#except mahone
worstjourney · 7 months
Radio 3 aired a whole hour+ programme of music and reading about and inspired by Antarctica.
If you call to mind an image of Antarctica, it is likely you will come up with something informed by the heroic but ultimately unsuccessful Endurance Expedition led by Sir Ernest Shackleton. That’s because the extraordinary photographs and film from that trip planted the so-called White Continent in our imaginations for ever. Shackleton, who was born in Ireland in February 1874 before moving to London as a boy, might be best known for that failed trip but the fact that his crew survived, when so many did not, is now seen as a credit to his exceptional leadership skills. Today’s Words and Music is a tribute to the frozen landscape that inspired the heroic age of exploration. It is not just remote - it contains the world's highest, driest, coldest and windiest places. And these days it’s a hub of scientific discovery, international diplomacy and environmental change too. We’ll hear fiction from Beryl Bainbridge to Edgar Allan Poe, poetry from Samuel Taylor Coleridge to Derek Mahon, memoir from Jenny Diski and Sara Wheeler as well David Attenborough, Maori scientists and other Polar Explorers. Alongside you’ll hear hugely varied music inspired by Antarctica from Vaughan Williams to Tanya Ekanayaka, from The Muppets to Nigel Westlake and Cab Calloway. Our readers are Jessica Turner and John Lightbody.
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zeninsama · 2 months
i may admit the first fanfic i ever read was a justin bieber x reader x austin mahone love triangle rivalry but i will take the first fanfic i’ve ever written to my grave. NOBODY knows what it was except me.
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oceanlue · 1 year
i’ve been having the idea for a while but idk how to make it reality so i was wondering if you could make silly headcanons of the yv boys reactions when being bridal carried :3
He did a stupid thing and forgot to clean the floor when he was cleaning the counters
And it was funny because when you saw him slip it looked like out all the cartoon show you could just hear the special effects
As he fell he said that he was fine and just laid there on the ground
The next thing you did was go by him and say anything broken and he would say no but he being the dramatic b**** he is he would probably say that his leg hurts and he couldn't walk no longer
So you being the badass b**** you were decided to Bridal style carry him by picking him up
And he was surprised that he yelped he didn't know you were this strong
So you carried him in your strong arms all the way over to the couch and you babyed him all night long because he baby
" I really don't know why I would do without you boo maybe I should trip more often if that's how I'm going to get treated every time"
Hehehhe he baby
🧡Seth 🏕🍂
You two are in the woods once again because why not
You were starting to set up a campfire by putting rocks around the hole that you made and started stacking the wood so it would be upright
All of a sudden you hear a yell saying s***
And you go back to see Seth had fallen you asked him if he was okay and he did respond yes he was fine but you didn't believe it
So what you did is slide down the hill and checked his wound turns out he sprained his ankle, it wasn't bad he just need to stay off
So you decide to do the next best thing to surprise them and Bridal carry him this big man you carried in your arms
You really carried a mommy issue having, motorcycle riding, knife blade Wheeling bad boy in your arms
Set this thinking what the heck is going on
You did get him to the campsite and he was just astonished by what you just did
" man sugar I didn't know you were that strong I appreciate it but maybe next time live me to the bridal style carrying sugar after all I like to see you in my arms"
(Nice try Seth but you can't win me that easily)
💚Finn 🪴🌻
This baby boy
Omg baby man
He had an accent back out in the garden where you guys are growing your vegetables flowers or whatever you grow
And he was crying cuz it hurts so bad poor baby please someone hug him
You managed to calm him down and inspected the wound you didn't know what was wrong so you told him we had to go to the walk-in clinic
So you did what a best partner would do and you picked him up
You Bridal style carried him and he was a blushing mess
He was redder than a tomato I think you passed out too
Oh geez someone help him please
He doesn't have any broken bones but he did get sprained pretty bad so for now he is off his feet until he is able to walk again
" thank you my beautiful orchid .....I really appreciate you.....um.... picking me up.... and taking me to the clinic there's ......no wonder why I truly love you can we stay here and cuddle"
He is baby girl
💜Charlie🍕 🐭
This happened when you two were at the skatepark
You were teaching him some new tricks because it's been a while since he's been on a board and you two have been at it for 2 hours
And he was getting real good he can go up around smoothly he can jump on the skateboard smoothly
Except he can't do a grind
( forgive me I do not know any type of skateboard moves I am uncultured if you know any skateboard moves that I have missed please comment down below)
When he was trying to do an ollie he kind of tripped on his feet and try to catch his balance but ended up falling
Immediately asked him if he was okay and he said his ankle Twisted weirdly so you being the best partner he ever had
Decide to pick him up Bridal Style
Oh he was all tons of red he was stuttering he was panicking he was overall a blushing mess
His leg was fine it just spent weird he just need to get off it
"Thanks Kat I really wondered how I miss that trick up but at least I can be here with you and with pizza now how about we put on that old scary movie we used to watch as kids"
Someone get this guy a cookie
❤Auron ☕✒
Some say he was graceful some say he was handsome other say he would be clumsy as f***
He may put up an act at work but when he's at home with his partner he shows us True Colors by being a little clumsy
She was making himself a nice cold drink when he dropped an ice cube went to grab it but his hand didn't reach the counter and slipped and that made him slip on the ice cube as well
