#evo troopers
brianhanes · 2 years
21 Concepts “Star Wars Ahsoka” Should Have
1. Grand Admiral Thrawn (Legends Style)
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For those who don’t know, Grand Admiral Thrawn was a major anti-hero in a popular Star Wars “Hier to the Empire” 1993 novel trilogy. He would later be used again in Disney’s “Star Wars Rebels” series, but the big difference I would like to see is a scaled-up Thrawn from that version. In Rebels, Thrawn seemed to be a bit watered down. He gave away battles as he looked at ‘the big picture’. 
A major change that we need to see a Thrawn who is constantly winning important battles and seems unbeatable (as he was in Legends). Someone who dominates the scene almost all the time and only gives up ground when necessary. Someone who only takes battles worth taking rather than wasting time on pointless missions. 
Thrawn might be the only big villain in season 1, but that could leave room for another key villain to rise in book 2! Hopefully this villain would be teased during the end of season 1 (read more to find out who I’m talking about).
2. Mara Jade
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Like Thrawn, Mara Jade was a major character in the Star Wars Expanded Universe (comics, novels, etc. outside of the main films) before Disney took over. While Disney may be looking to promote the new characters it has introduced, it would be a travesty if they ignore her. Thousands of legends fans would salivate at the sight of her! It would automatically give the series more love and praise. Mara=$$$ so they better not pass this up!
Mara was an Emperor’s Hand meaning she was trained and raised by Emperor Palpatine himself. The Emperor Hand was a special program that is similar to the Imperial Inquisitor program in that it brought in dark force sensitives into the Empire. Like inquisitors, hands were not Palpatine’s actual apprentices and weren’t caught as deeply in the dark side as Vader. On the other hand (no pun intended), Hands didn’t grow up as Jedi. 
Mara was also special in that she was trained to be a grey user. Palpatine wanted to see if he could successfully recruit a grey person to his ranks that would be less likely to betray him than another Sith. Mara Jade was pushed to be completely loyal to Palpatine and she was until his ‘passing’ during the Battle of Endor. It would be nice to see Mara with her purple lightsaber, hand-to-hand skills, force lightning, marksmanship (she could use a sniper rifle or pistol in battle), force choke abilities, and wit in to rival Ahsoka. 
Mara is also an expert pilot like Luke. She is sort of like a combination of Ventress, Black Widow, and Luke! That is too good of a character to be passed up. And when I say great pilot, I mean even better than Ahsoka good (only Luke should be able to match her in space). 
3. Ezra
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Now I’ll mention another given, Ezra definitely will be in this show. To be honest with you, I really enjoyed some episodes of Rebels however, I didn’t like most of the show. For me, Rebels seemed a bit watered down (I wanted a gritty war story with lots of cultural/political lore like Star Wars: The Clone Wars). On the bright (or should I say light) side, I got much of what I wanted to see in Rebels with Rogue One and the Mandalorian. I also expect to get even more of that from Andor.
Like Ashoka, when Ezra first entered Rebels, he was very annoying. However, by the third season, I really liked him. He started reminding me of Anakin from the Star Wars 2003 Clone Wars series. Ezra was more mature, powerful, and seemed like a truly gifted Padawan. At this point, we can get an Ezra that is at knight level. We will see this with his maturity and wisdom but hopefully he also knows when to think outside the box like Qui Gon.
4. Lumiya
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This is the season 2 boss I was talking about. Maybe operate on her own at first and her loyalists will run into Ahsoka and her friends. After a few conflicts, Lumiya could join forces with Thrawn. 
Like Mara Jade, Lumiya was also an Emperor’s Hand. She was brutal, intelligent, adaptive, manipulative, and through in the force. Lumiya was trained more deeply in the darkness than Mara, which makes for a good contrast of their characters. 
Mara is that dream female supervillain that ever story needs. She gives me Cheetah vibes from DC Universe or Azula vibes from Avatar: The Last Airbender. Sometimes you really have to appreciate an amazing female villain and Lumiya is one who does this naturally. To add to that, Lumiya was experimented on from a young age. She has super strength, immense speed (like Palpatine), and amazing acrobatics (like Darth Talon).
