klaineccfanficlibrary · 4 months
Second Chances
Author: fablewriter
Rating: M
Status: Completed in April 2015
Word Count: 120,727
Summary: After a heart-breaking decision, Kurt and his daughter, Tabitha, move back to Lima Ohio to live with his parents. Kurt keeps focus on a future for his daughter, even if that means working in the garage with his father again. But when a friend and customer of Burt's, Blaine Anderson, comes into Kurt's life, Kurt starts to wonder if maybe, just maybe, his family will have a second chance at happiness.
Tropes/Genre: daddy!Kurt, age!gap, badboy!Blaine, AU
Read at: [PDF]
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thatmooncake · 2 years
Okay here’s my unnamed sleep-deprived songfic about singing Moon a lullaby - enjoy!
It’s late at night.
Still early by your standards, but you’re cuddled up with a Sun plush in your arms and pretending to sleep nonetheless.
Unfortunately for you, the long creature propped up at the end of your bed isn’t buying it.
He blinks once, and then again. A stream of red flickers into your vision momentarily as you realise you forgot to keep your eyes closed, and the jig is up.
Moon huffs, prickly and uncertain, swooping closer to tuck you in more tightly, as though that might help still you whether through magically delivering you to dreamland in a comfy cozy nest of a duvet or simply cutting your life short.
You snort as his fingers brush tentatively past your neck as he’s smoothing the duvet, and he flinches back with a squeaky sound as though he’s just pressed them to a hot stove.
“Moon?” You venture blearily. His eyes narrow, but his hands are clasped as he hears you out.
And you go for it.
“Sing me a lullaby.”
The tiniest rasping wheeze escapes him for a moment, then he clamps his hands over his mouth as though to silence the sound.
“Voice box is broken.” He rattles, and you don’t have the heart to sit back up and ruin the tight burrito he’s wrapped you into over the course of several attempts, but now you’re curious.
And being curious is not conducive to getting a good night’s sleep.
“It doesn’t need to be-“
“Shh!” He hisses, jerking forward suddenly like a Jack-in-the-box someone wound up too tightly.
You shuffle back at that, arms bursting out of the now decidedly spilled bed burrito, and you catch him stiffening up, mouth twitching as you grab blindly for the Sun plush you nearly dropped, failing to tear your eyes from the unwavering flash of red.
The room is every bit as still and silent as Moon seems to want it to be for a few short seconds, but you’re staring each other down now, and the air is still caught in your throat.
“Okay, no lullabies tonight, that’s fine by me.” You blurt out, finding your breath just in time to hear the scrapey sound escape him like a little choked gasp, and look up to see him still frozen in mid motion, his eyes flickering between your face, your body, the foot of the bed, and then to the door.
You reach up towards him just a fraction, but the words aren’t coming.
“Alright, well,” You feel around for a sentence you can string together, landing on another idea. “What if I do the singing?”
He looks at you with an unreadable expression.
Then he slouches back ever so slightly from where he was just poised to grab you, gently taking one of his wrists in the other hand and sitting in an almost …attentive way.
He doesn’t say a word, but offers a raspy squeak of support in your general direction instead.
You’re slightly unnerved for an altogether different reason now.
“Okay, just …” You suck in another breath. “Don’t expect too much.”
And it hits you at this moment how you can’t seem to remember a single lullaby off the top of your head. Reaching through the hazy recesses of your mind, finding one you don’t feel embarrassed to start singing out of the blue feels like an even harder ask, and you feel a new level of sympathy for Moon start to kick in.
How did he do this?
With that in mind, you abruptly settle on a song that embarrassingly came to you as you broke eye contact and the pattern on his clothes became apparent, uncomfortably humming and mumbling the first few words, impressed to find him still watching and waiting for more.
“Hmmhm hmhmm little star …”
He hasn’t stopped leaning forward yet, but the softest whirr escapes him as he picks up the barely audible tune.
“How I wonder what you are …”
Then you start to find your voice, the words soft but at least fully formed and enunciated now, and when you dare to look back at your audience of one again you notice him padding back ever so softly towards the little spot he’s claimed for himself at the foot of the bed, no longer staring you down and poised like a gargoyle but now flattening down the sheets around him as though that was his true reason for returning to his perch.
