#explain why thanos is a lil bitch
lizzie-is-here · 2 years
like the dawn
part xvi- the storm
“i want you to always remember me. will you remember that i existed, and that i stood next to you here like this?” - haruki murakami
summary: the mad titan comes calling
wordcount: 1.9k (my tiny bby 🥺)
warnings: cussing (i think? idk honestly), lil fluff, violence ig, uhh infinity war but just the beginning, forgot bucky got the hot arm and had to include that, sad foreshadowing slay
taglist: @whelvedfeelingsstuff @sebsgirl71479 @rebloggingmyrecs @babyblublossom @local-mr-frog @thenyxsky @capsiclesdoll @moonlightreader649 @saranghaey @almosttoopizza @itsivymusic
a/n: IM BACK BITCHES. sorry this part is short but the next part is coming up very soon bc i’m excited to hopefully make y’all cry 👍 as always, love you, very proud of you, stay hydrated and eat something pls and hope u enjoy! this may not be my best work but i’ll make it up to you when… the stuff happens lmao 💀 happy 2023!!! 🤍🤍🤍
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“He came out of nowhere.”
You stare up at the holographic screen.
You’ve been back for barely a week, and there’s something new on the horizon. From out in space, a genocidal maniac has made himself known.
He calls himself Thanos. The last survivor of a planet whose civilization fell long ago. And he’s hunting for stones that can apparently control every part of the universe.
You’re lucky the team received the warning in time. Thor, Bruce Banner, and the remaining Asgardians had narrowly escaped the titan, and fled to Earth to warn you of the danger.
The god had asked a few questions about your wings, as fascinated by them as you were about the magical hammer he carried.
Despite what the others said, you quickly realized that Thor wasn’t dumb, not even dense. Just unaccustomed to modern life. Much like you and your boys.
Okay, maybe he was a little bit dense.
Alongside them, another addition had arrived in the form of a sorcerer by the name of Stephen Strange. His demeanor reminded you of a certain genius.
But there wasn’t time to worry about much other than preparing for the coming siege. There wasn’t time to warn the governments of the world. You needed to suit up. Quickly.
“What’s his objective?” Steve asks, one hand on the small of your back and the other entwined with Bucky’s flesh hand.
“He’s a plague,” Bruce rasps. “He invades planets. He takes what he wants. He wipes out half the population. He sent Loki.” He points to the rather greasy reformed god, who frowns.
“So this is it,” Tony hums. The billionaire is oddly composed, silently calculating. “What’s our timeline?”
“No telling. He has the Power and Space Stones. That already makes him the strongest creature in the whole universe. If he gets his hands on all six stones, Tony…”
Strange cuts in. “He could destroy life on a scale hitherto undreamt of.”
You wrinkle your nose a bit.
“Did you seriously just say ‘hitherto undreamt of’? God, you sound like my grandfather.” you ask.
“Are you seriously complaining about how I talk when you’re 100 years old?”
“Physically, I’m about 30, so-“
Bucky sighs. “Joacă frumos, păpușă [Play nice, doll].”
Tony speaks before you start arguing with the sorcerer again. “If Thanos needs all six, why don’t we just stick Mr. Sparkles’s stone down the garbage disposal?” he asks, gesturing to the Time Stone held in the amulet.
“No can do,” the man retorts. Wong, another sorcerer explains.
“We swore an oath to protect the Time Stone with our lives.”
Tony shrugs. “And I swore off dairy, but then Ben & Jerry’s named a flavor after me-“
“Ok, boys, how about we table this conversation for a time when we aren’t in danger,” Nat snaps.
“Ok, look, Thanos has the biggest army in the universe, and he’s not gonna stop until he gets… Vision’s stone.”
You nod. “Then we have to protect it.” The android, from his place staring out the window, disagrees.
“No, we have to destroy it. I’ve been giving a good deal of thought to this entity in my head. About its nature.” He pauses, stepping towards Wanda. “But also its composition. I think if it were exposed to a sufficiently powerful energy source, something very similar to its own signature, perhaps-“
Vision leans close to the girl. “-its molecular integrity could fail.” You knew what he was asking. All of you did. But no one wanted to say it.
“Yeah, and you with it,” Wanda chuckles, disbelieving. “We’re not having this conversation.”
“Eliminating the stone is the only way to be certain that Thanos can’t get it,” he presses.
“That’s too high a price.”
Your chest aches as the android gently takes her face in his hands.
“Only you have the power to pay it. Thanos threatens half the universe. One life cannot stand in the way of defeating him.”
“But it should,” Steve says. “We don’t trade lives, Vision.” You rest a hand on his arm, nodding when he looks to you for support.
“Captain, 70 years ago, you laid down your life to save how many millions of people?” Vision queries. Despite being a robot, his voice is laced with uncertainty. Fear. “Tell me, why is this any different?”
Tony, Bruce, and Peter look up from where they were discussing.
“Because you might have a choice,” the doctor says. “Your mind is made up of a complex construct of overlays. JARVIS, Ultron, Tony, me, the stone. All of them mixed together, all of them learning from one another.”
Wanda takes a sharp breath. “You’re saying Vision isn’t just the stone?”
