#everyone who sees this has at least one gay dragon
st0rmy-fr · 1 year
Gay 🫵
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littlemisssatanist · 7 months
on the topic of me being team green
a bit of a different post for me, considering what my blog is, but i was honestly so offended at being called a misogynist i made a fresh google docs page and typed out 1634 words of me ranting.
is there a real reason to post this? probably not, but i felt the need to establish myself as team green, considering all the posts i've been liking and commenting on lately. (if you are team green, and you see this, feel free to be my friend. in fact, i am begging you to be my friend. i have no tg friends and i need to see the light).
beware, typos and repitition are probably aplenty.
Whenever I see people talk about being TG, I always will see TB stans in the comments saying something along the lines of “Oh, you must be a misogynist, then.” And you know, it never happened to me until a few days ago when I commented on a TikTok post about Rhaenyra beefing with two-year-old Aegon. Someone replied to me, saying that I only brought it up because I’m a misogynist.
And. You know, I’ve been insulted before. I’ve been called ugly, stupid, immature, whatever whatever. But I honestly can’t think of a worse thing for someone to say to me, that I’m a misogynist. I know this isn’t that commentator’s fault, because they obviously don't know me. But the irony of calling me a misogynist when I am the most misandristic person to exist on this earth. I pray for the downfall of men daily. I make fun of them. Whenever I see an AITA post on TikTok, I am immediately on the woman’s side, regardless of what she may have done. 
It’s because I distrust men to a certain degree. You know what’s different for ASoIaF, though? It’s not real. It’s all fiction. TB stans will come on the internet daily and complain about TG existing, calling us misogynists, elevating the conflict between us to that of a literal genocide. Are y'all delusional? Are you guys stuck so far up Rhaenyra’s ass that you can’t tell reality from fiction? 
Y’all love to preach about how Rhaenyra is the number one feminist girlboss of Westeros, without realizing exactly how exactly you’re falling into the trap. You uphold a woman because she’s the heir, meanwhile she steals Rhaena’s and Baela’s inheritance in order to put her illegitimate sons on the throne (which, btw, is treason). But of course you guys wouldn’t care, because you like to think Rhaenyra is the exception to the rule.
That’s the thing. She’s only the exception because of her father, the king. After Viserys dies, she suddenly finds herself back in the same patriarchal world that y’all love to claim she’s trying to overthrow, that she’s trying to change. 
I don’t hate Rhaenyra because she’s a woman. I hate her because she’s a stupid woman. She knew exactly what it meant to be a woman in Westeros; she gets forced into an unwanted marriage (and even in that she gets far more freedom and will to choose than other women), she is undermined for being a woman, and others view her as unfit to rule. I would sympathize with her if she did absolutely anything to change that whatsoever. 
Y’all love to say that she’s so iconic with her dragon scenes, but what did that really accomplish aside from showcasing she is unfit to rule? She has three illegitimate sons who look absolutely nothing like her. Even if Viserys was on her side, everyone knows that they are bastards. Like, at least Cersei’s bastards looked like her. Rhaenyra was a white woman with white hair married to a black man with white hair, and her first three children are white boys with brown hair. Girl, if you were going to have bastards, at least do it with someone that bears at least some resemblance to your husband, or yourself. She purposefully made it harder for herself.
And for those of you guys who will bring up something about Laenor being gay. I genuinely don’t know how to tell you this, but if they truly cared about keeping up appearances, they would have had children. I say this as a queer person myself: If I were in Laenor’s shoes, I would have children with my coverup. Afterall, that’s what a coverup is for. And also: I could find nothing about Laenor being infertile. 
And for those who will also bring up Laenor accepting the Strong boys as his own, I literally couldn't care less. Everyone and their grandmother could see that those boys were bastards. Laenor accepting them and Viserys being delusional doesn’t change the fact that they were illegitimate, and everybody knew it. Secondly: Rhaenyra would need to admit the boys were bastards in the first place for anybody to claim them, something she did not do. In fact, she went so far the opposite way, I wouldn’t be surprised if she managed to delude herself that they were legitimate. 
And this I don’t understand. How do you shoot yourself in the foot, not once, not twice, but three times, with three obvious bastards, knowing that people would oppose you, people already oppose you, and still think yourself fit to rule? Every decision Rhaenyra makes is so stupid, it’s almost mind blowing to me. To live in Dragonstone for years while your father, the king, is sick (in which case, btw, the heir is supposed to step in to rule). Instead, we see Alicent ruling the kingdoms from behind the shadow, because Rhaenyra does nothing but live out a couple of years of bliss and comes back to King's Landing expecting everything to be handed to her. She does absolutely no politicking, absolutely nothing in order to sway the lords to her side. Should she be so surprised, then, that she is met with such resistance? 
Y’all TB stands love to call TG misogynistic because we don’t worship your perfect little dragon lady, as if her uncle-husband isn’t Lord of Fleabottom and grooms and rapes her from a young age. As if Daemon hasn’t called women whores and bitches, and his first wife, Rhea Royce, ‘Bronze Bitch.’ Like, is that not disgusting to you? Y’all love to preach about how Daemon loved Rhaenyra, as if he didn’t choke her the moment she disagreed with his methods. As if his first instinct everytime is anger and death and war.
(In case y’all couldn’t tell, I am extremely anti-war. I am under the impression that if you can’t solve things by talking it out, then you are definitely not mature enough to be ruling a kingdom, and Daemon is one of the most immature rapist misogynists I’ve ever had the displeasure of seeing).
(As an aside, I am not blaming Rhaenyra for her relationship with Daemon. Yes, I do find that most of her actions are stupid, but I cannot deny the fact that she was groomed and raped by him-- yes, raped, because she was a child, and children cannot consent. That is in no way her fault, and Daemon is the one responsible for this).
Y’all praise Rhaenyra for her maternal instincts while simultaneously hating Alicent for hers. Of course, an eye for an eye is unreasonable and far too much, but a son for a son is totally reasonable and to be expected. Rhaenyra protecting her children is being a good mother, but Alicent (rightfully) assuming that her children would be persecuted if Rhaenyra ascended the throne is her being a jealous bitch. Y’all blow her “sweet sister” line so much out of proportion, saying that she wouldn’t have killed her siblings if they just came over to her side. As if Alicent’s children, Alicent’s family, would choose Rhaenyra over her. Because “Helaena was the only good green” and “if only she just joined Rhaenyra”. Why would she ever do that? Because Aegon was a bad husband? The show literally stated that he only ever laid with her when he was drunk, because he couldn't do it otherwise. Obviously neither of them sought any pleasure from it, but they are still family. Helaena only had Aemond, Aegon, Daeron, and Alicent. Why would Rhaenyra ever be worth what her family is worth to her?
On a similar note, TB stans will constantly say how “oh, I feel sorry for younger Alicent, but not older Alicent.” As if Alicent wasn’t a 14 year old girl groomed and abused, as if she wasn’t twice pregnant by 17. As if Alicent wasn’t a victim doing her best in a world specifically designed against her.
That’s the difference between her and Rhaenyra. Both were victims to a much older man, but Rhaenyra considered herself an exception. Alicent had no choice but to be the bad guy, and despite how much y’all love to ignore it, Rhaenyra should have done the same. “Oh but Alicent was jealous of Rhaenyra!” Like you wouldn’t also be jealous of Rhaenyra? Rhaenyra, the perfect little princess, loved by her rapist daddy the king, who had everything handed to her on a silver platter. Would you not also be infuriated by her attitude, the entitled way she views the world? I’m sorry, but if your “strong female character” needs every other female character to agree with her, then she’s not that strong. Or a girlboss.
In conclusion, Rhaenyra sucks and is a terrible role model. True feminists love Alicent Hightower. Also, negative comments will be deleted, bc yk what is so fun about the internet? You can block people. I know, crazy concept. If you don’t want to see me or other TG on your for you page, consider blocking them. That tends to get rid of the thing you don’t want to see. I will also be doing this to anyone who thinks they’re smart enough to argue this topic with me. I do not care, hope your day goes terribly. <3
Btw, please never call me a misogynist again. In fact, you can call me Little Miss Misandrist, because there is no universe out there where I side with a man over Alicent Hightower. Or any woman at all, for that matter. 
(Except for maybe if the pickings were between Rhaenyra and Criston. If you’re one of the media illiterate TB stands who consider Criston to be an incel, you should also go ahead and block me, your stupidness is draining my brain cells).
Stay mad, xoxo.
