#except instead of being along my hairline its on my crown and at the back of my head
My head's starting to itch like hell again... At this point I'm like. 🤏🏻 This close to having all my hair chopped off despite enjoying it long.
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canary3d-obsessed · 4 years
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed Episode 08 first part
(Masterpost) (Other Canary goodness)
Warning: Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
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The Jiang kids have some quality time with the rabbits. Initially Jiang Cheng says it’s wrong for gentlemen to hold rabbits, which is definitely in no way related to gay-rabbit-god symbolism, but changes his mind when he discovers how fun men rabbits are to cuddle. 
Jiang Yanli says, in a moment with zero foreshadowing, that if they take one rabbit away from the others, it will miss its family and be lonely. Also if a rabbit were to watch from the rooftop while a mean enemy rabbit poured wine on the corpses of its parents, that would be extra upsetting. For a rabbit. So let’s leave all the rabbits where they are. Check. 
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Speaking of cute fluffy creatures that are upset, we see this distressed look on Wei Wuxian’s face kinda often when he’s talking with Jiang Cheng.  
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There are some sibilng relationships where you will always do anything to help each other because you survived a shitty childhood together, but as adults you find you don’t actually share values, and that your interactions are kinda toxic -- for both of you. This seems like one of those. 
Even though he’s younger, Jiang Cheng is in the role of the elder sibling who is being abused by the parents, and is handing the abuse on down the line to the “younger” sibling, in the form of constant criticism and casual hittings. Wei Wuxian isn’t actually younger, but he is lower ranked because he’s not a blood relation, and he gets plenty of parental abuse as well. It’s...not a healthy family. 
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(more after the cut!) 
Lan Wangji has been lurking nearby during this conversation, and after the Jiangs leave, he looks at the rabbits and says farewell.  He clearly means farewell to Wei Wuxian, or else he has a really unhealthy level of yearning being directed toward the rabbits. At least, for a vegetarian.
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Uninvited Gusu Guest
Lan Xichen is meditating, and because the Director of Photography loves us, we get a bunch of nice closeups of his exquisite face. He hears a noise thing and tells Wen Chao to come in, which results in a dire bird scream and Wen Chao’s muddy feet intruding on his day. Why did Wen Chao bring the bird with him? He’s trying to be sneaky, right? So...ok whatever.
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Wen Chao acts like a dirtbag and menacingly reminds Lan Xichen that his didi just hit the road all by himself. Lan Xichen gets so upset he curls his fingers slightly. His beautiful, beautiful fingers.
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Is it slapping time yet?
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Road Tripping
Fortunately for the Lan brothers, Lan Wangji isn’t going to be alone for long. Wei Wuxian is determined to follow him, and where friend-maker Wei Wuxian goes, an assortment of other helpful cultivators will soon follow. 
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Wei Wuxian leaves a note to say “I’m running away from home with the hot boy I met in summer school” and signs it with a smiley face, the dork. Jiang Cheng is angry, as usual; Yanli has confidence in Wei Wuxian, as usual, and Jiang Fengmian is autocratic and doesn’t explain what he’s thinking, as usual. JF is aware of the Yin Iron, however, so he may understand that WWX will be useful in protecting it on the road.  
Lan Wangji has changed his hair, upgraded his crown, and put on the most absurdly beautiful outfit of the entire show to go on a solo road trip totally without any hot infuriating boys. 
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Quick, Lan Wangji, catch this callback to that time you rejected my advances back in Gusu! This time Lan Wangji catches the offered fruit and keeps it, presumably to consume furtively when he wakes in the dead of night, restless with unslaked thirst for Wei Ying. Or, you know, to have with his lunch while they’re riding on the boat. 
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This is a level of synchronized walking-with-shoulder-contact that would make the Guardian boys proud. Lan Wangji is all touchy feely now that he’s out from under the eyes at Cloud Recesses. 
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He also has upped his troll game, actually smirking after he says “boring” to Wei Wuxian’s declaration of I’m-gonna-come-along-you-can’t-stop-me. 
He also...doesn’t seem angry? Like, he is still seriously on edge, but it feels like he left the boiling rage at home.  Lan Xichen is right; having a friend IS good for Lan Wangji. And for whatever reason, Lan Wangji is ready, now, to accept Wei Wuxian’s friendship.
We Rate Birds
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Wen Chao has the weirdest fucking pet. This bird has a resentful energy problem, obvs, but it also seems to be invisible except for resentful energy, but it leaves random feathers behind at places, and then when Wei Wuxian kills it, it’s a regular bird corpse with a little smoke. “Imbued with Yin Iron energy” seems to be the explanation. But Nie Huaisang said they see a lot of these in their neck of the woods. Did he mean “just a regular bird” and didn’t notice the billowing black visual FX? Either way I want to see a nest full of baby dire Yin birds, I bet they’re hideous cute. 
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Wen Qing has a new outfit and an elegant fiery golden crown. There’s probably some plot stuff happening here. Wen blah blah Yin Iron blah blah. She’s so pretty. I love her ears and her cool double hair parting. The girls’ hairlines are always nice and soft, presumably because they get to wear their own front hair instead of a lacefront like the boys are glued to stuck with. 
I Call it Bondage
After the fun they had in the ice cave, it’s only fair that Wei Wuxian gets to have a turn tying up Lan Wangji. 
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One of the fun things in clipping The Untamed is that the show’s editors generally didn't drop any frames when they intercut the various scenes, meaning that some longer shots can be spliced back together by removing the other camera portions, as with these two string-pulling bits.
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Lan Wangji totally lets Wei Wuxian put a leash on him, quickly declaring it boring and taking control of it, pulling Wei Wuxian along behind him. 
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Incidentally, at this stage about half of Wei Wuxian’s talisman’s are blue. After he loses his core, they are 100% red, but nobody notices that. Well, maybe Nie Huaisang does because he notices a LOT, but nobody says anything. 
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After they play around in the field for a bit, Lan Wangji’s magic bag of plot advancement goes off, sending them to Flower Town. 
He’s Leaving Home Bye Bye
Meanwhile, at Lotus Pier, we get a nice view of the rooftops. I’d hate to be the guy whose job it is to hang up bells and tassels at any of these places. 
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Jiang Cheng sneaks out to go join his brother’s road trip. He gets caught, because his idea of sneaking is to walk out the front door in broad daylight and leave the door open behind him. 
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Jiang Yanli tells him to go ahead, though and he scampers off to have...the last carefree fun of his entire life, actually. Sigh. 
Flower Town
Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji go to Tanzhou and immediately run into Nie Huaisang, because sure, why not. China’s not very big.
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Lan Wangji’s startle response
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Wei Wuxian’s startle response
Nie-Xiong and Wei-Xiong are delighted to see each other, once Wei Wuxian explains that Lan Wangji isn’t there to bust them. 
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While Wei Wuxian and Nie Huaisang squee over each other, Lan Wangji ...tries to deal with that. His reaction is probably a mix of jealousy and social anxiety. This town has got to be overwhelming for him after the order and quiet of Cloud Recesses; he even admits--aloud!--that it’s too crowded for him at one point. Add in his boyfriend’s travel partner’s number one enabler, and it’s not a comfortable situation.
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Oh great now they’re going to want me to get high and make out with them, ugh
However, with Lan Wangji in the mix, the Nie-Wei dynamic shifts away from mischief making, and they very quickly become a friend trio sharing a serious purpose. When Wei Wuxian, in his second life, refers to NHS as “that old friend of ours” when talking to LWJ, he’s not wrong. Nie Huaisang and Lan Wangji become friends during this trip, and arguably remain friends, within the limits of Nie Huaisang’s revenge remit. 
From one point of view, Nie Huaisang is grown-up Lan Wangji’s very best friend (not counting his eventual husband). Everyone in the cultivation world knows what Lan Wangji’s heart desires most, after Nightless City, and Nie Huaisang gives it to him. By, uh, manipulating a crazy guy into ritual suicide. Hey, no gift is perfect.
Continued in Next Post! Soon!
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peacefulwriter88 · 4 years
The Woman in Dots One Shot
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Frank x Leo x Reader 
Sebastian Stan as Frank; Richard Madden as Leo 
Warnings: R for sexual content. Penetration, fingering, rimming, going down, its just a whole bunch of nasty ass smut
Havana, Cuba 
                                                                                                 To You - Frank, 
I shouldn’t be here. 
I should be at the open bar down by the beach.  Another tropical fruit whose name tastes foreign in my tongue but always has the aftertaste of rum should be staining my lips. My Sony Alpha a7 camera should be drinking in the strong rays of cotton candy pink, pewter lavender and artic blue as the strong roar of waves kisses sandy earth.  
Instead, I am here with you. 
Your curly hair brushes the underside of my face, the delicate skin that barely feels the light of day, your mouth suctioned against my neck as your hands grip my pillowy breast in salvation. The shadow of your beard itches, I want to both push you away and yet I can’t help nuzzling deeper into the discomfort - the mild pain. 
I cannot think. 
I cannot breath. 
My entire being is focused on you. 
And we’re not alone. 
Your hands, Frank, are strong but delicate. Artists hands. Even the way they grip around my breasts are mindful, the soft flicker over my covered nipples as you dig - dig deeper into me. Cause me to arch back - to lean my head further back into him. 