“I’m saying that if we take out the stone, there’s still a whole lot of Vision left, perhaps the best parts.”
“Can we do that?” Nat asks.
Bruce shakes his head. “Not me, not here.”
Peter, as quiet as he’d been, raises his hand. “I know someone! And somewhere.”
You raise a brow. “So do I.”
“Shuri,” both of you say.
“How do you know her?” Bucky asks. The teen sheepishly shrugs.
“She started sending me advice on how to fix my suits from Instagram.”
FRIDAY’s voice echoed over the speakers. “Boss, something’s entered the atmosphere in lower Manhattan.”
Tony curses under his breath. “Shit, okay. We’ve gotta split up.”
“Okay, normally I’m all for your plans, but that seems like a horrible idea,” Sam says.
“We don’t have any other choice. You go to Wakanda, Thor and his crew can head into space to recruit any help we can get, and we’ll stay and handle this,” the billionaire says, gesturing to himself, Peter, and the sorcerers.
A knot forms in your gut. “And if it’s Thanos?”
No one responds. It’s a real possibility that none of you want to think about.
“Then we’ll hold him off until you get there.”
The quinjet has never flown faster. A quick call to T’Challa and Shuri meant that you were rushing off the plane the moment you arrived, before the princess grabbed Bucky, Steve, and you.
“Come with me. I have an upgrade for that outdated arm of yours,” she calls.
“Is there time?” the brunet asks. Entering her lab, dozens of doctors hurry over. Bucky grabs yours and Steve’s hands, unsure of how to navigate this.
“It’ll be okay,” Steve assures. You nod, following as they lay him down on a table.
They’re unbelievably quick as they work, a hologram providing a view into everything going on. Within minutes, he’s gone under and they’ve started removing the heavy titanium.
Shuri herself carefully implants a new base for the arm, which clicks into place with little trouble. That’s when you see the arm.
It’s gold and black, crafted with careful detail but still bulky enough to balance out. You lift it gently, finding the weight to be much lighter than the old one. Vibranium.
Doctors take the arm from you with knowing smiles, precisely but swiftly locking it in place.
When he sits up minutes later, you hold your breath.
Flexing the new hand, Bucky stares in awe at the prosthetic.
“I… I can feel again.”
He reaches for you and Steve, and can’t believe it when he can truly feel your wings with his left hand. The sensation isn’t perfect, but he’ll take it over the cold, unfeeling HYDRA arm any day.
“What’s it like?” Steve asks, holding Bucky’s face with one hand.
A voice calls from the door.
“As cute as you three are, we’ve gotta hurry.” Nat holds up a projection. “Tony says Thanos isn’t in Manhattan.”
The rest of the group is hurrying in behind her, guiding Vision onto the operating table as Shuri prepares for a much more difficult procedure.
“The structure is polymorphic,” she comments.
Bruce nods. “Right, we had to attach each neuron non-sequentially.”
“Why didn’t you just reprogram the synapses to work collectively?” You don’t understand what they’re saying, but by the look on Bruce’s face, she’s made an excellent point.
“… Because we didn’t think of it.”
The girl purses her lips to hide a smile. “I’m sure you did your best.”
Wanda and Shuri begin to discuss the complications of the procedure, but you wander to the window. It’s too perfect. The sky is dappled with clouds and Wakanda is going on as normal as possible with the impending disaster looming on the horizon.
Right on cue, Sam’s voice rings through your earpiece.
“Hey, Cap, we got a situation here.”
You watch as a vessel crashes into the protective shield that surrounds the city, blowing up and leaving no damage.
“Don’t start celebrating yet. We got more incoming outside the dome,” Rhodey groans.
Fire blazes into view as more ships crash into the earth. You feel your heart rate increase.
“It’s too late, we need to destroy the stone now,” Vision says. The look on Wanda’s face is enough for you to shake your head.
“Get your ass back on that table,” you press.
T’Challa nods. “We will hold them off.”
Steve turns to the anxious Sokovian. “Wanda, as soon as that stone’s out of his head, you blow it to hell.”
“I will.”
You soar above dozens of hovering vehicles as the aliens approach the barrier. It’s hard to get a clear view of the enemy, but below you, you can clearly spot Bruce in the Hulkbuster and Nat, Bucky, and Steve on a carrier. Beside you, Rhodey and Sam scope out the area.
One small disadvantage of your abilities. Flight comes naturally. No tech. No heat scanners or AI. No extra help. Just your powers and your wings.
At the tree line, one huge alien and one smaller one stop. The Wakandan forces fall into formation, and you watch from the air as Nat, Steve, and T’Challa go to face the two.
No surprise, it goes horribly. The crash-landed ships open, and you can make out hundreds of ugly, dog-like aliens barreling through the forest.
You land next to your boys just in time to hear Bucky mumble, “What the hell?”
“Looks like we pissed her off,” Nat mumbles.
“They’re killing themselves,” Okoye whispers in horror. She’s right. Only a few make it through the barrier before being immediately killed. The rest are sliced by the force field.
Bucky shoots down some and Bruce fires lasers while the Wakandans take out the rest.
