lesbian-of-nine · 2 years
the inherent transgenderism of xBs
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remholder · 4 months
J7 fic rec list
FINALLY sitting my ass down and getting one of these written up! wanted to make a list that had fics ive never seen rec'd before and as someone who has dug pretty deep in some mucky trenches (ff.net and passion and perfection specifically), i thought itd be cool to hand over some of my favs ive read over the years while these are in no particular order, there is one fic i really want to highlight: 16 Hours by Bailey B. (explicit) Captain Janeway interrupts Seven of Nine's regeneration cycle to invite her to dinner in the captain's quarters. Things progress from there, but not everything is as it seems. now, this fic right here - it was the very first j7 fanfic i had EVER read. all the way back in (roughly) 2007. no big deal, really, youd think? except i was 14 and i had no real business reading this fic (its explicit and i was underage). another thing - i had NEVER seen anything of Star Trek: Voyager. i knew the very, VERY basics of it, but i was the needle in the haystack here. because of this fic, and how kind it was with explaining the basics of Kathryn Janeway and Seven of Nine - ive been a fan ever since. --- Can't Take My Eyes Off You (orphaned account) While on an alien planet, a few of Voyager's crew get distracted by a former Borg. But let's be honest, who wouldn't get distracted by a Borg that looked like THAT? a fic where everyone (and i mean like...everyone) realizes how attractive Seven of Nine is - however our favorite exBorg only has eyes for Voyagers Captain. --- Past Tense by Patrica L. Givens (daxilla) (explicit) A threat from the past returns to threaten the very existence of Voyager and her crew. Can Seven save them, and deal with the realization of her changing feelings for the Captain at the same time? TIME TRAVEL SHENANIGANS!!!! also Seven bonding with Gretchen will always hold a very special place in my heart. --- The Adventure of a Lizard Captain by Captain Thrace A teleport accident transforms the Captain of Voyager and forever changes her relationship with the resident Borg Drone, Seven of Nine. After both spend years orbiting each other, will this event finally bring them together? i had taken a long break from j7 content, and when i got back into the fandom (around early/mid 2020), this was one of the first fics i read. it's silly, it's a angsty when it needs to be, it's an all around good time. i love it so much i make art based off it like every year! --- Antarra IV by JanewayorNoWay (explicit) The Captain has fallen in love with a certain tall, blond ex-Borg, but the sentiment hasn't been reciprocated. Furious with herself for getting herself in too deep, and upset with Seven for not returning her feelings, she does something hasty and stupid. I've noticed that a lot of fics have Kathryn putting her foot down in regards to a relationship (a possible one or one already in effect) with Seven - so when I came across this one, where's SEVEN being the one to do so, it immediately became a favorite. Angst, hurt/comfort, and some good ol FUCKING! what more could you ask for? --- a special shoutout to The Golden One, a very beautifully written fic that was a rewrite of Scorpion pt. 2 that was deleted last year that i have a .txt file of and will forever hold dear
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spookyshoosh · 3 months
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So, I was tempted. Thank you to @dataentryspecialist for the fic and @blorbo-brainrot for the comment, both of which inspired this art of our favorite exBorg, Hugh!!
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cicaklah · 2 years
picard thots 3x05
wanging on about star trek under the cat
poor picard, forever alone until the last two weeks when TWO lady loves come back into his life and say 'oh yeah turns out we could have been in love but you fucked it up without realising it'. (not to ignore his current lady love who is the only one with the spine to let him NOT fuck it up without realising he is fucking it up).
(I can't believe we are STILL paying for patstew feeling emasculated in the early 90s. the male ego: not even once.)