Lumiya should be portrayed in a way that shows she is obviously physically superior to the other characters in the series. Lumiya uses a lightsaber whip that makes her distinct from other lightsaber duelists. Her whip gives her more range in a duel and she maintains a firm grip of her weapon so she isn’t easily disarmed.
One major disadvantage of the lightsaber whip is that it limits her ability to defend against saber strikes. However, Lumiya is incredibly fast and agile so she can flip and leap away when her enemies attack. On top of that, she uses force push, pull, force throw, and lightning to keep enemies away from her. Another special aspect of Lumiya’s lightsaber whip vs other whips (like the ones used by Zygerian slavers in Star Wars the Clone Wars) should be that it is lethal. 
Lumiya also had her own royal guard stormtroopers who have red armor! That makes for a whole different vibe when the main character goes up against her. Lumiya’s character themes also would make an interaction between her and Mara Jade in the show insane. Imagine Mara Jade vs Lumiya in Ahsoka! 
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But if Disney wants to move in another direction, they could give her imperial royal guards instead. That still works with the epic boss villain afterall, some of them would need a new boss after Sidious.
5. Shadow Stormtroopers
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If you have seen any of my other Star Wars threads, it should be obvious that I’m obsessed with the soldiers! Seriously, soldiers are a big part of what made the Clone Wars and Rogue One special! Just because Jedi are in this story doesn’t mean soldiers shouldn’t still get their moments. The Mandalorian brought dark troopers from legends to canon. Star Wars battlefront 2015 brought these guys to canon, still I’d like to see them on the big screen.
Shadowtroopers are stormtroopers that can turn invisible in battle. They are elite which means they have better aim, personal HUDs, superior tactics, smoke grenades, and can adjust more in firefights. Ahsoka would also be strong enough to beat them.
6. Evo Troopers
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Here are some of the coolest stormtroopers in history. Evo troopers are environmental experts with armor that can help them survive in several different environments (duh)! What makes them even more special is they basically use electric shotguns in battle and those electric shot guns fire quickly and have a wide range. They are annoying to fight in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Seeing Ahsoka go up against these guys would give many fans a rush of nostalgia and they are just awesome anyway.
7. Tie Phantoms
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Star Wars Rebels blessed us with tie defenders. While I didn’t like all the episodes in Rebels, I adore some of the things they did with the show. Tie defenders where special because they were specialized imperial tie fighters that had personal shields and more firepower. Phantoms are special because they are tie fighters that can turn invisible! Another reason they need to do this is because Ahsoka dueled Maul in season 7 of Star Wars the Clone Wars and he was the Phantom Menace!
8. Cal Kestits
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Cal was the main character in Star Wars Fallen Order! He is a jedi survivor of Order 66. Fallen Order is one of the best Star Wars things I have seen in a while and it would be nice to see him.
9. Imperial Jumptroopers
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One really special thing about Star Wars the Clone Wars, is there were always new droids to fight. From battledroids, to super battledroids, to commando droids, to magnaguards, to crab droids and so on. Imperial jumptroopers have been utilized a good amount by Rebels. 
10. New Republic Soldiers
This is something the Mandalorian didn’t show us enough of. Although the New Republic was considered a joke in the show, it realistically would at least function throughout the Core worlds and Colonies. If matters were important enough and there was enough political demand, they would definitely battle against Imperial Remnant forces or whatever other threat is lurking around the galaxy. 
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11. New Republic Droids
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We saw these bad boys in the Mandalorian series. They are durable, accurate shooters, and very strong. Although they are predictable, they would be useful in battle against Imperial forces.
12. Imperial Security Droids
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On the flip side of this discussion, it would also be useful for the Empire to use more of its security droids. These guys are very big and strong. They also can run deceptively fast for their size. We see in Rogue One that they are very accurate. But instead of seeing them unarmed like in Fallen Order or with pistols like K-2SO, let’s see them with heavy blaster and disruptor rifles. Then they would be deadly juggernauts in battle that even a jedi would be cautious of taking on.