You being his partner went to see what that problem was and saw him on the ground looking up at the ceiling regretting every decision he ever made
You got him out of it and asked if he was okay and he said he was fine but you had none of it
So you never told auron this but you are very strong so what did you do you picked the mother f***** up
And he was surprised
Oh is that a blush I see on his face
I think that is a blush
But he did tell you not to tell anyone about this
" from what I can tell rookie it seems that I slightly underestimate you I am still wondering how someone your size can lift someone like me no offense to that but it seems that I am unable to move and unable to do my work so you are going to stay here and nurse me back to health now get over here rookie"
In reality he just wanted cuddles
He may be a sexy CEO boss dominant businessman but on the inside he's just a big old teddy bear
I hope you like this
Peace out
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lisarpgheadcanons · 1 year
Vega Van Dam is the most bullied warlord nobody likes him
Mr. Beautiful is the most well-liked, nobody dares to bully him because the other warlords might beat them up
Dice Mahone is the one who bullies the other warlords the most (except for Sindy and Big L he's too scared of them)
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Laurent Vital on Irish clothing in 1518
Burgundian courtier Laurent Vital visited Kinsale, Co. Cork in 1518. He wrote an account of the visit titled "Speaking a little of the country of Ireland" which included descriptions of Irish people and culture. Vital was less bigoted toward the Irish than many of the 16th c. English writers. His writing was still somewhat biased though, because his information came from a French-speaking (probably Anglo-Irish) Irishman who was prejudiced against the rural Gaelic Irish.
Vital's account was only translated into English in 2012, so it is not included in Irish dress history books, because all of them (Dress in Ireland by Mairead Dunlevy, Before the Kilt by Gerald Kelly, Bríd Mahon's books, H. F. McClintock's books) were published before 2012. This is unfortunate, because Vital's descriptions include a lot of details of Irish dress.
The 2012 translation has some flaws. I think the translator, Dorothy Convery, was not knowledgeable about 16th c. Irish dress and possibly not the most familiar with 16th c. French, because she completely misinterpreted some of the clothing descriptions. I have done my best to correct these, but I don't actually know French, so my revised version is not perfect either. If anyone has suggestions for improving it, let me know. I used Randle Cotgrave's 1611 A Dictionarie of the French and English Tongues, Dictionnaire du Moyen Français, version 2020 (DMF 2020), the University of Chicago's compilation of historical French dictionaries, Wiktionary, and honestly, google translate for this. (Google translate actually does a really good job with French, like 60% of the time.)
The original French text of Vital's account is available here. Convery's complete translation is here. Content Warning if you decide to read the Vital's complete account: It contains a description of assault with a possible forced marriage. Also, Vital was kind of obsessed with breasts. I am only including the parts describing Irish dress and hairstyles in this post. Translation footnotes are at the end of each page. I couldn't figure out a nicer way to format them on tumblr.
Excerpts from "Speaking a little of the country of Ireland" translated by Dorothy Convery and revised by Deidre
p. 285
The inhabitants [of Ireland] are very strangely and singularly costumed and would that it is so well described that you might picture how they dress just as I saw them, both the men and the women. For to see them is enough to make you laugh. Firstly married women wear their finery, and linen head coverings (1); some yellow and others white. When they are women of status, they have chemises with wide sleeves, worked around the collar and in the seams with silk needlework of different colours. Many of them had their hair cropped in front and back, except for two tresses of hair at either side, which are an ell long. They plait these like children here making hats from rushes and then secure them so they do not come undone. And with the tops of their heads so adorned, these loops of hair braided accordingly hang down in front more or less to their waists, in such a way that these women can put the ends into their kerchiefs (1), which they secure with wool tape (2). These women have their kirtles or petticoats (3) punched (4) there as they were worn alone in the past, with rings placed over (5) the bustline to support their breasts. And above their dresses they wear wide fillets (6) and big belts decorated with beautiful buckles, some of gilded silver, also of copper, metal or brass, according to their rank. Their dresses have loose sleeves, open the length of the arms, unfastened to hang (7) very nicely. Generally, the men, women and young girls wear their chemises (8) open to the waist, without any difference between them except that the women's chemises are, as they are over here, wide at the bottom, made with gores (9) with 4 seams, (10) if needed. So that most young women and girls have their chests naked to the waist; it is as common there to see or touch the breast of a girl or woman, as it is to touch her hand. And so, there are as many different fashions and customs as there are countries.
Translation notes:
coevrechief: kerchief or headcovering
patelette: Bande d'étoffe (DMF 2020) cloth tape, wool or possibly linen
cottes ou cotelettes: kirtle, or possibly coat, or frock/gown (see Cotte in Cotgrave 1611)
ponchonnées: pierced or punched, meaning eyelets made with an awl, or possibly decorative stamping
rondz eslevez: possibly metal lacing rings which were in use by the late 15th c. This whole sentence is confusing to me.
tissu: a bawdricke, ribbon, fillet, or head-band of woven stuffe (Cotgrave 1611)
lachiés à traillette: laschier: let go, release (DMF 2020) trailler: to trayle a Deere (Cotgrave 1611) to trail or to hang. I think this sentence is describing hanging sleeves like those on the Shinrone gown, but it could also be interpreted as "Their dresses have wide sleeves, open the length of the arms, loose to hang very nicely."
