#evil tato
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Yam means serious business~
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potatoplace · 1 month
my tears ricochet
Azriel x Reader, Azriel x Elain
loml (part one)
Story Summary: Azriel meeting you, his mate, throws a wrench in all of his plans, nearly a decade in the making with Elain. He begins his mateship with you, still with Elain all the while telling you that you are the love of his life. But, not every good thing can last.
Warnings: Suicide (more graphic than first chapter imo), heavy angst, alcoholism, infidelity, sex
Words: ~6.2k
Author's Note: and here's the second part, now I have to warn you, the first one didn't make me cry at all. But this one? I was sobbing like Feyre and Az, typing through my tears. Thank you for all of the love you guys showed to loml, it means so much to me to see every comment and note. I hope you all enjoy the final part!
p.s. I almost named it Last Kiss. Taylor is just perfect for angst, I tell ya
18+ only pls
The wind was rushing through his hair, cooling his body, slightly calming him. But his heart was still racing, his mind panicked.
His mate. He had finally met his mate.
But Elain… they had just started discussing the possibility of having children. And nearly ten years together, ten years of love and comfort.
He’d known this was a possibility, he had just thought it would never happen. That the Mother had made a mistake in not mating him to Elain. But now, that wasn’t true. It wasn’t the love of his life, his sweet, perfect Elain, it was some random woman in the streets of Velaris. Beautiful, yes, but she didn’t hold a flame to Elain’s beauty. Her scent however… a refreshing blend of apples and autumn rain, so overpowering he could hardly smell the air rushing past him, even this far away from her.
He needed to tell Elain. He had to tell her, before he did anything stupid, like turning around and finding the female he had just abandoned in the streets.
They’d discussed what might happen if he ever found his mate, and the possibility of it was why Elain has yet to fully reject the bond with Lucien, though as far as Azriel was aware, the two only saw each other at holiday parties and the occasional family dinner that Lucien attended. They’d decided that if he did find his mate, he would come immediately to Elain and they would talk it through.
So, he flew straight to the townhouse, landing next to Elain where she was kneeling on the grass, tending to her flower garden. “‘Lain,” he started, the tension in his voice causing her to stand up and look at him instantly. “I… I found my mate,” he said, regretting that he even had to say the words.
Tears filled her eyes, and he put his hands on her shoulders reassuringly. “All I did was see her in the street, baby. I left right after and I’m here now.”
Still, she shook her head. “I cannot believe this Azriel. Now?! Now that we’ve decided to try for a family, that’s when you find your mate? This is ridiculous!” Elain vented, and it was truly one of the first times Azriel had seen her angry.
“I know, and I’m so sorry. I wish I would never have seen her, I only love you.”
“You don’t know that you wouldn’t love her,” Elain scoffed. “But you have a decision to make. Are you going to reject the bond.”
Azriel opened his mouth, not quite believing how bold Elain was being. “I don’t know. That’s not exactly a decision to make lightly, Elain. You know that.”
“Oh, really? This again? Just because I haven’t rejected Lucien doesn’t mean that you don’t have to make a decision, Azriel.”
Azriel raised an eyebrow at her, shocked by her hypocrisy. “Then you have one to make as well, Elain. Lucien or I? Which will it be?” Elain opened her mouth for a moment, then closed it. “Exactly. It’s not as easy as you thought, is it?”
Elain sighed, her shoulders slumping forward. “Fine. You can get to know her, if you’d like. But the moment you want it to turn to something more, come find me again. Until then… let’s just continue as normal,” she suggested, pushing up on her tip-toes to give Azriel a kiss on the lips before scrunching her nose. “Ugh, I can smell her on you. Let’s go take a bath, hmm?” She led Azriel by the hand to her room, undressing him as she pushed him towards the bathroom.
It was two weeks later, and Azriel had prepared himself enough mentally to seek out his mate. It didn’t take long, seeing as two of his shadows had followed her back to her home, reporting to him that she had spent the past fortnight crying herself to sleep and barely leaving the house except for her work.
He flew over to her house, an adorable one bedroom that had a nice porch on the front, and a stained glass door depicting the season of autumn, leaves changing color as they fall from a tree and landing in a pile at the bottom. The pale orange paint on the exterior was faded slightly, chipping away in places, but besides that the home looked well cared for.
He steeled himself, then walked towards that beautiful door, knocking carefully on its surface. It was time to get to know his mate.
3 Months Later
Elain stared at him, obviously not believing what Azriel just told her as they stood in their shared bedroom.
“You want to be with her?”
Azriel sighed. Truly, he wanted both females to stay in his life, but that was impossibility. “Yes, Elain. I’ve… I’ve fallen for her, over the past few months.”
Elain hissed, her outrage making itself known. “A few months?!” She screeched at him. “You’re going to throw away a decade over a few months?!”
“I’m not… I’m not throwing it away, Elain, this is something I have to do. She’s my mate,” he sighed. He didn’t want to argue with her. “I don’t want you to leave my life, either. But the connection between us… it’s always there. I can feel her all the time, Elain, and I don’t want to do you a disservice by being unfaithful to you in my heart.”
Elain, who up until this point had been glaring at him, looked off into the distance, contemplating.
“So, don’t leave my life,” she stated plainly.
“I… what?” Azriel asked in disbelief.
“Stay in my life, stay with me, and you can have your little mate. Just as long as you know that you come home to me after missions, after anything important. I take precedence over her. And she won’t be welcome at any family gatherings. If they ask about her, say that she’s better suited as a friend.”
She said it all as if it was simple, as if it made sense. So Azriel believed her.
Because that way, he could have the female he’d loved for so long, and he could also have his mate.
It was truly the best of both worlds.
“Alright, Elain. That’s a fair enough deal. Are you sure you’ll be able to handle it?” He asked, prowling towards her and grabbing her by the waist.
“Oh, Azzie, I promise I’ll be fine with it. Do I love that you might fuck another female? No, but as long as I can send you to her covered in my scent, I’ll be fine,” Elain purred, running a hand up his chest.
“Oh?” Azriel smirked down at her, taking her face in his hand. “And how will you do that?” He breathed in her ear, kissing her neck gently.
“I have a few ways. Come to the bed and I’ll show you, Azzie.”
Matching grins covered their faces as Azriel picked her up and tossed her gently on the bed.
Tomorrow. Tomorrow he would tell Y/N that he wanted to be serious.
Tonight, however… tonight he would spend worshipping Elain’s body like the goddess she is deserves.
5 Years Later
Shit, Azriel thought to himself. Shit shit shit.
He was late. So, very late.
Elain had wanted him to spend the night together, but it was his and Y/N’s fifth anniversary the next morning.
So, he’d left in the middle of the night after his mate’s breathing had evened out, flying off in the direction of the town house. He landed in front of a simpering Elain, obviously pleased with how the night was playing out.
They had spent the night wrapped in each other, falling asleep under the sheets together as the new day dawned upon them.
Azriel had, of course, planned ahead for the possibility of sleeping in a bit too long to return home before his mate awoken, a bouquet of roses, sapphire blue for him and a pale yellow for his sweet, sunshiney mate, and love note on the nightstand. He’d also left out a coffee and book he’d spent an agonizing amount of time convincing his mate’s favorite author to give him in advance of the commercial release on the kitchen counter. He hadn’t thought that he’d be so late though, the sun having risen nearly to the halfway point in the sky.
He only hoped his mate wouldn’t scent Elain’s arousal, still mixed heavily with his scent. She had never said anything in the past, and he believed she wouldn’t now.
With the speed he was flying towards her house, most of it should be whisked off of him by the time he reached her.
Once he landed, he made sure to take a moment to collect himself, taking a deep breath before pushing the door open, greeted by his mate’s lovely scent, coming from the window seat to the right of the door.
You ran to him, and he greeted you with his arms first, the weight of you so perfect in his arms, as though the two of you were carved out of the same flesh, finally put back together for the moment.
The day was perfect, ending with the two of you snuggled together in bed.
