#tie phantoms
the-witchhunter · 11 months
DP x DC: Bloodlines
So the Fenton family is descended from the Fentonightingales, with Jack's ancestor being a prominent witch hunter
so what if, the Fentonightingales branched off from a family of occultists, magicians, practitioners of the dark arts, etc? Who might they be able to claim as family?
Jason Blood gets a call one day from a girl claiming that he's a distant uncle of hers. She's mistaken of course, and the proof she gave made it easy for him to see where the mistake had been made with his own history having intersected with her family's ages before, but he could just tell her that. Besides, the girl seemed desperate and it sounded like an occult problem her and her brother seemed to be facing.
So he went with it, accepting that given the proof he had been given, a reasonable person would believe it. So he took in his "niece" and "nephew" Jazz and Danny Fenton
Jazz desperate for help as the situation at home turns sour, searches her family history for some link to someone who could help. She see's the Blood family name pop up multiple times in her records and mistakes Jason as a distant uncle instead of an immortal that happened to run into her family throughout the ages
for those of you not familiar with Jason Blood:
Jason Blood is a world leading expert on the occult and demonology. He has walked the Earth since the 6th Century, after the wizard Merlin bound the increasingly uncontrollable threat of Etrigan The Demon to his mortal soul.
aka he's a spooky immortal magic man that can transform into the Demon Etrigan
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Lurking TIE Phantom by Ignacio Bazan Lazcano
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pepperoniparadise · 6 months
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“Your focus determines your reality.”
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friendrat · 6 months
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On April 10th!
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whos-hotter-jjba · 17 days
Hottest JJBA Outfit Bracket - Jonathan Joestar Preliminary Poll
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brokentoasterz · 11 months
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He gives me a loser John Arbuckle vibe
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marzfartz · 2 years
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Finally reached #10 with this one for @green-with-envy-phandom-event never realized that inverting Sam's mostly black costume would leave her wearing so much white
Lineart by: @occasionally-intelligent
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alphamecha-mkii · 2 months
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TIE Phantom M2 by freighter_factory
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lexosaurus · 7 months
The DP Side Hoes Week 2024 VOTING form is out and the propaganda is already rolling in! After only a few hours, we have some solid early leads. Here is the current Top 10:
Super Danny
Amorpho (tied for 3rd & 4th)
Freakshow (tied for 4th & 5th place)
Cujo (tied for 5th & 6th place)
Wulf (tied for 5th & 6th place)
Ember McLain (tied for 7th & 8th place)
Frostbite (tied for 7th & 8th place)
Angela Foley (tied for 9th & 10th place)
Dani (tied for 9th & 10th place)
The top two side characters—Nocturn and Super Danny—have had some impressive propaganda leaders @scarletsaphire and @halfa-ghost spreading the good word early on, and with impressive results. After that, the race for the top 7 gets notably tighter, with a matter of only a few votes being the decider between whether a character is ranked 3rd or 10th.
Below 10th, we also have some other characters hot on the trail such as the Dairy King, Damon Gray, Desiree, Fun Danny, Ghostwriter, Jazz Fenton, Paulina Sanchez, Penelope Spectra, Princess Dorothea, Spike, and Undergrowth.
But truly, so early in the race it is ANYONE'S game.
I will check back in tomorrow with Voting Day 2's top 10!
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frigidlyauthorial · 12 days
let's all take a beautiful moment to hold hands and ponder the spectacular potential universe where "the ultimate enemy" was made into the series finale of danny phantom and not "phantom planet"
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vladdyissues · 10 months
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fymo-blogs · 1 month
Let me remember not to go overboard this time LOL))
A Erik stimboard,you can use any of these images ,I don't have many now because my dad cleaned my device
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Unknown artist for the art
Your husbando?
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Erik stimboard
Requested by: @erikaskblog
Themes: Masks, roses, suits
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sinorim-pisani · 1 year
tl;dr GHOST CORES ARE COOL YO (danny phantom word blast)
ok but like the idea of ghost cores is so fascinating to me???? idk if it’s the lore obsessed eldritch creature in my brain or what but PLEASE fanfic writers, take the helm of the danny phantom ship and steer us towards more ghost core lore!!
There’s so much exploration to be found there, in the connection between ghost cores and the Infinite Realms, and cores and d*ath circumstances, and cores and how powers or abilities manifest! 
