#evie visage
archeolcgist · 1 year
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I'd be the voice that urged Orpheus When her body was found (hey ya) I'd be the choiceless hope in grief That drove him underground (hey ya) I'd be the dreadful need in the devotee That made him turn around (hey ya) And I'd be the immediate forgiveness In Eurydice Imagine being loved by me! I won't deny I've got in my mind now all the things we'd do So I'll try to talk refined for fear that you find out how I'm imaginin' you
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freezegirl · 14 days
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ssvperboy · 1 year
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isdeathlystill · 2 years
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admrlthundrbolt · 5 months
Love From The Other Side (Bowser x Chubby Reader)
Your kingdom had recently come on dire time. With the Koopa Kingdom having a vast army. Well who was Bowser to deny your family's pleads. Especially when you were being offered to him on a tempting platter.
Hi guys, I'm back at it again. Don't think that I wasn't writing, I just found out I had an allergy. So I had to deal with that. But I'm back and with a cute Bowser story. I've wanted to write for him since the new Mario Bros movie. It wasn't until recently that I thought of a decent plot though. Any who I hope you enjoy.
He was surprised at receiving a request for an audience with your kingdom. A trading kingdom from a far off port. He had seen your parents from time to time at galas or Royal conferences. They seemed to be respectable if not private people. What was most peculiar though, was your name in the letter. He had heard mentions of you of course. But outside of your own kingdom, no one had seemed to see you.
It may have been your presence that made his decision. Who was to say, either way, your family would be at his castle within a fortnight.
Your hands fidget together as the carriage made its way down the rocky road. Glancing around you notice your mother frowning out the window. While you father was staring at you. Looking down quickly, you braced for a lecture.
“You know this is a last resort, don't you?” His gaze seemed to bore through you to your very soul.
Nodding you hoped that would be answer enough. As he didn't turn away, you said. “I do.” Though the whole situation only made you feel as if you were only an object.
A ghost of a smile fell on his face. Though it was as hollow as his next words. “I'm glad.”
Your mother's eyes narrowed as they surveyed the passing scenery.
Your families arrival rang throughout the castle. The Goombas were rushing around to do last second tidying. While Kamek ordered Koopas to finish the dinner preparations.
Bowser's eyes swept over the grounds until they landed on the colorful carriage. It had wonderful murals of coastal scenery. As well as being drawn by creatures that weren't quite fish or horse. He was eagar to see what other oddities your kingdom may have. Hearing a scuffle next to him, he looked down to see Bowser Jr. shuffling in excitement. It wasn't everyday someone visited the castle under pleasant circumstances. Smiling down at his son, he ruffled his hair affectionately.
The carriage parked in front of the king and the driver opened the door. As regal as ever, your father and mother stepped through the door. He was a moment from greeting them, when you appeared. Beautiful as anyone he had ever seen and full as an overripe fruit. You were the visage of a deity.
Your father cleared his throat causing Bowser to reluctantly look away from you. The man had a knowing yet somber expression on his face. While your mother was out right scowling. A sheepish look crossed your face as you joined your parents.
Putting on a more professional air, he waved his arm towards the castle. “Welcome, please come inside and rest in your rooms a while. Dinner will be ready soon.” With that he rushed inside, Jr. trailing behind him. All the while berating himself. Coming up with a plan to not make so much of a fool of himself at dinner. Not noticing how Jr. couldn't stop looking back at you admiringly.
“Charles are you sure this is the right decision? I mean did you see the way he was gaping at her.” You could hear your mother's complaints ringing through the room you had been shown to.
“Evie please, this was a descion that had to be made.” There was a tense silence that followed. “It's not as if we've forced her. You know better than anyone that no one can will her to do anything.”
This caused an uncomfortable pressure to build behind your eyes. Not wanting to hear about your parents thoughts on you. You swiftly entered the room. “Have they called us for dinner?” You had already heard the Koopa tell your parents it was ready. But it was easier to change the subject quickly and avoid their gaze this way.
Your father smiled and gave you a endearing smile that you weren't sure you deserved. “Yes, should we start making our way then.”
He sat at the head of the table. Desperately hoping that he didn't seem to eagar as your family approached. Jr. bounced in his seat to the right. To his shock you took the seat on his left. It was in this moment that he was glad that Kamek had suggested a smaller table. Something about it being a less intimidated and cozy gestured.
The first dish came out and only the sound of silverware filled the room. It wasn't until the main course came that the tension was broken by your father.
“I'm sure your curious as to why we've called for this audience.” His gaze felt piercing to the turtle tyrant.
His eyes flickered to you for a brief moment, before focusing on him. “I was surprised why such a distant kingdom would reach out.” Without knowing the reason for your visit, it felt like he had to walk on egg shells. Why were you here?
Rubbing a hand across his aged features, he said. “It is not under happy circumstances. We are receiving threats from a nearby kingdom. Are you familiar with the Eezla domain?”
He had to hold back a flinch. Even he had a hard time dealing with the war hungry dictator of a leader from there. It was no wonder your family had seeked out an audience with another kingdom. The only question was why his.
“He has come to us with a demand. Our daughter's hand in marriage or a battle for our ports.” His tone was weary.
Your gaze dropped to the table with dread. You wouldn't mind sacrificing your morals to save your people. But as the only heir for your family. It was an obvious ploy to take over the kingdom. You wouldn't have been surprised if your parent's death would have followed the potential ceremony.
