#evil robot red
ashesfordayz · 1 year
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“Dude they're evil robot us's!”
More Bill and Ted art cause they are on my mind rn! ^^
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leapdayowo · 5 months
Evil Beezuma
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galaxygermdraws · 17 days
so instead of get back into art after the basic recovery of my surgery, I instead replayed Mario and Luigi Partners in Time…and why does nobody talk about this game?? Hardly ever see it in the Super Mario tag. Like. It’s actually insane how dark it gets. People die. Like actually die. Not as dark as SPM but like we see the dead spirits of Toads get siphoned through tubes. They had their life force sucked out of them via genetically modified trees. Yoshis were eaten by a larger alien Yoshi and were gonna be turned into more alien Yoshis via a factory IN THE GIANT ALIEN YOSHI. We see a town that’s literally just “Christmas is Cancelled” the city. Their mayor probably died. We never see these places restored because there are no survivors to restore them. The citizens of Hollijolli village probably all died by the time the bros shut down the Vim factory. And also there’s the entire scene with the Star Gate. Like. Hello??
maybe I’ll stream or let’s play this game and share it here because I think. More ppl should talk about Partners in Time. I’ll say it too: I like it more than Bowser’s Inside Story. By like a LOT. That’s my ramble for the night. Ttyd day tomorrow. Yippee
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toxiccaves · 4 days
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SAMG Toy Development's twitter has recently been teasing new Metal Cardbot toys. The first here apparently being Blue Cop, and the other two seem to be new characters we'll meet in season 2.
I'm particularly curious about the last one with the crosshair on their head. The Director/concept artist and an animator for the show have expressed he's their favorite this season, and hes "A really cute guy" and "Handsome."
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heartvisor · 10 months
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tamerahardy · 3 months
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Hi, I’m Cortana
I have access to security codes, surveillance plans, the works!
But there's gonna be a price.
Name it.
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ghost-pasta · 1 year
Having most of Danny's rogues gallery be queer coded is a really fun way to bury the gays.
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ada-cicada · 1 month
yeah i'm just as sad (and slightly in denial) as every other agent 4 fan, but i don't entirely mind the idea of parallel canon being a copy instead of directly being 4. i feel like there's still some good horror/angst potential there, y'know?
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Recommending TV shows based on video games you love:
1) If you love Red Dead Redemption 2 = Sons of Anarchy
2) If you love Resident Evil = The Walking Dead Stranger Things
3) If you love Detroit Become Human = Westworld
4) If you love Uncharted = The Librarians
5) If you love Silent Hill = FROM
6) If you love Until Dawn/The Quarry/Dark Pictures Anthology = American Horror Story
7) If you love Persona 5 = Any Power Rangers iteration (or Kamen Rider)
8) If you love Watchdogs 1 and 2 = Mr. Robot
9) If you love Life is Strange = Twin Peaks
10) If you love Mass Effect = Farscape
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no1ryomafan · 5 months
With more older anime I watch that’s specifically about androids the more I noticed all the influence mega man pulled from it despite it not being a anime nor the robot timeline ever getting a proper anime but I think what gets me more then “the basis of mega man is like astro boy, casshern and POSSIBLY kikaider all in a blender with mega man x making the second two inspos more apparent” is realizing how many villain characters inspired proto man.
You have the obvious one, char from Gundam, you have rock holmes from Astro boy who’s not a confirmed one but seems to track given classic takes a lot of Astro boy influence and then you have Saburo from Android kikaider, the most likely inspo for proto in EVERY category- and then you remember how while these characters are evil for a complex reason, proto man really shines to be different as he changed his ways. He’s still a rival to his “brother” in a sense but bass takes more of the role of the evil mega man, while proto just watches from afar and comes in to help when he thinks he’s needed.
I’m going to rotate this red robot fuck for awhile again FUCK
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mutalieju · 10 months
just transitioning would not fix Kendall Roy but becoming a rich lady in an agatha christie mystery who gets to dramatically faint when the lights come back on and there's a dead body in the dining room 100% would
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circuitreats · 5 months
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When ur doctor finds out you're not up to date on your mandatory vaccines-
Last illustration for the year! My mean unethical robot doctor mans, Cabe! It was a challenge to work on as it took me a pretty good chunk of time to figure out the perspective and attempt to render glass for the first time! But it was still enjoyable and I like the outcome :)
Likes and shares much appreciated <3
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For @jw1236
Spot: Ready Jason!