Leo is far different than you in all the ways he is the same. 
His hair is cropped in a similar short curly cut, my fingers tangle in the strands as his hands grip my waist, keep me hostage as he watches me. Your eyes, Frank, are cerulean and remind me of the deep water of the Mediterranean sea as they hit the Grecian isles. They feel like vacation - relaxation. 
Leo’s eyes are so blue they waver on silver - biting and dangerous like the Atlantic ocean on a cool Scottish morning. They watch me now, half hooded, rigid, his bottom lip sucked into his mouth as I arch deeper into him, body nearly breaking against his as I moan out in pleasure. 
I shouldn’t be here. 
You both allow these ministrations to occur for what feels like hours, but I know has to only be minutes, your mouth Frank, now working down my halter sundress, cherry red dots staining your lips as you sucked my tender breasts through the thin material of my gown. 
It's only when your nimble fingers untie the strings to my halter that we all snap. 
My breasts spring free, they ripple against the strong motion of material pulling them free and you groan Frank, your tongue lascivious as a lizard as it latches around my right breast. I whimper louder, needier, and its Leo’s tongue that finds my own finally, his mouth demanding and yet controlled as his tongue battles my own for power. 
I cave in completely. 
I couldn’t even fight it if I wanted to. My body betrays me - one hand dragging Leo closer to my own, the other urging Frank closer to my body, my legs wanting to wrap themselves around both of you desperately. 
A minor hint - all either of  you need. 
You move away first, Frank, forever the silent leader. Your footsteps are heavy in the small room that you call your own, are short before the soft creak of the mattress betrays your new resting place. Then there is silence. 
The focus is moved to Leo - dear, sweet Leo. 
Except he’s not so sweet anymore, not the same Leo who has been calling me ‘Mi dulce Dottie’ in broken Spanish. Now his hands were moving upwards, finding the billowy tissue of my breast, calloused hands finding every ridge in my nipple. 
I whimper when he squeezes my left one between his fingers. 
The right one he cups, groans into my mouth, curses to himself lowly though I only capture his deep Scottish accent. I can feel him against me - his erection poking into my soft underside and he pulls me closer to him, moves backward until he’s resting against the small counter I vaguely remember placing the drinks I had been offered an hour earlier on. 
All a lost thought. 
“Mi dulce Dottie” - Dottie isn’t even my name. It's what Frank and him had started calling me after realizing that 90% of my wardrobe is peppered with dots. “Mi dulce, dulce Dottie. Can Frank have a little taste? Let me know what I am in store for.” 
I keen at the idea, my eyes flicker open as I pull away, nod. 
He smiles, moves the hand that has been squeezing my left nipple in agonizingly sweet pain up to cup my face, pushes his lips closer to my own. 
“You going to be a good girl for us sweet Dottie?” 
My damn neck moves more urgently than I’d care to reveal and Leo gives a nod, his other hand moving lower to lift my waist, rest it upon his legs. 
“She’s all your Frank.” 
Frank. How had I forgotten about you? 
You were always so quiet Frank. A man that could be equal parts the life of the party and yet a shadow in a crowd. Tonight, you were playing the latter, your new steps panther like, silent and deceiving. 
You barely make it to me before the scent of your cologne tangles in my nose along with Leo’s - bergamot, basil, musk - the faint smell of sweat and something sweeter. Something huskier. 
I can’t tell if it's me anymore or one of you. 
You are careful, Frank, take your time as you get on your knees. Leo has widened my stance, before moving his lips down upon my own, his tongue silently demanding to take over my own again. I relent - its all I want at this point, his and Frank’s dominance - and I’m so distracted I almost forget about you. 
You take extra care in me, Frank, your hands moving so slow up my thighs I can’t control the small shivers that emerge after your hot fingertips, the faint peppering of goosebumps that trail after you. I can’t see your eyes Frank, not sure I want to, I’m too busy watching Leo. Leo who’s handsomeness scares me in a way yours cannot.  
I know I’ve mentioned it before - once or twice within the past few days. Leo who has finally leaned leaned into the small silver growing at his hairline, a small wisp of it dancing between his auburn and brown strands. He had more red in his overall palette - the shadow of his beard and the hairs on his chest - so different than you. 
You, my dearest Frank, were all dark edges. Dark and subtle signs of grey that peppered here and there that didn’t threaten to grow but neither go away. 
In my mind you both swirl together around the same time your hand hooks under my underwear, dragging down the thick shape of my thighs - the curve of my calves, the delicate skin of my feet. 
I give a content sigh as your lips kiss my ankle, soft and sweet, like a whisper as you brush up my calf. I haven’t shaved - not in days as I wasn’t expecting two sexy men to devour me the way I am now - but you move up my leg shamelessly, kissing every inch of skin your tongue can devour. 
Leo has found his way back to my breast, large strong hands cupping them, watching them bounce as he kisses me and I can’t help but watch him, urge him on as I jut them out more. He hums contently, teases the skin under my nipple, causes me to shiver but refuses to move upwards. 
Just waits. 
Is patient. 
Waits for you. 
You’ve inched closer now, Frank. You’re now in that place of full betrayal, the light fabric of my gown around you like a crown as you disappear further and further up my leg - deeper into my gown.
Your breath is hotter under here, I can feel the way it huffs against my mound and i wonder what your face looks like right now. Is it contorted in desire? Or are your eyes narrowed in that serious way they squeeze into when something deeply interests you?
It's lost on me. 
Instead, I am slave to your tongue. 
My moan is as ferral as the way your fingers open up my lips - majoria then minoria - tongue making long, cat like licks upon each inch of the inner ridges of that feminine part of me betrays my desire.  When your tongue latches upon my clit I lose any more inner will. My fingers move to find your curls, driving you closer to me as my tongue find’s Leos’ - a battle of desire I cannot will myself to end.
Leo chuckles in humor and eagerness - he’s pushing my dress down, his hips bucking into my own, exchanging the material  with Frank who temporarily pulls away to wrangle it down my legs in a less ceremonial fashion than was given my panties. 
Leo’s all but fallen back on the counter, legs spread wider as he widens my own against his thighs, placing them on top of each of his knees, the slick of my desire falling against his dark jeans. Your back on your knees Frank, so quick and eager as your mouth latches against my clit, right hand exposing me open as two others in your free hand start to dance up my thigh. 
Fully naked I flush myself against Leo, lips now demanding for his own, other hand gripped vice like in the soft strands of Frank’s hair, willing for his hands to dance higher until they disappear into the fruit of my being - make me sing, dance, bend to his will. 
You, Frank, are my god. 
You answer my whispered prayer in the motion of two fingers, swift, sucked deeply by the betrayal between my thighs and I scream, mouth freed from Leo’s as he sucks my neck. My body is on its own dissent, my hips rocking steadily against the strength of one finger, two - and when i don’t think i have anything left of me a third that causes me to grip both of Leo’s arms, my eyes fluttering to his as I watch him under inky irises of desire. 
Meanwhile, Frank, you’re too busy moaning against my center, dragging me closer and - by default - Leo. You suck and prod as one, those beautiful artists hands driving me to a place of delusional. The world clouds, there is nothing more important than the hot touch of your mouth, the soft strum of your fingers, the soft whispers from Leo and the fountain of my passion pouring out onto the both of you. 
Then it's over. 
I feel cheated, robbed, and I moan as much as I whimper after you Frank, the way you move away from me, brush the back of your hand and lick the remnants of my affection from your stained beard. 
“You’re sweet like wine Dottie.” You whisper and I nod, bite my lip as Leo shifts me slowly, steadily. 
“I want a taste.”
You nod as you move toward me, help my feet fall from Leo’s knees and on the hardwood floor of the rented hut - sand and dark wood tied together as you move me back toward the bed. 
I'm insatiable. 
You’re all hard in the places where men should be - its not fair you know that Frank? - and i try not to rush pulling your shirt over your head, revealing in the taut way muscle pulls over sinewy skin. 
You watch me, curious, watch the way my hands dance over the sparse hairs of your chest, outline the sharp features of your face, the softness of your lips. 
‘Frank’ - the words come out like a sigh. 
Leo is behind me in a matter of seconds, hands tickling at the small pudge where the apex of my hip meets my thigh. He likes these soft places of mine, like the way muscle and fat collide and fall and move and keep me human, make me womanly, remind him of fertility that was never mine and far less belongs to him. 
I giggle as I pull my hands away from Frank and wrap them around Leo’s, my lips tugging his again into a deeper kiss, trailing up my torso, teasing my breast along with his help. 
The soft clink of a belt pulls my attention away and it makes me aware of the soft way Leo’s chest hair tickle my back, the stiffness of his erection as my eyes draws down to you who is kicking off your jeans, eyes blown indigo in the faint moonlight that the ocean was reflecting - a fading flashlight into the world. 
Your boxers come next and I groan, bend over in reverence as I drink in the girth of your manhood. You’re so different from Leo - so dark and untameable and clean in ways that Leo is wild and controlled and my mouth salivates at the notion of having you, finally, around my tongue. 
Leo doesn’t give me a chance to relish in it. 
He bends me over in one harsh push, pointer and middle finger at the top of my spine pushing me downward, watching in pleasure as my mouth goes to engulf you. 
Frank, the sound you make is downright sinful. 