“So instead we talked together on the matter and came to a new conclusion. It would be far more difficult if our daughter was wed to a more tolerable kingdom. Though they would need to have a formidable army.” He would have continued his eloquent explanation. If not for your mother's bitter interuption.
“She choose you. Can you believe that.” Her glare burned through him. “Out of all the options she had. You were her first pick.” Folding her arms over her chest, she resembled more closely a toddler than a queen.
Standing up quickly, you gave a hard stare to your mother. “It was the logical choice.” Looking away from her, your timid demeanor returned. “If the other party accepts that is.”
He could help but think that your gaze was as piercing as your father's. Though there was a graceful openness to you. He thought of Peach for a moment and had to keep a grimace off of his face. It had been a blow to his heart when she married Mario. Looking at you, it was like a golden opportunity had been dropped in his lap. “I do.”
It was an odd feeling to bid fairwell to your parents. But with your mother's distaste for the arrangement and time running out. It was better that they go start the ceremony preparations now. It was a relief to only have to make final decisions. Also that Bowser agreed to a wedding in your home lands.
Placing your ear against the door. No large footfalls could be heard and your shoulders sagged in relief. You shouldn't be avoiding your betrothed. On the other hand, if he asked about what your mother said. You just may die of embarrassment.
Just how was a sheltered princess supposed to explain to her newly betrothed about her powers. That the only reason the ruler of Eezla had found out you are a seerer. After that it wasn't long before he demanded for your hand. By choice or force. This had prompted you to shut yourself away and look for the best path. It hadn't taken long. The moment Boswer entered your visions, it was all but decided. The sight of his heart break was surprising. Followed by the tenderness he held for his son. He provided for his citizens, raising a fierce army.
A blush took over your face as you remembered your possible future together. Growing to care for one another. Parenting Bowser Jr. together, even visions of your own children. It was almost to much to handle, your face felt as if it was on fire.
Taking a deep breath, you gathered yourself. Stepping out the door, you bumped into a small figure. It was a shock to run into someone shorter than you. But a gasp escaped your mouth as you saw Jr. on the floor in front of you.
Scooping him up on your arms, you fussed. “Oh darling, I'm so sorry. I didn't notice you there. Are you ok?”
He beamed up at you and nodded quickly. He couldn't believe how lucky he was. He got a new mama, she was super nice and pretty! “Are you coming to breakfast?”
Looking down at the sweet boy you hesitated. “Is your father there?”
Shaking his head, he said. “No, he had to go with Kamek. So I told him I would take you to breakfast.” He was bouncing in your arms. It made him a bit hard to keep a hold of.
So placing him down gently, you nodded. “Yes some food sounds good.” You felt guilty for avoiding him. But you thought some time apart may bury the comments your mother made.
Feeling a tug at your hand, you allowed the excited child to lead you.
He couldn't keep his mind off of it. You had chosen him. Of all people why him? He could hardly pay attention to the map sprawled out before him. No matter how many times he told himself that knowing the enemy territory was important. His thought just couldn't stop straying to you.
Your sweet temperament and melodious voice. How well your plush form filled out your clothes. How you looked at him without any fear or animosity. You had chosen him.
Shifting his mind onto a task to aid you. Yes that's how he could keep himself on point. This was for you. The more he knew of his new enemies. The better he could protect you.
You didn't see each other again until dinner that evening. You having spent the day with Jr., avoiding any thought of the large turtle. While he made battle strategy and his mind wouldn't stop returning to you.
It would have been a quiet meal, if not for the youngest participant. He animatedly talked about what you both had done that day. His father couldn't help his admiration for you growing. You obviously had already taken a special place in his son's life.
“Then I slipped off the stair.” Waving his arms around wildly, the pint size turtle almost tipped out of his chair. You both leaned forward, until he settled back down. Your face flushed as your eyes met. “But Ms. (Y/N) caught me with sparkles.”
Bowser's eyes widened, he hadn't been informed of you having magical ability. He wondered if it was anything like Kamek's spells. “I wasn't aware of you being a caster.”
Your face darkened as his attention was solely on you. “Not many people are. That's one reason my parents kept me from the public eye. With how rare magic users are and all.” He wanted to questioned you a bit more. But the subject seemed to make you more timid than usual. So instead he turned back to Jr. and listened to his day with you. Hopefully with time you would feel comfortable enough to open yourself up to him.
You couldnt stand it any longer. You had to tell him the truth. It felt deceitful to keep your ability from him. The day you were meant to be bound was fast approaching. You didn't want to start your married life together on such a sour note.
You steeled your nerves as you came upon the door to his private chambers. It was well past Jr.’s bedtime, so you knew interuptions were unlikely. Raising a fist you knock lightly, when no immediate answer came you were torn. A part of you was relieved to not have to deal with this quite yet. Still there was a throb of anxiety about waiting any longer. You battled with yourself to knock again or leave. Until the door swung open.
Bowser toweled off his firey hair as he looked down at you. It was an unlikely yet pleasant surprise to see you outside his chambers. Grinning down at you he invited you in. “Make yourself comfortable.”
As he left through another door, you glanced around the room. It was about as grand as you had imagined it. Lavish paintings and banners decorating the walls. Though an area was sectioned off for Jr.'s art. It was adorable and heartwarming to see how much he had saved. A flush coated your cheeks as you noticed the only place to sit was the large bed. It was a lavish setting, dark stained wood with deep red bedding. You felt a shy yet scandalous heat travel through you. It wouldnt be long before this would be your chambers as well. The very bed that you would share together.