Ensign Ro is one of those characters that TNG fans have Strong Feelings about, and I am one of those, because I love Bajorans and Cardassians as the true ds9 stan I am. I love seeing Michelle Forbes in things. I hope she was paid a lot to come reprise the character she's seemingly spent her whole career running away from. I suppose that, and the fact that this is a show named after Picard, that the focus will always be on her relationship with Picard. It was the most interesting part of what we got about her, along with our general introduction to the Bajoran faith and people, but we had 7 years of development of them and none of her, I always assumed she was killed when the marquis were slaughtered by the dominion as a favour to the cardassians. Lucky escape, though of course she got killed off. she had her story beat: time to die. (cash that cheque, never look back).
Anyway, not that Picard would have ever done anything with her, due to being Noble Space Coastguard Man who outranks her by about 40 years, but I quite pruriently like the wow wrong bad hot of that dynamic, in a dead dove way. Like as usual I wish we could spend more time in these characters' heads, because god I love people who fail at starfleet more than anything, they are my favourite characters in any show. The dysfunctional relationship between starfleet and those within it is fruit ripe for picking. Picard breaking the rules to sleep with Ro would be absolutely out of character in the most delicious way, to the point I kind of want to write it. Like that is tragedy, highest nobility and loyalty to an institution vs the desires of the human flesh. Genuinely the best. Awful dysfunctional relationship between man who projects wildly onto a younger woman and the younger woman who clings to older man in authority as symbol of the authority she is a bad fit for. Neither of them ever actually engaging with each other as people, therefore doomed to failure.
At the ~ revelation ~ that omg changelings are EVERYWHERE, when Ro says starfleet is corrupted to the highest level I went "what, AGAIN?" Its been 2 years since Romulans took over the top level of starfleet, and now its changelings. I mean, I still think the changelings have been there for twenty years, since the attempted coup in homefront/paradise lost.
I wish this series was...25% less ambitious prestige tv.
Anyway, glad that Jack said something to his mum that he's fucked and seeing things, but all this red and doors and stuff is synth-as-fuck, and honestly it makes no sense for Jack to be a synth even in this series. They can't do synth stuff without agnes and they ruined agnes by making her borg. it makes me miss narek, my problematic fave though. god, remember season 1? seems so long ago.
all these close ups of Jack's eyes is really highlighting that he is DRAMATICALLY miscast as a 23 year old, its just funny now. Man has more eye wrinkles than I do and I'm 36.
as we are introduced to more older characters the more I am changing my mind on gates mcfadden's face lift, I think its so uncanny it keeps throwing me out of her scenes because I keep analysing her face. can't do anything about it, and she does look good...if REALLY uncanny.
Worf and Raffi continue to be good, if a little boring. The timelines are converging. It was nice to see Charlie from Fringe as a Vulcan gone bad though. Been a little bit of a fringenaissance on TV this year, with anna torv in tlou and Charlie in this. more of that please. they deserve better.
I still like Shaw, but I like the bad apple captain trope best of all. Remember when we had Lorca and I got so excited about how Disco was going to be a show about actually working under one of the Bad Captains of the Week from TNG era?! Maybe I'm getting it.
(I also think that there's interesting things to unpack about Shaw and Seven's relationship that PERHAPS I might also write something about because mmmm he's a dick, she's bullheaded, what the fuck is she even doing in starfleet other than falling into the trap that so many failed fleeties have before, deconstruction of the protagonist hero trope, seven deserves better but how can she get better when she is in the military, which cares not for individuality?! Like the dichotomy of man who after trauma finds peace in conformity and playing by the rules, vs the woman who knows that conformity is seductive and ends up seduced by it again, and ends up in this job that she is ill-suited for even if she is technically good at it, because she is essentially self-harming by joining the military, the acceptable collective????
failed fleeties, my absolute fucking favourites. Right in the vein, please.)
anyway are we half way through? I think we're half way through. Wonderful.
