#everything about this episode had me giggling all the way 😂
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golden--doodler · 9 months
I've definitely been busy making things lately 😂
I made a behemoth of a chapter of my Bob's Burgers AU for @drawthething to go with this lovely Commission she made for me back in March which I've already yelled about several times:
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This might be an unpopular opinion, but I love the episode Something Old, Something New, Something Bob Caters For You, so writing this was an absolute joy:
Bob’s day had been fantastic—by far the most wonderful, significant one he’d experienced in years. So it didn’t matter that everything went wrong in every conceivable way. So fantastic, in fact, that he gnawed on his knuckle from all the distress the day brought him. No, he didn’t want to be thinking about the best day of Cole (?) and Farrah’s lives this way. Not when they shared their special day because of what he’d created. Their excitement was contagious as they shared the news with him, and he held onto the memory of their wide smiles and waving hands. At first, he almost didn’t accept the reality of his food making connections.
However, the disaster playing out in front of them continued to be impossible to ignore. The already harsh, temperamental wind reared its vengeful head. The priest, standing as still as a statue in front of his official podium, and dressed in a respectable cream robe, was about to officiate the couple’s union. But the wind blew hats and hair without reprieve.
The priest opened his mouth, and almost everyone leaned forwards in their chairs, eager to pay attention to this moment, the moment everyone came for. He spoke, and the wind began blowing again. He spoke the first two words, and everyone caught them, but the rest got lost in the weather. Bob tilted his head, praying somehow this was someone’s poor idea of a joke. He refused to believe the reality in front of him—What’s-His-Name and Farrah had been through enough already. Now their most momentous moment had become disrupted? This wouldn’t occur without Bob helping.
He placed his hands on his knees, preparing to stand, when he noticed a familiar weight on his shoulder. Turning, he was about to tell off whoever delayed him when he realized who it was.
Linda provided him with a modest, gentle smile, making his chest ignite with the same explosive warmth that always appeared when Linda was merry. She let out a subdued, almost imperceptible laugh, which she covered with her mouth. If this had been anyone else, he would have demanded what the person had found so amusing. But with Linda, he couldn’t stop a small grin of his own forming. 
He took a moment to remember how to say what he wanted, then signed, “What’s so funny?”
She beamed again, then lifted her free hand into a casual pose. “Hey, at least I’m not the only one who can’t hear this, right? Ironic, isn’t it?”
There was something about the way her eyes crinkled at the sides and the way she had asked those rhetorical questions which broke Bob. It was clear she wasn’t making fun of the ceremony or the couple. She was just making an observation, one he needed but didn’t realize. A laugh erupted from him—obnoxious and impossible to ignore. As people began turning towards him with their judgemental stares, his face bloomed with fresh warmth.
He faced his wife again and couldn’t help but appreciate the way her catering outfit contoured to her beautiful curves as she giggled. 
“Stop making me laugh when I’m so stressed, Lin.” He took a moment to sign “Yes,” in response to her rhetorical questions, his hand bobbing up and down in harmony with his voice. He shook his head, fighting to keep his composure at bay. “I’m not—this is supposed to be serious. Farrah and the… uh… groom, they’re having an awful time, Lin. This is their wedding day, and nothing’s been going well. It’s been one disaster after another.”
Linda planted her palm on his shoulder, her eyebrows shooting up at his transparent statement. “That’s true. But I don’t think it’s a wedding they’ll forget.”
She gestured around them, pausing when she found Tina, Gene, and Louise eyeing something else rather than paying attention to the ceremony. It amazed him to discover that this wedding was entertaining everyone, despite it being a catastrophe. A geriatric couple was watching with hands over their chests and handkerchiefs dabbing at their eyes. Two women with a young child were leaning forward, anticipating the inevitable “I Do”. Their child was anticipating it too, being well-behaved for someone of that age. There was also a man who’d come by himself with someone on a video call on his phone. He was relaying the disastrous events of the wedding in a hushed, almost excited tone. Even their children were finding something to look forward to, it being the burgers Bob had prepared earlier. Then, an idea to save this wedding hit him like a thunderclap. Bob sprung from his chair, almost knocking it over in his haste. He slid his hand under a tray filled with steaming, juicy burgers that he had prepared earlier and carried them towards the seated guests.
The priest didn’t cease with trying to recite everything to officiate the couple into a marriage. But he could see Cameron and Farrah gawking at the display. 
Cameron’s jaw seemed tight and clenched, and Farrah’s head tilted in curiosity. Bob began passing out some burgers, praying the food would distract everyone from the tragedy unfolding in front of them. He was about to pass out another when Linda seized his shoulder with a ferocity he didn’t know she was capable of.
“Bob, what are you doing?”
“This can still… I can still save this, Lin. I… well… it looked as if people were enjoying some of this ceremony. I’m sure it was for the wrong reasons, though. This wedding can become one Casey and Farrah won’t forget for the right reasons.”
Linda’s eyes narrowed, and she yanked him towards her. “Look, I know how important this wedding was to you, but you got the wrong idea from what I was trying to tell you. You don’t need to fix anything, Bob. Everything will happen as it should. Everyone is having fun, despite all of this insanity happening. Besides, it doesn’t matter, anyway. I already said I doubt these two will last much longer than the Honeymoon Phase.”
She then became distracted and sighed, her cheeks becoming tinged with pink. “Aw, do you remember ours? It was…”
She shook her head, forcing herself to focus again. “No, wait, what I’m trying to say is, enjoy the moment like everyone else. You need to let this go.”
Bob didn’t realize he was shaking until Linda’s mouth opened and closed a bit, like a pufferfish. He shook his own head, his black curls flying in several directions. “I can’t let this go. You don’t get it.”
Linda’s nose became wrinkled, and air blew out of it. It was astonishing he could hear it over the wind. “What? What don’t I get, Bob?”
“This is all I have!” His voice raised an octave higher than he intended, his hands slapping together in a furious motion as he finished signing to his wife. It caught the attention of everyone, who glanced his way for a moment. Perspiration began gathering in his palms and his neck became more heated than he’d remembered it being. He held out his hands in a silent apology, and the ceremony proceeded.
He lowered his voice, blinking his eyes so no tears would fall out. The last thing he needed was to cry in a public setting. And God knows how many times he’d cried in front of Linda. “This is all I have. If Christopher and Farrah can’t be a successful couple after meeting in my restaurant, then doesn’t that mean I was right? That my restaurant is nothing more than some… some joke? Some pipe dream I thought would be worth pursuing? I’m sorry, Lin, but you… you agreed to spend the rest of your life with a failure.”
Linda pursed her lips and tilted her head farther down the field. It was one of their non-verbal methods of communication. That action to them meant they should go talk in seclusion. He held his palms out to ask her why. She snatched his arm and scrambled down the field until they were away from the ceremony and out of earshot. Not that they needed to be, because of the wind, but it was still better to be safe.
Linda locked her eyes onto his, and the urgent, heavy desire to look away seized him. But he forced himself to continue gazing into Linda’s eyes. She took a long, steady breath, and waited until he began doing so as well.
Oh. She’s trying to settle me down.