You almost jumped out of your skin as he reentered the room.
“Sorry about that, you caught me after a shower.” His hair drooped in a freshly washed fashion. It was a look you hadn't had a chance to see yet. It was an odd, but endearingly boyish style. “What was it you wanted to discuss?”
“Oh I was um.” The blush spread deepening to your neck. It was one thing to come up with the resolve. But another to go through with the difficult task. Still you needed to do this, for both of your sakes. “I need to let you know the truth. Why I chose you that is.”
He watched you carefully. It was something that had been on his mind for a while. Who was he kidding, since it was mentioned. But as he watched you fidget in place, he couldn’t take the usual pleasure he got from others squirming. So instead, he sat next to you patiently and waited for you to continue.
Gathering all your courage, you spat it out. “I can see the future.” A stagnant silence filled the air. Each of you waiting for the other to break it.
He awkwardly shifted to get a better look at you. Was that why you had chosen him? Was he the best pick or did you settle. Gazing down at you, he took you in. Your flush full cheeks and eyes looking everywhere but him. Your soft body, if only you knew how much your plush form filled his dreams. Taking your warm hands into his own, he smiled genuinely. “So you saw us together?” You nodded. “Were we….” He paused not knowing how to put the next question.
You noticed his hesitation, it made you want to sigh in relief. It was nice to know that you weren't the only one having a difficult time navigating this. Tightening your hold on his hands you explained. How the leader of Eezla had found out about you being a mage. But the only thing he was interested in was your proficient seer abilities. His demand for your hand was met with refusal. He then threatened the lives of your people. This led you to searching for a solution, which turned out to be him.
Eyes wide he wanted to deny it all. “But I'm just as bad as he is. Why choose me over him?” He hated himself for bringing it up. But a part of him would feel worse if he didn't.
Shaking your head you glared at him. “You are nothing like that monster. I know you have a sorted past with the Mushroom Kingdom. But the moment Peach married you left well enough alone. Not to mention the way you care for Jr. and your citizens. And when we have our daughter, your eyes light up the first time you hold her.”
He stared at you with astonishment. “We have a daughter?” You cover your face mortified. Only to shriek in the next moment as he scoops you up and spins you around the room. Your screams turn into elated giggles as you relax in his arms. Pulling you closer he gazes into your lovely eyes and leans forward. You meet his lips in a tender kiss.
Things went well, pleasant conversation and sweet looks were exchanged. It seemed that things were going to work out. Until the Mushroom Kingdom caught wind of a damsel ‘trapped’ in Bowser's castle.
Mario suits up as his brother looks at him skeptically. “Are you sure you should go charging in there?”
The shorter man glared at him. It wasn't like he had a choice. The minute Peach heard some woman was there she threw a fit. Complaining about her time there and what she had to deal with. If it was her he wouldn't hesitate to rush over. Even if she was right, he just wanted to relax every once and a while. If it wasn't his new royal duties, it was his family back in Brooklyn. It felt like he hadn't had a day off in years.
Waving a hand at the other man, he said. “I'm just going to check things out. Not start a war or anything.”
With a weary nod he followed after his older brother.
As time was drawing closer for the wedding, you were pouring over the final details with Bowser. He had originally insisted that you make all the decisions. But after convincing him this was a ceremony to join you both, he relented. You were elated at the combination of opinions and styles. It was going to be a magical event.
Jr. had tried not to get bored while you went over the seemingly endless papers. He really did, but what was a young boy to do. Although when he heard the words flower arrangements. He knew there was something he could do to help. Calling out that he was headed to the gardens, he darted away.
As he gathered flowers, weeds, and grass. He failed to notice the two plumbers approaching the castle. He jumped and whirled around as they called out to him.
“Hey kid, have you seen a new lady around the place?” Mario thought it would be easier to ask than sneak around.
Eyes narrowing at the brothers, he frowned. “What’s it to you?” There was no way he was letting these guys near Mama. When they didn't answer, he turned back to a patch of red flowers.
Getting frustrated with the whole situation, the shorter man put a hand on the boy. Only hoping to get his attention again. He was shocked when the child ran from them.
“Mama!” He stumbled in his hurry to escape from the brothers. Tumbling end over end, he landed on his knee. Scrapping the skin, blood seeped from the wound. Tears sprang from his eyes as he sat on the ground. Luigi started to make his way over, until the wind began to pick up and the ground shook.
The entrance burst open as a red eyed Bowser and a whirlwind sprinted towards the group. The wind calmed down a bit. The brothers were faced with a woman that looked as of she wanted to bite their heads off. They had never seen a more fierce expression on a person before.
Your hair whipped around your face wildly. The only thing that brought you back was Jr. wrapping his arms around your leg. Dropping the magic immediately, you scooped him into your arm. Cuddling him close to your chest, you wiped the tears from his cheeks.
Allowing himself to take a moment to gaze at the two of you tenderly. He enjoyed the sight of the woman he was growing to love caring for his child. It was a veiw that he could get used to. A glare slid on his face as he turned towards the brothers. “Is there any reason your harassing my son. Make it quick, you interupted something important.” One wrong move and he would tear into these idiots. He would risk peace with the Mushroom Kingdom for his families’ safety.
