#might mute this as soon as i post it lmao
exmo-diaries · 5 months
i wanna clear something up to nevermos real quick: most mormons don’t look at the full picture of their religion. most mormons are not being openly racist or zionistic or homophobic. most mormons don’t practice what they preach. most mormons do their daily readings and prayers and think about their church the way they’re supposed to, but most mormons don’t fully comprehend it. most mormons are cult victims who genuinely want to to what’s best in the way they believe is right. while racism, zionism, homophobia etc. are unavoidable in the scriptures, this doesn’t mean they understand what is being taught. those who do understand it often don’t support those specific parts of the scripture and speak out against them. many outsiders seem to forget mormons are their own individual people.
hate the church, not the person
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st7rnioioss · 6 months
i have an idea for a fic this might sound odd but hear me out!
(so the fic is matt x reader)
the reader, chris’s gf and madi are doing the deaf blind mute baking challenge and the reader gets put as deaf.
the boys are all sitting on the couch on their phones as the girlies start baking but ‘bags’ by clairo comes on on readers headphones and she just starts singing and dancing really loudly shouting “OMFG I LOVE THIS SONG” and matts just staring at her in awe (bcs that’s his fav song duh)
a couple days after the video gets released people are making edits of matt and reader to ‘bags’ claiming it their song!
sorry if this was really long xx
posted here!!
i’ll get started as soon as i have a stable internet connection LMAO thanks for the request🤍🤍
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monstersinthecosmos · 2 years
I have sort of a policy not to publish too much fandom wank but I got an anon I want to address; I hope you know who you are! I just wanna say a couple things about it.
It is responsible to curate your social media experience, and you should block/mute blogs who make you uncomfortable for your own safety. If anyone wants to block me because they don’t like stuff that I write or ship or post about, please feel free! I don’t care, I’m trying to have a fun time and I want everyone else to have a fun time, and your fun time might mean staying away from me. I respect that 100%! I am an adult, I know that not everyone is going to like me. It is okay!!!!
Fandom antis are notoriously conservatives & radfems/TERFs who are not creative and have nothing to contribute to their fandoms aside from negativity and their own attention seeking. It’s one thing to spread information about a genuinely dangerous person who causes actual harm to real people, and another thing to posture & grandstand about your superior morals while you try to condemn people for thought crimes.
To answer your question: [TLDR] Antis are a cult.
I wrote a post about this last summer too, about the general vibe on Tumblr and how the echochamber of sensitive conservatives and teens trapped unknowingly in the TERF pipeline has contributed really negatively to the fandom experience here, especially after Tumblr banned adult content and effectively drove adults away. (Not to mention heavily queer & sex-positive adults, and sex workers, and NSFW artists, etc). I think some people who stayed saw it as sort of a win for their holy war and it unfortunately made them even more obnoxious. And like if Tumblr wants to be that space for fandom conservatives & respectability politics, cool! Have fun. It’s just also unfortunate that the corporatization of the internet is pushing transgressive independent content to weirder and weirder corners and destroying our communities over and over. Fingers crossed we find a better home soon.
I’ve seen the thing you mentioned and I’m not bothered by it. I think it’s worth questioning the sincerity of these people’s beliefs when you find them in the wild, though, like for example if someone posts that I’m a dangerous creep, I wonder if that person has a history of targeted & vicious harassment and borderline stalking to try to find receipts of my being a dangerous creep. At some point, I gotta ask: Which one of us is actually the fuckign creep here lmfao
 I would also ask how often the fandom police claim to be paragons of empathy and morality whilst simultaneously dogpiling people they don’t like and weaponizing ableism and queerphobia to do it. It might be worth it to ask how often one’s mask slips and how quickly they devolve into making serious real life accusations against people for something as ridiculous as a difference of opinion about a TV show. I’d ask if the most vitriolic, nasty, self-superior antagonists in a fandom realize that their AO3 bookmarks & Twitter likes are public and we know that they like noncon as much as everyone else.
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Everyone is welcome to block & mute as needed and everyone SHOULD. It is YOUR responsibility to take care of yourself online, this is extremely basic internet safety and entry level maturity. If an artist or a writer makes something that you don’t like, you can block them. No need to create a campaign against them, especially when it’s founded on absolute horseshit LMAO. It costs nothing to stay in your lane and behave like a fucking human.
But yeah I’ve been in and out of this fandom like FOR MY WHOLE LIFE HAHA and I’ve never seen it as bad as it is now. And that’s such a bummer. I’ve never had to block people in this fandom until very recently and it was all cases of dogpiling & using ableism to pick on people. It’s really nasty and I think it’s just a really unfortunate perfect storm of Tumblr’s downfall and the absolute trashfire that this TV show was LMAO. But we predicted this years ago, when the show was first announced, that Tumblr & Gen Z wouldn’t be able to cope with the dark topics and would try to create a crusade about who’s consuming the content in the most God Honoring way. The show asks a lot of difficult questions (the way the books do!) and I think it’s incompatible with black & white Tumblr Thinking. It makes people uncomfortable and they tend to lash out at others instead of getting their own houses in order.
Having said that, I keep my follow list pretty small and I have the conservatives muted. I have a perfectly pleasant quiet time and I encourage people to do the same. Curate your dash!
My role in this fandom has ALWAYS been as a porn writer. It’s what I showed up here doing. And like, if someone really wants to believe that I’m a predator for writing stories about a 500 year old who does not exist and cannot be victimized, idk man. That’s certainly a position to take and they’re welcome to it. I’m not interested in arguing about it.  It’s just, yknow. Accusing random strangers online of serious real world crime because they don’t like your TV show, or enjoy a gross book, or wrote porn that you don't like, is such unhinged cult victim behavior I just cannot take it seriously.
So idk, it’s fine if they block me or anyone else. I prefer that. I'll block them first if they seem like fascist conservative bullies. You probably don’t want to hang out with people who think that way, anyway. Find your people ! Find rational adults! Find generous creatives! These clowns are definitely NOT that.
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espressopatronum454 · 2 years
Hi! Could u post all of ur rosestarkillerchaser fics (preferably the one with the dark!james au) :D tyyyy <3
there is currently only one line of the dark!james au, literally just reminding me of what i want to happen lmao
and none of the others are ready to post (i’ve accidentally taken a bit of a hiatus from writing, i’ve been super busy), but i could give you some info about one of them!
this isn’t what you asked for, but i can tell you about the rskc mermaid au!
for starters, it’s a soulmate au, and everybody has one on their wrist. generally, making contact with the mark causes a soothing feeling to the owner of the mark, and the person on the other end physically reacts, usually by flinching.
this isn’t in the story yet, but i think it’s gonna be the more intricate your mark, the more partners you have.
i think james is a prince? it’s not specifically mentioned but he’s basically prince eric from the little mermaid. barty, evan, and regulus are merpeople.
james saves them from an aquarium and plans on keeping them safe uNeil the fishing competition ends (bc it can get intense and he doesn’t want them to get hurt) and then releasing them
background wolfstar, remus lives with james, sirius is a merperson. lily gave them something allowing them to communicate without having met.
lily is a witch, pandora is a cook, and mary is a palace guard. they are all three dating.
also, background walphemia, but james is not blood related to walburga, his parents by blood are still effie and monty.
barty, evan, and regulus are already dating, and have been doing so for an undetermined about of time.
pandora and evan are twins.
bellatrix is ursula.
rsk tried finding their fourth and the result was evan be and mute (it won’t last forever)
and james is asthmatic!!
sorry it’s not an actual fic, but i hope this is enough info to hold you over!
i might end up writing for stranger things before i write again for hp (like something i could actually post), but I’ll try to get something out sometime soon!!
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addoration · 2 years
fanfic writer 20 questions
i wasn't tagged but @zebsfloppyears invited anyone who wanted to do this to do so, n i was bored. hope u dont mind vienna!
1. how many works do you have on ao3? 79. i have 79 works. and im working on a long fic rn so i probably wont be uploaded another fic for a while to make that number rounded. its bothering me. 2. whats your total ao3 word count? 232,222 3. how many fandoms have you written for and what are they? 7 fandoms! most.. prolifically? if i may use that word.... for loz breath of the wild, and his dark materials. 4. what are your top five fics by kudos? 1. finding words enough - i legit dont remeber much of this but basically link is mute and revali speaks on his behalf. ppl seem to love it. rated G. 2. making cocoa for spencer reid - just a lil criminal minds family piece between rossi and reid, idk. bit of a character study! rated T. 3. magic might stain the air - my first merlin fic i posted (out of 2. lmao) but i really hate this one becaue i rushed it and i could have done so much better!!!!! rated M, beware tags. 4. snow on snow, snow on snow - i rllyy dont remember this one at all. lmao. link/revali pre-slash, rated G. 5. whenever we feel - we evaporate - i think? this was my first fic on ao3! and it's the first part of a lil aziraphale/crowley series that became dearly beloved to me but i never really got back to. rated T.
5. do you respond to comments? why or why not? i do now!! i didn't used to because i had an ocd thing about seeing the number go up when half of them were my responses, but thats an obsession that has since left me. i want to apologise to everyone who commented n didnt get a reply sdfghjsf i feel so awkward n i cant respond to comments made years ago now lmao. now i love responding to comments, its such a joy to communicate with my readers and thank them for their kind words!!!!
