#he keeps telling me that i was amazing and that he will never tolerate anyone ever making slight jabs at women being the “weaker” gender
xxlelaxx · 11 months
I feel like the worst mom ever and I've only been at this for a day.
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diamondocean001 · 7 months
JJK men headcanons
(This is going to be my view on the characters and how they'd act around you)
Satoru Gojo
We all know that Gojo switches attitudes in the blink of an eye. I feel like he'd do this in a relationship.
In public, he'll tease you. Maybe joke about something you said. A miss spoken word.
However, when your in private, if he hears you say one bad thing about yourself, he'll get all serious. Whether that's about your looks, intelligence, personality, whaterver it is, if Gojo senses your talking bad about yourself, he'll sit you down and tell you everything he loves about you.
When he gets home after a long day at work, he will drag you onto the sofa or bed and lay on you, resting his head on your chest.
He loves head massages. Like, just feeling your fingers running through his hair and over his head is heaven to him.
He buys you expensive gifts to show his love.
"What did you just say?"
A cold chill ran down your spine at the sound of Satoru's voice behind you.
"I-I didn't say anything..."
"Bullshit," he seethed "you said the dress made you look fat."
You couldn't meet his eyes, too ashamed of yourself to face him. He wrapped hos arms around you and pulled you to sit on his lap, caressing your hair.
"Baby, that's not true. You could never look fat. You don't look fat. At all. You're amazing. Everything about you. That's how you got me so tightly wrapped around your finger."
His voice was soft, soothing. So calming you couldn't help but lean further into his touch.
Kento Nanami
This man has a list of brutal insults to use against anyone who is rude to you.
He definitely sings in the shower and you can't convince me otherwise
When you found out he tried to hide his embarrassment but the blush on his face was way to noticable.
If you come home tired or just not in the mood to cook he'll either order something or immediately go to the kitchen to cook for you
He wears the pink apron you brought for him as a joke.
You are his biggest priority. The man will drop everything to gelp you with no hesitation.
He shows his love through his actions.
A sight you didn't expect to see was your six foot tall boyfriend striding around the kitchen in a baby pink apron. You'd brought it for him a week ago and never expected him to actually wear it.
"Kento," the laugher was in your voice, straining to be released.
You couldn't keep it in anymore when he looked over at you, a serious expression on his face.
He smiled when he saw you laugh. It was a sound he missed when you weren't around
Toji Fushiguro
This man shows mercy when it comes to your height.
This mountain of a man will make fun of you for being shorter than him even if it's only an inch.
But he will take ZERO toleration for other people making fun of you.
When he's had a hard day he will embrace you in his arms until he's bored of it (which is never)
He'd show his love through physical touch.
"Don't you dare move." He grumbled into your neck.
"I have things to do, Toji." You whine.
"Unless your life is in danger, which it isn't, I don't want you to move. At all."
You sigh, knowing your going to be stick in Toji's embrace for hours. I suposse it isn't too bad though.
Suguru Gego
No mercy to anyone who insults you. None.
When you feel insecure, he'll hold you and kiss every part he loves about you (all of you)
He'd keep you out of battles, deliberately arranging them on days you won't be there.
His favorite days are Sunday movie nights with you.
He displays everything you buy him as if it where priceless because it is priceless to him.
His love language is physical touch
"Haven't we seen this already?"
"I fell asleep during it."
Suguru laughed at your reply. "Yes, that seems about right."
"I wouldn't have if you weren't so dam warm."
"Oh, so I'm at fault?"
Ryomen Sukuna
Someone insults you? They die. No excuses.
He'd also be a gentleman though (only to you)
If you're having a hard week, he'll come to your door with a bouquet of flowers.
He'd also invite himself in, order your favorite food (he wouldn't lower himself to the point of cooking) and absorb you in his arms until he senses you feel better.
He'd call you things like "my queen"
He shows his love through actions
No matter how may times you blinked, this didn't seem any more believable. The king of curses was standing at your door with a bouquet of your favorite flowers.
"Sukuna..." you where definitely sceptical.
"What? Am I not allowed to treat my queen?"
"Not when you act suspicions doing so."
He walked passed you into your house. He gave up asking for permission ages ago.
"Get your ass here so I can cuddle the miserh out of you."
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raysrays · 2 months
Fatal Attraction Chapter Two (NSFW)
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18+ MDNI‼��
CW for the entire story: Breeding, Size Difference,Size Kink, Jealousy, Scent Marking, Age Difference, Vaginal Sex, Possessive Behavior, Angst, Twisted, Creampie, Angry Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Hair-pulling, Biting, Master/Pet, Light Dom/sub, Violence, Knotting.
Content disclaimer: This story is inspired by the amazing artist @PammyJammy117 on Twitter/X. I in absolutely no way own or claim the idea of the “Cryptid Rengoku” character. Please give credit to the original artist who inspired the story.
Chapter One
He let me go. I can’t believe what just happened as I stumble back to the small, secluded residence where Tamayo has been housing us. My ankle hurts, but not as badly as before. The pain lingers, though it's less intense after resting and talking with that monster.
I'm in shock and disbelief. Out of all the people who have been searching for these mythical monsters for years, I had the misfortune of encountering one—and a dangerous one at that.
I think back to that haunting smile, those sharp teeth, and the glow of his red eyes. However, Tamayo's rambling might have saved me in a way. I never looked Kyojuro Rengoku directly in the eyes, which means he couldn’t sway my emotions.
If I remember correctly, the Hashira—or more specifically, these cryptid creatures—have the ability to influence a person’s control once you look into their eyes. This could be a means of protection or a manipulation tactic. I didn’t care what Kyojuro Rengoku’s intent was. Once I realized the situation I was in, I kept my gaze low.
He seemed not to notice, or at least he never mentioned it.
My mind is racing, and there's a nauseous feeling in my stomach. The full realization of the situation crashes down on me all at once: I encountered one of the nine most dangerous monsters our group has been researching. And I can’t breathe a word about it to any of them, especially not Tamayo.
The guilt didn’t set in until I finally made it back to the small house. I could see Tamayo, Yushiro, and some of the others talking in a group through the window.
There they were, discussing theories and ideas, while I stood outside with a twisted ankle, no flower, and a huge secret I had to keep from them.
In that moment, it felt like the world was working against me. I didn’t even believe in any of these ridiculous creatures, and now I’m stuck returning to see one every other day.
And return I did. Once my ankle healed, I kept my promise to him, bringing offerings of different foods and teas. I tried bringing blankets and fabric once, but he didn’t seem to enjoy those.
Even though sneaking around at night to see him was difficult, I made it work. Our dynamic was confusing, but I tolerated it. The first few times I visited, we sat and ate together. He would ask me questions about myself and my life, which I usually answered briefly. I didn’t want a terrifying monster knowing everything about me. Recognizing my face was bad enough.
When I tried to ask him questions, he would either change the subject or ignore me completely. If anyone else behaved like this, I’d probably tell them off. But when you’re dealing with an eight-foot-tall cryptid with teeth sharper than any blade, I let it slide.
Today, on my way to see him, I felt different. I’ve been visiting him for around two weeks now and never felt us getting closer, but I’ve started getting used to his company. As I continued to see him more, his appearance began to grow on me.
The blonde fur, the sharp teeth, and the red glow emanating from his eyes became something familiar, something I expected. Over time, these once terrifying traits started to become... not so bad.
"Why do you look like that?" His booming voice jolted me back to reality.
"I'm sorry, I was just thinking."
"It seemed like you were staring... Haven't you gotten used to me yet?" He flashed a smile so terrifying yet charming it sent shivers down my spine.
"No, it's not that. I was just trying to decide what food to bring next time."
"I really enjoyed the sweet potato dish. Bring it again." His ears perked up almost like a dog's. It was kind of cute.
"I've brought that one too often. You should try other dishes. Besides, I won't be able to come see you for a few days, so you'll have some time to think it over."
I waited for a response, but there was none. Slowly, I looked up at him. His face was scary, his sharp smile replaced by a terrifying scowl. His ears flattened.
"That's not what we agreed upon, Y/N. Why won't you be able to come see me?" he growled.
I struggled to find the words. Tamayo had informed the group that we'd be moving locations for a few days to cover new ground. I thought he'd understand. I never assumed he'd be upset by my absence.
"My group has to move locations for our search for a while. It shouldn’t take too long. I’ll return soon. It will only be a couple of days."
He got up and moved closer, and I felt every part of my body tense as he approached.
"Where exactly will you be going?" His face was so close to mine now. I felt like my heart was going to burst out of my chest.
"North… we’re going north."
I didn't have to look at his face to feel the intense glare he was giving me.
"You can’t go. You won’t," he snarled, pulling away.
"I don’t have a choice—"
"I don’t care. You aren’t going."
I didn’t understand. Is it just for the food? Why would this terrifying legend of a monster care if I came to see him or not?
"Why is it a problem? Why can’t I go?" I somehow managed to push the words out.
He was quiet, then I suddenly felt something around my wrist. I looked down to see his tail tightly wrapped around me, pulling me closer. That’s when I felt his sharp-clawed hand lifting my chin.
I instinctively shut my eyes.
"Look at me, Y/N." That usually happy tone had vanished from his voice, replaced with a voice as cold as ice.
Every bone in my body wanted to comply with his demands, but Tamayo's warning lingered in my mind.
"I can’t.”
"Look at me," he repeated.
I couldn’t resist. I knew Cryptids could influence humans, but I didn’t realize how much.
Slowly, I felt my eyes open, adjusting to the sight in front of me.
My mouth fell slightly open. I’d never seen such deep red glowing eyes before. That smile I’d grown accustomed to was completely gone.
I was scared, but why was I so… attracted to him?
"You will not go, Y/N. I'm sure you can come up with some excuse for this Tamayo woman you speak of so much," he spat.
I wanted to protest, to argue, but I just couldn't.
"Okay, I'll talk to her."
With that, he let me go, his tail slowly unwrapping from my wrist. His smile returned.
"Very good! You'll return to me tomorrow. I want the sweet potato dish once more!"
I could practically hear my own heartbeat—what a one-eighty.
As I walked back to the safe house, I planned what I would say to Tamayo, what excuse I would give for not going with the group.
Yushiro was definitely going to give me a hard time about it. But this whole situation sucks. I don’t want Tamayo to kick me out of the only place I have to call home, but on the other hand, I risk getting killed by one of the scariest creatures known to man.
"Where have you been?"
I glanced up to see Yushiro and some of the others packing for the journey.
"I just stepped out to get some fresh air."
"Seems like you've been stepping out a lot lately," Yushiro muttered, rolling his eyes.
I had no idea why he was so hard on me. His attitude had only worsened the longer I stayed.
Ignoring him, I walked away. I don't answer to Yushiro. I answer to Tamayo, and that's who I needed to talk to.
My hand felt heavy as I knocked on the door to her office.
"Come in."
I opened the door slowly.
She was nearly hidden behind a giant stack of papers and books. As I approached, she stood and walked around to meet me.
"Y/N, what is it?"
I couldn’t believe how intimidating this small woman was.
"Tamayo... I can't go with you and the rest of the group up north."
She looked at me blankly for a moment. "Why's that?"
"Because I'm afraid I might be coming down with a cold... or something..." I hadn't really thought of a convincing excuse.
"You look fine to me. You're going," she said coldly.
"I want to, I really do. It's just that I don't feel well, and I'm afraid I'll hold everyone back."
She scrutinized me. I knew she could tell something was off, but she was making this difficult on purpose.
"Y/N, I've asked you to look for the same flower for weeks now and you've brought me nothing. Now I'm asking you to join the group on our search up north and you're telling me no?"
When she said it out loud, it sounded ridiculous.
"You will go with us, Y/N, or you can't continue to stay here. The choice is yours."
So, my options were to face this 4'11" intimidating woman or an 8-foot-tall cryptid monster.
I'll take my chances with Rengoku.
After all, Tamayo controlled whether or not I had a place to sleep at night. I'm sure he wouldn't be too angry with me as long as I brought him more food.
"Suddenly I feel a lot better. I'll be ready to go in the morning," I said, forcing a small smile.
"That's what I figured." She retreated back behind her desk.
Something inside me felt off, my body a little uneasy. Yeah, he's going to be upset, but he'll forgive me. Right?
I walked up into my small room to get things ready, but I started to feel a little strange. My body felt odd, as if I was doing something wrong.
Climbing into the covers I think about everything, this whole situation that I’ve gotten myself into, with Tamayo, with Rengoku, all of it. I just don’t understand why it had to happen to me.
I never wanted any of this.
I was feeling confident until this morning. As I was helping Yushiro get things ready for the set out, my body kept feeling weird.
It’s like I kept having this odd sense of I’m doing something wrong. Like I’m in danger. I kept trying to shake it off but, it doesn’t go away.
Things only got worse once we hit the road. Tamayo may have thought I was lying earlier about being sick, because I was. But now, my whole body feels awful.
But it’s just a few days. I can push through. I’ll come home, make Rengoku a large dish of the sweet potatoes he loves, and all will be forgiven with a little ass-kissing.
“Y/N, are you ready?”
I look over and see Yushiro and the others staring at me.
“Yeah, sorry. Let’s go.” I push the sick feeling down and start to move.
I can’t help but think about why Rengoku didn’t want me to go up north. I know the territory mark ends, but really that shouldn’t mean anything. It’s not like I’m staying up there permanently.
As I walked with the group, I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I felt like something was staring at me. It only felt more intense the closer and closer we got to the border that separated our usual territory from the north.
Once we started to step over that line, I glanced over my shoulder one last time. I practically felt my heart stop as I noticed two shining red eyes glaring at me in the distance.
He saw me, and he looked furious. I made the wrong call.
To say that the trip up north was a waste of time would be an understatement—at least in Yushiro's words.
We searched around but found very little. To be honest, I was more paranoid about what we couldn't see. Knowing about the Hashira's existence has made me overly wary of wandering around.
While we were camping out, I read that we were in the territory of Sanemi Shinazugawa. His description was just as horrifying as Rengoku’s.
But what truly scared me was how violent this monster was compared to Rengoku. I knew these monsters were fierce, but the tales of Shinazugawa were extreme.
I felt so guilty keeping this secret. My group had no idea how much danger we’d be in if we ran into him. And it would be all my fault.
Honestly, if Sanemi Shinazugawa wanted to find and kill me, I wouldn't complain too much after the way Rengoku looked at me on my way out. I figured I was painfully dead either way.
I could feel my steps getting heavier as we walked back towards the safe house. It’s not like I wanted to stay in a monster-infested forest, but I definitely didn’t want to be there with Rengoku.
I’ve looked through books and journals of Tamayo’s and still can’t find much about him. Everything I found was positive. He was a kind, protective cryptid who watched over the main village in this area until humans deemed monsters too dangerous to trust.
There was nothing on his origins, background, family, or anything—certainly nothing about a temper.
So why was he looking at me like that? Like he wanted to kill me for going against him. Honestly, it felt like my body wanted to punish me for it too.
Ever since we left—no, ever since I agreed to go—I’ve felt sick and worried. I just kept feeling like I was doing something wrong.
“Y/n, when we get back, I need you to get some firewood.”
I glanced over to see Tamayo looking at me.
I’m dead.
“Oh, okay.”
The rest of the walk, all I could do was dread what would happen to me. Not only was Tamayo forcing me back into the place I wanted to avoid, but I’d also be going without some sort of food offering.
I might as well have signed my own death certificate.
Once we made it back, I helped unload everything and then slowly made my way back into the forest to get the wood. As soon as I stepped out of the clearing, a shiver ran down my spine.
Then the clicking started. He’s here.
“Y/N L/N.” The way his echoing voice spoke my name made me want to run, but my feet stayed planted.
Once he emerged from the shadows, his tall, broad figure just as terrifying as I remembered. But this time, there was no sharp smile or perked-up ears. Instead, angry, glowing eyes and a scowl that would scare any man.
I stepped back as he approached.
Just as I was about to speak, his tail wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer.
He leaned in and sniffed me. When he pulled back, his whole demeanor changed. His eyes darkened.
“You disobeyed me,” he growled.
“I had to. If I didn’t go, Tamayo was going to kick me out—”
His grip tightened, and his ear twitched with annoyance.
“You could have stayed here, with me. You don’t need her approval. The only person you should wish to please is me.”
His glare was piercing.
Stay with him? What is he talking about?
