#exchange of property
guzhufuren · 28 days
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Huaien feeding Xiaobao his spiritual energy
Uncensored wuxia BL Meet You At The Blossom (2024)
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xh0llyhat3fulx-blog · 3 months
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Hellllooooooooooooo? Let me hear your fantasy’s so I can dream about them 😍
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respectthepetty · 5 months
@dribs-and-drabbles, the Dudes shirt is showing up in Peaceful Property
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Therefore, by my very scientific research, this show has to be a BL because blue is Peach's color and here Tay is wearing the 2022 slogan "More than Friends; Less than Lovers" shirt
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And Red Rascal Home's little slogan will is "Do Nothing but Rich"
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Which is the slogan also on Home's phone, which his chibi is also in that same red shirt on the case, so this is once again from filming, which means the blue shirt with the red-written jersey over it is in the show.
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AND IT'S A COLOR EXCHANGE WITH PEACH because all the cast got ice cream that day but New just took off the jersey.
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And Tay was wearing this shirt with red writing over the heart, and Mook is standing right next to him, so this from filming too. IS THIS ANOTHER COLOR EXCHANGE?!
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Finally, Mook and Jan keep interviewing together, which wouldn't be sus since they have a show coming up together and Tay and New were busy with their concert, but . . .
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It would make sense if this is a BL with a GL side couple!
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Single-handedly manifesting this based solely on colors and shirts.
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rowanthestrange · 5 months
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yo look at her that’s an actual house
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kirby-the-gorb · 2 years
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true-blue-sonic · 8 months
blaze visiting silver and the chaotix one day. what would happen
The thought of prim and proper Blaze standing in the absolute run-down chaos that is the Chaotix's Agency is a very funny one to me, haha. It's certainly quite different from her palace! But she's used to Marine, so I guess Charmy's shenanigans are actually not so strange for her (the flying might instil a sense of dreadful concern in her, though; he can cause problems in a three-dimensional space). Plus Vector is doing his best to be a good host and Espio is giving her tea and a much-necessary calming vibe, so I think the visit is not automatically doomed to end in disaster. I wonder why she'd be coming over? Maybe Silver simply invited her for a cup of tea with his friends, or family if he lives with them <3 That being said, I figure their conversations are focused a lot on Eggman's ploys and how those have been foiled, how various friends are doing, fun activities with the whole friend group that are coming up or recently happened, etcetera. I don't get the feeling they'd have extremely deep things to discuss together, in part because the Chaotix and Blaze are simply not that close and Blaze can be a bit distant still when it comes to spending time with others. But Silver will be very happy to see her, I figure, and they most likely overall will have a good time together! ^-^
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nando161mando · 1 month
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Who can spot the REAL criminals in this exchange..?
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sbnkalny · 11 months
Hello! I raise money for charity for poor, Hungry and requiring
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fluffypotatey · 8 months
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kotlcfairytale · 4 months
do things like pokemon count as fairy tales (sorry if this is a stupid question)
I consulted the mod team, and we've decided that we want the stories to have an element of folklore that Pokémon doesn't have. While it is fantasy, the line between "fairy tale" and "fantasy" lines mainly in tradition. Japanese folktales and mythology would be welcome, but we're going to say no on Pokémon. Sorry!
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hussyknee · 6 months
Good afternoon. Today's real feel temperature is 38°C (100.4F). We do not have air conditioning. I have decided to die.
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roguetelepaths · 1 year
I shouldn't have to say this but I never, ever want anyone to read Challengers and think that the moral is "it's okay to have slaves if you're nice to them"
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dolokhoded · 2 years
(begins to talk about something nobody knows or cares about)
THE REASON i love vera's folklore au arc so much is because we literally like basically took that neglect she faced as a kid and made it Actually Physically Noticeable in a way that completely changed her life which like. her situation is already bad enough, just to know that your mother very obviously prefers your siblings (nikolai specifically in this case) over you is bad enough but to have it manifest in such a physical permanent way.........that's a WHOLE OTHER THING it's like. every time this girl looks at herself in the mirror she's gonna know the reason she is this way is because her parents didn't love her enough.