“We came to make sure she wasn't here against her will.” Mario was done with this entire situation. He was obviously sent on a dead end trip. You were treating Bowser Jr. like your own child. Not to mention Bowser putting himself between you and the brothers. It was obvious you were here by choice.
This made you finally take your attention off Jr. These men come here and accuse your betrothed of forcing you here. You know he had a sorted pass. Though your ability showed that he was passed that phase. It was one thing to make baseless claims. But it was a whole other to harm a child in the process. “I am here of my own accord. In a months time I will be marrying Boswer and taking my place in this kingdom. If that is enough evidence for you, I will now be leaving to heal my son. If not then I won't hesitate to make sure this is your last trip to the Koopa Kingdom.” The wind picked back up at your threat.
“No, we'll be on our way.” Mario just wanted to go home and soak away this entire experience. Pulling Luigi along, he shushed his protest with a wave of his hands.
Bowser followed after you, pupils practically shaped like hearts. He wasn't sure what he had done to be so lucky to meet you. But he would be sure to keep his plush queen by his side.
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canarycolemine · 1 year
Vignettes of Paradise
Vignette III
Pairing: Papa Emeritus IV x Original Female Character
Summary: Copia gazed up at his official portrait, how lonely it looks without his love. His love, however, is in quite the sour mood. Even if she doesn’t see it, his love for her is always visible.
Warning: slightly suggestive material
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Copia had treasured watching the sunset from his luxurious office. A far cry from the cramped office from his Cardinal days. Designed to his humble preferences, with small luxuries - dark, oak wood and rich brown leather couches, chairs, and royal blue curtains, pillows and accents throughout the room. Over the beautiful dark fireplace, his portrait commanded the room.
He objected to his portrait being in his office, something about seeing himself constantly, watching over his actions felt like vanity and generally unnerving. However, the upper clergy reminded him that, indeed, vanity is a sin. In case he forgot what sort of church he was leading.
As he gazed at the portrait, he longed for the day when the painting came down and updated.
How beautiful the portrait would be once his Evie joined him. Could the artist capture the way the sun shined in her eyes - showing the complexities of her eyes? Would it catch the perpetual flush to her cheeks? Oh how he hoped they would.
One day, he would not be worried about his visage watching his work; his lover would watch over him.
Lost in thought at the portrait, Evie stormed into the room, immediately alerting Copia that something was wrong. How sweet she normally was, now utterly grumpy!
Her nose scrunched as she planted herself on Copia’s couch. Copia had learned better than to comment on how adorable she looked when she was mad. Still, though, her sour mood worried him.
“My love, what’s wrong?” He asked, sitting next to her.
“Oh!! I’m so mad!” She started. “And no advice right now, I just need to be heard.”
“You have my word, tell Papa what’s wrong.”
“All day long! People have been staring at me! At the infirmary people would not look me in the eyes, but they wouldn’t stop staring at me! It was infuriating. And when I talked to Diana, she did it too.” She began, already raising her voice.
“I asked her, ‘what, do I have something on my face?’ And she was like, ‘nope, not at all, Evie.’ And then she laughed. I was just so busy, I had no time to think, but every time I spoke to someone or walked past someone, they would just stare at me. Then they would start giggling and someone said, ‘hey Evie, how’s old Papa doing?’ What does that have to do with my face!”
“Evie…” Copia began to interject.
“No, I’m not done.” She said, smiling only a flash, reassuring him that she was certainly not frustrated with the aforementioned Papa! “And I love you so very much, obviously, but I would hate to think that people think I get everything I want here just because we’re, you know, boyfriendgirlfriend.”
“Oh amore! That is not true!”
“How do I know that, I can’t ever tell what people are thinking. And why do they see my face and immediately think of you!”
“Perhaps, ah sorry, are you ready for the advice?” Copia hesistated.
“Maybe, but what could you say that would help me understand what people are thinking?”
“Eh, maybe I could show you?”
Copia grabbed her hand, hoisting her up, as they headed to their shared bedroom. Evie had a confused expression at the sudden change of scenery.
“Copia, why are we going over to the bedroom?” Evie became even more confused, convinced that fucking would not really help her mood.
“No more words, amore. Just follow me.”
He led her to the en-suite bathroom, guiding her, holding her hand.
Before they stepped much further into the bathroom, he paused, turning to her.
“I know why the siblings were staring at you all day. And it’s not because of your radiant beauty, although it stops me dead in my tracks. It is not because we are involved, and certainly, you are not given any advantages simply because of that. You work very hard, Evie, do not discredit yourself.”
A pout grew on her face, as her eyes began to well. He gently guided her into the room, turning her towards the mirror. Evie half expected a lesson in self-love. But as she began to take in her reflection, she saw the two of them. She was still dining her habit and veil, but she took in her face.
Her eyes immediately followed to her forehead.
“Oh.” She quietly said. Her expression changed suddenly.
Squarely on her forehead, a prominent black kiss mark was unmissable.
“Oh.” She repeated.
She recalled Copia kissing her forehead this morning; she was running late and left just as Copia was finishing his paints for the day.
Copia was sure that Evie would eventually wipe away the mark. But alas, here it remained, a half a day later. In pristine condition. She didn’t even notice it.
“Oh, I am not very smart, copia.”
“Ah, of course you are, my Evie! You have said it before, you have book smarts and maybe less of the street smarts.”
