#fabrics stores
silkfabri · 2 months
Sustainable Fabric Supplier: Pioneering the Green Revolution in Textiles
In a world where environmental consciousness is no longer a buzzword but a way of life, the textile industry is undergoing a remarkable transformation. Sustainable and eco-friendly fabrics are at the forefront of this revolution, and finding the right sustainable fabric supplier is crucial for businesses committed to making a positive impact on the environment. In this blog, we will delve into the world of sustainable fabrics, the role of a sustainable fabric supplier, and how this industry is driving the green revolution.
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3. *Tencel and Modal*: These fabrics are produced from sustainably sourced wood pulp, often from eucalyptus and beech trees. The closed-loop production process minimizes waste and water usage. 4. *Recycled Fabrics*: These include textiles made from recycled plastic bottles or post-consumer textiles, reducing the need for virgin resources. 5. *Khadi*: Khadi is handspun and handwoven fabric, and its production supports traditional craftsmanship and rural livelihoods. 6. *Peace Silks*: Also known as Ahimsa silk, these are produced without killing silkworms, making them a cruelty-free alternative.
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The Role of a Sustainable Fabric Supplier A sustainable fabric supplier plays a critical role in bridging the gap between environmentally conscious businesses and the growing demand for sustainable textiles. Here are some key responsibilities of a sustainable fabric supplier: Curating a Diverse Range of Sustainable Fabrics One of the primary responsibilities of a sustainable fabric supplier is to offer a wide variety of eco-friendly textiles. This ensures that businesses can find fabrics that align with their specific needs, whether it's for clothing, home textiles, or other applications. A diverse inventory of sustainable fabrics enables designers and manufacturers to make eco-conscious choices without compromising on quality or aesthetics.
Ensuring Transparency and Traceability Transparency is essential in the world of sustainable fabrics. A reputable supplier will provide detailed information about the sourcing and production of each fabric. This includes details about the cultivation, processing, and certification of the textiles. Transparency ensures that the fabrics meet the required environmental and ethical standards. Meeting Certification Standards Sustainable fabrics often come with certifications that validate their eco-friendliness. These certifications, such as Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), OEKO-TEX, and Fair Trade, provide assurance that the fabrics are produced with minimal harm to the environment and fair labor practices. A reliable sustainable fabric supplier will stock fabrics with relevant certifications, making it easier for businesses to choose the right materials. Providing Custom Solutions Different businesses have different needs. A sustainable fabric supplier should offer customization options that allow businesses to tailor fabrics to their specific requirements. Whether it's custom colors, blends, or finishes, these options enable brands to create unique and sustainable products that resonate with their target audience.
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Supporting Sustainable Practices Collaboration with a sustainable fabric supplier is more than just a transaction. It's a partnership in supporting sustainable practices. Suppliers often work with manufacturers to ensure responsible production and offer guidance on reducing waste and optimizing processes. Sustainable Fabrics: A Game Changer for Fashion and Beyond Sustainable fabrics are not limited to a niche market; they are gaining momentum in the mainstream fashion industry. Brands are increasingly adopting sustainable textiles as consumer awareness about the environmental impact of fast fashion grows. Sustainable fashion is no longer a trend; it's a paradigm shift.
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Choosing the Right Sustainable Fabric Supplier Selecting the right sustainable fabric supplier is a decision that can impact the trajectory of your business. Here are some factors to consider when evaluating potential suppliers: 1. Product Range:* Look for a supplier with a wide range of sustainable fabrics, so you have a variety of options to choose from. 2. Certifications:* Ensure the supplier's fabrics are certified by recognized organizations, as this provides assurance of their sustainability. 3. Transparency:* The supplier should be transparent about the sourcing and production of their fabrics. They should provide.Share
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salamispots · 7 months
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posting a gift wip since I know my siblings aren't on here haha
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crunchchute · 2 months
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My Sam & Max cosplay I debuted at a local con during the weekend!
