kid and moved away from his sister, with Tang being told that she can seek him out once she’s an adult if she still wants to but for now not to waste her time or energy on worrying about him and focus on her studies. She keeps hearing him being mentioned in passing as being part of some big secret alien-centric program to so she knows that he hasn’t gone awol, but she still doesn’t see him for the next 3 to 5 years even tho she still gets to see most of the other kids (bar Sol, who was also yoinked by the secret alien program). Fast forward to her being an adult enough adult who seems appropriately level headed for doing amoral sciences, so she’s invited to see the big important secret alien project, and “_so Tangent, you know how some of the xenofauna can pass information and feeling between individuals of different species through physical contact, and that there’s some functional technology leftover from the alien civilization that lived here beforehand? And that your brother spent a lot of time exploring ruins? And how sometimes science needs sacrifices? For the greater good and all that? :)?” and Tang gets to see her brother as one of the star subjects of the project’s attempt to recreate a messy version of the array (while not even understanding what it actually is)
like 3 different variants (Geranium, Flulu, and Hal+Tonin+Sol’s she group on a field trip” of “like 3 weeks after landing somebody falls into a mini wormhole and comes out 25 years into the future, except none of them went missing in the second timeline, and now they’re in the future having to deal with the way life actually turned out, and they don’t even know all of the stuff that their other selves do/did, because they may or may not be alive still in this other timeline”. (Actually what got me into working on all those future kid things because I wanted to know who’d be doing what when and with who)
au where Besk blacks out shortly before her suicide attempt and wakes up in a cave on Vertumna, having 0 idea where she is or how she got there, and stumbles around thinking she’s dead until one of the surveyors finds her, and upon getting back to the colony she finds out that she’s supposed to have been dead for the last 11 or so years, with her two five year olds now being sixteen (the same age as her when she left Earth & also how long she spent on the Strato), and she has to learn how to adapt to everything and being alive when she shouldn’t be while there are so many others who died and aren’t magically alive again, and also has to do all this while more or less locked under constant observation, because BOY nobody is going to casually leave her alone for like, so many reasons
fic that opens with Kom waking up in the medbay after the age 14 glow attack and Nem and their younger brothers and all his friends are so unbelievably glad he’s awake and ok, but he keeps learning about the not canon possible things that happened either during the attack or while he was healing (like his mom dying while helping the kids evacuate the creche or chief Rhett and Sol’s parents having died defending geoponics), and he’s just stuck with this unending feeling that he’s supposed to be dead right now, but he’s not, and I’m not sure where to go with the story past that
au where Kom wakes up five years before the Strato reaches the wormhole with the knowledge that he’s going to die ten years from now, and it more or less follows a dreamer Kom story except that he knows that his story only has one conclusion, and rather than trying to prevent his own death he spends that time trying to save and protect as many people in his life as he can (maybe prequel to above scenario?)
obligatory single “nice” modern au fic except that nice has to be in quotation marks because technically it’d be about Dys breaking into Sym’s house after committing a major felony and definitely in a big hurty thinking that it was abandoned, but like surprise! it’s not! and even tho Dys fully expects Sym to call the cops on him and wake up in jail he instead wakes up in Sym’s guest room and immediately assumes that he either died already, accidentally tripped into the fae realm, or Sym is some kinda polite hannibal ass serial killer, and it’d be just a whole bunch of Sym being genuinely kind and nice to Dys while Dys is just “y tho like literally what is wrong with you”, and it takes like 2 years and several more major felonies for them to get together. also this might’ve spawned off of the earlier pre school teacher one but it’s not 100% attached to it so that’s why it has it’s own bulletpoint
2.5 flavors of a Hunger Games AU, which are "special games where its announced that this year each district has to send two siblings/other close family members, and the twins get reaped in their district", "one of the younger boys gets reaped but Kom volunteers in their place", and "Tang watching as Dys gets reaped the first year he's applicable for it and she can't do anything about it, and then having to watch as Kom (in his last year of being applicable) volunteers in her brother's place and all of his siblings are now freaking out" which only came to me as I was sharing the first two.