13. New Republic Light Cruiser
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In the Mandalorian, there was a lot of hype about the New Republic Fleet dealing with some shady people in one of the episodes. Unfortunately, what we saw was underwhelming to say the least. We need to see a New Republic cruiser and it doesn’t need to be a massive one (a huge one wouldn’t even make sense in many cases).
14. More Battles
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More battles is always useful in Star Wars. Especially during a timeline like this where the New Republic is more powerful than the Rebellion was and the Imperial Remnant strongholds are being knocked down as their resources dwindle. 
15. Embo
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Embo was a popular and honorable bounty hunter in Star Wars the Clone Wars. It would be great to see him on the big screen. Apparently, he retired and became a farmer but maybe we could see him defend his farm. I also think Embo deserves his own series, but that’s another story for another time.
16. Jedi Leia
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The Jedi side of Leia has been abandoned in canon, but that can always change. Adding Leia and even having her fight against someone like Lumiya would be amazing. Still if Lumiya can defeat a seasoned Ahsoka the first time they fight, a less experienced Leia would really be at risk against her. Perhaps that’s where we see more parallels between Leia and her mother. 
Padme was often seen as a helpless senator by Jedi but it turned out she could defend herself well with her surprising hand-to-hand and marksmanship skills. Leia showed us the same in A New Hope but in Ahsoka she will have to be even more cautious as she takes on greater challenges with skills that she is still honing. 
17. Luke Skywalker
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Luke has to be shown at some point in the series. He is just too important to not show. 
18. Durge
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Durge was a deadly bounty hunter in the Star Wars Clone Wars 2003 miniseries. He also appeared in several comics. Durge has also appeared in one of Disney’s canon comics.
19. Smugglers and pirates
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I know this is a given, but I just decided to write it anyway. There literally has to be a couple of episodes with these type of characters. It’s like a Star Wars rite of passage for shows.
20. New Jedi Order
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Not every jedi that is listed should be named. Fall Order did a good job of avoiding this mistake. It would be nice to see more ordinary jedi in this show as well and that would also make the Star Wars universe feel bigger. A scene of Luke training padawans would also be nice.
21. Ahsoka and Chewbacca reunite
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Ahsoka has actually already met Chewbacca as a teenager during the Clone Wars. It would be nice to see them meet up again. This could also be an opportunity for her to meet Han Solo and Leia.
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nekorinnie · 2 years
Chirp Chirp MFer!
Where a trooper cadet, gets a much lovely call from people who have captured one of her cousins., and said cousin's only response, is a chirp
The cadet glares at the blinking comm, not willing to deal with the shenanigans of her Vode so soon after training to the point of no return. After the tenth blink she huffs and gets up and answers the comm.
"Hello hello?" The greeting, nearly growled. Flopping on the cot.
"We have your cousin." Some unknown Di'kut states.,
A normal worried cousin would be.., well, worried. But considering a few things in this case., Dezmayess Cadera simply does not care.
"Which one.," 'Not that it really matters' she nearly smirks at the thought. 'After all, either way, it'll end the same... or at least nearly the same'
There's a small pause before the kidnapper, capturure, whatever, answers.
".. The albino."
She snorts "Good Luck."
The poor Jare barely gets to question the /well wishes/ before horrified screams suddenly sound, there's random pops heard, and some chaos going on, and she tosses the comm up and and catches it several times in the few seconds to near minute it takes for it all to calm.
A sudden chirp chirrup sounds out and she pauses in the tossing.
"... You weird arse bird. Some audacity you have." She deadpans. "Getting kidnapped, and then chirping about like nothing happened."
Her Ori'vod only laughs in reply.
What the kidnappers see as the jedi padawan escapes his bounds and throws glitter bombs everywhere...