“I’m sorry, I really am. I didn’t want to go.”
“I cannot believe you would deliberately disobey me. You even smell like him,” he hissed.
His clicking intensified with his agitation.
“Shinazugawa.” He growled fiercely.
“You left me to fall into his company? He is a vile, horrible creature. You dare to choose him over me?” His eyes flashed with anger.
I felt my heart racing as his words sank in. My mind scrambled for something to say, anything that might diffuse his rage.
“No, it’s not like that! I didn’t choose him over you,” I pleaded. “I didn’t have a choice.”
His grip loosened slightly, but his eyes remained fixed on me, burning with anger and something else—betrayal.
“You always have a choice,” he said, his voice low and dangerous. “You chose to leave. You chose to put yourself in his path.”
I didn't know what to say. I hadn't even interacted with Sanemi Shinazugawa, yet somehow his scent was all over me.
I looked up at him, my eyes pleading. "Please, Rengoku. I would never choose anyone other than you."
His glowing eyes bore into mine, as if trying to gauge the truth of my words.
Suddenly, he pulled me closer, his large, clawed hand grabbing my face roughly.
"Prove it to me then. Prove you're loyal to me—not to Tamayo, not to Shinazugawa, to me."
"How? How can I prove it?" I was practically shaking. I would do anything to get out of this life-threatening situation.
His intense gaze lit up, his sharp smile returning. He leaned in close to me.
"Become my mate, Y/N L/N. Prove your loyalty to me, and become mine." His echoing voice suddenly sounded less sinister and more sincere.
Become his mate?
I felt my face heat up. There’s no way. There’s just no way Kyojuro Rengoku, a cryptid, a Hashira, one of the most dangerous beings to roam the earth, is asking me, a human, to become his mate.
“What? What do you mean?”
His smile only widened at my curiosity.
“Become my mate, Y/N. Stay with me, love me, and I’ll protect you for all eternity.” His ears perked up.
I didn’t know what to think. Am I actually considering this? I’ve always found Rengoku oddly attractive despite his terrifying nature, and yes, I do enjoy coming to see him. But was becoming his mate really what I had to do to survive?
And how exactly would I hide this from everyone?
As I looked into his eyes again, they flashed. Something in me felt different. Why was I suddenly feeling more attached to him?
I remembered the first time I looked into his eyes. I could tell he was influencing my body and emotions, but this time it was different.
Everything I’ve felt for him just felt amplified: fear, intimidation, attraction, lust.
Was I seriously about to bend to the will of this monster just because my twisted mind was genuinely attracted to his horrifying appearance and oddly charming personality?
If it’s going to keep me alive, then Yes. Yes, I was.
“Okay, I’ll do it. I’ll become your mate, Rengoku.”
His eyes widened, his smile growing larger as his grip on my waist tightened.
“If you agree to this, you must know I’ll never let you go. No matter where you run, I’ll always find you and bring you back to me.”
That sentence startled me, but I never expected to succeed in any escape attempt. I knew I couldn’t outsmart a monster like him.
“I understand. And I agree.”
That seemed to be all he needed to hear. He pulled me closer, our distance vanishing. His animalistic nature began to show as he sniffed and licked my skin.
“I’ll erase every trace of him on you. You’re mine,” he breathed.
I couldn’t help but feel my cheeks grow hotter, my body reacting to his possessive words.
In an instant, he was on top of me, pressing my body against the grass.
I struggled to breathe, his weight nearly suffocating me.
His eyes were locked on mine, his glowing red stare seeming more passionate than threatening now.
Suddenly, he pulled back and tore the clothing from my body, his hands groping and feeling my exposed skin.
My heart raced. I knew what was about to happen, and it terrified me. But I was also strangely excited.
He was quick, his claws shredding the remaining scraps of fabric from my body, leaving me bare beneath him.
I couldn't believe what I'd gotten myself into. This terrifying, mythical creature was about to claim me as his own. And the thought of it drove me wild.
As his large, clawed hands gripped my waist, he positioned himself between my legs.
His eyes looked at me, hungry.
"Y/N L/N."
"You're mine."
I felt a surge of excitement run through me as I nodded.
"Say it," he growled.
"I'm yours."
His clicking started up again and he positioned his face between my legs.
I can’t believe it, is he really going to—
"Aah!" I cried out as his long, rough tongue began lapping at my sex.
My back arched as he lapped and teased, his sharp teeth nipping and tugging at my sensitive flesh.
I could barely catch my breath, the pleasure almost overwhelming.
I could feel my legs shaking, and my body begin to tighten as his tongue flicked against my clit.
His glowing eyes peeked up at me.
“Kyojuro.” He corrected.
“If you are to be my mate, you will not address me so formally anymore.” He growled, sucking marks onto my thighs.
He returned to licking and teasing my pussy.
I can't believe this is happening.
I felt the heat building in my stomach, the pressure building as he lapped at my sensitive spot.
"Ahh... K-Kyojuro, I'm close," I moaned.
"Perfect," he rumbled, his echoing voice vibrating through me.
His grip on my thighs tightened as he pushed his tongue deeper into me, licking and sucking at my throbbing sex.
The pleasure was overwhelming.
"I'm gonna cum... I'm gonna cum," I moaned softly.
He growled continuing his assault on my clit.
His voice, his touch, it was all too much.
I cried out, my body shuddering and spasming as the intense waves of pleasure crashed over me.
Kyojuro held me in place as my orgasm washed over me, his tongue never slowing its pace.
The pleasure was so intense I couldn’t think straight. My body had never felt so used like this.
As my mind started to settle I couldn’t help but crave more. And by the way he was looking up at me between my thighs. I could tell that wasn’t enough for him either.
Once he arose up in front of me, I took in his body. The ripped muscles beneath his blonde and red fur. His tail and ears, and now…
Now for the first time I’m finally looking all of him. His cock was the biggest I’d ever seen. It was thick and curved and had a large knot close to the base.
my body shivered with pleasure, I wanted more. I needed more.
As if reading my thoughts, he smirked and positioned himself between my thighs, his cock teasing my entrance.
"Tell me what you want," he taunted.
"I... I want you, Kyojuro. I want all of you," I panted, my body aching with desire.
That was all the encouragement he needed.
He grabbed both my ankles holding them with one of his large hands above my head.
I’d be lying if I said this position wasn’t slightly embarrassing, but at this rate I didn’t care. I don’t know if it was the cryptids influence or if I was just fucked up in the head, but I was willing to let this monster use me in any way he wished.
With one smooth motion, he pushed his thick cock inside of me.
I moaned out as he stretched and filled me.
He paused, letting me adjust to his size.
"My mate," he growled, his eyes locking onto mine.
I panted, feeling his cock twitch inside me.
He started moving slowly, his cock rubbing against my walls, sending sparks of pleasure through my body.
"Oh god..."
I couldn’t hold back any longer.
I gripped the grass below me tightly as he slid in and out of me, his knot pushing against my entrance with every thrust.
The pressure was building, the heat spreading through my body as he picked up the pace.
"Oh fuck," I moaned, my body trembling with pleasure.
He clicked and growled in pleasure, his glowing eyes staring into me with a mixture of passion and possession.
He was relentless, his hips pounding into me with a primal fury.
"Fuck, Kyojuro," I cried, my body surrendering to the ecstasy.
The pleasure was so intense, it was almost painful.
His eyes flashed with desire, his pace never faltering.
I felt his cock twitch inside me, his knot pushing into my entrance stretching me even wider.
It was painful but I didn’t care, the high of my orgasm made it bearable. His cock was buried so deep inside me I thought my mind was going to blank with every thrust.
even after I came he still kept going, chasing his own release.
His rhythm grew more erratic, his breathing labored.
"Mine, my mate." he growled.
"Yes," I panted.
My words sent him over the edge.
He let out a roar, his teeth digging into my neck as he spilled his seed inside me, filling me with his thick, warm cum.
I cried out in pain and pleasure, feeling his cock pulsing inside me, his cum not spilling a drop due to the thick knot inside of me.
I was breathless, my body exhausted and sore, but my mind was completely satisfied.
"My beautiful human." he whispered, his voice heavy with lust and possession.
I held onto him, my body still trembling.
He released his grip on me, his clawed hand releasing my ankles.
I couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed as he pulled his softening cock out of me.
As the warmth of his body faded, the chill of the evening air set in, sending shivers down my spine.
But before the cold could sink in, he covered my body with his own, his warm, heavy frame keeping the chill away.
His face nuzzled into the crook of my neck, where he had bit me. his nose taking in his scent on my skin.
What have I done?
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𝐹𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑆ℎ𝑒𝑛𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑔𝑎𝑛𝑠
A/N: I couldn't stop my simping ass from writing for him, sorry not sorry!
Warnings: Spoilers for the "First Date" quest, some unintentional drama(?)
Prompts used: lips barely touching, smiling while kissing, slow kisses, first kisses from this/ "Is it okay if I kiss you?" " I would like that very much." from this.
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People are very noisy.
That's even more obvious to you after the accident with Snape. You didn't blame him for what happened, especially after he said "no notes" and you were caught writing something down. It was a misunderstanding, one that put you on a rough spot.
Because all your friends were trying to learn who your crush was, everything felt like you were drowning in them and you had no other way out.
Apart from your saviour in white shirt and Gryffindor tie, the only one person you could confide in, someone who wouldn't care about all the rumors.
"Hi, Bill..." you sat in front of him as the red-head lifted his head and smiled kindly to you just like always.
"Hey, Y/N. How are you holding up?"
"Good I guess." You shrugged your shoulders. "By the way, I am sure Charlie knows you were out in the Courtyard, checking up on him earlier. He was irritated I guess?"
" Good. I want him to know his big brother is watching. Truth is, my mum likes me to keep an eye out for him. She is worried about him almost all the time."
You smiled at the woman's worry, though you knew better than to be fooled by her sweet nature, especially after that one Howler she sent to Charlie.
"His hobby is monstrous, fire-breathing creatures. I think any mum would be worried. How is she doing by the way?"
Bill smiled at your question, answering with a happy she is fine, she wants you to come to the Burrow this summer actually, as you and him ate your meal in silence.
You were gratefull for the Weasleys and how welcoming they had been to you, ever since the start of the second year. Spending time with them for the last 3 summers felt like a paradise to you, even if it was mostly chaos with their younger siblings. But they were a bunch of cute and good-natured kids, didn't mean extreme harm to anyone as long as they didn't annoy them and they adored listening to your rants about your adventures with their two eldest brother.
All the while trying to surpass their smirk at their second older brother having heart eyes as you talked to them, blushing behind you with a dazed look.
Apart from you, Charlie's raging crush on you was pretty obvious to everyone. Both in school and to his family. Never, even for once, did he shut up about you at home. Always talking, always telling how amazing and badass you were, how caring you were with the magical creatures as Hagrid watched you, how you always spent time with him and was comsiderate of your friends, how cute you looked while sleeping...
"Okay, okay, we get it. Your curse-breaking girlfriend is pretty awesome." Percy would often roll his eyes at his brother, already sick of the amount of talk about you even if he... tolerated you?
Molly and Arthur would also chime in from time to time, just to push Charlie a bit to know more about his dating life. It was from her good heart of course, Molly just wanted all of her children to be happy... Possibly with a lover that would hopefully turn into their spouse.
And besides, seeing his usually dragon-maniac son who wasn't interested in dating suddenly blushing at the mention of this girl made her curious.
Who were you and how did you manage to make her smitten ike that?
So, as the sweet yet slightly controlling mother she was, she convinced Bill to take you here with himself for one summer, to see and get to know you. Bill was happy to oblige, besides he knew his mother already knew a lot about you by the endless talk both him and Charlie did, the last thing left for her was to see you.
And when she did, she decided: You were now a part of the family.
Because one, you looked like such a cute and generous girl with a golden heart and two, her son was really, trully happy whenever he was with you.
But, as much as she witnessed the obvious love her boy had for you, she was left shocked, one would say even pitying her own son for his denseness, when she talked to him and Bill... and learnt that you two weren't dating as the boys looked at her sheepishly.
"Charles Septimus Weasley! What's this supposed to mean?! What do you mean by you aren't dating her?! Are you so dense to let a girl like her go?!"
But here was the part, which was the reason why he still didn't make any moves on you: Charlie sucked at romance.
Dragons? Show him one scale and he could tell what they eat. Lessons? Pfft, pretty easy, he aced them all! Quidditch? He was the best at new strategies! But romance?
With you?
That was straight out of his nightmares. Because what if you didn't feel the same? What if he lost you for good because of some silly, yet very warm, feelings? Was it worth taking the risk? He didn't know any pick-up lines, and didn't intend to ask his friends...
So, just like that, he refused to do anything and instead savoured the time he had with you even if his heart made backflips whenever you smiled at him.
And Bill was left to deal with his dumb brother and oblivious friend as they both had feelings for each other, unknown to both sides.
" At this point, everyone knows I have crush and suddenly... they are all so interested in who he is!" He was shaken from his thoughts as you exclaimed angrily, munching on your lunch like an angry rabbit, remembering the pleading looks your friends gave to you.
"Well, you have all the reason to keep it to yourself." He said pointedly. Just the same logical boy he always was...
"Well... Except, I'm thinking of not keeping it to myself." You shyly told him as he raised a brow at you, shocked and also sad for his brother and how heartbroken he would be. It was inevitable though, as he and their mother often told him.
"Oh really? Well, good for you. Good luck with getting a decent enough person to give you advices!" You looked at him curiously as he almost seemed... nervous to continue this talk.
Is he... pretending to not understand me? Or mocking me?
You stared at Bill who was eating his sandwiches with a happy grin, trying hard to not look at you and confront you to save himself from the stress, sternly until he lifted his eyes to look at you and his mouth fell open in shock.
"Wait... You want my advice?!"
"Yeah, who else's?" You sarcastically said, pointing between you and him and showing the other empty seats. But Bill's attention wasn't on any of them, since y'know, he was freaking out, choking on his food.
Nope... Nope, nope, that was bad! He couldn't betray his little brother like that!
"Don't you remember the Emily Tyler thing? Trust me, Y/N... I'm the worst person you could have come to!"
"Oh... Oh, you are very serious, and you aren't going to give up, are you?"
The only answer he got was a playful rise of your brow and a smirk.
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After a very long lunch with Bill, and trying to convince him that it was a good idea to ask his opinion, you felt tired.
Why would you trust my advice?
You've never led me wrong, Bill.
Do you ask because I'm older?
Trick question. You are older... and wiser!
The list of questions continued. You couldn't help but get suspicious of him and his strange behaviour. Now, it was official that Bill was the mother hen of your large friend group, being the only one who had 2 brain cells, and he tended to get worried about almost everything... Possibly a treat of having 6 younger siblings.
But he, never even for once, hesitated to help you with something. It was almost like he was looking for an opportunity to run away from this conversation, or you in general whenever he saw you out with your friends.
You were starting to get worried you were being a nuisance to him.
But... who else were you supposed to go, when your crush was the little brother he was always looking out for? None other than, Charlie Weasley himself.
It was patheatic really, how you silently suffered because of this crush. It didn't help that he always hung out with you, or that you got to spend the summer with him and his family.
You saw him, the true him every day even more and this crush was getting our of control.
Now, you knew he was an outdoor-loving, adventurous spirit and probably, the best way to ask him... out, was in the forest. A picnic date? Maybe?
Oh Merlin, I can't believe I'm about to do this... Rejection is at the horizon, and I can always write to mum and ask her to transfer me to Beauxbatons.
Besides, Aurélie likes me. I'm sure she could-
Your train of thought were cut when Bill suddenly laughed awkwardly, looking at once again, anywhere but you..."I can't believe we are about to have this conversation... It's been a while since I gave any advices."
But ultimately failed at seeing your... saddened face.
Which made the mother alarms in his mind go off.
"Hey, hey, what's wrong? Did I do something? Did someone do something? They better pray for a higher power, because I will-" he stumbled over his words as he took a hold of your hand to comfort you, but frowned when you took it away from him.
"It's not that... Bill, you would be honest with me, right?"
"Of course, what kind of a question is that?" He frowned at you as he sat down on the bench outside Hogsmeade, a hand on your knee as he rubbed it comfortingly.
"Because... I'm starting to think that I am being a nuisance to you, by how you always try to run away from me."
Oh Merlin, this isn't going to places good...