At your side, you twist your hands. It’s been months since you’ve used your powers. Partly out of fear, but also as a way to forget all of the memories that came with them.
While you worry, one alien makes it through Bucky’s rain of gunfire, jumping towards you with a slavering mouth full of yellowed teeth.
Quick as ever, you swing out your hand, and the burst of light is so potent that it disintegrates on contact.
“Well, good to know that that still works,” Steve says, arm still raises from where he went to defend you. Twin shields are mounted on his wrists, with razor-sharp points.
“Cap, of these things circle the perimeter and get in behind us,” Bruce begins. “There’s nothing between them and Vision.
“Then we better keep ‘em in front of us,” Steve replies.
“How are we supposed to do that?” you ask. It’s not like you can tell them where to go.
T’Challa swallows. “We open the barrier.” He lifts a hand to his earpiece before you can protest. “On my signal, open North-West Section Seventeen.”
“This will be the end of Wakanda,” a man you don’t quite recognize says.
Okoye doesn’t hesitate. “Then it will be the noblest ending in history.”
Glancing to Steve and Bucky, then back to the barrier, you inhale sharply. “To the end of the line?”
“To the end of the line.”
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artichoke-that-hoe · 6 years
okay i know i posted a long ass review/rant about infinity war last night but i am awake and filled with anger in an educated way - an essay
spoilers (i mean in reality it only one spoiler but i go into depth on it) below the belt
can we just talk about Thanos’ plan for a second because his entire reason ofr destroying half the universe is because life is unsustainable, everything is finite, its for the greater good yada yada yada but bish NONE OF THIS MAKES SENSE!!!
Ya girl just wrote her second year macroeconomics exam three days ago so let me tell you my dudes: the theory that resources are finite and life is unsustainable is not a new theory even in the slightest, its actually a well known economic theory that was proposed by ya boi Thomas Malthus. The Malthusian Model basically states that available resources cannot sustain population growth so human kind will forever be in poverty and any attempts for the government to alleviate poverty are counterproductive because they create more poor people. 
But heres the thing guys: this theory was proposed in the 1800s population has grown exponentially since then! weve gone from less than a billion to almost 8 billion people! and is the entire population in poverty? are we all starving crammed together in tiny spaces begging for scrapes? for a large portion of the planets population: no
why, you may ask? because his theory was deeply flawed. lets let ya local 1970s american economist Michael Kremer explain. the Kremerian model basically explains that increased populations do not mean the deterioration of resources because there are exogenous factors at play. more specifically: innovation and technological progress. As populations increase we have more and more scientists, inventors, engineers, etc. born and with those creative minds we create resources. resources do not have to be finite when we are constantly innovating and finding new and more sustainable ways of living! while unsustainable resources that we depend on (such as crude oil) are finite they are being replaced by new innovations that are infinite such as solar power, wind power, etc. 
now i know what youre thinking, maria, you oblivious fuck, our populations almost at 8 billion and over 3 billion people are living on $2.50 or less a day. well yes, this is true but this isnt only because of the popualtion or amount of resources (I wont fully explain this bc ya girl only took 3 economics classes and barely attended the lectures lmao) but, getting rid of half the population will not change the distribution of wealth. the poor will remain poor and in theory the rich would get even richer. poverty, unfortunately, will always exist. we would need to take drastic measures to change this and sure, destroying half of all life in the universe is drastic but its the wrong fucking extreme. 
Thanos has the power of space, reality, power, time, mind and soul, hes literally got the components of the universe in his hand and can LITERALLY do anything he wants with them!! so why the hell would he destroy half of the universe when he could just materialize enough resources for the empoverished?? just straight up making huts into homes with the swipe of a hand he could have been the most powerful superhero in the entire fucking multiverse but ya bitch is dumb as hell. Thanos’ goes on this rant about how everything is finite but bitch what the fuck?? nothign is finite when you hold space, time, and reality within the palm of your hand??? 
which leads me to my conclusion: poverty will always exist, quality of life is not limited by finite resources, and thanos is a dumb ass bitch who doesnt understand economics or human greed 
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starkerfortwo · 5 years
OKAY im sorry thi sis late to be posted but I’m really busy at the moment. These prompts are for @swankyspankyhankypanky panky i tried reallyhard to come up wih a good story line for you! Happy valentines day! @starker-valentines
So I know this isn't exactly the original prompts, but I'm a bad writer and before I knew I had written this, I'd already done it, so I'm very sorry, hope you enjoy this though!!! Prompt 2
Tones Hey sweets, I'm picking you up at 7, be ready!
Peter Oof, wish I could, but I'm at the library with Ned and MJ studying for midterms. I'm free at nine tho
Tony sighed and switched his car onto automatic.
Tony Really? Okay, I'll pick you up at nine outside the library, where'd you wanna go?
