#everytime i watch Four Little Engines and i get to this scene
skarloeyspa · 2 years
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"Humpf!" grunted Sir Handel. "What's that rubbish?"
"Shh!" said Peter Sam. "That's Skarloey the famous old engine."
inspo under the cut
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Small scale Skarloey had the best expressions fr fr
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jeoneffext · 1 year
starboy / rider!cyno
- an au, short imagines with sport motor rider cyno as your boyfriend.
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(credits goes to the artist!)
( play to match the moment)
- having a boyfriend who has another baby (his motor) is hard, he spent most of his time on it, and you’re a little jealous sometimes. (just a little)
- his motorbike has a name! he named it ‘Anubis’, he just think it matches well with its color palette, a gray-black with purple stripes on the side of the seat.
- cyno sometimes invites you to ride over his motorbike, you couldn’t help but be scared because there’s one time where you almost fell when you were just about to sit on it.
- rider cyno brought you places, mostly he would take you at the beach, and you two would watch the sunset together <3
- matching leather jackets, black jeans, and boots with him!! you two are like a couple the came straight out from a novel.
- cyno sometimes teaches you how to ride a motor, but you scared ass is even afraid to hold the hand clutch
- sometimes invites over his best bros for a motor ride, sometimes a dare has made that the four of them should race, the one that wins gets to ride one of each other’s motors, and paubusan ng gas HAHAHAHAHA
- cyno’s best bros at motor racing are alhaitham, tighnari, and kaveh! they are the so called sumeru boys for being famous to win every motor races. and for being illegally handsome too.
- there’s this old story of yours when you met them four, you first had took liking on his best friend alhaitham instead of him, when he finds out about this when you two are in a relationship, boy he was pissed and wants to kick alhaitham’s motor and throw it down the hill. thankfully he didn’t cause he was about to.
- (special mention) his brother xiao, would also join you two, you often mistaken xiao as cyno cause they have the same height with same attitudes. (also both of them are generals) there’s one time you completely mistaken the green haired as your boyfriend when he was sitting on his motor bike, hopping on it, boy the xiao was taken aback, the moment you looked at his eyes, it’s over. THAT AINT YOUR DAMN BOYFRIEND
- this is the best one, you always are present on his motorcycle races, cheering so loudly for your boyfriend everytime he appears in the scene, you could immediately recognized him from his aura and silver haired.
- he always win on any races, and you’re his number one fan!
(your imaginations lead if you want this sunrise, sunset, or late at midnight)
Cyno hand clutches on the motor clutch, his body sitting on his motor bike as he waits for you to finish wearing your helmet. The man only looks at you struggling to clip your helmet, in which he offers help. A satisfied sigh escapes your mouth when he fixed your helmet.
“Ready baby?” His deep voice distracting you every time, you excitedly hop on his back, always the same thing, same matching black outfits and helmet.
Cyno starts to insert the engine, earning a loud exhaust noise from Anubis, his big black boots goes over to the starter pedal, the motor bike starts to create “vroom” sound as always. And as a excited girlfriend you are, always hugs him from behind as he drives.
“Hold tight.” His voice demanding you to stay still. Your head resting on his back he drives away, faster as always.
Sometimes this man over speeds that you have to warn him or else he will be pulled over by some random traffic enforcer. But when rides with you, he knows how to limit it, cause he knows you don’t like it.
“Cyno. Don’t overspeed.”
“Don’t call me by my name, I am not Cyno, I am your baby.” Cyno said while his eyes focused on the road, tightening on the clutch, you could only chuckle at his words.
“Anubis ain’t gonna like this.”
“Right. Now please call me baby.”
“Focus on the road!”
This is how you two spend your quality time together. For the rest of your life.
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clockwork-fayz · 1 year
You’ll Ask For My Forgiveness (But You’ve Had It All Along)
A little Gastina Song Fic, for the song “Five Years From Now” by Taylor Thomas. If you don’t think this song just screams Gastina scenario, idk what to tell you. 
Find it on AO3
Five years from now, let me set up scene
I'll call you up and you'll say it's good to hear from me
Her hand shaking, she took a deep breath. 
“Sí. Hola, Gastón…how are you?”
“Nina. Hi. I’m fine…I am good. How are you?”
“I’m good, thank you. I’m moved back to town and I saw online that you moved back a little bit ago as well. I was wondering if maybe, well maybe you would want to meet up and catch up?”
She didn’t tell him that she had known he had moved a year ago and had been keeping tabs on his profile since. She didn’t tell him how she meticulously planned on how she was going to see him again, and if it weren’t for pushing from her friends and the new anxiety medicine she was on, she wouldn’t have had the courage to call him. She didn’t tell him that she had spent nights dreaming about what it would be like seeing him again. 
“I would love that, Nina, it’s been what? Five years?”
“Yeah. I think about five years.”
She knew it had been five years. 
“I am so glad you called Nina. It’s good to hear from you.”
He said her name for the fourth time so far in the sixty second conversation. Not that she was counting, but everytime he said it sent a volt of electricity to her heart. 
I'll ask if we can meet at the café by your house
You'll say, "You know I don't like coffee"
I'll say, "I thought you might by now"
You'll suggest that since we're older let's go out for drinks
And I'll make a joke that this is the first time you've paid for me
“Do you want to meet for coffee? We could go to that café that’s near your parent’s house.” 
“We could do that, but you know I don’t like coffee,” Gastón laughed. Nina found herself smiling into the phone, his laugh bringing back  memories of 1950’s comedies and skating in the park. 
“I thought you might by now. You know three out of four adults drink it daily.”
“Well I am that fourth person, I will never grow out of orange juice. However, since we are older, I do like a good beer. Do you want to meet for drinks at the bar down on 6th? I’ll buy.”
“Sure, I have been there a couple of times. It’s nice.” Then she added “Especially if you are paying. There is a first time for everything I suppose.”
She could feel the smile in Gastón’s voice.
“I am pretty sure I paid for most of your drinks at the Jam & Roller. But okay. How does 8 sound?”
I'll arrive at the bar, you'll be waiting in your car
You'll get out and I'll run to you, straight to your arms
I can feel your heart racing but I won't say a thing
'Cause mine is doing the same just like it did when I was 18
She arrived in the parking lot at 7:55 and was surprised to see that Gastón’s car was already in the parking lot. He had always been notorious for being late to everything. She pulled into a spot opposite of him, turning her key to shut off the engine. Then she spotted him in her rearview mirror. 
A strangled noise came out. There he was, getting out of his car, wearing worn blue jeans, a red polo and shoes to match. She was afraid he would no longer look like her Gastón, but it was still him. The same face, the same warm brown eyes, the same walk. She could have stayed there, watching him in the tiny mirror, but he was heading towards her car and she forced herself to move.
He stopped in his tracks as she got out.  She shut the door and their eyes met. 
He smiled.
She ran. 
He caught her as she threw her arms around his neck. She breathed in the moment; how he smelled almost the same but with a hint of something new, how his arms were wrapped around her back, squeezing her gently, and how his heart was racing. 
But she wasn’t going to say anything about that. 
Because she knew hers was also beating out of her chest, just like it did when she was 18 and in love. 
“Hi Gastón.”
Once we get past the awkward how are yous
You'll say you've been dying to know where I went to
I'll say that I've been working on my music in LA
But I won't tell you that my songs are still about you to this day
“How have you been?” he asks her. She shifted uncomfortably in the hard high top chair. She was dreading this part, the awkwardness that inevitably would come before they fell back into their old rhythm. 
“I am good,” she said, “Really good. I just moved back here a few weeks ago, living with my dad until I find my own place. Y tu?”
“Bien. I moved home about a year ago, after finishing my schooling in London. Now I am interning while going Law School.” 
Nina grinned. “Wow Gastón, that is amazing! What kind of cases do you work on?”
“Primarily for companies. I know, not very flashy. But you, you’ve been in L.A., right?”
“Si. I was working as a journalist. I got to review literature and interview amazing people. I loved it, but I was ready to come home and finish my novel.” 
Gastón grinned. “You still write your own stuff then? Poetry?”
Nina hoped he didn’t notice her cheeks tingeing pink as she replied that she did in fact still write poetry and have had some published. A few even have won awards. She didn’t tell him that every poem was about love or heartbreak. She didn’t tell him every poem was still about him. 
You'll say you're proud and you're happy for me
And you always knew I'd end up living my dream
“I am so proud of you Nina,” Gastón said, “I am so happy that you are doing what you love. I remember how you would talk about being a published author. I knew that you would follow your dreams.”
She was only living part of her dream. When she had pictured her life future when she was younger, Gastón was always by her side. 
And then you'll fill me in on what you've been up to
And I'll probably interrupt you, you know I always do
And we'll both laugh and it's like nothing's changed
When I look in your eyes you'll still make me feel the same
They chatted about the past few years. What living in London was like for Gastón and how it compared to Buenos Aires. 
“Nina you would love Europe,” Gastón gushed, “Everywhere you go the history is just so rich, my mates would get annoyed because I would want to read every sign. They would want to go to the club and I would want to go to Hamstead Heath-”
“-and see John Keats’s home?”
“Sí! They have a museum of his letters and his engagement ring to Fanny Brawne and-”
“-his death mask?”
“Sí, his death mask,” Gastón chuckled.
Nina let out an embarrassed giggle, covering her face with her hands. 
“Perdón, I’m interrupting you aren’t I? I know I do that too much.”
Gastón reached out to touch her arm lightly. 
“No need to be sorry, I love that you still know exactly what I am going to say.”
Nina uncovered her eyes, meeting his. The sparkle showed that he was unbothered by her interruptions and Nina felt  butterflies in her stomach as if she was a teenager and was on her first date with him again. 
And I'll dread the part when you tell me about all the girls you've been with
I know they're all in your past but it'll still be hard for me to listen
On their second drink, Nina finally got the courage to ask. 
“Are you seeing anyone?”
She didn’t know she was holding her breath until he replied that he wasn’t. 
“I haven’t been seeing anyone seriously for awhile. My last girlfriend and I broke up a couple months before I moved here.”
Although she was in the past, Nina felt like it was a stab to the chest. She tried to act casual as she asked how long he saw her for, though she was dying to know every detail: who broke up with who, how serious they were, did he love her as much as he had loved Nina once upon a time. 
“About a year and half.”
That was a long time. 
“I’m sorry that it ended.”
Gastón shook her off. 
“Don’t be. There was something missing I think. We gave it a go, but in the end it was a mutual breakup. It’s a common theme in my past relationships, Mariana was the longest I had…I mean besides you of course.” 
Nina felt unsure how to respond. She gave a small nod, her eyes drifting down to the chip bowl in front of her, trying to come up with a response. But Gastón beat her to it. 
“What about you?”
'Cause after all this time you haven't left my mind
I never moved on, I looked for you in every guy
None. She went on dates, looking for someone to replace what she had with Gastón, but no one could.  
But I'll make up some story so you won't have a clue
That I've never put myself out there 'cause I've been waiting for you
“No, I am not seeing anyone. I had been focused on my career and my writing, too busy for serious boyfriends.”
It was a lie. She could have balanced work with personal relationships. But after a while she had given up on anyone but Gastón, dreaming for the day that she would find herself back in his arms again. 
“Maybe now that I have moved home, I will start dating again,” she said, silently adding that she would start dating again for him. She would put her life on hold for him.
We'll talk for hours and we won't even notice that the bar cleared out, 'cause it closed at ten
It'll be almost 11, and you'll say, "We should probably leave"
Then you walk me to my car and say, "Let's do this again"
The conversation turned to the books they had read and the movies they had seen and Nina felt like nothing had changed over these past few years except for their age. He made everything so easy. Drinks came and went and hours passed. Chips were ordered, and then another. People trickled in and out, but Nina couldn’t tell you what a single person looked like, not even the bartender. 
“We should probably leave,” Gastón said, looking down at his watch. Nina’s eyes went wide when she realized that it was almost 11. Nina grabbed her purse and the two walked out of the establishment. When they reached her car, Gastón wrapped his arms around her for a final hug. 
“Let’s do this again soon,” he said, “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too,” she sighed into his shoulder. He let go after a few beats.
“Have a good night Nina.”
“You too.”
He hesitated, as if he wanted to say something, but turned around anyway to head back to his car. Nina slid into the passenger seat of her own, watching as Gastón turned around twice more to wave. When he finally disappeared inside the driver’s door, she put her car in gear and drove out of the parking lot. 