6. whats the fic you've written with the angstiest ending? i dont write angsty endings; the fics can get as angsty as possible but they must always end happily. sorry :/
7. do you write crossovers? no, i don't. they're not for me!
8. have you ever recieved hate on a fic? not hate exactly.... but i do recall one comment telling me they thought i had rushed the work and it was a bit sloppy (not in so many words tho). i totally agreed with the commenter but i was a bit :/ at reading that yknow
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind? i have been known to write smut occasionally, though i dont think i have a "kind" or a "brand".
10. have you ever had a fic stolen? not that i know of, but (as vienna said in their answer), it's not something that i think about or check for!
11. have you ever had a fic translated? nope! i welcome it though.
12. have you ever co-written a fic before? nope! in theory i would be open to it however i am probably very difficult to work with lmao
13. whats your all time favourite ship? such a hard question because it rlly depends what fandom im currently in, but. baruch/balthamos live rent free in my head. as do aziraphale/crowley, espeically my specific brand of them which is queerplatonic <3
14. what's a wip you want to finish but dont think you ever will? lmao if you had asked me a week ago, i would have said my current longfic, when you catch him, he burns through your heart, like a shooting star burns the skies but im actively up and working on that again, so. i guess something i dont imagine i'll return to any time soon is my series of harth/link fics, you hold my touch in you, simply because it's been a while now, and i dont imagine that such a minor npc as harth will be in botw's sequel, so... how will i rekindle my desire to write for them. idk! it's all up in the air though - i haven't necessarily abandoned any of my unfinished fics, theyre just on indefinite haitus.
15. what are your writing strengths? i would like to think that my poet's voice shines through my prose and therefore that my description is sufficiently good! lmao i have to sometimes physically stop myself from writing 5 paragraphs waxing poetic about the scenery. also honourary mention to dialogue. im pretty proud of some of the lines of dialogue ive written.
16. what are your writing weaknesses? hhghgh action. handling a big plot sensitively. ive been really struggling with making sure ive got hold of all my threads in my long fic. i dont think ive let go of any yet but im constantly paranoid that ive dropped one lmao. also i find action so hard!! the pacing of it, the choice of words, the making sure the reader doesnt get bored by not over or under describing whats happening! hhg.
17. what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in another language? if this means in the sense that a character is speaking a different language in the fic, then. i've seen it done a few ways. personally i ofc want to understand whats being said, so i like it best when the line is written in english but perhaps put in italics, with a tag saying smth like "they said in french/whatever langauge". ive also seen it done as typed in the langauge followed by the english translation in italics. either way works, i just don't rlly like it when it's completely untranslated!! even having like a lil dictionary in the end notes works.
18. what was the first fandom you ever wrote for? good omens lmao. i wrote fic before that but im not going into that, and i dont even think i could find it again bc it's lost in the depths of ff.net. i was also 13/14. so yeah :/
19. what's your favourite fic you've ever written? ppl dont really like this fic bc it's gen/not shippy and possibly also bc it was inspired by music, but. i have a real soft spot for my fic rose quartz and cool safflina. (botw, T) i wrote it while listening to la dispute's album panorama, and i think having the music helped me write with such a good flow. it's a very poetic piece, though. not for everyone. i also rlly like the great frost of 1684 (good omens, Gen) though neither of them are anywhere near my popular works' stats.
20. who do you tag? low pressure tagging @snidgetwidgeon, @itcantbe, @cyraclove, @unmaskedcardinal and everyone else who fancies it!!
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kogabanki · 2 years
heehee hoohoo funny pinned post
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˖◛⁺⑅ welcome to my account!
i post my art and reblog stuff here so my account is a whole mumble jumble of stuff i like. however, you can search for “kgbarts” on my account if you want to set that mumble jumble aside or mute the term “reblog” i don’t know how tumblr works i hope it hides the posts please give me an insight on that as i migrated from the horrid sites of twitter, tiktok and youtube comment sections
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˖◛⁺⑅ more stuff abt me
hi i’m aurora! or emy, both names r ok hwe hwe
you can find me on twitter as @/kgborange which is where i frequent the most
i’m a cuban aroflux demigirl (tme) and i draw! other non-fandom interests/stuff i like are gawking at ruffles in clothing, ANYTHING music related (including rhythm games!), social aspects of geography and retrofuturism (mainly in graphic design and fashion) (i am one big design nerd. and a nerd in general)
as my bio states (sometimes, i change it a lot :)) i’m in a lot of fandoms! the two fandoms i’ve stayed in for a while have been sky: children of the light and touhou project, i get into yet another fandom every few months or so but these two have stayed (touhou since oct 2020, sky since like 2020 (sanctuary) but got rlly interested during april 2022) 
as of now i also like my singing monsters and plants vs zombies! the msm brainrot is taking over me as of now but do know that i’ll occasionally post/rb about the fandoms mentioned here or even some i’m not into
my username pretty much shows that i have based my entire online presence in the touhou fandom off of being annoying about kogabanki!!!!!!!! /hj my brain has been rotting over these damn touhous for 2+ years and i still love them with all my heart!!!! expect seeing them a bit on my blog lmao :)
i don’t speak a lot of spanish online (even less on tumblr) but i might leave a few blurbs every once in a while. (🇨🇺‼️‼️)
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i ask that you do not follow/interact if you or your account falls under:
- proship/comship/anti-anti/”problematic” (i do not participate in this kind of discourse, i just ask to not interact with my account ^^)
- terf
- nsfw account (feel free to reblog my art, just don’t follow) (i’m a minor, please keep this in mind while interacting or not) (interacting on an alt would be appreciated too!! :’’)
nd i think that’s all! enjoy looking at this account, go drink some water and i’ll see you soon!!!!!!
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nerves-nebula · 2 years
no worries about rambling! There was a time period where I had a few more voices and (not saying it's the same) I miss mine too. I'm pretty sure we got like this out of loneliness too, we never really fit in growing up (to a more extreme way.
We spent majority of our time alone and it was common for us to spend days to weeks at school without saying more than a word or two. At one of the schools I was at after a year of bullying the next grade thought I was mute :/)
Goals idk they are hard to set? For me at least anyways. The other guy really wants us to go into animation or psychology, and like I know I'd enjoy that, but I also know we don't have the money. We weren't exactly helped into any post secondary and it would take a long time to get the money for it so it remains more a "what if" than a "one day" sort of thing.
I admittedly aim low and just want to survive, I don't really have goals beyond that (idk why). That stance will probably and maybe has left us with less opportunities though so ?? If we lived where we used to there was a really epic and not horribly expensive animation program we could have done but where we are now it's all either super expensive or not worth the money.
hmm other life goals is hard because we were forced to rely on ourselves a lot, including like for friends, family, parents, teachers, etc? We never found a group of people we fit into and we have trust issues so it's a challenge there lol (at best we were tolerated, but pretty much got bullied in the different schools and our home life was questionable). So like we've never thought too much about goals past "what will the next day bring and will we survive it".
Plus it is so much easier being friends with your head partner than it is to try and make friends IRL when it's practically impossible LMAO
we both agree that it would be nice to move out from where we are now (ran away to some random place lol) but I take more of a stance of "it would be nice but idk" while my head partner is more like "I am filled with a deep and unending desire to reshape reality to get the hell out of here" so that might answer your question in a way??
(to add, we aren't in a terrible situation. Just renting a room from some creepy guy plus whatever the hell the local parts of the ""family"" has going on).
IDK if I have DID specifically but we're making it work. We do need to get more food soon though so if you have recs for easy things to make feel free to share haha (half joking, you don't have to!!)
THAT is actually completely fair. FUNFACT about me: I'm dead set on graphic design now, but before my mom forced me to apply to colleges, I desperately wanted to learn how to wrap cars. I had a graphic design internship and at one point they brought us to this local design company and they talked about all these specific niche jobs and ONE of these jobs was wrapping cars.
as in, like, applying decals and full body car wraps and shit. I really like the idea of learning a trade/skill like that and just doing THAT as a job instead of. this whole big conceptual graphic design stuff. Plus the course cost a couple thousand and compared to college that's. WELL. That's a fantastic price to be fully certified in a job!
downside would be working with Car People which isn't great cuz I'm trans and I PLAN to be visibly transgender for a long time so. that prolly wouldn't have been great.
but i didn't have a choice so im in DEBT now instead :) but its not really that bad. I like my college, it's a really good school and i love the professors. I just also like to COMPLAIN.
nobody thought I was mute when I joined high school but I would often go entire days without speaking hah. I also got bullied but didn't realize it was bullying until later hah.
and because I couldn't just make up friends in my mind, I instead focused on my characters becoming friends with each other. escapism and all that.
man idk about food. I just raided my college's food pantry for mac & cheese on the way out though so maybe that? Mac & cheese, various noodles are also pretty cheap, and so is soup. idk I kind of dont like food though (I have avoidant restrictive food intake disorder lol) so I mostly eat heavily processed or very bland food.
oh, another question! Which one of y'all is in charge most of the time? Is it a voice in your head situation, or can y'all actually switch who controls your body?
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octerminal · 5 years
During Citadel Wards: Ambush, Shepard gets comm banter with their love interest and their “best friend” (who is the unromanced squadmate that’s been taken on the most missions) while they’re fighting through the mercs by themselves. You can find the different love interests’ romanced comm banter easily, but the best friend banter is harder to come by. Once I had them all, I thought it’d be fun to compare how the characters’ reactions differ depending on their romanced status. (Not so surprising) spoiler: they’re a lot more frantic when romanced.