Peter sure and hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm maybe Delmars? Pretty pretty please with sugar on top
Tony How can I say no to you? If you want to then sure, but if that cat bites me one more time
Peter You'll do what? Go all IronMan on a cat's ass? Pshhhh okay, now stop distracting me I rly have to study
Tony But bothering you is so so so so fun. But if you insist. I love yoy
Peter I love yoy too Tony. Yoy, im dead
Peter laughed at his phone and slid it back into his pocket. "Did Tony say something hot?" Peter looked at Ned with a disgusted face "Ned, gross dude. And no he just made a typo" MJ rolled her eyes "You two are gross, but It's kinda cute so I feel you" Peter smiled and picked up a textbook. "So, what's the sweetest thing Tonys done?" Flash asked hooking his arm around Liz's shoulders. "Sweetest? I don't know man, on our first date he serenaded me with a song" "That's not sweet. Come on! What was the thing that you couldn't stop smiling about for weeks afterward?" Ned asked leaning forwards.  "Well, our first time do-" "STOP" Flash shouted covering his ears as Peter chuckled to himself.
Peter Pls save me, they're all asking me about our love life. It's excruciating
Tony Want me to come and blow them away with my awesomeness?
Peter Yes please, I managed to shut them up by talking about our sex life but Ned seems to be plotting his next question.
Tony I'm parking the car
Peter looked up to the door and smiled at the sight of Tony Stark walking in. "I believe people were talking about me" He smiled sitting down on the chair next to Peter. "Hey, Mr. Stark," Ned said flashing him 'Please accept me for an internship' smile. "Relax, Ned, I shouldn't tell you this but you got the Internship" Ned let out a scream and was quickly hushed by the librarian "So, Mr. Stark, what do you think is the sweetest thing you ever did for Peter?" Flash asked returning his hand to Liz. "Hmm, I think It would be the night that Peter called me Tony for the first time"
"Mr. Stark I'm a big boy I don't need you to keep on saving me from fights," Peter said in protest, landing on a rooftop in downtown New York. "You're a baby, and that wasn't a fight, that was an attack that was specifically planned to target you" Peter tensed his face up "You could've taken those guys on so why can't I?" Peter argued ripping off his mask and letting the brown curls fly around his face. "Because I'm more experienced than you and I have an iron suit. Yours is... spandex" Tony pointed out stepping out of his suit and onto the ground as Peter took a step back. "You helped me create this suit so technically It's not my fault that I don't have a stronger suit. And that's not what you said when I fought Captain America" "I've said this before and I'll say this again, if Cap wanted to take you down, he would've" "Yes but he didn't. Can you just accept the fact that I might be more mature than you think? Why won't you let me fight the bad guys? I took on Thanos when we were stuck on Titan!" Tony scrunched his face up "Because Peter, I can't lose you again! I watched you die in my arms and I was waiting for the time that I would go and help save you in any other fucking world that you had gone to, but I didn't! I couldn't save you Kid, I never want to lose you again, you mean to much to me!" Peter stared at Tony. "I'm sorry, I am, you just, you need to let me do this stuff okay? If I'm really in danger, Karen will let you know" Tony didn't say anything just embraced Peter in a hug "Don't die, kid, please don't. I can't lose you too" "I won't Tony"
"That wasn't something sweet that you did, that was just a sweet moment between us" Peter scoffed turning to Tony. "I saved your life! I think that counts as being sweet" Tony argued turning his head. "Okay then, Peter, what was the sweetest thing you did for Tony?" MJ asked, suddenly intrigued in their love lives. "Oh, for sure the time that Tony said 'I love you peter Paker' for the first time"
A year earlier.
"Wassup Tony," Peter said sliding on the hard wooden floor in his pink fluffy socks. "Morning Peter, why are you in such a good mood?" Tony asked pouring himself a cup of coffee "Well if you must know, I have a date" Tony's heart dropped to his ass, figuratively but still, as peter announced he had a date. "Cool cool, who with?" Peter smiled "Quinten Beck, I met him on Tinder and he's hot as hell!" Tony covered up his disappointment with a smile. "I'm happy for you kid, I'm going down to the lab"
three hours later.
"FRIDAY has Peter returned from the date?" Tony asked attaching a string to a door and slamming it shut making a crate fall "No, he never left the tower, he is sobbing on the couch upstairs" Tony paused "He's what?" He asked again unsure if he heard her right "Sobbing upstairs" Tony left the crate and rushed upstairs. "Peter? Peter, what's wrong?" Tony asked trying to console the hyperventilation young adult on his couch. "Beck canceled the date, he told me that I was ugly and too nerdy" Peter sobbed, resting his head in the crook of Tony's neck. "When I find that lil bitch" Tony whispered. "Why am I not good enough? Is there something wrong with me? Why does no one like me?!" Peter shouted sobbing harder. "Oh Peter, you're good enough and everyone is crazy to not see that, you're perfect peter" Tony whispered, "Then why does no one like me?" He cried out "They do" "Who Tony! Who likes me?! I'm just some ugly person" Peter screamed coming up for some air "Me Peter! I like you. No actually. I love you, Peter Parker. I always have and I always will"
"That was sweet, but that wasn't something you did for Tony" Nd pointed out, yawning in his seat whilst Betty rested her head on him. "Yeah I guess it was, I don't know actually, either I'm a shit boyfriend or Tony just doesn't tell me when I'm sweet" Tony laughed and pecked Peter's cheek. "I know what one of the sweetest things peter ever did was."
one month earlier.
