#f!warrior hawke
Alike In Sorrow pt. 2
Here's the next section of this! This one's a bit chonky but yanno. We're doing our best.
Words: 1646
Rating: T for alcohol and swearing
Additional Tags: some Isabela lovin' in here, also Varric being the world's best bestie, more questionable coping mechanisms though this time there's less murder, Kiera be nice to Cole or I will turn this Inquisition around, brief cameo from my Trevelyan tho he's got his own problems
     "Liquor and laughing, sea salt spray and spices. She dances through the dark, daggers darting, dangerous and daring. Glint of teeth when she grins, leather boots and spilled ale, gold gleaming and her voice soft in the early morning. She misses you." 
     Kiera scowls at the kid. This time, he's materialized sitting on the other end of the table, feet on the bench. She's had about four drinks too many and was getting close to comfortably wasted, listening to the Chargers' raucous laughter and slowly relaxing into her corner chair. The noise and the smells are almost right, just missing the faint fishy tang you can never escape in Lowtown, and the sound of Norah complaining about the customers. Hawke was beginning to feel vaguely at home; any minute now someone would burst through the door with a problem only the Champion can solve. 
     Trust Varric's little mind reader to show up and ruin a decent drinking session. She's really going to have to have words with him about the kind of people he decides to adopt. First it was her—probably the best thing to ever happen to him—and his judgment has gone downhill from there. Merrill was kind of a mutual mistake, but Cole is a different issue entirely.
     "Do you ever ask before you go rooting around in people's heads, or is that too much effort?" She asks, finishing her drink because if she's going to have a conversation with the spirit kid, she'd like to be drunker than this.
     "I can only hear people who need me," he explains. She's not sure how she knows, because the hat still obscures most of his face, but he's watching the drinking with concerned disapproval. It's uncomfortably similar to how Varric used to watch her, in the months after the fight with the Arishok and Isabella's disappearance. 
     Hawke quirks a sardonic eyebrow at him, not feeling quite up to her usual witty repartee. "And I need you?"
     "You're... sad. Hurt and hurting. Waiting, weighed down with wars you didn't win, too heavy to fly. People who need protecting. A hall with a hundred doors, each one locked by loss. A tower deep in the ground with barriers built by blood. Father's voice in the shadows. Some doors should stay shut. You think you let the darkness out, but it isn't your fault. None of it was your fault." 
     Kiera looks at him for a long moment, trying to summon up the energy to get mad. Her analogy about the closed doors in her heart isn't one she's ever spoken out loud, not even to Varric, and they haven't told anyone the details of her father's work with the Gray Wardens to bind Corryphyus. If she had any doubts that the kid was reading minds, they're gone now. She wants to be pissed that he's sticking his nose in her head and looking for the really painful stuff she locked away, but her own Maker-damned sense of fairness intrudes. He's only trying to help. And hell, maybe she needed to hear some of this shit. She sighs.
     "So Isabela misses me, huh?" 
     "A swagger in her step like the swell of the sea, eyes distant as the horizon and just as beautiful, freedom feels like my ship under my soles and her sword-rough hand in my hand, Maker bring her back to me." His voice is rhythmic, like he's reciting something he memorized, but Hawke recognizes her lover's sentiments all the same. Isabela rarely says such things aloud, of course. The two of them don't need romantic words to understand how much they mean to each other. She knows Isabela worries when they're apart, because Hawke's conscience drives her into danger wherever she goes, but worrying has never been a good enough reason for either of them to change how they act. Still, she appreciates hearing it.
     "I miss her too," Kiera hears herself mumble into her drink, which has been refilled by a passing barmaid. She didn't mean to say it. Something about this kid inspires her to uncharacteristic honesty. Better figure out how to quit that before someone notices. 
     "I know."
     "She's not even here," Hawke rallies, sitting up straighter to squint curiously at Cole. "How can you read her mind from all the way in Llomeryn?" 
     He shrugs, a gesture which looks a little too stiff to be natural for him. "Her hurt touches yours."
     Before she can come up with something else to ask—anything so they don't have to talk about Corryphyus and all the people she made it possible for him to hurt—a commotion at the door draws both of their attention. Inquisitor Trevelyan, Varric, and Warden Blackwall come trooping in looking like they've been dragged ass-first through Darktown, which means they were probably out looking for Maker-knows-what in that awful swamp to the southeast. She has a distant memory of listening to Varric gripe about the trip before leaving, and the vague impression that his lengthy absence might have something to do with her decision to get absolutely wasted. Regardless of her motivations, he's here now, so Hawke lifts a hand to wave him over, favoring the Inquisitor with a halfhearted salute. 
     Trevelyan returns it, bemused, then follows Blackwall to the bar. Varric changes course to join Hawke and Cole. Except now there's no Cole, and it's just Hawke sitting by herself at her corner table, looking drunk and a little pathetic. Varric coasts to a stop as soon as he gets close enough to be heard, staying well out of range of any potential retribution for his obligatory quip about the number of empty mugs she hasn't let the waitresses take away. (You learn to hang onto them, in the Hanged Man, if only as a way to keep track of how many you've had. Corrf likes to charge you for at least three extras if you don't count them yourself. Hawke usually lets him—it's not like she doesn't have the coin—but it's a hard habit to break.)
     "We've got to talk about the company you keep, Varric," she beats him to the punch. Her words come out a little blurry, but she's sure he gets the gist.
     "Oh, this I've gotta hear." Varric's worried expression slides easily into a practiced grin as he pulls up a chair. "You getting on my case for hanging out with crazies. Somebody alert the Empress." 
     She sticks out her tongue at him, with great dignity. "Your little..." Hawke waves a hand vaguely attic-ward, too drunk to come up with anything more polite than 'shit' and pretty certain that she'd get in trouble for saying it. "He keeps fuckin' around in my head."
     An eyebrow goes up. "And you remember it? The kid slips through most people's memory like water."
     "Prolonged exposure to Merrill and Anders," she suggests by way of explanation, though most of the syllables get lost on the way from her brain to her mouth. 
     Varric is, by now, an expert at translating her drunken slurring into coherent speech. "That might make sense if you squint. Good enough for me, but don't let Sparkler hear it. He'll haul you off for tests." He starts consolidating the empty cups into rows to make them easier to collect. "Maybe you can help me talk to Cole sometime. I can't keep most of our conversations straight unless he's trying real hard to be present." 
     "Nah, that's part of the problem," she squints over the rim of her most recent mug as she takes another hearty swig. "Can't really keep hold of what he said, just know I'm mad about it."
     "Yeah, that sounds like you," Varric agrees in a tone somewhere between resigned and exasperated. "You know, Hawke, he's a spirit of compassion. He helps people work out whatever's eating them, and you've got more baggage than most people. A lot more."
     "What, are you trying to imply I'm not a well-adjusted member of society?" Hawke grins, settling her chin on her arms to be closer to eye level with her best friend. It's harder to see him through the mugs from this angle, but her neck doesn't ache as much.
     "No, no. I'd never spread such obvious slander," Varric assures her. "Just saying, maybe let the kid help. If he messes up too badly, you won't remember it anyways."
     This seems like a sensible approach, so she nods without sitting up again. Hawke is awfully comfortable all of a sudden—since she stopped wearing her breastplate to the tavern it's much easier to slouch against the table without the gorget getting in the way. Her eyes slide shut. She's tired and drunk and warm, and she's just going to close them for a minute. Besides, Varric is here now and she can relax for the first time in days. Varric won't let anything happen while she rests. He'll wake her up if anything comes to burn down their city. It's safe.