A whimper and whine and groan all blended in one harsh moan as your head snaps back, hands gripping the mattress as you widen your legs deeper. 
“Sweet isn’t she? Our sweet Dottie.” 
Then he’s slowly sliding in one swift movement, my slickness sucking him in and causing me to groan around your length, to dig my hands deep into your thighs. Leo takes his time - makes sure to bottom out before he stills, hands gripping the bulbous tissue of my love handles as he looks down at me.
The red lipstick I had been wearing is all but gone, the remnants smearing up and down your long shaft, which you mutter in appreciation. My world is consumed by you, Frank, the musky scent of your balls and the way it has consumed all of my senses. I dive without thought of another world, not the discomfort of the way you bump against my throat, or the way your hand tightens around my head, singing me praises.
This worshipping is for you. 
Meanwhile, Leo has found his place in me, makes me coo as he takes his time. He knows my body like clockwork, like he was made to push inside me so slowly each cell in my body is reawakened, alive, distorted, broken. The sound reverberates against my throat and it causes you to moan deeper. 
Its punishing the treatment Leo is providing and when I pull away from you for air, its Leo who pulls me back and states lowly,
“Want to taste more of him sweetheart?” 
I understand what he is implying - the taboo of it making me wetter by the second and he grins as he slaps my right cheek, nibbling at my jawline. 
“Yeah, you want a little taste. Is that okay with you Frank? Is it okay if she returns the favor? She’s squeezing the hell out of me from the thought.” 
I know you don’t understand Frank, I can see it in your eyes but you also don’t say anything as I lean lower, move my lips down between the sack of your balls. You grunt in approval, body moving back into the bed with ease. 
Leo is slow, watching with keen interest as my lips suction you off, one of your balls sucked delicately into my mouth, followed by another. Your taste stronger, more potent and my hips snap back onto Leo’s of its own accord, causing him to chuckle, grip around my love handles stronger. 
He was always here for a show. 
And you are a trusting man Frank. 
‘Too trusting’ I think as my tongue moves lower, taking pride in the way you let out a low chuckle as my tongue moves down your perineal, finding home in the tight, puckered hole where your anus meets my mouth. 
You stiffen. 
But you don’t pull away. 
Instead you shift a bit, waiting. I can hear the deep beat of your tongue, can feel the uncertainty and curiosity dripping off of you so i probe a little deeper. Move a bit further. The taste has changed...not in a bad way but different. 
Leo loves it. 
Snaps his hips deeper into me so i can move all the way into your arse, causing you to pop your head up in surprise as I moan in desire. I can’t help it now - the taboo-ness of being here while my hand finds your length, precum leaking from the tip and I  swipe it up and down as my mouth takes its time exploring. The overwhelming sensation of feeling Leo’s length in me, the way you moan and holler, your body stiffening more, grabbing at my sides, pleading silently to stop it. 
I can’t. 
I’m consumed. 
You come first Frank, its sweet and messy and sticky. It takes over my whole right hand and I lean up, lick you and hum in your taste as Leo hisses behind, gripping me so hard I know I will have marks the next day. 
I don’t care. 
I reveal in the way it feels to be taken by him, kissing you while my free hand moves to my clit, plays with myself. 
It all feels too good. 
Too dangerous. 
So overwhelming. 
I come with a cry. 
My eyes flash open and my back arches off the bed. The gasp I thought I was letting out is a full fledge scream - it consumes the room and I shake violently, my hand slipping from that sweet place between my thighs before I fall back onto the bed, exhausted. 
It's between finding my breath that I hear,
“Are you good?” 
My eyes pop open with a start. Leo is standing in the doorway, shirtless, his pants unbuckled as he watches me, that same half lidded look from my fantasy dancing in his eyes. 
I nod slowly and he gives a small smile, moves to the sink in the small cabana we had rented. 
It all comes pouring to me. 
The roar of the waves. 
The way the cool caribbean water danced around my toes, pooled around the delicate fabric of white and cherry polka dotted dress. I was still wearing it - sand crusting the edges and water cooling my back against the humid night. 
There were no stars - no - havana had sucked them all up and threw them out into the city that was in full swing right now. 
Leo is on me in minutes, handing me the glass of water and helping me to sit up. He watches as I take two large sips, curiosity dancing in his eyes before he shifts his hips to pull a joint from his pocket. 
We both say nothing as I reach over the nightstand, find the lighter in the darkness and light the joint with ease. He inhales it deeply, watching me still in the darkness of the room, the only light from the joint before he hands it over to me. 
It's only when I take my first drag that he whispers, 
“So you and Frank have met up again, eh Dottie? I take it he’s the one that made you cum.” 
Oh fuck. 
Frank - you always were trouble. 
Tag List:  @Sad-af1121, @whichwayisthebeach-Sebass, @theplumbclub79, @4theluvofall, @tatathekissypatato, @baezen, @lostinthoughtsandfeelings-blog, @plumbfondler, @pegasusdragontiger, @prettybubblesintheair, @docharleythegeekqueen, @brieannakeogh, @palaiasaurus64, @emotchalla, @thejenniferincident, @shayla-markele, @jalapenobarnes​,  @toastmaster94, @brandybucky, @papi-chulo-seb, @jaamesbbarnes, @paulxrudd, @badassbaker, @letsalltakeanap @papi-chulo-bucky, @moonbeambucky, @jaceyfade, @samingtonwilson, @violentlybarnes, @wehaveathor, @buckfics, @frostbitebakery,  @killmongerdreams, @plussizeappreciationfics, @softlybarnes, @prettyyoungtragedy, @angryschnauzer,  @221bshrlocked,  @yslbucky @zohoffman @ssweet-empowerment @capsofwinchesters @tacohead13 @harleycativy @pietrotheavenger @francezka10 @papichulosebastian @obsessionsofmynerdheart @melaninmarvel @avengedqueen26 @nasteaxluvgal @winterbuttmunch @nys30 @buckyslongasshair @ohlumi @wellthirsted @geminimoonbeamx @jetaimeamore​ @younghades​ @chrisevansdaddycap​ @harleycativy​ @ohlumi​ @wellthirsted​ @awinterloveuniverse​ @gifsbysimplysonia​ @gand1215 @mississippifangirl​ @misskenni @microgirl8225​
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daydreamindollie · 7 years
[k.sj x f.r] The Boxed Lunch Mystery
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Genre: Fluffy Fluffy Unicorn
Length: 8k
Quick Summary: After recieving a delicious boxed lunch for Valentines day, Jin is determined to find the one who stole his heart with nothing except sweet words and, of course, food
▷ mini.sequel: Three Kisses
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"Why are you looking like that Hyung?" Jimin enquired. There was no reason for his elder to be so nonchalant over the gifts he was being showered with from multiple people; people that admired him as the moral man that he was; people that hope he'd apprehend their deep infatuation for him; people that simply want him to know that he is a wonderful person.
"'Looking like' what?" Jin hummed as he organised the wrapped presents addressed to him.
"Unenthusiastic," Namjoon concluded, freeing Jimin of his struggle in finding the right term.
"Exactly!" Jimin stared in wonder up at his senior, "You should be happy that so many people admire you." spotting and reading a label of a single rose that was robbed of its prickling thorns, Jimin's brows flung to his hairline, "Boys too!"
Jin chuckled but shook his head, "I am happy."
"I sense a 'but'." Yoongi mused, earning a nod, which he smirked at, "See? - I'm always right."
"It's just that, they're all store bought. For all I know, they could have just gotten this without a single thought of me in their heads at all." his exaggerated sigh brought no relief.
"Try to, at least, look happy; people are watching." Hoseok whispered with cautious eyes darting everywhere else before finally locking with Jin's own orbs, "Also, it's Valentines - a holiday - people have to be happy."
"Tell that to everyone that's single." Yoongi shot back in a grunt.
Raising himself, out of his seat, Jin lifted the generous gifts of others into his arms before announcing that he was heading to place them into his locker.
"We should do the same thing boys." Namjoon suggested, "All the staring is kind of getting to me now." with the agreement of everyone else, the handsome group of men made their way out of the dining hall, and into the corridors that took them to their row of lockers.
Upon approaching his unguarded locker, Jin's eyes quickly noted how its metal door was left ajar. Surely, people had more respect than that. No one had ever raided anybody else's locker as it would result in a harsh punishment from the school board, that's why there was never a reason to implement a lock and key, so why would someone invade his and his alone? Hoping that none of his belongings had been stolen, Jin stepped up and pulled back the door with an optimistic outlook.
There, in the middle of his locker, was a pastel-pink bento box, which had a golden crown to accommodate its centre as it's the only form of decoration.
Had someone voluntarily cooked him lunch?
Choosing to multitask, Jin attentively took the box out, during which he haphazardly transferred the other gifts inside. His full attention was on that innocent, plain bento lunch - there was nothing else around him that required as much attention anyway. This was surely for him and him alone so he turned his back to his friends and successfully shielded their view from what was only meant for him, before gently lifting the lid.