"TONY!" Peter screeched from the lab. "BOI IF YOU DON'T GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE RIGHT THIS VERRY FUCKING SECOND I WILL END OUR RELATIONSHIP!" Tony raced down the stairs and into the lab where he was met by Peter standing over an Iron Man suit "Yes my love? Something wrong?" Peter's eyes went soft at the sight of Tony's sleepless eyes and dropped shoulders. "Baby, when was the last time you slept?" Peter asked moving slowly towards Tony. "Like, seventy-two hours ago" Peter sighed and took the white blanket off of his shoulders and wrapped it around Tony's shoulders. "Come on, let's go to bed" Tony sulked and let Peter lift him off of his feet and carry him upstairs. "You know what's not fair" Tony yawned "What?" "The fact that you're younger and smaller than me, yet so much stronger than me" Peter laughed "Blame the radioactive spider for that one" Tony chuckled and felt his body sink into the memory foam mattress "I don't want to sleep" Tony sighed sleepily barely able to keep his eyes open. "Why?" Peter asked wrapping his arms around Tony "Because every time I close my eyes I see you slipping away in my arms. I can't keep reliving that Peter" Tony cried pulling Peter down to his eyesight. "Tony, hey Tony, look at me." Tony brought his eyes up to look at Peter. "I'm not leaving. I'm never leaving. You are my home, I love you and I always will. You're not going to lose me again. We won. He's dead." Tony sobbed quietly "I love you" He whispered falling asleep. "I love you too" Peter whispered back.
"Yeah, I have to admit that was pretty sweet of me to do" Peter laughed resting his head on Tony's lap. "It was, so tell me, what midterm do you all have first?" Tony asked gently caressing Peter's hair. "Peter has Law then Bioengineering. I have Law and physics, MJ has human relations, Liz has technology, and Flash has English Lit" Ned explained yawning gently. "That sucks for all of you." Tony laughed "Hey if we leave now we can still make our reservation" Peter whispered looking up at Tony. "You sure?" Peter nodded and looked up. "I hate to cut this short, but me and Tony-" "Tony and I" "Yes, thank you MJ, have a dinner reservation to attend, so we will be fucking off and I won't see you for the rest of this night" Tony smiled as Peter grabbed his hand and ran out the door. "I love you" Tony whispered "I love you too Tony" Peters's lips met Tonys in a sweet sensual kiss. "Come on, let's go"
Prompt 1
"Good morning handsome" Tony smiled as Peter rubbed his eyes. "Mornin' what time is it?" "The time is currently twelve minutes past nine in the morning" Peter rolled his eyes and slumped his head back on the pillow but evidentially rolling over and burying his face in the crook of Tony's neck. "I'm tired." He whined, feeling Tony's arms wrap around him. "I know, but, guess what" Peter looked up at his boyfriend "You're taking me out of college and whisking me away to a holiday in LA?" Tony smiled and kissed the tip of Peter's nose. "Nope, but I am taking you training today" Peter groaned again "In what universe is training better than a holiday" Peter deadpanned sitting up straight and pulling one of Tonys AC/DC shirts over his head "My universe. Hurry up, Peppers gonna be here in five" Peter whined for the fifth time in the time-space of an hour and sulked his way over to the chest of drawers currently holding all of his things. Since Peter and Tony had started dating, Peter had been slowly moving objects from his room into Tonys. A couple of CD's stacked up on the desk, along with some chemistry books, and some clothes. So far they hadn't been caught. Plus, they only had three months until Peter's twenty-first birthday when they could finally announce that they had been dating.  They just needed to keep it a secret for now. "Hey, I love you" Tony smiled lifting peters head up by his chin and kissing his softly "I love you too. I'm gonna shower though because I smell" Tony laughed "Yeah, you do" They stayed there for a moment, staring at each other and smiling. "Tony! You need to sign off- oh hi Peter" Both men separated quickly trying to cover it up by Tony fakely handing Peter a biology book on cells and reproduction. "Um hi Miss Potts I was just getting a book from To- Mr. Stark" Pepper smiled fondly "That's okay Peter." Peter smiled meekly at Tony and Pepper as he slipped out the bedroom door. "Fuck" He breathed out.