also have this flawless related image
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au where Sym sees videos of wild animals in urban areas being relocated to a better habitat on the data thing Sol gives him and he comes up with a fresh new idea; cut to his two favorite humans (age 13/14) waking up on a strange beach some few thousand kilometers away from the colony several weeks later with 0 idea how they got there (ark opening tune starts to play)
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also whatever this is
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anyways, that's definately not all of the random au ideas I've had and don't include some of the more developed ones I've actually made effort to work on/flesh out, but these were on hand and I wanted to share them too
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Ain't no love in the heart of the city - prologue
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TW: mentions of g*n violence, character death, tween's getting injured.
Manny - Masc y/n
Femmiya - femme y/n
Nebbi - Nonbinary y/n
(you don't have to take the names seriously, just as a heads-up Miles G will be in a poly relationship with Manny, Femmiya, and Nebbi)
In the ruthless streets of New York, love was a pretty hard thing to find. Tch, a true friend is hard to find, let alone a lover. New York was only for criminals and  fugitives. The world around New York is surprised that normal people still live there. 
It wasn’t always this bad, when Jefferson Morales it was semi peaceful.Yeah criminals still existed but he made things a little better. He was a true man of kindness and peace, he sometimes got young gangsters and drug addicts off the streets with just his words. He was really a god sent, his wife and brother couldn’t be more thankful for him. And that was more emphasized when it came to his son Miles. Miles was such a bright, happy, and smart kid always being funny in one way or another.  
Miles looked up to his father so much, when he was young he would often play cops & robbers with his friends or with his dad & uncle. But everyone knew being a cop wasn’t Miles’ passion, his passion was to be a physics scientist or an engineer. So Jefferson and Rio tried to put him in the best programs so he could pursue this passion the best he can. 
When he wasn’t being smarty pants and had time to play, he would play with his friends. These friends were Manny Jones, Femmiya Collins, and Nebbi Wilson. There was no way you could ever separate them once they were together. It would be like trying to separate a crocodile from meat, not happening. 
They were all so adorable when they met up, they would always do a group hug once they saw each other. Always melted the heart of their parents. Whenever there was a playdate, some parent had to take pictures and share them once the playdate was over. 
The shining four would always play something crazy that would get either all or one of them hurt. Nebby got a chipped tooth because they thought it was a good idea to jump off the patio railing. 
“We were playing superhero” nebby pouted…with a broken  tooth as they were being raced to the hospital. But it was all good fun, and they never cared when they got an injury. They just kept playing until a parent noticed someone was bleeding. 
The parents would also notice something about the shining four, the little friend group would always get blushy around each other. Nebbi would get blushy around femmiya, femmiya would get blushy around Menson, and Menson would get blushy around Miles and vice versa. Though they were all young at the time, they couldn’t have had a crush on each other right? 
As they got into their tween years they mellowed a little, just a little. If there were times when no one was hurt, everything would be peaceful. Birthday parties and just parties in general would always be a blast. 
The shining four all had big families so whoever had a birthday their entire friends’ family would be invited over and mingle. Same for cookouts, EVERYBODY is invited as long as they contribute something. Which everyone always did whether it be food, handing out needed plates, or cleaning duty. 
Today was just like that, everybody was around just enjoying their time. The park was a perfect place for a family function, why wouldn’t it be? Everyone gathered around on this special day and just hung out. Rio was making jokes, Jefferson was playing cards. Kemani and Lyla (femmiya’s parents) were dancing together, Dwayne and Shana(Nebbi’s parents) were at the card table with jefferson. Menson’s mom was dancing as well. Manny’s father, Demetrius,  however looked worried and paranoid. 
All he did was hang in the corner and watched as everyone was happy, sweat falling down both sides of his face as he kept looking at his watch. Jefferson noticed and called him over for a game of cards, the man accepted and sat down next to him. 
“You ok man, you're sweating like a sinner in church” Jefferson said, chuckling at his own words. 