The dagger you had gifted him was perfect, ornate enough to be worn on his belt during ceremonies, and the curved blade had fascinated him at first. He realized that you had meant it more as a way to keep you with him on his missions, rather than to do much killing. Though, it would make some wicked stab wounds, possibly helpful in interrogations. However, he didn’t think he could bear using something so precious as a gift from you during the… messier parts of his occupation.
Nonetheless, it was a perfect, thoughtful gift, and he loved it, loved you so deeply.
He sighed.
It was nights like these when his conscious kicked in, reminding him of the traitorous double life he was living. Sure, Elain was well aware of the situation, maybe not of the depth of his emotions towards you, but that wasn’t something she needed to know.
You, however… you were completely in the dark, unaware that the best friend he went on about is really his life partner of a decade and a half.
He felt so guilty, but he didn’t know how to stop, with either one of you. Elain, they had so much history and you, well, you are his mate, the person the Mother had made just for him.
He breathed in your scent, his mind relaxing as he did so. Azriel reminded himself that he still had six years left before he needed to make a true decision between the two perfect females.
Six years didn’t feel like near enough time, it felt almost cruel that he had to limit himself to a decade until he made a decision about the mating bond. He supposed Elain didn’t know that detail, either.
And now that you wanted to meet his family… well. That decision may end up coming sooner rather than later.
It all depended on how he swung it.
He knew that Elain would be difficult to convince, but he believed he would be able to. His plan was to inform the family to not make any comments about his and Elain’s relationship, and tell them that you knew about them but are still very sensitive to the subject, preferring to avoid it overall. They already knew that the you and Azriel are “friends,” Azriel having been unable to keep you a complete secret from his nosy family.
Azriel had to make it happen, or you would know something is off.
He was lucky, all things considered, that you had waited five years to ask to meet his family.
The next morning after a nice lie-in with you, he took off for the townhouse, ready to rip the gauze off. He approached Elain, in the gardens as she normally was this time of day, working on the garden before the heat climbed up too high.
“Elain, can we talk in our room?” He asked her, relieved when she followed him without question.
“What is it?” She questioned, knowing he was here with a purpose.
“Y/N wants to meet the family.”
Elain immediately started to shake her head, infuriated by the idea. “No. No, Azriel! We agreed that she would not enter our lives before you started this, that won’t change now.”
“Baby, it would just be one dinner, I will tell her not to show any affection towards me, and her curiosity will be satisfied, I promise.”
Elain thought about it for a moment, her face still pinched in anger, before it relaxed in resignation. “If this dinner is to happen, you will fuck me in this very room while she sits in the living room. If not, my answer is no, Azriel.”
Azriel considered it, the nodded, knowing it was his only way forward. And, he couldn’t deny that the thought of fucking Elain with you in the next room excited him, the riskiness of it so tempting.
“Then, inform the rest of the family. Tell them whatever you need to to keep your silly little relationship with your mate a secret. I will not be embarrassed by this, Azriel,” Elain warned, a danger in her eyes.
“Thank you, Elain.” He moved in towards her, and whispered lowly in her ear, “The sex we will have in here on that night will rival every other time we’ve been together, baby.” A shiver ran down Elain’s spine, and she wrapped her arms around him.
“It better, Azzie. Otherwise I just might crush her heart myself,” She said in a sweet tone, but Azriel took it as the threat it was.
Still, as long as everything went to plan, he will keep his two females as his, for years to come.
The dinner went perfectly, Y/N feeling insecure, while it pained him, truly worked out for the better. The less comfortable that first meeting had felt, the less likely she was to insist on attending another family dinner.
Over the next few months, he could tell you were preparing something, most likely some kind of surprise for his birthday. Every year, you outdid yourself. When he was in town- or rather, not with Elain- you would wake him up with his favorite pastries from his favorite café, or his favorite dish from Kalia’s, a wonderful little breakfast restaurant located along the Sidra. And every year, you gave him a different custom made item, from the spider silk gloves that were fire and tear proof to the fortified, comfortable boots that he wore to this day.
During that time as well, Elain was becoming bolder with her requests of his time, drawing him away most nights after you fell asleep, only to return a few hours later, slipping back into your bed with jasmine and honey coating his senses.
That didn’t matter though, not when he was more enamored with you than ever. You were so kind, so focused on his happiness, he hardly deserved the honor of being your mate. The guilt of the situation had been weighing on him heavily, especially when he had felt you measuring his ring finger while you believed him to be dead asleep.
He was nearly ready to cut things off with Elain, her attitude as of late was bitter and angry, and while he avoided bringing you up around her, every time he did she said something condescending about you. The only problem was their history with each other, so many years that they had been together, and realized that he would be throwing it away, there was no way that Elain would ever be fine only being his friend, and seeing you near her family. He honestly wouldn’t be surprised if Elain attempted to take your life, her hatred of you ran that deeply.
He’d realized things were getting to dangerous territory when you had come back to your house, gushing to Azriel about how you and Elain might be becoming friends, and how you could see why Azriel liked her so much, she’s just so nice.
It was the day before his birthday now, and he had just returned to your home when you burst through the doors, bags filling your arms.
“Azriel!” You exclaimed, quickly walking over to the counter to deposit the bags, then made your way to your mate. You leaned up, capturing his lips in a tender kiss. “Listen, I know this will sound a little weird, but I’d like you to stay at your spare room in the townhouse tonight, if you’re willing. I want to set up a little surprise for you here,” you tell him, a smile gracing your face, and a matching expression lit up his face. “I’ll come get you in the morning, around 9 if that sounds reasonable to you?”
“Of course, babydoll,” he replied, claiming your mouth again in kiss more heated than the last. “Do I have to leave at this very moment?”
You hummed, your body relaxing against him as he kissed down your neck. “No, not yet, mate. You can stick around for a while.”
“Hmm, so I can take my sweet, thoughtful mate into our bedroom and devour her like the goddess she is?” He asked, already lifting you by your ass, and you instinctively wrapped your legs around his hips.
“I’d love that, Az,” you say, peppering kisses along his jawline as he carried you to the bed.
He left a few hours later, walking back to the townhouse at a slow pace, reminiscing on the feeling of your skin and soft sighs, how much he was looking forward to whatever you’re planning for tomorrow.
He entered the townhouse a few minutes later, breezing into his room that he shares with Elain. She was inside, already naked on the bed and touching herself.
“Oh, Azzie, I’m so glad you could make it,” she said, pouncing towards him the moment the door snicked shut behind him. Once she reached him, though, she wrinkled her nose. “Let’s go get you in the bath, Azzie, I don’t want to kiss you while you smell so gross.” Elain pushed him towards the bath, where they spent a good hour basking in each other’s presence before making their way to the bed. They remained there until dinner, getting a quick meal from the kitchen before returning to the haven.
The night passed quickly, and Elain woke him by sucking his cock to life, the climbing on top of him. She rode him at a slow, torturous pace for a few minutes, before he tired her teasing and flipped her onto her back, continuing their activities, even as the door to their room opened wide, a gasp sounding from the doorway, and Elain’s arms wrapped tighter around his neck, legs wrapping around his hips, pressing his lower half tighter against her.
The scent hit him- autumnal rain and sweet apples- and his blood ran cold. He wanted to run, wanted to explain to you, but the grip of Elain’s heavenly cunt was too much, and he finished inside of her, pulling out as soon as he was able to.
His eyes were wide, he could barely process the situation, he tried to sit up and look at the doorway, but Elain’s grip around his neck was tighter than he expected. She was grinning from ear to ear, looking positively pleased with herself.
“Elain, I need to go talk to her,” he stated frantically, still attempting to pull away from her gently. He could hear her yelling outside, Feyre’s soft voice following it.
“No, you don’t Azriel. She just saw you cheating on her, she’ll want nothing to do with you now,” Elain declared proudly.
Azriel furrowed his brow at her, a sinking feeling in his gut, and he looked at the clock- only 8 in the morning. “Did you know she was going to show up this early?” He questioned, hoping the answer was no. If it was yes…
“Of course, it was my idea to have you stay here last night.” Her voice held no remorse, and Azriel pried her hands from his neck and sat up, moving to the edge of the bed.