Panic suddenly rose in Bill's chest, seeing how you trully believed in that by his actions. He failed to realize how his actions affected you, when he tried hard to not betray his brother like that.
But you didn't do anything to deserve this, and he was instead betraying you.
"Well... I'm sorry if I gave that idea but, it's not that. It's just... Everyone looks at me as if I know something they don't. I mean, I don't even have experience in that part! And now, my best friend is asking me for help, and I don't know what to do."
You looked at him softly, suddenly realizing that this was also hard for him and you were just making things up. "Bill, I really appreciate your concerns but I came to you for a reason: I trust you. I talked with Penny, Tulip, Barnaby, even Talbott! But in the end, you were the one who always helped me first..."
A cheeky grin took over your face soon, which already told enough to Bill that you were planning to tease him after a heartfelt conversation.
"Besides two years more experience is a lot when it comes to dating, isn't it old hag?" You elbowed his side and ruffled his hair playfully, which he secretly took great care of, and took of for a running while Bill scoffed at you and prepared to run after you.
"Oh, you little rascal... Come here!"
After letting out a squeal and running away from Bill while laughing freely, he finally caught up to you and offered to drink Butterbeer to cool down and finally help ypu put with your problem, your head between his arms in a headlock as you struggled to get away from him.
Even if he would be betraying his brother, he couldn't let you all alone by yourself.
"So... What's the best way of asking out my crush?" You asked to him, eyes hopefull, as Bill looked at you through the glass he was drinking and smirked at you teasingly.
"Well... Definetly, I wouldn't recommend a note. It could easily fall into wrong hands."
"Haha, Bill. So funny, I'm glad my misery is so funny to you." You giggled embrassed as he shook with laughter, his long hair falling onto his face.
"Well, all jokes aside, face to face would be the best think to do. It may be the most nerve-wracking but involving anyone or anything else complicate things."
You nodded thoughtfully as you drank your butterbeer, weighing your options and which place would be the best thing to do such thing... When Bill's silence made you look at him confused.
"Is that all? Surely the Bill Weasley has other advices to give to his cute and in dire-need-of-help underclassman who is also his best friend, right?" You cheekily exclaimed, batting your lashes at him while hoping that it would help, making him shook his head in disbelief at you.
" Yeah, my cute underclassman, I told you I'd come prepared. I promised I would help, remember? Even if I may feel silly giving them..." he cracked his back as he took his notebook and pencil out, writing his list down under your watching and curious eyes.
Sorry, Charlie... Forgive me.
"First, compliment them. Everyone likes compliments, and don't dive directly to the topic. That would scare them. Also, don't overthink, something hard in your condition." He pointedly said as you rolled your eyes at him, elbowing him to continue.
"Spending time with someone you like should be fun and relaxing. And remember: Your date might be just as nervous as you are. There is a high chance that it is both your first times dating, so relax knowing that it's also a first for him."
After minutes of talking and him advising you, you were feeling... enlightened? Your plans of taking Charlie to the forest would work, it seemed!
And he called himself bad at giving advices, what the hell? He had been even more useful than the others!
"So, any questions?" Bill clapped his hands expectingly as he stared at you, waiting for an answer. But the answer he got was one that made him blush.
Almost. You were still the girl his brother, who had been obsessed with dragons as long as he can remember, liked. He wasn't going to act like a schoolboy talking to a girl for the first time.
"And you call yourself bad at giving advices! Bill, you just saved my life and my potential date!"
"Now, I wouldn't get too excited. I didn't save anything, yet." He said, suddenly turning serious as he looked at you. "Until you ask your crush out, your date goes amazing and you leave as a girl who has a boyfriend, I don't consider anything over."
"There is... a high chance that he could reject me, you know that right?" You meekly said, your fingers clutching your clothes thightly. His confidence for your ability, or lack of, to ask someone out surprised you. Actually, everyone thought you to be very confident for some reasons.
Was it because you were dealing with the Vaults? Or Merula? Or maybe you just gave off that vibe even if you were an anxious ball of stress almost half of the time?
"And if that happens... Just think of it as an adventure. You've been on many of them."
"It's something I know of, dating though? I don't have any experience."
That girl and her pessimistic brain...
Bill sighed out irritated at your sudden lack of confidence and got a hold of your cheeks to make you look straight into his eyes as he used the ultimate weapon: The Mum Voice.
" Y/N Y/L/N, everything will be fine! I'm trying to lighten the mood here... Just because this is something new for you, something you have never done before and don't have control over, it doesn't mean it will end bad. To me, everything will turn out fine for you."
"I really hope so... This means a lot to me, y'know?" you blushed softly and Bill was stricken with a realization: You grew up from the little first year you were to a fine young woman, with steady steps.
"If you aren't gonna tell me who he is... At least tell me what he likes, maybe that could help finding a good spot for your first date?"
And also save me from finding that guy and breaking the news to Charlie?
"Hmm... That's an interesting idea, actually...." you hummed thoughtfully to yourself, confirmation from Charlie's own brother would be almost the same as his. But you were not aware of the wide eyes Bill was giving to someone behind you as you dived into your fantasies. "Uh huh, shit..."
"Hmm? What is it, who are you talking- C-Charlie? Tonks?"
There stood Charlie, shook to his core as he clutched his bag thightly in his arms, heart beating loudly at the sight before his eyes. Out of anything he expected to happen, seeing his brother with his crush wasn't on the list when he merrily woke up today with the greatest stretch of his life in the morning.
What were you two doing? Why were you alone? And what was that interesting idea anyways? Not that he was jealous, no no not at all...
Meanwhile Tonks looked between you and Charlie awkwardly as Bill signed her to help him out, to which she awkwardly cleaned her throat.
"Wotcher, Y/N! We weren't expecting to see you here, right mate?" She emphasised pointedly, elbowing Charlie so that he could stop sending daggers to his own brother before he knew what was going on.
"Yes, of course." He replied with icy cold voice, though it wasn't directed at you and he was looking rather softly and sadly at you, you wondered if something happened between the two.
Something Bill didn't mention, because they were both fine this morning, and he had been with you ever since the lunch time so he didn't spend any time with Charlie enought to set him off.
Before you could ask, he walked up to your table and stood between you and him, with a pointed look to his brother.
"I heard that my brother has an interesting idea. Please, do tell. It's very rare, after all..."
Ufff, something definetly happened. Because the Charlie Weasley you knew wasn't like that.
With a frown, you answered him, not knowing that you kind of made everything even worse. " He was helping me ask my crush out, and asked what he liked doing... But what's wrong with you? You are never... this sarcastic?"
Well, it was definetly a way to put it in Charlie's eyes. He knew he was being irrational, after all, you and him weren't a thing. You weren't dating or anything, so he didn't have a reason to stand against you hanging out with his brother.
Besides, he had been your friend almost since first year started, and maybe... If he had just gotten over his anxiety back then and talked to you, he would be the one standing next to you, supporting you through everything you went through, protecting you.
Which he was already doing, just... a little bit later than he wanted.
With a broken heart, he looked at you and sighed sadly, not saying anything as Bill landed a reassuring hand on your arm. "Don't worry, Y/N... I think my brother just picked today to show his development in humour. What luck, trully..."
Witnessing the silent battle the two brothers were having, Tonks tried to think of a way to stop this. But just as everyone here knew, she was bad at this.
"I heard uh, the accident with note, Y/N... I hope you are feeling better now."
"Note? What note?" asked Charlie curiously as he watched your expression change and you blushed.
If his heart wasn't squeezing painfully in his chest at knowing that you had a crush, he could awe at you and memorize this momet to think about it later before he slept.
"You don't know? I'm surprised actually, everyone seems to be very into knowing who I like... Thanks for your worry though, Tonks. I feel better."
"Yeah, I mean... Snape already scares people enough. Adding the fact that he, accidently or not, stumbled upon a personal thing..."
"Oh... So, that note never reached to your crush?" Charlie hoped that his hopeful voice wasn't also carried by his question, trying to seem cool to you as if your heart didn't already belong to someone else.
You, meanwhile, gulped down hard at seeing him very... interested in it. But it wasn't like your other friends', they wanted to know purely out of curiosity and wished you to be happy...
When Charlie wanted to know everything because... He was jealous? No way, your crush liking you back wasn't an option, right? Besides, why would he feel jealous? He wasn't interested in dating and you were already walking on eggshells.
But this exchange... And the talk she had with Charlie a few hours ago how he wished it was him you were into, that it was him who would take you to a date...
Tonks had a plan.
"No, not really... Why did you want to kno-"
"You know what, Y/N? We will help you plan your date!"
"What?!" You and Charlie both yelled at the same time, eyes wide in shock at what she said from two different reasons.
Charlie couldn't believe his own ears at what his best friend was telling. Helping you with your date? Was she out of her mind? Did she and him not talk about his feelings for you?
"What? I'm not into dating anyone and Charlie... well, he is your best friend! He would like to help, right?" Charlie agreed with what seemed to be sarcastic nod of his head as he started to pick at the skin near his finger out of anger, looking between his friend and brother as you laughed awkwardly and pulled Tonks to yourself.
"Tonks..." you whispered down to her silently with thight lips, looking up at her. "Why the hell are you so invested in planning my date so suddenly anyways?"
"I told you, it's because-"
"I heard it clearly but... Are you sure it's not to learn who my crush is-"
"We don't care about your crush, Y/N."
You looked at Charlie with shocked eyes as they were filled with tears slightly at the sharp tone he used and how... cold he sounded. At that moment, he wasn't the same warm-hearted boy you met, he wasn't the friendly boy who you talked about dragons all the time even though you didn't understand everything about them but did it anyways just to make him happy, and he definetly wasn't the same boy you fell asleep on as you basked in his soft touches...
But you wondered... what it was you did that made him so angry.
"Charlie, what the hell?!" Bill angrily let out as he got up to confront his brother who was also shocked and shaking at what left his mouth. That definetly wasn't the way he was raised, definetly not him at all.
I didn't mean it like that... Even if it was "I" instead of "we".
"No... Wait, Y/N! I didn't mean it like that! We care about you. Please, let me just-"
But he was already late as he watched you got out of the Three Broomstick hurriedly, Tonks following you right after as he was left with a fuming Bill.
"What the hell, Charles?! Don't you know the school talking about her and her brother, also adding the fact that her crush was revealed, that she had been stressfull? Why were you even acting like that?!" He dragged him outside to scold him, pushing him by his shoulders. His shoulders sag in sadness as he let his brother push him lightly, knowing that he deserved it after his unreasonable outburst at you.
"I... I know it's no excuse but I... I was jealous and couldn't bare it anymore. It hurts, Bill."
Bill looked at his brother's teary eyes and guilty face with a soft look, his anger having long been gone at the pitiful sight of him. He understood why he felt like that, having to hear the girl you like liking someone else and all, but still...
It wasn't enough of a reason to treat tou like this.
"I understand why, little brother but it was too much... You will go to her now and be completely honest to her, Charlie. You know she deserves it."
"I know..." he mumbled silently, his chest constracting painfully in his ribcage as his stomach was knitting itself anxiously.
"And she would never ditch you out for having feelings for her either. She didn't do it with anyone, and she will not do it with you. Now go!" He pushed Charlie towards the open area to where you ran, hoping that everything would turn out fine for both of you...
And that what Tonks said was true.
"She likes Charlie, had been for a year or so. But she is shit at showing it. All they need is a little push."
"But... I don't know where she is!" Charlie hastily yelled out as he looked at Bill over his shoulder to see him sighing irritatedly. Stupid teenagers...
"She is your bestfriend, you crush! You know her better than anyone!"
And yes, he did know where you were thanks to what Bill said, and ran to where he thought you were.
An apology and explaination already ready in his mind as he begged to Merlin that he wasn't too late to fix his mess.
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If you were to ask Charlie when he started falling for you, he wouldn't be able to give you an exact time. For the most part of his friendship with you, he didn't even realize that his feelings went beyond admiration. His friends and brothers always teased him for it whenever he called you "his bestfriend that he never imagined to have", and as a result, would get a snarky comment from Bill like "What a good way to add in your confession, brother! So romantic~"
But perhaps what sealed the deal for him and opened his eyes was that one time when you were cold in the common room, reading together and he gave you his sweater with his initial on it. (He pretended not to realize how cute you looked in it and how his heart beated faster at the sight of you, suddenly feeling possessive because damn it, you were so cute and beautiful as you read your book.)
And then, as if the sight didn't already turn him into a puddle, you mumbled a sweet it smells like you and buried yourself deeper in the sweater whilst continuing to read your book, completely unaware to how red he was because woah, seeing you so cozy in his clothes and as a big part of his life really opened a new window!
In your defence, you thought it was because he was hot from sitting in front of the fireplace witg that sweater on. And besides, he always ran warm for some reasons.
And then, just like that, his "bestie" attitude would turn into hearts and stars, accompanied by the "love of my life, my shining star and the meaning of my life" type of attitude. He had started to see all the outings you two did together, or all the times you went to the Three Broomsticks together, as dates and imagined himself just sitting next to you, an arm around your shoulders as he looked at you with loving eyes.
Apart from the fact that he absolutely sucked when it came to romance and being flirty, rather loosing track of his thoughts and stutter in your presence( which made you often giggle and call him adorable before pecking his cheek and setting them aflame) even though Andre often called him "an utter catch" while listing all the reasons why.
You are friendly, quick-witted, hard working, kind, play Quidditch and "annoyingly handsome" as a good friend of him-you- said.
So, he said nothing about his new-found feelings in fear that his friends and brother would make it worse by teasing him, he didn't have to know the miserable heart eyes he was giving you whenever you were close already gave it away, and try to desperately just be your friend. He couldn't risk ruining the best thing happened to him with his feelings, so he tried to avoid you in hopes that his feelings could disappear.
Spoiler alert, it didn't...
But his behaviour only ended up with you liking someone else and then him feeling stupid because he didn't act on his feelings before and get angry at himself and everything.
Human nature, after all, tended to blame orher things rather than themselves.
But now, he had to suck it up and go up to you, possibly explain everything and even comfess so that he would be free of the restrictions they brought to him and maybe, by a tiny chance, you would return his feelings back.
Hearing his timid voice behind you, you wiped your cheeks hastily and turned to him. You knew your eyes gave you away, with its redness and all, and you saw how Charlie winced at the sight, almost seeming like he was just as in pain as you were.
But why would he, you thought. He was the one who made me feel like shit, why would feel bad?
"I've come to... apologize, for my behaviour. I didn't mean to be such a prick. I'm sorry for shouting and hurting you... and made you cry." He mumbled in a sorry manner, playing with his fingers anxiously as he waited behind you to say something. Every second you were just sitting there silently, your back to him as the wind brushed through your hair and clothes, he got even more anxious.
Maybe he lost his chance? Did you really get hurt by his words that much? Of course, you did, you didn't deserve to hear any of them and-
"It's okay, I forgive you... Even though you were total jackass." He chuckled and nodded at you, not that you saw it as you pat the spot next to you and waited until he was fully seated next to you. The calm and silence was a good one, after all the hectic week you had, but even then...
You were restless, as your crush who just made you cry was sitting next to you.
And you wanted to know why he did what he did.
"Why did you say that? Back at the Three Broomsticks? Why did you act like that?" You asked softly, no hint of judgement in your voice, only confusion as you looked at Charlie with knitted brows, frowning when he stiffened at your question.
"You wouldn't understand..." he mumbled, shaking his head as if he was you and actually knew how you would react. That was one of the things that could anger you, just like it did in that moment, as your irritated eyes found his soft and pained ones, watching you with a thundering heart as his breath got faster at your angry shout.
"Then make me, Charlie! I'm your best friend! What did I do to deserve-"
It was your right to know it, you definetly didn't deserve to be left in the shadows but he was... scared. Scared of loosing you, scared of ruining everything. Scared of you hating him...
But he had to be brave, and accept whatever happens after what he was about to say.
"You made me fall for you, that's what you did!"
Out of all the answers you expected from the redhead, this definetly wasn't on the list.
Charlie? Weasley? The one who loves only dragons? He loved you?
You could actually dance around and scream in delight from how happy you were as a wide smile took over your face completely. You wanted to shout, jump on Charlie and kiss him breathless, later peppering his whole face on them as you stared at his freckles, then go and gush to Rowan, or Penny, scream in happiness with them too!