“I’m aight man, just hot out here” demetrius said, wiping the sweat off his face. 
It was not hot at all, it was 78 degrees outside. Perfect summer weather, but Jefferson didn’t press further. He wasn’t that kind of man. So they continued playing cards, demetrius never smiled or laughed at any joke that was said though, Jeff caught on but…not in time. 
The music was just kicking up, everybody was making it to the dance floor with their partner or just by themselves.All the kids were there, showing off some moves their parents may have shown them or something they learned from watching MTV. 
Three gunshots, it took 10 gunshots to disrupt a family function. It took one gunshot to hit Manny who was only dancing, it took a 2nd gunshot to hit femmiya who was getting a cup of juice. It took a third gunshot to hit Nebbi, who was going to find Miles. It took a 4th gunshot to hit Demitrius…it took a 5th gunshot to kill Jefferson Morales. 
Jefferson died a hero, he instantly tried to save Demitrius who got hit by the bullet. Jefferson died trying to save the life of his best friend. Jefferson died without saying goodbye to his wife,  brother…and his son. 
It was chaos, people were screaming. Kids were screaming, everybody was scrambling or just froze from the sudden shock. Parents were looking for their kids, some parents were rushing their child to the hospital. 
All of it went by so fast, Rio didn’t know what was going on. She couldn’t find her son and she couldn’t find her husband. The people around were making that oh so difficult, she was panicking more by the second. 
She found Miles, he was hiding under the table and crying his eyes out with his arms wrapped around his head. Rio pulled him from under the table and ran to the parking lot where they hid on the side of some cars. Life was different after this day…
Miles didn’t know what was going on. One second his family was smiling and happy, no sadness in sight. The next thing he knew half of his family members, some related or not related,  and friends were clinging to life in the hospital…and his father was dead. He didn’t want to believe, He couldn’t believe it, he would not believe it. 
Once he came to terms with..the incident he changed, and not for the better. He would lash out, yell, cry, and just be numb. It was an ongoing cycle for a long time until he had no more emotions to really give out. 
Rio did try to be there for him as for his uncle and lovers. They always sat through his rages or his tears and tried to help the best they could. But they knew they couldn’t mend that heart that was growing bitter and hateful toward the world by the hour. 
Miles didn’t go to the funeral, he just couldn’t. 
 Manny , Femmiya, Nebbi, and Miles started dating at 13. The incident did cause them to put a semi hold on the relationship but they did try to comfort him like lovers were supposed to. No matter how much he tossed hurtful words at them, they knew he didn’t mean it and he would apologize soon after so it wasn’t a problem. 
 Manny , Femmiya, and Nebbi changed too, and not for the better. They were basically going through the same thing as Miles, they viewed Jeff as their second or only father or a Tio. They would often call him pa and rio ma because they were so close. 
They also became oh so bitter and cold toward anyone who wasn’t a relative or friend. They would be nice but only to people who didn’t seem like they had a problem or needed help. 
They often helped Rio when they could, whether it be with groceries, looking after miles, or helping with cleaning the house. No money needed. 
The world around them began to get worse as the months went on. Crime spiked up and just over all terrible things kept happening to people. New York was no oasis, but it was at least liveable in certain areas. 
It’s not like that anymore, if you don’t live in a gated community and can hire someone to do basic things for you. You might as well carry a knife, taser, gun, and machete with you at times. Things are neutral in the daytime but that doesn’t mean you're safe, there are still sh!tty people around. 
The prowler and his friends did make things semi better, they would “take care of” a lot of evil people. Yeah sometimes innocent people got hurt in the process but at least they were making a small difference.  
Oh yeah, the shining four are the prowler’s of New York. Well, Miles is THE prowler. You could say his lovers are variants of him, all three of them have different styles and colors. It was a tough job but it paid well. It kept their families financially stable and were able to pay for things themselves if there was some money left. 