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olderthannetfic · 2 months
Update on the Bridgerton stuff: the online fandom is so homophobic and horrible, and the mods of stuff like the main subreddit refuse to do anything about it (but will remove comments by people upset about the homophobia for "generalizing") that LGBTQ+ fans have had to make their own spaces. There's a whole separate subreddit that bans homophobia called r/bridgertonlgbt, and of course the ones from the main one keep trying to get it banned with false reports by accusing them of "heterophobia" and "doxxing" (re: complaining about their homophobic comments in their own spaces). Assholes who are mad about them making a straight romance from the books lesbian in the show are also doing petitions and flooding like every Instagram post including one by the original author about how she was initially skeptical about such a big change from her books but she's had lots of talks with the showrunners and she trusts them, and has always supported greater diversity in the series. People keep misusing that stupid fucking George R.R. Martin quote (about how creators these days don't do anything original but just warp other people's existing works) when he himself has condemned "the show must be exactly like the books" fan attitudes, especially the racist tantrums around House of the Dragon casting a couple years ago. And on a post by the author HERSELF where she explains why she gave the go-ahead, supports these changes, and condemns homophobia in the fandom! How is she "warping" her own work???
I've heard about this all secondhand from my friend and it just makes me so glad I don't go on Insta or Reddit and instead keep my fandom activities to Tumblr or AO3. Where for all the drama over other things, at least this kind of rancid homophobia you get in spaces where everyone is cis and straight feels entitled to only ever consume straight and cis romance stories (they'll claim they "are okay with gay characters but new ones!" but their example is always like a side character who has an unhappy ending, can you really not get why queer fans are not satisfied with that?) at least that's not so much a thing here. Instead I'll be happily writing Francesca/Michaela and Benedict/male characters slash and ignoring and blocking the haters. And remembering that that show has way more fans than use social media and everyone involved is continuing to refuse to listen to the loud idiots online. Like everyone I talk to about it who isn't super online, most of whom are straight women, think the change is really cool and can't wait to see what they do with it. Some of them have read the books, but most have not.
But god, it just seems like toxicity from top to bottom over there. I really wish a lot of the straight women fans would just admit they don't like a lesbian romance because there's no one for them to find hot. And maybe consider why it's not a big fucking ask to "find something relatable" in gay romances, like gay people have had to do with straight ones for all time. Why must we continue doing that but you're entitled to whatever you want all the time? It's just so weird to see these attitudes still and in fandom in 2024!
These attitudes never went away.
On the fanfic side of things, the slashers just happen to have built the currently-popular platform, so the haters have to deal.
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first-edition · 4 months
Fox and the Hound
Sum-Joffrey wants to send a message to your family after your brother embarrasses him, so he marries you off to his most unwanted man in his court, the hound. But will this marriage truly be a statement for an eyesore, or will it grow into something more. 
Cw for chapter- 18+ words and themes overall, cussing, graphic deptiction of killing, mention of death, mention of sandors death, Family reunion, joss and Podrick being little gay cutie pies, y/n being a gay ally (HAPPY PRIDE MONTH)
// A/N: just wanted to apologize for the broken links at the beginning of the book since i changed my username they haven’t been working but i assure you I’ll get to fixing them. I will also end up making a goggle docs with the entire book for downloading when this series ends//
Previous chapter here
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A blood curdling scream can be heard from sandors plot in the forest as he chops up bits of wood. The scream comes from the same pathway he just headed through. 
“Shit.” he huffs before running  as fast as he can back to the village. The sight is gruesome, as the premade homes are engulfed in flames and some even already burnt out. The bodies amongst the mud, horse slaughtered and food supply turned over. But the sight that holds Sandor in his clutches is brother Ray, hanging from the structure that was supposed to be the church once finished. His skin purplish gray his black dark red his eyes bulging. 
Sandor grumbles looking around at everyone dead on the ground before he sees the horse hoof markings that lead into the side path of the forest. With an anger filled rage he picks up the ax he’d dropped and speeds after the men that did this. The only thought was to get back at them and do much worse than what they did. 
It's not long before Sandor comes up to them, easily hacking one down. The man's head rolling in the leaves and mud going to the next cutting his chest open as he swings the ax. He ducks and takes the third swinging the ax up as it slices into the man's crotch pushing up before Sandor pulls it out and back. The man falls to his knees begging for mercy. 
“Where the fuck is the other one? The one with the yellow cloak?” Sandor asks, holding the ax to his neck. 
“FUCK YOU!” the man yells. Sandor angrily grunts before taking the man's head off.
You watch as Sansa plays with your son. She holds him in her lap and makes babbling noises with silly expressions. It's been six months since everything and you and your others have become virtually one with a cold. Being able to stay out longer, your fingertips and ear no longer freezing on impact. 
This winter will be long and hard and with all the preparations for fighting the night king and asking the dragon queen for her help it is too much for some to handle. Sana has unfortunately left most of the work to you so she can spend time with you son although joss takes him away from her to bring him back to his rightful mother she will always whine a bit before understanding. 
The sound of metal clinking horse hooves pounding and people chatting is a lively sound you could only hear outside the gates of king's landing, as people work on sorting supplies and gathering for the possible fight to occur. 
“How much food does winterfell have?” you ask the head supplier. 
“Enough for a year your grace, with the wool, and steel there should be enough possibly over than that.. A-at least for those who are in the castle now” he says 
“Hmm. you're telling me there isn't enough food, especially not when the armies from the dragon queen will be brought back to winterfell.” you say as you begin your walk down the steps to your son who begins to fuss in Sansa’s arms. 
“N-no my lady.” he answers “Most likely not.” he ends 
“I’ll have my share of militia head out in a cart to bring back more supplies as we cannot have the other guests starve now can we.” you say he shakes his head. 
“Come here. I've got you” you say picking up your son from her arms holding him close to you fixing his furs so he's warm against you. He snuggles into your chest holding onto you before popping his thumb in his mouth. 
“The little prince is growing fast, your grace.” lord baelish says as he approaches. 
“Thank you.” You reluctantly want nothing more to do with him as you find him to be a weasel that could manipulate those for his pleasure. 
“M-my lady!” joss comes running up to you and sansa taking a few puffs of breath before standing straight and speaking. 
“Y-your sister has arrived..lady arya..st-stark.” he huffs which makes you giggle a bit at how out of breath he is.
“Where..” Sansa says standing up. 
“I dont i want to come and get you but when I turned around she was gone and said s-somthing about your mother and father and v-visiting them.” he sighs nodding. 
“Come with me.” sansa sansa says taking your hand leading you to the entrance of the castle. Joss follows. She leads you to the entrance of the catacombs where all the Stark family are buried. You've visited as Sansa has an honorary burriel for Sandor down there despite not being a member of the family. 
He basically pulls you anxious to see her sister. But she soon lets up as she sees Arya standing there looking up at Sandors statue. Sansa looks at her for a few seconds before ayra takes notice and smiles a bit. 
“Do i have to call you lady stark now? I never really wanted to.” she says. Sansa smiles and hurries to her sister giving her a much deserved hug. The hug is broken by your son's babbling. 
“Your grace.” ayra says giving you a small bow. 
“No need for formality.” you say walking twords them both joss following behind you. 
She gives you a hug as well. Even though you've spent the least amount of time together she still feels ecstatic you have you around. 
“Whos this?” she asks about the child in your arms. 
“This is Joss Dortain Clegane.” you say turning him slightly to face her. She holds her hand out and extends a finger he grips it and begins to bring it to his mouth. 
“oh..no no.” you both laugh as she pulls her hand away. 
“The little prince.” she smiles. You nod. 
“His last name, clegane. Like Sandor or Gregor clegane?” she asks. You take a breath before nodding. Your eyes divert to the statue they all stand under. 
“His father, sandor. Brienne told me what she did, fought him for you, she pushed him.” you say looking up at the stone carving still. 
“If it's any consolation, he fought hard, like...extremely hard. I've never had someone fight that hard for my protection, ransom or not.” she says. You look at her and nod.
“Thank you. For keeping him company. I know he's not the best to hang about with but-” you begin. 
“He was fun. He talked about you. Last he mentioned you was of your pregnancy, he hated traveling in the opposite direction made him ancy, angry, he would always mutter thing about volantis. I asked him if he loved you, and he said yes with no hesitation, then I teased him that he was technically a prince." Arya laughs, making you laugh as well. 
“I remember on our wedding night I said the same thing to him; he didn't like it.” you say
“He didn't like it when I mentioned it...from my time with him. He adored you; he killed a man for speaking ill of your likeness. He really did love you.” she says a twinge in your heart forces a lump to hit your throat that your force back down. You nod in compliance for fear if you speak you'll start crying. 
“You must be hungry, I'll have the cook prepare you a proper meal.” Sansa breaks the sadness before you all gather and exit the crypts. 