But before you could open your mouth after the shock of hearing your crush liking you back, Charlie continued to talk. He thought if he just kept talking and poured his heart out, you wouldn't slap him across the face and leave him there, heartbroken.
Maybe he could postpone the inevitable just a bit.
The inevitable in his eyes.
"What he have... our friendship is so perfect, I have everything I want in my life. My family, friends, you," his voice shook as he shuffled closer to you, and you wondered if your heart was loud enough for him to hear.
You looked at him sweetly, his worry of loosing you, how much he cared-no, loved- you made you melt at him. Tears of happiness strung up your eyes as you gingerly took his calloused hand and squeezed it.
"And how do you think I feel?" You whispered, making Charlie look at you confused and tilt his head.
"What do you mean by that?"
Welp, here goes nothing...
You sighed deeply, turning your whole body towards him and took both of his hands in yours. He looked at you shocked for a second, heart jumping up to his throat as his eyes first landed down on your hands holding his and then back to your own eyes.
"Charlie, the reason I was so secretive about my crush was because... Because it was you."
Now, it was Charlie's turn to be shocked. Because out of every kind of angry ways he expected this talk to go, you confessing to him wasn't one of them.
That crush being him, wasn't even close!
Taking his silence as a sign to continue, you sucked in a breath.
The word was already out anyways.
"I only tried to get more hints on what you like and dislike, so that I could ask you out properly. I mean, I know I'm your bestfriend but... I also know that you aren't into dating and have your focus on dragons-"
"I love you more than dragons." You smiled at how fast and eagerly he said that, clear genuine love pouring out of him, and nodded your head.
"I know that now..."
"I thought... You know, Barnaby was your crush and I felt so jealous. He had liked you for almost as long as I did and... I thought tou would see him more of a better match for you."
"But why would you think that?"
"I know you are kind of scared of dragons, and can't keep every information about them in your mind." You blushed at being caught. You thought tou made sure you didn't give away!
Charlie smiled at your blushing face and chuckled, raising his hand to touch your cheek but hesitating. You felt his hand get close to your face, shaking slightly. You giggled at his obvious nerves and nuzzled closer to his palm, pulling it towards your face as you gazed at him with eyes full of love.
And Charlie forgot what he had to say at the sight of your lovely self.
"A-And Barnaby and you... like the other creatures more, y-you even bonded with his Knarl and went on many, uh... alone hanging outs."
"Charlie... What I feel for Barnaby is completely platonic, he is only my friend. What I feel for you is much stronger." You smiled at him softly, lovingly with your eyes accidently drawn to his lips.
"I've been denying my feelings for you at first, I wasn't going to let my feelings get in our way, I was afraid I would loose my bestfriend but you were and are still my bestfriend. I just didn't think you would... actually feel the same."
He shuffled closer, your thighs touching each other as your faces came closer and closer."I have been dreaming about this... Longing for you to feel the same, wanting to be with you..." He whispered, close enough that you felt his hot breath as his lips hovered over yours, barely touching yours.
"We are both idiots in love, then?" You whispered to his lips and he laughed, the sound of it making your heart skip a bit and smile lovingly at him.
"I wouldn't have it the other way..."
Suddenly aware of thw situation you were in, you could have backed out and instead take it slow. But Charlie was intoxicating, he called you to him like a flame did to a moth and your lips met for the first time. The kiss was soft and slow at the beginning, a little bit clumsy as expected but it was just... perfect.
You ran your hand through his hair, pulling his hair tie back as his long hair fell down his shoulders. You had been craving to kiss him, and pull on his locks in a make-out and you exactly did that.
Your teeth might have clashed, from how wide you both were smiling as Charlie's hand travelled across the expanse of your back and settled on your waist, but you both knew that this was definetly not gonna be the first time your lips would meet.
Now that both sides had a taste of the other, both of you became each other's drug.
"But you still owe me a date. You made me cry, y'know?" You teased him while panting after breaking apart, still in each others vicinity as he looked down at your lips in a daze and nodded.
"I'll spent my life making up for it, love. And I already planned our next 50 dates."
"Is it okay if I kiss you again?" You couldn't help but ask, wanting to only drown in him and his kisses. Dates could wait, you and him had a life time for more dates anyways. He chuckled and leant down with a smirk as his lips caught yours.
"I would like that very much."
And indeed, he really made up for it.
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yanderemommabean · 2 years
For the smiles corp thingy imagine reader goes to the second meeting out of pure terrior and maybe even the small, little glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe this is all some fucked up prank. Only to find out its not and now they have to deal with being on a date with a scary, yet charming, CEO that wants nothing more than to spoil them 🥰
You’re petrified, clenching the sleeves of your outfit as higher ups you’ve never met before hover over you, inspecting you, nodding in agreement to things you aren’t sure of. They were all acting as if this was some business deal to finalize, rather than explaining why you were really here, and why there was just a tall figure awaiting in the head seat of the boardroom. 
“This outfit is nice, but I’m telling you, they need something more revealing!’ 
“Oh so you WANT other lowly people to look at our employer's spouse?! They need something luxurious but modest! “ 
“Modest?! Are you a puritan?! Their body should be admired just like the rest of them!”
You wince as their voices echo and raise, feeling tugged back and forth as they refuse to explain what’s happening. You were about to start screaming yourself, to try and get someone's attention, but everything paused abruptly. 
The man at the head of the table just raised his hand, and everyone went still. They slowly let go of you, gently patting and smoothing your ruffled outfit with soft apologies as they take their seats. 
The man said nothing. Ominously hunched over with hands clasped,he simply stares at you, waiting for you to take your seat at the opposite end of the table. 
You knew Lovely Smiles was an odd, dare you say dangerous, corporation, but this figure before you made your skill crawl even worse than the first time they interviewed you. 
“Alright! It’s my pleasure to be here with you, Y/N, and have you as a part of our team!” a board member speaks, sliding out a briefcase and rummaging through files. The man still simply stares at you, saying nothing, looking as if he will attack as soon as you simply adjust in your seat. 
“Now-” he says, sliding paperwork down the long table to reach you “We have a lot to cover! But before we begin, I would like to say on behalf of us and our amazing, benevolent employer, we’re so happy you agreed to be a part of this company for the long haul!”  
They begin talking about the rules, what you could and could no longer do by yourself, what rights you were wavering away as the ominous business man  seemed to continue staring at you. He leered at you as you tried to keep up with everything being thrown at you, as if he saw you as some cute trapped little mouse surrounded by big, scary lions. 
“Sir, do you have anything to add” a shaky voice asks, tapping papers on the table to straighten them as everyone waits for any sort of response. 
The man just hums, and slowly begins to stand, walking down the room with his head held high and his hands behind his back. 
“As you all know” a deep voice said, “I have many rules and regulations to keep this company in line. I take pride in making this a wholesome, but clean workplace”
The boardroom goes deathly quiet, some members seeming to shake as he continues to speak. As if they feared being a target for whatever issue he may have. “I don’t tolerate any sort of filth, profanity, or vulgarness. Not at the workplace, anyway” he chuckles, and you watch as some people nervously giggle back, still glued to their seats. 
“So, I’d like to add one more thing to the list of conditions my beloved will be signing” he stands behind you, making you feel small, weak, and able to be killed if he so desires. His fingers come to gently play with some of your misplaced hair, a smirk tugging at his lips as he watches you squirm under his gaze.
“If anyone is to touch my love, without strict permission from me, they are to be sent to me directly. I will…terminate them…in any way I see fit. If anyone is caught making them dirty, bruised, overworked, or upset, they are to be sent to me. From there, I will determine how to deal with them before execut-I mean, terminating them. Do we understand?” he barked out, making the members jump from the outburst. “Why yes of course!” Some cheerfully agree, while others nod and keep to themselves. 
You wonder why they’re so loyal to the man. What could they possibly have to gain by making you do this? Were they just as twisted and sick? You’re sure the answer would only make you more nauseated. 
“Good. Now, I’m sure my love hasn’t eaten today yet…and this meeting is coming very close to lunch time” he says as he watches their reactions “I can’t take them to lunch myself until this contract is fully explained and signed, as you know. So! Who’s willing to go beyond for the company and get us some lunch? I’m sure you’re just as starved afterall”. 
They all share a chuckle, and a few raise their hands to take the responsibility, almost scrambling to please the man they work under. 
“Hurry” he deadpans, going back to play with your hair as you stay silent, unable to utter anything as the scene unfolds. “So cute…” you hear murmured against your ear, his mouth just centimeters from touching your now heated skin. 
“I know I said I hate messes at the workplace but…When I get you home…" he lets his lips press just below your ear, his breath making you shiver "I plan to make quite the mess out of you”. 
(Mkay I kinda got a lil horny lmao I hope you liked bean! Sorry for any typos!
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f4iry-bell · 12 days
for your event!! would you do a Jameson x reader where the reader is hopeful journalist and is scared that she’ll never be loved and it reflects in her work.
pairing: jameson hawthorne x reader
summary: well ↑
taglist: @clarissaweasley-10 @whatsamongus @sheisntyou @emelia07 @elysianwayy77 @cassie6392 (lmk if u want to be in this)
word count: 784
a/n: anon, hope you like this, anon. ily!
masterlist | 300 event masterlist
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Being in the school newspaper doesn't automatically make one a good journalist, just a good writer for her age. I got a lot of compliments about my writings but I never felt truly appreciated for my writings. Because people read two sentences and then poof, they say you're amazing. What about the rest of my work? Do those two sentences judge my entire work? Everytime I read and reread my work I want to rip the printed paper to pieces. Especially since I joined college, I somehow managed to be in the college newspaper as well, probably because I was in my school newspaper.
I didn't get any recommendations or any of that sort, I managed to believe that I am where I am for my talent. In school, I doubted myself a lot, I thought my writing was bad because people didn't read them entirely, it took me time to realise that they are just lazy to read. 
Or they just don't want to read my work. They just don't care about what I have to say. Even my own friends.
Maybe that's the reason I haven't made it yet. Sure, I do talk to people but you can't label them friends. With all of this, I somehow managed to grab the attention of the smartest, most handsome, and charming boy in college ever; Jameson Hawthorne.
His first words to me were “nice work.” I wanted to scream, because with those two words he also added “pretty girl.” 
We started by talking a lot after that. I went to him when I wasn't sure of my writing. He is an honest critique and I was able to take criticism. But there was this nagging feeling that told me that he's just tolerating me and my work. Sometimes I wonder if he ever regrets talking to me first at all.
I was about to leave the newspaper room when Jameson walked in holding the newest paper of our college, and he looked pissed. 
“Can we talk?” He asked, trying to keep his cool which was obvious.
“Sure. What is it about?” I asked. That's it, he's mad about something that I did. He's gonna leave too.
“What is this?” He placed the paper on my table with my article on being the wallflower.
“My article.” 
“I can see that. Did you take inspiration from a character? Or did you write it just with your imagination? Tell me it's either of those.” Jameson’s tone was firm.
I just stayed quiet. I'm not telling him that I'm a loser, and people hate me for that directly.
“Seriously?! I know you're shy and reserved, and don't like people. I know your family’s history. But writing that you're never been truly loved by anyone? That no one cares about you, ever?” He scoffed.
There was a moment of silence before I spoke. “It's the truth, Jameson. I'm not going to lie.” I shrugged. 
He's going to leave anyway, so what's the point of trying?
“6 months.” Was all he said.
“We've known eacother for 6 months. And I've been nothing but nice to you. Yes, I tease and mess with you sometimes but have I ever given you the idea where I don't care about you?” He looked hurt now.
“I- It's complicated.”
“It's not, damn it. How can you not see it!” 
“See what? Cause all I'm seeing right now is my friend who is pissed at me about work, who is going to drop me like everyone else.”
Jameson frowned which made me frown. “You really think that just because I'm mad I'll drop you?”
“It's how people are, Jameson.”
“I'm not people. Those people were stupid.”
“You say this now. But I'll do something else to make you mad, and then you'll drop me.”
“You're stupid sometimes for a person who is way too good with words.” 
“Why can't you see how much I love you?” His features relaxed, it looked like he just spilled something that he was holding for a very long time.
“You what?”
“I'm in love with you. And you're too blind to see it, and now I'm afraid you won't even believe it.”
“Jameson— I don't know what to say.”
“Just say you like me, you don't even have to love me. Say you have feelings for me, and I promise you I'll do everything to make you believe how much you can be loved. Don't push me away, don't sabotage this.”
After a few moments of silence I nodded. Jameson's shoulders relaxed as he took a step forward to kiss my forehead. “I'll do everything, okay? And you know how ‘everything’ can be when I say it.” 
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dizzymisslizzie · 6 days
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Welp, just had my heart wrecked by the amazing writer and purveyor of angst @aforgottennymph by her latest chapter of The Brightest Star. (Please check it out if you're not already, it's sooooo good!)
In honor of crying at work, I'm adding this to one of my WIPs... Or maybe this just became a WIP... I don't know... I'm out of tissues.
Take care of yourselves!
Alex is falling. The pit is an endless darkness. He can feel the memories more than see them in his mind. Being soaked in a cold palace while the man he loves tells him to leave. He’s back at home and the bottle of Makers being wrenched from his stubborn grasp by June and Nora, then eventually Cash when they couldn’t get it from him. The gaping hole in his abdomen that claws at his throat every moment of every day. Fighting constantly to push it down and keep the tears from falling all the time. The man he’d thought would catch him, would love him and keep him safe, that would let him rest, had let him fall. Henry had let him fall into the pit, alone. Alex feels like a fool for believing that it would turn out different. He feels like an idiot for trusting the promise of Henry’s touch and the look in his eyes over what his mouth told Alex from the very beginning. “I can’t have you falling in love with me.” Alex was so stupid. He was always so wrong about people. Raf… Henry… even his dad. He trusted too easily and he was a fucking idiot for it.  His chest starts to hurt from the pain of it all. He takes deep breaths and tells himself that he’ll get through this. I’ll never love anyone like that again… but that’s a good thing… crushing heartaches happen in your twenties, right? Alex had asked for this, really. He’d loved to hard and too big and too much, which was everything that people didn’t like about him. So there. He doesn’t have to worry about this ever happening again. He’ll be ok one day. This will be a memory of pain instead of all consuming pain like it is now. Then he can move on and be less... more tolerable… He’ll try to be a better judge of people… figure out what they want from him is before he trusts again. He’ll learn from this. 
Open tag!
@miss-minnelli @tailsbeth @caterpills
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salty-jade · 1 year
Steps: Hand Holding
Pairing: Tom!Peter Parker x Fem! Reader
Theme: Fluff, just fluff.
Summary: Peter wants to hold hand with you, but how are you going to do that without exlpoding every single time he touches you?
Note: Okay, I'm back at it again. I think... Tbh this is sort of based on my own what if of myself once I have that special someone. also, I did this all in one go, so no edits whatsoever :D. If there is something triggering in this pls let me know!
Everyone in you circle of friends knew you had the biggest crush on Peter Parker. Obviously they didn’t know why since he was sort of a nerd and a geek at the same time. Well for you, that wasn’t a deal breaker since you liked him because he was just him. Loving, caring, sweet and if you look closely, actually handsome. Nevertheless, your friends were supportive and tried everything to get you two together.
So it came to no surprise for them that you two ended up together. Though, it was really because you discovered his secret identity by accident when you were taking out the trash at the same alley way where Peter would change into his super suit. Plus point for you since you saw his bare torso, which you swore justified your case on how handsome he was.
Still, because of that incident, you two became closer, and bloomed into something more. So now your friends are gushing over the possible things you and Peter would do as a new couple. Eat lunch together, walk to class together, talk about each other to other people, hold hands.
Hold hands?
As in you and Peter’s fingers locking together while swinging your arms as you both cross a field of daisies???
Nope. Nope. and NOPE!
If Peter had a big secret to keep from the whole world, you had one too. Well, it’s not as huge as Peter’s but still something that you don’t want other people to know about. Peter’s your first boyfriend, therefore you’ve never really been physical with a guy before. The only people you could tolerate physical touch was the men in your family.
“Oh, don’t forget protection ok?! tell him to wrap his junior before sticking it in”
“Also, consent is important for both you and him okay girl? also…”
While your friends kept giving you tips on how to essentially ‘turn on’ your boyfriend and please him, all you could think in your head was about how you were going to even hold hands with him when he asks. forget sex, you could die just from holding hands!