The relationship between the shining four has blossomed into love, even though they already loved each other since they were kids. They kind of find their relationship Ironic, especially when it comes to a certain lyric
“Ain't no love in the heart of the city” 
There was no love in this place, only heartless savage people. But somehow the four of you found love in a heartless city. Because of this love, you four try to stick together the best you can. For better or for worse. 
Come along and join the shining four as they navigate through a heartless city while trying to maintain love.
@weirdo09 @clearskiiiess@ @purplemauves
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A Question Of Choices, Of Past, Present And Future (3157 words) by ChaosDuckWrites Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: DuckTales (Cartoon 2017) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Scrooge McDuck, Huey Duck (Disney), Dewey Duck (Disney), Louie Duck (Disney), Webby Vanderquack, Ludwig von Drake, Della Duck (Disney) Additional Tags: Pride, LGBTQ Themes, Bisexual Scrooge McDuck, Questioning, How Do I Tag, Fluff and Humor Summary: Tagged as Gen and M/M because nothing overly shippy happens but romantic interests are mentioned (still kinda new to the whole AO3 thing!!) Scrooge McDuck is tougher than the toughies, smarter than the smarties and TOTALLY sure of himself, right…? Wrong. Let me tell you, when it comes to fluff, it doesn't get much more wholesome than dear old Scroogie's queer panic! And I have a message for all my readers. It's never too late to discover who you are. Everybody is valid, and never let anyone tell you otherwise. You deserve to be loved and cherished. Thank you.
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hi there ar!! just here to say that i love your characterization of Che'nya and love seeing you on my dash, your interactions literally make my day <3 i'm sorry that this all is happening to you guys from the rp community, you guys are awesome and i hope this situation ends soon and that everybody gets to relax and have fun. I'm not an rp account by any means and never interacted with her, but i always felt a bit off about her farena account, i even blocked her after seeing how hateful she was being and how bad she was mischaracterizing the characters she roleplayed as. I'm really glad to see that it wasn't just me that felt that way and that she's getting rightfully called out. I hope you and everyone involved have an amazing day!! (english isnt my fisrt language so im sorry if there are any errors on this ask)
Okay I’ve been deleting asks in relation to the drama since I said I was done with it but…
Thank you???? That’s so sweet????? Help??????
Why are you so nice?????? 😭😭😭
And your English is perfectly fine!
Side note, but you shouldn’t feel the need to apologize for possible errors due to English not being your first language! Because that’s basically apologizing for knowing multiple languages - you’re apologizing for being smart.
Don’t feel sorry for being smart!
Languages are hard!
I only know English. I tried to learn another one and my brain was like “haha no.”
So you go anon! You live that smartie bi/multilingual life! 🤓
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marinerainbow · 1 year
I can just imagine Poppy phoning Smartass either at work or on a public phone and it's like he goes from "EVERYBODY SHUT UP, I'M ON DA TELEPHONE!" before going into the softest "hey baby-doll what's the woyrd?"
Kitty: ...
Smartass: Uh huh...
Kitty: ...
Smartass: Ya caught a mantis? Dat's somethin'. You interrogate 'im foist? Heh heh, ya know I'm joking honey...sure I got time for dinner tonight we're goin' to Nucky's....Oh so ya are wearin' the dress, whaddaya tryin' to do to me...*changes his tone* Greasy you better not be on the line!
*phone gets put down in the other room*
Smartass: Anyway I gotta go, the Mighty Mouse paperwoyrk came up again *drops his voice to a low whisper* Yeah Yeah Yeah I love ya too...okay see ya later.
Kitty: *gives small smile*
Smartass: *straightens his tie and goes back to his tough demeanour* What are you smilin' for? You finished helpin' Wheezy yet?
Kitty: Already done though I had to open a window. It's like a Michael Jackson music video in there.
Smartass: A who?
Kitty: Nevermind. How is Poppy?
Smartass: I don't discuss private business in the office.
Kitty: ...I want to thank you.
Smartass: *sigh* What for?
Kitty: For being so sweet with her.
Smartass: *drags a hand down his face* You're gonna kill me Kit-Kat, I'll end up with that disease...whacha call it...Diatribes."