A scent so warm and loving immediately conquered his senses, with it was the most mouthwatering sight he had ever seen. It was clear to him that the chef of this masterpiece had taken their time in the presentation; everything was so well placed and so full of colour. Every small portion was something different, nestling in its own allocated place. There was a scoop of fluffy rice, peppered with a small helping of seasoning; several rolled up, sunshine-yellow egg omelettes; crisply cooked salmon chunks; a boiled egg that was cut in half with a pinch of salt crystals atop it; a small collection of half-cooked vegetables; a little helping of chopped fruit; happy looking sausage octopi, and fried chicken breasts, coated in golden bread crumbs. Jin couldn't believe his eyes, this was the first homemade gift he had received from someone. Resisting the urge to scarf his glorious meal down now, he thought it best to save until the proper time for lunch and went to put the lid back on when he caught sight of a note, taped to the back of the lid.
He made sure that the boys didn't see him with the box but kept the note and read it as soon as he had closed the door to his personal belongings, alongside the bento, which rested vigilantly atop everything else.
At the unfolding of every made crease, Jin couldn't help the feverish palpitations of his heart.
'Dear Jin,
I hope you like the lunch I prepared for you. I made it with you in mind, of course, but please don't feel offended if it doesn't suit your taste and end up not liking it.'
Jin laughed; there was no way he could ever feel offended by this. It was such a sweet gesture, and he appreciates that more than anything - he was a man that always believed in the thought mattering much more than the actual gift, after all.
'Anyway, I've wanted to say this for a while but have never truly had the courage to tell you in person. You may call me a coward, and I agree with that because this is such a spineless confession.’
‘Despite that, I really want to get this off my chest one way or another, because holding it in is suffocating me.' Jin eagerly reads on, driven and fuelled by curiosity as well as elation.
'I love you.'
He was suddenly breathless. In a rapturous sense. It was the addictive kind. One that people in love would consistently suffer from. It took him a moment to regain himself but swiftly continued on.
'I've loved you for a long while now.’
‘The more I got to know about you, and the more times I had had the pleasure to spend with you, only made me sink deeper into this uncontrollable infatuation.’
‘Everything that you are, and will be, is what I fell in love with.'
There were butterflies creating a storm that arose from the pit of his stomach, they brought about a ticklish sensation with how they were brushing their delicate wings everywhere. All because of the words he was reading.
How curious...
'You're a gorgeous man, in looks and in personality. I know that anybody would be lucky to call you theirs; I definitely will.’
His heart contracted painfully. There was a hesitancy in reading further but he had to, it was the least he could do after all that you had done for him.
'I have no right to ever call you mine, and I'm sure that you will find deep embarrassment in calling me yours.’
‘I am not worthy of any affection from you.'
You had cooked him a beautiful meal, made him feel butterflies and had him soaring to the high heavens with the words of a letter, he needed to repay you in some way.
Why weren't you letting him decide for himself whether or not you were truly deserving?
'And so I shall keep my identity a secret.'
There was a growth of desperation within him. It seems as if all that he will ever seem to desire from now on is to know your true identity.
Why were you being so unfair?
'Knowing you, you will wash this bento box and keep it in your locker for me to retrieve tomorrow. I shall not protest as it's the least I can do to apologise for keeping my name a secret.'
You truly must know him if you were able to denote his following actions, and, although he should find the connotations disturbing, he could only feel comfort.
Knowing that you were already well acquainted with him, instead of impetuously proclaiming your love, he couldn't bring himself to dislike you for your secrecy.
'Please eat healthily, rest well and laugh often.
I love you very very much, and all that I wish is for you to be happy.
Sincerely yours,
x x x'
Three kisses.
You owe him three kisses.
He wasn't going to let this go - with what little grasp he has on you - until you've delivered those three kisses to him.
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The lunch he was blessed with was truly worth the wait and had to be savoured. Everything was well seasoned; the textures were spot on; there were fulfilling bursts of flavour upon every bite and when combined together, Jin was sent to the cloud nine of food. Someone this talented at cooking deserved to be known and merits their every desired wish to be executed, unfortunately, Jin wasn't intending to go along and satisfy yours.
He has to know you who you are.
But how?
He had just washed the bento box, thinking about how he would ever be able to find out your true identity but with nothing coming to mind, he opted on rereading the letter at his desk. For a moment, he considered doing his homework early before writing back to the people that had delivered gifts to him, until he came across a particular line.
'...your locker for me to retrieve tomorrow...'
At that sentence, he immediately sprouted an ingenious idea and got to work, animatedly writing away on a piece of paper. He will place his little notice in the bento box. When you open it and spot the letter, he hopes that you'll regard his proposition favourably.
'I need to know who you are.’
‘Let me decide for myself whether or not you really aren't worthy of affection.’
‘If I conclude that you are deserving, then I will call you mine and you will call me yours.’
‘All I need are clues as to who you are.’
‘I need to know your identity.’
‘x x x'
Of course, he made it mandatory to return your three kisses
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The entire sequence of events seemed like a cliche movie plot but he was happy to know that you were up for his little investigation. Like clockwork, you had replied to his proposal, it came in a pastel pink post-it note, which stuck itself to the back of his locker door.
'I suppose that would be okay.’
‘I think it would assure me to know what you truly consider me as, rather than just leaving my confession, a confession.’
‘I will give you a clue every week.’
‘There will only be 6.’
‘If you try to find out who I am before my 6th clue is given, then I shall call this whole ordeal off.’
‘I only want to make sure that you know who I truly am before you attempt approaching me.’
‘If you get my identity wrong, even with the 6 clues given, I shall tell you through a note but will never call you out angrily for it.’
‘The only thing I'll do is stop every and any form of contact with you - everything.’
‘I will not torture myself more than I have to.'
It wasn't you torturing yourself.
He knew that it was all because of his imprudence that you were having to suffer, but he can't help being selfish. You were already worth more to him than every other person that had previously confessed with extravagance to him. Your confession was special, purely because it exhibited an attribute he's wanted in a girl - a loving cook.
A whimsical image flashed behind his daydreaming lids. A future where he'll hug your figure from behind whilst you slaved over the stove, and upon resting his chin atop your sculpted shoulder, you turn to lean upwards and place a searing kiss onto his cheek. A frown urged his lips downwards, however, at the fact that he couldn't place a face or name to the girl he was envisioning in his arms. Suddenly, there was a sense of determination that rose up and oppressed his dismay - a resolve in finding you.
"This girl must be really special," Namjoon commented with a hum of contemplation, earning a nod of approval.
Glancing up at his Hyungs, Jungkook frowns in confusion, "It doesn't make sense though."
"Why?" Jin raised a brow as their quaint trio approached his locker during their lunch break.
"You don't even know her. How can you say that she's special to you if you don't know anything about her?"
Jin grinned simply, which confused the young boy as much as his elder's following statement did. "I just know that she's someone I should care about."
"You usually make sense Hyung, but today, you're not making any." Jungkook's frown was met by an open laugh as Jin pulled his locker open.
"You'll know when you're older." upon finally turning his gaze to the inside of his locker, Jin's eyes instantaneously brightened.
There was another boxed lunch.
It had been a week since his previous one and he was starting to get worried about whether or not you had changed your mind. In spite of his paranoia, he believed that he should just be patient. Thank goodness it had finally paid off.
Taking out the boxed lunch, he allowed the two beside him to awe at the sight of its contents as he hurriedly read the note taped to the back of the lid once more.
'Clue 1:’
‘In our first meeting, you were so kind - I couldn't help falling in love' Is this it?
Jin frowned at the vast emptiness surrounding the simple sentence. He turned the slip of paper over, anticipating more but there was nothing and his heart fell.
"Woah! Did your Eomma make that lunch for you Hyung?" Jungkook awed, staring at the bento lunch, disregarding the fact that his friend was preoccupied with the innocuous note.
"No...it's from that girl..." he was still frowning.
"No wonder she's special then!" Namjoon grinned, "I can't believe she made you lunch! It looks so good too." the bleach-blonde turned his stare to the youngest and quirked a brow of amusement. "Do you understand why she's considered special now, Kookie?"
Jungkook attempted to see himself in Jin's shoes, "I guess it would be nice for a girl to make lunch for me. Cooking skills are always a bonus quality for a girl." Jin should have really gotten irritated at the statement, feeling quite assaulted with the concept of having somebody, as perfect as the Maknae of his group, already wanting to steal you away before he's even gotten an image of you.
This clue was too generic. It could've happened to any number of girls. Acquainted with his attractive appearance, Jin has seen a good number of females fall to their knees before him in the confession of their love, so it wasn't anything knew that someone would think 'love at first sight' when brushing a glance at him. By all means, this wasn't him being conceited, only exasperated at the clue's inadequacy.
"Is that from her too?" Namjoon quipped as he glanced over Jin's broad shoulders.
"Yeah...It's a clue to find out who she is, but it's too comprehensive. I don't think I know anything more about her than I did yesterday." frustrated, Jin groaned before placing the note into his blazer pocket and staring down at the open bento with perplexed brows.
"Is it okay if I read it?"
"No, it's alright."
"Great." reading the passage, Namjoon questioned everything. "At least you know that she has readable penmanship." he grinned before looking further into the use of words.
"That's one thing, but all girls always apply great amounts of effort into everything they do, so naturally, they all have neat handwriting." another sigh, "I don't think you can figure out anything else though-"
"Actually..." Namjoon purred with a glint of fascination in his eyes - it was as if the conclusion he had come to was simply, pure genius and he couldn’t help being proud of it. "You can tell another thing from it."