How many different kinds of cores are there? Is it just a simple divide based on temperature i.e. cold v hot? I feel like there’s too much variation between people of the “ghost zone” and people who can form in the zone to simply leave it at a temp divide! Would it then be based on the common elements of water, earth, air, fire, and their many derivatives? In that case, where do Ancients like Clockwork and Pandora come in? ‘Time’ and ‘Space’ (in the physical, spatial sense, not the galactic sense) don’t seem to be ability types that are just thrown around willy nilly, so does that mean these two (and other Ancients) aren’t truly ghosts? and that they don’t have a real “ghost” core?
I find it so very interesting that the writers chose to give Danny frost-based abilities, and therefore a cold core. Does that decision alone technically indicate there isn’t any kind of link between core formation circumstance and resulting core type? Since Danny formed his core during an electricity-based event, would it not have made more sense to give him a heat core?? 
And then there’s Vlad! His core was technically formed during the accident with the miniature ghost portal , which didn’t seem to involve anything other then drastic exposure to ectoplasmic radiation, and then we as the fandom have taken to saying he has a heat-based core (I can’t remember if this is actually mentioned in the show). Which heat and “radiation” are sorta connected so that one actually makes sense??
I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS AHH my brain just wants to throw them all at the screen rn!
Shortened List:
What actually determines the type of core a ghost forms? 
How many types of cores are there, and what are those types? How are they categorized?
What is the connection between a ghost’s core and the ghost zone? Do cores come into existence spontaneously, and tie a ghost to the zone, or is there already a core created for every creature capable of becoming a ghost, based on a yet-to-be-experienced life? 
How can a ghost’s powers/abilities manifest based on their core type? 
Does a ghost form around a core, or does the core form inside the ghost? Is a core the source of a ghost’s capital O Obsession?
Is a ghost core really equivalent to a heart? Or is it something entirely new, different?
I could definitely go on. All this to say I greatly enjoy fic writers exploring what it really means for Danny to have a “cold-type” ghost core! He’s cold all the time but he doesn’t notice, or he needs to exist in cool environments to be comfortable, or when it comes to medical aid he needs a very specifically cold physical and material environment to be treated well. He finds Frostbite to be a comforting figure and the Far Frozen feels like a second home (the first being Clockwork’s Lair) because his very core is telling him that this is what he needs, that he will be embraced best by the arms of the ice.
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missjoolee · 1 year
This is a mixture of shower thoughts fic and lying in bed after taking a sleep aid fic, so is it good? who knows. but apparently ao3 is down so enjoy! lol
Warning: not proofread at all.
the band has been working diligently to make a name for themselves and while they have a decent following, they’ve all had to take day jobs
on one of the days they are all working, julie almost misses a call form a record label that recently saw them perform and would like to sign them on
she says she is excited by their offer but would need to speak to the rest of the band first, to which they are understanding and even offer to email a pdf of the first draft of the contract to them to review and they can set up a time to meet if things look satisfactory
she rattles off the band email before ending the call and texts the band group chat before heading back to work after her break
“a label wants to sign us! contract in band email. can’t wait to go over it with you guys! <3 <3″
she feels her phone buzz with an incoming response as she’s walking back to the front of the store she works at and quickly checks it.
L- yes! rock n roll hall of fame, here we come!
as she is reading that, another texts arrives and she laughs at Luke’s impatience
L- emails not there yet :(
back at the front, the afternoon rush hits and julie doesn’t have time to check her phone, but she’s felt it go off several times in her work apron and, while she’s never hated the customer service industry, she absolutely cannot keep a giant smile off her face the whole rest of her shift
so she’s a bit blindsided when she finally gets to check her phone again as she grabs her things from her work locker and the first message she sees is
L- I’m not signing this.
it must be a real bad deal then. her heart sinks as she continues reading
A- ?
R- oooo bad money deal?
L- money is fine.
L- not a good fit for the band
A- how do you mean?
luke didn’t respond and the next message comes 20 minutes later
A- F that. i’m not signing either
R- guys. what is going on?
