#everytime i look at her i dont think i deserve hee
xxlelaxx · 11 months
I feel like the worst mom ever and I've only been at this for a day.
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leesungjongg · 7 years
This is long and it goes from Negative to Positive, and then to Negative... and then to Positive. I guess you’ll see if you decide to read it. Also it’s very long. warning. Also it’s disorganized and i don’t have time to spam the drama for now but i will later just a warning ok also spoilers and this is just my opinion you don’t have to agree with it. here it is:
warning: rape mention. there was an attempted rape in the drama itself and i talk a little bit about it near the end of the review. just so u know
It was an okay drama. I probably wouldn’t watch it again though, because there were a lot of things that I still had questions about and although the ending was nice, it was not that great, in my opinion. When I was reading the captions/subtitles when Jiho was talking (whether it was the background voice or just her speaking), half the time I ended up not even understanding anything she was saying and I started zoning out .-. Of course, there were cute scenes and scenes that made me smile. There were also scenes where it hurt my heart and I teared up at (like when Sooji’s mom told her that her legs were holding Sooji back from being with her boyfriend LIKE THAT SCENE UGH. MY HEART.) Cute scenes where Jiho was smiling and everything made me really happy :’))))) honestly idek why she decided to terminate the contract bc she twisted and turned with her words so much that i got lost and i was like man, i need a new GPS system. Anyways. The characters were great! The plot? the storyline...???? idk. the scenes also cut off weirdly. everything about this drama is weird. even the whole contract that Sehee and Jiho made to live together/get married and have like nothing else... that was weird. I told my friend and she was like “marriages are more like contracts of loyalty rather than contracts of businesses” and although it wasn’t a business... it wasn’t... i guess it was for loyalty? man idek what im talking about. it was weird that’s all i have to say. what really tugged my heartstrings was when Jiho came back and Sehee was like “no ur just a dream, this is so cruel. but i love this dream, please never leave” aND LIKE JIHO SAW HIM CRY LIKE BRUHHHHHH SAME HERE MAN I WAS LIKE UGHFHFHHHHH JIHO!!!!! my love :( seriously... Jiho... idk who plays Jiho but i remembered her from D Day and in this drama she looks so beautiful. ok here comes the positives im so excited. the lighting... especially the lighting when it came onto Jiho’s eyes (or anyone’s really) WAS SO. PRETTY. WTFFFFFFF honestly she’s so beautiful. I loved her hairstyle, I want to draw her. I suck at drawing but literally @Jiho ur my muse now. i loved the hair and makeup and the lighting so soooo much in the drama. I loved Jiho’s pink coat at the end of the drama, and I surprisingly liked her wedding gown at the beginning of the drama when they first got married. I love Jiho’s shy smiles, she looked like an actually bunny!!! I love everything about her! ok maybe im talking about the actress more than the character BUT STILL. she’s so pretty ;(( Sehee’s pretty cool. Everytime he made a facial expression, I found it hilarious bc he was always keeping the same face in every episode. Idk how he did it. but he’s amazing. i loved when CEO Ma came up behind him and was about to surprise him but then he said Jungmin? AND SEHEE LITERALLY SCREAMED AND ALMOST KILLED CEO MA ok maybe not that far but he almost whacked him in the face lol. the way he got surprised made me laugh. throughout most of the drama though, he had red eyes and from my experience, everytime i’ve had red eyes is when i havent slept enough... i hope the actor who plays him gets a lot more sleep :( CEO Ma. I love him so much. One of my favorite characters. He was so pure honestly and he deserved everything. I’m glad he was there for Sooji, and everything he did for her. It was weird because Sooji didnt want him to intrude on her life but he did it anyway, and in such a romantic way too? I thought he’d be somewhat annoying about it but he was sincere and such a gentleman. Love u CEO Ma. Please continue on your being nice path. Sooji. Very harsh, difficult... she scared me at times. But I loved how badass she was. i would probably be afraid to approach her but i would love to have her as a friend. she’s tough, but sometimes i think she needs a break from life ;( glad she started her own business and quit her job (even though i would’ve loved to see her quit sooner and have a flourishing business) Wonseok.... and Horang :(((((((((((( SERIOUSLY RELATIONSHIP GOALS. Despite the arguing THEY WERE SO CUTE TOGETHER. I loved them so much. It was so weird when they broke up and it felt so wrong, but they got back together in the end... it was weird. like i said, this whole drama is weird. BUT MINSEOK PLAYED IN THIS AHHHH GOOD JOB MINSEOK!!!! Horang is literally gorgeous. so so beautiful, and her smile BLINDS you, god. she’s so pretty. Overall, this drama was okay. ALSO OMG I FORGOT TO MENTION Bok Nam. he’s kinda cute. i wished Lee Hyunwoo played him. he’s adorable in my eyes. Bok Nam was really fishy at the start with him knowing everything SO I WAS SO SURPRISED WHEN HE WASNT THE KIDNAPPER WTF? dude u played that part so well, good JOB. i fell for it. we all fell for it. anyways, at the beginning the drama, Jiho was in a group where she was the assistant writer and honestly i didnt understand anything that she went through with her writing and stuff, all i know is that 1) she wasnt enjoying her position because the other writer kept crossing everything out on her story and making it her own, 2) the guy who had flirted with her for three years and got a FRICKING GIRLFRIEND ended up almost raping her while he was drunk like you deserve to eat dirt. good bye. glad Se hee kicked his ass at the end of the drama (which also made me angry because WOW. it took THIS long for him to come and apologize AND THAT HE SAID HE DIDNT MEAN TO?? WHAT?!!?! son u had every intention of doing that to her that night dont u even dare cover it up with any bs excuse, ur poop now) and to bring back the third point, 3) the writing team tried to get Jiho back WITH HER FRICKING RAPIST AND SHE DECLINED I WAS LIKE YES DONT DO THIS TO YOURSELF YOU DESERVE BETTER IM SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!! overall. it was an okay drama. didn’t like the almost rape part. didnt like how the scenes were cut weirdly. didnt like how the contract was made and how jiho explained