     She wakes up in her room, bleary and momentarily panicked, sitting bolt upright before the familiar smell of ink, leather, and Bianca's distinctive rail lubricant sinks in. Varric has his back to her—though Hawke doesn't for a moment make the mistake of thinking he doesn't know she's awake—and is humming softly to himself as he lovingly works oil into the wheels and wires of his crossbow. The windows are closed, the door is bolted, there's a fire in the grate, her boots are by the door, her armor is on its stand, and Hawke is tucked into her bed. The muscles in her shoulders relax. She lies back down, feeling the tension go out of her neck and forehead, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly a few times to force herself to calm down. Bethany taught her that, when they were very young. She's not alone.
     It is safe.
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crows-of-buckets · 22 days
For some reason whenever I brainstorm for my eventual solasmance Lavellan I always imagine her leaving on bad terms with him and swearing to stop him no matter what it takes. However. Just had the idea of Lavellan solas and Varric being in a weird love triangle. during inquisiton only Solas and Lavellan would happen, then They break up and Lavellan is with Varric within a year. Queen of moving on or whatever. Cole gets dropped right in the middle of whatever the fuck they've got going on. Rest of the inquisiton is immensely intrigued by them
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sovaharbor · 1 year
honestly the worst thing abt this tho is that as much as i am attached to that worldstate i KNOW i cannot use it in da4 because ive just. wriggled my claws in so deep and for inqusition especially there is sooo much i've changed bc the writing in inquisition drives me BONKERS. so like. i just know whatever they say in da4 i am probably just inherently going to hate, so i NEED to work on a new worldstate (and i am actively attempting to) but ..... guh. effort.
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stylesispunk · 2 months
Blades of Fate
marcus Acacius x f!reader / lucius x f!reader
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Summary: Lucius and you are celebrated champions of the arena, each with their own unique force. Marcus Acacius returning from a victorious campaign, attends a grand gladiatorial event where he witnesses your bravery firsthand and something about you captivates him.
w.c: 4,4k
warnings: messy writing, angst, mentions of blood, mentions of violence, and mentions of arranged marriage, tension
a/n: okay, I had two days off from work and I still have post london depression, but I finally wrote something and I had no idea what the plot of this was or is, but I was dying for writing something about this two characters and I out them both here. Okay I have no idea what plot gladiator II will follow so this is the only thing that came to my mind. Perhaps some events or details of the story will not fit with the history events of the Roman empire and gladiators, but still this is just for fun. Reblogs and comments are always appreciated. I hope you like it and have fun reading 💌.
dividers by: @/saradika-graphics
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The sun hung high in the Roman sky, casting golden rays over the Colosseum's colossal structure. The massive stone amphitheater, a testament to Roman engineering and grandeur, was alive with the roar of the crowd. Citizens from all walks of life, from the lowly plebeians to the esteemed senators, filled the seats, their cheers and shouts blending into a symphony of anticipation.
The blood of past battles stained the sand in the heart of the arena, a silent witness to the countless lives lost for entertainment. Today, the atmosphere was electric with excitement, for the arena was set to witness a spectacle unlike any other. The gates on either end of the battleground creaked open, and out stepped two of Rome's most revered gladiators.
Lucius, tall and muscular, with a presence that commanded respect, raised his sword to the cheering masses. His sharp and focused eyes scanned the crowd before settling on his partner. You, a gladiatrix of unparalleled skill, moved with a grace that belied the brutality of your fate, matching the rage of your lover. Your lithe form was clad in leather armor, and your hair was braided back to reveal a face marked by determination and a fierce will to survive.
Seeing a woman fight wasn’t something common, but you had won your respect and reputation, and besides Lucius, you had become nothing but stronger, a team, as the two champions you were destined to be.
A hush fell over the Colosseum. The only sound was the distant call of a hawk, circling high above, as if it too were a spectator. Then, with a sudden crash, the gates on the opposite end burst open, and their opponents emerged—a team of seasoned warriors, each one a formidable foe.
The only sound was the distant call of a hawk, circling high above, as if it too were a spectator. Then, with a sudden crash, the gates on the opposite end burst open, and their opponents emerged—a team of seasoned warriors, each one a formidable foe, determined to bring down the beloved gladiators.
The battle began with a clash of steel and a flurry of movement. Lucius and you fought with seamless coordination; your movements synchronized as if you were one entity. Lucius's strength and brute force were complemented perfectly by your agility and precision. The two of you moved through your opponents like a tempest, leaving a trail of fallen adversaries in your wake.
High above, in the VIP stands, General Marcus Acacius watched intently. His stern face, weathered by years of warfare and command, betrayed no emotion. Known for his ruthless efficiency and strategic brilliance, Marcus had seen countless battles, but there was something about these two gladiators that intrigued him. Your skill was undeniable, but it was your unspoken bond, your mutual trust and respect, that caught his attention.
As the last of your opponent’s fell, the crowd erupted in deafening applause. Lucius and you stood victorious, your chests heaving from exertion, but your eyes were sharp and alert. You raised your weapons in salute to the crowd and then, as one, turned your gaze towards Marcus.
From his seat, Marcus leaned forward slightly, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Arrange for a private meeting," he instructed his aide, his voice carrying the weight of command. "I want to see if their skills match their reputation."
The aide nodded and hurried off, while Marcus's gaze remained fixed on the two of you. There was something about you both—a spark that he couldn't quite place. He intended to find out what it was and how it could serve his own purposes.
As you and Lucius exited the arena, you exchanged a smile. Another victory, another day of survival in a world you didn’t choose but were destined to be part of. You reached out, gently touching his arm. “We are a team,” you said, trying to convince yourself that the love you had for him was bigger than the exhaustion you felt.
Lucius looked down at your hand on his arm, then back at you. “Yes, Dulcissima,” he said softly. He closed his eyes; there was a sort of pain evident on his face. “But I want us to be free from all of this," he admitted.
He opened his eyes, searching for yours once more. The anger had faded, replaced by a deep sorrow. "Dulcissima,” the nickname, slipped from his lips once again. “I want us to get married, and I want to make you happy.”
You stared at him in disbelief, the weight of his words sinking in. “Lucius,” you whispered, overwhelmed by the sudden rush of emotions.
Lucius took your hand in his; his grip was firm yet tender. "I’ve been thinking about this for a long time," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "Every time we step into that arena, I fear it might be our last. I don’t want to lose you, not without having truly lived with you."
Your heart ached at his words. You had always known the dangers of your life as a gladiatrix, but hearing Lucius speak so openly about his fears brought a new depth to your own anxieties. "I want that too, Lucius," you replied, your voice trembling with emotion. "But how can we ever be free?"
Lucius's eyes darkened with determination. "We’ll find a way. There has to be more to life than this constant struggle. We’ll fight for our freedom together."
Before you could respond, a group of soldiers approached, their stern faces in stark contrast to the celebration that surrounded you. The leader, a tall centurion with a scar running down his cheek, addressed you both. "General Marcus Acacius has requested your presence for a private meeting. Follow us."
You and Lucius exchanged a quick glance, both sensing the gravity of the situation. With a nod, you followed the soldiers through the winding corridors of the Colosseum, your minds racing with thoughts of what the general might want.
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The soldiers led you to a grand chamber within the Colosseum, its walls adorned with intricate tapestries and bronze statues of Rome’s greatest heroes. General Marcus Acacius stood near a large table, studying a map spread out before him. As you entered, he looked up, his eyes locking onto yours with keen intensity.
"Welcome," Marcus said, his voice smooth and commanding. "I wanted to speak with you both personally. Your performance in the arena today was nothing short of extraordinary."
"Thank you, General," Lucius replied, his tone respectful but guarded.
Marcus nodded, a slight smile playing on his lips. "And honor Rome you have. But I sense that there’s more to your partnership than just skill and survival. There’s a deeper connection, one that could be of great use."