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batwynn · 4 months
Just a heads up, something really messed up is going on with Joann (fabric/craft store) and I highly recommend you don’t order online from them. Multiple people, including myself, have placed orders, had the entire thing or most of the order canceled by the store the same day while claiming the items aren’t in stock. However, they will hold the amount of your order for a month, in PayPal’s case, and not actually cancel it. I have called, emailed, and texted all of their customer service lines and only got one text in response that was just… a lie?
Obviously, they should not be allowing people to order stuff that supposedly isn’t in stock to begin with, but they should also actually cancel the order and not let a chunk of your money sit in limbo or never refund it.
Additionally, the twenty something items I ordered (to make a gift for a friend and for some Patreon stuff) were all very different things and there’s no reasonable way every single item was out of stock. And then they lied and said it was a payment issue:
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When I spoke to both my bank and PayPal they said everything is up to date and perfectly functioning.
I honestly can’t tell you what, exactly is going on. But something is. And it’s bs. And I would highly recommend you find another source for crafting supplies if you can.
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amphibianaday · 9 months
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day 1398
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saltedsnailstudio · 5 months
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linocut prints on vintage doilies
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beyondfabric · 5 months
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Introducing: Mr. Archive
What better way to kickstart 2024 than with one the most beautifully curated, styled and fair-priced vintage stores out there?
Mr. Archive has been one of my go-to places the last few months, be it for visual inspiration on their instagram profile or the browse some of the most interesting pieces around. To be fair, after 15 years of working in this industry is getting more and more difficult for me to find garments and brands that are truly exciting and fresh. If on top of that we take into account the price point of some of these labels, many of which produce in Portugal with accessible costs, my enthusiasm dims even further.
I’ve always been passionate about the universe of vintage and pre worn garments, but this love has been fueled in recent years by the appearance of highly specialized shops that seem to be perfectly in tune with my personal style. I’ve had the chance to chat with Matteo, the mastermind behind Mr. Archive to learn more about this outstanding project.
BF: I came across Mr. Archive fairly recently and I must say that it definitely hit a soft spot within the range of vintage providers currently on my radar. How long have you been in business? What drove you to create it?
Matteo: I'm passionate about my job, believe I have a somewhat general knowledge of the fashion world, but about 4 years ago, I got fascinated by this industry, even though I already knew it. I come from a family that has always worked in the clothing industry.
BF: For me, your selection is perfectly curated, bringing a mix of military and navy-inspired garments, with a twist of Americana. Is this an extension of your own style and taste, or is it more business-oriented?
Matteo: What I propose is all based on my personal taste; I create outfits on the spot, drawing inspiration from magazines, newspapers, etc., and then I elaborate and create. My mom is an artist, and I think I took inspiration from her.
BF: Vintage has always inspired me ever since I got into fashion roughly 15 years ago. There's just something distinctive about the fabrics and the history behind each garment that you can not replicate with new items. How/where do you source your amazing selection?
Matteo: My pieces come from warehouses worldwide; I'm constantly looking for new things, and that's the wonderful thing about my job! I have strong trust in my suppliers!
BF: With sustainability being the word of order when it comes to fashion, have you noticed an increase in demand for pre-owned garments? Do you think part of the solution can be provided by vintage?
Matteo: Recently, there has been an increase in the purchase of vintage and second-hand clothing items. To be honest, I believe that a few years ago, not many people knew about this world, but now it's expanding and captivating even those who knew little about it.
BF: I noticed you have a small capsule of garments carrying your own label, namely selvedge denim and accessories. What's the story behind those? Can we expect more designs in the future?
Matteo: I won't deny that creating my own clothing line would be a great personal satisfaction, a significant growth. I recently created a small line, "MRARCHIVE," currently composed of jackets, pants, and hats. One day, I'd like to expand, but I still have much to learn and study.
BF: Any tips or advice you wish to leave for those more reluctant to explore the world of previously owned items? It's still somewhat taboo for some people.
For many people, this world is still a taboo; they're still stuck in the thought of "they're used clothes." What I think is that one should see the story and originality behind each piece to appreciate its value, both from a historical and an aesthetic perspective. Sometimes, I compare some clothing items to paintings—they should be framed.
You can find Mr. Archive here.
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ride-a-dromedary · 12 days
You ever just think about Halsin and Thaniel meeting for the first time and get all choked up because I do.