I am keeping the original French usage of chemise to mean both the man's and woman's garment, because Irish uses the same word, léine, for both.
ghéron: I think this word is derived from the Old French giron meaning gusset or triangular shape.
genoulx: knee, also join (ie seam in this context) (cf. genouille: full of joins (Cotgrave 1611))
p. 286
The women and girls there wear coloured stockings (1) of red and green and others that they like, better narrowed and tightened with garters than those of Castile. They wear little shoes (2) with single soles, very pretty and cute, worked over other colors of leather and sometimes gilded with tinned leather, as if it were gilded (2), like the shoes which were bought for children at fairs in past times. The place was full of beautiful young women and also girls of marriageable age who were very charming and pleasant. Unmarried young women went bareheaded in summer time with their hair tied back in the same way as maidens over here; and they wear on their heads garlands of flowers or greenery.
Translation notes:
chausses: stockings or hose in Middle French (wiktionary.org)
solier: alternate spelling of soulier: shoe (Cotgrave 1611)
ie like with gold
p. 287-288
Having heard about the rig-out of the women and girls, listen how the men are kitted out. For sure, even more strangely than the women, and particularly the rural people and the savages; for they were shorn and shaved one palm above the ears, so that only the tops of their heads were covered with hair. But on the forehead they leave about a palm of hair to grow down to their eyebrows like a tuft of hair which one leaves hanging on horses between the two eyes. They are strangely bearded, some shave their beards just to just above the mouth and others to below the mouth. Others shave some places and let their beards grow in tufts. These men have their chemises open there, down to the belt, without having sleeves, so their arms are naked. They are belted (1) in heavy linen which goes one and a half times around them, and goes nearly from their neck to their feet, and they go with naked feet and bare legs. [. . .skipping the part on weapons because I don't know enough about weapons. . .] These men dress and enshroud (2) themselves in large hairy mantles, worn over their heads as the women in Brabant wear their huiks. (3) This mantle only goes halfway past the belt; and over that a long shortening (4) of linen. Thus shorn, bearded, armed and barefoot — as I said — imagine how strange this costume is to look at. I must say, I have never seen anything like this before even in a painting.
Translation notes:
chaindent: from chainture the Middle French spelling of ceinture
affubler: to cloath, clad, put on; to attire, or cover with, muffle, or enwrap in, hide, or shrowd, under clothes. (Cotgrave 1611)
huik: a type of cloak worn by women in the Low Countries. It typically had a bill-like brim to shade the wearer's face. more info
escourcoeul: probably the same origin as écourter: to shorten. I think Vital is describing the Irishmen's practice of shortening their léinte by pulling them up over their belts, but I'm not confident about the translation of this sentence.
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carltonlassie · 2 years
Literally the fucking thing that gets me about mahone and scofields character is that. They're the same but different expressions of it. They get into each other's head so well bc they're so smart and driven and strategic. They're both motivated by love and their fierce loyalty to their loved ones. Except Michael has them by his side, some working together with him. Standing together makes michael stronger. Michael isn't an angel either but he has his loved ones tell him that it was the right thing to do.
For Mahone it's just a pit that he's digging himself in deeper. His loved ones are all in the dark. They don't know that he's doing all of this for them. He's just gone from their life. It's eating him away. He has to self medicate with benzos and heroin just to keep himself sane. I don't wanna say it's weakness / cowardice for not stepping forward and standing with the truth. But fear consumed him and he let it box him in and break him down. Michael looks forward and always has a plan. Finds genuine connections and reaches out to people he cares about regardless of the risk. He takes risks on people. Mahone has nobody. Except the only person who truly gets him right now may be Michael.🧍
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bbqhooligan · 2 years
bro Alex Mahone just kills people its crazy. like after i digested how hot he was being in that scene (he was being extremely hot) im realizing he just kills a man with his bare hands in like. 6 seconds. and then is composed enough to be a little shit about it rub Lechero's own words to his face. he just has a body count. hes pretty casual about it except for the guy in his backyard it seems.
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shawnmendesbuddy · 2 years
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Shawn and Y/N had been secretly dating for six months. They had known each other for five years now but had stayed friends. They first met when they were both opening acts for Austin Mahone. Y/N and Shawn instantly clicked, but despite the rumors, they were nothing more than friends. 
Except for on those late nights that seemed to happen every couple of times they got together. When they both got too tired to think properly. And cuddling turned into kissing passionately on the couch while a movie played in the background. Both tooscared to admit what had happened the night before in fear of ruining something. 
It started after they were 18 and Y/N had gotten her own apartment. Before that they liked to claim they were strictly friends, but everyone could see the chemistry they had. Even James Corden who had asked about it when they were promoting their new song, I Know What You Did Last Summer.