You felt a chill run down your spine at his words. "What do you mean, General?" you asked cautiously.
Marcus leaned forward, his eyes piercing. "I’m offering you an opportunity—a chance to fight for something greater than yourselves. To serve Rome in a way that could ultimately lead to your freedom."
Lucius’s grip on your hand tightened slightly. "We’re listening," he said, his voice steady.
Marcus gestured to the map on the table. "Rome is expanding, but with that expansion comes the need for strong, capable leaders. I believe the two of you could be valuable assets in securing our borders and maintaining order. Prove yourselves in the upcoming challenge, and I’ll ensure that your skills are recognized. There could be a future for you beyond the arena, one where you have a say in your own destiny." He paused. "However," he continued, a glint of challenge in his eyes, "I propose a new test of their mettle. A special event, where our gladiatrix will face my finest soldiers in a mock battle."
A murmur of excitement rippled through the hall. You felt a surge of determination at the general's words. This was more than a mere challenge; it was an opportunity to prove yourself further in the eyes of Rome and its most powerful figures.
You stepped forward, your voice clear and resolute. "I accept your challenge, General. I will show you and all of Rome what a true gladiator is capable of."
Marcus nodded, a satisfied smile on his lips. "Very well. The event will be held in two days' time. May the gods favor the brave."
Lucius, standing beside you, gave your hand a reassuring squeeze. "We’ve faced worse," he whispered. "You’ll show them all."
Your heart raced at the prospect. Could this be the chance you and Lucius have been longing for? Is there a way to escape the bloodshed and find a life together, free from the chains of the Colosseum?
"We’ll do it," you said firmly, meeting Marcus’s gaze with unwavering resolve. "We’ll prove ourselves."
Marcus’s smile widened; satisfaction was evident in his eyes. "Good. The challenge will take place in two days. Prepare yourselves, and may the gods be with you."
As the banquet continued, you couldn’t shake the feeling that this challenge was more than just a test of skill. It was a pivotal moment, one that could alter the course of your life and your bond with Lucius. And in the shadows, the ever-watchful eyes of Marcus Acacius followed your every move, already plotting the next step in his intricate game.
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The next two days were a blur of intense preparation. You and Lucius trained tirelessly, refining your techniques and strategizing for the upcoming mock battle. The anticipation in the air was palpable, both among the gladiators and the spectators who eagerly awaited the spectacle.
On the morning of the event, the Colosseum was packed with spectators, their cheers echoing through the grand structure. The atmosphere was electric, charged with the excitement of the unknown. This was no ordinary battle; it was a test that would determine your fate and perhaps even reshape your destiny.
Marcus stood on a platform overlooking the arena, his presence commanding respect. He raised his hand, signaling for silence. "Today, we witness a display of courage, skill, and determination," he announced, his voice carrying across the Colosseum. "Our gladiatrix will face my finest soldiers in a test of strength and strategy. Let the battle begin!"
The gates creaked open, and you stepped into the arena, your heart pounding with a mix of nerves and adrenaline. Across from you stood Marcus’s elite soldiers, their expressions hard and focused. You glanced at Lucius, who stood at the edge of the arena, his eyes locked onto yours with unwavering support.
"Together," you whispered to yourself, drawing strength from the bond you shared with Lucius.
The clash of steel rang out as the battle commenced, a whirlwind of movement and noise. You moved with a grace and ferocity that left your opponents reeling; your every strike was precise and powerful. Despite the odds, you fought with everything you had, driven by the desire for freedom and a future with Lucius.
As the battle raged on, you felt a surge of energy, pushing yourself beyond your limits. You danced around your opponents, using your agility and speed to outmaneuver them. The crowd's cheers grew louder with each successful strike, their excitement fueling your resolve.
Finally, as the last soldier fell, a hush descended over the arena. You stood victorious, your chest heaving, your body bruised and battered but unbroken. The crowd erupted in applause; their cheers were a testament to your triumph.
Marcus descended from the platform, his eyes filled with admiration and something else—something deeper. "You have proven yourself today," he said, his voice carrying a note of respect. "Your skills and determination are unmatched. You are a true warrior."
You nodded, the weight of his words sinking in. "Thank you, General," you replied, your voice steady despite the exhaustion.
Lucius rushed to your side, his eyes filled with pride and relief. "You did it," he whispered, pulling you into a tight embrace. "I knew you would."
As you stood there, basking in the glow of victory, Marcus stepped closer, his gaze intense. "There is more to this than just a test of skill," he said quietly. "I see potential in you—a potential that could change the course of our future."
You looked at him, curiosity and apprehension swirling within you. "What do you mean?"
Marcus smiled a hint of mystery in his eyes. "All in due time. For now, rest and recover. We will speak again soon."
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In the days that followed, you and Lucius were treated with newfound respect and admiration. The other gladiators looked up to you, and the soldiers who had once seen you as mere entertainment now saw you as formidable warriors. Yet, despite the praise and the promise of a brighter future, a sense of unease lingered in the air.
One evening, as you were returning to your quarters after another grueling day of training, a sudden commotion caught your attention. The sound of clashing steel and muffled shouts echoed through the corridors. You hurried towards the source of the disturbance, your heart pounding with a sense of impending danger.
As you rounded a corner, you were met with a chilling sight. Lucius was engaged in a fierce battle with a group of unknown assailants. His movements were swift and deadly, but he was outnumbered. Without a second thought, you drew your weapon and rushed to his aid, your determination burning brighter than ever.
Despite your best efforts, the sheer number of attackers overwhelmed you. You fought valiantly, but the odds were stacked against you. A sharp pain exploded in your side as one of the assailants landed a brutal blow, and you fell to your knees, your vision blurring.
Lucius's voice echoed in your ears, filled with desperation. "No! Leave her alone!" But his cries were in vain. The attackers overpowered him, and as darkness closed in, you felt yourself being dragged away.
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When you awoke, you found yourself in a dimly lit cell, your hands bound with a rough rope. The cold stone walls pressed in around you, and the air was thick with the scent of dampness and decay. You struggled against your restraints, but they held firm.
Footsteps echoed down the corridor, growing louder with each passing second. The door to your cell creaked open, and Marcus stepped inside, his expression unreadable.
"You’re awake," he said quietly, his voice carrying a note of regret.
"Why?" you demanded, your voice hoarse. "Why did you do this?"
Marcus sighed, his eyes dark with emotion. "It wasn’t supposed to be like this," he said, stepping closer. "But there are forces at play here that even I cannot control. I had to act quickly to protect you."
"Protect me?" You spat, your anger flaring. "By taking me hostage?"
He knelt beside you, his gaze earnest. "Yes," he said softly. "There are those who see you as a threat and who would stop at nothing to eliminate you. I couldn’t let that happen. This was the only way to keep you safe."
You stared at him, your mind racing. "And what about Lucius? What have you done to him?"
Marcus’s expression tightened. "He’s unharmed for now. But there are conditions. You must stay here, cooperate with me, and in return, he will be spared."
Your heart ached with the weight of his words. The future you had envisioned with Lucius seemed to slip further away with each passing moment. "What do you want from me?" you asked, your voice trembling.
"I want you to trust me," Marcus said, his tone sincere. "I know it's a lot to ask, but I need you to believe that I’m doing this for the greater good. Together, we can change the course of history."
You looked into his eyes, searching for any sign of deceit. Instead, you found only a deep, unyielding resolve. Despite your anger and fear, a part of you wanted to believe him and trust that he had your best interests at heart.
"I’ll cooperate," you said finally, your voice steady. "But if anything happens to Lucius, I swear I will make you pay."
Marcus nodded, a flicker of relief crossing his features. "You have my word," he said. "Lucius will be safe.