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weepylucifer · 2 years
By nature I love making OCs, especially for a bit, a joke, a hijink, and i’ve been unable to stop thinking about an xB intern for the Lab of Mistakes. Ik I said that in a joke post like 3 weeks ago or something, but I have literally been rotating that concept in my brain ever since
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exjwspeaksup · 4 years
child propoganda
one of the most horrible stories i've ever read in ‘my book of bible stories’ (not sure if i translate it right, in my country it was called: ‘mijn boek met bijbelverhalen’) was the story of Dina.  to put my post in context, this book was/is made for children.  the story:
‘DO YOU see who Diʹnah is going to visit? She is going to see some of the girls who live in the land of Caʹnaan. Would her father Jacob be happy about this? To help answer this question, try to remember what Abraham and Isaac thought about the women in Caʹnaan.Did Abraham want his son Isaac to marry a girl from Caʹnaan? No, he did not. Did Isaac and Re·bekʹah want their son Jacob to marry a Caʹnaan·ite girl? No, they did not. Do you know why?It was because these people in Caʹnaan worshiped false gods. They were not good people to have as husbands and wives, and they weren’t good people to have as close friends. So we can be sure that Jacob would not be pleased that his daughter was making friends with these Caʹnaan·ite girls.Sure enough, Diʹnah got into trouble. Can you see that Caʹnaan·ite man in the picture who is looking at Diʹnah? His name is Sheʹchem. One day when Diʹnah came on a visit, Sheʹchem took Diʹnah and forced her to lie down with him. This was wrong, because only married men and women are supposed to lie down together. This bad thing that Sheʹchem did to Diʹnah led to a lot more trouble.When Diʹnah’s brothers heard about what had happened, they were very angry. Two of them, Simʹe·on and Leʹvi, were so angry that they took swords and went into the city and caught the men by surprise. They and their brothers killed Sheʹchem and all the other men. Jacob was angry because his sons did this bad thing.How did all this trouble get started? It was because Diʹnah made friends with people who did not obey God’s laws. We will not want to make such friends, will we?’
the last sentence is so suggestive. and what the fuck are they trying to say here? that is was Dina’s own fault that she was raped because she hang out with the wrong crowd?? and even worse, how would children react if they were abused or raped on a young age and then reading this story repeatedly?? sickening. 
this story was being compared to having friends outside the organisation. how twisted, and how manipulating.  
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transseven · 5 years
hello! would you folks mind doing this survey to lmk which url you think i should switch to? i really care abt the opinions of my mutuals lol.
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dilfquark · 3 years
cybergoth exborg cybergoth 7of9 cybergoth hugh CYBERGOTH ICHEB SEND POST
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autisticburnham · 4 years
Thoughts on Picard?
Idk if you mean the show or the character, so I'll just do both
The Character:
He's a strong and interesting character for the most part, though I do really wish the show had addressed the trauma that would have been caused by The Inner Light and Chain of Command. Hopefully Picard Trek will make up for where tng lacked. He's at his best when he's just being a nerd about archeology. It's great that he tends to be open to suggestions and listens to his crew, though I think he could have benefited from being more social with them before All Good Things.
Unfortunately, his reaction to Deanna's assault in Nemesis infuriates me to the point where he typically rates at the bottom of my favorite captains, and it's a feat to rank lower than Archer. And the new show hasn't, imo, done enough to make up for that. Spoilers for Star Trek Picard, but I didn't care at all when he died. In fact, I was excited to see where the show went without him, since I have developed a fondness for the other characters. I legitimately yelled "Oh, come on!" at my tv when I realized they were bringing him back.
Also, I don't like how he made light of Soji's trauma and I think it was really stupid of him to tear down that "Romulans only" or "no humans" sign, whatever it said. Like, I know the writers were clearly going for some sort of anti prejudiced message, but there's a pretty huge difference between members of the majority excluding minority members and a minority refugee population who were screwed over by a- let's face it, Trek has big colonial undertones- colonialist power wanting a space where they don't have to interact with members of that power, especially not their public face, which Picard was. At the very least, he could have owned up to his mistake and fought back way harder against Elnor's decision to murder that dude.
