#everymanhybrid age regression
little-babybell · 1 month
can i please get paci icons of evan myers/habit from everymanhybrid?
Of course!!
Sorry these are late or look bad I had a hard time finding pics that weren't super blurry but you can dm me if you'd like any changes ^_^
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ur-fav-is-agere · 1 month
Evan from EverymanHYBRID
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Is a trauma regressor!
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purrpleducttape · 1 year
Hi! I'm kinda newish to Tumblr so this is just a get to know me thing ig
My name is Jay or HABIT im a trans minor and I'm a system and I like collecting things like plushies or books! I like stuff like Marble Hornets or Everymanhybrid. I write sometimes not much but I do draw a lot! I probably have either ADHD or autism idk
My DNI stuff
Interact! Marble hornets fans, EMH fans, LGBTQ people!, Plush lovers, TMC fans, mcyt fans, furries!, Neurodivergent ppl!, Music lovers (I like Rio Romeo and Lovejoy :D), neo/xeno pronoun users (I use pup/pupself!) and creepypasta fans!
Thin ice: People over 18, anti furries, people who don't use/like tonetags
DNI: anti neo/xeno pronouns, homophobic, transphobic, anti age/pet regression, proshippers, age/pet play kink (or any of the sort) and abliests
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chaotic-tired-fox · 6 years
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CJs bunny plushies, first of many plushie collections ill be posting on my blog! ^u^ From Left to right: Nightmare Bonnie, Robbie, Patton, mini Habit, Cream, Kevin, Habit, Flopsey and Springtrap! 💕
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rabbits-of-habit · 3 years
No one asked but here's some slenderverse agere Headcannons :
Marble hornets :
. Jay Merrick : age reggressor. 3-7 years old. Very sleepy, well behaved and quiet.
. Tim Wright : caregiver. Loves caring for people. Likes feeling important
. Alex Kralie : caregiver, but also pet regresses to a kitten. Likes to regress by himself, but doesn't mind pets.
Everymanhybrid :
. HABIT : caregiver. A bit feral, but lovely nonetheless.
. Vinny Everyman: age regressor and puppy pet regressor. Poor man, he just needs some love. Maybe. We're conflicted on Vinny.
Other :
. Noah Maxwell : age regressor. Only regresses when really stressed out. Curls up under a blankie. 1-4 years old.
. Patrick : caregiver
Gonna start tagging ask hcs bc we get a lot of em! -Mod Dirk
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evansjennings · 5 years
My system list !
🍒: Connor (main host, fictive of Jack Wynand from Bioshock)
🔪: HABIT (co-host, fictive of HABIT from EverymanHYBRID, a prosecutor, his own account is @thenazistomper )
🎃: Clyde (homicide investigator from 1920s, role is a main trauma holder & co-host. speaks with a Texan accent when fronting)
💙: Sal (fictive of Sal Fisher from Sally Face)
🦋: Nines (fictive of rk900 from Detroit: Become Human)
🔫: Sebastian (fictive of Sebastian Moran from Sherlock)
🥊: Jake (one of the main protectors, has been in the system for the longest)
🏮: Hexter (practically an SCP. speaks with a significantly lower tone of voice when fronting. Brothers with Whistler)
🗣: Alister (dad of the system, also a protector. He has a TV head. speaks with a slightly lower tone of voice when fronting)
🔪: Keith (main prosecutor of system, very dangerous. isn’t the best with English and shows it when fronting)
💊: Allen (a trauma holder of the system. has bipolar and is normally manic, causing him to speak somewhat fast & act all over the place)
💉: Ilya (huge trauma holder of the system. shows no emotion in voice or face, will sometimes speak with a Russian accent when speaking. twin brothers with Ivan)
🐀: Alex (fictive of Alex Krycek from The X-Files. Possibly a co-host)
✊: Maxwell (main protector of the system. Closes one eye when fronting, angered very easily)
🎭: Ivan (possibly a prosecutor? was the main host for a period of time. sadomasochistic. will probably speak with a Russian accent to some degree when fronting. Twin brothers with Ilya)
🗡: Moge-ko (prosecutor in the system, has definitely killed a few alters before like Keith has. Fictive of Moge-ko from Mogeko Castle)
🔮: Clarissa (not much is known about it. Clarissa goes by it/it’s pronouns, and that’s about all we know about it)
📺: RGB (fictive of RGB from The Property of Hate)
👔: Jaeger (an angel who served under the goddess of love. He’s very short-tempered)
🥀: Zia (trans girl who’s been involved in cults her entire life)
🐈: Yahtzee (mobster, extremely short tempered and annoyed easily. Has British accent and it sometimes shows when fronting)
🤬: Gavin (fictive of Gavin Reed from Detroit: Become Human)
🚀: Spike (fictive of Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop. He handles a lot of the emotions of the system and is extremely emotional because of it)
👁: Whistler (brothers with Hexter. entire body is just made of eyes.. it’s kind of horrifying. Like Hexter, his existence is just to kill people but he’s not a prosecutor? If you want more details, just ask about Hexter & Whistler)
🖍: Félix (is so traumatized that he’s in a constant state of age regression/in the mental state of a child. Is French but knows English rather well. Technically a system little)