"What's that?" Jungkook mused in interest, trying to catch a glance of the paper.
"She thinks you're kind."
Jin's brows knotted into a chaotic cluster, it was a confusion shared between him and the maknae, "Now, you're not making any sense either Hyung."
"Just let me explain." Jin leaned in with perked ears, with the notion that, if he was to do so, then he'd be able to understand better.
" 'In our first meeting, you were so kind...I couldn't help falling in love.' " he recited, "This means that your first meeting had you behaving kindly towards her. It also connotes that she finds your personality more attractive than your outward appearance." Namjoon chuckled, "She's definitely someone special."
Heart fluttering, cheeks warming and stomach churning, Jin grinned in elation. You weren't only the first person to cook him the most memorable and beautiful lunch he had ever had but was also the first one to consider his charisma more than his looks at the first meeting.
"She certainly is.." and Jin could tell that Jungkook was in full agreement with the both of them too. The only thing he had to do was think back to a time where he had significantly changed the course of a girl's day, simply by being kind.
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He was running late but his parents had already phoned the school to apprise his unpunctuality, perfectly reasoning that they had been away for the weekend and due to traffic, would be arriving later than they had planned. It wasn't a big deal because Jin was a well-behaved student that was respected (equally by the students and teachers) as if he were a member of staff, he also hasn't missed a single minute of school before, and so, was confident that they'd let this minor slip up, go.
This was a first for him.
It was a strange but somewhat exhilarating feeling - though, he's sure that he only feels that way because he knows that he wouldn't be getting into any trouble. If it was certain that he would be suffering punishment, then he would definitely be feeling sick.
Taking the path of stairs two steps at a time, Jin, in spite of his fair reasonings, still aimed to get to class as quickly as possible, that is, until he came across a whimpering figure collapsed atop the last few steps. Observant as he was, he quickly noted her discombobulated positioning and candid sniffles. Instantly flourishing sentimental concern for the female, he approached her with swift feet.
"Miss, are you okay?" he had lightly touched her shoulder and upon turning her head to look up at him, he found himself biting back a murmur of admiration.
‘What an adorable face...’
Her voice was so sweet to his ears that shivers were sent dancing down his spine in bursts of musical surges. The additional image of her innocent, frail look did nothing to ease the strange sensation either.
Quickly shaking his head to deal with the situation more seriously, Jin crouched down to her eye level. She's so much cuter up close, "Don't tell me you fell on the steps..."
"I think I twisted my ankle..." Jin gave her a stern look, similar to the one parents gave when about to scold their misbehaving children, "I-I didn't want to be late again..." she's so adoringly timid that his eyes softened considerably.
"Well, there's no need to worry about that now; classes are almost over anyway. We have to focus on getting you to the school nurse for the meantime." shuffling to a kneeling position before her, locking his feet and limbs in a way that assured his gravity securely, Jin reached his arms back ever so slightly, and gently tried to coax her into his backwards cradle, "I'll give you a piggy back ride to her office."
"Y-you don't have to.."
"Well, I want to, so you don't have a choice." he firmly asserted, inching back just slightly as he glanced over his shoulder to comfortingly smile at her, "Don't keep me waiting here, princess." he was tempted to chuckle at her spluttering but he had already embarrassed her enough, and so, with courtesy, he turned everything down several notches. On the way to the office, he didn't find her almost choking him around the neck like most girls would, and although he found it odd, he was delightfully intrigued. "Why aren't your arms around my shoulders and neck? Surely that would be more comfortable for you." he looked down at the petite hands grasping onto his school dress shirt. From where they gripped at his covered chest, he let his eyes wander up to where they hooked themselves just under his pits
"O-Oh...well, I don't want to end up choking you or something."
'But you're grip around me is so feather-like, that would be impossible'.
Jin suppressed a wide grin, turning it into a meagre but bright smile with a bite of his lip.
"You won't."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure." He waited patiently - still walking - as she pulled an arm back to fasten the bend of her elbow over his shoulder before doing the same with the remaining arm. "Is that better?" he asked gently.
"Thank you for being so kind to me...uh.."
"It's Seokjin, but you can call me Jin."
"I'm (Y/N)..thank you, again Jin." he smiled at how enchantingly she had called his name.
"You're welcome (Y/N)."
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It took a long week until his second clue was delivered, he was supporting high hopes of it being more revealing than the previous one and, by now, his entire friendship group had been informed of the circumstances. The pestering from the youthful bunch was vexing but his mind was too obsessed over the subsequent clues' possible implications, that he didn't bat a single eyelash at them.
"If she's really pretty then I'm going to have to steal her away from you Hyung." Jimin teased as he bit into his school lunch. "Somebody who's as pretty as their cooking is a 'one-in-a-million' kind of girl."
"You're right about that, but I'm not letting you have her." Jin grumbled, circling his arms around the bento, "and besides, she already has me."
As Jimin pouted playfully, Taehyung was kept poking at his Hyung with the same question: "Can I have a taste?", "Hyung, will you let me taste test it for you?", "Just one bite..-or maybe two..or three..if you let me have four, I’ll let you have some of my lunch!", "Please please please?".
"I've said this a million times - no."
"But you always share with us."
Jin turned away from his petulant face, "Well, I'll share everything except this, she intended this to only be for me after all. I want this just for myself too, is that too much to ask?"
"I guess not." Taehyung slumped in his chair before mournfully nibbling away at his own, drab lunch.
"What does the clue say this time Hyung?" the most respectful maknae mused with a curious glint in his doe eyes. The atmosphere was suddenly so very quiet, all in the wait for Jin to read out his second clue.
'Clue 2:’
‘I was sad in our second encounter, but you made me laugh and I was so grateful.'
"How can you make anybody laugh?" Yoongi snorted, "Your Dad jokes are as horrible as Taehyung's cooking skills."
The entire table laughed, except for Taehyung - who only whined but eventually joined in - and Jin, who remained transfixed on recollecting multiple memories of girls he's shared his dad jokes with.
"Actually..there's was this one girl..."
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It was that cute girl again.
She was sitting alone, on a wooden bench, her frame so petite that her feet barely touched the ground, an image that made him chuckle softly.
It could have been any mental prompt, but he ended up taking a step towards her, and then two, three, four...Five...Ten...Twelve....until he finally arrived at her side. There was no acknowledgement of his presence from her, which he found strange, but shortly discovered the culprit of her distraction - there was a stream of tears falling down her face.
"Is everything okay?" he instantaneously asked at his shocking discovery.
Snapping her head towards him in shock, her plump, pink petals for lips, shaped themselves into an 'o' as her surprise slowly left her. Hurriedly wiping at her tears with the sleeve of her jumper, she allowed her dainty voice to call out to him, "I-It's you again..."
"Yeah..." he took a seat beside her, pulled her hands away and mopped up her tears after retrieving a packet of tissues from his otherwise empty blazer pocket.
"Th-thank you."
He shook his head softly with a tender gaze as a way of saying that it was alright, "Will you be okay in telling me what's wrong?" She turned her head no, unable to meet his worrisome gaze. Did she feel guilty for having him fretting over her? "Not even a little...?" he benevolently pressed.
Eventually, her eyes reconnected with his - just briefly - before she took the time to pull her comparatively small face out of his giant hands, "I guess I've just had the worst day of my life." he was about to speak words of comfort when she sufficed the gesture for him, "I hope it'll only get better from now on."
"I'm sure it will..."
A silence followed but it wasn't the awkward kind. No. It was a cosy sort, the one between two close friends when preoccupied, but still appreciative of each other's presence...or, between multiple people as they stare up and admire a firework display...or even between two lovers watching the sunset-
"Do you want to hear a dad joke?" he suddenly asked but swiftly second-guessed himself at the quizzical look she sends him. "Uh...that was random!..I'm sorry-"
"You're right about the offer being out of the blue.. but don't worry," he sighed in relief, but had to hold back a blush at her tinkling giggle, "feel free to do so though, I love them." assured that he wouldn't be doing anything wrong, he proceeded to jest, pleasantly surprised at her open appreciation of everything he attempts. Unsatisfied with just one, he continued to tell her more..and more and more and more and more - merely craving her star-like laughter. Her laugh was such a pleasant one that he wanted to capture and store it away in a securely fastened box so that he'd be able to hear it at any time of day. He's so sure that he'd never grow tired of it.
"What's a runaway strawberry?........ Strawberry jam."
She laughed as beautifully as the stars.
"Hamburgers...what colour are they?....BURGUNDY! BURGUNDY!"
In a fit of hysterics, she clutched at her stomach as she doubled over, almost falling off the bench if it weren't for Jin holding her up as he laughed along with her.
"RIP boiled water...you will be Mist."
Admittedly he laughed at his own jokes before she did, but it was still a joyous experience to have her laughing beside him.
She was able to guess several of them though...
"Do you know what dead sesame is?.."
Before the usual look of disappointment could take charge of his features, he laughed and agreed that her answer was right, which had them equally laughing. It was strange but having her already knowing the answer to his jokes was uplifting, in a sense, because he was bizarrely able to unmask some solace in the discernment of them sharing the same humour.
Minutes before, he had seen her crying tears of distress but now, she was laughing herself to tears of euphoria. It brought him so much pride and joy to affirm that it was all because of him.