And I'll drive home feeling the happiest I've been since five years ago before our inescapable end
But that's water under the bridge
It's okay that you didn't want me
'Cause before I can even pull in my driveway you'll call me
She tried to focus on the road, but she felt like she was soaring through the air. Tears threatened her eyes as she giggled to herself at how unreal the whole situation felt. She ran through her head the entire night again from that first glimpse of his face to that last embrace. 
She was so happy. She hadn’t been this happy since five years ago, when he used to love her. 
She jumped when her phone started to buzz, froze for a second when she saw Gastón’s name appear on her car’s screen. She pulled over, nervous as she answered. 
You'll say that you couldn't wait 'til the next time you saw me to tell me you're sorry
About all those years ago
He didn’t say anything at first. 
“Gastón, is something wrong or?”
“No-no nothing is wrong. Nina I just….I have something I need to tell you and I cannot wait until the next time I see you.” 
Her heart thrummed. 
“....I’m so sorry.”
“...for what Gastón?”
“For leaving you five years ago.”
And that you were just stupid and young and the girls that you loved were fine
But, none of them ever felt like home
But I do
“I was so stupid, and I was so young and I thought that breaking up with you was best because spending years thousands of miles from you seemed impossible at the time and I thought I would find love elsewhere. That’s what everyone kept telling me, it was just a high school relationship, it wasn’t meant to last forever. But Nina, I tried dating other girls, I did. And they were pretty and kind but something was always missing. It didn’t feel right because they didn’t make me feel like I did when I was with you. When I held them, I didn’t feel like I was…like I was home. And tonight…tonight I realize that you do. You always have felt like home.” 
“Nina…can you forgive me?”
One day you'll ask for my forgiveness, but you've had it all along
'Cause it's always been you
Nina smiled. 
She would tell him one day that she had never stopped thinking about him. She would give him the poetry she wrote about him. But for now she just would tell him that she forgave him. 
Even though he had it all along.
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lilblog-asatreat · 3 years
Prompt: Guard on a break; petty; shimmering lilac lake
(Prompt from Roll-A-Prompt Writing Journal Boxed Set)
It's been three months since the IPRE crew escaped the animal planet, and Taako's at his limit. This world they touched down in is completely devoid of civilization again, including talking animals, which means there's virtually nothing to do except study the Light of Creation, which they recovered a few weeks ago, and interact with the only other six people alive on the planet that composed of Taako's crewmates. He's almost always in the small lab with Lup and Barry as they experiment with the Light, and the times they aren't doing that, all Lup and Barry want to do is talk about it. Magnus trains almost nonstop, (seriously, does the dude even sleep?), and it seems like the only times Taako can get away from listening to him practicing his war cry is when Lup and Barry drag him away to the lab to figure out how he came back to life. Merle keeps singing the same damn four Pan hymns while he studies the new plant life offered by the planet. (Not to mention the time Taako walked in on him alone in the bathroom with what he would assume would be a beautiful looking flower if it wasn't wrapped around his... never mind. It was an image that he wanted to burn out of his memory to say the least.) Lucretia won't stop pestering him about talking about his feelings and his past all in the name of getting an accurate account of their mission (and little else to talk about). And Davenport has convinced himself that even after three months of radio silence, that force, the Hunger as Lucretia calls it, is going to come back at any second, so he has to stand guard on the ship in case he has to shoot everyone off into the sky at the drop of a hat.
Taako is sick and tired of everyone's bullshit. He needs a break. Apparently that isn't in the cards for him though because as soon as he steps out onto the deck to try and enjoy the fresh air, Davenport stops him.
"Taako, I was just about to go looking for you. I need you to stand guard out here while I go take a breather. I've been out here for hours, and Lucretia said... I need to decompress, I guess? Anyway, I'll be back shortly."
Suddenly, Taako would rather be anywhere else than on top of the deck.
He rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. "Davenport, my dude. If you were already talking to Lucretia, why didn't you just ask her to stand guard?"
"She wanted to go with Merle and Magnus while they forage for food. We're running low on supplies." Davenport says.
Taako frowns. "Why didn't you send me to go out and forage for food then? That's kind of what I'm best at."
"Because you're really good at sending up flares and showy magic, so you can easily send up a signal to get everyone back on board at a moments notice." Seeing Taako getting angrier, Davenport adds quickly, "They'll be fine. Besides, Merle's been studying the plant life more than you have, so he probably has a better idea of what is edible and what isn't than you do."
That does not, in fact, quell Taako's anger.
"Well thank you for acknowledging I am an elf of many talents at least, but I'll have you know Merle hasn't been so much as uh- studying the plant life as you say- as he has been fucking the plant life. So if you want to eat dirt because he doesn't know what the fuck he's doing, that's fine, but don't complain to me when I can't make anything that tastes acceptable from whatever the fuck they bring back."
"Just go enjoy your break. I'll be up here waiting for nothing to happen until you come back."
Taako turns his back to him in a huff, and Davenport sighs but doesn't comment. Instead, he makes his way down the plank and onto the beach of the lake they're parked on.
It's a very pretty and calming scene to look at especially while coming down from an argument. The beach is made up of grey-blue sand that seems to get softer the closer it is to the ethereal lilac water that shimmers under the glow of the setting sun. The branches of the trees and other greenery surrounding the lake sway gently in the cool breeze. Taako walks over to the railing, leans against it, and sighs, blowing a stray strand of hair out of his face. He looks down at the small form of his captain sitting cross legged at the edge of the water. He doesn't want to talk to him, but he feels like he should probably at least try to make peace. No one knows what's happening and if they'll ever get back home, and if Taako has to spend the rest of his life with only these people, he might as well not make them hate him. He sighs again before making his way down to the beach.
"Hey," Taako says as he plops down next to him.
Davenport looks up at him with a start. "Taa- I told you to-"
"It's alright my man, I left Lup in charge," Taako lies. "Listen. I'm... sorry... about what I said up there. It was a little petty of me to uh get so upset over being told to guard the ship for a few minutes and not being sent on the foraging mission. But also, Davenport..." He sighs and turns to look at his captain. He has dark circles under his eyes, and his eyes look dead tired with a glimmer of constant worry and stress. Taako feels a pang of guilt for being short with him earlier, but he ignores it. "Look. The Hunger isn't coming. At least not for a while. You've been standing up there 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and it's accomplishing nothing except making you more stressed than you need to be. And uh, quite frankly, it's also really annoying and stressing me out when you're also pushing that main focus on other people. You need to relax, my dude, before you give yourself, and everyone else, an aneurism."
Davenport turns away from him to stare out at the water. "I guess... I suppose you're right. It's just been so hard not knowing what's going on or what's going to happen to us next... I'm in charge of keeping everyone together and safe and making decisions that's supposed to benefit the team and mission as a whole, and I don't know how I'm supposed to do that when... this is so far out of what I imagined this mission was going to look like."
"Yeah, I don't think being the sole survivors of two apocalypses was part of the job description."
They both laugh a little at that.
"Anyway," Davenport continues, "it's not like y'all have been making it any easier, but I know it's because no one knows how to handle this situation, so I'm not upset. It is slightly annoying listening to Magnus train at all hours of the day and night, but I can talk to him about that later. And Taako, you really need to stop stealing people's stuff and moving it around on them everytime someone annoys you." Taako starts to protest, but Davenport cuts him off at the pass. "I know you're the one taking my stool, and I have caught you hiding Lucretia's notebooks in the kitchen cabinets. It's really petty and annoying, and that shit needs to be kept at a minimum."
Taako laughs. He pulls his knees up to his chest and continues to stare out into the water. "I promise I'll stop doing that if you promise to take breaks more often and stop pushing everyone to be on guard 24/7."
The two of them spend the rest of the evening in comfortable silence, watching the sun sink beyond the horizon and the stars blinking into view, and the bond engine at the back of the Starblaster glows just a little bit brighter as a new bond is formed.
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pastellipanic · 4 years
Junkenstein's Legend
It isnt a secret that I like Overwatch. It isnt a secret that my favourite event is the Halloween event of Junkensteins revenge. It also isnt a secret that I get hyperfixated onto uncommon things or parts of things. So today, presented by my hyperfixating grey brainmatter, I bring you:
The Full Tale of Junkensteins Revenge
Or, you know, the The Full Tale of Junkensteins Revenge as Theorized by Pastelli During Sleepless Nights. Anyway, we shall start at the beginning!
(Everything in this story is theorized upon the tidbits of canon information from the game, the comics and details of skins, sprays and maps. You are entitled to disagree with my theorization and I will gladly take on any opposing theories if they are given to me with a constructive and positive vibe. I will also gladly have a chat with anyone who is interested in the subject or has ideas I hadnt considered. That being said, Enjoy!)
Chapter 1: The sad beginnings of a mad doctor and his first step onto the battlefield.
Doctor Jamison Junkenstein was a young lad who worked for the local Lord Reinhardt in a town of Adlersbrunn located in the outskirts of Black Forest. He was a brilliant mechanic, engineer and had no fear of working with electricity, hence he had gotten the job in the first place. While his social skills were limited and his fame in the town stained, he was a hard worker and a genius in his own field. At some point during his career, he got bored of the same old electricity and piping, and began to experiment in robotics. His first one was a crude little thing but he was proud of it, so he decided to continue on this path. He began to dream of building live automatons, creatures that could think and feel for themselves. Perhaps it was the fact that he yearned for someone to befriend whilst the townspeople mistreated and disrespected him for his oddities, or perhaps it was his pride towards his own intelligence. However it may be, he started spending more time upon making the automatons, "omnics" as he called them or "Zomnics" as they were later called by the townspeople for their ghastly slow movements. Lord Reinhardt was displeased by him giving his time to such silly things, even more so when Junkenstein came to his door to show them. Every time he made adjustments and showed them to the Lord, he waved the "useless trinkets" away, and everytime his already feeble fame deteriorated in peoples rumours. Madman, lunatic and fool were quickly becoming synonyms for his name. This only spurred him on in his quest to prove them wrong. The metal husks laying in his laboratory soon turned to dug up corpses, the wires he used to put inside turned to stitches on the flesh and what he couldnt understand in anatomy he changed into machinery. Soon he had a body, half organic half inorganic, and all he needed was to make it come alive. Bloodpumping didnt work. Watershocks didnt work. Exchanging the heart into a running motor didnt work. Atlast he tried using electricity to bring his creation to life, unsuccessfully. Junkenstein was exhausted, abused and even his trust in his skills had failed him. He was on the brink of quitting and burying that stupid project, until...
Witch of the Wilds appeared!
The Witch of the Wilds was a well known individual, feared by all near and far for her magic. It was rumoured she could turn coal into gold, make waterfalls run upwards and burn a castle with the flick of her wrist. She was also known from her coming to people at their darkest hour and offering a solution... for a price. And thats exactly what she offered Junkenstein, a solution to his problems; the spark of life. She only asked for a favor, one she would come collect in a nearby future and one that he couldnt refuse. He accepted. He had nothing to lose. Applying the spark of life onto his machine, he started the creatures heart and mind. There were a lot of things that went through its mind when it woke, curiosity and giddiness, but most importantly: Panic. In a furious frenzy it tore itself from its bindings and ran out, into the streets of Adlersbrunn. The townspeople, upon seeing the monster, immediately screamed, cried, yelled, attacked and fled. The monster had no sympathy for people so cruel as the baker who hit it or the children kicking its shins, so he let out his rage onto the masses. It was carnage.
Junkenstein was happy. He had succeeded! His monster was doing exactly what he wanted; avenging the years of societal neglect and bullying Junkenstein had gone through. Yet he had no control over the monster, and no idea how to get it to the Lords doorstep. A couple of hours of manipulating the routes and trying to get the monster where he wanted, he finally got to the door.... Only to find that while he was busy, so was the Lord. He had hired a few wanderers to protect him when he had heard of the happenings in the town. An old soldier searching for a fight, an alchemist practizing her talent, an archer running from the past and a gunslinger hunting for easy money. Only four they were against the doctor, his monster and his minions, and against the Witch of the Wilds and her fearsome ally; a cursed pumpkinheaded man by the name of Reaper. And only four they were who beat him, leaving his corpse battered onto the rocktiles of the yard. His monster was perished, the Witch had fled and the Reaper had gone with her. The wanderers went inside to claim their prize.
Chapter 2: How to tame a monster and revive a doctor.