The next evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the cell, Marcus arrived with a tray of food. He set it down on a small table and took a seat across from you. "How are you feeling?" he asked, his voice gentle.
You shrugged, picking at the food. "As well as one can feel in captivity," you replied, a hint of bitterness in your tone.
Marcus sighed. "I understand your frustration," he said. "But believe me, this is the only way to ensure your safety."
You looked up at him, your eyes searching for his. "And what about Lucius? How long do you intend to keep us apart?"
"Until it’s safe," he answered, his gaze unwavering. "There are those who would see you both dead. I need to neutralize that threat before I can reunite you."
You frowned, the weight of his words sinking in. "And how do I know I can trust you?"
“Because I wouldn’t hurt you,” he said, leaning forward towards you, his expression earnest. "I have given you my word. I will do everything in my power to protect you.”
“And Lucius,” you said.
“I don’t care about Lucius.” He confessed, “But if you ask me to protect him, I will.”
You recoiled slightly at Marcus's confession, his words echoing in your mind. "You don’t care about Lucius?" You repeated it, disbelief coloring your tone.
Marcus hesitated, his gaze dropping for a moment before meeting yours again. "Not in the same way I care about you," he admitted quietly. "But I understand how important he is to you. If protecting him means protecting you, then I will do it."
You took a deep breath, trying to process the storm of emotions swirling within you. Marcus’s honesty was unexpected, and it stirred something in you, something you could decipher.
"I appreciate your honesty," you said finally, your voice steady despite the turmoil in your heart. "But my loyalty lies with Lucius. He’s... he’s a part of me."
Marcus nodded slowly, his expression somber. "I understand," he said softly.
You looked your gaze with his; an electric feeling passed through the both of you, but you ignored it, not wanting to commit treason towards Lucius.
“I don’t like this life, you know?” Marcus began, his voice carrying the weight of the weariness of years and sincerity. He leaned forward slightly, his gaze searching yours as if seeking understanding.
You nodded slowly, feeling a surge of empathy for the man before you, the man who seemed to be different from his strong exterior. "I can imagine," you replied softly. "The burden of command, the weight of decisions that affect so many lives..."
Marcus sighed heavily, his shoulders slumping slightly. "It’s not just that," he admitted, his voice tinged with vulnerability. "I’ve seen too much bloodshed, too much senseless violence. In these gladiatorial games, they glorify death while the people cheer on."
His words resonated deeply with you, stirring up memories of battles fought and lives lost in the name of entertainment. "I never wanted to be a fighter," you confessed quietly. "I wanted... I wanted a life of peace, of freedom."
Marcus’s gaze softened, a flicker of understanding passing between you. "Yet here we are,” he murmured. “Bound by duty, by the expectations of others.”
You nodded, the weight of shared experience forging a fragile bond between you.
"I’ve spent my life in service to Rome, sacrificing countless lives for its glory. But lately, I find myself questioning the cost."
You nodded slowly, sensing the weight of his words. "I understand," you said quietly. "I’ve felt that way too, at times. I never wanted to be what I am now—to live and die by the sword. But I grew up with Lucius, and we shared the same resentment and anger at the hand life dealt me."
Marcus’s gaze softened, a flicker of understanding passing between you. "We’re more alike than you realize," he murmured. ”
"I never imagined my life would turn out like this," you admitted, a pang of vulnerability in your voice. "But every battle, every victory—it’s shaped who I am."
Marcus reached across the table, his hand resting gently on yours. "You’re stronger than you know," he said earnestly. "And you deserve more than the chains of the Colosseum."
You met his gaze, seeing a depth of compassion and empathy that surprised you. "What about that?" you asked softly. "What do I deserve?"
“To be caressed and protected,” he replied, not taking his eyes from yours.
His words stirred something deep within you—a yearning for tenderness and safety amidst the chaos of your existence. "And you?" you pressed gently, your heart racing with uncertainty and anticipation.
Marcus’s expression softened further, a flicker of vulnerability crossing his features. "To find redemption," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "To make amends for the lives I’ve sacrificed.”
You nodded slowly, the weight of his confession settling between you. "We both seek something more," you said softly, reaching to cover his hand with yours. "Perhaps we can find it."
The touch of your hands and the electricity were enough to make you guilty of sin.
"One of my men has uncovered a plot against you," Marcus confessed while holding your hand. "There are those who believe you and Lucius pose a threat to the stability of Rome. They’re planning an attack."
You drew in a sharp breath, the weight of his words settling heavily in your chest. "Who would want to harm us?" you asked, your voice tinged with concern and disbelief.
Marcus shook his head grimly. "Enemies within the Senate, rivals who see you as a symbol of defiance," he explained. "They fear the influence you hold over the people, over the rebels.”
You glanced at him, a mixture of fear and gratitude swirling within you. "What do I do?" you asked quietly, realizing the gravity of the situation.
Marcus’s gaze hardened, a flicker of determination crossing his features.
"What do you propose?" you asked, a sense of foreboding creeping over you.
Marcus took a deep breath, meeting your gaze with resolve. "An arranged marriage," he said quietly. "Between you and me."
You stared at him, stunned. "What?”
"Think about it," Marcus said, shifting closer. "As my wife, you would have the protection of my name and my position. It would make it much harder for our enemies to harm you. And it would give us the legitimacy and power we need to navigate the political landscape of Rome."
"But what about Lucius?" you demanded, your heart aching at the thought of betraying him.
"I would ensure his safety," Marcus promised. "He would be free, and you could see him. But we must present a united front to the world. This is the only way."
You turned away, struggling with your emotions. The thought of marrying Marcus, despite your growing bond, felt like a betrayal to Lucius. Yet, the logic of Marcus’s proposal was undeniable.
"Please, think about it," Marcus said softly, his voice filled with sincerity.
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You spent the night wrestling with conflicting emotions, torn between loyalty to Lucius and the pragmatism of Marcus's proposal. As dawn broke, you found yourself standing before Marcus once more, a decision forming in your mind.
"I've thought about it," you began slowly, meeting Marcus's intense gaze with determination. "I... I agree."
Marcus's expression softened with relief, yet he remained composed. "Are you sure?" he asked, his voice laced with concern for your well-being.
You nodded, steeling yourself against the ache in your heart. "Yes. It's the best way to protect both of us, and Lucius too. We need to do this."
A weight seemed to lift from Marcus's shoulders, replaced by a renewed sense of purpose. "Thank you," he murmured, stepping closer to take your hands in his. "You won't regret this. I'll make sure to be the best husband.”
As Marcus took your hands in his, a sense of finality settled over you. The decision was made, driven by a combination of necessity and the undeniable connection you felt with him. Despite the pang of guilt for Lucius, you knew this was a path you had chosen for the safety and future stability it promised.
"I need you to know that my heart belongs to Lucius," you replied softly, meeting Marcus's earnest gaze. "But I’ll believe you’ll prove me right."
A faint smile touched Marcus's lips; relief and determination shone in his eyes. "We'll face this together," he said, his voice steady with conviction. "I'll ensure that you're protected and that we navigate these turbulent times with strength and unity."
Marcus nodded solemnly, his gaze unwavering as he listened to your heartfelt confession. "I understand," he replied softly, his voice tinged with both acceptance and a hint of sadness. "I will do everything in my power to earn your trust and respect."
You felt a surge of gratitude towards Marcus, appreciating his understanding despite the complex emotions involved. "Thank you," you murmured, squeezing his hands gently. "For being so understanding."
A sense of mutual respect and determination filled the space between you, a silent agreement to face the challenges ahead. Marcus's commitment to protect you and navigate the political intricacies of Rome gave you a measure of reassurance in the midst of uncertainty.