First up is Garrus! Best friend dialogue first, then romanced.
Length: 52 seconds
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riacte · 3 years
G-d mint is literally being slept on so hard, at least on reddit
The reason they don't have one like "s-tier/carry" like a lot of teams do is because they're all good! They have the potential to do really well and people are totally underestimating them (literally Joel's team came 9th in all stars and he still got 20th individual)
😔Reddit’s always like that lmfao, I’ve learned to live with it. (I did see one post in furious defence of “bottom” teams like Mint and Cyan I am not using cerulean or however you spell it)
Pssssh. People have been so used to the narrative of “builders (in particular hermits) only succeeding when they’re with S tiers”, which is only reinforced by hermit adoption memes, that the fact all four of Mint are good is glossed over.
Scott’s magic scoring for Mint ranking first still mystifies me but whatever. Mint is a solid team. At the very least, it’ll be an interesting deviant from the typical hermit + “carry” team dynamic. And I don’t think we should treat this team like Aqua12 (even thought they share similarities). All four of them are confident and much better players now.
ALSO as I said before, I’m interested to see how they’ll handle the leadership role. For Purple15, I think the builder trio were trying to lean on Illumina because he’s a sweat, he’s a PvPer, he’s amazing at the game, etc etc. But when Illumina understandably muted himself for HiTW, the other three got through the game just fine with chill yet clear comms, showing that sometimes they didn’t need their star player. (Of course this might just apply to HiTW, which is one of the most “individual” games in the roster compared to stuff like Battle Box when they actually need to fight.) Which led me to think— maybe they can actually pop off when they are “forced” to rely on themselves.
Like you said, we know Joel is perfectly capable of that, Martyn has been fairly consistent as well. False is the kind of player that specially benefits from the H/Pete boost, but she’s improving lots now. (This reminds me that we need a FalsePete team sometime soon. If Grian can team with Pete so many times, why not FalsePete ;-;) Ren is the type of guy who sacrifices his individual points for team points. Ren is a rare player who is not only ready to Risk It All for his team, can and will sacrifice himself (think of him throwing his armour at Fruit), but is also incredibly optimistic and motivating. Maybe his placements aren’t the best, but he is absolutely invaluable support.
I highlighted Martyn and False in particular because I feel Martyn has a good survival sense (seen in 3L / LL) and is usually quite vocal and can smoothly connect with people, which makes him a good leader. False is good at wrangling people (the All Stars Grid Runners lmao) and keeps the comms going. She explains things clearly and patiently (like the Twitch Rivals with X lol). Her comms skills are probably more useful then I make them seem on paper because I have been brought up on a strict diet of False/Ren POVs and Don’t Have Much to Compare With (“What do you mean efficient comms aren’t typical for every single team?)
Almost forgot to mention this but Ren absolutely popped off in his first Minedraft, he was practically leading his team, he was so excited and confident, and that was when he was on a team with strangers. I really liked watching him back then and it’ll be so good to see something like that again.
But then again the existence of this team is already a win— heck, having all four of them in a MCC is already a achievement (hermitblr we can stop crying now). Regardless of what place they’ll end up in, they’ll still my pov to watch (I say it like I don’t watch the False/Ren team every single time) <33
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moomoomooing · 2 years
Kyuu’s UM
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lmao im ready to struggle to hunt down all my lore posts and compile them later
anyways his unique magic! Halt by the Queen’s decree! -> ig it’d probably get shortened to him yelling halt lmao
this was actually really nice to finally write down- i might do more of these soon (psst ill start tagging formal writing stuff like this with #moomoos writes)
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Halt by the Queen’s decree! casts in a radius around Kyuu, taking extra concentration and effort to avoid affecting certain people within his radius (which is subject to change depending on the amount of effort used.) Halt! mutes those affected and seals their magic away, also freezing them in place for a short period of time. The effects fade at different rates, the full body freeze wearing off first in about 10 min, then the muteness in 30 min, and finally the seal on the persons magic after an hour. 
Kyuu very rarely casts his unique magic, refusing to cast it if it’s obvious that it’s his UM. The only time he’s casted it at school during his second year, there was a particularly frustrating dorm meeting, where order didn’t seem like it was gonna be recovered for hours. So he did his best to cast it quietly and pretend like he was affected as well to avoid suspicion. The current Dorm Head knew about his UM previously and didn’t bother Kyuu about it, Cater and Trey found out afterwards and confirmed it in passing conversation when Kyuu had just woken up, and Riddle has held onto his suspicions but has yet to approach Kyuu about it.
His magic is most useful in crowd control, especially demanding attention whenever he casts it. After shouting Halt! the full body freeze effect will have already taken place, making the rest of the incantation very attention grabbing. Which is unfortunate for Kyuu, who loathes dragging so much attention to himself. However, as his incantation implies, he uses it for others rather than himself. The few times he has used it on people and not in practice, has always been for the benefit of other, and for his sanity’s sake.
Kyuu’s UM developed before he entered NRC as a first year, his parents encouraging him to pour his time into both studies and their small family store, hand carved wood ornaments, often becoming homages to the Queen of Hearts. He has a quiet voice, even his shouts are easily ignored, resulting in Kyuu sitting off to the side and never bothering to participate in group projects or activities. However, he did have a friend that often sat with him. She was bossy and loud, but incredibly sincere and kind when it counted. As such, during a group project where it was utter chaos and she was unable to command their attention, Kyuu casted his UM for the first time out of pure annoyance. It m pretty quickly captured their attention and the project moved smoothly along afterwards. News of his UM never spread past those kids though, they assumed it came from his friend and not him- he was far to quiet and timid for that.
With his nature, practicing his UM and honing it would’ve been hard. But, after some internal convincing, he sought out Professor Trein for assistance. He built up quite a good relationship with Professor Trein, and now approaches him without fear. Though he’s always sent off to deal with Leona, even before they were dating. With the help of a professor his UM can be cast in a large radius, the size of school auditorium, and he’s able to exclude certain people from the spell- allowing them to take control after his work is done.
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realcube · 4 years
video games + blowjob 🎮
characters: bakugo, kirishima, sero & kaminari
tw// oral (giving), swearing, fem!reader, nsfw - minors dni
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all aged up!
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katsuki bakugo
♡ bakugo only finds the time to play video games once every millennia 
♡ most of the time, he’s working, training or spending time with you 
♡ also he only plays when the bakusquad arrange a time + date on the gc bc - he’ll never admit it - but he misses talking to them and playing like he used to, so the occasional Battlefield call they have really triggers a sense of nostalgia for all of them
♡ but the calls usually last a good while though lol - minimum 5 hours
♡ usually you let him be and don’t bother him during his calls bc you know how rarely he gets to call his pals but one day, he had been teasing you so much leading up to  his call - leaving you extra needy - and you couldn’t really help yourself
♡ so you snuck into the study room while he was playing, starting off by giving him a light massage which he enjoyed but the problem arose when you slowly got to your knees and began pawing at his sweatpants
♡ that’s when he noticed that you dressed up in your best lace for him too, which made him hard lol
♡ at first he looked pissed off and tried to ignore you but he kept losing focus on the game, his mind brimming with all the things he wanted to do with you
♡ eventually, he gave in and briefly muted his mic to hiss in your ear, ‘fine. but if you make a single fuckin’ sound or try to tease me, i’ll fuck you for all of them to hear, kay?’
♡ you simply hum in agreement before pulling both his boxer and sweatpants down without hesitation, then getting to work
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
bakugo growled deeply, at both your expert mouth movements around his hard member and at the shitty orders kirishima gave. “ ‘over here’ ? where the fuck is that?” it took an embarrassing amount of effort to suppress his moans while said that.
but he wasn’t all to blame. as you made it a point to deep-throat him as soon as you thought he was going to open his mouth to say something. 
“what happened to you, bakugo? you’re so quiet! is everything okay?” mina offhandedly pointed out while heading to the ‘over here’ that kirishima described. although you couldn’t hear what mina said since bakugo was wearing a headset, his reaction was enough to amuse you. 
bakugo snarled, immediately barking profanities at her, “shut it, pinkie! nothing’s fucking wrong! now get back to shoot-” he realised he was on the verge of climaxing so he desperately went to mute is mic before letting a moan escape his lips as he slumped back into his chair in pure bliss, his eyes rolling back into his head slightly as faint pops could be heard from his sweaty palms.
something about the pleasure you worked so hard to bring him an shot an indescribable sense of euphoria through his body, hence he reached down to ruffle your hair without averting his eyes from the screen. “good girl. now scram.”