As the wanderers left the scene, Witch of the Wilds saw her chance to do her work. She quickly used the spark of life to revive Junkenstein, giving his bruised flesh some tidying up whilst doing it, and watched as he sat up. Safe to say, he was pissed to have lost. He wanted to charge right back into fight, but was stopped by the Witch. She managed to make him change his mind, to wait for a year and build his army before trying again, and give her some time to get allies. Gathering what he could of the broken zomnics, Junkenstein found the corpse of his monster and decided to take it back to his lab for revival. He wasnt sure if the creature would run out again or stay, but he wanted to still show the town that he could make something living. This time, when rising from the cold metal table, the monster sat still and stared at Junkenstein. During the fight it had noted that the doctor didnt attack him, even defending him from the attacking gunslinger. It decided to stay near him, for no other reason than that it trusted him. Junkenstein was thrilled to have a friend, even if it did smell of decay a bit.
11 months went by in peace. The town healed, forgot about the incident and, assuming that the wrecked corpse of a homeless man was Junkensteins, buried the past with it. Meanwhile the doctor had other things to think about. He had built an army of zomnics, had tamed the monster and befriended it, had taught it to speak a little and had served the Witch on a few occasions. On some days he still liked to venture into town to see how life was going there. At one point he had almost forgiven the town, before he had come to learn of a new game for the children based after the mocking of his person. Thats when his short temper blew into pieces and he jumped to make an announcement in the middle of the town. He raged, mocked, spat at the townspeople, before revealing his identity and announcing that all of them would perish under his boot. Seeing a dead man back from the grave gave quite a scare to the town, making them panickedly run to the local Lords. They decided that a meeting was to be held to consider this new threat. Some voted to kill Junkenstein again, yet it was deemed to be an ineffective solution due to him coming back the last time. Some voted to trap him and enslave him for the rest of his days, but it was a futile idea for someone like him to be trapped. He would just squirm his way out like the vermin he was. It was decided that Adlersbrunn was to be evacuated. All people were to be gathered into Lord Reinhardts castle, to have few protectors stay behind until they could safely escape. Lord Reinhardt sent word to three people in order to get protection for this event. A Countess from a family of Hunters that had shut herself from the world. An old friend of the Lord who traveled the world, hunting dragons. And a Monk with his Apprentice, answering to a higher calling than human.
Meanwhile the Witch of the Wilds was gathering her allies, having gotten an interesting offer from a dragon in the Black Forest. The dragon offered to lend one of their servants the powers of a dragon and give that servant into the Witches hands for the battle. The Witch was intrigued but suspicious, so she asked what the dragon wanted in return. Nothing. It wanted the greater good and it knew that the Witch wanted that too. Adlersbrunn was filled with people and people were filled with fears of the unknown. The Black Forest was filled with the unknown, and therefore they were hunted. Silver bullet battles, witch burnings and burials of the undead had plagued the creatures of the forest for long enough, and it was time for the people to leave them alone. If not by peace, then by force. Junkenstein was a great tool for the Witches cause, but she still needed more power, therefore she agreed to take the servant of the dragon onto the battlefield as her ally.
Chapter 3: Junkensteins Revenge 2, Electric Boogaloo
The fight happens almost the same as last, but this time the tables have turned. The wanderers struggle to keep up with the Summoners dragonfire blasts, the bombs lobbed by Junkenstein and the gunfire from Reapers guns. While they dont win the fight, they manage to hold them off just enough time for the townspeople to flee far away from Junkensteins grasp. Instead of a petrified Lord, Junkenstein is greeted by an empty castle. At first he seems gleeful, running to hop on the throne. Once he sits down and looks around, he bursts into tears. After all these years of pain, he doesnt even get his revenge. He doesnt get to have his victory even at his brightest moment. The monster tries to comfort its creator, succeeding just to quiet him enough for the Witch to speak. Its time for the favor he owes her.
Before, she wanted him to leave the town as well, but seeing how he was alone already she wanted something else. She wanted him to be a guardian for the black forest. No town would ever become of Adlersbrunn ever again and no one would step a foot into Black forest while the doctor was alive, to ensure that the creatures could live in peace.
He accepted, as he was to do, and remained the only human left.
Chapter 4: The time that we dont speak too much about because honestly nothing happens
Some hundred years passed in quiet. Adlersbrunn collapsed and became ruins of what it once was. Junkenstein guarded the forest and helped the creatures inside it, at one point building a bride for his monster. (Nothing too much is said about what happened to her or where she went) The monster learned and lived, helping Junkenstein with his work. Due to both of them having been revived with the spark of life, they had become immortal. (Unless killed) Witch of the Wilds passed peacefully after a long life. Reaper found his head and his curse was lifted. Life was good.
Chapter 5: Junkenstein of Eichenwalde
One day Junkenstein realizes that where Adlersbrunn once was, is now something new. People have come and started building a town, so he disguises himself and goes to investigate. These people have migrated here from the north, calling this place Eichenwalde, and seem to be very nice. They offer him food and water, the kids want to play with him and the grown ups tell stories of the North to him. He doesnt see an issue with them coming here to stay, since they seem nice and the forest has few creatures left to protect. When a little girl tries to run into the woods, Junkenstein holds her back and tells her not to go. Intrigued, the little girl asks why. The doctor starts telling about monsters and creatures to scare the kids, but they are more interested in hearing his ghost stories, so he obliges to tell them one. He tells about a mad scientist who created a monster and how the monster now lurks in the woods. The kids are excited and the adults think of it as a great legend. It becomes a habit for Junkenstein to come into the town to tell ghost stories to kids. One day, when its Halloween, he notices a difference. The town has changed their style into old fashioned clothes, their mechanical cars to wooden carriage and posters of a fake Mad scientist and a Monster litter the walls. The kids are playing as the characters from his stories and running around with mouths filled with candy. The legend has come into a tradition of a reenactment.
One day, a man arrives into the town, and raises some questions in Junkenstein. The man looks like the Lord. Speaks like the Lord. Walks like the Lord. Has the same mannerisms as the Lord. He even introduces himself as Reinhardt to the disguised Junkenstein. The Lord escaped. It would make sense for him to have started again somewhere else. This could be his descendant, without knowledge of the legend. Who would want such an odd story to be passed down to their descendants? Who would even believe it? Junkenstein keeps an eye on the man and, even when he leaves, the monster follows him for a while. It doesnt seem like he is a threat of any kind. The life goes on in Eichenwalde, with Junkenstein telling stories and living his life with the monster. Every year his story is celebrated in front of him, without any idea that it is truer than any other tale told.
The End.
It took me 3 hours to write this down and I know it starts showing at the end. Also, there are still some mysteries in the story that have absolutely no canon to even start theorizing from. (Aka The Sombra Situation. Theres literally only one spray and a skin where she is linked in any way.)
Also, some very fun theories that I didnt know how to incorporate into the story are:
McCree gets bitten by a werewolf after the first fight
The first fight is the original Junkensteins revenge-gamemode. The second fight is the Endless gamemode.
Canonically the countess killed the Monks master, and I like to think its because of this they lost. They couldnt trust eachother.
When Summoner is close by the air gets heated.(Almost Canon. It is implied in voicelines)
Junkenstein is implied to be so chatty that he keeps talking/laughing during the fight
The Countess is from a family of Vampire hunters, who was bitten by a vampire and was ashamed. The reason she joins the battle is to honor her familys name and hunt for one last time.
It took me 3 separate days to research the canon elements, put them onto a paper and theorize around them and now I finally got this written down in here.
If you are interested in the notes I have, here you can read them: (Mostly in english, but might have some finnish words in there)
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Now go my children! Hyperfixate onto this and share my pain!
(Also I would appreciate that if you take this theory and post it somewhere else, that you would credit me and tell your friends I said Hi!)
53 notes · View notes
thehuns-bubble-tea · 4 years
So guess who finally wrote the SaiZon essay I promised months ago! @there-is-a-carrot-in-my-ear’s post was the last bit of encouragement I needed so thanks for that lol.
I am going to go episode by episode to talk about all the SaiZon scenes. I am using the official LineTV episodes and some of the translations are a bit weird so I will have to occasionally make assumptions with the dialogue, sorry in advance for that. If I happen to assume wrong or make stretch conclusions forgive me for I only have one brain cell and it’s currently bouncing around my head like a window’s screensaver. I am also going to mention some of the behind the scenes episodes so if you haven’t seen those you might be slightly confused, but I don’t have international links for them so I apologize! Also this ended up being 18 pages long- I AM SORRY.
So let’s start with part one of episode one shall we? The beginning starts off weird as hell, honestly I had forgotten how crack this show was after the last few episodes were so- normal? Anyway we are dropped off in Zon’s dream(???) where he sees Tutor and Fighter being cute, and then an absolute precious Saifah- except it is really weird to start off here. This dream doesn’t seem to belong at the beginning because nothing that sets up this dream has happened yet, which I only realized as I rewatched it. Zon doesn’t know about Tutor and Fighter’s relationship until episode 11 and he doesn’t actually know Saifah yet, so to have Zon have this dream as the literal introduction to the show is a bit of either foreshadowing or referencing the idea that this whole show is a dream/Zol’s novel which I think is quite interesting. I don’t have much else to say about this besides I am incredibly impressed with how well this scene garners interest- it’s like I’m watching for the first time again and I /need/ to understand what is going on. Also the animated Zon freaking out about Saifah getting too close? Mood.
There was no SaiZon part in part two so moving on to part three of episode one! This part starts off with Saifah playing the guitar surrounded by a bunch of girls and Zon walking up from behind, seeing him. As much as I would like to say “love at first sight” this is definitely not that- in fact Zon straight up tells the girls they don’t like each other. Which is fair honestly, these two at the beginning don’t seem to have anything in common. Saifah is an engineering student while Zon is a english(literature???) student so they wouldn’t be able to get close through classes and they don’t seem to share many face value interests (Sai with guitar and soccer, Zon with writing and generally “nerdy” stuff) so it would be easy for them both to write each other off. Definitely not a “I hate him” but more of a “I don’t know him and I don’t want to” kinda situation where unless outside forces brought them together they wouldn’t have even considered entering each other’s lives. So shout out to Tutor and Soda for being mvps! This part also gives us the iconic moment of Zon literally standing on a table to fight Saifah and like??? Hello??? The tension already here is so much- but here’s the thing! Why R U has set up their relationship to be that of “enemies” up to this point, so when you first watch it you’re like “hm Sai is trying to get a rise out of Zon because he thinks it is funny because they hate each other” but what Sai says isn’t necessarily mean. Yes Sai does tease Zon about being bad at everything, but after that he just flutters his eyelashes, calls himself cute, and does that cute little smile up at Zon. There is no real hurt behind his words, if that makes sense? It is very much a teasing jeer at Zon to get a reaction, and the second Zon stands on the table Sai smiles and seems to take pride at the action. He isn’t doing it out of hatred or evil, but more like the joy of seeing Zon riled up. Sai blames his actions on disliking Zon because of reasons they’re currently only alluding to but like- bro get over it? There’s no reason for Sai to act like that if that was his only motive so I call his bluff, he has to already be somewhat interested in Zon. Even if it’s not a crush yet he definitely enjoys Zon’s reactions enough to keep pressing buttons. 
Finally the end of episode one with part four.  Finally! The, also iconic, punch to kiss scene! Sai is smooching the girl Zon is pursuing, it’s upsetting for Zon and Sai is kinda rude about it- then WHAM. Zon, the absolute unit that he is, just fucking decks Saifah. When I tell you I screamed- This is especially important because the thing that finally makes Zon snap is Saifah’s “no one can like you” comment which is so hurtful and man he’s gonna eat his words you can just /feel/ it already. And the punch is completely valid because what Sai did was shitty and honestly Zon had every right to be mad so great moment 10/10. Then we have Sai try to retaliate and first off he misses like a huge dork and then he kinda trips into Zon which leads to them accidentally kissing. Logistically I don’t know how this happened, but who am I to complain? This is of course also Sai’s first experience with a  Zontm reaction and that I think is what causes the shift in Saifah’s head. After that huge exposition piece we have Zon dreaming about Saifah in his bed talking about them being together. All I’m gonna say is- is it gay to dream about your not bro wanting to kiss you? The answer is probably yes.