Once a slight sense of serenity began seeping into him, she began signing. She signed in the way she always did, slow and deliberate, so he could keep up with her hand movements. Linda was so experienced with sign, it seemed to be an art form for her. Her hands flew in the air as if were some kind of dance, moving in tandem with each other as if they were dedicated partners in said dance. She spoke in the same slow and deliberate fashion as well, and he couldn’t help but let his eyes wander to her rosy red lips.
“You know I almost gave up on romance before I met you?”
He blinked, the statement and its implications taking a moment to sink in. He was well aware of Linda’s past relationships, and how none of them had worked out. Hugo was the most prevalent one. However, he didn’t know she’d almost abandoned the idea of true love. This was Linda, the most hopeful romantic he’d met, the one who’d convinced him that love was possible. She convinced him in every way every day they were together. The times she stroked his hair while he was half-asleep. Whenever she offered him a glass of wine late at night when the kids had gone to bed. The times she put on a song, the sound blaring throughout the house, reverberating through the walls, and invited him to dance with her to the beat. Even if he resisted, he would always end up dancing with her, anyway. It was as if she had some power over him, some inconceivable, intangible ability to make him do things he wouldn’t if he was by himself. Believe in things he wouldn’t if he was by himself.
“It’s true. I felt as if no one understood me. Without my hearing, I thought there wouldn’t be anyone patient enough to get to know me. There were people who tried, maybe a bit too hard. But there was still something missing in our relationships. I kept searching, and when I could never find it, I wanted to stop trying. I got exhausted having to go through the same routine every time. After I’d revealed my disability, they’d have a few moments of surprise. Then they’d all ask question after question until they decided being a deaf woman’s husband wasn’t worth the trouble. They decided knowing me wasn’t worth the trouble.” Her voice got caught in her throat, and the sound made Bob feel as if a knife was slicing his heart into ribbons.
“I was preparing myself for what a future of being like Gayle would entail for me. An apartment with a bunch of cats. I tried convincing myself the idea didn’t sound too bad.” She took a sharp, heavy breath and allowed a slight smile to grace her face. “But then we had our first date.”
She exhaled a giggle, allowing herself to get caught up in the memories. Bob had to admit he was getting caught up in them, too. They were wrapping around him as if they were an embrace. “I didn’t want to tell you about my deafness, because I liked you from the moment I saw you. You had that incredible mustache, it was so handsome. You also had a look in your eyes… a look saying you had so many stories and secrets to tell and wanted to let just me in on them. I’m sure you remember how hard I tried keeping it hidden for so long. Then you found out, but your reaction differed from everyone else’s. You asked me how to say “Hello” and “Goodbye” and other things in sign language. You didn’t see me as a burden, you saw me as a person. That’s all I’ve ever wanted from someone, and you gave it to me.”
She took his hands and weaved her fingers through his. He adored the cool, delicate feeling of her skin, and wanted to savor it. “The reason I’m telling you all of this is because I want you to get this into your thick skull, Bobby: You. Are. Not. A. Failure. I don’t care how many times I need to say it. I will tell you this until you believe it. You have supported me through so much, so supporting you with the restaurant is the least I can do. I will continue to support you, even if this wedding continues to be a disaster. Even if the Ratpocalypse happens.”
“Wait, Ratpocalypse?” A smirk danced across his lips, and it was refreshing to feel some amusement again.
“It’s possible. The point is, your dream is not a joke. I’m not stuck with you. Tina, Gene, and Louise are not having awful childhoods. Remember when you fired them because you wanted them to run around and play outside? After a while, all they wanted to do was come back and work at the restaurant again. Even if they won’t admit it—well, maybe Tina would—they love working there. I love working there, too. You need to realize what you’ve accomplished rather than what you haven’t accomplished or might not. Weddings are supposed to be fun, and you’ve been giving yourself gray hairs trying to prove something you don’t have to.”
Bob’s shoulders slumped as he realized how fatigued he was. Everything Linda said was accurate. He’d been tearing himself apart trying to prove he wasn’t a failure. To prove to his father that he hadn’t made a mistake leaving the family business. To prove his children would be content with the hand he had dealt them. He was searching for external validation, something telling him everything would be all right.
However, the one person he needed, the one telling him everything would be all right, was right in front of him all along. A switch seemed to flip in his brain as he realized how powerful Linda’s validation felt. It was thrilling, and he didn’t want anyone else’s if hers felt this stupefying. It was a drug he couldn’t overdose on, and he hadn’t appreciated it until now. He leaned forward and angled his head against her shoulder, tears threatening to spill once again.
“Have I told you how much I love you?”
“You have, but I don’t mind.” Linda hummed, resting her head against Bob’s. He thought he’d find the sensation of her hearing aid against his head to be unpleasant, but he found it heartening. “I love you too. Don’t forget that, mister.”
He chortled, the noise rumbling deep in his throat. “I won’t. Thank you for this, Lin. I needed this more than I thought.”
“You don’t need to thank me. I think part of you knew all of this already. Part of you knew you’d want to keep working at the restaurant no matter what happened. I just had to remind you.” 
Bob opened his mouth to respond when he felt something heavy collapse into him. He turned, his eyes meeting his eldest daughter’s. Tina brushed her navy skirt down, and Gene and Louise soon joined her.
“Dad, everyone loves your burgers. They all tried some after Connor and Farrah said, “I Do” and kissed. They want more.” Tina bounced on her heels, her arms waving from side to side in a show of elation special to her. 
His breathing became more rapid than what he assumed was healthy. “They like it?”
Tina nodded, and Gene did a full pirouette, which Bob had to concede was remarkable, before becoming dizzy and falling on his rear.
“We tasted them too, and they’re fabulous! I don’t know how you pulled it off, you beautiful bastard.”
He groaned, but beamed at the same time. “Please don’t call me that, Gene.” 
“Congratulations on making something people like for once.” Louise said. She folded her arms across her chest, the sarcasm evident in her tone, but she was beaming too.
Linda’s hands flew in the familiar routine of her signing, “Thank you for telling us, kids. I think we should all go back now. I’m sure Connor and Farrah were too occupied to realize we left, though.”
“There’s the tiny issue of the cake still being destroyed, though.” Tina said, reminding them of Bob’s most tremendous mistake of the day. “What’re we going to tell them?”
Bob let an “Oh my God” slip.
They congregated back to the prime area where the ceremony had taken place. Chase and Farrah were conversing with some people Bob assumed were family. Once they wrapped up their discussion, they turned their scrutiny to the Belchers.
“Bob, Linda, are you two all right? You just left in the middle of us getting married.” Chase’s nose became scrunched at the memory.
“Oh, we’re all right. I… well…” Bob rubbed his hands together, and he speculated if they would become red from the force.
Linda then took a step forward. “Uh, I think it’s just about cake time, don’t you?”
Some awkward laughs slipped out of her as Bob’s hand reached towards his head. He almost yanked at his locks, a habit he couldn’t shake, when Farrah spoke up before he could do anything.
“Oh, cake sounds marvelous right now. Thank you for keeping it safe for us.” Farrah said.
He whimpered, and once Linda presented it to the public, everything developed as he foresaw. Farrah’s mascara ran as tears flew down her face.
“Everything did go wrong today. I kept telling myself it was all okay, just one thing here or there, but it’s everything, it isn’t okay. The wind blew everything everywhere. I lost my baby blanket that I was gonna give to my children!” Farrah’s distraught hands flew towards her mascara-streaked cheeks.