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eijiro kirishima 
♡ again, he doesn’t really have time for video games; his main priorities are work, training & you 
♡ but sometimes video games can fall into the ‘you’ category bc occasionally he asks you to play super mario cart, animal crossing, wii sports etc with him
♡ the only time he plays video games without you is when he plays with the bakusquad on the arranged date they planned
♡ but before the call starts, you can tell he is really tense by the way he is biting his nails so you inquire about it and he kinda just gestures to your new - rather revealing - pyjama set then at his throbbing erection
♡ and ofc being the supportive gf you are, you offered to give him a blowie
♡he loved the idea but at first, he was kinda worried that he might get caught since he is usually very vocal during sex so obviously it’d be hard to just...stop
♡ however you reassured him that he’s manliest guy you’ve ever met so he’d definitely be able to resist a few moans
♡ so he came around quite quickly lol
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
“come over here quickly!” kirishima commanded proudly into the mic, a wide grin spread across his face at not only how good you were making him feel, but also at how well he was repressing his moans and the praise he so desperately wanted to give you for sucking so skilfully.
he had to say though, the amount of energy it was talking him to do all of the above was enough to leave him exhausted to the point that the game was just a blur of background noise. and the bakusquad could tell something was wrong as usually kirishima has the best aim out of them all but he has yet to make a single headshot.
although his eyes were glued to the screen, his mind was fixated on only you and how good you made him feel. as he approached his orgasm, he simply let his eyelids flutter shut as he focussed on the little movements you made; your tongue rubbing the underside of his cock, your occasional desperate attempts to deepthroat him, the way your lips wrapped perfectly around his girth, how you resorted to using your hands to take care of the parts of his length that your mouth couldn’t fit. 
“good job.” he hummed his praise for you as he felt you helplessly try to take him into your throat once more before he was ready to cum but the moments leading up to his high were interrupted by a “thanks, man!” from denki which made kirishima’s eyes widen before he hastily muted his mic, allowing himself to orgasm in your mouth from there and let out all the loud moans he had been hiding. 
“thanks, baby.” he said, slowly feeling the post-cum ecstasy fade as he leaned over to press a gentle kiss on your forehead, proceeding to slap his hand over your mouth as he noticed you were about to head in the direction of the bin. “swallow it.”
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hanta sero
♡ since sero became a pro-hero he definitely plays way less video games than he did before but he didn’t quit
♡ but whenever he does play, you’re either on his lap or giving him a blowie 
♡ so needless to say, this wouldn’t be your first time sucking him off while he played
♡ anyway, y’all were getting ✨spicy ✨ one day until he realised that he had a call + battlefield scheduled with the bakusquad
♡ deadass he was kissin’ down your neck while rubbing circles on your clothed clit until he just faltered like ‘oh shit i’ve got a call with ‘em today, don’t i?’
♡ DFRGTHYJU you were livid >:((
♡ bc he had got you all riled up and now he was just gonna leave 😩
♡ you asked him if he could skip the call just this once to finish what he started but he was like ‘bros before hoes’ while putting on his headset 
♡ but being the generous king he is, he unzipped to allow you to give him a blowie while he played 
♡ at first you were all pouty bc he should be the one giving you oral but once you realised that it was his offer or nothing, you begrudgingly got to your knees and began 
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
“eijiro, cover-- eijiro! kirishima!” he yelled into his mic, clearly getting riled up from the high action of the game and the matching high action of your mouth. “hellooo? you there, man? oi, i think kiri ‘s afk.” sero reasoned, looking at the frozen figure of his teammate. 
he felt the tip of his cock hit the back of your throat so he couldn’t help but look down at you, shooting you a cocky smirk instead of the moan you were expecting. he knew what you were trying to do but he wanted to make it clear that it wasn’t going to work on him.
sero had lots of practise at choking back moans and hiding orgasms so it was going to take much more than deepthroating to catch him off-guard. 
he momentarily muted his mic so he could instruct you to go deeper while simultaneously grabbing fistful of your hair to force you to deepthroat him once more, bringing him much closer to his orgasm.
eventually, he suddenly reached his climax but you didn’t allow him to mute himself; you wanted to see him struggle. but unfortunately for you, it was hardly an issue as by now, he was used to cumming silently. but you forgive him as the faces he mada are enough to make you wet as hell.
“alright, mr tough guy.” you purred in his ear, muting his mic for your sake, “let me ride you. let’s see how quiet you can be then, hm?”
challenge accepted. 
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denki kaminari 
♡ probably still plays video games a lot - even when he gets a job as a pro-hero
♡ but mans still got his priorities straight so if you ever approach him while he’s playing, saying that you’re feeling a bit horny, he’ll quit real quick lmao
♡ and a video games session with the bakusquad is no exception
♡ you’re feeling horny just thinking about the way he ate you out last night so you told him you want to return the favour as you watch him put on his headset
♡ you knew this was a special time with his friends though so you would’ve been too hurt if he said no but ofc he gladly accepted your offer
♡ but he still wanted to play though so he was a bit conflicted for a moment or two until an idea struck him
♡ ‘just blow me while i play, babe!’
♡ to say you were confused and a little concerned would be accurate, so you inquired further to make sure that he was 100% comfortable with it and he’d deal with the repercussions of a slipped moan 
♡ he seemed confident that it wouldn’t happen though - a little too confident. but this stemmed from the fact sero had told him that he lets his girl suck him off while he plays video games and nobody ever notices. but kaminari didn’t realise that sero’s impressive ability came from years of practise.
♡ you obliged though, happily setting yourself on your knees in front of him and taking his length into your mouth 
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
“thanks, man!” kaminari exclaimed cheerily, a bright smile spread across his face; partially due to his teammate’s praise but mostly how he’s made it so long into the call without a single moan despite the fact you were making him feel so good down there.
however, as you looked up at him and observed his cocky smirk, something snapped inside you - as it reminded you of the grin he wore last night that you got to see when he’d occasionally pull away from your soaking cunt for air. hence, you recalled how much of a tease he was yesterday and how it pissed you off to no end.
so now that he was sitting submissive to your touch in front of you, why not take your revenge?
your neck slowly retreated backwards to the point where the only thing connecting you to kaminari’s cock was a string of saliva, to which he instinctively whined, “hey! w-why’d ya stop?” completely disregarding the fact he forgot to turn his mic of so mina replied, “who stopped what?” out of confusion.
kaminari’s eyes widened and his face flushed in a way that brought you great amounts of satisfaction, so for being good entertainment, you rewarded him by unhurriedly enveloping his cock with your mouth once more. 
“oh, nothing!” kaminari choked back a moan, realising that his high was fast approaching so he acted accordingly, going to mute his mic, “one second gu-- ah~” the front is cock was finally  - and suddenly - welcomed into the walls of your throat, followed by rapid thrusts which was enough to result in an irrepressible groan escaping his lips.
luckily, his finger found the mute button before the bakusquad was forced to listen to the rest of kaminari’s orgasm. “fuck, baby~” he groaned, tossing his head back in pleasure as his hips jerked back and forth and before he knew it, he was at his climax. out of habit, he yanked his dick away to cum all over your face and chest, barley able to see the masterpiece he created through his heavy lids.
once he finished, he looked down at you with a proud smile, drool staining the corner of his lip, “always so pretty for me~”
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jvwhyte · 3 years
SJM's pinterest board. ACOTAR 6/7.
(No conclusion just suspicious stuff lmao)
Here's a photo i found on SJM's ACOTAR pinterest board:
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THE MOIRAI (Moirae) were the three goddesses of fate who personified the inescapable destiny of man (and women). The role of the Moirai was to ensure that every being, mortal and divine, lived out their destiny as it was assigned to them by the laws of the universe.
In nearly all mythologies the three Fates, rulers of the past, present and future, are represented and many believe they symbolize the Triple Goddess, Virgin, Mother and Crone (Creator, Preserver and Destroyer).
In Greek mythology, the Moirai—often known in English as the Fates—were the white-robed incarnations of destiny.
“There were at least three dozen priestesses who worked and researched and healed here, though it was nearly impossible to count them when they all wore the same pale robes and so many kept the hoods over their faces.”
Clotho (/ˈkloʊθoʊ/, Greek Κλωθώ, [klɔːtʰɔ̌ː], "spinner") spun the thread of life from her distaff onto her spindle.
(Clotho: the mute priestess at the library)
Lachesis (/ˈlækɪsɪs/, Greek Λάχεσις, [lákʰesis], "allotter" or drawer of lots) measured the thread of life allotted to each person with her measuring rod.
Atropos (/ˈætrəpɒs/, Greek Ἄτροπος, [átropos], "inexorable" or "inevitable", literally "unturning",[13] sometimes called Aisa) was the cutter of the thread of life. She chose the manner of each person's death; and when their time was come, she cut their life-thread with "her abhorred shears". The figure who came to be known as Atropos had her origins in the pre-Greek Mycenaean religion as a daemon or spirit called Aisa. Another important Mycenaean philosophy stressed the subjugation of all events or actions to destiny and the acceptance of the inevitability of the natural order of things; today this is known as fatalism.
The Morrígan or Mórrígan, also known as Morrígu, is a figure from Irish mythology. The name is Mór-Ríoghain in Modern Irish, and it has been translated as "great queen" or "phantom queen".