Glitter. Everywhere!:
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xolta · 1 year
recommended games list Part 2
Xolta's Big old recommended games list Part 2 gen 4 edition
Gameboy: Pokemon Red, Blue, yellow(Monster raising rpg) Dargon Quest monsters(monster raising rpg) Adventures of Lolo(puzzle) Tetris(puzzle) Centipede & millipede(arcade/ the music goes so hard) Donkey Kong 94(arcade platformer) Donkey Kong Land(platformer) Game & Watch Gallery 1-3(mixed bag) Kirby's Dream Land 1&2 (platformer) Pokemon trading card game(tgc) Quarth(shoot em up puzzle hybrid) Revenge of the 'Gator (pinball) Super Mario Land 1&2(Platformer) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: Radical Rescue (metroidvania) Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3(GREED) Metroid 2 samus returns(metroidvania)
Game gear: Devilish(arcade) Gunstar Heroes (run and gun) Pengo(puzzle) Power Strike II (shump) Sonic Triple Trouble(platformer) Tails Adventure(metroidvania)
Lynx: Battle Wheels(combat racing) S.T.U.N. Runner(racing)
Genesis/megadrive/Cd/32x: Alien Soldier(run and gun) Alisia Dragoon(Platformer) Beyond Oasis(Action adventure) Burning Force(rail force) Castlevania Bloodlines(platformer) Enteral Champions(fighting) Columns III(puzzle) Comix Zone (beat em up) Contra: Hard Corps (run and gun) Crusader of Centy(adventure/ zelda like) Decap Attack(platformer) Sonic Cd(platformer) Android Assault(shoot em up) Lords of Thunder (shoot em up) Shining Force CD (Srpg) Snatcher(Adventure/interactive comic movie thingy) Dynamite Headdy(platformer) Elemental Master (shoot em up) Gunstar Heroes(run and gun) Jurassic Park and rampage edition(dinosaurs/dumb fun) Landstalker (action rpg) Mega Turrican(action platformer) Forbiden worlds( shoot em up) M.U.S.H.A. ( shoot em up) Outrun 2019 (raceing) Phantasy Star 3 (prg) Phantasy star 4(rpg) Sonic 1-3(platformer) Punisher (beat em up) Mortal Kombat 1-3(fighting) Road Rash(combat racing) Rocket Knight Adventures (platformer) Streets if rage 1&2(beat em ups) Strider (platformer) Super Hang-On(racing) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist (beat em up) Shinboi 3(platformer) Thunder force 3(shoot em up) Virtua Racing (racing) X men(platformer) king of the monsters 1 & 2(kaiju fighting)
Super Nintendo/ Super Famicom: F zero(racing) Super mario world(platfromer) Crono Trigger(rpg) Terranigma(rpg) Breath of Fire(rpg) Congo's Caper(platformer) Mortal Kombat 1-3(fighting) The Lost Vikings (puzzel platformer) Primal Rage(fighting) Evo Search for Eden(rpg) ActRaiser (god sim/ action platfromer) ActRaiser 2 (action platformer no god sim sadly) Arkanoid: Doh it Again (barkeout clone) Axelay (shoot em up) Batman Returns (beat em up) Biker Mice From Mars(racing) Contra 3(run and gun) Sparkster(platformer) Demon's Crest(platformer) Donkey Kong Country 1-3(platformer) Mega man X `1-3(platformer) Megaman 7(platformer) Doom Troopers (run and gun) Doom (fps) Illusion of Gaia(action rpg) Joe & Mac (platfromer) Judge Dredd (i am the law em up) Killer Instinct(fighting) Kirby's Avalanche (puzzle) Kirby's Dream Land 3 (platformer) Kirby super star(platformer) Super mario rpg(rpg) Marvel Super Heroes: War of the Gems (beat em up) Metal Warriors (mecha action) Yoshis safari(light gun) Battle Clash 1&2(light gun) Jacki Crush(pinball) Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers(beat em up) Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: The Fighting (Fighting) king of the monsters 1 & 2(kaiju fighting) Pocky & Rocky(run and gun) Secret of Mana(action rpg) SimCity (sim) Sonic Blast Man II (beat em up/ kinda trash but fun trash) Star Fox 1&2(3d rail shooter) Stunt race fx(racing/kinda lag fest) Sunset Riders(cowboys) Super Bomberman games (bomber man) Super castlevania 4(action