#evil smg4 is a a$$hole
mooshy333 · 4 months
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No wonder he's scared to tell him.
Kinda saw the little thing going around with Three having some spicy dreams 😏, well mines just sad depressing angst he he he enjoyyyyyy (THE FIRST IMAGE MAN BRO MY FAV)
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lizaluvsthis · 8 months
The Girl in Fatal Lavenders
Fanfic Written and Illustrated by @lizaluvsthis
Idea of creation by @itsajjanea
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Summary: SMG4 has found someone new, much to Three's dismay. He couldn't help it but feel like something is wrong with his new "Girlfriend" and that there is something more going on with her than just being all 'kind' and 'polite' to people, especially with SMG4.
will SMG4 still end up being inlove with the Lavender Girl? or does he end up with Three's open heart
Tags: Enemies to Friends, Sun and Moon, angst, betrayal, catching feelings, comfort, hurt/comfort, drama, enemies to lovers, enemy, fluff, oblivious, slowburn, fruityass, gayness
Mario & Meggy Spletzer
Meggy & SMG3
SMG4 & Original Character
PuzzleVision(TvAdware) & Original Character
SMG3 & Mario
SMG4 & Mario
Chapter: Prologue...
A month ago…
Down from the hell hold of the monstrous abyss, the flesh and eyes, the wandering of its small parts. Scattering like worms around the floor.
As one of the pieces of rotting flesh makes its way out of the shoes where it happened to appear.
“Why isn’t this quite exciting?” a static audio of the voice played on, whereas he picked up the rotting flesh with his bare gloves. “This shall do with my perfect creation… I’d be dying to see torment with our view… don’t you just love how they suffer?”
TV Adware smiled at the small creation he made, seeing it wiggle out from the pinch of his fingers, he let it go, dropping itself to the ground as he proceedingly stomped at his failed creation.
As it dies and serves up its insides shown.
“Pointless” Adware rubs off the remaining blood from his shoe, scraping it down to the hard and solid ground. He ventured across the remains of each and part of the hell hole in search for a specific object.
The USB…
Searching through the pile of rocks, adware had finally found the missing USB… Thankfully the contents still remain on track and still keep it working.
“If I couldn’t get my hands on reach to the “Content man” then I prefer settling this, with a trick up my sleeve… my fellow friend”
Adware then raised the usb concentrating his power, putting a strong force at the object. The color that was yellow turned to the color of red, switching up to blue.
As it mixed together it formed the glow of lightish purple.
With the usb holding steady in the air, the sides bursted out black ink revealing its form. The black goo is now set free holding itself to the usb.
“My, my little creation. You seemed feisty in your little cage…” the goo shared out whispers in a quiet submerged air.
“This is going to be so… fun…” he smiled, raising both of his hands, pulling out the goo and putting it on its form.
His new creation has now been formed from the goop’s liquid. “I have a mission for you…” he walked around the creation as the goop went inside its mouth.
“Your body is in its human form, tho it wouldn’t last. Temporarily, get us our target little one. His name is SMG4” The creation opened its dead eyes, as Adware gave them the Usb.
“What shall my name be called? Master?” Receiving the usb, she held onto it with a grasp on her left hand bowing down at her creator.
“You will be named- —------” he patted her head.
“Run along creation, you will be starting this…”
The creation looked at the usb, opening her mouth as she swallowed down. Inheriting amounts of content and loads of memes giving its body life.
The dead eyes of hers began to have a sparkle.
“Do not worry master…” adware chuckled, “manners, call me PuzzleVision…”
“I will succeed my duty as a living vessel from this mortal body, and I will give back our target. SMG4…” in her truth of evil, she walked away at PuzzleVision with the devil themself. She smiled.
Seeing a close to broken computer from a feet away, still worked its own power from the software.
With just a little knowledge of memes she had from the computer, they made this as an opportunity to bring SMG4 down.
Logging in from discord, she joins a server located where SMG4 is currently active.
“Welcome to the “House of Memes” Server @----- you’re free to stay in our humble home of meme contents! Please read the #rules and be respectful to everyone, remember to put your intro at #introductions”
They quickly went to the intro channel, typing down the common notes. Name, Age, Hobbies, interests, goals, etc. Sending out the message, surprised for people to get caught up on.
7KNightsWrld: YOO @SuperMayroGlitchy4 look at this!
SMG4: Hey there new member! Happy to have you aboard!
—----: thank you.
This is a perfect opportunity to talk to the man and convince him.
“I hope you’re prepared for this SMG4…”
The creation hummed from their evil idea, and started to laugh. With SMG4 unaware of what will happen- His life is in its debt.
There is a picture from the media where SMG4 is having a gaming night with the orange haired girl, the red fat man, and next to him was the purple and black.