No SaiZon for parts one or two of episode two, but part three gives us a bit to cover!  First off- the elevator line scene where Saifah literally stares at Zon with the absolute best puppy eyes and lovesick smile is peak cuteness, like?? Hello??? This is the perfect example of what I mean when I say SaiZon were never enemies- like I can’t imagine hating someone and then letting them shoulder bump me with a “hi”. That’s not how enemies act, this is more of a “well we haven’t always gotten along but I’m willing to move on, here let’s try again” type of situation and it’s fucking adorable. Sai seems confident in his own teasing way and Zon is confused as heck, which is so valid. Mind you this is also several months after their accidental kiss so any hot blooded emotions surrounding them has definitely dissipated which means there is now room for them to grow and initiate a friendship, which is what I assume Sai is trying to do. This is also the first time we get “my Zon” and I swear everytime I hear it I astral project into another dimension, so there’s that. Also Sai fulling embracing the fact that these girls ship them is peak bi confidence (I read Saifah as a bi character don’t @ me lmao), that I can only wish to have. Like Sai seems to already genuinely like being around Zon, lightly teasing. I say this because nothing he said was a dig at Zon harshly but more like something I would say about my friends to get them to give me a funny reaction and he gets exactly that. Zon gives him a reaction and then as soon as he’s gone Sai has this very pleased smile on his face. It really feels like Saifah has already decided that he wants to have some sort of relationship with Zon, at this point I wouldn’t call it a crush yet but more like a casual friendship. Then we have Zon daydreaming about Sai asking him to be partners for the music competition thing and again I’m going to ask- is it gay to daydream about your not bro pouting and wanting to be partners? The answer is probably yes. 
Part four of episode two gave us no SaiZon so we move on to part one of episode three! We get a tiny bit of animated Sai talking about flirting with Zon, Zon freaking out you know- the usual. But then we get the stair scene that haunts me. Sai has committed to calling Zon “my Zon” already and I am here for it. His fucking smile after he says it too- boy is enjoying himself. The two fight over whether or not Zon will play with Sai or not and progressively lean into each other’s spaces as they bicker back and forth. Which is valid- Zon doesn’t even know how to play and then to be asked to play with someone he doesn’t really know or get along with, I’d say no too. Anyway Tutor breaks them up drags Sai to class, but not before Sai can say goodbye to “N’Zon” which just really threw me and Zon to be honest. I love that Sai is fully committed to these nicknames and I love how flustered Zon gets because of them- they’re already starting to fall into an ease with each other. Quick note here Saifah tells Tutor that he likes teasing Zon because it makes him happy, which is kinda cute? We see Sai play around with Tor and Day a bit but the way he is with them is vastly different then when he’s with Zon. Again I wouldn’t quite call it a crush yet- but we’re getting there. For now it seems more like an enamoured fascination with this dork of a human. (also real quick side note but I love Soda and would gladly let her step on me--)
Part two of episode three gives us yet another iconic scene- I have dubbed it the gay painc shower scene for obvious reasons. First of all, props to Zon for even grabbing Sai’s towel for him. Like they might not be close, and Sai might tease Zon relentlessly, but Zon is a genuinely good person and I really like that about his character. He doesn’t even hesitate to ask “which one” so he can do that for Sai. But of course Sai has to be a little brat and try to pull Zon into the shower stall with him, causing Zon’s first almost heart attack. Then he crowds Zon up against the wall with the most sensual look and teases him by attempting to remove his towel, giving Zon almost heart attack number two- Sai is seriously a brat and I love it. The funniest part is that this, from my experience at least, is common locker room teasing which Zon clearly wouldn’t know since he’s not in the soccer club-  so having Sai do this to him is clearly a point where Zon’s single working braincell goes into gay panic and just short circuits his system and once again that’s valid. Zon tells Sai no matter what he won’t play with him, man these two eat their own words a lot huh, and Sai tells him it’s really up to him. Also side note here I know Junior did this in hopes of getting Sai to convince Zon to do the talent show thingy but I fully head cannon that Junior realizes there’s /something/ going on between them and forced them into this position, do with that what you will. There is also behind the scene footage of this scene (I can’t find an international link to this specific one rip) but it shows Jimmy and Tommy fake biting each other’s fingers and it’s so cute and weird- anyway all this to say I think this is where we start to see a shift in Saifah’s attitude. He’s the one who mentions being partners, mentions kissing, and Zon being a shy Korean drama lead- he’s a huge romantic so this is where he steps up a bit more. Instead of being just a tease in the way Zon acts it is now a tease about them together, being together, testing waters almost. It’s a huge shift if you really think about it, the only thing that stays constant is Zon’s flustered reactions. 
Part three of episode three once again delivers with panic gay Zon being a fucking dork. This is where we get that ridiculous moment in the bathroom when Zon thinks two dude are doing the do in a stall and presses Saifah into a wall, you know casually. This scene is so weird and just ??? why??? Saifah takes in all in stride though, this kid is seriously getting whipped quick and I relate. Zon just has such chaotic energy that it’s hard not to play along, no matter how mortifyingly embarrassing he is. Also can we talk about how every time Zon leaves an interaction with Saifah, Sai gets the biggest smile? Like that is so precious I can’t handle it, boy is WHIPPED and doesn’t even know it yet!
Part four gives us a little bit of SaiZon.  Zon is distracted by his text conversation (this is not translated so I have no clue what’s being said or who he’s talking to rip) when Saifah comes up behind him. This looks so domestic- like you don’t just do that to someone you barely know, right? Also the fact that Sai can lean over Zon so far when Zon is just sitting is stressful to me. Who gave him the right to be /that/ tall? Anyway Zon goes to stand and Saifah scares him, causing him to trip backwards and have the first of many time where Sai holds Zon up and it’s romantic as heck- They both instantly know where to hold each other, and then gaze at each other’s faces I just ??? I’m short circuiting honestly. This is also the first indication to me that Sai is developing some form of feelings because he keeps looking at Zon’s eyes and lips, and that’s valid. Of course Zon ruins the mood by pushing him away but they both look hurt this time. Sai looks hurt even asking if Zon’s serious about not playing together and it’s the first time we see Sai be any bit vulnerable. He seems to genuinely hurt by the idea and it makes Zon shuffle a bit before leaving. Even when he’s gone Sai looks upset and even comments on how Zon falls easily- which is really cute. This is our first glimpse at the Saifah that seems a bit more like the hopeless romantic we get towards the end of the series, a stark contrast to the overly confident perfect boy persona he uses around the campus. 
No SaiZon in part four of episode three or part one of four so on to part two-  We get the music partner reveal! And to Zon’s credit he doesn’t immediately turn around and leave. Instead he is actually committed to this and Sai, to his credit, doesn’t make him feel weird. They take the fan page photos and they’re both clearly out of their element here, they’re shy and awkward and it’s precious. They’re both coming to this realization that they’re really doing this- being partners and committing to each other basically. They both seem determined but also terrified of what that means. I love it- because this isn’t about them just yet but more of their shared responsibility to Soda now that they both can’t back down. It’s a good foundation because right now they’re on equal footing, neither really has the upper hand. Soda, my queen, to her credit is trying to get them to see that their arguing isn’t going to help anyone here and it’s a fair point. They’re going to be stuck together for two months (why was I under the impression this whole time it was much longer?)  and they both agree to at least attempt. I love how genuinely awkward these scenes are because like I’ve said before they were never enemies but also never friends, they don’t know much about each other yet so it’s weird. What do they talk about, what are their boundaries, they don’t know and I love it. It is the perfect foundation for a fresh start for both of them to learn about each other and build a strong bond. We get a bit of Sai trying to teach Zon guitar strings and it’s a nice moment. They’re both getting comfortable with the other and then Sai plays the love song for Zon- you think Zon’s going to be set off by the moment but instead he teases Sai! He confidently both compliments Saifah and teases, it’s growth! Then Saifah settles to help Zon learn to strum, a moment where they’re very intimately pressed together and have an almost kiss. This is the first time they do the lip bite thing that I noticed they do when they think about kissing the other- and this is the first time that I think they realize their feelings aren’t just basic acquaintances. For Zon he feels something but he is also hung up on the idea that this is all Zol’s book. He is scared because he doesn’t know if these moments, these feelings are real or not. For Saifah I think he is really starting to understand how he feels for Zon, but thinks that Zon doesn’t and will not feel the same. But Sai isn’t the type to push so he just lets it go for now. Then we get the cute montage of them getting closer and teasing in more of a friendly way- again this is just solidifying in our minds and theirs that there is something growing between them. Right now it’s just a natural friendship, but is also hinting at more deep feelings. This is the part that I love the most about SaiZon- this was never a love at first sight relationship, it is one born out of something incredibly natural. They grow into each other and themselves. We start to see Saifah get more comfortable with his dorky side, and Zon gets more confident in himself because of their time together. It’s a breath of fresh air how easily they settle into the other’s presence. And of course we also get the gay pining bed scene and I, for the third time shall ask is it gay to daydream about your new bro laying in bed with you? The answer is probably yes. 
Part three of episode four gives us the iconic guitar pick date (yes I understand I keep saying iconic but with SaiZon what isn’t?). This entire scene is just the cutest thing? They fall into each other so easily and they seem to have tons of fun goofing off. It reminds me of my friends and I going to shopping centers just to window shop and be together. It’s so incredibly natural and shows that they’re becoming so much closer then what they started out as. Nothing is over the top or unrealistic, instead it’s effortless and an absolute joy to witness. There’s even a deleted scene where two girls come up to ask for a photo (which is weird but whatever) and Zon gets so lost in his head about how close Saifah is- it really is a defining moment in my mind that Zon is torn. Torn between believing that his feelings are real and that this is all just being a dream from Zol’s novel. I kinda wish this scene hadn’t been deleted because it takes away from Zon’s internal struggle. When they have their little heart to heart and Zon admits that Sai is actually a good person my soul leaves my body. It is so cute and demonstrates that these two have started to grow past their initial judgements of each other and more into learning the intricacies of the other. Anyway it’s cute and I love them, moving on. 
Now on to part four of episode four. This gives us the scene that fully convinces me that Saifah is just a big softly. Sai walks into the practice room to see a mess and Zon is asleep on the floor. Instead of being a brat and waking him up, Sai quietly goes around and cleans everything up because he is peak soft boy he just won’t admit it. When he does accidentally wake Zon they’re both just absolute cuties- the way Sai’s face falls when Zon said he was just kidding about wanting to wait for him- my boy is WHIPPED. But here’s the thing, and I’ll come back to this point in a bit but, the way Sai never pushes Zon on anything. It’s clear that Sai is really starting to crush on Zon the way he treats him and acts but any time Zon pulls away Sai just lets him. That’s so refreshing, especially in contrast to the way TorFight act in parallel to SaiZon. There is never an expectation for Zon to meet Sai’s desires and Sai takes only what Zon is willing to offer, and I appreciate it so much. Anyway their little collective panic when Sai tries to take Zon to his room is hilarious they’re both on such different pages and they really are just dorks. And then we have the typical in the rain sequence- oh my gosh- I love some good classic tropes and this is one of them. Once again we see Saifah just be an absolute romantic, he doesn’t even hesitate to take off his jacket to cover Zon and himself. I just- that’s peak romance for me my dudes. Both me and Sai are whipped and that’s just facts. Then Zon (somehow??) forgets how to stand on two legs and trips yet again and we have another close contact scene, but this time there noses touch and Zon’s reaction isn’t nearly as visceral as it has been- it’s almost like he likes the attention up until his mind thinks it’s too close to a novel and he gets scared. 
On to episode five’s part one! Zon is finally in Sai’s room and we get the cute hair drying scene that Zon doesn’t appreciate as much as I do- anyway Zon is freaking out and Saifah doesn’t fully understand what he’s babbling on about but still gets his chance to tease. It is once again cute and effortless, I crave more of this (SaiZon special episode I’m looking at you). Sai is getting a bit more confident with his advances but always pulls back the moment Zon freaks, it’s completely them. And then we get them waking up in each other’s arms, the screaming, Zon being an absolute moron. This is why these two are /the/ couple for me. Like no one else could pull this scene off nearly as well as them, it’s great. Also Saifah pulling a 2Moons2 Kit and just yeeting Zon off the bed? Iconic, that’s it that’s the analysis. 
Part two of episode five has a moment that’s not a SaiZon scene but I do feel like it’s important in their relationship- Zol tells (well lies but Zon doesn’t know that-) about changing the story after their promise/wish/curse. This is the point where Zon can finally take what he has been experiencing and feeling in for the first time with a clear head. It’s no longer “possibly” influenced by supernatural forces because of Zol. This is when Zon decides “oh this is real, these feelings are real”, and you can tell that the way Zon acts around Saifah is considerably more calm and open to Saifah’s advantages to a point. Occasionally he still talks about it everything being similar to a fiction but he isn’t held back by it nearly as much. Then we get SaiZon practicing in the music room again and being interrupted by Natee and Junior, they kinda make Zon nervous about the show- until Saifah steps in. He confidently tells Zon he believes in him and that he will be there for him and I just- oh my god?? That’s so soft and I swear Saifah is the biggest soft boy ever who is willing to do anything to lift Zon up and that’s precious. They really are slowly starting to get on the same page. 