platformer) Castlevania Darcula X(action platformer/botched port) Super Mario All-Stars (collection) Yoshis island(platformer) Super Metroid(metroidvania) Super Punch-Out (boxing) Super Street Fighter II turbo(fighting) Street fighter Alpha 1&2(fighting/impressive port for the system) Tetris Attack (puzzle) Tmnt 4: Turtles in Time(beat em up) Magical quest staring mickey mouse(boner wizard em up) The Legend of the Mystical Ninja (adventure platformer) Zelda Link to the past(adventure) The Ninja Warriors (beat em up) Wild Guns(run and gun) X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse (beat em up) Der Langrisser(Sprg) Dragon Ball Z - Hyper Dimension(fighting) Front Mission: Gun Hazard (rub and gun) Godzilla: Monster War(kaiju fighting)
Turbo Graph 16/pc engine/cd: Air Zonk (shump) Alien Crush(pinball) Blazing Lazers (shump) Bonk adventure(platformer) Devil's Crush(pinball) The Legendary Axe (platformer) Castlevania: Rondo of Blood(platformer)
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thecasualtrooper · 4 years
What An Amazing MOD (SW Battlefront 2)
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yaswb · 4 years
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Imperial Evo Trooper. This guy reminds me of the specialized, so called Aquatic Assault Trooper from “The Battle for the Golden Sun”, an adventure module from the vintage Star Wars Roleplaying Game. I am pretty sure the Evo Trooper was inspired by that, which of course nourish my perception of how West End Games had such a remarkable influence on the Expanded Universe and the creation of the Star Wars world for decades to come. The figure is solid and feels like it weighs more than the average figure of the same size. It’s well articulated and comes with two blasters and a heavy blaster rifle (the same as the Sandtrooper has). The backpack is removable and appears like a lightweight version of the one that Sandtroopers are carrying around. It’s a bit unfortunate that the figure has no holsters for the two blasters but that’s only a minor concern as the design of the figure is just stunning. #starwars #actionfigures #evotrooper #imperialevotrooper #stormtrooper #theanniversarycollection #375inch https://www.instagram.com/p/CIdvoNLAW74/?igshid=hjxotj4xmvgs
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evocomics · 6 years
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<p>Introducing concept artwork for the Shock Trooper, the designated sentries who protect the EVO-lution project in the novel “The First”. #armor #conceptart #artwork #sciencefiction #art #artistsoninstagram #evouniverse #novel #series #superhero https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq_IVujh0aO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=155yeqj0lwodp
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trollandtoad · 3 years
Get hour hands on the hyper rare Charizard VMAX-074/073 from Trolls and Toads
Pokemon cards have always been the go-to cards for any child since the 80s. These Pokemon cards always hold a special value in the hearts of children and adults. You can ask any kid during the 80s and 90s which was their favorite show, and you’d get the same answer, i.e., Pokemon.
The Pokemon had such a huge impact on the lives of children that shows, movies, or even news of Pokemon excites them. There were a few famous Pokemon that were loved and adored by everyone. On the other hand, there were some Pokemons like Charizard who were terrifying and dangerous to look at. If you're in search of the famous Rainbow Shiny Charizard VMax playing cards, then you can purchase them at affordable rates from TrollandToad.
The card is near the mint English Pokemon card. The EVO merchant selling the card is Card Trooper Games, and TrollandToad fulfills the delivery.