The Morrígan is mainly associated with war and fate, especially with foretelling doom, death or victory in battle. In this role she often appears as a crow, the badb.[1] She incites warriors to battle and can help bring about victory over their enemies. The Morrígan encourages warriors to do brave deeds, strikes fear into their enemies, and is portrayed washing the bloodstained clothes of those fated to die.[2][3] She is most frequently seen as a goddess of battle and war and has also been seen as a manifestation of the earth- and sovereignty-goddess,[4][5] chiefly representing the goddess's role as guardian of the territory and its people.[6][7]
Mor may derive from an Indo-European root connoting terror, monstrousness cognate with the Old English maere (which survives in the modern English word "nightmare") and the Scandinavian mara and the Old East Slavic "mara" ("nightmare");[14] while rígan translates as "queen".[15][16] This etymological sequence can be reconstructed in the Proto-Celtic language as *Moro-rīganī-s.[17][18] Accordingly, Morrígan is often translated as "Phantom Queen".[16] This is the derivation generally favoured in current scholarship.[19]
The Morrígan is often considered a triple goddess, but this triple nature is ambiguous and inconsistent. The triple appearances are partially due to the Celtic significance of threeness.
(Three is a VERY common number in acotar (might make a whole other post on that))
Could Mor be one of the fates or even something more powerful than them, could she have a bigger part than we thought in the next story with Koschei ?
In the Republic of Plato, the three Moirai sing in unison with the music of the Seirenes. The term "siren song" refers to an appeal that is hard to resist but that, if heeded, will lead to a bad conclusion.
In Greek mythology, the Sirens (Ancient Greek: plural: Seirênes) were dangerous creatures, who lured nearby sailors with their enchanting music and singing voices to shipwreck on the rocky coast of their island. It is also said that they can even charm the winds.
i bet your thinking where tf is this looney going with this....well,
i also found this photo:
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Celtic Mythology The GWRAGEDD ANNWN [wives of the underworld]were lake-sirens in Wales. These lovely creatures are known to choose mortal men as their husbands. One legend has it that they live in a sunken city in one of the many lakes in Wales. People claim to have seen towers under water and heard the chiming of bells. In earlier times, there used to be a door in a rock and those who dared enter through it came into a beautiful garden situated on an island in the middle of a lake. In this garden there were luscious fruits, beautiful flowers and the loveliest music, besides many other wonders. Those brave enough to enter were welcomed by the Gwragedd Annwn and were invited to stay as long as they wanted, on the condition that they never took anything back from the garden. One visitor ignored the rule and took a flower home with him. As soon as he left the island, the flower disappeared and he fell unconscious to the ground. From that day on, the door has been firmly closed and none has ever passed through it again.
“My grandmother was a river-nymph who seduced a High Fae male from the Autumn Court.”
Gwyn believes her grandmother to be a river-nymph. Is it possible that she was not but instead a lake siren? We know that Gwyn and Catrin's names are welsh (Lake-Sirens are found in wales) and the spring court has many ties to welsh mythology so is it really that far fetched?
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In Celtic and Norse mythology, selkies (also spelled silkies, sylkies, selchies) or selkie folk (Scots: selkie fowk) meaning "seal folk"[a] are mythological beings capable of therianthropy, changing from seal to human form by shedding their skin. They are found in folktales and mythology originating from the Northern Isles of Scotland.
To further back up this, here is another photo of a Selkie woman on SJM's pinterest.
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In David Thomson's book The People of the Sea, which chronicles the extensive legends surrounding the Grey Seal within the folklore of rural Scottish and Irish communities, it is the children of male selkies and human women that have webbed toes and fingers. When the webbing is cut, a rough and rigid growth takes its place.
Children born between man and seal-folk may have webbed hands, as in the case of the Shetland mermaid whose children had "a sort of web between their fingers",[25] or "Ursilla" rumoured to have children sired by a male selkie, such that the children had to have the webbing between their fingers and toes made of horny material clipped away intermittently.
“My twin had the webbed fingers of the nymphs—I don’t.”
Once again we see that Catrin posses traits of these water-creatures.
Keep in mind SJM has this on her board - The cover of Celtic folktales which has one story in particular of a 'sea-maiden' whom makes a deal with a mortal man.
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I proceeded to continue searching through the board and found this:
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Sathariel (Hebrew סתריאל, Greek: Σαθιήλ) is one of the Qliphoth, corresponding to the Sephirah Binah on the kabbalistic Tree of life. It represents the Concealment of God, which hides the face of Mercy. The form of the demons attached to this Qliphah are of black veiled heads with horns, with hideous eyes seen through the veil, followed by evil centaurs.
'veiled heads with horns'
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The Qliphoth are the shadow of the Sephirot, the chaotic force that exists when the Sephirah is unbalanced. Binah is the Sephirah that gives birth to form, the great mother of the cosmos, the eternal womb. Through her, the spiritual energy of Keter and Chokmah are woven into the matrix that eventually becomes matter.
In Jewish Kabbalistic cosmology of Isaac Luria, the qlippot are metaphorical "shells" surrounding holiness. They are spiritual obstacles receiving their existence from God only in an external, rather than internal manner.
Quiphoth (shadow of sephriot) = Shadowsinger
"shells" surrounding holiness = The shadows protected Azriel
They emerge in the descending seder hishtalshelus (Chain of Being) through Tzimtzum (contraction of the Divine Ohr), as part of the purpose of Creation.
Sathariel had black feathers on his wings and his body was shrouded in darkness.
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Honestly idk where tf im going with this 😩😩
I've put in far too much effort to delete it so i apologise if you've gotten all this way to be disappointed but
Mor =/≠ Three fates
Gwyn = Heritage is sus? could be related to some interesting people
Azriel = Sathariel ?
If anyone has ideas to add pleaseeee tell me lol
i'll probably update this when i can be bothered
(FYI i love Gwyn and i'm not saying she's a siren or luring anyone but you've got to admit her grandmother is a sus lmao, especially with half the shit on SJM's pinterest.)
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dreamsclock · 4 years
dw about answering this if you dont want to but am i being dramatic in feeling anxious about being a c!dream fan? im in the same boat as you i dont condone what he's done but he's such an interesting character and honestly a comfort character (that might be the comfort streamer of cc!dream crossing over) but its like,,, seeing all these antis who are getting REALLY aggressive with it? and like attacking people makes me anxious to say i am? idk man
hello anon !! i’m really sorry you feel this way, but i understand and sympathise completely — i feel like this constantly shdksbsk. every time i post analysis (esp on twt) about smp!dream, i’m automatically filled with worry about how it’s gonna go down. so yeah, totally valid for feeling anxious: smp!dream is an incredibly volatile topic for a lot of people, so it makes complete sense.
i wish i had advice for you about how to deal with this anxiety ,, as soon as i stop getting nervous about posting smp!dream sympathetic stuff even on my smp!dream blog, i’ll let you know dkdndnnd. i do understand antis because smp!dream can be an uncomfortable subject for a lot of people, but at the same time, a lot of antis go too far (through attacking smp!dream fans, being passive aggressive under smp!dream sympathetic posts, etc).
attacking people over their opinions on fictional characters is a shitty thing to do. i disagree with so, so many takes on characters, but i block/mute or just move along. fiction doesn’t equal reality, and the amount of takes i see about smp!dream fans excusing his actions in real life (when most of us don’t even excuse him??) is sickening.
i’m sorry you feel this way, anon, but my only advice is this — surround yourself with as many smp!dream positive people as you can. i have a good few friends now who like smp!dream a lot, to varying levels, and it’s helped my anxiety somewhat. hell, there’s 900+ people on this blog that apparently are either smp!dream fans or are generally just open to seeing sympathetic content about him, which is super cool !!
i hope this was any help whatsoever — if anyone else has any advice pls let me know LMAO
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blackjacktheboss · 4 years
“Are you warm enough?”
this super got away from me and I did not proofread so please keep any typos you find your yourself lmao 
Percy sticks two logs into the fire and takes his seat next to Annabeth, wrapping his arm around her. “Are you warm enough?”
She nudges him as she laughs. “For the millionth time, yes. I’m fine!”
“I still think you should go to bed,” he says, despite the fact that he is pulling her closer to him. He places a kiss on her cheek. “I can finish tonight’s watch by myself.”
“I’m not leaving you alone on the solstice,” she says as a shiver runs through her. She tilts her head up. “Besides, the stars are far too beautiful.”
Percy follows her gaze and smiles at the millions of speckles of light that mark the night sky. “None as beautiful as you.”
“For a man who was chosen at birth to take a sacred oath and live his life in isolation, you are quite the romantic.”
“Do you wish me less romantic?” Percy asks, his eyes tracing Annabeth’s silhouette.
Annabeth turns to look at him and lightly shakes her head. “No. I wish you exactly as you are.”
Percy smiles, but as he leans in to kiss her, the trees just in front of them begin to rustle.
He jumps to his feet and draws his sword, which had been resting at his side, and slowly  walks around the fire towards the noise. He hears the sounds of Annabeth taking out her dagger behind him and takes a calming breath, reminding himself this is what he has been training for since he was twelve years old.
“Remember,” he says over his shoulder.
“No getting stabbed, I know,” Annabeth drones, and he can practically hear her rolling her eyes.
“I was going to say protect the Temple at all costs.”
“Oh,” she says. “Right.”
“But also, do not get stabbed again.”
The rustling in the trees grows louder and as Percy readies his stance, a small figure stumbles out of the forest.
They wear a brown cloak covered in multicolored patches, and it has a hood that hangs over the top of their face. A wrinkled hand rests atop a gnarled cane and a satchel is slung across their front, though from Percy’s view it looks empty.
“Hello, young man,” they say in a rickety voice. They pull back their hood and reveal the face of an old woman with kind chestnut eyes and thin brown hair that is pinned back. “Might you have some water and spare food for a weary traveler?”