They should’ve realized it as their bodies were pressed together on the couch. She should’ve known when he placed his arm behind her head. He should’ve known when she leaned into him, feeling a little nervous with the crowd being so big. They should’ve known it when the fans were surprised they weren’t together. But the fans knew there was something there before they did. 
“The fans want to know if you two are together. So, care to give us an answer,” James had said. 
“No, no. That would be weird, he’s like a brother to me,” Y/N had instantly denied, not noticing the hurt that flashed on Shawn’s face. Little did he know that she was only denying it so she wouldn’t have to hear him do it. 
“Really?! There is no way you two haven’t made out.”
“We haven’t actually,” Shawn said turning his body towards her now. 
“Every time I go in for the move, she swerves me. And did you not just hear her say I was like her brother?” 
“Oh, so you have made a move, but she friend zones you,” James stated raising his eyebrows at them. 
“Oh yea! I’ve totally made a move, but I don’t think it’s going happen,” he tried to play it off, but the fans could tell he was hurt by it. 
“Hey! He’s the one who friend zones! He calls me kid!”
“Ok let’s get to the bottom of this.”
They both let out a groan. “No, we’re kidding James! We’re not together!” They both tried to argue. 
“You’re both being very defensive. So let me get this straight: Shawn is saying that when he leans in, you say no. But you’re saying—”
“He’s never leaned in,” she laughed. 
“Well, it sounds to me like you both are in love but are too shy to say it.”
“You also think we’ve both made out, but we haven’t.”
“There is no way you two haven’t made out!”
“James! Stop it! We haven’t!” Both of their faces were bright red now. 
“I just love watching your faces. But anyways, I don’t care what you say, you two definitely have something going on. Stay tuned for the amazing performance that will be coming up by these two.”
Y/N and Shawn stood from the couch giving James a hug and rolling their eyes at him as they both walked off the stage. 
That night as they lay in Shawn’s hotel room, they could feel the tension. There was something unsaid between the two of them—an elephant in the room if you will. And as they watched the movie play out before them, they couldn’t help but look over at the other.
And then suddenly they were locking lips for the first time, and it felt like a breath of fresh air for the both of them. Maybe, just maybe they could be something more after this night. But in the morning, Y/N wasn’t in the bed and Shawn had assumed she didn’t want to talk. So, he got up and dressed himself for the day. 
And when Y/N came out of the bathroom, she was disappointed when Shawn acted like nothing had happened. 
This pattern continued for a few months until Y/N got a boyfriend. Just when Shawn had written a song to confess his love for her. He was going to fly out and sing it to her and everything. He was a very handsome and boyfriend too. Who could travel with her because of his flexible job. And unlike Shawn, she was able to see him for most days of the year. 
So, Shawn and Y/N became distant. They still talked and would wave when they saw each other, but they weren’t as close as they once had been. And Shawn never told her about the song he wrote for her. Or that most of his songs were written about her. 
Until one day when Shawn couldn’t hold it back anymore. He went to one of Y/N’s shows in Canada. Her boyfriend hadn’t been able to attend this particular one which gave Shawn the perfect opportunity to tell her. He had decided that he either was going to watch her be in love with someone else or try to win her over. 
She had run off the stage and pulled him into a hug, kissing his cheek and thanking him for being there. And when they got back to the hotel, Shawn had invited her to his room. She had to admit it felt a little wrong being alone with him after everything, but she knew that he wouldn’t try anything. He didn’t think of her as anything more than a make out buddy. 
“How are you, Shawn? It’s been a hot minute.” 
“I’m doing ok. How are you and Matthew?” The name hurt to say. 
“We’re great,” she cleared her throat. “I saw you went to the Met Gala with Hailey Baldwin. She looked gorgeous. Are you two dating?”
He swallowed his spit. “We had a fling. It didn’t work out. We both were caught up on other people.”
“Hmm. She still loves Justin huh?” 
Shawn nodded. It was now or never. “Yea. And I still love you.”
Y/N audibly gasped, her heart rapidly pounding in her chest. It was the words she had been longing to hear for as long as she knew him. But they came at the wrong time. Her and Matthew had been dating for one year now and while she did love Shawn, she wanted to see where things would go with her and Matthew. 
“I…woah. Umm, I had no idea you felt this way about me.”
Shawn closed his eyes before looking back up at her only to see her eyes filled with pity. “Remember the James Corden Show?” He chuckled a little to relieve the tension. “When he said that we were in love, I couldn’t help but believe him. Because I loved you even back then and some stupid part of me hoped you loved me.”
“You know every song I’ve written has been about you. And I know that some part of you must feel the same way about me. I tried to deny it all these years, but you wouldn’t have kissed me the way you did that night if you didn’t have some sort of feelings for me.”
“Please…Matthew is so perfect for me. I can’t—” 
“Do you love him?! Did you ever love me?!” 
“Yes! Yes, I loved you! Yes, I hoped we would be something more, but I have Matthew and I really love him,” she sobbed. “So please, don’t ruin this friendship over some feelings.” A tear fell down her beautiful cheek and he wanted to wipe it away. But he refrained. He felt a stab of pain in his heart. 
