#eyyy welcome to the fight!
redraven393 · 1 year
catching up to Philza Minecraft Qsmp Streams Vod
30th June ya'll I've been sleeping my days off these past few days after the exam cause my body just crashed down
I have missed so much shits on the QSMP stuff holly hell the fuq happened
Welcome home PHILL
oh hey the Flower Fall shirt looks cool
dadza had been rambling about space
QSmp time
so many Flower creatures
dadza isn't sure about the slogan
LOL Forever
ma boi I miss yu
the"sir" stuff is Tallulah's admin right?
Tallulah will get the whole solar system at this point
Chayanne shrine
Holly that is so many Chayanne
the Crows love his son
Tallulah BACK!
Chayanne and Chayanne
ah so they cloned themselves
oh god what happened
YEAH Ramon Saved the day such a good little hero
Chayanne why?-yeah that's fuq up
did they fight a crocodile before???
don't use shaders kids
use you dragon magic kids- HE'S HERE
dangerous mission
omg Tallulah noo
yeah scold her Chayanne
magical trip
oh shit he's invis
nooo Ramon it's not drugs
Kids get up
oh, Mike had a barber?
wait why would Fit go to a barber?
ugh sea mission is scary
Ramon we don't kill whales they are endangered
"There is no shame in leaving" thankyou Fit
yes Ramon Pls you all in one life
Chef Chayanne lets gooooo
oh yeah good idea Tallulah safety first
Oh shit Chayanne didn't have one
Shave it off??
Noodle Soup!!! i want noodle soup today
oh god wat happened in the debate??
don't jinx us phill
ahh so Phil is in team Foolish-Phil noooo
I like that the kids always go for the trampoline first
nervous abluoeto-RAMOOOONNNNN
what is there a TNT canon-wait Ramon-wait Chayanne-kidsss-oh shit-oh okay thank goodness-OMG KIDSS- CHAYANNE-OMG TALLULAH
good lord, I'm aging-omg Phill
oh no the solar system is here
bunch of manly men with boats
clean coal
boat timeee
oh shit the WHALE-DRIVEEE-Oh shit-omg these kids are killing me-oh shit CHAYANNE-oh noo TALLULAH
yeah two whales is enough
okay get cooking Chayanne
did ramon just trows away a tusk???
waiting on Tallulah
its revenge for Baghera???
oh nooooo the whale
the Whale was gunning for it
either her or the whales
ohhhh Seafood menuuu
the trick to defeat the monument
ohh the seaside stuff had been decorated
off to the monument we go
ok here we go-ramon with the bomb-you two old men shut up-milk squid?
omg Fit is an Alpha and Phil is a Beta-someone pls shot me
Ramon works fast-creepy ghost fish-yey Phill killed em
things have been pretty smooth so far
Mission donee
emotional support for the bald man lets go
wat? a giant squid?
lol Phil has trauma taking care of more than 2 eggs
Fit and Ramon is a dangerous dad and son duo
WAT!!!! oh shit-
really love the kid-ah of course burning village
another VIDCON TRIP in French
ohh a NEW video Game made by Cellbit pog
oh no scarey barber
Dollified Richa
oh no the bike-Phil is taking revenge on Mike
Holly hell they fast ZOMING
wat?-OMG OH SHIT-that's the train? so cool
Hi mike hi Pac-OH GOD THEIR HAIR
YAEH PEER PRESURE-phil really cant say no to Tallulah huh??
aww sweety
omg law suit evaded pog-omg the safety protocol is being ignored left and right
oh no Chat broken
OH NO TALLULAH-subway surfer omg-the album omg-she is so her dad's child
Train conductor Chayanne LETS GO
RAMON PUT YUR ARMOUR ON-and stop griefing the Brazilian
"boys will be boys"
egg cats-sewer egg-hi Richa-OMG ITS RADIATION??
ohh it's done???
aww cute richa moment
hi cellbit-egg for the cake lets gooo
PHIL'S turn-Fuq HIM UP FAM-Dangerous
oh no Richa lock them in
love that Chayanne and Tallulah is the model good kid eggs like they are literally the cousin that every parent compares you to
Riddle time!-omg-Comedian Chayanne-HAH GOT EMM
A MONTH!?-until the election?-wet stone lol
well maybe you will have feathers like that one dragon
lol everyone ready with a camera-omg good lord-fallen off Phil lets go
dot mess the white he says-oh no that could be true
oh no yu okay?-noise canceling pog-aww Tallulah
hello there-omg the Yaoi land is getting to them all
the voice is the problem or the catfish is
no meta-gaming Phill
Worse than the torture he says lol
Furry Cellbit lets go
Richa Party lets go
turtle eggs?? oh it's from dapper,
omg he's is keeping it
HAPPY BIRTHDAY RICHAA- yu did perfect Phil
Mike no not at the eggs bday party
THE GIFTTSSS-so many foods from Chayanne-HOLLY SHIT RAMON
omg the mix they do with the flutes is so cool
What was that a radio?-a pancake?
Hi BADBOYHALO-loblond besties-omg Cellbit lol
HI DAPPER-the twins are fighting that's okay I guess
cool beach they really did good
omg wat?-is that guy riding a dead decaying bird?-hu
wait-wat oh fuqin shit they're back-the Kids oh no -oh thank god thanks Bad
omg those fukers are back
yeah you jinx it Phill
oh god they can't hurt him
oh no he's going
OMG it's GOING TO THE NEST-omg it's going there
oh no the thing is trying to go inside
on the roof -where is it-fucker son of ditch hole bitch
bastard ditch suker- are the Kids safe in their room???
the thing still didn't catch any damage-oh fuq off he's trying to hurt the kids using the ghost
OH WAIT-OH FUQ-its in the window-oh okay but fuq
Leo?? oh god they are targeting her-omg Leo's Room was broken-just get lost already
oh good lord Tallulah Sweetie I'm so sorry you have to see this
ok, I think it's gone now-you okay Chayanne?- THANK YOU FOREVER
Tallulah Darling I'm so sorry-okay it's gone thank god-are we safe?
ok so Leo and Pomme are targets
aww Tallulah darling I'm glad ur safe-okay back to safety
fuq that was fuking horrible-yeah that is annoying- yu jinx it
a wat?-omg defup-lol-the VOICE-multiple gegg nice-ah yes put him in the cage-oh he is not there?-lol is a zoo now
Phil that is not a lullaby
the hotel is fuqed-Forever we need you
oh god its getting stronger
okay get ur rest old man
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antivanruffles · 2 years
For the Valentine’s Day 💋 (y’all already know which pairing I’m gonna choose lol) so maybe we can get some Cassaric + 39 or 7! Whichever you want, I just love the way you write them 🥹💕
7. I know we're fighting but come here (swoons) 39. Shushing them in the middle of kissing to make them stop talking.
Eyyy, why not both? 😏
The whole thing had gotten so blown out of proportion. It had started with a disagreement that had evolved into an argument which then promptly devolved into a fight.  
Varric couldn't even remember what started it, exactly, only that it had turned into them both airing all the little things that had been annoying them recently until they were left feeling defensive and raw. And she'd only just gotten back from her most recent errand for the Seekers. It seemed a pity to waste all their energy on fighting about stupid shit. They could have a real talk about the shit bothering them later. Much later. 
He found her sulking in the library, which at least was better than the armory. Less access to sharp pointy things. She was nestled by the fire, with a ridiculously plush blanket thrown over her legs that Bran had probably procured for her at one point or another. A book lay open on her lap, but he could see her idly flipping through the pages which meant she wasn't actually reading it. The jut of her lip looked suspiciously like a pout which meant she was moping. 
It also meant he could defuse the situation. 
Varric approached cautiously because he was still likely the last person she wanted to see at the moment. 
"No, Varric. I am still mad at you. Go away." 
Her tone lacked any real heat, so Varric took that as a good sign. He stopped by the fireplace, a few feet from her. She was now dangerously close to full on pouting, and that meant she was tired. He was too, honestly. They'd spent the better part of an hour going round and round again before she'd finally stormed off. 
"I'm not here to fight, Cassandra. We can fight later if you really want to, but for now why don't we put aside the petty shit so I can welcome you home properly. Seeing as I never got the chance before."
She didn't acknowledge him, only went back to flipping through her book even through it was obvious she wasn't reading it. Or she had learned to read at the speed of light. Which, he wouldn't put past her, but still. Since she hadn't told him to leave again he decided to press his luck. He crept closer to her, soft footed and slow. 
He stopped beside the chair, waited for just a moment, and then reached out to take her hand in his. "I know we're fighting, but I am glad you're back." Varric lifted her hand up and pressed a warm kiss to the inside of her wrist. 
"You are not winning me over that easily, dwarf." She narrowed her eyes in warning, and amusement. 
"But I can win you over?" He grinned. 
"I did not say that!" 
"Didn't have to." Varric bent his head slightly and hid his laugh against her skin. Then he looked up to meet her gaze again, and noted that her eyes were far lighter than they had been. "Just, c'mere?" 