“Up above the world so high …”
And you hear the faintest, softest, tuneful buzz start to sound from his direction as he does so.
“Like a diamond in the sky …”
It sounds halfway between a tune you don’t think you’ve ever caught the sound of before, and what you’re certain is some sort of purr.
Was Moon purring?
“Twinkle, twinkle, little star …”
You keep going, determined to hear more of the sound before he catches himself. And he spins like a little lost puppy at the end of the bedsheets, circling a couple of times before curling up in a neat lunar lump.
“How I wonder what you are …”
You almost stop then - you’re running out of song, and you’ve never seen him settle down in a spot so quickly, if at all while he’s been watching you. But he’s trying to find the tune himself now, voice cracked and whispery at first. Then he’s humming.
Then he’s purring.
A silky, crackly sound emerges as he softly begins to fill in the blanks.
“When the blazing sun …is gone …”
You hope you don’t slip up on the new words, but Moon doesn’t seem to mind, and you find yourself cozying back down to where you’d once been - duvet not as tightly wrapped around you, but the warmth and the cuddle of the Sun plush still inviting as ever, and the pillow silky soft as you had been hoping for.
“When he …nothing shines upon …”
And you notice at some point that his words are slowing. He’s humming once more. Or perhaps you are.
“Then you show your little light …Twinkle, twinkle, through the night …”
The flicker of red from the foot of the bed dims fractionally, and your eyes begin to close to the sound of soft snuffles and whirring, and a half-dazed tune you both seem to be making up at this point.
The tiniest shimmer of blue light fades on the the duvet as your eyes close, and the Moon purrs:
“Good night, little star.”
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Author Spotlight: lilyvandersteen day 4
This is honestly one of the finest rec lists because it’s thematic. I couldn’t make all of the authors tag so have tried to list them in the tags too
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Day 4: Recs!
Ooooh… I LOVE reccing fics! Only five, though? All right, then… 
I’ll try and stay off the beaten path for this. It would be easy enough to mention one of the classics by @anxioussquirrel, @chazzam​ , @mrscriss2012, @zavocado​, @missbeizy , @nadiacreek​, @heartsmadeofbooks​ or Rainjoy, but you already know and love those stories, so what’s the point?
 1.      One of our fandom’s most original and imaginative writers is @sunshineoptimismandangels​. I love her stories. She can take an age-old trope and completely turn it upside down and inside out. I love her take on Kurt and Blaine, and she writes Cooper so well, too. The fic of hers I’m going to rec is Missing Pieces. I’m not going to spoil the plot for you. All I’ll say is that I’ve read and re-read this story countless times, and it never fails to move me. Absolute must-read!
"Why did those men think we were gross?" he asked. "What did we do wrong?"
"Nothing," Kurt said, turning in his seat to face B. "We didn't do anything wrong. Some people just don't like to see two men together."
"But… They were all men and together."
"Yes, but they thought we were on a date, and they don't like gay people."
"They don't like people just because they are gay?"
Kurt sighed. He hated that this was something B had to learn about the world. "Yes."
"People are scared of things they don't understand," B said, remembering the words Kurt had told him before.
"Yeah, and sometimes people don't want to understand."
B was quiet for a moment and Kurt watched him closely, trying to determine what he was thinking. Slowly, a smile grew on B's lips.
"They thought we were on a date?"
Kurt rolled his eyes and laughed. "That's what you got from what just happened?"
B shrugged and smiled. "I don't mind people thinking we were on a date."
 2.      I’m a fluff writer, and I also love to read fluff. Nothing brings me more joy than waking up to a new story by @hazelandglasz​, @whatstheproblembaby​, @a-simple-rainbow, @chatterboxrose​, @sir-pyllero​, @notthetoothfairy​, @skivvysupreme or @fablewriter . They never fail to make me smile and they improve my mood a thousand-fold. If you’re fever feeling blue, I encourage you to look up these authors on AO3 and read some of their offerings – it will make you feel happier in no time.