“They aren’t just feelings to me Y/N! I’m in love with you! Gosh I’m so in love with you! I…I wrote a song for us. To sing. If you felt the same way about me. And I’m not trying to be a homewrecker, but I think deep down you feel the same,” Shawn threw some sheet music on the floor. “Call me if you change your mind. But until then, I really don’t think I can bear talking to you and not having you feel the same. It’s not fair to either of us.” And he left the room just like that. 
The next few weeks were rough for Y/N. She had an internal battle going on. She did love Matthew, she really did. But did she love him more than she loved Shawn? He was older than her. Almost by 12 years. Her being 20 and him being 32. 
“Y/N are you ok? You’ve been acting so differently lately.”
“I—Matthew. I don’t know. I’m so sorry. When Shawn came to my show a few weeks ago he planted this idea in my head that me and him are in love and I can’ stop thinking about it. Even though I know I love you.”
Matthew sighed. “I am a relationship guru,” he chuckled. “It is my job. And I…I was naïve to think that you were over him. I saw the way the two of you looked at each other. But I selfishly thought I could win you over. But even I can’t beat love.”
“Matthew I—”
“Don’t feel sorry for me. Please. Just, but happy with him,” He reached into her bed side drawer and pulled out the sheet music. “The song will be beautiful with your voice in it. Goodbye,” and he planted a chaste kiss on her lips, leaving her there wondering what to do. 
The next day, Y/N had picked up her phone and dialed Shawn. Who answered on the first ring. “Hello,” he whispered breathlessly into the speaker. 
“I wish I could pretend I didn’t need you, but I can’t. Me and Matt broke up.”
“What does that mean,” he questioned tentatively, still not getting his hopes up. 
“It means that I love you. I have for a while and I’m ready to sing the duet.”
So, Y/N and Shawn spent weeks recording the song and perfecting it. Weeks where they stole glances at each other, but never did anything about it. They had talked the first day in the studio about what their relationship would look like from there on out. Y/N wanted time to make sure she was fully over Matt before diving in with Shawn. He was prepared to wait as long asit took for her. 
Finally, one day after filming a steamy scene for their music video, Y/N had pulled Shawn aside. “I know it’s taken me a while, but I’m finally ready.” Shawn couldn’t contain the smile on his face as he pulled her in for a short kiss and released his arms from around her waist. 
“Is it alright if I take you on a date first. I want to do this properly. I know everything is kind of backwards, but I would love to show you how I’ll be like as a boyfriend.” 
She nudged her nose against his as butterflies pooled in her stomach. “Give me a time and a date and I’ll be waiting for you.”
Shawn had never felt more nervous in his life than when he was on his way to Y/N’s hotel to pick her up for their date. Not when he had first gotten on that stage and there were millions of people looking back at him. Not even when he had told Y/N he loved her.
There date was in a private place, away from the paparazzi. Shawn had taken her on a hike into the mountains where they had a picnic and sunbathed in the warm June air. 
And the night was spent stargazing after Shawn had set up a tent for the two to spend the night in. One night turned into a week and the two had to finally head back down the mountain for their release party of Senorita. Otherwise, they would’ve stayed there forever, basking in the others love and warmth. 
Almost two weeks after that, Shawn had asked Y/N to be his girlfriend.
Now six months later, they stood backstage, waiting to perform their new duet. The fans had their suspicions that Y/N and Shawn had been dating, but the two had been very careful and made sure to keep it on the down low. Y/N had joined Shawn on tour but would hide backstage to keep the rumors to a minimum. Tonight, they were planning on telling the world about their love for each other. 
“Just breathe babe. The fans already ship us. And no matter what happens out there, you should know that I love you and that’s not going to change. And if you really don’t want to go through with it, rub your nose against mine and I’ll know.”
Y/N nodded her head, softly kissing his lips before she walked out onto the stage, Shawn following close behind with his guitar in tow. 
They sang the song beautifully and Y/N couldn’t help the butterflies that appeared in her stomach as the song got closer and closer to the end. And when Shawn leaned in, she didn’t hesitate to let him place his libs on hers and pull her into a loving kiss as the audience went wild. 
“We’re back on the James Corden Show with Shawn Mendes and Y/N L/N. But unlike a few years ago, they are together now. I would just like to say that I told you so,” he laughed as Y/N and Shawn cuddled up on the couch. 
“You know James, that night we really weren’t lying when we said we hadn’t made out. But actually, funny story. Later that night we decided to test it out and that was our first kiss.”
“You’re joking?!” 
“No, Shawn’s telling the truth. But we didn’t get together until July of this year. We were more than friends in December, but we were taking it slow. I had just gotten out of my relationship with Matt, and the whole thing was crazy.”
“So, you’re telling me that if I would’ve had you on my show a night later, the answer to my make out question would’ve been, yes?!”
Shawn and Y/N both nodded. 
“Well, you heard it here first folks. Shawn and his Senorita, Y/N have been in love for years. Make sure to tune back in to hear these two sing their knew duet.”