The goop suddenly recognized the faces during their last encounter with them. “Pathetic.”
They looked at the purple man, with his clear face and red eyes. Over with the beard and the hat.
He was the danger. He is a distraction. “Who would’ve guessed that a person like him could ever love SMG4?” recalling the past where he opened up to save SMG4’s life and risked everything just for him.
“Disgusting.” love is never part of them, pain and hatred ruled over the parts.
7KNightsWrld: you’re lucky to be here cause SMG4 said he’s been wanting to find a girlfriend xD
@SMG4 set @7KNightsWrld on timeout for 24 hours
“Perfect… I’ll be his “wonderful” girlfriend…”
Her eyes turned red, craving out of Four’s wants.
This will be… Interesting…
End of Prologue...
Next Chapter- 1 New Person, 1 New Goal
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mrfellsans · 3 months
✩Smg8 info dump✩
Btw this might take a WHILEE
Smg8 is from a different universe, technically he's like an alternate version of smg4 and smg9 also being an alternate version of smg3, in smg8s universe all the characters are different from the og universe but I'll touch up on them later. Smg8 just like smg4 is a YouTuber and he works hard on his memes and animations, while smg8 runs a meme/animation channel he also has an art channel which is his main channel where he works on his art and comics etc, he usually records him doing the art if it's painting or traditional or digital art and while he does this he does some commentary and plays music in the background or collabs with other people, he's a cartoonist so he mostly just draws cartoons on his art channel and he usually live streams gaming on his other channel too. Smg8 also has a little schedule thing for when he post his stuff on his meme channel and art channel so he has enough time to hang out with the smg8 crew and to go on silly adventures with them.
Also smg8 is best friends with smg9, they did start off as mortal enemies from the beginning where smg9 would try to copy smg8s videos and steal his art but after years of fighting they started getting to know each other better and smg9 stopped trying to steal smg8s stuff and they soon became best friends and smg8 and 9 would teach each other about there own art styles, something smg4 and 3 will never do in there universe.
Edit: they still fight eachother and stuff lmao they aren't super friendly like in this photo lol ☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟
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Anyways supplies! ✨
Important Supplies Smg8 has:
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Smg8's secret sketchbook has a state of the Cats lock on it which means it is literally impossible to open without the kitty key that was given to smg8 during the ending of the war of the cats arc in his universe given to him by the kitty god, also the kitty god gave him a kitty, his name is kitty and ever since smg8 has sworn to protect kitty just for the kitty god. (also wanted to say that kitty was given to smg8 in like almost the beginning of the start of smg8 and the crew, when it was only Mario, peach, smg8, and 9 and smg8 and 9 still looked like Mario)
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ArtsyMario89's Pencil is a very powerful pencil that was used to save the universe from Bowser who tried to steal that pencil to make the whole world bow down to him, this pencil has the ability to make anything you draw in air or paper come to life, like axols pencil in a way, Artsymario89 would use this pencil to make creative arts and statues for places and many other things and one night Bowser kidnapped ArtsyMario89 and took him to space where Bowser had started making a whole empire and needed artsymarios help so now artsymario was like a slave working tirelessly on the moon to satisfy bowsers evil needs, when smg8 found out about his idol being kidnapped he immediately started asking around and found out he was in space so smg8 asked Mario to do a BLJ to space and it worked, together Mario and smg8 had to go through many weird levels and stuff to get to bowsers castle and they eventually made it but since the empire was too huge everything started to form a black hole behind the castle and Bowser fought smg8 and Mario for a bit till the hole got huge and started sucking everyone in, Artsymario89 started getting sucked in and smg8 tried to hold onto him and artsymario told him to grab his pencil and draw something big enough to seal it and he also told smg8 that he believes in him to do this just for him and smg8 was crying since that's like his idol and then artsymario89 let go and flew into the blackhole dying, to make things a bit shorter smg8 told Mario to get ready to BLJ while smg8 drew a huge sealing net thing to close the black hole and then when he closed the black hole he quickly got on Mario and BLJ'd back to earth while Bowser flew back to earth in his koopa car, though artsymario89 died now smg8 had something of his to remember from him.
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Here is artsymario89 by the way :3
I'll find more little supplies that smg8 has later :3
Also another character that starts an arcade cuz of his hungry ass
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Basic info about him: tophatman is the consumer of smg4 universes, his job is to consume universes that are absolutely useless, like a universe where smg4 has a mustache in his redesign or something, obviously before he consumes universes he must kill everybody in said universe and then he eats them just to make sure they don't cause any chaos while he eats the universe lol, anyway how he starts an arc is that he gets sick and tired of eating these absolutely useless universes because he has heard that the ones that are ever so slightly Relavent taste way better so he goes to smg8s universe to kill off everyone but he fails because he gets beat up really badly so he just decides to leave but in the process he accidentally slaps smg8 and 9 into the multiverse and 8 and 9 are left in the multiverse alone and they decide together they are gonna go swim around and look for a universe that could help them and suddenly when they did they found the smg4 universe, it was in the center of the universe and they swam there knowing that they could probably get help from there and then they crash landed in the universe sadly separating from each other for a bit while they are in the universe...