He placed his head in his hands, panic overtaking his mind.
His mate… his sweet, kind, caring, attentive mate… had just seen him fucking Elain, her supposed friend. Fuck. This is bad.
He got up, throwing on a pair of leathers as quickly as he could, before Elain’s hand caught his.
“You’re seriously going after her? What the fuck is wrong with you, Azriel?!” She yelled at him, before Feyre’s voice cut through.
“What in the hells is wrong with you, Azriel?! You’re not only cheating on Elain, but Y/N didn’t even know the two of you were together?! How could you do that to your mate?!”
Elain’s anger was one thing, more unsettling than anything else, but Feyre’s? Feyre’s rage was terrifying, and Azriel had the common sense to cower as night coalesced around her.
It was then that he noticed his shadows had left him, and he could still hear them screaming about Y/N from wherever they had ran to.
“Feyre, I know how bad it seems, but I never meant for her to get hurt. And Elain knew about my relationship with her, I wouldn’t have gone ahead with it without her approval,” he said, trying to get the truth out before Feyre eviscerated him.
Elain scoffed, grabbing her nightgown from the floor next to their bed.
Azriel turned to cock a brow at her, daring her to voice whatever was rattling around in her head.
“You should have cut her sorry ass off years ago, Azzie. She’s not worthy of you, she never has been, and she never will be,” Elain spat at him, just as his gut fell through the floor and to the core of the earth.
The bond- the precious, delicate string tying you to him- severed in a single moment.
He dropped to his knees, a wail leaving his body of its own accord, the grief striking him in every nerve ending of his body as your presence left him, as he was left with a gaping hole in his soul that you used to occupy.
“Azriel?” Feyre called frantically, shaking him by the shoulders, but he could do nothing more than to loose gut wrenching cries of pain at the loss of his mate.
Rhys appeared a moment later, diving into his mind with a gentleness he did not deserve.
“Y/N…” he sighed, a tear rolling down his face. “She’s died.”
“Died?!” Feyre exclaimed. “She was just in the garden fifteen minutes ago, how could she have-?” She cut herself off, realizing exactly what happened. “Rhys, get her address from him.”
He did as she said, and she bolted away, leaving Rhys, Elain, and Azriel in the room.
She sprinted through the streets, making her way to the area that Rhys said your house was located in. It was orange, with a stained glass door according to Azriel’s memories.
Feyre still couldn’t believe what he had done, how he had betrayed his mate.
You was awkward at times, yes, and a little shy, but you were so sweet and it was obvious to Feyre how much you cared for Azriel- obviously not the way you cared for him, but the amount was there, always shining through your actions.
Once Feyre arrived at your house, she stopped to stare at it for a moment. The light orange and pretty stained glass window suited you, calming in nature and gave off a similar presence’s to the autumnal scent you gave off. She prepared herself as she approached the door, taking a few deep breaths before turning the knob.
Feyre still wasn’t prepared for the sight before her.
You were laying in a pool of blood- your blood- and covered in Azriel’s shadows. She rushed forward, and the shadows moved away from your neck, revealing the large gash there. A dagger was in your hands, and Feyre sobbed, pawing at your neck in an attempt to make the bleeding stop somehow, even as she could hear no heartbeat, no breathing coming from your chest.
The wound was hardly seeping anything as it was, but Feyre couldn’t believe it. You didn’t deserve this, you didn’t deserve to leave so alone, so in pain.
Her tears fell on your body, and after a few moments she pulled your head into her lap, and recited the prayer she had learned all that time ago, back in Spring.
“Mother hold you. May you pass through the gates. May you smell that immortal land of milk and honey,” she finished. She whispered a final, added phrase. “May your next life be kinder to you, Y/N.”
Feyre stood, reaching out to Rhys through her mind.
“How is Az?”
Rhys sighed. “He’s not doing well, we haven’t been able to move him or get him to do anything cry cry,” he admitted, worrying in his tone. “How’s… how is Y/N?”
“She’s gone, Rhys. She took her own life,” Feyre cried through the bond. “Can you or Cassian come and help me move her to Madja’s office? We should… we should have her prepared for a funeral as soon as we can.”
“Of course, darling, I’ll send Cassian to help you. I’d like to be with Az in case he needs to be knocked out for his own good.”
Cassian arrived a few agonizing minutes later, and after stumbling into the house, stopped and gasped in horror. “Y/N!” He cried, moving quickly towards where Feyre was stood next to your cooling body.
“I know, Cassian. It’s awful, she didn’t deserve any of this,” Feyre said sadly, wiping the tears from her eyes. “We need to move her, though.”
Cassian nodded and stooped over, collecting your limp body in his arms. The shadows were still gathered around your body, hiding as much of you from view as possible. They shifted just right, though, and Feyre caught sight of the knife belt resting upon your hips, tightened so much that she knew the belt was meant as a gift, having seen the dropped bags outside of Azriel’s door when she went to confront him.
She carefully pulled the belt of off you, noticing that the dagger you had used… matched the ones still secured in the belt.
You had used the gift you most likely intended for Azriel, to end your life. That hurt Feyre’s heart even more.
The two of them walked somberly towards Madja’s office, stares lingering on them and the body covered in shadows and held in Cassian’s arms.
They arrived in a few minutes, and Cassian gently set your body down on a stretcher Madja’s had set up in the back, the shadows still clinging relentlessly to your body, refusing to leave you even in death. Madja’s soft smile greets the both of them when they turn around.
“Rhys told me what happened, he said to prepare the body as soon as possible, is that correct?”
Feyre nodded in agreement, “Yes, just let us know when she is ready for the funeral, please, Madja.
“Of course Feyre. I’ll contact you once it’s done.”
With that, the two left the clinic, heading back toward your home to clean it up as much as they could.
His world was shattered. He watched as your coffin was lowered into the ground only two days after his birthday, the sky bright and sunny, just how you always loved it. But Azriel could barely stand in its rays, so overtaken with grief and rage at himself.
He had found the box among the remains of the presents you dropped at his door when you saw him fucking- he couldn’t even bear to think her name anymore.
The two rings, so perfectly Azriel that it made him sob harder than before.
You had always known exactly how to design something to scream his name, always known what he would prefer to have as a gift.
Azriel had wanted to place the ring made for your fingers on you before you were buried, but he couldn’t bear to sully your… your corpse with his hands.
He also didn’t deserve to have a ring matching one that you wear in your grave, he had betrayed you so thoroughly. So he kept the both of them.
Time passed so slowly now.
It was like the world had stopped moving once you passed, the broken tether to your soul holding him in place, not allowing him to move past the moment of your death.
He left the rings in his nightstand, pulling the box out when the pain became too much to bear. He had purchased your home, finally moving all of his things in, like he should have while you were alive.
Even though your life had ended here, he felt closest to you inside the four walls where your relationship had blossomed, bringing you out of your shy, anxious, and adorable little shell.
Azriel barely left the house anymore, only leaving when his family forced him, or the hunger in his stomach became unbearable enough that he ventured out to your favorite restaurant and ordered your favorite dish, just one more way to get any semblance of closeness to you again.
The first six months since your passing were hell. Absolute hell.
The broken string within him chafed with every breath, only subsiding when he drowned himself in vodka enough that he couldn’t see straight, passing out into an oblivion where you still existed, where his heart still beat your name happily, not in the overwhelming loss that had made it lose its rhythm.
His family had dragged him out tonight into their townhome, insisting that they hadn’t seen him in so long and they needed to get together.
He was feeling an extra pain, today. It was the anniversary of the beginning of your mateship. It would have been the sixth, if you were still here.
So, he strung the two rings on a silver chain, looping it over his head and wearing it over the top of his jacket. With them on, he felt like your presence was with him. One of the few remaining things he owned of you.
Feyre had given him the knife belt a month after your funeral, and he had promptly shoved it into the lowest drawer of the dresser. He knew, he just knew that one of those knives had been the end of you-
But that wasn’t true.
He was the end of you.
Azriel sighed. That train of thought wouldn’t make getting through this night easier. One thing might, however.