So far, Peter hasn’t really touched you in anyway whatsoever. Heck, when you both confessed, Peter couldn’t event try and land a kiss on you because suddenly his senses alerted him of a villain so he had to drop you off somewhere safe before going out to battle.
The moment he wrapped his arms around your waist to hoist him up, your stomach was doing flips, face becoming different shades of red, and your brain turned into mush. You had to dunk your head into the bathtub to cool yourself from the heat of your face. You thought something was wrong with you. You thought it was weird for someone to be overstimulated with just a few touches with your partner. The romcoms you watch in your laptop certainly made it seem so. It made it seem like an amazing experience where you and your partner could share sweet moments together and just enjoy each other’s presence and act like it was only you two in the entire world. Well, both your heart and mind could not handle that much intimacy.
Was it because you’ve never date anyone before? or was it because you just have high expectations so your afraid of underperforming. Regardless of the reason, it was better to come clean to Peter rather than just keeping it to yourself.
Just as you made your self-declaration, you felt and hand on your arm, pulling you closer to another person’s body.
“Hey there Y/N!” your body, as if it was on auto-pilot, jumped at his touch and voice and instinctively backed a bit to hard unto your locker. Causing it to temporarily shake both the locker and somewhat your body due to the shock. Peter, being the lovely boyfriend he was, felt bad since he thought it was his fault for startling you and tried to hold you to help soothe the pain. Before he could do that though, you again backed away from him and kept a safe distance from him so he couldn’t touch you so you wouldn’t turn to mush.
“Hey! Hey Peter! umm how’s it going?” the fact that you tried to deescalate the situation to make it seem less awkward, just made the situation more awkward. Peter could only raise a brow at you and replied to your question.
“Everything’s good. yeah. I just wanted to see if you would want to walk to AP calculus together…” He said. The sound of guilt and confusion lingered in his voice as every time he raised his hand even slightly you would sort of jerk away from his touch.
“sure sure. we can do that, I just need to…” you looked around your surroundings to find a place where you could cool down for a bit before getting to class. Luckily, you found a bathroom.
“go to the bathroom real quick that’s all! So wait for me okay?! great!” before he could even reply, you dashed across the hall and into the bathroom to spare you the embarrassment.
One of your friends just patted Peter in the back to help reassure him that that was just who you were. “don’t worry, she LOVES you to death. she’s just shy that’s all.” and with that, your friend group had dispersed, each going to their own classes for today.
While you were in the bathroom checking the mirror to see if your face was still red from being touched by Peter. It wasn’t that Peter was not allowed to touch you. In fact, you really wanted to hold hands with him, but your body just reacts in the weirdest ways and your brain perceives it as you being overstimulated.
Before going out again, you took out a few books from your bag and carried them instead, just so could occupy them and avoid holding hands with Peter.
Peter saw you coming out of the bathroom, and he gave you his honest smile and walked up to you.
“I can carry those books for you if you wa-”
“NO!” ok that response was too fast, let’s try that again.
“I mean, no need. It’s ok! besides, you wouldn’t want people to know about the ‘thing you have right’?” you let out a dry chuckle, knowing that your excuse was the dumbest thing Peter might have heard in his entire life.
The whole walk towards class was weird in general. Peter kept wanting to try and find an opening to at least hold your shoulder or at least offer to carry your stuff so he could hold your hand, but something tells him that you were intentionally avoiding that opportunity for him. In the end, when you both made it to your seats in class, you both just exchanged notes while you tried to send him cute doodles so that he didn’t feel too bummed out about not being able to hold your hand.
You knew he didn’t deserve this treatment. He should be able to hold his girlfriend, kiss her whenever he wanted to. But, you just couldn’t handle the overload of affection from him. He was like the sun, while you were the midnight sky shying away from everything.
You both went on with your days as if you were just friends. Peter still tried to find an opening to at least graze your hand but, nothing. He sensed there must be something wrong with you. Maybe he was imagining things when you actually confessed that you liked him? was he reading the signals wrong? whatever it was, even Peter couldn’t solve this with only his intuition only. It was best that he asked you directly instead.
As soon as you both stepped out of the school, where a good few inches of empty space were between you and Peter, peter turned to you before you had the chance to escape the awkward situation.
“Can we talk?” he said. Your instincts were telling you that he probably wanted to talk about what happened this morning and your over all behavior today. I mean who could blame him, the whole day you’ve been avoiding his touches and advances the best you could so that you wouldn’t explode from an overload.
“y-yeah sure…”
Peter and you agreed it be better to talk about it back at his place since May wouldn’t be around the apartment. Though, it didn’t help you calm your worries since this is more about how are you going to explain it to Peter rather than having to go through May’s constant teasing of the two of you.
And now here you were, in his apartment.
on the couch.
NOPE NOPE NOPE! even if there was no contact between you two, for some reason this situation alone was enough to make you overload. Even a blind person could tell you were nervous about this whole situation. You were as stiff as a tree, you wouldn’t even let yourself relax into the couch and sat in an upright position with your legs shut close together, while your hands were a=placed on top of them in the form of fist. Where even your knuckles started to turn white. Ok, now is a good as time as any for Peter to bring it up.
Peter sat back down on the couch after he grabbed you both something cool to drink. For some reason, he knew this conversation was going to make you burn up.
“Okay, umm… did I do something wrong?” your head shot up to look at him the instant he said those words.
“WHAT?! NO! I-I mean…. no… well, I mean there is something wrong but it’s not you per say… rather,” and there you go, falling a part as soon as you opened your mouth. God, you wish you could just crawl into a hole and die rather than explain the weirdest thing about you. But as you looked into his eyes. his warm brown eyes, you knew he deserved to know. So, you took a deep breath and tried to carefully construct the next few sentences in your head so that Peter can understand you.
“just so were on the same page, you noticed I’ve been trying to avoid… touching you right?”
All Peter could do was nod at your statement. He decided it was best if he added some words to it as well.
“Yeah, and I mean I get it if you don’t want us to be physical because if that’s your preference then by all means go-” You waved your hands in the air to tell him to shut up for a bit.
“No, no that’s not what I meant…I guess you could say I’m the weird one” Peter was sure he wasn’t following what you were saying just now. How could you be weird?
“Look, I don’t know why I’m like this, but… I’ve never had a boyfriend before and the thought of being in a relationship is new to me. What’s also new to me is the fact that I get to be physical with someone that I have really like and…” you looked back again at his face to see if he was following you along before continuing.
“The thought of even just holding hands with someone, especially you, just overwhelms me. I feel warm and fuzzy of course when I’m with you, like my heart just wants to jump around the room. But at the same time it feels like it might just burst and I feel like a PC that just short-circuits due to the heat. I guess you could say I get overstimulated? I’m not sure what to call it, but that’s just how I am…”
You didn’t realize that you were curling up into a ball on his couch when you finished your explanation. it did make a nice place to burry your head into so that you could calm yourself down for a bit before hearing Peter’s reply to what you just said.
Peter felt, giddy? like as if he saw the most cutest plush bear in the world and wanted to hug it so tight cause it was so cute. That was how he felt after your whole explanation. Your reason was totally valid, but on the other hand it also make Peter want to hold you close and see your face get red in the cutest way possible. Though, that might just make things worse.
You heard rustling from the other side of the couch and watch Peter hold up one of his fingers to you. Your brows furrowed at his sudden act.
“Let’s try something. I hold up one of my finger, and you just touch mine with your. how bout that?”
You swore this whole situation felt like something a pre-school teacher would do to a kid to get to know them.
“come on just humor me. Besides, think of it as a training exercise for yourself” and so you did.
You held out your index finger and connected the two together. You felt like Peter was E.T and you were the young boy in the movie.
“Are we recreating E.T here?!”
“I don’t know, maybe~” you giggled at his response.
“Ok, how bout we try this now,” Peter held out all his other fingers, signaling you to do the same with your hands. You showed signs of hesitance but you wanted to try even for a bit.
You unraveled your hands and brought both of your fingertips together slowly. First the thumbs, then the middle finger, the ring finger and finally your pinky. Your stomach felt like it was fluttering, along with you heartbeat starting to pick up the pace.
Peter could tell you were starting to “short-circuit” as you described. So he let you know it was ok if you didn’t want to continue. “We can stop if you want.”
you shook your head while keeping your hand steady in the air with his. Both of your fingertips were still touching, not once have you flinched away from his.
“I-it’s okay, I really wanna try holding your hand” the last bit of the sentence you dialed it down a bit so that Peter couldn’t hear it. Though, we all know he could hear it.
As if you were an astronaut taking your first step on a planet, you slowly brought you palm closer to Peter’s. Peter has not moved an inch from his position, so all of this was your own doing. Then slowly, but surely, your hands were clasped together. Now you could feel your face starting to burn, and your heart was pumping faster. This was only just hands touching, imagine if you did some of the things your friends kept telling you about.
Peter felt proud of you, even though he could see your face turn into different shades of red, but proud. Now, he felt like doing something bold, maybe you weren’t ready for it, but he wanted to at least try and see your reaction.
“I’m gonna do something so, be prepared ok”
“Trust me” trust me. Never would you think those were the words from Peter that would make you turn into mush.
Peter then did the unthinkable, well at least for you. He shifted his hand a bit and slowly intertwined his hands with yours. Now, your fingers were interlaced with each other. You were both now holding hands. Something Peter wanted to do for the whole day. His hold on you was firm, not to the point where it hurts, but firm in a way that says he would never let go of you.
Your eyes widened, your instincts are telling you to pull away and stick your head into the bathtub filled with cold water. are your hands starting to sweat? you think it does. Are you sweating? maybe? God you are! What’s happening? can you still see Peter? Yes, but right now you really don’t want to turn into a tomato in front of him so you look to the side so that your hair is covering your face and avoid looking at him. But despite all that, your hand was still holding his. Never letting go.
Peter thought enough was enough so he tried to pull a way so that you could at least breath. Surprisingly, you were the one that held on.
“I- I don’t want my efforts to go to waste, or yours. So… is it okay if we stay like this for a bit” you were still looking away from Peter, but you lowered your hands so that it was comfortably resting on the couch.
“My heart is like beating a thousand miles per second right now I think, but I-I’m okay…” You finally looked at Peter. Your cheeks were flushed with shades of red, and your eyes seemed more like a doe to Peter now. God, he really wanted to hold you close now.
He shuffled a bit in the couch, trying to close the distance between you little by little.
“Is this okay?” Peter asked. He was still an arms length far from you, but closer nonetheless. You nodded. He then shifted closer, asking the same thing, and you replied the same. After going back and forth a bit, Peter was now only a few inches away from your body. You both still kept some form of distance, but the proximity between you two was closer than you could ever imagine. Peter asked one last time.
“How about this? Is this too close for you?” He said, almost like a whisper. Your heart had reached it’s breaking point, your brain was already in the process of turning into goop, your body was overheating as if gas was leaking out of your skin. Yeah, this was your limit for now Peter thought.
He backed a few inches away from you so you could compose yourself, while his eyes were still watching your every move. You finally let go of his hand and fanned yourself to cool your face.
You gave him a sheepish smile as you’re still embarrassed about the whole thing you just did with him, at the same time you were happy he tried to help you. Though, you don’t know how much your heart can take it if he keeps doing these things.
“How bout we just stick to hand holding for now?” you said.
Peter gave you his signature smile and grabbed your hand to hold it on his own. Though, he wasn’t done teasing you just yet, as once he grabbed your hand, he brought the back of your hand to his lips and kissed it as if he was a prince in a fairy tale giving the princess a greeting.
yeah, it was then and there you fainted.
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clementinecleo · 1 month
Tear you apart
A Bill Cipher and Ford Fic
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Summery : Ford and Bill go drinking, celebrating the progress of the portal.
O’Sadlys was mostly quiet, not a lot of people ever came this late..except Bill Cpher and Stanford Pines. It was a ritual at this point, every monday they'd go out and spend the night just talking to each other. It would be rude not to mention that mondays are their slowest, due to Bill driving off customers with his maniac self.
Ford raised his glass and proudly toasted to Bill. “To the portal!” and Bill just laughed while clinking their glasses together. Bill sat back and watched as Ford chugged down the beer. In 6 seconds nonetheless.
“Jeez sixer, didn't know you had it in ya. Another?” He raised his hand and Ford burped, muttering a small “excuse me” before folding his arms. “Keep em coming, muse” He said that last word with a slight tinge in his voice and Bill flicked his hand. “Oh, sixer you flatter me, really” He giggled before taking a sip of his own drink.
It didn't take long for the two of them to get tipsy once they were together. but this time it felt different.
Ford discarded his coat, placing it on his lap. Ford wore a white button up along with a pair of slacks and muddy boots. He was always nicely dressed whenever Bill was around.
Bill couldn't help but stare at Ford in his little 'formal attire', and he was very obvious about it. Bill coughed into his hand before changing subjects, he can't get distracted. not yet.
“Y'know sixer, I've never met anyone as smart as you. No one else could do this difficult of a project! Gotta hand it to ya I thought you'd chicken out ” Bill knew this was a way to butter Ford up, to stroke his ego and get him to admire him even more. The more a follower loves you, the more they'll sacrifice for you.
Ford was flushed from the compliments, but blamed it on the alcohol. He coughed into his hand before looking back at Bill while readjusting his glasses. “Thank you Bill, that means a lot”
Ford went on about the progress on the portal and how he had a work partner helping him with building it. Fiddleford mcgucket. A hillbilly from the backwash countryside of California.
Bill seemed a bit irritated, the more Ford talked about fiddleford, the more the anger boiled up inside him. Sure, he was glad the portal was finally getting built, but he wasn’t exactly excited to share Ford’s attention. Still, Bill managed to calm himself and act interested as Ford continued to talk.
He directed his attention to Ford's drinking. amazed at the sight of Ford chugging his worries away and wiping his wet lips. it got Bill thinking of the things he'd say while drunk. things sober Ford would never tell a living soul. Sins, pathetic sins. Oh how he loved a desperate man.
Bill had to hold himself back from giving in to his desires, he couldn’t rush this. He still needed Ford to fall even farther, but every time he looked at the man Bill couldn’t think straight. He’s seen Ford drunk before, sure. But something about his flushed face was different.
Bill had a high tolerance for basically everything so the beer hasn't even fazed him yet while Ford is the complete opposite. He's slurring his words, hot breath fanning across Bill's left arm. He's lying face down on the table. His glasses crooked and hair afluff. Bill gulped, and hooked his finger under his tie and readjusted it. How can sixer be so indecent?
Bill couldn't help but stare at the disheveled man in front of him, it was almost too much to bear. The alcohol had completely taken over Ford.
“You sure are out of it” Bill chuckled, trying to remain calm.
Ford barked out a laugh, throwing an arm around Bill's shoulder and raised his glass yet again before chugging it. Bill could smell his cologne (why was he wearing cologne?) and it smelt like the woods.
Bill's hand trembled around his own glass as Ford leaned himself on him. He could feel the heat coming off the man’s body. “Watch where you’re throwing yourself, sixer.” Bill said, but on the inside he was ecstatic. "You're pretty wasted, maybe we should stop" Bill mutterd out, trying to get this..weird feeling away from him.
Ford whined out, pouting. “Aww C'mon my muse just one more..please?” Ford's voice lowered as he practically begged. Well, Bill did like a desperate man. Especially if that man was Stanford Pines.
Bill grinned as Ford whined. He just wanted to grab the man by his collar and rip the buttons right off his shirt. Still, Bill maintained his composure, for now.
"I like your tone, sixer. Another coming right up!"
Bill got Ford another drink whenever he asked, and soon enough, it was past 2am, and Ford was hammered. His hair was a disheveled mess, glasses crooked on his nose. His tie was loose and limp around his neck. Seeing Ford in this state was both a gift and a curse. On one hand, watching the most important piece of his plan being reduced to a drunken mess was satisfying.
Ford plunged his hand into his pocket and pulled out a singular 20 sided dice, before leaning closer to bill. “Do you wanna see a magic trick?” He asks. Reading Bill's face while waiting for his answer. Bill nodded, leaning his face onto his palm
Ford began slipping the dice through every finger on his hand, it danced around each bone and slipped into his palm yet again.
One thing led to another, and Ford woke up in a bush on the side of a hill with 2 new tattoos.