“Poor little baby, The Belcher Children,” Louise said.
Bob fixed his youngest daughter with a hardened stare, not having the tolerance for her comments at the moment. “Louise.”
“And now Grandma’s cake is ruined. Is this just one big omen?”
Clyde sputtered before saying, “Of course not. We’re-We’re-We’re gonna be okay.”
He stepped forward, wanting to placate his new wife, but she drifted away from him. “But what if we aren’t?”
Bob opened his mouth, preparing to intervene, but Linda beat him to it. She tapped on a microphone, and he recognized with a jolt that this was Linda’s first time speaking in public. She cleared her throat, wavering for a second before stepping onto a table. “Farrah, I’m so glad you brought that up. Look, when you first told me you were getting married after three months, I thought you were bananas in the tailpipe. I thought it was too short. You haven’t smelled each other’s farts. You haven’t been through enough bad stuff together, I thought.”
She paused, wincing, and smacked the side of her head. “Ow, sorry, hearing aid feedback. Anyway, I think my experiences made me biased and made me think you had to wait a massive amount of time to commit to someone. So many people have judged me for who I am before they got to know me and decided I wasn’t worth the time of day. I even began considering if love was just a fairytale. I wondered if I would grow old by myself, with no one who cared enough to get close. Then I met Bob, and even though we waited a lot longer to get married, I understand how it feels when you meet someone you know gets you.”
She paced along the table, gesticulating as her speech became more ardent. “But looking at you now, can I tell you something? I guarantee you two are gonna make it.”
Farrah sniffled, wiping her nose on her sleeve. “We are?”
“Yeah, you are. The way you handled everything today shows all you really care about is each other. You know what else? The cake doesn’t look great, but I bet it still tastes great. There’s no dirt in it or anything. Just pretend like you already chewed it!”
It was the most astonishing speech Bob had ever had the pleasure of witnessing. Linda ended up taking a tentative bite of the wrecked cake, and regretting it, but everything she had said replayed in his mind as if it was a record stuck on repeat.
Later, they snuck away from the reception to see the stars together, and once they were alone again, Bob brushed his lips against hers in a kiss. It was gentle at first, but had a hasty graduation in intensity and desire. During this time, no one else existed in their strange, delightful world except for them. During this time, Linda was the one thing that made sense to him, the one thing he knew he would never doubt in his life. His hands ran through her ebony strands, and her slight shivers in response rewarded him. His lips parted a bit as some shivers flew through him as well. Emotions of every kind were swirling within him as if he was stirring a bowl of curry. Some emotions he couldn’t quite place, but all of them, he wasn’t aware he could feel.
Once they separated at last, he said, breathless, “You’re incredible, Lin.”
“You are too, Bobby.”
She gave him a swift peck on the cheek, and he could feel his face warm like a furnace. He was relieved to not be putting so much stake in this wedding anymore. His wife had allowed him to enjoy the celebration and had even learned a few things herself. But when it came to learning, Bob knew he would never stop learning things from Linda.
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auspicious-manner · 2 years
Hi love your fics ❤
Can you write a Dodge Mason x fem reader fic?
They are in a established relationship and both are in the Panic game and the reader gets pregnant but doesn't know and then she goes through a dangerous challenge that puts her in the hospital and Dodge gets really worried and there they discovers she's pregnant and they decide that they want to keep the baby because it was made from their love and then Dodge decides to continue playing the game not just for Dayna but for his girlfriend and their baby.
Please make it very fluff ❤
Omg this is very detailed lol (i'm sorry for bad grammar, English is not my first language) 😂
i feel like i’m so bad at writing these types of stories but i like the idea 😭 and don’t apologize, i’m so happy you sent in a request! i based the dangerous challenge the reader goes through on the episode where they are in the house for the challenge and they almost go up in flames.
female reader x dodge
warnings: quick mention of hanging, pregnancy, house fire
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Medical Miracle
the graybill house was a staple of carp culture for decades. it was rumored to be haunted, and any lovers that dared to enter would be killed by the ghosts of the house.
this rumor didn’t scare Y/N or dodge. both being skeptics, they were almost excited for the challenge at the graybill house.
dodge drove Y/N to the house the night of the challenge.
“how are you feeling?” dodge asked her.
“mentally i’m just fine, but i threw up a little this morning. not sure what that was all about.” she said back.
dodge sighed. “it’s not nerves, is it?”
“no, it’s not. i don’t know what it is. i’m not nervous and i don’t feel sick.”
dodge parked his car, and they met up with the rest of the players in front of the house. shortly after, diggins and summer explained the rules of the challenge. they said that the players had to get evidence of another player being scared shitless, and there was a riddle within the house that would be worth extra points if it was solved.
dodge and Y/N exchanged knowing glances, both aiming to solve the puzzle.
when diggins and summer sent them off on their way, dodge and Y/N immediately stuck together and looked for anything that could point them in the right direction.
“found our first clue.” dodge said before shining his flashlight on the clue written on the wall in fake blood, the rest of the players behind him reading it.
when the crowd of people couldn’t decipher it right away, Y/N and dodge moved on, searching the rest of the rooms in the house.
walking into one of the rooms, Y/N ran into something hanging from the ceiling and gasped.
“everything okay?” dodge asked, turning around and shining his light on her.
“i’m okay, this just scared me a bit, that’s all.”
they looked up and saw a mannequin hanging from the ceiling in a noose. dodge took his pocket knife and cut the rope holding the mannequin up, and it fell to the ground. Y/N reached down and grabbed a note that was hidden inside the mannequin.
“looks like we found our next clue.”
“the word ‘cook’ is capitalized, should we check the kitchen?” Y/N asked.
“it also says ‘behind the hands that wait’, which might refer to a clock. let’s split up, i’ll search for a clock if you check the kitchen.” dodge suggested.
“sounds good. be careful, okay?” she said, reaching up and kissing him.
“always.” he said back. the two parted ways and Y/N made her way to the kitchen. upon looking, she didn’t find anything unusual, besides for a door that had a lock on it.
she cocked her head to the side and unlatched the lock, opening the creaky door to find the pantry. she walked in and tried not to inhale the dust that floated around the room.
she shined her flashlight around, looking for clues. just as she was about to turn around and leave when nothing significant was found, she heard the pantry door slam shut.
Y/N frowned and tried the door handle, realizing it was locked. she heard giggles coming from outside of the door.
“sabotage, very funny,” she said sarcastically. “when i eventually get out of here and find out for myself which one of you cowards locked me in, i’m going to skin you.”
the laughter immediately stopped, and she heard footsteps from the other side of the door leave in a hurry. she smiled to herself.
Y/N wasn’t panicking. she knew dodge would find her eventually. in fact, she was almost glad to have a place where she could sit. her stomach had really been bothering her the past few days.
unbeknownst to her, however, her night was about to get a whole hell of a lot worse.
about fifteen minutes had passed, and she heard shouting. she sat up from her position on the ground and pressed her ear to the door to make out what they were saying. she heard dodge’s name thrown into the mix of shouting.
“what happened to dodge? someone get me out of here!” she yelled, hoping someone would hear her. suddenly, smoke started filling her room from under the door, and she heard someone yell something about a fire.
“oh shit,” she said, banging on the door. “someone help me, please! i’m still in here!” she screamed to no avail. she gave up on banging on the door when no one came to her rescue, and she tried to climb out through a small window at the top.