He stood up from the couch he was seated on and made his way over to the drink cart, pouring a generous amount of vodka into a crystal glass.
You had commented on the glasses your second dinner here, admiring the way they caught the light.
Tears burned at his eyes, and he downed half of the glass in one gulp, the burn distracting him enough that he didn’t jump when Cassian clapped a hand on Azriel’s shoulder.
“It’s good to see you, brother. Will you be coming to the training ring again soon?” He asked, his tone gentle.
“We’ll see, Cassian,” Azriel answered, the one that he had given Cassian the past four times he had dared to ask the Shadowsinger.
“Okay, hopefully sometime soon. Or we could go out for a meal, just the two of us, hm? Just like the old days when we were stuck here, it could be fun,” Cassian suggested, and Azriel nodded in agreement just to get him to stop asking.
Cassian walked away, and Azriel could see him making a pointed expression at Feyre, probably urging her to come talk to him. He downed the rest of his drink, and poured another of the same amount.
By the time he had sat back down on the couch, Feyre was joining him.
She didn’t say anything, just sat with him as he sipped on his drink, relishing in the burn it carved through him.
They sat like that for a few minutes before Azriel’s left hand crept out, grasping Feyre’s right. The tears that had burned his eyes for six months, six long months of drinking himself to sleep as the tear in his soul grew, consuming him whole, had begun to fall, carving lines into his skin. Feyre’s hand squeezed his, and when he glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, she thankfully had her eyes turned away from him, giving him the privacy he needed.
A minute or an hour could have passed before Azriel stood abruptly, making for the front door. He burst through it, tears still streaming down his face as he walked home as quickly as he could, the alcohol doing more to him now that he had lost weight from so many skipped meals. He could hear footsteps behind him, and if he dared enough it bet on anything anymore, he would say it’s Feyre.
She had told him at the funeral how guilty she felt for not realizing that Y/N was a danger to herself, but Azriel had brushed her off, telling her it was no one’s fault but his own.
Azriel knew she still carried it, though.
“I don’t need a minder, Feyre,” he drawled, slowing his pace so she could catch up from where she had been following him at a distance.
“From my eyes, you do Az.”
Her concerned tone made him sigh, the tears flowing even more freely now. He didn’t want to worry anyone, he simply wanted to waste away into nothing.
“I will be fine, Feyre, I promise,” he reassured her once she was at his side, though he didn’t fully believe it himself. “Just go home, go enjoy the dinner everyone has been slaving over for hours, Feyre.”
It was Feyre’s turn to sigh. “Do you promise you’ll eat something tonight?”
Azriel nodded his head.
Another sigh. “I suppose I’ll head back, then. Be safe please, Azriel. We love you. I love you. Remember that, okay?”
Azriel nodding again, swallowing a sob until he couldn’t hear her footsteps anymore. He finally reached your house, opening the beautiful door that you loved so much.
He loved that you’d had it custom made, wanting something to honor your Autumn heritage, so far from home. He closed it, running a hand along its surface.
You had loved everything fiercely, him included, even if he didn’t deserve it in any way.
You had loved your mystery books, your coffee, trying out new blends of tea you had made from herbs you’d grown in your small garden.
Then there were the things about him that you loved. His eyes, his hair. You always loved both of those. His hands… you had never shied away from them, in fact you had pulled them towards you, nuzzling your face into them whenever he was feeling insecure about them. You kissed every inch of them so often, Azriel had begun to love the scars, love the way you were able to make them beautiful.
Now though… he couldn’t think of them as anything but the hands that had sullied you, touching you after touching that other female.
Azriel made his way to the kitchen, pulling out a bottle of vodka and your favorite, sapphire blue mug. He poured the liquid until the mug was nearly overflowing, and knocked back as much of it as he could managed in one go, a few drops trailing down his chin.
He regretted so many things in his life, but the way he had hurt you was the one he wished he could take back, at least trade his life for yours. You deserved to live, with your soft heart and open mind. Not him, with his unfaithfulness and betrayal of the worst degree.
His mate.
His mate!!!
He could hardly believe that six months had passed already, six months since that dreadful day.
Six months since your last kiss.
He could almost picture you now, as he walked into your bedroom. It had been on your bed, you were still naked from the earlier activities the two of you had indulged in. Azriel had just gotten his shirt on, and you made an adorable kissy noise, puckering your lips dramatically to draw him back to you. He hadn’t been able to resist, leaning back down and capturing your lips softly with his, tilting your chin up towards him gently with two fingers. It had been soft, sweet, all that he ever needed for the rest of his life.
But it was the last one. The last one, and he hadn’t even known it at the time.
And it was all. His. Fault.
Azriel sank down onto the bed, taking another large gulp of his drink. It was really kicking in now, he felt almost like he could sleep. Draining the rest of the cup, he placed it on the nightstand and laid down on his side of the bed. If he closed his eyes, he could almost trick himself into thinking you were there, sleeping beside him, almost hear your breathing and heart’s rhythm next to him.
He drifted off while clutching the pair of rings still around his neck, his heart still beating that broken, dying music that still sang your name.
Taglist: @j-pendragonx
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frenchfry99 · 1 year
Behold the most terrifying mobster-
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Some scribbles below
(Her existence in this au is 99% a joke)
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Lilly dislikes being called Lillian, seeing it as boring and too serious, but is still sometimes called that by her father and oftenly by other mobsters
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Same as her original version she loves animals, but can get her paws on more obscure or dangerous ones-
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I'd say Lilly is pretty much fearless,to some comedical levels,which gets her in trouble quite often -
(Despite being little there's not much people in the mob who can handle her overly energetic and stubborn personality, but there are still few exceptions)
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Literally fighting my demons to let myself post dumb doodles and not only finished pieces-
Just realized I always forget to add the clown nose on her human ver lol
Also og Lilly doesn't know what a dad is but in this au she has two smh (this ver is from mob au where Wally is not the boss). How did she get into the mob? Well it all started whe-💥💥💥💥
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tatos-stick-pile · 22 days
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From @storgicdealer (aka my accomplice) : HEYAAAAA GANG ITS STORGE HERE ! so we were all Crushed by the realization of the greenceler episode not coming out at the end of august BUT. as a way to put community in flames, me and tato (the original greenceler creator) have decided to .......... HOST A GREENCELER WEEK !!! we are going to create a whiteboard lasting from sep 4 to sep 11, where everyone can pitch in a funny doodle about the Terrif —ying- -ic concept of greenceler (as well as doodles of other fanmade characters in the community if you want! from ur's truely! (tato) SO GO NUTS! you can make it as silly IR IF YOU ACTUALLY ARE EVIL AS ANGSTY AS YOU WANT IT TO BE!! (after this i'll be free from my shackles... pLEASE) SO HAVE FUN AND WATCH THE LORAX <3
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deathbyoctopi · 2 years
This scene, so small, always brings me so much joy!!
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Fucker shoos daozhang away. That ungrateful bastard. Probably was saved from the local totally not caused by xue yang zombie infestation more times than he can count.
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Awww, daozhang is bummed out! He was holding out his hand, trusting the kindness of strangers. I love how Xue Yang is basically following him around here, one step behind, watching over him. 
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And he was going away, too! Angry pout and all, but I doubt he’d be so compliant the first time something like this happened. Remember how he treated that cart in the extra flashback? He probably had much more outspoken reactions the first time he (or xxc) were shooed off like smelly street rats. I bet daozhang scolded him for it, and now he’s learned to be less hot-headed. 
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But his “patience” lasts all about three seconds XD  MOtherfucker, you dare treat Xiao Xingchen like that?? He’s MY enemy! Only I get to be mean to him!
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My lovely murder gremlin has learned some neat skills in silent threatening. Can’t be loud, not with daozhang within hearing range. 
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And he calls him BY NAME! If at this point Xiao Xingchen doesn’t recognize him, his voice, his mannerisms, it’s all on him. Or he doesn’t WANT to recognize him because he’s found he’s so happy with this life...