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dxncingwithastrxnger · 9 months
you and me here, underneath the mistletoe (Sanemi x Reader)
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A/N: Hey guys!!! Today we have a lil Sanemi Christmas drabble requested by my wonderful, amazing bestie @tojisangrylittlething!!! Sidney, I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it for you!! Ilysm!!! I hope anyone else who reads this enjoys it as well!!!
Pairing(s): Sanemi x GN!Reader (Pronouns not specificed)
Prompts: "Stop trying to get me to walk under the mistletoe.” + Decorating the tree from my Christmas Sleepover post
Tag(s): All fluff!!
Word Count: 675
Song Inspiration: Underneath the Mistletoe By Sia
Not beta'd, all mistakes are my own.
“Hey, ‘Nemi, can you help me out here? This box is way too heavy.” You ask the white-haired man, looking at him hopefully.
He turns his head with a raised eyebrow, looking down at the box and then back up at you. “Alright.” He simply says, unconvinced.
And then, instead of stepping up beside you to lean down and grab the box like you expected him to, he just grabs one of the cardboard flaps and pulls it all the way over beside the tree. You pout slightly in disappointment but perk up and decide to try again.
It goes like this for awhile, the two of you starting to decorate the tree as you continue to try and lure him beneath that little branch of green and holly berries. Somehow, he picked up on all of your attempts to do so. But you aren’t finished yet.
“Sanemiiiii.” You drag out playfully, holding your arms out to him with a bright grin.
Sanemi looks at you and sighs, a slight frustration on his face. “Stop trying to get me to walk under the mistletoe.” He tells you firmly.
You let your head fall back in exasperation and give out a loud groan. “You’re no fun, San. Please?” You plead.
He rolls his eyes at you. “You do this every year and the answer is still no. I’m not participating in that bullshit tradition. You’re lucky I even tolerate that damn branch hanging on our ceiling.” He huffs.
You sigh softly. “Why are you even so against it in the first place, huh?”
Your boyfriend scoffs. “Because it’s stupid. You know, real mistletoe is poisonous. Who looks at poison and says, “Oh yeah, I wanna kiss my partner under that”? Like I said, stupid.”
You can’t help but laugh at how serious he is about it, his expression telling you that if you asked for more of his thoughts on the topic, he’d go on for another hour, no questions asked. “You really are passionate about this, aren’t you?” You ask with a grin.
Sanemi gives you an exasperated look. “(Y/N). Seriously. Why do you like the tradition so much?” He questions you.
You smile and walk up to him, grabbing both of his hands in yours. “Because it’s just a cute little thing that people do and it can be romantic and sweet.” You tell him sincerely.
A slight pout forms on his face as he looks away from you and off to the side, though he keeps hold of your hands. “I can be romantic and sweet.” He mumbles.
You giggle softly. “I know you can, babe. So, prove it. And if you do it just this once, then I’ll never ask you to do it ever again, okay? I promise.”
He turns back to you with narrowed eyes. “Just one time?” He questions skeptically.
“Just one time and then never again.” You confirm.
He stares at you for another minute before sighing deeply and giving a small nod of his head. “Fine. Once.”
Your face lights up. “Thank you, thank you, thank you, Nemi!!” You exclaim, happily tugging him over to your previous spot underneath the waxy mistletoe hanging from the ceiling.
He follows along slowly, but he follows nonetheless. Once you both come to a stop, you look up at him hopefully and expectantly. He sighs again before looking down at you. He takes a step closer to you and takes one hand out of yours in order to place it on your cheek gently, cradling your face.
He mumbles something under his breath, but the only word you catch is “stupid”. Then, after one more moment of hesitation, he leans down and kisses you sweetly. You melt into the kiss happily and wrap your arms around his neck, kissing him back and holding onto him.
When the two of you pull away, you press your forehead against his. “Happy now?” He grumbles despite you knowing that he’s smiling.
“Very much so.” You tell him with a smile of your own.
A/N: How was it?? This was my first ever Sanemi fic!! I love that man sm. I hope you all enjoyed it!!! I'd love to hear your thoughts!! Thank you for reading!!!
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thefanciestborrower · 1 month
Okok, I know you have your own headcannons an stuff- but like- for the ninja boi's I have a few headcannons if you dont mind me sharing:
Headcannons related to the entire hecking chapter worth of a story I wrote lol:
Cole is absolutely terrified of the dark but won't tell anyone. This means that the only ninja who can eat him without him flipping out is Zane. This is cause, in my personal headcannon, Zane absolutely has glowing insides.
Jay constantly talks big game about eating Cole, but when he finally gets the chance to eat Cole, he ends up almost choking. Now Cole brings it up almost any chance he gets.
Cole has climbed up the kitchen counters multiple times to get to some dessert. Since Cole is about as tall as a hand is long, he normally fills up completely on dessert. He does this often at the worst times, such as before dinner or before a mission. This has gotten so bad that Zane has started hiding any dessert he makes in various places he knows Cole can't see them.
Just kinda general headcannons, not story related:
When any one of the ninjas are too hot in the summer, but they still want to be outside, they practically beg to eat Zane. Like give him the puppy eyes and everything. I think the only ones who can normally convince him though is Cole and Lloyd.
Jay used to playfully shock anyone he didn't ask to be eaten by, but he had to stop when he accidentally shocked Zane with too much electricity (this was after he had tried to pick a fight with Cole in the kitchen). All I have to say is poor Zane. He worked so hard on that spaghetti sauce.
Lloyd, as a kid, would often get in trouble, and as a punishment, get put in "time out," aka eaten. This was always a hassle since he liked to kick and make the one who ate him sick. Zane is the only ninja without a gag reflex and pain receptors, so for a while, he was the only one who would be up to the task.
On that note, once, when Lloyd was younger, he tried to sneak out. He then was then promptly stopped by Sensei Wu, who then woke up Zane to give him a "time out."
And ya! Heres some headcannons for ya 👍
Idk if all of em made sense, so let me know if I need to re-explain anything :)
OH my gosh these are all AMAZING!! Going insane rn
Cole being scared of the dark is something I’ve never really thought about but oh my goodness it’s perfect?? Like idk how to explain it but that just feels right you know? I ALSO think that Zane glows inside so nice to see we’re on the same wavelength there lmao. Like, why not give him some pretty glowy insides you know?
The image of Jay trying to choke down Cole is HYSTERICAL to me like come on buddy what do you think was gonna happen?? There’s no way that would have ended well for him and he deserves to get teased for it 
There’s honestly no way Cole WOULDN’T stuff himself stupid with dessert if shrunk and given the chance okay like that’s absolutely correct and Zane would be the person to hide everything from him. Just put it in the fridge he can’t get in there lmao
Zane is like a nice cool ice cube who doesn’t melt and keeps your core feeling cool of COURSE they’d wanna eat him in the summer! I would too! I would also probably only let Cole and Lloyd eat me lmao cause look, they’re just the teeniest tiniest bit more responsible than the others. Kai, Jay, and Nya are forces of chaos that cannot be contained. Rip Zane…..he didn’t deserve his spaghetti sauce to be exploded. Jay does deserve to zap people though he’s an absolute menace like that and look if you try and eat him without permission then you’re just asking for it at that point. 
YOU ALSO have the ‘little Lloyd getting ate for time out purposes’ headcanon oh my goodness!! Look look the kid was an absolutely feral gremlin okay sometimes you just gotta contain him, and because he BITES then Zane is the only one who can really tolerate that sort of chaos. I like to think Zane has some soundproofing qualities to his internal storage/stomach compartment lmao, so when he gets given Lloyd in the middle of the night he can just tune out the enraged shrieking and complaining. At least until Lloyd tires himself out and finally goes to sleep 
These are all SO GOOD WAAAA if you have any more I’d love to see them lol. That goes for anyone btw give me your headcanons I wanna see!! 
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sashi-ya · 2 years
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𝕰𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖙𝖞 𝖑𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖘 𝖔𝖓𝖑𝖞 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖆 𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖚𝖙𝖊 +18. Aizen Sōsuke x F! Reader
✦ requested by Anonymous for the free requests ➜ heyyy sashi^^ maybe some stuff about aizen, especially muken version? ➜ Of course! he is such an amazing character to me, the way he is written is pure poetry. I hope you enjoy this fic ♡ ✦ tw: playing with your mind. mouth restriction. bondage. suspension. violence (aizen pushes reader to the ground). fingering. vaginal penetration. deep mind fuck and feelings exposed. ✦ wc: 2.9k
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“(Name)-san… I have to ask you to keep this in between you and I” Kyoraku Shunsui, General Captain of the Gotei 13 requests you with a serious tone.
“I’m not telling this to anyone, Kyoraku Soo Taicho. I’m extremely grateful for what you are allowing us to do, and I will never betray your trust” you say, bowing before the laid-back captain.
“Heh…betrayal is not a proper word to use in this particular case. But what’s fair is fair. However, kid, I must warn you… and forgive me for repeating this to you, but please be careful… Sosuke Aizen is the spawn of Hell”
The mustiness and the darkness of Muken hits you once the ten thousand locks let the doors open. They say this is worse than hell, and they are right. It’s endless. It’s dark, cold, humid, lonely. The sadness creeps through your bones. It whispers the inevitable destiny of going against the rules some have stated as fair.
But, you were a revolutionary. And so it was him. You always saw that man like the one who dared to break the pattern, the endless inhibitions, and the path of those he called losers. Aizen didn’t want to be mediocre… winners don’t ask how the world is, but how it should be…
Yet, he forgot that even gods have weaknesses. Solitude and love. There is, still, no higher being able to scape the unstoppable force of their own human nature, the heart that he thought he lost and the need for your skin… oh so sacred velvety flesh that once felt so soft on his palm, against his body melting with yours.
“Aizen-sama…” you whisper, in pure darkness. Kyoraku Taicho has already left -or perhaps it’s what you wish he did-.
Lights turn on, like the stelas that guide even the blindest person, on each side of an immeasurable scaffold. He is there, hanging, vertically. As if he had been crucified, like the God of some humans in the world of the living.
You can’t see his face; it’s covered in black ties. His arms, his wrists. There is no single showing of that skin you miss so much. Where have the sweet captain of squared glasses gone? Was that just a total façade, or maybe, in all that innocent play was at least a hint of his inner self?
“(Name)… why are you here?” he asks. You are sure he isn’t talking with his mouth. That’s most probably Kyoka Suigetsu helping him do it.
You gasp. Why is he asking? Isn’t he intelligent enough to understand the reason why you are here?
“Sosuke… I was allowed to visit you for what you have done for the Soul Society” you whisper, it’s enough for him to hear. “I couldn’t help it… I’m sorry”
You mourn in the silence he explicitly chooses to surround you with. The purple gaze of the lights that barely kisses his restricted face feels not enough to avoid you from shivering. You aren’t scared of him, you are scared of the immensity and wilderness this place has. Is this really necessary? He betrayed them, sure but… He helped them, right?
“You are thinking of how unfair this place is, right (Name)-san? You are mad because you believe I shouldn’t be in here… but, it’s just twenty thousand years… I’m immortal, you know that” he calmly informs you, as if you didn’t know… As if it wasn’t exactly the infinite pain that that brings you daily.
You fall down your knees. Your mind can only focus on that number. Stop repeating it, Aizen!
“Stand up. I can’t tolerate to see you kneeling that way” he scolds you.
“Aren’t you a God, Aizen-sama? Shouldn’t I pay you entirely and exclusively respect to such a higher being?” you ask. Was it really what you thought? Yes. Indeed, it was.
Your mind goes blank for some seconds. You don’t know exactly when it happened, but, you see Aizen breaking with his strong hands the seals that prevent him from scaping.
You gasp, in awe.
“Why are you here, exactly? Did I ever ask you to become some kind of devotee? Which God stands on top of the rests while being restricted and stopped from changing this unfair world?”
Was that Aizen just mourning about his current state?
He comes closer to you, so close that you can see the tip of his boots with clarity. They told you being even near him without at least one of the seals will make your soul body explode in a million pieces… but you aren’t exploding, much less can feel any reiatsu around.
Aizen’s gloved hand reaches for your chin, and with his index he delicately makes you look up at him. “Tell me, (Name)-san… are you that in love with the death?” he asks… Is he the Death?
Your pupils dilate, as big as the hollow that hold the hogyoku in the middle of his chest. “I adore you, Aizen-sama. I’d wait for you and even die for you” you tell him. You know, better than anyone that your life means nothing to him. He has never asked you to die for him.
Aizen caresses your cheek. His eyes look at you like an inferior creature, feeling pity for such an ignorant being driven by love… Oh, but how hypocritical he can be. Him, who had fused his existence with something that expresses the true desires of the heart. Didn’t he know that?
“Let me ask you again, why you waste your time in here? Waiting for me? I’m immortal, you aren’t. Are you that dumb?” Aizen inquires, helping you stand up.
You scoff. You have never laughed at him. You wouldn’t dare… but, this time… “Aizen-sama… you are still so naïve… you, a genius still can’t understand the most basic and yet beautiful feeling in this and all the worlds… Love”
It’s clear that you have offended him. How dare you call him naïve? How dare you doubt of his intelligence?
He pushes you back to the floor. His right eyebrow lifted; his chocolate brown eyes infused with desperation. He is not mad, he is just scared, like a little animal that’s been caged… you have exposed the only trait that still makes him human, the one he tries to reject, to deny from his own self… the one the who can’t recant of.
“Love? Do you think I am capable of loving? That’s the lowest form of humanity, and I’m not a human. Stop your daydream, (Name). You should get away, and never come back. Go live your live with someone. Experience what you call love with someone capable of” Aizen orders, but in reality cries.
You, who are now sitting on that cold floor, with your hands scrapped and your body like floating, smile kindly. “If you are incapable of love… why, then, are you asking me to leave? To live my life with someone else?”
He takes some time to think. Looking up and down at you, with his chin lifted and his head slightly tilted to the side. “Because you wanna be happy, there is no happiness in here…” he whispers.
This time your beam grows bigger. It’s all you needed to listen. He is, indeed, capable of loving you. “You want me to be happy, because you… care about me, Aizen-sama… and that’s called love”
How much he would have loved to contradict you. To go on a deepest raid of logical thinking, to debunk the basic thought that lead you to believe it’s that simple… but, indeed, even for him… it was so simple.
Aizen took the patch that covered up until now his right eye. The white cape over his shoulders ripped in a violent swing. The black, heavy coverings sealing him ended up in the floor and it seems to evaporate with the darkness around. There is nothing but pure infinite around a little spot of light that cover you two with its cold mantle.
His skin, oh… his skin pale and with the eternal marks of strong devices carved to stop his limitless power presented right before your eyes. Those same eyes that got flooded endless nights with tears, remembering the way it felt to watch him sleep right next to you...
His hair, dishevelled that has grown a little longer and now covers his nape. His lips, semi open, letting haste breathe come out of his mouth. His eyes, injected in fear and need, and pain and regret and pride, and every human passion…
“Come here, (Name)” he calls you, with his hand stretched to you. Those fingers that were once coated with your arousal are now calling you to touch them.
The god of death luring you to his grave. Oh, the deadly lust that could kill you. Oh, the deadly need that could destroy you.
Don’t touch Aizen. Don’t get any closer, they said. He could kill you if you dared to take a further step more than what it’s needed, they warned you.
But he needs me. Me. Only me. But he is so alone… he begs, he yearns, he cries for my touch. For mine, just mine.
“Come (Name)” “Yes, Aizen-sama…”
The grazing touch, the bare caress of your fingertips against his. Everything becoming dark again. A blink of an eye, and you are a few centimetres off the ground. Red seals have been carved on your chest and are holding you against a wall where he was. You can’t speak. There are black strands of heavy material covering your mouth, sealing your lips. A single tear runs through your cheek. Is this it? How is he even capable of doing this to you…
“Take my place and tell me… do you still think this is love?” he asks, knowing well that you can’t speak and barely emit any sound. But eyes speak louder than words.
You fix your orbs into his. This is love… Accepting my faith, for you. Taking your place, for you. Go walk free, go make them your devotees. Make them bow, crush their bones, their souls, pulverize them. You are free if I’m allowed to take your place. Yet, loneliness will ever, never go away.
Aizen swallows. His smirk has faded away. His eyes, that reminds you of a lamb walking into the slaughter, remain.
You close your eyes. You really don’t have the resources to comprehend this, but you understand him. After all, he has always ran away from the things he wanted the most… being alone pained him, and yet, he did everything to make his solitude even bigger.