He tugged gently on her hand to get her to lean forward. She gave in and sat up, letting herself be pulled toward him until their faces were inches apart. Varric cupped her cheek and placed a soft kiss against her lips. He might have said she hummed in appreciation at the contact, but he wasn't going to push his luck and mention it. 
"Hi, welcome back," he said instead. 
"Hi," she whispered. Her eyes were as soft as her smile, but then she seemed to remember herself and frowned at him. "Do not think this means I have forgotten our--"
"Yeah, yeah, you can yell at me tomorrow." He slid his hand from her cheek to the back of her neck and tugged her forward in order to kiss her fully. And to effectively shut her up. "For now," he said between kisses, "just let me show you how much I've missed you." 
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madraleen · 1 year
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Attack on Titan - Hajime Isayama Vol.22-25: A "Herein I Start To Lose My Mind" Commentary
-oh dina killed mama yeager?! er. that's. huh. how life works out
-what are you talking about, they're not the transformers, you literally INJECT THEM WITH TITAN SPINAL FLUID TO TURN THEM INTO TITANS AND THEN CALL THEM MONSTERS YOU MORON!?
-if we time-jump to eren's weakening body when his time's up i'll kick something
-"I'm sorry. I can't hate anything anymore."
-so much juicy info, i cannot take it all in and i desperately want more
-sensei, did you specifically have levi say that eren is fifteen only because he looks seventy in the next panel?
-so wait, we're essentially at war with another nation that we didn't even know existed until a few days ago
-so fight genocide with genocide is the the marley logic
-...for real? that's a thing owl actually said, 'mikasa, armin and the others' or is eren confused?
-i'm sorry, but “i'll pick a fight with anything and everything that moves if it offends my sensibilities” eren is and will always be the best eren
-it's nice seeing eren empower armin, like armin's done so many times for eren
-who is this being eaten by dogs?
-this is the first time eren's not being transparent. i mean, he's not very good at it, but still
-okay, we're now about a year later from the first attack. i think.
-eren's hair is longer :)
-i have loved this story and the characters so much that i'm constantly worried that somewhere along the way i'll get disappointed
-i was like, why is levi not a PE teacher or sth, but no, janitor's right, he's always cleaning up everyone's messes
-what four years? what is fort slava? where are we? is this a random concurrent war?
-I VOTE FALCO FOR OUR NEXT WARRIOR! YOUR NEXT WARRIOR. wait. whose side am i on again
-hilarious. marley persecutes the eldians for being the titan bloodline, while at the same time saying "the power of the titans is absolute" as it keeps them in their military. hilarious. (i am not laughing.)
-reiner with the facial hair, alright alright i see you
-this is disgusting. these are literal human-titan bombs. how dare you, marley
-it's weird to see that even zeke succumbs to the marleyans as an eldian
-"a force of flying freaks"?!?! WATCH YOUR MOUTH, ROYAL BOY!
-OH! galliard has ymir's titan? rip ymir.
-gabi is so entertaining
-eyyy, the reiner fam!
-oh we're touching on soldiers' ptsd, i see i see
-mannn... this "we're the good eldians, it's the island eldians that are the devils" rhetoric...
-reiner has aged fifty years in this family dinner
-i'm loving the marleyan chapters. a welcome respite, a welcome change of pov
-come now, that's jean slander
-marley has gone to war with everyone at some point, goddamn
-man, with all this info i wish i could go back and reread everything with reiner's pov in mind and catch all the little nuances. i mean, i CAN go back and read it, but you get what i'm saying.
-did eren actually look that bloodthirsty or is it reiner's pov, i can't remember anymore
-EEEEEEE REINER IS KILLING HIMSELF WHAT. wait. what about the armor titan?! he didn't do it, okay, but what was the plan here?!
-is this grandpa yeager is eren meeting the fam
-hahaha reiner paying for the kids at the festival
-okay but that facial hair on eren? not working for him, no offense baby. on reiner? great, fantastic, good choice. on eren? bring the shaving cream
-yes, right, it's eren yeager that single-handedly opposes fritz's peaceful world, FUCK YOU
-no wait i'm scared i'm not convinced, how is this helping paradis, this is making things worse
-if eren turns himself into a sacrificial lamb for any reason, like sacrifice himself in a 'kill your bad guy to have peace' way, i'm actually gonna be angry. FIGHT! that's what we've always said. FIGHT!
-(i can't wait to see the paradis' people pov, this has been all so distancing)
-i think it's knowing that "the end was divisive" that's destroyed me. when i started the manga, it was a fact, something to go 'haha' about. now that i'm invested, i'm like BUT WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? WHAT IF I DON'T LIKE THE ENDING? WHAT IF IT SULLIES EVERYTHING THAT CAME BEFORE?
-i am in peak obsession, that's it, i've peaked.
-bon appetit eren. enjoy that tybur i guess
-in this endless cycle of violence gabi can be marley's eren, you know. she WILL destroy you if you get her mad
-ah udo getting crushed by the mob... that's the worst
-do we want this, do we want to fight war hammer, i don't understand the plan 
-eren please go home. i don't know what this is about yet, but mikasa is right
-ah yes, hi jean. i see the true mark of boys growing up is long hair and facial hair
-OH this wasn't a plan-plan, it was eren! PLEASE GIMME POV PLEASE, eren, bb, what are you doing. eren bb mikasa's still saving your ass, eren talk to us
-and hello sasha, i see the true mark for girls growing up is cutting their hair shorter
-LMFAO GALLIARD BOOKED IT at the thought of levi
-what are we doing here guys why are we here :'( EREN WHAT DID YOU DO
-i don't know, eren, at this point... chomp man chomp! *FACEPALM*
-levi my love you are so beautiful.
-everyone: uniforms. levi: A CAPE
-please, please spare me from this hell i just want to read attack on school castes please
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underfell-crystal · 3 years
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Frog, DnD, and Nurse try to invade my fire but I promise anon headcanons and they back off.
Nerf, KQ, and Dino team up!
Reese sleeps. Why not.
Rof defeats Spidey in a fight, but lets them live so they have another chance to find their spouse.
Science, Birdie, and Seagull, the Two Birds and That Other Guy team, sing songs together.
Shuffle and Chaos cuddle. Hopefully Chaos behaves. :>
Wisp, despite being a ghost, receives food from a sponsor.
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Nerf gets a hatchet. The sponsors would give Nerf a gun but then the anons would be dead in 10 minutes tops.
Birdie is sleeping in a tree when Reese comes along. They look up and see this massive human with bird wings and run away shrieking.
Dino, Shuffle, me, Chaos, and DnD team up to hunt other tributes. Eyyy welcome back to the party Shuff.
Spidey makes a wooden spear and ties everything together with some silk.
Wisp and Frog fight The Troublemakers and WIN. Damn. RIP KQ and Seagull.
Rof discovers DnD’s cave.
Science finds fruit and decides to do some more SCIENCE on them.
Nurse also collects some fruit! They need to set a good example for the other anons.
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Wisp uses Spidey as a shield from the monkey mutts!! How could you deprive Shuffle of reuniting with their spouse?!
Birdie smacks Chaos in the face with one of their wings and knocks them out. They don’t look back.
Reese trips and grabs Dino, taking them both down and succumbing to the monkey mutts.
Rof uses Nerf as a shield. Ice cold.
DnD, despite probably not having blood, dies from internal bleeding.
Nurse, Frog, Science, me, and Shuffle survive! Sorry about Spidey, Shuff.
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RIP KQ, Seagull, Spidey, Chaos, Reese, Dino, Nerf, and DnD.
~~End of Day 4~~
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Birdie is haunted by Chaos and wakes up.
Wisp tries to sing themselves to sleep after sacrificing Spidey.
Shuffle screams for their dead spouse.
I get food from an unknown sponsor for my sick maneuvers when outrunning the monkey mutts.
Frog begs Nurse to kill him. But that goes against the Hippocratic Oath or something so Nurse refuses.
Science and Rof hold hands. Aww, that’s nice.
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The Feast!
Shuffle, Science, and Nurse all go to the feast.
Shuffle immediately squares up with Science and punts them off a cliff while Nurse steals Frog’s memoirs to give to them later.
Wisp, Rof, and Birdie do not go to The Feast.
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Rof sees Shuffle’s enormous silhouette and sprints away, spraining her ankle while Shuffle is none the wiser.
Frog tends to Birdie’s wounds cuz they’re so nice.
Wisp finds a river!
Nurse pulls a Chaos and a Dino and goes for the high ground.
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RIP to me and Science. I had a good life.
~~End of Day 5~~
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Nurse is awoken by the ghosts of the dead anons.
Shuffle thinks about Spidey and KQ.
Wisp, despite being dead, gets medical supplies.
Frog gets an explosion again! Oh no, what crimes will they commit?
Rof has no idea where the fuck she is.
Birdie starts a fire!
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Wisp looks for food!