Kitty: Diabetes.
Smartass: ...Gesundteit.
@wicked1will0sparkles please you must look at this!
Omg omg I love this so much!!! Yes. This is canon in the Smarty-Pop timeline. Poppy calls her boyfriend when he's at work, both to check up on him, making sure he's not too stressed or anything, and also to tell him that she loves him ^^ and of course telling him things she gets so excited about. Like the mantis!
Ok- actually, here. Here's Poppy's side of the conversation.
Poppy: *perks up when the phone picks up, pulls phone away from ear when she hears Smartass' screech*
Poppy: *presses phone back to her ear, before blushing and giggling at the pet name* Oh, nothing much... I found a mantis on my windowsill today, though! A really big one too!
Poppy: ... *rolls her eyes while smiling* Oh, you and your interrogations... Oh! Before I forget; if you're not too busy, do you want to get dinner together? Tonight?
Poppy: ... Oh! Nucky's?? That place is so nice! *pauses* It's a good thing I put on the dress you got me. The one you like~♡
Poppy: *giggles and tucks her hair back* What do you mean? I- *hears the other line being put down* ... Well! Honey; how are you doing?
Poppy: ... That case again? Oh, I hope it gets settled soon. I don't want you guys stressing yourselves out. But yeah, I'll let you go. I love you!
Poppy: ... *squeaks happily* See you tonight! ^^
Poppy: *hangs up before sighing dreamily* I love that man.
Girls so in love, she had to say it twice
Thank you so much for sending this in! I love it so much ^^
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nokunsan · 2 years
Short Nacht x Reader - angst
where y/n rejected her boy best friend.
(I want to read one but there are little nacht fics so here I am whahaha)
Quick reminder that I'm new to this, there might be A LOT of errors since I'm just starting to writee :)) (srry if this is a lil cringe )
"Everybody said, "Follow your heart". I did, it got broken"
My heart, it's broken. I didn't know what to do anymore. I ran and ran until I got tired. I don't know, I'm lost, I'm lost, I'm lost, I'm lost!! I liked him. But I chose my career because of it. It's the only thing I have. I'm not ready. I need time
As I started to mutter I heard some footsteps. My eyes widened as I quickly grabbed my pocket knife from my bag. My hands are shaking but my eyes are fierce. I swear, if this is another pervert guy I'm gonna cut his balls. But then I saw a white streak hair. It's him. My other friend.
Nacht Faust. Brother of Morgen Faust. I remember that Morgen rejected me. I cried that day, thinking am I enough? Why did he not like me back? But here I am, my other friend suffering because I rejected him. Going back to Nacht, he reminds me of my rapist to be honest. That awful attitude, I hate injustice to people like him. He doesn't deserve to be in my place right now, especially that I'm in my safe space.
You. You! What are you doing here!? I spoke with anger, I'm ready to push him but he noticed that I'm grabbing a knife.
"Well, looks like my innocent friend is holding a knife, keh, are you going to kill me?" I smirked even when I'm trembling. I'm not afraid of death anymore. Like I said, I have no purpose anymore.
"Me? Killing you? Let's see, Faust." I quickly moved to pin him down but he already started to take my knife. I forgot this guy has skills. His legs kicked my other legs. He has reflexes, I thought. As I'm finding an opening he already took both of my hands and tied it. He fell down and since It was raining, I was soaking wet.
I started to cry, losing hope. "Fine you win… I'm this type of person right? I always Fail, now I hurt another one… tell me…am I selfish?? I hate this!... I hate this…Nacht.
"Hey. I didn't know that…you felt like that I'm sorry..Y/N." he hugged me tight. He never did this before. He was never this soft. He may be mean, but….
"I'll always be right here by your side, remember that. I'll help you move on. Come with me, let's sing a song like you've always wanted" he takes my hand.
"I sincerely apologize since you 're losing your cool. I have to pin you down" he smiled. It was never fake.
"Tch, I know that I'm a soft person today. Don't get used to it, okay?" He removed his jacket and placed it on my shoulders.