Podrick and Brienne spar. They play swords clinging against each other as he's gotten…somewhat better at his sword play. He lunges forward at Brienne allowing her to kick his ankle tripping him into the mudded ground and walks around him smacking his butt with the side of the sword. 
“Don't lunge.'' She sighs, turning around as Podrick bets up and grabs the sword he drops before raging at her and begging again. But as per the round he makes a wrong move and she rides him backwards. Granted she did it on purpose. 
“Don't go where your enemy leads you.” she says walking around him chuckling at his failure. 
He gets up once again wiping the mud from his cheek about to go to attack once more but is stopped by familiar words. 
“Don't fight someone like her in the first place, it’ll get you nowhere.” joss speaks his hands behind his back as he walks up the two dueling. 
“Joss.” Brienne. 
“My lady.” he replies, bowing a bit before holding out his hand for the sword. 
“Be my guest.” she chuckles. Handing it to him before nodding to podrick and walking off the inside to get a drink. 
“You have to keep your knees bent, your eyes at half looks, and your free arm tucked for fear you might get cut off if you are not careful.” joss says podrick scoffs and rolls his eyes before taking his stance brienne taught him. 
“When did you learn so much about the sword?” podrick asks. 
“Unlike you who knows of fine things, I was a king's guard squire fighting in the description.” 
Joss huffs in a laugh at the way he stands. But nonetheless begin the fight. Easily joss maneuvered the sword around as podrick is slightly confused as he follows the sword with his eyes. This leads to joss bopping him on the backside like brienne. 
“Eyes at half look doesn't mean follow the entire sword, you have to watch your opponents moves as well, predict them.” joss replies. Podrick nods before they both begin again, sparing this time it lasts a bit longer than a few seconds. But ultimately a hit on the ass is what seals the deal. 
“That was good. Could be better,” joss says, running his fingers through his own hair pushing it back and out of his face. To their surprise they last much longer now join for a minute or two and podrick even takes down his first opponent leaving him to straddle joss with the sword held to his neck. Joss chuckles, smiling at podrick both proud and enthralled. 
Joss pushes Podrick off of him and switches positions holding his dagger to his other neck before leaning close to him. 
“Don't let your guard down..no matter who you're fighting.” joss speaks. Podrick chuckles back before the space between them closes, their lips connecting. It consumes the moment for a brief time only for joss’s name to be put to air as you call him. 
He pulls off his partner and stands up looking toward the sound to see you at the side. A smirk on your face. 
“The others need your help in unloading the carts. You can speak to your boyfriend later tonight.” you say looking down to podrick who quickly gets up and bows to you. 
“Yes, your grace.” joss says, sheathing his dagger before handing the sword back to podrick their fingers brushing against each other before the other man hurries off the the carts you turn to podrick, 
“This is for you. John has requested your presence at castle black he needs you to meet him by the shore of the wall.” you say handing him a raven scroll. 
John was supposed to be back only a few weeks after the last scroll he sent about getting Daenerys' approval. But under certain circumstances he had to stay and collect the resources before returning which has taken longer than expected. Podrick nods. You turn to follow joss to oversee the cart supplies but you stop and turn back to podrick. 
“Please, come back alive, you're good to joss, he needs you.” you smile at him before turning around and going to the carts. 
Next Chapter here
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Of course asking people which monster they find more fuckable is a good way to get them to say funny things, so I got a lot of funny comments on the Most Fuckable Monster in the Dungeon Tournament. So as usual, I compiled a list of the ones I liked best, ordered by the poll they were commented on. Enjoy!
Barometz vs Dryad (round 1 part 1)
dryad boobs in my mouth please please please you're nothing
Man-eating plant vs Mandrake (round 1 part 1)
getting my dick digested by a pitcher plant
its what laios would have wanted
Skeleton vs Dullahan (round 1 part 1)
why is the armor sweeping?? how are ya'll planning to fuck the armor??? at least the skeleton you could like wedge a vibrator or fleshlight into the pelvis. I forgot this is the celibacy site and fucking is not a real physical thing on here
fools do not see the eroticisim of plate armor
Phoenix vs Harpy (round 1 part 2)
harpy has a tits out kinda look
Griffin vs Hippogriff (round 1 part 2)
Me at first: really? You’d fuck the horse? Me, remembering the barded penises of felines : no wait you’re right
White dragon vs Red dragon (round 1 part 3)
It's canon that white dragons fight furiously while red dragon is the equivalent of that blue hands dinosaur in Prehistoric Planet
white dragon is cuntier somehow
Treasure insects vs Succubus (round 1 part 3)
another tits out kinda look
normal poll matchup. normal poll. do people want to fuck a succubus or inch long insects. who will win
Huge scorpion vs Huge spider vs Mimic (round 1 part 3)
What you do to the mimic is hidden from the eyes of all
The mimics got that dog in it
dark souls mimic resemblances have me thinking unwise
something about the mysterious air around the mimic
Golem vs Ice golem (round 1 part 4)
Same deal but one freezes ur junk off I think the winner is clear
Gargoyle vs Hag (round 1 part 4)
..abusive mother kink????
Familiar vs Jack Frost (round 1 part 4)
familiar is customizable 👍
Doppelganger vs Demon (round 1 part 4)
That stupid sexy cat simply slays too much cunt
Hippogriff vs Fish-man (round 2 part 1)
no offense to my buddy fish-man but that hippogriff is too majestic
Living armour vs Undine (round 2 part 2)
One if the extras has a really perturving bit: Undines fed by consuming liquids with mana. Holm mentions regularly feeding it BODILY FLUIDS.
is wearing living armor anything
White dragon vs Green dragon (round 3)
she made that dragon sooooo cunty and for what
Cockatrice vs Demon (round 3)
you should've put the slutiest picture of the demon. to remind everyone that ryoko -sensei is down BAD
no one: ryoko kui: i am going to make a lion demon that is SOOOOOOO [redacted]
everybody vote for demon! a vote for demon is a love letter to Ryoko Kui
I do find it funny we're blowing the demon whore moments on like, the cockatrice matchup
This manga is so slutty and yet so tasteful in it that you can't really call it anything but great in every aspect of its eroticism
Mermaid vs Harpy (quarter finals)
i am so mad rn. a mermaid !? more fuckable than a harpy!? for shame tumblr for shame
White dragon vs Succubus (quarter finals)
Dragon fluffye!
Chimera vs Mermaid (semi-finals)
sorry mermaid. falin fucks supremely.
sorry falin. gotta stand up for my fellow merfolk here
a vote for chimera is a vote for lesbians
Succubus vs Demon (semi-finals)
Not even the sucubbi stands up to the limitless demon sexo
if you think about it. the succubus can turn into the demon's many forms
Chimera vs Demon (finale)
fags and dykes fighting to the death over this one
Listen man. Even if I'm gay I understand why Falin is winning but- Consider that the demon knows your exact wants and desires and could satisfy your sexual needs perfectly. Also when he's buff and humanoid near the end
either of them deserve to win but demon sweep because that fucker showed up in a dream to me once
Mermaid vs Succubus (battle for the bronze)
mermaids can't lose to magical mosquito people PLEASE
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razzek · 6 months
Reading Pern fic and realizing that it's always queen riders or future queen rider Mary Sue type characters who here all dragons and I am now desperate for a green rider with the ability. I know in canon it's rare and has to do with bloodlines and is a women only talent that's maybe twice in a generation. We got Lessa and Ariana (? the gal in Renegades who has such a bad time she avoids dragons) and maaaaybe Moreta (it's been a long time since I read that one). But if it's going to crop up in fanfic and RP constantly, I want to see someone that everybody pins all these expectations onto and they end up riding green to the dismay of all but them. (I love greens, second best dragons to me, only topped by blues which seem to be the only dragon an ace person can ride, but the culture around them and the way their riders are treated is fascinating.) If the green rider in question was a trans man maybe no problems there or nothing would change (though that's a story I'd be interested to read in general, a trans man in canon Pern society riding green, which had to have happened at least twice in their 2k year history). But if you had someone who was being brought up and expected to ride gold and she gets a "crappy" green, the political fallout alone would be fascinating.
Man I wish I had the stamina to write longer fics. I have so many ideas for Pern stuff (most of them horrible; I am somewhat disappointed that purity culture in fandom spaces has kept people from exploring and digging down into the real canon implications that were always present in the books; I understand not wanting to do that on a personal level, but it's disappointing that a lot of writers will avoid it solely for fear of purity assholes coming after them). If Anne herself was allowed to write really shitty attempts at confronting some of this stuff (looking at you, Skies of Pern, ugh) why aren't fans allowed to tackle it honestly and better instead of just pretending it doesn't happen? But on the flip side, where's the exploration of queerness in it’s entirety from fan writers? I've seen trans women green riders and of course lots of gay men, but where my ace blue riders and lesbians and trans men and so many others be at? Aaaanyway....