A sudden touch that makes you jolt, or barely as you are immobilized, scares you. But there is no doubt, his scent and the delicate graze of his fingers cannot be mistaken for anyone else’s. Aizen hasn’t ran away this time, he has stayed for you.
You open your eyes, slowly, watching with blurriness the chocolate eyes you love the most. “You didn’t leave me here…” you think.
“Why would I?” he answers back, as if he could listen to your thoughts… of course he can.
He peels the coverings on your mouth, leaving just one over your lips. It’s the string that creates more pressure, separating your lips, carving marks on your cheeks. You let your hasty breath slip through it, caressing Sosuke’s lips that are so close, so near.
“You have come here. You wanted me so bad, and here I am” he murmurs, with that deep voice that’s both sexy and dominating and also intimidating and scary.
You nod, with whimpering noises that are ripped by Aizen’s hand crawling through your leg. You haven’t noticed up until now, the way your body was presented to him… you were completely naked, like a painting for him to enjoy like in a museum. You, his muse, and work of art, for him to appreciate while hanging on a wall.
“I missed your legs… I missed your smell. I missed your skin… have you missed me, (Name)?” he asks, with pleading tone that makes you shiver, that makes your skin turn bumpy and overly sensitive.
Tears run through the commissure of your eyes. It’s beautiful to hear him say that he missed your body, even if maybe it’s not true.
His lips reach for your collar bones, placing those sweet butterfly kisses that are probably as dangerous as a double-edged sword. It’s so tiring to submit to a man like him, who smiles and kills, who hugs you just to stab your heart… that is what it takes to love him… A big heart that you will need to lose a thousand times.
The tip of his tongue taste your nipples, getting hard, expectant for him to devour them. With a hand he squeezes one of your breasts; they are turgently presented to him as your arms are opened, stretched, and pinned to that wall.
You can barely focus your eye sight down to where he is. His caramel hair, absolutely dishevelled, the warmth of his mouth surrounding one of your nipples… He inhales your scent as he sucks, he nurtures from your moans and body spasms.
His free hand reaches for your core. Folds that drip, folds that can’t be ignored no more. You plead with your eyes for him to touch you, to at least graze you with his fingertips.
Aizen ignores your needs, or perhaps he plays with them, pushing you to the extreme where it’s even painful to your body. He enjoys the way your wetness create a tiny pool right under where you are. It is for him pure art, the way your arousal honeys submits to gravity, in litmus strings that reflect the poor lighting of Muken.
“You haven’t changed a bit, (Name)… which version of me do you prefer? The gentle one, the soft and loving captain, right?” he asks, so sure you have fallen for his lies.
You deny with your head. With the pressure of the seal on your mouth, you try to speak. “Thef realf you ~ ”
He smirks. He understands what you want. You want more of this torture, you want the real treacherous menace that both put the skies on their knees and then helped them stand back again.
A sexy scoff over your lips, a kiss that you cannot reciprocate. And a kiss that he places either way. The sudden intrusion of his fingers into you, hitting the deepest place where they can reach.
You moan, muffled by that tight seal. He inhales, he sucks the pleasure noises with his mouth open in an O shape. His chin against yours, the tip of your nose pressed against his fine one.
Beckoning motions, making you tremble, making you even wetter. His forearm also covers by a thin runny layer of your body’s orgasmic responses, pleasing the masculine side of his inner self.
“Come from me, come…” he commands, as if you were made to choose. You nod, desperately, panting. You plead, you wish you could say all the things you wish to say, but you can’t. Aizen, perhaps, also controls your ability to speak, to communicate. You have been turned to a simple being whose mind went blank and a body is a slave of his hands.
Hands, fingers, brutally burying in and out, back, and forth. It hurts how much you squirm, the ties around your body pull and carve deep into your skin. You can’t escape; you don’t want to either way.  
And without a single warning, without something that could let you know … or maybe yes, but you couldn’t hear, you couldn’t process- he impales you. The warm contact of his hardness with the velvet surface of your entrance, sliding inside of spasming walls. Lubricated by dripping honeys that pool in the base of his sex, he begins to pump in and out of you. It goes up and down, violently, brutally, pushing hard, making you jump.
“I’ve waited for this for so long… the tight embrace of your femineity. The way you mourn as I go so deep inside you. Are you mine, (Name)? Are you completely mine, (Name)?” he asks, in between the gasps and grunts coming from his throat.
“Mghhj… yes” you whine, feeling how your body gets freed from any seal, any material keeping you trapped. Your arms fall on top of his shoulders, like dead weight. You can touch him, every bump of his back, that soft manly muscular frame that you remember oh so very well.
Carved your nails into his flesh, your legs trap his waist as he holds you from yours. Aizen keeps fucking you until you feel like passing out, until you drool just a little from a brain killer pleasure on his neck.
His scent, the perfume of his skin. The warmth of his body against yours. The way his reiatsu is only perceived when his guard has been let down enough as his mind turns off and becomes a total slave of lust. The solitude of his eyes, that maybe there, in such short moments of connection, fades away…
“Don’t you ever go away, eternity won’t be ever enough” “I know, Aizen-sama… I’ll wait you forever…”
A sudden heavy touch on your shoulder wakes you up. “(Name)… were you able to speak to him? Are you ok?” Kyoraku Shunsui’s voice breaks the enchantment.
You open your eyes. The doors of Muken, right were you were the moment you step inside, appear open. The blinding lights from the outside hit your eyes.
“It’s only been a minute… but I was worried I couldn’t sense your spiritual pressure… Did he speak to you, after all?”
“He did, Kyoraku Taicho. Aizen Sosuke spoke to me”.
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stellarred · 1 year
As the ageless and omnipotent entity gazed at Jean-Luc Picard lying on his back, bathing in the light of twin suns, he wondered,
"What does Jean-Luc love about me?"
Q knew, of course, that Jean-Luc loved that he would never hesitate to take him to incredible places across the universe, or keep him safe and preserve his life from any dangers, and grant every material desire of his beloved capitaine with a mere snap of his fingers.
Q recognized that Picard came to appreciate the lessons he had taught him. Learning about the very essence of the universe was only part of Q's curriculum. Teaching Picard about Existence itself and transcending beyond mortal thoughts and comprehension was the other part.
Q smiled. Yes, he took such delight in opening the universe to Picard and sharing amazing adventures with him.
But, did Picard love HIM?
Q caught his breath, as Picard smiled and reached for his hand. They laced their fingers together, and with that, Q lay down beside him, close against his Favorite's body.
The question absolutely terrified Q. What did Picard love about him that didn't involve him *doing* something for him?
"Even if it's transactional, I can accept it. I can cope with it," Q thought to himself.
"Just as long as I have him. As long as he's willing to let me show how much I love him..."
For Jean-Luc Picard, Q was willing to do and tolerate just about anything. He was worth it.
However, Q knew in his cosmic heart, that even he deserved authenticity and true respect from Picard.
Could he truly accept being part of a one-sided relationship?
That question was practically boring a hole into the entity's chest by this time, and he decided that the time had come to find out exactly where he stood.
"Jean-Luc, " Q whispered. "What do you love about me?"
Picard turned his head, and shielding his eyes from the suns, asked, "What do you mean?"
Q swallowed.
"I mean, what do you love about me?"
"I love that you always take care of me. You watch over me--"
"No, no, Jean-Luc, " Q interrupted, shaking his head. "What do you love about me personally?"
Picard smiled as he lifted Q's hand to his lips and kissed it.
"I love...your very spirit, your smile, and your very soul, Q. You are my best friend. You are..."
Q reached over and stroked his face.
"I'm what, Jean-Luc?"
"The love of my life."
Q raised an eyebrow.
"Would you love me even if I was Deja Q again? Even if I had no powers?"
"I would still love you, Q. You are, for lack of a better word, a good man."
Q smiled, as he blinked crystal tears in his eyes.
"Strip everything away, even your occasional antics, and I see at your core, a good man. I could never share the rest of my life with anyone else but you."
"Jean-Luc, " Q whispered tenderly.
Picard wrapped his arms around Q and pressed his head against Q's chest.
"What do you love about me,Q"
Q paused.
"I don't know, Jean-Luc... if there's enough time in all of eternity to tell you."
Just reflecting on an article I read that reminded readers to always keep in mind that the authentic love that we all deserve is when you are loved by someone not for what you can do for them, but for exactly who you are as a person.
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promptling · 1 year
the scarlet pimpernel ( 1982 ), dir. clive donner. change pronouns as needed.
i beg of you.
do you know the rendezvous?
our world is topsy-turvy.
then why do we look the other way and pretend nothing is happening?
don't you think your methods are slightly harsh?
it would seem your friend is in distress.
you'll be superb!
anyone would have done as much.
we must get you home to bed.
his heart too often leads his head.
is love, too, a crime these days?
will i not see you again?
how could you be so rude?
you've executed men for less.
revolutions are never bloodless.
you are even more beautiful than i recall, if that is possible.
you see i'm a bit of a poet, and you did not know it.
you must tell me all about yourself, in all detail.
you move too fast.
i'd sooner trust a snake.
i give you my word, no harm will come to you.
i shall be back in time for supper.
you used me.
what have i done?
you have no right to pry into my personal affairs.
why i do believe you're jealous?
it amazes me how a woman of your taste and intelligence could tolerate such a fool.
the one thing you must never doubt is my sincerity.
you must be very much like your mother.
it appears we have both misjudged one another.
isn't it wonderful?
you made inquiries?
they say she only married him for his money.
she has blood on her hands.
this is no trial. and you are no judge.
will you say nothing, sir?
there are times when i think that he still loves me.
these pinch something monstrous.
perhaps there's no more to know.
i dare not risk it.
i shall love her till the day i die.
a man in your position should not listen to gossip.
have you come here to be impertinent?
i was good enough for you once.
kindly state your business.
i advise you to keep silent.
i must have been daydreaming.
in that gown, you'll be the belle of the ball.
the man can't even tie his own cravat.
why aren't you the kind of man a woman can look up to?
are you in trouble?
i shall expect you to dance every dance with me.
i do feel devilish lucky tonight.
i don't know what came over me.
i only need to close my eyes for a moment or two.
do not turn around.
you are a very brave woman for coming here.
i'm a fool.
how can you be so unfeeling?
you don't even know the meaning of love.
i should never have allowed you to come along.
i can only pray that i'm doing the right thing.
a fair exchange, don't you think?
he takes you for a fool.
any trickery, and they die.
allow her to go free.
let me die with you.
i'm not afraid to die.
alas, a moment was all i could spare.
well, finish it off!
do you lack the courage?
i always like to give a man a sporting chance.
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selkienight60 · 11 months
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birthday bash by yeeyee123
Kon’s pumped that Clark has brought him in to help put together Jon’s 8th birthday party. No really, he is! Just don’t ask him directly about it, or he may need to go leave the room and take a breather. Inhaling helium gas from all those balloons isn’t good for you, you know?
But still your secrets (I will keep) by JUBE514
“What the hell is that, Batman.” Kal’s still not moving but he does look back now. “Because if I didn’t know any better I would say that was me.” “We have intel from a deserter at LexCorp that Luthor had gotten ahold of some of your DNA.” Bruce doesn’t know how to explain this without it … without it being terrible. “Through a fight, through his own strange methods, through kryptonite, who knows. He tried to clone it, but failed-” Kal’s jaw tightens “Bizzaro.” “This is a combination of your genes and a human donor, with some of J’onn’s DNA to hold it together.” Bruce can trace the Martian's contribution with the barest hint of the way the clone’s eye is shaped. Just an impression, a barest hint that would never be connected if Bruce hadn’t seen the files for himself. Kal bites in a terrible sound that emits from somewhere in his chest, a pitched keen that makes the hair on Bruce’s neck stand straight up. “Where is he?” -- Sure, Kryptonians look human enough, but underneath all that flawless tanned human skin rests a creature that came from the stars.
of worry by adelfie
Kon stares at him. “I’ve been dying, and you’ve been doing”— he peers at the monitor to see the last puzzle— “Sudoku?” Tim shrugs. "I'm kind of amazing at it." -- Trapped with Tim and surrounded by kryptonite, Kon's not looking forward to being told off by Superman for all the things he's done wrong. (Or, Kon and Tim annoy a villain and Clark is a Good Dad)
straight on 'til morning by merils
“All children, except one, grow up.” ― J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan Kon hasn't been a kid in a long time - he's not stuck at sixteen anymore, and he hasn't been for years; he's twenty-three and living his best life. But the past has funny ways of coming back to haunt everyone when they least expect it, and there's no predicting the storm on the horizon for him. It starts simply, as do most things. Jon turns sixteen. Jon turns sixteen, and Kon suddenly realizes that if anyone were to treat him the way he was treated at sixteen, he'd tear the world apart. The revelations, unfortunately, don't stop there.
tell me that i'm alright by stiless__halee
Jon already gets everything. He gets Metropolis and Smallville and Ma and Lois and Clark with his dumb goofy smiles. Now he’s getting this special version of Superman just because he was lucky enough to come from Lois, the parent who Clark loved. Jon doesn’t have to spend months striving for perfection just to earn Superman’s tolerance. Jon just exists, and that’s enough for Clark. Well, Kon never asked to exist. He never asked for Luthor to make him, and it isn’t fair that he’s the one who’s being punished for it. or The baby of the family never realizes how good they get it.
you found me when no one else was looking by suzukiblu
The boy lifts the torn collar of his shirt and Clark sees a symbol that is so familiar he doesn’t even recognize it, like he wouldn’t recognize his own face if he saw it—like he doesn’t, for a moment—but Kal-El does not care about the symbol or the face, Kal-El cares about the boy.
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The Guardian of Republic City: Mako x Female Reader - Part Two
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Part One, Part Three and Part Four.
You and Asami were making your way through town and you were very excited because today you were meeting Master Tenzin and his children the famous Airbender kids. You’d been too young to see Avatar Aang but did remember Jinora being born and how excited everyone was. You’d seen them from a distance but never up close...but now Master Tenzin and Pema had invited you to their home for dinner! Apparently Asami had mentioned your work to them and they wanted to meet you. It was a great honour and you only wished your parents could’ve seen it but you knew they’d be proud of you.
You felt the boat gliding across the water and smiled, feeling happy being surrounded by your element. Asami hadn’t told you much about this event just that it was casual and so you wondered who else was coming. “Is Mako going to be joining us?” you asked as casually as you could. Asami smiled “no he had work, why?”. “Oh no reason! I just thought it might be nice that’s all”. Asami looked down to hide her grin and nodded “How's Mako doing as a teacher? I understand he's been coming down a few times a week". You nodded smiling slightly "he's been amazing. The students love him a lot and find him very impressive" and they weren't the only ones.
Mako had been teaching at your school for just over a month now and you were still conflicted about him. Personally, you liked him. You thought he was very handsome and found you had a lot of similar ideals. It sounded like he had a very similar upbringing and you bet your paths crossed numerous times as kids without either of you noticing it. You liked how he could be awkward and blunt but also had a soft side and you could tell how much he cared for people. But your objective side knew he was also a police officer and could not excuse you from stealing from the rich even if you were using it to help the poor. His tolerance of that could only extend so far and you were keeping him at a distance as a result. "I bet they love having a pro athlete as their teacher!" Asami smiled "it's a shame you didn't see him when he was competing. He was very impressive". You were momentarily distracted by the idea before a thought occurred to you. "Is this around the time you dated him?" you asked. Asami paused and you smirked "yeah Mako let slip about that and seemed horrified I didn't know". Asami chuckled "yeah we dated for a while but it just didn't work out...there's no hard feelings there though and we're great friends. He's a great guy really he just wasn't the guy for me". You nodded and desperately wanted to know more details but didn't want to seem too interested. The choice was taken away from you though when the boat finally reached Air Temple Island. 
You were met by some guards who took your through to the main building. Pema and Tenzin were waiting and smiled as they saw you. “Y/n welcome, please come in! It’s lovely to see you again Asami”. Asami hugged them both while you went for a handshake. “Your island is beautiful” you commented and Pema smiled “thank you but it’s not our island. Air Nomads don’t believe in owning land, we just live here”. You nodded “of course I’m sorry if I offended you”. Pema laughed “not at all! come through to the dining room”. 