Birdie, Rof, and Frog get into a fight, but Rof is actually a BEAST and kills them both!!
Shuffle is too beefy and falls into a lake and drowns. What a way to go out. At least they and Spidey and KQ can be together now.
Nurse isn’t wearing their nursing gloves and gets pricked by berries.
@ratsoh-writes @ivyprism @1-800-roflmao @magicfrogblog @skeletons-and-dnd @spider-anonymous @spider-anon-art @scienceisfood
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deniigi · 4 years
Hi! I’m a big fan of your fics! I’ve been rereading inimitable and I noticed a reference to mcu!peter. Would you mind writing something where he meets team red/the spider verse team? On a side note, shelter order made me smile during this depressing time, so thank you for that!
Hi friend!
Sorry for the long wait for a response.
Being 100% real with you?
I don’t love MCU Peter. But! Because you asked nicely, I wrote a wee thing ❤
There were seven of them.
S e v e n.
To say Peter was shocked was to say that whales lived in the sea.
There were two tall Spidermen and two short Spidermen, two bulky men in red suits that screamed DAREDEVIL even though Peter had never seen the man himself, and in the back, with two weapons strapped to his back, was a man he did know—although Mr. Stark had made him promise to steer clear of him.
“Don’t worry guys, I’ve got this,” one of the taller Spidermen said, stepping away from the other six.
“Hello,” he said stiffly. “We come in peace--”
“To wreck your boy Rhino specifically,” a girl’s voice finished for him.
“What part of ‘I got this’ was unclear?” the first Spiderman barked back at her.
“The ‘got’ part,” the girl said.
“The ‘I’ part,” the black suit chipped in.
“Don’t you join them, Louis,” the first Spiderman warned the other tallest with a  knowing finger. “Think of the children.”
The last Spiderman shrugged his hands all the way up to his shoulders.
“I thought it was fairly clear,” he said.
“You’re the only one on this team that matters,” the first Spidey said.
“What’s happening?” the Daredevil in the redder suit asked the other.
“Spidey found another little Spidey,” the second guy said.
“What are they, fuckin’ ants?” the first asked.
“They could be ants,” Deadpool offered.
“We’re not ants,” the first Spiderman said. “Stop conspiricizing.”
“Conspiricizing?” the redder Daredevil repeated. “This is not a word.”
“T’isn’t,” Deadpool agreed. “Although it could be if we start a petition.”
“To what?” the redder Daredevil demanded kind of nastily.
“My pal Merriam.”
“The dictionary?” the Daredevil clarified.
“That’s what I said.”
“If I was going to petition the dictionary, I’d do it for ‘fuckface’ not ‘conspiricizing.’”
Peter’s eyebrows shot up before he could stop them.
“Redthew, you can’t say ‘fuck,’ look at the children,” Deadpool scolded.
“I would love to,” Daredevil replied.
“Can I help you with something?” Peter finally managed to say. “Are you, by chance, alien invaders? ‘Cause I’m just on a schedule here and I’ve done like three in the last two years, so if you wouldn’t mind, like, identifying yourself so I can mesh that with the stuff I got going on right now, that would be great.”
The others fell silent with wide mask eyes all the way around.
“He needs help,” the girl announced.
“Change of plans,” the first Spiderman said. “We’re helping fight aliens, guys. All in favor say ‘aye.’”
“Pass,” the redder Daredevil said confidently while everyone else said ‘aye.’
The team reared back to stare at him.
“I got a thing,” he said.
“Right now, DD?” the kid in the black suit said.
“Half an hour,” the Daredevil said. “I’m here to look handsome and be moral support, remember?”
“Well, then do one of them already,” the girl told him.
“Double D,” the first Spiderman said. “This baby Spidey is undergoing an intergalactic crisis.”
This wasn’t wrong. Peter appreciated the acknowledgement.
“Aren’t we all?” the Daredevil said. “Listen, I’ve got half an hour. That’s all I’ve got for fightin’ aliens. Then I’ve got a date with a judge--take it or leave it.”
The group groaned and argued all at the same time until eventually the first Spiderman waved his arms and told everyone else to pipe down, he was talking.
“Alright,” he said. “There are eight of us. We can do this in half an hour. Hey, Spiderkid. What’s your moniker?”
Peter realized the guy was referring to him. He pointed at his chest before realizing that the silence was just a waste of time.
“Oh, uh?” he said. “Spiderman?”
He got nothing.
“I’m callin’ him Buttercup,” Deadpool announced.
“Eyyy, Buttercup, I like it,” the first Spiderman said. “Alright, Buttercup, welcome on board. The team’s called Team Red, for obvious reasons. This isn’t our universe, clearly, and you are possibly a version of me or this guy--” he patted the head of the guy in the black suit next to him, “—but we are here to make your life exactly seven times easier. So go on then, lead the way. We’ve got your back.”
“Are you kidding?” Peter asked.
“Yes,” the busy Daredevil and Deadpool said at the same time.
“No,” the first Spiderman said, coming in close to stand next to him. He sunk fingers into the top of his mask and pulled it off to reveal a very familiar face.
Peter felt his eyes go huge. He stumbled back.
“You’re—” he said.
“You can call me ‘Tats,’” Tats said. “We’ll do the multiverse talk later. First we got aliens, no?”
Yeah…yeah first aliens. Then, whatever the hell this was.
“They’re giant waterbeetles,” Peter said.
Tats’s mask went back down.
“God, it’s endless,” the busy Daredevil said.
“Don’t worry, DD, we’ll get a giant raccoon for you to fight one day,” Tats said cheerfully. “Onward march.”
I’m so glad you enjoyed shelter order and thanks for stopping by to say so!!
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foryouthegays · 4 years
Nothing goes wrong. [Dream SMP] liveblog
ok im not gonna say anythin abt before 20 mins in bc its p standard but i will say that as SOON as phil messages techno chat spams blood for the blood god and it barely stops the entire time, its incredible 
kills: 00:37:25, 00:37:40, 00:55:20
i LOVE his ‘if theres no other way, I CHOOSE BLOOD’ line at 00:37:00. its just,,,,,it shows his new justice system where he treats others how they treat him even before he makes that speech i love it so much. also he spams potions like how he does in skywars and it makes me happy. honestly a lot of this stream reminds me of skywars like how he went through quackitys stuff and ran nd stuff. maybe ive been watchin too much techno skywars
also durin that first fight, techno only looses half a heart. against FOUR PEOPLE hes too powerful
does techno saying “bs” count as swearing (00:39:40)
techno insultin his kidnappers is the funniest thing to me like hes outnumbered outgeared and he still makes fun of them and theyre still scared of him asdjkfsdalkfj
00:55:00 I HAVE A PICKAXE, AND I’LL PUT IT THROUGH YOUR TEETH i need some fanart of that right now wljdflkasjf also durin that fight techno looses  2.5 hearts at the end. in iron armor. against a diamond axe. using a netherite pickaxe. with a bad fov. why is he like this. 
techno on his horse by the ocean gives me big ‘beating minecraft with tnt falling on me every 10 seconds’ or w/ever vibes. if u havent watched that stream, u should, its great, he has a horse named rocket w diamond horse armor and i love him. 
just realized my head hurt bc i was clenchin my jaws so much. whoops
techno literally has a boat in his inventory when hes like “theres a boat!!!! :D” skdfjlksajf (01:02:20)
the whole raccoon innit thing starts at 01:08:20 btw :)
techno gettin distracted w the skeletons killin each other is so funny to me hfdgksal (a min or so after raccoon innit happens)
01:09:45 tommys scream is so funny to me can someone find how many hearts he looses from that bc i am crying ghfdjksla 
i think techno has the alphabet memorized. not like, the alphabet song, but like he knows what letter are around each letter without going through the alphabet and idk why but it makes me laugh. i think this bc at 01:16:11 tommys like ‘what, f?’ and techno says, not a second later, ‘no. close to that, though.’ and that is NOT enough time to go through nd find f in the alphabet nd then find where e is compared to it. therefore, he is a nerd. also i love him
01:20:00 this is everything to technoblade: Phil, Carl, and then his items. 
im so gay for technos yelling voice. like. hhgnng he
“if we’re being serious, for a millisecond, dickhead,” :LDSFJLKSDJ I LOVE TOMMY 01:22:25
technos ‘join me.’ at 01:23:25 is SO GOOD AHHHHHHHH
vault/welcome home theseus is at 01:27:10 :D i might start calling it theseus’ vault bc that sounds cool to me
ALRIGHT so in the vault techno has 167 skulls on display. thats 56. withers. they r gonna cause SO much chaos i love it. AND thats probably not all of them ahhHHH I LOVE TECHNOBLADE SO MUCH. LMANBURG IS SO SCREWED A;LDKJFALK 
also thats only if i did my math right a;lksdfjaslk
i have decided that the best trio is techno, tommy, and ranboo. they all just jump all over the place with topics and i thin the convo at 01:56:25 shows it p well
Tommy: Technoblade, why havent you face revealed yet? 