Peter dodged a punch and swung from one corned to the other. "Come on, babe, you can do better than this" Peter panted and landed on the floor next to him "Nope, I'm out" Tony smiled and pulled this small boyfriend up. "Come on, one more round and we can relax." Peter pulled himself together and nodded. "Okay, I can do this," He said dodging a kick and other suits that came flying past him. "One more!" Tony said cheering him on from the sidelines, "Fuck, Tony I can't do this" "There's no such word as can't" Peter smirked t himself "Nope, but there is a word called cannot and I cannot do this" H said turning his back as Tony shit down te simulation. "What's going on? You're usually so much better than this" Tony asked as peter layed his head on his lap. "I don't know, I've been in a funk ever since we lost the Titan battle" Tony frowned. "I'm never letting you go okay? I love you, Peter Parker. I love you so much. And that shit that happened with Thanos was not your fault. You were fifteen kid and were already conquering so much that I couldn't even do at fifteen. Don't beat yourself up because of one mistake" Tony leaned down and kissed peter's lips passionately. "I love you too Tones, and guess what day tomorrow is. Valentine's day" Tony rolled his eyes "Ugh, don't remind me" Peter laughed "Ill remind you in my way" Tony raised an eyebrow "Kinky" "That's not what I meant and you know it"
"Mr. Parker, you have a meeting in five minutes downstairs" FRIDAY chirped from the speakers in the kitchen. "SHIT! FRIDAY can you remind me when to take the cookies out of the oven?" He heard no response but figured that FRIDAY heard him. Peter raced over to his bedroom and pulled on one of Tonys' old AC/DC shirts and a pair of ripped skinny jeans before jogging down to the meeting room. "Good morning Mr. Parker, so nice of you to join us" Tony smiled sarcastically swiveling around in his chair. "Uh sorry, I was baking" He replied Shiley taking a seat next to Tony. "Baking?" Tony whispered moving his chair closer to Peter's "Yep, made some peanut butter cookies" He smiled. "Damn, get you a man that can cook" They both laughed a little before turning their attention to the man presenting as he 'cleared his throat' "Something funny?" The man asked, obviously tired of having to stop his presentation. "Nope, just laughing about the world" The man rolled his eyes at Tony and continued presenting his slideshow on 'Why Peter Parker should not take over SI' which wasn't the name but Peter thought that it might as well be the name since he was droning on about how someone with a manufacturing and technology background would be more suitable. But still, peter being peter he just sat quietly and held Tony's hand underneath the steel table. "Pete, you okay?" Tony asked quietly looking at the boy "Yeah, I'm just focusing on how many ways I could walk out the room right now" Tony laughed "Don't even walk, just jump out the window and let the suit catch you" Peter burst into laughter and fell on the ground wheezing. "What the fuck is so funny Mr. Parker? This is a serious meeting" Peter laughed as he stood up and regained his posture and self-control. "Nothing nothing, just thinking about a vine" He chuckled sitting down in his seat again. "What vine?" Tony asked playing along with the Vine story. "Is that a chicken?" He quoted not even missing a beat. "Kyle Jenner please report to the foyer," Tony said finishing off the stat pf the vine. The man presenting looked unamused and closed down the PowerPoint. "When you two can stop behaving like children we will come back," He said walking with his men out of the room. "Think we broke him?" Peter laughed spinning in his chair. "Nope, but you're gonna break your back is you don't stop spinning on this chair" Peter giggled and continued to spin on his chair until the chair gave way and he fell on Tony "Hi" He grinned dopey "Hi, think you can-" Tony was cut off by the man walking into the room again causing both men to jump and Peter to fall on the floor with an "Ouch" Along with Tony. "Never mind" Tony watched as the guy left and turned his head to look at Peter. "You okay?" He asked helping Peter stand up and regain his balance and confidence "Mhmm, are you okay?" Tony laughed at Peters's kindness. "I'm not the one that just fell off of a chair and hit my head on the floor" Peter smiled and rested his head on Tony's shoulder as Tony helped him into the elevator.
An hour had passed and the two lovebirds were sat on the couch eating Peters cookies and watching 'Burlesque' on Netflix. "I'm tired." Peter sighed wrapping a blanket around his cold body "If you wanna go to bed by all means go, I just wanna know if Jack and Ali will start dating" Tony smiled ruffling Peters's hair, "They do, now will you please come to bed with me?" Tony gasped "You just spoiled the movie" Peter rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah, come on just cuddle with me" Tony pulled peter towards him on the couch "I don't wanna" "Stop being a child Tony" "I'm not being a child" "Yeah? Then come to bed" "No" "Come to bed, Tony." "No" Tony, come to b-" Once again, they were interrupted by Natasha walking and Peter rolling off the couch. "Sup, what are we watching," She asked grabbing a handful of popcorn and shoveling it into her mouth. "Nothing, I'm gonna go to sleep. Night" Peter gave a 'Bed now' look to Tony who acted like he didn't see it and carried on watching the film. "Child" He muttered under his breath.