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healthyhorns · 4 months
Celebrating a UHS Student Employee’s Graduation and Journey at University Health Services 
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 Braydon Demasters, a longtime student employee at University Health Services (UHS), graduated on May 11 with a bachelor's of science degree in biology after serving in various roles at UHS for two years. 
Demasters joined UHS in the summer of 2022 as the Patient Education Management intern through the Texas Leadership Education and Development (Texas LEAD) summer internship program. 
“During my first internship role at UHS, I worked under Sheila Mahon in the Gynecology clinic,” Demasters said. “In that role, I went through all of the patient handouts and paperwork so that I could update the content when needed. This served as a really good introduction into all that University Health Services offered.” 
Demasters said he worked in the UHS administrative office, where he began building strong professional relationships with the staff. As his summer internship was coming to a close, the administrative team recognized his potential and offered him a position as a student assistant, allowing him to continue his journey with UHS.  
“I was thrilled to be invited to stay on,” Demasters said. “I worked as a student assistant for my entire junior year and I really enjoyed all of the people I was working with.” 
In the summer of 2023, Demasters worked with Renee Mathews, Director of Nursing Services at UHS, to create the Accreditation Optimization internship role. 
“We had just gone through the accreditation renewal process with Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care,” Demasters explained, “so I was given the task of organizing and categorizing all of the feedback we had received from that process.” 
Renee Mathews was one of Demaster’s supervisors while he was in the Accreditation Optimization internship role. She said from the start she knew he was going to be able to handle whatever they threw at him. 
“We learned pretty early on how capable he is,” Mathews said. “He is able to capture what we need quickly and eloquently and he has remarkable attention to detail which helps his ability to handle high-level work.” 
After Demasters finished up his second summer internship, he returned to his role as student assistant to the UHS administrative staff.  
“By this point, I was gaining more confidence in my work and was able to take more initiative,” Demasters said. “It was nice to collaborate with other areas in UHS to help in whatever ways I could.” 
Despite taking on various roles during his time at UHS, Demasters said that the experience has given him an immense appreciation for the exceptional level of care provided by the UHS team, from the providers to the nurses and the support staff.  
“Before my time at UHS, I didn’t realize the huge amount of work it takes to serve the student body at UT in this capacity,” Demasters said. “But I noticed very early on the amount of dedication that the folks at UHS have.” 
Demasters said he has always encouraged others to be proactive about their health, but since his involvement at UHS, this commitment has become even more of a priority. 
“Being a student at such a large institution can sometimes make you feel detached and like you are just a number,” Demasters said, “but the people at UHS are truly willing to give you a very personalized experience. It has been so rewarding to have this experience and to witness the amount of work and care UHS puts into their jobs. They want students to be able to feel their best and do their best, and it is amazing to see.” 
Mathews said she enjoys having students in the office so they can learn, grow and develop new skills. 
“Students are always willing to take on a project and devote their time to it,” Mathews said. “I do love to watch them grow. We work so closely with them so we are able to see their interactions improve in a professional setting on top of all the knowledge they are getting from doing their day-to-day tasks.” 
Demasters said he plans to take a gap year after graduation, but knows he wants to pursue a career in optometry. 
“This job has helped me solidify my love of working with patients and helping them advocate for their healthcare,” Demasters said. “I know the skills and things I have learned while working here will follow me into the future and one day into my career.” 
-Erin Garcia, Healthyhorns Outreach and Social Media Coordinator
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ittakesmargin · 6 months
Philippe Jaccottet: Two poems
(tr. by Derek Mahon)
End of Winter
Not much, nothing to dispel
the fear of wasting space
is left the itinerant soul
Except perhaps a voice
unconfident and light,
uncertainly put forth,
with which to celebrate
the reaches of the earth
Winter Moon
Before going out in the dark
take this mirror where
an icy blaze died:
once at the heart of night
you will find it reflects only
a baptism of sheep
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notesjournalieres · 8 months
19 janvier 1824
Je fais toujours de longues courses, le dimanche. Traversant les Tuileries pour aller au Faubourg St-Germain, je rencontre le cérémonieux Beugnot, qui commence par me faire la prière pour se placer à ma gauche plutôt qu’à ma droite. Beugnot se repent d’avoir mal fait la Charte, de n’avoir pas intéressé assez de Français à la nomination des députés, de ne pas y avoir mis une loi d’élections. Il ne court pas les chances de la députation pour ne pas douter de sa dignité de pair. Il le dit ainsi, mais c’est parce qu’on ne le nommerait pas dans la Haute-Marne et encore moins ailleurs.
D’Hervey, qui arrive de Madrid, dit que tous les gens instruits sans exception sont constitutionnels, que les femmes le sont, que les femmes recherchaient beaucoup les Français, que Ferdinand a bonne mine, qu’il n’est pas impopulaire. Croyez aux haines des nations après ce qui s’est passé dans cette campagne. Pour la première fois, disait Verdières, les poules ont regardé en face les hussards.
Mme d’Hervey est une bonne femme ; sa vieille amitié avec ma Lise est bien affaiblie. Il y a tant de différences dans nos positions et nos manières de voir. M. de Gomiécourt avait bonne envie de courir les chances électorales à Roye. Ce qu’on lui a écrit et ce que je lui ai dit d’Al. d’Estourmel l’a fait se retirer. J’ai rencontré chez lui le chevalier de Bazentin, le frère aîné du chevalier de Lamarsi, ancien major de place à Péronne.