👻: Shane (factive of Shane Madej. Doesn’t believe in ghosts which pisses everyone else in the system off)
🚬: Tim (fictive of Tim Wright from Marble Hornets. smoking triggers him to front normally)
❌: Liam (from the same canon as Yahtzee. more so a bodyguard for the mob more than anything)
🎮: Gibson (gamer & meme machine who has a heart condition but is trying his best. smokes weed to help slow down his heart and memes abt it a lot)
🌸: Sachiel (fictive?? kind of???? trans girl who is not human and is very emotional)
💋: Anthony (the definition of a bubblegum bitch & a white girl tbh, that’s how he be)
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little-babybell · 1 year
may I request more and ask for Evan Jennings aka mr habit himself caregiver headcanons? Ty for putting up w my many many requests ur amazing 🙏🙏💗💗
OMG!! ALSO HAII!! I think I did do caregiver Evan before?? so I might like try and find it and send it to you, Also I haven't seen emh in liek months so idk if I got his character correct I'm going from memory >.< also I luv getting requests from u like whenever I get like a notification I'm like (^ω^)
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Okayy!! Cg!Habit headcanons!!
Was probably confused when he first say you age or pet regressing but once you explained it to him he might understand
Finds it a bit odd (but only really because he doesn't understand humans too much)
Calls you little rabbit, bunny or bun-bun!! Or might call you little critter as way to tease you
He'd get you anything that's either A, purple or B, rabbit related
If you are a rabbit regressor I think he'll go BONKERS (in a good way I believe dw)
He's?????? Somehow good at story telling??????
Won't leave you alone, like if you have abandonment issues he'll stay by your side
Spoils you absolutely rotten!!
Might try to convince you to prank Vinny with him >:3
He'd let you draw on that whiteboard he had in that one episode(I forgot the episode but I know it has habit)
ANYWAYYYYS that's all I have so hope you like them ^^
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little-babybell · 3 years
Flip Evan headcanons!!
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Caregiver Evan!
Is probably like those really cool babysitters that you'd sometimes get
Works on the three strike rule,
Has like a prize box and if your good you get to choose something from the prize box or you both go out on like a shopping spree
The prize box has like plushes, candy and toys in it and maybe some pacifiers
Will take you to the carnival in the summer time
Will call you nicknames like little angel, little boy/girl/one, prince/princess, pup, kiddo and kid
Can't be trusted in a kitchen because he'll use one of his machetes to cut up fruits and vegetables and stuff like that but he still cooks even though he's not allowed too
Snuggles snuggles snuggles
Now regressor evan!!
Probably regresses to around 3-12
Very chaotic kiddo, has way too much energy and runs around a lot
Really loves to play tag, it's one of his favorites
Loves suprises
Sometimes just chills out and colors him and Jeff and Vinny and Steph sometimes
Has a army of stuffed animals, poor Jeff gets buried in them
Loved to play pretend, Vinny had to walk the plank one time while they were playing pirates
He loves playing pirates
Anyways here's some headcanons
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little-babybell · 3 years
Caregiver Vinny everyman headcanons because that was the only thing I was thinking about
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He gives me sort of like a tired dad kind of vibes??
Will probably try to take care of you but has no idea how too
Probably really good at comforting people
Calls you nicknames like Little one,kiddo and little buddy/bud
For some odd reason he has a collection of those precious moments dolls??
Trys to distract you from whatevers that's stressing you out
Will make you into a blanket burrito 99% of the time when you regress
Cuddles, best thing ever
Gets really nervous whenever you get injured and feels kind of bad
Will watch kids shows with you but mostly prefers Disney films
Will just randomly just one day bring a bag filled with a bunch of toys and stuffed animals
@yungstupidboy I did it 🕺
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little-babybell · 3 years
Caregiver Steph headcanons because I love her!!
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Calls you nicknames like baby, pup, puppy, little one, kid and kiddo
She is really good and making pancakes
Will watch a lot of movies with you
And also color and play pretend
Will go to a store and just find the most random stuff and will be like "Huh (insert name here) would like this!" And that's basically how you get a bunch of stuffed animals
Really loves watching Alice and wonderland with you
She really likes making blankets forts with you, she finds it really fun to build them
Is probably really good at comforting people but doesn't know why
Knows all of your stuffed animals names and favorite colors
Anyways happy women's day! I hope everylady is doing wonderful today!!
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