Peter sighed as he pulled on a pair of pajamas and slipped under the blue silk sheets of Tony's bed. "It's so cold, FRIDAY turn the heating up" and just like that Peter felt as if he was in Spain, relaxing on a beach and letting off steam. That was until he felt a dip in the bed and muscular arms cover his body and held him tight. "Let's go" Peter turned around. "What do you mean?" He questioned rubbing his eyes "You said you wanted to go to Spain right? Then let's go, let's spend Valentine's day in Spain" Peter smiled and hooked his arms around Tony. "Okay. I'm down for that. when are we going?" "Right now, get some clothes on, we'll buy whatever we need when we get there" Peter squealed and jumped out of the bed grabbing some jeans and sliding himself into them. "You're not getting changed?" He questioned looking at Tony. "I already am" Peter rolled his eyes as Tony flipped away the covers to reveal a fully tailored suit on him. "When did you have the tine to get fully charged? A second ago you were in a tank and sweat pants" "I have my ways. May i just say, you look ravishing" Peter blushed "I'm wearing an oversized shirt and Khakis, how is that ravishing" "Because it's my shirt that you're wearing" Peter rolled his eyes. "You're incredibly predictable Mr. Stark" Tony scoffed "No I'm not, you don't know what I'm going to do now" "Yes I do, you're going to pick me up and run with me in your arms to the helipad" Tony paused fr a minute "No I'm not." "Then what are you gonna do?" "I'm going to pick you up, and run with ou in my arms into the living room" Peter sighed "Wow, big difference" Tony smiled and grabbed Peter before running down the corridor. "Oh my god, Tony! Peter squealed "Put me down! Put me down!" Tony laughed and placed Peters feet on the floor kissing his 'Button nose' as Tony liked to describe it "I hate you" Tony shook his head "No you don't, you love me" "Unfortunately yes, yes I do, and it's a shame because I can never get mad at you" Peter smiled and kissed Tony passionately. "Don't eat each other's fucking faces" Both of them jumped to see the room filled with the avengers and Rhodey. "Uh, we can explain" Peter sighed pulling away from Tony/ "We can? " Tony questioned. "No, I'm out." Rhodey sighed. "I told you they were dating." "You knew?" Tony asked, shocked and in disbelief, thst they're amazing (Terrible ) attempts of covering up their relationship didn't work. "We all knew, you two cant keep a secret for your life." Tony scoffed at Natasha "Yes I can, I kept being Iron Man a secret" Peter scoffed this time. "No you didn't, Rodey and Pepper organized an entire speech on what you should say so you wouldn't reveal that you were IronMan and you still got up on that stage and said 'I am Iron Man' " Tony ignored the comment and looked at the group. "Yes, I and Peter are dating, but as of this moment we are going to Spaun to celebrate our first Valentine's day together" Tony picked Peter up and in a squeal, they were both gone from the eyesight of the other. "Damn, they're cute you've got to admit," Bruce said from the back. "They are, also who said they were eating each other's faces. Because Props to you" Rhodey smiled at Pepper. "All me, the look on their faces were priceless, I wish I had taken a photo" "I have taken a video of the moment and sent it to all of your phones" FRIDAY spoke chirpily, she wasn't a human, but goddamn could she sense when people liked her.
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mattelektras · 5 years
*kneels before the altar, giving offerings to the Queen of Marvel Criticism* miss jessie...... i know youve seen endgame. please give us ur thoughts. ur wisdom
you really shouldn’t encourage me to be a bitch because i WILL do it and it WILL go to my head but here we go
first of all. if i may. sam wilson i would give my life for you…… the flying in front of the gold portal things looking like the angel that he is. giving sam the shield really was the only smart thing steve did this entire movie
speaking of. like i KNOW steve can weird mjolnir in the comics. but that steve is a very different person and shitting all over thor this entire movie and then giving steve his signature weapon is…. just…. insulting like….. it really diminishes who and what thor is to just have this dude pick up his weapon and just KNOW how to use it despite never having any training with anything even SLIGHTLY similar. I’m picky in comics about who can wield mjolnir and ever moreso in the mcu. just don’t like it ladies 
also steve conducting group therapy sessions??? this bitch is not qualified 
carol just wasn’t in the fucking movie lmao like…. they wrote out both of their main women and were like. oh thank god the men can SPEAK for once 
she just shows up when they need an easy out in the plot 
the vormir thing…. it was a very nat thing to do. like she would sacrifice herself like that and it did give me a glimpse of comic nat for the first time since cap 2. but she shouldn’t have HAD to, of all the people she shouldn’t have been the one because putting her against clint who’s more important because he has a family or whatever now, never mind the fact that he’s been beheading people here and there for years, when she has nothing and has tried so hard to be better is like… we’re really just gonna throw that all away. even the weak version of nat that mcc nat is didn’t deserve that. and her memorial was shit
i literally cannot even physically comprehend what they did to thor. all i have to say is he’s still a real one because he knows valkyrie’s made to be king of asgard
peter curling up on the ground when the missiles came down like…. god. honey sweetie baby im sorry i was ever mean about a third spiderman movie saga. i was right but still im sorry 
why was there sexy romance music playing when hulk met the ancient one like i straight up thought they were gonna fuck right there on the roof  and i cannot explain the emotion that gave me
hulk in general im fucking TERRIFIED…. THEY JUST MADE RUFFALO’S HEAD LIKE…… FUCKIN MASSIVE and why does he dress like an instagram influencer 
scott lang OUTSOLD. the only man with a brain int his movie
i dont like. CARE for mcu tony i think he’s over done but the mcu starting with ‘i am iron man’ and ending with it was a lot. i like comics tony a lot so it did give me a lil. emotion as it were. against my better judgement 
tony’s kid was… adorable
it was the right time for tony to die, and the right death, i think. like i said i’ll be glad to not see rdj’s face anymore but it was a good death and rhodey and pepper being there and just kind of. KNOWING it was over for him was moving 
some of you dumbasses really thought the girl with the bow and arrow was gonna be kate… i love you but please use your brains this is the mcu
time travel just doesn’t work for me in movies that dont REVOLVE around time travel. it just feels like a special episode of a cartoon, and its a huge excuse to cop out . and u just end up with plotholes coming out of your eyeballs 
FUCK vision lives. he got the screen time he deserved 
valkyrie got her pegasus…….ethereal 
the women’s teamup at the end wasnt the moment it would have been if the mcu had given a fuck about their women from the start 
and again, wendy’s moment would’ve been a moment if she was actually wanda
STEVE YOU DUMBASS BITCH none of his ending meshes with ANYTHING else he’s done in the entire series. and as much as i dont give a fuck about peggy, it messes with her too like. she moved on she had a family, they both made peace with their ending. but everyone working on the movie obviously decided that the last 10 years isn’t really relevant and fuck sharon carter i suppose. let’s go w the most boring bitch alive 
“the lgbt character won’t be who you expect!!!!” do you think im a moron?????? as if i expected anything other than an unnamed character who just vaguely referenced dating a man. i will not be clowned this time nor ever again
was there….a little hint of carol/rhodey perhaps……. dont care for the ship in comics but i like mcu carol and god i want good things for rhodey
and speaking of. i would’ve preferred to have seen tony’s kid to have a moment with rhodey in the end instead of the other dude like. you’re telling me rhodey isn’t that kid’s godfather???? that pepper and rhodey aren’t gonna be the best platonic parenting duo since the dawn of time???