Percy stares at her from a moment, a small voice in the back of his mind whispering something about her that he can’t quite make out.
“Young man?” she repeats.”
Percy shakes his head and puts his sword away, standing tall. “Of course we do. Please, miss, join us at our fire.”
She sits against a log, putting her diagonal from Annabeth who watches her skeptically while Percy goes to fetch the food and water.
“I bear no ill will, child,” the old woman says, holding her hands close to the fire.
“What brings you out into the woods all by yourself?” Annabeth asks, wrapping herself back up in the blanket.
The old woman sighs and rubs her hands together. “The solstice is a magical time. One never knows what one may find if one is only willing to look for it.”
Percy returns with a pail of spring water which he places next to the woman, and a bag full of food that he hands her. “Hopefully this is enough food to last you through your travels.”
“You are too kind, my son.”
“Not at all,” he says with a smile. “Do you have a canteen you can fill?”
The old woman sips from the ladle in the pail and shakes her head.
“I can fashion you one before you go,” Percy says. “One must always travel with water.”
“What gods do you worship that you would show an old stranger such kindness?” the woman asks as she wipes her mouth with the back of her hand.
“I was wondering the same thing,” Annabeth asks pointedly, clearly suspicious of the stranger.
“I await no reward, if that’s what you’re asking,” he answers. “In this life or the next. I simply extend the kindness I would hope to be shown.”
The old woman winks at Annabeth. “You have found yourself a good man.”
Annabeth blushes despite herself. “Of the highest order.”
Percy scrunches his nose up at her before turning back to the traveler. “You may stay as long as you like, as our guest, but I must warn you this part of the woods can be quite dangerous. It may be best for you to leave as soon as you have had your fill of food and drink.”
The old woman smiles as she pulls a loaf of bread from the bag and breaks it open. She places one half to her nose and inhales deeply before tossing it right into the fire. “As long as I walk under the gaze of the moon, no mortal man may harm me.”
“What luck,” Annabeth says facetiously and Percy nudges her with his shoulder.  
The woman laughs. “It is good for a woman in this world to protect herself with wit and anger. Some days, those will be the only things on her side. No one knows that quite like you, Annabeth.”
Annabeth and Percy’s bodies tense in unison, and Percy’s hand slowly moves towards the hilt of his sword.
“Didn’t you hear me?” she says, not looking up at either of them. “No mortal weapon shall harm me while I walk under the light of my sister’s moon.”
“Your… sister’s… moon?” Percy repeats slowly.
“Do not fear me, Percy. It is in my name you hold this vigil, after all,” the woman says, looking Percy in the eye.
Percy’s mind flashes back to the night of his twelfth birthday, when the priests arrived at his village to begin his training. They sat at this very fire, and when Percy looked into the flames, the same eyes he sees now were the very eyes that stared back at him then.
“Lady Hestia,” he says, his voice barely audible over the crackle of the fire.
Hestia smiles, childlike and bright as her wrinkles and the exhaustion evident in her body melt away. Her cloak remains the same, save for the multicolored patches all seem to have a golden sheen to them in the light. She sits up straight and stretches towards the sky. “I am so proud to have a champion with such a kind heart,” she says happily. “And that he has a companion as equally skeptical. Balance is so important in these matters.”
Annabeth blinks slowly as she tries to process what is happening in front of her. “I was rude… to a goddess.”
Hestia waves Annabeth’s concerns away. “I am not nearly as tempestuous as my sisters, dear girl. As I said before, I bear no ill will. In fact, I have been watching you two for quite some time.”
Percy and Annabeth look at each other, and both begin to turn red.
“Not like that,” the goddess assures them. “I mean I have been evaluating to see if you both are ready for what must be done. While I do wish there were more time, events have already begun to unfold that I’m afraid put as at a bit of a disadvantage.”
Percy looks to Hestia, then Annabeth, and back again. “Lady Hestia, I’m afraid I don’t understand.”
“I bring you two a quest,” she whispers.
Annabeth’s eyes light up at the word quest and she places her hand on Percy’s knee. “What kind of quest, Lady Hestia?”
“The dangerous kind,” the goddess whispers back.
Percy shakes his head. “I took a vow, Lady Hestia.”
“One you have already broken, my child,” she says with a pointed look between the couple. “Many times over.”
Percy blushes again, closing his eyes to refocus. “I am not to leave the hallowed grounds that mark the entrance to your temple. I must not leave, in retreat or in pursuit of enemies, no matter the circumstances. I may not see my mother’s face again until my watch has ended. I must live here, with nothing but the company of the marble doors and I must never, ever enter your Temple or I will face an unimaginable punishment in the Underworld. I have trained since  I was twelve and held this post since I was sixteen. Even with Annabeth here, and the life I dream of having with her, I have protected this place as I swore to do all those years ago. I have given up my life in your service, Lady Hestia, and now you would ask me to forsake all of that?”
Hestia looks at him, her expression blank. “Yes.”
“I can’t,” he says plainly.
“Percy, my priests are all dead,” she says, her eyes suddenly full of sadness. “Everyone who had a hand in training you, slaughtered by the forces that would add your body to the pile without a second thought. I do not wish that fate for you.”
Percy looks to Annabeth as panic rises in him. “You have to go,” he says.
“I’m not leaving you,” Annabeth answers. “We leave together or not at all.”
“If you tell me one more time that you took the vow and I didn’t, I will kill you myself. I will not leave you, Lady Hestia as my witness.”
“I do not ask this lightly,” Hestia says. “But I do ask it.”
Hestia steps forward then, and places her hands on either side of Percy’s face, and his eyes flutter shut. Percy feels his face grow warm as he has visions of himself as a little boy hugging his mom, and again as a grown man. He sees himself building Annabeth a house by the sea, the one she has described to him a million times over, and in that house he sees him and Annabeth having a wedding, and children, and so much happiness he could burst. He sees them all near the sea, dancing in its waves as the sun glows above them, and he feels a peace that he has never felt before settle over him.
When he opens his eyes, he feels the tears that are running down his face.
“That is a beautiful life you have dreamed, Percy,” Hestia says. “Hearth and home are what keep us anchored in the storm of the world. You have pledged yourself to me, and even now you honor my name. But if you do not take up this task, I am afraid you will die here, also in my name, having lived a muted life. And dear hero, please hear me when I say I do not wish that for you.”
“Percy,” Annabeth says, and he feels her hand slip into his and squeeze. “Whatever you decide, I am with you.”
Percy squeezes her hand back. “Until the end?”
“In this life and the next.”
Percy turns back to the goddess and swallows hard, his hand still squeezing Annabeth’s. “Tell us what you need us to do.”
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markftmingi · 5 years
the mc pres : johnny seo
the mc pres : johnny seo
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SUMMARY: an au in which two people run into each other after 5 years but they aren't the same people they used to be...
PAIRING: mafia leader!johnny x teacher/single mom! reader
GENRE: angst, suggestive themes, and some smut.
WARNING(S): this isn’t fully written ok this is a unfinished piece i did like almost two years ago so its kinda bad and skips around but i wanted to post it anyways lmao, swearing, slight smut but it’s more of like a flashback of when it happened(?)
"okay everyone, class dismissed," you announced, smiling.
the class, individually, walked out of the classroom. your assistant and best friend, qian kun, stood by the door to say goodbye to the students. some said goodbye to you too, some didn't. you were too tired to notice who said what. you did notice your favorite two students walk in once everyone left.
one of two being mark lee. mark has been one of your students for the past 3 four years. you didn't know many of your students' personal lives but he had a public reputation. he's a member of the biggest motorcycle club in all of south korea. you didn't know much about the gang but you heard the roar of the motorcycles go by your apartment everyday. mark's feared by everyone here... except yourself, kun, and lucas. you all knew he was too much of a goofball to really hurt anyone. then there was lucas. he's the same age as mark so you had him as a student for 3 years too. he was taller than mark and a lot more scarier. the 6'0 young man was a selective mute who glared at everyone who even glanced at him. lucas gained a reputation as fighter in his freshman year after he nearly beat a senior to death when he was being made fun of. the next day, lucas walked in with mark sporting matching leather jackets with NCT stitched across the back. when kun came in two years ago, lucas tried to scare him off. luckily, kun wasn't the kind of person to be easily scared. they were both chinese, shy but had horrible tempers. after a heart to heart with him, he let his guard down around you and kun.
“you look horrible,” lucas said once he fully looked at you.
mark slapped his shoulder, “she doesn’t look horrible... the bags under her eyes do.
"leave her alone guys... they're designer bags." kun joked, making the two boys laugh.
"i'm convinced you all hate me." you said playfully, undoing your hair.
it had been pinned into a tight bun all day, giving you a headache. you also kicked off your heels as well - the daily ritual after school.
"i don't get how you deal with kids all day." mark questioned taking out his homework.
"you're one of those kids i have to deal with all day."
he rolled his eyes, "not me... i don't count. you love me."
"yeah yeah, back to work." you smiled, as you began to plan for the next day.
that's how you spent your afternoons. the four of you would stay after school until your daughter got out of school too. lucas and mark doing homework and projects while kun and yourself planned what you would teach next. if they wanted to talk or vent to you, they would... especially lucas.
the two hours went by and you were now walking out the school.
"you two need a ride?" kun offered them.
lucas shook his head and nodded towards the parking lot. you turned around seeing a small group of bikers staring back at you.