The piece of fluff I’m going to rec here, though, is a wonderful cross-over between Glee and Enchanted called That’s How You Know, and written by the lovely @afterthenovels . It’s still a WIP, but there’s more than enough of it to capture your attention, and there’s no cliffhanger that will make you count the days until we get the next chapter. And oh, I love this story SO much. Kurt and Blaine are so sweet and shy and oblivious, and they complement each other so well. *Happy sigh* Read it, you’ll LOVE it, that’s a guarantee.
Blaine steps closer as quietly as he can, but Kurt doesn’t even stir, his eyelashes fanned out over his cheeks as he sleeps. He looks... younger. Less like a prince and more like a regular man.
“I guess you really were tired,” Blaine says quietly.
He unfolds the blanket in his arms and spreads it carefully over Kurt’s body, making sure it covers him from neck to toe. Kurt shifts in his sleep, huddling closer to the warmth and letting out a pleased hum, his lips curling into a small smile, and Blaine can’t help the smile that spreads over his own face.
His hair is a mess, he has no idea where his boyfriend is or why he missed their date tonight, his best friend is worried about his love life, and there’s a strange man sleeping on his couch, looking surprisingly at home for someone who’s clearly very far away from home.
Yeah. Maybe he can deal with all of this tomorrow.
 3.      Much as I hate scary movies, I love to read scary stories once in a while. Ghosts and vampires and djinns and the like stirring up no end of trouble. I’m reading a delightfully eerie nail-biter right now called Callaway Place (also by @sunshineoptimismandangels), but the story I’m going to recommend here is All the Beautiful Pieces by @lady-divine-writes​. Once again, it’s a WIP, but I hope you won’t let that scare you off, because this story has everything to keep you spell-bound: a house with a dark past, voodoo magic, a protagonist with second sight, and a sweet love story between Kurt and Blaine, because of course they find each other and fall in love in spite of all the craziness surrounding them.
Blaine slips a hand beneath the puppet’s shoulder and another behind his head, lifting him ever so gently and relocating him the final distance.
“Just a few more inches,” Blaine says in a soothing voice, “and we’ll wrap you up and put you in the box.” Blaine gazes at the puppet’s face, into his single good eye. He smiles wider as he lays the puppet on the blanket, but his hand beneath the puppet’s head starts to feel warm. It begins at a spot in the center of Blaine’s palm and radiates like a single ray of golden sunshine. It’s liquid heat, pouring into his veins, shooting out to his fingers, filling his body up like a cup of cocoa on a cold winter’s day.
His eyes are open, his mind awake, but the haze returns. It obscures his vision in a veil of white mist. It drifts in front of his eyes. He can only peek through in random spots where it thins, revealing shimmering images that disappear like the dreams you hold on to in those seconds right before you wake.
“Can you feel that?” Blaine hears his own voice whispering inside his head.
“I do,” another voice replies. It’s high and lilting, pure as silk and singing in his ears.
“What does it feel like?” 
“It feels like…like summer all over my body…”
Blaine laughs, pressing his lips to cool skin. “And what else?”
A giggle answers him in that same musical voice. “It feels like…”
The voice gasps, and Blaine feels his body tighten.
“It feels like you,” the voice whimpers breathlessly. “Everything is you…all around me…it’s you…”
Blaine closes his eyes as the world collapses in on him. Behind his eyelids he can see another set of eyes gazing back at him – perfect blue eyes, patient blue eyes, loving blue eyes that shift to grey and glimmer like rare jewels. Quivering pink lips smile at him, part, and then whisper a single, blissfully choked-off word.
 4.      I much admire writers who can make their readers laugh their heads off. So the fourth fic I’m going to recommend is a very funny one. In this category, honourable mentions go to @skivvysupreme’s Drunk Kurt fics, Sexy101 by Sweet Emii, Seduction & Straight For A Week by @Crazy4Klaine and When you read my mind by @alexwishington​. But the story I’m choosing to spotlight is called Teenage dreams and movie scenes, and it’s written by @saraklaine100​. Both Kurt and Blaine are famous in this fic, and Kurt has a huge crush on Blaine, so his best friends corner Blaine until he agrees to meet Kurt. Cue a very embarrassed Kurt, and an instantly smitten Blaine. This story is amazing. Guaranteed to cheer you up however blue you’re feeling.