The show
I love Raffi and Soji
I think Jurati has the potential to be a good character, I just wish they'd stop shoving her into relationships with no chemistry and would also address how fucked up the relationship with Maddox was
Rios also has potential as a character, but it felt like too much of the season was focused on making him dark and mysterious rather than actually letting us get to know him
I do love Rios' holograms
But, speaking of them, I really wish the show had delved more into the AI Rights storyline from tng and voy. Obviously, the synthetic ban is part of that, but how are sentient holograms affected? Was the Federation really cool with using synths the way they were? I mean, I do think it's consistent, especially considering the way EMH mach I's were used, and I think it would be a very natural path for people to push against or resist the idea of AI being fully sentient and deserving of rights, like Maddox, Pulaski, and Janeway were. I just wish we saw more of what Pulaski and Janeway went through where they realize they're wrong
I dislike how graphic the violence can get. Even within the first episode, I did Not need to see Dahj's charred skull as she was exploding. My issues with the Romulan senator explained above are only compounded by how graphic his death was. And like, I get it, Manu's a bastard, but what the fuck, I did NOT need to see that happening to Icheb
Speaking of the Romulan senator, as much as Elnor is baby and I like the Way of Absolute Candor, I can't bring myself to like him because of how he killed him
I don't like the gender undertones in the series. It's bad enough that Romulans have the same gender binary as us and have a gender exclusionary practice with the warrior nuns, but the fertility clinic that Raffi's son was at being decorated entirely with pink and blue? The 90s shows may have an excuse for this bs, but Pcd doesn't
Altan Soong's paradise having such a large amount of white androids was, suspect
I don't like the idea that artificial and organic life will always destroy one another. And like, Picard obviously fights back on this idea, but I don't like that the super advanced AI feel like that in the first place
I think Sutra's gold sexy android vibe is ridiculous, but I think it would be cool for her to return and have a Data-Lore vibe with Soji
Hate Narek, Narissa, and Narek/Narissa
I wish there had been more exploration of what actually happened with the Romulan refugee crisis. And considering the fact that it's clearly supposed to parallel the real life refugee crisis, I really hate the "Romulan sneaks into the Federation government to bring their downfall" thing
Laris and Zhaban are great, but I wish we had seen more of them and also had their roles in Picard's life explained. Are they genuinely just like his servants? Bc yikes
I do like that we got implications of there being a Picard-Seven-Hugh exBorg support group and that they're all friends
I wish we had humanized the xBs more
Hate Maddox. Hate Soong trying to make Jurati feel guilty for killing that creep
Literally the "Jurati is working with the Zhat Vash" didn't occur to me until she started talking about what she knows. I just thought the murder was bc he was such a fucking creep and I was down with it
8 fucks!
Wish Seven/Bjayzl and Raffi/that one Starfleet chick she called were more apparent. I mean, I definitely picked up on it, but I doubt viewers who aren't already looking for gay subtext did
That said, SEVEN/RAFFI
I really loved Kestra. She's a great character and her being into a Klingon band actually ties back to Voyager. She's great all around
I liked seeing Troi and Riker, but I do wish Captain Troi were canon
I don't think the addiction storyline with Raffi was very well handled
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galaxyraised · 4 years
she’s....  uncertain.  it’s been years since she’s stepped foot on earth   (   she’d left soon after voyager’s return from the delta quadrant   ),   and for a while she’d stayed in contact with her former shipmates.  for a while.  it hadn’t lasted though.  the romulan supernova and the attack on mars   and the subsequent ban on synthetic lifeforms   had changed so much.  seven was exborg   ---   doesn’t that make her as synthetic as an android?  she’s chock full of implants,  something between human and....  not.  
it’s an identity crisis she’s managed to avoid dealing with during her time with the fenris rangers.  she’d been avoiding a lot of things.  but then she’d run into jean-luc picard and it’d all gone to shit,  leaving her with an uncomfortable urge to sort through things.  and that’s how she finds herself here.  on earth.  in indiana.  there’s nothing to say the admiral’s here at all,  but seven would rather be here than san francisco with hundreds of eyes on her. 
she sighs as she approaches the property,  sure some perimeter alert will announce her presence before she’s able to even reach the door.  still,  she steels herself and steps forward with as much confidence as she can muster,  pausing in front of the door to the home she can recall from a visit briefly after voyager’s return to earth.  there’s no one in the galaxy she can think to go to but kathryn janeway.  hands curl and uncurl at her sides as she waits,  hoping for a response.  