her way of things (even towards the end, her mom was like “i dont understand you” or smth and i was like omfg same thank goodness im not the only one), and didnt like how jiho explained the divorce. but the scenes where you could see sehee and jiho get closer together (the kimchi and the ocean and the looking forward to seeing your husband on the bus, waiting for you, saving a seat for you like son....... that’s so cuTEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! ALSO WOOSEOK AND HORANGS RELATIONSHIP. minus the bickering and the fact that Horang tried to change Wooseok.. being together 7 years and being happy for that long is amazing. i loved when wooseok called Horang Rang. it was so pretty. i love sooji’s and CEO MA OMG HE’S SO GREAT. I WOULD GIVE HIM EVERYTHING. So glad he was there for sooji. the characters and their relationships together were so great, i really liked it a lot. but the plot was just ahhh.... it could’ve been better. that’s all. i give it a 6.8/10. maybe a 7, but not quite a 7. thank u for reading. hope this mess makes sense :/
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mariearmany · 5 years
Dear Best Friend, I have no ither suitable place to write this but here.. I love you deeper than I ever thought I would love you. Please don't get me wrong.. this is a message to let go, get over with whatever that's holding me back or filling me with frustration, anger, jealousy, overprotection over you or anyone who is close that much to me, Dear Best friend.. I have to let go of so much anger.. so please hear me out though you are not ever gonna read or hear this out but that's the only way out I have.. I know you well, I know you by heart. I know how your eyes sparkle, the steps you take, the words you say the way your tone changes and the way your attitude shifts. I know your vibe too well, I know you by heart. I know when you look at someone fondly and who are the ones that could take your heart away and I see it clearly. You are lovely in all and any case and God! how admirable you are! When you laugh, when you hug when your energy shifta to love.. I see you are getting to change into that energy now :") I see how interesting you are getting and just obviously you never knew how to keep things balanced.. Please don't that wrong.. It is not that I am in love, I am not there and It is not that story of that girl who falls for her best friend now. It is that I can't afford you stepping backward, any disappearences, any losing of your precious heart or of that heart being taken away. I know how fondly you love, how amazing you fall head to toe! And God how I wish you fall for someone that could just see the amazing and perfect heart they fall for! You deserve that, you deserve this perfectly and well! I honestly, wholeheartdly wish that for you, who wouldnt love to see their best friend in love and happy enough especially someone who is like you? That could actually give you what you deserve without any pain! And thats the thing, whenever you go into something you go with full loving heart.. and by that.. you are always taken away, I would never stop, damage, hurt, turn into any evil person to that but it simply hurts to see your best friend taken away :") You never do the balance.. And I always see the differences :") i notice every single detail, the undertones, the hints, the specific phrases you use to turn events around, your jokes, what you do and what you don't.. everything. I see you there talking, sitying or standing with her and even before with others and I can see how excited you are or how talktive you turn! It makes me happy that i know such things abt you, it makes me happy that you are happy but it breaks my heart how you never turn to be happy. How you dont work it balanced enough between your loved ones that when you more into someone you forget the others, your people. So, the bottom line, I hope you never get hurt, I hope you get to be happy about that, i hope you fall in love happily and joyously! I hope they deserve it, I hope they know how valuable too valuable you are, I wholeheartly wish it. I just hope it doesnt cost me you :") and if it will.. I hope the cost is your happiness and your eternal happiness than i dont mind letting you go.. just to see my best friend happy :") I might be jumping into conclusions, i might be taking things too far but I have to talk it out.. At first.. you reminded me of the moat precious person I have ever had in my life and how in the end they've hurt me in boldly and without any sense of hunanity. You remind me of hai spirit, his aura and how preciously i loved him. Yet.. you remain different, you remain to be the one who gave me unconditional love, the one who I could get close to, get through their walls and be there for them and show you how much I love you, I couldnt do that with him thought how hardly I tried how deeeaaarlyyy I always gave my heart to them I always got it thrown away in pieces. I always wished that he would love me the way he loves his othee best friends :") When I met you I simply knew youe aura, I dealt with you like I know you since forever. But you.. you are different, how you love is 100 times more tender you understand you deal your way of thinking.. you loved me :") ! And knew since day one you will be important to me and here we go :") I hope you get it fully now :") I wish happiness for you, you are my best friend, dearest best friend ever, but the fear of seeing you away eats me alive! So please, be happy, love...balance it out too? :") It hurts.. but it is okay I know it is simply my insecurities and my own problems, so I will never trouble you with them dear :") just be :") I..love.. you.. more.. than.. anything.. else.. I hate the feeling that you wont be my special person, my dear best friend, that i might lose yoir warm hig or iist wint be watm anymore like an abandonned home a home that I didnt belong to anymore, just a house.. i hate the mixture of feelings, how you nevee sttay away ftom my head, how I star all your messages, how I reread them all everytime I am down, how I look for you to assure myself i am not losing you It is like you will slip awau ftom my gands like water thats smth I cant hold.. it will jist run away from my hand and... pew.. gone.. ! I hate how when I see u with hee it hurts me because i know u never choose to stay with and sit with people unless they are special or close ones and you do that eveeyday, it terrifies me! I hate how I love you.. Dear best friend, i hope you understand.. I am sorry for being this complicated, emotional friend of yours.. I am truly sorry..
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