Moving on to episode six part two (this is where we start to see less SaiZon due to the pandemic limiting their filming time)! This episode gives us Zon asking Sai on a guitar buying date. And lemme tell you the way these two act? WHIPPED. They both get so shy and tease the other the perfect amount, they really have grown into each other in ways I don’t think any of us expected. The cute little happy dance they do when they agree and hang up? Boyfriends, just like ??? hello??? Mind you they agree to go the Saturday before the show so they have now spent almost the full two months together- I can’t even believe it. They have had this relationship grow for two months and we’ve only been able to see glimpses, just imagine what we don’t get to see! Anyway we see Saifah being peak baby all bundled up sharing headphones with Zon- which is like peak romance for me I won’t even apologize. And then the pure excitement Saifah has when Zon suggests he stays over at Saifah’s- WHIPPED. He even suggests that there might be something between them when Zon questions their closeness, but the moment Zon wants to change the subject Sai follows his lead, like I’ve mentioned before Sai is not one to ever push Zon for more because he respects Zon so much. 
Part three of episode six gives us the rooftop scene! The lingering looks! “The stars are beautiful.”, “It is beautiful-” as Saifah looks at Zon with those soft eyes! THE GAYS ARE PINING. And then them playing together. I am crying??? I can’t even form sentences, I can’t analyze, I just am going to sit here for a moment and think about how this romance is goals. That’s it. 
Part four is full of SaiZon just being huge teases. Saifah confidently pulls Zon into him, asking if Zon is afraid of falling in love with him and I just- the way Zon looks at Sai? He’s already in love, and no I don’t take criticism. That’s it, that’s the analysis. 
Part one of episode seven is the scene that made me want to write this essay- we have Zon and Saifah in the most intimate scene yet for them. It really is just a back and forth between them that is simple and wholly them. And then it shifts- Zon is looking at Saifah so softly, and is easily going along with what Saifah is doing with no hang ups. Saifah is looking up at Zon like he’s hung the stars and it’s the perfect moment. “You’re being so obedient, be like this more often. I like it”, “I like it too”, even the music is just perfect, but right at the last second Zon looks away. “I didn’t mean I like you.” and Saifah clearly looks disappointed, everything leading up to this was pointing in this direction and it didn’t happen. Saifah very clearly has feelings, he isn’t even trying to be subtle anymore, but not once does Saifah push for more. He backs off and settles down into a level that matches Zon’s comfort zone, because he cares about Zon’s comfort more than his own feelings. They have a moment for the comfort to level out once again and then they’re back to their usual selves. They’re back onto an equal field where they’re both just being themselves together- and they have another almost kiss that Sai does try to play off. Zon is still a bit spooked but it is still another testament to Saifah’s respect of Zon’s boundaries. This is where yet another deleted scene happens that I desperately wish they kept- it shows Zon fast asleep grab at Saifah until he’s completely draped over him. Saifah holds him, very similarly to a scene we will get to shortly, and the smile on Sai’s face? This boy is so in love but also so careful with Zon’s limitations, that just being able to hold Zon is enough to put him at ease. And we were ROBBED of it. Why R U editors turn on your location, I just wanna talk-
Part two of episode seven gives us the most cursed scene that, like Zon, I wish I could forget. There’s nothing inherently wrong with it but the second hand embarrassment is excruciating so for the sake of my sanity I’m gonna kinda gloss over it? Zon sees Sai’s boner, it causes Zon’s single brain cell to explode, that’s it- MOVING ON. On the bright side it also gives us SaiZon’s first public performance together. I assume this is to hype up the actual show, I don’t really care, all I care about is how earnest Saifah is with Zon. Zon is terrified of performing and Saifah is there to cheer him on. He is willing to let Zon leave if it means Zon will be more comfortable and he genuinely doesn’t want to push Zon into anything. Zon finally calms down enough to agree to stay and sing- and then Saifah starts rubbing his hands to give some comfort. The dialogue in this scene will forever go down as one of my favorite exchanges ever- “Are you okay with having me beside you?” SAIFAH HONEY. This one sentence holds everything in it. Is it okay that Saifah tried to kiss him? Is it okay that he got turned on? Is it okay that Saifah clearly has some sort of feelings for Zon? AND ZON SAYS YES. I just, I will never recover. It’s a very cute moment that they share, a sort of understanding that they share now that doesn’t really change what they have already, just gives some clarity to their current situation. And then the performance they give? It’s wonderful. What more can I say?
And now we’re getting to the good stuff- episode eight, part one. Sai is able to sneak read a bit of Zon’s writing, Sai trying to make himself look not suspicious is so funny, but the absolute angle Zon lets him get away with it. Then they have a cute back and forth about Sai wanting to sleep over at Zon’s place, it’s precious and shows that since the last time Zon seems a bit more comfortable with the obvious flirting and even does some himself. “Otherwise I’ll kiss you.” Saifah being bold as fuck and Zon not running away? That’s what we call growth! Then when Saifah is actually at Zon’s home and they’re telling his parents about the music show they are in full support, Zon’s mother and Saifah both teasing him about his name’s meaning. It’s light hearted and fun and I appreciate how cool Zon’s parents seem to be with their son’s and Saifah’s relationship (thus far). But them being so okay with his joining the music show compared to how unsupportive about his writing hurts, both me and Zon. When they’re in his room Zon is visibly upset with how his parents have handled his passions and Saifah is doing his best to cheer him up. Giving him some comfort, and this is where he admits to reading a few chapters of Zon’s fiction and Zon looks shattered. He is so afraid it’s bad because no one will support him, encourage him until Saifah tells him he actually liked it. That if he wants to keep writing he can count on Saifah to read it and it’s so touching because Zon finally has someone who believes in him. They have this really longing moment of just staring into each other’s eyes and it’s so soft and just full of pining. EXCEPT once again there’s a deleted scene we were ROBBED of. (Why R U’s editing team is out to hurt me apparently) In the deleted scene there was supposed to be a kiss to end the longing stares, this would be their first real kiss. And as much as I would have /loved/ that I can understand wanting the other scene being /the/ moment, but it doesn’t make me wish this scene hadn’t been cut any less. 
The next three parts of episode eight I’m going to talk about in one piece because it is basically one long scene that’s just cut into parts. (Part 2, Part 3, Part 4) We have finally gotten to /the/ moment they’ve been leading up to this entire show, the music performance. When we start Zon is asleep and Saifah has arrived with food, trying to wake him up and only successful when he manages to kinda kiss Zon. They bicker a bit in their normal way, Zon whines about wanting an egg and Saifah gives his up happily. It's freaking adorable and the quality content I signed up for. Soda puts them in their performance outfits. They have a weird little fashion show that just makes me love Tommy and Jimmy with all my heart, you know the usual. And then the time gets closer to their performance- Zon is, rightfully, nervous and is having a little breakdown in front of Saifah who is trying his absolute best to calm him down. It’s a touching scene because you can tell that Sai doesn’t really know what to do to help but is seriously trying, and then Zon asks for some encouragement. Saifah wrapping his arms around Zon and hugging him is a scene that I will never recover from. Saifah is so confident in Zon’s skills and very clearly wants to perform with Zon that he’s willing to just hold the nervous kid in his arms until he calms down. It’s really touching and romantic and just perfect. It does the trick and they’re able to perform without a hitch. (I would like to say at this point I have been working on this essay for two days and have decided to throw alcohol into the mix so if I start going off the rails- whoops?) The actual concert is super lovely, like Tommy can sing don’t even @ me because I could listen to these two sing and nothing else and I would be completely happy with that, and when they go to do their thank you speeches my heart swells. Hearing Zon heartfully thank Saifah for doing this with him and then to hear Saifah ask every one to cheer for “my zon” one more time, it’s the pinnacle of romance. I don’t even think that they know how it looks to an outside viewer because they’re so lost in their own world. To them this wasn’t about the concert anymore but them proving themselves to each other, something so meaningful to them because without this moment being the huge lead up they would never have been anything more than people who shared mutual friends and “hated” each other. Without this concert neither would have taken steps to bring them closer, to this peak. And that is exactly what the concert is, it’s their peak because it’s the tipping point for their relationship. Any hesitation from either at this point would break it all down. And so when the two of them head backstage and they have this magical moment- this is it. Zon is complaining about the strings hurting his fingers so Sai softly blows on them to soothe the pain, it’s simple, quiet, and breathtaking. “Why are you so nice to me?” It's such a simple question, Zon’s eyes are filled with stars and he might not thinking that he’s going to get a good answer. “Because you already have my heart.” That’s it. Nothing Saifah could have said would top this. It leaves no questions, this is it for Saifah- he is throwing in everything at this moment and Zon just stares at him. He doesn’t flinch at the kiss Saifah leaves on his forehead, instead he puts his hands on Saifah’s cheeks and pulls him closer so he can kiss his nose. It’s not words that either need now because they just understand. They’ve taken the chance and it’s real now. Them just brushing noses in comfort is enough, but then they go all out. They /finally/ have their first /real/ kiss and it’s a culmination of everything they’ve been through and felt up until this point. I’m sure everyone has seen the behind the scenes clip of the pd calling them out for not following the script. Supposedly it wasn’t supposed to be so passionate but more of a quick peck, but this- what they gave us was nothing short of perfection. This kiss is a solidifier for everyone, especially Zon who has struggled internally this whole time about whether this is real or not. This is a confirmation that Zon’s feelings, now I might be reading a bit too into it/self projecting onto Zon, are valid. Zon and Saifah, as far as we know (I haven’t read the novel either btw), are presumably perceived as straight hell they may have thought they were straight up until they developed feelings for each other. Saifah develops his feelings confidently, he isn’t ashamed or shy about them. Like everything else in his life he takes it and makes it his own and that is completely valid. But for Zon it is a struggle the whole way through. He’s scared and he overthinks, over analyzes everything, and shys away from Saifah’s advances until now- a common theme found in many unsure/closeted queer kids. And THAT is also valid. They’re both so completely different and yet they fit together in ways that I don’t even think they knew was possible. The way they play off each other, can read the other, knows what to do or say- it’s the perfect amount of them. 
Episode nine is purely TorFight and part one of episode ten gives us only crumbs of SaiZon, but they are crumbs I would die for. It’s a couple of minutes of a sleepy Zon being cuddled by Saifah. Nothing fancy, nothing overly sexual, just the domestic bliss of these two holding each other. Once again it’s a testament to how made they are for each other. In any other drama (and I say this with affection to all the other bls I have consumed) this wouldn’t fly- this slow progression isn’t the norm for these types of shows and that’s why it’s so damn refreshing. Saifah in all his suave bad boy persona, is truly just a hopeless romantic that wants to hold his boyfriend in his arms for as long as he wants. Zon for all his shy avoidance of anything romantic, just enjoys having Saifah by his side. There is no one party pushing for more, no one party aggressively making moves that are unwanted. It’s just these two content in taking it slow and basking in the warmth of it, 
Again for episode eleven we only get a little bit of SaiZon in part four, but that’s fine. It’s especially fine because it’s like every good sick fic I’ve ever read put into canon. Need I say more? It’s soft and cute, Saifah being a whiny sick baby while Zon takes care of them is peak devastation. I really have nothing to say here except thinking about this scene gives me a hundred and one fic ideas and melts my cold dead heart. Moving on. 
Episode twelve has a bit of SaiZon but outside of them being totally whipped and wearing matching outfits to the beach I don’t have anything to say? Like I could just scream about the fact that they’re cute but if you’ve made it this far I would hope you already know that, so I’m gonna carry on to episode thirteen- hope you don’t mind!