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respectthepetty · 5 months
Peaceful Property is going to a BL, and I refuse to be convinced otherwise.
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Home's (New) color is red, and Peach's (Tay) is blue.
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So it's not the bed sharing that has me convinced.
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Tay has red behind him which is just the floor, but he is wearing the glasses he wears for the series, so they were still filming on this day, and what color is New wearing? Peach's BLUE!
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Then I thought It might just be the ghost hunting suit that was worn in the promo.
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But NOPE, it's a jersey over a blue shirt and it was during filming (Q8) because Mook showed up in the video, and so does Tay's red-orange looking arm holding the phone!
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But there are even more videos of the guys playing with filters on set and NEW IS IN BLUE!
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Quit playing with me, GMMTV, and give me my BL with a side GL.
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I don't have time for these games, but I'll make time to search a Polca's insta to get my colors.
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homeless-clefairy · 1 year
Outing myself as a Danganronpa fan to say that I've been into kuzuhina lately and my fairytale obsessed mind made me think about a Rapunzel AU...
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omegaphilosophia · 1 year
Capitalism and the Search for Truth: Unveiling the Hindrances
In today's globalized world, capitalism has become the dominant economic system, shaping societies, institutions, and even our pursuit of knowledge. While capitalism has its benefits, it is essential to examine its impact on the search for truth and the quest for knowledge. In this blog post, we will explore how capitalism can act as a hindrance to the pursuit of truth, stifling intellectual freedom, distorting information, and prioritizing profit over the common good.
Commercialization of Knowledge: Under capitalism, knowledge and information become commodified, subject to market forces and profit-driven motives. The commodification of knowledge can lead to the prioritization of research and information that is financially profitable rather than necessarily advancing truth and understanding. This bias can limit the exploration of unconventional or unprofitable ideas, hindering intellectual diversity and innovation.
Influence of Corporate Interests: In a capitalist society, corporations wield significant influence over the dissemination and production of knowledge. Corporate funding and sponsorship can shape research agendas, academic programs, and media narratives. This influence may result in conflicts of interest, where research and information are tailored to fit corporate agendas or protect corporate interests, potentially suppressing findings that challenge prevailing narratives or threaten profit-driven industries.
Inequality and Access to Education: Capitalism's inherent economic disparities can hinder the pursuit of truth by limiting access to education and opportunities for intellectual development. Unequal access to quality education, resources, and research facilities disproportionately affects marginalized communities. This deprivation of opportunities and knowledge perpetuates systemic inequalities, preventing diverse voices and perspectives from contributing to the collective search for truth.
Media Consolidation and Sensationalism: Under the capitalist media landscape, media outlets are often driven by profit motives, sensationalism, and the need for higher ratings. This focus on attracting viewers and maximizing profits can lead to a distortion of information and a prioritization of sensational stories over factual accuracy. The pursuit of truth can be undermined as media organizations strive to capture audience attention and generate advertising revenue, compromising the integrity of news reporting.
Intellectual Property and Patents: Capitalism's emphasis on individual ownership and proprietary rights can hinder the free exchange of knowledge. Intellectual property laws and patents can limit the dissemination of information, hindering collaborative efforts and impeding the collective search for truth. Profit-oriented motives may incentivize withholding or restricting access to vital scientific discoveries, impeding progress in fields that require open collaboration and sharing of knowledge.
While capitalism has fostered economic growth and innovation, it is important to critically examine its impact on the pursuit of truth and knowledge. By commodifying knowledge, promoting corporate interests, perpetuating educational inequalities, distorting information through media sensationalism, and prioritizing intellectual property rights, capitalism can pose significant challenges to the search for truth. As we navigate the complexities of our capitalist society, it is crucial to foster intellectual freedom, promote equitable access to education, encourage independent and critical thinking, and prioritize the common good over narrow profit-driven motives. By recognizing and addressing these hindrances, we can strive for a more inclusive and truth-seeking society that values the pursuit of knowledge for the betterment of all.
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