#f1 Miami
itsjml · 2 months
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powers-of-killjoy · 2 months
You guys don't understand what seeing Danny at P4 live feels like. The joy is all encompassing. I have full brain rot. Here is a potato pic from practice earlier.
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loveyougoodbi · 2 months
Miami unserious race overview
Hello and welcome back. We have another interesting race behind us. My thought on each team and driver under the cut as always.
1. Red Bull
I cant believe I'm saying this but Max lost on lack of pace. This is both good news and bad news to me. Good news because the Red Bull is within reach to the rest of the grid and we might get a possible lestappen fight in the future and bad news because my Maxie lost 😭. But it's OK he's gonna win the next one (if Charles let's him he he)
And it looks like red bull got the setup wrong for this race (they applied for a change that was not approved under Parc Ferme) so I'm not too scared. And by the looks of it neither was Max.
At one point Perez had such a bad pace I was like WHAT is wrong with the Red Bull??? It's insane. I'm starting to like Checo again so I don't want him to flop too hard. But alas.. it's Checo. But please please for the love of good be good enough to keep Daniel in the midfield. 🙏
2. Ferrari
Charles was amazing once again all weekend. That's my perfect driver. He did everything right except for that spin but he controlled amazing there too. I just love him so much ok? OK. And he didn't seem too dissapointed with his pace compared to McLaren either maybe because they could keep up with them on similar tyre life's without upgrades. So those coking upgrades must be good if he is this nonchalant to losing to Lando. Like I said, both Charles and Max seemed pretty unaffected but maybe that was just them in the moment being happy for their friend. No way to tell.
Anti Carlos rant and thoughts on the rest of the grid below the cut
Carlos was horrible. Honestly just all in all a really bad performance from him. Please let us start acknowledging this. First he could not pass Daniel in the sprint, then in the race the first thing he does again is attack Charles instead of defend against Perez. Which lead to Perez barging in and almost taking both of them out. He was extremely lucky that didnt happen. Then he kept whining on the radio about how he is faster (he was 0.029 faster for god's sake). And one point when he lost the DRS he wanted a switch which was exactly when he saw he was losing pace and he needed something to happen for him to be in front. Then I don't even want to talk about the fight with Piastri. That was just embarrassing, both from a on track battle perspective and a horrible whiny human being perspective. No skill no personality nothing. I honestly don't remember him being in a battle with someone and not making contact in recent races. And then this same person goes and blames everyone but himself. And not only that, he's saying he had the win???? Honey, Lando would have passed you in half a lap if you hadn't pitted, what are you on about? What win? I wish to be this delusional one day.
Carlos rant over moving on to the man of the hour:
3. McLaren
Lando finally got the win! Yay. Kinda a lot of mixed feelings about this one. I don't want Lando to do good but I am happy that a man who has worked his entire life and has faced disappointment after disappointment is getting to have this moment. And I believe in good karma and positive attitude so I will not be a bitter hater on this one. Congrats Lando and Lando fans. And I am counting this as a win, the safety car helped him but he is not the first nor last to be helped this way, however he drove beautifully after that and deserved the place. Max and Charles fell behind on pace significantly and very fast (albeit Charles was on significantly older tyres).
I am so sorry for Oscar. He used the situation at the start then was really fast and kept both ferraris at bay for too long. All that without the full upgrade package. Really really good performance. He was my driver of the day. Not to mention he had the hardest job yesterday - having to deal with Carlos. Imagine if ferrari didn't decide to pit him first.. I cant even think about it honestly I might go crazy. Can't wait to see what he can do with all the upgrades in Imola.
4. Mercedes
They were fighting Haas all weekend. Toto should stop yapping about Max and resign once and for all.
5. RB
I think RB only have one working car but are not telling anyone. One race Daniel suddenly remembers how to drive the next one its Yuki. They switch the one working car they have each race and no k e can convince me otherwise. (Real talk tho Daniel being p20 3 hours after he got p4 in the sprint is extremely hilarious)
6. Aston Martin
They were racing? The only time I saw Strolls name was when he drove into Lando in the sprint (not his fault this time). I honestly have nothing else to say..
7. Haas
MY NEW FAVORITE TEAM!!!! They are so funny but they are gaining points from it. They provide entertainment on and off track AND they are climbing up the standings. How fucking amazing. Kevin Magnussen you beast. You my man represent what f1 should be about - unhinged chaos. He came he collected 1 minute worth of penalties he finished last. But did we have fun? We sure did. Did Lando win? He fucking won. Did Logan DNF? Unfortunately there has to be a victim here. And he has 2 penalty points left to spare before Ollie makes a comeback and with this track record I think we are about to see Ollie in Monaco. Kevin the fairy godmother of f1. Giving everyone what they want in the most entertaining way possible. Did I mentioned how much I love him? Yeah I do!
8. Alpine
Alpine got a point!!!! Another sentence I didn't think I'd be writing this soon. Good for them. I don't know if it is still only Esteban with the upgrades but it seems like it. Either way this is promising and I'm happy for them. They did that for Travis btw. If you even care.
9. Williams
I feel so sorry for Logan. I feel like I say that way too often but it's the truth this season. Poor guy. The latest victim of the Magnussen tornado. Who Will it get next week? My guess is Perez.
10. Sauber
Idk if anyone noticed but Zhou made it an insane amount if laps on a soft tyre. The last time j checked was 5 6 laps to the end and he was on lap 23 on softs. That's impressive. He probably didn't want to risk losing 50 seconds In the pits again poor guy. Other than that they need to do better. Good job to Zhou tho.
This was my lo gest overview to date I think but im happy with this race and how everything went.
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babygirl-of-sadness · 1 month
Guys im interested in f1 cause of handsome man but i wanna understand what the fuck is happening on the race too can someone explain? No mansplaining tho im too sensitive for that shit😔
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courtorkourt · 6 days
f1 men are so fine
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mafiosaseries · 2 months
🧡Lando Norris is a Formula 1 Winner 🧡
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amorettopedri · 2 months
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scrambleddeggs · 2 months
why is carlos so obsessed with beefing with a fucking 23 year old
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carries-country-club · 2 months
trump in the mclaren garage
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WTF, this weekend just keeps getting worse. I was never a McLaren stan but I unfollowed them on everything. What happened to "no political statements"? Is a man on a campaign trail (and on trial) not political somehow.
Not even joking I'm considering not watching the race now.
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veyoux · 1 year
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reigningcrane · 2 months
on par with fergie....
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powers-of-killjoy · 2 months
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Soooooo, love my seats...
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hollandwhore · 2 months
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blueballsracing · 2 months
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Lando Norris | 2024 Miami Grand Prix  🎥: F1TV (May 5th, 2024)
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countingstars-17 · 2 months
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CHARLES LECLERC in the Ferrari garage
FP1, Miami GP 2024
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lestappenforever · 2 months
Lestappen teaming up against McLaren.
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