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Again, another week needed to pass before the next note was to be delivered, but he still wasn't allowed to seek you out freely until the 6th clue was given - it was all a test of his patience. Usually, he would be willing to wait but with the wicked taunting and impish advice from several of his friends, his tolerance for the wait was gradually being rolled thin, like the dough of a thin-crust pizza.
Thankfully, he was able to resist his developing urges enough for the 3rd clue.
"What does it say? What does it say?!" Taehyung begged from the seat beside him, breathing into his ear in the manner of a laboured dog.
"I'm getting to it! Just move back!" Jin chuckled, waiting for his friend to lean away before clearing his throat and reading off of the paper.
'Clue 3:’
‘When we met for the 3rd time, you got me to love cooking.'
"Oh, so it's because of you that she's taken up cooking." Namjoon sunk into a deep thought.
"That narrows it down to the people in your extracurricular cookery club, doesn't it?" Yoongi hummed.
"Yeah, that's right," Jin confirmed, savouring another well-presented, delicious meal. There was even a homemade cupcake for him at the very side, which stretched a grin across his lips. He decided to save it for last, a task that was proven quite difficult with the persistent, sneaking hands of his disrespectful dongsaengs. "Hands off!" Jin moaned in frustration, "It's for me." with their grumblings and ultimate retreat, Jin relaxed and started thinking.
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"You really can't cook can you?" Jin laughed in amusement.
"I-I wanted to try something new..." his gaze softened at her downcast appearance before he proceeded to relieve several of her struggles. He turned the heat down, cleared up her surfaces a bit and laid her prepared ingredients accordingly, before talking her through what she should be doing.
She was a fast learner, he noted but was still curious about why she suddenly changed her extracurricular activity at the library, for something she wasn't as experienced with. There was a slight understanding of her 'wanting to try something new' excuse, but any other person wouldn't sacrifice their comfort for something that they could never match up to by themselves. Try watching a child happily exchange their favourite toy for someone else's. It certainly would be a refreshing sight, but a rare one too.
Clearly, she was working hard to get along with the task smoothly; her brows were furrowed in intense concentration; her eyes solely trained on everything going on in front of her; her hands slightly jittering from time to time in an attempt in permanently being ready for action, and she was actually breaking a sweat, pulling her loose ponytail tighter whilst tucking free strands of hair behind her ear.
"You're doing really well."
Was that a blush on her cheeks?
"Th-thank you."
"You deserve it. It's really brave of you to try something you're so inexperienced at." the compliment brought back his question, "Why did you suddenly want to start something so new anyway?"
"I thought...I thought I could end up liking something else." It still sounded very much like an excuse but Jin believed that she would open up when she was ready, so he didn't press any further.
"So?...." she hummed curiously, looking up at him from her gaze on the working pot, "Did you end up liking it?"
She smiled cutely, a tint of pink dusting her ample cheeks, "Very much so, yes." her eyes momentarily drifted down a few mere centimetres before quickly reconnecting with his gaze.
"I'm glad."
They shared a genuine smile.
"Me too..."
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There are only three more females to go through when accounting the connotations of all the clues so far. They were all in his cooking classes after school and had been able to taste all of their cooking creations due to a monthly cooking and eating day, where everyone did just that - they would cook a dish from home and allow others to try it. Certainly, it was his most favoured event of the club, especially if people enjoyed his cooking and he was able to enjoy theirs.
The first is Kim Mina. She was pretty tall for her a girl but was - thankfully - just about shorter than Jin. Her eyes were acutely angled and she had a dimpled smile, which always made her eyes disappear into sharp crescents.
One problem limiting her chances of being his secret admirer was the fact that, no matter what she did, nothing ever seemed to go well for her in the kitchen. There was a time where she left the water boiling too long and ended up with less than half of the amount of water needed to boil her spaghetti noodles in, and so she had to boil more water again. Not only that, but just a few days ago, when she had tried to cut an onion, the knife skidded off it's glossed curves and sent the purple vegetable flying across the room. Certainly, there's more to say about her misfortunes in the kitchen, but the evidence has already ruled her out, so there's no point in contemplating over the matter any further.
The second contestant is Pak Areum - one of the beauties of the school. With a fair complexion, distinctive facial features and gentle eyes, she's had several males chasing after her during her years in high school.
It would certainly be a pleasure to have her as his admirer but she's definitely off the list, simply because of the fact that she burns everything! From the food to the pans, she seems to have an art in setting anything ablaze. The only offender to blame is her habit of going into a daze. Her daydreams lasted long enough for chard bitterness to begin coating her equipment and food, it isn't until smoke begins to billow upwards and suffocate the room that she thinks: 'when was the last time I checked on my cakes?'. It was an awful sight to witness. Also, her seasoning is always off, her only excuse being that she liked strong flavours. Her tastes were so unlike the delicate flavouring of the beautiful foods he's been receiving in the bento box.
The third and last suspect is (Y/N) (Y/L/N) - a quiet but charming person with lots of natural aegyo. She honestly doesn't know how endearing she is because it all seems to come spontaneously to her, to add onto that, she's also very hard working, as seen through the progress of her cooking skills. At first, she didn't know what on earth she was doing or how to work herself around the kitchen area, but she was able to adapt to her circumstances quickly with some guidance, and in the blink of an eye, she was engaging in amazing cuisine all on her own.
If it was her-
"Hyung, what's the clue this time?" Taehyung enquired, his mouth full of chewed-up cafeteria food.
"Don't eat with your mouth full." Jin softly warned, which earned an apology that completely disregarded his advice anyway - he didn't wait to swallow before apologising.
"So?.." Yoongi pressed with tired lids but participating eyes after Jin was finished with pulling a disgusted face at his immature dongsaeng.
'Clue 4:
Our 4th run in wasn't ideal but you made it perfect.'
"What is that supposed to mean?" Yoongi grumbled in dismay as Jin instinctively disregarded the swell of emotion in order to focus on figuring out who it could be.
"Looks like you're the reason for her days being brighter." Namjoon teased, eliciting a flush of pink from the eldest's ample cheeks.
"Can you think of it being anyone?" Hoseok leaned forward in anticipation.
"Not at the top of my head, no...I'm sure that I'll be able to conclude it soon though."
"You hope," Yoongi grumbled negatively.
"No!" Jimin quickly cut in, "He knows that he'll be able to tell soon enough. It seems like they know each other pretty well already, don't you think?"
As the boys, busied themselves with enthusiastic gossip over what they think would happen next, Jin zoned them out and pondered deeply. His fourth meeting with Mina was him congratulating her on being a member of a winning volley ball team in a tournament between schools so that ruled her out, and for Areum, it was when she had been dating yet another boy and was gushing about how she feels that he was 'the one', so she was definitely unsuitable.
(Y/N), however...
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When out shopping for ingredients, there was a sudden, abrupt crash at the end of the aisle Jin was in.
At its unforeseen occurrence, it was able to attract all the passer-by-ers' attention but none reached out to help. Upon turning to the frenzied whisper of apologies coming from the mess, Jin was met with the winsome sight of you, picking up multiple cans and endeavouring to fix the avalanche. Feeling his heart clench at the image before him, Jin ached to help you out, which he did after several long, swift strides in your direction.
"I'm so clumsy!" you stressed, whispering airily, "I'm so so sorry..." he was sure that it was for any staff member that had witnessed the mishap but there was no one, only shoppers that didn’t even offer to help.
"It's alright." Jin chuckled, briefly hearing you breathe his name in acknowledgement when you had finally lifted your gaze from the strewn soup cans, "I'm sure it was an accident." he looked up and around for a moment before smiling at you, "Hopefully, none of the staff finds us, but just to be sure, we should hurry up."
In spite of your subsequent nod of agreement, you were harshly biting your bottom lip as your eyes pooled with a thick trickle of embarrassment, accompanying your flustered face. He just knew that you would be insulting yourself mentally, which really shouldn't be the case because people always made mistakes, and so it was an understandable circumstance that anyone can relate to. With an urge to comfort your vulnerability, Jin quickly proceeded to 'accidentally' knock the small tower he had made with the sharpness of his elbow.
The clattering of cans paved the path for the publication of suppressed, loose laughter - music to his ears. Holding back a grin, he pulled an innocent face.
"Oops." he behaved sheepishly.
"I guess we're both pretty clumsy." you tittered in delight.
"And you guessed right." through the lie, Jin chortled before bathing in the wonderful feeling your relieved smile brought him.
It took several minutes to restock the tower of cans but upon its completion, you and Jin smiled at each other and concurrently sighed blissfully at the alleviation of pressure on your knees and lower back. There was a moment of comfortable silence that you benignly broke after several moments, your eyes glittering under fluorescent light with lips appearing softer than velvet rose petals.
"I appreciate your comfort...but you honestly didn't have to lie about your supposed clumsiness earlier." he was flabbergasted, eyes wide and unbelieving at the fact that you were able to figure him out. With a bell-like giggle, your face visibly flushed whilst relaxing under his gaze, "You're never clumsy."
"Could you have at least kept the fact that you knew, to yourself? Now, I'm the one that's embarrassed..."
Breaking out into another small trickle of laughter, you shook your head, "I just had to say thank you..."
Your smile was dazzling.
"...you're welcome."
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Another week, another clue.