This became a tangent. tleadr: it's been like 60 years of fanfic and I'm bored of the same old runaway rich girl who hears all dragons becoming a queen rider stories. XD Nothing against that sort of self indulgence, everyone gets to write that kind of wish fulfillment. :) I'm just bored and I wanna read something new but don't have the energy to write it, alas.
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cairavende · 10 months
Worm Arc 14 thoughts from 14.8 through the end:
Gonna get a little bit gay up in here pretty soon. But first, some other stuff.
Pretty much jump right into "Oh shit everything is fucked" with the bio-weapon just spreading everywhere right away.
Skitter's focus on Tattletale specifically when trying to get them to higher ground was top level Chatterbug/Smugbug content. Like sure Sundancer and Trickster too, she wanted to save them. But when Bentley wasn't climbing fast enough what she said to herself in worry was "Tattletale."
Fucking god. Tattletale telling Skitter to fly to the higher building and use bugs so Trickster could teleport them and they'd follow? But fully knowing it wouldn't work and just trying to get Skitter to safety?
"It doesn’t look like her plan will work out. Tell her I’m sorry." - I WAS FUCKING BAWLING
I had figured that Bonesaw's contingency wasn't just a "everyone dies right now" virus or whatever. It would need to be artistic. And it would need to be a punishment to the local capes, both hero and villain. And the way to punish them would be to "take the city from them". "Make them watch it destroy itself." "Make them help".
I feel like what she did covered that general outline with a heavier focus on taking everything away from the capes. But still, god damn Bonesaw. Absolutely fucking terrifying. Super powered face blindness. At the base at least. Don't know who anyone is. Damn.
If Jack put's his slimy fucking hands on my daughter again I will personally remove them.
The "Don't swear!" from Bonesaw while pretending to be Tattletale was fun. I managed to hit on it before that, but it was a good confirmation.
Fucking Jack and his "You’re versatile" after seeing Skitter make decoys while prepping to tie someone up with spiders. FUCK OFF WITH YOUR DREAMS YOU DICK. YOU CAN'T HAVE HER.
Instantly confirmed when Skitter flat refused to shoot someone despite Jack and Bonesaw telling her to. My daughter might not be perfect but she's not going to be one of you!
Coil fucked up a bit on the phone. He wasn't dealing with the pathogen so he should have done better. Even just asking everyone there to say something so he could listen to the voices. He would have known right away it wasn't Tattletale and Grue. Patching them through to Cherish that easily was a mistake. He really doesn't do as much as he could be. Like ya he's evil but that doesn't mean I'm not disappointed when he isn't using his full potential.
Cherish very fucked up when she thought letting Jack and Bonesaw know where she was would be good for her. Hope she likes her eternal torment at the bottom of the ocean. (Ok there's a chance she'll get pulled out in the future I guess.)
I'll admit, when Amy left with Victoria earlier I wasn't expecting to see them again so soon.
"Panacea is the healer, top floor, Jack is the slasher, the blond girl is the chemist-tinker." I don't know why, since it doesn't rhyme or anything, but I got very "The pellet with the poison's in the flagon with the dragon; the vessel with the pestle has the brew that is true" vibes from this.
Jack trying to convince Amy by talking about how many of her ancestors were successful by being cruel and Taylor just internally going "How many were successful because they cooperated?" Love my daughter.
Victoria is still very much . . . not dead.
Seriously. Personalized. It has her face on the outside made out of bone. What the actual fuck Amy?
Proud of my daughter for shooting Jack, even if it didn't work.
It's probably fine that Skitter got Amy to break her brain rule again. I mean like it's good. It was the only way to fix the pathogen. It saved herself and the city. That is all good. Just . . . there might also be some long term negative outcomes. Probably fine though.
Getting gets cured and goes off to cure the city be gay.
"'You couldn’t have waited until after you’d cured me before you put the bugs on your face?' Tattletale asked. She was smiling as she asked it." - ALSO EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!
Also the level of effort the girls went through after that trying to figure out how to cure Grue and Regent without kissing? Fucking amazing. Kissing was only ok for these three. Obviously.
Gay (bug)horse girl gay (bug)horse girl gay (bug)horse girl
And the remainder of the Nine got away. Which is pretty fucking bad I guess. What with the whole "end of the world" and all that. I get that story point is the *actual* big end of the arc. But it's been overshadowed. By the gays.
Did I mention things being gay? I just want to make sure. Cause they were. Gay that is.
Interlude 1 - Sierra is amazing. She is exactly who Skitter needs to be running things while she's away. Charlotte is also amazing and I think worships the ground Skitter walks on. My daughter is, as always, absolutely terrifying when described from anyone else's PoV. She only gets more so every time. She just uses bug speak without even realizing now. Amazing. I love her. Atlas is helping and I'm so proud of him. He even got to take the gun. I hope he gets to keep it.
Interlude 2 (thought about making this it's own post but I'll just keep it really simple) - God dammit all three of the big 3 are Cauldron created? Ugh. Legend you appear to be trying to do the right thing but you sure as shit aren't paying much attention are you? Holy shit like, you believed so much of what the Doctor has been saying for years? God damn bud. How could you look at Cauldron and assume they *aren't* doing human experimentation? Especially since you know they have done it in the past! Like god damn man! At least you do kind of acknowledge that maybe you were purposefully ignoring the signs cause you wanted to be ignorant. Maybe there is a little bit of hope for you. Hell of a lore dump interlude though. Gives me lots to think about. Also I'd absolutely listen to The Number Man talk about spreadsheets all day long.
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Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves Headcanons
Modern Day Edition!!
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Edgin Darvis
This man definitely would own a whole shelf of Funko pops.
He would probably still dress the same way he does in the movie 😔
Definitely owns at least one leather jacket to "look cool" but he never wears it.
Can't cook
Likes to think that he's the coolest person on the planet but gets humbled real quick when he sees Doric.
Plays Candy Crush.
Will try and join his daughter in playing a "super hard game" and fail. (Stardew Valley)
Can't hold a good job because he keeps flirting with everyone.
Only has a few friends who can handle him.
His daughter is one of those friends.
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Holga Kilgore
Still super duper buff
Can't hold a job because she gets aggressive
God mother to Edgin's daughter
Has super plain hairstyles unless Edgin's daughter does her hair
Watches romance movies by herself but says she hates them when she watches them with other people.
Actually likes to dress up but doesn't often because she normally doesn't have time or doesn't feel like it
Has a LONG workout routine and Simon tried to join her once and he passed out.
No matter how much she will try and act like she doesn't care about anyone, as soon as one of her friends get hurts she'll actually get really concerned.
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Xenk Yendar
Omfg he's gorgeous.
He wears the most extravagant clothing ever known to man
He would probably be the founder of like 7 different charities
Gets his nails done
Autism coded
Probably has tiktok and does dances but they stay in his drafts forever
Not huge on religious faith
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Simon Aumar
Animal person
Probably has stuffed animals in his room but whenever someome comes over he hides them all
Avid Mitski Listener
Has Mitski posters
Likes magic tricks but is ass at them
Queer coded
Can't ride a bike, or a skateboard, or a scooter
Likes to take lavish bubble baths with lavender or rose scented bubbles
"Oh my god you look so pretty, I mean handsome, I mean, wait what would you prefer me to say 🥺"
Gets his nails done with Edgin
Tried to paint his nails once and flopped horribly
Likes to dress up in like, Hawaiian shirts
Goes to Ren Faires
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Probably goes on hikes a lot
Collects things from the woods
Very well trained in hand-to-hand combat
Cuts her own hair
Probably goes to Ren Faires with Simon.
Watches horror movies on a daily basis with Simon
"This isn't even scary what the heck." Is literally holding Simon in her arms cause he's scared
Lots of bi energy
Dyes her hair funky colors all the time
"I hate it here!" Actually loves the people she's hanging out with
A/N: That's it, I hope you enjoyed (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
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jetsteelyourheart · 2 months
My top 5 Crackships
Inspired by my top 5 8 characters thing going around, I want you all to vote on your favorite of my Top 5 Questionable Rare pairs
I will be providing excuses reasoning excuses below the poll, so if you feel like roasting me properly seeing my justifications, do that - or don't!
And remember, they're fictional characters, so it costs nothing to be normal about this and have fun
*Not all of these are controversial, but those that are? watch out!