"Make sure to return it, smarty head" we both walked as the rain started to stop. "Thank you Nacht" I replied with a tired smile. This is just a bad day, not a bad life.
I opened my eyes, it's 2am. My tears fell as I wiped it. Sniffing because the dream felt real to me.
"Thank you Nacht. You're my moon" I began fixing my bed and started studying again. Knowing that there's hope for everything. I can still be myself, not jealousy, no hate, just me, loving myself. Along with my vice captain being with my side.
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I've finally figured out how to fit Shiny in the Tiny Tots AU if you'd like XD (of course you don't have to answer if you don't want to ^^)
- Originally I was gonna have Shiny the same age as Jessica (not just in this AU, but in general). However now that I'm developing her more, I think I'm gonna make her 14 rather than 10. So she's closer to Smartass' and Greasy's age group. She is also no longer in her magician phase because of this (though I'm thinking maybe this would be when she starts getting into dancing. Not club dancing! But like maybe she finds a way to sneak into a regular dance studio, sees all the people practicing, and decides that this is what she wants to do).
- Shiny is just starting out on her menace-to-society life XD she's just starting to shoplift, pick pocket people using her slight of hand skills, and she's getting better at lying. So she will not be an easy child like Stu or Roger.
- Since she's one of the older kids, Shiny would probably hang around Greasy, Smartass, and Wheezy more often than the little ones. I've already got ideas for how their relationships would be (though as I develop Shiny and the AU more, this may change).
With Wheezy, well he's the designated dad so we know where this is going XD Shiny tries to hide and deny it, but she does genuinely like him and trust him. She's just scared he's going to go away or something (still haven't figured out a blood family situation for her. But it definitely wouldn't be a happy one). So she tries to keep a safe emotional distance in case it does. As such, she's like Greasy in a sense that she's one of the more distant children of the group; wandering off on her own, not completely sharing what's going on with herself, etc. That and, she's a teenage girl. She does throw a bit of attitude his way every now and then (ngl I can see them having that same argument Lilo and Nani did at some point. Wheezy is stressed but worried for this kid, and Shiny is getting defensive because or hormones and she doesn't want to be emotionally vulnerable, "If I'm so much trouble, why don't you just drop me and go live your own life!?"). But she does still listen to him; if he asks her to watch over one of the kids, she'll stay. If he offers some advice, she'll keep it in mind, etc.
With Greasy, they actually get along pretty well, and can work together to be menaces XD They have similar backgrounds and wanderlust. Though Shiny, even at 14, has more control than him. She likes Wheezy, so if Greasy has gone off on his own even though Wheezy asked him to stay, Shiny will volunteer to go find him and bring him back. Or if he's being a jerk to anybody in the group, she'll lightly smack his arm or something and tell him to cut it out, etc (she wouldn't care if it was a stranger though). I can see Greasy offering her tips he picked up off the street, and even looking out for her if they're out together. Maybe she winds up opening up to him first because they're so close even.
These two aren't related, but I like the idea of Smartass and Shiny developing a sibling relationship XD Shiny goes off to bug him when Greasy isn't around, she calls him Shrimp because he's small and pink, and Smartass is just so damn tired of this crazy kid when he already has to deal with everybody else XD but I can also see them having an emotional moment too. Like Shiny finds Smarty on his own, she can sense there's something wrong with him and for once she's calm. She sits with him, maybe they don't talk because she knows he's not like that and she understands not wanting to share your trauma. But she just sits with him, not pestering him or anything. Just letting him know he isn't alone.
- Even though she hangs around the big kids more, Shiny does love the little ones too ^^ Stupid- she adores the baby boy. Who doesn't? She will attempt to steal him from one of the others if she wants to hold him XD Psycho, she feels like he should be her missing cousin with how energetic they both are. And Poppy honestly gravitated towards her; Poppy, like Roger with Jessica, thinks Shiny is so cool. And she reminds her of her best friend Psycho, so that's even better in her head ^^ Shiny absolutely does not mind and bonds with her.
