oxytocinatrocities · 2 months
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Yet another comic about leaving the Mormon church that can be applied to a variety of things. I also plan to include some version of this in a graphic novel I’m making.
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xmo-rmon · 6 months
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or “Lockpick to the Priesthood” or “Come Unto Me” or “Pearl Necklace of Great Price” or “Faith is Like a Little Seed”
Authentic stolen holy text, Near Clear silicone, gold pigment.
I went to the mormon church’s website, looked up their views on homosexuality, noted the scriptures they referenced, ripped them by hand out of the bible and book of mormon I stole from their chapel, and then mixed them into a silicone dildo of my own design like confetti. A dildo which will of course be used for homosexual purposes (with non-lubricated condoms and water based lube, for safety).
I’ve wanted to try dildo making for literally over a decade. I don’t have any fancy equipment like a 3D printer or a vacuum chamber, I made the sculpt by hand, and I fucked up a lot along the way, but all that being said I’m proud of what I was able to accomplish and I learned a lot. I put in more gold than I meant to, but honestly, it was meant to represent scripture’s gilded edges, and as it turned out, it looks really beautiful or quite filthy depending on the lighting, which feels entirely appropriate for scripture.
It was hard to read all of those verses. But as I tore them up I bathed them in the intention to take words that were meant to inflict queer pain wherever they go, and say “Actually, I pull those words out when I want some queer pleasure.” Build joy where they want you to have it the least.
Read about/donate to the Timpanogos tribe, for whom brigham young sent out an “extermination order”
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inbabylontheywept · 2 months
so i left the mormon church as a teenager (15ish? 16?), but stayed in attendance until i was 20. i was pretty up front about the whole deciding-it-wasnt-true process with my bishop, who frankly took it really well, but it wasnt like i pulled all 150 ward members aside and had a heart to heart with them. anyway, i didnt believe, so at 19 i didnt go on a mission, and while some people in the ward were totally fine with that, others werent. and there was one woman in her late 50s who pulled me aside one day to interrogate me why i hadnt gone on a mission.
"the duty of every young man" she said.
and the thing is, im autistic. and a lot of people assume that when youre autistic, your social skills just arent very good. but thats not exactly true. your Be Polite skills are kind of eh, and they tend to stay that way, but as a sort of survival mechanism your Be Rude skills become amazing simply because you get put in tons of situations where your choices are to Function or Be Polite. and no one can choose Be Polite forever. the world demands function, it merely encourages politeness.
anyway, it can really catch neurotypicals by surprise, because hey, heres this kind of awkward, graceless guy, who stumbles over his words a lot and is very apologetic. hes probably a huge pushover. but i'm only like that when we're playing The Polite Game, because i am frankly kind of bad at it. but when its time to play The Rude Game, i go fucking ham and asking about the not-going-on-a-mission thing is Super Rude. so i said:
"sister hadlock... they wont let me go because i lit-er-ally cannot stop sucking dicks. i dont know why, its just so, so hard."
*dramatic pause*
"also - its very difficult to stop."
anyway, it almost killed her. i think she'd expected to just kind of steamroll me for the entire conversation, but the answer crushed her soul. instead of continuing her interrogation she made a noise like a horse drowning in a bog and left.
to add insult to injury, she went to the bishop after that, thinking he'd chew me out for being an ass, but instead he chewed her out for not minding her own business. then she went to my parents after that, who basically went "yeah, babylon was pretty rude. but youre also pretty rude. what are you, mad that he's better at it than you?"
i really loved that ward.
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the-jesus-pill · 1 year
Teaching children thinking bad thoughts about someone is the same thing as murdering that person is fucked up. 
Thought crime doesn’t exist. No one has ever been harmed or killed by someone thinking negative thoughts about them. 
You know what has harmed people though? Teaching them they are evil for things they can’t control. Especially those who have intrusive thoughts. 
Here’s for everyone who has been taught their thoughts make them evil.
Intrusive thoughts are not your secret desires. 
They are involuntary. 
You don’t need to be ashamed of them. 
They will pass.
You are not committing taboo. 
No one can read your mind.
No one will ever know what’s in your thoughts unless you feel like telling them.
No one can judge you for what you are thinking, whether voluntarily or involuntarily.
Your thoughts are private
You are not a bad person.
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nobetafortomorrowedie · 7 months
It really bothers me when people describe the way I grew up as "sheltered" when in reality I was not being sheltered or protected. I was intentionally confused. I was kept in the dark. My reality was being controlled.
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im-a-freaking-joy · 5 months
i have a proposition- lets all write the nastiest, most unhinged, atrocious mormon themed smut that we possibly can. It was honestly weirdly healing for me to read wild ass smut on ao3 that was themed around the religion and not the musical, and i want it to become such a popular trend for exmos and pimos to start doing that they have to start vagueing about it in general conference. It doesnt have to be good. It just needs to *be.*
Once im done writing my Ammon×Lamoni smut fic I'm absolutely reblogging this post with the link added, please join me in this unhinged rebellion
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hulk-janitor · 1 month
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My contribution to the My Favorite Ship Dynamic trend.