If you follow me then you know I'm an OG Zutara fan, but on the rare occasions I'm feeling Cannon Compliant, Zuki is my go too ship. This has all to do with the comics, where basically Zuko's only confidant is Suki and you get wild panels of them looking at each other like this:
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I was devistated when Korra came out and it seemed like Sokka and Suki didn't last, but if the above is why, then I'll take it.
I am going to get so much flack for this one I think. BUT. Consider: The cannon ships in the show are generally not well written. I like Hopper/Joyce, I like Max/Lucas, but Nancy/Jonathan and especially Mike/Eleven do literally nothing for me, they are so bland. I do see the irony that one of the things that makes Stobin well written is because its one sided on Steve's part because Robin is gay. But their interactions are literally the reason to watch the show if you ask me. Pushing past these excuses though, I just kinda dig the ship. In my head its an open poly situation for certain, but sexuality is so wild and fluid and weird, and Gold Star status is gatekeepy at best anyway, so like, why the fuck not. I had a great aunt who had an open marriage with a gay man, (big beard behavior) and they had kids and did everything together. Its like... Platonic soulmates + if you will. And that's what I want for Stobin. Platonic soulmates + and a big ole polycule surrounding them. Or maybe its just my incoherent bisexual ass talking
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(If I could put fan-art with the polycule in it I would but I wouldn't repost someones art like that... so I'm stuck with cannon images)
No one has played this game. When people think Zack, they either ship Cloud or Aerith, and honestly I ship both those as well (though ClAerTi will always be my top for them). But I love Cissnei. She has big Sydney Sage energy for me, and all of Zack's emotional beats in the second half of the game surround her (...or cloud) not Aerith (just for the record). Also if you join all the fanclubs and work hard you get invited to your own fanclub and I'm pretty sure there's evidence that Cissnei is the president which is hilarious. I just love their interactions and was DEVASTATED at the end. Analytical Girl & PuppyDogHimbo is a beautiful ship dynamic. Also Rick Gomez will always be my Zack Fair VA. I hate the new guy so much (and its not his fault!! Sorry man!)
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So the section is really short. But my god. Cinderella and Aqua have the most chemistry of any character in that game series bar none. I'm including Riku and Sora in this. I'm including Roxas and Axel. Ok, not really this is not the hill I want to die on. BUT. At least in Birth By Sleep, this is the emotional high-point. Aqua taking her hand like a gentleman at a ball? The way Aqua saves Cinderella from getting run over by her demonic carriage??? The way she lovingly protects Cindy's body with hers? Did you see Prince whats his face doing any of that ? NO. And then. If Aqua were a guy everyone would've seen it when this game came out (but I guess gay people weren't invented until 2015 or whatever.
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look how devastated Aqua is when Cinderella goes to Charming at the end. IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN THEM.
I really do like Raylum, but this is a poll on my hot take rare-pairs, not cannon compliance. Let me start off by saying, no, I haven't seen this season yet, it only came out twelve hours ago whats wrong with you? This pair grew on me starting in Season 4 after the time skip. I think it goes along side my preoccupation with tough smart girls and their dumbass golden retriever himbos. They have a nice trajectory, and with Callum going a lil dark and edgy on us recently, I like their banter a lot. Especially in Season 4 I was surprised by them and I crave more adventures with the two of them alone. I don't think it will ever happen, but I like it none the less. They bring a certain... Sokka & Suki vibe to the party that I'm here for.
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Anyway, I tag @ebbilayart @retiredficwriter & anyone who decides to do it!
And if no one feels like setting themselves up as a target, that's good too!
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kayakischaotic · 2 years
also I haven’t read the books in awhile + I have terrible memory so o7
clears my throat
—>all my faves had a emo phase. including Peter Johnson
—>he owns a BUNCH of different earrings, nothing too big or extravagant, but like a little fish, maybe an arrow, etc
—>dyes part of his hair blue because he’s Percy
—>Sally TOTALLY knew he was bi when he was little
—>has a bi flag necklace (I’m jealous)
—>once dyed his hair blonde while he was at camp and after everyone called him a dumb blonde he decided to never dye it blonde again
—>he totally loves having his hair played with cause Sally used to always play with his hair when he was a kid
—>his eyes change from blue to green depending on the lighting
—>he’s been the little mermaid for Halloween at LEAST once
—>has an extensive collection of Hawaiian shirts
—>she sticks a bunch of little pins on her Yankees hat
—>doesn’t know how to drive (at least not very well)
—>if she could she’d have road rage so much
—>probably owns at least 5 different pairs of earbuds/headphones that she uses on her iPod and/or Daedalus’s laptop
—>building a campus place similar to New Rome at CHB
—>instead of a box of chocolates for Valentines day, she once gave Percy a bag of M&M’s. but only the blue ones
—>drinks at least 3 cups of coffee most days
—>also questioning her gender a bit
—>read Harry Potter and couldn’t tell if she wanted to BE Hermione or be WITH Hermione (still can’t tell)
—>pan, ace
—>will eat anything if he’s stressed
—>has little rings he can put around his horns for added style
—>he/they KING!!
—>will just snack on a head of lettuce
—>has to wear reading glasses (what a nerd /pos)
—>has an extensive knowledge of which plants around CHB taste good, and which taste bad (has definitely been taken to the medics once or twice for eating poisonous plants)
—>everyone makes fun of him because of The Brick™️.
—>will ramble to you about wolves for as long as you will let him
—>frequently dyes small strips of his hair with hair chalk
—>him and Annabeth are like best friends. please.
—>she ate the rest of the non-blue M&M’s for Annabeth
—>genderfluid she/her lesbian.
—>helps Hazel, Annabeth, and the other girls do their hair (and sometimes Percy)
—>sees Jason and Leo as her brothers
—>wears suits to fancy events
—>usually uses her charmspeak to win at board games
—>girl in red’s biggest fan
—>makes everyone friendship bracelets
—>will totally light candles just to watch them burn
—>pretends he’s Festus’s vet whenever he has to fix him
—>calls the Argo II his child
—>doesn’t have a proper sleep schedule in the slightest…
—>gay, demiboy
—>totally introduced everyone else to neo/xeno pronouns
—>he/they/it mainly, but also uses a bunch of neos and xenos
—>has a dragon stuffed animal he calls Festus Jr. that he struggles to sleep without
—>he is the autism creature /j
—>will call anyone in sight bro or dude
—>scared of heights
—>keeps calling himself “the rizzler”
—>therapist friend
—demiromantic asexual
—>astrology lover
—>straight A student without trying or studying
—>the only person on the Argo II that can keep a plant alive (somehow)
—>her and Nico help paint everyone’s nails
—>is always wearing either a skirt or overalls. (better yet: overalls skirt)
—>lactose intolerant
—>totally holds a dance at Camp Jupiter that is similar to a school dance at least once a year
—>token straight friend
—>has a fairly large stuffed animal collection (only to be rivaled by Octavian’s)
—>if he ever visits CHB he purposely avoids being near the fire
—>makes the rest of the 7 watch superhero movies with him
—>owns lots of comics
—>him and Percy ramble about superheroes and comics together
—>certified DJ of the 7
—>his favorite restaurant isn’t even McDonald’s.. (it’s Olive Garden /j)
—>if demigods could use technology, he would totally be a tumblr user. (happy (late) Ides of March)
—>he keeps saying “gaslight gatekeep girlboss” and everyone is kinda confused
—>loves listening to 70s/80s/90s rock
—>is (attempting) to learn the drums
—>survives off of energy drinks and coffee
—>has a nightlight in his cabin for when Will visits
—>also listens to Crywank
—>definitely has dressed up as a lamp for Halloween
—> trying to convince Nico to be in a band with him, playing guitar, Austin, playing sax, and Apollo, playing flute (Nico’s not having it)
—>favorite color is “all of them”
—>attempts to grow plants (fails)
—>he would totally be addicted to Tiktok if he had it
—>if anyone asks what time it is he will respond one of three ways: “it’s time for lunch” “its game time” or “it’s time for you to get a WATCH”
—>he’s really bad at reading clocks
—>totally cried during Frozen
—>he/they bi icon
—>motto is “fake it til you make it”
—>adhd, probably
—>always looses board games
—>chronically online…
—>will purposely sing the wrong words to popular songs so half of CHB thinks they’ve been singing these songs wrong the entire time
—>him and Nico bond over saying things like “gaslight gatekeep girlboss”
—>scared of the dark
—>quotes Mean Girls at least once a day
—>trying to make a theater class at CHB (Chiron agrees, Dionysus is… not quite there yet)
—>surprisingly good at lying (fake it til you make it!)