“dodge, someone, anyone, please!” she pleaded, her voice cracking as she climbed. she almost made it up one of the shelves in the room, but the old structure collapsed under her weight. she fell to the ground with a hard thump.
the room filled with even more smoke, and she coughed and wheezed violently. it was hard to see the room around her due to the thick grey smoke that filled the air.
she fell to the ground, the smoke slowly overtaking her lungs. she felt her energy drain.
“dodge, please,” she whispered. “dodge…”
she coughed once more. she didn’t want to die like this, not now. especially without knowing what happened to dodge. Y/N fought to muster up enough strength to stand up. every ounce of her body felt like it was burning. she took a broken piece of wood and slammed it into a weak spot in the wall. Y/N used whatever energy she had left to kick it to make a small hole, and she used the wood to break away the rest. she crawled out, and saw the house around her engulfed in flames.
she coughed all the way out of the house. her vision grew blurry, and she made it outside and saw dodge passed out on the ground before collapsing herself, hearing the other players scream her name as the world went completely black.
Y/N woke up to bright lights and a strange room around her, and she realized she was in a hospital room. she felt tubes in her nose, and the gentle beeping of a monitor to her side. she felt her stomach, and noticed something strange was wrapped around it.
she looked back on her experience. the fire, being trapped, the smoke, and dodge. then, it hit her. she still wasn’t sure if dodge was okay. Y/N looked to her right and saw a nurse. “where’s dodge?” she asked frantically.
the nurse turned to look at her. “he’s awake. he’s been asking me about you since he woke up. i can get him in here for you, because there’s something the doctor and i would like to speak to you both about.”
the nurse left the room, leaving Y/N confused. were they going to question them about panic? she tried to think of a good cover story.
dodge came into her room a few minutes later, a bit wobbly on his feet. “oh my god Y/N.” dodge said, making his way to her bed. she tried sitting up, but immediately fell back and went into a coughing fit. dodge pulled up a chair and sat next to her.
“it’s okay, i’m here now. i’m so sorry i wasn’t there when the fire broke out.” dodge told her, holding onto one of her hands, rubbing her back with the other.
“what happened to you, are you okay?” Y/N asked, her voice cracking.
“i found another hint in the outlet when the fire broke out. tyler tried to use an old generator in the basement and it blew out the electricity throughout the house, and i just so happened to be touching the wires when it sparked. i got electrocuted.”
“my god dodge, that’s horrible.”
“it could have been worse. besides, my injuries weren’t as bad as yours, though. they said you almost died. if you wouldn’t have broken out of that room when you did, the ceiling would have caved in on you. you were moments away from death. you fought to stay alive.” dodge said, running his fingers through Y/N’s hair.
“i fought for you. i didn’t want to die without knowing if you were okay.”
dodge smiled, before it quickly faded. “there was something else wrong too, besides the whole smoke inhalation thing. the nurses wouldn’t tell me until you woke up, but it must have been bad because they seemed panicked when you first got here.”
a doctor and a nurse came into the room. “we have some news for you both, and we’re not sure if you’re going to like it.” the doctor said, looking down at his clipboard.
“cut the suspense, just tell us.” dodge said sternly.
the doctor looked at him and sighed. “when Y/N arrived here, we found something… unusual. after running some tests, we found that Y/N is pregnant.”
Y/N’s heart felt like it dropped into her stomach. she looked at dodge, who went completely pale.
“pregnant? are you sure?” Y/N asked, not believing what he had said.
“well, are you two sexually active?” the doctor asked.
she looked at dodge again. “i mean, yes.” she said, slightly embarrassed.
“and you’ve missed your period?”
Y/N thought about it. “i guess, yeah. my periods are normally pretty irregular, so i didn’t think much of it.”
“you’ve probably experienced morning sickness by now, right?” the doctor questioned.
she connected the dots. her puking spells weren’t nerves or illness at all. she really was pregnant.
“holy shit i’m pregnant.” Y/N said, covering her face with her hands. she couldn’t bear to look at dodge again.
“when you came to the hospital, we weren’t sure if the baby would make it,” the nurse spoke up. Y/N removed her hands from her eyes. “although it’s not much more than a few cells and a small heartbeat at this point, it’s a fighter. that baby, medically speaking, should not have survived. it’s a bit of a miracle, actually.”
dodge gulped. “how far along is the baby?”
“about 6 weeks,” the nurse said. “it’s just old enough to have a faint heartbeat.” dodge took Y/N’s hand again.
“we’ll leave you two to decide what your next plan of action will be.” the doctor said, leaving with the nurse and closing the door behind him.
dodge and Y/N sat in silence for a moment, soaking in the new information.
“i’m so sorry.” dodge said softly.
“for what?” Y/N asked.
“for getting you pregnant, for not being there when you almost died, for everything.”
Y/N sighed. “you have nothing to apologize for. you could have died too. and i don’t blame you for this pregnancy. there’s really no one to blame.”
there was a pause. “what do you think we should do about the baby?” dodge asked quietly, almost like it was a taboo subject.
“i don’t know. you?” Y/N asked back.
“i know what i want to do, but ultimately it’s your decision. it’s your body growing this baby, not mine.”
“let’s hear it then.” Y/N said.
“i think we should keep it. you heard the nurse, this baby defied the odds. it’s a fighter, like its mom. i could see myself spending the rest of my life with you, i really could. it would be an honor raising this baby with you.”
Y/N looked at him sadly. “dodge, be realistic here. we’re just kids, how are we supposed to raise a baby together? it’s not as simple as just being happy and raising it, there’s so much more. we have to be financially ready, we have to put the rest of our lives on hold, and we have to be mentally and physically ready to do this. it’s the biggest commitment of them all.”
“we wouldn’t have to worry about finances if i win panic.”
she bit her lip and weighed the pros and cons of what dodge had said. “i’ll be damned if you lose your life to panic, and i have to raise this baby without its father.”
“i won’t, i promise. now, with this baby in the picture, i want to win not only for dayna, but for us. i will make sure i win in the safest way possible.” dodge told her, his blue eyes searching her own eyes for an answer.
“so, we’re keeping it? are you a thousand percent sure?” Y/N asked one last time.
“i’ve never been more sure of anything in my entire life.”
Y/N smiled, and dodge leaned down to kiss her forehead. “you’re going to be a great mom.”
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Cupid's Last Wish Episode 1 - A Collection of Random Thoughts.
Earth and Mix may be headlining this drama but don't be fooled, the real stars of the show are the cows 🐮
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Who knew that picking cow names could make for the cutest opening scene ever? Korn and Win just lounging together, teasing each other and feeding each other as they work through a list of names like they're about to name their own child? FRICKIN ADORABLE.
Live calf birth was a bit of a surprise but part of me suspects Mix was in his element and is probably the reason it looks so realistic.
I also want a Katin plush doll please and thank you 🙏 (also I might not be an expert but I do embroider and, judging by the stitch Korn was using, Win was sitting giggling and watching him stitch for at least half an hour. Plan ahead next time Korn)
Not going to lie I'm a bit confused about when Win's dad died. I thought it had been a while but they're also just having his funeral so it's actually quite recent?