The finale- episode thirteen. Once again I’m going to just talk about it as a whole rather than split it up because this episode also follows like one central moment in time rather than having huge time breaks in between. (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4) Now we can get into the quintessential moments that define why I think SaiZon is one of the most superior relationships in media I’ve ever consumed. We are thirteen episodes in, we know these characters. They have grown into each other in front of us and this episode shows it in such a poetic way. When Sai and Zon get to their room at the hotel Sai is quick to tease Zon about his “duty” (for future reference if I ever hear someone say duty in reference to sex I might just cry) that night and of course in typical Zon fashion he gets a little antsy. But it doesn’t stop there like it would have earlier, instead Zon uses his nerves to turn the tables. He initiates a kiss with Saifah! Leaving both Saifah and I stunned in the process before teasing and dragging him out for their cute little beach date montage. Now mind you I am gay and love the beach so this shit hits hard for me. Like they’re being your typical love sick characters, Saifah stealing a few cheek kisses to Zon’s surprise, they goof off on a boat(?), they have those dumb couples clothes on- it’s really over the top cute like what else can I say. You want proof love exists? Here you go. Anyway they’re cute, it’s lovely, moving on. They have, I can only imagine this as a very strange double date, dinner with TorFight some bickering happens- again your typical drama moment it’s not too special. Until we get back to the bedroom. Now I have seen a lot of queer media in my life and with that comes your natural tropes (I say tropes fondly because I tend to like most tropes), and that’s what I was expecting. But no, I have never seen anything so purely born out of natural instinct and emotion in my life. Saifah sitting at the edge of the bed strumming a nameless song out of nerves, Zon trying to get his attention in the dorkiest way possible. Once again this is so totally and utterly /them/. I can’t picture anyone doing the way they did, selling that natural awkwardness that comes from your first time with someone you love? Fuck man. Saifah is finally all out of the confidence he normally has, instead he’s avoiding Zon and the prospect of the night by playing the guitar. It makes sense too because this is his first time doing this with someone that he loves, and his first time with a guy which is another added layer of nerves. It’s a lot for both of them, but Zon seems to be actually interested now- finally starting to make moves himself because he knows for a fact Sai isn’t going to push in fear of spooking Zon. And then we get the real moment that really changes everything, “You have music in your heart, don’t you want to have Zon in your heart?” This is it- this is the moment they’ve both been waiting for. Zon already has Saifah’s heart, he has for a while I believe, but this question is what tells Sai that Zon is ready too. They want the same thing, each other. Now we get one of the best build ups I have ever experienced. If you're watching just at face value it might seem a bit strange but every action is deliberate. @spookshowenilorac and I have this running theory that Zon doesn’t close his eyes during some kisses because he is afraid that if he does it will all disappear, it’ll be just a dream from Zol’s fiction (and anytime one of us mentions it I tear up). He’s been so afraid for so long and this moment does feel like it’s out of a dream, it’s overwhelming in passion and over thinking. But the moment Zon accepts it as real it progresses. Mind you, as I’m sure you already know, the tongue in these kisses was not scripted. This is purely Tommy and Jimmy giving this scene and these characters everything they had. It just feels right, after everything these two have been through, and to not have that level of intimacy would have left this scene hollow. The passion and dedication Mii2 gave SaiZon is unparalleled. But that’s not it is it? No, they take it even farther. The promises they make each other? “I promise that I will only have you.” “I’ll give in only to you.” The unscripted tears and voice crack? Nothing can or will top that. I’m sorry but that is /love/. This isn’t based on lust or desire or just purely passion, what Saifah and Zon have is so palpable you can almost feel it. I don’t think any words in our universe can explain the raw emotion that just envelopes this scene in particular. And to know half of it was unscripted and Mii2 just felt like this was what was needed, what the characters would have done is so validating? Just knowing that both Tommy and Jimmy see it too, how this scene needed to play out this way in order for Sai and Zon to have their story complete is unprecedented. Again I wish I had the words to describe it better but I just don’t, so I hope you can understand at least the surface level of what I’m trying to get at here. Anyway let’s move on before I combust by the pure emotions in the bed scene to the next bed scene! This is where Zon and Saifah wake up the morning after, and when I say this is yet again peak devastation I am not kidding. They’re so bright and loving with each other in their typical teasing manner. Saifah steals a cheeky kiss from Zon and demands a kiss on his cheek, of course Zon tries to mess around refusing, then kissing, then refusing when Sai asks for more. It’s light hearted and the emotional levity we all needed. Especially with the dazed look Zon has, I think here is when he fully understands and accepts that Saifah and this feeling isn’t a dream. This is real and his to keep. The passion between them hasn’t died down but their relationship isn’t solely based on it being so aggressive either. They excel in these in between moments, the give and take of both a teasing joke and a desire to be together. It’s not as primal as the love TorFight have, but that doesn’t make either any less valid. It’s the fact that they’re such vastly different relationships that makes me admire this show more. The contrast between the two really highlights that no two relationships are the same, just like no two people are the same and that’s a wonderful message. Moving on from that very domestic scene we get the beach kissing scene (yes I’m skipping a tiny bit because I have nothing to say about SaiZon walking in on TorFight besides gay solidarity baby!). First of all I wanna point out that their outfits are peak gay culture, like I can see @travelersmindpalace and I wearing the exact same outfits during our next beach date and it /hurts/. This is also where I point out that I have a weak spot for height differences and holy shit does SaiZon deliver. The way Zon has to kinda tippy toe to kiss Sai or have Saifah lean down a bit- I’m whipped. They also thank each other for coming into their lives and I had to pause for a good few minutes to have a nice little cry over that. Like??? How??? How are they so pure and sweet after everything- I really can’t fathom it. And they do that soft little nose bump thing before they kiss- my gay heart can really only take so much of this without crying over them. They truly are the pinnacle of relationship goals. I don’t know how else to say that? They really just are so encouraging of each other, the boundaries they set up are respected, there’s never a moment of an imbalance of power, they just have a healthy relationship that’s based on trust and understanding. I hope in the in the future we get more shows depicting a relationship like this.
This was a lot and I am sorry for the word dump?? If you made it this far I love you and I beg you to scream about SaiZon with me- and with that I’m done!
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m00nlitknight · 4 years
Hello. I really like your previous works. Can I make request, please? Reader's been in relationship with whole gang for a couple of months. Everything was ok but Henry got jealous and started to ruin her relationship with rest of the gang distancing her from them.
ofc!! ✨  i don’t know if im really happy where i left off with this, so if you’re interested i could potentially make a part two?  i’m pretty happy with some parts of it ngl, but that might be my 4am brain talking lol;;
warnings:  usages of slurs / degrading terms ( light, but still present ).  mentions of frick fracking.  possessive behavior.  none else to really talk about. pairing:  poly!bowers gang x reader / henry bowers x reader extra ( edit ):  feel free to look through my masterlist for other bower’s gang/reader works, and have a fantastic day!
The relationship with the infamous Bowers’ Gang began in what you could only describe as a fictional scenario.  You’d always been known as one of the kindest individuals in your classes, a large soul and absolutely heart-warming and dazzling smile.  The reputation, though humbling on the darkest of evenings, felt strenuous to keep up.  It was suffocating, sometimes, when you wanted nothing more than to fade in the scenery, or to say no to a request from someone.  Being the school doormat gave you an easy pass to adoration, but a hard road to doing whatever anyone wanted.
That’s what confused you about the sudden interest of the gang.  Sure, you had been paired up once or twice with them for class projects, shouldered the entirety of the workload; but everytime they hardly batted an eye your way.  Except for Vic, but he always seemed to be a bit more socially adept then the other three.  So it was only fitting that the initial interest came from him, one day after your shared class he approached you, and asked if you’d ever want to hang out.
Obviously, you said yes, and reaped the immediate consequences.  Practically the next day after his query, people began to look at and treat you differently.  No longer was there an affectionate warmth in their gaze, reserved exclusively for you, instead replaced with a brief flash of fear before morphing into a bout of confusion for how to tread the situation.  You didn’t mind it, or at least on the surface you didn’t.  The validation found in your peers suddenly being ripped from your grasp was a bit whiplash inducing, not that you could really do anything about it.
The initial hangout, which you look back at fondly as your first actual date, was a casually dressed affair.  He took you to get milkshakes, which you indulged in the city’s center and poked fun at the Paul Bunyan statue, then took you to go thrift shopping.  It was that day you’d found your new favorite sweater, called ‘hideous’ on many occasions by the likes of your mother and peers, and a cute denim skirt.
It didn’t take long for Henry himself to nearly shoehorn himself into your relationship with Vic, apparently prompting Belch to ambush the two of you on your second date.  The Trans-Am’s engine was unbearably loud, coming up behind the two of you holding hands as Henry hollered something you couldn’t quite make out.
Five months down the line, and half-way through Junior year, a heartfelt outpour from the entire gang; and suddenly you’d become the apple of all of their eyes, so to speak.  Most of the time, your interactions were soft with all the boys, cuddled up with them all -- your personal favorite being Belch, he knew just the position for you to be putty in your hands; Patrick on the other hand did everything in his power to make you squirm while in his grasp.  He’d simply cackle at your protests of his wandering hands, then proceed to mock the tone of your voice.
Though, from the sidelines, you were mostly able to ignore the fiery glares thrown by Henry.  No matter how much attention you gave him, how many times you’d let him leave unsolicited hickies on your neck in plain sight to be hidden from your mother, or held him after a rough night.
He’d never said thank you or praised you for anything, which left you devoid of where you stood with him.  If he hated you, would you even be around the other three?  Wouldn’t he have been completely blunt and outright with it?  The creeping worry manifesting itself in your gut grew with time, and with time you began to give him more of your attention to try and sedate it.
Inside the labyrinth of his mind, Henry’s opinion of you began as negative -- the ambushing of your and Vic’s date was a stunt to try and drive you away from the gang in entirety.  But you just came the fuck back.  Loyalty was written all over your features, as was inexperience.  With time, the faint flame of interest that licked the recesses of his mind fanned themselves into a stronger blaze, and suddenly the shared attention you had been giving the gang was like gasoline.
He played himself off as distant, instead replying to the work you put in with brief hand holds or an arm thrown around your shoulders to show possessiveness around school.  Being calculating obviously wasn’t his thing, nor was being patient.
He took your first kiss, and one of his first, one night while alone with you, the second month into the relationship.  Pussyfooting around the more carnal aspects of a relationship wasn’t something he typically found himself doing, but he knew that Vic or Belch would have his head if he rushed things too fast.  In the end, though, it drove him to wanting more.
Physical affection was kept behind closed doors, and he couldn’t be sure that your intimacy was only reserved for him, considering you never sported any other markings or called out the name of any of the other members while you were with him.  It inflated his ego to astronomical levels, and it killed him that he couldn’t flaunt it in his friend’s faces.
Regardless, he wanted you to himself and himself alone.
“Good morning!” your voice cut through the mid-morning drowsiness of the boys sitting in the parked Trans-Am on the curb in front of your home with steely sharpness, but a welcome smile finds its way onto Belch’s face.
“Morning, gorgeous,” he says from the driver’s seat.  “Hop in.”
“Can do!”  your morning pep leads to a foot on the tire and hauling yourself into the car by means of the roof, and plopping directly in Patrick’s lap - eliciting a hearty grunt and smirk from the boy.
“You’re awfully full of life this morning, feels shameful to waste this energy on something so innocent as breakfast,” he all but purrs as he tugs you further into his grasp while the car lurches forward and en route to the typical Saturday-morning hangout spot.
“Ew, Pat,” Vic cringes over to his friend and you, true malicious intent absent.  “It’s fucking brunch time, let ‘em wake up first, will you?”
His question is answered by a cheeky nip to your neck, causing you to squeal.
In the front seat, Henry broods silently.  On the radio plays one of Belch’s cassettes which goes unlistened, and a favorite of his; ...And Justice for All by Metallica.  The playful tone of your voice and Patrick’s advancements manage to leave a sour taste in his mouth, even though he made the extra effort to brush his teeth this morning.
The meal goes relatively uneventful, though your wandering eyes, half-lidded and vixen-esque, irritate him further.  Vic has an arm around your waist, and Belch holding an unoccupied hand under the table.  If he’d thought any better, Patrick was all but devouring you from across the table.  It was an affection-filled scene, which made the poor diner waitress visibly uncomfortable.
After breakfast, Belch drops both you and Henry off at your home, currently unoccupied by your mother who has work.  “Bye, we’ll be seeing you guys later!”
“Henry, be nice to ‘em, will ya?”  Belch booms from the window, around Patrick climbing into the front seat like an animal.
His request is met with a smirk from Henry, who pulls you into a passionate but short kiss in front of the trio.  “As nice as I can be.”
It leaves you immediately flustered and giggling as you’re pulled into your own home and leaving the other three in a vague state of confusion.  The engine faded away in the distance as you moved toward your house, a mess of giggles, flushed cheeks, and a downcasted gaze.  Henry’s smirk is short-lived as his expression shifts back to neutrality.  He watches you walk through the door and shift to the side to take off your shoes, opting to keep his own on.  The brief and blissful silence is broken by his voice, laced with the undeniable edge of his ire.  “Who’s your favorite?”
The question hangs in the air, souring the atmosphere directly as it leaves his mouth.  You freeze at the words, mid finangling your shoe off as you turn to look at him with a confused, and slightly hurt, expression.  “Huh?”
“Don’t play fuckin’ stupid.  Who’s your favorite?”  He takes a step towards you, which you subconsciously shrink back from.
“I-I don’t have one?”
“God, maybe y’are fuckin’ stupid.  There’s four of us and y’mean t’tell me not ‘a one of us sticks out more than the others?”
