onboardsorasora · 8 months
F1 Flufftober - Day 25 Love Letters
Please don't judge me for doing these out of order lol (thanks @arturleclerc and @danielverstappen for the little push) (edit to say that this is also the same universe as this and this as well)
Max dragged himself into the entryway, allowing the front door to snap closed behind him. He left his luggage by the door, he would get to it later.
The cats wandered forward, welcoming him home from his long time away. He'd been out on a triple header and was glad to be home. He wanted to throw himself on the couch and stroke his cats and get forehead kisses from his boyfriend.
Who wasn't home.
Max grumbled to himself, standing with Jimmy in his arms and walking further into their home. He was tired and Daniel wasn't home because he was back at the factory. He'd be back in a few days because this was an unfortunate overlap of their travel schedules while Daniel was back off the grid. 
Stupid metacarpal, who needed those bones anyway??
Throwing himself on the couch as initially planned Max's brow furrowed as he heard the crinkle of paper beneath his head. Shifting quickly, he spied a square of yellow paper – a post it note. Odd.
Grabbing the out of place stationary, he recognized Daniel's looping handwriting.
You amaze me every day.
Max smiled softly, rereading the words and imprinting them on his brain. He reached over to stick it on the coffee table, fully intending to take it into the bedroom and preserve it in some way. He stopped short when he saw another sticky note attached to his controller.
Never forget how special you are.
Max tucked his head to his neck, feeling the blush bloom on his cheeks. He took a picture of both and texted them off to Daniel with a message that he was home.
Oh, you haven't found them all😸
Max paused…all? He stood quickly from the couch and gave the living, dining and kitchen areas a glance over and noticed at least two more sticky notes. 
He would never admit to how quickly he rushed over to grab both notes. Not on Jimmy or Sassy's life. But his stomach swooped, eyes roving over the messages.
Never forget how proud of you I am
I will always love you 
Max walked dazedly into their bedroom, collecting a few more notes of love, respect and adoration from Daniel. He felt overwhelmed with love for his boyfriend. Wanting nothing more than to lay on top of him and kiss him soundly.
But he couldn't. Because Daniel wasn't here. 
So instead, he padded to his sim room and plopped ungainly into the chair. There was one last note– he combed the flat and found no more. And his heart flipped, wondering just what else he would find.
He was completely overflowing with affection for Daniel. And he currently didn't have an outlet for it. He'd texted again but Daniel was back in the sim so he wouldn't be getting an answer any time soon. 
Grabbing the last note that was hanging innocently from his overhead screen, Max let out a choked laugh. 
The kind that happened when Daniel said something unexpected in their old PR videos. The kind that cracks his face open in joy. Max folded over, his boisterous laugh calling the cats in curiously. 
Max truly loved his boyfriend. He loved that man with his whole being and he couldn't wait for him to get home.
We're out of
Hand soap for the guest bathroom 
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lil-shiro · 8 months
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The Worst Way to Love Someone is Quietly
George Russell/Lance Stroll ✧ 6.6K ✧ Rated M (mature)
At 18, George severed the soul bond before it could fully form, leaving Lance to live with the consequences.
Written for F1 Flufftober 2023 - Day 18: Red String of Fate
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garnetaldebaran · 8 months
Graphic for @formulaonekinkmeme Flufftober - Day 13 - Almost Kiss
Fifteen years together in F1, winning everything and getting records. Nothing felt out of reach, except each other's heart.
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msmirrorball21 · 9 months
F1 fan fiction (driver x driver current grid) - Galex
The perfect guy he saw every morning during the bus ride | read on Ao3 | Archive Locked
George/Alex, teen and up, one-shot
This is part of the F1 FLUFFTOBER 2023 by @formulaonekinkmeme
Day 03: Meet Cute - FLUFFTOBER- Formula One Kinkmeme "Another good reason for him to take the bus, is the handsomest guy ever, who, every morning without fail, two stops after his, hops onto the bus with a cheery smile and a gentle ‘good morning’."
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onboardsorasora · 9 months
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My attempt at Fluftober Day 1. Does this even count as forced proximity?
Part 1 | Part 22 | Part 24
Part 23
The cabin was quiet save for the hum of the engine and Michaels soft snores. Daniel got up the go to the bathroom, making a beeline for the stewardess’ alcove once he was out of Max’s sight.
“Yeah?” He whispered and she smiled up at him, she had been the one to call his attention in the first place.
“Yes sir. We just crossed over the international date line. It is officially Sept 30th.” She pointed to the small screen that showed a map and tracked the flight data.
“Ace, thank you Mara.” He’d had the idea after the travel plans had been confirmed and Daniel realized they wouldn’t be able to celebrate Max’s birthday like they had originally planned. Max had waved it off, saying that he didn’t mind. But Daniel felt terrible– his family were big on birthdays and more often than not, your birthday was considered a personal holiday.
There wasn’t much they could do, they couldn’t have a party on the plane because Daniel was going into the quickest training camp turnaround he’s ever been in the moment they landed.
Mara reached into a cupboard and removed a small to go container from what appeared to be a mini fridge. She grasped a plate and Daniel helped her transfer the small pastry from the travel container and put a single candle on it. They couldn’t light it, of course, but Daniel hoped the thought counted.
Thanking Mara once more, he grabbed two forks and the plate and made his way carefully back to Max who looked up curiously as he approached.
“Happy Birthday Maxy.” Daniel whispered, retaking his seat. Max made a happy noise of surprise and Daniel sagged in his seat in relief. Job well done.
“Daniel–” Max smiled widely, thoroughly surprised and more than a little touched. He smiled fondly at his boyfriend who gazed at him with hearts in his eyes. “Thank you, Daniel.” Max said simply, unable and unwilling to stop smiling.
“I love you.” Daniel pressed their lips together in a chaste kiss, then leaned back in for three more– greedily.
“I love you too.”
“Now…you have to make a wish, pretend there’s a flame and blow out your candle.” Daniel instructed with a smile, Max snorted but listened anyway because his boyfriend gave him the ‘I’m serious’ eyebrow raise. So Max did; he grabbed one of Daniel’s hands, closed his eyes and made a wish. Then he ‘blew out’ his candle.
He was happy, he had everything he wanted. His boyfriend was healthy, their friends were happy and he was on the cusp of becoming a three times world champion. Daniel was going to play this weekend and remember that he still had it and was still the world number 1.
Pulling Daniel’s face to his, Max sealed his wish with a kiss. 
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