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future-lab · 4 years
Star Wars The Legacy Collection Imperial Evo Trooper GH 4 Droid Factory Hasbro
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$9.99 (0 Bids)
End Date: Oct-12 08:19
Bid now | Add to watch list
source https://www.ebay.com/itm/Star-Wars-The-Legacy-Collection-Imperial-Evo-Trooper-GH-4-Droid-Factory-Hasbro/124367041620?hash=item1cf4da7454:g:K3EAAOSwAmJfezlk
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rangercommand · 4 years
NEWS - Hasbro Announces 2-Day Virtual Event - "Hasbro PulseCon"
Hasbro PulseCon Promises Front Row Access via Livestream to Hasbro’s Iconic Fan Brands, Music and Entertainment September 25-26, 2020; Only on the Hasbro Pulse YouTube Channel
PAWTUCKET, RI – August 31st, 2020 – Hasbro, Inc. (NASDAQ:HAS) today announced the first-ever Hasbro PulseCon, a 2-day virtual event that gives fans unprecedented access to their favorite Hasbro brands, music & entertainment. Taking place on September 25-26, 2020 exclusively on the Hasbro Pulse YouTube Channel and hosted by SYFY Wire on-air correspondent, writer, and producer, Jackie Jennings, Hasbro PulseCon promises fans in the US and Canada a front row seat to panels, talent appearances, brand reveals, product giveaways and more; connecting consumers to their favorite brands in an immersive, one-of-a-kind setting that, along with the eOne portfolio, will bring fans the best in entertainment, music, and toys. Announcements for new innovations and product reveals will take place for brands including Dungeons & Dragons, G.I. Joe, Magic: The Gathering, Power Rangers, Transformers as well as premiere partner brands Marvel, Star Wars™, Ghostbusters, and more.
PulseCon delivers the experience and connection of conventions for free and right from the comforts of fans’ homes. Highlights from the virtual event will consist of live unboxings, over 50 new product reveals and pre-orders, coveted Hasbro PulseCon exclusive merchandise, livestream panels featuring celebrities and audience Q&A, and surprise experiHasbroences. “To be a part of this new virtual experience that celebrates fan culture and incorporates so many different iconic entertainment properties is truly a thrilling opportunity and I can’t wait for fans to check it out,” says Jackie Jennings, Hasbro PulseCon host.
“We are constantly impressed by our fan community and their unwavering passion for Hasbro brands. The Hasbro Pulse community was built with them in mind, and we’re excited to take fan-first engagement with our Pulse platform even deeper,” says Eric Nyman, Chief Consumer Officer, Hasbro. “We’re looking forward to celebrating the fans, providing community connection at a time where everyone needs it most, and ultimately delivering a peek behind the curtain on their favorite brands in a way only Hasbro can.”
Fans will also be able to get their hands on Hasbro PulseCon exclusive items, available only at Hasbro PulseCon in the US & Canada, including:
·        Ghostbusters Plasma Series Tully’s Terrible Night (Ages 4 and Up / Approx. Retail Price: $49.99 / Available: September 2020)
·        G.I. Joe Classified Series Snake Supreme Cobra Commander Action Figure (Ages 4 and Up / Approx. Retail Price: $29.99 / Available: September 2020)
·        Power Rangers Lightning Collection Mighty Morphin Lord Drakkon Evo III Figure (Ages 4 and Up / Approx. Retail Price: $49.99 / Available: September 2020)
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·        Transformers: Generations War for Cybertron Trilogy: Quintesson Pit of Judgement 5-Pack (Ages 8 and Up / Approx. Retail Price: $69.99 / Available: September 2020)
·        Marvel Legends Series 6-Inch Hellfire Club Collection (Ages 4 years and up / Approx. Retail Price: $79.99 / Available: September 2020)
·        Marvel Legends Series 6-Inch X-Men Marvel’s Logan & Charles Xavier Figure 2-Pack (Ages 14 years and up / Approx. Retail Price: $49.99 / Available: September 2020)
·        Star Wars: The Vintage Collection Star Wars: The Clone Wars 501st Legion ARC Troopers Figure 3-Pack (Ages 4 years and up / Approx. Retail Price: $49.99 / Available: September 2020)
·        Star Wars: The Black Series Heroes of Endor Figure Set (Ages 4 years and up / Approx. Retail Price: $109.99 / Available: September 2020)
·        Star Wars: The Black Series 6-Inch-Scale Hoth Wampa Figure (Ages 4 years and up / Approx. Retail Price: $29.99 / Available: September 2020)
 Additional details and scheduling will be announced soon. To stay up to date, fans can follow @HasbroPulse on Instagram and visit HasbroPulseCon.com for more details.