Damn Win went from "He's family and more useful to the farm than you" to "gtfo of my house you snake" real quick 😳
Love a good throwing clothes off the balcony at your cheating lover scene, even if the person having their clothes thrown at them is not a lover or a cheater. 10/10 on the drama queen scale.
1 year later and we still hate Korn (and everyone else?) for reasons I don't really get but sure.
NGL Win the on site bakery is a great idea and would probably help the farm's finances quite a bit. I don't know many people who'd travel to just go and see a working dairy farm for fun but if you offered them fancy cakes at the end of it....
I giggled the entire way through the cake baking scene, I couldn't take a single thing seriously I'm so sorry Korn 😂
Not a huge fan of Win constantly blowing up at Lin and his mum. I get he's stressed and angry but just no. It's just not a good vibe and watching him tower over them and drag them around as they cry...
Win may be in Lin's body now but he will remain consistent even if it kills him: Korn Must Die.
One accidental hug and Win is no longer out for blood (can't blame him we've all seen Earth's body arms). Also I think Korn knows, right? One touch and that man knows he's got an armful of dairy-fueled anger problems.
I'm a bit (a lot) confused about the inheritance issues and why Win is so apoplectically angry about everything (to the point of being genuinely awful to everyone around him) but over all a solid first episode. There's definitely a lot of chemistry between Win and Korn when Win isn't out for blood which shouldn't really be a surprise given its Mix and Earth. Really looking forward to seeing the story unfold next episode (and also maybe get some explanations) so Cupid's Last Wish continues to be a watch.
Watch It Or Drop It Challenge Masterpost
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zablife · 11 months
Lee!!!! I hope you don’t mind me dropping into your inbox to say that I finished s2 of The Bear!! 😬😬 (I figured I’d pop in here so that maybe others would want to chat too! - hope that’s fine!)
That final episode was so intense and left me wanting so much more!!! I was hanging onto every second of it and was so invested in it that I was sitting there like 😟 ‘it’s over?’ once the credits started rolling.
The whole storyline of Carmy getting stuck in the walk-in was so intriguing, and I LOVE how everything came out because of it. His conversation with Tina (and the monologue that followed) struck my heart and then his screaming match with Richie felt like it hurt me as well — also sidebar, can we talk about Richie’s growth this season???? I love what his character became so much….I just hope that Carmy didn’t throw that all away 😬👀 I honestly felt bad for Claire too .. oh Carmy and his self-sabotaging 🙃🙃
And Marcus’ phone at the end?!!!! 😩😩😩 I’m holding out hope that that’s not what they’re making us think that it is because I don’t think I can take seeing him hurt like that!!!
Oh and I’m not even going to get into the conversation between Donna and Pete outside the restaurant……I understood her side but half of me was like: go in there and cheer on your children!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
The only part I wish they would have expanded on was what was going on with Sydney at the end … like I understand why she had to rush out there and what was going on but the whole conversation with her dad was very…meh - I wish we would have seen her go back in and then continue on/see how she came out of it …… but I guess that’s why cliff-hangers are put where they are 😩😩
I’m still super invested in this show and I’m super excited to see where they’ll take it next - the restaurant’s pretty much open now…..will it show us how Carmy and Sydney work not to fuck it up?? Or will it go in another, completely different direction?? Either way I’m in for the ride!!
Sorry for the super long ask …. I just had to jump on here and share my thoughts with you because oh boy was it a rollercoaster!! I’m excited to hear your thoughts on how it all ended!! Thank you for your time, chef!!
K, tysm for sharing your thoughts!! I couldn’t agree more, S2 was so good, but I’m not ready for it to be over either 😭😭 Let’s discuss more below the cut bc *spoilers* and it gets long!
Carmy getting stuck in the walk in so Syd and Richie could seize their moment was amazing 🤩 What a lovely plot twist that perfectly embodies Carmy’s tendency to self sabotage! (I had to giggle a bit as I thought of all the times they told him to call the fucking fridge guy!! 😂😂) It was also the perfect dramatic break up scene with Claire. That voicemail 💔 However, he seems genuinely upset about it so I see him making an attempt at reconciliation at some point in the future, don’t you?
I love love Richie’s growth. How adorable is he when he returns showing off his new style like “I wear suits now!” The whole idea of him remembering the chocolate covered banana story touched me esp bc Carmy always knew he’d be good with people 🥰 And I’m so happy for Tina and Marcus as they continued their culinary journey with enthusiasm. I was afraid we’d lost Ebra tho 😢 and I was smiling so much when he returned! But I really hope all is well with Marcus’ mum. He loves her so much 🥺
Speaking of mums, as usual Donna let her own ego stand in the way of connecting with her children. She’s entertaining and played so well by Jamie Lee Curtis, but I could not despise this narcissistic character more tbh. Thank God for Pete bc he works really hard to pick up the pieces for Sugar. By contrast I actually really liked the scene between Syd and her father, when she goes from vomiting by the bins to hearing his highest praise. That made me teary eyed bc she’d been waiting so long to hear him say he believed in her dream not just being a dutiful, supportive father, but in a genuine, awe filled way.
I have no clue what to expect from a new season, but I’m all in for whatever comes next!
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ramu-ego · 2 years
mind sharing your other fandom favs then? you have me sort of curious if ego is tots ur type LMFAOA .. omg aftwr u-20 win ego was such a proud dad the face he made was honestly sort of emotional ..!!
NEVVER APOLOGIZE 4 WRITING ANOTHER FIC IDEA HEL i think with my pussy half the time and i read ANYTHINGGG as long as it’s dom!reader (can you tell i’m desperate ORR WHATT?) ngl your “pussy dragging on the keyboard” comment made my ass giggle for a full minute LMFOAO i’ll be using that as well thanks!
personally 4 me i never was really into nikko ASSS MUCHH.. but i can see the hype .. cant stop thinking how sweaty and greasy his forehead must be after those thick ass bangs though.!.!?!
WOAH our timezones r so different HELLPP.. by the time you said it was 6:40 am, it was at least night for me, polar opposites in a way sorta! godd you’re a chronic coffee drinker?? i’m more of a tea person myself but coffee does power through most things with ur day anyways, don’t overdose on it or something!! (unless u alrdy do LOL)
i’ve been doing great as ever, taking my time to relax before i’ve got to get back to that tiring education life again.. 🥲 your blogs has been a good way to pass the time though so a win win for me!! for the blue lock anime last week, episode 10 was surprisingly good considering i was scared shitless of animation budgeting and if they would butcher it, sometimes the cgi makes me giggle but hell i’m such a blue lock supporter that i just move on from all of the questionable moments with the animation!
i’m a sub watcher for all animes (which, i haven’t touched a lot of animes .. if you’re an avid anime watcher, any recs?)
for me, u-20 match was an INSANE ride for me, def my fav and i always reread it in a way, i think everything leading up to it like the 3v3 or 4v4 matches were great too, but u-20 match was hype like no other !! whiichhh brings me to my next point, i need to see more of hiori as his design was just too cute for me to pass up, just the hair and the eyes were so ?!? eye catching imo..
oh jeez and there was this one panel with this blue lock player with the most nicest hair but he just. NEVER APPEARED LMFAOO? i haven’t seen him ever since — don’t even think we got a name
ah jeez i’m SOOOO SORRY if my messages get a bit too long, I HATE JUST RESPONDING INSTEAD OF. CONTINUING A CONVERSATION (if this makes sense?) .. so i tend to ramble ^^’ don’t feel pressured to mirror the length though!! i’d be heading off to bed as i send this message in, so this is sort of my goodnight :P - 💌
-this will be a dead give a way to some of my very very old followers who've accidentally re found me after I achieved my last blog and took a long hiatus. I have very specific...qualities...to a lot of them that overlap...