The info dump shall continue someday
Smg9 belongs to: @yago-undertale
Also @izzy-the-chaotic-gremlin if you wanna know more info on smg8!
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wonderfultheatre · 2 months
Mr. Puzzles
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Helluva Boss/Hotel Hotel | Original
Alias: Mr Puzzles Name: Mateo Pérez Pronouns: He/Him Gender: Transmasc Age: 38 Died: 32, 5th April 2018 Birthday: December Species: Human (previously) - Demon (Current) Zodiac: Capricorn Orientation: Pansexual Occupation: Voxtek Employee Contracted: Yes - Soul belongs to Vox MBTI: ENTP Enneagram: 3w2 Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Growing up he had been relatively abused and neglected by his parents. He had used television to escape and often recorded what was airing on TV on as many channels as possible. He eventually managed to get himself a computer and expanded his operation as he got older into collecting internet media, gaining some computer skills to compromise security to collect videos and various media he could.
As he got older he fell deeper into this rabbit hole, his obsession with media grew and he started to become even more obsessed with television and digital media. During a psychotic break in his 30s, Mateo finally cut his own head off, but due to strange forces and circumstances he managed to survive for 3 more years despite the lack of a head. He at this point replaced his head with a TV monitor.
Though eventually he did pass away, his family found his headless corpse in his apartment.
Upon entering hell early on he ran a digital video store using his memory to create recordings of things he watched while alive, finding out that he could alter media he had watched and also store it perfectly in his memory, his obsession with television and media started again, and grew stronger the more he watched. Eventually, he managed to gather himself a few contracts with a few other sinners to grow his ability. Eventually, he desired to trap other demons in a TV and control every aspect of their lives as if it were a TV show. Eventually, he ran into Vox and ended up signing his soul over willing to the man due to his obsession with hell's media and tangentially his obsession with Vox himself.
After losing his soul rather enthusiastically, he began working for Vox, after a few at-work accidents resulting in his original head falling off and getting broken, Vox took the initiative to completely upgrade and rebuild the sinner's body. None of his original body currently exists.
Mateo has several unique abilities that all involve media.
Media Manipulation - He can alter existing media, if it was recorded he can alter it. This includes shows or media being aired live actively on TV.
Media creation - Due to his control over analog and digital media he can create media and air it on TV.
Matter manipulation - He can turn his body into digital and or analog data, as well as drag people into televisions by converting their bodies into digital or analog data.
Archive - His photographic memory has grown to being an archive of information and media, as long as he has seen it he will remember it and store it as if he were an archive, he can remember key details of anything he's seen. He also can create physical copies of his memories for others to view, as well as let them into his archive.
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Note: he is inspired by Mr. Puzzles from SMG4
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superluigiglitchy · 6 months
Really specific ass headcanons on the cast of SMG4
Meggy is really stubborn about sleep not because of her coffee addiction but because of nightmares she has from the anime island incident, the YouTube graveyard and pretty recently from Wild Spaghetti and Wren and pretty much just her trauma in general which results in her having some pretty bad insomnia
She's gotten better though because the glitchy gang don't want a repeat of what happened the last time she didnt sleep for days (read: she got a pretty bad fever because her human body hasnt adjusted to her newly made immune system and prettu much had a breakdown both from the stress, sleep deprivation and delirium caused form her fever) and she's trying to be better for them
What usually helps her sleep is having her cat Loaf near her, having one or more members of the gang sleep in a cuddle pile with her, a good cup of tea with some ramen noodles or the most embarrassing one for her: being rubbed behind her pointed ears
So far Mario and Luigi are some constant cuddle buddies of hers but Tari is a close second with Melony, Boopkins, Saiko and surprisingly Bob in third
With Meggy only looking human physically, she still retains all her inkling functions (plus a little something extra thanks shaggy) meaning yes she can still very much purr and she hates it
Mario and the others often exploit this
I am applying my inklings are basically aquatic cats headcanon onto Meggy and no one can stop me
Saiko is allergic to pollen and is practically knocked out during the first week of spring, yes Tari fusses over her a lot during this time
Bob is capable of being a good business man, he just needs to shed his old habits and bad practices this is easier said than done though