About Hasbro
Hasbro (NASDAQ: HAS) is a global play and entertainment company committed to Creating the World’s Best Play and Entertainment Experiences. From toys, games and consumer products to television, movies, digital gaming, live action, music, and virtual reality experiences, Hasbro connects to global audiences by bringing to life great innovations, stories and brands across established and inventive platforms.  Hasbro’s iconic brands include NERF, MAGIC: THE GATHERING, MY LITTLE PONY, TRANSFORMERS, PLAY-DOH, MONOPOLY, BABY ALIVE, POWER RANGERS, PEPPA PIG and PJ MASKS, as well as premier partner brands. Through its global entertainment studio, eOne, Hasbro is building its brands globally through great storytelling and content on all screens. Hasbro is committed to making the world a better place for all children and all families through corporate social responsibility and philanthropy. Hasbro ranked among the 2020 100 Best Corporate Citizens by 3BL Media and has been named one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies® by Ethisphere Institute for the past nine years. We routinely share important business and brand updates on our Investor Relations website, Newsroom and social channels (@Hasbro on Twitter and Instagram.)
STAR WARS and related properties are trademarks and/or copyrights in the United States and other countries, of Lucasfilm Ltd. and/or its affiliates. © & TM Lucasfilm Ltd.
About Jackie Jennings
Jackie Jennings is a writer, director, and performer who was previously a staff writer on TruTV’s The Chris Gethard Show, a contributing writer on TBS’s The Detour, a staff writer/performer at Above Average (she directed the series Baited w/ Ziwe), and a producer on SeeSo’s My Brother, My Brother and Me. Jackie currently is an on-air correspondent, writer, and producer for SyFy Wire. Jackie is represented by AGI Entertainment Media & Management.
NEWS – Hasbro Announces 2-Day Virtual Event – “Hasbro PulseCon” was originally published on Ranger Command Power Hour
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tachiisms · 6 years
@exitiumparit | send ‘the time I thought of you’ for a time my muse thought of yours ( not accepting )
It’s only a little flash of red up in the tree, but it catches her eye, and Siri gestures for her men to hang back. Moving under the tree, to where she can look up through the branches, Siri’s eyes settle on the little girl who’s clinging to her branches, wide-eyed now that she realizes she’s been spotted in her hiding place, and trying to retreat into her hood without losing her grip. 
Siri grins up at her, seeming to ignore Evo’s low murmur that they’re almost out of time to clear the city before the Separatist forces will be reaching the other gates. “ I knew a little girl once who liked to climb trees, ” she says casually, “ She had hair the color of yours, too. ” There’s no verbal response from the little girl, but Siri can see that she’s at least a little curious. 
“ My name’s Siri, ” she tries, “ What’s yours? ” 
Still no response. She goes back to what seemed to have been working.
“ The girl I knew liked to hang upside down in trees, ” she continues, “ Like a monkey-lizard. ” There’s a tiny giggle from up the tree. Siri nods, “ It’s true, I saw her do it all the time. Her name’s Chyla. She’d find a nice strong branch… like this one here, and she’d hang upside down. ” She runs a hand along the smooth horizontal branch hanging low, still looking up. “ Do you ever like to do that? ” There’s another little giggle, and a shake of the girl’s head. “ Well, Chyla was very brave; it’s probably scary to hang upside down, and not know if you might fall or not… It’s scary to do new things or go new places, isn’t it? ”
The giggle stops, and the girl frowns, before nodding. 
“ Want to try? I promise I’ll catch you if you fall. ” 
There’s a long pause, then a rustle in the branches as the little girl slowly starts making her way down, stopping again just out of reach, to eye the clone troopers. Out of the corner of her eye, Siri can see Linx pull his helmet off and wave hello. Seemingly encouraged, the little girl cautiously lowers herself onto the branch in front of Siri, standing there for a long moment, still holding onto the trunk of the tree, while she tries to figure out how to swing herself upside-down or not, before losing her balance and wobbling. Lightning quick reflexes have Siri reaching up to steady the girl, the little girl responding by falling towards Siri, wrapping her arms around Siri’s neck and legs around her waist. 