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in order from top left to right; Kurono Yuichiro (Fire Force absolute love of my life and a near 1:1 character match to Ego honestly), Hanma Shuji (TokyoRev), Sir Nighteye (MHA), Asagiri Gen (Dr Stone), Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Ginoza Nobuchika (Psycho Pass) ...three out of the six are played by the same English VA so you could say I have a type 😂
To be fair my other categories for favs are literally all copy and print similar too. My "These are my babies I'm breastfeeding them and enabling them" favs are near identical copies in every anime I watch 😂 then the third less talked about group...the dreaded libra group 😒
ok but to gush a moment before forgetting the Ego during the U-20 match...that panel!!! Oh god that panel!!! Of him telling Isagi that what happened to him and his career didn't matter, that he was fine to be blacklisted from the sport he loved bc he assured all 22 of them had a career in soccer after this game, win or loose, OH GOD THAT PART. I will literally fist fight anyone at this point who wants to shit talk Ego and say he "doesn't care" bc that man was ready to throw away his livelihood for them to succeed on a world stage in the sport they love. Man's got protective dilf energy and I'm giving him a child this uterus is open for business rn
Niko is....Ok I'm blaming it on his VA actually (sorry I watch dubbed I just literally can't focus on subbed) and his English VA is a well known one but did a creepy high pitched voice with it and I mean I'm willingly fucking Ego like I'm advertising I'll kiss that weird man's ankles but Niko- Niko is just too fucking weird for me. But apparently the pussy wants to challenge that bc fuck me with a six plus page story over god damn nipples! Niko is still....too ugly for me RIP
My time zone is fucked at the butt end of everything so I am WAY use to being the last one up and last one to go to bed in every fandom I've ever been in 🤣 Learned that as a teen when literally no one was ever awake when I was RIP. But yes I'm a chronic coffee drinker I've always have been the bean it calls to me I must have it (given I don't drink enough to like NEED it or get a headache I just enjoy the taste but love tea too) Drank it thru my pregnancy and drank it breastfeeding no one's pulling the beautiful bean from my mouth. Love me a good tea though I won't deny good green, black and other teas hit different. Just no herbal shit stuff makes me wretch istg
Glad to hear I started this blog in good timing then! Ain't nothing like relaxing with some good pegging when you're trying to forget that book bullshit 💅 And honestly even though I picked up the manga right after like episode two (needed Ego I wasn't waiting lololol) I've been very happy with the animation cuz like the manga is illegally beautiful. Holy shit is the manga just so well done and the drawings are top tier throughout the entire thing (coming from tokyorev and jujutsu god I miss manga artists that don't just scribble on things like a coke addict) Questionable animation or not they keep slut drawing Ego's hands so damn fine and that man's watch I'll forgive any animation doozie long as my weird looking stick man looks fine as hell
I don't watch sub (I just can't take in the actual show and read plus I got a mad voice kink so....dubbed it is for me) But I've watch a fair share of anime. Don't really watch it for like...the sake of just watching anime (prefer western cartoons a little more) but I've watched some really good ones though. First on the list, Fire Force. I've single handedly convinced like two dozen people to watch this. It's my favorite of all time and will be tattooing the weird looking man in the collage on my body at some point bc of how much I love that series. Mob Psycho 100 is amazing as always for so many reasons and it has a bit of everything for everyone. The Case Study of Vanitas was better than it was aloud to be and I hate vampires. Dr. Stone fucking nerdy funny and entertaining. Psycho Pass is a good like murder mystery book. Sonny Boy and Space Dandy done by the same studio and will make you question your existence. Kekkaishi is old but still one of my favorites ever. And Blue Exoricst I wrote a 60+ chapter fan fic on it for a reason and its still going strong and written by a woman! Don't know about any of their sub versions but their stories and characters are so good they're worth it.
That entire block from the five round selection to the U-20 game was just- Fucking illegally good for a sports anime?? A sports anime for crying out loud?? Even the way they introduce so many new characters is so smooth and not even clunky and you genuinely take an interest in everyone even if you only see them for one game?? Hiori is cute...a little more feral than I expected when we first saw him being cute with Isagi and Nanase. But Hiori, Otoya, Karasu and Kurona haven't like wowed me yet. I'm invested but I'm still going real fucking soft on Yukimiya right now like. God. The eye thing. LET ME BABY YOU AND HAVE THAT SAD MAN. God he's gonna be so fucking pretty when he's animated I'm screaming already
Was that the panel of the dude with Gagamaru and Raichi? The one that's shown on the blue lock screen but we never have an actual manga cap of him?
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lovedgifs · 2 months
Hi there Andy, I just saw your Sato and Erika stuff and... babe, how are we hangin on? 😅 Honestly, I wasn't surprised with the outcome since Sato never seemed to be 100% over Samantha (i mean, the LOOOKS he gave her, the FACE he did when she told him the architect was going to wine and dine her, how he was at her doorstep at the same evening after breaking up with Erika) and I think they made it clear that she does also loves him back (the way she desperetly called him multiple times and even go to his place to ask about him, you can't tell me she wasn't internally screaming when Erika told her she was getting to know Sato 😂, Ishida saying she would get along well whithin that world, how she easily took Sato back and ferally sheltered him when shit went down with Hayama and backed him up untill the season finale). Dont get me wrong, I don't hate Erika, she seems ok and is doing her best as a single parent to care for her child and Sato with Daichi was soo adorable, idk, if there is a s3, if the writers decide to make Samantha not return from whatever she was going at the finale and leaves Sato (and Tokyo) for good, there's a door for Erika to be back in the picture.