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newyorkthegoldenage · 7 months
In 1957, Walker Evans shot scenes of shops and street vendors on the Lower East Side for a Fortune magazine feature called "The Pitch Direct." These are some of the photos. All are from the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
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ratstuckinamarble · 3 months
Introducing you all to my endless well of joy, made possible thanks to the pattern by @itsthebeastpeddler (whose blog you should check out cause she makes some really lovely things ^-^)
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It's a slug!!! Fully hand-sewn cause doing so seemed easier than learning how to use our sewing machine... I'll do so eventually XD But it was actually fairly therapeutic.
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Oh! Looks like they're friends now.
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Camouflage slug... With a "snail" (he's in denial) friend I made some time ago >:) Dang she's making connections left and right :0
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He's a big fan of strawberries, can't blame her. And as per the peddler's suggestion, I used a pipe cleaner for the eye stems! Now they're bendyyy
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I knew keeping these suckers around for over a decade would be worth it... Also, the single progress photo I took.
This is my first time sewing a plushie, and I had a grand time. Learned a lot along the way, and the ladder stitch that always intimated me is actually super easy XD Wanna know what the best thing about making such a slug is though? The way the eye stalks wiggle about if you shake him sjshsj
A little slug kiss on your forehead for good luck <3
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nonasuch · 8 months
took the longarm quilting certification class at the fabric store today!
very excited to start whittling down my pile of quilt tops and start a new pile of actual finished quilts
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starablin · 4 months
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I've mentionned him in passing in the last costume log blog post as some ill-fated first attempt at a fursuit head, so it's only fair I actually showed him off at some point: here's Uncle Uncanny the Nargacuga in the flesh.
I started him in late 2020 as a little technique-learning project during a time where cons were dead and costume motivation was an all-time low. It's a funky little Nargacuga head all made from scratch! He's lined and everything, and I'd be crazy to call him bad because I know objectively he's a very handsome boy for a first attempt, but he always looked a little... funky. Despite all the flaws though, he was so dang fun to make that he paved the way for the Wurmple partial and other future projects, and was an invaluable learning experience! I'd never bring him out though because the actual WEARING experience is a hot mess. Like, the materials are so bad he's periodically falling apart despite never taking him out to an event. He's so hard to breathe in, too... So back to storage you go! Speaking of, good lord please periodically check your costume storage to make sure everything's a-ok. He's been in the same dry closet as everything else for years and for some reason the plastic bag he's been stored in was just casually FLAKING APART in a sticky, blooming mess (while everything else was just fine, including some other ANCIENT pieces in similar bags) . My hands feel so gross and smell like copper but he's survived just fine, thankfully. Seriously, though. Check your storage.
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tj-crochets · 20 days
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Next baby quilt top is done!
Not my usual color scheme or pattern or…anything, really, but it’s Georgia Bulldog colors for a charity fundraiser rally thing run by a relative of a relative and that’s what they wanted so it’s what I’m making
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emerald-ocelot · 1 year
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uncanny-tranny · 6 months
If you have no idea what fiber art to start with - as in, you aren't sure what you'll like, and don't have much of a clue - you should honestly start with a mixture of whatever piques your interest. Knitting needles and crochet hooks, at the least, are often very cheap per set brand-new, or you can look at secondhand stores if you want them cheaper (other fiber arts tools like looms may be more pricey, depending on what you want). If you can, look for classes such as a crafts class - a library might have something akin to this, some will have craft spaces with a variety of little crafters things.
There's sometimes this idea floating around that you are only permitted to do one craft at once - this isn't true. You are a multifaceted, complex person. It only makes sense, then, that your art is the same. Fiber art is an expression of one's humanity in its rawest form, no matter what you pick up. This goes for all art beyond the fiber arts, too! Art is an expression of your humanity. Let it express that 💛
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marzipanandminutiae · 5 months
🔥 needle craft (crochet, knitting, sewing, etc.)
All fabric stores need to mark the fiber content of their products.
And natural fiber materials need to be 1000% cheaper, more accessible, and come in a broader color range.
I have no idea how to accomplish this.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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