Le chev. de Baz. a 84 ans. Il a commencé à servir en 1754, était à la prise de Port-Mahon; faisait partie de l’expédition du Capitaine Thurot dans le nord de l’Ecosse, en 1759, a servi dans les troupes américaines sous Washington. Il est vert, vigoureux et fait encore plusieurs lieues par jour. Il a passé la Révolution au Jardin des Plantes.
Cousin a dans son langage la même chaleur et la même élévation que dans ses écrits. Voilà le prince de la jeunesse, l’homme aux sentiments généreux et éclectiques, enthousiaste de la Révolution et justifiant doctrinalement la Montagne. L’entreprise est difficile. Mais par le temps qui court, elle a son beau côté d’indépendance et de générosité. Cousin se plaint de ce qu’on ne professe pas assez les seules doctrines qui puissent être opposées aux doctrines complètes des Bonald, des Lamennais, etc…, etc…, les doctrines républicaines déguisées par prudence sous le voile constitutionnel de l’Assemblée Constituante. Il parle de défections dans la jeunesse; hélas ! ce n’est pas l’excellence de la doctrine ennemie qui les cause, ce sont les profits matériels qui en dérivent.
J’ai dîné dimanche somptueusement chez Cas. Périer. L’abbé de Pradt bavarde toujours, et toujours s’offre aux électeurs de Paris qui n’en veulent pas. Il forçait ridiculement Charles de Rémusat à l’écouter — Petit bal chez Mme Davilliers. Norvins a épousé une jolie petite femme, bien tournée et surtout bien moulée. Il raffole des douceurs de son nouvel état. J’ai terminé la soirée chez la Duchesse de Vicence qui avait aimable et impériale compagnie. La princesse Ch. de Beauvau y est venue. Elle se mêle encore au vulgaire malgré l’élévation Pompadourienne de sa famille.
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the-acid-pear · 10 months
This is gonna post in like 4 hours but it's ok and I get to say this because I'm the only fan of Teddy in 2023 as I should be he's my man, ok? Anyway.
I honestly just adore the way the show handles T-Bag UNTIL SEASON 5 because it's a fucking journey. Like sure he's funny he's charismatic and this is a show not a movie so characters like him are needed but the way they write him is so compelling and well paced imo...
Like season 1 he's the worst. Absolute dog shit. He's a love him but hate him kind of cunt. When Abruzzi beats him it's so rewarding. And this follows to season 2, except this one comes with the biggest change for him and it's the showcase of a more soft side to our Theodore!
And I love it because it's not like he was a cunt he's not a cunt anymore, one of the most memorable moments from the whole show to me happens in season 2 when he flirts with that girl because it made me scream and grab my head like a dad watching sports, yet the whole him kidnapping his ex was such an interesting moment for his character that settled what was going to become of him from now on.
Well. Kind of minus season 3. I don't really think season 3 did anyone for anything EXCEPT for Mahone and what it did for him was awful I hate how they got rid of his addiction it was kind of lame but whatever.
But season 4 T-Bag... By god, the best of him. The whole fucking arc about him trying to be someone else trying to start fresh believing he could be a different person just for his past which in this case was embodied by a big titty goth gf to drag him back to reality... I'd throw up.
Of, the criminal kind. And by that I just mean he wasn't trying to fuck kids. Nor being a nazi. He was, he still was the rest of stuff tho.
But I just love it man, I just love how much of a slow burn his characterization is. Sure, there's highs and lows with how evil and heroic he can be, but such erratic actions are only fitting for such a broken erratic person as Theodore Bagwell.
And the way season 5 has him completely fucking Normal just a regular fucking man just Some Guy who did his time...
He's such a great character very well written. So glad he got to be a dad for his son back in the states and nothing back happened and the cycle of violence ended aha! :)
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lisarpgheadcanons · 1 year
dice mahone was a somewhat popular rockstar a few years before the flash, but his career fell apart. once the flash happened he decided to become a biker and gambler. also he’s missing a finger on one hand because he played the knife game where you try not to hit your hand except he failed like a loser
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binicarsmenorca · 1 year
What Gear Should You Bring for Your Adventure Trip?
Any adventure trip requires the right amount of planning and preparation. Every decision is pivotal, from buying or renting the right gear to acclimatizing for the long haul to even deciding between driving and renting a car at Menorca.  If you go via a tourism company, they will provide the essential gear and equipment, but if you plan your trip on your own, our checklist will give you a comprehensive idea.
Learn About the Place
A basic rule for trekking, hiking, or camping trips is to look up the place and get a general idea about the climate, weather, altitude, transportation, network connectivity, permits, and accessibility. Knowing this will help you pack your gear, clothes, and other essentials accordingly. For instance, knowing the altitude of a place you will be trekking up to will determine whether you need to acclimatize your body or require any special physical training.
Essentials for a Cycling Trip
Like car rental companies in Menorca, you have companies that let you hire bicycles for cycling and hiking. Depending on the length of your ride, your actual need may vary.