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Here. Have a potato. I stabbed it through, I’m a good hunter, I can provide food for our family, aren’t I good? (Xue Yang’s inner cat shining through) 
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Give HIM the tatoes, motherfucker. 
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Look at him, he’s so happy!! What a reliable husband you found, Xiao Xingchen. What a beautiful person. Always so helpful. 
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Aw, yeah! Just another day of being Evil™ making my enemy the happiest man east of the Yangtze river.
- - - - - 
2024 EDIT!! I now extended this post into a full fanfic with Xiao Xingchen actually paying attention at the way his friend pronounces his name >w< It is also my 50th fic in ao3, so I was happy to share this milestone ❤️
👉  https://archiveofourown.org/works/55025221
- - - - - - 
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raid3r-r4bbit · 1 year
Random Fo4 Companions Headcannons.
With no explanation or order, because I said so.
Gage fucking hates coconut. Also tatos/tomatoes. And he's never eaten muscles/clams/squid but you couldn't make him. Honestly I see him being more of a picky eater than he would ever admit to. If you took him to a red lobster he'd sit in the bar with nothing and noticibly and angrily glare at you or the lobsters the whole time.
Danse loves kids, teaching them, working with them ect. But not only is he socially awkward as all hell, he's naturally a bit commanding which to kids is scary and to teens is annoying. He's aware of this, but has no idea how to mediate it so he just, "heyyyy....champ?"
Cait is the same way with kids but she just dips.
Playing poker with deacon would be like holding a staring contest with a statue.
Having a staring contest with x6 would be like playing poker with deacon.
A poker match or staring contest between deacon and x6 is like taping bread jamside up to a cat.
Dogmeat does that thing that cats do and tries to sit/sleep right on your chest and suffocates you.
Strong loves playing with toys, and wishes he had someone to play fight with. Also he understands that he's a super mutant and still feels like humans should be food, but still doesn't know why people don't like him and it makes him sad.
Piper is evil.
Preston sleeps in the fetal position. He also overheats a lot, but then gets cold, so sleeping soundly is an event for him. He would also make the best educator, of any level. Mainly cause he's clear and precise but also cause if you're stupid (like me) he doesn't get mad if you need things explained.
Ada is actually capable of moving faster but simply chooses not to.
Curie has a crush on Danse, but doesn't understand what that is emotionally so she just likes to watch him and try to learn about him. Danse finds this unerving and weird, but she's essentially harmless so he doesn't make her stop.
Old Longfellow is very lonely and just wants someone to tell stories to. (This might just be cannon ngl)
Codsworth is in denial about the bombs and the death of soles spouse and Shaun being gone. Synth Shaun wouldn't be able to shake him, and if ss chooses a romantic partner, codsworth is both very overly chummy with them, but also super passive-aggressive aggressive towards them.
Ham cooked loves lotion and stuff. Obviously it doesn't really do anything for him, but it's like cat nip to him. He just wants to rub it all over his face.
MacCready(how tf is ur name spelled dude???) sucks at taking care of others people's kids. He'll fight them, but like on their own level.
Kid: "you're a meanie!"
*collective gasps and oooo's from other kids watching*
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hystericfae · 8 months
owo you're making potatoes, what kind? better be raw potatoes, the best kind obviously
(and don't fear. you can NEVER have too much oil on anything, especially not potatoes)
Ah yes, my daily intake of raw potatoes rubbed in oil has not yet been met so for better or for worse....I have drowned raw tatoes in oil like the evil potato witch 😈
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anti-potato · 1 year
if you hate tato, why your icon tato?
I'll commit the cardinal sin of not being funny on a gimmick account.
Basically you take an image of any person/character and invert its colours to create an "evil version" of them with the text 'Evil X Be Like', followed by something the opposite of something that character has said or done. You can refer to this knowyourmeme.com article if you want to read more about it. I've included some examples below.
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Adele's most popular song is 'Hello'.
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Ben Shapiro has famously tweeted about his wife's dry vagina.
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Elon Musk's is pretty straight forward.
This blog is kinda the same. But instead of saying the opposite of what any potato blogs are saying (I just saw this new blog called @otatop-llams which is doing that for @small-potato) I wanted my blog to be about hating all potatoes. (There is also a blog called @potato-murderer which kinda has the same premise, but I didn't know it existed before I created this account.)
This blog is also (sort of) parodying how conservatives and right wing media vilify a group by creating a caricature of them. But mostly it's for making jokes.
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MTO S4E10 Quote Thread!
TWO DAYS now from the release of Moonbase Theta, Out S4E10 - "Beeps and Boops" - and that means it's time for a quote thread! Not all of these are Wilder quotes, promise!
"Go grab your things while you can; Security is on their way down."
"Oh, honey. We might have voided your warranty this time around."
"The worst part about all of this is Tumnus was right, and I can’t even tell her and watch her experience a new emotion – smugness."
"‘Liza, just one minute, then we’ll listen to a pocketcast or somethin’. There’s one I like about lele-vators … elevators …"
"All right, Shoeless Joe. I’ll go build it, and they’ll come."
"And there’s food – well, almost, there’s En-Soy-Ment. Phish Cakes – that’s with a “ph”; Riblets in Soy-B-Q … Soy-Tato Tots?"
"Question is, do you still do the beeps and boops? Beeps and boops are a go!"
"You’ve still got that bot handling your calls?"
"I’m tired, I’m pissed off, I never want to look at another potato ..."
"You weren’t even supposed to be awake! No one was supposed to be awake."
"… but if your plan is to throw in with that plucky band of misfits against the Evil Empire … I would not suggest that as a course of action."
"Shit! All right, Roger, you should be able to figure this out, it’s your damn job."
"Impostor syndrome, we hardly knew ye. I’ve been in a slump myself."
"the hardest part of romance is you can't see the moon from the moon"
"Do either of you know who Descartes or Pascal were? I keep meaning to look those up."
"One of the new science bros brought over Arkham Horror, it’s been a long time since I played – " "Not my thing - "
"Does that mean that a message is coming through?" "I don't know!" "Aren't you supposed to be the one who knows?"
"Roger Bragado-Fischer, moon celebrity, at your service."
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emilysdiaryofficial · 4 months
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Fresh off the livestream with Yam, Tato's evil sister~
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mx-t4t0-draws · 1 year
Hi! I'm Tato @mx-t4t0! This is my art blog! For my art!
I'm 19, I'm french, and I'm a self-taught digital artist :^
I go by any pronouns, with a preference for fae/he/it/star You can find the rest of my preferred pronouns on my pronouns page
You can also find all of my things on my linktree!
Reminder that liking art without reblogging it is completely useless on Tumblr. If you're not gonna reblog, I'd prefer you don't even interact with my art in the first place. It's not "a nice little treat for artists", not when we spend hours of work on our art. There's no algorithm here, so we rely on reblogs for people to see our work.
⮛ DNI below the cut ⮛
DNI: Racists, queerphobes, ableists, zoos, radqueers, transx (transrace, transabled, etc), proshippers, (NO)MAPs and other pedos, exclusionists of any kind, anti-kin, transandrophobes and transmisogynists, transmeds, anti-non traumagenic, fakeclaimers, fatphobes, "pro-lifers", pro ED/self-harm, techbros (cryptobros, nftbros, aibros* and the like go under that umbrella), people who treat all MCYT content as evil, Dream stans (if you're an ex-dreblr/dtblr member you're fine), Harry Potter fans** (i don't care if you don't support JKR. you fucking do dipshit)
*: This applies to people who want AI in everything, believe ai image generators in their current state are anything more than automated art theft, and act like chatGPT and the like hold infinite knowledge or whatever the fuck. **: If you so much as have your hogwarts house in your bio/pinned I will automatically assume you are a HP and JKR stan, no questions asked. I don't care if it's a hyperfixation or a special interest, neither of those absolve you of free will or compassion.
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pollonegro666 · 2 years
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2022/12/10 Esta escultura se hizo, por petición popular, en recuerdo de un niño de la provincia asesinado cruelmente por una persona malvada. El alma del pequeño está en esta ballena, su memoria traspasará generaciones.