techno: I-I have
Tommy: well, answered that quick
ranboo: *laughs* that answers that question
techno: that was resolved really easily!
tommy: why don’t you do it again?
techno:....what would be the point?
ranboo: yeah, what would be the point??
tommy: because then it would be like -stutters- it would be, you know, easy, good video because there’s so many people who dont know what you look like
techno: ehhhh ill find a good moment at some point
tommy: you could face reveal with me, bro!! we could face reveal together!
techno: ahhh finally, we’ll know what tommyinnit looks like 
ranboo: -laughing- thank god! that was one of the unsolved mysteries of the world
techno: unsolved mysteries of minecraft, what does tommyinnit look like 
ranboo: what does tommy actually look like? 
tommy: hey! speakin of unsolved mysteries, lets talk- lets talk psychology. what- what would be- you know, not the worst one you know, but just the worst word?
ranboo: I’m going to- I- if i hear this question one more time i’m going- i dont know what im going to do. i can’t do anything at this point
techno: ....cactus. 
tommy: ????cactus??? 
ranboo: that is a bad word, i cant believe you said that, 
tommy: -unintelligible- it is cacti, my friend, not cactusus 
techno: I’m sorry
ranboo: how could you say that on stream? 
techno: I’m sorry
tommy: it’s not cactusus, technoblade, its cacti
techno: i- i am aware  
ranboo: you- you gotta stop sayin it.
tommy: cacti almost sounds like a terrible, terrible slur right now
techno: please, please stop saying that- please stop sayin that word
tommy: what, cacti?
ranboo: AHHHH cmon, cmon tommy
techno: you cant use that word!
techno: WOAHHHHH WOAH WOAH -laughs-
techno: thats just not how this works, tommy!!!
tommy: eyyy man im just me, im just me- OOOH i have a novel to write!
ranboo:....where did that come from??? 
techno: i thought you were already...done with that? 
god theyre so chaotic i love them so much
also yall are WRONG abt eret soundin like techno. ranboo sounds like techno. not in like, a really big way, but when theyre both monotone they sound similar and i love it. this is great
this is actually the most ive laughed at the smp in so long PLEASE go watch the entire techno ranboo tommy interaction its so funny technos just *long, long sigh* ranboos just ???????? and tommys just !!!!!!!! its amazing im crying 
technos such a dad to these kids oh my god his voice at 02:12:40 was so disappointed just ‘do not do that.’ he sounded like a parent on a trip to disneyland and his kids r like, hanging out the window of the car or smthing adjfaslkfkadsl techno :handshake: phil [being tommys dad] and also ranboo is bullying him its so funny i love it
“in the small event that your internet goes off or you get hit by a car,” TOMMY THAT IS NOT A SMALL EVENT WHA T 2:21:30
this is so fuckin funny this end of stream stuff is gonna be a comfort stream 
“what does the moon make you think about?” “it makes me think about the moon” ALSFJDSKJFDSL 2:32:10
techno makin fun of ranboos defense of bein peer pressured,,,,,,,m’dude that was the reason u killed tubbo how is that ANY different (2:33:50) (yes i know he mentions it but FHGJKSDL)
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tomatada-witch · 3 years
Hii this is Chi💚 anon, Thank you so much for the reading, so detailed. And don’t worry about the delay, everyone has their own personal life and problems. Which is understandable.
I have to start that it hit so much, sounds dramatic but I literally teared up while reading it. Thank you for the message<33 I will have fait in myself and keep fighting.
It’s true I have a lot of ideas in my head that I want to achieve but Yeahh I can’t do everything at once and sometimes it just sounds so unrealistic. Although I’m happy to hear to have many opportunities. I have to use and take it usefully. I always want the best way to achieve my dream but I don’t know what is the best cause they all can sound good. My mind is always with different plans and ways for my career life cause it is really important to me. Financial stable everything .Also thank you for the idea, I will write it down , pros and coins.
Yeahh I can already see this will be hard for me at first, cause it is kinda a be field for me which I have never expected. Ohhh noo not the in pain, I overthink really fast when something doesn’t go good or as I planned. I start to lose hope or motivation or being l stressed and worried. The ten of swords sounds scary.
Oofff what a relief with the nine of pentacles, rest. I do work really hard when I want to achieve something ( when I really find my passion and of course committed to it) sometimes I can overwork myself with that. But I’m happy to hear like definitely that it will be stable ( don’t know how long it will cost). And yess I love financial stable. The people who didn’t believe in me will support me then… I-…woww although it will be going after your dream without any support but I also love to be independent because I’m the type that say “ I will prove you” I really dislike when someone underestimated me. Trusting myself is the key I see.
I have got short readings about my career life and everything I got, that I will achieve the job I wanted but then will change or feel something is missing and will do another job or something else. Ohhh now I wonder why I act like that because why would I lose motivation and faith in something I have worked hard for of course working is exhausting me tiring but is it that much? But Yeahh definitely in these time I also think from myself that I will definitely have to take a break and clear my mind and treat myself like charge myself again.
For the last card I feel like it’s definitely about the present and the beginning of my career when I start cause I feel really pressured especially by my family, they don’t support me and want to do medical education like becoming a doctor. They weren’t happy when I chose my own way haha. And yess everyone keeps saying that I look weak, my personality doesn’t suit it, I’m to soft, naive and weak for the career path I want. Just because for now I don’t look like it, I’m just a high schooler who doesn’t talk a lot. And yess I did start to doubt myself a lot and dug down myself. I felt lonely , I just want support but Yeahh guess not.
Thank you for the beautiful card, I will definitely not give up because I know I can do it, I will prove these people. I used to be kinda manipulated by my parents ideal job that they want me to be. It costed me a lot of time to finally hear my own calling and choose my needs. Ohh yess I do be criticising myself a lot and compare myself , I’m kinda competitive sometimes even tho I’m trying not to be because everyone has to work hard to be in some positions.
I honestly want to work in the economics field, I’m doing some economics sources. I want to do something with accountancy or managing. I love to be in high position ( here we go again with unrealistic idea but who knows by hard working I can reach it with a lot of time but eyyy). I want to be a manager or at least some good position in a company ig. But I’m unsure if that will suit me:( I’m doubting myself so much but career is something really serious. Yeahh I really have to build up my self esteem because I’m really insecure about myself.
Thank you so for the reading, it was helpful really:)) I felt really touched. It described everything I’m feeling now. Thank you so much for the reading again, and you effort , energy seeing how detailed it is. Like this can be a paid reading of 15€ or some. Take care of yourself, don’t pressure yourself too much cause of the readings since readings te really draining to do . I understand.
💚Have a wonderful day ahead, keep doing what you’re doing, take care!!! 💚
Thank you so much for understanding and thank you so much for this feedback, I loved reading every single word because I know it also took a lot of you to write such a big feedback! So thank you! Honestly, thanks to you, because I don’t want to see you go or not being able to ask questions because you are shy or something similar, I will keep my anons open so you are always welcome!
And hey! I don’t think it’s dramatic, I just think you have a lot of things going on and sometimes we need to let go of some tears in order to feel better, and I really hope this was the case!
Something that I also want to point out is that Plans /barely/ go according to well...plan. See a plan as a guideline and not a thing that has to be done by this order. IT’s normal to overthink but don’t let that get to you, while there’s life there’s hope! Also, I think we are similar in that aspect, when people don’t think I can do it oh, heck I /will do it/ and prove them wrong, and this is a good thing because it keeps you motivated, it’s like transforming fears and anger into motivation to keep moving forward. About losing motivation- Well sometimes is the routine or the “ god I have to do this, I don't feel like it” sometimes it’s better to take a pause and return to it, I think in these moments you have to stop, think why you are here why did you fight so hard to get here! Things will go into place!
I totally get you, but remember if you have the strength to choose your own path with everyone looking down on you- heck that isn’t somebody who is weak, you took a rebellious position and that is brave! Sometimes, I don’t know if you are, but emotional people are seen as weak, or nice people are seen as weak when they are not. It takes strength to show how we truly feel, when you less expect you will make decisions that will prove just that. Believe in yourself because I know this will happen. And you already have support! I support you in your decision, this is your path, your life, and no one else's! And about competition? That is just fuel to get better at something! Remember each one has their different paths and life, but if they can do it, so can you! Maybe you have to work harder than everyone but that won’t stop you!
Also, I don’t think your job is unrealistic, but you have to gain information on how to go there, I don’t know if your school has psychologists but they also help you with this kind of stuff! Everyone doubts himself once in a while, it’s normal but what is important is what you do with it! Keep moving forward, keep being yourself, the rest will only follow!
For my final words, I want to say that I am really glad that you liked it and that you found it helpful! And thank you for the Idea! I am thinking of opening some paid and feeling you have my back even if you can’t pay anything means a lot!!
So thank you for these kind words and for your feedback! Remember you are always welcome and you can do it!!
Keep moving forward!