 Kurt was working on autopilot. He had no conscious decision to outstretch his hand or the time to process it. He just stared at those hazel eyes he found so fascinating one moment and the next he could feel Blaine's warm hand squeezing his own. He felt prickles all over his skin. Well, up until the moment James and Oliver clasped their hands and all but yelled "We now pronounce you Kurt Hummel and his teenage dream" and Kurt facepalmed at this, ripping his hand away from Blaine's hold.
 "Get the fuck out" Kurt hissed at his friends and they knew better than to stay. They patted Blaine's shoulder like he's an old friend, still smiling and he could swear he heard Sean say "Condoms are under the sink" before they left.
 Kurt was still craning his face in his hands. "Please just leave" he said. "Just...Look, I'm gonna keep my face covered and you can just run away and you can pretend this never happened. Send me the bill from therapy. "
 5.      And of course my fic rec list wouldn’t be complete without a smutty fic rec. It’s so difficult to narrow this down to just one fic. Some authors you should definitely check out in this category are @dualwielding, @stellata, icedwhitemochas, flyblckbirdfly and rayychel infinity, but the fic I’m going to recommend is by @caramelcoffeeaddict. It’s called Desperate Times… and it’s absolutely smut-a-licious, but definitely more than just PWP. It’s a wonderful story, and I promise you that you will love it.
Devon takes a few steps back, so he’s now standing in front of Angel, and starts teasing the removal of his pants; all while dancing seductively to the music. His fingers twist in the waistband of his pants and then he yanks hard, pulling the breakaway pants off, and throwing them at the wall behind Angel. He’s left in just a tight red thong that leaves nothing to the imagination.
Once again, Devon straddles Angel, hovering just above his lap. He stretches his arms above his head, crossing them at the wrists, and rolls his hips down, teasing Angel. Devon turns himself around, bending at the waist, showing off his ass. He cranes his head around to see Angel licking and biting his lips as he stares at Devon’s ass. Devon smirks, and then smacks his own ass once, before righting himself and winking at Angel.
Turning around to face Angel, Devon starts to play with the straps of his thong, giving Angel tiny glimpses of his cock. He straddles him once again, gyrating to the music. “Would you like to touch me, Angel?” Devon asks in a low, sultry voice.
Angel visibly gulps, lets out a shaky breath, and slowly nods his head.
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studioanthologie · 5 years
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Hello to my new followers and thanks for the likes! Sharing a moment from yesterday’s visit with Melissa Steele, George Toles—the writer himself—Larry Steele and me. Delicious lunch as always, @naamrestaurant. A quick post this morning as I’m off to #designthinkersvancouver today. (If you see me there please say hi... looking forward to meeting you!) Catch up with you all later :-) #meettheartist #meettheauthor #storiesbygeorge #georgetoles #fablewriter #meetthewriter #shortstory #shortstorywriter https://www.instagram.com/p/ByDEpMZhw5K/?igshid=1xc5wwd9jcogq
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klaineencyclopedia · 7 years
That Takes the Cake! by fablewriter
Kurt Hummel, owner of one of the most renowned bakeries in the city, That Takes the Cake!, can’t help but be enamored with a certain man who comes in, wanting a wedding cake. Too bad he’s already taken. Right?
Response to prompt for Klaine Prompt ReverseBang.
About 9,000 words, one-shot, low rating. On AO3  and Tumblr.
Based on a lovely photoset by cc-graphics.
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fableoverboard · 3 years
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fablemoon23 · 4 years
I just thought of something angst but sort of fluffy for HankTonio and oh boy does it make me feel things.
Hank Voight gets shot one night in an private operation that turned south. It was a bad ordeal, and hank knows it was a bad idea to act it alone. Despite being a hard Sargent and a dirty cop-to some that is. He knew he had a bad feeling when going in alone so when the bullets ripped through his shoulder and his arm, he dragged himself behind the car. His own blood slipping through his shirt and dropping onto the cold Chicago ground. He heard the suspect approaching, the crunching of the snowy frosty ground giving Hank the cue the suspect was on his right, and slowly making his way to Hank.
It isn't until three rounds of gunfire went off. Hank felt sort of faint, until a pair of hands grabbed him, pressing down on the wound, trying to control the bleeding, hank snaps his eyes opening to find the only person he was glad to see.