This sculpture was made, by popular request, in memory of a child from the province cruelly murdered by an evil person. The little boy's soul is in this whale, his memory will go through generations.
Google translation into Italian: Questa scultura è stata realizzata, a grande richiesta, in memoria di un bambino della provincia crudelmente assassinato da un malvagio. L'anima del piccolo è in questa balena, la sua memoria attraverserà le generazioni.
Google Translation into French: Cette sculpture a été réalisée, à la demande générale, à la mémoire d'un enfant de la province cruellement assassiné par un malfaiteur. L'âme du petit est dans cette baleine, sa mémoire traversera les générations.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Esta escultura foi feita, por demanda popular, em memória de uma criança da província que foi cruelmente assassinada por um criminoso. A alma do pequenino está nesta baleia, a sua memória atravessará as gerações.
Google Translation into Arabic: تم صنع هذا التمثال ، بناءً على طلب شعبي ، في ذكرى طفل من المقاطعة قتل بقسوة على يد مجرم. روح الصغير في هذا الحوت ، ذكراه ستعبر الأجيال.
Google Translation into German: Diese Skulptur wurde auf vielfachen Wunsch in Erinnerung an ein Kind aus der Provinz geschaffen, das von einem Verbrecher grausam ermordet wurde. Die Seele des Kleinen steckt in diesem Wal, seine Erinnerung wird Generationen überdauern.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Kjo skulpturë u krijua me kërkesë popullore në kujtim të një fëmije provincial që u vra mizorisht nga një kriminel. Shpirti i vogëlushit është në këtë balenë, kujtimi i tij do të zgjasë brez pas brezi.
Google Translation into Armenian: Այս քանդակը ստեղծվել է ժողովրդական խնդրանքով ի հիշատակ գավառացի երեխայի, ով դաժանաբար սպանվել է հանցագործի կողմից։ Փոքրիկի հոգին այս կետի մեջ է, նրա հիշատակը կմնա սերունդներ։
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Тази скулптура е създадена по масова поръчка в памет на провинциално дете, жестоко убито от престъпник. В този кит е душата на малкия, споменът за него ще остане за поколенията.
Google Translation into Czech: Tato socha vznikla na lidovou žádost na památku provinčního dítěte, které bylo krutě zavražděno zločincem. Duše toho malého je v této velrybě, jeho památka přetrvá po generace.
Google Translation into Croatian: Ova skulptura nastala je na zahtjev naroda u spomen na provincijsko dijete koje je okrutno ubio zločinac. Duša malenog je u ovoj kiti, sjećanje na njega će trajati generacijama.
Google Translation into Slovak: Táto socha vznikla na ľudovú žiadosť na pamiatku provinčného dieťaťa, ktoré kruto zavraždil zločinec. V tejto veľrybe je duša maličkého, jeho pamiatka bude trvať generácie.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Ta skulptura je bila ustvarjena na zahtevo ljudi v spomin na provincialnega otroka, ki ga je kruto umoril kriminalec. Duša malega je v tem kitu, spomin nanj bo trajal rodovom.
Google Translation into Estonian: See skulptuur loodi rahva palvel provintsilapse mälestuseks, kelle kurjategija julmalt mõrvas. Pisikese hing on selles vaalas, tema mälestus kestab põlvkondi.
Google Translation into Suomi: Tämä veistos luotiin kansan pyynnöstä maakuntalapsen muistoksi, jonka rikollinen murhasi julmasti. Pienen sielu on tässä valaassa, hänen muistonsa säilyy sukupolvien ajan.
Google Translation into Greek: Αυτό το γλυπτό δημιουργήθηκε με λαϊκό αίτημα στη μνήμη ενός επαρχιακού παιδιού που δολοφονήθηκε σκληρά από έναν εγκληματία. Η ψυχή του μικρού είναι σε αυτή τη φάλαινα, η μνήμη του θα κρατήσει για γενιές.
Google Translation into Dutch: Dit beeld is op veler verzoek gemaakt ter nagedachtenis aan een provinciaal kind dat op wrede wijze is vermoord door een crimineel. De ziel van de kleine zit in deze walvis, zijn geheugen zal generaties lang meegaan.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Denne skulpturen ble laget etter populær forespørsel til minne om et provinsielt barn som ble grusomt myrdet av en kriminell. Sjelen til den lille er i denne hvalen, hans minne vil vare i generasjoner.
Google Translation into Polish: Rzeźba ta powstała na prośbę ludu ku pamięci prowincjonalnego dziecka, które zostało okrutnie zamordowane przez przestępcę. Dusza maleństwa jest w tym wielorybie, pamięć o nim przetrwa pokolenia.
Google Translation into Romanian: Această sculptură a fost creată la cererea populară în memoria unui copil de provincie care a fost ucis cu cruzime de un criminal. Sufletul micuțului se află în această balenă, amintirea lui va dura generații.
Google Translation into Russian: Эта скульптура создана по многочисленным просьбам в память о провинциальном ребенке, жестоко убитом преступником. В этом ките душа малыша, память о нем сохранится в поколениях.
Google Translation into Serbian: Ова скулптура је настала на захтев народа у знак сећања на провинцијско дете које је сурово убио злочинац. Душа малог је у овом киту, његово сећање ће трајати генерацијама.
Google Translation into Swedish: Denna skulptur skapades på populär begäran till minne av ett provinsbarn som grymt mördades av en brottsling. Den lilles själ finns i denna val, hans minne kommer att bestå i generationer.
Google Translation into Turkish: Bu heykel, bir suçlu tarafından vahşice öldürülen taşralı bir çocuğun anısına yoğun talep üzerine yapılmıştır. Ufaklığın ruhu bu balinada, hafızası nesiller boyu yaşayacak.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Ця скульптура була створена на масове замовлення в пам'ять про провінційної дитини, жорстоко вбитої злочинцем. У цьому киті душа малечі, пам'ять про нього в поколіннях.
Google Translation into Bengali: এই ভাস্কর্যটি একটি প্রাদেশিক শিশুর স্মরণে জনপ্রিয় অনুরোধে তৈরি করা হয়েছিল যেটিকে একজন অপরাধী দ্বারা নির্মমভাবে হত্যা করা হয়েছিল। ছোট্টটির আত্মা এই তিমির মধ্যে, তার স্মৃতি থাকবে প্রজন্ম ধরে।
Google Translation into Chinese: 这座雕塑是应民众的要求创作的,以纪念一名被罪犯残忍杀害的外省儿童。 小家伙的灵魂在这头鲸鱼身上,他的记忆将世代相传。
Google Translation into Korean: 이 조형물은 범죄자에게 잔인하게 살해당한 지방 어린이를 추모하기 위해 대중의 요청으로 만들어졌습니다. 어린 아이의 영혼은 이 고래 안에 있으며, 그의 기억은 여러 세대 동안 지속될 것입니다.
Google Translation into Hebrew: פסל זה נוצר על פי בקשה פופולרית לזכרו של ילד פרובינציאלי שנרצח באכזריות על ידי פושע. נשמתו של הקטן נמצאת בלווייתן הזה, זכרו יחזיק מעמד לדורות.
Google Translation into Hindi: यह मूर्तिकला एक प्रांतीय बच्चे की याद में लोकप्रिय अनुरोध द्वारा बनाई गई थी जिसकी एक अपराधी द्वारा क्रूरता से हत्या कर दी गई थी। नन्हे की आत्मा इस व्हेल में है, उसकी स्मृति पीढ़ियों तक रहेगी।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Patung ini dibuat atas permintaan rakyat untuk mengenang seorang anak provinsi yang dibunuh dengan kejam oleh seorang penjahat. Jiwa si kecil ada di paus ini, ingatannya akan bertahan selama beberapa generasi.
Google Translation into Japanese: この彫刻は、犯罪者によって残酷に殺害された地方の子供を偲んで、人気のリクエストによって作成されました。 小さな子供の魂はこのクジラにあり、彼の記憶は何世代にもわたって続くでしょう.