Essentials: Bike, water, a smartphone with GPS route activated, sunglasses, helmet, sunscreen, and emergency contact number.
Food: Fresh fruits and nuts, nutrition bar, and electrolyte powder.
Accessories: Flashlights, bike lock, sweatbands, cycling jersey, gloves, cash, credit card, passport, first aid kit, camera, and travel insurance.
Essentials for Camping and Trekking Trips
Camping and trekking are usually multi-day adventures where you may have to endure extreme temperatures and survive high altitudes. Unless it is a base camp frequented by several campers, you may need to protect yourself and your camp from animals. Being properly clothed, particularly whether specific, is an essential factor.
Must-haves: Durable and good quality long and short sportswear, rainproof jacket, thermal wear, woolen caps, socks, gloves, hiking and trekking caps, gloves, and trekking shoes.
Essentials: Tents, mattresses, and blankets are as important as clothes. You can leave them in the trunk of your rented car or distribute the weight between you and your fellow trekkers.
Accessories: A solid backpack – probably a lightweight, water-resistant trekking backpack, with multiple compartments for storing a water bottle, camera, and phone; flashlight or headlight with spare or rechargeable batteries, sunglasses, portable charger, trekking pole, sleeping bag, insect repellant, handy Swiss tool kit, matchbox, and garbage disposal bag.
Nutrition: Water bottles or hiking thermos, water disinfectant, chips and cheese, energy bar & drinks, and dry fruits.
Others:  You may also need tissues, toiletries, sunscreen, OTC painkillers, and a first aid kit.
Note:  For cheap car hire services in Menorca or if you wish to rent a car at Menorca's airport in Mahon, you can book a tourist car online at Binicars. They are one of the largest car rental service providers in Menorca, with an exceptional fleet of cars and scooters for tourists. They also provide emergency roadside assistance and kid-elderly-friendly vehicles.
Essentials for Watersports
Tripping to Menorca and you don't head out in the water is next to impossible. Take a quick run through your luggage to see if you have the following items to enjoy an adventure in the waters of Menorca beaches.
Note:  Watersports gears, such as canoes, kayaks, snorkels, paddles, etc., are easily available for rent in the local shops.
Clothes:  Wear clothes suitable for hot weather, preferably light and breathable. Tshirts and shorts, or thin outerwear with sports innerwear would be perfect for watersports. Also, carry swimsuits.
Essentials: Sunscreen, waterproof goggles, sunglasses, flip-flops for the beach, towels, water and ice cooler, phone and waterproof phone cover, garbage disposal bag, and plastic bag to store your belongings.
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elderohcare · 2 years
Ideal in-home senior care in East Liverpool OH
Our entire team has your loved ones best interests at heart, and will ensure that exceptional service and care is provided to all family members. Call Us: (330) 385-5960 #in-homeseniorcareinEastLiverpoolOH
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polhml · 2 years
Rasa zarnegar
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By centralizing care our team has improved patient experience and outcomes. In the realm of reflux and foregut surgery I direct the motility center at Weill Cornell and provides a multidisciplinary approach to the management of reflux, esophageal, and gastric dysmotility. I have focused on minimally invasive approaches for the management of these disorders and has been involved in the development of techniques to minimize scars through single incision and robotic surgery. (2) Foregut Disorders (GERD, Achalasia, Gastric and complex GI disorders). Overall, I perform well over 200 endocrine cases yearly. The approach to these disease is patient and tumor specific and involves management with a multidisciplinary team of experts. In specific patients cases can be performed with mild sedation improving recovery and return to daily life. Most of these cases are performed in an outpatient setting at our new DHK ambulatory surgical center with enhanced patient experience and new technology. Novel robotic scarless techniques are performed to avoid neck incisions. However, with current technology and advanced imaging more focal explorations can be performed with meticulous care to nerve identification and preservation. (1) Endocrine tumors (Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal, Neuroendocrine tumors)Ĭonventional thyroid, and parathyroid surgery and neck dissections are warranted and performed in the majoriy of these tumors. I am also the Director of Robotic Surgery. I am a Professor of Surgery (Endocrine and Minimally Invasive Surgery) at Weill Cornell Medical College and an Attending Surgeon at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center. ♦ Virtual Visit: Delivering the same level of world-class care, with exceptional convenience. Stronger Together in the Face of COVID-19.Coronavirus (COVID-19) Toggle Coronavirus (COVID-19) menu options.Your Rights and Protections Against Surprise Medical Bills.Advancing Patient Care Toggle Advancing Patient Care menu options.About Doctors at WCM Toggle About Doctors at WCM menu options.Myra Mahon Patient Resource Center Toggle Myra Mahon Patient Resource Center menu options.Health Podcasts Toggle Health Podcasts menu options.Patient Education Toggle Patient Education menu options.Weill Cornell Connect Toggle Weill Cornell Connect menu options.WCM OnDemand Second Opinion Toggle WCM OnDemand Second Opinion menu options.Video Visits Toggle Video Visits menu options.Digital Health Services Toggle Digital Health Services menu options.
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