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So once in a while imma try and come up with prompts to post: starting now 🔽🔽
Prince Crowley lives in a wonderful castle surrounded by people he grew up with his whole life. However there are something he doesn't like. For an example he is to marry and the one he married is to bare a child. However every women he sets out to meet never catches his eyes. Until one day, his golden eyes set on the beautiful Azira Fell, a man who was set to be his Butler. He instantly falls hard for the blond haired, blue eyes man. He will do anything he can in his power to win the heart of the attractive man that suddenly ends up in his life.
Will the kingdom accept it? Will the marriage happen? The choice is: Well yours.
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bkficrecs · 7 years
Chapters: 13/13 Fandom: Glee Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: klaine - Relationship, Niff - Relationship Characters: Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson, Nick (Warbler), Jeff (Glee) Additional Tags: Glee - Freeform, Klaine, AU Klaine, Age Difference, Billionaire!Kurt, Student!Blaine Summary:
Anonymous asked: Can I prompt you ; billionaire older Kurt and pretty young thing Blaine in a relationship and just Kurt spoiling him and just fluff and smut or whatever, take creative freedom as you wish(:
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ficrecsforklaine · 5 years
If I Lose Myself
Author:  fablewriter
Anonymous asked: Can I prompt you ; billionaire older Kurt and pretty young thing Blaine in a relationship and just Kurt spoiling him and just fluff and smut or whatever, take creative freedom as you wish(:
Rating: Mature
Words: 46,859
Chapters: 13/13
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 2 months
Do you have the PDF of the fic called "21B" by fablewriter?
We do not. This is what this one shot was about - if anyone has a PDF, please let us know. Thanks! ~Lynne
21B by fablewriter 
Badboy/Artist!Blaine and Writer/NewNeighbor!Kurt - Kurt moves into his new apartment and receives a welcome to the building present from his neighbor in 21B.
ETA: Thanks to @caramelcoffeeaddict - here is the [PDF]!
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thatmooncake · 1 year
Blue Moon
Once in a while the Moon is blue. Once in a while the Moon wonders where he still has left to go.
He might sit in the quiet for a little while, humming and clicking and whirring subconsciously where the shadows stand still, where it’s safe, where the light won’t blind and the sound won’t deafen and there’s no such thing as night and day.
Today is one of those days. Staring back at him from the foot of the otherwise perfectly tidy storage block that sits up against the daycare wall is a small, toppled creature with a face that looks like his, except when it doesn’t.
He’d seen himself in that doll for the longest time, thought it a strange reflection staring back at him, its round smiling face a eternal reminder that he was one of them. That, at one point, at the very least, he was meant to be seen. Reaching out into the light, he scoops it up, today more like a distorted funhouse mirror than any sort of thing he recognised, its features even-tempered and welcoming where his own uncanny glance sends children screaming into the night for his counterpart to pick up the pieces. And he never cared, not on any other day, but today he’s more blue than ever. Today he has to wonder why it looks so smug.
And his body ventures out into the dimly lit daycare, crooked and unnerving in every step it takes, and he goes through the motions of a playful little dance he only does these days when he’s about to silence something that’s stirring when it shouldn’t be, as he tucks the hapless doll that shared his face once back into one of the little alcoves where no one will find it. And he sits down on the toy barrel that would scream most days if you upset it in the slightest, and he lets out a sharp little strangled sound like broken glass that could be a laugh or a sob.
(And that’s all I’ve got so far! It’s a blue moon, so I’ve been thinking about Moon maybe feeling blue from time to time, his feelings which he normally masks pretty excellently behind his smile going a bit …off-kilter for a bit, and everything affecting him a bit more than it usually would)
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jayhawk-writes · 3 years
Hello - love reading your stuff. I just read your one shot based on Summer Story, which was a great thing to do. What’s your favorite Klaine fanfics? (Apart from your own or @gleefulpoppet or @teddyshoney ??).
Number 1...Thank you so much for checking out my fic. I loved A Summer Story and after reading it, @gleefanfictionfriday had their Handyman!Blaine prompt and a story came to me. I was so honored that Kb. Ellen trusted me with her story enough to allow me to write that little one-shot.