"We'll announce our intentions and make preparations," Marcus continued, his voice regaining its usual resolve. "Our marriage will be more than just a shield; it will be a symbol of unity and strength."
As you nodded in agreement, a sense of resolve settled within you. Despite your heart belonging to Lucius, you knew that this alliance with Marcus was necessary.
When Marcus left your side, you looked up at the sky, promising heaven and God that Lucius would be your only love, just as the weight of your decision settled in your chest—a blend of duty and sacrifice for a greater cause—for your freedom. Despite the practicality of your alliance with Marcus, your heart still yearned for Lucius, a truth you held onto in the quiet moments.
Unbeknownst to you, Marcus observed you from a distance, his gaze fixed on you with a newfound sense of purpose. As he watched you under the vast Roman sky, a resolve hardened within him. He had made a commitment to protect you, but now he harbored a deeper ambition—to win your heart.
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vigilskeep · 2 months
chantry idol inspired name as a lelianamancer (or seb even) and see where that takes you
don’t do that to seb he already has to deal with f!hawke being an inherently andraste-coded fereldan warrior woman who came north to fight for survival
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ventela1 · 12 days
Ever think about how Tigerstar seemingly respected medicine cats?
That’s such an interesting aspect of his character to me. The way he listens immediately to Cinderpelt when she tells him to clean up Silverstream’s kits (he was so shook by her attitude with him, what a girlboss), and the reluctant acquiescence to Spottedleaf when she points out even he “wouldn’t dare argue with a medicine cat” (he could’ve been planning to replace her later if he became leader, but still, likely only with ANOTHER medicine cat).
I wanna believe this respect of their work has a little to do with the fact he almost died from the same illness as his family. He was probably too young to remember it but I imagine some of the warriors told him at some point how hard the medicine cats fought to keep him alive.
It’s probably also that he knows full well a medicine cat is necessary to lead a clan. It definitely sets him apart from Brokenstar/tail. While Broken seemed shortsighted, allowing his clan to fall into illness, killing kits/apprentices, and kicking out his medicine cat, Tigerstar planned ahead. He wanted to lead a full and physically healthy dictatorship. As much as he seems to ironically believe that sickly (adult) cats are weak, he understands that you can’t alienate your med cat and then go headfirst into battle and expect to not die of an infection later. And as arrogant as he is, he does understand his weaknesses to an extent- he knows nothing about medicine. And at the end of the day, there’s no one else in the clan who would be quite so able to quietly poison you or simply refuse to treat your life-threatening wounds than your own doctor.
I also think the fact he didn’t recruit Mothwing to the Dark Forest wasn’t because she didn’t go the path of a warrior like her brother. I’m sure if he had managed to communicate with Mothwing she would’ve told him to F off but he couldn’t even try in the first place, since she stopped dreaming of Starclan cats as soon as Hawkfrost messed with her faith. I wonder if Tigerstar regretted Hawk telling her about the fake sign.
Speaking of, I bet that would’ve been Tigerstar’s dream team. Imagine both of his children leading Riverclan together under his direction. Tigerstar probably wouldn’t care much if Mothwing could communicate with Starclan though, so long as Hawkfrost was able to get his nine lives. It’s not like any of them would listen to Starclan at that point.
I would honestly love a perspective of his time as Shadowclan’s leader and in Riverclan, and how he treated the med cats then. Would he have ever let one actually advise him, on Starclan or otherwise? Trusted one to help him in leadership matters and not just as an herb dispenser?
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densewentz · 2 months
god someone help me find this da2 fic please it was f!hawke (a warrior i think) and it was fenhawke the relationship between leandra and hawke has been really shitty and hawke maybe isnt living at the estate anymore? (she might be living with fenris?) but fenris and the gang decide to stage a like intervention? in the Rose, I think, where they try to force hawke to 'reconcile' with her mom. Only Leandra just keeps saying shit to blame hawke for Carver dying and Bethany being in the gallows. and feeling extra guilty about it all, fenris ends up like, sneaking into the gallows to make Bethany respond to hawke's letters Ring any bells to anyone? I'm having major issues finding it again 😩
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fereldanwench · 3 months
started thinking about what worldstate i wanna create for my first run in veilguard because of course i have.
we can't import past saves and we won't be using the keep anymore, so I'm not sure how detailed we'll be able to get with it but I've got a few possibilities to play with:
the first and most likely is my mostly canon-compliant worldstate with these bbs:
lorelei cousland [rogue; double-wield] warden / queen of ferelden / li: king!alistair
daphne caron [rogue; double-wield] warden commander / ruler of vigil's keep / li: warden!bethany
ansley hawke [warrior; board & sword] champion of kirkwall / pirate / li: isabela
melisande trevelyan [rogue; archer] herald of andraste / inquisitor / li: cullen
rosalind hendry [mage; knight-enchanter] former chantry scholar / inquisition agent for leliana / li: blackwall
the second is my slightly less canon-compliant worldstate that i never brought into inquisition because i didn't want to have to choose between alistair and my favorite hawke in the fade lmao:
karina amell [mage; i do not remember her spec] warden-commander / li: warden!alistair
rhiannon hawke [force & elemental mage] champion of kirkwall / temp viscount of kirkwall / li: cullen or fenris*
*last summer i did replay da2 with an iteration of rhiannon that actually romanced fenris and i loved it and I've complicated shit for her, lmao. rhiannon x cullen were my goro x valerie of 2013-2014 and making her officially with someone else feels wrong bc i loved them together so much. but i just can't enjoy cullen anymore. so do i do i give rhiannon a boyfriend upgrade? do i make a whole 'nother hawke inspired by her? do i just let rhiannon x cullen and rhiannon x fenris exist in different AUs? i don't know!
and the third is kind of the opposite of the second one: a worldstate i made just for inquisition in the keep with some choices i had never made in the previous games. i don't even have the worldstate in the keep anymore so i don't remember everything but i think it was like this:
default f!mahariel [rogue; archer] no li / recruited loghain / made alistair marry anora
default m!hawke [mage] li: anders / sided with mages
keagan trevelyan [mage; knight-enchanter] herald of andraste / inquisitor / li: cullen (although i headcanoned a polycule with her, cullen, and josie)
one of my conundrums with all of these is, as i mentioned, i can't enjoy cullen anymore. he was obviously a big fave, i think his arc is fascinating especially in da2 and especially if you side with the templars and he has to contend with the shit he's done for meredith, and i enjoyed all the different shipping dynamics with all different kinds of ocs. but i can't separate him from his dipshit VA at this point. hearing his voice is just an instant NOPE for me now
i am 99% positive cullen will not be in veilguard for 2 reasons: 1) the writers said during inquisition that they were no longer trying to work in characters whose fates could be too varied depending on player choice and 2) that twitter shitstorm a few years seemed to guarantee ellis will never work with bioware again lmao
now i suppose there's a possibility that ellis could have recorded lines before that happened and somehow they would be able to be used despite all the changes that happened, but I'm trying to be an optimist here
nevertheless, all of the inquisitors i played were with him, and it sounds like we'll be able to engage with our inquisitors in some capacity in veilguard so do i even want to have a passing mention of cullen? idk. i mean, my disdain for his VA isn't so bad that this would ruin the game for me or anything, but i also feel like this is an opportunity to enjoy another character
between keagan and melisande, melisande was definitely my more developed OC, but i just loved playing as a knight-enchanter gameplay-wise so keagan is actually the only one of the two who did trespasser and jaws of hakkon. i never did the descent--the only DLC in all the games that i haven't played. I've been debating firing up my inquisitor!valerie game again to play that with her but i know the descent recommends a pretty high level and i can't remember how far i got in the story with her (I think i just reached skyhold that last time i played)
so anyway, i've got some decisions to make!