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joanofexys · 2 months
ballerina farm devastates me because y'all don't know how many girls i know who are her. how i almost was her. how so many girls i know were almost her. how many i know that will still become her. mormon girls, who, despite all their ambitions, will give up every one of their dreams for a man and a "traditional" lifestyle they were taught they needed, and call it equal. who will insist that he made sacrifices too. that though it's not what she wanted she's happy. being raised as a mormon girl in utah, or being a young woman converting to mormonism, you're taught that no matter where you go or what you achieve that you'll never be nothing more than your future husband. that your only purpose is to be a mother and a wife. and that full ride to julliard never mattered. and it never will. because you're a wife now. and you have eight kids to take care of. and a ballet studio that never came to be because it's a schoolroom. and your husband won't pull his weight even when you're fainting and bedridden from exhaustion. and your husband refuses to leave the room for your interview. and you admit to your epidural like it's a secret and it's something to be ashamed of. and you admit that this was never the life you wanted, this was never what you planned, and you still insist your happy. i know dozens of little girls who dreamed of being ballerinas. doctors. scientists. singers. movie stars. lawyers. authors. astronauts. olympians. i know that those little girls are now young women who go to church every sunday. wives. mothers. homemakers. caretakers. nuturers. fulfilling their heavenly duty. their obligation to their husband. i know a dozen hannah neeleman's. i know her because i almost was her. i know her because i see her in my mother and my grandmother and her mother too. and right now she's an internet trend who will disappear for most people in a couple months. you probably never learned her name. but i see hannah neeleman in every girl i grew up going to church with. in all the 18 year old wives and 20 year old first time moms. and it will be hard to forget the way her face still lights up whenever she gets to dance. feet moving along the hard wood of the schoolroom floor. and she will be someone more than her husband, more than a mother or a wife.
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crazyexmormon · 3 months
i actually think ppl dealing with religious trauma by having an edgy atheist phase is fine. I actually think maybe the kid who makes sorta cringey jokes at the expense of a cult they're trapped in should be allowed to do that. Yes I roll my eyes when I see people calling it "the book of moron" but I also remember being fourteen and seeing someone do that and how incredibly powerful it felt so I think maybe it being a bit cringe in retrospect is fine.
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oxytocinatrocities · 3 months
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"The House," a parable I drew about leaving the Mormon church.
I've come to think this metaphor also applies pretty well to constitutional originalism and the absurd idolization by both U.S. political parties of a document written hundreds of years ago by men who didn't know about the carbon cycle and owned human slaves.
I want to include some altered version of this in the graphic novel I'm working on, as well :)
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wetassspossum · 11 months
i feel like having religious trauma from mormonism is so fucking lame. like at least other branches of christianity have cool imagery like rosaries and stained glass windows. wtf am i supposed to romanticize, Joseph Smith? Family home evening? That one very specific painting of Jesus that every mormon knows?
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negativepeanuthoarder · 5 months
“You wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me.”
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Not a swiftie but thought this was funny anyway
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exmojoe · 1 year
Is your love language really acts of service or were you raised with the sole purpose of being a caregiver for all of eternity??
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jesusinstilettos · 5 months
Remember the concept of consent applies to religion too. Think of the acronym FRIES. Consent is: Freely given, Reversible, Informed, Enthusiastic, Specific.
It’s not consent if the threat of hell for leaving is looming over you, that’s not freely given or reversible. Thats coercion.
You can’t consent if you were born into it, because a child can’t fully understand all they are agreeing to when forced into a specific religious group. That’s not informed.
If you were converted into a cult later in life, odds are they didn’t tell you all you were agreeing to up front. They often masquerade as regular Christians Bible studies or other harmless things. And they don’t tell you the more extreme things until they’ve manipulated you and indoctrinated you enough. That’s not informed consent.
When you have to pledge loyalty to a group before fully understanding what all that entails (looking at you Mormon church and your Endowment ceremony), that’s not informed consent.
You can’t fully consent if you’re being manipulated, lied to, threatened, indoctrinated, abused, mislead, etc.
I was both born into an abusive religion and then converted into a cult as a teenager and consent was never able to be fully given for any of it. I could give a bunch of other reasons, but I think you get it. People don’t consent to joining abusive religions.
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apostatement · 1 year
Your body is not your enemy. It isn't a shell that you inhabit or an empty temple. Your mind is not a separate entity, your soul is not an inhabitant. Its desires and needs are not the devil trying to trick your soul. The 'natural man' is you. Your body is you. That's YOU.
It's okay to treat yourself with love and respect.
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exmo-diaries · 5 months
i wanna clear something up to nevermos real quick: most mormons don’t look at the full picture of their religion. most mormons are not being openly racist or zionistic or homophobic. most mormons don’t practice what they preach. most mormons do their daily readings and prayers and think about their church the way they’re supposed to, but most mormons don’t fully comprehend it. most mormons are cult victims who genuinely want to to what’s best in the way they believe is right. while racism, zionism, homophobia etc. are unavoidable in the scriptures, this doesn’t mean they understand what is being taught. those who do understand it often don’t support those specific parts of the scripture and speak out against them. many outsiders seem to forget mormons are their own individual people.
hate the church, not the person
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