the thanos plot was dumb ass hell like. it relied ENTIRELY on him lucking out and finding nebula. that’s not a good big bad plot because he doesnt actually DO shit 
nebula is never gonna get the respect she deserves for what she did in this movie
tldr this all sounds very mean but it was definitely better than i thought it was gonna be. and better than the first half. were were some references back to the last 10 years that were really nice, and as much as i do criticise the mcu, its TEN years of my life so the callbacks were nice. they just… should’ve spent less time on them and more time on a plot and endings for their characters that make sense 
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feareth-who · 3 years
I think you know who I am
Damn that sounded mysterious asf for no reason-
I feel like you are popular on TumblrTM type of person.
you would prefer coffee over tea but bUT you dispise tea haters. You sip tea occasionally. Yes.
You adore cats even when they bite you.
You're like "omg she bit me!"
Owner: "omg sorry-
You: "yes. I've been blessed by the bite of the cat. *enter internal monologue* I'll become cat lady over night."
You like to be perceived but you're introverted. That is, you like to be perceived as either the main fucking character or that character that never talks but everyone loves cause they a moodTM.
You hate ppl who call art easy. Idk you'd probably kick their ass even if you haven't ever been in a fight.
You have too much confidence on your physical strength. Your lazy ass has never ever lifted weights like for the purpose of strength but you still believe you can beat thanos in combat cause you have secret magical girl powersTM.
You think you are a water elemental but you know you are an earth. You still try to make plants talk to you and you've also tried to manipulate stones to hit some jackass. You failed. But you don't believe in physics. So you still try again.
Thank you and you're fucking beautiful (even when occasionally you hate your reflection. Bitch you're looking at royalty. Pay respect to your reflection. It pretty asf. The mirror is blessed you look into it. But yk what's blessed more? Whatever you put your heart into.
Your work >>>> your appearance matters.)
ok first of all i don't think i do? but I'm not tryna guess either way-
it sounded hella mysterious lol
sjkhfs I'm not popular lmaoo, i just love interacting which is the reason I h like a 100 moots who's names I keep forgetting help-
that is true, just facts. if u hate tea, ur gonna hv to gimme reasons.
cats are so cool and cute they're absolute floof balls, i love them, honestly never minded a cat biting me, even my own does! till it becomes unbearable lol
Pls I would so say that, this too accurate wtf ilysm nonnie, i prefer to think i already am cat lady lol
ok one thing u got wrong there but it's okiee,,, I LOVE BEING PERCEIVED BUT THE PROBLEM IS NOT THT IM INTROVERTED but extroverted which is why I can't stfu and spill shit left n right but I've managed to be perceived since I'm in my new college so all good hehe,,, which does mean I love being either the mc or the cool side mysterious dude who's a mood😌✨
art is not easy, artblocks aren't either, you cannot tell me shit bout it, i won't listen. i prolly might if they take it too far, I've always stopped fights but if I ever get into one, my dad taught me how to punch 🙃👊
indeed, i hv low stamina lmaoo but too much confidence, I'll be panting from running just a lil bit, my cheeks also get super red dk wuts up w/ my metabolism 🤷‍♀️ honestly think I could get Thanos down with a punch and a kick, it's a charm of my secret magical girl powers™
how how do uk shit, idk if shld be intrigued or like when tf did I say this shit memory???
but okiee, yess I am a water elemental or so i think, but now you've called me out on talking to plants (mum said I did that as a kid lmaoo, i still do they're just idk how to explain but yeah) did smone say manipulating stones to hit a jackass bcuz 😗🙂✨ there's this one that would look so good with that stone on their face 😅🙃 UH HUH F PHYSICS 😭, i do i try every single time but i think my focusing glare scares them off more lol.
your work >>>> your appearance
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