He didn't need it though, Jin was sure to himself that he knew who it was, and although he respected his admirer's desire in waiting up to the 6th and final clue, his patience had already been rolled out too thin. His forbearance was already as weightless and translucent as tissue paper - he can't wait any longer.
"Why don't you just confront her?" Jimin suggested, sipping at a small carton of milk with a hum of content.
"Because it was part of our deal." Jin groaned.
"Which was...?"
"For me to wait until the 6th clue to go searching for her."
Jimin hummed thoughtfully, his brows furrowing and delving into a world of deep brooding, he had no good suggestion to help his elder but did his hardest to be helpful. He assumed that he would be struck by a major idea soon. There was righteousness in his bright outlook because the idea quite literally struck him - that idea being Taehyung.
"Woah! Sorry, Jiminnie!" Taehyung held back a grin but failed anyway, and reached out to pat his friend on the head, "I didn't see you there; you were so short!" just like each of his previous attempts at annoying his friends (and succeeding), the tall male quickly manoeuvred to sprint away, however, unlike all of his past attempts, there was something holding him back. Like a freak tsunami, his face suddenly turned very pale, very quickly and it was terrifying (but still amusing) to discern that he was able to realise his imminent doom. "I'mSoSorry!PleaseDon'tHurtMe!I'llBuyYouLunchForTheEntireMonth!CrossMyHeartHopeToD-"
"You're a genius Taehyung!"
"I am?..."
"He is?..."
"You're right - he isn't-"
"But he gave me a really good idea!"
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Jin felt like a child that knew he was doing something wrong and would eventually get into trouble for it but there was also a presence of negligence to the potential consequence. All he wants is just to see and finally confront his anonymous admirer. It's been a month and a week!
He. Can't. Wait. Another. Day!
'You'll have to 'accidentally' meet her.'
Jimin's plan was in favour of him though, because it played with the notion of him 'accidentally' running into his unsuspecting wooer. This incident won't be an accident though and only relied on his familiarity with the routine he had fallen into. He just had to wait for a shutting of a locker door to be able to turn the corner of the empty corridor, which will initiate the coincidental 'meeting' and have it appear as fortuitous as possible.
With sweaty palms, and in the desperate attempt to calm his racing heart, he counted seconds alongside the dainty footsteps he was hearing, which presumably was done by the girl he had been desperate to face. In spite of his electrified nerves, he couldn't help but test the chance of taking a peek past the edge of the corridor walls. The dangerously enthusiastic palpitations of his heart were almost deafening but that didn't conceal the startled gasp, the urgent slamming of the locker door, and the panicked running of steps - which bounced off the walls, like a chilling shrill -, from reaching his ears.
She was getting away.
"Wait!" scrambling into the corridor of lockers, Jin was instantly consumed by self-condemnation at the empty sight he was met with.
How could he make such a dreadful mistake?... Impatience never pays off.
Heaving a sigh, Jin's repentant feet took him to his locker, where a dismal hand pulled the metal door open and a forlorn pair of eyes looked on inside. It wasn't the usual bento and instead, was a strangely familiar white flask, decorated with black and gold polka dots. Taped upon its glossy surface, was his 5th clue. Despite his disgrace in the concept of reading his given hint, the peculiar feeling of acquaintance surrounding the flask silently implored him to read it anyway - his 5th and potentially final clue.
'Clue 5:
The 5th time we met, you were sick and I was more than happy to return your kindness'
"Can it be...?"
Hurriedly unscrewing the lid of the insulated flask, Jin brought the rim to his lips with a racing heart and took a gentle sip of its contents.
It's tangy, and with a hint of cream but made mildly spicy with an inkling of chilli. This was very familiar and he knew exactly why that was the case.
When he had been sick, a kind soul had reached out and cared for him in the medical office without the aid of the nurse as they had been preoccupied with someone else, who was having a panic attack that same day. All he can remember was the sacred taste of samegyetang with extremely softened, fluffy rice floating about as it was engrossed in the comforting soup. Alongside that, however, he also remembered the face of his angel, you - (Y/N) (Y/L/N).
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'You have broken your promise to me and so I'm afraid that there will be no 6th clue.
I'm sorry Jin.
This is it.'
That was very accurate.
This is most definitely it!
A start of a new beginning and Jin was more than eager to kick-start this recent development.
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You have been miserable all day, disappointed in the fact that the man, who you thought was respectful of everyone's wishes, had broken his oath. In truth, you were desperate to be confronted by him too, but fear was a greater puppeteer than hope. Terror and anxiety had grown hazardously, with the course of time, where you had imagined multiple scenarios of how things were to end.
In the sequence of events you imagined, Jin was almost always stood before you in disappointment, rejection shaping the curve of his sinfully soft-looking lips before he had even uttered the first few lines of his refusal towards you. Sometimes, he wouldn't even show up, too scared of hurting you like the gentleman that he was, or simply because he wasn't able to figure out that it was you, and in his optimisation had thought it was Areum, asked her, she would have then lied and that was that. You were left alone for all eternity.
About to cry, you almost skipped the cooking club but decided against it with the idea of seeing Jin again. Of course, it wasn't ideal, but his presence always gave you comfort and warmth. Hopefully, that sensation hasn't disappeared due to his selfish acts just yesterday.
Stepping into the classroom, you instantly locked eyes with him and, with hesitance, offered a timid smile, a gesture that you were appeased to see being offered back. That assured you greatly but it wasn't enough to conciliate your disappointment, and so, you obsessed over keeping your distance from the male during the entirety of club activities. You would even go so far as to walk the opposite direction when you knew perfectly well that the utensils you were trying to obtain were the other way, simply because he was standing at your destination. For two excruciating hours, you had successfully kept up your act of avoidance, ignorant to Jin's growing frustrations.
You didn't see his attempts at confronting you, nor his agitated complexion. All that you saw was the bizarre looks from everyone else that was in the cooking class. They had every right to look at you oddly because, usually, the two of you would consistently be interacting. That wasn't happening today, however, and Jin only had himself to blame.
He was going to fix this.
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As the clock ticked away the seconds, minutes and hours, almost everyone was gone. Almost everyone, because, coincidentally, it was only him and you left.
Just as you were about to walk out the door, he called out, sounding almost despairing.
Reluctantly turning to him, you squeaked out a 'y-yes?'.
"Can you help me clear these up? I could really use another hand; I need to get home as soon as possible." you struggled to comply because, during the habitual time given for cleaning up, he had been the slowest out of everyone, as if he was purposely testing time. Sensing your uncertainty, he pulled an irresistible face of begging, "Please?"
Biting your lip, you only nodded and proceeded to help him out. He had smiled at you but your eyes were downcast when hastily aiding him in clearing up his station.
"I-I'm almost done putting the pots away," you announced, after a long pause of movement from him. Fear then shot through your heart when his footsteps slowly approached your crouching form, putting away pots and pans into the bottom cupboard, "A-and I'm..." you tucked the last pot away, "done!" you swiftly rose to your feet, "That's it! I-I'll be on my way now!" trying to scurry past his approaching form was a fruitless venture in itself and it wasn't long before you found the small of your back being pressed against the kitchen counter. Staring into his eyes as his breath fanned across your warm (almost hot) face, you felt yourself stop breathing.
He's so close...
Too close...
"I'm not letting you get away..." he flashed an apologetic smile, "I'm sorry about that princess."
Your breath hitched at the given name, "J-just tell me what you need..."
He leaned closer...you leaned back.
"I know it's you." your heart stopped, waiting for a humiliating rejection,"...and I think you're more than worthy of calling mine..." he paused, allowing you a short chance at comprehending your fluctuating waves of emotions. What did he say? You stared deeply into his mesmerising brown eyes, searching for any sign of mischief to connote any fibbing but there was none. Only honesty, "This is me saying that it would be a privilege to have you call me yours."
"Jin..." you wanted to say, 'this must be a dream' but you were speechless.
"Please say yes...I'm sorry I broke my promise." the pools of his eyes swirled with culpability and hopelessness, eliciting a swell of forgiveness and love from the deep cave of your chest. You were drowning in bliss by the time you had nodded, still speechless, and he had grinned handsomely. Shifting himself to brush the shell of your ear with his lips, he huskily whispered, "Good...now...you owe me three kisses." you gulped, "Pucker up, beautiful."
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sylveon-official · 7 years
bustin out the mpreg fluff as everyone else busts out the porn lol
Pt. 3 of Otayuri mpreg adventures
It's two in the morning and Yuri just wants a damn cheeseburger.
ao3 or under the cut
“Beka, wake up.”
“Wha… what time is it?”
Yuri purses his lips, but continues to softly, yet urgently jostle Otabek by the bicep. There are more much more important matters to worry about than a little thing like the time.
“Beka, please…”
Otabek finally groans and rolls over to face Yuri, an arm flung over one eye as the other seeks out the digital alarm clock on the side table, just past the bulge of Yuri’s six-and-half-month pregnant belly.
“It’s two in the morning…”
“I know, but—”
Otabek cuts him off with a sharp sigh, thumbs going to massage his temples.
“Babe… you promised me no more middle-of-the-night snack runs.”
Yuri huffs, folding his arms atop of his belly in defiance.
“I can’t exactly help it—”
Otabek clucks his tongue and Yuri really doesn’t think he appreciates the sound of it. Before he can vocalize that thought, Otabek cuts in again.