You were introduced to the couple’s four children and Ikki had tons of questions about everything but particularly the Fire Nation. “Is there fire everywhere? What about gold? What about dragons?” she cried before Pema restricted her to 2 more questions this visit. You were very grateful. You talked about your business and asked questions about the Air Nomad lifestyle, eager to learn more. Then talk turned to politics as it always does and Tenzin mentioned how just last night there were 2 more robberies. Asami sighed “I know, Mako says everyone is stumped, they can’t work out what’s going on”. Deciding to play dumb you frowned “why? Didn’t anyone see the robbers? Or find the stolen materials?”. Tenzin shook his head “that’s just it, the stolen items just vanish like they never existed. That's why President Reiko and Lin are so confused. They think something nefarious is going on, like another Amon”. Asami shivered “I hope not” you nodded your head pretending to be scared but really you were relieved nobody was suspecting you.
The rest of your visit passed by swiftly in the best possible way and you soon found yourself back on your way to Republic City and decided to walk past the marketplace on your way home. 
Mako's POV Mako sighed as he finally left the office after a long day of nothing. All the officers had been pulling extra shifts trying to clamp down on this recent crime wave but they’d been getting nowhere. Lin desperately wanted to know who was responsible, especially because the robberies were getting more sporadic. She was worried the thief was winding down and their chance to catch them was going.
So Mako had been doing extra hours voluntarily, patrolling the streets even on his nights off and was on the lookout for anything nefarious...except when he was teaching at your school of course. Oddly, your school seemed to be a new beacon in the city. Mako recognised many people who had been in the cells,  now studying sciences and languages which were luxuries they could never afford as children themselves. Every time he walked into your school he felt more and more hopeful that the city was becoming a better place...and then he'd leave and remember the rise in crime and it would all creep back in.   Mako was on his way through the market on his way home when he heard a commotion in the street. Some man had a hold of a child by their collar and was yelling. Mako walked into the crowd and came up to the man "what happens to be the problem here?". "This street rat took my watch" he said while the child cried that he didn't. "Please let go of the child" Mako said and the man glared "I will not until I get my property back". "Sir you are hurting him. I am an officer and won't ask you again". The man looked at the badge and reluctantly let go of the child who didn't try and run. Mako supposed he couldn't be older than 9 but he did have the same look he and Bolin had at the age, the look of a child who is up to no good. Mako turned to the man "did you see him do it?". "No but I felt someone brush past me and the watch loosen off my wrist. When I looked down it was gone". Mako looked down at the boy taking in his lack of layers and hence obvious places to hide it. "What do you say?" he asked the child. "I didn't do it!" the child replied adamantly "you can even search me!" and he held his arms up. "That's because there were two of you! I saw your friend scamper off you little rat!" the man yelled getting angry and as Mako went to restrain him, a figure quickly ran in and pushed him and the man hard. The man fell over but Mako managed to keep his footing and turned to see a figure grab the child’s hand and break off running. "Stop!" Mako yelled and began to give chase but he hadn't been in the market in a while and the other figure clearly did. The duo ducked under obstacles and whizzed around corners. Mako lost sight of them for a while and the next they saw them the child was no longer with the figure. No doubt they'd split and the child was long gone. Mako followed the figure, wondering who they were. They wore a cloak over them disguising everything but their height which was about average and they appeared to be in shape. With every step Mako was more and more sure this was the waterbender who had robbed the factory and dispatched him easily. Mako was studying the figure so intently he didn't notice his surroundings and fell over a cart of cabbages in the street. When he got up the vigilante was lost in a sea of people. Your POV You were still breathing heavily when you reached one of your hideouts minutes later. You'd seen the disturbance and knew the child didn't serve punishment from the law. You'd handle that yourself. You abandoned the cloak you’d managed to quickly grab to hide yourself and went back outside, pretending nothing was wrong. You headed to the boy's home and his parents accepted you in graciously. A few minutes later the boy and his friend arrived. They were smiling but froze when they saw you and his parents frowned "sit down". "You do not steal. Not anymore! Did Ms Y/n create a school for you for nothing? Has she given me and your mother a job, a legal method to put food on the table for nothing?" their father asked "this is how you repay her". "We are so disappointed in both of you" the mother added and you placed a hand on her arm. "I understand it is hard to remove yourself from a life you have always known and even harder to believe things have changed but that is no excuse for inflicting harm on innocent people who do not deserve it". "But the man was horrible" one of the boys cried "he's the one who would burn defective fruit and vegetables instead of giving it to beggars". You frowned "still it was reckless to put yourself in that situation. If I hadn't been there you would've been arrested. Do you really want to meet Lin Beifong herself?" you asked. The boys shook their heads and you nodded "you both need to stay quiet and hidden for a while. That means neither of you can come to class for 3 weeks". They both began to protest but you cut them off "it is for your own safety as well as a punishment. We have police officers there or did you forget? I will not put you in danger and I hope this will be a good reminder for you. You do not need to do that anymore. I will not accept any crime in my school and if I catch you doing it again I will expel you both is that clear?". The boys and even the parents froze at your tough words but the message got through and they promised never to do it again. "Good, I will see you both in class in 3 weeks" and left. As you left the hypocrisy of the day’s events didn't miss you. You were lecturing children for stealing when that is exactly what you did. The money from your own robberies had paid for some of the earliest textbooks in your school and were a means you didn’t mind resorting to. You didn't have a problem with stealing from the rich to give to the poor. The rich had too much and were not taxed enough to make it fair. The poor held all of that burden and if the legal system didn't work, well then you'd find ways to make it fairer. Your issue was with the children doing it. You'd purposefully kept your own missions under wraps so they wouldn't get inspired or grow up trying to emulate you. You'd seen how the legal system spat out poor children who had no choice but to turn to crime and would never let that happen to yours if you could handle it. Your own criminal plans were almost phased out now your factories and schools were self-sustaining. There would be a day soon when everything was legal and you could lecture children without feeling guilty...but still if you ever saw a child facing jail time you know you would do what you did today. Mako's POV Mako knew the second Chief Beifong walked in that this wasn't going to be good. This was twice in the past 3 weeks that he'd personally been foiled by this vigilante. It had to be the same person, of that Mako was certain but he still had no idea who it was. All they knew was the rich and upper class were the targets. Plus whoever was stealing the materials wasn't selling them in Republic City and was someone hiding and moving them without being detected. Lin was furious not a single criminal had been caught and it was hard to find suspects. A lot of the smaller criminals had become ordinary citizens working for you and that only left the gangs which Lin didn't want to anger unnecessarily. So they needed proof some sort of gang war was going on and Lin was determined to get it.
Chief Beifong gathered every single detective and demanded suggestions from them all. The room went silent and then gradually suggestions started coming up. "What about that new school?" an older officer asked and everyone paused. "Y/n's?" Lin asked "why would her opening a school have anything to do with this?". "Well it's not just her school but her factories too, they all employ...a certain type of people who we haven’t seen in our cells for a while, what if she's utilising them or if they're using her factory as a base?". Mako shook his head "so poor people trying to better themselves are automatically suspected criminals?" Mako asked. "No of course not...". "Then why don't you point the finger at some rich private school instead of at the only one doing this city any good" Mako snapped. Lin sighed "we don't have any leads so we have to start somewhere". Mako's head shot up "you can't be serious? Chief she has nothing to do with this...I know her!". "Maybe you're a little too close to be objective then?" an officer asked and Mako glared. Lin sensed a fight and asked to speak to Mako alone. "Look kid I don't think it's y/n either but we have to investigate her to rule her out. You volunteer there so just keep an eye out okay? See if that kid turns up there". Mako frowned "going to her school doesn't mean she's running a crime ring. That kid is probably there because he can hardly afford a private school". Lin sighed "I know but just keep a lookout okay? Tell me if you see anything strange". Mako sighed but nodded "okay".
Your POV After grilling the student you spent the remainder of the day at your school and it was quickly becoming your favourite place in Republic City. Not because you felt a draw to teaching or anything like that but because you got to see first-hand why it was all worth it and why you had to keep going. You were getting back to work when there was a knock on your door and Mako entered. He was dressed in his detective uniform which made you pause...then he smiled. "Hi Y/n, can I talk to you?" he asked. You nodded glancing at the clock "of course, did you just finish your lesson?". Mako nodded "I did". "How did it go?". "Well, there are some strong benders there and they’re progressing well". You smiled "I'm pleased, now what can I do for you". "I was wondering if you could help with the recent rise in crime targeting the rich". You thanked the Fire Nation for training you to keep your emotions hidden and nodded "of course, how can I help?". "Have you noticed any of your students or workers...acting strangely? Like they could possibly be involved?". You sat up straighter and put a cold expression on your face "so because my workers don't come from money they must be thieves and criminals?". Mako shook his head "no that's not what I mean at all...trust me I know better than anyone how annoying that stereotype is...but some people at the station are asking questions and of course they're looking at the people they always suspect, the poor. If you can help me prove them wrong, show there's nothing suspicious here then I can get them all cleared". "Well how do I do that? You work here, surely you'd notice if we were smuggling goods out the back door or gathered around in groups whispering about our criminal plans". Mako sighed "yeah you're right, I hate myself for even asking you. I'm going to go back and tell Chief Beifong there's nothing going on here...I'm sorry Y/n. I hope you don't think less of me" and Mako went to leave. You could see the guilt on his face and felt slightly bad for lying to him. "Wait Mako...I don't think any worse of you. I get you had to ask and that must've been hard for you given your history here". Mako sighed "yeah it was, those stereotypes followed my brother and me around for a long time and I promised never to put them on anybody else...guess I failed". You frowned and got the feeling no matter what you said, nothing would change Mako’s mind. So you tried to distract him instead. "Have you had anything to eat yet?" you asked. Mako looked at you surprised by the change in conversation "what?". "Have you had dinner yet? Because I haven't and was wondering if you'd like to grab some?". Mako relaxed and smiled "sure I'd love to!". You set off together through the streets and it felt nice. You’d obviously gotten to know Mako a little in the weeks he’d been teaching at your school but this was the first time the two of you were making an effort to spend time together and you liked how it felt. Not just because he was very handsome but because it had been so long since you’d even made a new friend or just done something social.  
"So is there anywhere you'd like to go?" you asked Mako and he frowned before nodding "there's this place I used to go all the time and I haven't been there in ages". You nodded content to let Mako choose when with a sinking feeling you realised you were heading closer to your old neighbourhood. Republic City was a fairly big place and you'd managed to avoid your old side of town pretty well so far. You'd changed everything about you that could be changed in the past years, your hair, your face, your voice... but still going back there made you feel like an accident waiting to happen.
Sure enough you recognised the elderly couple across from you the moment you sat down in the restaurant. They were your next-door neighbours and owned a store, they always gave you discounted food or even just free food when you most needed it. They were a nice couple, both truly sad when your parents had died and had always been kind to you. You felt a tug in your chest as they reminded you of your parents. You'd been avoiding this area of town for that reason too, everything reminded you of them here and you'd been putting off visiting their small graves for a long time. "Y/n?" Mako asked as you didn’t reply when the waiter asked if you wanted water. You blinked and fixed a smile on your face "sorry what?". You figured you could just ignore the couple and focused on Mako instead. Which wasn't hard, you'd spent a long time in the Fire Nation but he was by far the best-looking fire bender you'd ever seen. You weren't sure if it was stupid to have dinner with him considering he literally just told you the chief asked him to investigate your school but figured it would also give you a chance to keep him close. To give the impression you had nothing to hide and that would avoid suspicion. Plus you'd been wanting to talk to him more since you first met him so it was a win-win really. "So how did you get into pro-bending?" you asked. Mako paused "it's not really a heartwarming story...it was basically that or continue on in the gang. Pro-bending was safer so I chose that". You nodded lost in thought, it was hard enough when your parents died so you couldn't imagine what it'd be like to have a younger sibling depending on you too. Mako smiled though and changed the subject "how about your family? I don't actually know much about them". You smiled sadly "my parents are dead too". Mako's eyes widened "I'm so sorry, how did it happen?". "It was a street fight they got caught in the middle of...they left everything they had to me". You were purposefully leaving some things out but the basics were all true. Mako frowned "I'm so sorry, I know what that feels like". You nodded "I know there's a lot of kids out there who do and they don't all have big brothers to protect them, what you did for Bolin is really amazing". Mako blushed as you complimented him and you got the feeling he didn’t like compliments so you rushed on "what's your brother like? Bolin?". Mako suddenly relaxed and a huge smile took over his face "wow how do I even begin" Mako chuckled. "He's got the biggest heart of anyone I've ever met, he's a huge softie even though he's a sturdy strong earth bender and there's nobody I'd want in my corner more than him". You smiled "that's so sweet, do you look alike?". "God no!" Mako said his smile getting even bigger "he looks like our father and I look like our mother" and he took out a photo and passed it to you. You smiled immediately at the beautiful family and understood immediately what Mako meant. "Wow your mother was so beautiful...and your father". "They were" Mako said nodding and you smiled "Bolin looks adorable, that button nose and big eyes". Mako chuckled "yep, he always used them to get his way. He'd put on the puppy dog eyes and I just melt". You smiled handing him the photo back "I'd love to meet Bolin, he's helping Kuvira in the earth kingdom isn't he?". Mako nodded "Bolin's struggled to find his calling but he thought going back to our roots might help him". You knew all about that and nodded. You and Mako chatted about pretty much anything and you felt more relaxed and youthful than you had in years. You discovered you were quite similar, you were both introverts who liked your own space and company. You disliked loud social events and preferred quiet events with a few good friends. You were just debating your favourite hideaway spot in town when the couple across from you stood up and got ready to leave the restaurant. You paused as they came closer, hoping they wouldn't look at you but of course they did. The woman paused as she got a good view of your face and then smiled. "Do I know you?" she asked and you resisted the urge to turn away from her. "I don't know...have you come to my school or does one of your family work at my factory?". The woman smiled "oh you're her...no it's just me and my husband and we're too old for work or school". "You're never too old" you said trying to ease the tension but the woman kept staring at you "your face...it reminds me of a child I used to know. So similar but so different". "Well you spent some time here as a child didn't you y/n" Mako said "maybe you met then?". "Oh, when were you here? Did you live local? We own a shop, maybe you visited us?" the woman asked bombarding you with questions you didn't want to answer. "I wasn't here long so I doubt that was it...I spent most of my time in the city centre as that's where our hotel was. I never really travelled this far south". The woman nodded "odd, maybe we met in a past life". You nodded "maybe we did" and smiled as she walked away. "That was strange, she acted like she really knew you" Mako said and you shrugged "old people do that sometimes". You played it cool in the restaurant but that encounter really shook you up and you weren’t 100% sure Mako had bought it. As you left the restaurant you felt like everyone was watching you and to be fair quite a lot of people in the lower quarters did know you. They smiled as you passed or said good evening and you did the same. "You're famous" Mako commented and you laughed "not really, in the upper-class section nobody recognises me at all". Mako smiled "that's probably a good thing, maybe even a compliment" and you laughed "yeah you're probably right". Mako said he'd walk you home. "Probably safer with all the attacks on high-ranking members of society" he explained and you nodded along innocently. You really liked Mako and never expected to get along this well. You knew your childhoods were similar but didn’t think your personalities would fit so well too. If things had been different, your parents had lived and you'd stayed in Republic City, you could've imagined falling for him. Dating Mako, bringing him home to meet your parents, fighting to make a living with one another...but if you brought anyone into your world let alone an officer it risked your secret and all the people depending on you. You reached your door and Mako smiled "this was really nice, I'd love to do it again sometime". Your heart was beating rapidly at the way Mako was looking at you and you thought he might try and kiss you. The thought made you beyond happy but you'd given up hopes of love and romance when your parents died, the world was cold and you had to be colder to survive in it. "Me too! I must admit I've struggled to make some friends here besides Asami so I'm really pleased I can call you a friend" you said "I hope we can be great friends Mako". You nearly winced at how obvious you were being and saw realisation go through Mako's eyes. You saw realisation go through his eyes but he never stopped smiling or acted like being just friends was a bad thing. "Me too! I'm glad to call you a friend" he said lightly knocking your shoulder in an awkward display of friendship. You smiled "goodnight Mako" and walked inside. Only once you were inside did you let the act drop. Pretending to be something you weren’t was hard and you didn’t know how much longer you could keep it up...
Next part is the final one in this series! 
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