Evie giggled for the first time in hours.
“Perhaps when we make our clergy portrait, you can have a little kissy mark on your forehead, then, too, heh?”
“Oh you wouldn’t dare!” She teased back.
That evening, Copia ensured that she had plenty of matching kiss marks all over her body.
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mrfancyfoot · 2 months
Raphael x Evie (f!OC)
Fic Rating: E/Varied | Chapter 1: AO3 + Tumblr | Master List
Chapter 16: (Blood)lust Pt.2 "Raphael interrupts Haarlep’s scheme of sabotage and then has to figure out what to do with a very angry fox."
< Previous Chapter: Ch. 15 (Blood)lust Pt.1 | Next Chapter: Ch. 17 Violet* >
I HC that when Haarlep has someone’s form, there’s a mutual ability for both parties to be able to feel echoes of varying degrees of sensations, most notably pleasure and pain. The stronger the sensation, the more the other can feel it, but it will never be like they are experiencing it themself.
❤️ Thanks for reading! :3 ❤️
Please mind the tags/warnings!
Ch. Rating: E / NSFW Ch. Word Count: ~1.1k Ch. Tags: POV Raphael; Unexpected Frenzied Bloodlust Reaction to an Aphrodisiac Ch. Warnings: Haarlep; Implied Sexual Assault (non-consensual touching and kissing - carried over from events of Pt.1); After Effects of Non-Con Drugging/Aphrodisiac (Incubus Venom); Restraints (carried over from events of Pt.1); Blood/Injury; Sleep Spell
Read under the cut or on AO3-
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Haarlep’s moments of growing and abating arousal were nothing unusual to brush off.
His writing paused when there came taps and pricks against his chest and a roaming pressure against his mouth and tongue.  They were with someone…
After what could only be the phantom pinch of fangs clipping his lip and then tearing into his hand so deeply that the sensation of pain crossed over to him, Raphael shot up from his desk in a fury, his intuition warning him that something was awry.  Did they-?  A flash later, he was in the boudoir-
-looking down upon a scene he would never have anticipated.
Evie had been chained to the headboard and Haarlep's head was between her legs…being strangled by her thighs.
He felt the ghost of pressure around his own throat and their hitches of breath while Haarlep struggled to free themself, their claws carving into her and leaving behind welts and deep streaks of blood that beaded and welled to drip and soak the sheets below.
The incubus managed to pry her grip and flung themself backwards from the bed, stumbling to the ground gracelessly - but not before the fox’s claws raked their flank in a wayward kick.
The yowl that came out of the fox while she twisted and pulled at her bindings promised murder should she break free.
Beautifully ferocious screams of a trapped fox gone completely feral.
Raphael grinned at Haarlep, malicious and sharp.  His hand waved down the visage of the toppled incubus.  “I should allow her the privilege of killing you for so deliberately disobeying me,” his voice sunk to a hiss through his clenched teeth as his hands tensed with the strain of holding himself back.
Raphael did not miss the flash of uncertainty from Haarlep before they hopped to their feet and slunk into an attempt to play up their charms that were not going to work this time - not while he was so enraged over their malignant scheming.  
They approached with swaying hips and hands splayed disarmingly as they put on a gleeful facade and echoed his gesture at the thrashing fox.  “It would seem my venom manifests as blood lust in this little hellhound.  A thrilling surprise!  Master, we can-”
His hand shot out, wrapping his claws around their neck and squeezing to cut them off before they could start spinning excuses and pleas.
They would not weasel their way out of this.
“Out of my sight!”
With a snap, the incubus was gone - bound in the dungeons to deal with later.
As much as he would prefer to extract the price of their indiscretions immediately.
With a huff, he rolled his head to the fox, still trying to free herself from the cuffs that rubbed her wrists bloody and appearing about to gnaw at her own flesh and bones to free herself.  “How far gone are you?” he asked rhetorically.  As expected, he received no reply but incoherent, beastly snarls that he was in no mood to analyze.
For what they had been attempting to achieve - compliance compelled by heightened arousal from someone reluctant to submit to their will - Haarlep had gone overboard for any frenzy to be this extreme.  Their venom inflamed arousals that were already present - be they of lust, greed, gluttony, wrath…  For a stubborn fox that they failed to seduce at all, this was the most likely outcome.  They well knew this and yet still took the risk, then hoping he conveniently forgot that knowledge amidst this fallout.  Just as he had not until mere hours ago, Haarlep may not have known the extent to which they had already earned her ire.
With a sneer and barely controlled wrath, Raphael spied more of her crimson blood painting her belly from where the incubus had clawed at her to get away.  Its scent was provoking him.  From his own hand, he may have taken pleasure in the sight, but being spilled by another’s - explicitly against his orders - colored his vision red.
The torn and messy gash across Haarlep’s hand was no doubt the cause of the blood smeared across her mouth and face.  He felt a flash of pride.
The incubus had underestimated her resistance and fighting spirit.
And he had underestimated Haarlep’s drive to interfere.
His mind whirled to account for all possible outcomes.
He may not yet own her soul but the fox was within his care at present by virtue of his own invitation.
Had she been a willing lover of Haarlep’s, this may have played out differently.  However, there was little that he could do on the matter until she was coherent once more.