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“Talk About Me”
>Report, t'Lareth.< Tal'kaela spoke just loudly enough for her commander to hear her, but not loud enough for any listening devices to pick up the sound of her voice over the white noise that he had put on in the room, >Hugh and I have discovered the whereabouts of one of the ExBorg Romulan colonies. However, they have not responded to any of our attempts to contact them; we're not even certain we're getting through.< >And the logs of these attempts of contact...?< >Destroyed, sir,< Tal'kaela answered, >Hugh made certain that the files were corrupted and destroyed. Only he and I know the coordinates; we memorized them rather than recording them anywhere.<
Suran was silent for a moment. He hated operating illegally like this, but there was no way he could let the Tal Shiar have knowledge of the deassimilation of Romulan soldiers. ...or the young ExBorg that forged the trail to deassimilation.
>Now that you have spent some time with him, what are your impressions, Tal'kaela?<
The uhlan was shocked to hear her first name on her commander's lips. Ever since they had come back from training, Suran had been acting different. Tal'kaela pushed the thought aside and promptly answered, >He is naïve. Far too trusting, as he demonstrated the day he saved me. But his loyalty to his cause is strong, and he is intelligent. He's devoted to this cause, but... I worry that if the wrong person were to get to him, they might be able to extract our secret.< She quickly continued, >He's only been an individual for a few years; in a lot of ways he's still a young child. He wants to be a part of something, I think... that's why he's so quick to trust and make friends. I'm working on helping him--<
>Uhlan,< Suran interrupted, "Don't lose sight of your mission. Are you allowing yourself to become invested in this Borg's wellbeing?"
>No sir!<
Suran looked at her with dark eyes. >You don't lie well. Work to improve. As for Hugh, you are to continue to work with him to ensure the safety of Romulan ExBorg until we can offer them a place in Romulan society once more. Is that clear?<
>Yessir,< Tal'kaela nodded.
The commander's brow furrowed. How easily his uhlan had picked up human habits. She was so young and impressionable... not the ideal fit for this particular mission. Especially considering.... But there was no helping it. At least she had managed to build a trusting relationship with this strange young Borg. Suran only hoped that the Borg's trusting nature would not rub off on her. He turned off the white noise.
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transseven · 4 years
exborgs -> tissaiadevriies 🌟
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weepylucifer · 4 years
send me a 🌻 and ill just tell you whatever the fuck i want   
You know, I’m 24 years of age now and you could call me a frequent consumer of media, but Star Trek Picard was my first (!!!!) experience with “beloved character killed for shock value” and I am livid that it is a Star Trek show that got me here. Like, of all the things.
I am willing to forgive my favorite franchises A Lot. When the season 1 Discovery thing happened I was like “Well, let’s wait and see, it seems like something they’ll fix”. But I will forever remain livid that they never did anything with the xBs subplot in PIC. Like, who the fuck cares about Folgers commercial Romulans? I want Borg therapy, and Borg therapy was stolen from me. It would have been something so new and unique! And you can really tell that it was added as an afterthought and no one in the writers room knew what to do with it
Like here’s a beauteous and faceted story about recovery and liberation and oppression and community and activism. I literally do not give a shit about what baldy does next. Give me 3 seasons of political thriller about Hugh Exborg doing the diplomacy tango with all factions of the alpha quadrant to get his people basic humanoid rights while also discovering himself and being gay and arguing with his snarky non-sister Seven about vigilantism vs working the system. Give me fuckin Borg Enjolras. I literally have stopped caring about anything else in this universe
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