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lovysmtalks · 4 years
Welcome to the family
Hello there lovely! 💕
⚠️!!TW: mention of abuse, Mature language!! Read at your own risk ⚠️
It was a normal day for Marinette Cheng.
Did I say working?
Well who could blame her. Working at a the office would never be easy...
After a while,
She heard a knock on the door.
She looked up to see her dear mother bringing her a cup of coffee.
"Hello maman." Said Mari looking up from her papers putting her significant sweet smile on her face.
"Hello ma chérie (sweetie), how is work going?" Asked her mother gently patting her head softly.
"Its going ok, it would be great if it would be that much." Said the girl looking at her mother with tired eyes.
Sabine looked at her little girl with a soft glare.
"So, how is it for you? Got any new clients?" Said Marinette while picking her cup.
"Well, yes and no." Said the woman looking at her daughter.
Mari blinked two times,
'What did she just said?' Thought the girl.
"What do you mean by that maman?" Asked Marinette.
"Well, I have a mission for you, after your training today. You need to go to this club." Said Sabine putting a picture on her desk.
Mari looked at the picture.
'That's where the fricking Joker goes?! What the-'
"I know what you think" says Sabine pulling out a tissue after Marinette dropped the little cup of coffee on her lap.
Marinette looked at her mother with a 'no-shit-sherlock' look.
"But, we have heard that he's abusing his girlfriend" said Sabine trying to convince her Daughter.
"Mom, that's basically their relationship, he's a psychopath who manipulates and kills, and his girlfriend is well known to be seduced and manipulated by him" said Mari searching the article on her laptop.
"I know that, but a trust worthy source told me that she is seeking for help, but she can't get away from him" said her mother feeling pity for the woman.
"I-" Mari looked at her mother ready to refuse but then realization hit her.
"Ok, I'll do it, but I need a male body costume, dont forget I have some "things" in the way" said Marinette getting up from her desk, putting the papers down.
"On it ma chérie." Said Sabine smiling at her daughter.
After her mother left
The started thinking how she can convince Joker to give his girlfriend.
And then it hit.
'Money' thought the girl,
'But hes well known to get the money and shooting the person after' she thought.
Well, she didn't want to die tonight.
'Hmm, maybe getting him drunk enough to not realize what hes doing?' She thought looking at an her desk.
She walked to it and opened one of the locks
'Sleeping pills? Well, at least give it a try' she thought.
After 6 hours, everything was ready, she was looking convincing enough.
The pills were on her pocket.
She took a bodyguard with her just in case.
"Be careful love. Please come back safe." Said her mother.
"I will maman, don't forget to prepare the room for our guest" Marinette said to her mother as the woman fixed her tie.
"I'll see you later ma'am, I'll make sure to bring her home" said the guard as they got into the limousine.
The drive was long enough for the two of them to discuss how the plan would work.
"So, when we get there my name will be Benjamin Oliver, I am 35 years old, a rich man looking for a partner." Said Mari pulling out the fake Id.
"Yes, when we get there I will be behind you with the money."
Said the bodyguard looking at the road
"Before that I need to bait him into drinking something so I can put the pills in" said Mari verifying her pocket for the pills.
"Understand sir."
When they got there, the two of them blended in with the other people when a voice came behind her.
"Eyyy, my old pal!" Said the intoxicated voice.
She turned around to see Joker himself behind her holding a glass of alcohol
'Well, that was quick, now just go with the flow' the girl thought.
"Oh hello Joker. How are you doing?" Asked Marinette making her voice strong and masculine.
"Ya know, business as usual" said the man taking a seat beside her.
"Ah I see. Well, i heard some rumors that you sell something special." Said the girl trying to bring up the situation.
The man took a while to think what she meant until the realization hit him.
"Oh yea. Why? Are you intrested?~" said the intoxicated man.
Mari put her hand around his shoulder trying to put the pills in his drink.
"Yes, I am indeed. How much?" Asked Marinette after finally putting the pills in his glass
"Whoa, pal, dont you wanna see her first?" Laughed the man at her serious face.
"Well yes, I would love to see the lady." Said the girl making a sign to the guard to come with her.
"Follow me my friend." Said the man as he started to push people out of the way.
They walked to the other side of the club when they stood infront of a golden haired woman In a short sparkly dress.
The woman had bruises on her arms and legs, While her neck was covered in a little bandage that was just hanging there like it was supposed to be on the floor a long time ago.
"Oh Harley, I would want you to meet my friend...uhm..?" The man looked at her waiting for an answer.
"Benjamin. Benjamin Oliver." Said Mari looking at the woman who started shaking after seeing them.
"So how much would you pay for the chick?"Asked Joker, not carrying about the poor female form behind him.
Marinette clapped her hand and the bodyguard opened a suitcase full of packs of 500 dollars.
"Is this enough?"asked Marinette observing the man starting to yawn.
"Yes. Now Harley dear, you are going with Benji while i-" Joker could finish his line as he collapsed on the floor with his face on the couch.
"Quinn, you are coming with me." Said Marinette as she pulled out a little outfit out of the guards backpack.
Harley looked at her Puddin one last time before she nodded her head and took the outfit.
"Go to the bathroom and change, the guards will distract the people so they wont come here, understood?" Asked the girl.
Harley nodded and headed to the girls bathroom with Marinette following behind.
After the woman changed, they got out of the club getting into the limousine.
After some moments of silence Harley started speaking.
"Listen here man, just because you got me out of there doesn't mean I'm going to be your sex toy, got it?" Said Quinn trying to make her voice sound angry.
Marinette just nodded her head and the drive continued in silence.
When they got to the mansion.
Harley tried to make a run but her leg gived up on her after the first 5 steps.
"No need to run Harls. We are making sure you are safe" said Marinette helping the woman get up from the cold stone.
Harley tried to argue but she was too tired to fight back, so she accepted her faith.
Once they got inside, they were greeted with the warm of the household.
"Marinette, my baby! You are safe!" Said her mother running at her from the stairs.
"Wait, what?" Questioned Harley as she sat down on the warm couch.
Marinette washed her face with a tissue removing her masculine makeup from her face and taking the wig off.
"Whoa, a Kinder Egg with surprises aren't ya?" Said Harley laughing a little.
"Hello dear, my name is Sabine Cheng, welcome in our home."
Said Sabine handling the woman a pack of ice.
"Sabine Cheng? As the popular Lawyer?" Asked Harley out of curiosity.
"Yes, that Sabine" smiled Sabine as she saw the girl started to panic.
"Dont worry, we are good guys, we wont turn you in, but we want to help you get better." Says Marinette as she took off her suit.
"How does your husband let you take random strangers in?" Asked Harley chuckling a bit as she felt more relaxed.
Marinette's smiley face turning stoic as the words got out of her mouth.
"Did I say something wrong?" Asked Quinn worryingly.
"No-no, just my ex-husband wasn't a man of his word" said Sabine patting gently Harley's hair.
"He is a disgraceful man and a cheater." Said an old man coming down stairs.
"Hello Master Fu. I forgot to tell you about our guest." Said Mari as she got up to hug the old man.
"Dont worry about that little ladybug, everything is ok." Smiled the man at the girl.
"And welcome to the family Harleen"
(How Mari looked in her disguise | )
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obsidivns · 3 years
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✧・゚: * ( genderfluid / she/they / kiki layne ) — greetings, [ KAYIN KAMAU ] of [ PERFRIGIDA ]. far away from your homeland, you were in ezia when the doom happened; you were [ DOOMED ] to be a [ LILITIAN ]. now that the doom is over, you are [ NINETY-TWO ], though you have always appeared [ TWENTY-NINE ]. you work as a [ PIRATE ] now. rumors have been whispered around court that you are [ COURAGEOUS ] and [ RUTHLESS ].
[ KAYIN ] would describe [ THEMSELF ] as a [ SUMMER ] person and would identify as an [ ESTP-A ]. [ THEIR ] birthday is [ JULY 30TH ], making [ THEIR ] star sign [ LEO ] and [ THEIR ] celtic animal sign the [ HORSE ]. [ HER ] biggest pet peeve is [ BOREDOM ], and [ HER ] theme song is [ THE WOLF BY SIAMÉS ]. finally, [ HER ] primary goal is to [ START A NEW PIRATE CREW IN PATRIA ].
Eyyy it’s kid #3, the fabulous Kayin, pirate extraordinaire. No TWs.