A blush spreads across your features, an involuntary testament to your unease and outright lie.  Your eyes dart to look anywhere but him as your body betrays you, petrified in intimidation.  “You,” murmur with a gentle voice and laced with a lack of thinking.
He leans down to your mouth, quickly overtaking your personal space and invading your nostrils with his scent -- cheap body spray and masculinity.  It’s nearly intoxicating.  “What was that?”
“You,” an utterance with little more force, the action of taking a lungful of air simply too strenuous.
“Mind tellin’ me why I feel the least love then?”
You almost want to deflate at it, even if the hands wrapping around your shoulder feel like nothing short of a tender moment.  All the time you’d spent with him, all that you’d given to him, and he still felt overshadowed?
“Or, is it jus’ that you’re an attention-seeking slut?”  The words cut deeper then he’s capable of understanding, and the sick smile curling onto his lips and the whispered tone feel vastly different then what he’s actually saying.
You’re rendered speechless as he takes you closer to the couch, dragging you into a straddling position on him.  “Show me what I was missin’ at brunchfast then, huh?”
Wide-eyed and bashful you stare.  What are you even supposed to do?  He leans into you, peppering your throat with kisses while his hands wander up and down your sides.  Instinctively, your hands move to run through his hair and he nearly purrs at the contact and looks up at you with an intense, baby-blue gaze.
“Who’s your favorite?”
“You,” sighed out as he starts sucking on your neck and rubbing at your hips.
“Say it,”  a rough voice reverbs through him from his chest, and he relishes in the affection of your gentle hands.  You’re his.  His.
“You’re my favorite, Henry,” your voice tightens when he starts to suck on your collarbone.
He’d managed to cut your afterglow short in the early evening, badgering you to call Belch and tell him not to drive you to school for the next week.  You did it, albeit with a bit of confusion, and feeling vague sadness when Belch’s tone took a nose-dive into disappointment when the subject of the call was revealed. For the next week, you couldn’t look any of the gang in the eye, instead taking to marinate in your own shame and blatantly avoid them.
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acdeaky · 5 years
nobody can
john’s birthday week - part 5
warning: fluff, angst
note: based off of this blurb here ! so @spacedust1124719 did a blurb requested by me and i was gonna do, like, a whole ass story, but i’m lacking inspiration, so we’re gonna have a fluffy/angsty one shot instead. enjoy :)
word count: 1.6k
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when you met john deacon, you were in your first engineering class. against your luck, you were the only girl; you knew you would be. on your first day, you wanted to be early to get a good seat right at the front. also, it meant you missed all the typical shocked and surprised faces of your classmates as they walked through the door and saw you.
as you reached down into your bag, a pair of brown suede platforms caught your eye which belonged to the person sat next to you. even with people piling through the door, the seats around you were empty - as were the ones next to those chairs.
once you say back, you were met with a soft, sweet smile belonging to the adorable man next to you. a broad smile spread across your face.
“john deacon.” he held out his hand, strong and proud, for you to take.
you felt a blush appear on your cheeks as you replied, “Y/N L/N.”
and that’s how the first few weeks of your term went in engineering class. both of you would shyly say a small hi to the other at the beginning of class.
in the third week, you both got more comfortable around the other. this was evoked when an imbecile towards the back hollered through your answer to the professor. john stopped him, “if you’re going to be rude, at least have the correct answer. she did. i’m sure you didn’t notice though.” the entire class stared widely of john as he turned around, a little too smug about himself.
after that specific class, john accompanied you to the library to study. he would get distracted some days. talking to you, that is. often, he would glance down at his watch and suddenly take off without explanation.
an explanation finally came about when you were leaving your final exam together one cold friday. outside of your lecture hall stood an odd group of individuals: a drop-dead gorgeous blond wearing a unique choice of clothing that matched surprisingly well, an attractive curly haired lanky man who stood proud against the other two shorter men, and another good looking dark brown haired man with hair that looked as soft as a cloud and had the perfect beach waves. confused, you looked at john when they greeted him with wide arms. all he did was blush, quietly mentioned they were his band and they were about to go to a gig. one of the shorter ones, freddie, immediately invited you to join them.
throughout the gig, regardless of the other three men on that stage, you only looked at john.
john came out to find you after the show. he stumbled backwards slightly when you flung your arms around him, giving him a tight hug. after realising you’d never been that close before, you quickly pulled back.
“i don’t think i can watch you play again.” you confessed.
“what’s the problem?” he worried, “did you not like the music?”
you could only smile. “it’s not that. you‘re too cute up there. the dancing.” you glanced around before continuing, “and well, you look sexy.”
johns while face had turned as red as a tomato, redder even, and the corners of his eyes crinkled as he smiled. “thank you.” bashful.
“it’s distracting,” he was still red, but that didn’t stop you. “i couldn’t even watch freddie. do you have a drummer?”
his eyes were really bright. “really?”
“yeh,” you bit your lip, your fingers hooked through his belt loops and your pulled him closer to you. “this,” you motioned at his unbuttoned shirt, “isn’t helping.”
john swallowed, hard. “i like knowing you watched me the whole concert.”
you looked up at him through your eyelashes, your fingers creating a path down his arms and to his hands. “maybe i could come next time, too.”
“come on, deaky!” brian called from behind the stage, a few feet away from you. “we need to pack up!”
freddie looked out to see where his young friend was. he held brian back, by his arm, from getting john. “look at them, it’s adorable. he looks so smitten.” then, freddie called louder to john, “take your time, darling!”
this happened at almost every gig the band had afterwards. you got to know freddie, roger and brian better each time you were around them, and everytime you watched john perform you became hot and flustered. at the end of each concert, you’d end up in john’s arms like you’d done the first night; his hands on your hips, your fingers tracing lines up and down his arms and chest. regardless, he didn’t get out of packing up every night, but it allowed the boys to watch you and john fall for each other.
and you fell hard.
so hard in fact, that when john mentioned that he had met a woman called veronica, you stopped in your tracks. john was sat talking to the boys in their rehearsal space. they were on a break and just catching up on each others lives. you had hoped to surprise him, being as quiet as you could. but hearing another woman’s name fall from his lips had you rushing out of the door, not even bothering to say anything.
on your way out, you had dropped his favourite coffee and the cookie you had bought him. your exit had not been quiet. the coffee had spilt everywhere and the cookie was now broken in pieces.
when they heard your not-so-subtle gasp, all four of the boys looked at you just before you ran out. they were all stuck to their seats, not knowing what to do.
john was the first to move.
he gently jogged over to the spilt drink and broken cookie. the coffee cup had his name on it written in your handwriting he loves, a little heart next to it. the same on the paper wrapper of the cookie. but on the cookie, the words ‘i love you’ were written above his name.
john picked the cup and bag up, showing freddie, roger and brian the words written on both items.
“i wasn’t even going to see veronica again.”
but you didn’t know that.
you only heard what you thought you needed to hear to know that john didn’t like you. you didn’t hear the words john was about to say afterwards.
‘no one compares to her.’ he had said.
‘i met this girl, veronica was her name,’ that’s all you heard. ‘but no one compares to Y/N.’
now, you were running (walking fastly) away from the band. from john. this seemed like a whole movie scene to you, but that was at the back of your mind. that young 18 year old you had met in engineering class was now the love of your life. and now. now, you thought that after almost four years of friendship, he was going to drop you for this veronica. of course, that wasn’t the case.
but what did you know?
after you had left, and john had broken the news that he wasn’t going to see veronica again, freddie, roger and brian ushered john out of the door in search of you. the only place he could think of going was your apartment, or his. depending on how upset you were, you would usually go to john’s home to seek his comfort if you were deeply sad. and, for the first time ever, john had been the cause of your sadness.
and yet, minutes after you had ran, you found yourself outside of john’s apartment building. you rushed to the door, using your key to get into the building and using the lift to get to the tenth floor where john lived. it took seconds to arrive there, and by the time you had gotten into john’s apartment, he was just pushing his way through the front door of the building.
his harsh pounds were heard throughout the entire tenth floor as he tried to get your attention. nothing could drown out that level of noise. you had no choice but to unlock the chain and open the door.
john’s arms were around you in an instant. you couldn’t help but hold him back. there was something so comforting about having john’s arms around your waist, pulling your bottom had closer to him, as your arms around his neck pulled his top half closer to you. your bodies created an odd shape, but you were most content and happy in moments like these.
until you remembered why you ran.
“john, don’t.” was all you said as you pushed him away. he, fortunately, wasn’t very strong, so it was easy to do so.
“don’t what, love? what’s wrong?”
“i heard you.” you whispered.
“heard what,” he asked, “and how much?”
“how you met a girl called veronica. and that was it.”
“oh, love,” he sighed. “if you listened a little longer you would have heard that she can’t compare to you. nobody compares to you. nobody can.”
“you really said that?”
“yes. why wouldn’t i?”
“because you don’t love me like i love you.” you whispered, absolutely terrified of john’s reply.
“you what, love?”
“you don’t love me,” john’s face softened, “like i love you.”
“i love you. i love you. i love you. not veronica. not some groupie. not some random girl from a bar. you. because it’s always been you, love. no one else. ever since i met you in class, you’ve intrigued me in the best way possible. you’re everything i’ve ever wanted in a partner. i was scared you didn’t feel the same so i was going to move on, but it wasn’t the same. it’s not the same without you.”
“oh, john-”
“i love you.” he pressed.
“and i love you.”
TAGLIST: @never-kept-the-same-address @j0hn-deaky @sohoneyspreadyourwings @brian-maybe-not @deakysbabybooty @1001-yellow-daffodils @retromusicsalad @hardcoredisneynerd @painkiller80 @leatherjacketmazzello @scarecrowmax @mebeatlized @seesiderendezvous @alright-mrfahrenheit @someone-get-a-medic @miamideacon @chlobo6 @teenagepeterpan @spacedust1124719
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crazyfreckledginger · 5 years
Ikemen Sengoku x Reader - “Criminal Masterminds” [Crimelord AU] [Part 6]
In a world where the most powerful are the greediest, everyone has to fend for themselves. The rich stay hidden, normal citizens live their lives, unbeknownst to all the lies and secrets the most dangerous firms keep locked away. When a mercenary is sent to retrieve valuable information that is also searched for by the Oda forces and Takeda-Uesugi, paths cross, dilemmas arise, love, morals and important decisions become a threat.
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A/N: I’m sorry this took so long T-T I plan to update this series two or three chapters in a row. 
Warning: language, cursing basically.
“How long do you have?” Hideyoshi rushed into the kitchen, making sure he is properly clothes and running a hand through his hair to put it back in place.
“I need to started heading out in a few minutes,” The girl gulped down a glass of water before putting her plate into the sink. Shingen was already wide awake, sitting at the table and watching the scene unfold in front of
“Serve yourselves for breakfast and stick to the plan,” she explained, pacing to her bathroom.
“How long have you been up?” The vassal nodded suspiciously to the man on the other side of the table.
“Since (Y/N) woke up,” He grinned smugly. Hideyoshi gave him a disapproving and slightly disgusted look before searching through the girl’s draws for something to eat.
“Oh, and by the way,” The woman came back, drying her mouth from any water and toothpaste with a towel.
“If any slight hint of what happened yesterday ever comes up, Hideyoshi, I’ll cut that frown you always have when I’m too close to your ‘Lord’ and Shingen,” his face fell immediately, “I’ll wipe that stupid smirk you’re always wearing when I’m around you, got it!” She pointed  a menacing finger at him.
They both nodded quickly as she glanced between them.
���Good, now, what happened yesterday?” Her head tilted to the side questioningly.
“Nothing happened,” Hideyoshi confirmed.
“Something happened yesterday?” Shingen grumbled. A huge grin spread across her lips as she chuckled in amusement.
“Good, now I have to go, don’t create chaos and keep your end of the deal!” she nodded before slipping her jacket off and walking out of the house. They said their farewells, watching her get into her car and driving out of the woods.
The impact of her heels on the smooth, plastic floor echoed through the empty corridors. She walked through the long, neon lit corridor, glancing to the side as the glass that showed the numerous test the scientific department was carrying out to create even more deadly weapons. The girl gritted her teeth bitterly.
Everytime she took the time to look over something in this place, it gave her yet another reason to hate it. (Y/N) inhaled deeply as she arrived at the end of the corridor.
The girl did a mental cross check as she checked her composure and demeanor. Her fingers gripped the doorknob twisting it harshly and pushing the door open.
“Finally, you’ve arrived my dear,”
“How is it looking there, my lord?” Hideoyshi asked through the phone as Shingen aided his vassal to type away on the computer.
“We’ve successfully infiltrated their system, but it seems if we want more information and evidence, we need to have a physical insider.”