hey, darling! first of all this message had me giggling like a school girl when i woke up and saw it. second of all ....... i'm not sure, sis. i was stalling finishing the show but i finally watched it the other day and i'm having mixed feelings. NOW don't get me wrong, samantha really isn't just another woman, exactly because ishida said that as well but she's 50-50 to me. i knew erika and sato won't be a thing because it was clear erika wants to have this normal, quiet life ( like misaki leaving jake lmao poor guy ). she had her doze of being with an yak. but you can't deny- YOU CAN'T DENY how adorable daichi and sato were. i'm sure if there's a third season ( crossing my fingers, drawing a praying circle and all that for it to be ), samantha will be back. that's the same as sato being stabbed at the last episode of season one and us not knowing if he's gonna return or not. i doubt erika will be in the next season though, she even severed her ties with samantha? i supposed she just really wants to stay away from everyone and everything to protect daichi. only if the architect didn't die though, this could have taken a turn but alas. 😂wishful thinking. also not gonna lie, to me the main character is sato. #totallynotbiased
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hwiyoungies · 6 months
(hi!! I was pretty busy but I’m finally on vacation and came to my home country to visit my family last week!! hope you’re doing well<3)
Fr, I feel awkward when that happens bc I never know if I should be the one switching languages or waiting for the other person to do so, but I might change between both bc atp I’m just as bad talking in both JAJAJAJA pero no me sale el video:’) I’ve tried to click it but I think the link is missing lol
Okay idk if these are the flashbacks you were referring to, but now when I was finishing skypeia arc (my favorite so far!!) I did skip the whole Nolan backstory 😂😭 I’m sorry but I really needed to see Luffy go kick that electric ass ://
There’s more we can learn about the crew’s past?? That I don’t mind JAJAJA (es que si es lindo<3 him and Iñaki are so precious) so far I only know Sanji said he’s from the North Blue👀
NO WAY??? I mean I can see it if these episodes aired during 2001 but that’s not the reason I was expecting for Pell’s miraculous survival JAJAJ
SHUT UP IM DOWN BAD FOR HIM!!!!! Skypeia Zoro is everything to me I swear, he didn’t give a sh*t for that god act and he cared so much for everyone in the crew :c oh and I’m watching it in japanese!! I don’t really like watching anime dubbed lol Y SI BIEN LINDO JAJAJAJA I need more Luffy singing moments<3
OKAY I might reach it then bc I’m on the Enies Lobby arc rn (which is so freaking cool abilities-wise bc damn todos han tenido un upgrade increíble + el plot está tenso y emocionante JAJAJ) AND HELLO?? SANJI’S LEG JUST CAUGHT FIRE?? ZORO SUMMONED A FREAKING DEMON SPIRIT?? LUFFY HAS TWO NEW ABILITIES ON HIS SLEEVES??? (metaphorically at least lol) but yeah idk how much I’ll be able to watch while I’m home BUT I really want to know how this ends JAJAJAJ (y gracias por no dar spoilers<3 veremos como nos va con el timeskip JAJAJ)
Oh no you’re totally right, if it was zombie that would be a cry for help LOL when I heard the song for the first time, although I did like it, it felt too heavy for me if I were to listen to it on my bad days:’)
have fun on vacation!! love that you were able to visit your home country too <333
(me dí cuenta q el video no estaba cuando se lo quería mostrar a una amiga y dije ay jesú la tecnología me ganó AAJJAJA) but it honestly was just dumb it was a video fo ace singing propuesta indecente to sanji and zoro being like i Will kick your ass it just had me giggling so much LMAO
those are exactly the flashbacks i'm refering to LMAO if you thought nolan's was bad...... i am so sorry they're gonna get worse LDSGKHL much love to those characters tho nolan's story was very fun i just did not care. and yeah there's more you're gonna learn about the crew, sanji being from the north blue is a huge huge hint tbh i honestly can't wait for you to get there
skypiea zoro truly is top tier 10/10 can you believe there's people that say you can skip thsi arc like are you stupid. and nice i can't watch things dubbed either unless they're things i watched dubbed as a kid LMAO otherwise i'm like what the Hell is going on man
ennies lobby is SO GOOOOOOOD they all go insane like we can see how much they've grown and just everything about that arc is so good, i'm usually not a big fan of the fights because they uuuuh pq las prolongan mucho AJJAAJ (se me olvidó el inglés) but the fights in ennies lobby? amazing 10/10 kaku i don't care that you're a bad guy i love you please be good man
AJAJAJAJ AMOOOOOO next time i'm about and about with my friends i will most likely get it as well because who am i kidding i don't have any self control LMAO
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animesllut666 · 3 years
Title: Who would actually like watching Real Housewives shows with you.
Warnings: Gossip, spoilers for RHW, nothing else, but let me know if there is
Characters: Oikawa Toru, (THE MAN) Nanami. Bokuto, Noya, Tanaka.
Anime Shows: Haikyuu and Jujutsu Kaisen.
A/N: Hello! Hope everyone is having a great day, this is part two of this first one . Hope everyone enjoys! Feed back is always appreciated! Also have no idea how to add the "read more" button, I type on my phone. So if someone could tell me how that be awesome
Oikawa Tooru:
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I just KNOW for a FACT
He loves real housewives (NY, ATLANTA, NJ, POTOMAC, BEVERLY HILLS), KUWK
Use to watch Flavor Flava finds love, Rock of Love, New York finds love
Basically anything and everything that has drama, and gossip
Never told anyone before, it's something to do for relaxing
At least when he does relax 🙃😮‍💨
Besides Iwa, he found out once, came over to his place
Unannounced, there was Oikawa, curled up on the couch, popcorn in hand and soda
Alien PJ (use to glow in the dark)
But that's for another time, after that with Iwa and begging him to delete the photos
He kept it secret for years
he gets hit dead center in the face by Issei
"Babe! Are you okay?!" You hollered discarding your phone, the volume still high
Bending down over Oikawa, his face beet red, nose starting to bleed
"You watch Real Housewives of Potomac?" He asked, sitting up real quick, (ya nearly bumped heads)
"y-yeah, I know it's just all gossip and can be scrip-"
"Marry me."
Iwa ends up coming over an dragging him away to take him the infirmary office
Finally comes back and walks you home
"So... Potomac?" He questioned, after he came back it was kind of awkward, since he did ask you to marry him
Most serious you've ever seen him
"Yeah, I also watch re-runs of Girl Code," you shyly spoke, you got picked on sometimes from others (family as well) whenever you'd bring up these shows . So the fact that your BF
This King amongst Volleyball, fucking knows about these shows
Just made you love him and fall for him even more
"Have you seen the episode where they were at the wine tasting, and Monique and Candace were fighting."
"AND CANDACE WAS WAVING THE BROKEN GLASS IN HER FACE!" You hollered in joy, balling up your fists and bring them to your chest in excitement
The whole way to your place, you guys talked about and suggested new shows
And he came over the next day to binge, Flava Flav finds love.
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This man
Adult of ADULTS
I see him, as someone that will try and understand his significant others interests
You like to knit or crochet?
He buys books, and watches videos on it, suggests designs or even just goes out to get equipment.
You like puzzles?
Will HELP and even go out and buy a frame and glue to frame it. (something I did with my sister and her puzzles, just a suggestion y'all cheap decor)
So when he gets home from (surprisingly 😲) working overtime
Hears "The only thing fake about me, is THIS!" coming from the living room
And your giggles
He cooly walks in, right at the moment that Aviva FUCKING SLAMS HER LEG ON THE FUCKING TABLE
And he just standing there🧍🏼
😕🤔 😲 😂
Legit his reaction
You got scared shitless
Legit jumped, cuz sure you've heard him chuckle 🤭 or a cute little giggle one time
But this LAUGH
Almost a fuckin giggle
I see this man, as very serious, and very well put together, gets shit done and doesn't deal with nothing
So the fact that he has the cutest most angelic but surprisedly off the wall laugh
Threw you for a loop
"Wh.. what are you watching dear? *Clears throat* Is that her leg? Who is she? Is there more of this series? Can you rewind that, please " Nanami asked, taking a seat next too you on the couch.
"It's real housewives of New York, and that's Aviva she ... Clearly has a prosthetic leg, and-"
You end up having to re start the whole series from the beginning
Got to see Bethany and Jill falling out, Kelly and Bethany having a feud.
He gets addicted
Like... Will Google information about them, finds out when they will coming out with another season
Starts to discover NeNe from Atlanta, along with Porsha, Kandi
Gets into 90 Day fiance
All the spin offs of that
Even the Chantel family (never watched it though for myself, but I saw it)
90 day : The other way, 90 day: Happily Ever After?