"o-oh." you stuttered.
you couldn't see their faces clearly due to face masks and sunglasses but you were intimidated. three tall, muscular men with motorcycles staring at you was not something you’re used to. they both said goodbye before walking towards the group.
"i couldn't even see their eyes but it still feels like the one in front was staring into my soul,” you mumbled to kun as you walked to his car.
he shrugged casually, "maybe he was."
"kun, this isn't funny."
"relax", kun pulled you closer, "they have a bad reputation but they're not randomly going to jump you or kill you. they go after those who cause problems or mess with them. you're innocent… well some nights you are."
you ignored the smirk on his face and got into his car. kun's apartment was right next to yours. he's heard your moans and screams plenty of times due to your previous relationship. he swore he wasn't that bothered by it but it was still embarrassing.
"kun?" you turned towards him, “what are you doing later?”
he thought for a moment, "well... we still have to finish wednesday's lesson plan. so i will be over to cook my god-daughter dinner and then we're going to work."
you let out a long, dramatic sigh as you got out the car. it was going to be a long night.
the next day was uneventful. classes were boring and you wanted to leave. you loved teaching. it's always been your dream job but some days, you craved a vacation.
you currently didn't have a class right now so you were printing notes of today’s lessons. the door opened slightly, making you sit up. it was only kun.
"so you have a visitor." he said, with an unsure look on his face.
"why the face? who is it?"
"it's one of those bikers from yesterday. apparently he's also legally lucas's guardian." kun admitted.
lucas' guardian? you both knew lucas never mentioned his parents but you didn't assume he was adopted either.
"you can send him in. i'll be okay."
kun nodded before disappearing again. you closed your eyes and took a deep breath. you were nervous. why did he want to meet with you? was it strictly about lucas?
a knock on the door made you sit up again. the door opened and it was the last person you ever expected to see.
johnny smirked slightly, "hey, y/n.”
"oh you have got to be kidding me." you mumbled to yourself.
johnny seo. a man you met back in your hometown of chicago. his mother lived next door to your family. you remembered her telling you that her son was finally coming home. when you saw the then 20 year old man, you knew he was trouble. yet you were still so eager to trust him and give yourself away. but that was five years ago. back when you were in college. back when you were dumb and naive. back when you fell in love for the first time.
back before he left you pregnant without a word.
"i came here yesterday to pick lucas and mark and i was very surprised to see you walk out with them." johnny said as he walked closer to you.
"there is no way this is happening right now." you laughed but there was no humor in your voice.
johnny ignored your remarks and openly checked you out, "you look as beautiful as ever... how've you been?"
you scoffed and looked up at him fully for the first time since he walked in. he looked as beautiful as ever too. his hair was longer and lighter than it used to be. he was more fit and had a few more tattoos. those beautiful brown eyes were what changed the most. they were much colder and didn't hold that same sparkle that they used to.
"i don't know why my well-being should concern you but as lucas' guardian, you should focus on mentioning him." you said, folding your hands gently in your lap.
johnny leaned on your desk, "mark always mentioned a ms. y/n that him and lucas stayed after school with and i just knew it couldn't have been you... i should've known though. y/n isn't a common name here. you always talked about how much you wanted to be a teacher and help kids and how much you wanted to come to seoul."
"if you're not here about lucas, you can leave, mr. seo." you stated before getting up.
this whole situation was insane. you never thought you’d run into johnny again. your life was going great. now all of the sudden, he's in your classroom, making your heart beat out of your chest. you erased the chalkboard and wrote the date in the top right corner. when you turned back around, johnny's arms trapped you against the board.
"why are you ignoring me like this?" johnny mumbled.
"there's nothing i have to say to you anymore. when you have to talk about lucas, then i'll talk to you." you said, pushing him away.
he sighed, "i want to talk about us, sweetheart. lucas is 21. he can handle himself. as far as i know, his grades are good. well, that's what mark tells me. that kid doesn't even talk."
you raised an eyebrow, "he doesn't talk to you?"
"no, he only talks to mark... does he talk to you?"
"yeah," you held back a laugh, "looks like i have more of a connection with your gang than you do and you're the leader."
johnny shrugged, "you might have more of a connection with mark and lucas than i do... but you and i have a better connection than anybody."
"had... had a connection. a one-sided one at that."
"i cared about you. just not how you cared about me. i never loved you. you were just supposed to be a fling. although i will admit i called my mom to see how you and the baby were doing. crying into your pillow for two weeks? that's a little pathetic, don't you think?" he asked, leaning against the board.
"fuck you, johnny. you left me. how was i supposed to feel?"
"i told you. you meant nothing to me."
"obviously if you left me as soon as i said i was pregnant." you whispered but you knew he heard you.
the door opened, making both of your heads look towards it. kun.
"am i interrupting something?" kun asked, setting a pack of papers on his desk.
"no, i was just leaving." johnny announced as he walked towards the door, "see you soon, sweetheart.”
as soon as johnny left, you let out a big sigh.
"what the hell happened?" kun asked as he began to separate the papers.
"that man... was johnny as in the same johnny who left me in chicago... jasmine's father."
kun knew everything. being that you only had three friends, two of them being your students, you told him your life story.
"no way... did you know he was that motorcycle president back there?"
you shook your head, "when i first met him in chicago, people around the city had warned me that he was no good. that he only came back to chicago to avoid getting into trouble in korea. i didn't know he was in a motorcycle club at all. i was too blind to see all that."
"too blind because your face was being pushed into his pillow?" kun slyly asked.
you scoffed, "keep stapling papers, qian."
your mind flashed back to what johnny said before he left...
see you soon, sweetheart.
johnny sighed for the nth time this evening. he couldn't get you out of his head now. the woman he thought he left for good. when he met in you in your shared hometown, he thought you were perfect for his needs- beautiful and naive as fuck. you were a really good person. really nice, caring, the total package. he ruined that... almost every night. you didn't deserve that. you didn't deserve for johnny to ruin your innocence just for you to fall in love and have him leave months later.
one day you told johnny you were pregnant. the next day, he was on a plane back to south korea. johnny wondered how the kid was doing. she or he would be about 5 years old. maybe 6. did they look like him? did they look more like you? were they a perfect combination of you both?
"why the fuck am i thinking about this shit now? i didn't give a fuck before." johnny mumbled to himself.
it was roughly 12:30am. johnny wondered if you were still the night owl he remembered you to be. most of that coming from when he used to keep you up all night. he wondered if you’d been with anyone since him. who was he kidding? you were gorgeous and your body was perfect. you could easily have men crawling at the sight of you. the thought of another man touching you bothered johnny. he knew no one could make you feel like he did though. you always felt so tight and wet around him…mouth always ready to take him whenever he asked… the sinful screams and scratches when he’d fuck you real good. johnny could feel himself getting hard at the thought.
he got up and headed out the door. he knew he would end up regretting this later...
you gasped when you opened the door, "johnny, what the fuck are you doing here?"
"i told you that i was going to see you soon,” johnny said quietly as he took in your appearance.
you crossed your arms, "when you said soon, i didn't think it'd be a day later. i also didn't think it would be at 1:38am... or at my house."
"maybe i missed you,” he smirked slightly.
"bullshit. seriously johnny, why are you here? how'd you even know where i live?"
"let me in and i'll tell you."
you looked up into his eyes before opening the door further. johnny smiled at you as he walked in.
"okay, so answer my questions." you demanded walking into the kitchen area.
"i am here because i was thinking about you." he admitted, staring at the marble counter.
"thinking about me for what?"
"well... i was actually i was thinking about how it felt to be inside of you then i got hard and decided to visit you."
you rolled your eyes, "at least you're being honest now."
"what do you mean 'now'? i was honest before." johnny questioned, slightly offended.
"no, you weren't johnny... not to me."
"i couldn't be honest to you. what did you want me to say? 'hey i'm only here until it’s clear for me to go back home. i killed a few people and had to lay low in chicago. you're a beautiful woman and all. i love hanging out with you but i love fucking you more. don't get attached though because i'm going to leave you.' is that what you wanted me to say?" he asked.
you threw your hands in the air, "yes! i would've loved to hear that. it would have saved me from heartbreak and trust issues. i was 20 and naive but if you told me that you just wanted a fuck buddy, then i wouldn't have gotten attached and i definitely would've kept condoms around!"
johnny looked taken back. he’s never seen you this mad before.
"who the fuck are you yelling at?” his words sounded cold but he was more intrigued than mad.
"i'm not yelling at you. i am talking loud. i'm tired of you already and it's only been two days! when you left, i blamed myself, wondering what i did wrong. i was stressed about having to carry a child for nine months and raise it all while being a full-time college student. it was your fault johnny! you and your shit communication skills!" you ranted, breathing heavily.
"momma." a small voice called out.
johnny’s head quickly turned towards the door. your little girl was standing there in a matching pj set. just one look at her and anyone could tell she was johnny’s daughter. you could see that jasmine had his eyes, nose and lips but had your hair and skin tone. your daughter was beautiful.
"yes, baby?" you replied softly, "did i wake you?"
"a little... who's he?" jasmine asked.
johnny crouched down to her level, "i- i'm johnny. your... mother's friend."
she tilted her head at him, "i'm 5 but i'm not stupid. you're my daddy. you look just like me."