—>some Aphrodite kids told him their skincare secrets while he was mortal and gave them a few products
—>wears eyeliner on a daily basis
—>when he was a mortal the Aphrodite cabin and his cabin played dress-up on him and made him wear a bunch of weird outfits
I bet you totally can’t tell who my favorites are by how much they have put down…. /s
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fortemelody · 3 months
Sometimes I wanna send asks but I don't actually know what to ask but.. what's your most interesting and/or controversial Sonic the Hedgehog take? Could be about a specific game or series or about Sonic in general.
LMAO you’re all good, i prob wouldn’t know what to ask myself either
wellll hmmm let’s see, i actually gotta think about this one a bit
i did already go on a whole rant in a different post about how much i hate dulcy the dragon, but i wouldn’t say that’s much of a controversial opinion considering most people don’t know who she is 😭
i don’t have many tbh but i’ll share the few i do have
first off i don’t like sonic x that much and it’s definitely a lot of people’s favorite sonic show. i think there’s a generational difference, seeing as though my fav sonic show is sonic boom 💀 i’ve only seen the first season so like my opinion could very well change if or when i finish it, especially cus i’ve seen clips of later stuff such as shadow and the chaotix being introduced and that seemed cool and a lot more interesting to me compared to the formulaic things i’ve seen so far. i think the argument that sonic is barely in his own show is a decent one too, bro literally never wants to do anything but nap and avoid chris (which i can’t blame him for that part). i personally also just haven’t gotten back into anime in general for several years becus i’m tired of the whole “you gotta wait for it to get better” type thing and i would rather just watch mindless stuff but everyone has their cup of tea and i don’t think it’s an inherently bad show at all either. it can never be as bad as the knuckles show…*shivers*. and ofc animation wise it’s fantastic and super nostalgic.
next hot take is about the song “almost dead” from shadow the hedgehog. it’s one of the most hated songs in the fandom however i LOVE it. i will blast that shit in my headphones thanks to the kind soul who uploaded it to spotify podcasts. the criticism that it doesn’t really match shadows character is valid, and it especially makes sense becus it was also in a horror movie. but as just a song in general my brain goes “ooo funny noises” and doesn’t really think about that part. i’d say the other infamously hated sonic song is sweet dreams from sonic 06 (and while i haven’t listened to it in awhile so i can’t be certain) i remember that song being pretty bad imo so i agree with that part at least
lastly i’m just gonna say that i’m not a fan of the ships sonjet, sonilver, and blazamy. this is not me hating on them at all!! and i have seen super cute fanart of them as well. the only ones i straight up despise are the ones that are illegal (looking at the weird ass sontails shippers on this app…). i just don’t particularly like them becus of either personal headcannons and/or just a gut feeling. with sonic and silver i feel like they have kinda like a sibling or cousin dynamic. for sonjet and blazamy i feel like they haven’t had enough interactions to really warrant a relationship, and i think they would be better off as playful besties. also i just realized that all three of these are gay ships and i really really hope people don’t think i’m homophobic for this especially also becus i spam sonamy on my page GUYSSSS IM A MULTISHIPPER I LOVE SONADOW TOO AND IM FRUITY MYSELF DONT KILL MEEEE 😞😞😞
anywaysss i think that’s all i got! sorry it took me awhile i got busy and forgot to respond but i always enjoy rambling about sonic so tysm mootie 😋😋
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natsarrownecklacx · 1 year
What do you reckon Wanda is like as a middle-aged mom? Around her late 40s or so 👀
Honestly I feel like Wanda would be such an amazing mom ( Thank you for the ask by the way :)
ᗢ In my mind she would be a single mother, but she doesn’t get bogged down by it at all
ᗢ She would be the kind of mom who pays attention to her kids likes and dislikes. She’d also love talking to her kids about their interests
ᗢ She would also possibly do some research into the topic in her spare time so she can better understand it and have conversations with them about it
ᗢ I feel like she would be a super supportive mom. Like if any of her kids came out as gay or non binary or anything she would be so supportive. She’d give the kid a big hug and tell them she loves them.
ᗢ The next day the kid would come home from school to Wanda in the living room with their flag painted on her cheek and a “proud mom” pride T-shirt on. She’d be all excited and say she was “practicing her makeup for pride.”
ᗢ Wanda would also be the kind of mom that all of her kid’s friends / partners feel safe and comfortable around. She would always be very welcoming and kind to the people her kids bring home
ᗢ She would always take care of her kids when they’re sick. She’d be more considerate of things that might irritate them or make them feel worse
ᗢ She’d set up her bed for a movie day so they can cuddle into her for comfort and watch their favourite movies/ shows. Plus she’d never panic (or let her panic show) when the kids are sick/ hurt because she knows that as long as she appears to be calm the kids will feel safe
ᗢ But once everyone is gone to sleep she would cry about how scary it was for her to see her poor baby be so sick :/
ᗢ Mom Wanda would definitely have lots of time for her kids. As in even when she’s busy she wouldn’t be dismissive of them. She would always take the time to hear them out/ be there for them or at least communicate with them that she’s busy and set a time to talk later.
ᗢ I dunno why but I feel like she would have matching build a bears with her kids. Or at least they all have build a bears with matching bracelets on them
ᗢ Mom Wanda’s favourite movie is how to train your dragon and every year for her birthday all she wants to do is order take out and have a how to train your dragon movie marathon with her kids
ᗢ One year for her birthday they got her a toothless plus and she nearly cried she loved it so much
ᗢ Whenever her kids are on sleepovers she sleeps with the plushie and her matching build a bear next to her in the bed
ᗢ In my brain Wanda is always wifey so:
ᗢ She wouldn’t introduce you to her kids right away, but she would be clear that she does have them
ᗢ When she does introduce you to the kids she would love it when ye all spend time together
ᗢ She also has a secret stash of pictures she’s taken of all of you together / you with the kids that she plans on making a scrapbook out of
ᗢ Eventually she would take you on a “family outing” when she and the kids would take you to get a build a bear to go along with their set
ᗢ It was the kids idea and she was so excited when the suggested it because they said it was their way of “officially welcoming you to the family”
There was a lot of other stuff I thought of but it was getting way to long so I cut myself off 😂
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slocumjoe · 1 year
Something I wish they did in fo4 is recognize when you’re cheating on a romanced character… I have a few ideas but I’m curious how you think this should play out in game
This is actually a pervasive...I don't want to call it an issue...roadblock, maybe? In games with romances. Seems like no one knows how to handle this.
Verilybitchie on YouTube has a great video called "bisexuality in video games" that goes into this, so if you don't want to read this, just go put that on in the background.
Also sorry this isn't a react, but I've always had Thoughts on this
So, since this is a Fallout blog, we're talking Fallout first.
In Fo4, you can romance every single companion in the game. Well, the romancable ones (sorry, Nick harem). The only requirement to romance someone is raise their affinity through actions or natural, slow-building of the stat (affinity will slowly raise itself over time), and then you select and succeed at the final romance dice roll. Sometimes there is a quest.
Already we have an issue, because there is no feasible way to logically date all these people. It isn't a numbers issue; it's the fact that most of them hate each other. If you're (you as the sole survivor) can romance and make Hancock swoon for you, its not likely you're the type that can reel Danse. You can't be the kind of person who Preston would fall for, while also pulling Gage. That kind of thing. It isn't that no one would be down to be poly, its that most of them have so few of the others that they'd be poly with. Again, Gage is not sharing with fucking Preston, and he sure as hell isn't falling for someone who Preston can love.
It's just so players can see all the romances, I think, but it's never...it's ludodissonance, I think. At most, a romanced character will hate it if you flirt with someone else in their presence, but I don't believe it'll amount to anything.
So, what would that amount to, IRL? Everyone would be pissed! Their partner has a secret harem that doesn't know its a harem! That's an awful thing to feel. But if Sole sat them all down and explained they wanted all of them at once...still wouldn't work. I don't think any of them would really be comfortable with poly, and all of them have at least one person would they wouldn't want to be poly with. For most of them, that person is Danse. Which is very funny to me.
The thing is, Fallout 4 is a huge game, and making a game is. Fucking Difficult. It is a nightmare. And you'd have to program in all of the different combinations of reactions. That's potentially 144 conversations, if you think about every companion reacting to you being with another companion. Then you have the potential of a companion reacting to you being with two other companions. Three. The number gets insane. And Fallout 4 is humoring us with the socializing/dialog as is, so that's obviously not happening.
In Dragon Age Inquisition, you can flirt with everyone, pretty sure, regardless of romance status. If I remember correctly. But if you romance someone, than try to pursue a romance with someone else, person 2 will waggle their finger at you like nuh-uh-uh, you very naughty boy! Even when it doesn't make much sense for them.