When he watched the one with Ed an Rose 😅
Thought he was a PIG
"I'd rather her date Gojo, then this pig, at least I know Gojo wouldn't care about leg hair and not bring up her breath without getting to know what's going on. Let alone mention it in front of everyone?"
"... He also lied about his height, and his intentions."
"God, if only I could jump through this TV."
Ya man
But in short
Nanami wouldn't mind it, I feel like he would get addicted
All rights reserved to animesllut666
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akookminsupporter · 3 years
For me, there will ALWAYS be something about KM and 5th Muster. Always. There was something in the air and it’s like watching the most swoony thing in the world - everything from the looks (the looks JK give JM are frankly heart stopping), the multiple touches, the giggles, the way they gravitate towards one another, the looking to each other for reassurance... the compliments. All of it is just pure love and I think, for me, that moment in time was special
Which episode anon? Busan, Seoul or Japan? Although they all had their fair share of jikookery😂
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kdramacrybaby · 3 years
Legend of Fei (2020)
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Genre: Wuxia, Historical, Fantasy, Romance
Synopsis: Zhou Fei is a young heroine who lives in a secluded society in the mountains. Everything changes, however, when an outsider sneaks into their village to deliver a message. Zhou Fei’s father is forced to leave, leaving her behind, despite her every attempt to follow. Later, when Zhou Fei is finally allowed to leave to go on a mission, she meets the thief again. His name is Xie Yun, and he is a traveler with a hidden past. The two are thrown into the middle of the political unrest that is spreading through the country, and they have to work together to save themselves and the people they meet.
Episode info: 51 episodes / Runtime around 40 minutes
Lead cast: Zhao Liying (Zhou Fei), Wang Yibo (Xie Yun), Chen Ruoxuan (Li Sheng), Zhou Jieqiong (Li Yan), Zhang Huiwen (Wu Chuchu), Zhang Xinyu (Yang Jin)
Link to watch: I watched on Viki
Drama rec masterlist | Drama rant thread (beware of spoilers)
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Look, I know the synopsis isn’t that good, but you try writing one after watching this drama! There is so much happening all the time, it’s almost impossible to condense it without spoiling or missing the point entirely. I had the same problems with The Untamed, so I’m seeing a pattern with this style of drama 😂
I'm gonna talk about the things that I liked first because I really did like this drama! And the main reason why I like this drama so much is the characters. I love seeing them interact together, learn and grow together as they travel around and face their fears. It really is a drama about finding your true self and learning about your identity as a person, but also how to find the strength in having people around you who support and love you.
Also, seeing a strong female lead who don't need no man to show her how to fight? Sign me UP! The way they made it so that the male lead is the more "fragile" one, while the female lead is the one who kicks ass and puts names on gravestones is fantastic, and they do it so naturally as well.
And as it was with The Untamed, the world-building is insane. Now, I haven't read the novel this is supposed to be based on, but I can imagine they did an amazing job of bringing it to life.
Now, for the things I... I don't want to say that I didn't like them, but it's more that it's not really my style. (And I just want to say first that, with my limited knowledge of this type of drama, I think the things I'm going to mention are actually pretty common aspects of this style of drama, so I'm not saying it's bad or anything like that - again, it's just not really my style.)
The blatant disregard of physics and logic really just brings me out of the story. The way they fly around, sliding and spinning like gravity is not a thing, makes me giggle even if the scene was not supposed to be funny. That being said though, I really want to applaud the actors for actually pulling those stunts off while still looking graceful. I appreciate the hard work they had to go through being strapped into harnesses and still having to look natural.
There is a lot of standing around and just talking, explaining plot that could otherwise have been shown. There is so much happening all the time, and I had a hard time keeping up. It is cool that, despite being a martial arts drama, they battle with wits and words as much as they fight with swords. I just happened to not really understand a lot of what was happening sometimes, which made it hard to keep my attention.
I just think it is too long. Shorten it down to half the time, keep the central plot points and focus more on the important parts, and I think this could have been an easy five stars.
I really couldn't decide about giving this three or four stars, because there were a lot of times that I just stopped paying attention without meaning to because I couldn't follow or just... got a little bored?, but also, this really has every ingredient that should make it a drama I love, and I really do like it but... yeah, idk, I might go back and change the rating someday.
Also, I just found out that there is a movie, so I’m probably gonna give that a shot sometime and see if it is indeed better in shorter form like I think it is. (Okay yeah no, I barely got 30 minutes into it before I had to give up. Way darker than the drama, and I had no idea what was going on even though I actually just watched it. So yeah... a middle ground maybe 😂)
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cyronite · 3 years
Thought Dump For the Loki Series ep 1:
Firstly just want to say I love the dialogue in this show so far. Honestly it’s so great and made the episode very enjoyable.
In general I found this episode to be enjoyable.
I’m sad to see the Asgardian leather go but I appreciate the shirtless Loki 👀
Also Loki x tesseract. Let him have his tesseract 😌💅
I love miss minute. The little animation is cute lol
The panic he has looking for his ticket stuck out for me lol like obviously he doesn’t want to turn out like the last guy, but damn I can’t remember I time we’ve seen Loki like that.
Bruh Loki would literally burn that place to the ground and Agent Mobius knows that 💀 like buddy stop tempting him. I know work sucks but damn
LOKI WAS DB COOPER BECAUSE OF A FUCKING DARE??? Aksjkaka that’s what he said right?? Either way DB COOPER
Also Loki winking 🥰🥰🥰
“You’re just a little pussycat.” Loki is a cat confirmed 👏
That speech about Loki’s purpose. God that hurt and is literally everything that Loki did not want to be.
Honestly Agent Mobius was a better therapist then Bucky’s ever was. (I said what I said)
Of course he escaped lmao. Agent Mobius should have known better.
Also the fish scene with the desk guy 😂😂 the fact he doesn’t know what a fish is made em giggle honestly. probably my favourite interaction in the whole ep tbh.
Loki realizing how much power the Time Variance Authority has 💀 that is not a good sign tbh. I dunno where they’re gonna go with that but like 💀💀💀
Seeing Loki’s pain over his mother’s death and watching his other self’s life.
Loki crying 😭😭
The smile and small laugh we get when he sees Thor in the file player thing. 🥺
That brief change of sadness to anger that we see from him. Like damnnn
Loki messing around with and the Time Variance Authority Lady (I think she’s called a hunter?? I dunno tbh I tried finding her name but couldn’t) 💀 Loki stop pls she’s just trying to do her job and you’re not helping your case at all.
Also I hope we get to see more of her!!! I love her tbh I like her vibe and her interactions with Loki were fun!! I think she would be an interesting character to see develop through out the show. She seems cool and if we don’t get more of her I think I’ll end up really disappointed 🥲
Loki hunting down himself is not exactly where I saw this going. But I had a feeling he had done something/involved in a unique way earlier because of the church scene. The way that agent mobius described the scene and dead guys hinted toward it being done by Loki.
Also I feel like choices may be an important them because they seemed to focus on it a bit in the discussion between Loki and Agent Mobius. Maybe Loki will have to make a huge choice at some point?? I dunno I dunno
All in all nice first episode, 8/10, could have saved the leather, but a good episode none the less.
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