formidophobia · 1 year
Hey everyone, it's Crow!
Friendly neighborhood disabled queer mixed freak needs help eating and surviving
(please do not tag with banned tags)
I've been working my ass off trying to make money, but still falling behind trying to get everything squared away. It's been a lot. I worked an event this Saturday, but i only made like $20 and I needed to eat and save some of it. I'm just stuck in the hole. I'm not going to have money until the 5th, so I really just need whatever I can get to help me eat and exist until then. thank you so so much in advance
(bank acc)
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You can find my d/n/tion links here
PayPal (excitingghost) and Venmo (oneiromancer)
I also take commissions, you can dm me here or on Discord (formidophobia) for examples!!
I also have an Etsy Shop (crowandjackalope) that I just launched where you can buy stickers and original art, if you'd like to check that out !! It would mean the world to me 💕
If you can't d/n/te, please rb and share wherever you can :) I just wanna make it through the next little while. Ty all so much
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excitingghost · 4 years
Screenshot redraw :)
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craneisnthere · 3 years
This concept came up in our discord (link in my bio!) thanks to @jonathan-cranes-mistress-of-fear and @excitingghost thanks to @hazardsoflove and sage who’s blog idk for helping me write it!
here’s the parodied lyrics >:) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1saA9MbRVk0DA4WQVo_Dqntq241gR3xjk3w2inBeJd4g/edit?usp=sharing
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klaus004 · 3 years
TLDR at the end
I hate having to make crowdfunding posts I really do, I've been struggling so bad and honestly I just need help.
If you know me I'm sure you've seen my recent housing posts on my other accounts. Thankfully we have found a place to be! But now I'm having other issues because I need to get to Colorado.
I found a place to work, and a place to stay that's stable, but in the midst of everything there's one week that would work to make it out to see my family.
It's been over a year since I've seen my dad. He's been sick all my life and I consistently worry that I won't see him again. Amidst the pandemic it's been hard for me to make money, get my ID, and even plan to see my family and friends.
I bought tickets to go to Colorado and Google misbooked the tickets, and the airline refused to refund me so I lost all that money. My partner was going to help me get new tickets with their next paycheck but the prices keep rising and i don't think we'll be able to afford it. I've already made plans with my parents and friends and everything and to have to cancel would probably throw me into depression even worse than I'm already in.
I just miss everyone and my mental state is so fucked and I just want to see my dad again...
These tickets are going to probably end up at 300 or so dollars
Anything helps honestly. Thank you guys so much
Honestly any amount we can put towards this is better than nothing and anything you can contribute will be helpful, I just want to see my dad
My Paypal is here:
Kofi is here:
TLDR: my dad is sick and I'm broke and I need to get to Colorado on the 12th and need help.
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1234kamuii1234 · 6 years
So I made it to NC!! We're still unpacking everything and I'm sleepin on just my mattress for now, but things are looking up! I have a good chance at working for Best Buy since one of our neighbors is a manager, so I'll know at least someone that works there. Thanks for all the support from my mutuals and friends from back at home. I miss y'all ( @neverdaylight - @donnanoblerocks - @d0oughnut - @excitingghost - etc) so heckin much and I love you guys to bits. 💕
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ankhisms · 3 years
(rey, you don't have to post this but thank you so so much if you do) hi, i really hate to do this again but my good friend @/excitingghost can't work until they dye their hair to a 'natural' color, the issue is they and their partner have $20 between them and have to worry about dorm rent as well as food and bleach + dye (altho i may be able to get them bleach) if you'd like to help out, their paypal is the same as their tumblr, and if you'd like something in exchange i will draw you something!
hey everyone pls help out if u can!!
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kenzicorinne · 6 years
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Line art commission for @excitingghost of their character Maxwell!  💖 💀 💖
Commission info and form: here
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formidophobia · 1 year
hey can anyone help me with some gas so we can go and get food? we have ebt money rn but we don't have enough gas to get to where we need to go for shit we're comfortable eating as nd folks
Pypl @ excitingghost
vmo oneiromancer
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excitingghost · 3 years
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I still can't decide on a type, but here's me!
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excitingghost · 4 years
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“GeneCo will live on under new management. Me 😌“
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excitingghost · 4 years
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I was told l was required to post this.
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excitingghost · 4 years
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Haha get it
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excitingghost · 4 years
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This is Maxwell. He’s a half-succubus who likes getting into trouble and chillin in graveyards.
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excitingghost · 4 years
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It’s vintage
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excitingghost · 4 years
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Figured I should probably ACTUALLY post my icon at some point lmao.
Here’s my character from the haunted house I worked at. They’re an orphan and their name is Jellybeans.
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excitingghost · 3 years
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"I just want you to see
I just want you to see
The way we drag a bunch of people into lunacy"
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