R- oh
R- okay, yeah no
by now Julie’s anxiety is starting to climb because how could it not be a good fit? this label is known for signing bands in the pop-punk genre. What on earth would make the guys turn this opportunity down? an opportunity they have worked blood, sweat, tears and years to get. How could they dismiss it so easily?
she needs some time to think (but does she really? it’s the anxiety talking) so instead of responding, she pulls her bag strap over her shoulder and begins walking towards the exit, tying her hair up in a real messy bun to keep herself from picking at her fingernails
The clouds in the sky are pinkish purple against the darkening sky as the sun is low enough to be blocked by the surrounding buildings. heat still emits off the parking lot pavement, alluding to the Hot summer days thar have fallen upon the city.
Julie takes a deep breath before heading to the employee parking
Luke is leaning against the back of her car
"Luke? What are you doing here? Is everyone okay?!"
"Yea, Boss. Everyone's fine," he reassures her before pulling her into a hug. "I just wanted to see that million dollar smile."
Julie can't help but smile
She holds him tighter as her thoughts quickly jump back to the contract. She questions him about the group chat. How could they possibly all be saying no?
His arms tense around her, before letting her pull back to look at his face. He reveals that the contract actually starts off pretty decent. The label just had one stipulation that was a deal-breaker.
What? What could possibly be a deal-breaker when the rest is that good?
"If we sign it, they'd be able to force the band to undergo cosmetic dentistry."
"Oh." Her stomach drops. She wants to look away from the boy she's described as having the perfect smile. Alex and Reggie are basically right there with him. She forces her hands to stay put, but they scream to cover her mouth, her face. Her eyes drift down and stop on his Adam's apple. This is about her.
One of his hands gently cups the side of her face, tilting it so she is looking up at him again. His eyes are sad.
She can't stand it. She can feel tears welling in her eyes "I- I could do it."
He's shaking his head vehemently before she can finish. "No, Jules! You are perfect and beautiful just as you are. If they can't see it, then they aren't the label for us."
His other hand moves up to cup her face in his hands.
"Be who you are, don't compromise, julie. Fuck them."
Julie is overwhelmed in that moment. Tears break free of her lashes, but a laugh rings out as she pulls his face to hers.
His lips ground her and she cant believe how lucky she is to have such a supportive boyfriend. She pulls back and remembers the others immediate refusal to sign as well. She couldn't ask for a better band and family. She thanks her mom for the millionth time for bring them to her.
She sniffles from the tears but a smile is back on her face as she teases him. "Did you quote our own song at me just now? What a dork."
He's grinning back. "Well, the gal who wrote that line is pretty smart."
He pulls her to the passenger door "let's go home"
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sappy-detective · 9 months
HCs i have about DICE (in a phantom theft AU)
they never put anyone is harms way. at least..  legitimately. sure they have crazy ass bank robberies and hold people hostage but.. they’re weirdly kind and respectful to their hostages. i usually think of how the stockholm bank heist was… odd in a scene that the hostages came out standing more with the robbers then the police.
again, think of how the pink panthers robbed jewelry stores in drag (just that part. not any other part).
sure they carry guns when they’re doing crazy shit but i think only like two of them ACTUALLY have real guns (say when you first enter a bank and shoot at the ceiling in movies. realistic? maybe not but they’re not that serious or bank robers are they?) the rest would have fake paint ball guns.
i just love the idea that ouma has a gun and he and shuichi are in some tense situation like
“you wouldn’t..”
“you don’t know me detective..” and he shoots a pink paintball at shuichi’s blazer
now they ARE silly little guys but i also think it would be funny if they’re silly little guys and also very high up criminals. yes they steal in a silly way but they also steal a LOT of money and a LOT of expensive and historical shit. paintings, vases and a lot of expensive jewelry/diamonds.
do silly things with them or sell them to other people and take the money and do nice shit like buy food for the homeless and shit.
this also leads to another kind of AU i have where, sometimes.. they swap information with each other. because DICE is deep and has relations with various gangs, and mafia members. not in a friendly way, but he’s around people who know shit you know what i’m trying to say?
i usually think if it as him being besties with a girl like Celest, and they’re in some kind of underground gambling ring and she knows a guy who knows a guy. so when he has questions he asked her. he gets info from shuichi and it’s just a kind of game of telephone to get what they want.
now idk if shuichi would be that kind of corrupted detective but it’s just a silly idea i had. does any of this make sense? idk.. it’s almost 4 am and i’m sleepy.
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whos-hotter-jjba · 5 days
Hottest JJBA Outfit Bracket - Round 1 Match 12
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