Plan determined, Raphael strode to the bed and half-knelt upon its edge to reach out, pressing his fingers to her forehead.  It took a much stronger sleep spell than expected to overcome the frenzy caused by the venom, but at last she was still.
He gently ran his knuckles down her cheek.
He would have control.
There would be order!
She was released from the cuffs, cleansed, and healed.  He tucked her between fresh linens.
A mockery of how he imagined her first in his bed.
It would be some time before the venom and sleep spell wore off on their own.  He had eyed the drawer containing a vial of incubus anti-venom countless times - force it down her throat, wake her up, send her on her way - however, there was a need to ensure Haarlep had not irreparably damaged what he had fostered with the fox.  While doubtful that she would be able to recount much, if anything, of what led up to and occurred during its influence, he refused to take that chance.  It was necessary to steel himself for damage control - be prepared to soothe and assure that the monster was gone, to find a way to contort this to his advantage.
The chaos and discord that clung to him like sticky tar were washed away as he bathed in the adjacent pool and regained composure.  A calculated decision was made to switch to his human form prior to her awakening.  He robed himself in fresh silk and momentarily basked in the feeling of the cool fabric slipping over his flesh.
Feeling the weariness that had doggedly pursued him the last day settle into his bones, he twisted to sit upon the bed and pushed himself to recline into pillows braced against the headboard.
He would stay to guard her and get some much needed rest of his own, confident in the knowledge that he would awaken well before her.  There was much to think on and a mind clear of exhaustion was needed.
His hand rose and the room was sealed and dimmed.
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< Previous Chapter: Ch. 15 (Blood)lust Pt.1 | Next Chapter: Ch. 17 Violet* >
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darkmodechaoticlight · 5 months
A week stuck as a kid-Gehenna (Evie)
Since Gehenna is where Evie (and Eden) have settled in Hell, this is where the impish Balam had sent her back in time to a ten year old. Evie:... Evie: Now this is a fucking headache. Of course since Leviathan had sent Foras to shadow Evie, he would be the first to notice her transformation. He had found her tending to her first daughter, Maia in Gehenna's devil creche. She looked far more ghostly, her normal tanned visage was on the lighter side now, and with her small devil horns poking through her blond hair. He says nothing but the now three year old demi-devil could see him clearly, even if Evie couldn't. Foras watches like a hawk as Evie cleaned up after her rambunctious spawn, light on her feet and even in this younger form able to keep up. Though she is surprised to see Maia stare at nothin like an owl. The other attendants of the creche arrive and while they question about her current form, she assumes it was an angels doing. Evie: I'm fine. Nothings all that wrong. Devil 1: Do you wish for us to tell Lord Satan? Evie: You might as well, I haven't seen him. When Leviathan hears of this, he is quick to check what happened, but Balam is conveniantly not answering his calls. If he was one of his men he would hang- but alas he is of Nifliem. Belphegor thinks its funny that Leviathan cares enough for Evie that he allows Balam to continue his little game. The chatter in the King Group Chat alerts Satan before the devils could tell him and he comes back to Gehenna to protect his wife and daughter. Satan: Eve? Evie: Sitting at her desk, barely looking over her normal adult desk, furiously finishing her university papers that seem to have made it to her in hell Did the others tell you? Satan: yes. Why aren't you more weirded out? Evie: Well you get used to messed up things happening here. I just assumed its someones doin She said nonchalantly Satan: ... Well it could be worse? Evie: Yeah, it could be. Satan:... You are something else. Evie: Thanks. But really I'm fine. Maia's sleeping and the twins are napping. Its all good Satan: Having a mild panic attack. Evie: Stops working and helps wrapping Satan in a blanket with a bottle of water for hydration.
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radiomurdeer · 5 months
Munday About Me
Name: Lumen
Age: 36
Pronouns: He/They
Sexuality: Demiromantic greyace? Idk I don't think a lot about it
Single Or Taken: Single
Hobbies: writing, gaming, pretending I can draw, saying I'm going hiking but it's really just walking the dog cause I won't go if he's not with me
Favorite Color: Hex Code #B2D8D8, a sort of cyan
Fandoms: Hazbin/Hellaverse. Typically I'm a fandom moth but every now and then (like now) I hyperfixate
Other Blogs: my personal is @lumenhunter but I'm never there - there's a little bit of art I've done over there but not much else.
Favorite TV Show: Hazbin Hotel at the moment. I also like Good Omens, Firefly, and Malcolm In The Middle
Do You Cosplay: I haven't cosplayed in over a decade, but I used to do horror cosplays.
Favorite Media: What does this mean? Uh, this questionnaire doesn't have favorite game so I'll do that -- Bloodborne
Favorite Book: Individual book is Good Omens. Favorite Series is Dresden Files
Favorite Band: I change constantly and don't tend to listen to bands, but rather playlists. Historically, the one I've listened to the most is probably Stolen Babies. The accordion with the screaming just hits right.
Favorite Movie: Megamind
Do You Have Pets: Yes. I have a dog named Handsome Jack and he's perfect. I live with two cats and two other dogs and a gecko but none of them are mine.