The Iron Bull, for example, i think would be down for a poly relationship. Sera, maybe, I could see that too. Josephine is a manager, so I can see her liking the idea of delegating her love life to an outside contractor when she doesn't have the time. There are romances, here, that could have multiple people. But DAI says no, you can't. But it gets real loosey goosey with what is and isn't cheating.
So, I played that game as a dude, and obviously I went straight for Cassandra, my buff book nerd warrior princess darling. I flirted with no one else. No one. I romanced her and her alone.
For those not in the know, Dorian is a character in DAI. His thing is that he's gay from a homophobic country, and his dad tried to conversion therapy him via magic. You go take him to meet his dad, since he showed up looking for Dorian. Dorian spells it out for you that he's gay, since while its kind of obvious, he keeps it hush due to. Well. His experiences.
You have the option to tell Dorian you've been with the same gender yourself. It's marked as flirty if you're a guy, not sure if its the same as a woman. But for a male character, this is flirting with Dorian.
Later, when you talk to Dorian back at home base, you have some options to comfort him, because obviously he's kind of upset. One of these options, I knew to be saying you actually think better of him, and think he's been very brave. I picked this the first playthrough, because I felt it was more genuine and kind.
Second playthrough, I also picked the "I'm gay too" option from earlier.
When I picked the "I think better of you option" back at base...
I'd flirted only with Cassandra. I was dating her.
And my guy and Dorian started sucking face in the corner of a library.
NEVER FLIRTED WITH HIM BEFORE. All I did was say I was also gay, and then I said I thought he was strong for going through the shit he did. Thing is, you can romance Dorian immediately following the end of that quest. So, I tested something. We just made out for like, five minutes. Wanna date? "Aren't you with Cassandra?"
So, the issue here with DAI is that it doesn't always account for...oddities. For example, The Iron Bull will flirt with you hardcore if you flirt with him, but you try to pursue him while in a relationship, he won't. He'll tell you you have great tits and that he likes being pegged, all while making suggestive faces, but the moment those birds come to roost, he's out. What? Why not? Josephine would totally be down to clown with two beefy Qunari men, Bull would be down to clown with Josie! Why is this here???
Again. Games are really hard to program. And that's after you've written all the actual story.
For DAI, I can think of three romances that would be down for poly. So, you don't have much to do there. But there's still other things you need to account for. You can't acknowledge one thing, and ignore the others. If I threesome with Sera and Josie, what happens if I try throwing Bull into the mix? What happens if I break up with Sera? What happens if we ditch Josie, and add Bull, when Sera is a lesbian? Get the issue? Relationships are fucking complicated. Especially when you're the asshole having to puppeteer them in every possible direction, in the name of player freedom.
In the other direction, we have Stardew Valley. I compare it to a child's xylophone toy with utmost affection, its very plinky-plonky in nature.
SDV works on a heart system. 8 hearts with a bachelor or bachelorette, you can offer them a bouquet and start dating. At 10 hearts, you can propose and get married.
If you marry someone, you can date as many other people as you like. You might get a cutscene where your spouse is jealous that you're giving someone else presents, but they don't actually acknowledge that you have a side piece or two. And this jealous cutscene only plays with...a side piece of the same gender as the spouse. So, the character Shane doesn't care if you and Emily had sex in the woods, but God Forbid you give Elliot a duck feather.
HOWEVER. If you reach 10 hearts with all romance options of one gender (meaning you reach 10 with all of the boys, or 10 with all the girls), you get a cutscene where all of the boys or girls confront you with your cheating, and they're all pissed at you for, like, a week in game.
HOWEVER HOWEVER, you can skip this by carrying a lucky rabbit's foot in your inventory. If you have the foot, the cutscenes just play as you hanging out. So, the boys, rather than confronting you, just have a friendly game of pool, and the girls will just chat, I think. So, the only real acknowledgement that you have multiple partners can be skipped.
On the flip side, there's Skyrim. There is no flirting in skyrim, at all. You wear a necklace, and if the person is available, they'll comment on the necklace. You get married, and then you can never divorce your spouse, or get a new one. It's the game equivalent to church kids getting married right out of high school and sticking with it.
The only game I've ever seen handle this, and handle it well, is Hades.
Hades Supergiant my beloved.
In Hades, you play as Zagreus, the son of Hades trying to escape the underworld, because Hades got full custody in the divorce and Zag wants to see his mom on weekends. I kid but that's literally the plot.
Zagreus used to be dating the fury, Megaera, who also works for Hades as an enforcer and guard. She kills Zagreus in his escape attempts. Their relationship ended poorly, and its heavily implied to be because of Zagreus being a shithead to her. She's pissed at Zag, but with enough time and Zag making amends and apologizing, she is more than willing to be friends again.
Then we have Thanatos, the god of Death. He's always busy, and you never hear of him until a certain point in the game. It takes a long time for him to show himself. When he does, it's with a ringing bell, and the area turns green with his presence. He and Zag have a much more complicated relationship, as they've both carried a flame for each other, and never acted on it. Thanatos will appear to help Zag kill enemies before he starts showing at the hub world.
Finally, we have Dusa. Dusa is a floating gorgon head. You know Medusa? Cut off her head. That is Dusa, as her own entity. She's the shy, skittish, workaholic maid for the house of Hades (the hubworld) and has an obvious crush on Zagreus, day one. Whenever you talk to her, heart effects appear, and she quickly flees. She's attracted to Zag, but she's so skittish, building a relationship with her is more like trying to make a stray cat accept pets and treats. She's down, but she needs to get comfy around Zag, not feel so shy.
You can romance all three of these people! If you romance Thanatos and Meg, they'll show up in your bedroom, and you have a brief conversation about how this relationship will work, and if you're down, all three of you hook up. Then, for the rest of the game, you have a boyfriend and girlfriend! As for Dusa, they know about her, too, and she knows about them. Dusa just can't or doesn't want to have sex, so she's more of Zagreus's platonic partner. It's hard to explain. They don't have sex because Dusa isn't into it. It's very cute and sweet.
But the point is, Than, Meg, and Dusa will get together and figure out what they want, then approach Zagreus and see what he wants, and they all work it out from there. This is possible because there are so few romance options, and the writers accounted for people wanting all three. That's actually the intended path! But either way, Supergiant considered how romance would work and function in the setting they built, and how their characters would react and adapt.
Since they were working with a small number of characters, they could easily slot in different paths and choices. You can turn down Than, Meg, and Dusa. Turn down two of them. Accept all of them! And by having characters that like each other, you don't have to worry about Person B looking at Person C and gagging at the idea of sharing Person A.
The problem with romances in video games is that, if the game isn't, specifically, about the romances, you're not going to get a fully-realized experience. Hades has two gameplay modes; the escape attempts with the combat, and the visual novel side of the game with the developing relationships with all of the characters, romances or not. Hades very much puts both things in the spotlight—and it gets away with it, because Zagreus is a fully-realized character, who is not customizable and has no player input. Zagrues decides things on his own, not because a player pushed a button to accept a quest. You don't get to puppet him around. You get very few choices in dialogue with Zagreus.
Most games with romances, you play as a customizable character, who can be anyone, and do anything. The game devs have to account for that. To account for that, everything has to be squishy, and maliable, and that means that nothing really...matters. It can't! If you put too much importance on something, but the player has x amount of freedom, there's a chance they could miss it, or break it, or do something to render it moot. In Mass Effect 2, I believe, you have the choice to save the space government. If you let them gov die, in the next game, the new government is just...the old one in different suits. Letting the gov die is a big fucking deal, but because you made it a choice, you can't expend too much time and effort on realizing the consequences. Because you also need the timeline where the gov was saved. Why would you put so much time into an optional thing, when its possible most players will choose to do the intended path of saving the space gov?
Well, its the same for romances. Why put so much time into paths and consequences that some people won't see? Why would you write discussions of Sera wondering why you thought she'd have sex with Bull, a man, when most people aren't going to do that? Why would you write 144+ reactions to you cheating on all of the fallout 4 companions?
Writing is both very easy, and very hard. Getting ideas is easy. Working out the kinks in those ideas is hard as shit. Add a deadline, a budget, and lots of investors waiting expectantly, and lots of shit gets chucked on the cutting room floor.
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bylertruther · 1 year
Denise PLEASE elaborate on trans will!!! I will protect you against the fools that don’t get it with my own mortal body
first please allow me to assume my position which is cowering behind ur mortal body 🩷 ahem!