“I know. Yura, I know. It’s just—I also know you know I have to be up for practice at five—”
Yuri splutters indignantly. “Yeah, well, you went to bed at like nine last night—”
“—and this is the third time this week—”
Yuri scoffs as Otabek rails on, voice increasing in speed and volume.
“And I seriously can’t help but think you’re just doing this on purpose to test my patience at this point!”
The air stales in the ensuing silence, Yuri biting his lip to quell the impending outburst.
Yuri briefly catches Otabek side eyeing him, frozen in horror as Yuri’s lip trembles and small whine escapes, inevitably bubbling over into a broken wail.
“Yura!” Otabek cries, clearly exasperated, as Yuri’s sobs grow more forceful.
“Yuri, shhh, you’re going to wake the neighbors up again—”
“Is that all you care about?” Yuri whines through big, fat, theatrical tears that he honestly can’t really help, but isn’t really trying to hold back.
“Of course not, Yurachka, it’s just—”
“When your pregnant as fuck mate is right next to you, fucking starving and in a hormonal rampage no thanks to you,” Yuri sneers through hiccupping sobs and judging by the way Otabek draws in a tight breath he knows he’s pushing his mate to his wit’s end, but once he gets this wound up this tight he can’t stop until he—
“Come on, Yuri! You can’t just cry me into getting you McDonald’s at fuck-all-o’clock in the morning every fucking time you—!”
Yuri is gasping ragged breaths by the time he’s done, and one glance at Otabek tells him he’s really gone too far this time.
“Yuri…” Otabek breathes, features twisted into something in between concern and shock.
Great. As if he needed another outburst to add to the stockpile of reasons for Otabek to leave him before the pup’s even born. Yuri wouldn’t even blame him at this point.
“Yura, relax,” Otabek says, barely a whisper, and it isn’t until his hand is hovering cautiously over Yuri’s own that he realizes he’s shaking.
Before his brain can catch up with his actions, Yuri’s pulling away his hand as if its been burnt.
“Don’t touch me,” Yuri rasps back belatedly.
He needs to get away from here. Yuri shuffles to his left so that his feet are off the side of the bed. He uses the side table to hoist himself up, breathing deep for a few moments to steady himself.
Otabek doesn’t say a word as Yuri slips out the door.
Yuri sits cross-legged on the couch, staring into the black of the television screen as he works slowly on his next spoonful of peanut butter. He strokes absent-mindedly at the bulgiest part of his tummy where his spawn has been kicking up a storm for the better part of the last hour, clearly an act of spite for waking her up in the middle of the night.
Tears are rolling silently down his cheeks when Otabek rounds the corner, softly knocking at the partition between the hallway and the living room. Yuri sniffles and makes quick work of brushing the tear tracks away.
“Hey,” comes Otabek’s voice, soft and cautious.
“Hey,” comes Yuri’s response around the mouthful of peanut butter he’s still working on.
“Can we talk?” Otabek ventures a little further into the room. Yuri tenses up, because when is the phrase ‘can we talk’ ever indicative of anything good? Still, Otabek’s never been that sensitive to layered meanings and Yuri nods ‘yes’ anyway, scooting towards the far end of the couch so that Otabek can take a seat a safe distance away.
Yuri is still staring into the empty television when Otabek sits down, legs spread wide enough to touch the edge of Yuri’s pinky toe that’s hanging off of the couch. He draws back instinctively, but sighs when he earns a vaguely hurt expression from Otabek in his peripheral.
“You know I don’t hate you…” Yuri starts lamely, letting the sentence hang in the air before he’s interrupted by a sharp kick to his bladder. “Ow, fuck.”
“I know. Is she keeping you up?” Otabek tentatively reaches out towards where Yuri is kneading at his belly, hand hovering and eyes questioning.
Yuri shoots him a guarded look, but it melts down quickly. He’s too tired to keep up the act and his wrist is cramping anyways. He grabs Otabek’s hand and guides it towards where the baby is kicking.
Otabek huffs what counts as a small laugh for him as he takes over the gentle massage. “Feels like she’s kickboxing your guts.”
Yuri grimaces. “Yeah. Payback for waking her up I guess…”
Otabek hums noncommittally as they lapse into a silence that’s not exactly tense, but is slightly weighted on top of the exhaustion that’s clearly settling over them both.
Yuri’s the first to give into the exhaustion and follows his instinct, setting the thoroughly licked spoon down on the coffee table sothat he can slide back into Otabek’s chest. Otabek accommodates him easily, shifting so that his back is against the armrest and one leg is behind Yuri. Yuri adjusts so that he’s lying sideways on top of him. He noses at Otabek’s neck, relaxing at the familiar scent.
Otabek’s other hand snakes around to stroke at Yuri’s elbow, thumbing tenderly at the skin there as his other hand continues to massage just below his bellybutton.
“I’m so sorry, babe,” Otabek sighs into Yuri’s hair, before pressing a long, sweet kiss into the crown of his head.
Yuri tenses up at the admission, and it’s not long after that his face is scrunching up in a sniffle that he tries to suppress — which unfortunately, just leads to more tears leaking from his eyes.
“Fuck!” Yuri whispers through a hiccupping little sob, hiding his face in the crook of Otabek’s neck while gripping helplessly onto the collar of his boyfriend’s shirt.
“Shhhh,” Otabek breathes into his hair, nosing along his scalp and peppering the occasional kiss there. “It’s okay, Yura.”
“Ugh!” Yuri beats a fist half-heartedly into Otabek’s chest once he’s gained control of his breath. “It’s not, though, Beka! I’m the one who should be sorry. I know I’ve been a fucking pain in the ass—for months now. I know I’m doing it, but I can’t stop, and I—” he chokes on a small sob before forcing through his tears, “I feel like I’m pushing you away,” Yuri sniffles, voice small and fragile.
Otabek sighs and for a split-second Yuri is genuinely anxious that he’s simply going to agree. Instead, Otabek lifts his hand from Yuri’s belly to tilt his chin up so they can lock eyes. Yuri knows his own eyes must be gross and puffy and bloodshot, so he quickly lifts a hand to cover them.
“Yuri…” Otabek sighs again, this time with a hint of laughter behind his tone that convinces Yuri to let his boyfriend gently remove the hand over his eyes.
Yuri sends an exaggerated pout in Otabek’s direction as his mate thumbs gently at the tear tracks he can feel starting to stick to his skin.
Otabek smiles softly in return, that rare, dope-y lovesick one that would leave Yuri weak at the knees if he weren’t already lying down.
“I don’t know if you realized it yet, but you’re pregnant, kotik.”
Yuri rolls his eyes and huffs at that, but Otabek just presses a kiss to his hairline before continuing, “Cravings, hormones… temper tantrums...” Otabek pauses meaningfully and smirks, the bastard, “They’re all part of the experience. And besides, if you being an ‘asshole’ is what was supposed to drive me away, I think that would’ve happened a long time ago.”
Yuri’s mouth drops open at that and he has every intention of verbally chewing his mate out, except he really can’t help the way his mouth twists into a grin on its own accord.
“You are a fucking dick!” Yuri manages between disbelieving laughter, slapping Otabek hard enough on the chest that his breath gets knocked out of him.
“If you’re the asshole and I’m the dick, we fit together perfectly—,” Otabek positively leers before leaning down and blowing a raspberry into the crook of Yuri’s neck.
“Gross!” Yuri cries out, giggling as Otabek assaults his neck, raspberries devolving into a deep chuckle that vibrates against Yuri in a way that causes a shiver up his spine…
… and an attention-starved baby to make her presence known once more.
“Ow, okay, okay, Beka, stop— she— oh…”
Otabek detaches himself from Yuri’s neck instantly, peering down as Yuri clutches at the round of his stomach.
“Yeah, I’m fine, just gimme a minute—” Yuri bites out, palming at the spot where he’s cramping up.
Otabek’s hand joins him as the pain starts to subside.
“Just two more months,” Otabek sighs, gently stroking over Yuri’s bellybutton. His eyes flutter closed and he sinks deeper into the couch, pulling Yuri more firmly against his chest.
“Try two and a half. Don’t try to pretend those last two weeks aren’t going to be hell… I already feel fucking huge. If I can’t walk, you’re gonna have to carry me everywhere,” Yuri yawns, snuggling into Otabek’s chest as his own eyelids grow heavy with fatigue.
He feels Otabek scoff from the rise of his chest against his cheek but before his mate can get a word in, Yuri continues, “Also, you owe me a McDonald’s breakfast if I wake up with a fucked up back from sleeping like this.”
“Brat,” Otabek whispers behind a short laugh and Yuri smirks against his collarbone in return.
“You love me.”
“I do,” Otabek replies, and Yuri can feel him smiling lazily against his hair.
The next morning, Yuri smiles as he wakes up to the smell of egg McMuffins and hash browns.
“I figured it was better not to risk it,” Otabek is leaning smugly against the kitchen counter and ready to explain when Yuri cracks an eye open.
“I love you so much,” Yuri groans dramatically before burying his face into one of the throw pillows.
“I know,” Otabek responds with a laugh.
And even though Yuri’s back does kind of have a crick in it, he wouldn’t trade this moment for anything – even for a two in the morning food-run.
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