as for what i'm leaning towards playing in veilguard: at this point in time, i'm pretty sure my first rook will be a mage of some kind and lucanis sounds like he was made specifically for me lmao so odds are looking good that'll be my first ship
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rosykims · 3 months
please tell us more about your second worldstate!!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 i'm so intrigued by your ocs and i saw you mentioning playing amell currently
thank u for asking omg !!!! i have 3 worldstates loosely planned out which is a Lot for me since i have a tendency to get deeply (perhaps pathologically) attached to one worldstate and one pc lol. but im being brave abt it !
worldstate 1 is my canon worldstate, and the overarching theme for it is self-mythology/loss of personhood. i wont go into detail since i yap enough abt them already lol but i have elspeth (warrior f!cousland romancing alistair) cillian (a rogue m!hawke romancing anders) and ashara (a mage f!lavellan romancing/redeeming solas) all going into datv head first. my canon datv pc will likely be an elven archer f!rook romancing either davrin or taash hehe <3
second worldstate is all mages and obv thats the main theme i wanna have fun with
lucander amell (he/him, blood mage and spirit healer, romances morrigan) unassuming, distant, and polite and also kind of unnerving. used to being seen as a bad guy and is willing to act accordingly, but otherwise is a pretty decent, honorable man. does morrigan's ritual, kills the archdemon, leaves alistair a grey warden. doesn't become warden commander in awakening bc he goes into hiding from the wardens before they can ask too many questions abt the ritual and why hes still alive. he tracks down morrigan in the hopes of protecting her, and then stays with her and their son after that.
cecilia hawke (she/her, spirit healer mage, romances fenris) a blue!hawke who's sweet and motherly and soft spoken and has an enormous guilt complex/self hate for being a mage lol. carver joins the templars, and she later sides with them in act 3 and kills anders which </3 anyways. she survives here lies the abyss in dai and hopefully goes on to attend biweekly couples therapy with fenris <3
thomasin trevelyan (SOFTEST of launches on that name) (she/her, knight enchanter mage, romances cullen. maybe.) socially adept, politically cunning, with a love for the game and a desire to regain her place within the trevelyan family nobility. sides with the mages, doesn't drink from the well, negotiates a truce between celene/gaspard/briala, pardons the wardens, redeems solas, disbands the inquisition post trespasser. shes a good girl and she's got her head on straight!
might do a qunari f!rook mage to romance taash or davrin for datv! we'll see !
lastly my third worldstate places value on the eluvians so its very elfy or at least elf-adjacent. and also the lineage of ameridan > garahel > maherial and so on. i just think its neat . still VERY much underdeveloped tho so no names yet
f!mahariel, she/her, an archer who romances leliana (prev tamlen :c) who dies killing the archdemon
half elven f!hawke mage, romancing merrill!! she sides with the mages but probably still kills anders :( shaking my head in disgust so u can tell i do not approve of this choice ..........
an m!trevelyan warrior romancing ?????????????? IDK. cass maybe. this is going to be exclusively a 'piss off solas' speedrun so hes siding with the templars, putting gaspard on the throne, doing war crimes, etc. wont be redeeming him i fear </3
i hate to say it. i HATE to say it. but if there's a way for me to make a solasmancing rook for datv i Will find a way in this worldstate for the comedic effect of antagonizing my m!trev. even if its just thru headcanons exclusively lol
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Alike In Sorrow pt. 3
Another piece of whatever this is becoming, this time featuring the LOVE of my LIFE and Kiera's complicated feelings about him.
Words: 1024
Rating: T for oof ouch themes
Additional Tags: i love him your honor, recognition of the self through the young idealist semi-stranger with way too much responsibility, sad bastard warrior Hawke strikes again
     The Inquisitor asks about Anders. Of course he does. He's a mage—a circle boy, and a Marcher to boot—he has to wonder about the man who started it all. The Inquisitor stands on top of a tower in his pretty little mountain keep where the breeze is always fresh and smells like snow and pine, in his white coat with the silver buttons, with his unscarred skin and his careful words, and his haunted fade-green eyes that she recognizes because the color is wrong but she sees them in the mirror every morning, and asks The Champion of Kirkwall about Anders, the mage revolutionary who blew up the chantry. And Hawke wants to tell him the truth, Maker help her. 
     She wants to talk about the kind, careful man with the wicked sense of humor who spent years running a clinic out of Darktown, charging nothing not because he could afford to pay for supplies on his own, but because he knew no one down there had coin to spare, even for the life-threatening stuff. She wants to talk about how much fear had flashed across his face when she'd suggested he come along on the Deep Roads expedition, the way he'd frozen to the spot and one hand had reached instinctively for the pocket of a coat that no longer held a cat and he swallowed hard like he was remembering something that tasted bad. She wants to talk about the hours they'd spent in the Hanged Man and on Gamlen's front porch and eventually in her study, going over drafts of his manifesto, arguing about the fine points till his eyes flashed blue and his voice went all strange and echo-y, ending the discussion and usually causing him to flee for Darktown. 
     She wants to talk about his dry, calloused hands and the way he always smelled like magic, soap, and elfroot, and the days he spent nursing her back to health after the fight with the Arishok. She wants to talk about the weary smile he offered her, and the flimsy excuses about why he'd lost weight or looked like he hadn't slept in days. She wants to talk about how hard he pushed himself, those last few years, always running himself ragged for his cause, anything for the mages still held captive in the Gallows. She wants to talk about how the blue flashing episodes came more frequently after the incident with Ser Alrik, how she could see the his control of his own body growing ever more tenuous, how he fought to keep the spirit or demon or whatever former friend he'd taken on locked down out of sight where it couldn't hurt anyone. She wants to talk about the bullshit story he made up, and how she's not sure whether he actually thought some trumped up nonsense about a Tevinter potion that required drakestone and sela petrae would fool her, or whether he was trying to ask for permission to do what he was going to do anyway. 
     She wants to talk about how he carried his rage in his shoulders, and his sorrow in the weight of his head, and his happiness sparkled like the sun on snow back home in Ferelden. She wants to talk about losing a friend to his cause, and how she'd known and still let him do it. She wants to talk about the way the manic gleam in his eyes had gone quiet and sad in the aftermath of the explosion, the way all the frenetic energy drained out of him and he collapsed like a puppet with the strings cut after he delivered his speech to Meredith and Orsino, how he'd sat on that crate like he was waiting for the executioner's axe, and how she'd told him to get out of her sight. 
     She wants to talk about how he came back, stood by her through the orgy of blood and gore that had been the next few hours. She wants to talk about the incredible comfort that was his magic knitting her skin back together every so often during that awful series of battles, and how he'd been violently sick after they finally brought Orsino's blood magic flesh-puppet down. After, always after everyone was tended to. How he took care of himself last, every single time, like he wasn't a priority worth spending two seconds on. She wants to talk about the quiet voyage. She wants to talk about his black-feathered figure shrinking into the fog off the stern of Isabela's ship, all alone on some barren stretch of coastline that Hawke didn't recognize. 
     But she looks at the Inquisitor, this kid who's been saddled with the weight of the world and she remembers what that feels like, even though for her it was at least half by choice. Hawke thinks about what he needs to hear, and she knows it isn't her churned up feelings about Anders. So she tells him something that sounds pretty, something about the monster Anders tried not to be and the conflict between freedom and security. Varric would be proud of how vague and noncommittal she is. The Inquisitor nods like she's said something profound and wanders off to do whatever he does when he's not sealing rifts or charming the pants off Orlesian nobles. Hawke leans her elbows on the parapet and looks out over the white and gray valley below Skyhold, crossed and criss-crossed by Inquisition army roads, and tries not to think about anything. When that fails, she takes up her sword and goes to find The Iron Bull, who has opinions about the Fereldan Frostback that need correcting. Bull is good people. He understands that sometimes you need to throw yourself at someone stronger just to blow off steam, and it doesn't matter whether or not you win. He's content to trade heavy blows of the padded training swords Inquisitor Trevelyan has started insisting the two of them use, no questions asked. The resulting fight exhausts her enough that when she hauls herself to bed that night, aching in every limb, she drops off to sleep immediately and doesn't dream.