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Бул скульптура элдин суранычы менен кылмышкер тарабынан мыкаачылык менен өлтүрүлгөн провинциялык баланын элесине арналып жасалган. Кичинекейдин жаны ушул китте, анын эсинде урпактарга калат.
Google Translation into Malay: Arca ini dicipta atas permintaan ramai sebagai mengenang seorang kanak-kanak wilayah yang dibunuh dengan kejam oleh penjenayah. Jiwa si kecil ada dalam ikan paus ini, ingatannya akan kekal turun-temurun.
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਇਹ ਮੂਰਤੀ ਇੱਕ ਸੂਬਾਈ ਬੱਚੇ ਦੀ ਯਾਦ ਵਿੱਚ ਪ੍ਰਸਿੱਧ ਬੇਨਤੀ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਬਣਾਈ ਗਈ ਸੀ ਜਿਸਦਾ ਇੱਕ ਅਪਰਾਧੀ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਬੇਰਹਿਮੀ ਨਾਲ ਕਤਲ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਸੀ। ਛੋਟੇ ਦੀ ਆਤਮਾ ਇਸ ਵ੍ਹੇਲ ਵਿੱਚ ਹੈ, ਉਸਦੀ ਯਾਦ ਪੀੜ੍ਹੀਆਂ ਤੱਕ ਰਹੇਗੀ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: دا مجسمه د یوه ولایتي ماشوم په یاد کې د خلکو په غوښتنه جوړه شوې وه چې د مجرم لخوا په بې رحمۍ سره وژل شوی و. د کوچني روح په دې وییل کې دی، د هغه یادونه به د نسلونو لپاره دوام وکړي.
Google Translation into Persian: این مجسمه به درخواست مردمی به یاد کودکی استانی که به طرز فجیعی توسط یک جنایتکار به قتل رسید، ساخته شده است. روح کوچولو در این نهنگ است، یادش برای نسل ها ماندگار است.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Ang eskultura na ito ay nilikha sa pamamagitan ng popular na kahilingan bilang alaala ng isang batang probinsyano na malupit na pinatay ng isang kriminal. Ang kaluluwa ng maliit ay nasa balyena na ito, ang kanyang alaala ay tatagal sa mga henerasyon.
Google Translation into Thai: ประติมากรรมนี้สร้างขึ้นตามคำเรียกร้องยอดนิยมเพื่อระลึกถึงเด็กต่างจังหวัดที่ถูกอาชญากรฆ่าอย่างโหดเหี้ยม วิญญาณของเจ้าตัวน้อยอยู่ในวาฬตัวนี้ ความทรงจำของเขาจะคงอยู่ชั่วลูกชั่วหลาน
Google Translation into Urdu: یہ مجسمہ عوامی درخواست پر ایک صوبائی بچے کی یاد میں بنایا گیا تھا جسے ایک مجرم نے بے دردی سے قتل کر دیا تھا۔ ننھے کی روح اس وہیل میں ہے، اس کی یاد نسل در نسل رہے گی۔
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vivekkumar66335 · 7 months
bhakthi yoga in bagwat gita
yato yato niśhcharati manaśh chañchalam asthiram tatas tato niyamyaitad ātmanyeva vaśhaṁ nayet
yataḥ yataḥ—whenever and wherever; niśhcharati—wanders; manaḥ—the mind; chañchalam—restless; asthiram—unsteady; tataḥ tataḥ—from there; niyamya—having restrained; etat—this; ātmani—on God; eva—certainly; vaśham—control; nayet—should 
 Whenever and wherever the restless and unsteady mind wanders, one should bring it back and continually focus it on God.
prashanta-manasam hyenam yoginam sukham uttamam upaiti shanta-rajasam brahma-bhutam akalmasham
praśhānta—peaceful; manasam—mind; hi—certainly; enam—this; yoginam—yogi; sukham uttamam—the highest bliss; upaiti—attains; śhānta-rajasam—whose passions are subdued; brahma-bhūtam—endowed with God-realization; akalmaṣham—without sin
 Great transcendental happiness comes to the yogi whose mind is calm, whose passions are subdued, who is without sin, and who sees everything in connection with God.
yunjann evam sadatmanam yogi vigata-kalmashah sukhena brahma-sansparsham atyantam sukham ashnute
yuñjan—uniting (the self with God); evam—thus; sadā—always; ātmānam—the self; yogī—a yogi; vigata—free from; kalmaṣhaḥ—sins; sukhena—easily; brahma-sansparśham—constantly in touch with the Supreme; atyantam—the highest; sukham—bliss; aśhnute—attains
 The self-controlled yogi, thus uniting the self with God, becomes free from material contamination, and being in constant touch with the Supreme, achieves the highest state of perfect happiness.
sarva-bhūta-stham—situated in all living beings; ātmānam—Supreme Soul; sarva—all; bhūtāni—living beings; cha—and; ātmani—in God; īkṣhate—sees; yoga-yukta-ātmā—one united in consciousness with God; sarvatra—everywhere; sama-darśhanaḥ—equal vision
sarva-bhuta-stham atmanam sarva-bhutani chatmani ikshate yoga-yuktatma sarvatra sama-darshanah
The true yogis, uniting their consciousness with God, see with equal eye, all living beings in God and God in all living beings.
yaḥ—who; mām—me; paśhyati—see; sarvatra—everywhere; sarvam—everything; cha—and; mayi—in me; paśhyati—see; tasya—for him; aham—I; na—not; praṇaśhyāmi—lost; saḥ—that person; cha—and; me—to me; na—nor; praṇaśhyati—lost
yo mam pashyati sarvatra sarvam cha mayi pashyati tasyaham na pranashyami sa cha me na pranashyati
For those who see Me everywhere and see all things in Me, I am never lost, nor are they ever lost to Me.
" One should not abandon duties born of one’s nature, even if one sees defects in them, O son of Kunti. Indeed, all endeavors are veiled by some evil, as fire is by smoke."
People sometimes recoil from their duty because they see a defect in it. Here, Shree Krishna states that no work is free from defect, just as fire naturally has smoke on top of it.
 For example, we cannot breathe without killing millions of microbes.
If we cultivate the land, we destroy innumerable microorganisms.
 If we succeed against competition in business, we deprive others of wealth.
 When we eat, we deprive another of food.
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ragedaisy · 10 months
have some Derek lazing about
It was a slow day at Bunker Hill. Derek was done repairing Boomer's helmet. Well, it was as good as it was going to get, for Raider power armour. Boomer didn't have the funds for even some T45 pieces. All he was a power armour frame, a Fat Man, a handful of followers, a field of tatos in the middle of nowhere, and a lot of ambition. None of it had gotten the Raider very far yet. Derek couldn't start on the torso either, not until Honest Dan brought that shipment of aluminum. He leaned over the counter of his workshop and leafed through Grognak issue 2, 'Cometh the Trickster'. They didn't have that one back at the vault. When he got home, he was going to charge them all to read it. Overseer Alkali too. Serves her right for banishing him.  Little Meg could read it for free, though. Now there was a kid with her head on straight. The Trickster was such a cool character, they should have given him his own spinoff series. Or a team up with Grognak and Femme-Ra? He chuckled to himself. Maybe he could draw it? He was pretty decent with a pencil, it could work?