Number 2...I really do love @teddyshoney and @gleefulpoppet fics. They’re definitely on my list. And I cannot WAIT to read the final version of Poppet’s upcoming story. It’s going to be soooooo good!
Number 3...I feel like picking my favorite fics is like asking me to pick my favorite child (even though I only have 1 kiddo). I'll for sure try, though. I'm going to put them under the cut so it won't clog up people's timelines.
A Moment of Serendipity by ittlebitz (This story got me into this fandom.)
Ride by nellie12 (I've read this story I don't know how many times. Also, there is an amazing fan trailer HERE.)
Steal A Heart Verse by MochaCappuccino (I seriously read this trilogy once a year.)
Scarlet Horizon and Scarlet Destiny by cindyloowho0105 (I'm re-reading it again right now between other fics.)
Desperate Times Verse and Reflections Verse by @caramelcoffeeaddict (the authors writing is phenomenal.)
Angel in a Red Vest by dontbefancy (Recently I read this 4-5 times back to back.)
Who Says and Won't Tell Anyone by karanoaoi (There is a second part to both of these that are wonderful, too, if you like the first one. The second part to Who Says isn't complete, but I think it ends in a place you can imagine the rest. The grammar is a little rough in these...however, I love them both immensely and have read both of them multiple times.)
Westerville Abbey by @hkvoyage (I mean...two of my favorite things combined in one. What’s not to love?)
Bound for Glory and Days of Glory by cleverboots (There have been other additions to this verse, but these two are my favorite.)
If I Lose Myself by fablewriter (My absolute favorite Klaine proposal ever!!!!)
The Sidhe by @chazzam (This one is so good...it originally took me a couple of tries to get through, but once I got through the first little bit, I loved it!)
The Anderson Rose by @missbeizy (I love mpreg stories and this one has so much action and just wonderful story to it!)
I am absolutely sure I’ve missed some. I might have to come back and add to this once I remember them. This is a great start, though.
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Chapters: 10/? Fandom: Glee Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: klaine - Relationship, Faberry - Relationship Characters: Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson, Quinn Fabray, Original Character, Rachel Berry, Cooper Anderson Additional Tags: Klaine, klaine AU, Sequel, married!klaine Summary:
Sequel to, 'Love's Arrangement'. Kurt and Blaine are happy with their life, their friends, and their family - what else could possibly happen for them? So much more, for the good and for the bad.
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prompt-a-klainefic · 7 years
Klaine Prompt Reverse Bang: Round-Up Post Week 3
Fairy Diplomats Prompt:
Art by @quizasvivamos
Unbreakable Bonds by @fablewriter
Dogsitter Kurt Prompt:
Art by @quizasvivamos
Dog Days by @klaineclectic
Astronaut Kurt Prompt:
Art by @quizasvivamos
Underneath the Same Big Sky by @cinnamon-t
Shapeshifter Kurt Prompt:
Art by @quizasvivamos
Not So Purrfect by @lillemlan
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snowwhitebauer · 4 years
open starter. | ( @fablewrites​ )
By now, Silvia was more or less familiarized with the streets of Fabletown. The town had a welcoming atmosphere, after all. It was easy to believe that this had been her home, or that it would be home now. It felt right, even if she often felt incomplete. Even after finding Julia again - which rocked her whole world, but in the best possible way, making everything fall into place - there was still something missing, or someone.
For whatever reason, that feeling always became more intense when she passed by the Gem Hut. She had never entered the store - it was not like she had enough money to buy anything from there - but, looking at shop windows, she couldn’t help but feel like there was a connection there, a hidden meaning that she really, really should remember.
Her hand unconsciously touched the ruby necklace under her sweater. It was the only personal belonging she had with her upon waking up in the hospital, and she was still no idea what it meant, but it had to be important. She kept it on all the time, hidden but close. The gem, shaped like a heart, made her own heart ache, as if it was a souvenir given by a very important person.
She was just no idea who that was. She walked closer to the store window, the shiny stones catching her eyes. She could name all of them, somehow, noticing the different shades of a garnet and a ruby like hers. “How do I even know this things?” She said to herself, more confused by each random thing she could identify about the gems.
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