“ Not that brave, ” she murmurs. 
Offering her another grin, Siri pats her on the back, gesturing for her men to start moving out. “ It’s okay. I think you’re pretty brave anyway. ”
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nekorinnie · 2 years
Swtor characters I play on and what servers I guess..? Figured I should do this....
Satele Shan-
Onginnat-Smuggler-Gunslinger- Lightside
Raiouri-Bounty Hunter-Powertech-Lightside
Shagrili-Jedi Consular-Shadow-Lightside
Evorurt-Jedi Knight-Sentinal-Lightside
Star Forge-
Zi'orse-Imperial Agent-Sniper-Lightside
These last two are sith versions of Evorurt I made... due to an au or few... and for fun, and to see how it'll go I guess?...
Jindrdaj-Sith Warrior-Maroudar(???)-Lightside
Aloe Veera-Sith Inquisitor-Sorcerour(?)-Lightside
And yeah! ... there's more? But I'm not currently playing them.. or I havnt been able to make them? Or something...
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sky-scribbles · 7 years
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Pen-drawn chibis of all my SWTOR OCs. I spent about four hours shading each one of them, but it was fun!
(My blog theme doesn’t let you enlarge ‘em for some reason, so a clearer view can be found on the DeviantArt version.)
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thecasualtrooper · 5 years
Trooper Of The Week (#2)
Pünktlich zum heutigen Feiertag geht es in die 2. Runde der neuen Republik Rubrik Trooper Of The Week.
Heute stelle ich euch eine eher unbekannte Gattung der imperialen Sturmtruppen vor: Den EVO-Trooper.
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Die EVO-Truppen (oder auch Environmental-Truppen) waren eine sehr spezialisierte Einheit des galaktischen Imperiums. Sie waren imstande, den härtesten Witterungsbedingungen stand zu halten. Hierfür verfügten sie über eine speziale Kampfausbildung sowie über eine Rüstung, die den Träger gegenüber Blitzen, Säure, großer Hitze sowie Machtschüben eines Jedi schützte.
Bewaffnet waren die EVO-Truppen in der Regel mit einem FA-3-Flechettewerfer, welcher mehrere metallische Scheiben abfeuern und dadurch mehrere Ziele oftmals tödlich verletzen konnte. Zudem trugen diese Truppen noch einen kleineren Blaster, wie beispielsweise einen E-11. Zudem verfügte die Rüstung noch über eine Art “Blitzableiter”, welcher Blitze in den Flechettewerfer leiten konnte und dann von eben diesem abgefeuert werden konnte.
Eine besondere Untereinheit dieser Truppengattung waren die EVO-Schattentruppen. Sie verfügten als besonderes “Gimmick” eine spezielle Tarnvorrichtung, welche mit dem Tarneffekt der imperialen Schattentrupen identisch war.
Modell: Imperial EVO-Trooper von Hasbro (2008)
Quelle: Jedipedia
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howrith · 5 years
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Got some new Pug troopers in EVO armour done before I had to travel. Looking forward to getting the moulds done when I'm back on Sunday. #28mmminiatures #sculpt #miniaturewargaming #breachingtherift https://www.instagram.com/p/By7rbOTjmDp/?igshid=c22kwff3mxjm
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evocomics · 6 years
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Introducing concept artwork for the Shock Trooper, the designated sentries who protect the EVO-lution project in the novel “The First”. #armor #conceptart #artwork #sciencefiction #art #artistsoninstagram #evouniverse #novel #series #superhero https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq_F4J6BrAJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=gwd8jehde8wb
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future-lab · 4 years
Star Wars 30th Anniversary Collection Evo Trooper 3.75” Action Figure MOC
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$9.99 (1 Bids)
End Date: Oct-10 17:12
Bid now | Add to watch list
source https://www.ebay.com/itm/Star-Wars-30th-Anniversary-Collection-Evo-Trooper-3-75-Action-Figure-MOC/114444381354?hash=item1aa56aacaa:g:EcQAAOSwdVBfeRI2
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