"he's not like you. he's not like me. he's not like... most." aka... gay n trans will is #real
"it's just, she's so different from other people, and... when you're... when you're different, sometimes... you feel like a mistake." do i even need to explain. a mistake... because he can't be what everyone expects him to be? because none of what he is fits within what is acceptable for boys? perhaps bc what's inside doesn't "fit" with what's on the outside, at least not in the way that people say it should? hm.
if no trans when why always grouped with, paralleled to, assuming commonly female tropes, and taking the side of the ladies? why confused for his sister who also has a fucky gender? 🧐 hm??
if no trans then why did he keep his long sleeves on in the desert even though he was miserable, aka perform the ancient ritual tht all trans kids do bc they'd rather suffer a heat stroke than take off tht mf jacket? what, didn't want to bc he would've felt uncomfortable with his chest so "exposed"?
he shoveled two grains of sand both bc he's a lazy gay and also bc i hear ur not supposed to do hard labor while wearing a binder. just the facts and the rest of the guys understood this.
will loves dragons. dragons come from eggs. will is also an egg (respectfully), has dragon imagery all around him, has dragons in his room, and draws them all the time. 1 + 1 = 🥚 = trans.
people make fun of will's clothes. they're too tight. st literature states he gets hand-me-downs from both joyce and jonathan. his sister also borrows his clothes. depending on what your trans hc is, maybe he prefers his brother's clothes, maybe he prefers his mother and sister's. maybe he likes a baggier fit that hides his body, maybe he likes it when things are more form-fitting. what does he want to emphasize? what does he want to obscure? does he feel better in certain colorways, patterns, or cuts? is that part of what people make fun of? you could do a lot here and it works any which way.
trans will can be anything and anyone. genderqueer? sure. ftm? sure. nonbinary? sure. agender? genderfluid? demigender? whatever floats your boat. he's different, cannot help being different, and always has been. even amongst his fellow freaks, amongst his loved ones, he's still... different; a mistake. in ways they aren't and can't understand. and still, he perseveres. he holds onto his sense of self, clings to it like a lifeline, even when those closest to him try to tear him down. he isn't like anyone else—he's just will. 🏳️‍⚧️
disclaimer: AHT !!!! AHT AHT AHT do NOT twist this into me erasing the importance of will being a gnc cis gay man in canon. this is not that. this is just me having a silly goofy time coming up with trans will headcanons and things one could use to "support" that and weave into tht hc if they so wanted, seeing as gender and sexuality can influence each other & will's gender is an important and inextricable part of his characterization. no harm or erasure is intended with these hcs so please put the cancel gun down!!!
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tragedy-peanut-gallery · 11 months
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Aaaaaaaaaaa thank y’all!! You’re incredible 😭 But yah! This is for you two amazing people and ONLY you two folks! Here be my ocs:
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First one here’s Vaelora, she’s a daughter of Jaehaerys and Alysanne who isn’t close to her parents or many of her siblings so just chooses to live her life on Dragonstone. She’s born with a bit of a fucked up face but weird birthmark be damned, my girl can garden. She likes tending to Aegon’s Garden and has a massive amount of notebooks on plants and their effects, which is kinda good for maesters and healers in general in order to know what plants are good for medicine and what plants are poisonous- but unfortunately, she got those notes from testing on people and animals 💀 generally, she might be responsible for most animal deaths, since she hates most creatures that aren’t her sweet lil fucked up dragon Nightshade, but her favourite test subject of all is her son Aeryn, who’s his mommy’s specialest little lab rat <3 people started getting concerned that she might be a witch or smth but lucky for everyone! Vaelora’s found dead in her garden from apparent plant poisoning! No one knows what happens, but a few years later Aeryn also kicks the bucket from an unknown illness and Nightshade ends up as the Cannibal’s midnight snack so…. Yippe! No happy ending for any of these fellas!!
My second fella here is Naera, daughter of Daeron ii and Myriah! Surprise surprise, she’s named after her dear ol’ granny Naerys, and like her g-ma she’s worried she’ll have to marry one of her brothers but surprise! Daeron ii is anti incest so there’s no worries abt that! Butttt that means without having to worry about marrying one of her siblings Naera realizes she mayyy be a bit gay, actually very gay, gets a bit too flirty with almost every woman she encounters. But seeing as she’s not a guy that isn’t considered a good thing, she gets in a lot of trouble with her parents over it and is pressured into finding at least one singular guy she tolerates to marry, which is very not yippee. Anyways she finds a nobleman who’s genuinely kind and loves her but she only sees him as a friend who’s kinda ignorant of her constant affairs- but they have two kids so that’s kinda cool, she doesn’t really like them though. At some point she gets kidnapped by pirates and there’s a whole situation that ends with her cutting off her hand and tossing it to the captain, and also she kinda adopts one of her maid’s daughters to make up for the fact that she was a shitty mom to her own kids before falling down the stairs at the ripe old age of 58 and dying, yippe <3
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ameonds-dragonn · 2 years
Hotd modern au
I got inspired by @sansaorgana she made me fall in love with this au 🥰
For warning, this was something quick I made on my phone so probably ain’t great. But enjoy 💚
We’ve agreed that the Targaryens are rich as fuck, i think it’s old money like the Kennedy’s. Visryes is a huge lawyer and Daemon gives me Wall Street investors or CEO vibes. And Alicent is stay at home mommy that loves her kids. Nrya is Sahm as well but she modeled some I think, not runway model thou.
Aegon is a pothead/frat boy obviously, he only parties at college. Not caring if he graduates or not, Vis probably pays the uni a shit ton of money. Every once in awhile he puts an effort for classes :) He dresses like a frat boy and a stoner had a baby. Slides 99.8% of the time, hoodies that have his frat house name Or university name on it. He owns one part of jeans and slacks(they stay at home 99%). Smells like cigarette smoke, small vanilla notes and whiskey. Knows he can get away with failing school, getting pulled over, screwing girls. He knows Alicent loves him bc he’s her first baby. He’s not dumb as people think he is. He loves his mama too but kinda takes advantage of it.
Aemond is a Harvard baby through and through! Most likely an English major, but he also gives me medical school vibes(personally for me). He puts school first, he knows not everyone can get into Harvard so he appreciates that he did. Ameond is the campus mysterious heartthrob. Girls and gays love him! He’s 6’5, blonde with shoulder length hair, wears leather and black clothing w/sliver rings. Little whore! Also he has his scar on his eye. Obviously dragons aren’t real for us. So Aemond and Luke didn’t fight each other over Vhgar. I’m thinking he lost it on accident, maybe Vis took him and Aegon knife throwing or one of the neighbors kids and him were playing with sticks or something. Personally the scar is what made fall in love with him. It’s him no matter what au it is. It shaped him to who he is as a person. He’s a huge mama’s boy! He don’t hide it either, he loves Alicent.
When he comes home from school for the summer and Christmas, he brings gifts for her and Heleana. Stuff he saw while he was out one Saturday, little trinkets, shoes, books. Anything that reminded him of his mom and sister. Also does this for his S/O, he’s just a sweet emo boy!
Heleana still loves her bugs and other creepy crawlers! We stan Helena the bug queen in this house 💚 she’s the quiet girl that is always reading a book, drawing in her sketch pad. Has earbuds in, but will take them out if anyone talks to her. Loves old English literature and plays. She loves NYC and broadway, she gives me NYU vibes. Definitely lives in NYC but goes upstate a lot bc of nature. Also I think she would be a witch or at least into paganism. Aemond is close to Salem, MA so he goes and gets her stuff from the shops. He has 6 tarot decks that he plans on taking home along with crystals and books he got for her. TSA workers hate Aemond bc he goes over the weight limit with his suitcases.
Alicent, my favorite mom! Okay so, Alicent was Vis’ sugar baby when she was 20ish. Went to school with Nrya and ended marrying her dad. But I don’t think they hate each other in this AU, probably not each other’s fans. I think Nrya and Harwin are together, probably met on a photo shoot set. Harwin was definitely a model or an actor in his day. Anyways! Alicent got pregnant with Aegon before the wedding, you could see her bump in her dress. Vis works 24:7 so Alicent got very close with Aegon as a baby. Aegon looks after her always has! She was very involved with school when the kids were little. PTA mom, sports mom, art/theater mom, she always supports her kids and their activities. Calls them each everyday to see what’s new, are you sick?, how’s the money looking? She used to feel insecure about being a young mom, but now she’s 43 and her kids are in college. She has so much free time now! Definitely the hot mom, also the cool mom(mean girls hey!). Alicent was meant to be a mother, she truly loves her kids and wants the best for them. She don’t give me toxic mother in law vibes
Nrya is the first child of Vis, so he is crazy over her. He’s still in Nrya’s lane, but he talks to the other kids moreish. Nrya became a model her junior year of college. Has been covers of vogue, vanity fair, a bunch of wedding mags. It’s how she met her husband, Harwin. They fell in love and had Jace, Luke, Joff, the twins. Definitely a boy mom but she loves being a mom.
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