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theluckywizard · 3 months
Trotting the longfic out because hellooooo DA fandom, nice to see you perking up!
My multiship Cullenmance, Hawkemance WIP In the Shattering of Things! My girl Rose Trevelyan is funny and plucky and not real talented but doing her best. She comes a loooong way.
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In the Shattering of Things
WC: (WIP) 405,305 New chapters biweekly Rating: Explicit Ships: f!Trevelyan x Cullen, f!Trevelyan x m!Hawke Summary: Lady Rose Trevelyan's idle, aristocratic life blinks out in a haze of irrelevance when the breach destroys the Conclave. She may be soft and coddled when she joins the Inquisition, but there's a fierceness inside her she's yet to fully recognize. Armed with only a few relevant skills and the mark that makes her a legend, she is thrust onto a path delivering hope where it’s long been scorched away and finds comfort in the grumpy, handsome stick in the mud charged with her protection and training. As she stumbles her way across southern Thedas, she begins to realize she's tangled at the center of machinations she barely understands, and she's not alone in that. Enter Hawke.
Meet the romantic leads and art below the cut 👇
Rose Trevelyan
29 years old, plucky, funny, playful. A weird mix of pragmatic and flights of fancy. Bit of a brat really, but she is trying her best at all times. She's got some rich lady hunting skills, and a bunch of other skills that make her a nice catch in the Marcher marriage market, but other than that? She is learning on the fly. Character quotes:
"Yes and with my eloquence, I’ll be lying face first in my own pile of metaphorical horseshit"
"I was always a terrible Chosen One. The Maker was amusing himself."
"You want– what– a fruit basket? A commemorative mug?"
"This is starting to feel like a can of worms. A really gorgeous can of worms."
"There’s nothing quite like a family with a storied lineage that has managed to squander their wealth. The combination of snobbery and desperation is always a joy to behold."
"You’re a couple dozen smolders away from making me your puppet."
"I believe my dignity was thrown from my body when I crashed into you. I think it’s still out there in the bailey somewhere."
Cullen Rutherford
Does he really need an introduction? I'll skip to quotes.
Character Quotes:
"In the Order people were made to scrub the privy floors for that kind of backtalk"
"Am I to learn that I’ve developed wiles next?"
"Oh, were we planning to assault the palace with undead?"
"You predicated a tactical plan on a joke?"
"Smooth? I’m not the common thief caught breaking into an unlocked door"
“Rylen was entirely too pleased with himself. I’m sure he’ll continue to be so today. It’s insupportable.”
Garrett Hawke:
34, warrior. Silly, chaotic, romantic, consummate big brother who just can't seem to keep away from trouble. Deep pool of guilt and sadness beneath his affable, goofy exterior. He just wants a chance to fix things he unwittingly helped break.
Character Quotes:
"Let’s do that again. Backward and inside out."
"Well fuck them. Elegantly. With a crystal goblet."
"I dedicated myself to that place. To the refugees. To the people who needed someone when the law was failing them. I never hid behind a desk and pretended to care while innocent mages were made tranquil on the whims of some clown before his first lyrium hit of the day."
"I only ever wanted two things— I wanted to help. And I wanted to be entertained. And I never seemed to learn my lesson."
"You smell like pie. Or those ginger biscuits from Starkhaven that come in those little tins. Shockingly edible. Was that on purpose?"
"You seem worried about my influence. What could I possibly say to her? Don’t be an arse nugget? Don’t forget all the collateral you could squash as you steamroll ahead?"
Read the fic here!
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Art by me! 👆
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Art by ExaltedDawn 👆
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Art by me!
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Art by me 👆
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Art by me 👆
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datcloudboi · 2 years
List of video games turning 20 years old in 2023:
Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising
Alien Versus Predator: Extinction
Amplitude (an early rhythm game from Harmonix, the creators of Rock Band)
Ape Escape 2
Aquaman: Battle for Atlantis (the Superman 64 for Aquaman)
Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits
Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge
Batman: Dark Tomorrow (the Superman 64 for Batman)
Beyond Good and Evil
Bloody Roar 4 (the last game in the series to release)
Boktai: The Sun is in Your Hand (a very unique action RPG from Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima)
Brute Force
Call of Duty (the very first one)
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge
Dark Cloud 2
Deus Ex: Invisible War
Devil May Cry 2
Dino Crisis 3 (C'mon, Capcom, do another one)
Disaster Report
Disgaea: Hour of Darkness
Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II
Drake of the 99 Dragons
Dynasty Warriors 4
Enter the Matrix
Eve Online
Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (my personal favorite TRPG)
Final Fantasy X-2
Final Fantasy XI Online (in the States. Also the first MMO in the series)
Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade (the first Fire Emblem game to release in the States)
Freedom Fighters
F-Zero GX
The Getaway
Golden Sun: The Lost Age
Grabbed by the Ghoulies (the first game developed by Rare after being acquired by Xbox)
.hack//Outbreak (yep, three .hack games were released in a single year)
Homeworld 2
Ikaruga (the most video game-ass video game that ever video game'd)
Jak II
Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis
Kirby: Air Ride
Legacy of Kain: Defiance (the last game in the series to release)
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Lost Kingdoms II
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour
Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
Mario Party 5
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne
Medal of Honor: Rising Sun
Mega Man & Bass (was originally a Sega Saturn exclusive that only released in Japan. It released over in the States on the GBA.)
Mega Man Battle Network 3
Mega Man X7
Mega Man Zero 2
Metal Arms: Glitch in the System
Midnight Club II
Need for Speed: Underground
Otogi: Myth of Demons (an early SoulsBorne-like game from From Software)
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire (in the States)
Postal 2
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando
Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc
Rise of Nations
Robocop (the Superman 64 for Robocop)
Silent Hill 3
The Simpsons: Hit & Run
Sonic Advance 2
SoulCalibur II (the console versions)
Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy
Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom
Star Wars: Galaxies
Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 (a remake of Super Mario Bros. 3 for the GBA)
Tak and the Power of Juju
1080° Avalanche
Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven
Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness
Tony Hawk’s Underground
Toontown Online
True Crime: Streets of LA (Activision's attempt at a GTA clone)
Unlimited SaGa
Unreal II: The Awakening
Viewtiful Joe
Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution
Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (the last Warcraft game before WoW)
Wario World
WarioWare, Inc.: Mega MicroGame$!
Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht (The Will to Power)
Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner
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v-arbellanaris · 2 years
I think if Bethany and Carver both lived, Carver would be a Menace about Bethany's crush on Sebastian, and yet be less cranky about her autonomy in that situation. Like, with f!Hawke, she basically has to call him off. With Bethany, for one reason or another, I think he trusts her more than Marian to make good decisions.
That being said, can you Imagine?
HMMMMM idk if i would go with this. i think one underrated aspect of carver and hawke's relationship in canon is that he's the warrior and hawke is the mage, and he constantly feels like he has to protect hawke - and he is very protective of a mage!hawke. i can't imagine he'd be less protective over bethany - if anything, i imagine he'd be worse about it.