"if anything, you look just like me." johnny corrected her.
"nope! you copied me first!" she shot back,
"wait. momma, you're crying."
johnny turned around to see you quickly wiping your tears away.
"i'm fine, jasmine, go and lay back down okay?”
she nodded and skipped off into her room.
johnny cleared his throat, “i know you don’t want to hear this… but i have to be in her life, y/n. i know that i fucked up but she deserves to have a father in her life.”
you scoffed, “wow. now the mafia leader wants to tell me what MY daughter needs. that’s funny.”
“it’s OUR daughter and you know i’m right.”
he was right. you didn’t want your daughter to grow up without her father, but you’d never admit that to him. you knew all the trouble being in the mafia brought to johnny and you feared the same thing would happen to your little girl.
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jidai · 4 years
jidai’s budget mutuals/friends appreciation
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Hi, all! I’m quite late with this but I decided to put a small friends and mutual appreciations post in hopes of brightening up the end of this year a little bit. ❤️ If you were tagged, please make sure to check below for a small little message from me. However, I want to make it very clear that I truly appreciate all of my mutuals. You guys brighten up my dash and always reblog or create so many funny and creative posts. I just wanted to give a few special shout outs to those that have taken out the time to reach out and interacted with me past my ask box or we just see each other often.
The messages are ordered by your URL, so you might have to scroll for awhile before you see your messages. I’m so sorry lmao. 
Happy New Years, everyone!
@25th​​, Nonnie, the Young Genius. bro, remind me how old you are 🧍‍♀️ Like my brain CANNOT fathom the thought that you’re so skilled at SO many things and you’re not even in your twenties??? PLEASE SPARE THE TALENT. i will even accept crumbs. But I’m writing to tell you that you are such a wonderful presence on my dash. I always look forward to your gfx. They’re so SO good and you’re improving from one post to another. Like WOW. Now, you’re even starting an art blog, too? You’re so dedicated to the arts. I respect that a lot. Your hard work and commitment will bring you very far in life, whatever you decide to do. 
I love interacting with you. You’re such a big sweetheart and full of positivity and energy. I look forward to seeing more of your art and gfx ❤️
@biscuitwalk​, Dann, the AK Wiz. Dann, I know you’re not as active on here so idk when or if you will ever read this but I want to say that I miss you and your creations so, so much. I will say it a hundred times over and OVER but you inspire me so goddamn much. You have no fucking idea. Your works are absolutely gorgeous and unique. I can look at it once and I can instantly recognize your style (and your cute lil’ pufferfish <3). The way you utilize colors and implement various techniques, shapes, textures into your work. Goddamn, you’re so good. I always look to your work if I ever need inspiration and they help me brainstorm. God, I wish I could put it into words how much I adore your works.
We didn’t really talk for long but you seemed like such a kind and fun person to be around. I wish you the best in your future endeavors, wherever you are. Stay safe <3
@elriccs, Mirai, the Short King. 🧍‍♀️ ok look I know, I know I’m TERRIBLE at replying to you and I’m so fucking sorry. I absolutely love to talk to you but my dumbass cannot seem to reply in a timely manner LASELKSAL. That’s on me and I gotta do better. Anyways!!! Thank you SO fucking much for always leaving such kind messages on my work. I swear to god you’re one of my biggest hype man and I ALWAYS look forward to reading your tags. They’re so funny and it makes me all tingly and happy inside. Bro, like, you just radiate big fun vibes, bro. I really hope that I can get to know you better so I can just insult you until it’s too late to walk away </3
And of course, let me also remind you that I love your works so much. They way that you utilize your textures and those muted colors... OOMPH *chefs kiss* I will always love--
@lockhvrts​​, Em the Soulsborne GOD. hi em 🥺 it’s been awhile since I’ve had a proper conversation with you and I hope you’re doing okay! I miss you and our conversations where we do nothing but geek out and complain about the game industry lmao. if you manage to read this, I just wanted to let you know I miss your presence here. It’s been kinda dull not seeing your beautiful soulsborne gifs and your game rants. Let’s catch up soon. <3 stay safe and well!
@nathanprescutt, Benn, the Man. BENNNNNNNN.  I love you a lot bro. I know we haven’t had long conversations for some time and I hope I can change that! You were my first friend on this blog and I will always appreciate it. I remember us just geeking out over your works and how I would always send you a gfx request like once a week LMAO. The one thing that I have always appreciated about you was the fact that you’re very opinionated (if not, very vocal on your stance on things) and you hold your ground. There were a few time where you encouraged me to speak on topics that I think I shouldn’t and that stuck with me for quite awhile. I’m still a nervous rambling mess when it comes to debates but just know that the one time you supported me to voice my opinion--I hold it very dear to my heart. 
While I don’t spend much time together, I will always remember our animal crossing session. It was  so much fun just trashing and chilling on your island. Especially the bar :( that bar was fucking AMAZING. Maybe once FFXVI comes out, we can geek out hehe
Also, thank you so much for sending in photos of all your doggos, omg. I miss seeing them so much I hope they’re doing well. Stay hot, my German bro lol. Ich bin sehr dankbar, so eine tolle Freundin zu haben. ❤️❤️❤️
@noxdivina​, Lin the Big Dick Daddy Kind. The church is open for business bitch and I’m here to preach the GOSPEL.
Okay, jokes aside, I’m really happy that we became mutuals. You’ve always give off this like, mysterious cosmic vibe (????? huh). And your selfies just further proves that you are wtf. But you’re always so kind to those that you interact with. You’re an absolutely sweetheart and like I just want to give you a giant hug every time we interact. You’re such a soft human being. It’s so nice being around you. It’s like being tossed in the oven and baked at 250 degrees F for 25 minutes. And to boot you’re really talented, hello? God really said let there be a perfect human being and yeeted you into the universe. Thank you for always leaving such kind messages and words in my DM/askbox/works. I cherish them so much. I hope I can get to know you better in the future bc you’re rad, bro <3
anyways, updated drawing of u and maya:
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i always assume you’re in a black fur parka 24/7 and maya is coatless neck down. also deck me with those jacked arms of yours thanks  🧍‍♀️
(edit: fuck i forgot to draw a PARTY HAT ON MAYA IM SORRY)
@rokuseis​, Sei, the Dumber.
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i have nothing to say to you go away you banana hater ASELKSAEKL
BITCH, you doo bee getting on my nerve 24/7/365 🧍‍♀️ you were an unexpected but a very welcomed addition to my life. I can’t believe we really went 1 fuckin’ year without speaking to each other and then suddenly our friendship blew up because over a stupid BANANA. Now you gotta deal with me and my stupid, random, crude ass messages daily. I cannot. Clown to clown communication. But thank you so much bitch for being there for me and telling all of these funny ass stories and life experiences.
I know I don’t say it a lot because when we talk it’s literally just dogs barking at each other but I want to make it clear now: I love your humor and vibe so much. You never fail to make me laugh anytime I talk to you and I appreciate it so much. I can’t tell you how many times I felt better after talking to you. Even though sometimes your fucking jab hits hard and I end up actually inSULTED BY IT. But thank you for becoming my friend and I look forward to all of our stupid moments together. Looking forward to shitting in your sink when I finally fly to your home <3
@wolfamongthem, Anna, the Grinch. Please don’t hurt me for that title. I'm just saying if someone needs a live casting, it’ll be u. Anyways, did you know that I was so fucking intimidated by you for a long ass time, even before we became mutuals aseljas LMAO. I always see your gifs around on explore and they’re so gorgeous and then I look at your text posts and it’s u roasting people like there’s no tomorrow- 🧍‍♀️ bitch I was SCARED OF U KSKS. Now that I’ve talked to you a few times, you’re really funny like where do you find those reaction memes????? Like bro you and your shitposts is my morning cup of coffee. 
Anyways, in 2021 I expect a full-fledge review of all AAA games from you-- no more shit talking in the tags let it all out BITCH. Thank you for being such a great mutual! I look forward to see what weird shit you will send me the next time we talk lmao
@zenien​​, Selm, the I’m-gay-for-Lady-Maria-or-anything-that-moves-in-BB-Bitch™. ok bitch if I’m being honest I wrote yours last so my brain is FRIED. so everything i say from here is raw from the HEARt cause that’s all I got left. But anyhow, we savin’ the best for last! honestly, i didn’t expect you to barge into my life like that. i really didn’t. i was just gonna keep admiring with my 7 feet (2.1336 meters) pole. I’m glad you made the first move because look where we are wtf 🧍‍♀️ friends??? I wouldn’t believe you if you told me that in 2014 when I first followed you lmao. 
You’re such a kind soul. I know you may disagree but I’m determined to convince you. I can’t tell you how much I want to thank you for taking the time to talk to me during my rough bits. It’s like sitting on a wooden bench in a park during sunset and you sit next to me, just enjoying the vast sky. You radiate such peaceful energy. It’s very calming. Or you know, 2 seconds later i’m suddenly suplexed by your 40 tons of insults like what-- 
Thank you for everything, so far. Truly. It’s been so fun listening to you talk about your Bloodborne journey and see your reactions live. It’s been so fun to see you post your graphics and it continues to blow me away. It’s been so fun hearing about your life and the stories of your adulthood. Every words that we have exchanged, I hold dearly to my heart--more than you ever know. Love u bitch.
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