Character File
Muse Page
Navigation (for tags)
Name: Kayin Kamau
Age: 92 (appears 29)
Birthdate: July 30th
Species: Obscurae / lilitian (previously pretended to be an escura)
Nationality: Perfrigida, Patria
Sexuality: Pansexual
Occupation: Pirate
Positive traits: Courageous, protective, lighthearted
Negative traits: Ruthless, aloof, combative
When Kayin appeared seemingly out of nowhere in Etille, it was hard to believe their claims of being the child of a simple farmer who sought a life of adventure. At a towering seven feet tall and with striking features, they stood out among Ezians without even trying. But the most anyone could discover of their past was that they were the middle-most of five children, and had become bored of being overshadowed by their siblings. Piracy was their aim, their way to make sure they were never forgotten. And for a very long time (far too long for any mere mortal, had anyone been paying any attention), that was exactly what happened. Kayin most recently sailed with The Fallen Angel, spending 10 years onboard and helping the crew terrorize the eastern coasts of Ezia. But then the Doom hit—literally rocked the whole damn boat and sent half the crew into the water. Kayin got lucky, she washed up off the eastern coast of Arella, but she didn’t see hide nor hair of any of her crew after that. She made her way to Ireyne, hoping for news, but all she got was a welcome party of undead, which forced her to camp out in the capital for far longer than she wanted.
Then, of course, there was the whole debacle with the Divines, something that Kayin had intended to stay well away from. Not her gods, not her problem. But thanks to some documents uncovered in the original Ireyne Castle which singled her out, she was recruited to help command the ships that sailed to Mount Basileus to finish the Divines for good. She stayed well away from the fight, but this incident did rather boost her reputation in some unforeseen ways. Upon returning, Kayin was sought out by merchants, traders, smugglers, and fellow pirates alike, all vying to hire them on to their ships in various capacities. For a while, they hopped around some different pirate ships, but none of them felt right and inevitably Kayin would slip away the next time they docked in a town.
This went on for five years, until the planned voyage to the Unknown Lands went into its planning phase. At that point, someone tracked Kayin down to a pub in Etille and offered them an absolutely ludicrous sum to be their navigator, citing their namedrop in the documents found at the old Ireyne Castle. Equal parts irritated and intrigued, and of course very tempted by the pay, Kayin agreed. They served as navigator on the journey, surprising some with their intimate knowledge of the mysterious waters around the strange continent. And when they made anchor in Viridiula, it became clear why. Kayin is an obscurae who left her home decades ago to seek adventure. And now that she’s back on familiar territory, it just might be time to promote herself to captain and get a pirate crew of her own.
Plot time babes, hmu !
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aedelia · 4 years
They’re Hot, hot, oh so Hot! (DannyMay2020- Heat)
Danny May 2020
They’re Hot, hot, oh so Hot!
Danny, Sam, and Tucker were all hanging out at the Fenton household.  They had already gone on patrol, captured half a dozen ghosts, and even finished their homework for the weekend.  
Danny slumped over the kitchen table as his stomach let out a loud growl.  Tucker started laughing and said, “Wow dude, your stomach growls scarier than you do!” His own stomach letting out an even louder grumble interrupted his laughter. 
“Jeez, didn’t you guys eat right after school?  How can you already be hungry?” Sam asked.
“Hey!  We’re growing boys, and ghost fights take out a lot of energy, right Danny?” Tucker defended.  
Danny just groaned and smushed his face further into the tabletop.  After a few seconds he answered, “I could eat a whole cow right now.  We could just make some hot pockets?” He asked, finally lifting his face up.
“Oh I love Hot Pockets!” Tucker exclaimed.  He started rummaging in the Fenton Freezer before turning back to look at his friends very seriously, “I love them so much I could sing about it.”
“Please don’t.” Sam replied, standing with her arms crossed against the wall.
Tucker smirked and launched into a song that he had clearly just come up with, “Hot pockets are hot! Hot! Oh so Hot!  Ooey, gooey, and sometimes chewy.  There’s so many flavorsss,” he sang as turned back to the Freezer, “How could I ever choose?”
Danny perked up at the opportunity for shenanigans and chimed in, “Ham and Cheddar, that’s the best! It puts all the others to the test! Breakfast, lunch, or dinner-It’s always the winner!”
Sam faced Danny with her hands on her hips, “Danny no, don’t encourage him.”
Tucker continued on, pulling a box out of the freezer, “How could you beat pepper-oni?” his voice cracked, “It’s like a pizza on the go-Full of cheese and meat, I know what I want to eat.  This flavor is better if you disagree, I’ll make you deader.” He rhymed, pointing at Danny.
Danny ignored the threat and repeated the first verse, “Hot pockets are hot! Hot! Oh so Hot!  Ooey, gooey, and sometimes chewy.  There’s so many flavors, how could you ever choose?”
The sound of Sam facepalming was barely heard over Tucker finishing the song, “Oh Hot Pockets!  My one and only love!  Your touch burns me, but you’re so cheap-You don’t cost much moneyyy!  Mmm Hot Pockets!” He sang, now hugging the box of frozen food to his chest.
Danny was cracking up, laughing while clutching his still grumbling sides at the table.  Sam had mostly given up on stopping the madness and had resorted to banging her head on the conveniently nearby wall.  She turned back to the boys, a red mark standing out against her forehead and said, “If you two don’t cut it out I’ll be introducing my boot to your backsides!”
She stalked towards them, boot in hand and they backed up to the corner of the kitchen counter.  Danny was clutching at Tucker, who was still hugging the box of Hot Pockets, and both were laughing so hard that they were barely upright.  Sam’s advance was halted at the unexpected Ding Dong of the doorbell.
Jazz came rushing down the stairs, barely beating her parents to the door as they ascended from the lab.  A moment later she yelled, “Pizza’s here!”
The three friends stood frozen in place as the rest of the Fentons joined them in the kitchen.  Jazz busied herself setting out the food and plates while Jack peered at the box in Tucker’s arms, “Hey…Are those my Hot Pockets?” he asked suspiciously.
The teenagers finally unfroze and laughed sheepishly at each other while he watched.  Tucker jogged back over to the freezer and put away the box, “No worries Mr. F, just keeping ourselves occupied.”
Jazz was telling Danny, “..and I know there isn’t enough food in the house for everyone so I had Mom order pizza.  You’re welcome.”
Sam looked up from the Vegan friendly Veggie pizza that had been ordered specifically for her, “Thank you Jazz, you saved me from teen boy stupidity.”
“Hey!” Tucker and Danny both yelled at the same time.
Tucker then continued, “I resemble that remark.”
Danny shot finger guns at him before grabbing his own slice of pizza, this was a lot easier than making Hot Pockets.
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iamyourdarksyde · 3 years
💭 (( Eyyyyy, welcome friend-o ;3 ))
Eyyy!! Thank you friendo!
Honestly? I’m curious to see how your boys would react to meeting Mack. I think it’d be fun to see Ryoma meet Mack and then proceed to have Ryoma get into shenanigans while Mack is attempting to be the one holding the braincell.
There’s also the thought of having Mack meet your Jack or your Aku. There could possibly be some interesting angst with Aku since Mack has distanced himself from him, and meeting another Jack would remind him of his own... It’d help to ground him a bit, if Jack decides not to fight him at least.
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rebornthestage · 4 years
VS Varia Part II Liveblog ③
And here’s the Sky Battle! I feel like I should also apologize in advance because my comments pretty superficial and detached compared to everyone else's heartfelt reviews. :P
"I lost it.” LMAO Hibari
lmao Luss got abandoned by his team so he had to transport his bedridden self himself by popping his feet out of the bed
Hibarin looking cool adjusting his watch at the corner
10 meter rule lol
Oh, deep voiced Tsuna is back! I like it!
Tsuna, so cool!
I find the pinkish makeup at the side of Tsuna's eyes rather eye-catching, for better or for worse
I kinda want to mimic the way Xanxus says things sometimes lol どーでもいいってw
lol his laugh
Hibariiii! *u*
Wah, so much fighting going on, idk who to watch
lol Hibari's head dodges
lol, I paused at the wrong time and:
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Ooh, they switched his tonfas with the chained ones
Hahaha! Bel: "Pass! Pass!"
It's coming!!
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It's startiiiing
Tsuna gamba!
Tsuna reviving is like a scene from a horror movie lol
...Yeah, it's a little scary lol. He's like a mindless zombie rn
Was Tsuna really this scary after he got hit in the animanga? It's been more than decade, I really don't remember
Xanxus' laughs amuse me every time lol
Xan-chan's all sweaty again
Ohhh, Tsuna's really fanning the flames lol
Ahhhh here we go again
...Yeah, I'm sorry, but this Tsuna's expression is really kinda scary instead of cool for me lol
The way he speaks is as cool as ever though.
Xanxus' gun action lol
Hmmm I'm not sure how I feel about how this scene is framed, because Xanxus keeps having to turn to the audience to show his expressions and then doing a 180 to attack Tsuna and it's a bit distracting.
Maybe the DVD will have better shots and make it look less unnatural
And hopefully closeups of this fight because I don't think we need to see the full stage for this part
Rebosute doesn’t use platforms/sets with levels and I think it's very evident to see here in the Sky Battle. Everyone's just on floor level and would benefit having platforms to run up and down from imo.
Ryohei's so nice ;;
"Thank you, Octopus Head." XD You sure have a nice way of communicating your appreciation, Luss.