Unbeknownst to anyone not even herself, Tari is very susceptible to viruses, why she hasn't been infected by any is both a combination of dumb luck and being smart on what video games she enters (which is also a result of dumb luck) however that may change soon if TvWare involved now
Kaizo very much teases Saiko about her crush on Tari after he found out every chance he gets, he in turn nearly gets whacked with a hammer by the red faced pinkette
He's super supportive of her crush and will kick anyone's ass who objects, wingmans with Meggy so the idiots can finally confess to eachother
Mario wears a lot of star patches and bandages because he's silly like that
Peach went apocalypse survivor mode for a few weeks and did pretty well while trapped in the demon pit her castle was in, it's just that she got infect by the demon goop A week before SMG4 and the others could go down there to fetch the star, if the crew were to return and search around the remnants of the castle they would find a camcorder and a series of videos tapes of Peach's exploits and find the last 3 tapes are of her expressing her thought as she's been thinking of her actions from the past few years as of late and her regretting how she treated the others, Mario especially and how she wants to apologise to them and treat them all better once she gets out of this literal hell hole
Of course we all knew what happened after that
Luigi has seven evil ex boyfriends, each of which have experienced the wrath of Mario
Mario is also super supportive of Luigi and will also kick anyone's ass who objects
Peach and Daisy are dating, no one is aware of this and no one has figured it out
Pls add Daisy to SMG4 I want to see her kick ass and be a menace
Tari knows some karate moves and will not hesitate to use them post- western spaghetti, clench just speeds up the fighting with a laser and other dubious weapons that Tari didn't know her arm had
Boopkins has a guilty pleasure of watching scooby doo
Smg3 would make an animal sanctuary for any friends Eggdog makes
When Meggy gets sick (which is rare AF) she sorta acts... Kinda like a feral cat
Bob can confirm this statement with all the beak bite mark scars he has and scratches too
For some reason she's not mean to Mario, Luigi, Saiko or Tari (which is to be expected) but also Jubjub and Boopkins
Mario and Luigi consider Meggy A third Mario brother, Meggy cried for an hour straight when she found out about this because of how happy she was
She know uses the named Meggy Spletzer-Mario
Yes I still find it funny Mario and Luigi's last names are Mario so Mario Mario and Luigi Mario
Swag and Chris married for tax benefits
Everyone thinks that's a lie
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Whoops, all DBZA quotes
Cursor: Wait.. who else sees that light?
CPU: Walk towards it.
SMG4: Where are the other Avatars?
Juliano: I'll tell you where they're not. Safe.
Bowser Jr: Root! You left Root here!?
Franky: Well, I thought she could handle it!
Bowser Jr: Root couldn’t handle a shot of raspberry schnapps, much less LC while SICK!
Ozymandias: Say good by to your precious universe!
Franky: That's not very nice!!
Random virus: You think you’re cute.
Crash: Bitch I’m adorable.
Mr L: You, child, too strong! Explain now!
Plurality: Database gave me a small bit of their power to help defeat you.
Me L: The fucks a Database?!
Plurality: Basically, god.
Mr L: But I'm Still Here!!
Plurality: Do you really believe in your own hype that much?!
Root: I'mma plant me a dumbass tree!
Mario: Hello!
Diana: Oh, it's you. Explain.
Crash, calling to CPU, who is currently in a hole in a wall while also having a concussion: Are you okay in there?
CPU: Yeah, I'm fan-fucking-tastic. Nothing but gumdrops and ice cream in here.
Crash: Oh, really?! Can I come in, too?!
CPU: I'm surrounded by idiots...
Crash: I thought you were surrounded by gumdrops and ice cream!
Tulip, if she ever snapped on her parents: There is nothing about this whole scenario that doesn't make me so disgusted. I want to violently vomit out of my internal organs. I despise you both so intensely that I can't tell if my vision is blurry from my near-death experience or from my unforgiving rage. If allowed, once I am back to full health, I will gut you with an honest to God smile on my face, and then proceed to paint the home I built with your bodies with your very blood.
Random villain: Oh my god, you morons stole SMG3&4's kids. How? How did you steal their kids?
Abyssal: It turns out there's ANOTHER virus!
Mario: Ok, what's up with him?
Marcy: Don't mind him. He just got through dropping a gallon of LSD.
Mario: A gallon?
Marcy: A literal gallon. Out of a milk jug. I don't even know where he got it from.
Bob: Marcy! I need you to tell me that I can leave the hotel if I want to.
Marcy: Bob, you may leave the hotel if you w--
Lil Coding: Feel free to pray to your God, but spoilers, I won't be listening.
Saiko: Don't make me come over there, I will rip your world a-FUCKING-sunder!
The Abyss: In mere moments, all you'll be feeling is oblivion!
Domain: It's either this or disappointment; go ahead.. flip that coin.
Abyssal: Get these guys out of here because this thing is about to kill itself!
Umbra: Can firewalls even die?!
CPU: I do hope someone picks up that phone. Cause I FUCKING CAAAALLED IT!
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