BUT this is what im imagining
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he can't win either way!!! bonus content:
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Have you ever heard of Blodeuwedd? A not-woman from the High Medieval Welsh stories, The Four Branches of the Mabinogi or The Mabinogion. Blodeuwedd (Rhaenyra or Alys) was made from oak, broom and meadowsweet for Lleu Llaw (Daemon) warrior, magician and future king who’s tynged - fate, destiny - cursed on him by his mother was to never take a human wife (Targaryen incest). Foreseeably Blodeuwedd took a lover (Aemond or Myseria). To kill her husband they needed a net (Harrenhal itself), a black goat, a cauldron (Alys’ weirwood paste), a spear forged during Mass for one whole year (Valyrian steel) and he needed to be by a river (the God’s Eye). Lleu Llaw survived the attempt and killed Blodeuwedd’s lover. Blodeuwedd was turned into an owl, forced to be nocturnal “for it shall be [all other bird's] nature to attack thee, and to chase thee from wheresoever they may find thee (79).”
Alys and Rhaenyra exist outside of normal humanity and therefore human womanhood. Rhaenyra is a dragon rider and a Targaryen, closer to a god than a man, the mother of a draconic stillborn and if you believe the theory Targaryens mated with dragons, then closer to an animal as well (non-derogatory). Alys is a witch, a warg and a greenseer, both closer to a god, by way of the weirwoods, and an animal by way of her owl and especially because of the owl "Birds were the worst, to hear [Haggon] tell it….’Spend too much time in the clouds and you never want to come back down again. I know skinchangers who've tried hawks, owls, ravens. Even in their own skins, they sit moony, staring up at the bloody blue.’ (Dance of the Dragons).”
Daemon’s entire Harrenhal plot line is about dissecting his psyche and nightmares seeping into the day to hamper his attempt to make himself king. He’s forced to confront the “tynged” of victimisation by and perpetuation of the Targaryen cycle of incest - he currently cannot love or wed a human woman. In F&B his named partners when he takes Harrenhal are all visibly Valyrian and two are close relatives. After purging it in Harrenhal he takes the possibly (probably) non-Valyrian Nettles as a lover, presuming she shows up in the show and/or book Daemon had a similar experience to show Daemon. His closest shown non-familial or romantic relationship in HOTD is with Alys. Daemon struggles to see Rhaenyra and Alys for who they are even when they and Harrenhal tells him directly. He is no longer Rhaenyra’s god and she is not his priestess; she is no longer made for him. Alys’ first line is the harbinger of his death yet he treats her as a confidant and a subordinate; she is closer to a malevolent god, ready to turn on him with her lover when the time comes.
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dolores-slay · 1 year
F!Handers with warrior Hawke will always be so #real to me because he deserves being princess carried by a zweihander swinging bisexual woman in hulking armor and she deserves having pieces of her armor gently removed and her broken bones fussed over by a healer's gentle hands as he gives her a stern but caring piece of his mind over running face first into danger yet again.
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antlermoss · 8 months
I wanted to try my hand at a warrior OC generator. This one is pretty long, user beware! If you end up drawing or using them, please tag me, I would love to see them.
Welcome to the Beyond, friend, where souls are created and sent to the world below. It’s time to begin a new incarnation.
We’ll start with their name. Choose the first letter of your chosen name.
A - Antler
B - Bee
C - Coyote
D - Deer
E - Egret
F - Ferret
G - Golden
H - Hawthorn
I - Indigo
J - Jackdaw
K - Kite
L - Lily
M - Mossy
N - Newt
O - Oleander
P - Pine
Q - Quail
R - Robin
S - Silk
T - Tansy
U - Umber
V - Viper
W - Wolf
X - Ox
Y - Yarrow
Z - Zinnia
Good, this will be the cat’s prefix. Next, let’s choose their appearance. Choose your favorite season, then the month of your creation. (Up for interpretation, your birthday or any other date important to your identity.)
January - White and Gray
February - White and Cream
March - Lilac
April - Fawn
May - Cinnamon
June - Ivory
July - Sand
August - Orange and white
September - Silver gray
October - Warm gray
November - Cool gray
December - White
January - Chestnut
February - Ash
March - Mahogany
April - Orange
May - Golden
June - Pale yellow
July - Gray and cream
August - Amber
September - Bronze
October - Copper
November - Fiery orange
December - White and yellow
January - Taupe
February - Warm black
March - Copper
April - Bronze
May - Mahogany
June - Pine
July - Russet
August - Brown and orange
September - Black and cream
October - Orange and black
November - Black and White
December - Cool black
January - Black and White
February - Cool silver
March - Stony blue
April - Lilac
May - Black and gray
June - Blue
July - Dark blue
August - Dark gray
September - Warm silver
October - Steely gray
November - White
December - Black
This will be their pelt color.
Next, Look to the skies. They will inform the cat's eye color.
Cloudy - Pale green
Sunny - Amber
Raining - Bright green
Storming - Vibrant yellow
Snowing - Blue
Sleet - Blue-gray
Foggy - Icy blue
Windy - Hazel
Raining while Sunny - One blue eye, one yellow.
Which temperature are you most comfortable at? This will determine the cat's coat length.
0 to 15 °C - Long fur
16 to 25 °C - Medium fur
26 to 37 °C - Short fur
The soul now has a body. It is time for its fate to be decided. The sky will inform your decision once more, look to the moon.
New moon - Healer - This cat will heal their clanmates
Crescent moon - Hunter - This cat will keep the clan well-fed and fight when necessary
Quarter moon - Camp keeper - This cat maintains the camp and cares for the kits
Gibbous moon - Warrior - This cat defends the borders and their clanmates
Full moon - Leader - This cat will lead the clan
Meteor Shower - Gifted - This cat is gifted with a strange ability from Starclan.
Hm? You wish to know of the position of "Deputy"? Fate cares not who holds that title if they are not to become a leader. Your cat is now Ambitious.
A cat's destiny informs the suffix chosen. Roll a D12 and choose the suffix from the corresponding fate.
1 - Petal
2 - Leaf
3 - Stem
4 - Shade
5 - Pool
6 - Moon
7 - Cloud
8 - Mist
9 - Bark
10 - Web
11 - Rain
12 - Stalk
1 - Feather
2 - Flight
3 - Shade
4 - Fall
5 - Leap
6 - Shadow
7 - Eye
8 - Ear
9 - Splash
10 - Spring
11 - Tail
12 - Wind
1 - Claw
2 - Fang
3 - Burn
4 - Flame
5 - Storm
6 -Hawk
7 - Tooth
8 - Jaw
9 - Bite
10 - Blaze
11 - Scar
12 - Howl
Camp Keeper
1 - Mask
2 - Tuft
3 - Down
4 - Belly
5 - Heart
6 - Flower
7 - Patch
8 - Light
9 - Fern
10 - Mane
11 - Dapple
12 - Muzzle
*Leader's suffix is Star, but may vary by region.
1 - Wish
2 - Sight
3 - Wing
4 - Frost
5 - Song
6 - Dream
7 - Dusk
8 - Dawn
9 - Omen
10 - Spark
11 - Moon
12 - Hollow
The soul is almost ready. Roll a D20 to determine at least one characteristic. You may roll up to three times, and reroll once.
1 - Six Toed
2 - Ear Tufts
3 - Deaf
4 - Long Claws
5 - Rosettes
6 - Stripes
7 - Twisted Paw
8 - Patchy Fur
9 - Excellent Listener
10 - Stalks Silently
11 - Blindness
12 - Three Legged
13 - Exposed Fangs
14 - Excellent Swimmer
15 - Beautiful
16 - Became a Healer despite destiny
17 - Became a Warrior despite destiny
18 - Became Leader despite destiny
19 - Clumsy
20 - Bobbed Tail
The soul is ready. Place them in the clan that suits them best, be it in the Lake territories or elsewhere. Their story is in your hands now.
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