- If Shiny ever found out about any of their home situations, she'd be furious and sad on their behalf, and she'd want to confront the adults herself. Even the ones who might not even be in the picture anymore. And she totally asks Wheezy why he hasn't adopted everyone already XD "You're already their dad! Why not make it legal???"
- Shiny also joins in with Wheezy about teaching Jessica and Poppy how to deal with creeps.
This is all I got for now. And again, this may change in the future. But here you go anyway XD I hope you like reading these ^^
These were SO fun to read yesterday!! ^^ I love them! Especially Shiny trynna get Wheezy to just ADOPT them XDDD I can imagine this scene going, like- she tries to storm off and find Poppy's parents or something, and Wheezy catches up with her (Doesn't grab her. Very important. Maybe he can grab up the little ones and just sorta carry them off when they misbehave but not past Smartass- and not Smartass!! 😅😅) like uh uh nope you get back here feisty pants and she whirls on HIM.
He's just like... damnit. But takes it cuz this is one of his kids.
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soymemes · 1 year
lyrical starters/prompts from "matilda: the musical" (2/3)
"So you think you're able to survive this mess?"
"There's no escaping tragedy."
"Even if you put in heaps of effort, you're just wasting energy."
"Your life as you know it is ancient history."
"I have suffered in this jail, I've been trapped inside this cage for ages."
"Like you, I was curious."
"Listen up and I will teach you a thing or two."
"You, listen here, my dear."
"You'll be punished so severely if you step out of line."
"Remember to be extremely careful."
"My daddy said I would be the teacher's pet."
"School is really fun, according to my mum."
"Just knock on the door."
"Don't be pathetic."
"There's nothing to fear."
"Look at you trying to hide, silly."
"Look at you hesitating, hands shaking..."
"Perhaps I will wait."
"She's probably having a meeting or something."
"I'll come back later then!"
"See how my trophies gleam in the sunlight."
"Do you think in that moment, when my big moment came, that I treated the rules with casual disdain?"
"Not a jot, not a dot did I stray from the plot!"
"You don't need happiness or self-esteem."
"If you want to teach success, you don't use sympathy or tenderness."
"You've made an awful error."
"You oughtn't blame yourself now."
"You seem to think that people like people what are clever..."
"People don't like smarty-pants."
"What you know matters less."
"You've got to learn to stand out, and stick out from the crowd!"
"No one's gonna look if you don't stand out."
"No one's gonna listen if you don't shout."
"No one's gonna care if you don't care."
"You've gotta highlight what you've got, even if what you've got is not a lot."
"Everybody loves a little something exotic."
"The less you have to sell, the harder you sell it!"
"The less you have to say, the louder you yell it!"
"The dumber the act, the bigger the confession!"
"The less you have to show, the louder you dress it!"
"You so need a make-over."
"Are you listening?"
"Stop pretending."
"The more that you try, the more you'll just look like a fool."
"This is not your problem."
"You've not got the spine."
"I can see this little girl needs somebody strong to fight by her side."
"He surely can't!"
"Make him stop!"
"I can’t watch!"
"Whatever you do, just don't give in."
"Somewhere on a show I heard that a picture tells a thousand words."
"All you need to make you wise is 23 minutes plus advertisements."
"I was pretty smart already, but now I’m really, really smart - very very smart."
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taylortruther · 2 years
These are so great, Rae! I love learning about everybody’s interpretations. So many smarties!
I think the luck of the draw is exactly what the one anon said below and I think you are right - it’s about how she was treated by all the usual subjects and the public especially in the context of the next line. I don’t know what else it could be because it’s not her relationship that she is writing about in Daylight.
that's true, the following line makes it pretty explicit. it reminds me of that part in miss americana, where she says something to the effect of 'people like us got into the business because we need applause to feel worthy of love.' so when people hate you and say you're over, it's the equivalent of your self-worth being smashed to pieces. it's one of my favorite things about taylor's music, how often her professional success in music affects her personal relationships. but it's also very tragic.
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