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finelyagedlemons · 2 years
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who cut sigma's hand off in his bad end, anyway?
with a perfectly clean cut like that, it's almost as if it were done by a machine.
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k0na-core · 2 years
Blood as Red as My Gi (2)
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"No sign of Jay but we'll keep looking," Zane said to Pixal over his earpiece. She replied back, "Okay. Try and look around downtown. He could be taken to somewhere secluded." "Noted. Over and out." Kai sighed as Zane turned to him, "Are you sure he said he went to the store?" The red ninja had a worried look in his face, "That's what he told me! I went over to the cashier and they said they didn't see any freckled gingers with curly hair wearing a bright blue suit! I described him down to the details even!" The two kept walking around, looking close at any clues. The nindroid only sighed and went deep into his thoughts as he stood in front of a wall where a missing poster for Jay had been placed. Zane was about to say something before he realized Kai wasn't there. He began to panic, thinking he'd been kidnapped too. He called out to Kai with a shout, "Kai? Kai!?" He was relieved to find his teammate in front of a metal door in an alleyway. Zane ran up behind him and huffed, "You almost scared me! I thought you were gone!" Kai turned his back around, "Huh? Oh yeah. Sorry! I just found this thing here. It looks like a piece of cloth," Kai held a roughed up piece of fabric up to Zane for him to analyze. "It's made of part polyester and cotton. It looks torn off and has some remains of DNA. The colour isn't present in any of Jay's clothing do I don't think it's of any help," the other only hummed and shrugged, dropping it down. The two kept walking down the lane as it grew darker. Zane was getting anxious; it was getting into night time, there is a potential kidnapper on the loose, Jay is still missing and they're in the dangerous part of town.
Zane was going in front of Kai a few feet ahead to get more data faster. Though his anxiety levels were through the roof, he kept going and finding any information in the environment. He was so invested that he didn't notice that Kai was no longer there. Zane turned around after not hearing any of Kai's short breaths or footsteps. He stopped in his tracks and stared down the road, left and right. Then he heard something else, "Let's play..." A deep and hoarse voice sounded. Zane armed himself with his shurikens and stood his stance, looking over his shoulder, "Who's there? Show yourself!" He shouted out in a panic. Then from out of the dark, a figure walked out into under a street light, casting a dark shadow over their features, "Who are you!? Where's Kai?" The nindroid slowly backed away from the figure but still with his shurikens in hand, "Let's play." They said again sternly. The white ninja huffed out and said, "Okay, but only if you tell me who you are and what happened to Jay!" They giggled and slowly approached him. zane, however, froze in place out of fear. All of the sudden, they were inches away and knocked his shurikens right from his hands, "Run."
Zane darted away to an alleyway where he knew there was a detour to a main road but, like magic, the figure was already ahead of him and so he turned back. He kept running in an unexpected pattern through the streets in hopes of losing them but somehow, they were still a few feet away. So swift and quiet. Like a-- "Found you!" Zane was backed into a corner as the figure menacingly walked towards him. "Zane to the bounty, I'm being corner--" Zane was punched right in his jaw hard. So hard that his face plate cracked and his motor oils spilled out. He stepped back out of shock and in a bit of pain. He was pushed against the wall and held down as the figure revealed their face, "Kai!?" Kai only laughed as Zane finally caught on, "But... Why? Why are you doing this?" The red ninja grabbed at his palm, "I hate being so powerless all the time. You guys and your powers and fame. It sickens me to my core. You and nindroid bullshit, built to be the perfect being when you're clearly built by a human. A human who was once as imperfect as you," Kai twisted Zane's hand and pulled it hard as the wires snapped and the motor oil spurt out. The nindroid screamed in pain, "Stop! Kai! Somebody help!" Zane was sending out a bunch of distress signals but none of them were being picked up. The red ninja threw the severed hand aside and grabbed at his leg, "You have no one to protect. No one to run to..." The killer stared at him in the eyes with a demented smile plastered on his face. In a blink, Zane's leg snapped like dried bone, wires cut in the process, "No leg to run with..." Kai stood up and picked Zane up by his shoulder, "And no memory to save your friends," the red ninja shanked Zane's power source with his katana, shutting him down for good and let the hunk of metal slide down the wall.
"Kai? Are you there? Can you hear me?" It was Cole in his headphones. Kai ignored the call and walked away for his next plan.
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neomedievalistbr · 2 years
remember when tommy kicked a robot dinosaur in dino thunder.
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