Favorite Animal: I can't pick just one! Bats, red pandas, hyenas, snakes, foxes, and sharks tend to be the ones I rotate between the most
Do You Play Any Instruments: Viola, Piano, and Vocals. I'm super out of practice with the first two though
Favorite Hellaverse Character(s): Alastor, Lucifer, Vox, Stolas
Tagged by: @visage-of-hell
Tagging: @outofradios @voxuli @lilitophidian @novinare @voxiiferous, Dizzy for whichever blog you want, Evie I can't tag you since I can only tag five but you KNOW i mean you, and anyone else who sees and wants to do this
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poisiyn · 3 months
the wash of copper, sticky and wet as its scent wafted through the thick air — evie could have grown used to the sight of blood but it always threw her in for a loop, just for a few moments. reminded her too much of home, too much of the deep shade of crimson that'd once coat her own skin. only the blood wasn't her own, belonging to arguably innocent bystanders amidst the violence of curses. that, mixed with the putridity of one of the curses they'd managed to slaughter, it was a gruesome sight and yet, far from over.
@ak4rin : ‘ I warned you when we met, I wasn’t a good person. ’
she'd been confirming the lack of a pulse, forcing herself to stand upright. hazels shifted from the corpses towards the manager, visage impassive to the best of her abilities but anyone could read it if they really tried — they could've done something differently. maybe. maybe not, but she felt dissatisfied. one of them definitely wasn't a cursed spirit, but still behaving as monstrous as one. partnered ? influenced ? they didn't know, yet. “ can anyone truly be a good person in this field of work ? ” her voice, lower and strung out with little energy, like she hardly wanted to speak. “ whatever, we can get that one to shōko. maybe she'll have something to say about whatever was going on. ”
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Like ok Syndicate could have been fucked up. Like the shroud brings you back but it brings you back wrong. Like, if Starrick got it and used it to bring back Lucy Thorne but then had to work with the Assassins to take her down because she got violently homicidal with glowing laser eyes or some shit. Or if Starrick, after using it over and over in the final battle, becomes consumed by the overwhelming power and explodes into chunks of meat and then they have to fight like, a ghostly visage of him brought back by the shroud. Henry dies and the twins decide it’s worth it to use the shroud to bring him back but he comes back not quite right, his eyes shine with a faint golden light and he’s harrowed by what he’s seen of death, and he can no longer die. He loves Evie, but has to watch her age and die without being able to do anything about it.
Get that shit wild. Get that shit crazy. Get that shit horror.
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ivanreycristo · 2 years
Artículo del ABC de 16_6_93 sobre el concierto de la sala DIVINO [cuando hacía de DISCOTECA] AQUALUNG [había un parque acuático llamado así junto a él=ESCAFANDRA] cuya portada fue q JUANPABLO II consagro la CATEDRAL DE MADRID tras un siglo de su CONSTRUCCION y tras estar día [14/6/93 portada x ganar GIRO fue INDU_RAIN al q me cruce ese 93 a las 8 AM x la AUTOVIA DE CIRCUNVALACION de BENIDORM viniendo de disco PENELOPE=CRUZ ..frente disco KM=Kylie Minogue..donde hacian SHOWS PORNO como RECLAMO..y yendo con FERNANDO DIZ q vive en EL PALMAR DE TROYA xq su madre es SEVILLANA y donde construyeron su propio VATIKANO x unas supuestas APARICIONES MARIANAS en los 60] antes en SEVILLA [x lo q salio 13/6/93 en PORTADA JUANCARLOS I y el PAPA JUANPABLO II elogiando la labor EVA+ANGELizadora en AME_RICA de los ESPAÑOLES]..o cuando Hutchence d INXS me dio su cerveza MEXICANA "CORONA" y tim FARRISS su pua:
INXS, triángulo de amor entre pasado, presente y futuro. Aqualung. Lunes 14.
Mensajes, el primero de loscuales es evidente: quien pierde la ocasiónde verlo es amigo permanente de la equivocación, de escoger el lado erróneo, de perderse la historia de ayer, hoy y mañana. En una palabra, de negar lo evidente; y lo evi-dente, en este momento, es que INXS es banda intemporal, reunión de las virtudes del rock, del mejor pop y de la nueva vanguardia.De ahí su grandeza.Realizaron los australianos un concierto trepidante, en el que rompían las cancionesdescuartizándolas en trozos. Lo hacían decontinuo, cada medio minuto: un corte, una arrancada; de nuevo fin, y otro comienzo brutal, con guitarras duras y secas, tan contundentes como los tacos de Tomás en la yugular.El secreto y fin de INXS es mantener eltono alto del concierto durante dos horas, sin desmayar un instante. Si veían que flaquea-ban, utilizaban sus recursos: metían un «Suicide blonde» a toda pastilla -impresionante versión- o bien optaban por Hutchence...Chillaban las féminas que habían tenido unarrebato de cordura acercándose al Aqualung. Gritaban por Michael Hutchence, el Morrison de los 90. Es éste el chico de moda: melena ordenadamente alborotada y camisa de leñador por fuera, pero de las que uno, yuna, sabe que no ocultan flotadores en la cintura, sino todo lo contrario. Hutchence es elcatalizador del grupo, no sólo la conexión conel público, sino también la voz que coordinalas diversas influencias del grupo y las convierte en un estilo propio.Dicen los especialistas que son «nuevaoleros», pero no es verdad, tampoco son «poperos» adelantados porque, por ejemplo, no seaprecia en ellos la simpleza de unos Jam ni el amenaramiento de Visage. En directo ofre-cieron más que todo eso: una potencia en lasguitarras que recordaba mucho al rock anterior, una escenificación de movimiento conti-nuo muy acorde con lo que se ve ahora,pero, sobre todo, un repertorio de cancionesexcelentes, de riqueza en la composición yde aplicación al vivo que sólo los grupos delfuturo pueden aportar. Era como vivir unamor a tres bandas: con el pasado, el presente y el futuro, todo en uno. Ni los grupos étnicos pueden hablar de eso.Con los conciertos de este tipo pasa comocon las películas. Dice un chico listo de hoy, buen amigo, que a según qué clase de pelí-culas debes llevar a tal o cual compañía.Pues esto es igual, hay que ir a ver a Springsteen o a Knopfler con una rubia, porque la ocasión lo merece y porque hay queestar a tono con los del escenario. A Héroes hay que ir con una morena por lo mismo,para estar a tono, aunque sea por el otro ex-tremo. Y a INXS es mejor ir a verlos solo,porque así se goza más de los sentidos sindistracciones inoportunas y, generalmente, adestiempo.Las mentes y cuerpos ausentes se perdieron algo importante, porque podrán verlos otra vez, pero no será lo mismo; quizá sea otro concierto, pero diferente, siempre será otro. Y aunque sea así, cuando lo vean,nunca se perdonarán que en vez de dos, lohayan visto sólo una vez. Y eso pesa, pesa mucho
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thunderbringer-a · 4 years
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Thor Odinson >>> New Years Party attire. 