“(Y/N)?” Yuki frowned.
“No, someone else, she can’t have her cover blown, not yet, it’ll put our only witness at risk,” Mitsuhide’s voice answered.
“I have an idea,” Ieyasu grumbled as he sat at the table, delicately placing his phone on the surface. The other line went dead, waiting for his proposition.
“A previous teacher and agent has been killed off, they kept the reason secret, which means there are two spots open.
“Perfect,” The blond could feel Nobunaga smiled in satisfaction.
“You remember Abe?” The man took a sip from his glass as he kept his scrutinising gaze on her.
“The defense teacher?” she raised an eyebrow, standing her ground by never faltering in her body language.
“Yes,” he gulped down his drink before reaching for the half empty bottle.
Corrupt drunkard, the girl thought resentfully.
“I killed him yesterday,” he informed nonchalantly.
“Did you have a reason?” the woman asked with lack of reaction.   
“Jayden suspected him of a mole,”
The girl gulped instantly.
“And you believe Jayden? Who has risked the whole firm’s identity to be revealed publicly because he got pissed at a thug who was taking shit to him?” It was always evident that (Y/N) hated the man. He was a whole disgusting asshole, the whole package.
Jayden Meyers was the definition of a sexist and racist bitch who thought he was the best thing that had ever happened to the world. She would have killed him instantly if he wasn’t employed and raised under the same roof as her.
“My my, my child, the days go by and your hatred for him only grows,” he chuckled amusedly, “it seems he feels the same for you,”
“Well, I’m not sorry one bit, someone has to put that revolting swine back in his place and I’ll gladly do it,”
There was a moment of silence as she pushed down her exasperation for the so called man before she spoke up a bit.
“You requested by presence sir,”
“Ah, yes, the man you were complaining about a few moments ago has created a few...issues outside of town so I have to head back,” The man started, “and since you have quite a difficult and dangerous target, I’m extending the time you have to bring me the Oda -- to four more days,”
“Yes sir,” she bowed to him.
“Oh, and one more thing,” he stopped her as she reached for the door, “bring him in dead,”
“But the file said-”
“I know, I know, it was written alive but minor inconveniences from the customer has changed that.” He waved her off. She nodded respectfully, gulping a particularly large lump in her throat before scurrying out of the room and rushing to her car.
As soon as her doors locked, she laid in her seat, noticing how hitched her breathing had become before she hit the steering wheel.
“FUCK!” she yelled, how is Nobunaga supposed to be brought dead?
Her nerves would not falter. The girl’s head shook to get rid of the haunting thoughts whizzing through her brain.
Her new ‘alliance’ made it perfectly clear that what happens from now on will not only be her duty. She mentally cursed herself, realising how unnecessary her short mental breakdown before starting her car’s engine and driving off.
Little did she know about the figure that had kept a close eye on her ever since she stepped into the building today.
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namjoonchronicles · 7 years
distract | nj
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▶ summary: There’s only one way to tame a raging fire. Namjoon knows just how to do it, effortlessly and sweetly.
“Because being blamed for something you didn’t do is exhausting! It’s draining, because you don’t know if you should pretend to take the fault so you could make some friends and be a socially-abiding employee when all you want to do is be free!” You let your bag fell flop at the side of the bed on the floor and, lashed out some more.
“...And if you’ve been with me long enough, you should know that I’m not the type to listen to anyone’s shit. It doesn’t matter who they are or what they are, if they’re lying through their claws, I won’t be smiling and telling them all the things they want to hear. And if you know me, you’ll understand that I will not be a tact sugar-coated liar who licks ass for a living.” You paced left and right by the window glass that looks out the balcony.
The curtains are left open and the neighboring buildings were the only thing that can be seen. Namjoon stood, leaning by the door with his arms crossed, observing, analyzing, listening and attempting to execute the best possible reply in this dangerous situation.
One wrong thing he says, will make this all a lot worser than it already is. 
So he chose to be quiet.
“This company is ridiculous. The co workers are oblivious and they’ve made a fool out of me during a department meeting. I didn’t misplace the drugs. I didn’t even touch a cytotoxic carrier. How could they say that I did it?” There’s defeat in your voice and it didn’t go unnoticed by Namjoon. He is after all the one that usually had to perk his ears up when moments like this comes.
Hands over your head, you turned to face Namjoon, with the bed standing between you and him and you exhaled, “I just need your hug.” A weak smile passed your lips, a small shrug on your shoulders and pleas in your eyes was all it takes for Namjoon to lunged over to you, and pulling you into a warm embrace that’s known to heal all the pain you’ve ever felt.
His sturdy chest against your forehead, and you could feel his arm around your shoulder, holding you as close as he could, while he plants a firm kiss on the top of your head. Your hand flew to his upper arm to keep it there, inhaling his heavenly cologne and taking the advantage of being this close to listen to his heartbeat.
When things go awry, Namjoon knows just how to cater to you. Even when at first, he was awkward in giving. He learnt a lot from you. Namjoon bares to you a side the world never knew existed. In exchange, you show him the side you’ve kept to yourself for so long. Together, you completed each other.
But it’s not all joyous ride together, with each other. There are side of Namjoon that you simply couldn’t comprehend— the workaholic side, the humility on things he should boast about, the perfectionist in him that rejects all mediocre and safe options simply because it isn’t risky enough; and there are sides of you that Namjoon find petty and unneeded—like your insecurities, your constant need of validation and turbulent mood swings that sometimes drove him beyond insane.
Namjoon’s intricated way of thinking fits your complicated thoughts in the most outstanding way. You both could talk for hours on the rooftop at midnight. Spilling your most intimate feelings about things going around you, identifying constellations in the night sky, soft murmurs of kind words that strangers will never hear from you; these conversations rarely reside on the surface—knowing Namjoon.
His poetic ways of putting words into a sentence and how they sound like nonsense to shallow minds was a way you two connected. His passive-aggressiveness met your sarcastic remarks, to equate a disastrously perfect couple. Namjoon and you were a imperfectly perfect equation that mathematicians hadn’t figured out yet.
Namjoon puts a distance between you both and you whined at the sudden loss of warmth to which he giggled low in return. With his dimply smile, he slide his hand down your arm and filled the gaps between your fingers with his before guiding you out of the room and into his studio.
The door labelled: Mon Studio, Sound Engineer; on the outside.
He pushed you down to sit in his seat while he stays standing up behind the chair. “What...why?” Your thoughts are scrambled as you watch him dart his hand out from each side of you, clicking on the mouse rapidly as he tries to search for a file you didn’t know off. “Hold on a minute okay, babe.” He trailed his voice as his eyeballs starts to fidget on every corner of the heavily crowded desktop full of track icons.
“Wow your desktop is very organized.” You threw a sarcastic remark and he chuckled short, “...Haven’t got the time to sort them out properly. Been busy at night, you see.” He tutted his tongue, suggestively, before biting his lips. “Oh really...?” That is a judgemental statement disguised in a form of question, from you to him.
He shrugs a bit and the chair rocked as he passed, “Yeah, my wife can’t keep her hands off of me. But can you blame her?” You snapped your head around at him, digging your against your cheek while trying to come up with a good clap back but Namjoon tipped his chin at the screen so that your attentions falls to it instead of him.
“You sir, have a very distracting face.” You heard your own voice in the video he played on his desktop for you to watch. You remembered this video. It was taken in Ilsan, on your first Chuseok together with his family. The camera focuses on him and his deadly fashion style. He had a Ray Ban glass on, with a red beanie.
“Is it me or is this coloring is just off?” You were not well-versed in using video cameras especially the modern ones so you tend to ask Namjoon everything about it since he reads the manuals. Namjoon appeared to be walking towards you and together, you both were figuring out how to use the video cameras. Before it falls to the ground, of course. The camera was still recording although it cuts off for about 0.8 seconds due to the fall. Namjoon is heard to be rather flustered, “It’s just slipped out of my hand...!”
And you calmed him down with an assurance, “Look it’s not the end of the world okay? It’s fine. It’s okay. We can still use our good ol’ phone to film stuff and it will be just as fantastic.” The screen flashes black before turning into a scene at a beach. Namjoon looks younger here. Of course he does, it was taken in 2010, he was 16.
As indicated by the dates below.
The video focuses on him, grainy and low quality but still, Namjoon looked stunning. “I can never get over how beautiful you are.” You commented, sounding like you’re in-trance. Younger Namjoon looks very innocent, and he was just filming his feet walking by the sandy beach, the sound of waves hitting the shore was the only thing you hear.
“This is at the height of the porn watching thing, right?” You shot and Namjoon covered his eyes, smiling shyly. “Can’t you just watch without making anything funny?” He gushes and you took the chance to annoy him some more. “You’re making me a pervert for watching a 16 year old you, are you trying to send me to jail? Jail bait.” You darted. Namjoon shakes his head cutely and grinned at the screen.
“I’m going to take my wife here.” Sixteen year-old Namjoon sounded determined. “I want her to enjoy the sound of the waves and the breeze...” Video-Namjoon added and you snarkly say, “We did more than just enjoy the sound of waves and breeze when we were there, Little Namjoon.”
Namjoon slammed the pause button and you exclaimed, “But why!”
“I’m not going to play this video if you keep being like this, stand up.” He said, biting his smile and you did as he told. He sat on the chair and gathered your waist so you sat on him. “You need to shush and appreciate this video,” Namjoon leaned his chin on your shoulder and you pressed the space bar so that the video resumed.
“That night on the beach was fun.” You added quickly and Namjoon pressed his forehead on your shoulder now, vibrating in place to hide his chuckle. “Can we be PG13 at least for the rest of four minutes, please?” He darted his eyes on your side profile and you glanced at him, “We are Rated R baby, you know that.”
“Okay. Can we pretend that we are PG13?” “For three minutes? Yeah.”
Namjoon’s video showed you sleeping on the bed next to him. Bare shoulders and he plants a kiss on them before sliding out of bed. “PG13 my ass.” You shot and Namjoon pressed his lips together, “Sweetie, look here!”
“No!” “Why not?” “Because I have a zit on my face.”
Then the video switches to all the vacations you both went together on. The part where Namjoon went to Rome. When he broke the pan holder. How he snapped the chair into half. And you’ll be behind the video camera laughing your head off. “All I did is hold them.” He sounded sorry.
“Oh honey, don’t worry about that.” You would say. The screen goes black and to present-Namjoon who is in a black turtleneck with ash grey hair-do, fixing the camera to focus. “Hey baby...” he greeted, exclaiming. “You just left for work after a strenuous midnight workout and I’m making this video to thank you for it.”
You had to clamp your teeth down your lower lips to stop the smile from getting wider than it already is. “So if you remember, you had a pretty bad day yesterday and you took it out on me...” Namjoon pulled down his turtleneck and showed an angry red kiss mark, “But I’m not here to complaint. I’m here to do anything but that. I’m here to say to you that if you ever have a bad moment in life, I’m at your disposal.”
Namjoon inhales deeply, “Everytime you say you had a bad day, which usually began by how badly people treated you; I just want you to know that it doesn’t make you a bad person to feel angry about it. I also want you to know that if it ever come across your head that you’re horrible person; which you aren’t by the way, I want you to rewind to the beginning of this video where you assured me that eventhough I’m clumsy and a hopeless King of Destruction, you always make me feel better about myself.”
You absent-mindedly went, “Aww.”
“When I accidentally break things, I get very upset. Because it makes people think that I’m in capable of taking care of things. I see their faces when they were about to hand me some objects. I understand their fear of me destructing it, but at the end of the day, I’m human and I have feelings.” Namjoon sighed. You took his hand into yours and patted them gently. “You make the darkness less dark, you make the edges less sharp. You make the winter feel warmer, you make my weakness less weak. You make the bottom less deep. You make my crazy feel normal.”
You are the who. Love is the what. And this is the why.
Namjoon’s video ended with you and Namjoon on a hammock together, enjoying the breeze on a tropical country beach with coconut in hand. “Baby, who do you belong to?” Namjoon asked you while the camera showing his face and yours. He was laying his head on your stomach.
“An idiot.” You shot.
Namjoon’s smile is gone in a second before him replying with a wide grin at the camera, showing all his teeth, “But I am your idiot...” shows the wedding ring to the camera, “Foreverrrrrrrrrrrr.”
You were dying of embarrassment, behind him. He vowed to embarrass you and you vowed to annoy him; for the rest of your lives. 
Turning over your shoulder, to face him, you link your forehead to his and smiled, “...Why are you so distracting.” Namjoon inhales and whispered, “...I made the video to keep your mind off of negative things, is it working?”
Yes it is.
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