A ghoul in a fancy suit walked up to his workshop. He was holding a small box under his left arm. You didn't often see Triggermen at Bunker Hill, not their turf. He probably wasn't here to buy power armour, either. Not their style. "You're the guy from that vault in Canada, ain't ya?" Derek grinned at the ghoul, aiming for 'jovial'. "Heh, well that depends on who's asking!" The Triggerman let the box drop on the ground, then grabbed the counter with both hands, closing the distance between them. Immediately going for 'tough guy', eh? Was that supposed to impress him? "Don't play dumb with me! You're not just some vaultie, you're one of those evil Vault-Tec scumbags, I can just tell. Didn't like 'em then, still don't like 'em now. Experimenting on people, it ain't right." Derek's friendly smile was still firmly in place, but underneath the counter, he grabbed his syringer. Lock joint worked on ghouls just fine. He wasn't about to start a full on gun fight here, but he could dart the guy. Kessler would understand. "Is there a point to this?" "You don't deserve him!" Ah. There was no question about who he meant. The ghoul was right, of course. This whole mess with Toby was undeniably his fault. "Then again, neither did I…," the ghoul continued. "So wait, you're –" "The very same!" the old ghoul grinned at Derek. "I heard you're the one who finally got him completely off chems. Now there's some good news at least! But we both know that ain't the whole story. I figure you're also the one who nearly killed him with that Smooch crap." Toby's absence at Bunker Hill was conspicuous. Caravan guards had a dangerous job and not everyone survived, so on the whole, folks tended to not get attached, but people always remembered Toby. He had a certain radiance, a natural charisma that couldn't be feigned. In truth, Derek was a little jealous of Toby's ease at making friends. His friend was still recovering at his house near the bridge. Even now they had a cure, it would be a while, maybe even weeks until he was strong enough to make the journey to Bunker Hill again. He should have him start some kind of training regime. He should have some smaller dumbells in one of the crates. "Yeah...look, I wasn't…I thought he was having fun? I didn't notice it was affecting him that badly, and by then… I was an idiot, okay? And I wish I could take it all back! I'm so glad I didn't kill him…" "Yeah you should be glad you didn't kill him! Toby is a sweet guy. Making people happy is what he does best. For a while he made me the happiest guy in the Commonwealth, God knows I didn't deserve him! You're new here, so I don't think you realise how many folks here care about his wellbeing, many of them as dangerous as me. Do I need to paint a picture of what will happen if you harm him?" Then, Derek surprised even himself. "I… love him. I really do. I didn't think I was capable of that, but he taught me. So no, I don't want to harm him."  He really was standing there, blushing, saying these words out loud to one of Toby's exes, wasn't he? Gio narrowed his eyes, leaned a bit closer. "Yeah, see that you don't."  Then he reached down and picked up the box. "I spoke with Daisy over at Goodneighbor. We got him these." Gio placed a pile of romance novels onto the counter. "I'd bring them myself, but this is as far west as I go. Our treaty with Tower Tom's gang is fragile enough as it is." "Arrivederci," Gio said, and then he walked back in the direction he came from.
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modstarfell · 1 year
Since Annabelle's size is never specified, I came up with two possible scenarios: A: Doll-sized Annabelle, about a foot tall and rests on a desk or a table. A nightmare from this doll would likely be where there are hundreds of them, and they all swarm Kazuki and try to kill him, whether they're eating him like zombies, or stabbing/stinging him like bees. Or maybe he's dragged down into a pool of killer plushies and shredded to death. Either way, painful.
B: Life-sized Annabelle, Mikihiko's height irl, but Kazuki's height when evil and distorted. I image this doll and Kazuki having some kind of dark, rainy fight to the death. The setting is just pitch black, with rain pouring down with thunder and lightning. Kazuki becomes more bruised and bloody, to the point where he's to weak to even stand, and just as a killing move is blown by Annabelle, Kazuki wakes up in cold sweats, only accompanied by said doll seated at the table.
I also thought of how some of the others would react to Kazuki telling them about what he's seen when he eventually opens up about it. Akeru, Yukari, and Misako are all concerned for his wellbeing, and comfort him when he needs it.
Torae, Toshiro, Shozo, Chinami, and Ryo think he's losing his marbles, and genuinely question his sanity.
Mai has several questions, and also provides comfort and advice.
Tato's not sure how to feel or what to do.
Annabelle reminds Kazuki that the fog is coming...
My original thought prior to the translations was that Annabelle was like... 'death portrait-stand in' for Mikihiko (Stemming from similar clothing to his execution dress he wears) likely being his size or at least the stands size but afterwards I think she's likely the same size as petty in reality or the other dolls that Miki had in his room. Either way it's creepy that she's THAT detailed no matter which size.
Either way both nightmares are terrifying to think about and defo would take a toll on his mental health. I think it would almost seem creepier if she's not able to speak and he still gets these nightmares just because of who she was gifted to him by. Has to ask someone to sleep over at some point (i presume anyone he's grown close to as a whole....... but in-game wise its likely going to be yukari) just to try and watch the doll to make sure hes not actually going crazy.
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Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti Celý Film Online Cz Dabingem i Titulky
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Níže vám prozradíme více, jak, kde si tento film můžete užít a Vše, co víme o filmu Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti
Doctor Strange 2: datum vydání, distribuce, zápletka, to je vše, co už víme
Zatímco Spider-Man: No Way Home se již dostává do hlavních kin v kinech po celém světě, fanoušci Marvel Cinematic Universe se těší na další film. Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti vyjde v květnu příštího roku a několik prvků je již známo. Pokud jste byli v kině, abyste viděli nejnovější film o Spider-Manovi, pravděpodobně jste viděli post-generickou scénu věnovanou druhému filmu Doctor Strange. Za zmínku stojí, že studia Marvel si zvykla nabízet nám upoutávku s budoucími filmy v okamžiku, kdy v kinech běží generika filmu. V tomto případě se nejedná o upoutávku, ale o skutečný trailer, který byl zbývajícím fanouškům odhalen až do konce filmu.
Chaotický teaser dobrovolně
Po zhlédnutí tohoto slavného traileru jsou spuštěné stopy značně rozmazané. Chápeme, že po vytvoření mezer mezi vesmíry si Steven Strange uvědomí, že ohrozil rovnováhu multivesmíru. V důsledku toho čaroděj požádá o pomoc Wandu Maximoffovou, aby mu pomohla napravit jeho chyby. Z traileru si všimneme vzhledu nových postav. Miss America v podání Xochitl Gomez a Dark Strange se letos v létě objevila v seriálu What If.
Teorie fanoušků
Zatímco trailer je starý teprve týden, po internetu už kolují teorie o Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti. Podle těchto teorií bude Wanda ve filmu skutečným antagonistou. Scarlet Witch, kterou původně přivolal Doctor Strange, aby ji hledal, se stane skutečným nepřítelem, připraveným ohrozit rovnováhu multivesmíru, aby našla své děti, ztracené na konci série Wanda Vision. S akvizicí Darkhold, knihy založené na černé magii, mohla Wanda pomalu propadnout šílenství, což v angličtině znamená šílenství.
Distribuce a datum vydání
Tuto druhou část, věnovanou mocnému čaroději, vytvořil Sam Raimi. Tento film znamená jeho návrat do světa Marvel, protože je to on, kdo natočil Spidermanovu trilogii s Tobey Maguire. Headlinery jsou Bennedict Cumberbatch (Steven Strange) a Elizabeth Olsen (Wanda Maximoff).
Bennedict Wong (Wong), Chiwetel Ejiofor (Mordo), Xochitl Gomez (Miss America) a Rachel McAdams (Christine Palmer) jsou také součástí obsazení Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti.
Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti bude uveden do kin 4. května 2023 a bude to film číslo pět ve fázi 4 Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Doctor Strange byl jedním z nejpodivnějších hrdinů, jaké jsem za poslední roky viděl. Byl spíše zastáncem, i když své síly občas využíval k boji s nepřáteli. Herec, který hraje Doctora Strange 2, však prozradil cenné informace, v rozhovoru řekl, že pokud jde o gesta rukou k otevírání portálů, druh kruhového pohybu je doménou historie, dočkáme se v tomto smyslu evoluce.
Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti je bezpochyby jedním z nejočekávanějších filmů roku 2023.
Jak mohu sledovat Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti (2023) online s českými titulky, kdykoli budu chtít?
Pokud jste někdy přemýšleli, kde mohu sledovat Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti (2023) online a zdarma, kdykoli budu chtít? Zde je streamovací stránka, která obsahuje více než sto filmů a seriálů. Všechny kategorie jsou zde zastoupeny, aby vás uspokojily, bez ohledu na váš filmový vkus. Chcete-li snadněji najít požadovaný film, můžete také použít vyhledávací panel dostupný na webu a také možnosti filtrování.
Chcete-li sledovat film Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti (2023) online s českými titulky v HD, stačí přejít na výše uvedený odkaz. Je to tak jednoduché, že?
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