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griimhilde-a · 4 years
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tweets inspired by the desc rpc + one real one that makes me die
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wildwcmen · 3 years
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basic information
Full Name: Evelyn Clements
Nickname(s): Evie, almost exclusively, or Eve
Age: 19-25
Date of Birth: May 15th
Hometown: Chicago, IL
Ethnicity: White
Nationality: American
Gender: Cis Woman
Pronouns: She/Her
Religion: Non-practicing Christian
Occupation: Student, baker, stripper, cam girl (age dependent)
Language(s) Spoken: English
Accent: Midwestern American
physical appearance
Face Claim: Sydney Sweeney
Hair Colour: Blonde
Eye Colour: Blue
Height: 5′3
Weight: 120 lbs
Build: Petite, curvy.
Tattoos: None.
Piercings: Ears.
Clothing Style: Sundresses, the color pink, cute lingerie always, crop tops, short skirts, fruit and flower patterns.
Usual Expression: Gleeful, smiling, laughing.
Distinguishing Characteristics: BIG BOOBAS and a big heart to match
Sleeping Habits: She stays up late if she has to work or study, and is pretty good at adjusting her sleep schedule as necessary.
Eating Habits: Food is the way to her heart! She eats often and she eats well. When I say “often” i mean as many meals as a hobbit, and good ass food (usually homemade).
Exercise Habits: She is very active and has a lot of active hobbies! She gets daily exercise in some form.
Emotional Stability: 9/10
Sociability: Very sociable, but loves to have some alone time to recharge and rest.
Drug Use: No.
Alcohol Use: Occasionally.
Label: The go-getter
Positive Traits: kind, big hearted, optimistic, talented
Negative Traits: naive, guilt-tripper, secretive
Fears: Clowns
Hobbies: Too many to count tbh. Roller blading, dancing, pole dancing, socializing, baking, cooking, organization, shopping, gymnastics, cheerleading, softball.
Habits: Laughing in inappropriate times
Weather: Warm, but not too humid
Colour: Hot pink
Music: Anything she can dance to
Movies: None! They’re too long!
Sport: Softball
Beverage: Pina Colada
Food: Don’t make her choose! Pizza, probably, because of the versitility.
Animal: Dogs! The bigger, the better
Father: Reese Clements
Mother: Avery Clements
Sibling(s): 5 older siblings, all at least 4+ years older
Pet(s): two dogs (unnamed)
Family’s Financial Status: Middle class
Zodiac Sign: Taurus Sun, Taurus Moon, Taurus Rising
Enneagram: The Achiever
Temperament: Sanguine
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Moral Alignment: Neutral Good
Primary Vice: Gluttony
Primary Virtue: Patience
Element: Earth
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful | delinquent | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive | avoidant | restless.
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic | passionate | reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny.
skills & hobbies
art | acting | astronomy | animals | archery | sports | beach combing | ballet | bird watching | blacksmithing | boating | calligraphy | camping | candle making | casino gambling | ceramics | racing | chess | music | cooking | crochet | weaving | exercise | swordplay | fishing | gardening | ghost hunting | ice skating | magic | engineering | building | inventing | leather-working | martial arts | meditation | origami | parkour | people watching | swimming | puppetry | pyrotechnics | quilting | reading | collecting | shopping | socializing | storytelling | writing | traveling.
human verse
Evie is the youngest of six, with her oldest sibling being nearly twenty years older than she is. By the time she was born, her parents had taken a very hands off approach to parenting. Evie was always allowed freedom, with very few rules...which ultimately led to her being very good at self regulating. She opted to give herself rules, thank you very much! Her parents ran out of any sort of college fund by the time Evie was done with high school, and she quickly realized that her job as a waitress wasn't going to pay her way through culinary school. She started working as a dancer and later, a cam girl, when her back pain became too severe to dance. While her ultimate goal in life is to open her own bakery, she has a big fear of letting go of her other work in favor of pursuing her dream.
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altaredego · 3 years
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endless  edits  of  EVENTIDE  GRIMHILDE GRIMM  
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