Eyyy 1880 :)
"If you're going to die, do it outside." Never change, Hibarin wwwwwwwww
Eyyy Hibarin letting Yamamoto take over
Oh noez Chrome
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Ooh, nice projection mapping for Mammon's illusions
So his extra scars is a mask instead of makeup
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Eyy welcome back onstage, Squalo!
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Oh Xanxus...
Nngh... Nice projection mapping again.
His sweat shows how much he's had to be onstage
lol the ensemble's hands. I wonder if the behind the scenes for this part is amusing lol
Oh dear...
I get that the Ninth wanted to help Xanxus, but did he really have to go so far as to start their father-son relationship on a lie? Couldn’t he have taken Xanxus in without letting him believe they were blood-related? Idk, it just seems unnecessarily cruel.
Did Xanxus seriously think he was truly a strong candidate for the next Boss of Vongola, even before he killed off his brothers, especially considering he’s a bastard (in more ways than one lol)? Well, I suppose he did, considering Squalo talked about Xanxus turning warped with all the privilege he suddenly had as the Ninth’s son...
Man, Xanxus sure is busy in this play.
I know Tsuna has the Vongola Intuition, and that the Ninth must've passed on his thoughts onto Tsuna... but idk how I feel about him just insisting on knowing how exactly the Ninth was feeling and preaching Xanxus about it lol. Idk, it means less from an outsider imo.
Yeah, who? Lancia?
Hahaha I saw Lancia and first thing I remember was his face here:
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I think it was a mistake to watch this part late at night because now I'm sleepy and can't appreciate things properly lol
残念無念また来週~ Oop wrong fandom
Ooh, cute video projection. Can't wait for the making of.
Cute, Gokudera. lol
Poor Tsuna.
Ooooohhh, Reborn has disappeared!! ;)
lmao the shrieks from the audience when Dino gave them a flying kiss. We'll get a closeup in the DVD, I suppose.
Oh hey Squalo's not in bandages anymore
Hahaha can't help remembering Lambo mimicking that pose
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Ohh, interesting bow from Hibarin lol
Hahahaha. Harashima's always so cute during the bowing. It's interesting since we don't really see much of him offstage.
Him hyping the audience up for Tsuna is cute XD
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Right then!
After such an awesome day, it was time to go to a festival!
Kukui insisted to show off how to catch a Pokemon with his Rockruff (which was awesome!) and gives me 10 Poke Balls, the Nuzlocke portion of the challenge has officially begun now~
I gave it a try, and I catch-
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A decent little birdy with a nice name~
Making it towards Iki Town (and training up Gladio and Amaryllis a tad before progressing), we encounter two strangers, but they soon left, so we move on and into the festivities.
It was a tough fight against Hau (two flying-types verses a Pichu isn’t great, but Amaryllis was a good girl :>), but we pulled through
After such an awesome battle, I get a Z Power Ring and the approval of Tapu Koko (NICE!)
Come morning, I meet up with Lillie and make it to the beach and catch the next Pokemon...
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Eh, it’s okay, especially what was to come next.
After chatting with the Professor, the Rotom Dex is mine :D... and then we experienced a peculiar event- a sudden influx of pure darkness in the sky 0:!
But it was nice and sunny again, so Lillie waits on me on the brand new Pokemon Center on Route 1 (How convenient!)
After giving me a tour, I take a moment to heal my team and check out the Festival Plaza for what I’m looking forward to doing
The second half of this challenge- WONDERTRADING :D
After completing the makeshift walkthrough of the place, I was quick to begin trading.
And saying goodbye to Pikipek and welcoming...
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Eyyy some nice luck~
Gladiolus the Magnemite
Lonely Nature
Takes Plenty of Siestas (Think they take a page from the local Slowpoke?)
Speaking of Slowpoke, sending her off and in return...
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Zinnia the Eevee
Gentle Nature
Likes to run
(funnily enough, apparently this little guy came from someone else’s wonderlocke as well, but whatever, he’s mine now~)
Now, after speeding off to catch up with Lillie, I make it to the Trainer’s School, and after recieving the Exp Share, I search for a new friend to add to the team... where I nearly get scratched to death by an Alolan Meowth D:< rude!
Caught the cat and sent them off... and got in return
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(This is a later photo btw *plz ignore that strand of fuzz on the middle of the screen, I have no clue how that happened*)
Cattail the Rockruff
Gentle Nature
Likes to Run
(*and apparently this little guy’s almost 2 years old, hatched back in January 2018?!*)
Now, onward!
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blackhakumen · 5 years
Mini Fanfic #347: Looking Out for One Another (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
One Sunny day at the Smash Bros, Lucas is spending some quality time with his witch girlfriend, Ashley, as they watch anime in the living broom together. Things were going pretty normal when suddenly.....
Bowser Jr: 'Eyyy, Lucas!
Lucas: (A Bit Startled by Bowser Jr's Sudden Appearance) Oh! Umm...HI, Junior. W-What's wrong?
Bowser Jr: Not sure if you or girlfriend know by now, but you wanna guess what day it is today?
Lucas: (Thought about what Bowser Jr. Was talking before coming up with an answer) You're talking about St. Patrick day, right?
Bowser: Yup. The day to celebrate Luck and Fortune! It's also a day to celebrate those who wear green today. (Starts Smirks Evilly) And guess who's not wearing any today?
Lucas: (Immediately Starts Getting Scared once he figured out who Junior was talk to) Oh.... I-I'm guessing you're talking about me and A-Ashley, huh?
Bowser Jr: Yep! (Smirk Grew Bigger) And you wanna know what happens to those who doesn't wear green today? (Hand starts making a Pinching motion)
Ashley: (Closes the book she was reading and gives Junior a Death Glare) Pinch Lucas and I'll make sure you'll never use your claws again.....
Bowser Jr: (Immediately Starts Getting Terrified by Ashley, her glare, and her threat) O-O-O-Oh! W-W-Was I about to say "Pinch"? What I meant to say was you Uhhh....get extremely Lucky Dance!! (Chuckles Nervously and Awkwardly while he does a dance in a leprechaun fashion.....only to stop once he see Ashley still Glaring at him).....I should leave now, huh?
Ashley: Yep.
Bowser Jr.: (Starts slowly walking backwards before turning around and Running Away in Fear)
Ashley: (Shook her head while sighing) Idiot. (Turns to Lucas with a Worried Look on her face) Are you okay, Lucas?
Lucas: Yeah. I think so. Thanks, Ashley.
Ashley: (Smiles Softly) You're welcome, dear. (Gets Worried again once she noticed Lucas was still frowning a little) Lucas?
Lucas: (Came Back to Reality) Oh! Uhh...Yes, Ashley?
Ashley: (Gently Grab Lucas' hand) Are you sure you're okay?
Lucas: Yeah....W-Why wouldn't I be?
Ashley: (Squeezes Lucas' hand a little while being Unconvinced) Lucas....
Lucas: ('Sigh in Defeat') I'm sorry. I was just.... thinking is all.
Ashley: What were you thinking about?
Lucas: Well it's.....('Sigh') You see, you always do whatever you can to look after me. And I'm always so thankful to have you by my side and stuff. But.... sometimes I feel like I kept letting you fight my battles for me....And I honestly don't like that feeling, you know?
Ashley: So you're saying you're feeling sad because you don't feel like you contribute much to our relationship?
Lucas: ('Sigh Sadly') Pretty much....
Ashley: (Pulls Lucas into a Gently and Loving Hug) Oh, Lucas. I don't believe that all.
Lucas: You don't?
Ashley: (Simply Nodded) Of course not. Your love and kindness you given me everyday contribute our relationship perfectly. And I wouldn't have it any other way.
Lucas: (Hugs Ashley Back) Me too. But...I still wanted to look out for you too. I still don't think it would feel right to let you protect me 24/7.
Ashley: Hmmm....(Comes Up with a Solution) How about we both look out for each other? That way, neither of us would feel left out.
Lucas: Yeah......(Smiles Softly) That sounds like a great idea.
Ashley: (Smiles Back at Lucas) I'm glad you like the idea, dear.
Lucas: (Nodded Happily and Determinedly) Definitely. I'm going to do my best be there for you and everything. I promise.
Ashley: (Smiles Sweetly) I know. And I'll do my best to do the same and support you every step of the way. (Kiss Lucas' Cheek) Because I love you.
Lucas: (Smiles Sweetly while Blushing) I-I love you too, Ashley. So much.
Ashley: (Giggles Softly at how cute Lucas is being right now)
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kehideni · 5 years
can we like... stop having close ups of his brain?
oh.... boring ass Dick in prison... can we please cut back to Gar’s open brain surgery? (pun not intended but welcomed)
it’s always nice to re-re-re-re-revisit Raven’s and Dick’s relationship.... *sarcasm*
huhh atleast Donna remembers that Gar exists
such a good thing that if the reception is crap there’s still the chat system-OOOHHH right... that would need common sense
“get your life right, lady” xD make this kid the main character i love her already
oh great we have time to watch Dawn be heartbroken and throw stuff out... when did this show become slice of life?
“the hanged man, brutality is coming your way” that’s great boo, but did we collectively forget that Gar already has met brutality?
“make a great sacrifice of prepare for a great loss” yeah, sacrifice some of that Raven screen time for some Gar screen time or imma get loss~
well DUH the cards speak of Dick, who else exists in this team
“it wasn’t me” funny you should say that
“i hope he died screaming” and then Raven got a face like “you know what, actually... i did kinda murder him? just a little bit”
eyyy we got time for some fanservice Starfire steamy nonsense bullshit i don’t care scene but we don’t have time to give to Gar
Starfire this would be SO great a revelation moment for you but i’m like... hyper focused on what they are doing with Gar rn?
i care more about Elko Joe than Hank and Dawn
at this moment i’m praying they will make Gar a mind controlled enemy of the Titans and that he will kick their butts SO HARD it would make my desire for revenge on the other “Titans” fulfilled
oh...these two... mwehhh... it’s been a while since they appeared but well... i’m still hyper focused on Gar’s plight
oh great, another couple... another romantic subplot taking scenes away from Gar
siiigh...... ok that’s it i’m gonna jump scenes
hmmmm now I want a dougnut
here’s the thing ummm....those glass-cake-protector tingies ARE for keeping flies away from the food
“and people in hell want ice-water, lady” imma use that from now on
oh whaow Raven, don’t be so happy to see your mother figure...
ok... how did Donna get there?????? did i jump that scene????
oh ofcourse it was Batman 
WHAOW guys, hold your anxiety, i’m sure you will all save them in time... no need to panic....
it’s so great that Batman took the time to peptalk the gurls~
Batman’s like “i’m done here, ‘ight imma head out”
*whine* nyeeeeeehhheeeheeeeeeeeheeeee Gar and Connor have disappeared in bloody circumstances but OH NO Dick helped prisoners escape, PRIORITIES
“whatever Dick’s doing he’s doing it to himself.” YES, THANK YOU
“i’m having dreams again” ohh nooo poor boo, Gar is living a nightmare but suuuuuure go ahead and whine about how you are scared :C
“i know that i sound crazy” BICS BOIIIIII YOU READ MY MIND
“... but Dick needs my help” then go help him boo, let the others find Gar
“...and i really need yours” well then it’s really not YOUR help Dick needs
DONNA!!! MY GURL!!! THANK YOU! i love you
the only two responsible characters rn are Dawn and Donna jfc...
the only reason why i’m not mad at you Kory is because Dawn and Donna are going to help Gar, and as such you’d be even more irresponsible if you left the other child alone
ugh these two again. SCEEEEENEEEE JUMP~
another Dick scene, SCEEEEEEEENNNEEEE JUMP!!!
i’ve never been this bored in a fight scene before
oh look i was right, Rose WAS the monster in the house
wait what?(pleaseno)
and it is... it must be... poor Gar :S
I NEED this revenge on the Titans, LET GAR KICK THEIR GODDAMN STUPID BUTTS 2K19!!
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thegatesfamilyfiles · 5 years
1910s-1920s Children Of Hurin (Part 8/8)
Eyyy it’s the final installment and, as promised, it’s a fic this time!
(a really sad fic. Look, you knew what you were getting into)
Niniel stumbled into the clearing, her gaze immediately fixing on the tall, bony man who lay on the riverbank. Glaurung was badly hurt, that much was clear; blood flowed steadily from a bullet wound in his chest, and he made no effort to stop it.
“Nienor van Hador,” he said softly. “Well, I never.”
Niniel took a step back, her heart thudding heavily in her chest. “It’s Niniel Smith. Not Nienor.”
Glaurung smiled broadly, showing bloodstained teeth. “Sure about that, darlin’? Well, I reckon you wouldn’t remember after that little bump you got on the noggin after our last conversation. Though I suppose this story does have a happy ending: after all, you found your brother.”
“No,” said Niniel, shaking her head. “I haven’t got a brother.”
“Oh, but you do, my girl.” Glaurung cocked his head to the side and let out a harsh, hacking cough. “Let me ask you something. You remember anything about your life before you came to Tennessee? Nothing? Well, then, let me fill you in a bit, seeing as how we’re such good pals. Your name is Nienor van Hador, daughter of Morwen and Hurin van Hador. You were born in 1900 in Dor-Lomin, West Virginia. Your daddy went missing after getting mixed up with the wrong folks and your mama ran off when you had your little head injury. And your husband might go around calling himself Turambar Smith, but his real name is Turin van Hador, and he’s as much of a criminal as I am. And, of course, your brother.”
“I don’t believe you,” Niniel whispered. “You’re a liar, a damned liar.”
“Oh, sweetheart. I may be a bootlegger, a murderer, and a thief, but one thing I certainly am not is a liar,” Glaurung said. His breath was getting more raspy, his lungs clearly on the verge of giving out. “Now you think real, real hard, and I’ll give you a clue. Nargothrond, California. 1923.” His grin was bestial, inhuman. “The bridge.”
Glaurung collapsed onto the riverbank, saying no more. But Niniel barely noticed him breathing his last. For somehow, just barely—she remembered. Flashes of images, nothing more, but enough.
The bridge. The fight. Her injury.
A farm in West Virginia, and a mother who was always tired, and a father who was never there.
And a brother she had never met.
Niniel looked at the fast-flowing waters of the river, and then down at the unconscious form of her husband, who she loved dearly, and whose strangeness and secrecy she had never been upset by, never questioned.
“Goodbye, brother,” she said quietly. “Goodbye, my love.”
She was Nienor van Hador, and she knew what she had to do.
It took some time for Turin to regain consciousness. When he did, and found his way back to where the rest of the Brethil folk were hiding, his welcome was less warm than he would have predicted.
“You told them I was dead?”
“I thought you were,” Brandir said faintly, gripping his cane so tightly his knuckles turned white. “I couldn’t feel your pulse.”
Turin snorted. “Call yourself a doctor, Harmon? Good Lord, I think you might need a refresher course on how to tell if a fellow’s gone to meet his maker. Now, while we’re all in the same place, I may as well ask: what in the heck are you all doing here, and where is my wife?”
To his annoyance, there was absolute silence.
“Niniel isn’t here,” Brandir said at last.
“Well, I don’t need spectacles to see that. Headed back to town, did she? Probably for the best. You folks stay here for now, I’ll see if she’s all right.”
“You won’t find her at your house,” said Brandir. “You won’t find her anywhere. She’s dead.”
Turin’s blood seemed to turn to ice in his veins. “Dead?”
“Don’t you listen to him, Turambar,” called a woman from the assembled crowd—Dorlas Miller’s widow, Turin thought. “He’s gone loony, telling us you were dead, calling it good news. Why should we believe him now?”
“Good news, eh?” Turin strode forward in fury and seized the collar of Brandir’s coat. “Good news, if I’m dead and you can move in on my wife? You’ve got some nerve, son. We’ve had just about enough of your lying.”
“It’s you who’s the liar, Turambar,” Brandir hissed. “Or, hell, I may as well use your real name, if we’re laying everything on the table. Because I just happened to overhear Niniel’s last conversation with that Glaurung fellow, Turin van Hador. And she wasn’t who we thought she was, any more than you are.”
“Niniel didn’t know who she was,” Turin said, his heart pounding. “I don’t see what you or Glaurung could know about it.”
“Oh, your old friend knew enough. Enough to tell poor Niniel that her real name is Nienor van Hador. And enough to make her throw herself into the river.”
What happened next depends entirely on who one asks. Mrs. Miller insisted that Brandir threw the first punch, forcing Turin to defend himself. Others were of the opinion that Turin pulled out his pistol completely unprompted, leaving Brandir without a hope of fighting back. But regardless of the precise facts of the situation, within less than a minute, Brandir was dead and Turin was gone, vanished into the woods.
Beside the waters of the Teiglin river, Turin gazed numbly at the pistol that he gripped in his fist.
“Cursed,” he muttered. “I don’t suppose you’ve got a better explanation, do you?”
Unsurprisingly, the gun remained silent.
“No, I didn’t think you would. We’re cursed, all our kin. If you can give me one good reason why any damn member of my family deserves to remain on God’s green earth, I would speak up now.” His voice rose until it was nearly a wail. “Tell me now, dammit, because I have nothing. Nothing at all.”
Once again, silence.
Turin let out a deep, shuddering breath, lifting the pistol. “Well. I can take a hint, I reckon.”
One last shot rang out in the Brethil Woods that afternoon, and those who heard it never forgot it, as long as they lived.
There were three new graves in the Brethil cemetery, the autumn of 1924. 
One for Sheriff Dorlas Miller, killed in the line of duty.
One for Dr. Brandir Harmon, tragically slain in a gunfight.
And one with two names, though half empty, in a far corner of the graveyard where few people bothered to go, upon which had been carefully carved:
Turin van Hador, 1895-1924
Nienor “Niniel” van Hador, 1900-1924
Lord Have Mercy
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